This article was originally published on Roosh V.
I visited a club I hadn’t stepped foot in for three long years. I ordered a drink and settled into my favorite spot where I had full view of the bar and dance floor. And then I saw them—the sisters. They were in their favorite spot as well, the same one they’d camp at every weekend night, always dancing with new men. I remembered them clearly because they went to this club just as much as I did.
From a distance I could see their hair was still long, nearly waist-length, and that their clothes were still fashionable, but I couldn’t believe what I saw when I got closer—their faces and figures had degraded much more than the three years of time that had passed should’ve suggested. Crackles were developing around their eyes and mouths and their once-curvy body was turning clumpy and misshapen like a bowl of yogurt. Back then, they were the hottest girls in the club with no shortage of men approaching them, but now they were dancing next to each other with forced smiles on their faces, far uglier than in the past. They were no longer the center of attention.
All I could think of was “what a waste.” What a waste that these girls didn’t use their peak beauty to find the most valuable man that could to be their life partner. What a waste they didn’t leverage their youth to secure something that could lead to a more meaningful life. What a waste that they are still wasting their time to sate their bottomless need for attention. Whatever man they can get today will be a lesser one than what they could have received three years before, because younger girls in the club were now getting much more male attention than they were.
I stopped and thought about my own behavior. By looking at them, aren’t I staring into a mirror? If women valued men on youth and looks, like men value them, then yes. If women shied away from men with gray hair and furrows in his brow, then yes. But this doesn’t happen, because even younger women prefer men older than themselves. As long as a man has a good combination of status, money, looks, and game, he would experience absolutely no degradation in success with women over a 3-year time span, as I surely haven’t, and in all likelihood he would see an increase.
But for the sisters, every day the tick tock sound of the clock gets louder. Every day past their peak beauty and fertility, the main qualities men desire, the worser man they’ll end up with. Three years is nothing for a man, but it is an eternity for a young woman—an eternity that the culture is training them to waste by having fun hopping from one cock to the other with no benefit to their future happiness or stability.
I also ran into another girl I had gone on a date with. In three years the skin around her bright blue eyes were turning into a leathery shoe. I ran into a shop girl I hit on once. Her faced stayed fit but her body was halfway into becoming a stout pear. Before and after pictures of the same girl spaced three years apart can be a depressing sight indeed. How can nature be so cruel to one of its creations? How can it destroy something so beautiful? And then I look at pictures of myself and can hardly tell the difference. I have more gray hair for sure, but women continue to guess my 35-year-old age as being in the late 20’s. The twisted mother of nature gave women the incredible beauty of a flower, but only for a limited amount of time, while letting men exist as if they were bonsai trees.
There is a somber truth to the expression that women age like milk and men like wine, and I haven’t even spoken of the fact that these aged women have higher standards, higher expectations, and the burden of disappointment from being pumped and dumped so many times, factors that surely make them less pleasing. Once they are past the peak of their beauty, and once they have taken their spins on the carousel, they are not fit to serve as anything more than a fuck buddy, a mere container for male sexual pleasure.
If there is anything I’ve learned from this three-year observation, besides the cruelty of nature, it’s that a woman’s physical degradation accelerates rapidly starting at 25. While a girl will hardly age from 20-25, you are liable to see a precipitous fall every year after 25, until around 35 when she completes the transformation of looking like her mother.
While aging is no fault of women, I have zero sympathy for single women over 25. They wasted their best years to ride the cock carousel for attention, validation, or entertainment, and now expect you to be their handsome knight to give them a dream life and family. Fuck that and fuck them. They will get no more effort from me than the last man they had a one-night stand with. When it’s time for me to decide which girl to devote the bulk of my energy to, only a young girl in the peak of her beauty will suffice.
Men age like wine while women age like bananas.
Don’t be mad at us tired sluts. Be mad at God.
so old women become brown, soft and sweet?
No, women smell bad and attract fruit flies.
I actually snorted out loud when I read that. Funny!
That’s my cherry rotting.
The only thing a ripe banana has going for it. What happens to the hard bitter ones?
They get tossed, that’s what happens.
hard and bitter? where do you get your bananas from?
The freezer? 😀
They turn black.
They become easier to blend in a smoothie?
yes, old bananas always try to blend in.
they also look like they’ve been through some shit.
They are working on getting rid of God and solving the aging problem.
I’m not going to bet on success on their part. In fact I want to let them try and see their reaction when it does not work.
The thought of being immortal or even living hundreds of years in this gynocentric faggot infested dystopia is quite hellish
shhh…. follow in line. dont ask questions!
grind, grind! grind!
So kill yourself.
“They are working on getting rid of God and solving the aging problem.”
LOL dude you are in rare form on this one.
I agree with you 100%. “I’ve seen what happens when the proud take on the Throne.”
Men eventually hit the wall too, but it comes later, and if you look after your health and fitness, much later.
Definitely true. I recently saw a video on youtube of a 70 year old man who still lifts. He looked as young as a man half his age and was so toned he puts 90% of the adult male population to shame. 70 years old! His voice sounds old though…. here’s the link
Muscles prevent a man’s body from aging, Only the face ages, You can keep going until your 90 basically, we need to advance gene therapies which hack the aging system, the “wear and tear” theory of aging is total bullshit, the more you break down your muscles the more the aging system is slowed
Weights= Fountain of youth
Oh shit! I cant imagine the pussy that guy pulls and the sour look of his ex wife.
whoa.. thanks for posting that. he started lifting at my age. man, no-excuses wakeup call.
If the pattern baldness fairy visits I’m going to go full Jason Statham. Take that, old age. (shakes fist)
“Get off my lawn, old age!”
“In nature, there are neither rewards nor punishments; there are consequences.”
-Robert G. Ingersoll
Black men or women never age until about 65-70 years old. Melanin is the fountain of youth. White people get burned up like vampires in the sun.
hmm but then how do you explain earlier mortality for black people or that black people hit puberty faster?
That’s a hasty generalization.
The earlier black mortality is due to their poor socio-economic circumstances, bad diet, harder life in general, on top of the diseases they are more genetically predisposed to, such as high blood pressure.
haha, exactly. and they are not born before they are 50. man, would i be pissed to spend such a long time in da womb. i’d sure show the world.
Yeah. Really bummed out that I’m not a Negro.
Ewing Theory
Here’s a profile view.
True dat. While most of Egyptian history was non-black, the 25th Dynasty was blacker than black – ruled by Nubian kings. The sphinx itself clearly has an African face and most likely depicts a Nubian king. This was probably an affront to Napolean’s army, who are the most likely culprits for hacking off the Sphinx’s nose.
A lot of racism in the manosphere from time to time (some of it warranted). But at the end of the day, ALL races on earth have proven themselves at one time or another and have presided over great cultures and civilizations.
The Sphinx > Michael Jackson.
Try again
You might have well as said sex is a social construct and men and women are interchangeable. Trying to re-write history and steal another people’s history is despicable.
Go check out ASuperEgyptian’s videos on you tube. Skull analysis, DNA testing, visual proof of 100s of busts and paintings, historical quotes, and more clearly prove the ancient Egyptians are the same as the current Egyptians. They are a Caucasoid people, not Negroids. The most damning is the carving of Egyptians ( shown with olive skin, straight black hair, straight long nose, thinner lips, Caucasian jawline) with Nubians ( shown with black skin, woolly hair, broad flat nose, larger lips, negro jawline) wrapped in chains being taken into slavery. Really pisses the social justice crowd off.
The Hyksos still hate them for being kicked out of Egypt.
That’s where the black->monkey theory came from.
No need for me to try again. If your brain automatically completed the face of the Egyptian sculpture so that it resembled some guy from northern England (not even Greece!), you wouldn’t have felt compelled to make or share your video.
Your ghetto cousins aren’t doing you any favors though.
They’re not my cousins, but it is unfortunate that the label “black” gets used to describe African-American residents of the ghetto. There are several hundred million blacks and a tiny percentage are African-Americans from the ghetto. Moreover, people like Huey Newton and Marcus Garvey tried to organize even the African-Americans from the ghetto and were stopped by non-African-Americans, so it’s disingenuous (as so-called “race realists” often do) to pin the present-day chaos in the ghetto entirely on our genetic makeup.
Distant cousins of similar phenotype I was meaning to say. And you know white liberals are keeping them down via welfare and coddling criminals. Likewise race hustlers like Al Sharpton is also contributing which I agree with.
I’d say the ghetto needs swift and consistent justice as Rodrigo Dertete in the city of Davao as mayor was implementing. Making one of the most crime ridden cities in the world into the 4th safest city.
You should do yourself a favor and read the ‘logical fallacies’ article that was posted here a week or so ago. Nice strawman argument you put up there. The only person claiming an Englishman was on the Sphinx was you while attributing it to your opponents.
You make a claim, the burden of proof is on you to prove that claim. You are the one closing your eyes and imaging the face is a negroid.You claim the proof got conveniently destroyed (the missing face on a singular exhibit). Yet the proof is everywhere in the exhibits of hundreds of existing busts, carvings, etc from that time and area showing faces all belonging to the Caucasoid race. Modern science is even more irrefutable with DNA tests and craniofacial scans to prove what race a person is/was which also destroys your Egypt was a negroid civilization nonsense.
The Sphinx had its nose chopped off during ancient Greek rule. A local Egyptian priest sought to deface the old guard so to speak, as it conflicted with the new Greek imposed religion.
My claim is that Africans are African. Your “destruction” of my claim consists of many statements without citation and a six-minute video which I wasn’t going to watch, but your own “evidence” showed some English-looking faces superimposed via computer graphics onto Egyptian sculptures. So kick yourself for having a poor argument. I am well aware that European racism of the era of the slave trade and colonialism required the impossibility of a negroid civilization, and so they manufactured these quite astounding theories to justify their barbarism. Your final statement—even if you disagree with the fact that Africa is in Africa, it is hardly “nonsense” to suggest it and Egypt was hardly the only ancient civilization in Africa (Ethiopia is present even in Greek myth!)—demonstrates that you are far from objective. Martin Bernal’s book amply describes the history of European arguments against the idea that Egypt was negroid.
I’ll take the non-bleached any day:
I think there is something to that—whatever scientist figures out exactly what that is will make billions (or the company that owns his lab will).
You have the best screenname. Formerly, it was “long balls malone”, but he hasnt posted here in months
I don’t know man, black people in Africa age pretty horribly. It’s really only the prosperous ones in the West who age well. I think it has more to do with lifestyle. And not all white people are fair skinned Irishmen. Most Central Europeans, Southern Europeans, Turkish, Lebanese, Syrians, Armenians, etc do not burn.
Blondes who tan too much certainly do
especially blonde swedish / scandinavian women. They often look very fine when they’re young but by 25 they’re skin starts to get wrinkled and leathery. Very sad and a probable psychological explanation for feminism
Magda! Note the cigarettes as well.
When I lived in South Florida I saw women like that. Yes they exist!
Not something that turns a young fellow on but they were always good for a laugh and for keeping track of for when their hot granddaughters from up north might pay a visit.
That’s a man/tranny, right?
Men age like a fine bottle of scotch, women age like milk.
So you have to drink the milk while its fresh, even milk close to its expiration date is shitty!
you can still use sour milk to bake bread.
Daily reminder that the fertility optimum of a woman (maximum health of the offspring) is 17 years.
Already at age 23 the likelihood of trisomies (e.g. Down Syndrom) is twice as high. At age 27 it’s thrice as high.
holy crap do pictures ever speak a thousand words… wow.
Pro tip ladies: DO NOT CUT YOUR HAIR. When you lose your figure we can stand you next to any fat guy with manboobs and demonstrate you are one body part from being a man. Cutting your hair makes it worse.
Carry on.
Cutting hair is just a symptom of giving up. By the time it comes off, they’ve already crossed the event horizon.
They cut their hair because lack of hormones makes it stringy and thin. It’s easier to hide with a shorter haircut.
Also, because they’re basically done with sex, it’s like wearing a tshirt that says “off the market.”
Also, it’s because they’re too damn lazy. Having long hair is hard work. Washing, drying, brushing, coloring (natural hair colors-no neon clown colors), styling, etc. They refuse to put effort into it only to get betas.
More attractive than combovers.
Short hair means a woman is done with sex? Idiots.
But before that, review your diet.
They do?? Is that why guys do those weird combovers??
Null point. That’s like saying an obese person is more attractive than a morbidly obese person. Who gives a fuck when both are unfuckable?
What about having respect for themselves? I was brought up in a family where looking unpresentable and not caring for oneself (inside and out) is considered bad manners. Not just to get men interested; it’s about pride in oneself, respect for oneself and those around you.
Yes same thing. Female pattern baldness is different.
An attractive man can still maintain attractiveness well into his 50s. The peak of male attractiveness is in my opinion the late 20s and early 30s. That is when a man still looks young, but is old enough to have developed a masculine appearance.
An attractive woman can only maintain her looks into her mid 30s. After that they are unfuckable. The peak of female attractiveness is mid teens to mid 20s. By their late 20s you can start to see signs of deterioration. They get crows feet, laugh lines, boobs sag a little more, ass gets less firm, upper arms get a little loose, skin becomes more leathery, etc.
I’m in my mid 20s and am kind of going through the realization that I’m a full fledged adult. I’ve always considered under 25 to be young. So for the first time I don’t consider myself young anymore. It’s a weird state to be in. I feel a little insecure getting older so I kind of instinctively analyze my face/body too see if there are any signs of aging. There aren’t any. I compare myself to earlier pictures and I can honestly say that I look the same. I can easily pass for an 18 year old — no wrinkles anywhere.
Just as I scrutinize my own appearance though, I also scrutinize others’ my age, and judge how well I am looking compared to them. Doing this, I’ve noticed how badly women age. It unanimous. All the women I analyze look worse than the men I analyze. They know this too. They know they have a short window in which to lure a desirable man. Yet they still waste their prime years slutting it up instead of settling down with a great guy. When they are finally ready to settle down the only guys left for them are the passive betas who they wouldn’t have given a second look to when they were younger.
I’ll say this. Part of the reason those women look so terrible is that sugars, oxidized fats, tobacco, alcohol age you quicker and fatten you. Read: oxidative stress. This can be reversed to an extent but a woman who wants to extend her youth must pay attention to this. They are far more susceptible.
Lack of sleep too. Most of them are up to the late hours, after that tub of ice cream and bottle of wine during reality TV, swiping away at those apps.
And American women age the worst in the industrialized world.
When I was in the Navy, I was shocked at how much healthier and more well-aged women in Southern Europe were than their American counterparts.
thanks for the tip.
Or, maybe, women don’t care about what you or anyone else thinks about their hair?
Sure, right on, you go gurl, who cares what those mean men with their cocks and jobs and attractive women say, those cats love you, meow.
That pic is unbelievable !
Anti_Femastasis is a public service in these parts.
Tom Cruise might be better looking now. He’s more distinguished.
However most men also age like milk because most don’t take care of themselves. Hell ‘Dad Bod’ is a thing for early twenties males. Good luck being in shape at age 50 if you doing that to yourself in your youth.
“Dad bod” is just the latest trend for White people to latch onto. Acting black stopped being cool, so then they dabbled in mall pop punk and when THAT was no long cool they transitioned to the the whole beard/plaid shirt/trucker hat bit. Every few years they have to try something new for their herd mentality to dabble in.
The woman is pushing 60. Fuck off.
Donald Trump looks great, doesn’t he?
Donald Frump is an old lady, didn’t you know that?
Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Johnny Depp, Dnzel Washington, etc are all in their 50s and look great. I can’t think of any actress in her 50s who even looks decent
It’s official: There is no God!
There is. It’s His sense of humor that’s worse than His wrath, though the churches concentrate on the latter.
Dude, people get old. That’s life. She’s a 58 year old, rich mother of two. What do you expect? And why should she care?
You should always “care”.
This woman cares and she is 10 years older.
Sorry, but this “She’s married” or “She has kids”, “why should she care” stuff is just bullshit. She should care because of exactly those reasons!
Let’s put the shoe on the other foot. Man has a job as a stockbroker on Wall St making 500K/yr. Meets a fantastically good looking 22 year old woman and marries her. Get’s her pregnant and then, 1 year after her giving birth, quits his job and decides to live under a bridge.
Dude, he’s married, why should he have to care about making 500K/yr anymore?
