Here are two names, both child killers, which I would like you to know: Allyson McConnell and Arthur Freeman. Scrutiny of both cases exemplifies the tragic gender disparity in criminal responsibility, or lack thereof, for parents who kill their children.
Arthur Freeman is currently serving a life term for murdering his daughter Darcey. The earliest he can seek parole is in another two and a half decades. The nature of Darcey’s death, being thrown off Melbourne’s West Gate Bridge on what should have been her first day of school, was without a doubt heinous.
What drove me to write this piece was the continued prominence of the Darcey Freeman death in media circles even at the beginning of this year. Without begrudging such attention for a clear and barbaric crime, if the genders were reversed, a thimble’s worth of focus would still be on the case.

The legal system sees Arthur Freeman as evil. Allyson McConnell was just “ill.”
Now here’s the other half. Allyson McConnell, who killed her two-and-a-half-year old and ten-month-old sons after searching online for drowning and strangulation methods, is now dead. She committed suicide in Gosford, a city just north of Sydney, in September 2013. Histrionic acts were an indelible part of her personality; she had attempted suicide in 2010, the same day she had drowned her boys in the family bathtub. This melodramatic (but reprehensible) streak is highlighted by the child killings taking place after McConnell’s husband Curtis sought a divorce.
Gender-Based Lunacy
Far from the effective life imprisonment of Freeman, McConnell served just ten months in a psychiatric hospital in Alberta, Canada, where she previously lived with her family of four. She was convicted of the mere crime of manslaughter, serious enough in and of itself, but a comedy when one considers the contextual, opportunistic circumstances of a marital court case and the clear research McConnell undertook in the weeks leading up to what I will sensibly call the murders.

She’s fine and dandy until her man leaves her.
Central to the farce that absolved McConnell of almost all responsibility was the fact she had once been impregnated by her father (or at least a proposition accepted by the court as factual). She had exhibited a history of suicidal behavior in her teens, behavior which was obviously assumed, without substantiation, as a form of causation for her sons’ deaths nearly two decades later.
It is the infanticide equivalent of assuming Roman Polanski allegedly raped (and is therefore excused for raping) a thirteen-year-old girl, statutorily and through the provision of drugs, because his family died in the Holocaust. Untenable, unworkable and just plain preposterous.
Importantly, McConnell had managed to uproot herself from her native Australia at a young age, find gainful, respectable employment in Canada’s ski resort industry (where she had met her Canadian husband), marry, and give birth to two children. When combined with the judge’s ruling that there was “reasonable doubt that she had the specific intent to kill her children” (i.e. murder could not be established), I start to ponder whether we are considering a serious 21st century legal decision or a courtroom science fiction novel written by L. Ron Hubbard.
Disastrous Double Standards
Going back to our first story, Freeman had experienced both the long-term deterioration of his marriage and a reduction in his access to his children the day before he killed Darcey. McConnell, on the other hand, was left by her husband and the two were in the process of fighting out a custody battle, despite still living in the same home. She was not even close to losing access to her children in the same way as Freeman had lost time with his. All that had happened so far was that a judge, very reasonably, forbid McConnell from leaving the country with the boys.
Moreover, McConnell was searching online for terms like “How long does it take to drown?” three weeks before she murdered her children. She also left her wedding ring close by the bodies of the drowned toddler and infant, an incontrovertible “fuck you, I won” message to her husband for leaving her.
Across the world and a year earlier, Arthur Freeman had called his ex-partner just before killing Darcey, saying she would never see her children again. Without condoning Freeman’s awful homicide, for which he is deservedly serving serious time, if either of these two examples was a crime of passion or rage (and I actually think both aren’t), it is the murder of Darcey Freeman.

Curtis McConnell already had two tragedies when his sons were killed. A third came when his ex-wife got away with murder.
An average man, who sees considerably less of his kids after divorce than his ex-wife, has infinitely more to fear from custody cases than a woman does. We should not, however, justify any man killing his child after visitation or custody rights were restricted. But we should also realize that a woman who murders her offspring without even losing access to her children is part of an even greater breed of evil.
