Just like every other bastion of tradition and masculinity, the military is under attack by the forces of progressivism. The military is by its very nature masculine, hierarchical, and undemocratic, as it must be to succeed in its core business of engaging with and killing the enemy. This also makes it a target.
Of all our institutions, the military is the one which has best resisted progressivism, in large part because of the nature of the job. One does not simply turn up and demand equality in the military. Incoming does not discriminate.
However the military is ultimately a servant of the political classes, and this is where the pressure to bow to feminism originates. Everywhere they go women moan, demand special treatment, and undermine hierarchy. This has happened to the military and sadly there is not enough will remaining today to resist it, as we have seen with the recent humiliating sight of soldiers walking in high heels.
Unless there is some change in leadership this can only get worse.
The Obvious Problems
Sensible, sane women take one of the many other options they have in life before they pursue a career in the military. We have to question what sort of women our society is creating that they would seriously consider a career in combat, and what sort of a society we are that allows them to follow through such a bizarre and catastrophic decision.
What would make a woman want a low paid job they cannot physically do, while surrounded twenty-four hours a day by dangerous jerks that treat them like shit? Unsurprisingly, for those who know the nature of women it is exactly that. Most of them have daddy issues, are mentally damaged, or the losers of the sexual market who cannot secure a man and have no other career options to fall back on.
The most obvious problem with women in the military is that they are simply not good enough. Even with the reduced physical requirements for the non-combat roles they are eligible for now, many of them still fail to make the grade. They cannot even meet their own specially lowered standards for a job stacking blankets but still draw the same pay as real soldiers who have to work even harder to pick up the slack.
The Human Cost
Jessica Lynch became famous and scored a book deal after she was captured in Iraq in 2003. Her supply convoy, being driven by another female soldier, got lost and was ambushed in Nasiriyah, a militia stronghold that they were ordered to avoid. Lynch was heralded as a hero at the time by the media, portrayed as fighting to the last bullet.
In reality she had not fired a single round from her weapon. She had only joined the Army to save up money for college. The driver of the lead vehicle, Shoshana Johnson, joined the Army but never intended to go into combat. Like most women she just wanted the fun, fun, fun parts of being in the military, but not the actual, you know, military part of it. The oath they take means nothing to them.
Marines who were supposed to be securing bridges across the Euphrates for the invasion now had to be re-tasked to rescue this clusterfuck. Eleven soldiers died in the ambush. Six more, like Jessica Lynch, were captured. Another eighteen Marines died whilst desperately fighting through entrenched enemy positions in a hostile city to get to them in time.
Men, real men, real soldiers, then had to go in and rescue a scared nineteen-year-old girl from behind enemy lines because of progressives’ insistence that we are all the same and that women should be in the military despite all the obvious evidence that they shouldn’t.
I can’t tell this story without mentioning the real hero of that convoy. Sergeant Donald Walters was the blonde-haired American whose actions were misattributed to Jessica Lynch. Sergeant Walters’ vehicle became bogged down in sand. While the rest of his convoy made their escape, evidence suggests that he provided covering fire from his stranded vehicle.
He was abandoned alone, fifteen miles behind enemy lines and surrounded. He never made it out. He fought until he ran out of ammunition, and then he fought hand to hand. Eventually he was overcome, captured and then executed by the Shiite militia. While everybody has heard of Jessica Lynch, you have probably never heard of Sergeant Walters. If anybody deserves to be remembered from that day, it is him.
I don’t blame the women. They don’t know what they want. I blame the system that lies to women that they can be soldiers when it should be protecting them from themselves and their childish decisions. They should have been told, politely but firmly, no thanks—for their own safety and for that of the men serving alongside them. We do not allow children to serve in the military, so why would we allow women?
Women don’t actually want to be in combat. Their silly demands to be included are like a girl wanting to ride your motorcycle. It’s dangerous, exciting and looks fun so they want it, but when they get there they find they can’t handle it and they drop it. Women just like to push boundaries. The correct response is to pat these girls on the head, tell them to leave this to the grown ups and ride off.
Women In The Military Are Not Patriots
There is a more serious problem than women being too feeble, fat and slow, and generally the worst soldiers known to mankind. It is more serious than them sleeping with senior ranks and subverting hierarchy. It is more serious than them getting pregnant on deployments or spreading diseases on base.
It is even more serious than women fucking up and getting good men killed. Even if we lived in the fantasy world of feminists where women really were just as capable as men, there are more deadly consequences of sending women to war.
We can afford to lose men in war. As long as there are healthy women back home having children the nation will live to fight another day. The presence of women in the military foreshadows a society’s downfall.
Look at the Peshmerga in Iraq, or the final days of Nazi Germany. These were not strong, independent women or an exercise in equality, they were the last, desperate gasps of a dying society. The Islamic State are marrying off their women and having as many children as possible. The Kurds are sending their women to the front line. Guess what the long term consequences of this is.
The biggest existential threat to the US and Western countries is not rogue states or Islamic terrorists. It is the loss of our individual identities as nations. Every woman that is lured away from the role of wife, mother and homemaker by the modern world leaves behind her a hole which must be filled. If our people cannot or will not fill those holes then they will be filled for us by immigration. A nation must grow or die. A population that cannot sustain itself will be replaced.
If our women are too busy playing soldiers or “leaning in” then the next generation will come from elsewhere and will not be like us. Men’s sacrifice for society was dying in wars and the dangerous jobs. Women’s sacrifice was bearing the next generation. The tradition of the pedestal arose because women carried within themselves the future of our nation.
With the encouragement of government and media they abdicated their responsibilities and with it, their pedestal. Their talk of patriotism is bullshit. If women truly wanted to serve their nation then they would get married, stay married, and have children.
If you like this article and are concerned about the future of the Western world, check out Roosh’s book Free Speech Isn’t Free. It gives an inside look to how the globalist establishment is attempting to marginalize masculine men with a leftist agenda that promotes censorship, feminism, and sterility. It also shares key knowledge and tools that you can use to defend yourself against social justice attacks. Click here to learn more about the book. Your support will help maintain our operation.
Read More: This Accidental Experiment Shows The Superiority Of Patriarchy
4chan /pol/ is taking over ROK
What. The fuck. Does this. Have to do. With the article?
Second, it doesn’t even make sense.
It’s supposed to be the money-hungry Jew stereotype but you’re right about it having nothing to do with the article.
I know what he was trying to convey, but it made no sense even then. The son, his son, asked for a loan which, if stereotypes about Jews are correct, the father would not avoid, opting instead to loan with a hefty dose of usury. It also makes no sense insofar as, if stereotypes are correct, Jews protect their own quite staunchly no matter the cost.
Dunno, it just didn’t do anything that made sense to, well, anything.
Agree it made no sense, but that also looks like it couldn’t possibly be his son
Observant jews are not allowed to charge interest to other jews. The christian restriction against usury stems from this judaic law.
Fair enough. But he’d still help his own son. That’s the whole point of the Jew critics, that they help their own and ignore others. Seems odd to let your son fail out of your own greed, if one is a “tribalist”.
Agreed. Looks a like a pure troll post/account, to make ROK look bad. Post should be removed for that reason
All the accounts thumbing that comment up were all created today.
Could be just some random troll kid, or an legit attempt at a smear campaign by the usual suspects.
Definitely should be removed.
Most of these smear campaigns, to make a site look like a hornet’s nest of “anti-semitism,” are undoubtedly Hasbara operations:
..Why though? It doesn’t even make sense for them to do that. What interest do they have?
Like, I’ve got some pretty close Jew bros, and I’m sure most on here aren’t actually anti-semetic…
That’s why I’m leaning towards it being a troll or some kind of feminist or other SJW on a disinformation campaign.
Most on here are not anti-semetic and, incidentally, I also have some close Jew bros.
But it makes perfect sense for them to do that. By “them” I am referring to an intricate network of NGOs, groups like the SPLC, B’nai Brith (a Mossad front) and various intel agencies run by Israel. It’s all about propaganda and counter-propaganda.
Roosh V and ROK are already listed on the SPLC’s site as potential “hate sites.” Basically, any right-leaning, mostly white male organization is always targeted for infiltration, smearing, co-opting or full control. The reasons for that are multi-faceted and too deep to go into a few comments, so I can only direct you to a couple of books that are eye-opening and from two very different perspectives:
Only legit account i recognize there is the Spider58x.
None of the usual ROK blokes upvoting that comment.
wait, this is a potential “hate site”? I dont understand this. A couple of yrs ago splc finally labelled MS13 a hate group I believe- how are guys on this site the same? Do we deal drugs, do we decapitate people???
This blows my mind man…guess Ill stop posting…
What would happen if we all down voted it? Would it bring attention to it from someone at ROK?
Down voting was taken out by Disqus. Apparently, the very oft repeated and consistent rumor has it, Leftists were being downrated into oblivion across the web. So, the only solution, from Disqus which I strongly suspect is infected with Leftists, is to remove the ability to down vote.
Too bad- I used to hang out at site that had “karma points”; I loved when a dummy had -38 pts for a moronic comment
You can still flag the comment as offensive. The flag button is to the far right of the poster’s “name”. A human will get to looking at it eventually.
Me too.
So, that is the reason? WTF
Yippe! I got 3 up votes for calling out a hater!”
When in reality they would have got 900 down votes. I suppose it more about building character and self-esteem.
“Thanks for playing!”
I’m not sure what’s going on with the Whole Anti Jew Vibe this site gives off sometimes.
Because you are a zionist neocon who sucks jew cock. GhostofJefferson would join you as long no one was looking.
Then GTFO. You are not wanted here anyway.
Who says I’m not Wanted here? You? A person Who hasn’t Figured out how Society Functions Doesn’t Want me here? For Someone Claiming to be A “Dirty Old Man” You still have A lot of Figuring out/Growing up to Do.
lol. what the fuck?
Very good article.
The real consequences are p!ss, female p!ss everywhere. From Military Medicine Magazine: “One third of female soldiers experienced incontinence during exercise and field training”.
women want equality so why aren’t they held to the same PT/physical standards as males then? i’ll wait for a feminist to answer this w/o sounding stupid..
It’s not even the PT standards. The running, sit-ups, and pull-ups or push-ups (depending on service branch) are just a made up way of quickly evaluating strength and endurance.
It is the ability to actually DO combat jobs. In the Infantry this means hiking far and fast with very heavy loads. 100-lb combat loads are fairly average and hiking 5 miles an hour up to 40 miles or more is expected. Simply impossible for even a very fit woman.
Armor and Artillery requires the strength to move very heavy stuff, all day. And all these jobs often entail poor physical conditions and living in close proximity to men.
agreed, well said. when i was enlisted it was almost expected for us men to lift something heavy and do extra work while the women stood around like a bump on a log. i’ve seen women get knocked up on purpose to either get out or use their kids as an excuse to get out of work.
I was USMC artillery. I had a battery commander who decided we were going to do a series of humps where, in addition to the normal combat load and personal weapons, we carried all the battery’s crew served weapons – 4 .50cals, 4 240Gs, and 4 MK-19s – with ammo to the range to shoot. The humps got progressively longer, but the load never got lighter. Imagine carrying a combat load of 80lbs in your pack, with your personal weapon and ammo, and a part of a crew served weapon, and more ammo. It was a fucking ball buster. Yet, no Marine dropped out. Later, I went to TBS as an instructor. If you needed to find a female during a hump, look no further than the safety vehicle after about mile 5.
My air team was training with some teams from the 7th Marines during Desert Shield. Then they got the word that they were WALKING into Kuwait. Last I saw their radio operators, they were staring at a giant pile of radios, batteries, and weapons and trying to decide what was worth carrying – into actual fucking combat.
I bet they averaged 120 lbs per Marine.
That’s exactly it. There’s not a single job they can do. Even on base their tiny hands can’t even hold the tools needed to work on armoured vehicles. It takes them longer to learn to drive them, and even then they are still dangerous. They are utterly useless at everything.
That’s why God gave them an uterus, to do (quite literally) the one thing on this planet that no man can.
Not to mention being able to do all that under conditions that are far from comfortable. I doubt guys are gonna be laying trenchcoats across mud puddles for them Sir Walter Raleigh style or asking them how much milk they want in their latte during chow time at mess hall.
Highly trained men are capable of making themselves at least semi comfortable & functionally operational just about anywhere & anytime.
Highly trained men are capable of making themselves at least semi
comfortable & functionally operational just about anywhere &
That’s a very observant thing you just did. Men do not rely on external factors to be comfortable, we can be as easily at ease relaxing under a tree or at a reading desk in a trench reading Chekov by candlelight. Women…eh…not so much.
Sitting quietly under a tree with the warm sun on my face… I am easily satisfied.
Throw in a good novel (printed on *paper*! No batteries needed!), a light breeze and a jug of ice water nearby and it’s a near perfect day.
Traditionalist blue pill wisdom, right here.