See how fucking ridiculous that is? If anything, being married should encourage both women and men to keep/enhance their looks/status as much as possible.
Instead, of course, we have relentless divorce rape in this country, so, in fact, once married, a women really doesn’t have to care anymore. And most of them don’t; getting fat, no more sex, and so on (see the endless jokes about married men).
You have this right. Speaking of “caring” check out Suzanne Somers. 68 years old. Some people say “plastic surgery” but there is no surgery on those legs.
Perhaps not, but there is definitely plenty of evidence of surgery on her face.
I’ll give her credit though, she remained very bangable for a damn long time.
Great post.
It isn’t just her looks, but mainly her health. Wouldn’t she want to be in better health to live to possibly see grandchildren? If you’re an out of shape slob, what are you teaching your kids?
Plastic surgery and liposuction? That’s what you want grandmothers of the world aspiring to?
She already has grandchildren. Do you know many grandmothers? How many are thin and fit and hot? She’s not obese. I fail to see the problem here. You guys have whacked out views on perfection.
Just Thighmaster.
You are picking and choosing what to read and what to respond to. I was speaking about her HEALTH you fucking imbecile. I’m willing to bet you’re clinically obese.
Before we get squeamish about the assumed methods, wouldn’t we prefer grandmothers of the world to look great? Most of us will end up married to a 68 year old if all goes well. The main reason women look terrible at that age is a lifetime of bad nutrition and inactivity.
But regardless, she looks better than the mannish thing standing next to Tom Cruise at the top of the comments.
Sure, but I just think as a 58 year old grandmother, the idea of “looking great” is entirely different than a 22 year old woman. She thick, but not obese or wheel chair bound. Live and let live.
What part about her looks unhealthy? Sure she’s thick, but she’s not obese or in a wheel chair. There is literally no visual evidence of her health.
Oh, and swing and miss on the ad hominem. Nice try, faggot.
Ad hominem, as in calling me a faggot? Thick will lead into obese, then into a wheel chair. It doesn’t happen over night, but I know a bright young woman like yourself knows that.
Interesting word of the day, Gina.
I don’t understand your end game here, Keyboard Alpha.
If your 20-30, In 20 or 30 years the rejuvenation biotech industry will be so far in advance that women essentially have no wall
… But neither will men
“The way you look is indicative of the way you feel.” – Roosh: Dr. Oz Show 2015
Needless to say, the feeling is mutual.
on the spot example!
She actually looks horrible up close.
Yes, all women have the money to do that you jackass.
You get the dumbest analogy for the day award.
Just what every woman should aspire to.
The other fact of the matter is that if you are in a business field, mix business with socializing, or having to entertain clients, customers, coworker, bosses or your boss’s bosses, few things will make them take you seriously like having a seriously hot wife.
I was dating a 5’10”, slim blonde and she got annoyed at me because I was encouraging her to buy a set of 6″ stiletto heels and a skimpy cocktail dress. She told me it made her feel uncomfortable because she was so tall and would stand out. I said, that is the point. If I walk into a party with you on my arm looking like that, people will look at you then look at me and think “geez either the guy is rich or else he has a huge penis!”
It is instant credibility and if she has the ability to “free range”, work the room, and channel people to you, then you will make more business contacts and close far more deals that working alone or showing up with a fat librarian.
Shut the fuck up you whiny little bitch.
Well she is old but what you gonna do?
Honey, it costs less money to not stuff your face, so there goes your pre-menstral-induced argument.
Not as dumb as someone calling a comment dumb but not giving one single logical reason WHY it is dumb.
But, like all women, I don’t ever expect you to acknowledge how fucking dumb your arguments are. You’ll just ride on saying shit like, “Men are soo dumb they should get awards. Bwahaha.”
Women in general have more disposable income than men. So out would be in their best interest not to go to hell in a handbag.
After they pop out that kid, they got that dudes money. They can turn into a trash bag of cottage cheese and it isn’t changing the fact that she’d got two decades of that dudes money.
Don’t have kids in the states. This casino is rigged. Can’t beat the dealer.
And women have out of whack views and expectations of men. So the fuck what? We can’t do the same? Fuck that. When you start giving undue sympathy, that’ll be your undoing. Not mine. Let it ride.
Not likely. Join date of one day ago. Lots of low-value, one liner posts displaying a stunted intellect and a fair knowledge of Anglo Saxon curse words. A lot of heat, not a lot of light.
Verdict: Somewhere, there’s a bridge missing its troll…..
Oh, right! So they should all use it on trying to look like suzanne summers just to please men? Lololololol
So you prefer them to have careers? Or use his money? I don’t get it. Are they still to rely on their dad’s money?
No you dingbat, he prefers they don’t look like lazy dykes.
If we are believing this is an equal society we have to have it completely equal or it becomes a sham. If both parents are responsible for creating the child, both should be responsible for paying the expenses.
You can’t rely on equality only when it is convenient. You can’t have your cake and eat it too.
Furthermore, the family court system needs to be revamped. Dads shouldn’t be paying for moms to stay home. Get a fuckin job like the rest of the world. Stop hiding behind your kids because you are lazy and want to milk your ex. Get with the times.
True @66Scorpio:disqus Ugly wife/girlfriend = no confidence/competence.
Self-respect, perhaps? Caring well for the precious mortal chariot for her divine soul gifted and entrusted her in love by the generous Deity?
Actually eating properly, some supplementation and plenty of exercise in and out of the bedroom isn’t too costly, broomhilda.
Speak for yourself, stankycrotch.
Suzy does it to [heterosexually] please herself and her husband.
She would if she only had something sweet to suck on.
I hereby donate a bag of cocks for her to shove into her piehole.
Exactly correct from much experience.
Even the women want you more in that case.
Bangable = healthy.
You wanna give her the BBC, she got you all worked up, brother. Rock on with this:
And the implied dread game makes it self-reinforcing. Your hot woman sees other hot women checking you out and she gets more possessive.
There was that song by Jimmy Soul and his points were:
1) A pretty woman makes her husband look small
2) A pretty woman often causes a man’s downfall
3) Pretty women will do heart-breaking things once they marry you
4) Ugly women will cook for you
5) Ugly women give you peace of mind
Not to sound racist but, what drugs was he smoking?
Then again, it was a 1963 song based on one from three decades earlier, still in the marriage 1.0 era.
Sounds smackdab like a retort I would give! He’s just always confrontational on all of his comments and surfs the section for bullshit to spew all the time. He’s simply that level of predictable.
Oh, is that how Suzanne Somers does it?
Who gives a fuck, doll.
I agree with the above sentiments….. great photo find! Damn!
Nightmare! Kelly McGillis is boner killer. Do white women try to make themselves look ugly when they hit middle age, or is it just genetic?
She became a dyke
This is actually true. I know another dyke who knows her.
She could look a lot better if she had maintained her fitness and kept her hair long. I guess as a dyke she really doesn’t care.
Well, she’s past the age where women should really wear long hair.
Sure you do. You’re also full of shit.
A bientôt.
I didn’t know there was an age limit on that…
There is usually a self-imposed one. Starting around age 30 or so. Long hair is for young, fertile women.
I am not running a religion; your belief is not required….
Good thing. You’d be about as popular as westboro baptist.
What? Are you trying to hurt my eFeelings?
Became a dyke translation: Became so unattractive after age 40 that the bitterness drove her to give the ultimate f*ck you to the SMP. Instead of opting out and admitting no one wants to bang her anymore, she goes dyke trying to give the appearance of: “I don’t want to get banged anyway, neener, neener.” LOL
Yup, all of them do. Just like all men grow bellies, boobs, and go bald.
Except for me, cabbage-patch doll.
I agree with everyone else that’s an amazing find. To be as fair as possible turns out she is 5 years older than Cruise but Im sure a pic of him 5 years later would still hold up.
Something weird though, I was looking at her wiki in the Personal Life section and it mentioned an incident where she was ‘assaulted, verbally abused and raped’. Now I know nothing of the event but that immediately set off my spidey sense as being weird. Now it could easily have been some very clumsy wording from a Wikipedia editor but otherwise it seems all kinds of suspicious to have ‘verbally abused’ as having a similar severity to rape (depending on what today’s definition of rape is of course).
OK, then take this one. Steve Martin is 9 years older than Kathleen Turner.
If she won’t give you her best years then do not be there for her worst.
See men. All you have to do is eat healthy, workout and the fountain of youth is yours.
The fountain of youth is mine !
The. Actual. Fuck?!
She’s a fucking ogre!
In retrospect, Kathleen Turner wasn’t really that great looking, but she definitely had a certain sexiness about her. She had great legs too.
She really hit the wall though. She looks even worse now than she did in that 2005 picture.
wow what a serious damage. The man’s look didn’t change that much. The woman? What happened in 2005? A major transformation?
Harrison Ford is 72. Carrie Fisher, 58.
Chucky is Seventy Fucking Five years old
I hope they don’t make her wield a lightsaber in the next films looking like that!
She’s playing Jabba the Hut
And there you go.
they kinda look the same at this point. mind is blown. stand her on a ladder and put some makeup on him, and who is who?
At the William Shatner Comedy Roast, one of the speakers started in about how terrible it was to see such a sex symbol from a pioneering work in the science fiction genre to completely go to pot over the years. He then pointed Carrie Fisher out of the audience.
Sounds like Jeffery Ross
She did a movie about gang rape with Jodie Foster in the 80s. She talked about the rape then.
The “gang-rape” was quite a scene. Not like the pussified one that has everyone upset in Game of Thrones.
Are you sure about the optimum being 17 years? Do you have any source on that? I am just curious.
Please note that the graph is from 2001. Puberty nowadays starts earlier than before, in some cases as early as 7. It might very well be that now the optimum age for human females to get pregnant is not 15-16 anymore but 13-14.
Age of consent legislation is completely outdated. Age of consent laws are the second biggest win of feminists because they prevent females from getting pregnant and instead help them to stay in school and infest universities instead of becoming housewives.
Great sources. Thanks!
Heh, you are quite relentless in your posts Anti_Femastasis regardless of the subject matter.
Interesting, what are the causes of this dramatic decline in age with respect to puberty in females?
everything he posts is true. he’s a true educator.
Resource allocation, and safe environment and plentiful nourishment make women bloom quickly just like flowers.
I live in Asia, and when my Chinese friends see a 13 year old with big tits and an ass they always say something along the lines of “her parents fed her too much and spoiled her. she has blossomed too early”
They basically think rich girls are ready for sex at a much younger age.
Hormones in the milk
in japan age of consent is 13
It’s a subject I’ve had some interest in. But the manosphere would be destroyed if it ever promoted the abolition, or even the lowering of the age of consent. I think the onset of puberty has something to do with the increasing weight of girls. Doesn’t fat store estrogen?
We love to look at the Muslim world, hell even the African world and wag our finger at the so-called crime of child marriage. Many of these so-called children are pubescent, and even post pubescent girls. But an article on ROK about this subject would attract all the wrong kinds of attention.
Age of consent in Colombia is 12! o.O
Age of consent in Britain is 16. Come one, come all.
Age of puberty varies depending on race. Blacks have it earlier, whites later, Asians latest.
The AOC in Spain was 13, but it will be 16 as of July Morning (1 July). It used to be the onset of puberty in Bolivia, but they changed it to 14 a couple of years ago.
A female has to consist of 40% more fat than a male before she can get pregnant, and females are fatter these days. (Interestingly fatter girls = earlier puberty, fatter boys = later puberty.)
However, that’s only one explanation. Hormones (from food, the pill) and hormonal disruptors (from plastic etc.) may also play a role.
I suspect hormonal disruptors to play a bigger role in the whole gay/feminism/whiteknighting drama than suspected. The whole world is a strange combination of fat females who can get pregnant at 11 yet decide to stay childless and instead study gender studies and b*tch against men.
40% BF? Are you sure?
I might have to check out the smaller towns in Colombia. Medellin and Bogota are overrun with white dudes, I might have better success going off the beaten path
You idiot. If you’re at 40% body fat you’re morbidly obese.
So your saying that age consent for dating is from a feminist idea? Give me the link. Because there is one phrase: love doesn’t have age. Or in Spanish: el amor no tiene edad. If that’s the case, then why do we have age consent ?
I’ve been teaching high school, predominantly to Chinese students, for the last 5 years and for another 2 years going back to 2004. A few years ago I was visiting my sister and walked with my 13 year old niece to her school. We arrived there just before the bell and she introduced me to some of her classmates. OMFG! Mannerisms, speech patterns and clothing style gave them away as being junior high students, but without those cues someone could have told me they were college graduates and I wouldn’t know the difference. Most had great tits and asses.
Its prevalent in historically agricultural societies probably due to the surplus of food.
Western puritanical influence?
Reading comprehension: 40% MORE fat than a male. So if assuming an average 15 year old male is say, 10% bodyfat, the 40% MORE fat female would be a total of 14%BF. That’s how I understand what he wrote, but whether it’s accurate or not is another story.
Great reading skills there. Please, go back to
A normal bf% for a woman is 25-30.
I didn’t know that. I guessed that it might be quite low for teenage girls, as they’re still doing PE at school, but there seems to be no segment of society that’s triumphing in the ‘battle of the bulge’.
When is that age of consent list from?
Anti is awesome as usual.
You ought to monetise your useful knowledge, brother.
Some village ought to make sandwiched out of her.
Only prob is they’d be shit sandwiches.
someone decided to tattle to tumblr about this ayyy
no srsly
Nice. Meanwhile, all these fags below slurping your taint acting like they’re all “for teh scienzzszes!!11!” sound like they’re eating a pile of unsubstantial shit but don’t want to offend the cook.
>”fertility optimum” … not 15-16 anymore but 13-14. pfffahahahaha
hey mayne I didn’t know they don’t screen out kiddie diddlers on PsychToday
Try the boner test, it never lies.
Grace Slick of Jefferson Airplane:
omg that chick is hideous..
Jesus. Fuck. I used to masturbate to that woman.
Lord, have mercy.
My condolences, son. At least Jesus shall forgive you for thou hast confessed your sin of onanism, and thou hast made public your shame.
wow, she took the highway to the retirement zone.
Flowers wilt quickly and so do women.
But you’re not tom cruise either.
Come to Jesus, sister.
at 23? really?? lol is this supposed to make me feel insecure? Haha I want to get old. Maybe I won’t be labeled like this then.
This is the Post of The Year.
Once women get enough money to splurge a living on for the rest of their lives they stop having sex. They use sex to get what they want file rape charges, divorces to get that money from the men that were unfortunate enough to deal with her. Because a woman’s libido is not part of her ego like a man’s libido is his ego it is hard for men to understand when women just let themselves go like that.
Women will play any excuse to take your money. And even when some women really do look for a spouse they have been fed so much praise (when being absolutely useless) they think there is no man perfect enough for her
And BTW women strive to be this kind of high standard high maintenance woman they do it on purpose the same way men act like they are pimps and Clint Eastwood. Women INSPIRE to be like what I just mentioned
Lots of truth here as I have observed, but there is even more going on.
First, the amount of time women are on birth control (the number one carousel drug) now is not as long as originally intended when these drugs were created.
This means that the decade or so that women are on the pill now, a drug deemed safe during a time when women were still getting married before 25 and did not get on the pill until they were at least 18, is doing irreparable harm but don’t expect any studies to reveal this harm. It will be as dark and hidden as the rare study indicating that abortions may increase breast cancer risk.
Another thing to consider is WHY are men “attracted” to youth? Many would say it’s wiring and that’s true, it is, but why is this wiring in place to begin with?
Two words: epigenetic damage.
A woman’s eggs are created up front, they’ll “lay” so many of them until menopause. That means she runs out of eggs. The cells are carried until that time.
Even before GMO and chemicals in the food, and drugs of legal and illegal nature, epigenetic damage occurs to these sex cells. Sperm are produced by the millions and sperm cells that manage to get too old (for those of you who don’t wank AND have crap game at the same time) get killed off. But eggs, eggs stick around and absorb everything she eats.
So the older she gets, the less healthy the offspring. Even if she has not gone full man-jaw and barrel torso (signs of poor hormonal balance that could add to problems in child bearing) or gotten fat as heck (bad thyroid or other issues that are also a disqualifier for reproduction) there is still the epigenetic damage to consider from every drug she took, and all the crap she has consumed, and right down to the pollution she was exposed to (female veterans who served in the front lines around depleted uranium ammo for example).
