Studies Prove Lesbians Batter Their Partners More Than Straight Men

Amidst the constant vitriol against men due to inflated rape and domestic violence statistics, a deafening silence occurs. Study after study argues that lesbian women are equally or more violent than male partners in heterosexual relationships.

The media and authorities nonetheless avoid the issue entirely. Admitting that lesbians, ergo a sub-set of women, seem to commit domestic violence as much as or more than men grossly undermines feminists’ obsessions with imaginary patriarchal control and concocted notions of male privilege.

Many of these same studies assert that same-sex male relationships include domestic violence as much as heterosexual relationships. But lesbian domestic violence samples provide a better analogy, as the alleged victims are women, like in most reported accusations involving straight relationships.

How to fake an anti-male argument

If the fists start flying here, don’t expect feminists to take up the cause.

The omission of lesbian domestic violence from the equation is ludicrous. It is akin to the hypothetical situation of stopping anti-drunk driving campaigns in Maine because there are far less people living there than in California, or focusing only on Caucasian-American alcoholism because whites form a majority compared to, say, the Native American population.

If domestic violence is such a scourge, as feminists “articulate,” anything short of addressing the whole picture is a manipulative political ploy and agenda. And the agenda here is to attack men and describe domestic violence as a sport played only by straight males.

These same domestic violence statistics, which involve self-reporting, are used to hound, vilify, and too easily convict men. In the convoluted playground of rape statistics, the threshold for “sexual assault” has commonly been reduced and caricatured to reported cat-calling and sex after consuming alcohol, even if a girl is entirely lucid or the male is intoxicated as well. Unsurprisingly, lesbians get a free pass when studies involving less amorphous, more strictly defined questions about violence are conducted (i.e. as basic as “Has your female partner hit you?”).

Even The Atlantic, all too often a leftist smorgasbord of the most putrid media diarrhea, acknowledged that the same-sex domestic violence situation is an “epidemic”. Other figures collected by American government agencies and bodies cite 3.9 million women being physical assaulted by their female partners. Because the proportion of lesbians or functionally bisexual women in the United States is by most estimates about 20 times smaller than the straight female population, these numbers are staggering.

Lesbians’ reluctance to report

Feminists pay this concept lip-service only, as all violence towards and between the LGBT community can be conveniently blamed on men and the patriarchy.

One of the hallmarks of feminist Newspeak is to always emphasize the proportion of straight females who never report domestic violence or sexual assault “committed” by men. They then assume, without any evidence, that these “cases” are all proven domestic violence or sexual assault crimes and therefore can be utilized in calling for the watering down of male due process rights.

The problem with this narrative is how it reflects on the reporting of same-sex domestic violence. Studies such as the ones cited in the links above continually reference an underreporting of domestic violence amongst same-sex individuals. So the problem is actually much bigger.

The confirmation bias of feminists allows them to appropriate the most stretched and tenuous methodologies, such as conflating alleged female sexual assault victims with victims as established by court processes (which are themselves being institutionally diluted and relegated to “he said, she said” dramas). But these methodologies are never appropriated where the alleged perpetrators are not straight males, let alone converted into demands in the political and social arenas.

As you might have read in my recent inquiry into women slut-shaming women as much as men, females are stripped of agency when it involves mocking and bullying other women, while men are held to account as autonomous and privileged actors.

The same principle applies to lesbians and domestic violence. Males in straight relationships have choices, but women in straight or same-sex relationships have oppression to explain away their violence.

The feminist fear of loss

Exposing the symmetry in same-sex versus straight domestic violence threatens to strip feminists of their political cash-cow: the fictitious institutionalized oppression of women by men. Ignorance of same-sex partner abuse, especially the lesbian variety, is thus mandatory to keep their agenda well-oiled and moving. Females battered by females highlights the individual choices made when partners abuse in private places, not any entrenched public system encouraging it.

Inasmuch as modern society now ascribes overly special status to gays, lesbians, and particularly transgender people, the domestic violence studies illustrate how feminists have resorted to throwing the LGBT community under the bus in order to preserve their anti-male narrative.

If the heat from that abandonment becomes too much, feminists can simply blame the patriarchy for shaming and stigmatizing lesbians into hitting their partners in the first place. And so the cycle continues.

Read More: This Accidental Experiment Shows The Superiority Of Patriarchy

309 thoughts on “Studies Prove Lesbians Batter Their Partners More Than Straight Men”

  1. Lesbians rape more often too, which surprised me. But you have to watch out for the society-building hard-working males. They’re pure evil and the media makes sure everyone denies them opportunities as all other groups are victims.
    Any group promoting a victim ideology is in reality a manipulative perpetrator.

  2. When you tell an emotion driven group with a perpetual victim complex and monumental entitlement complex that they’re always right, always the vitcim, never the perpetrator and that the world owes them whatever they want when they want it…
    guess what happens?

  3. No surprise that people acting on extreme sexual disorders are, abusive, violent, mentally-deranged people. This is like being informed that an abortion worker committed theft or lied under oath. If you’re surprised that these people are sick, twisted, and untrustworthy, you’re still taking the blue pill.

      1. “What’s the problem with abortion? I don’t like to pay for it, but they can do what they want with their precious bodies.”
        It isn’t their body that they would be murdering, it is another human being’s, their own child. Original version of the Hippocratic Oath: “Moreover, I will give no sort of medicine to any pregnant woman, with a view to destroy the child.” Even the pagans of Classical Greece knew that human life begins at conception and that abortion is murder.
        If a woman wants to murder her child, then she can always pretend to fall down some stairs. Any woman who admits to it, any doctor who aids it, anyone stupid enough to get caught, then a healthy society deals with them as murderers.

        1. Well, that argument stays and falls with the definition of human being – whatever that is supposed to be – and it’s valuation.
          I believe that this text has to be seen within it’s context. What was the motivation of that segment in the Hippocratic Oath? Was abortion fatal back then? Was it costing the state too much? Was there a problem with whores that needed to be addressed? Was someone intent on creating more offspring? Though that would bring up the question: Is it better to have a child to a whore who doesn’t want him than to have no child at all?

      2. The fetus is a human being; it is merely attached to another for a brief period of time. The SJWs diligently work to dehumanize children so that their killings are considered ok. Unsurprisingly, they have now moved on to children already born and separate from their mother.
        They are currently laying the intellectual groundwork in colleges for killing children outside the womb as old as 5 years old. Peter Singer is leading the charge. And if you think its impossible to reach that point, think of how gay marriage went in the pre-2000s from a laughable idea to a “human right.” Why? Simple: in the 1980s and 1990s, the SJWs laid the intellectual foundations in colleges.

        1. Polls show younger people are becoming more and more pro-life, regardless if they identify as liberal or conservative. A polled showed 80% of Americans say no to abortion post 20 weeks regardless of reason. One thing I never got about the law is if a person kills a pregnant woman the murderer is charged with two homicides.

        2. It’s difficult to take your 2nd paragraph seriously. There was a practice in the old days of hebrews killing their 1st born children, but times have advanced too far.

        3. Wow, this Singer guy is like a real-world Ellsworth Toohey. I am disgusted by the notion that he should decide who is to live.
          Personally, I am quite Darwinistic in my core beliefs. Following that line of thought, it amazes me that Mr. Singer can be Darwinistic and egalitarian at the same time. Although it makes sense in a very twisted and vague way: that you destroy the weak ones to keep the strong ones equal.
          A question that jumps into my mind is: What the hell does “dehumanization” mean? I don’t see why anybody but a mother should have to make the moral decision whether to keep a child alive. It’s none of my business. I rather don’t want to pay taxes for child support, pregnancy leave and the abortions themselves. Let them eat their own shit; everybody is the captain of one’s own life.
          I’m not a fan of gay marriage, because an institution should be free to choose whom to give a certificate, but I really don’t see the connection to this topic, apart from it being pushed by the same party.

        4. If you think that, morally, the human race has advanced beyond any point in human history, you are sadly mistaken. The savagery of our race has not been erased by a mere few thousand years or a change in geography.

        5. Morality is always a social concern; when it ceases it to be, you can start the timer for a society’s decline. And that a mother “decides” when her child is truly “alive” has never been part of any civilized race.; to say so is to deliberately abandon your moral code in an attempt to not make waves. But to be a man, you must make waves.

        6. Well that’s a good point, and I think morals have degraded. But a scenario where under 5s are being killed in broad daylight, seems unthinkable. When I say things have come too far, I mean the advance of technology, and how stories reporting this happening, would cause utter disgust among normal humans, and they wouldn’t allow it. Even in prison, the paedo gets it, since all the other murderers, rapists, etc, view children as sacrosanct, so it’s the one occasion in their lives they can feel morally superior.

        7. Dude, the history of the human race is one of savagery and obedience to what is “normal.” The left pushes the boundaries of normalization. The Overton window, if you will.
          But make no mistake: if humans have tolerated an inequity in the past, they are capable of tolerating it now. The slippery slope, my friend, is very, very real.

        8. I can agree with the Overton window and slippery slope you’re describing, however I think the inequity would manifest in a different fashion, rather than overtly killing under 5s.

  4. Figures, men have spent their entire lives being shamed by society for their supposed role in DV, so naturally we’d be less inclined to do it than some lesbian who has spent their entire life being able to get off of any transgression based on their gender and sexual identity.

  5. I don’t get it. The title says “lesbians,” but the first picture clearly shows two dudes.

    1. Has it changed recently? Those are clearly lesbians; men only wear gold chains. Glad I could help.

      1. I love the gold chains rubbing on that lovely thick fur that only men can grow on their chests and backs. Why would any woman want to be a lesbian? Men are soooo attractive.

        1. I’m glad you see it my way.
          Oh, since we’re engaging in stereotypes, why don’t you take a weed whacker to that HUGE bush of yours? It looks like you taped a bear rug to your crotch.