So basically, women shouldn’t be in the army, in part, because it kills men and because women should be making babies?
Whereas, a women staying at home and forcing her nest slave husband to work himself to death for her home and kids he never sees, that’s red pill and pro-male?
Providing for your own children and keeping the woman home to do domestic chores and help provide a stable home, as has been the custom and practice for tens of thousands of years, is slavery? You say that word, but I do not think it means what you think it means.
Pretty messed up version of reality you’re working under there Jon. If most men adopted that mindset the human race would go extinct in a generation.
Can’t argue with MGTOW’s, dude. They’re like feminists in the mirror universe or something. A MGTOW has a neverending list of excuses for why he won’t breed.
Dead men, all.
Yeah, you’re right.
Bravo Sierra. There is no need for a long list of ‘excuses’ to avoid marriage and kids. It simply is a bad deal with 40% divorce rate and automatic maternal custody. Maternal custody isn’t the worst thing that can happen to a kid, but it is the worst thing that happens to most kids.
We really need more man-up; man fault rammed up our rear ends by White Knights.
You didn’t have to post that, dude. I’ve heard it all a thousand times.
Note Joshua’s strict obedience to the feminist leaders. First, using the word dude to refer to a man. Feminists understand that words have meanings and can control people’s emotions.
By calling men something other than men, it becomes easier to destroy them whenever and wherever.
As far as no need to post it you apparently admit you have read it thousands of times, AND STILL DON’T GET IT? Unbelievable.
Not, of course that any man who chooses to drop out owes Joshua or anyone else an explanation.
You are living proof, though, why the men’s movement over the last 50 years accomplished nothing. Quarrel; bicker; and fight. the less a man actually does, the more he attacks those who have actually done something.
Nice copypasta, man.
“There’s risk involved- better to bow out of the gene pool than to try.”
That’s MGTOW philosophy in a nutshell, man.
You wanna drop out, be my guest. Debating an MGTOW is like debating a feminist. Same game.
Yeah, the usual view point that each and every person must marry; must work hard; pay lots of taxes; must reproduce with lots of babies, and when his wife divorces him and hides his kids from him must admit: “It was all my fault. I didn’t make her hhhhaaaapppppyyyy! If it will make y’all feel better, I will be glad to sleep in a cardboard box under a bridge. After all I am only a scummy man. Er, dude.”
There are 7 billion people on this planet. The idea that a given person must participate in the gene pool is pure insanity.
But, I don’t believe you anyway, that the gene pool worries you. Over many years many people have tried that nonsensical argument. . Almost never does it have anything to do with the gene pool. With seven billion humans on the planet only a damned fool would think the gene pool is an issue.
No, always such people have another ax to grind and don’t want to admit it. It has changed over the years, of course. Today, mostly it’s fat, ugly women in their thirties upset because they can’t find a man to marry their used up carcass.
Then, there’s the divorce lawyers. And, the marriage and honey moon resorts. And I must not forget that while I don’t think most people who say what you do are actually damned fools, they also say such things.
Copy pasta? I don’t even know that means. At least not for sure. I have been writing original material on the men’s issues since the 70’s. Published in newspapers and magazines all over the USA. There is no need to copy the work of others.
You can’t let the “dude” shit go even though I called you “MAN”.
Even though I said, “be my guest” if you want to drop out, apparently it’s my will that you “must” reproduce.
You’re not even arguing with me, man, you’re trying to prove this to yourself.
You’re such a sad man.
“So difficult, so risky, best not to try!”
So, since you said I might drop out that means it’s okay for me to drop out? Wrapped up much in yourself?
More personal insults with no real content. “You’re such a sad man.” Why? For advising men not to feed themselves into the hopper of divorce and alimony and no personal life goals?
Just another insulting man with no real message, except to call other men names and insults.
You do remind me of my tubba’ guts blowhard Son-in_law. When I made it clear I was tired of spending large portions of my life in public activism for men like you who do nothing much but insult, he implied I was a coward for leaving instead of fighting. Like he does. Except he doesn’t.
I put in my 10,000 hours of public activism including counseling divorced men. I was probably the most hated man in our rural city of 100,000 and proud of it.
So, tell us, what have you done?
My SIL’s contribution was to talk big, and one time he went to a large protest in D.C. and huddled in the middle of 100,000 people. When we protested the local court house there were two of us.
Also, let me tell you, it takes beau coup cojones to expat. So, i ask again, what have you done?
These stupid feminists call that slavery. They don’t have a clue what slavery is.
It is in fact exactly the same premise and mindset, now that you bring it up.
To a real slave, staying home and raising children while the man works and supports them is considered a privilege.
If most men adopted my mindset the human race would more than likely evolve than go extinct.
Yes, a husband/father is a slave. A man is made, by force and the threat of violence, to support a woman who has no reciprocal obligation to the man. It’s a one way street.
Having a stay at home wife is a burden. Women are not naturally better at tending a home, cooking, or child rearing (after the kid is weaned).
You married there, sport?
A man chooses to have children and marry. Slaves do not get a choice in their life and pursuits.
You’re doing the same thing feminists do when they whine about marriage as slavery. You’re making the word slave meaningless to suit your agenda.
Don’t be like the feminists. Sport.
Yeah, that’s what I thought.
In one of your several thousand comments on here I saw you mention that you were married.
A lot of guys would say that men like you are examples of misery loving company. I don’t.
I know that guys like you have managed to get your foot stuck in a bear trap and when faced with the prospect of chewing off your own leg, decide to pretend the trap is a shoe.
And so you come on here to experience a little freedom, to pretend you’re your own man… to act mature and experienced, and it works for the kids who haven’t seen enough of life to smell the BS.
You’re a slave. Because you believed the lies and enslaved yourself doesn’t change the facts.
The facts are: you do not own anything your wife doesn’t allow you to own; your house is decorated according to her desires; your marriage is on her terms; 50% of your retirement is hers; the kids are hers; the dog is hers.
These are facts. You may test the validity of these facts at anytime by the simple act of voiding the marriage contract. You exist at her sufferance. At no point are you free and clear within a marriage.
My barber’s 65 year old friend just lost his home, retirement, car, pets… everything, and is now living in some guy’s basement.
You’re only lying to yourself. At best your some woman’s favored pet. Your welfare is entirely in her hands and you can do nothing other than pray you never stop pleasing her.
It’s funny how you MGTOW faggots make the exactly same arguments feminazi’s do yet pretend you are fucking red and pro male. MGTOW is just an inversion of feminism. Shut the fuck up already.
Ah, yes, the voice of feminism. Spider really doesn’t like men very much.
Says the faggot telling men not to have sex and to emasculate themselves like feminazi do. You just want to drag everyone else down to your level of faggotry.
Showing once again that when people have absolutely nothing to say, they resort to name-calling, using pretty much the standard feminist list of shaming language and insults. I am saying that Spider has absolutely nothing to say.
She is hanging back in the 80’s before the massive Red Pill. And, most men were shattered by being accused of being gay. So, calling someone a gay or faggot usually took control of the debate. Those days are long gone.
Conclusion: Spider is a female feminist with absolutely nothing useful to say. But, when she is here making a fool out of herself she isn’t out helping put innocent men in prison on false rape charges.
Several men’s bloggers have pointed out the strange phenomenon that feminists on the one hand say men who don’t accept gays as normal people are Neandertales, yet on the other hand use being gay as an insult. So, Spider woman, which the hell is it?
Calling you what you are isn’t “name calling”. Stop being a little bitch. I call you a faggot because that is what you are. Only females like yourself cry about words over the internet. People who cry endlessly about “shaming language” then to have the most to be ashamed about in themselves. Continue on your feminazi crusade to emasculate men, faggot.
You are not only lying. You are stupid. Calling men females, faggots, emasculated, ashamed of themselves, and more and all shaming language you have memorized.
I wonder if you are possibly so stupid you don’t even really know what a faggot is.
But, for sure you are a true troll, which is a person who comes on a board and says totally false and evil things just to create a fuss. Then, essentially accuse those you have totally trashed out for being faggot sensitive to your deliberate insults.
You are most likely a female feminist. Second choice is a little kid with a computer.
You contribute nothing to this board but hatred and venom.
“Shaming Language”
The cry of losers and emasculated faggots that cal themselves “men” but have no back bone whatsoever.
“But, for sure you are a true troll,”
This is what faggots always do when they can’t win a argument. They accuses others of trolling because they can’t answer a challenge.
“Then, essentially accuse those you have totally trashed out for being faggot sensitive to your deliberate insults.”
Your constant whining is proof that you are a faggot. You got offend by words that were original directed at some one else. The very fact that you got offend by words that weren’t even directed at you at first is proof that you are an hypersensitive cry baby with no sense of self-worth what so ever. No wonder you are afraid of women.
If it’s walk like a duck, quacks like a duck, acts like a duck, it is a fucking duck.
^Replace the word duck with faggot and that is what you are. Period. Calling someone what they are isn’t “shaming language” it’s is telling the truth. You are too soft and sensitive for the internet, Obviously. Now go back under your mommy’s skirt you faggot.
I now have enough to profile Spider. Before It could have been a stupid troll kid with a computer.
But now she has given enough detail to be sure. She is indeed a female feminist, of course. But also a very old feminist. Think Andrea Dworkin aka Jabba the Hutt’s generation of old feminist. One from long long ago when men would shrivel up and go home if someone questioned their sexual preference.
Today, most men simply don’t care what a man-hating feminist thinks of him.
She still assumes the same names and insults will shut men up. Those days are gone. She suffers from future shock. The inability to adapt to sudden change.
A lot of old feminists simply can’t keep up with the modern men’s movement. “It cannot be. We are supposed to call them names from the Steinem list and they are supposed to shit their pants and apologize. what on earth can be the matter? Where are the gas chambers?”
Another profile fact, she assumes she makes the rules of debate. That is also standard 80’s feminism.
If she decrees I am a faggot, then I am a faggot. If I argue with her, that also proves I am a faggot. If I respond with anger to language she carefully selected to try to make men angry, that also proves I am a faggot. If I don’t respond with sufficient anger that proves I am a faggot.
And, of course the fact I responded at all, also proves I am a faggot.
She missed the bulletin that feminists are supposed to call down any man who show homophobia. Calling someone a faggot as an insult is itself homophobia.
No doubt of it. An old, old feminist.
Prior to the 1960s, that set-up WAS red pill and pro-male, as there were many trade-offs that both genders made so that everyone got a (mostly) satisfying deal.
In today’s post-feminist revolution world, I wholeheartedly agree with you: MGTOW.
But in the world of not-too-long-ago the sensible answer for any red-blooded male would have been: MARRIAGE
Her supply convoy, being driven by another female soldier, got lost
The comedy practically writes itself.
Their silly demands to be included are like a girl wanting to ride your motorcycle.
Indeed, and good analogy. I know directly of a woman, and a rather attractive one at that, who was actually talked into trying to ride a motorcycle by her very beta boyfriend. He’s a pussy and not generally welcome in our circles, but she is, so he kind of tags along every now and then, when he isn’t basically abandoning her so that she can hang out with us alone. Yes, he’s that much of a mangina. Anywho, he convinced her to give it a shot. She went to one motorcycle riding class, became overwhelmed with “all of the things I have to do to ride!”, dropped the bike on its side and walked away from the class in tears. To her credit she says it was a stupid idea and that she really has no ambition whatsoever to try it again and is quite happy to be the passenger on the bitch seat. So props to her for that. Her “boyfriend” is probably not going to be for much longer, you can tell she smells the betatude. Anyway, off topic.
Of all our institutions, the military is the one which has best resisted
progressivism, in large part because of the nature of the job.
Really man? I don’t think so at all. I was crawling around ditches in my BDU’s in the mid 1980’s and even then the female presence was intolerable. During basic some of my fellow soldiers wolf whistled this (admittedly) highly attractive woman in uniform and were hauled up before the CO within an hour, as she ran her precious little olive drab covered ass to him and, in tears, cried at being “harassed”. This was 1985.
Nah, seems to me the military has been one of the prime experiment grounds for progressives, at least since the 1950’s forward.
When I started working at my current job, a couple guys told me that one coworker gets rides up to motorcycle/car shows on the back of his wifes bike. I didn’t believe it til I saw it. A big fat hungarian broad with her thin little “man” on the back with his big shit eating grin. Funny but so pathetic. I would never put myself in that situation; this man has no shame.
The only thing that is acceptable is a gorgeous woman in a nice truck. Again, this was something I would have disagreed with until I saw it. Beautiful blonde, maybe in her late 30’s early 40’s but I mean gorgeous and fit, driving a restored red 1970 F-100. She pulled it off quite well.