Another Attempted Murder-Suicide
If the comparisons between Freeman and McConnell were not enough, here’s another one. Robert Farquharson was convicted twice for three murders, having driven his four-wheel drive into a dam and killing his young sons on Australian Father’s Day 2005. He first received, unsurprisingly, three life sentences without parole for the deaths (reduced to a 33 year minimum term after a retrial).
What is illuminating about Farquharson is that he suffered extensive bouts of depression, enlisting the assistance of both a psychologist and psychiatrist to deal with his marital separation. He had been prescribed multiple antidepressants over a long period.
The lack of a causal link or mitigation between Allyson McConnell’s alleged mental illness and her murders may also be replicated in the Farquharson case. Yet Robert Farquharson had a much more cogent argument for mental illness as it related to the deaths of his sons, having experienced episodes of mental illness far more copiously documented by medical professionals and of a more contemporary nature.
More broadly, if mental illness is blindly accepted as a defense so unconvincingly in the McConnell case, why isn’t it being accepted far more generously for others convicted of homicide, who are by and large male?
Even in the 1990s, the US Department of Justice and its offshoots were keenly aware that experiences of childhood abuse amongst prisoners were the norm. In 1998, the National Institute of Justice relayed that in one (male) New York prison “68 percent of the sample reported some form of childhood victimization and 23 percent reported experiencing multiple forms of abuse and neglect, including physical and sexual abuse.” I could sink the point further by supplying another fifty studies and reports, but that is completely unnecessary, as I’m sure you understand it.
After Allyson McConnell killed herself, skilled scumbag Thomas Lukaszuk, at that time Deputy Premier of Alberta, remarked: “Mental illness makes victims of all. Sad end to what already was a tragedy.”
No, Thomas, the real tragedy, aside from the death of two boys and the pain of their grieving father and wider family, was that Allyson McConnell escaped justice simply because she is a female.
Read More: Fat Single Mothers Are Child Abusers
This is sad and incredibly infuriating. Imagine the future! Sooner or later Men will get life-imprisonment and thrown into jail for “eye-raping” a woman, and a woman will get off scot free after kidnapping, raping, and then killing a twelve year old boy simply because she “felt like it”. Guarantee those feminists will cheer her on, support her, and then push her to do more of those things because she’s such a “brave womyn for going against the patriarchy”.
Like…fuck man. There’s already an incident with a teacher raping a middle-school boy (who’s now 21) and HE has to pay alimony for the daughter he didn’t even know existed!
North America and EU are fucked. This entire world, is fucked.
“North America and EU are fucked.”
American. “I come from the freest country in the world. I can go right up to the president and tell him he is an asshole.
Russian. “What is so great about that?, I can go to right up to Putin and tell him the American president is an asshole too.
What’s the biggest difference between the United States and Russia?
“In United States you have all these things we don’t have in Russia. Things like Warning Shots. ”
Putin arrives at foreign airport, gets in line at customs.
Customs officer, “Occupation?”
Putin, “No just visiting.”
Penguins’ signs read: “Crimea is ours,” and “Alaska is Next” and “Only Putin.”
слава России !
Translation please?
I (picture) your sanctions
There are some things money can’t buy… for everything else there’s pussy pass
You got that right!
So should the government start branding serial numbers on all vagina now?
Or is that giving away the whole gag?
I tend to avoid granting them the excuse of mental illness. In reality, it appears to be outright maliciousness.
The sad thing is that this is old news. Even worse, I almost sicken myself to think that it’s probably a better societal outcome. It’s tempting to think of this as pure tragedy because young innocent children were killed. That’s terrible and heart wrenching. But, had this bitch, or the innumerable ones like her, not killed these kids, she would have simply raised them to be dysfunctional humanoids who perpetuate her sickness onto society as a whole through another generation. These kids were actually doomed by being born to this idiot. It’s tempting to think we could have, and should have saved them. But this is false. It is sad, but that is the truth. The best outcome would be to aggressively screen people for mental illness, and then forcibly sterilize them.