      1. Hehehe….transitioning to make it easier for people like you to get a girlfriend.

      1. The porn chicks are bisexuals – continue your fantasy. Everyone knows all women are bisexual.

      2. The few bi chicks I have dated were some of the less attractive ones, but they didn’t look anything like the two train wrecks in the cover picture.

        1. Yeah the chicks in the picture look a bit like your mum. I guess you’re one step up from trailer trash and at least wouldn’t fk them.

        2. My mum is pushing 70 and looks better than them. I am middle class and law school educated. Where did you get your gender studies degree? From a Cracker Jack box? Did you go off your meds recently?

        3. I am not trying to be clever; I just want to assess your damage and respond appropriately.

      3. That’s cause they’re not lesbians. They’re porn stars. Many of them have boyfriends in real life.

        1. Just think what you said. You said that women from porn are attractive because they are not lesbians? Are you seriously? Lol)))

    1. I have to hand it to you. You’re obviously a Zio/corporate troll but at least some (3 out of 10 so far,the rest are extra accounts you have, or recognised pals of yours) real posters who don’t have an agenda have continued to up vote your comments. I may not like you guys but the population has become totally blind and dumbed down, ready to be enslaved and destroyed, so to be honest, you could probably come right out and say this to them in the next couple of years and they still wouldn’t get it.
      You won’t be around forever as you’re too self-destructive and its not in your nature to create – you will be taken down by machinations you cannot comprehend – you’re not God. But as blind as you are, so is most of humanity, who will for some reason willingly follow you to their doom.

      1. I have to hand it to you. You’re obviously a Zio/corporate troll
        …at least some (3 out of 10 so far,the rest are extra accounts you have, or recognised pals of yours)
        …real posters who don’t have an agenda have continued to up vote your comments
        …I may not like you guys but the population has become totally blind and dumbed down, ready to be enslaved and destroyed
        …You won’t be around forever as… its not in your nature to create
        …taken down by machinations you cannot comprehend – you’re not God
        …most of humanity, who will for some reason willingly follow you to their doom.


        1. haha- no sunglasses, north african dictator
          sunglasses- hes got a black magik woman

      1. I can only relate my own anecdote regarding this situation. The adopted girl raised by two lesbians was a nightmare of a human being. I knew her at age 21. What a whack job!

    2. Noooo. Homosexuals are no different than heterosexuals…
      I’m by no means anti-gay, but they are equivalent

        1. It’s Hush Hush in the Media, there was a Gay Couple who had adopted 9 boys and they were sexually Raping all of them, think it happened in Connecticut, it didn’t get any coverage besides the local news, i’m sure the Stats would drastically change Eyes-Closed America’s opinion of Gays Adopting, That’s why its Kept Quiet .

        2. Likewise, if you google research on same sex parents, the first 60 or so hits are all positive, pro-gay “research”.

        3. given enough time and encouragement (ability to get away with it) it would have been all of them.

        4. I Have a feeling some of the other boys may have been raped, but don’t want to Tell because of Shame or Embarrassment. I don’t Understand what would stop the queers from Raping them all if they decided to rape 2.

        5. I don’t think pacing back and forth while waving one’s arms dramatically counts as spousal abuse. Now, changing the cafe curtains in the kitchen while the other is at work . . .

      1. So what will happen to Ontario now that Premier Dad has been replaced by Premier Two Moms? And Wynne is forcing her new sex ed curriculum on all grade schoolers whose parents can’t afford a private school.

        1. And the lesbian feminist bitch and her feminist liberal party is airing this crap all over TV:

          Because girls women are all sweet and innocent victims who never whore around or cheat on their bfs using Tinder.. and men and boys are violent and predatory. That’s fucking Canada and the stifling feminist, liberal culture for you.

        2. Oh man. That one could have a guy reaching for the passport for sure. I always liked to think of this scenario;
          What if sexual violence just simply ended? (It actually almost has outside of psychopaths, but that’s another topic.) So, next year in 2016, there is simply no rape or harassment anywhere, right? Imagine how totally disenfranchised, disappointed and ultimately enraged feminists would be about that. Like when Roosh wrote the article detailing how disappointed and irked so many feminists were when the RS UVA rape story was disspelled. They were pissed, boy!! They wanted that rape to have happened. So telling. Oh, why do I give a shit anymore? It’s all so freaking stupid.

        3. It wilt here type of stats will never see the light of in Ontario and if they do somehow it will be blamed on duress caused by the patrichary.

        4. I wouldn’t expect anything less from Leftists. The victims were diverse enough, but the the perps were almost all white men. Where are the men of color?
          Scene 1: Two white men
          Scene 2: White man
          Scene 3: Asian teen with 2 white guys and 1 Asian teen standing nearby
          Scene 4: White man

        5. It’s worse than that, the white knights would not have an excuse to mount up on the horses and ruin someone else’s fucking day.

    1. Oh man, had me a field day with that one! Totally spoke red pill wisdom and facts and kept emotions in line! Men, get on it! Let our voice be heard! Strength in numbers!

      1. I saw a twitter post from her where she’s clearly getting pissed at the pole being trolled.
        What did she expect? She should not worry her pretty little head about these things.

        1. Or, maybe that’s what we should call ugly chicks upon whom we bestow the honor of giving us blow jobs.

      2. 2. If there are any burning questions about sex, politics and gender you’ve always wanted to ask a feminist woman, however silly, this is your box to put them in. No judgements (sic)
        Given that only about 1 in 4 of the North American population identify as “feminist” and yet 3 out of 4, and a good 2 out of 3 Republicans believe in gender equality: is there a problem with the message, the method or the ideology?

        1. 2. If there are any burning questions about sex, politics and gender you’ve always wanted to ask a feminist woman, however silly, this is your box to put them in. No judgements (sic)
          Did your mother and father love you? Did you have good grandparents? Did you have a good family? Were you abused?

    2. “Have you ever suffered from mental health problems? How has being a man impacted your mental health?”
      How should I know?

      1. “yes”
        Bwa ha ha ha!
        yeah I’m not living a life of solipsistic victimism and having the attention span and proclivity to moral panic comparable to someone zonked out on tranquilizers all day. In other words, not being a woman has certainly improved my mental health.

    3. A pole is something good girls dance on to pretend, not to take a piss out of you.

    4. I wonder if she’ll email me for further comment. I was brutal but nice.
      The only thing that worries me (and this has been said and happened before) is that she’ll use the information we give her to alter feminist strategies to fight men.
      I once had a Facebook discussion and the lady involved blatantly stated that she can now alter her future approach/arguments and policies based on my responses to her feminist probing (so that she can win. It doesn’t matter if they’re wrong or not, they just want to win).

  6. This does not surprise me at all. I’ve belonged to women heavy groups before and it is always the same dynamic. Get any two women in a room together and they will inevitably fight. This is the same sex that has frenemies.

  7. Men these days don’t hit women because they know crazy women will turn them in at the drop of a hat even for minor abuses like a slap. For some reason lesbians didn’t learn this yet, and they still hit/slap each other thinking it’ll be dealt with rationally. On a side note, when my ex cheated on me once, I remember thinking how I would have taken a punch to the face 100x over the psychological damage getting played can. A punch heals in a few days; the shit women do scars some men for life.

    1. 100%. They talk about how terrible getting shoved is, or someone grabbing their wrist while they yell at them.. but lying for months while accepting free rent, or dinners, and whispering I love you while they text their side crush.. that doesn’t hurt at all when it comes out. No big deal boys! Just don’t touch me!!

      1. Emotionally manipulating a man is OK but if he raises his voice that’s abuse in feminists view.

        1. What drives me insane is when a woman pulls the finger-wag on me. If you try to get it out of your face you risk an assault charge and if you raise your voice then that becomes some form of emotional abuse.

      2. The worst case I had as a divorce attorney was where my client followed his wife and found her boarding a boat ride with her secret lover. I could write a novella on the details but space constraints and client confidentiality prevent me. Anyways, he took several hundred dollars, got a hotel and then got shitfaced.
        At trial, his wife was trying to divorce rape him and our defense partially proposed that there was not enough money to go around. On cross examination her lawyer confirmed with my guy that he went out drinking and then put it to him that – given his present cry of poverty – was it wise to spend that much money on alcohol? (Following my advice) he ignored the lawyer and looked at the judge: “I had just caught my wife cheating on me. I went out, and I got drunk.” The judge, an older guy, nodded and took some notes. YES, ONE FOR THE GOOD GUYS!

      3. Haha! the society always takes into consideration the “emotional stress” faced by women, but continues to act as if men are emotionless zombies!

    2. Such a problem is solved by ejecting the offending female from ones life after the first time they commit such an act. The so-called Tom Leykis approach, if you will. Men need to stop tolerating this type of dysfunctional behavior as opposed to accepting it as part of the male-female dynamic.

      1. Well said!
        That is the mentality or paradigm of a lot of men. They accept this false male-female dynamic and simply walk around thinking “that’s just the way it is.” I.e. the matrix.
        Men simply have to question said paradigm and/or ask themselves….why? Why is it this way? Who or what says it has to be this way? Why do I accept it? These questions may/will inevitably lead them to red pill truth and self-enlightment.

        1. Depends on what you want out of the relationship. If you can tolerate it or don’t care too much, there’s no reason to end it – likewise is there no reason to fight about it. Same the other way round.
          It’s a personal decision.
          Some articles on RoK seem to imply that there should be some kind of solidarity among men to punish women. I think that’s retarded. I don’t like unions and I don’t like putting myself into one category with people based on my gender.