I’ve never met a man like that who would ride bitch seat to his broad but good criminey, somebody needs to get him to an insane asylum. At least this chick is attractive and feminine, she just made the mistake of going for the “Hollywood pretty” dude who wears corporate advertising on this ride (I’m looking at you, Harley riders who wear nothing but “Harley” gear). He reeks of fake and from talking to her I sense very much that she’s about had her fill of him. I don’t normally admire when a woman jumps ship and bails, but on this guy, eh, he really does deserve it. Same mindset as the guy you mention really. He wants to masculanize a pretty girl, he really needs to be punched in the face for that. So does the guy you mention, just a solid roundhouse to his kisser.
I can see that with the older trucks. The new “I Am A Tank” ones, eh, not so much.
Hmmmm guess I didn’t misunderstand….good looking woman driving motocycle with man behind….Bad….I guess when I was in Spain,,,I was a….fuck it. I had fun.
I don’t understand….So If I have a good looking woman, driving my F3, yea I know its old, but I like it and the F2 I used to have. Anyways, if she is driving, and I am behind her…Im weak?…. sounds like may be I misunderstood.
To each his own, but I wouldn’t be caught dead riding on the back of bike. Male or female driving.
I never learned to drive a motorcycle because I have know many people who got killed or maimed on them. They are extremely dangerous. At least on US roads…
When I visit Thailand and the Philippines, however, I often ride on the back of a motorbike because that is how they get around. Somehow, it doesn’t seem as dangerous.
So yeah, I have ridden on the “bitch seat” while the young lady drives. She always offers me the driver’s seat, and I wish I knew how to drive, but since I don’t, I swallow my macho pride and let her do it. Whatever…
Your right about how dangerous drivers are in the States when your on a bike. I was in Rota, Spain most of the times I let my GF drive. Not so much in the states, cause of the divers. That aside, I had no problems with her behind the wheel. And me behind her…..
I wasn’t aware it got so bad for you guys so early on. For a long time here in Britain the girls were kept in their own corps (Women’s Royal Army Corps, Women’s Royal Naval Service and Women’s Royal Air Force). They would generally do administrative jobs in the background and have their back doors kicked in by young soldiers but they were kept out of the way for the real work.
It wasn’t an entirely awful way of doing things. Sadly it didn’t last and in the early 90s the Women’s corps were disbanded and amalgamated in to the regulars, and from there it all started to go wrong.
“The comedy practically writes itself.” brillant!
It makes sense though, if you break the guardians, you break the nation. So… props, sorta, for them figuring that bit out.
Is the chick who got them lost the same one who crashed into the T-72?
Feminists insist that women are just as strong, capable, emotionaly stable as men an many feminists even claim they are superior to men in all these areas, yet they still have to lower the standards for women to make it into combat roles an even then most of them fail. Surely to even the most ardent feminist that is irrefutable proof that women arn’t as strong or a suited to a combat role, but nope facts mean nothing compared to feelings to femists.
This is true, so they combat that reality by never, ever mentioning it or allowing discussion of it to take place in circles where they have power. The media, for example, has never once mentioned the lowered standards that I’m aware of. But they do push the G.I. Jane fiction with a vengeance.
Exactly right anything that hurts women’s feelings or portrays males as superior in any way is ignored by the media. Years back I remember when they first let women in The Australian military into combat roles I was talking to an old vet I was working with and I said “now they will lower the standards to accommodate women” he said something along the lines of “no way, they won’t, war is war it doesn’t change just coz you send women to the front line” I said bet they do and I was right. The government will put women’s feels above peoples lives.
LOL! I didnt know she was training to be a SEAL. She was more believable in “Indecent Proposal”. And I lost respect for Ridley Scott for making this POS
oh man…watch this trailer…she tells someone to “suck my dick”…
Remember when she was a stripper in a different movie? yeah….
As if she could really kick Eastern Promises & Aragorn version Viggo Mortensen’s butt…
Eastern Promises- great flick!
GI Jane was heavily promoted to the point you’d think it was a true story…to bad it was really nothing more than hollywood BS
When equality means lowering standards.
It doesn’t mean “Equality,” it means substandard. Requirements are based on standards. If a test says “You must do 10 to pass” that is the minimum standard. If a female fire fighter can’t pass the test and the standard is lowered is means you can hire more people that couldn’t pass the previous standard. More unqualified people.
If your in a burning building on the 4th floor and a female fire fighter comes in, you may have to carry her out. Maybe she comes in to die with you.
Wouldn’t you know it….
You nailed it.
Standards of performance irrespective of the nature of one’s genitals (unless they come into play for the intended role but I digress).
My rhetorical question is ..why is it so hard for logic to override the delusional equality narrative here?
“Logic does not possess emotion, to believe so is fallacious, for it is emotion that possesses logic. Logic cannot control emotion, but emotion can co-opt logic. Logic is only able to take control when minimal emotion is present.
Emotion is more potent than logic because it is fundamentally chaotic, it is chaotic because we cannot consciously and consensually wield it in quite the same way that we can logic. Emotion is like a screaming child, and as with anything chaotic; it is loud, obnoxious, and blindingly impossible to ignore in absence of stoic meditation. “
Logic is like watching Spock from Star Trek trying to have a rational debate with Aunt Esther from Sanford and Son.
In logical battle between
This would be the result:
A W E S O M E !
How did you intersperse text with pics?
Simple. Just right click on the picture in question until you see “properties” at the bottom, then highlight the information there in the address/url section and copy it. Then you can post it to whatever page you are looking to share it on.
It’s a simple matter to write text, then post your pic, then write some more further down.
This is made harder or easier depending on your browser. Im using internet explorer but sometimes i will use google although neither is a personal favorite.
Damn nice comment man, bravo. Couldn’t have said it better myself.
That’s what I mean Feminists don’t want true eqaulity they just want easier work for the same rights an pay. In lowering standards for firefighters an military women they are putting peoples lives at risk.
The FDNY has recently changed (or lowered) it’s standards to include women. Now, we’ll probably see more injuries (and deaths) as a result. Plus, how many men have been turned away in the past because they didn’t pass the tests? I bet they are pissed.
It’s ridiculous but until enough lives are lost they won’t change anything back.
Driver this is probably going to piss you off (as it did me) but given your comment i believe posting it was necessary.
I am from NY brother and believe me, i miss it less and less every year.
So it is true….
Sadly, yes.
Im not sure, but I think that asshole Mayor in NY wants or did hire a woman that could not make the standards…
according to science when it comes to Nobel Prize winners, men outnumber women 10-to-1. So basically to say that you could perform twice as well would be conservative
When it comes to elite level atheletics, female olympians don’t even compete with men in college or even men’s highschool records
There is a significant relationship between height, testosterone, and IQ
Short men are not as smart as taller men, i know what you’re saying “well asians are short” true but a taller asian is smarter than a shorter asians
Short men also tend to have status anxiety so they work harder to cover it up,
“men have larger lungs, hearts and muscles as well as other hormones, which can deliver larger amounts of oxygen to the brain so they have better cerebral vascular flow and larger brains which makes them more intelligent”
The vo2 max in men is far far superior… its genetics… the hippocampus and neocortex of the male has more oxygen and activity
male athletes are also smarter than non-male athletes by another 10%
“The research, published this week in the prestigious journal Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, took in 218 different studies.
It found that males on average have larger total brain volumes than women, by 8-13%.
“On average, males also had larger absolute volumes than females in the intracranial space (12%; >14,000 brains), total brain (11%; 2,523 brains), cerebrum (10%; 1,851 brains), grey matter (9%; 7,934 brains), white matter (13%; 7,515 brains), regions filled with cerebrospinal fluid (11.5%; 4,484 brains), and cerebellum (9%; 1,842 brains).
oddly enough, the elite level performance gap is also 10%
But 10% is absolutely HUGE, each half a percent has an exponential effect in your life
“A review of published research from 1990 and 2013 involving people from birth to 80 years old, showed the total brain volume of males was 8 to 13 percent larger than that of females.”
the evidence is all around you
in professions where mental performance and physical reliability are concerned and a thin margin of error could prove disastrous a “woman” being in such a position would be a serious risk to public safety and a danger to those around them, i can not think of a more hostile environment for a woman than combat
other studies also show that women’s performance at “static tasks” is only marginally below males but as soon as the task was dynamic and changed women could not even come close,
I’d love to know when proof did anything to convince a feminist. God, you could give her a graph and several testimonials, and she would brush it off as patriarchal lies.
And if you defeat them with sound logic they fall back on “Logic is a phallic construct!”
Really there is no point in ever debating one of these beasts. Prove your point for the watching audience, then walk away and let the feral she beast snarl into the wind.
*triggering intensifies*
It’s the Dunning–Kruger effect. You can’t show a stupid feminist she is stupid, because, you know, she’s too stupid to realize it.
Exactly all evidence that disproves their ideas is written off as Patriarchy.
True but you’ll have better luck convincing pigs to take sponge baths than to argue bombproof logic with the femmies. Of course, we’re required to be at the fore front when real trouble happens. And they’ll get to be in charge & tell us what’s what when things are safe again. Rinse & repeat cycle.
Yea they need men when shit hits the fan then go back back “don’t need a man” when times are good.
Much like a child that wants the freedom of adults until responsibility comes crashing through the door.
Theyre certainly stronger than the little boys on this site.
Could you please come up with original insult.
Why when it’s true?
No it’s just a another recycled and redundant insult that feminist trolls like yourself use because you can’t come up with a logical or factual counter argument. I’m not going to waste any more time responding.
Didn’t your parents teach you to stay in your room when grown ups talk?
I don’t see grown ups here, kid.
youre fucktard
There are no oaths between men and lions.
When the lions come, the weak will succumb. This is a policy of weakness.
Let only non white women join the miiitary.
How about “no women”? Endangering other men’s lives by letting any woman into the ranks is a bad idea, no matter what color the woman.
It’s even worse if your minister of defense is a woman, like we have in the Netherlands. This female has a low education (secretary) and worked herself up to minister. (don’t ask me how) She represents our military real good, with all the socialist pacifist budget cuts that decimated the potential to a minimum. No women in the military. They can wage war in the kitchen, and I don’t mean a field kitchen.
Hmm. I’ve always respected the Dutch for being pragmatists, having a strong work ethic & generally having a high level of education. Had the good fortune of working with a few Dutch nationals who had these qualities.
I’m starting to see the universal cliche of most citizens anywhere in the world not getting the governments they deserve.
I remember when a Dutch sub pulled alongside a Sub Tender I was stationed on in La Maddelena. Anyways, the whole crew went on liberty, and they secured the sub. They also protested striked, for longer hair….They won.
I was in the Infantry in the Marines then a National Guard Armor battalion. I agree that a combat unit is no place for a woman. I never even met a female Soldier or Marine who wanted to be in a combat unit.
Most of the women couldn’t carry a full combat load from a truck into the barracks in one trip, much less on a 30-mile speed march. That’s what keeps knocking women out of the Marine Officers’ Infantry course. Whenever we marched, the women in our admin office always found somewhere else to be – completely useless.
The only position for a woman in the military is the horizontal. They…oh wait. I think I said this somewhere before.
You Sir! Deserve a Beer!
This is SO insane.
If there were ANY real military advantage on having female soldiers we would had have women on the battlefield since the dawn of time.
You can not afford to lose any advantage when you are at war.
When the US, gets in a real war, this Bulls#it will self correct. I do not feel sorry for the women, I feel it for the men who will pay the price.
You should have seen the tears that were flowing when we were sitting in the barracks waiting to go to the deployment center. It was pathetic.
This just in: “No Women were Able to Finish First try at Ranger School”
On a related note…
In spite of this, there are women who did pass the test, and they aren’t terribly thrilled that someone who did not pass the test is being allowed to do a job for which she is not qualified.
Maybe they want a permanent cook and knobslobber for the station.
Ah, read this a few hours ago. Thank you for posting the link. Can’t imagine how her co-workers must feel about responding to an emergency with her in the field. Apparently her high scores in the Theory section are allowed to offset her low physical fitness scores. Perfectly understandable if she was a Jedi who could lift heavy objects with the Force.
Another more troubling aspect of this is that the one woman who is most likely to become the next president of the United States thinks absolutely nothing of the sacrifice made by men in the military:
– Monica Lewinsky’s ex-boyfriend’s wife in 1998.
Mind you, she is not talking about women who serve in the military.
“Monica Lewinsky’s ex-boyfriend’s wife” LOOOLLL HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I never refer to this person by her given name because that would be giving her underserved respect. As her entire political career is the result of her being married to a former president, I will always refer to her in that context.
For less formal occasions, I will call her “Mrs. Bill Clinton.”
Women only think they know about sacrifice….they really have no idea what it means.
I can’t stand any politicians who will gladly send others to fight in their stead. They won’t even send their own children. I definitely could not have a commander in chief as a woman because she has no idea regarding true sacrifice by men.
Politicians sons generally don’t join the military, let alone their daughters.
B-b-b-ut, men couldn’t survive the pain of childbirth. This must be true because my mommy told me this over 40 years ago. Sigh!