If society doesn’t “adjust” it, then we’re going to see more citizens taking action.
I can see it now in the not too distant future: A woman kills the children of a couple and the man looks to dispense justice the old fashion way (since we all know that justice won’t be done in the court system – not if you’re a man).
It’s pretty sad but that’s how it used to be whenever the “law” wasn’t dependable.
Most violence against children is done by women.
It’s called abortion.
Also, women take the trophy for abuse after birth as well. Followed by live-in boyfriends who run in and out of a rotating door to her bedroom.
Biological fathers are the statistically safest place for children to be.
Munchausan’s -by-proxy is almost exclusively a condition seen in females. MBP is where the mother harms their children to get attention ( lethal attention whoring).
MBP often kill their kids but are then labeled ” mentally ill” so don’t go to jail.
yep, woman here in NYC metro area did this recently…poisoned her kid via a feeding tube – sodium poisoning.
As with most topics, Bill Hicks nailed this one (also the greatest heckler take down ever).
This is great, but the greatest heckler takedown ever is bill burr (I believe other comedians voted for this as well):
Hicks and Carlin IMO are the two greatest comics of the 20th century.
I never saw Hicks rip on a woman like that for being an entitled brat, thanks for sharing.
EDIT: Chaplin and others I am probably forgetting to mention.
Also, Primus Sucks.
Not the greatest, but one of the best and relevant to the thread.
Bill Burr wins, hands down. Over 12 minutes of telling the entire audience to fuck off. Video sucks but audio is good. He followed 2 other Comedians who were heckled and he basically would not let that shit happen to him. So, he finishes and gets a standing ovation. He OWNED their asses.
Couple this with all the female teachers getting away with sex with students each month, and the fact that male teachers (the few we have) are punished quite severely.
Eventually, people will get sick of it. When they do, women will be held under a microscope. On top of that, heh, they will be forced to work as the marriage route is not really an option for much longer. Men have done the calculations, and sad “Pass.”
Eventually, women will be forced to learn how to operate like adults. Essentially, like men are expected to whenever the shit hits the fan. Be they two years old, and mommy kills them. I guess that two year old should have spent time learning to fight then play with dear ol’daddy? Or young men in war, next to females making them carry her share of the weight as well. Not to mention that when we are old, we are shipped off to a retirement home where we are never visited, and our crap gets ripped off by females (working there), like it did in the rest of our lives.
Life is not all bad.
But I have been sick of the feminist double standards aimed at us since before we all left the trick’s womb.
Fight your own wars.
Buy your drinks and dinner.
Get your own job, and money.
Break your own back.
Mow your own lawn.
Fuck yourself.
And last, but certainly not least: Enjoy.Your.Equality! You’ve all earned it!
Agreed.I like your style Jesse.
“Fight your own wars.Buy your drinks and dinner.
Get your own job, and money.
Break your own back.
Mow your own lawn.
Fuck yourself.” this
There are at least two cases where women had sex with underage boys, got pregnant and then successfully sued the boys for child support.
There are more than just two cases. Women can get away with anything due to the pussy pass. And even in the rare case they don’t get off scott free, they get what amounts to a laughable reduced sentence compared to a man. Laughable if it were not such a dying shame.
I want women to keep the vote. But I want men to vote with their feet. Then laugh as all the feminists are shipped off to war. LOL
Oh, there probably are more than two cases, but I actually read two court judgments that went this way.
How is this for “affirmative action”: we only send women into combat zones until the number of dead women soldiers equals the number of dead male soldiers ever?
That’s the problem with zero-sum games, everyone loses.
We start shipping everyone off to war, and there is no vag for anyone. And we die out.
I get it. Men, considering women can only give birth at a 9-11 month rate, are the most likely candidate for going to war, and doing hard labor.
However, feminists have demanded that we acknowledge their ability as well. After we do so, and the result everyone expected comes around, do they capitulate? No, they double down, and put more burden on us to make their life easier.
