Mattress Girl Emma Sulkowicz Makes A Rape Sex Tape

Fresh from her grandstanding during this year’s Columbia University graduation ceremony, Emma Sulkowicz has released a gratuitous “rape sex tape” (nsfw). But hold your horses, guys, because the video portrays consensual sex just acted out as if it were a rape. In the manner of attention-seeking we have all grown used to, the eight minute video features Sulkowicz and a man whose face is blurred out staging the same “trauma”, for the whole internet, that she refused to go to the police about for months.

The “acting” (it deserves a Razzie Award) starts out as consensual and then becomes rougher as it edges towards the imagined “rape” Sulkowicz really wants us to see. She says it isn’t meant to be a reenactment of her (false) rape claim against Paul Nungesser, despite it matching in almost every detail the story she has been aggrandizing, to her economic and social profit, for an eternity.

When the facts don’t support you, make art

Emma Sulkowicz refused to assume the “burden” of going to the police for months, but happily carried around the weight of a massive mattress which everyone could see her trudging along with. Go figure.

At the risk of giving Sulkowicz the page views she desperately craves to shore up her borderline personality disorder-fueled self-esteem gap, I urge you to view the video in its entirety. The website Ceci n’est pas un viol (“This is not a rape”) includes a convoluted and circular “artist’s statement”. Apparently Sulkowicz, the woman who chose to video herself having sex (and carried a mattress around ad nauseam before that), is a victim of our objectification when we watch the footage:

You might be wondering why I’ve made myself this vulnerable. Look—I want to change the world, and that begins with you, seeing yourself. If you watch this video without my consent, then I hope you reflect on your reasons for objectifying me and participating in my rape, for, in that case, you were the one who couldn’t resist the urge to make Ceci N’est Pas Un Viol about what you wanted to make it about: rape.

Our esteemed “friends” at Jezebel are evidently gobsmacked by the video and labeled it “disturbing”. They’re not criticizing the bizarre video (of course they wouldn’t!) but the brief article they released is bereft of the usual fanfare with which feminists have greeted Sulkowicz’s “art piece” harassment of the exonerated Paul Nungesser. It is becoming increasingly hard for the likes of Anna Merlan and Jessica Valenti to defend a woman presenting no evidence of rape but unashamedly capitalizing on every opportunity to advance her own material interests.

Show her the money and recognition

Even more so than before, Sulkowicz is appropriating the mantle of a “rape victim” to try and make a highly profitable, eye-catching art career and celebrity profile. She has been a keynote speaker at numerous events, made the covers of magazines and become an “icon” for feminists fighting for poorly-supported rape claims with no evidence, only “he said, she said”. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, the best friend of those undermining the court system and subverting due process for men on college campuses, took her as a guest of honor to the State of the Union. 2015-06-05 15-41-25

With the seemingly non-artistic Jackie Coakley now eliminated as serious competition for the False Rape Beauty Pageant, Sulkowicz is nonetheless forging ahead, seeking to have her name and appearance carved into the public domain beyond their already mass exposure. This rape sex tape is the second of what is likely to be many “performance pieces” designed to distract attention from the great paucity/non-existence of evidence against Paul Nungesser.

But one big question remains: how can someone who originally didn’t want the “trauma” of a police investigation testing her claims be taken seriously after making glorified rape porn capable of being seen by millions?


What evidence does Emma Sulkowicz actually have against Paul Nungesser?

None. Art is not evidence, even when a mattress-carrying performance is replaced by and morphs into a rape sex tape. The countless feminists and political figures supporting Sulkowicz’s false claims, including Senator Gillibrand, are yet to proffer any details that prove Paul Nungesser is guilty of anything other than the non-crime of having sex with an irretrievably unbalanced young woman. An eight minute crime against filmmaking and ode to narcissism will hinder, not improve their ability to diligently argue on her behalf.

Emma Sulkowicz has become the false rape world’s answer to Sydney Leathers and the second scandal involving ex-Congressman and former NYC mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner.

Moreover, a woman claiming she was raped and then getting unwarranted national media coverage through her art does not constitute proof beyond reasonable doubt. This is especially when you consider the slew of suspicious social media exchanges Sulkowicz had with Paul Nungesser in the months after the night she falsely claims she was raped, messages which demonstrate the effusive praise which she lavished on him and the complete lack of any fissure in their relationship. Or, again, her own stated unwillingness to go through the “ordeal” of a speedy police investigation that would have objectively evaluated her claims.