This is why we see a lot of obese late 30-something women huffing and puffing behind a hand-flapping howling toddler (autistic) these days.
I have a sister who I think is one of the last of the NAWALTS from a time decades a ago when legend says they existed. She had most of her children before she was 30, four sons. The last one she had, at the age of 30, there were some complications and the doctor told her the child might be retarded. Turns out the doctor was wrong though as my sister chanced it. That was the last child she had. All 4 boys are fine young lads free of health problems (even the last one that had in-the-womb complications turned out fine), very intelligent, and not “Triple A kids” (autism, adenoids, asthma) you see a lot of 30-something parents end up with.
Naturally, if it were to “get out” that the longer a woman waits, the more damage she does to her offspring, the worse this will be for feminism and the cultural Marxism using it as its foundation. So only expect to see this kind of discussion here. Yeah I know Roosh is talking about looks. But even the same “don’t judge women on looks” crowd is going to be ideologically smacked down in the light of these realities of reproduction.
Where I to decide on progeny I would go far and wide for a 20 year old bride for that reason alone.
(A man deciding on reproduction and being in control of it and with whom through proper selection? This idea is to feminists what a cross is to a vampire as feminism is nothing more than a trade union for ugly women who are best naturally selected out of the gene pool)
Yeah, progressives’ embrace of hormonal birth control doesn’t make a lot of sense given that in other contexts they want us to live according to nature; they hold the pharmaceutical industry in suspicion; and they obsess over the health effects of diet, food additives, insecticides and environmental pollution. Some of them even promote anti-vaccination woo. The ones of a more philosophical turn also worry about how the capitalist form of society produces “alienation.”
But when it comes to women’s ability to have sterile, inorganic and alienating hookups with bad boys, jerks, thugs and narcissistic sociopaths, progressives have yet to see a way of sabotaging women’s natural fertility cycle that they didn’t like.
Seeing double standards, you are, young jedi.
The Left-socialist paradigm’s foundations are inherently built upon sand; contradictory.
Let us not also forget that the older women, ignoring nature, go on fertility treatments which defies Mother Nature (and her billion year track record) which tends to produce flipper babies and other genetic malformities, instead of either a) taking the advice of this article and reproducing early in prime fertility years, or b) accepting the fact that she missed out and not try and “force breed” and have a very high probability of having a flipper baby.
Is that what batman returns was about?
There’s a looming scandal in the pharma industry when it’s finally revealed that birth control pills are the central cause of all the autism spectrum disorders that are running rampant now.
The correlational data is all there and very strong, but of course no one is really looking at it yet. Google it if you’re interested.
Wow I never would have figured this out. I wish I could up-vote your post a hundred times.
Figured it out?? Do you know how to read? Books? Google? Wtf. You get your sex ed here? Half of what he says is wrong anyway.
‘Another thing to consider is WHY are men “attracted” to youth? Many
would say it’s wiring and that’s true, it is, but why is this wiring in
place to begin with?’
Youth = Fertility. This is what drives reproduction which is the soul purpose of any species. Everything else is secondary. Men can produce sperm right into old age (although quality and quantity decrease) but women only get a certain window to produce eggs and then it closes for good.
“feminism is nothing more than a trade union for ugly women who are best naturally selected out of the gene pool”
This is great. I’ll remember this one.
Doc- you just dropped more knowledge in one post than all of the sex ed teachers since sex ed’s introduction in schools however many decades ago…impressive
Saw a woman at work get pregnant for the first time at age 30. Had 2 kids. However, she still looks like she’s pregnant 6 years later…
She took a liking to me but I get repulsed whenever I see that gut. She was much more attractive before having those kids.
I believe at least one of the kids had to endure major surgery. White women in particular seem to keep pushing the limits on the age they decide to have kids and it’s fucking up their children.
In Japan they call these christmas cake – because after the 25th no one wants them.
Historically yes 25. Recently more like 30. Japanese have stronger cultural understanding about this. What’s interesting is that 30 y/o Japanese female would look like teenager in america, compared to 30 y/o white women who have wrinkles around their eyes and butt has fallen.
So keep lifting and eating good food. Avoid the nightcap and pick up a 29 year old Japanese girl when you’re 58.
Which is exactly why white women hate them so much. It was interesting to see all the dirty looks and snarky attitude my Japanese girlfriend got when I brought her over to the states, even from female relatives and so called “friends.”
Japanese men know the deal. They don’t want our women, and for good reason.
In fact, almost all other men outside of the English speaking world have better understanding of inter-gender dynamics and control of their women. No where else in the world have I seen such pusification worn on mens sleeve, and with such pride, as in America.
I swear, inter gender relations in non english speaking countries 101 should be part of all young american men’s education, but I am sure that will be shut down real quick by the feminists who are running the show.
Japanese men will pay more than $5000 US for 2 minutes to come inside a ‘pretty’ White woman. 😛 White women are desired even in Japan due to the small numbers in the world. They are a rarity. That’s why plenty of Asian dating sites directed at Asian men always push how they can get with White women.
How many Japanese men are marrying white western women? That tells you how much they really value them.
The fact they they “pay” hookers says a lot about how they view them too. And it is truism across the World about how “easy” white women are.
2 minutes bruh?
there is a niche of fetish towards white females particularly in Asia just like how we have our own niche of fetish we have towards Asian females. I suspect from Hollywood’s advertisement of white females as well as American porn, most Asian males have false perception of white females because of this. Add on with curiosity and maybe even a status bragging to their friends. And plus Asian male-white female are not compatible with Asian male’s natural state of being beta (by western standards) and being easy go with the flow and not aggressive and try pairing that with the typical combative, independent (take no shit from anyone) attitude of a white female. It’s not going to work out so well. Asian men’s (just like other non-white men’s) attraction towards white female is mostly only for sexual urge and nothing more.
A lot of Asian women like to f white males, while white females want nothing to do with asians. I never heard from a white girl that she was hot for Japanese or Chinese men, let alone those darker Indians.
Yes that is obvious observation.
Perhaps for the cuckoldry?
maybe for some and not for some.
30 year old Asian chicks generally look fine. They hit the wall around 40.
Depends where they are from. Vietnamese women can look pretty good up until 50, at least from the north anyway.
YES. I was in Japan when I heard that and saw it firsthand. It is indeed true. To be married even at the age of 26 is a failure to them.
think its time to import that term to our women in the west and other parts like india(feminism there is emulating us),middle east and latin america…..Hell perhaps lower the age since they age worse
So true. A friend of mine dug up some old photos from high school recently and said I must be a Highlander – Over a decade since we’ve graduated and I still pretty much look the same. I’m 29 but most strangers guess I’m about 23-24. Meanwhile, even the pretty girls from high school who have kept it together physically have developed crow’s feet or laugh lines. It’s going to be a strange day when I surpass the hottest chick from high school in terms of looks and value.
They say most men age like Sean Connery. So do women. That’s the problem.
Same I’m 28 ppl still think I’m 23-25. It’s kuz I lift and I don’t dress like an old man.
I met a guy today who I thought was 30 and turned out he was 37. Meh look old when they behave ad feel old. Just take care of yourself and you’re golden.
I was amazed to find out the Hodge Twins are 40. Check out this video where they compare before and after photos – It looks like they’ve gotten younger in 10 years rather than older:
I just shows how important taking care of yourself is, as well as acting younger than you really are. Nothing ages a man like being married or stuck in a dead-end job or miserable, or a combination of all 3.
Attire is also important.
The right gat can take years off ones appearance!
They are proponents of intermittent fasting, which has been proven to raise your natural production of HGH, as well as lean you out.
Wow I had no idea, I assumed they were late 20s. Nice find.
steroids do make you younger
I personally think a short sleeve plaid shirt one size too large and baggy Wal-mart jeans screams masculinity. And on the weekends when I put on a football jersey…well, watch out ladies…
I get anywhere from 26-32 on average and I’m almost 37 with some mild greying starting to kick in. Lately I haven’t been getting much sleep so I don’t look as good, but overall you are right. The big problem is trying to keep your weight down as you are getting older. I’m starting to lose that battle again. Need to hit the gym.
Strange day? Are you kidding?
Its not going to be a strange day. its going to be a great day because when you pass her its never switching again and you can take solace knowing that for the rest of your life it will be you looking down on her the way she looked down on you, and not the other way around.
Its going to be the way it always should have been.
We see this reality in our wisdom and spiritual traditions which teach humility for women while allowing some room for accomplished, mature men to feel pride. Men hit their stride in mid life at the age that women have already peaked and have started to decline.
Or in other words, at least some men have the capacity to become wise with age. Women, by contrast, generally stay near their youthful level of cognitive development and just get older with the passing of the years, but not wiser.
And then there’s guys like me who go bald in their 20s. Fortunately, physical appearance is only a (minority) portion of male worth, and I learned about the excellent lost art of the men’s hat.
On the upside, it already happened, so you don’t have to worry about it happening, and you can take all kinds of “free testosterone” supplements and not have to worry about reductase making you bald and you can get ripped.
I have had bald guys who maintained a Bruce Willis/Jason Statham/Vin Diesel thing run circle around me in the dating/scoring arena. I have never known a real woman to judge a man on his hairline (it’s that real women are in short supply). The only thing that ever seems to matter is when a fellow makes lame attempts to cover it up, like with a comb-over.
That’s right. All your insecurities are in your head. You’re bald. So what! You’re short. So what? Focus on your strengths. Don’t have much? Master them. Improve on things within your control and don’t let the things you can’t control drag you down.
As long as you don’t look like George Castanza you’ll be fine
As long as you don’t look like George Castanza you’ll be fine
I’ve been bald since my early 20s, I’m 35 years old now and I could tell you women do not care
something moved…..
Right …bald or shaved is better than a rug/toupe’. Never , ever use a rug…
damn, camel jockey.. she’s fine. Is she Middle Eastern?
is the chick a latino??
She’s Afghani
Yeah but the bald look suits you man. It doesn’t look great on everyone unfortunately.
That’s a good looking woman too btw
You kind of look like that guy Mike Dolce.
I pick up more women now that I’m bald in my 30s than I did when I was 20 with a head full of hair and outstanding looks. I don’t look bad now anyway, I think I’m lucky in every other aspect, but when I was 20 of course I looked much better. In addition to that I had a ripped body that now I don’t.
But then I was very insecure and now I’m not. Game, status and masculinity are more important traits in men than looks.
Actually not all wines age well, you need to be an expert to determine which ones do. Most turn out quite bad.
Men age like wine, women age like milk.
From the great Patrice O’Neal:
Key word is “new”. You can’t catch HIV twice…
The physicality is used as a tool to get men, which is why there are women who tell you they demand your respect, but then will wear outfits hugging their body and their pictures will have captions reducing their body to a sex object it’s laughable. Simply because how could you fight to tell men not to reduce you to something you yourself have already places your worth in, it’s eye opening. After women who’ve put their worth and value into their physicality start to age, they get nervous, start to compete with younger women and they can’t. It’s like athletes trying to fight Father Time but once you slow down you know there is only but a matter of time before they metaphorically tear their ACL.
Women flash the body, men flash the cash.
The first internet date I went on, when I was 28, was with a 22 year old girl. She was very slim and had faultless porcelain skin. I was besotted with her immediately. Unfortunately despite getting her into bed on the first night I got too needy and was rejected quickly.
One year on I ran into her and she had blimped up; literally looked twice the weight; but still had youthful skin.
A few weeks back, about 3 years after the date, I ran into her and her boyfriend in a store. She was barley recognizable; fat with really bad skin/acne. Her boyfriend was a big fat greasy mess too. She was completely ruined by the age of 25.
Whereas I, at 31, was single-digit bodyfat lean with a tan as I’d just spent 3 weeks hiking in California.
The rejection had hurt at the time, as I was naive at that age and had no game, but seeing the mess that she had become 3 years later made me relieved that I’d dodged that bullet.
A lot of fatties have ‘youthful skin’ because of all that oil. I’m not sure how you can even notice skin quality when the girl is fat though.
After the collapse there will be a rush to slaughter the fatties and use their oil to power our muscle cars across the wasteland. There’s a window from the point of breakdown of law and order to the point where the fatties lose all that weight from lack of food.
Somebody has been checking out the new Mad Max movie……..
If not that, we can rely on methane from pigs.
I use them to make my soap. I have a fat farm on my country estate…
Comment of the month. 🙂
Or just a fan of the originals
Old school Max FTW mofos.
True. All we need is a Walmart full of junk food and roughly 100 typical American fat chicks and we’ll have enough fuel to keep my dogs of war going for years.
Soap that smells like sweaty fat broads, nothing quite like that odor…
Why, when you can farm fat broads, they make plenty of methane, too, especially if you culture their fatfolds with the right yeast.
Do they come with gasmasks?
That’s too much disgusting work. I can forgive a pig for being disgusting because it doesn’t know any better. A fat chick? Not so much…
Fat chicks sometimes perform fellatio quite well.
I’ve heard that, but I don’t even want to try it. It’d dishonor me.
It would be an outrage upon and a violation of your manhood. I can also see that.
Eww gross
EVERY woman is a bullet.
With nobody’s name on it.
To be fair, you can mould a woman. I have a chick right now who does everything I tell her. I have her off sugars and grains and exercising. I can see the improvement week by week.
This is way I say if you have an agreeable woman, she is worth keeping around, even more so than a hot chick with a lousy attitude.
yes, this is what i do with my wife. she was skinny fat and extremely out of shape when i met her. i got her exercising and eating healthy, and made it clear that i consider those things requirements. she proved that she is willing to stick with it, so i married her. even now, she recognizes that staying in shape and eating healthy is part of her “job” as a wife.
Drop dead. You’ll be doing her a favor.
whoa there. no need for envy. you’ve probably got a long way to go to reach a normal BMI, but anyone can do it. put down the donuts and hit the gym, or do P90X or something like that. eat your veggies too. you’ll feel better when you can look in the mirror and like what you see, like me and my wife.
WTF? He just added 15 years (and quality) to her life and you tell him to drop dead?
Are you that disgusting?
Nice assumptions. You happen to be wrong. You’re responding to a vegetarian semi-gym rat whose husband doesn’t consider being a wife a “job” with requirements.
Guess so. Sorry not sorry.
Vegetarian? No wonder you’re so angry. Get yourself some nice pork shoulder, your brain will thank you for it.
mods? are we still banning women and those who reply to them? there was no indication of gender in her initial attack on me, so i assumed she was a white knight/mangina, not a woman.
also, please don’t ban englishbob. he’s a good guy. i’m all for banning women though. we can get their point of view 24/7 everywhere else.
She might be getting that protein and minerals in spunky multi-source cocktail form, straight from multiple meat-spigots.
Do you lengthen and improve the quality of your husband’s life, too? Or do you (or him because of you) think it would be better if he dropped dead?
You can try.
I see ads on dating sites all the time of women who are “bbw” demanding guys be fit. Why don’t you go call those out instead?
This is the honest truth. I am in the same situation as bucky. I would pick a “skinny fat, but willing to change” woman over a “slim, but has horrible habits” female any day. I have a coworker who is 5’4. She has gained 40lbs of fat since last October, but before that she was so petite and sexy. And I know it was 40lbs, because she told me, as if she was proud of it!
You have my vote for that.
That is impressive! You may need to post some of your nutritional tips one day. You seem to care more about being healthy and fit than I do about optimal sex.
Thanks man. I guess you can do anything when you are fit and healthy but not so much when you are sick. For this reason I recommend focusing on health span rather than life span. Who wants to be kept alive by machines and a cocktail of drugs?
Not only that, being healthy will improve your sex life and that of your woman.
+1000, englishbob.
” For this reason I recommend focusing on health span rather than life span. Who wants to be kept alive by machines and a cocktail of drugs?”
This ^
The real question is whether she would have aged less had she married you…
I suspect women’s state of mind, not to mention lifestyle have an effect. I don’t know a big enough sample of both types of one race to be sure.
I eat clean, don’t drink too much, and exercise. I suspect that three years dating me would have had a different effect on her physique than 3 years of hanging around the fat greasy loser that she decided to go for.
Maybe the fat greasiness is contagious.
