5 Crucial Beliefs Every Man Should Internalize

Beliefs are extremely powerful.

You don’t have to look any further than the existence of placebo effects to recognize this fact.

Placebo treatments that literally offer zero benefits to patients with very real conditions have actually succeeded in curing them. Studies have shown changes in heart rate, blood pressure, and the relief of depressive symptoms – and even some symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease – through placebo treatments.

The only explanation here is that these patients’ bodies have essentially cured themselves all because they believed that they were being given an effective treatment.

And so when it comes to your personal beliefs—and what they say about who you are as a man and how you respond the world around you—it’s absolutely crucial to adopt a set of empowering beliefs that keep you confident, motivated, and happy.

If you ignore this and allow your mind to be crippled by negative beliefs, your life will suffer as a result. Now I’ll present you with what I believe to be five of the most important beliefs men can adopt and internalize.

1. Whatever happened was meant to happen


You must accept reality, no matter how grim or bleak it is

If there’s one thing that will hold back your growth, confidence, and happiness it’s being a pussy who whines and complains about everything.

Drowning in your own sorrow, or wasting your energy being pissed at someone else, will get you NOWHERE. When something goes wrong—your girl leaves you, you get sick, you get fired—you have to accept reality as it is. Damning it and complaining won’t change shit.

Accept that “whatever happened was meant to happen” and proceed from a place of calmness and strength. This puts you in the best place to remain tranquil and happy – and also to succeed and progress in spite of any shitty situation.

2. I am complete exactly as I am

Far too many men make decisions and take actions from a place of feeling inadequate and incomplete. You must be careful not to fall for this trap.

Yes you can improve and make progress. And yes you should. But you shouldn’t do so out of a need to “fix yourself.” This will only put you in a position of weakness and insecurity and undermine your own confidence, and therefore your chance of success at any endeavor.

Learn game and get better with women not because you need to have women to be happy, but because they can add to your life. Start your own business not because you need to be an entrepreneur to be worthy, but rather because you value the added freedom and independence it will bring you.

Remind yourself “I am complete exactly as I am” when you find yourself drowning in self-deprecating thoughts and beliefs.

3. People are usually acting out of insecurity


Chances are he – or she – is acting from a position of weakness

The same way that you and I have a tendency to act from position of weakness and feeling incomplete, so does everyone else… And most people are terribly guilty of doing so.

Realize that when someone insults you or berates, they’re probably doing it to compensate for how insecure they feel. When you know that someone’s talking trash behind your back it’s most likely because they envy you and want to bring you down to their level.

Rise above their bullshit and ignore the haters and their insecurity-driven passive aggressiveness.

4. Failure is inevitable and temporary

Failure cannot be avoided.

Most startups fail… Most approaches will be met with rejection… And any new skill that you learn will be marked with countless failures before you succeed.

If you let failure discourage you from moving in the direction that you want to, then you’re doomed to stagnate and never accomplish anything of note. Accept that failure will happen and then use your failures as feedback on your journey forward.

5. Challenges and bullshit are just course-corrections


Obstacles should not be cursed and damned, but recognized and dealt with

Similarly to believing that “whatever happened was meant to happen,” you must use the “bad” shit that happens as ammunition to move forward.

If you got dumped, then take it as a sign to work on yourself and improve your health, career, and masculine relationships. If you got fired, then take it as a sign to work on your skills or change careers. If you got sick or injured, then use it as a sign to focus on things like reading, writing, and meditation that you can continue to do.

Your obstacles will lead you to being a stronger and more confident version of yourself, so don’t damn them or ignore them.

Read More: A Manifesto On Masculine Happiness

46 thoughts on “5 Crucial Beliefs Every Man Should Internalize”

  1. true but also easily said. its no coincidence most human beings are failures.

  2. The 6th crucial belief: If some effeminate and mascara-wearing SJW tells you to tear down your Return of Kings “boys club” and force it open to women, gays, and transgenders. STAND YOUR GROUND.

  3. If you surround yourself with people who don’t like you, your immune system will be suppressed, even if they say nothing, instinctually, your clever subconscious will sense their unwelcoming presence peripherally, people give eachother diseases just through presence, the truth about this should be known
    The placebo effect is 35% in studies where patients are given a pill which does not actually do anything but is meant to cause a noticeable unrelated to the purpose side-effect, they assume its doing something else aswell
    You have to be careful because our subconscious can make us sick, NEVER tolerate an environment you hate, and do everything you can to change the situation, We were all lied to about “tolerance” and told we can just “think positively” but studies show that your subconscious is still sub-optimal in bad situations even in extremely positive people, which means that they are full of shit
    You’re delusional about how much your surroundings really affect you, but it’s science

    1. “. . .even in extremely positive people, which means that they are full of shit.” — I lierilly LOL’d on that one. It’s true. I’m one positive sob, but even I know i’m full of shit sometimes 😛

  4. One of my most important personal beliefs; If I don’t care, I will never care, and make it clear that I don’t.
    Makes my stance clear immediately, keeps my mind focused on the things truly important to me, and mightily pisses off SJWs, feminists, charities and other whiny idealists.
    Also, I’ve gotten pretty epic facial expressions in response to me telling some campaigner that I really didn’t care children were starving in Africa. Just left him open-mouthed, stammering about ‘think of the chilluns…’.

