5 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Juicing

The following article has been sponsored by Juice Power by Mike Cernovich

It’s difficult to stay healthy in the modern world. With xenoestrogens pumped into our body via our drinking water and plastic containers, forced sedentary lifestyles due to office jobs, and mass-produced food engineered to make us fat and depressed, sometimes it seems that there are no simple solutions to help us live a happy and healthy life.

Until now.

Can the solution to many modern health problems really be as simple as grinding up vegetables and drinking them? In his new book Juice Power, Mike Cernovich makes an airtight case that the practice of juicing fruits and vegetables confers serious health benefits in the short and long term.

Mike has compiled information from his Fit Juice blog and previously unreleased material into three well-edited, visually appealing, and easy to understand ebooks. Here are five things from the books that you may not have known about the manosphere’s fastest growing staple habit:

1. It might be the fastest known way to supply your body with nutrients


Nutrient consumption and absorption is a problem in today’s society, where two thirds of the population are overweight or obese due to the consumption of nutrition-bereft Frankenfoods. Juicing may be the fastest way to remedy this deficiency. As Mike writes,

As Jay Kordich noted, “Your body is a juicer.” That is, your intestines extract the minerals and phytonutrients from the fruits and vegetables. Juicing gives your body a break by doing the work for it.

Since the juicer has done all of the masticating for you, the plant’s nutrients are immediately absorbed into your intestinal walls.

The most efficient way to extract the nutrients from your food:

1. Juicing 2. Blending 3. Eating.

2. You can save lots of money by getting a better juicer

Unlike other products where you pay a premium simply for a brand name, spending more on a juicer actually produces better and more juice, an investment in both monetary and health terms. In the long run, your marginally higher initial investment will pay off handsomely:

I know for a fact that a masticating juicer will give you 50-100% more juice from your leafy greens. Whereas a centrifugal juicer may only yield 2-4 ounces of juice from a large bunch of kale, a masticating juicer may yield up to 4-8 ounces.

Bar none the best masticating juicers are the Omega brand juicers. Omega juicers come with 10-15 year warranties. They are high quality and high yield.

The top contenders for best masticating juicers are the Omega J8006 and Omega VRT 350.

These are commercial grade juicers that are made to last. Omega stands behind their juicers. If you buy a new juicer from Amazon, you will receive a 10-year warranty. (Breville only offers a 1-year warranty.)

Buying an Omega juicer is a lot like buying in bulk. You pay more money up front to save money by not having to make several smaller purchases.

3. The nutrient explosion from juicing actually helps your body rid itself of toxins

Vegetable-Juice (1)

Mike shows us the science behind juicing’s myriad positive effects on the body and explains it in layman’s terms:

The liver is the organ responsible for detoxing your body. Although there are many “cleanses” marketed as liver detox systems, the truth is that your liver needs the vitamins and phytonutrients present in whole foods in order to cleanse and detox itself. The liver also needs amino acids in order to filter out those toxins.

The most important foods for a liver detox are sulfur-rich foods (allium vegetables like onion and garlic and cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and bok choy)

4. Juicing can raise your testosterone

In the supplemental ebook Juicing For Men, Mike writes extensively about how juicing can boost your testosterone and fight estrogenic environmental factors:

Little did I know that pomegranates raise testosterone while also improving penile blood flow. Like beet juice, pomegranate juice is nature’s Viagra. Viagra’s little blue pill has become a byword for giving your sex drive a boost.

But scientists have found a daily glass of pomegranate juice could also liven up your libido.

Men and women who drank a glass a day for a fortnight were found to have increased levels of the sex hormone testosterone.

A study on 58 volunteers aged between 21 and 64 found “significantly increased” testosterone levels in both sexes at the end of the two week experiment.

Pomegranate juice increased sex drive in both men and women. It also improves their moods and overall mental health.

5. Juicing will give you an athletic edge 

The most dangerous man on the planet juices vegetables. Coincidence?