Most people, period, are unhealthy. Modern excesses and consumerism destroys people’s health more rapidly then they think.
I’m seeing young teenage women with cottage cheese thighs making some older women look hotter by comparison.
Modern medicine is a perpetual band-aid. Perfect for this environment.
My buddy dated a smoking hot girl when we were in high school. She had a nice toned athletic body, T & A, nice skin, long hair, pretty smile. She was solid gf material. I saw here maybe 2 years after high school at a pizza place. She was unrecognizable, body wise. You could see in her face it was her, but holy fucking shit. Land whale. How it happened in 2 years, going from 17/18-19/20 years old is beyond me. This was way beyond freshman 15. Fat going over her kneecaps and a booty do (gut sticks out more than her booty do). As for my friend who dated her, he still looks like he just graduated college.
It’s also because less demand is placed on them to keep themselves up. How much you want to bet she still received the same benefits of her former hot self?
Thirsty men.
Yeah thirsty dudes fuck up the market big time. I feel like even the thirstiest guys would think twice if they saw her before she turned into a blimp. Then again, there are people with unquenchable thirsts.
I remember back in college I had a huge crush on this girl I knew. She was a curvy Italian girl who was thick in all the right places. She was in a serious relationship though and nothing amounted to it. Saw her recently… holy shit. Thick in all the wrong places now.
Thick is only good for so long, then it’s just…fat.
Bully for you asshole.
Shush. The grown-ups are talking…..
Grownups?? A bunch of whiny adolescents is more like it.
Well, there’s at least one since you’ve arrived. I’ve never understood the impetus to troll. What’s wrong? Not enough people in your real life have called you an asshole in the past few days and you’re missing that warm, fuzzy feeling?
I think her warm, fuzzy asshole is missing that loving feeling
He needs closure
I love this story!
I really had fun to screw women 10-12 years older than me while I was in my 20s. I met last summer to of those women from the past. They were attractive when I was 25 ans them 35 and 37, but let me tell you, now I’m 44 and they are over 50, that I’m more attracted by their daughters… 🙂
Hope the daughters weren’t fathered by you.
“who’s your daddy”
“Condoms”, it says it all.
women do age faster than men but modern western lifestyle and culture accelerates the aging of western women. Let’s see…. Fast food, lack of exercise, stress from working in a job not suitable for women, excessive artificial sun tanning, alcohol, multiple sex with different men, etc let’s see what else did I miss.
I would add “lack of organisation and planning” as an aging factor. Many men I know really excel in planning ahead, keeping life as simple as possible, and obeying daily routines that are beneficial. By comparison, women’s lives are pure chaos.
I’d say genes, sun exposure and alcohol consumption are the 3 most important factors for skin aging at least.
Yea women in the West drink, smoke, tan, get little sleep, don’t exercise, and eat crap. This I think is the main thing that leads to them aging poorly.
Time is fleeting, Memories are fleeting
The wear and tear theory of aging is false.
An important read clearly showing evidence that AGING is NOT wear and tear, infact, doing hard work impairs the pace-of-aging as if, your body is burdened, meaning every single program which operates within it, Aging itself, as a system of the body is also burdened, hence challenging the body slows aging
IMPORTANT read below* *****
I’m sure I will get some backlash for being a woman but this site has been an amazing eye opener about the lies that feminism is pushing on women. I fully intend to share these articles with as many women as possible.
There are traditional sex roles that men and women should adhere to and women do age worse than men. I hope I am lucky enough to find myself a husband and settle down at a young age. I hope he will allow me to keep my job as a primary school teacher to keep myself busy, although I fully intend to end my job as soon as we are able to conceive a beautiful gift of a child. Being a mother is the greatest gift a woman can bring to the world. Men are the leaders and the thinkers. Women should help to sculpt and nurture the minds of the future young men that will lead our great countries.
“I’m sure I will get some backlash for being a woman…”
No, your comment with get the most Likes on this article, watch!
Welcome. Make sure you read the articles about self improvement, philosophy and religion.
This site has been an eye (and mind) opener for me. Some of it leaves me scratching my head, but I’m not a man.
Come on! You can’t be that opportunistic, can you?
You know better.
wrong website.
Too late!
Too late for what?
Too late to return to traditional gender roles. You should embrace the cultural decline together with the other women.
Women are obviously ready to pretend anything to save their asses.
It’s a shame you have such a cynical view of the subject. I would rather stand alone in the minority wanting to bring back traditional gender roles than follow the masses bringing about cultural decline.
You are right. It is cynical, but there is no alternative. I wouldn’t trust any girl anymore who suddenly claims to support traditional gender roles.
Moreover, even if I were prepared to go back to traditional values, the legal system would make that a highly dangerous endeavour.
Until the legal environment is changed, my generation will be in retirement homes ;).
To be honest I don’t blame you. I would be skeptical too. Hopefully things might change with regards to legality if feminism is finally shown for what it is. Until then we can only hope.
Things are not going to change until things collapse.
And after that we’ll know who truly was most fit to survive.
And a dried up old bag will be worthless for the survival of the human race. All those fancy shoes and TPS reports won’t help them.
As out there as he can be on some subjects, Im immediately getting flashbacks of JohntheOther’s videos about The Female Chameleon and the gun in the room. Anyone else? : )
The backlash you’ll likely get is from the ‘sisterhood’ for going against the feminist narrative.
You sound very young. How old are you? And how is it you have these views? Are you from the US or Canada? Or Eastern Europe/Russia?
I’m 22 and from the UK but have Russian family. My role model is my mother. She put her family ahead of herself all her life. She never had the stresses of a career and is always happy, this means she has aged well and gracefully and my father says he loves her more everyday because she is such a wonderful wife and mother. They have been married for 27 years and I really hope I am able to have a relationship like that.
I see.. thanks for answering my question, Yuliya.
It’s nice to see a young woman like you who isn’t the standard modern Western feminist female, and who actually desires to be a good wife and mother. Young women like you are incredibly rare in the West these days. It sounds like you have a good example in your parent’s marriage to follow and I wish you well. I hope you find what you’re looking for… although I think it is increasingly difficult for both young women and men to find partners who want what you want, i.e, a relationship leading to marriage and that follows traditional gender roles. If I was a younger man, I would have wanted to talk to you and get to you know better.
Allow you? Have you been living under a rock?
Like a traditional family my husband should be in control of the finances and earning money. It should be his decision or at least mutual whether I work and keep my job or whether I would be better staying at home and looking after the house and the housework that goes along with that. If my husband felt like having a job was not beneficial to our family unit I would absolutely respect his opinion and quit my job. Men are better suited and euipt to make financial and tough decisions, why be a selfish woman just because I enjoy my job and put the happiness of my family in jeopardy?
The sad part in all this “aging” hell is when you do find an attractive woman she will eventually turn into a toad with time
The sad part in all this “aging” hell is when you do find an attractive decent woman she will eventually turn into a toad , ultimately, the anti-aging movement is based on abundance of time, youth, and the rest of it, Why age every minute? Why not every 2 minutes? and live to 160 rather than 80? What is so radical about that? nothing changes except you get more time , our own funerals are far away, why not have them be FURTHER away still ?you live a better life not feeling pressured by time and racing against your own AGING biological doom clock all day? Aging is a programmed system of destruction, we are getting wiser at how it functions and soon the ability to impair it really good will enable radical life extension (with genetic tools, however right now we need to be old-school about things combined with speculation, and habits , and a knowledge of what AGING really is, can we disrupt it, Aging is the enemy!
The general idea, is to create a bad environment for the aging process within the body through various practises mainly, hormetic adaptations to increase stress resistance
Most intuitively think , well gee won’t being hard on the body cause MORE damage? Well no, you see, the “wear and tear” mainstream theory of aging is a crock
In theory, Exercise steals resources, so that the aging system is impaired for a brief period of time, which relieves stress on the body
You mean, there is this system, Called “aging” which destroys us constantly? Yes. Yes. and YES, And you mean, by doing the opposite, Being HARD on the body, i disable the aging system as the body is too overburdened? yes, Yes and Yes
What about that thing called psychological stress? Isn’t it bad for me? NO NO and NO, Glucocortoids released by your adrenal gland reduce inflammation, Put you on your toes, Dilate the pupils, suppress an overactive immune system (reducing inflammation)
Everything you’ve ever been told about stress, difficulty and aging, is a LIE, Disrupt the aging system, By impairing it’s function within the body, using diversion tactics in the form of stress,
Remember, A healthy luxurious body, is one in which aging is perfectly UNDISRUPTED to work at it’s destruction eating your veggie shakes and hoping for the best is not going to give you any mercy from mother nature, Since aging is a built-In-Intricate system, that we so far, Cannot ISOLATE, than, the next best thing we can do, is to strain ALL the bodies systems at once, WHILE (THEY KEY HERE) Doing just enough that we do not cause too much damage,
When doing your weight routine, make sure to slightly “over train” once your strength starts to go down, than rest, but only briefly, keep overtraining until you lose about 20% of your strength, that should divert aging and send a good message
Training for strength with exercises and training for stress diversion of the aging system are different games
Temperature extremes and thermogenesis, Two important WHOLE-BODY-STRESSORS, Heat shock proteins, and anti-oxidant regulation with cold-exposure-thermogenesis, Saunas, and Cold showers for 10 minutes every day. Anything which steals resources while increasing healing, will slow the rate of aging by disrupting it
And that is why caloric restriction can work, because you are burdening the body, and impairing the metabolic rate of aging, However, if you get used to the stress, it won’t work so you have to confuse the system so it never has a chance to adapt,
If you caloric restrict every day, In my opinion, it won’t work, it has to be a “surprise” to work, and you have to feel the pangs of hunger. Why won’t it work every day? because you have to feel miserable for it to work, IF you can’t feel the challenge mentally, and you’re used to it, it means the adaptation response is going to be weak, Intermittent fasting phases could potentially work, im talking a life extension of 15% basically doing nothing but changing the time in which you get the calories
Aging system diversion strategies. Aging is a system, no doubt about that, Aging is a plastic system
The feminists are well aware of this, of course. In Australia there has definitely been a concerted push to have more and more old, ugly and fat women on TV. Often they masquerade as “comedians”, but are about as funny as a fart in an elevator –
‘female comedian’ is the ultimate oxymoron. Plus, I have noticed a very strong push in many American TV shows and movies to try and create the desirability of ‘alpha women’, eg ‘Madam Secretary’. They can try and reprogram men as much as they want, but we will always prefer youth and beauty to whatever job an old woman has. That stuff might be attractive to women, but most men couldn’t care less. Men and women are different, and always will be.
Madame Secretary is one long campaign commercial for Hillary for president.
That is exactly how I saw it, funnily enough! The fact our former Australian PM Julia Gillard has been strongly endorsing Hillary should tell my American friends everything they need to know – STAY AWAY AT ALL COSTS! Gillard was a feminazi nightmare, she was lousy at the job, and EVERYTHING became about misogyny this and sexism that.. all the while the country was going off a cliff! Gillard would be a very interesting case study for ROK – she got the job by stabbing Kevin Rudd in the back, but still with a straight face claimed she was a victim! Then when he returned the favour a couple of years later, she said she was a victim of sexism because he couldn’t handle a woman in the top job… Truly unbelievable… whatever happened to “What goes around, comes around?”
Gillard was a fucking joke. You are right: the ‘misogyny’ card was pulled to disguise her poor performance.
Australia is a really fucked up place to date nowadays unless you are an alpha and/or earn a really good salary. Women just don’t give a shit about you unless you are high caliber. It’s so common to see women and men in this country occupying the same space and not interacting. This kind of behaviour is simply bizarre to many foreigners, but it’s just the norm here.
I still remember Patrice O’Neal saying something to the effect of:
“A beautiful 35-year old ain’t as good-looking as an ugly 19-year old.”
They do get men but the men they attract are beta weaklings looking for love and relations just like teenage schoolgirls. They don’t like that not even a little bit because women like men that are masculine and are more powerful than they are.
Fart in the elevator is fine and quite funny as long as you did it first.
I agree with you Roosh, especially when you said fuck putting in any more effort on a slut than all the other guys who pumped her and dumped her the night they met did.. how arrogant for them to expect anything more! Women forget they set the value she places on access to her vagina, and once they have done that, they can’t bump up the asking price!
I’ve always said I want to remain a virgin until marriage or a very serious long term relationship and have kept to that but I worry that men have access to so many easy and willing girls that I will be unable to find a husband because they will be unable to wait. Is it better for a girl to remain a virgin or not?
Depends what you want. If you are truly after a successful marriage, check the article Matt Forney wrote on Return of Kings that shows how much more likely the marriage will end in divorce if you have more than a small handful of partners (like 3 tops!). If you are reasonably attractive and have a nice personality, I’m sure traditional, kind guys with family values will wait, but expect the player types not to hang around. But if you are after a serious long-term relationship, that shouldn’t be a problem? See it as weeding out the undesirables…
Thank you, I’ll have a read of that article you mentioned.
Read this:
See charts 12-18.
Oh when it’s clearly obvious they lie about their age on Tinder:
If she’s squeezed out some kids, that will add about 10 years to womans appearance The wrinkles and the hips. But yeah she looks 46. What gets me is that all other women think you’re mean or hurtful for calling out a woman on her deception that way. Its like the woman who is lying isn’t the real issue, its the man who is shallow for judging her on her age.
I’m also 36 and I don’t look like I survived Hiroshima!
Not all women think that. I think it’s disgusting and immoral to lie like that. How can you possibly create any semblance of an honest relationship when you outright lie from the start?
From my experience all (99%) women lie. Its just a matter of frequency and magnitude of the lie. Middle age for single woman is like 2 minutes left on the game clock and she’s trying all the trick plays for one last score.
Wow that’s terrible. I don’t understand why a woman would lie? Eventually she would be found out and then it will just destroy the foundations of honesty that the relationship was built on. Why risk losing a great man over something as meaningless as a number. If a man is willing to accept your outward appearance is he really likely to walk away just because an arbitrary number is higher than he guessed.
The problem is you have a level of life satisfaction because you have a person you love. Most women don’t love themselves and view the men they encounter as a queen views their subjects. Only lies and subterfuge work when you have no true power and are losing ground with time. Nothing any woman can do will trump the power of her beauty and fertility.
This is true for a lot of people.
My father once told me he married my mother because she was the only woman he ever met in his life who did not play games. She tells you what she thinks and she thinks for herself.
When he was in a serious accident, she stayed by his bedside in the hospital the whole time. It meant a lot to him.
While a distant cousin of ours he had a health condition through most of his life. Despite that, he went to a good college and got a good job. He seemed to be overcoming it all. He had a fiance.
Then his health condition came back and started to kill him at 25. They told him he’d need the organ replaced. He was shattered. He had to quit the job he loved.
His fiance abandoned him, “saying she couldn’t handle it”.
It was the final blow. Within two weeks of her dumping him (aka not even telling him just taking all her stuff and changing her number) he passed away.
His parents still blame her. They believe having his heart broken along with all his hopes and dreams dashed was just too much for him.
Some people are awful.
That’s really sad. The whole excuse of “couldn’t handle it” is just selfish and abhorrent. A lot of women need to stop thinking about themselves all the time. Too many divorces and break ups are because women “need space” and want to “find themselves” and other BS. They need to put their relationships and children first. I’m often extremely embarrassed and disappointed in the behaviour of my gender. I apologise to all men for the games most women play and the manipulation they display.
End of the day, love is compassionate only to those without influence over life choices and can easily turn quiite ruthless for those of a more amorous nature. For a guy the worst we can do is cheat. For a woman it will be a number of things from leaving you homeless, potentially killed by a sexual rival, abandoned by friends, emotionally dependent (men can pull that off as well), social ostracization, or entraped with a child not his own…you get the picture. The sexual punishments are quite ruthless. I’m sure thhe woman in question moves along with her life as if the incident in question never happened and gushes over the day she will find her true love. To the logical male this is far more psychotic than the reasons stated for committing murder. In most instances.
honestly, the real problem was your cousin’s parents didn’t teach him the true nature of women.
I’m the same way, my catholic background taught me to be way too fucking nice to girls, I got steamrolled by all those fucking hos. Teaching young men to have expectations for women to have integrity is just setting them up for disappointment.
If I had a son I’d teach him the full truth about women from a young age.