    1. “One of my most important personal beliefs; If I don’t care, I will never care, and make it clear that I don’t.” ROCK ON. Women have nothing important to talk about anyway.

      1. Stellar.. Why aren’t there more people like you in the world? It sucks that we have to praise a women for giving birth to you.

  5. Yea, most unexplainable behavior is envy. Chick wants to ‘topple the patriarchy’ by not learning how to cook? Envy of men. Coworker tries to AMOG you during a meeting? Envy that you’re doing a better job than him. Your friend looks kinda butthurt at the end of the night at a bar? He saw you talking to a chick and he’s envious.
    Envy is the worst of the 7 deadly sins because there’s no upside, no fun. At least with the others there’s a high involved right before the fall. Envy is just shit all the way through.

    1. There are two things” Jelousy and Envy”
      Here is the distinction:
      Jealousy: You wish you had it too
      Envy: you hate the person for having it and want them to lose it
      You see, Envy would be the tyrant , jealousy is fine and healthy, whereas envy is pure hate

  6. It might not be the case that “whatever happened was meant to happen.” “Meant” implies intention on someone’s part, and that’s not always the case. But it is reliably the case that “whatever happened had a cause, and had you known enough beforehand, you could have predicted it — maybe even prevented it.”

    1. Sometime shit just happened and it was not your fault. I agree we should take responsability for OUR responsabilities but sometime shit happend and it is NOT our responsability and so must call the cops or anything that can take the responsabilities that was not mean to be yours.

    2. I live in the city. I hear sirens alll the time. It dawned on me that whenever I hear a siren, it means someone really fucked up. Someone was an idiot. Unfortunately theres usually an innocent party involved. Someone being negligent in some form of another and thats unfortunate. But when I do hear a siren scream, it means natural selection at work. There used to be a time if the parent were unfit to be parents then maybe the child would die in one way or another. Now due to advanced medicine, welfare, government programs, these people that would have been picked off naturally either through poor nutrition or bad parenting are given multiple new leases on life. Some of these people squeek by through low testing standards or drop out of school. Unfortunately it doesnt take an I.Q test to get a drivers license so if you pass the test and have money to get a car then you’re free on the open road.
      Now we have a nation of narcissistic idiots that have squeeked by with no common sense or reasoning skills doing stupid shit and breeding more kids since it literally pays to have kids especially if you’re poor.
      We could have prevented many accidents but unfortunately thers money to be made off the ignorant.Thats why they’re systematically given breaks to “make it” in the world and society suffers for it.

  7. If a woman hit you on the road because she failed to stop a red light guess what? I was your fault!!!!!!! Do not complain, bow down and kiss my ass.

    1. well, she’ll get a whooping back. brains can be acquired from a good healthy beating.

  8. Solid content overall.
    But don’t a lot of fatty feminists use No.2 to rationalize the whole ‘i am beautiful’ fallacy mindset?

    1. Complete =/= beautiful. Complete in this sense seems to me to mean on an internalized level; stop being unhappy about things about yourself you cannot change. Things you can change, strive to change those, but do not become unhappy because you’re not yet where you want to be.

    2. Not only fatty feminists but on average and as a whole the womankind love the ‘I am complete exactly as I am’ mindset. OTOH, we men are constantly shamed and reminded about how immature and incomplete we are without a wife to incessantly nag and weigh us down.

    3. It means to be comfortable and not ashamed with yourself. Feeling complete does not mean being doing improving.

    4. Complete as in “internally adequate to make change”. Too many people feel inadequate to make changes. Obesity-embracers have accepted these inadequacies as permanent and excuses to not even attempt to change.

      1. Good points all of you. Continual improvement is always a trait for those seeking sustainable success in life. The best organizations in the world have that as a pillar of management. Pity no one told the hardcore fems.

  9. No man is “complete”. However, a man can know his limitations, and know how to learn whatever he needs to know that he currently doesn’t, when he needs to. This gives you confidence and peace of mind to tackle the world head on. Unfortunately (and deliberately), we are not taught how to teach ourselves. The result is hopelessness, despair, and cowardice.