Sadly, it will take a battalion of women, or two before they might even admit that “maybe” there is something better that could be done.
This is why I stop listening. One week, we hear of the strength, and tenacious bravery the enemy will face with female combat soldiers. Then, two weeks later, we get excuses for why they can’t pass, and demands to make the work environment safer. Couple that with my first knowledge of how many female “service”members get out after their schools, benefits, and GI Bill are all on lock, and they have a child support payment on the way. All with a medical discharge for their unit deploying with them, and their training not with it! Something a man would be sent to the federal klink for.
It is not about anything related to duty, or integrity. It is nothing but selfie taking, tax fraud. They do not deserve it. The few women who do, sorry, but there are not enough of you to make it worth it.
I was in the military from the mid 80s to the mid 90s when the feminist agenda was being implemented. Multiple face palms, I tell you.
I was being facetious in that yes, having a shortage of women is much more damaging to society than having a shortage of men, but also the fact that feminists use affirmative action selectively to get (politically correct) women into high paying, high status, low risk, comfortable jobs while conveniently ignoring the numerous male dominated fields that are, frankly, crap.
This is hardly news. Susan Smith, remember?
That was a particularly fucked up case. IIRC, she was worried (not without justification) that being a single mom would wreck her chances with the guy she wanted (who had no intention of dating her).
So here’s the question: if you’re worried that your 2 kids are going to fuck up your life, why not simply….give them to the dad? Or other family members (his parents, your parents, siblings) or put them in foster care? Not great options, but what’s the deal with going straight to murder?
And this bitch was on TV for a week and a half begging for the ‘carjacker’ to return her boys. A friend of mine who used to be a cop told me that when he saw her on TV he “knew” the cop standing behind her wanted to shout that she was lying. “How?” I asked. “Cop instinct” he said. And boy was he right.
Of course she subsequently played the, “I’m mentally ill, was molested, yada-yada” bit. That doesn’t explain how she managed to (a) commit murder and (b) proceed to cover it up rather well for more than a week.
Being mentally ill is more of a reason to lock this bitch up.
Casey Anthony was another murderer that got away with it. You knew that she finds her daughter to be a burden to her partying lifestyle so rather than growing up and dealing with your fuck ups, you kill an innocent child.
Susan Smith at first made claims that she had sexual relations with her uncle who was also a local Republican party official. Hmm. This would have occurred while married to her husband and father of the drowned boys. Also local major party politicos are the most unscrupulous and brash about their corrupt regional cabals. It’s unbearable. So many good citizens just can’t wait for the guillotines. Anyone who so much as lives in the same house with some political mafioso becomes by association pretty warped in some way or another. It is hard to see them as human anymore.
Meanwhile, Susan has undergone quite a life as a damaged goods dingbat in prison. She should have copped the ‘damaged goods dumb ass cunt’ plea in the beginning. She got kicked out of her first prison for having sex with two male guards and in her second prison she shacked up with a ‘lifer’ female bank robber who looks like a guy. There’s plenty more drama for her but not worth mentioning.
This is simply the result of a culture that allows women to celebrate murdering children in the womb. That it now extends outside the womb is no big surprise and frankly nothing anybody should be shocked by.
In fact, this woman is snarking online about the joys of killing her children in the womb and urging others to come forward as “story tellers”.
The evil is so thick and omnipresent that it’s hard to feel shock about anything any longer.
1920 – The biggest mistake in human history.
actually I would say 1912 started it
She can thank her mother for not having the same opinion on abortion.
So sad guys. Its so sad. Feel so sorry for these children. Even sadder is the fact that giving criminals a pussy pass, will serve to remove all fear from the privileged psychotic pussy holders. They will feel that they can get away with anything, and will not even think before committing a heinous crime.
Given that PMS is a defense for killing, since at least the 1990’s, we’re in for a world of hurt like we cannot even imagine yet.
so, can I claim to be a transmale that murdered a woman due to psychological PMS?
You might gain favor: depending on the jury.