Teaching a young man to really respect women is just cruel because youre setting him up, in your cousin’s case in a very extreme shitty way. I doubt the girl even thought twice about dumping him and going on with her life without a care in the world. Women don’t fucking care about you, get that through your head
All women think like that.
It’s a woman’s nature to lie & fuck shit up. Goes all the way back to Eve.
Women will never put their relationships & children first due to their hypergamy. No societal restrictions to a woman’s hypergamy has resulted in broken families & everything else.
You say that women need to stop thinking about themselves all the time. That won’t happen because again, a woman’s unrestricted hypergamy comes into play. This is why women should be controlled by a restriction of some sort. Historically speaking, it was a societal restriction labeling promiscuous women as sluts.
She always wants the better option.
Your cousin’s fiancé never loved him in the way us men define love. She was banking on his potential in his job. Once that was gone, she left to find a replacement.
Very unfortunate.
Too true. Unfortunately.
More over, the State subsidizes the hypergamy. You know how they say: If you want more of something, subsidize it.. The State and the Legal System destroys families, not necessarily women.. Women do what they’ve always done, and will continue to do the same.. As you said, there are no restrictions, even worse it’s hypergamy on steroids.
We blame women, and somehow rightfully so, but the end result of all these is everybody is miserable, women included… I guess they are the most miserable of all. A man can do OK alone, not so much a woman… I live alone, and I am more at peace than I ever was (married twice for a total of 25 years). Yes, I have a different set of problems, but the peace of mind is undeniable. I’ll take that over anything else.
The result of ”sexual equality” and female irresponsibility sponsored by the state and culture.
She could be 36 if she partied and tanned a lot.
Yeah, she looks way older, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s actually 36.
lol, meth.
I just forgot how much fun it used to be to get drunk and look at all the lies on internet dating sites.
Used to be.
I suppose I might remember those days when I’m searching the wasteland for gasoline and eating dog food.
Don’t forget your little wind-up music box!
36 is the age of her shirt, I guess?
36 my black ass……
Seems about right, 36 inch waist.
She= a couple of kids, few years of partying, bad sleep, dozens times of cocaine snorting, alcohol, tanning. Decades of wearing skin smothering makeup.
The hot sluts in my town were whoring around at 14. Now at 22 the majority are all fat and look 30!!
A flowchart.
I think the poor lifestyle – drinking, lack of excercise, jobs in the cube farm, poor sleep habits, too much semen from too many different males pumped it their bodies accelerates their decline.
Women can age well, just not with this profligate lifestyle.
Meth and or coke can age you very quickly too. Club girls eating shit food, not hydrating and staying up all night on meth have a short shelf life. Throw in a half a pack of smokes and you’re about 3 years away from looking like a stretched hide.
I hardly ever partied. Maybe twice in a year. I don’t anymore. I listened to my husband’s urging me to eat healthier. I still fit in the same jeans I wore when I was 18. My weight has not changed in over a decade. Most guess my age at 24 not in my thirties.
Yet, when I was meeting several of my new coworkers I thought they were all my age. The women looked so aged. I was stunned to discover most were around 23. Like… what?
One who was 25 looked 40. But she parties almost every night, sometimes showing up to work hungover.
Of course those women were shocked when I gave my age. We all thought we were the same age for different reasons.
for a good laugh about how some of these women think about getting older just having a hard time finding a nice man to spend the rest of her life with, but guys only want to date younger women….start at about 2 mins
He demolished the 50 yo broad with “a fucking house and a career”. Fuck her, hope she slit her veins.
Yes agreed. 18 y/o high school girls should forget the prom and date 30 y/o men.
Her faced stayed fit but her body was halfway into becoming a stout pear.
At a certain age, women face a choice between their face and their ass. You get Madonna with a fit body and a face that screams “I EAT BABIES!” and Delta Burke, who keeps pleasant, youthful skin, but totally blimps out. (Probably not a great example, because she *really* porked up, but you get what I mean.)
Somewhat OT:
The SJW’s keep criticizing Roosh for saying that America’s women really need to slim down. You might want to bookmark this I Have It on Good Authority support for his position:
Michelle Obama: Childhood obesity a ‘public health crisis’
Every old single woman is a bullet men have successfully dodged.
Age teaches a man that no woman is worth the investment. I remember the first time I looked up my high school crushes on Facebook.
Jesus fucking wept.
it’s incredible how quickly they look like shit.
16 to 24 is the golden zone. It’s rapidly downhill after that. I’m 28 I go after 18-19 yr olds. Girls my age look like shit
This is my biggest worry about staying with a Russian girl. that pale skin doesn’t hold up to the sun worth a shit. I’m not sure what my alternatives are, south American girls are too dumb for me. the whole latina attitude annoys the fuck outta me. I need an alternative race of women.
Do brunette german girls age well? or do they age as bad as any other white girl?
I might have to look into learning Japanese
Find a girl that actually hates tanning. I’ve known a few that always wore sunscreen and stayed out of the sun because they didn’t want to do damage to their skin and stay looking younger longer
My wife is like that. Avoided sun damage all her life, and only has laugh lines around her eyes as a result. I shot the attached photo of her Christmas 3 years ago, when she was 58. Pic is not photoshopped in any way. People tell her she looks 20 years younger, and I agree. Good advice from CamelJockey.
You must really like fake eyebrows.
That’s good genes for a woman to age slowly.For a man, good genes are high I.Q., dexterity. Female offspring will also age slowly and males will have IQ. You can sometimes tell a slow ager when they’re young. Taylor swift will be decent well into her 70’s. Raquel Welch is another. Redheads may freckle in sun but it seems to galvanize the skin and stave off wrinkling. Pure non freckled blondes can last if sun is avoided but the ones with the short lived ‘feeder fish’ gene wrinkle up like a melting styrofoam plate in a microwave oven. Like the blonde chain smoking 35yo cashier at the quickie mart.
agree, when I visit south Florida the woman who are 30 look like a shrived old raisin already…like the old grandma from that movie there’s something about Mary
if you are staying with a russian woman -you are already mentally fucked.
that’s disappointing to hear, Ive already spent a lot of time learning the Russian language. What’s so fucked about them?
Why do you think Russia has the highest divorce ration in the world?Boring, shitty in bed, flat chested, prematurely aging, manipulative, unattractive women. I am from that part of the world and I am not interested.
What about the so called feminine russian women we keep hearing about?
There are many feminine women everywhere in Europe without disadvantages of russian.
“Do brunette german girls age well?”
Never attempt a LTR with a german woman. Their passive-aggressiveness makes them unbearable.
If anything out there can keep your woman’s skin youthfully smooth and white, why that would of course be a BURQA. Oh the day when a man can peek into the hood of a burqa and see ice blue eyes and pink lips that never utter an obscenity or bitch. It’s just a piece of cloth. You don’t even have to be Muslim. Just pop a burqa on your new woman once you’ve claimed and broken her to obedience. Plus no one messes with a woman in full cloth.
Seriously, if progressives care about human flourishing as much as they claim, why do they encourage young women to bugger up their natural fertility functioning with artificial hormones circulating haphazardly through their bodies and Borg implants in their wombs, so that they foolish chicks just barely out of childhood can engage in such physically and psychologically damaging behavior?
Women’s bodies and minds didn’t evolve to handle this kind of abuse. No wonder so many women these days suffer from eating disorders, anxiety and depression, alcoholism, addictions, hostility and suspicion towards men, various gynecological and fertility problems and impairments in their ability to form stable marriages and bond with their own children.
It’s the patriarchy.
You haven’t even hit on the main part of how women age out – all the sexual dysfunction that comes along with menopause. It’s kept a close secret, but for most women who aren’t on hormone replacement, they’re basically done with sex at about age 50.
When the hormones stop libido goes with it and after about 50 she’s simply never going to be horny again, ever. Add to that that the vaginal tissues require hormones to maintain themselves. After menopause they thin and lose elasticity making sex downright painful. The term “dryness” to describe it is a euphemism. It’s really called atrophic vaginitis.
The latest stat I read said that only about 10% of post menopausal women use HRT. When you get older and start to understand these things you understand why most johns caught with an escort are over the age of 50 and why middleaged men suddenly are no longer interested in women their own age. It’s not that the breasts got a little saggy – it’s because women that age are done with sex, and the men haven’t changed that much at all.
That’s fucking disturbing. That’s what we have to look forward to.
only if you get married.
Young girls in the peak of her beauty?
In theory yeah. But these women have a sense of entitlement that’s up in the stratosphere & they think their shit don’t stink due to the artificial validation.
They don’t make suitable partners either. So what’s left? Really?
Depends on the culture. Years ago, I spent a summer doing community organizing in the northwest Bronx, NYC. The area was heavily Latino. Beautiful, gorgeous ethnic Spanish girls from every country in Latin America walking around, but mostly Dominicans and Colombians. And ALLLLL of them friendly as hell! Every other part of NYC, pretty girls had stank attitudes, but these chicks were very easy, humble and friendly! Why?? Because 1) In this part of NYC, Latin guys have no qualms about smacking some chick across the mouth if she gets outta line 2) Beautiful girls were a dime a dozen is this area. A guy would have to be a serious monogamous not to cheat, so girls do thier best to keep their men happy. 3) At that time (1995), old fashioned latin values were still strong in the community. Well, its 2015, so I dont know if that culture is still there. But it was refreshing to see a population of YOUNG, beautiful and humble girls.
When a communist state is the most red pill one we are fucked. (Picture made by a raging fat feminist).
imagine someone putting this on billboard in the US with a white american female in her 30’s.
either ways one of the brighter sides of communism
China is no more communist than the United States’ “democracy”. China reformed so much since 1950s. Now they are just “communism” by name. Their one party communists does what’s best for China and puts their national interest above anything else. Politically correctness does not work well in China because they say it as it is.
Asian women are great when young. And Japanese women IMO are the best in looking young too.
But whey they do hit the wall, they become “dragon ladies”. It can be quite a site.
To their credit though, most of the aged Asian wives I have met over the years did not become heinous clip-haired obesoidal human slugs. Yeah they aged and they seem to pick up smoking along the way (though not chain smokers) but they make some attempt at holding it together.
BAHAHAHAHA! Frankly, the advice is spot on!
To be fair the Women’s Federation of China was set up precisely as a pre-emptive strike against feminism, by occupying that discursive space before western-styled liberal feminists try to co-opt women’s interests against the interests of the nation
Yup, Chinese divorce law is better than the ones in the west too.
I think it’s genetic. In my 35 years as a woman I haven’t changed much at all really over the past 15 years. I get hit on more now than I ever did when I was 19 and I have always dressed respectfully. At 19 guys wanted nothing to do with me except the really old ones. Strangely the really old ones don’t come after me anymore mostly the 18 – 45. I rarely go to bars and when I do, I go with my husband and people will hit on me right in front of him. We own a store in the ghetto and I can’t work there anymore because my husband was getting into brawls with all these men coming after me. Little kids think my husband is my father and we’re the same age.
Well you hit on one of the secret preservers of women, one male partner. Monogamy serves a woman well in maintaining her youth, sanity, appeal, and overall quality of life. But share that information with her raggedy 20s, 3 years single, partying counterpart, who has enough money to travel to France, Spain, and London this year for a week stay apiece, and she will vehemently cry no. Yet She will easily look closer to 32 if she is lucky. By the end of year 4, she will not have anything resembling chastity, and a man would have to be eager for a cuckold experience to marry or date this woman. Your youth may be genetic, but it has more to do with who you have around you, what they are doing to you, and the joy you experience on a day to day level. Then of course, diet, physical upkeep, and genetics.
Roosh. Your English is terrible.and the hell you don’t look 35.
When you cannot fight the facts, personalize the argument and make emotional snide remarks.
How fresh. How new.
Darwinian evolution actually makes a huge amount of sense.
Women evolved for optimal child rearing. They are sexy from the age of about 16, at which point they are intended by nature to begin producing 5-6 children, of which 2 or 3 would survive. Because of the feast and fathom nature of the lives of homo sapiens (which has been the case of most of homo sapiens’ existence, until only just the past 100 years), nature gave them roughly 12-14 years to look attractive to males for fucking.
But that is not all. Women evolved so that they would loose all sex appeal before they are 30. First, because they did not need it after having 5-6 babies and doing their role in propagating the human species . Most died around the age of 30 anyway. Those that did not die could easily take care 15 or more kids produced by multiple women. At this point, through evolutionary selection, among those that survived past 30, the best women for caring for children were ugly after 30, totally without sex appeal. Why? Because fucking and getting pregnant was a distraction to raising children at an age when the children are the most active and most prone to wondering into trouble – roughly ages 4 through 12.
So, as we can see, women dropping off the sex appeal cliff by the age of 30 was required for the human species to survive. Nothing has changed. It’s not the fault of men. It’s just the way things are.
This in large part explains why most of us – men and women – find Hillary Clinton so appalling and disgusting. Of course, she is old, very fat, and ugly, just as nature designed a woman to be at her age. More important, we instinctively see her as not having done her part. She is trying to lead men when her natural job at her age is to be passing on wisdom to young mothers about caring for children. Of course, we are thankful that she did not have more than one child, she should have had zero children, because she was a dysfunctional mother. But because of her poor mothering skills we (men and women) instinctively do not want to see her in a position of mentoring younger women. Which means especially not in the ultimate mentoring role as president. We essentially want a woman like Hillary Clinton to hurry up and die so that she does not infect the rest of the tribe.
I suppose that means the extended longevity of women (+7-14 years over men) was about the grandmother theory – to help raise babies even though she can’t have any more. After all, there’s no reason for men to grow old once they’re past their hunter-warrior prime. The higher the testosterone the shorter the lifespan is for a man. Is it not surprising meatheads keel over from a heart attack around the age of fifty? Don’t like that? Get castrated and you’ll live as long as women but then who’d want to? Who wants to grow old?
I hope that you don’t forget that you will became old and slang too. Men don’t wanna old girls… and girls don’t want poor man, oldpa, baldhead, betas, Weak man full of hate. What you will do when your 19’s girl make 30? What you will do when your 18’s girl cheat you with her alpha, virile and young friend from school?
I’ll get another one.
So you buy another one! O got it! Great advice!
If it flies, floats or fucks you’re better off renting.
Now that I am in my late 20’s, after a lifetime of bullshit from women and society, I have come to the same conclusion. 19 year old size 8 blondes? Thanks back page. I never have to look at an over 25 again and it is completely legal where I live.
Are you female?
No. I’am married.
You’re obviously disgruntled with the one you have
Was that English?
Dogs age 7x faster than man.
Women age about 1.4x faster than man. Thus,
20 year old woman = 28 year old man.
30 year old woman = 42 year old man.
40 year old woman = 56 year old man.
50 year old woman = 70 year old man.
Of course, this doesn’t precisely apply in every case. Factors include diet, exercise, smoking, stress, genes, and race. At any rate, men typically age much better than women.
Not a bad comparison. Certainly I don’t believe a 40yo+ man can clean up with young women unless his game is as tight as a drum.
I know these two people at work, a guy who is 54 and a woman who just turned 50. It’s an especially noticeable case, because she looks old enough to be his mother. He’s active and in shape. He could pass for mid/late 40s. From what I can tell, she stays active and watches what she eats. However, she simply hasn’t aged well. She looks 20+ years older than the guy, even though she’s four years younger.
The reason why women degrade so quickly should be obvious, because if that party never ended, they would be vapid empty attention whores forever. And the truth is, that would be worse than death.
People only self correct when they see undesirable results of policy. Sometimes the consequences of bad policy have to be seen on others, such as when we are talking about long term life choices.
Their beauty lasts for as long as it needs to. Long enough to create a family, and build a relationship. A woman who is aware that her looks will not last forever, will put out more effort to improve herself as a human being and to build a relationship with a worthwhile man. A woman who think “you go girl! You can have it all!” will frivorce when things get tough, or boring, or the whim strikes her.
Either way, consequences.
It’s interesting how certain occupations are so very hard on women’s appearance. Take law, for example. The typical law school has quite a hotties. These women are fresh out of college, and by the time they graduate from law school they’re around 25 years old. Fast forward ten years. After a decade of law practice, they look absolutely horrible. It’s like they go from 25 to pushing 50 in a single decade. Really, a ten year span isn’t kind to ANY woman. Add stress, alcohol, high-calorie working lunches, and a sedentary lifestyle, and the consequences are awful.