        2. In the olden days, when animals prowled around outside the cave, or indians circled the wagons, or vikings could show up at your doorstep at any moment, women were far less likely to behave as they do today because they knew that their life depended on being in mens good graces.
          The modern problems with women is a result of them being simply too safe. A healthy relationship almost requires intentionally putting them in some form of danger today. My eventual wife will not be a breadwinner and my money will not be in anything the government or banks can seize. This way there is always a latent risk that I will fuck off and never be heard from again if she gets too much out of line. It won’t even have to be verbally communicated. And it’s a goddamned shame that it has come to this.

        3. I respectfully disagree. Look where “tolerance” of the feminist movements and SJWs got us. Cultural Marxism has damaged our soiety via the the pussyfication of America’s youth as they move through the public school system. “Tolerance” gets you stepped on and dragged though the mud. Tolerance degrades traditional values and morals.
          If one does not care about the dysfunctional behavior that is being imposed on them by another then they have no honor and will not be respected in social groups, partnerships, and society.
          However, you are absolutely correct, it’s a personal decision. For instance, I decide to keep my dignity and honor…while others can decide to continue “tolerating.”
          Good day, sir.

        4. And yet, white knights pre-Civil Rights era did towards innocent men that Anglo American WFs targeted.

        5. “This way there is always a latent risk that I will fuck off and never be
          heard from again if she gets too much out of line.”
          I practice this approach with all of my female relationships (platonic or romantic). They will respect you a lot more than if you didn’t. You have to keep them on their toes.

        6. Do you subscribe do Groucho Marx’s dictum, “I refuse to belong to any organization that would have me as a member”?

        7. You say “got us”. It seems pedantic to take apart your words in that way, but I’m not “us”. I’m me. I want the best out of life. If I don’t like something, I’ll be gone as quick as the wind. But if I am, say, only interested in fucking a girl for fun, I don’t care whom else she fucks. It may hurt another man’s feelings; as long as it doesn’t hurt mine, I don’t care. Everything else would be just another form of egalitarianism: If most men can’t live with it, I shouldn’t.
          I’m not tolerating it out of idealism – merely out of calculated selfishness.
          I respect values and morals; though, I don’t respect them out of tradition, but out of logic. If a value set doesn’t serve me personally – let’s say in the long term – why would I adopt it?
          Obviously, I would want to accept rules of a group I may want to be part of. If a group excluded me for having a polygamous girl – well, it might be a tough choice. But honestly, I couldn’t fully respect the people of that group anymore.
          That said – yes, that politics got us into the ashtray. But I’m no politician and no activist. Yet.

        8. Yep too many men believe that all the bullshit they put up with from females is part of how it is.

        9. It depends on the womam or the circumstances, some women I’m willing to tolerate certain behavior from that I won’t from others because they still offer positive things in my life. Too many men in the West tolerate complete bullshit from.women who don’t make them happy an think it’s just the way it is. Plus a man should have a line that if a woman crosses he walks.

        10. I agree with this point. I also think modern women act the way they do because men are too prolific. What I mean is, in the past, the human race existed in a state of perpetual warfare. Men, for the most part, grew up to become warriors, which as we know is a particularly dangerous life’s calling. A lot of warriors died seeking glory on the battlefield, and so there was a real surplus of eligible women compared to men, so women knew that they better be fucking charming and delightful if they ever wanted what all women really want, kids and a family.
          Also, imagine a silly bitch acting uppity towards a man who’s day job is to split people’s skulls with a battle-axe! She wouldn’t dare.
          But today is all upside down. There are far too many men, the vast majority socialised by state schools to be a good little harmless beta boy. Women act like their scarce pussy is oh so precious, and society really believes that having a vagina makes you a better person and gives you a higher status.
          And we all know that women are status whores, so if society elevates women as a whole to a higher status than men, women respond by mating with other women, because they are hard wired to seek high status partners. Its an absolute shit fight, and short of a massive war, one way to solve it might be to use genetic engineering to alter the prevalence of sex ratios at birth from slightly favouring men to overwhelmingly having women babies born more often.
          Its simple economics: scarcity creates value.

        11. As a former divorce attorney, unless you want to hang out in some third world country and keep your wealth in gold and buried on a desert island, you are largely fucked. Next to a drug dealer, or some guy so rich he can initiate lawyer-apocalypse, the most divorce-rape-proof guy who is an independent contractor – usually a tradesman – who does a lot of work under the table, and then tells no one while living modestly.
          Have a business? Yer fuct.
          Own a house? Yer fuct.
          Keep a bank account? Yer fuct.
          If you can hide your assets but then get divorced, any suspicious purchases could re-open the case and vitiate whatever settlement and peace of mind you thought you had. Try to move $10,000 across international lines covertly and get caught? Yer totally fuct.

        12. I don’t think it is about punishing women but having some form of mutual respect where the woman does not get to punish you during the relationship and then for years after it ends.

        13. I agree.
          The weird thing is that I am generally less tolerant of bullshit from women I consider for some sort of on-going relationship because I know that if I let it go I will have to put up with it for a long time. Meaningless sex, by definition, has no meaning so giving a pass on abject flakiness so you can plate them later is no big deal. If they don’t give you sex tonight? No big deal.
          But flakiness and sex-denial can’t be tolerated if you are looking at spending months or more with her (even if you don’t live together). Either she corrects her behavior or gets demoted.

        14. Well, in Klingon it apparently translates as “‘ej ‘ach Qu’ towards chun loD DoS anglo american WFs ‘e’ chIS knights pre-civil nIH bov.” Does that help?

        15. No, mate From what I can tell from the record, you turn plates and I run serial monogamy. Marriage is upgrades from what I do and off in some alternate dimension from what you.

        16. How does she punish you for years after then?
          I don’t think that you can call it punishment anyway, it’s quite a specific word: To put a penalty on unwanted behavior.
          Have I mentioned that I just don’t care if it doesn’t faze me? She can think she’s hurting me all she wants – if I don’t feel hurt.

        17. to the sex ratio manipulation: a dangerous proposition that ignores the setting, and the setting is more important. in high-risk, your civilization will need more fighters born and paid, and in low-risk environments, less. but it’s not just that simple: enter welfare, which in low-risk environments fucks up that female surplus intragroup competition you mention, since they compete for whorequeendom instead of wife.
          select more women than men: without war, or without higher levels of (male) adult death, yes. but with war, with higher levels of adult death, no, your society needs those men to fight. that aside, again, is that what we’re really witnessing here now? selecting more women than men -is- what’s being done in the first world: from births to the social granting of resources, but this selection does not facilitate the competition of women to behave better – quite the opposite, in fact.
          selective sex ratio tweaking is too incomplete/simplistic of an answer.

        18. But the way things are going with “common law” marriages, you have consider it.

        19. Yes it’s always better to threatened the person you love with abandonment just so you can feel like a real man. And that pesky thing called progress, that has made us the most brilliant society in history, where there is now equality of the sexes!!! Damn shame that. Make sure we teach our children, particularly our girls, to be subservient to their fathers and brothers. Get used to it for when they are wives. Hey, why not just become muslim? Then you can join all the rest of the guys that think like you.

        20. OMG that is the most brilliant thing I have ever heard. Sending this through to Professor Hawkins. Just brilliant. Seriously. That is Noble Peace PRICE Winning Stuff.

        21. But the law is being driven by the FI and the feminists. Without such nonsense then women could behave as silly as they wanted and men could respond in a reasonable matter without getting fuct.

        22. You forgot the part where he said “IF”. It’s a 50/50 scenario, the women in question can also abandon or upgrade at any time, it doesn’t need to be stated.
          Troll elsewhere please.

        23. Could you be more specific?
          Americans can buy pretty much anything with bitcoin now. Even microsoft accepts it. You can pay taxes with bitcoin in at least one state so far. Bitlicense regulation is underway. Which part do you consider to be a sham?

        24. I’d have to see the regulations that are in the works but it has all the downsides of fiat currency and virtually none of the upsides. The people who got in on the ground floor made a killing on speculation. The people who got in later are subject to wild exchange fluctuations. If I recall, at least one bitcoin exchange collapsed. It has inflation built into its algorithm. Basically, it is vapour currency with nothing backing it and no one accountable for it.

        25. Ah, the usual list of misconceptions. Alrighty then.
          I won’t go into details here (google provides if you care to look it up), but bitcoin does in fact have all the positive qualities of gold with none of the downsides and some extra bonuses.
          There is a hard cap on how many will ever exist, the inflation you speak of is just the distribution phase. Well over half of it has already been mined, and the rate of mining – the rate of effective inflation – slows down over time. Next year it will halve, and then halve again a few years later. Over time the majority of mining rewards will shift to transaction fees rather than added bitcoins as more people use the network.
          People are still making a killing on speculation. There is money to be made even on a falling price, and it has other benefits depending on your goals and abilities. And the price will rise again, the bear market is just a very long one this time around.
          A poorly managed business is no mark against the technology itself. That’s like saying you won’t use fiat currency just because a bank collapsed or got robbed.

        26. I don’t want to come off as doctrinaire. I researched this pretty extensively a couple of years ago. Maybe there has been a tectonic shift that makes it legit. I would love that given my trans-national tendencies.
          There is still the fundamental point that it is vapour currency based on nothing.

        27. Actually one of the more important bits that makes it useful is this quote of yours: “Try to move $10,000 across international lines covertly and get caught? Yer totally fuct.”
          You can move any amount of money in the form of bitcoin anywhere in the world and nobody can stop you. You can keep the necessary info on a piece of paper, a usb stick or even in your head.
          Nothing has changed with the technology. What has changed, quite spectacularly, is adoption and acceptance.
          Things have value because people decide they have value. In this case, millions of people so far have decided that bitcoin has value because it does things that were not possible before. For but one example, I am currently earning money by investing in a company located in Brazil. Sending money back and forth takes minutes and costs pennies, not days or weeks and percentages.
          As for vapour. What do you think fiat is these days? Well over 90% of it only exists in electronic form. And unlike bitcoin, inflation will keep going on forever, and sooner or later we will have hyperinflation. Bitcoin is, once distribution is mostly complete, actually deflationary.