You’ll be in the protected class and argue your prosecution for murder is a form of hate to to divert the attention.
rawk, I wonder if it would work if I was going after a certain traitor who’s husband was well-known for using women as humidors?
Murderers and corrupt justice systems like these makes me lose faith in humanity.
As much as I agree with the article, I do need to point out one thing for the sake of honesty and accuracy.
While one difference between the 3 cases was that the person who was treated as a victim was a woman, another potentially more impactful or at the very least equally pertinent difference was that this case happened in Canada while the other two occurred in Australia.
These are two different countries with different laws and punishments, different cultures and considerations. While I have no doubt that gender played large roles in all three cases, still for the sake of accuracy and credibility I would advise comparing these sorts of crimes between cases that are tried within the same judicial system and under the same authority. Law plays a big part in cases like this, and using different cases tried under different legal frameworks skews the results of such a comparison.
In Canada you can can murder your child and only get manslaughter- five years only in the pen.
A real court case, I kid you not (unfortunately I cannot find it quickly now):
A woman kills her child. Judge says: “You don’t need to go to prison because 1. there’s no risk of recurrent infringement (since the child is dead anyway) and 2. because you are already punished enough by the death of your child”.
Women swim in privileges like goldfish in water.
That’s fucked up, man. The collapse couldn’t come soon enough imho.
This is too much…manslaughter for premeditated double murder?
Next up in the news in 2080, “Woman orders genocide of 3 million white heterosexual males; court rules ‘involuntary manslaughter’ due to PTSD”.
“Now here’s the other half. Allyson McConnell, who killed her two-and-a-half-year old and ten-month-old sons after searching online for drowning and strangulation methods, is now dead.”
Stopped reading after this. Mens/boys lives dont matter at all. If allison had daughters shed be in jail if only for a week.
It’s stories like this that just infuriates me to no end. Feminism does not care that children are killed by these women. They don’t care if victims of actual rape are hurt by promoting false rape. As long as they can retain power, these casualties are justifiable cost. Absolutely sickening!
Like the porn star cytherea was raped by 3 black men. Didn’t even make news or any type of outrage as the perpetrators are also part of the victim class
Did she film it for pay for view?
Right….because who would be the victim in this story?
It’s hilarious but if three white guys did it, then it would have been front page news.
Yeah, I find it funny how in most movies now they are portraying white guys to be the mainstays of prison, or those who commit muggings. When the vast majority of the media, when posting photos of the attackers show black “youths.”
I’m not a white supremacist, so those of you who are, not joining your band wagon. But I will say that the idiocracy that has been steadily forming in academia, media, and the government is eerily similar to your boy Hitler’s rise!
It is really funny to me that white supremacists, and disingenuous white liberals fail to realize just how much they actually have in common.
Lights the bandwagon’s white sheets on fire, runs away laughing while reading a PIG (Politically Incorrect Guide to history) guide!
Agree. It’s just another example of how the media (today) shows much attention to a story that they deem “worthwhile” versus a story that actually needs the attention.
I don’t care who is involved..a crime is a crime. But, what we’re seeing today is the manipulation by the media to create a story when they think it’s necessary (for ratings, money, etc….).
It’s sad because it used to be an institution that you respected and trusted. Now, it’s something that you don’t take too seriously (like an MTV reality show).
I noticed that she tweeted a couple times to “Thank my fans” for their support, and she hopes to start working again?!
I guess she did the brave thing and said here you go boys, the stuff is in the bag. I’m a porn star, since you are going to jail we might as well get this over with.
She will get a book deal. And “loads” of new work. LOL
In other news, Boko Haram is up to their old shenanigans again of killing males! Oh, wait, what? You only care if it’s girls affected?
My bad.
So, like, since she is a pron star, were the kids filming for the future SJW movie?
It’s all about who’s the biggest victim. Victim mentality does not do anyone service but the stupid SJWs like it.
I’m not even religious but I can’t understand why women so gleefully want abortions.
It’s evil.