I’ve got that beat.
I know what you mean about law girls. I went to uni, and did finance, and saw a lot of the butterflies turn back to caterpillars over the next 10 years.
But my industry now is aviation. Up the front end. And the women that are in my job, have absolutely terrible physiques after a few years. Airline food, the ultimate sedentary lifestyle, constant interrupted sleep causing a disdain for regular exercise. You name it. The sum of all fears.
Out of the several dozen females in my company, there are about 2 that are still have decent bodies. But their faces are paying the price from too much sun.
Many of the guys are like me. Single, work hard at the gym, don’t eat the dogfood on the planes,…. but the married guys pay the price. No time for luxuries like gym and decent food. As soon as you get yourself a bitch and brats, you can usually kiss your healthy lifestyle goodbye.
or girls who go to med school and become doctors.
They can still look hot when they graduate at 26, but when they hit the reality of 70+ hours a week in residency, and all their paycheck is going to taxes and student loans, the ugly reality hits them of what they signed up for.
They look like shit by 29
Until they hook up with that reliable beta who will let them retire early. Happens all the time.
Cat women are out there, but they aren’t former doctors.
Yeah, so your advice for a woman is to marry before she hits 25.OK I get that.But what’s up with you my men.You are pushing 35, and for yourself expect what, a 25 year old virgin. LOL.
Good luck in finding one.You will have better luck in finding a Unicorn, or a pot of gold on the end of an rainbow.
Anyway, you gamers think that you can fuck tarts until you hit 40, and than marry a good woman.Not so, a truly good and smart woman will smell you a mile away, and put you in a class “not a family man”.
If you casually stick it to the tarts for 20 years, than you are hardly a family man, and since people seldom change their character, only fool of a woman would think that you will, for her.
Bottom line is, if you wanna marry a good woman, virgin and all that, you’ll have to marry young, when you’re around 25.Knock her up two or three times and that is pretty much that, you are set for life.
The bottom line with women is that you are a good provider, know how to fuck, and do it often (like, four times a week minimum) throw a couple of kids in that weekly pot, and she will not have the time, stamina, or will to stray.
And last but not the least, the hardest part of being a family man, ” you have to be there ” when you are not at work.So, no hanging at the bar without your best friend, aka wife.No hanging with your unmarried friends.
You have to spent virtually all your time when not on the job, being with your wife and kids, doing quality time, yes.
They first, you last.You have to invest shitload of time, money, and effort, like 30 years worth.And what do you get in return.Casual sex, that goes stale after couple of years, kids who are a constant and severe drain on your resources, a huge emotional liability, and no financial return, ever.
It’s not all bad, for all that you will get, ta-ta-ta-taaaaaa “the love” and acceptance, yes.And satisfaction of extending your line (like we are nobility or royalty and have benefits doing that, silly little rabbits).Next good thing is, you won’t have to chase the tail, and since after the kid numero dos the wife will become fat, you also can and will drop the ball on the question of personal fatness, a perk it there ever was one.
And that is a “good” scenario.Where as a bad one would be a divorce, alimony, get the hell out of your own house, seeing your kids once a week when it suits her.Your kids being raised by her lover.And love of your kids may or may not be iffy, depends on relations with your ex.But do not forget to send them your cash, or else you go to prison.
Being a regular Joe,and to have kids today, in western society.You truly have to be ” special “. I think that there should be some kind of a civil medal for men, men who got married and divorced, because for a western man, it’s often a flying leap, a leap of faith, and to take one, you have to be brave and stupid.
And in the event of divorce you’ll have to go above and beyond the call of duty.And even more, goverment should pay for a bus ticket, so you can get to office where you will recive said medal, because after alimony you won’t be able to afford a bus ticket.
women…you better take this advice or get the fuck outta this site.
Japanese women tend to age a lot more gracefully than western women – but I suppose it really tends to be the effort or lifestyle of the woman in question. Woman who take pride in their appearance tend to age far better.
“What a waste that these girls didn’t use their peak beauty to find the most valuable man that could to be their life partner.”
Before I left to live permanently overseas, on TWO occasions I was approached by friends to consider “marrying” (for cash of course) an illegal alien who had overstayed her visa and was about to be deported. On both occasions it was a woman in her late 30s/early 40s (one from France, the other Uganda/Indian). Both had been living in NYC since they were teenagers. It always boggled mind what these chicks were doing in their prime years (late teens, early twenties)? Chasing only Alphas who pumped and dumped them, most men were not good enough for them back then, even though they HAD to find someone or be deported. The cock-carousel ride was tooooo good to get off, even if it meant fixing your status as a alien!! Now the “jig was up”, and they were both bitter and haughty that they had to “settle” or be deported. I met both individually for tea and ended each date telling them that they were now both damaged goods, and hope they had a safe trip back to their native countries! Cunts!
It’s female nature to chase alphas, and if you’re mad at that then you don’t know enough about women’s nature.
A real woman, one that most of the guys here are looking for, is one that is able to understand her condition and restrain her hypergamy (and the alpha cock chase). Unfortunately this type of woman has become what we call the unicorn. What Scott did, wishing them good riddance was the right thing to do.
I usually lurk but I hope it’s okay as a woman to make a post.
I am 23 in two months, I am very aware of my biological clock, in fact I was sobbing to my father the other day about how I thought I’d be married by now. He said “What?? but you are still so young?!” I really believe in the saying ’30 is not the new 20′ and It gives me great fear when I get closer to the title. My mother married when she was 25, she was brought up Catholic Polish so we tend to marry young. I have been born and raised in London, I am still a virgin as I haven’t been in a relationship longer enough to lose it to someone.
The one thing on my side is I still look young, I get 15-17 a lot, I think due to my slender Polish frame and malaysian ancestry which gives me a youthful look, but I know I am kidding myself that this will last long. Thankfully I do not drink or excessively tan like other girls my age here do. Although considered average/pretty, I went to an all girl’s school then at college studied fashion where there were no guys available. I wish I would of been with a teenaged sweetheart, I’m that type of person, but it never happened. (Also had social anxiety) I also have not gone to University yet as I spent 3 years feeling ‘lost’ and working odd retail jobs, It is just really hard to meet guys. I don’t know whether to study English or Geology, and the more time passes, the more the clock ticks. I’m also trying to understand, do you mean by 25 you need to be in a long term relationship for a few years? Or it is the last opportunity to start one? That means I only have one chance of a relationship?
Two guys really liked me in the past (at the start), but I think I lost them due to my lack of ‘game’, I would behave like a little girl I think. Now I have all the books on how to keep men interested but no man. I have been such a Daddy’ s girl that is almost sickening, I spend all my time with him and need to break away from it.
Sorry for being long winded,I just wondered if anyone could give me advice for my life? At times they hurt to read; but I really appreciate these articles on my gender.
Find a strong, old fashioned man with a good solid education and/or trade in a practical profession. Not a guy who works in retail, fashion, PR, any new (read made-up) job. An Engineer of somekind, be it the old fashioned type or software and IT even.
Don’t be ashamed about going for money but don’t make that your sole aim. He needs to provide well and that’s the bottom line.
Someone inclined to vote Republican or Conservative. Have lots of kids and pile up assets and wealth to pass on to them.
Be a good Wife. Don’t break his balls over trivial shit and don’t embarrass him by flirting or speaking out of turn with other men.
Follow all of this and you’ll be happy.
You’re very fucking welcome, by the way!
The two guys I only ever liked were studying engineering interestingly enough, as an INFP I am really attracted to the INTJ personality type.
The hard part seems to be actually meeting men as I don’t like partying and the type of guys that go clubbing are never the engineer type.
I see what you mean about going after money, for me that is more a bonus but I should admit to myself I am way too docile to be a ball breaking career woman.
Thank you, now all I need to do is find the watering hole.
Of course engineers go clubbing. They just don’t talk about engineering while they’re out clubbing unless they’re complete freaks.
Try some decent low-key bars rather than clubs.
I’m genuinely not sure if you’re trolling or not.
“Don’t break his balls over trivial shit and don’t embarrass him by flirting or speaking out of turn with other men.” I know it sounds bad and counter-productive but, but women will do that just to shit test you to see how you hold up. They also crave a bit of drama in their lives and even the most loyal wife will get bored of their perfect lives. Also, they see other women doing it around them and on TV and since we don’t live in a society which regulates women’s behaviour or desires, you cannot be too assertive.
It doesn’t sound like you’re living in Poland.
I’ve grown up in London and my mother was Polish.
(I never really comment either but wanted to share my similar situation. Sorry this is a long post.)
I know the feeling, sobbing and all, since I thought I would’ve been married by now. Also wanted a teenage sweetheart like my parents had. I’m 24 and live in Canada. I come from a traditional two-parent household and am very grateful for that, as I know it’s a rarity these days. Not sure if it’s like this where you are, but here it seems the vast majority of people are so far leftist/liberal, it feels isolating. There is such a contrast between my views, and the views of most other people here. Conservative, religious beliefs are so commonly ridiculed and despised here. Sometimes wearing a dress in public is practically asking to be targeted for rude behaviour or mocking.
You could try out a couple different intro courses in any topics that interest you (even as a part time student), and then decide your major. My family thought it was best for me to go to university so I did, and I assumed I would find a man there with compatible beliefs/etc. I was wrong. The men that show interest in me always end up going for the party slut, or the bossy, domineering type.
I don’t understand, I try to be good girlfriend/wife material. I dress feminine, I’m respectful, I don’t drink or do drugs, I’m a virgin waiting for marriage – but the women who do the opposite get relationships and even marriage. I’ve always wanted to get married and have children one day, just like my mother and previous generations did. I know things are different now, but it’s simply not natural to be delaying my biological role like this.
I know the type of man I want – a traditional, masculine man, but I don’t know where to look around here. All there seems to be is: latte-sipping skinny-jeans-wearing hipsters, fags, “thugs” who would not survive a real ghetto, overweight bronies, and the remaining single guys aren’t traditional-minded. Even in the grocery store, some guy was happily walking around with his butt-crack visible the other day.
I want to try looking for a man with compatible views/outlook/etc in church, but I also have social anxiety, so that would make it difficult to join a church and a new social circle. I’ve also considered online dating, but just by browsing, it seems many Christian men here are looking for someone older than I am.
If anyone has any advice or ideas about where I can find the type of man I’m looking for in this overly-liberal place, it would be appreciated.
Is the west part of Canada more conservative? What about B.C.? If all else fails, you can look in places like Montana, Idaho, Alaska perhaps?
Not sure the rest of western Canada, but B.C. is very liberal from what I understand (it was one of the first provinces to legalize gay “marriage” and has a large amount of potheads). I hear Alberta is pretty conservative, but I’ve never been there.
BC is really liberal. Canada kind of mirrors the US (if you draw the geographical lines from Toronto/New York —BC/California. The edges are super liberal and the middle is conservative. That said, Alberta, the ultra conservative province, just voted in an NDP govt—one of the four horseman without a doubt.
Maybe you girls should look for older men that are more serious/established. Join a club of some sort like cycling or hiking or whatever you’re interested in. I’m 25 and personally nowhere near ready for a wife and kids. Not because I don’t want them, I’m just nowhere near the man I aim to be. Building a business so I’m currently broke living with my parents. Struggling to eat enough to pack on weight. Hard to find time for the gym. I imagine most guys that are marriage material are in a similar situation. Not necessarily as lame, but not yet valuable enough (SMV) to cash in on a great woman. In fact that’s my plan. Max out all my stats then get a younger wife IF I even create a family which is becoming riskier every day. Sorry for the wall of text I’m on my phone.
Well I do like hiking so that’s an idea. It’s understandable to not want marriage and kids if you don’t feel you’re ready, plus all the possible risks. Too many people treat marriage like it’s no big deal, and don’t bother to set themselves up properly (relationship-wise, financially, etc) before having kids.
Agreed. It’s crazy watching people get married just because “it’s the thing to do”. I know a guy who’s doing that.
A friend of mine (girl) who is an introvert, met her boyfriend going rock climbing with co-workers. She lives in Calgary so she’s into rock climbing, hiking, photography etc. That’s what you need to do. Screen for the type of people you want to meet by getting involved in your passions. Those things usually have more intelligent/ stoic/ introverted guys
I think maybe people jump into marriage because they fear they may regret it if they don’t, like if they decide they want children later on? Still it’s never good to rush into things.
Although I can’t see myself rock climbing (at least not very high), those hobbies sound like a great way to meet a guy who is also introverted, who loves being physically active, and who enjoys the great outdoors. Plus, there probably wouldn’t be many hipsters or bronies doing that haha.
“Conservative, religious beliefs are so commonly ridiculed and despised here”
I agree April and being from a major city in Canada myself, I completely understand your boggle.
Glad someone else here can relate. It wouldn’t be so bad if freedom of speech wasn’t restricted to only liberal or leftist opinions.
It is nice to find somebody who empathizes. You get it too! Not actually having a teenage sweetheart destroys me. I have a friend who lost her virginity to somebody she didn’t love when she was drunk, so she could just practice for when she did love somebody. Now I see it was quite a smart move. A year later at 17 she met a guy who actually wanted to wait until he loved her as he was a virgin, they’ve now been together 6 years and are engaged. With her however, I can see how no guy would dump her! She was a straight A student, social and actress-pretty. She is probably the most interesting person I know.
Another story though, I was talking to a 19 year old girl at work once, who told me she was with her boyfriend for a whole year, she is a christian who wanted to wait until marriage but decided to have sex. The day after they did it, he never contacted her again. So in a way, we think “Oh well I am a good girl because I am waiting!” when it is not necessarily what guys seem to want these days… and if they do, maybe that is slightly controlling and basing a woman off her pureness? I think they are also more likely to leave as they feel you are some sort of goal and then a victim.
That is very strange that people would mock somebody wearing a dress. Jeans have slightly killed femininity. What ever happened to the ‘whoosh!’ twirling of the midi skirt while dancing?
I suppose guys in university can be quite tricky. Usually they would have a teenaged sweetheart or be heart broken from a girl so would spend their university years dating and exploring with no ties. Well I think for guys, party sluts have a low risk, use once and throw away like a kleenex, no commitment. Perhaps they see the bossiness as an alpha female trait and are attracted to it. (Used appropriately of course.) A bossy woman would most likely make a good mother too.
I’m straight edge too, do you think that can make us seem a little boring and unadventurous? I think more than anything a guy wants a lady that can surprise him in certain ways, I guess playing it safe all the time can reduce that image of spontaneity? I think sex is actually a big part for a man to feel a connection with you, as with sex we are totally vulnerable and are the ones being penetrated. They see it as an act of submission and by withholding it, perhaps we never really open ourselves up to any man for them to fall for us? I truly wish I could just be intimate with one man and for him to be my husband, but I am starting to realize that I might have to give more of myself. I worry about the clock too, 30 is when the risks start to come in to place, which is not far off for us!
I would rather buy 20 cats, a lifetime supply of nutella, let my womb shrivel and become infertile, and spend my evenings watching outdated Keira Knightley period dramas than wed a Bronie or equivalent. You should see the trailer for ‘The Intern’ with Robert Deniro, he insults the hipsters about their modern dress sense! There is nothing nicer than a man in a white, crisp and clean cut shirt.
I would say what helped my social anxiety the most when I was 18 was the book ‘Diagonally Parked in a Parallel Universe: Working Through Social Anxiety’ very first self help book I purchased, and now I enjoy many others. People seem to snigger a lot at the Self Help section, but woah has it given me insights on life.
my priest recommended I join a church youth group that focuses a lot on chastity, but the cut off limit is 24/25 so I don’t know. I think since you are strongly standing by your religion, you should definitely give a church group a try. I’ve become more of an agnostic anyway who just trys to live by the moral code of the commandments.
Good luck to you two….
April, Rolina is eagerly awaiting your no doubt lengthy reply.
I remember talking to a religious girl about this strictly Christian ‘white’ only preference you girls have in church (Obviously you’ll deny it, but then look in the mirror and think “how did he know”) when I showed her a picture off a reconstruction of what Jesus would most likely have looked like (not blonde with blue eyes and white skin) she literally hissed at me, no joke, she hissed! Anyway, my point is… Have you tried the Amish community?