        28. You are on the verge of convincing me (not something you hear often in online debates). I am at the point where I might do some Bitcoin transactions.
          However, as a store of value (as some economists would put it) the vapour currency issue looms large. There is no, say, gold to back it (personally I think the Canadian dollar should be tied to a barrel of oil) and there is no government who will support it. So you don’t have the same checks and balances.

        29. What backs gold?
          We use fiat because we are forced to (at the point of a gun). Bitcoin has the value it has because that is what we, the people, have freely chosen it to be worth.
          We are still in the early stages. If you look at things like apple or facebook stocks the early stages also had wild up and down swings. As bitcoin becomes more and more used around the world the price will go up and the swings will become smaller and smaller (in percentage terms).

    3. the problem is the definition of violence (effectively as something that men do). Society tends to be blind to the kinds of violence women do, not only because its constructed as ‘being a bitch’ or at worst being an ‘evil bitch’ but because violence has been always described as ‘physical’ i.e. something which men are always going to be better at, and as such if it isn’t physical then its going to be somehow ‘metaphorical’. That could be about to change. Even now feminism is extending ‘domestic violence’ to such things as ’emotional abuse’. Feminists expect this to be about prevent men from engaging in ‘controlling’ or ‘dominating’ behaviour of women (i.e. they think they’re going to have it all their own way) but they’re opening up a can of worms and they don’t even realise it, because while they’re are certainly a few male psychos who want to prevent their women from taking toilet breaks without permission, most of the emotional & psychological abuse that goes on in any male / female relationship (and all of it obviously in a lesbian one) is going to be done by women. Time to tease out the other side of violence and hold up a mirror to the dark arts of bitchcraft

      1. Given that feminists prefer equality of outcome to equality of opportunity maybe it is no surprise that they think women should get a pussy pass to wail on a guy, but if he defends himself then he should go to jail. . .like, forever.

      2. This is a very good point.. as I said in an earlier comment before, women can be quite vicious and skilled at destroying a man’s ego and wounding his soul through psychological, verbal and emotional abuse. IT’s what women do.. and perhaps they are really good at it as a result of natural selection and adaptation due to their inherent physical weakness compared to men.. so this is their weapon of choice and they use it consistently, skillfully and viciously against men.
        But it’s much easier to prove physical abuse than it is to prove emotional, verbal and psychological abuse. And in our current culture, women are given the pussy pass.. where it is always assumed by default they are sweet and innocent victims while men are abusive victimizers. No, I’m afraid that even if you extend notions of violence to emotional and psychological abuse, thanks to the current feminist culture and biased court systems, men will still be the ones who will be overwhelmingly blamed and charged with abuse, while women will get away with it. And you have to think about this: most men aren’t going to want to look emasculated and admit they have suffered through years of bitchiness and psychological and emotional abuse by a woman. It’s just not considered “manly” to do that.

        1. “But it’s much easier to prove physical abuse than it is to prove emotional, verbal and psychological abuse.”
          I think that’s the main part of the problem, and it reflects two things in the first instance in my opinion, firstly a paradigm of power and oppression whereby men oppress women through their apparent monopoly of physical coercive force and secondly following on from that the assumption that the power to oppress is primarily or even exclusively about physical coercion. The truth is female influence is and always has been enormous, so much so that to this day male violence may sometimes (but by no means typically) reflect the desire to please women in a way that may or may not be traceable directly or indirectly back to individual women, but can certainly be traced back to a culture where men strive to please women and meet their needs. Indeed if you were to filter out all violence in history that had as its origin the desire to please women (either to impress them or somehow to do their bidding) would you even have any wars?
          You’re right that nobody at present wants to hear this but that could change very quickly.

    4. Most lesbians are violent as fuck. Everyone I’ve known would threatened violence against someone on a regular basis. In the end, they want to be men (and they don’t know what that means) so they try to overcompensate and are extremely aggressive. If they magically transformed into men, they’d be the drunk, wife beating type.

    5. Back when I was stupid and into crazy (because the sex was awesome) a girlfriend admitted to me that when her (then ex) husband tried to intimidate her physically she punched herself in the face until she had a black eye. He backed right off and then was treated like a leper for the next week if they were ever seen together.

    6. Minor abuses like a slap can be sooo irritating. I dont mind when my boss slaps me but my husband punched the guy out. I guess only husbands should be able to slap their wives, not other men? ??

  8. Nothing blows my more than seeing some fairly attractive woman suddenly play lesbian with an uber-masculine Frankenstein man-thing lesbian. What is the point? Who are you trying to impress or piss off? Hate Daddy THAT much? Were there no other semi-attractive women willing to “experiment” (I love how they try to make their little attention-stunt sexcapade sound “scientific” with that word!)? Fucking BIZARRE, to say the least! And you know the man-thing is really abusive mentally and emotionally (sometimes you can just spot them out in a crowd), so also physically wouldn’t shock me at all.
    And I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard a supposedly innocent snowflake tell me how some testosterone-laden dyke “convinced” her to let her go down on her and she “felt weird” after. Of course I question everything women like that say anyway but it seems pretty realistic.

    1. I never understood how gasoline is so sparse in the wastelands but it seems shampoo and luxurious hair is in abundance.

      1. All I can say is thank HELL the new film is R-rated, because that last one that was more or less a two-hour Tina Turner music video is now unwatchable!

        1. Ahhh Thunderdome. I recently got the 3 movies on Blu Ray. I popped in thunderdome first, as I haven’t seen it since I was a child. Never again. That is staying in the case. If there is no toe cutter or lord humungus, then just walk away.
          The reboot looks pretty good, though. I hate going to the movies but I think I’ll peep that one.

        2. Yeah and it turns into The Goonies halfway through. Fucking terrible. It’s essentially a big-budget family movie done by a major studio, whereas the first two were brutal Aussie independent films. The difference is night and day.
          New one looks solid. I was hesitant until I heard it was rated R, then I got super stoked (or else it would have been relegated to an eventual Netflix viewing sometime in 2020, maybe). Having the same director as the old trilogy only helps, too!

        3. The remake will suck. Looks like they got some of the Cirque du Soleil hanging on polls, characters have all this make up on and shit.. I mean if they went for surreal instead of gritty realism and it works, it works, ok that’s a dreamlike alternative universe version. That’d be awesome as hell. But.. doubtful. It’ll have issues galore and might get credit for looking cool, then will be relegated to history same as 99% of remakes. Or reboots.

        4. Good points but I’m still gonna check it out, I don’t expect to like it. I rarely go to the movies, and if I think a movie sucks within the first 20 minutes I walk out and get a refund.

    2. Lesbianism is always about their mothers. Cold, distant mothers produce lesbians that are still looking for maternal love for a woman. I read an article by a psychologist that wrote that every single lesbian patient she had has serious hatred for mommy.
      Plus, nobody can game a woman better than another woman.

      1. I dunno. My lesbian ex had issues about her younger sister who was taller, slimmer and much more gorgeous. Maybe mommy liked sister. I spent a Christmas with the whole family and they seemed functional on the surface.

        1. Any girl who decided on a dime to do “lesbian porn” has some issues clearly… so it looks like you dodged a bullet there.
          She looks like a bit of a plumper and nothing special looks-wise. You’ve done much better I’m sure scoring with all those Asian women from china you mentioned here.

        2. She was slim when we started dating but packed on the pounds over time. I totally dodged the bullet with her.

        1. That’s not the problem. But if yours goes to 11 you will cause serious cervical damage.

    1. Geez, I have the “WOOF!” story that waxes and wanes as apropos or popular. This pic is my (crazy) ex. The tamest but most poignant pic from the internet will get me in trouble, I think.
      edit: these are A cups; the D cups came later.

  9. My stance on unreported domestic violence is the same as my stance on unreported rape and sexual assault: if you didn’t care enough to report it, I don’t care at all.

      1. They have an underlying hatred for the homosexual acts they get such a high performing. Some sjw’s blame it on societal pressure and I have even heard that it is society’s fault the rates of suicide in homosexuals is higher than in the wider population. Has it nothing to do with an inner realisation that what they are doing is unnatural and unhealthy?
        Lets face it a man with an attraction to hairy man ass and sucking a cock? This is now touted as “natural behaviour”? WTF……

        1. a feminist once tried to explain to me that homosexuality is normal. i told her that if it was a normal (meaning: most of the people doing it) we would be extinct by now, and i also told her that homos often have had horrible relationships to one or both of their parents. but instead of going to a therapist, they try to change laws to fit their damaged nature. tbh honest im a traumatized individual too, but instead of lying to myself and trying to make my environment responsible for how i am now (not talking about my sexuality here btw), i went to a counselor and get my shit done. to me, its utterly ridiculous how some people ignore their malfunctions and try to persuade others that their sick behaviour is “normal”, and those people even get laws adapted to them instead of being send to a hospital.
          i didnt know there is a higher suicide rate for homosexuals tho. do you have a source?

        2. Good points. It’s the same with fat shaming.
          Instead of the person (usually a woman) changing (or seeking help to change) it’s much easier to complain, continue eating until they are bigger than a minivan and try to have society accept it as “normal”.
          If you are as big as a house…it’s not normal (and you’ll never convince me that it’s normal). More people just need to say “no” (in this case and others).

        3. in german media we just had an article where a plus size model got some attention and was talking about how we need to adjust our perception so that fat people are seen as beautiful too. in the commentsection there were countless whiteknights admiring her “bravery” and “will” to model with a body like that. the only impressing thing for me was her will to NOT do something for her body. but, there were enough people that fatshamed, so at least in germany i have some hope. here is a picture of this special snowflake. (the pictures are shopped so much they even removed her tattoos, if you go tu tess munsters facebook she looks MUCH worse then even in my link.)