It’s a cultural thing… in the last stages of cultural decline, child sacrifice to evil gods (in this case abortion as a sacrament to the cult of progressivism) is ALWAYS the rule.
There’s a strong argument that it is an evolutionary adaptation to the coming cultural collapse and replacement… clearing out children so that they will be ready to spread the seed of whomever replaces the old culture and kills off all of the males.
Generally, ANY insanely reprehensible behavior among women can be explained quite efficiently in terms of evolutionary psychology.
It’s one of the reasons Islam is so beloved of progressives… they are paying homage to what they see as a more dominant, aggressive, vibrant culture that they feel is soon to replace ours.
For SJWs, having an abortion is like getting their Eagle Scout rank.
Afterwards, they’ll earn their false rape charge badge(s) then the frivorce rape emblem.
Feminism is making ever stranger inroads into the penal system. There are politicians demanding to close all female prisons. This is absolutely crazy.
At least in some countries such women don’t get a pussy pass yet. I remember this one woman in Poland who similarly like the example above researched killing methods and even the cost of a child’s funeral before killing her baby. She feigned a kidnapping and the entire country was abuzz with the story of the lost child. Only later the entire narrative emerged. The pics on the horse were done after the murder of her baby as she used her “fame” for a magazine photo-session. Later on she was sentenced to the maximum of 25 years. Back then there was no sympathy for her among women either. But how long before such women get a pussy pass in EE as well?
I agree. close all female prisons, reinstitute whipping posts and the noose for women who murder or commit other crimes.
That’s it? 25 years max for killing a defenseless baby? Someone like this should never be allowed back into society.
The unborn are equally defenseless, and yet very few shed tears for millions murdered every year.
Why is this a surprise?
If they can kill them, ship them off to be adopted for money, left on the door step of churches, government buildings, or orphanages, why would anyone think that women are the romantic moral ones?
The fact is, like in ancient Carthage, women were the ones driving the push for Baal worship, as that god demanded child sacrifice! Carthage, after being dug up by archeologists, was discovered to have something like 600k baby corpses in ceremonial pits.
Feminists claim women were oppressed.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
All were oppressed. All of them. Not just women.
There was no freaking boys club that you could walk by. Stick in your penis in some stone hole. And have a huge stone gate lifted to bring you into some masculine paradise where women could be raped with impunity. Precisely because so many “rapists” would have died before they ever allowed it.
The only reason women are called the key to societal morality is that they are the ones who dictate who gets inside them.
The more “liberal” they are, the more like Carthage.
The more conservative, the more gossipy puritan they are.
In the 1800s they were called “baby-farmers.”
Women have always had abortion in one form or the other.
The reason feminists claim they were oppressed, is because modern technology, my opinion, has put the writing on the wall. Suffragettes, and feminists thought that they could socially govern us into a lesbotopia. Now, they are realizing their mistake. Like Queen Victoria, when men stop caring, women have to do all the work themselves. And men will not even listen one iota, if they blame them for not helping.
They will merely respond…”Welcome to equality!”
“It has been over 100,000 years of us fighting every war, disease, and holocaust. Not to mention having to support your fat ass! It’s about time you carry your blue whale sie of the load! Now do your job, and STFU…… ‘Man!’”
In Canada, the offence of infanticide is actually a defense that turns murder into a charge that carries a max of 5 years, but only applies to women.
As a side note, some activists wanted animal cruelty punishable by a max of 10 years. Apparently, killing your own baby is not as bad as torturing a cat.
Sargon of Akaad covered this in “This week in stupid”. I”ve worked in corrections and I refuse to deal with female inmates.
Where are all the people saying that they hope she gets raped in prison? Where are all the prison rape jokes? Oh yeah, she’s a woman. A woman never deserves to be raped, no matter how heinous her crime.
If it’s a man its ok to publically wish homosexual rape upon him, especially if it’s a straight man.
I recently read about Byzantine emporer Justinian I, who married a prostitute and made her co-equal ruler with him. What ended up happening? The people rebelled because of the nanny, high-tax imposition of their leadership. They invited the 30,000 rebels to a talk of truce, but slaughtered them instead. That’s what gender equality brings.