That girl you mentioned that didn’t wait but still found the right guy for her was lucky. But I see single moms with strollers out everyday who didn’t wait, it’s kind of an epidemic and has been bad for society. Plus I’ve seen a study posted in a comment a while ago that the DNA of every sexual partner a woman has had stays with her and will be in the child she eventually has. I see waiting as a test of self-discipline because I want to only share that one-time experience with a man that I know is committed (husband) and that loves me (rather than that other girl who gave in and lost her virginity to a guy that didn’t contact her ever again). The idea that men who want virgins for wives are controlling is from feminists who want to promote women that sleep around as ideal partners (when really this isn’t the case). Women should be based off their pureness because studies show that the more partners she has, the less likely she will be able to maintain long relationships (divorce more likely).
One time when a guy that asked me out were talking, he said, “Your hair is so long” with a facial expression like there’s something wrong with that (it’s mid-back), then asked me why it was that way. I don’t know what’s wrong with regular brunette/auburn wavy hair, I thought he would’ve liked it if anything. Ironically he had big hair that was long and messy.
Regarding your comment about the 20 cats before bronies, lol sometimes I think the same thing. That sounds like a book to check out (and the movie trailer too), thanks for the recommendation. I’m leaning towards joining church, and didn’t realize church groups might have a cut-off age.
You sound like a genuinely nice person, and I hope you find someone who’s right for you.
I feel for you. I really do. I was you, at one time. I also came from a happily married two parent household (which was unusual even when I was growing up—I’m mid thirties, and Canadian as well). You need to find a guy a little older (like 30ish, NOT 45– as some of the men on this site would suggest). Men your age are simply not ready to settle down. I’m not religious, but I also wasn’t into the bar/pick up scene so it was difficult for me to meet men, let alone men directly outside my peer/age group. In retrospect, had I dated men around 30 I probably would have been better off. Instead, I tried to settle down with a man my own age. Suffice to say it didn’t work out and I wasted a lot of time. I can’t really comment on the SMV everyone speaks of around here, since I never really solicited that kind of attention from males. Solicited being the operative word. When I was in my early 20s, there were men interested in dating me. When I suddenly found myself single around thirty, I assumed it was time to throw in the towel, but was pleasantly surprised to find men still interested. This is not to suggest you should screw around at your age, just to suggest that smart, respectable women don’t seem to hit the proverbial wall as soon as some would suggest. In any event I met and married my husband post 30. We decided it was just too late for us to start a family so we chose not to. We don’t regret this, as we near 40 and see lots of our 40 something friends dealing with diaper rash and midnight feedings, they are just too damn old and they’re exhausted. Sorry for the rambling, but my take away points are these:
1. for what you’re looking for, you need to go a little older, and if you find him, lock it down and get going re: babies et al.
2. That said, you just can’t be that rigid anymore. 50 years ago, your life plan was easy to achieve, these days not so much. You need to be flexible and adaptable. If you aren’t, and you don’t have a back up plan, you run the risk of becoming bitter.
Best of luck to you 🙂
Thanks for your advice and for sharing 🙂 Good to know that it might not all end at 30 haha, might be because we both aren’t into drinking that much (which would’ve aged us). Just out of curiosity, where did you meet your husband?
I’m not sure I know what you mean by not being so rigid (are you referring to avoiding sex before marriage, the possibility that marriage/kids might not be soon or happen at all, or something else)? I realize this may differ from person to person, but I just don’t see myself being as fulfilled if I were to be a single career-woman, compared to if I were a wife/mom someday. I figure – there are other virgin women that manage to find a husband, and going by some comments I’ve seen, I know there are men looking for that kind of woman. It’s possible, even if it’s rare nowadays. It’s just a matter of finding a compatible man that shares the same life goals.
Well, drinking and acting like an idiot isn’t really a good idea for anyone, so yeah, that might be part of it. Women are judged a lot on their appearance, but how you conduct yourself in general can either add or detract from that. I met my husband at work. No, no, I didn’t mean you shouldn’t be rigid about sex, that’s your choice. I meant don’t be on too much of a rigid timeline. Lots of people your age have all kinds of goals to be met by a certain age, and lots of times it doesn’t happen exactly as planned. And that’s ok, don’t be too hard on yourself. If you want a family really badly, you’ll get it, but you might not get it on your precise timeline. My sister was far more ambitious career wise than I ever was. She met her wonderful husband when she was 21, finished her prestigious education, and is married and a stay at home mom. It makes her really happy. I thought that’s how my life would go, and well, it wasn’t in the cards. While I was searching for that I managed to build up a super successful career (by necessity, not choice) and it turns out I really love that. My husband was exactly as I was, he also had things go sour in a previous committed relationship, and, well the rest is history. Neither of us would have pictured ourselves in the life we have now, but it worked out really well. I’m certainly not trying to discourage you, I’m just saying being flexible is a good thing. You never know what life will throw at you, and people who are unable to adapt end up bitter.
I always read this website posts and comments but have never made an account. I am so happy to come across you girls that I just had to! I too live in Toronto. Well, I just spent the last 4 years in school downtown and now am living outside of Toronto. I have conservative and traditional values myself and often feel very alone. I’m still young but I do get worried that I won’t find a man who appreciates and values my beliefs. Kids are much better raised in a traditional 2 parent household. Let’s be friends!!
When my American female relatives used to ask me if I know any single good guys (for a friend, natch)
I was brutally honest with them. “All the good guys I know are married or dead and the few single guys I know have no interest in dating anyone.”
This is the same advice I (American expat, mid 40’s) am giving to my daughters when they are of age.
Maintain your femininity in manner and dress; be virtuous; become an avid reader of the
classics (eg. Great Books of the Western World);
learn a foreign language; learn to play a musical instrument; be civil to others, but be prepared to stand up for yourself.
If you are attending university, spend time studying at the engineering library. You will meet mostly white and asian men who tend to hold conservative values. Use that to your advantage.
Stay active in your church and volunteer occasionally to help fellow members. You tend to meet interesting people who may later introduce you to others (networking).
You mentioned anxiety, so I would also recommend attending a “Toastmasters Club” which would help with public speaking and initiating contact with others.
Online dating is a hit or miss from my experience.
I know some people who met and got married via online dating (happy end) and I know for others it was a complete disaster. Remain vigilant and be prepared to travel.
Good luck.
You were born and raised in London which makes you as polish as Morgan Freeman is Nigerian, you’re simply not Polish, you’re a Londoner. Also, you’re not in the Polish category you’re in the Asian category since you’re mix-race.
The main type of man you’re looking for is white (you’re not fooling anyone luv) and that couldn’t be easier for you. Go to clubs and pubs and meet men, online dating in not something you want to do so give it a miss unless you want ons, mutual friends is a big one. There are plenty of men and you just have to give them a chance even if they act foolish at times, they might just make good husbands.
Judging from your description you live somewhere in W/NW/N London?
I don’t see what you mean. I am a British citizen, but I have Polish genetics and I am half Polish. The Malaysian part is only one eigth and the rest of my ancestry is English and Polish. My skin is a pale olive but I meant the Malaysian gives the appearance of more youthful/olive skin. (As my dad is 70 yet has barely any liver spots.) I am white.
What’s wrong with wanting a white man? I’m not trying to fool anybody? I thought it isn’t too good to go for mutual friends as it can be sort of incestuous? I am from West London yes.
Ah ok, I didn’t intend to offend you. Yh yh you’re British no one questioned that. Its just a mere observation and I got you down to a T, hell, I was willing to put a wad of cash on you living in the west, hmmmmmm Acton or Ruislip? I’m getting too good at this. I hanged around with enough people from those ends and you’re just like some of em.
As for the mix-race thing 99% of you only date one type of man, don’t deny this, nothing wrong with it.
I can’t give any other advice on how to meet dudes but after reading your reply to April I sense that you’re getting jealous on your mate for getting married. Go bang someone, lower your standards maybe and give a nice guy a chance.
When I was having problems with women and seeing my buds getting poon right and left I didn’t get jealous or sad I just looked at what they did and improved myself. Don’t hate the player, learn the game.
Life didn’t turn out the way you expected, boo fucking hoo, shit happens lady and you’re barely 23 and have a few years to go until you’re getting older. Don’t slack tho, early bird catches the worm .
Good luck
Hammersmith actually. What do you mean by ‘just like’?
Why do you repeat ‘don’t deny this’ when I actually am not trying to kid anybody and I fully admit to being attracted to my own race?
You sensed wrong! Jealousy equals resentment, I do not resent my friend. However ‘catty’ or competitive women may be, a true female friendship has encouragement on both ends. I am happy for her because I adore her as a person. If I resent anything, it is my PAST self.
I am the same in that I do not envy others but try to learn what I can from them. I am just kind of a misanthrope who self destructively dislikes socializing. (with an average healthy amount of insecurity but not the level you suggest.)
Nice to know you have got some game, what would you say is the most profound thing you have learned from playing?
I don’t have mai husbando so I am allowed to boo hoo now and then? +*+* Thanks for the no nonsense advice I suppose. *puts a law of attraction audiobook on and bids you good eve with some herbal tea.*
“I am just kind of a misanthrope who self destructively dislikes socializing.” Ah there’s part of your problem, you’re even getting technical with the names of your condition which means you researched it and think a lot about it. The best treatment for you is to shorten it to “shy like a child” and see how ridiculous it actually is. Kinda like a cold shower. I am aware that you’re a woman and anxiety is plenty and confidence in not your friend.
“What?? but you are still so young?!”
Young? You should be husband-hunting as much as you can now. And its good you are still a virgin.
You can watch Sex and the City as you want but I know what I like and dislike.30+ women are not as attractive to me as under 30,full stop. No justification helps.She can be nice,sweet,feminine and educated but the boner just wont react the same way as it does on 20 years old.
Correction: good-looking women who are over 30 years of age (well, as good-looking as can be expected) aren’t as attractive as good-looking women in their 20s. There are plenty of young woman who aren’t good-looking.
As an older guy (over 35) I can attest this article has some substance however maybe not in the way described. My daughter (in her early 20’s… yes I was a young father, long story) anyways she makes comments that I look 25yo. Through school and to this day she sort of complains that her friends bug her about having the (hot) dad. To evidence this further I also have a sister who is similar in age to my daughter (early 20’s) and she says the same thing, that I look 25yo and her friends also bug her about having the (hot) older brother.
Was naturally active with sports and employment through school, also having careers that require a certain level of physicality thereafter. Never was one to party much with alcohol and never consumed illicit drugs. Having said that I know how to party and have a good time but its not a regular weekly/monthly occurrence like it is for so many. May go out once or twice over a year and party but aside from that it’s low key dinners and partying is not a big part of my life. As fathers/parents we have to lead by example, the old days of do as I say not as I do simply doesn’t work well.
So I believe this has helped keep my appearance naturally youthful. Never set foot in a gym. Have never “dieted” however have always eaten good food, never one to consume sweets or allot of sugars or fast foods etc.
Believe it or not have never really had a problem meeting and dating women. Sure not all attempts pan out but the majority do, and I believe those that don’t are more a compatibility issue than any “game” issue. Some men and women are simply not compatible with one another.
Meeting nice, attractive women outside of strictly in bars or at parties is a topic that should be covered more often on this website.
I’m right there with you at 37. I look better now than when I was in my 20’s since I started lifting more and watching my diet. I get far more women now, some in their 20’s who couldn’t care less about my age. I don’t act like an old man which some of my same age friends currently do. Good on you for staying youthful and not using the “i’m a dad now” excuse.
Well I’m 50 years old and I look 13 so there.
Yeah right. Most guys are has-beens by the age of forty. Basically most men go the way of Val Kilmer. Plenty of handsome young men turn to out-of-shape Uncle Albert when they hit middle-age. Just because some folks look good in middle-age doesn’t mean most are.
Men that don’t take care of themselves end up looking like Val Kilmer. If you keep up with your diet and exercise, you’ll continue to look good as a man far past 40. That being said, most men in the US do not take care of themselves and do look like schlubs even before 40. So I would agree that the good looking middle age guys are not the norm, but by their own hand, not so much nature and aging.
being physically attractive to the opposite sex isn’t a criteria for males but for women it is…
Yeah, but resources and character are more important for men to have than “looks” and we acquire more of both by 40, which makes up for OUR decline in terms of “social value”, the social value of a man, is to have a good character, and be intelligent/beneficial to his “society” or tribe or whatever, but mainly to himself.
A woman’s social value, is her vanity, which symbolizes good DNA for reproduction and the continuation of society, which when lost, they become invisible and low value
Vanity is EVERYTHING to a woman, they are so delusionally arrogant when they are looking good it is almost mental illness
This picture for example:
I somewhat agree with this. But I think men, as long as they were once handsome, pretty always keep that confidence thing. It’s the confidence, not really the handsomeness, that matters to me.
I will say white women age the worst by far. Asian and Latin women age much better and can keep their looks even into their 40’s if they take care of themselves. The bummer with latin women though is they have that tendency to balloon.
This article isn’t mean or unfair to women, because women can still get attention and social status when theyre old by HAVING CHILDREN.
My grandma had 4 kids and now has like 12 grandkids who visit her all the time. She is important.
It’s women who don’t have children who are most hurt by their aging bodies. The fact that they lose their beauty wouldn’t even matter that much since their main focus is children and running a household anyways.
Modern women are completely ignoring this.
I’ve had a couple of relationships where the girls thought they could get away with diminishing the amount of sex while increasing the drama and tense conversations. Two of those exes now still ride the cockcarousel. Because they are now past 25 and men can smell the drama from a mile away. Bad for them, I didn’t want to end the relationships at all, they wanted something new. Believe it, it’s women who think they can win musical chairs forever.
This article isn’t unfair. It only says that women should use the youth they have today to settle for a good man. This instead of wasting their youth to find something “better” which is unlikely due to the devaluation of their beauty. Father Time hates the game of hypergamy.
If you think aging is a problem, just wait until she pops out the first baby and the effects of pregnancy on her body will make you run for the hills…
I tried explaining to a 38 yr old woman that simple sugar, even too many carbs, smoking, drinking etc. will drastically age a women past 30-35. There’s a reason the warnings on certain drugs say “woman who smoke past the age of 35..etc etc shouldn’t take this drug.” This same woman now 41, has aged dramatically in those 3 years, still smokes regularly and can’t keep a man around. Too bad she was a late lasting 7, now she’s a 5.5 in looks, soon to be out of the fuckable range for most men indefinitely.
LOL… there’s really only one type of prescription drug women over 35 who smoke shouldn’t take, and that’s hormonal birth control. The reason they shouldn’t take it has nothing to do with an aging appearance (though cigarettes will do that to anyone), its that aging, smoking, and birth control all cause an increased likelihood of DVT and PE. You people really don’t know anything about women at all, do you?
Gotta eat healthy food and live a healthy life. Up to about 36 I could do whatever but 5 years later it takes much more work. Bod still good but a little saggy up top. Bf got me into yoga and it does help but at some point age does what it does.
This is why sexual engineers invented machine sex. My thoughts and inventions can fuck them well past their expiration date.
These kinds of articles should awaken the public towards being more enthusiastic about the coming rejuvenation biotech revolution, most people are ASLEEP, HELLO, YOUR BODY IS ROTTING EACH DAY ITS NOT A GOOD THING!!!! THE PARTY DOESNT LAST FOREVER!!!!
there is really nothing more vulgar than the realization of “death” and involuntary sickness by aging, like a punishment for simply wanting to exist?
let’s not be cowards,admit it, life is time, time is precious, having a funeral FURTHER away from us rather than CLOSER to us, is BETTER
There is no debate!
great quote “women age like milk and men like wine”
find more gems like this on
When I’m at the mall and I see all those 50+ women, I’m thinking: “wow, some of them had to be pretty once, but were they?” If I look at the young beautiful girls in the mall, why then are there so little attractive old women? I can’t spot the slightest trace of beauty in their old wrinkled faces.
Young women (18-24) see life as a game. It sure can be perceived that way, as long as you have power. For them it’s not in the way of money, but in the form of social status which they derive from their youthful appearances. Even the sixes can get huge amounts of attention and favors from men.