        4. The problem isn’t even so much about the looks as it is a health issue. Many crazies are now coming out about how fat people are healthier than other people.
          Yes, keep eating until you’re busting at the seams…that’s very healthy for you. More of this strange ass “science” to go along with their delusional thinking.
          Let a medical professional tell that fat “model” that she has Type 2 Diabetes because she weighs as much as a minivan….that may get her attention. Anyone surprised when it was announced that Paula Deen had it?
          Not I.

        5. in the article was indeed mentioned that she is “healthy” and “feels good about her body”. to me, she is unfuckable, so i didnt think further about health tbh. i dont think there is a need to further discuss why so much fat isnt healthy, let alone desirable, heh.

      2. Gay men are different. They didn’t command their penis to be aroused only by other males.
        But many gay choose to be sissy and that’s fucked up.
        I know a gay who is not that into sex and he behave like any real straight man
        There are some decent gay out there :
        -J.Edgar Hoover, you all know who he is
        -Mike Jeffries, the former CEO of Abercrombie & Fitch who lost his job because SJWs didn’t like his fat shaming marketing strategy.
        -Ian Mckellen, I don’t look up to actors but at least I respect this one for staying manly
        Lesbians are fucked up, since women sexuality depend on their psyche, not natural sexual imperative.

        1. 1. J Edgar Hoover was a selfish piece of crap.
          2. Mike Jeffries doesn’t give a damn about going against SJWs, he just hates fat people.
          3. Ian Mckellen heavily supported SJWs.
          Most gay men either had weak father figures or got molested. When they hit puberty they didn’t consciously command their penis to be aroused by men, their subconscious psychological problems did.

        2. 1J. Edgar may be a selfish piece of crap, he has still more testosterone than you
          2 He still did fat shaming, and don,’t act faggot
          3 most actors have to keep good appearance, including faking supporting SJW. I don’t know wether or not he supports them, but at least I give him credit for staying a man and not act like a faggot
          most gay I know at school or university or work didn’t have a weak father figure or have been molested. They are naturally repulsed by vaginas. Homosexuality is more often a genetic degeneration, not a psychological disease like lesbianism

        3. “Eight major studies of identical twins in Australia, the U.S., and Scandinavia during the last two decades all arrive at the same conclusion: gays were not born that way.
          “At best genetics is a minor factor,” says Dr. Neil Whitehead, PhD. Whitehead worked for the New Zealand government as a scientific researcher for 24 years, then spent four years working for the United Nations and International Atomic Energy Agency. Most recently, he serves as a consultant to Japanese universities about the effects of radiation exposure. His PhD is in biochemistry and statistics.”
          Nice try kid. This place is for the grown-ups so take your SJW propaganda elsewhere, it isn’t for you.

        4. but it doesn’t change the facts that some gay keep their masculinity and don’t become a faggot and I’m cool with that,

    1. lesbianism is by and large a feminist construction. Obviously there are women who have a biological attraction to other women, but even back in the days of sappho being a lesbian wasn’t what is meant today i.e. a quasi political gendered sexual identity or (quasi)-exclusive orientation. Actually it probably wasn’t even feminism that ‘invented’ lesbianism proper but the 19th century English poet Swinburne, who wrote a pornographic novel called Lesbia Brandon. In other words the political / sociological phenomenon of the modern lesbian has two origins, the first in porn, and the second in feminism, and as such the construction of lesbianism as we know it is little more than the meeting of the two in an age that had grown antagonistic towards the perennial couplings of men and women. To sum, its not entirely real, notwithstanding the almost certainly genuinely woman to woman orientation of the fragrant ladies in the above pics

        1. if a girl has participated in a threesome or wants to, she is not relationship material.

        2. may also be the opposite to some extent. Men who find women too available, may fantasise their unavailability. In age when pussy is famously easy (if risky) this may be a greater factor than would normally be the case. Women will always respond at some level to what they think there is a demand for. Sex is always heterosexual at the level of society, even when it appears to be the opposite

    2. I have sadly been banned on ROOSH V
      Keep up the good fight, and expose the nonsense whenever you see it.
      Who knows how long I will last on ROK? 🙂

  10. “When the fists start flying”, isn’t that when lesbians get intimate with each other??? They do like a good fisting…..yes they do……

  11. Jesus Christ, outside of your typical White-trash whiggers living in the remote areas of every city, who the fuck even gets tribal tattoos at all anymore? Apparently man-things do!

    1. I’m sure they entered the world as women then Frankensteined themselves into men to show the “evil” patriarchy how much they love vagina and they will fight the “oppression” by mutilating themselves to make a… statement, yeah, that’s it! Makes sense, come on, it does!

      1. Makes you wonder. Why do they want men to treat them differently despite their looks when they can just as easily look like men!

    2. Read Matt Forney’s article about tatted women being screwed in the head. Went viral.

  12. The craziest domestic disturbances are usually between a woman and a woman- ask a cop- he’ll confirm this for ya

    1. If true then it makes one wonder why quite a number of male officers will white knight the female when investigating a domestic dispute.

      1. I never understood why cops white knight…I know cops personally, and their domestic lives are a mess.

        1. Because almost all are betas. Its the only way they can take orders blindly and never question. . I was trained for law enforcement and quit. I realized before my career started that I would be unable to blindly take orders my whole life and then during my time off hang out with colleagues who would all be men who walk around posturing that they’re bad asses but inside very weak . No thanks I chose a career in the private sector.

        2. Yeah, that desperate need to feel secure in the bosom of a group that ‘nobody fucks with’. The powerless’ desperate attempt to gain status. A lot of former bully victims end up there. The doomsday predictors reckon law enforcement will be the ones carrying out orders from high-up. Of course, a lot of cops/army just go for the wage – fair enough.

        3. There are a few I know and even to this day friends with who just gritted their teeth to collect the check. They’re genuinely good guys. Sadly though they are the exception and also tend to be older than me. The majority in my age bracket , who are LEOs tend to be faux alphas. I find them to be a fuckn joke.

        4. Yeah, I know some great cops – real salt of the earth types. And generally of the older generation, or old fashioned at least. I’ve seen enough on power trips to realise that it’s a very common world-wide phenomenon. Someone’s bound to get an inflated sense of self worth if they’re ‘catching baddies’ all day. Those who are genuinely trying to uphold the law are worthy of respect. And I can also make allowances for bastard cops too, since dealing with absolute scum so frequently is bound to make anyone cynical.

        5. Of course their domestic lives would be a mess: white knights pedestalize their woman.

        6. True. You always hear of cops shooting elderly, dogs, and defenseless people. It shows that there are cops who are pussies and scared of their own shadow. Wouldn’t be a surprise to see the same cops white knight.

  13. “Exposing the symmetry in same-sex versus straight domestic violence threatens to strip feminists of their political cash-cow: the fictitious institutionalized oppression of women by men.”
    This is the nub of the matter. Not only is lesbianism absolutely central to feminism in its rejection of an heterosexuality it effectively equates with patriarchy, it specifically regards lesbian (and male gay) relationships as being “more equal” and consequently as a morally superior to male – female relationships which are always (supposed to be) characterised by male (physical) domination of women. The problem of course is that that narrative was always a fiction for the most part and that gay relationships have always reproduced pretty much all the evils that were found in straight relationships and it seems actually amplify them as these studies suggest. This should of course be fatal to a feminism predicated upon the idea that oppression is fundamentally the oppression of women by men, but that’s only going to happen if the reality of the situation is continually forced down their throats. Feminism needs to be throat-fucked with this issue metaphorically speaking.

  14. Feminism is the political expression of lesbianism, so of course they don’t call their own out. Whatever the in-group does is okay, whatever the out-group does is not; even if they are the same things.

  15. Like everything else, if a woman commits a crime or crosses a moral or social line, it’s dismissed as irrelevant.

  16. Thank god someone mentioned the high number of abuse that goes on in the gay community. If feminists really cared about abuse then they wouldve focused on gay abuse. But no, straight men (most likely white) are the villians of abuse.

  17. Domestic violence? Check out the rape statistics for lesbians, and consider the high percentage of lesbian feminists and how many top positions they hold. So when they go all nutty about rape, its projection..its like the politician who rails against homosexuals only to get caught in some public bathroom with one.

    1. The only book I know of on the subject of heterosexuality was written by two lesbian feminist campaigners for equal marriage Cecilia Kitzinger and Sue Wilkinson (they make the pair above look like sex kittens I’m afraid).
      I haven’t actually read it, but what I have had to read of their work (as coursework I once did) was all about male rape and how the analysis of the discourse of young men pretty much proved they were knowing rapists. AS you rape obsessed, heterosexuality obsessed ugly as fuck lesbian feminists desperate to get married in order to destroy the foundations of civilized society

        1. You know that sentence could be interpreted as you informing me that right now you’re hanging out with a bunch of lesbians and you happen to be talking about rape stats. If so thanks for the update

        2. And you wonder why women dont hang around to hear the end of your stories Mr Mobius.

  18. Lesbos aren’t allowed to comment here unless they post a bald pussy pic showing their pierced meat flaps.

  19. Yeah, it’s “feminists.”
    Because non-feminist women gladly embrace the reality of domestic violence. Non-feminist women are all about dealing with the world as it is.
    Yeah… it’s the feminists. All the other women are bang up along side us. It’s astonishingly amazing that somehow a small group of ideological feminists have managed the force through all these things in spite of all the everyday women who are against them.
    Yeah… Feminism. Right…

  20. I know a guy who used to do club/bar security gigs & frequently worked the door at a dyke bar. This shit is not surprising at all, some of these butch dykes wanted to be men so badly that they’d do anything to become masculine including acting macho/thug life by picking fights. He said a lot of these dykes were using steroids and other male hormones to the point they’d grow beards and get pretty jacked. Roid rage ain’t no joke & he said when these bitches fought it was downright violent, they didn’t pull punches or slap like hetero chicks, they’d hit just as hard as most men. Often the dyke on the losing end of the fight would end up with a broken nose, broken jaw, would be lying out cold and bloody as hell, etc.