I spent 5 years in the Air Force, 2 deployments to the middle east.
Qatar was nothing more than a hump deployment for these women. We had a ‘break area’ in the upper level of our maintenance unit with multiple couches and it was commonplace for the 2 female Airmen we were deployed with to bring up soldiers, sailors, marines, etc to the ‘break room’. They’d be sitting in their laps, laying their heads on their crotches, and lord knows what else they got away with up there.
It took the REAL military members away from their jobs and distracted them from the actual task at hand. I work at the VA now and nearly every female that I see has some sort of STD. HPV and Herpes are the most common things I see on a daily basis. They have no problem bringing men home every night and fucking their brains out knowing full well that they are spreading their STD’s. The military is no place for women.
dude when i deployed our TSgt had a fetish for banging young married airmen. she could literally pick and choose which guys she wanted to get tossed around by since it’s a sausage fest.
Jesus. I’ve known some slutty Techs in my day. There’s a reason some of those women made Tech in 6-7 years.
Which is why they love the military. A lot of manly men with little competition from other females.
Where else, can an ugly broad, have some horny idiot trying to get in her panties?
Riyadh – 1991 was a fucking orgy. When my Infantry Battalion arrived in Saudi Arabia, the few women we had (admin and supply clerks) were sent to headquarters in Riyadh.
After Desert Shield the women came back with crazy stories about Riyadh. Women getting sent home weekly – for getting pregnant – some with husbands back home.
Meanwhile, during the Air War phase of Desert Shield, our scouts watched a male and female Marine assigned to guard the First Division perimeter, fucking their brains out. They got sent home for Court Martial.
But… combat is so hawt, ya know…
Good Lord, as recently as 10 years ago in Canada we were still charging CIVILIAN women for spreading STDs to the troops.
“I can’t fight off rapists, which is why we need to devote valuable training time to teach men not to rape. But, I can fight! Yut! Gung ho! Semper Fi! Oorah! Kill! Wait, you mean that Jihadi John doesn’t pull his punches just because I have tits? Yeah, see I can’t go on this deployment because I’m pregnant….”
Women can be in the military. As a secretary for the general that is. In combat roles they are a burden. What if they get captured by the enemy. They’ll be raped by the whole division.
Women in combat worked out for the Soviets during the Great Patriotic War…
Not really, no. There were some females that performed, basically because they had to due to not having an actual home due to it being bombed out of existence by the Nazis. Most women in the Soviet army were REMF’s or snipers, not front line troops.
Also, their roles were undoubtedly exaggerated by Soviet military propaganda. I doubt a true history has ever been written.
That being said, I am equally certain that thousands of Soviet women did perform an exemplary job as snipers, medics, anti-aircraft gunners and even fighter pilots:
But few, if any, that found their way into front line combat units would have been able to pull their weight.
Exactly correct. When your entire nation is *literally* on fire, you step up and fill the most logical roles possible.
This. Women in the Soviet Army got jobs they could do. And god help them if they didn’t perform.
Unless the woman captured is Andrea Dworkin. Then the enemy waves the white flag, trying to get the bitch outta there.
Actually, that would be a cost-effective tactical strategy
Yes, we’ll call it the “Hamplanet Brigade.”
When the Navy Seals have failed, we bring in the secret weapon.
The Navy Manatees.
At your disservice!
Good lord no we’d get in trouble for all sorts of Geneva Convention violations if we did that. 🙂
“As a secretary for the general. . .”
Patton’s secretary pre-war and in post war Berlin was Helen Tracy. Patton’s secretary during the war was Master Sargent Alfred Rapetti.
Hell no.
I was in a one unit that had females. It was a one year tour. The woman were;
* generally lazy and could or would not do the physical work.
* lesbians who trolled straight girls.
* woman who thought the Army was the primary avenue for cock.
* some threw pussy at NCO’s and later burned them.
The men White Knighted the fuck out of them or let them cave under the threat or fear of being hard on them. It was a complete fucking soap opera. I only saw one female NCO that was worth a damn as a soldier. She worked her ass off and would accept anything as a challenge. She was married (Also dipped Copenhagen). Just one from my experience. That isn’t a good ratio out of like 25 females.
We lost a great deal of productively because you had to consider who was fucking who, If she was fucking a Senior NCO it could bite you later. It created a foul environment. Hundreds of men in a unit competing pussy from a handful, other men throwing people under the bus over women who’d fuck anything that moved.
If you were in the Army with a unit that had females, this is what I’d bet you saw. Thank god it was only a year for me.
Most companies know to hire attractive female secretaries because beta males’s performance all of a sudden tripples in order to impress them and company profits go ++++++++++++
You lucky bastard. 7.5 years in the army and I dealt with females all the time. The fun part was when they thought you were hitting on them when just off post there were plenty of local girls to have fun with.
Women in the army generates a sexual tension where it should be non-existent for the sake of frame of mind and safety of everyone involved.
I was in an Airborne unit for 9 of my 12 years. Combat arms. No females. In order to get jump pay you are required to have at least one jump every 3 months. We usually did mass tactical night jumps. Being in an Infantry unit it was impossible not to stay current, we jumped all the fucking time. Odarkthirty.
Every unit always had at least five slots for standbys on a manifest if another unit needed soldiers to stay current. Females would always be sent to our unit and most of them were dropped because they claimed they were on their period. The male standbys knew they were going to jump even if they were current. It was a joke. We all knew it, but nothing was done.
Considering you lose jump pay if you aren’t current you’d think they’d jump. Nope.
i agree. This why gays should not be in the military. Or at least not be mixed in the normal men.
When i was doing my PT as a USMC dep, the only advantage i saw some of the girls having was speed, and even then it was only a slight advantage that was offset when you factored in that they had more time to run than us to meet qualification.
The Men practically annihilated them on the chin ups and situps. For my part I’d knock out 50 situps while most of the girls were still trying to reach 20 or so. They had to do less chin ups (1 if im not mistaken) while we had to do 5 and they only had to do 50 or 60 situps for the 100 we were expected to perform.
There’s your double standard…they get to have more time to do less than us, and even then they still have trouble.
My eldest daughter fiend was an NCO in the Air Force. She said the military cannot function with women in the ranks.
Putting women in the military is pro-rape.
Therein lies the fraudulent nature of women who demand “equality.” It applies solely to rights, and rarely to responsibility.
Savvy women (almost always attractive) know how good they have it – and they would never be so foolish as to demand “equality.” It’s only bitter and broken women, devoid of feminine beauty, that will demand more rights. Without these state-sanctioned privileges, they would be near invisible.
I get the impression that there are feminists who would never consider joining the military who are demanding that OTHER women be put into roles they are completely unsuited for.
At least some woman Marines know it is lunacy.
True dat.
Unfortunately, the majority of women are either average or unnattractive – which creates a solid majority of shrieking harpies in western societies. This would be a good case for eugenics: estrogen injections while females are still in the womb, creating masses of more feminine women. Everyone would win.
“Unfortunately, the majority of women are either average or unnattractive”
Have you been to Disneyworld in Orlando, lately? Good Lord, just watching the morbidly obese as they waddle through park is amazing. Is that Dumbo, or a woman from Arkansas?
I expect that, someday, Space Mountain will be unable to propel forward due to the excessive cargo of its passengers.
Most women are average because that’s what average is supposed to mean. I would say that the average women is not attractive.
It’s not as warrior nations such as Sparta or Mongolia trained women or let them rule society while the men were at war.
Did they put them in the front row of the phalanx?
No. Their training had a special purpose.
Plutarch says:”He(Lycurgus) made the maidens exercise their bodies in running, wrestling, casting the discus, and hurling the javelin, in order that the fruit of their wombs might have vigorous root in vigorous bodies and come to better maturity, and that they themselves might come with vigour to the fulness of their times, and struggle successfully and easily with the pangs of child-birth.”
It’s no wonder that the most beautiful women in greece were spartans.
We have had historians writing about such things on the manosphere.
Turns out Sparta invaded a nearby country with extremely fertile soil. Since they needed all men to be soldiers, they trained women to administer those profitable farms. They got so engrosses in wealth and managing work that they stopped having babies. And, they got their arses kicked out of that country and fell into poverty.
It wasn’t that simple.
What you say is true, but only happened after hundreds of years of Sparta(that wasn’t even a single city, but a bunch of villages)dominating the peloponnesus.
It was after the victory over Athens that Lisander braught to Sparta a lot of wealth and gold and jewels. This was forbidden by the Spartan laws, but it was from here that women started to do basically what the rest of the women in greece did, you know using make up, and being greedy and all.
Add this to how few Spartan men were, and only decades later the glory of Sparta was no more. In the battle of Leuctra, of 1.200 Spartans left, 400 died.
So, while is true that women contributed to the fall of Sparta, it wasn’t necessarily because of the Spartan laws, but because this laws weren’t respected anymore.
An extraordinarily important argument and article. Note that the Left is perfectly happy to push the demands of wannabe-women-soldiers, specifically because of the tension and conflict it induces within the military. The Left thrives on conflict and the special interest groups that arise because of it. This is no exception…nor is it a mere coincidence the the Left is resolutely opposed to the traditional masculine virtues and does everything it can to delegitimize them.
If Hillary Clinton gets elected into the office of the President of the United States, she would then be the Commander in Chief of ALL the military branches! Scary!
99.8% of them serve no purpose other than to sleep with their male counterparts.
I would not be able to rely on a fellow female soldier to have and watch my back. Most likely I would be paranoid that she misses the shot and accidentally ends up shooting me. Most likely she would also be a burden instead of help and imagine the worse case scenario the female soldier ends up in the hands of enemy. Not to mention she would be distraction along with typical female complaining about “jeez my hair is all sweaty”, “I’m tired” and other BS. Military is the last area of male space that the female should not invade at all.
This is a fine article.My compliments to you Mr Wolfe. It deserves to be nominated for article of the month, which is impressive given that the month just started.
*taps shield*
I feel sorry for americans serving in obama’s military. In the back of your mind you will always know that political correctness comes before the success of the mission, and even the lives of those around you.
Yeah it was pretty much BS. My two favorite stories to illustrate that are when I was dressed down for being too mean to soldiers and the other time having to stand on the carpet, because one of my soldiers had complaints he was administering immunization shots TOO HARD! I’m not sure, how I kept a straight face that time.
As a patriot and veteran who is deemed an enemy by the state (or whatever globalist cabal is running it) I for one welcome the destruction of our armed forces through progressivism and feminism.
They will be easier to beat.
And those green card soldiers, likely the only ones with balls, the last thing they will hear is “What?”
This is yet another reason why i’m for Selective Service aka “the cold draft” being expanded to include females.
Not because i think females would be effective in the military, but because i would relish watching females everywhere (especially the divas who cry at the slightest chip of a nail) cringe at knowing there is a possibility they could be enlisted for duty whether they like it or not.
I would love to see feminists try to spin that one 🙂
Handle it like the Soviet Army during WWII. Women were recruited since they were officially equal.
They got horribly dangerous jobs that didn’t require upper body strength. If they had period problems, they got PT until they stopped having periods. And god help one that actually became pregnant.
So much to say on this topic, like many here on ROK and in this thread having served in the military I had first hand experience with the deleterious impact of female inclusion etc. In fact, I think its no coincidence that there is an over representation of current and former military men here. I’ll try to chime in through the day, its earnings season, so, work is slow.
Per the articles last bullet “women are no patriots”. Indeed they’re not. Not only in the way that it was described above, but, women are not defending the values that men are ostensibly defending. Pat Buchannan recently said there are two countries as defined by culture…so true. And this is no more evident than in the military. What is feminism but a anti male ideology – it is hostile, literally, towards everything that a warm blooded American holds dear – pussy, football, freedom, apple pie and, of course, Mom aka the family. Since the military’s inception that ethos is what thousands of men died for, endured unspeakable horrors or, worse, had to survive being horribly maimed. To this day, right now, what was once a fresh eyed buck of all 18 or 19 years old is a mutilated machine stuffed in the bowels of some God awful hospital ward…and he has been for now decades! Ahem, feminism is also against the constitution, which any one in the service must swear to defend (foreign and domestic) – whats that tell you. Along with being pro socialist, big centralized state…anti-gun, anti-family.
feminsts values are centered on destroying the very thing we all fought for and, today, they insist on “fighting” along side us? For fuck sake, the enemy is literally within. So, on a values basis, women are absolutely NOT patriotic.
I did the mountain army in my country I droved trucks.
How does a woman to change the wheel of a truck?
She can’t.
And now we can’t say “Hold the finger on your trigger”,because trigger is a synonymous of clitoris…
That shines a whole new light on the phrase “trigger warning”.
I never knew the truth about the Lynch incident(why would I? It was back when I believed the mainstream narrative) and this really pisses me off.