In the search for the best man to settle with young women often misjudge where to stop swapping men. Women used to understand that they despite of their (home making) skills are in fact depreciating assets. The term “old spinster” was not made up as a badge of honor you know, like some women think it is nowadays. Single above 25 used to mean you where unfit marriage material (read: unmarketable) And most women have to thank themselves for that. Who files most for divorce, who breaks up most relationships? Not men… but women, because they think they can find better. It’s the nasty side effect of our consumption society. Where we think that newer is better and broken means replacing instead of repairing.
Thirsty men will still snap them up even when they’re busted. That’s the really sad part of all of this.
If women have it bad, men always have it worse.
Smoking and drinking at bars looking for constant validation will do that to anyone but hits women a lot harder. Too bad they dont have the discipline to quit smoking.That would be most the damage right there.
Yet Demi Moore, Charlize Theron, Robin Wright, Angelina Jolie, and Jennifer Aniston are still rocking!
with makeup, plastic surgery and photoshop maybe they look alright.
Out of all, I can’t stand Jennifer Aniston. She’s got an alien face.. flying saucer type of alien.
I’d still come in peace.
Most are too old for babies, they are still attractive but unless you are older and finished with having a family don’t waste your time with older woman. Not to mention, the actresses you mentioned are hit on by all types of attractive men on a daily bases the chances of an affair is extremely high. Some of those women have quite a track record of conquests, these are not the types of women that make for good relationships since they have already been banged by every loser in Hollywood. They have reached the point of no return, they pursued their careers when they should have focused on family.
Not many young women at the peak if their beauty are going to want anything to do with you roosh. Better work on amassing
large quantities of money, cause you know that’s what they want.
If my dog (now dead) aged way better than the average women or a vintage ferrari looks better than aging women, then why would I want one in the first place? Something that depreciates so fast?
Some male celebrities can maintain boyish good looks as they hit 50: Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp. Some age, but age well as they pass 50: George Clooney, Bruce Willis, Pierce Brosnan, Liam Neeson, with the latter creping his way into the third category. Some are obviously of grandfather age and yet teenage girls – knowing this full well – still wet their panties over them: Patrick Stewart, Sean Connery (must be the British baritone thing).
It’s a hell of a lot harder to find female celebrities in the first category, maybe a few in the second category, and definitely none in the third category. Even among them, not having heavy makeup, creative camera angles, air brushing and photoshopping is far less of a disadvantage to the men.
All the women in high school that were 8-10, 15 years later… I wouldn’t fuck them if someone paid me. I find westernised women age x5 faster than Eastern women.
I’m in the East now, the women at 30, look and have bodies of 18-19. Their mothers 50s, look like they are 30. Women in the west don’t give a shit about their bodies and age the worst in the world. If you go to an asian country, women at 30 have bodies, like a 15-18 year old. Their faces look like they are 18 years old.
It’s hard to look at girls 18-21 here cause they look 14 years old. When I have to head back to the west, the women look so old!! Their personalities are like a man where even the hot women do nothing for me in the west.
I haven’t been with a westernise woman in over 5 years now where once you been with an Eastern woman, YOU WILL NEVER GO BACK!
Age 34, (photo 2 weeks old) but I’ve had to work to look 10 yrs younger. I don’t think any men my age (aside from Asians) look as young. But, again, no drinking, sun, partying, or skipping breakdance & MMA practice. My younger sisters, who haven’t taken care of themselves, look 10 years older than me. So this proves you’re correct. Unless women make an effort, they are done by age 30. Also, they need to become accomplished so that their looks and bodies aren’t all they have to offer. So many women neglect their inner development.
You look 34. Everyone looks younger flat on their back! Who took the picture? Looks like you are seeking compliments which ultimately is what selfies are for why else would any sane person take a picture of oneself? Just look in the mirror!
I posted it to prove a point. Typical female, attacking me without even knowing, or obviously taking the time to read, what I wrote with respect to the picture.
And, no, sorry to disappoint you, but I am consistently mistaken for kids at the nearby OC private high school. Usually boys, if that makes you feel any better. Do not look 34 in any way, shape, or form. Maybe take better care of yourself and stop focusing on me. It makes you look old.
Finally, I’m sitting up on pillows, not lying on my back, and it’s irrelevant who took the picture.
Go attack someone else. Get off my dick with your nonsense, and get off their forum. I have promised not to comment on here anymore, since they prefer it to remain a men-only space.
Your unhinged and hormonal/insecure/irrationally angry drivel is emblematic of most female discourse, and is exactly what they don’t seem to want.
Respect their wishes as I will do. Hope you fix whatever you hate about yourself. Love, Sniper
She is trying to put on makeup, cover up her body and hit her with a positive lighting angle.
It isn’t an accurate picture.
She looks 34 to me as well.
You are wearing a ton of make up in the picture and are all covered up.
Please post one with no makeup and being fully covered up. Then we can judge.
Ok final post here since you asked for it. I’m in bed here’s my no makeup face with my scary old lady hands bc I breakdance & used to be a cleaning lady/help my cousins w demolition work when I was younger. So ugly hands, great grip strength. My neck also gives my age away, nbd it happens. Hence the buttoned up shirts I prefer for my day job. Pulling out my eyelid to show you there’s no makeup. Just Vaseline on my lips, as they get chapped bc I’m on accutane. They aren’t that swollen normally. My body (won’t show that) is like that of an adolescent. Oh, and I was born a female, unfortunately, in case you were wondering. Pick me apart as you see fit. Back to sleep for me. 2 more hrs until I get up. I won’t be posting on here anymore, as per many of your requests.
LOL what?
I see no picture.
Click on the icons that say “View.”
It is bloody sad. Ultimately she suffers the most from the poor choices shes been encouraged to make. Westernised women certainly help it along with their diet, alcohol consumption and riding the cock carousel.
She is far more sensitive to these choices both mentally, physically and emotionally. A woman wears her past behaviour on her face, a true poster child for the inevitable consequences of her mispent youth believing in ‘girl power’ .
I feel neither pity nor remorse for their plight and men’s reaction thereupon. You buy overripe fruit at a discount. Most of the club girls are just fickle,cruel, scheming attention addicts that use and play men. I say “Good. You’ve earned every wrinkle and sag you got.” And with American society with their twisted values, these women are probably as ugly inside as outside. Did they think this beauty and privilege would stay forever? What supreme foolishness.
The best part is that if we men keep our houses in order, we can leave this fucked up society with its batshit crazy women and find women that are reasonably sane and markedly better looking (with a smidge of family values and maternal instinct) in some Asiatic country.
Women live longer.
Wow. I stumbled upon your site, and I have to say, this is insanely rude. I’m 23 and have not been with anyone like that wow. In fact I don’t have much of a social life, but I wouldn’t want someone who judged me based of off that.
I knew of a young man whom I was attracted to and did these things so I had to reject him although I did really like him, but knew it was a dead end and not emotionally fulfilling for a woman like myself.
Oh and P.S. the only King returning is Jesus Christ. Get saved.
You are too inferior for him.
Please don’t have daughters. Wow.
Oh shut up. You know I would a better parent than you. I wouldn’t let my daughter be a fucking slut or Sjws.
but you ARE a sjw. You are on a site that promotes anti-feminist (not justifying feminism), and misogyny. With articles such as “Why I am proud to be Called a Misogynist”.
You’re are the social justice wimp.
Men are superior ok?
Sure whatever. Not sure why that’s such a big deal.
btw you are NOT superior to Jesus Chirst. idk why you people are so bent up on being “kings”. There’s only one.
Because it’s biological and women are not leaders? Women brains are smaller? Bones are weaker? They cant grow as big as us? They don’t run successful companies without brankrupting them? They suck at cooking nowadays? They’re all entitled bitches with princess syndrome? They’re all grown children? They can’t understand logic and facts?
Women belong in the kitchen or 6 feet under if they’re a cunt.
Awwww. Yet a passage in the bible says women should submit to men. And it was a woman who ate the apple.
That’s red pill before I was born.
Adam ate the apple knowing what he was getting into. A sort of sacrifice like throughout the Bible. Eve was not present when God made the earth and the animals, that’s why the serpent picked Eve, because she did not know the severity of it. When Adam saw what Eve had done, he ate it on purpose. As if saying well God, if you’re gonna punish her, punish me too.
And yeah, that’s in there as punishment from the curse of sin along with childbearing, and men working. And men are to love their wives as Christ loves the church. But looks like neither wants to follow the law. heh.
You can’t love a terrible woman and most are awful.
I also have to do an update to my last post here. A couple years ago I fucked the hottest girl I’ve ever been with. She was 24, had toned curves in all the right places, and a sexy European accent. I admit I was enamored with her after that and developed oneitis. This of course turned her off and she kept me around as a lap dog and would flake out on plans all the time. She moved away and we lost touch, until a few months back when she said she was visiting the city and wanted to see me. I said sure….And of course she flaked. I learned to deal with rejection much better, but it was still a blow to my ego to be treated like shit by a girl this hot.
Or so I thought.
You see, in the year or so since I last saw her I realized I never saw any full-body photos of her. That is, until yesterday, when she posted a group photo of her and 10 of her friends on Facebook. At first I mistook her for another girl who had similar hair who was thin and had a tight body. Did she get hotter? Oh wait, no she didn’t. The former oneitis girl was standing somewhere else in the photo, but was unrecognizable. Her face was the shape of a circle. Her collar bones weren’t visible. And while all the girls in the photo were wearing tank tops and shorts due to the hot weather, she was wearing a loose-fitting black dress with a jacket over it in 80+ heat. I could only laugh hysterically when I saw it……
And you just don’t get fat overnight, so she must’ve been fat when she flaked on me a few months back. So she’s still got the attitude of a 10 but the body shape of a pear. She’s in for a world of hurt if her attitude doesn’t get toned down to her current “curvy” body type.
it’s amazing in as little as 2 years they can completely lose their beauty.
Once they hit 26, you’ll notice they keep older pictures on facebook because even only 6 months ago it’s obvious they looked better.
they are designed to get pregnant from 16 to 24. after that they’re meant to be rearing children and making a happy home.
Instead theyre trying to date around at 28 and still compete with younger women
Facebook and social media can be either sex’s worst enemy – For men it can turn women off because of what you say. But for women it’s dangerous because a guy who’s interested in them can look through their photos and see how she looked in the past. And let’s face it, unless a girl was a porker in her youth and then lost the weight, chances are a girl will be so much hotter at 20 than she is at 24.
I’d say there are 2 stages to the Wall: The Soft Wall starts at about 25 once they decline in peak fertility. Then the Hard Wall is around 35 where their fertility is basically non-existent and their looks fade fast.
Also, I just went through her photos for some lawlz, but I discovered some red flags along the way:
1) For the past year or so she’s rarely posted anything other than headshots or selfies. A woman with a hot body will show it off whenever she can.
2) She’s been caking on more make-up than usual. She wore it when I met her, but it was more natural. Now she’s about 5 years from full-on clown.
3) She’s been re-posting older photos of herself. Her profile photo is actually from the last time I saw her over a year ago when she still looked good. Needless to say she’s a huge fan of Throwback Thursday, because she ain’t taking great photos now.
4) Her positioning in group shots: Usually the “alpha” of the group will always be in the middle of everybody or have the focus on them. She was definitely the alpha female in her group due to her looks, and the fact that she was always in the center of the group and if someone tagged her in the photo most of the comments would be about her. Then slowly throughout time she began drifting from the center, to the point where in the most recent photo where I saw her fatness in all her glory she was second to last towards the right edge, while a hotter girl was in the center. I’m wondering how long it’ll be until her friends forget to include her in photos altogether.
Care to share her facebook? Love to take a look to judge it..hehe
I’ll think about it. Privacy issues and such.
Lol that’s super harsh I’m 41 and competing
With 19 year olds? I doubt it.
Hahahaha most fair comment on this forum.
With that figure and teeth structure? Nope.
No one wants their kids to be short like you.
There were a few events in my life in the last year that have caused me to realize that most single women who have hit the wall (post menopausal) are toxic and should be avoided as much as possible. There is a reason these women are single, no man wants to deal with their nonsense.
I used to be an admin for a cult survivor group on Facebook. As these SPMW (single post menopausal women) took over, there were less posts about our past cult lives and more posts about rape culture, white privilege and gay rights. Twice when I expelled one of these SPMWs for violating the rules another female admin would left them back in. Any attempt to stay on subject was met with hostility, so instead of trying to herd cats, I quietly left. Many of these SPMW had their own blogs that no one reads.
Many were on welfare. One woman who railed against scientists and loved liberal hippie Jesus is dying of cancer, I hope her herbal
medicines and bible are of comfort to her.
Last September I talked to another fat SPMW who had just opened her own used book store, coffee shop. She claimed she had just ended a relationship with an abusive drunk. In our conversation I had mention I was staying in a local dive hotel. After living the bookstore and touring around town, I returned to the hotel. The inn keeper told me some fat woman was asking about me, wanted to know my room number (he did not give it to her) and waited
for me in the lobby for an hour. She left me her business card
requesting we meet for drinks. I threw the card out and left town
the next day.
A woman, in my volleyball league, her long time boyfriend just died of cancer. I met her a month after the funeral, I asked her how she was doing. She said she was fine and then asked to if I was seeing anyone. I told her yes (I’m planning to met a young female Colombian friend in July)
I also have a co-worker who sometimes closes her office door during lunch and speaks in tongues.
Removing these women from my life as much as possible have been a good thing.
I would pretty much admit this. I don’t think it’s right, but it just is: our culture notices women aging much more than it does men. I am 41 and I still have most of my looks, from living a fairly healthy lifestyle, but the simple fact is it will catch up to me and that kind of bums me out. Mens’ aging is much more subtle in general.
in theory it doesn’t matter, because if you have a lot of children you will still get a lot of attention and social importance. Hence the wisdom of the traditional family unit.
However, with many women foregoing children altogether, once their looks go, their entire life will basically wither away. that’s why women with families are generally happier.
it’s little wonder 1/3 of modern women are on anti depressants. they can’t handle the choices they made to not have a family.
Article is off. We both age at the same rate, it’s just that with women it matters. I feel damn sorry for any 40+ woman who isn’t married, unless she Halle Berry or something. Any man with balls and integrity can get most women within a couple decades of his age. No excuses.
Western women age at least 10 years faster then Eastern women cause they can’t take care of themselves. Their skin at 30 (western) feels like a old lady in her 50s (eastern).
Your story just answered and validated that old question ” Do women have an expiration date?”.
I dated a girl when we were both in our mid twenties who truthfully was probably at the lower end of looks of girls I’ve dated. I would say she was probably a 6. Since I was used to dating 7’s and up I tended not to take any of her crap. She had dated a chubby, doughy sort of guy before me, but he was richer than me. You might think I’m jerk for saying this but who cares, its the internet, but I’m a good looking guy, but not rich at all. I remember she was always on my case for not being rich. In the beginning of the relationship I was willing to give her a chance but after all of her craziness I ran out the clock, using her as a f-buddy basically, and just ignored her “you’re not rich enough for me” comments. Finally the day came when we broke up. She told me she was sick of being with a poor man (in actuality I was middle class, but in her mind I was poor) and was going to get a richer, better guy than me. I told her not to let the door hit her in the ass on the way out. I also told her something that I wonder if she thinks about everyday which was that she didn’t have the looks to pull in a young, rich, good looking in shape guy. I said she might be able to get another doughy, chubby guy like her ex, or an old rich guy, if she acted quick, because she was a 6 basically, but I stressed he wasn’t going to be young or good looking. I told her she probably had a year left of being a 6 so she better act quick and the only rich guy she was going to pull in would be a guy in his 60’s. She stormed away, cursed at me I think, and I didn’t talk to her again until about 20 years later. So fast forward to 20 years later which was a few years ago. She finds me on social media. She’s gained about 50 pounds, and I kid you not, is probably a 3 now. She practically begs me to go out with her again. I’m polite but I turn down the offer. At this point in my forties I really don’t date 6’s and very rarely even a 7. No, I pretty much date 8 and 9s now. Am I rich yet? Nope. Far from it. I’ve kept myself in good shape though and most women think I’m about 10 years younger than I am. My point of all this is that in the past twenty years my value on the dating scene has actually gone up as I’ve aged, whereas hers has plummeted and this was not hard to predict even when I was 25. So yeah, men and women age differently.
Im laughing my ass off right now because this seems like Donald Trump’s kind of site 🤣