  21. I just got back from dinner at a restaraunt.The couple in front of me were lesbians. Not a word was spoken between the two of them.You could cut the tension with a knife. One was on her phone and the butch one was just sitting there eating and pissed. It must be twice the drama with two women, nevermind a woman trying to ape the masculinity of a man and failing miserably. I just thought to myself what a fucking nightmare it must be to have the drama and mind reading and missed signals when it comes to two women in a relationship. NO THANKS.
    Back to the domestic violence. We’re not taking into account that a LOT of police responses to hetro domestic violence involves the woman as the antagonist and even the true purpetrator of dom violence.So hetro male domestic violence statistics isnt even accurate so the numbers are even lower in comparison to lesbian domestic violence.
    The police will ALWAYS side with the woman even if the guy is beat to shit and protecting himself. The guy will go to jail and take the fall. If your ever in a heated situation. Get the fuck out immediately before she gets really crazy. Have a witness and get a restraining order on HER asap. Cover your ass.

    1. Good point. The lopsided statistics must be even MORE lopsided since we know the data gathering is deeply flawed. Between likely underreporting of lesbo domestic violence and males getting blamed for female violence we learn that it’s women bringing violence into the home.
      Beyonce is right. Girls run the world- through the exact kind of domestic battering they historically attribute to males.

      1. I had a psych teacher and she admiitted that during her course work she had to stop working at a womans shelter. She admitted that the women continued their same bullshit shenanigans with shitty choices in men AND working the system for benefits. YOU GO GIRL! Women dont run shit except scamming the system playing the victim their whole life

  22. Any one could tell you this is common sense, it doesn’t make much sense any ways to be gay so the fact that they batter each other is not surprising at all. when I attended high school what I noticed is the girls who had been run through the most seemed to be the ones more prone to suddenly convert to lesbian status. Simply put the saddest of women do this in my opnion, but there supposed haven is no haven at all the gays are in fact the most violent and perverted and they won’t be satisfied with acceptance of there marriges and increasing presence oh no the new trend is going to be bisexuality, oh you have taken a d before you must be a homophobe, or your closed minded.

  23. One other thing that never seems to be addressed is female on female rape. Straight female on straight female. Gay female on straight female. Gay female on gay female. Groups of females sexually assaulting one female and the like.
    It happens, but it is extremely ill researched and reported.

    1. Right. And again it’s ignored because it doesn’t mesh well with the latest round of feminism and their message “evil men holding women down”.
      It contradicts it and it makes them look foolish. Never argue with fools.

      1. Agree, but it is something that should be seriously researched irrespective of feminism etc. I find it interesting that there is very little on it, compared to male on male rape.

    1. That’s total fail. Lesbos scare away straight women, they are the ultimate cock-blockers.

    2. your wing woman would make it her mission in life to make sure you didn’t get any

        1. BTW, Smugs… got a new Brodin based story only this time the hero is Janet Bloomfield. I think I’ll post it on her next Thought Catalog article. It’ll probably cause some ruffled feathers, too!

        2. with homophobic language like that you’ll never get the bull dyke of your dreams

        1. That I don’t know, but but I’m willing to bet I know what to do with it once we have it, better than you.

        2. I have little doubt that a woman can eat pie better than a man. I will wager, however, that a woman, even at the expense of her own pleasure, will opt for the baby-maker every time. Confirm?

        3. I can’t speak for all women but I’d definitely rather be with a man. I don;t even consider myself bisexual, I would never ever date a woman.

        4. I wouldn’t say they are emulating a dick so much as using a tool which fits into their vagina, I mean when a fag fucks his bf is the anus emulating a vagina? No. I don’t think so.

        5. That’s dumb. If I stick a finger in my bf’s ass, he is not getting a dick up his ass, nor wants a dick up his ass haha.

        6. Haha I don’t actually stick a finger in anyones ass, I was just making a point.
          I disagree that it makes a guy gay. You have a g spot in there, how is it gay to experience all the pleasures your body can have, with a woman?
          I think its closet gay to worry about that crap.

  24. Violence against women will only get the attention of the collective Left when it’s perpetrated by white males.
    I wouldn’t have heard about the home invasion of Cytherea if it weren’t for Mercedes Carrera’s smackdown.

  25. Gay men are often depressed but they can live in society. Lesbians are subhuman, they should be euthanized.

  26. So he writes ” Amidst the constant vitriol against men due to inflated rape and domestic violence statistics,”…… INFLATED. Yeah right women go around making up claims of being raped, kidnapped, bashed, thrown from balconies, stalked and killed!! Yep I have read the rest of the article, and could probably write an entire thesis debunking EVERYTHING this neanderthal has written but what would be the point? He seems quite happy living in he’s little world thinking “men are being so persecuted these days (get me another beer [email protected]#$h) it’s so wrong!”, he wouldn’t careless anyway Of course there is domestic violence in same sex relationships and I find it apporant that he would even suggest that women, of any sexuality, would deliberately hide or not report this as a means of drawing attention away from the issue of men perpertrating domestic violence. Maybe that is something HE would do? Women are compassionate and don’t think like that for one! I bet he felt sooo good after writing this he got straight on the phone and told all his straight mate’s who agreed. After they hung the phone up at least 45% of those straight guys within 2 hours had either verbally/emotionally/physically or sexually abused their partners. Sadly one may have even killed their partner. Now theirs some bloody statistics for you dickhead!!😩

    1. “Yeah right women go around making up claims of being raped, kidnapped, bashed, thrown from balconies, stalked and killed!!”
      —Celeste Lowe
      The campus rape stats being reported now are 400 times the official rape stats of Detroit. Thoughts?

    2. Wow, just wow. At least the original author had to write an entire article for you to get an entire thesis out of. In just the rambling paragraph you spewed, I could get an entire research grant for the next decade just studying your psychosis (not to mention a book deal). You are so out there that you think that almost 1/2 (if not more) of his male contemporaries were so inspired as to beat, rape, shout down, and even kill a woman, within 2 hours. As for the compassion of women, I can only imagine how you justify the continuous mental and emotional abuse women inflict on each other daily, not to mention what they do to members of the opposite gender. Also I’m willing to bet that you would applaud any woman that physically attacks a male, but how dare if he ever did anything to protect himself. As for women don’t just make up stories about the aforementioned cases, try again ( I’ve personally been targeted by such, as well as witnessing several cases of it to other men I’ve known. Hell 2 of the cases the women attempted to blackmail me into testifying for them, with the threat that if I didn’t, they’d add me to their complaints as an offender). It’s just that it’s finally starting to actually be talked about and brought to light. To the accusation that feminists wouldn’t sweep such info under the rug in their reporting of issues, were you ever sober when you wrote that? What movement hasn’t?!