I was at An Naz when it happened. MSM was fucking bullshit. I recall that later on it was admitted that her heroic weapon jammed as she was heroically being heroic. Pffff…anyone fucking boot knows – Tap, rap, bang. And, her weapon jammed because she didn’t fucking clean it. She was a fucking hack.
She couldn’t get some dupe to do it for her before turning it over to the armorer? That’s what girls did when I was in, at least the semi-attractive and higher did, friggin’ useless lot.
Sounds like they were all dead. If anything lynch is proof why we shouldn’t have women in the military.
She could always blow the armorer. The male scammers/skaters need to leave a $20 bill rolled up in the chamber.
Worse than that, they couldn’t keep their weapons clean either. SGT Walters was the only real soldier in the bunch. Everyone else in that group that was killed or captured never fired a single round, they just surrendered! Male and female alike, not another soldier among them. At least when captured, the Black female had the balls not to cry on camera and showed her captors some attitude.
I read that the Iraqis mistook Shoshana Johnson for a male and realized she was a female when she took her JSLIST top off.
I was somewhere near Basra at the time. I never heard anything about it at the time and by the time I rotated back to the real world the story had largely been buried by the media. Only found out about it much later.
Before you could say “jack rabbit” we had SEALs, Green Berets, Delta and whatever else appear out of know where in the trash dump that I was at…prepping for the heroic privates rescue.
How could we expect her to clean her weapon when she couldn’t even put on a seat belt?
“The biggest existential threat to the US and Western countries is not rogue states or Islamic terrorists. It is the loss of our individual identities as nations. Every woman that is lured away from the role of wife, mother and homemaker by the modern world leaves behind her a hole which must be filled. If our people cannot or will not fill those holes then they will be filled for us by immigration. ”
I agree with the overall tone of the article, however-Western women are even less suited for motherhood then they are military service.The modern generation of hypergamous females are good only at one thing-leveraging stuff and status from men, then discarding them.Our society -as has every ancient one which has practiced feminism -is doomed. Eventually we’ll get conquered by a society with balls.
“Eventually we’ll get conquered by a society with balls.”
It wouldn’t surprise me if many of the useful idiot dhimmis end up speaking arabic before long.
Very true, but there is nothing fundamentally different between women today and the women of past generations. Their nature has always been the same, but our fathers, grandfathers and ancestors lived in better times. Modern culture is toxic to women. You’re right, unless we fix this we will get ground down into the dirt by more patriarchal cultures.
Sergeant Donald Walters was a cook with the 507th Maintenance Company. He had previously worked as a corrections officer and in the Kansas City Airport, and wanted to write children’s books.
Several empty magazines were found near the location of his capture indicating that he fought until he was out of ammo. Injuries to his body, when recovered, (gunshot wound to the leg, two stab wounds to the abdomen and a dislocated shoulder) indicate ferocious hand-to-hand combat after that.
In other words, he fought to his last bullet, and then he fought until he was physically incapacitated, and overcome.
{Raises glass} “Gentlemen. We drink to the memory of Sergeant Donald Walters!”
Hear hear.
If ever there be a special place in heaven for Men who fight alone for something greater than themselves, with neither drum nor trumpet, with nary a kindred soul to witness their heroism, let this Man be worthy of such a residence.
A toast to a Man who gave more than most, and gave all when few others would do the same.
We honor this Man in our words, as history should honor him on its pages.
If I had to choose how I die, it would be in battle.
My second choice would be to die of sexual exhaustion after emerging victorious from battle.
Same here.
As long as I get to pick, I plan to be shot to death at age 99, by the jealous husband of my 22 y.o. lover, the reigning Playmate of the Year….
“Those who live by the sword, die by the sword.”
“That doesn’t sound too bad actually! Death in battle is the best way to go, in my opinion.”
-Elven King
Hahaha! What a great death that would be!
So later this year then…?
How would you like to die?
[annotates hit list]
Carry on.
“Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household” -Matthew 10:35-37
This is the REAL Jesus, not the hippy wimp the left tries to make him out to be.
Jesus was hardcore with it, he threw over tables, whipped people, called people names and defied the religious hypocrisy in power at the time.
Jesus is hardcore and the real Christians are no less so.
Jesus was peaceful when he needed to be, and forceful when he needed to be. He was/is a great man. We should all follow his example.
I think the best death a red pill man could have would be that of the late Lt Col Harry Flashman VC as immortalised by George McDonald-Fraser. According to Fraser Flashman died at the ripe old age of 95 in 1915. He was visiting troops based in France and died when a German shell hit the bordello he was using for accommodation.
This toast REALLY calls for manly tears. Yes, I believe real men should shed tears in circumstances like this.
and it’s a damn shame that more people have heard about Jessica Lynch versus Donald Walters. The news just had to prop up this woman to show what…that she had to be rescued?
How the hell is she a hero if she was the one who had to be rescued? I never understood it but I can see why the “female in combat” story had to be pushed. I still think it’s bullshit (today) and I still think she is worthless.
Just an FYI she was a barracks queen of the highest magnitude. Rumor has it some guy had nudes of her and sold them to Larry Flynt.
Well put.
One of the worst careers to work with women in is aircraft maintenance. Time and time again we would be out in the 100 degree heat, balls deep into a Main Generator replacement (typically a 12 hour job); the Main Gen weighs close to 80 pounds and I never once saw one of our E&E women perform this task. There was no way that a woman could physically lift this thing, so instead, they would sit inside on the couches eating hot dogs, cheetohs, and whatever else they could get their hands on.
Most of the maintenance women are extremely overweight…and if they ARE attractive, they don’t last long as the flight line, they usually got some kind of cushy desk job at the AMXS HQ as a trainer or some other BS position. That’s just what you want, a person who is shit at their job teaching others how to do it.
80 pounds, and they couldn’t handle it, though they are in the prime of life?
I am well past the prime of life, yet routinely when we get 110 pound bags of cement for a construction project, I grab my share and carry them from the truck.
When a 73 year old man can out-perform a woman, she should not be in the military.
Women look absurd with a weapon and fighting gear in general. How can women claim they deserve to be in the military and combat yet are offended by men’s shirts , manspreading, “benevolent sexism” and catcalls on the street.
Gentlemen, there is another issue here that has not been addressed.
A retired CO from the Air Force once shared this little gem with me, over a moment of solidarity:
He told me of the time he was training pilots on the essentials of operating a fighter jet when one of the few females in attendance asked to be temporarily excused from actually having to fly as part of her training. She was an officer and he marvelled at how someone who was looking to become a figher pilot would be trying to get out of figher pilot training on the first day, but he nonetheless gave her request respect and asked her why.
Her response was that, because her training fell at the beginning of her period, she was physically unable to meet the requirements of fighter pilot training and would likely perform in an unsatisfactory manner.
He paused, and accepted her response. She was given a medical exemption for a full week.
So 2 weeks later he was discussing an unrelated manner with another trainer and he was told a similar story by him: a girl was training on subject X and she used the period card to try and get out of it, and he agreed. (didnt want to be perceived as gender insensitive)
My friend goes and pulls up the record and voila! It’s the same girl, suffering the same period issue twice within the same month, in order to get out of NECESSARY training.
Worse, he went further back and was able to determine she had been pulling the same stunt repeatedly since she entered into active service.
He approached her off the record and told her and i quote “if you keep up with this shit i will make sure your sweet little ass will get kicked right off the flight deck.”
He felt confident that if she tried to report him for “inappropriate language” or some other shit he could get her dishonorably discharged because of her antics, and his record was stellar enough that he wouldn’t take anything more than a blemish, which he could afford to risk.
He didn’t want to go through all the hassle of having to file a report and waiting while the red tape went through the facts.
Suffice it to say, she stopped with the nonsense post haste and he never had that kind of trouble with her again. Mind you, this was during the Bush era. If it had been during Obama, it might have gone differently.
The moral of the story is: Females will take any shortcut they can in order to avoid having to do the same hard work as a Man. Females will only work hard on their terms and only on things they consider a priority. Like a cat, a female will not do anything she does not feel is a priority regardless of whether it’s expected of her or not.
Excuse me if i don’t take this incident to be isolated, given how flakely females tend to be.
Just imagine a female getting ready to be deployed to some foreign hot zone, and her using the period card to try and get out of it…with the SJ turds in the upper echelons of military power (like Hagel) thanks to obama, they are likely to get away with it.
When deployments were pending, our women just got themselves knocked up. I had an Admin Staff Sgt. – I swear she was pregnant before Saddam’s Army was halfway to Kuwait City. Had a nice belly on her when she waved goodbye to us as we left for Saudi Arabia. Worthless.
I actually would prefer them getting pregnant and staying out of the way than have them be deployed in a combat situation inadequately trained because of stunts like the one I mentioned.
Imagine having a female who routinely pulls a stunt like this and gets deployed with inadequate training, because of a perpetual period issue. She might end up falling through the cracks. Imagine having to be her wingbitch. Now imagine all the potential fubars that can result from that.
God help the U.S. military.
That is positively terrifying.
Stories like these sicken me beyond words. They worry about sexual assault in the military – I worry there isn’t enough in penance for their nauseating presence in our military. It’s enough already. These bitches need to be put back under heel already. All of them.
I talked to a Guy in the Military who said when he would break the news to the New Recruits that they were going to the Middle East, the Men in the Room would be Excited, while the women showed Fear and some would become hysterical.
Man: “I joined the military to kick ass and take names.”
Female: “I joined the military to take names and have my ass kissed.”
Lesbian: “I joined the military to kick names and take some female ass!”
A book has just been written with these three sentences.
If you held a dozen PhDs, you would still be wise beyond your education.
You are too kind sir, thank you.
What is the name of the book?
It need not be written now. You’ve captured its entire essence in three sentences.
I knew a young intelligent black man who was a transport officer in Desert Storm. He said he had 180 or so soldiers in his transport unit. 18 of them were women. Most of his time was spent with 17 of the 18. One woman was a professional soldier.
The others would say, “You gotta’ give us the officer’s tent. We have to change clothes in the tent with the men. Or, the officer’s latrine.”
He told them to go pound sand.
Or they’d drive 18 miles in the morning, then announce they had to go back because they forgot their sanitary pad. He said borrow from another woman. And,, they’d say, “No, i use a different brand.”
so, a driver and a Jeep or whatever they call them now would have to be taken out of duty to make a 36 mile round trip for a dipshit who forgot to take her rag.
You just can’t make this stuff up…military life is more snafu’d up than art thanks to this Bs.
Let the Kuntz and the queers fill up the military. All the drones in the world won’t save them. What sane masculine male would want to fight and die for their dumbass social experiment……
There are two valid and necessary roles for women. Homemaker. whore. They can’t read, compute, analyze, learn, memorize, articulate correctly or function within civilization. Women pursuing any kind of gainful employment beyond extremely subordinate positions like secretary or maid – should be publicly spat on. Fuck women doctors, lawyers, accountants and most of all soldiers. Filthy immoral cunts. Fuck them. Humiliate them and put them in their place. Blaze your own professional trail in life so you aren’t held accountable for having to be civil to these vile, slimy holes with feet in any sphere you may encounter them outside of the home. They need to pay dearly for their lack of obedience and idiotic, easily controllable rebellion against their superiors – ALL MEN.
There are two valid and necessary roles for men. Homemaker. whore. They can’t read, compute, analyze, learn, memorize, articulate correctly or function within civilization. Men pursuing any kind of gainful employment beyond extremely subordinate positions like secretary or maid – should be publicly spat on. Fuck male doctors, lawyers, accountants and most of all soldiers. Filthy immoral cunts. Fuck them. Humiliate them and put them in their place. Blaze your own professional trail in life so you aren’t held accountable for having to be civil to these vile, slimy penises with feet in any sphere you may encounter them outside of the home. They need to pay dearly for their lack of obedience and idiotic, easily controllable rebellion against their superiors – ALL WOMEN.
That modicum of irony your straining for doesn’t exist as we Men created the entirety of the civilization that your inept, dependent fat asses are the beneficiaries of. Please do enlighten me woman studies major.
Now run along cupcake and go try to sell your hemorrhoid encrusted asshole, as no one’s interested in the nonsensical shit generated in the chasm-like hole between your ears >:^)
I showed you how laughable your first comment was, sweetheart.
No you didn’t. Clearly that didn’t work out for you. Sorry, but you lost.
Women In the millitary are useless when you deny there base nature, they are good at jobs that require paperwork only scribe type jobs or medical. That being said to arrive at that conclusion one would have to open there eyes and conclude that make and females are eqaul but suited for differnt jobs. I joined the navy at 19 and went in to the often overlooked and mostly unheard of Seabees we do construction supposedly under fire. So imagine being a carpenter or dragging cables just in full body armour with a m4 rifle. Women are practically useless, and most are gay and some how they escape all the rules applied to straight people. They have two modes only they either are totally useless and stay in medical or if they work and are proficient when they make rank are the worst tyrant on the planet and people literally dread working for them. The way I see it out of 100 females you get maybe 5 good workers and by good I mean we could drop these women anywhere anyjob and they could do it. The other 95 must have a paperwork type job or they are useless. I have saw several women metoriosly promoted but they were not good, they did lots of volunteer work organized plays had little groups to stop people from drinking but no hard labor no numbers,no crews led,just fluff, the job of a social worker. By doing that one rises quicker than a male who is proficient at his assigned job,building , electrical, mechanics, all fall by the wayside to party planning.