We should not forget, in addition, that Nungesser was exonerated by even the kangaroo court at Columbia University, which used a preponderance of evidence standard. This standard is actually well below the words used to describe it, as the accuser is excused the cross-examination found in (most) courts and there is almost no non-admissibility restrictions for any factors which favor their story.

SJWs need to own their girl Emma

SJWs gave the Emma Sulkowicz false rape story the oxygen it needed to remove any semblance of fact and evidence as objective criteria, like with most modern-day rape allegations. Rather than recognizing the holes in her story, the social media messages which demonstrated she lusted after Nungesser for months following that night, her refusal to pursue an initial police investigation, or the academic and career opportunism that otherwise accompanied her every move, Emma just had to be true. Like Crystal Mangum’s assertions about the Duke lacrosse players, or Wanetta Gibson’s spiel about Brian Banks, or Jackie Coakley’s “pain” at a frat party that never happened.


As Emma continues to fall on her evidence-less sword with this feminist-personality-cult rape sex tape, and jumps further into the abyss of narcissism and borderline personality disorder, the SJWs who have propped her up incessantly must meet their fate, too. And that is the scorn and ridicule of everyone in this world who believes that serious criminal allegations can only be proven through substantive fact and reasoning.

Art is no substitute for the proper and impartial application of the criminal law. This is a lesson Emma Sulkowicz and her supporters are yet to learn.

Read More: Student Accused Of Rape By Emma Sulkowicz To Sue Columbia University

548 thoughts on “Mattress Girl Emma Sulkowicz Makes A Rape Sex Tape”

  1. There’s method to Sulkowicz’s madness, and she isn’t strategizing or working alone. This isn’t as slick as the Democratic Party’s campaign to turn Sheryl Sandberg into a household name and groom her for the Oval Office, but it springs from the same impetus. That’s how she ended up being a prominent Senator’s guest of honor at a national, televised event.
    What might be Sulkowicz’s concrete goals? The Holy Grail for every SJW is a government-funded sinecure and a gold-plated pension. Ornaments include speaking engagements, book deals, talk-show appearances, magazine spreads, having papers published, and other payoffs — all part of what might be called the “Anita Hill Treatment”. To burnish her credentials along the way, Sulkowicz will be able to pick up a Master’s degree and a PhD for the asking.
    A few thoughts about the near future:
    If Sulkowicz’s Marxist life-plan runs into a problem, it will be because she is peaking at the wrong time. The Obama administration is nearly over, and the Democratic Party’s War-on-Women and rape-culture narratives seem to have blown up in their faces — during the last election cycle, CNN’s exit polls show that the married women’s vote went to the GOP by a margin of 10%, and the white women’s vote by 13%. Some 64% of white men voted for Republicans.
    The Democratic Party is highly adaptable. When Al Gore lost the election because of his anti-gun statements, his Party dropped their gun control stance like a hot potato. They’ll drop the likes of Sulkowicz in a heartbeat if it looks like radical SJWs have become a liability. The events in Baltimore are a bad sign; if the public figures out that officially-sanctioned street violence and epic corruption are the natural outcome when grievance culture and identity politics are in power, Democrats and their fellow-travelers in the media will make a show of sprinting away from SJWs. Instead they’ll be off doing photo-ops in flyover country, posing with their star-spangled arm around farmers and auto mechanics.

  2. All these false rape accusers being brandied out by the American establishment, particularly the media, are propaganda vehicles orchestrated to push a sort of hell upon us, and with the celebration of Bruce Jenner’s conversion to grotesque tranny, I have no doubt that the next few years will get very weird.
    Fasten your seatbelts, gentlemen, and get ready for a ride that no man of history has never seen before.