      1. Absolutely
        # let’s think of all those women that abduct men off the street and take them home, lock them up in basements and use them as sex slaves.
        # let’s think of all those wives/girlfriends that rape their husbands/partners, and abuse them physically, mentally and emotionally for years. A far greater percentage than men do to their wives/partners.
        # let’s think of all those mothers that sexually abuse their sons and daughters and kids around the community. And not to mention those mothers that rape their sons, lock them in basements and have children with them.
        # let’s think of all those women filling jails for violence against their husbands.
        # and last but not least let’s think about all the serial killers and how the vast majority of those are women.
        Statistics on Partner Violence
        Domestic Violence
        range from 960,000 incidents of violence against a current or former
        spouse, boyfriend, or girlfriend per year to four million women who are
        physically abused by their husband or boyfriend per year.Every nine seconds in the United States a woman is assaulted and beaten.Around the world, at least one in every three women has been beaten, coerced into sex or otherwise abused during her lifetime.Nearly
        one-third of American women (31 percent) report being physically or
        sexually abused by a husband or boyfriend at some point in their lives.Nearly
        25 percent of American women report being raped and/or physically
        assaulted by a current or former spouse, cohabiting partner, or date at
        some time in their lifetime.Thirty percent of Americans say they know a woman who has been physically abused by her husband or boyfriend in the past year.In
        the year 2001, more than half a million American women (588,490 women)
        were victims of nonfatal violence committed by an intimate partner.Intimate
        partner violence is primarily a crime against women. In 2001, women
        accounted for 85 percent of the victims of intimate partner violence
        (588,490 total) and men accounted for approximately 15 percent of the
        victims (103,220 total). Other statistics report up to 95 percent of
        victims of domestic violence are women.While
        women are less likely than men to be victims of violent crimes overall,
        women are five to eight times more likely than men to be victimized by
        an intimate partner.In 2001, intimate
        partner violence made up 20 percent of violent crime against women. The
        same year, intimate partners committed three percent of all violent
        crime against men.As many as 324,000 women each year experience intimate partner violence during their pregnancy.Women of all races, age, or class are equally vulnerable to violence by an intimate partner.Male
        violence against women does much more damage than female violence
        against men; women are much more likely to be injured than men..The
        most rapid growth in domestic relations caseloads is occurring in
        domestic violence filings. Between 1993 and 1995, 18 of 32 states with
        three-year filing figures reported an increase of 20 percent or more..Women are seven to 14 times more likely than men to report suffering severe physical assaults from an intimate partner.Two thirds of all marriages will experience domestic violence at least once.Fifty percent of homeless women and children in the U.S. are fleeing abusive homes.
        Domestic Violence and Youth
        Approximately one in five female high school students reports being physically and/or sexually abused by a dating partner.Thirty percent of girls age 15 to 19 who are murdered are killed by their boyfriends or husbands.Eight percent of high school age girls said “yes” when asked if “a boyfriend or date has ever forced sex against your will.”Forty percent of girls age 14 to 17 report knowing someone their age who has been hit or beaten by a boyfriend.Eighty percent of girls who are physically abused continue to date their partner.Eighty-seven percent of dating violence perpetrators are males, 16 to 17 years of age.
        Date/Acquaintance Rape and Youth
        The risk of rape is four times higher for women ages 16 to 24 than any other age group.Thirty-eight percent of date rape victims are 14 to 17 years of age.Seventy-eight
        percent of teenage date rape victims do not tell their parents about
        the attack. Seventy-one percent do tell a friend they were raped. Only
        six percent of victims will report the assault to the police.
        Domestic Violence and Children
        Seventy percent of men who batter their partners either sexually or physically abuse their children.In homes where domestic violence occurs, children are abused at a rate 15 times higher than the national average.Slightly more than half of female victims of intimate violence live in households with children under age 12.Studies suggest that between 3.3 – 10 million children witness some form of domestic violence annually.A
        male child who witnesses domestic violence is 10 times more likely to
        engage in domestic violence than a male child from a nonviolence home.
        Domestic Homicides
        average, more than three women are murdered by their husbands or
        boyfriends in this country every day. (In 2000, 1,247 women were killed
        by an intimate partner. The same year, 440 men were killed by an
        intimate partner.)Women are much more likely
        than men to be killed by an intimate partner. In 2000, intimate partner
        homicides accounted for 33.5 percent of the murders of women and less
        than four percent of the murders of men.Women
        are most likely to be killed when attempting to leave the abuser. In
        fact, they’re at a 75 percent higher risk than those who stay.Pregnant
        and recently pregnant women are more likely to be victims of homicide
        than to die of any other cause, and evidence exists that a significant
        proportion of all female homicide victims are killed by their intimate
        partners.Over 90 percent of murder-suicides
        involving couples are perpetrated by the man; 19 to 26 percent of male
        spouse-murderers committed suicide.Research
        suggests that injury related deaths, including homicide and suicide,
        account for approximately one-third of all maternal mortality cases,
        while medical reasons make up the rest. But, homicide is the leading
        cause of death overall for pregnant women.
        in four women (76 percent) who reported they had been raped and/or
        physically assaulted since age 18 said that a current or former
        husband, cohabiting partner, or date committed the assault.One in five (21 percent) women reported she had been raped or physically or sexually assaulted in her lifetime.Nearly
        one-fifth of women (18 percent) reported experiencing a completed or
        attempted rape at some time in their lives; one in 33 men (three
        percent) reported experiencing a completed or attempted rape at some
        time in their lives.In 2000, 48 percent of the rapes/sexual assaults committed against people age 12 and over were reported to the police.In 2001, 41,740 women were victims of rape/sexual assault committed by an intimate partner.Rapes/sexual
        assaults committed by strangers are more likely to be reported to the
        police than rapes/sexual assaults committed by “nonstrangers,”
        including intimate partners, other relatives and friends or
        acquaintances. Between 1992 and 2000, 41 percent of the rapes/sexual
        assaults committed by strangers were reported to the police. During the
        same time period, 24 percent of the rapes/sexual assaults committed by
        an intimate were reported.
        Annually in the United States, 503,485 women are stalked by an intimate partner.Seventy-eight
        percent of stalking victims are women. Women are significantly more
        likely than men (60 percent and 30 percent, respectively) to be stalked
        by intimate partners.Eighty percent of women
        who are stalked by former husbands are physically assaulted by that
        partner and 30 percent are sexually assaulted by that partner.
        boyfriends in this country every day. (In 2000, 1,247 women were killed
        by an intimate partner. The same year, 440 men were killed by an
        intimate partner.)Women are much more likely
        than men to be killed by an intimate partner. In 2000, intimate partner
        homicides accounted for 33.5 percent of the murders of women and less
        than four percent of the murders of men.Women
        are most likely to be killed when attempting to leave the abuser. In
        fact, they’re at a 75 percent higher risk than those who stay.Pregnant
        and recently pregnant women are more likely to be victims of homicide
        than to die of any other cause, and evidence exists that a significant
        proportion of all female homicide victims are killed by their intimate
        partners.Over 90 percent of murder-suicides
        involving couples are perpetrated by the man; 19 to 26 percent of male
        spouse-murderers committed suicide.Research
        suggests that injury related deaths, including homicide and suicide,
        account for approximately one-third of all maternal mortality cases,
        while medical reasons make up the rest. But, homicide is the leading
        cause of death overall for pregnant women.

        1. I have noticed one thing that seems to be a recurring theme in all the statistics you used. The word reported, because in our culture most males who dare to speak up about violence from their female partners are openly laughed at and shunned, especially by females. On top of that police officers don’t really like to haul in females for domestic violence. I know, when my ex-wife attacked me and she was the one who called the cops, the officer questioned her multiple times trying to get her to say I caused the incident, so I could be the one arrested. He even went so far as to tell her” Ma’am, are you sure he didn’t charge or provoke you in any way, because if he didn’t then I can’t arrest him, but will have to arrest you.” (and yes that quote is burned into my memory)Only because she was so blinded by her rage, did she not catch on to change her story and ended up going to jail. As for your rape stats, those get laughed at too. I know at least one male who’s wife took advantage of him getting erect and sleeping through it many times, but amongst most people, if he dares to mention it and how it made him uncomfortable, well then he gets teased. By females the most loudly. I’ve also known several (13 at my last count) females that have bragged about doing similar things to their husbands/boyfriends(ex or current), some with such incidents, others through the use of drugs/alcohol, for different motives. So in that kind of environment I can only imagine how many guys have had themselves sexually taken advantage of, but no one having the heart to mention, much less report it.
          I also have a few friends in various law enforcement occupations and you would be shocked to hear the stories of the number of females that they’re pretty sure have murdered a significant other or had him murdered, but there just isn’t enough evidence to get through a grand jury, much less a trial, so they get to avoid being that kind of stat too. So while I’m sure you have lots of lovely numbers to keep you feeling warm and cuddly in your worldview, I’ll take hard earned real world experience to keeping me to maintain my vigilance in a world leveled against me. The big difference between us is though, that while you’ll cry victim until someone else comes to save you, I’ll have already saved myself again and moved on, because I realize the only person I can count on is me, and no one else really gives 2 shits.