The most dangerous man on the planet juices vegetables. Coincidence?

Professional athletes spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on training regimens, specialized drugs, and peak nutritional practices to compete at the highest level. If you’re an endurance athlete, combat sports enthusiast, or just a guy trying to hit some PRs in the gym, juicing can provide a serious boost to your training. Mike shows evidence that an invaluable asset might be sitting on the shelf at your corner bodega:

Beet juice is so great for exercise that elite cyclists around the world have been using it for years to make them more powerful and to improve their endurance.

The nitrates in beet juice increase vasodilation, that is, beet juice causes your blood vessels and capillaries to expand. Wider blood vessels and capillaries mean you have more blood flowing into the muscle.

More blood flowing into the muscle means you have better “pumps” in the gym as well as increased performance.

Ideal for both beginners and veteran juicers, the books take you through the mindset behind improving your health, how to buy your first juicer, and recipes to help you start possibly the single best habit you can add to your daily routine. It also presents extensive evidence that juicing can fight depression, prevent diabetes, make you more attractive, and ward off sickness.

Mike also released two supplements available to the main Juice Power book, and he recently reduced the price to $14.99 for all three volumes including the excellent Juicing For Men and Juicing For Athletes. With the tips included on how to get the most economical juicer and optimize the cost-effectiveness of your juice recipes, the books will pay for themselves after just a few cycles.

Click here to buy Juice Power

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122 thoughts on “5 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Juicing”

  1. What about excess sugar in some veggies and fruits? What about the fiber you waste by juicing your veggetables?

    1. There are actually great answers to these specific questions included the book. Long story short: it doesn’t matter much.

      1. I beg to differ. As the article states, it is a more efficient way to absorb nutrients. This also includes the sugar which spikes your blood glucose levels fast thus spiking your insulin levels. That is not what you would want it to happen.

        1. Mike has provided blood work evidence numerous times to prove that his many recommendations are working.

        2. How many grams of sugar are contained in the juice recipes I write? How much will these juices spike your blood sugar?

    2. From my understanding, if you’re getting into dietary ordering, you’ll be getting enough fiber from other sources and using juicing for other purposes.

  2. at first glance i thought the article was about steroids. Nicely written thread. Juices have always been a personal favourite

    1. You aren’t far off, they have a pic of Jon “Nose” Jones, who had .25 the average male testosterone in last months UFC blood test. Obvious PED cycling.
      Then they called him the “baddest man on the planet” , LMFAO, he would get wrecked by over half of the heavyweights.

      1. i honestly have nothing against steroid use. i think we can all safely say that almost every profesional athlete has been cycling steroiods at least once in his carreer. Different sports different drugs and dosages ofcourse. Sports would not be half as intresting if steroids were not involved.

        1. Yep. Everyone is doping. Far too many males are in little boy land where they believe that all athletes and actors are clean, 100% natural athletes who just “work hard and eat Paleo.”

        2. lol “work hard and eat paleo”. I’d say over 80 percent are doping in high-level MMA. congress had to get involved before the MLB cleaned up. might take the same for MMA, but we know that would never happen because of how niche it is compared to baseball.

        3. Congress won’t get involved with combat sports because they are already government bodies that oversee drug testing and issue licenses to fight. They’re called the athletic state commission and you must adhere to their rules I order to get licensed in any state. Testing needs to be done more often and with more comphresive methods, but each commission is responsible for such changes.
          MLB did not have a formal drug testing routine during the steroids era, so that’s why they were called to congress.

        4. good points, I hadnt thought of that. the NSAC is the only one worth a crap, every other state org. pretty much follows what they say and do

        5. I read an article on steroids in baseball- it first started back in the early 70s!(I assume football use started back then too).
          It begs the question: did hank aaron use a lil something the last few yrs of his career to break the HR record? We’ll never know of course, but it blew my mind. I thought the roid abuse started in the late 80s. I thought 70s guy smoked butts in the dugout and did blow lol

      2. Mate, it’s about relative strength and badassery. Same goes for powerlifting.
        Granted, the guys in the 125kg+ class would crush everyone else in pure strength and whatnot, and the blokes in the 125kg+ might lift the heaviest weights. But a certain special bloke in the 90kg+ range lifting 80-90% of what the 125kg guys are lifting is so much more impressive by comparison.