The emperor married a ho. That’s called ‘sloppy seconds’. I guess with the lack of dental science and the royals and nobility commonly going toothless, they would commonly assign ‘food chewers’ to chew their food for them, then spit it out into bite sized ‘chew blobs’. Once you’re accustomed to eating other people’s ‘belch aftertaste’ then one could easily lose all discernment for fresh clean virgin pussy versus the town cumbucket.
Yes, that was Theodora.
“Her venal charms were abandoned to a promiscuous crowd of citizens and strangers of every rank, and of every profession: the fortunate lover who had been promised a night of enjoyment, was often driven from her bed by a stronger or more wealthy favorite; and when she passed through the streets, her presence was avoided by all who wished to escape either the scandal or the temptation.”
–Edward Gibbon, “The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.”
As I’d said earlier, there are more and more cases of this OR, it’s just not as easily hidden any longer.
There’s no question women receive lesser punishment for the same crimes. Its documented. Courts are biased to favor women. If a woman kills a child it could only be because she was under horrible emotional duress, or mentally ill, or a victim of abuse herself, or not properly supported by society, etc. She is only “partially” liable for her actions. Feminists say women should do less time for the same crime. Because patriarchy.
A mother killing her young children is similar to a man castrating himself, or something. They put them in mental institutions because they are not normal humans. Imprisoning a woman who killed her own child doesn’t make much sense. When a man kills his child, it’s murder. When a woman kills her child, it’s suicide, but she gets to live the aftermath.
This lack of ACCOUNTABILITY FROM AND BY Anglo Western women just leaves me in disgust, to the point I have no qualms namedropping Gwenhwyfar on them.
Might as well out them in public, since no one wants to get caught, being a white knight for someone who’s CLEARLY IN THE WRONG.
Yea I remember that scumbag… I didn’t know she had offed herself… glad to hear it.
Knowing that she offed herself gave me a warm fuzzy tingly feeling all over.
I read a book several years back; I think it was called “Deadly Deeds: Murder in Canada”. If I recall correctly, the author cited a study of police records and notes and found that a large proportion of homicides committed by females were attributed to mental illness in contrast to men.
If you’re Canadian, just google Karla Homolka.
There was some pussy passing going on there but I think they didn’t have the video tape in hand that would have damned her when they cut the deal.
That’s called the pussy pass. fully approved of by all women, manginas and white knights
Lots of women kill their children. It happens every day. Its called “abortion.”
Mental illness is a bullshit excuse for any of these murders. Male or female, if you kill your kids because you’re mad or upset at your ex, or the legal system, then fuck you. Your kids had nothing to do with it. Go to jail for life and spend every day thinking about how you killed the people in the world who loved you unconditionally. These cases make me sick.
Eventually the truth about what Feminist America has done to little boys over the past forty years will come out. The murdering. The free torturing that often goes on daily, particularly in households in which no adult male is present to restrict the psychological instability of the female. Rarely are females punished for hurting males, as America considers it the ‘right’ of the female to rule over men and boys. Nearly every movie contains a scene of a female physically attacking a male, with no consequences. Eventually people absorb this malevolence as ‘normal’.
Most disgusting, this is precisely the kind of nation (and world) that the institutional power-structures across the Western world want, and in fact demand via coercive policies at every level. They WANT little boys (and grown men) to exist completely under the power and threat-point of females — whether individual females, or the collective Hive.
Those tortured, tormented, drugged, and brainwashed boys often ‘grow up’ with no dad and no guarding male influence nearby. Most of them (like Barry and Biden) adapt by becoming Super Grovelers before the gynarchy. Mammy servants. Some boys attempt to retreat from feminist society, some become violent, some kill themseves, etc. All positive outcomes and all according to plan.