Unfortunately, it’s not really good for any military to divert assets to find the five in a hundred. It’s sad really.
Given that Naval aviation is 35% women in squadrons and 20% women on the carriers, it’s no wonder we own 11 carriers and only three are at sea operating. Word around the NAVAIR water cooler is, the rest can’t get to sea for all the single mothers refusing sea duty because after all, what to do with the children? The three carrier groups at sea today are the result of “cannibalization” of human assets willing to go to sea as ordered. If that’s the case, we may as well turn 7 or 8 carriers into razor blades and retire squadrons if the women refuse to go to sea. In the old days, the ships went to sea as ordered. If you weren’t aboard, you went to jail. And therein lies the problem. Women know they can miss ship’s movement without consequence, so they refuse orders to deploy. No one speaks of this, but this is the situation.
Looking at the map, most of ISIS in Syria and Western Iraq and in Libya is best struck from the Mediterranean, ISIS beheads Coptic Christians on the sands of the Med in Libya and they do so with impunity because after all, the United States has no NAVAIR assets in the Med. We simply don’t have the MANpower to go to sea anymore. And forgetting the carriers for a bit, a carrier is part of a GROUP involving replenishment, escorts, submarines and of course, squadrons of fighter/bombers that operate off a carrier’s deck. And the women, having been posted into these positions in place of MEN (it’s a zero sum game) now refuse to go to sea, but of course, they pick up the paychecks. Furthering the insult, tens of thousands of men were retired, let go or bought out to leave the Navy in order to make room for women.
Get that: the men that made going to sea in the Navy their career were forced out in favor of women who now refuse to go to sea. The insanity is palpable. But you won’t see it in the papers.
Dammit. Another article! Rooooosh!
Unbelievable! This is just plain insanity, why isn’t this information in the news? Billions wasted on people who are not properly trained and who are not willing to mann the ships. What is going on?!
it’s on the manosphere all over the Web. Why do you think Obama wants to control the Web?
it was in the MRA area over 20 years ago. See the book THE WEAK LINK, written many years (1989))ago by a military officer. He told how badly women were performing.
I get my care from the VA, owing to some injuries sustained one fine night out there. Nimitz was my ship, embarked with an A-6 squadron. At my VA outpatient clinic, they have the Navy Times (all the other services’ newspapers too). There is a section within that shows “Where are our forces” and it shows the carriers’ locations. Four in Virginia, Nimitz and one other in Bremerton, Wa., two in San Diego. 3 at sea as of last week. You aren’t going to get news of this, it would expose the folly of all this. They have deliberately bought senior Petty Officers, all men, out of their careers whether they liked it or not and made room for those “less privileged”, and to bring new blood into the upper ranks (women, most of them land-lubbers with children, no husband).
So, our carriers and planes and squadrons sit idle, they don’t operate and sure as I’m typing, proficiency is going DOWN. Lose the pool of talent it takes to operate at sea, you have to re-learn a lot of lessons, all of them written in blood. These critters won’t go to sea and the Navy won’t/can’t make them anymore. So, they cannibalize the personnel from the idle squadrons and carriers that WILL go to sea, all men, probably to form up a lousy three out of 11 carrier groups. It’s unbelievable.
I don’t Get it, the Feminist’s/SJW’s in one hand are pushing Victim Mentality and women should be Protected against evil Rapist Men, with all kinds of TV Adds against Domestic Violence and sexual assault, and in the other hand the Feminist’s/SJW’s are trying to get women into the most dangerous, Hostile, unfriendly-to-women parts of the Earth known to Man, because of the Equality chip on Their shoulder. The workings of Emotional minds, and of a Society where Men are to Weak to Promote the Voice of Reason…
“the Feminist’s/SJW’s are trying to get women into the most dangerous,
Hostile, unfriendly-to-women parts of the Earth known to Man, because of
the Equality chip on Their shoulder”
Don’t forget the unisex bathrooms too…
One First Sergeant I had used this phrase on fuck-ups…
“You are not only a danger to yourself but everyone around you. You fucked it up, UNFUCK it!”
Damn good leader.
Great article.
I’m a female anti feminist. I hate what the movement has become. But you guys are disgusting. You’re generalizing women and calling them weak. I was raised by a mother and father who met each other in the military. My mom did the same things the men did, and even led some of the activities. Yeah their are some idiots out there, but it’s everyone’s country, and women should be allowed to fight for it too.
At least I can form a complete sentence.
Incorrect, you are. Incorect that is. Look, in combat, women are weaker. In life, women don’t measure up. They don’t invent, they don’t do the dirty work of maintenance of the infrastructure, they don’t build. They don’t engineer. They’re carried by men in the workplace. I’m sorry, sweetheart, women are not equal in the ways of the world that matter. It isn’t woman-hate that makes me say that. REALITY makes me say that. And you know the truth. The ways that women matter is the maintenance of the men that actually go out and DO all that. THAT is the practical woman’s role. But allow the “feminism” that you come to us and say you hate to cloud your judgement and state that women are equal in these ways. It’s nonsense.
Women can be just as innovative as men. Women can be as strong as men. Women can be as independent as men. Yes, biologically, women have less muscle mass and tend to be more emotional, but you’re generalizing. I will never say to lower the standards for anyone. I don’t fight for fake equality. Keep them the same. But also empower people to do what they want. If that’s what they are good at, bigotry shouldn’t stop them.
Maybe they CAN be as innovative as men, but they ARE NOT. Women, absent major evolutionary change will NEVER and cannot be as strong as men. Women’s emotions are a major reason WHY they don’t innovate, invent or maintain. There are no emotions on a construction site, Incorrect, hence, we see no women there. They aren’t in the ground maintaining the water, sewer and electricity that enables all this nonsense of feminism and women’s basic laziness prevents them from following those pursuits in any case.
No one is stopping, no bigotry prevents women from a job climbing cell phone towers 800′ in the air. No one and no bigotry stops a woman from slogging through a sewer. No one and no bigotry stops women from steel work 1500′ in the air. It’s just that women don’t DO that stuff. No woman appears to do that work.
In the office environment women are a train wreck, especially in the CEO/CFO environment. It’s their catty, backstabbing emotions at work. Women at work are like Drago in Rocky4. Whatever they touch, they destroy. These are the facts, Incorrect. They just ARE.
I’d rather talk to feminists than to you. That’s saying something.
Of COURSE you’d rather talk to feminists than me. It IS saying something. It says your original statement, “I’m a female anti feminist. I hate what the movement has become.” was a lie. It’s ok, I never thought otherwise. Now go. Be you. Talk to feminists. And remember everything I told you. You aren’t equal, you’re inferior to men in all the ways of the world that matter, except for those two delightful holes between your legs. It’s evolution and biology. Sorry (no I’m not).
No, hon, women cannot be as strong as men. The strongest women around can’t compete against even average men.
And it’s about more than “me me me me!” here, don’t you get it?
Good news, there’s a place on the internet where you can do JUST that!
Begone, wench!
We agree, and we also prefer you talk to feminists than us. You are a feminist.
As Jim says below they are not as innovative. They just aren’t.
The diseases which were cured. The technology which changes the world. All all-male.
Bill Gates and Paul Allen and many others dropped out of school, and stayed in their rooms almost 24/7 for months. No woman has ever done that.
But, one thing you need to understand. Most men also don’t do such things. The distribution curve of ability for men is skewed way to one side. There simply aren’t women that far out. Average i.q. for physics Ph. D.’s is over 150. There are almost no women at that i.q. level. the graduate courses in physics are taught with the assumption that the students can handle the material at that level. Those who aren’t simply can’t keep up.
There are also more stupid men than stupid women. Men are more dispersed than women are, period. And it is the very rare high achievers who do all the important stuff. And, very few women can do it.
“Bill Gates and Paul Allen and many others dropped out of school, and stayed in their rooms almost 24/7 for months. No woman has ever done that.”
Actually you might want to look at Elizabeth Holmes, dids just that as a 19-year-old sophomore at Stanford dropped out and founded Theranos on the blood test she invented that is poised to upend the bio-lab/testing world. Not trying to take sides, but I want to see a debate that is intellectually honest and not unfounded equivocations.
Does that mean then that you will not again supply a sample of one and claim to have won a debate?
Do you have a link which shows that she went into her room and stayed for months while working on her project? No? I thought not.
If you want an intellectually honest debate it is first necessary for you to be intellectually honest.
Gates and Job did not upend a minor industry. They up-ended the entire planet. The whole word including the bio-lab testing industry were up-ended.
Actually I didn’t claim to win any debate, I pointed out the fallacy of the person I responded to using the absolute that no woman has ever done something similar. I even mentioned that I wasn’t out to choose a side, but wanted to correct a point. Maybe that escaped your notice, as I won’t just accuse you of ignoring it to dishonestly attack me.
Also using the narrative that they locked themselves away as a literal expression is foolish as well. They pulled themselves away from their regular peers and developed their products, just as she did when she dropped out and perfected her product and raised capital to bring it to market.
As for bio-lab/medical testing being a minor industry, you may not have been paying attention to just how large medicine is as an industry(1/6 of the economy by several estimates), not to mention the potential to progress other bio-engineering products and agricultural industries. Has she the ability to accomplish it remains to be seen. As an aside she actually created her product and didn’t just see the potential of someone else’s work and market it which is what the 2 examples you cited actually did.
By the way before you accuse me of ignoring your request for a link: http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2014/12/15/blood-simpler
ANd just some excerpts: “Holmes was consumed by the idea of developing a company. “I got to a
point where I was enrolled in all these courses, and my parents were
spending all this money, and I wasn’t going to any of them,” she said.
“I was doing this full time.””
“Although she can quote Jane Austen by heart, she no longer devotes time
to novels or friends, doesn’t date, doesn’t own a television, and hasn’t
taken a vacation in ten years. Her refrigerator is all but empty, as
she eats most of her meals at the office.”
And another article to point out her achievement: http://fortune.com/2014/06/12/theranos-blood-holmes/
Again I’m not trying to “win the debate”, I just want to see it progress honestly.
I believe you accused me of intellectual dishonesty. With yourself self-appointed as judge and jury. if you hadn’t done that, I probably would not have responded again.
If you are going to use rare examples of female innovation as proof that most innovation does not come from men, which it does, you forgot Grace Hopper and Eva Curie and her daughter. Dig deep. You might find a few more.
And, I suppose you could try repeating the claim that Einstein stole the Theory of Relativity from his first wife.
I used the words intellectually honest in response to the use of the absolute “No woman has ever done that.” And I pointed out a modern exception that illustrates such an ABSOLUTE is dishonest. And to try and disparage the fact that she is an exceptional person when you used 2 exceptional people yourself (Bill Gates and Steve Jobs),because let’s be honest not even 99.9% of the male population measure up to their levels of innovation, is relatively the same issue. The fact is that they are all outliers. I didn’t even challenge the assertion that there are far more male innovators, than female, just that there are NONE who are or who have proven to have a similar level of dedication.
The fact is I was making a constructive criticism. Not to undermine your argument, but to point out the fallacy of a false premise, that does undermine your argument. I’m not here to be “self-appointed as judge and jury”, I only wanted to see an improved debate. Thick skin and self reflection are masculine traits here on ROK, that are striven for. I’m not here to attack the brotherhood, but I want to see strong arguments that aren’t so easily assailed and written off on naught more than a simple error.
You still haven’t told us of a woman who went into her room and stayed for months, developing something important that changed the world. What she did was good and all that but it was not even on the same page with Gates and Allen and Job. It was a specialty thing, and it sounded like she was a silver spoon case with money thrown at her from every direction. Gates and Allen got only food and housing. When Gates took his program to IBM he hadn’t even run it once,and they didn’t have money for them both to go. And, he changed the world in the process.
Her patent is not and will not be known to people outside a special business area. If she were my daughter, i would certainly be proud of her. But, she was not in a world shaking area like Gates and Allen and Job and Thorvalds.
I am guessing you are a female feminist, one of many who come here strictly to disrupt the conversation among men in any way possible. Like that pathetic cretin Spider.