      3. his own brothers would probably kick his ass, if they were fighters rather than busy winning superbowls n earning bigger money in the NFL.
        The most dangerous man on the planet would have finished off Daniel Cormier for a start, especially with having all the advantages, reach, age, more experience, didn’t start MMA at age 30, in his own division(Cormier moved down from heavyweight), as it is all Jones managed to do was not lose basically. Hope Anthony Johnson knocks this guy the F*** out.

    2. Steroids will probably work better. That said, there is a good reason not to juice. Its a fucking pain in the neck.

  3. It is important to distinguish between ‘juicing’ and ‘smoothies’.
    Juicing = the pulp is discarded.
    Smoothies = the entire fruit/vegetable is blended into a paste.
    Smoothies are even better because you get all the fiber too, which ensures that if you are blending fruits, that you don’t get too much sugar. Plus, it turns it into a full meal.
    Smoothies are great way to eat things that are laborious to chew. Eating three apples or five carrots is easy when it is a smoothie.

      1. Yep. And hey, if people are eating 8 servings of vegetables a day, that’s great, too. It’s not either-or, as you know.

    1. Yeah I used to want a juicer, but I believe smoothies are far superior. Basically if you are eating any fruit, no matter how sweet it is, it is impossible to get fat off it, no matter how much you eat, if you eat the whole fruit, because the fiber buffers the sugars. When you drink the juice alone, you can get sugar overload which can theoretically lead to diabetes or your body converts excess sugar to fat. Now I still occasionally drink carrot juice or OJ here and there, but smoothies are the way to go.

      1. Exactly. The juice alone is too much sugar at once, and is something prehistoric man could never have consumed.
        A blended smoothie with all the fiber is best.

        1. I made a juice about 2 hours ago out of 8 leaves of bok choy, a lemon, half a pear, and some ginger. Do you think that’s too much sugar? I’m guessing that was about 11g and that replaced my dinner.

      2. No you won’t get “sugar overload” or diabetes from juicing. That is the type of stuff I addressed in the book.
        Also, who is putting 3 apples in a juice? Not me and that’s not something I would recommend.
        Incidentally, did you buy that blender and are you making green smoothies?
        At end of day what matters is that you take action rather than theorize about what might or might not work.

    2. A good way to get all the fibre is just to eat the whole fucking apple. Its way cheaper than buying a juicer and no clean up required.

      1. If you don’t even own a blender (which is different from a juicer), you are are a loser, period.

  4. The most dangerous man on the planet juices vegetables. Coincidence?… 4. Juicing can raise your testosterone

    Jones had his T/E levels measured on three occasions — an extra test was ordered because his first sample was diluted — as part of out-of-competition drug testing ordered by the NAC. His ratio in the three tests were 0.29:1, 0.35:1 and 0.19:1, well below the normal ratio (1.3:1) for an average African-American male, according to Conte. In addition, Jones’ testosterone levels in those three tests were 1.8 ng/mL, 0.59 ng/mL and 4.9 ng/mL; the average level for a male is 61.3 ng/ML.
    Conte calls a T/E ratio deviation greater than 30 percent a “red flag”, Jones’ ratio deviated around 80 percent.
    “That’s extremely low”, says the PED expert. And although none of the three samples contained traces of exogenous testosterone or any other PED, Conte still thinks there is something cooking
    Just sayin, man, just sayin.

    1. 100% of serial killers have drank water at least once in their life… Coincidence?
      I think not.

  5. I got this about a week ago as well as an Omega 8004 juicer. I lost 10 pounds already replacing one meal a day with juice heavy on collard greens and I’m not having issues with feeling hunger.