Nice going Amerika.
think about it …
woman dont have much empathy, or any sense for
justice or compation. they ust mimic it. And remember : just because
they distort their faces more extreme and often than men and waive
around their hands and are loud and obnocious, does all not mean that
they have emotions going on inside. it’s just affective behaviour,
DESIGNED to manipulate OTHERS, u see ?
Darcey Freeman = Feminazy propaganda at its best.
Actually, Polanski only pleaded guilty for and was convicted of unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor. And the victim is famous enough to write a book now, whew. Just because they are young doesn’t mean they can’t be hot and wicked.
I was watching a show and the crime channel the other week about when parents murder their children and i was surprised to find that out of the 15 cases presented on the show the mothers were always really brutal in how they killed their children the fathers always gave their kids quick deaths i found it intriguing and they always blamed mental illness as a sort of justification only for the mothers never the for the fathers its all fucked up.
Why don’t men get the same song and dance pass. O I had a kid and it was tough so I have post partum depression so I kill my kid?
Reading this travesty of justice makes me grateful to be living in Singapore. While the country is becoming more and more westernised every day, women don’t generally get a free pussy pass (yet…) We have executed women for drug trafficking and have passed life sentences on women convicted of murder charges. Hopefully we can stay this way for a long time to come.
Don’t forget Andrea Yates and Casey Anthony.
I was driving my car when the news of Darcey Freeman broke. Someone had spotted a man throwing a child off the Westgate Bridge. As the son of a man who has PHD in Psychology (with 30 years I private practice counciling men) I instantly knew that this was an act of revenge of a broken hearted man who can’t see his kids when he wants. Previously a man like Darcey’s Dad would’ve made his way to the bridge at night and jumped off, and the died from his injuries hours later. His death wouldn’t have had the same impact and would’ve been missed by the Press.
This was really the ultimate “fuck-you Bitch” move, killing a precious, dear little girl who’s only impression of her Dad would have been someone who gave her kisses and cuddles and read her stories of “My little Pony” before bedtime. It always breaks my heart when I hear stories of children dying especially those that are under 5. Like the one year old that died recently when trapped in the heat of his mums Car all day.
We literally have a Kangaroo court system here in Australia, where the only real solution to the plight of divorce, and bankruptcy is suicide for Men. Recently there has been an enormous fence put on the bridge, so that now suicidal Dad’s will need find another location to kill themselves.
We are still fortunate enough to mostly have Men running a great deal of our institutions(the Prime Ministers a man, and so are most of our State Premiers)…but for how long. Hopefully long enough to turn the tide, so that most of eligible men don’t kill themselves or as in this case their kids.
feminism wanted equality so they fought for :
bigger pay
better work environments
more scholarships to universities
longer prison sentences
held to higher standards
oh no, the last two were not part of the plan. But its okay the ‘patriarchy’ will take care of it just like daddy did when I was a little girl. *cute smile*
honestly I think every feminist deserves to be stranded in a bus in india. (if you got that and think its too harsh just remember to ask yourself where the feminists were when the indians were aborting female fetuses and killing off female children, because the gender imbalance caused by those choices are whats causing the shit now)
Saw this on today. Scroll through the gallery, blows my mind how many women on death row were sentenced over 20 years ago for killing several of their own children yet still haven’t been been in the ground like the vermin they are:
Woman has 20 abortions. No charge and is even excused by society.
Man kills woman who is 2 weeks pregnant. Life in prison for two charges of murder.
This has been the norm for a long time. As society’s depraved selfishness and nihilism grows, the symptoms worsen.
We should all pray for Curtis McConnell.
Working in the JSC community, we went through this whole mess of ‘innocent’ women with the whole Andrea Yates case – she methodically and maliciously drowned her 5 children – and got a pussy pass. The NOW gang came out in force to support her appeals so her conviction was overturned and she was committed to an institution.
We recently had a mother attempt to drown her two children in the Houston area. Yates is institutionalized with a woman who killed her children – and all get a pussy pass from jail, getting ‘not guilty by reason of insanity’ instead, where a man doing the same would be fried, hung, shot, gassed, etc.
Double fucking standard.