    1. Even Iran will sound like a better place down the road to live than this, right Agha Jaan?

    2. I just don’t get this.. While there is a bunch of weird shit in our environment that is causing the number of genetic defects to increase, meaning there are more people who have malformed sex parts (while still miniscule), this claiming that at retirement age he is finally finding his “true self” as a woman is insane. If you were actually a woman you would want to enjoy the things that pertain to women, such as having breasts, long hair, a sex life, flirting with boys, etc. none of which a retired old man can do, even if he takes hormones. The most he can hope to achieve is a menopausal woman, which I can’t imagine being anyone’s goal. Even if you buy the mentally deranged argument that Jenner should be a woman, it makes no sense to wait 70 years. Plus he is clearly NOT a woman trapped in a man’s image (see Olympic history).
      I remember reading about obscure cases of dual sex parts, or missing sex parts, in my grandmother’s Readers Digest–the person involved was never identified by name and had a lot of shame that they were not correctly developed. Contrast that with this media whore who went on primetime TV for a 2 hour interview–2 hours!? Who gets 2 hours these days? Reality shows, magazine covers, etc. The sick thing is there is nothing Bruce Jenner could do today that would generate the amount of interest that Caitlin Jenner is getting. If pageviews and attention is the means to the end of narcissism, indeed, expect quite a wild ride indeed in the years to come.

      1. I too have never understood why you would do that after so long. I had a client who transitioned at around 60. Former military and spent her life working for the DOD. Nice person, and took great care of her wife with Alzheimers. I assume the wife had to have expected it too. Still weird.

        1. “Her”?
          Did he get a chromosome swap then? Didn’t know they could do that yet. Weird.

        2. yeah, as much as the SJWs try to shame us for not considering a tranny a real woman, i just can’t see it. gender can’t be altered because…it obviously can’t. in the same way that a rock cannot become a flower, a bird isn’t a horse, etc. it’s just not a thing.
          it reminds me of a few years ago when that chick was before congress demanding free birth control. all the SJWs i know responded to any questioning of this by calling the questioner sexist, reactionary, racist, etc. still doesn’t change the fact that no, the taxpayers aren’t morally obliged to pay for your birth control, because obviously they aren’t. how could they be?

        3. Gender = way to classify nouns in many Indo European languages; e.g. – “el dia” or “die Frau”.
          Sex = the identity derived from your chromosomes, which causes you to grow certain pieces parts
          Neither of the two have anything to do with the other. The Leftists did a language shift back in the ’70’s with “gender” because “sex” as a label was confounding their efforts at gay normalization.

        4. Come on, I’m totes PC. Actually he did legally transform to a she. That was an interesting history section of a guardianship petition to draft.

        5. In my sociology class, my professor insisted that we understand the distinction between gender and sex. I understood it. While sex pertains to one’s genetic makeup, gender pertains to how masculine or feminine one is. I also understood that some men can be feminine and some woman can be masculine.
          But she didn’t understand what I wanted her to understand, that masculine women and feminine men suffer from some sort of mental disorder, and could never, under any circumstances be considered “normal”, or “just like you and me”.

        6. Exactly. In the spanish language, the tendence to do that, to use “gender” when you mean the sex of a person is growing.
          Until very recently, think about 10 years(the last three presidencies) gender was used to classify words, and nouns and adjectives. La casa(the house) is feminine. El auto(the car) is masculine. And that was it.
          Some time ago, during her first presidency, Cristina Kirchner, when adressing the people, instead of just calling them “argentinos” she said “argentinas y argentinos” (feminine and masculine gender use). To that followed different words, and that gave pass to describe situacions, and then the stupid thing of “gender violence” and last year they sanctioned a law about “femicidio”(the murder of a woman. Because you know, only women die here and the fault is of we men because we hate them, and society needs to teach us not to rape and beat women).
          So not even we here escape from this garbage and every day is growing…

        7. A few years back argentina passed a law allowing someone to legally declare their gender. The circus will be coming there some day soon as well.

        8. Dude… use the correct pronouns. Get that fucking newspeak out of here.
          Why is Bruce doing it? Money, duh.

        9. Sex cannot be altered which is why they are forcing people to use the word gender which is an ambiguous term today and can mean almost anything.
          The word gender was occasionally used in the past but the person using it meant just the same as sex.