    1. Congrats on your fat loss.
      Another myth I need to write about “Juice isn’t filling!” As your experience (and others) shows, juicing is filling. The body feels nourished.
      One reason so many people are hungry is due to malnutrition.

      1. I really appreciated the alternatives to kale you presented in the book. I’m allergic to kale but now I know what to do to get around that while making healthy juice. Before this week, I did not think I could handle dropping to below 1500 calories per day, but Monday was my first day of a juice fast after consuming juice for dinner on Sunday, and hunger is still not an issue.

  6. My favorite smoothie formulas (again, a smoothie is where the pulp is not discarded, and the entire paste is consumed) :
    Beets + strawberries : Complementary tastes, and superb magenta color. Add a bit of red wine if you want. Full of anti-aging, anti-cancer nutrients.
    Green apples + Arugula : Bright green color. Add ginger and walnuts if you want.

  7. Juicing is what women do. It causes the body to become very yin in macrobiotic terminology. This is not beneficial, no matter what other benefits juicing provides. I wish this were not true. I love the taste and texture of raw salad vegetables and other raw foods as much as anyone. However, I don’t eat them, and I do not recommend much raw food, except for raw dairy products.
    The only beneficial juice is fresh carrot juice. Limit to 10-12 ounces daily.
    1. Low mineral absorption.
    2. Raw fruits and vegetables are extremely “yin”.
    3. Cooking concentrates some foods, allowing one to eat much more of the food.
    4. Raw foods are somewhat irritating to the digestive tract.
    5. Raw food fills up the stomach, reducing the amount of other food that one can eat.
    6. Raw foods are lower in etheric energy. Correctly cooked food has a higher level of a particular type of energy called etheric energy.
    7. Cleanliness.
    8. Raw food must be “warmed up” in the stomach, unnecessarily using up energy.
    9. Juices can concentrate toxic substances found in fruits and vegetables.
    10. Juices with high sugar content, including even carrot juice to a degree, can upset the blood sugar level.

    1. Juicing Fruits and Vegetables is expensive and Wasteful. Fruits and Vegetables are a excellent source of vitamins, Supplement vitamins can be taken but the content of Supplemental Vitamins isn’t regulated.A blender is better than a juicer.. nothing is wasted.

    2. If you have an extensive exercise regimen fruits and veggies are a great source of sugars and complex carbohydrates. When I run long distances (+10 miles), I carbo-load with melons, berries and carrots.
      Agree with #4. You might need to stay up wind from me before a race.

    3. Some of your points like raw foods filling up the stomach faster and taking more energy to digest aren’t negatives. It means you are burning fat.
      Also fructose does not spike blood sugar levels and cannot be compared to refined sugars.
      Ex) Perfect blood tests from a girl who almost exclusively eats raw fruits. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_AS2X14azE

      1. Yeah, there are vegans who follow 80-10-10 diet and eat a lot of fruit. Some (fruitarians) eat only fruit. Yet they are thin, don’t have “fatty livers,” and haven’t dropped dead yet.
        Fruit haters pretend those people don’t exist. It’s pretty funny how much evidence a person will ignore to hold on to precious dogma that he didn’t even come up with.

  8. I like to eat red meat and drink scotch. I don’t think you health nuts aren’t masculine, but it’s a different type of masculine than I ever want to be.

    1. Moderate the scotch, add some black coffee (you can even put some of the cheap scotch in the coffee), and I’d be perfectly happy to endorse you as a health nut.
      Better rabbit food only builds better rabbits. Now don’t get me wrong, I like better rabbits – nicely roasted.

      1. I haven’t been accused of being a rabbit, at least now in real life. Good luck with that.

        1. And so far as I know, you still haven’t. Nor have I ever accused Jack LaLanne, something of a personal hero, of being such.
          You have, however, like Jack, been infected with a meme whose principle vector is neurotic women. I accuse them of being rabbits.
          I accuse pigs of the being the vector for the flu; that doesn’t mean I accuse people who come down with the flu of being pigs.
          Other than that I think your website is decentish for a youngish crowd.