  10. gettin tired of these posts about what i “should” believe in. More tips on pussy conquering and less brainwashing would be nice. “Whatever happens was meant to happen.” — I couldn’t disagree more. When shit happens, you’re spot on about getting over it ASAP. But…it happens “for a reason”? lol, yea i guess so. But that implies that life is supposed to be that way (shitty) and that it’s the ONLY way to grow (not true, there’s better ways to learn). I respect your belief, but some of us believe differently — i.e. the shit things happen because of sin, but from the beginning, it was not so vs. it’s always been like that. Understanding that piece of information is crucial in knowing you don’t have to get ran over by a semi to know that it hurts like a mofo.

  11. Hang out with successful people and learn from them. Never be content with what and who you are if you hit the plateau in life. Everyday should be a day of improvement. Today’s version of yourself should be slight better than what you were yesterday. Don’t compare yourself to anyone. Only compare yourself to your old self. Tomorrow you will be better than what you are now. Work towards it. Never be content. Always strive for growth and improvement.

  12. I generally agree, but for #1 I disagree that anything is “meant” to happen. That is, there is no intrinsic meaning to the random occurences in life. Shit happens and it is up to you to give meaning to that when appropriate.

  13. “Whatever has happened was meant to happen.”
    No. I don’t believe in fate. I’ll pass.
    “I am complete as I am.”
    If you truly believed this, then there would be no use in improving yourself. If you need to improve yourself, then you are not “complete.” If you are overweight, then yes you DO need to “fix yourself.”

    1. I agree somewhat. I think the idea though is that you don’t need to fix “yourself” so much as you need to fix something ABOUT yourself. Part of the author’s common theme is that we’re not perfect. So while it’s stupid to beat yourself up for not being perfect… it is important to push yourself to get as close as you can.

  14. 6. No man can be harmed when he has options. Always keep your options open (for example: no oneitis).

  15. I’ve had a female boss for the past three years or so who, as soon as her grip on the sales side of our business starts to slip, she begins tightening the reins on me, snipping at me, criticizing my work and randomly changing parts of a project. At first, I thought I was screwing things up, that she knew her stuff, and basically blamed myself to a large extent.
    I can see the insecurity behind her actions now. It’s pretty obvious her need for control over what I do is almost entirely based on her own fear and lack of control. Sure, her behaviour irritates me. But I also feel pity for her and others who behave this way now that I see if for what it is.

    1. Female bosses emulate all the melodramatic, demented tv series they marathon when claiming they are so “busy”. Never logical and micromanaging the shit out of every interaction to the point where you have to step back from the multiple crises of each workday not to be sucked into their random panic modes.

      1. Yup. They’re all so busy, yet they spend one-quarter of the day (if not more) gossiping while the men work.

  16. Excellent article my friend. Since we have no clue what the fuck’s going on in the universe anyways, might as well internalize the most empowering and useful beliefs for our growth and strength.

  17. I don’t believe that things happen for a reason. That’s an easy shortcut… Things happen because they are a direct consequence of the decisions you took and how you behave in certain situations. I’m very logical and rational when it comes to understanding what went wrong. I don’t believe in destiny and I’m an atheist. Some people would say something like: “it was written, it was meant to happen, it’s a message from god”. Everyone is free to believe in whatever they want to believe. From my point of view these kind of beliefs are very limiting in the pursuit of happiness and in the process of self development. It’s very easy to use this shortcut and not have the balls and attitude to say that you totally fucked up and the only person who can be blamed for that is yourself. If you are wrong, admit it, put your ego on the side. Consider each of your mistakes as a lesson and never put the blame on something or someone else.

    1. Just because you chalk something up as well it was meant to happen, doesn’t give you leave from responsibility. Yes the majority of things that go wrong, you can lay at your feet somewhere, but by the event happening it maybe what was needed to open your eyes. If you make a bad choice, then the consequences come. You don’t foresee the potential downfall of a risk, it may take getting hit with those for you to realize that such angles or issues exist. It doesn’t have to have religious or “karmic” influences. I think the author is pointing out that there’s little use beating yourself up over it, but it doesn’t absolve your responsibility in it either, just like his 5th point states, use it to learn not lament.

  18. #4 is something I internalized a while back and is the single biggest reason for my success today.

  19. I will repeat the phrase “course correction” in my head because some shit just produces a hair trigger moment

  20. Great article. There is something I think that should be added though – don’t give a fuck about just taking some time out and not moving forward. You can’t keep bangin your head on the ceiling. It brakes eventually. This should be done some times when shit goes wrong.

  21. “People are Usually Acting Out of Insecurity”
    Yep! Just like the creators of this web page were when they made it.

  22. 6 – Learn with your mistakes.
    7 – Everybody can teach you something, some people teach what to do and others what to not do.

  23. To add to the first one, “Whatever happened was meant to happen” I like to remind myself of the equivalent, “things don’t have ‘to’ you, they happen ‘because’ of you.” I got it from Grant Cardone.

  24. This self affirmation guidance doesn’t exactly scream masculine, which is in essence the entire ‘neomasculine’ organisations purpose, is it not?. Kind of an oxymoron don’t you think? #subvertthepatriarchy

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