Holy shit you have to be the dumbest moron on this site. The fact that gates was the son of a lawyer completely alludes you. In fact none of the cases cited by you or I is a rags to riches story. Not only that, the case of Gates is the fact that he outsmarted IBM at the negotiation table, not invented something, that no one else did! The saddest thing in this whole thread is that instead of realizing that you made a simple mistake in using an ABSOLUTE, and correcting course you’ve ranted and raved proving that you’re one of the idiots bringing down your fellow men and on top of that prove your ineptitude further by trying to call me out as a woman and a feminist instead of looking at past threads in my statements to realize why I feel that MRA movement is important and why I’m terribly distressed that brain dead jackasses such as yourself open your mouth thinking that you’re helping when in fact all you do is completely detract from the side you supposedly fight on. Whether you respond anymore to this is irrelevant as I refuse to be waylaid by such a useless piece of trash. It’s bad enough I’ll have to waste so much time for proving that I’m on the correct side, despite imbeciles such as yourself being on the same team!
dumbest moron. idiot. ineptitude. dead jackass. useless piece of trash. imbeciles.
Gosh, I guess I was pretty bad, wasn’t I? Oh, wait a minute. I am not the person who said those things. You were. The only bad thing I said was to label spider as a cretin. Anyone who calls me faggot many times in one short posting is a cretin.
Yet, you talk about a team. I have never seen anywhere in many decades of the men’s movement where that sort of talk co-existed with any sort of team. It has never happened. And, it will never happen. You and your insults and name-calling cannot co-exist with any team of men.
If you don’t want people to think you are a female feminist, stop talking like a female feminist.
As far as Gates, his dad may have been an attorney. Yet, they admitted they didn’t even have enough money for both of them to go to IBM.
You make it very clear that you think her patent and business are world shaking. I do not agree. As I plainly said, if she were my daughter I would be extremely proud of her. That does not make her achievement as world changing as Gates et al. Which is another reason you seem to be a female feminist.
Now I understand, you’re not just stupid, but delusional. Not once in any posting did I even remotely mention sexual orientation, but you felt it necessary to defend yourself from the non-existent attack, “Anyone who calls me faggot many times in one short posting is a cretin.” . And if you’re going to quote me the phrase I used was Brain-dead jackass, not “dead jackass”, but I’m sure I can just chalk that up to being distracted by the leprechaun on the rock that tells you to burn things. (In case you’re wondering that’s a reference to Ralph from the Simpson, just a bit of metaphor, not an actual claim of knowing what condition afflicts you). The sad fact is I wish mouth-breathers like you would not be on the side I’m on, as you only detract and distract from points actual intelligent people make for defending real causes. Are you sure you’re not a feminist plant, because you sure are doing them a hell of a service by supposedly siding against them.
mouth breather. stupid, delusional, brain-dead jackass, has leprechaun to tell me what to do; feminist plant.
Before it was: dumbest moron. idiot. ineptitude. dead jackass. useless piece of trash. imbeciles.
The funny thing is people like you actually think you can contribute something to the men’s movement by writing that way.
Wow, I really tried in the beginning to be nice and toss you a softball. Then when you proved willfully ignorant (refusing to accept facts), I figured I’d drop to you level and maybe that would shock your mind into actually reading something and possibly learning. Instead you just proved you could pull me down to your level, and then act like I’m the one holding people back. I’ll admit to the embarrassment that causes me. And now why to show that in truth the one who is the anchor is you (Don’t worry I realize you’ll fail to grasp anything of the concepts I’m about to put out, but I’m doing this anyway for the viewing audience who there is hope for).
You refused to realize that using an absolute invalidated your statement, even when an example was presented disproving the absolute. Instead of realizing that, you went into the internet equivalent of plugging your ears and chanting NAH! NAH! NAH! You then went on and provided two examples of men that you said proved your case( a man shutting himself out from the world and inventing ground breaking technology), Bill Gates and Steve Jobs.
Why was the female I presented not good enough? Because you felt that shaking up the world of medicine was big enough. The sad part is that both parts of your argument are completely wrong! Gates and Jobs first off did NOT invent a single thing. *gasp* That’s right, everything they MARKETED was invented by someone else. The Apple computer was designed and built by Wozniak, the mouse was invented by Xerox labs, solid state drives were also created by another company. As for DOS Gates purchased it off of another software company and sold it to IBM ( while retaining the rights to it). And before you go off with well yes, but they created the wave that put a computer in every home. Wrong! In fact at the time that their respective systems came out, there was a slew of companies already doing just that. All they pulled off was better MARKETING! So that puts them in the same kinds of league as Martha Stewart and Oprah. Just like Mark Zuckerberg, didn’t write Facebook, or invent social media networking (as things like MySpace and M2M had done the same things long before) The young woman I originally pointed out actually invented her product! So that already puts her ahead of your examples. In addition to that, while computers have caused a huge impact in the world, there are still large swaths of the world that they haven’t had an effect on, but oddly medicine is everywhere! She’ll actually have the ability to create a paradigm shift in medicine as opposed to successfully riding a wave built and created by others like Gates and Jobs did.
As for me making the statements you cited yes I stand by every single one of them. Because instead of using anything like facts or information you pulled all the cards of someone unwilling to admit they had made an error, and dug in your heels. You didn’t like my example so you felt it was time to change the basis of your argument ( going from no woman has ever locked herself away and created world shaking tech to the tech she created was nearly world shaking enough, which lead you to again put up the incorrect examples that you did) You also go further by hypocritically complaining about me stating I believe you maybe a feminist plant after you directly said “I am guessing you are a female feminist, one of many who come here strictly to disrupt the conversation among men in any way possible. ” about me. You also used the word “cretin” to illustrate your distaste for the individual you compared me to. You also previously decided that your “beliefs” were a legitimate point in debate as you stated you felt I had “self-appointed as judge and jury “. And I guess that hurt your feelings? So again while I abhor the fact that you were able to convince me to lower myself to your level, I stand by each and every statement and turn of phrase I used because they only serve to illustrate my disdain of how little you bring to the table of intellectual discourse and how your erroneous belief in your own brilliance cripples any side that you decide to be part of. As far as using the idea that you are a “feminist plant”, is because I want to believe that only someone of that nefarious bent could possibly come off as such an anchor.
You consistently profile as a female feminist as I said in the beginning. It is obvious you are highly impressed with this woman. And, I instantly admitted if I had a daughter like her, I would be very proud of her.
That is not what you want. Since you are impressed with her, you want to pressure everyone to admit that she has outperformed all the great inventors of modern time. The great business men. Henry Ford. Einstein. Gates. Job. And, more. Everybody else for a variety of reasons, which you are more than willing to enumerate, ad infinitum, ad nauseum, really don’t deserve credit, even as they saved the US from economic collapse.
Nope, they being only stupid men stole or bought everything. Everything. Only a woman can really innovate on her own.
Your message, repeated over and over, is any man who dares to disagree with me is an idiot and a fool. Further, as most female feminists do, you simply re-write history and fact to meet your agenda of proving this brilliant woman deserves more credit than all the great male innovators.
You are on a man’s board, and that is not a place to pull your female feminist shenanigans. Go over to Jezebel or Huff post. They will let you write those things there without argument, and anyone who disagrees with you gets banned. A perfect match.
Here, let’s you and me arm wrestle.
When you beat me at that, then we’ll talk about your disgust and hatred of us.
Until then, you’re simply advocating for the depopulation of these united States. Women are kept out of combat for a reason, and the most important one is that if you send your women off to die on the front lines then your population after the war, assuming you win, dwindles. Turns out that sperm is cheap but eggs are expensive. If you send young women off into combat and there are a lot of casualties you literally cut off the next generation’s chances of ever existing. Very selfish really if you think about it, and suicidal.
Sorry, GOJ. That viewpoint is purely 1950’s. We have many more women today to make babies than we need. If we truly need more babies, each woman can crank out 8 or more like Muslim women do.
We let our women kill over 1 million unborn babies a year.
They were not in combat, were they? Big deal. Check out the officer’s school, I think it’s marine infantry officers, right? Not one woman has graduated and many fail THE FIRST DAY.
You say you are anti-feminist. Don’t be ridiculous.
shut up, you stupid cunt
Beautiful chess set in the top pic. Wonder where we can get a set like that?
On a more sombre note, it is sad that Sergeant Walters was cast aside just like that. Rest in peace, wherever you are.
If the women want SO badly to ‘help’ America, why the heck can’t they do what their grandmothers did, fixing up planes and tanks in the homeland? Most likely today’s women will whine and bitch if this is suggested to them. At least the women of the 1940s knew their places and priorities, and those of the men too, and enforced both (e.g. Draft dodger – shaming)
It’s Professor Mcgonagall’s chess set from Harry Potter and the Sorceror’s Stone.
It’s really beautiful – superb detail and craftsmanship
It’s Professor Mcgonagall’s chess set from Harry Potter.
Like I said…if you’re a man who values yourself just don’t join the military and if they ever issue a draft again leave the country. I’m not dying for this shit and neither should you. Let the women and the fags get sent off to fight for their freedoms and see how long they last.
I ran face first into this issue more than 20 years ago and I can only assume things are worse. Going way back there were three (Canadian) military courses to line yourself up for promotion to sergeant: ISCC (infantry section commander course), CLC (combat leader course) and JLC (junior leader course). The CLC was for non-infantry combat arms: armour, artillery and engineers. The JLC was for the REMFs such as musicians, administrations and techies. Some pin head decided that the latter two should be combined and it was a disaster.
As a separate narrative, I briefly dated the girl who would become the first female sergeant in a combat arm in Canada. She was tall, gorgeous, fit, with long black hair and big brown eyes. Hand to hand combat was foreplay for her. She was no match for me but damn, that was fun.
We got right down to matters at her place, and so there we were naked and in her bed. This was before “yes means yes” or any such nonsense, but I was partially unplugged and asked her point blank: “What do you like?”
Her answer was “I want to stop”. I got out of bed, got dressed and got the fuck out of there. My spider sense went crazy with that. I never figured out what her damage was, I just knew that I did not want to be a part of it.
There’s no limit to the amount of psycological warfare an opposing force could use against a foe with a man/woman combat force. For one thing best believe if your a woman in the front lines or lets just say in combat somewhere, and you get overtaken. You will probably be raped & killed, not just for the pleasure and pride of the enemy, but to lower the morale of OUR troops.
I dont have to be any type of genius soldier to know that raping/torturing a female combatant in front of her male counterparts will either lower their morale, or make them so angry they can’t think rationally and will prod them into making mistakes.
I hate to sound like a nut job but Im pretty sure that the chance to fuck/rape kill some ” you go girl ” type western girls might slightly boost the number of ISIS members or even any other possible foe ( Russia China )
Why men in the military would fight for a country that hates them is beyond me. America is not worth sacrificing your life for anymore if you are a man. If you disagree, that’s fine, as long as it isn’t my life that gets thrown away to white knight useless women
Women should be making soldiers, not being soldiers.
Best comment on the thread.
Two articles written on this topic by females with two very different views.
Warning: The second one will make you vomit in your mouth a little.
(Be sure to read the top comments)
Another thing people forget about the modern army is that for actual soldier on the front line there are around six to eight soldiers doing the busy work.
I don’t care, women burn just as well as any man from JP5 or JP8 from a vehicle struck by a mine or artillery shell. So what a Japanese scientist has made an artificial womb and a human egg can be made from a male’s skin cells due to men having both x and y chromosomes. So the only reason to protect women is now null and void. Not only do you let them serve you require it the same as any man. Lower the standards for them and call it equality and fairness.
Canuck from the frozen north here. We have had a recent dustup up here with a big report about sexual harassment in the Canadian Forces. Anyway, they just released a big study written by a female (very feminist) ex-Supreme Court judge that tries to imply that Canadian male soldiers are complete pigs and the special snowflakes are getting miffed by catcalls and “male gaze” and some bad language. The story came and died down in a day or 2.
If I can see an upside into this issue with US forces it is this – the higher ups in the US military are clearly NOT predicting any big shows in the forseeable future. Casualty rates are actually quite low given the fact that entire countries are being invaded and controlled. Can you imagine the outcry from the mummies and (especially) the daddies of little princesses returning home in bodybags in quantities more than, say, 20??? It would provoke CNN investigations and heart rendering interviews with the parents about how their little girl was abandoned and ill treated by the military while she was in a hot zone.
Nope, the mil ops to come are going to be small, nasty and highly mechanized and roboticized, especially with shithole little countries in the middle east. Nukes will obviate any major strategic wars.
Details. It’s all in the details of how you use them and why you enlist them. Some women can adapt and fight effectively in the military. The best example would be the Soviet Armies use of women during WWII.
Eh, not so much. They were usually REMF’s and snipers, with a few artillery in the rear. There were no front line infantry combat types there, sorry. Physics don’t give a shit about ideology.
True,physics doesn’t give a shit about ideology.Neither do facts. There were successful(as in victorious) women fighter pilots, tank crewman, anti-aircraft gunners and machine gun crews embedded in infantry units. All were on the front lines at one time or another, there is a particular good story about the 1077 during the defense of Stalingrad. You also might benefit from reading about the 586th Fighter Aviation Regiment or Mariya Oktyabrskaya , a tank commander decorated for bravery. My point being, there are several good reasons not to integrate women into the army but just bluntly saying “they can’t do it” is not one of them.