    2. I don’t understand why people think eating red meat and drinking scotch means you can’t also juice. Red meat and moderate alcohol consumption have health benefits, just as juicing does. It’s not an either-or thing.

      1. A lot of people think eating fried food and watching sports is masculine. Society has done a poor job teaching men to be men.

  9. Sorry guys… juicing for detox is bullshit. All broscience bullshit. http://themanthemyth.com/juice-cleanse-broscience/
    It won’t detox you from lipophilic toxins. It might sure up some deficiencies (water soluble vitamins only unless you’re adding some sort of fat to your juice to help absorb fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K) but it doesn’t “detox” you.
    Also don’t be swayed by the word “significant”. When you see that in a study all it means is that statistically, the change you are seeing is most likely not by random chance – it tells us nothing about the magnitude of change. As an example – your salivary testosterone (not necessarily serum testosterone) increases when you drink pomegranate juice but it might only be 1% higher. Not that that’s nothing but just because it “significantly” raises, lowers or whatever doesn’t mean it’s anything to get excited about.
    Side note – the high levels of fructose in juice do not and cannot raise blood sugar levels because your liver has to break fructose down so instead of contributing to blood glucose levels, fructose is shunted to the liver. Its the same reason why agave nectar is low glycemic and does not raise blood sugar levels. Still doesn’t mean it’s healthy for you.

    1. I read an article on the Mayo Clinic site about how this whole juicing kick is nothing but (1) a marketing drive to sell blenders, and (2) a marketing drive to sell ebooks to suckers who think pulverizing your veggies makes them more nutritious.
      If I want to massively jack up my vitamin intake, I’ll use Athletic Greens, and leave the juicer to the denizens of Greenwich village. Juicing is pure hype BS.

        1. How did we evolve drinking juice? Humans have been eating fruits much longer than we’ve been extracting juice from them. Juice only strips always the benefits.

      1. Absolutely. Listen to how absurd they sound when they say you have to unlock the nutritious value of fruits or vegetables. How the fuck does drinking juice, while discarding the most important part of the fruit/vegetable (the pulp), provide more benefits than eating everything?
        It doesn’t. Congrats, you just spent $200 on a fucking $20 blender.

    2. “Juicing for detox is bullshit. All broscience bullshit.”
      Then in your opinion, Maxwell Gerson must be among the biggest broscientists in history!
      Pity for all those people who were able to reverse their degenerative diseases at the help of such a man.

      1. Maxwell Gerson’s dietary therapies are actually illegal to market in the US according to this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Gerson#Evidence
        No known evidence to support his claims other than anecdotes. “Reversing”, “treating”, “curing”, degenerative diseases is not what we’re talking about. I’m talking about detoxing lipophilic toxins from your body. Can’t be done with juicing.

    1. The 2002 edition of the Physicians’ Desk Reference notes, “Anabolic steroids have not been shown to enhance athletic ability.”
      That must be true, right? Only bros would be crazy enough to believe, contra to Mayo and every other major authority, that anabolic steroids actually do enhance performance.
      You should learn how to analyze and observe the world around you, experiment for yourself, and talk to more successful people rather than blindly follow the word of experts.

    1. Either way. Making “kale chips” with a food dehydrator is awesome. You can make kale chips in an oven, too.

  10. Totally thought it was about needles in the butt and had the some of the same points as Bigger* Faster* Stronger*

  11. Reading many of the comments here has reminded me that a person can offer the best advice in the world, or the most innocuous advice in the world, and some knob-nibbling whiner will find something to complain about.
    For Christ’s sake, guys, we’re talking about fruits and vegetables here. Mike’s offering you some of the best food advice you’re going to get.
    Stop whining, drink your goddamn juice, and like it.