      2. Absolutely
        # let’s think of all those women that abduct men off the street and take them home, lock them up in basements and use them as sex slaves.
        # let’s think of all those wives/girlfriends that rape their husbands/partners, and abuse them physically, mentally and emotionally for years. A far greater percentage than men do to their wives/partners.
        # let’s think of all those mothers that sexually abuse their sons and daughters and kids around the community. And not to mention those mothers that rape their sons, lock them in basements and have children with them.
        # let’s think of all those women filling jails for violence against their husbands.
        # and last but not least let’s think about all the serial killers and how the vast majority of those are women.
        Statistics on Partner Violence
        Domestic Violence
        range from 960,000 incidents of violence against a current or former
        spouse, boyfriend, or girlfriend per year to four million women who are
        physically abused by their husband or boyfriend per year.Every nine seconds in the United States a woman is assaulted and beaten.Around the world, at least one in every three women has been beaten, coerced into sex or otherwise abused during her lifetime.Nearly
        one-third of American women (31 percent) report being physically or
        sexually abused by a husband or boyfriend at some point in their lives.Nearly
        25 percent of American women report being raped and/or physically
        assaulted by a current or former spouse, cohabiting partner, or date at
        some time in their lifetime.Thirty percent of Americans say they know a woman who has been physically abused by her husband or boyfriend in the past year.In
        the year 2001, more than half a million American women (588,490 women)
        were victims of nonfatal violence committed by an intimate partner.Intimate
        partner violence is primarily a crime against women. In 2001, women
        accounted for 85 percent of the victims of intimate partner violence
        (588,490 total) and men accounted for approximately 15 percent of the
        victims (103,220 total). Other statistics report up to 95 percent of
        victims of domestic violence are women.While
        women are less likely than men to be victims of violent crimes overall,
        women are five to eight times more likely than men to be victimized by
        an intimate partner.In 2001, intimate
        partner violence made up 20 percent of violent crime against women. The
        same year, intimate partners committed three percent of all violent
        crime against men.As many as 324,000 women each year experience intimate partner violence during their pregnancy.Women of all races, age, or class are equally vulnerable to violence by an intimate partner.Male
        violence against women does much more damage than female violence
        against men; women are much more likely to be injured than men..The
        most rapid growth in domestic relations caseloads is occurring in
        domestic violence filings. Between 1993 and 1995, 18 of 32 states with
        three-year filing figures reported an increase of 20 percent or more..Women are seven to 14 times more likely than men to report suffering severe physical assaults from an intimate partner.Two thirds of all marriages will experience domestic violence at least once.Fifty percent of homeless women and children in the U.S. are fleeing abusive homes.
        Domestic Violence and Youth
        Approximately one in five female high school students reports being physically and/or sexually abused by a dating partner.Thirty percent of girls age 15 to 19 who are murdered are killed by their boyfriends or husbands.Eight percent of high school age girls said “yes” when asked if “a boyfriend or date has ever forced sex against your will.”Forty percent of girls age 14 to 17 report knowing someone their age who has been hit or beaten by a boyfriend.Eighty percent of girls who are physically abused continue to date their partner.Eighty-seven percent of dating violence perpetrators are males, 16 to 17 years of age.
        Date/Acquaintance Rape and Youth
        The risk of rape is four times higher for women ages 16 to 24 than any other age group.Thirty-eight percent of date rape victims are 14 to 17 years of age.Seventy-eight
        percent of teenage date rape victims do not tell their parents about
        the attack. Seventy-one percent do tell a friend they were raped. Only
        six percent of victims will report the assault to the police.
        Domestic Violence and Children
        Seventy percent of men who batter their partners either sexually or physically abuse their children.In homes where domestic violence occurs, children are abused at a rate 15 times higher than the national average.Slightly more than half of female victims of intimate violence live in households with children under age 12.Studies suggest that between 3.3 – 10 million children witness some form of domestic violence annually.A
        male child who witnesses domestic violence is 10 times more likely to
        engage in domestic violence than a male child from a nonviolence home.
        Domestic Homicides
        average, more than three women are murdered by their husbands or
        boyfriends in this country every day. (In 2000, 1,247 women were killed
        by an intimate partner. The same year, 440 men were killed by an
        intimate partner.)Women are much more likely
        than men to be killed by an intimate partner. In 2000, intimate partner
        homicides accounted for 33.5 percent of the murders of women and less
        than four percent of the murders of men.Women
        are most likely to be killed when attempting to leave the abuser. In
        fact, they’re at a 75 percent higher risk than those who stay.Pregnant
        and recently pregnant women are more likely to be victims of homicide
        than to die of any other cause, and evidence exists that a significant
        proportion of all female homicide victims are killed by their intimate
        partners.Over 90 percent of murder-suicides
        involving couples are perpetrated by the man; 19 to 26 percent of male
        spouse-murderers committed suicide.Research
        suggests that injury related deaths, including homicide and suicide,
        account for approximately one-third of all maternal mortality cases,
        while medical reasons make up the rest. But, homicide is the leading
        cause of death overall for pregnant women.
        in four women (76 percent) who reported they had been raped and/or
        physically assaulted since age 18 said that a current or former
        husband, cohabiting partner, or date committed the assault.One in five (21 percent) women reported she had been raped or physically or sexually assaulted in her lifetime.Nearly
        one-fifth of women (18 percent) reported experiencing a completed or
        attempted rape at some time in their lives; one in 33 men (three
        percent) reported experiencing a completed or attempted rape at some
        time in their lives.In 2000, 48 percent of the rapes/sexual assaults committed against people age 12 and over were reported to the police.In 2001, 41,740 women were victims of rape/sexual assault committed by an intimate partner.Rapes/sexual
        assaults committed by strangers are more likely to be reported to the
        police than rapes/sexual assaults committed by “nonstrangers,”
        including intimate partners, other relatives and friends or
        acquaintances. Between 1992 and 2000, 41 percent of the rapes/sexual
        assaults committed by strangers were reported to the police. During the
        same time period, 24 percent of the rapes/sexual assaults committed by
        an intimate were reported.
        Annually in the United States, 503,485 women are stalked by an intimate partner.Seventy-eight
        percent of stalking victims are women. Women are significantly more
        likely than men (60 percent and 30 percent, respectively) to be stalked
        by intimate partners.Eighty percent of women
        who are stalked by former husbands are physically assaulted by that
        partner and 30 percent are sexually assaulted by that partner.
        boyfriends in this country every day. (In 2000, 1,247 women were killed
        by an intimate partner. The same year, 440 men were killed by an
        intimate partner.)Women are much more likely
        than men to be killed by an intimate partner. In 2000, intimate partner
        homicides accounted for 33.5 percent of the murders of women and less
        than four percent of the murders of men.Women
        are most likely to be killed when attempting to leave the abuser. In
        fact, they’re at a 75 percent higher risk than those who stay.Pregnant
        and recently pregnant women are more likely to be victims of homicide
        than to die of any other cause, and evidence exists that a significant
        proportion of all female homicide victims are killed by their intimate
        partners.Over 90 percent of murder-suicides
        involving couples are perpetrated by the man; 19 to 26 percent of male
        spouse-murderers committed suicide.Research
        suggests that injury related deaths, including homicide and suicide,
        account for approximately one-third of all maternal mortality cases,
        while medical reasons make up the rest. But, homicide is the leading
        cause of death overall for pregnant women.

    3. Please, women lie about rape all the time. Here’s just a few.
      Women lie about being kidnapped too.
      Yes, women lie. They lie constantly about the most ridiculous things.

      Yep I have read the rest of the article, and could probably write an entire thesis debunking EVERYTHING this neanderthal has written but what would be the point?

      But you won’t because you know you’ll get your ass handed to you. Oh, and Ad Hominem.

  27. But…. But…. But…. Aren’t they in a “loving & caring” relationship ????

  28. You know what is really upsetting for all you guys out there? Medical Science is making such advances that very soon women won’t require you to procreate at all. Only if we choose to. And seeing as most women can be classified as bisexual or not strictly 100% straight, that must be rather a difficult pill to swallow. Sorry about that. So if I were you all I would be worshiping your wives pussy as some of you so eloquently said, and worship the ground she walks on. Because not only can we look after OURSELVESfinancially but we soon won’t need you for anything else. And the law is certainly on our sides too. Now go have a beer boys😂

      1. lol. If you like. Traditional marriage is on the out. Religion is the last bastion holding it together. Religion as an ideology is under threat and will within a generation be passé. Islam, the only religion that is a real threat to women is being eradicated by armies like ours, the great USA! Around the world women are playing a higher profile in the political arena. Hey, we will likely have a female president soon. You guys go on and on about lesbian relationships being a butch femme dinamic. Well sorry to burst your bubble but I have 58 lesbian friends in couples and only 2 of those couples are in such a relationship. Given that is NY for you. The rest are femme-femme. Living very happy, some with children some without. The reason I would suggest you identify lesbian relationships as butch femme is because these are veridentifiable in society. Two femmes together having dinber just look like best friends. Confused? Im in a straight relationship now but it’s based on equality. He knows that I could leave at any time if I wish! Soon science will engineer the male gamete and traditional ‘sex’ for procreation will be a choice. At present women marry men primarily to have a family. Most of you have said this on here with a sense of pride, thinking that you are therefore required so women better fall in line. This thinking is slowly but surely becoming one of the least attractive options. Particularly if our husbands/partners take a heavy hand. Be careful boys. You certainly don’t want to be sitting in your nursing home, alone (as your wife prefers the company of her bridge partners), watching your great grandsons going to a dance, with all the other single males, vying for the attention of the 10% of women still willing to marry a man. Too far fetched? Maybe, but then maybe there will be some similar scenario. Progress is of course an unpredictable thing. But it can’t be stopped. No matter how much we winge online.

      2. lol. If you like. Traditional marriage is on the out. Religion is the last bastion holding it together. Religion as an ideology is under threat and will within a generation be passé. Islam, the only religion that is a real threat to women is being eradicated by armies like ours, the great USA! Around the world women are playing a higher profile in the political arena. Hey, we will likely have a female president soon. You guys go on and on about lesbian relationships being a butch femme dinamic. Well sorry to burst your bubble but I have 58 lesbian friends in couples and only 2 of those couples are in such a relationship. Given that is NY for you. The rest are femme-femme. Living very happy, some with children some without. The reason I would suggest you identify lesbian relationships as butch femme is because these are very identifiable in society. Two femmes together having dinner just look like best friends. Confused? Im in a straight relationship now but it’s based on equality. He knows that I could leave at any time if I wish! Soon science will engineer the male gamete and traditional ‘sex’ for procreation will be a choice. At present women marry men primarily to have a family. Most of you have said this on here with a sense of pride, thinking that you are therefore required so women better fall in line. This thinking is slowly but surely becoming one of the least attractive options. Particularly if our husbands/partners take a heavy hand. Be careful boys. You certainly don’t want to be sitting in your nursing home, alone (as your wife prefers the company of her bridge partners), watching your great grandsons going to a dance, with all the other single males, vying for the attention of the 10% of women still willing to marry a man. Too far fetched? Progress is of course an unpredictable thing. But it can’t be stopped. No matter how much we winge online.

    1. yeah, men developed it, and it needs men to make that works, like you need men to invent all the stuff you’re using everyday, like your iphone and MacBook Pro and Facebook.

      1. Although I would really like to respond to your reply, I am struggling to find the words. I guess you got me.

    2. by the way, you still need men to look after you financially. History has records on women ruining companies when they became CEO. After all, women know only 2 things : consuming and destroying

  29. You know what is really upsetting for all you guys out there? Medical Science is making such advances that very soon women won’t require you to procreate at all. Only if we choose to. And seeing as most women can be classified as bisexual or not strictly 100% straight, that must be rather a difficult pill to swallow. Sorry about that. So if I were you all I would be worshiping your wives pussy as some of you so eloquently said, and worship the ground she walks on. Because not only can we look after OURSELVESfinancially but we soon won’t need you for anything else. And the law is certainly on our sides too. Now go have a beer boys😂

  30. When lesbians batter each other, it’s a man’s fault. I actually agree. Patriarchs and feminists agree that women have no responsibility for their actions. I will support equal rights the day women support equal responsibilities

  31. < col Hiiiiiii Friends….’my friend’s mom makes $88 every hour on the internet . She has been unemployed for eight months but last month her payment was $13904 just working on the internet for a few hours.
    try this site HERE’S MORE DETAIL

  32. You see, even women know that they were designed to be hurt for sport. But I still refuse to be outdone by a dyke. Time to step up the pain game under the guise of
    “consensual” BDSM
    >:^) Oh wifey, Daddy has a bag of thumbtacks that are just aching to spelunker your cunt…

  33. < col Hiiiiiii Friends….’my friend’s mom makes $88 every hour on the internet . She has been unemployed for eight months but last month her payment was $13904 just working on the internet for a few hours.
    try this site HERE’S MORE DETAIL

  34. Many of the lesbians I’ve met were violent angry man-hating monsters. My first gf was incredibly abusive and if she was a man things would’ve been very different in the eyes of society and the law. Nobody likes to speak the truth anymore, especially when it comes to women. Sorry but we’re NOT perfect.

Comments are closed.