“I’ve never seen people celebrate mediocrity the way you do.” Robert DeNiro-Meet The Fockers.
You guys just don’t get it, but you just watch, women are going to be the best, finest soldiers the military has-as soon as we begin this new training program where we teach not so much the women to shoot and take out the enemy better and more skillfully, but teach the enemy not to kill us anymore…
LOL. I can’t wait for the pictures of female soldiers with war wounds with the captions: “Dressed to fight, still wasn’t asking for it.”
Sensitivity training for enemy troops! I love it!
Jesus Christ, LOL!
“Don’t tell women they can’t serve on the front lines, teach the front lines to not be so dangerous.”
Great idea! We can also add michelle obama’s “bring back our girls” hashtag idea into it, by having the female soldiers wearing signs around their necks that say “dont rape us” or “my bodyarmor my choice” and “just because you’re trying to kill me, it doesn’t mean you have to disrespect me”
Political correctness has worked so well within our society, why not try it on the enemy? :O)
Great idea! We can also add michelle obama’s “bring back our girls” hashtag idea into it, by having the female soldiers wearing signs around their necks that say “dont rape us” or “my body my choice” and “just because you’re trying to kill me, it doesn’t mean you have to disrespect me”
Political correctness has worked so well within our society, why not try it on the enemy? :O)
And I was thinking of joining the Air Force after college. I could lose my life working with these bitches.
There are just 2 things I hold against your story. The first that SGT Walters wasn’t the only male in that group, just the only actual soldier. He was hardcore and maintained his weapon and himself. So the rest of the group he was stuck with were all bitches, regardless of whether or not they had external genitals. That was more a symptom of the politicians who felt we needed a kinder gentler military fucking shit up AGAIN!
Secondly I’ve served with some hardcore females, who could put most of the males I served with to shame and could hold their own in a real fight or two, and I’d be glad to have them have my back again any day. Mind you every last one of those were all dykes, so maybe it’s all in who you want to fuck, that makes you hardcore. On the other hand I’ve been saddled with a lot of fat bodies that had no business in a uniform and their gender didn’t mean shit of difference. I believe that females can serve, but it’s total bullshit if they lower the standards to make it happen. Then again the way shit is going, they may just have to lower the standards to keeps getting enough bodies to fill any ranks.
Just a minor bone to pick regarding Jessie, I was in 5/52 ADA, parent BN of 507th MC. They actually took the correct route, because for some reason it was believed the area would be secure enough for us to pass through with ease. The really fucked up part is that when we were only a few miles outside of Nasiriyah, a Marine LAV was sitting in the middle of the MSR directing us to turn left. My team leader asked what the problem was and they told him they had met heavy resistance upon entering the town. All of the vehicles in our unit were heavy pieces; missile launchers, radars, PPUs and communication relay equipment. Our vehicles were getting stuck the entire day, and when night fell, we found ourselves mixed in with some armored unit from 3ID. And since we were directed away from Nasiriyah, we went to the alternate location a few miles west of the city. 507th was in the rear of our column, and their vehicles were only a bit lighter than the rest of the BN, so by the time they had reached Nasiriyah they were out of comms range with HHB, and the Marines had stopped detouring the column and left their position on the MSR. They had no way of knowing that the route took them right into a shooting gallery. If the Marines had not been in the outskirts of the city, I honestly believe the entire company would have been wiped out. None of their crew served weapons worked, hardly any of their issued weapons functioned, and the Bradley escorts we were promised never showed up at the DMZ, so 507th were really set up for failure before they even got into the war.
I would also like to thank you for acknowledging the sacrifice made by Sgt Walters. I have made it a point to remind my friends and family of his actions every year. His actions, along with the actions of PFC Miller, saved the lives of the rest of the soldiers from 507th who had been abandoned. They managed to take out an entire Iraqi mortar section, which had targeted the remaining soldiers. Hernandez told me they had seen Sgt Walters outside of the hospital in Nasiriyah when they were taken inside, but when they came out he was lying dead on the ground. God damn the Army for not telling us the truth.
6 years active army with two combat tours. This is a very spot-on critique of the failed social experiment of putting women in expanded roles in the military.
IMHO women should be barred from the following occupations:
1. Military combat roles
2. Police
3. Firefighter
I want those jobs to go to 6″4 übermensch. People who are better than other people. I want the selection process to be as hard as it can be, i want the people paid as much as they deserve and i want to know if i call the cops some 5″3 blump dyke with a Napoleon complex doesnt show up to shoot everyone in the head, or if my house is on fire her twin sister roll up being too weak to drag my ass out of a burning building.
Well, look at that petite little Barby Dolls Darren Wilson. That little wimp had no choice but to pull his gun and kill, so weak and puny he is. In NY it used to be big tough Irish cops populated the police force. The would have thumped the Swisher Sweet bandits thick skull and hauled him away. Then our precious teenager would still be alive, albeit with a bump on his empty 70 IQ head.
“In NY it used to be big tough Irish cops populated the police force.”
This is correct. My grandfather was one of those Irish NY cops. A tough, tough, motherfucker.
4. Guards at a men’s prison.
How many prison & jail scandals have we seen where the woman guard starts fucking one of the sexy bad boy inmates?
Well said – and never forget you can’t save something that doesn’t want to be saved.
“The military is by its very nature masculine, hierarchical, and undemocratic”.. oh well, feminism has 1 out of 3 down anyway. But I’m just waiting until they are forced to change the old credo to, “No man or woman left behind”. It hasta happen.
Anyhow, there are some fine traditions of women soldiers throughout history.. the Amazons (of course), the Norse shieldmaidens, the Onna Bugeisha of feudal Japan, hell even French resistance was staffed mostly by chicks. The difference is, kickass though they may have been, they were notable for their rarity in their respective societies.
As a former Marine I remember writing wills etc. at the paper pushing IPAC (where you verify your life insurance, paperwork etc. before deployment) and seeing the nastiest women in there. I said to myself, “Most of these beasts are pregnant but at least the one doing my paperwork is so repugnant she will not be preggo if I return.” Well guess what? I came back and five o’clock shadow he/she was pregnant.
The point is—even in the most paper pushing job avail these chicks still cause problems. They get pregnant and are a distraction and get accomadated for their pregnancy. Fml
I wish I was a man then I could be relevant. I’ll go back to sucking dicks and undermining my value in society.
Do what you do best.
There’s really only one role a woman is cut out for in warfare: Partisan. The social dynamic cuts towards them in this role and you don’t need to bench 400lbs to snipe a guy from distance. Outside of this role there is not a single reason a woman should be on the front lines in a pitched battle, that’s simply asking for trouble.
Ah, Bro culture. So ignorant, so hateful. So entirely…WRONG. I saw not a shred of factual evidence, just a lot of bro-ey, agressive, little boy dogma. This article may be the most laughable waste of words I have ever encountered in my life. xP
May you die enlightened with a special pocket of Hell dedicated to you, filled with all of the manly things you love. 😀
…and God bless all y’all’s scaly, piss ant hearts. You, dear “writer”…need Jesus. And College. And a skillet to the head…but Jesus first. ;P
“women don’t know what they want” pshhh, puhlease I know what I want; my connection with an establishment of grace just prevents me from pursuing it…because it involves a lot of selective homicide. ^_^
whatever, stupid bitch
Sorry to break it to you, but most of us had to deal with this in the military. We’re not making this up.
incredibly compelling
Yes, let’s stick more women out on the front lines (wars) so that we can get our ass kicked a little sooner. I just can’t see women out there doing the things that men can do on the front lines. Most of them can be clerks, pencil pushers, etc….but that’s about it.
Kind of late but what the hell, tired of reading Russian history for tonight. After my tour as a Drill Sergeant at Ft. Knox, Ky, when it was an all male basic training billet, I got stationed at Ft. Carson, assigned to an FSB, basically a support Battalion for the mechanized Infantry down the street. Long story short, I was suddenly taken from the world of men, Drill Sergeants who were mostly Infantry guys, and placed squarely in girl Army central. It was a nightmare. Mostly fat, mostly out of shape, mostly unable to do their damn jobs without titty drama, trips to the shrink for drugs, profiles, and more drama women made up half my platoon. The unit was a shambles when I got there. One of my squad leaders and I broke up a porno ring (pretty much saw pictures of all the women in the other platoon naked), a little Mary Jane ring, and some other things. The morale was terrible, p.t. was weak, and few if any could actually fire a rifle with anything resembling effectiveness. Going to the field was a joke with the men doing most of the real work. The stories I could tell. Anyway. It caused me to quit, at 12 years I got out. So did most of the men who were worth half a damn as soldiers. We were just worn down by having to babysit the women and the men influenced by those women (to include our weak assed CO who was pretty much a poster child for the politically correct Army – what douche) Right after I got out, the unit shipped for Iraq. Gad I didn’t have to go risk my life with that bunch of retards. Finally found my way into an AGR unit where I got to shine and retire after 22 years. I would estimate that any unit comprised of 20% or more women, is combat ineffective.
Having a female drill instructor was way too funny. The idiot kept trying to intimidate us, lol. We had to call them sir too, lol.
The thing is, theory and practice are the same. . in theory but not in practice. In theory, a woman could perform any role including front line combat. In practice the SJWs bend the rules to let substandard soldiers pass the physical and mental requirements.
Don’t Ask Don’t Tell is a good catch phrase for gays, but for most women, the whole situation is obvious and putting one into a section of men is just a problem waiting to happen. Seriously, would you abandon Don’t Ask Don’t Tell and put all the gay guys in one unit? Maybe they would be a force to be feared like ancient Greek shock troops, but more likely they would be fully dysfunctional. Women bring that sort of dysfunction to a mostly heterosexual male unit.
I was a military engineer. I build bridges by hand where the Lego pieces were up to 800 pounds. Sure, I had help, but my part was to put 100 pounds over my head repeatedly for up to 8 hours at a stretch. I carried a 100 pound gas powered rock breaker into the field as well as my personal kit of 60 or 70 pounds. We would could march up to 10 hours. No woman I have ever met could do the job I did. Certainly, no woman who has ever expressed an interest in doing my job could have actually done it.
My junior leadership course was a farce because the fix was in for the female candidates who were mixed into our course. So there were military engineers like me and fricking typists and band members on the same course. They put all the women into the same squad so the guys could never observe their performance or be judged against them. A whole lot of other nonsense transpired and in the end the top two candidates on that course were both female. At one point I had to ask my airborne instructor: WTF? He told me not to worry because everyone knew what the real score was.
I dated one of the first females to ever become a combat arms sergeant in the Canadian military. She was pretty, fit, smart, nice personality, and her specialty was artillery technician. While she had worked on a 105mm gun crew her promotion put her in the command post to work on a computer to figure out artillery trajectories that accounted for land deviations, windage and even the rotation of the earth.
She couldn’t do my job and would not have survived as an infanteer. At one point she decided that hand-to-hand combat was foreplay, which lasted about 3 seconds before I osoto-gari-ed her ass and went for the pin.
She had some sort of issues. Things were going fine until I ended up and her place and we were both naked in her bed and then she called a stop to it. Under normal circumstances, I guess I would have ok, paused, and then gone for it again, but we had just had some sexual assault awareness training that was going around the military at the time so I said the hell with this and just put on my clothes and left.
Missed this. Good article.
”Look at the Peshmerga in Iraq, or the final days of Nazi Germany. These were not strong, independent women or an exercise in equality, they were the last, desperate gasps of a dying society.”
To be sure the ones sending women to the frontlines are the PKK and YPG.
There’s been a history of women warriors. Queen Boudicca, the Mexican women soldaderas, Soviet fighter ace Lydia Litviak, sniper Lyudmila Pavlichenko, the Israeli women who defended their kibbutzim against Arab armies during 1948, the Kurdish women fighting ISIS and the Assad regime, and so on. What all these women have in common is, they didn’t pick up weapons because some abstract ideology or because it’s cool. They did because of one reason: survival. To put it simply and bluntly, the one big reason American girls tend to suck in the military is not because they’re females per se, it’s because most have never encountered peril, apart from maybe getting hammered at a frat party. Plus, no one taught them to take initiative or be accountable for their actions, although to be fair, this is a problem permeating through American society at large. Personally, noting the above examples, those women would have stayed as house wives or have stayed in their professions if it wasn’t for war. This is where I truly disagree with the author. If the men die, it doesn’t matter if the women are still around. The women need to defend the offspring if the men die, particularly the boys, for if the boys die, they won’t grow up to be men, ergo they can’t defend said women, therefore the family, and by extension the tribe and the race as a whole either gets exterminated or assimilated. Also, ISIS isn’t marrying the women off as much as kidnapping them, raping them, then selling them or trading them as if they were Pokemon cards. Get it right.
Israeli soldiers paying with their lives because of feminist dogma