    1. ” . . .we’re talking about fruits and vegetables here.”
      No. We’re talking about fruit and vegetable juice. Keep the record straight without dissembling or moving the goal posts.
      “Mike’s offering you some of the best food advice you’re going to get.”
      No, he isn’t. He is, however, selling something. So is RoK. I’ve sold things too.
      “Stop whining . . .”
      I’d have to start first. I’m certainly disagreeing.
      ” . . .drink your goddamn juice, and like it.”

    2. It’s easier to criticize and nit-pick than take action. People don’t want to change, which is why men who take action see our stock rise each year, despite increasing age.

      1. To be fair, I have no problem with someone who wants to juice (uh fruit and veg). I tried it for a good year but it didn’t work for me. It was too much trouble for me (with all the clean-up) and honestly, I could not stomach the taste. Lastly, on a deeper level, it just felt “wrong”. I can’t explain why it was just my body talking to me.
        So now I fast by day and eat big meals at night, loaded with healthy fatty meats, veg and fruit for dessert.

        1. It’s great that you listened to your body. Nothing works for every person and each of us has to figure this stuff out for ourselves. Thanks for your comment.

      2. There are infinitely many ways to take action, some will have positive results, some negative or neutral. An advocate’s response to criticism and questioning helps us determine whether what they’re advocating is really worth doing.
        You seem like you’ve got your head screwed on Mike, I enjoy your tweets and I’ve heard a few of your podcasts. But how do I know juicing’s not just another useless fad diet? Why should we believe you over e.g. “Ivan Asen II” and “The Myth” in this thread?

        1. You don’t have to convince them, only those who are watching. Have a look at how Vox Day deals with the stupid and see what it does for his credibility.

        2. Spend all day arguing with idiots to sell a few more eBooks or move up in the Alexa ranks? I’ll pass; thanks.

        3. You never would have bought the book.
          You are a classic time suck. You want people to spend hours a day entertaining you.
          You, in other words, are not in my market.

        4. Your assessment of me is wrong and makes you sound butthurt. Self-improvement in health/fitness, pick-up, and career are all things I’m spending a lot of time on at the moment, but I’m not convinced your book is worth my time.
          I was open to it, maybe I will be again, but for now I’m not. Doesn’t mean it’s a bad book, doesn’t mean I wouldn’t like it if I did read it. Good luck to you in any case.

        5. Something very interesting happens in discussions like this.
          Do you happen to know who Maxwell Gerson is? If not, read up. His story is fascinating. His daughter Charlotte carried on his legacy.
          Juicing fresh, raw veggies and certain fruits is the cornerstone of their protocol. Many people have been able to reverse their chronic degenerative diseases. They’ve been helping people for decades. Loads of clinical experience.
          Meanwhile, thousands (100s of 1,000s?) across the globe have been utilizing similar practices with great benefit.
          Broscience… or biochemistry?
          What’s real fascinating to me is this:
          People in the know, who understand the underlying mechanics via biochemistry, already *know* why juicing is legit.
          In the other hand, internet nobodies who are fishing for page views, who don’t understand the research because they’re Too Cool for School, and have no clinical experience or anything substantial, cherry pick studies and arguments to make themselves appear credible.
          “Those who are watching” may be swayed either way.
          But those in the know are chuckling to themselves, while guys like “The Myth” are trampling their own credibility.
          If someone thinks the benefits of juicing and doing a cleanse is debatable, they’re not experienced or researched enough to be any sort of authority on that topic.
          In short, why should the unaware citizen trust inexperienced keyboard jockeys, rather than biochemistry, clinical experience, and thousands of anecdotal reports substantiating this?

        6. I hadn’t heard of Maxwell Gerson, he certainly sounds like an interesting character.
          I don’t claim to be any sort of authority, which is why I’m interested in seeing a debate! Or at least asking some basic questions.
          If the benefits of juicing are so obvious and uncontroversial, why isn’t is pushed by the mainstream? I’m well aware the mainstream gets major things wrong for various reasons, but what are the reasons in this case?
          I’ve never really heard of it as a “thing”, except from Mike. And there are so many other “you must try this one simple trick to improve your life!” memes competing for mind-share, this one seems like relatively small potatoes.
          I’m continuing to see improvements to my health and fitness by just exercising regularly and more-or-less following mainstream healthy-eating advice, so right now it doesn’t look worth it to become a nutrition nerd and get hardcore into dietary management, supplements, etc (Nothing against those things and they remain on my “maybe” list for the future).
          Do you know of any comparison between juicing and simply eating plenty of fruits and vegetables? A scientific study is good, collections of anecdotes are ok, but they’re not very useful unless contrary anecdotes are also allowed and encouraged!

  12. 23 days was my longest juice fast, in August, the best month for it since there’s no holidays.

      1. I lost one pound per day. Hunger stopped on day 3. My brain felt the most clear in the longest time. I started to feel loopy at the end, so I stopped since I worried about my driving skills.

  13. Bought this ebook a couple weeks back and I’ve found it pretty valuable.
    Mike’s done a good job of packing in a broad knowledge of juicing into a concise format.
    It’s a shame that all the dogmatic ‘Paleo-bro’ types in this comment section are shitting on it.
    ‘FRUIT MAKES YOU FAT!!’ they proclaim, despite the fact that long-term fruitarians/vegans (people who eat around 70% fruit) are unanimously around 8-12% body fat.

  14. Yes juicing I’m sure is good for you for general nutrition but watch out fructose and phytochemicals aren’t actually very good for you in large amounts. Fruit especially in juice can still be very bad for the teeth. Buying a wide range of fruit and veggies can actually be pretty expensive too. Also the majority of plants that are actually “superfood” good for you are herbs/spices rather than veggies, and more the kind of thing one would be cooking rather than juicing with. Think coriander(seed and plant), Garlic, cloves etc. but also you have your exotic root extracts like ginseng, suma, ashwaganda etc, Heck i’d even high dose certain amino acids(like citrulline) before I juice, whilst not that useful for weight training many have other health benefits. I’d rather buy a quality water filter/purifier than a juicer. Just eat the veggies whole or get something like Tangy Tangerine if you want a wonder drink/supp.
    Besides one could simply consume liver and kidneys which have a host of minerals and vitamins, not least vitamin C and A in quantities that dwarf what any vegetable can offer. And usually in a more absorbable form, retinol vs beta karotene for example. B12, iron and calcium are also better from a animal source. There is reason that the male lion eats first and takes the liver and heart. Likewise it is common in Canada, Russia etc for dead moose and reindeer to turn up on someones driveway with only a liver missing, damn Grizzlies.
    As for Detoxing yes fasting works, as will anything that mobilizes fat, as many toxins are stored there, but in terms of what you should be consuming to detox it is a very limited amount of things with actual detox properties…. things like Iodine, fulvic/humic acid, shilajit, tamarind etc.

    1. Instead of writing even more words, why don’t you try living without eating any fruits for 6 months and see what happens?
      You think you’ll die without your bananas?
      European people used to eat fruits for about 2 or 3 months max of the year. They did all right and were even much stronger than the average person today. And the fruits they ate were all LOCAL and very low in sugar as they were not hybridised. Have you see what an original heritage apple looks like? Have you tried one? It’s acidic as a lemon is.
      European people ate almost no fruits and yet went on conquering all of the fruit eating people around the tropics.

      1. Instead of living vicariously through glorious European conquerors of old, become your own man. Starting today.

  15. Wrong about removing toxins, its the insoluble fiber that binds to toxins excreted by your liver. Without fiber toxins like methyl mercury just get reabsorbed and excreted again, causing damage to the liver. But yeah juicing is like cooking, and possibly fermenting..the point of which is to maximally predigest food.

  16. Juicing is for beta boys. In my country we have vodka for breakfast and we kill bears with our hands.

    1. That is why the women of your country are desperate to marry men from other countries.

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