        10. I think that it’s more recent than that and starting perhaps <10 years ago and only being pushed strongly recently.
          My license which was renewed recently has Sex.
          Now I just checked what the Lab uses and it looks like gender where it’s male, female, or prefer not to answer but this may just be for like the public.
          This of course is crazy to have ‘I prefer not to answer’ because many tests rely on the sex to get an accurate result.
          I pulled up a report though and it had Sex where it was M or F so apparently the technician is going to fill in what she thinks the sex is to get a correct result so they use Sex internally.

        11. That’s not correct.
          ‘I also understood that some men can be feminine and some woman can be masculine’
          Within a normal range.When you go to a doctor he’s taking notes based on his impression of you visually. “appears to be a well built young man’ or ‘appears underweight with a stoop and weak bone structure’ etc etc
          If something looks abnormal or based on a sign he observes he’ll run some tests to confirm or eliminate his suspicions of what the problem is.If a man came in with boobs and a female distribution of fat he’s certainly going to run a number of tests but if he was just a normal looking man who was a bit effeminate it would mean nothing.

      2. Some story out there that some wacko feels “transabled” i.e. the guilt and sadness by being whole and normal. He apparently cut a limb off so he could be at one with the disabled. So what if this becomes normal? Are surgeons gonna cut a limb off if you request it?? Madness….

        1. Well he still has the dick for it.Putting on a dress and some makeup isn’t brave, it’s just retarded. Why doesn’t he have his dick cut off.Chaz Bono is still on the waiting list for a dick transplant and would appreciate it.Although she wants a huge negro one from an organ donor in an accident and not his micro-phallus which has shrunk even more from the oestrogen.

      3. Jenner has issues that have never been addressed since his childhood. There’s an old movie out there (I think it was a made for TV movie, back when) describing his life from a kid to the Olympics.
        There is some unresolved trauma in his life and it’s starting to seep out. These type of people used to get locked up for this behavior.

    3. Reality is beginning to look more and more like a James Bond movie in which some obscure organization is working feverishly from the shadows to unleash their evil plans upon the world.

      1. Notice that in the Bond movies, the villains come from outside the Anglosphere and derive their often odd-looking henchmen from the Orc tribes.

        1. Well, to be fair, many of them have beautiful cats.

      2. you mean the crime syndicate:
        Controlled from her underground HQ by a bald queer feminist sitting in a swivel chair stroking her white haired pussy

        1. LOL. Perhaps it time for the manosphere to form its own intelligence and counterintelligence initiative. I want names. I want numbers. I want to know who is pulling the strings, their end game, and how to stop it.

        2. Technically it would be counter terrorism. Don’t what you’d call it. Counter-Slut force? Anti-Snowflake Division?

        3. It’s the Jews. We already know that. No one wants to keep pointing the finger at them all the time, but basically, if something is fucked up here in the west, it’s the Jew’s fault.

        4. You’re more on-point than you may think. Why else do you think this crap is on every TV show you watch, in every movie you see, and all on magazine covers? Don’t even get me started on this Bruce Jenner crap. We’re INUNDATED WITH IT. And Emma Sulkowicz? Looks more like EDGAR Sulkowicz. After seeing a few seconds of the clip, I thought I was watching two dudes doin’ it and closed my browser, then tossed my laptop in the trash. I half expected Mike Myers to jump out from around a corner and yell, “That’s a Maaaaan, baby, yeah!”

        5. The LGB-Mothafriggin-T. Their endgame? Normalize public orgies, bestiality, pedophilia, coprophilia, and every other facet of their f*cked up pseudo-culture. How to stop it? The same way we stop this feminism crap. Take a page from their own book. They want to do “The Week the Women Went?” We do “the month the men moved on.” We go all ‘Atlas Shrugged’ on their filthy asses. Every man saves up a month’s supply of provisions, hunkers down, and watches everything grind to a screeching halt. With none of us going to work, to grocery stores, or to anything else, all society can do is grind to a halt until the leaders of this madhouse come to the negotiating table.

        6. It would be nice. Our world leaders (satanists) are looking to depopulate the nation with WW3 not just with sexual perversions. Look up the “Georgia Guidestones.”

        7. that’s funny. I said this years ago when I was still a phone technician.

        8. That,sir, is a brilliant idea. But it has to be nationwide. If that happened, it would be epic.

        9. “Yo momma’s so bald, when she puts on a turtle neck it looks like a broke condom.” – Jamie Fox, In Living Color

        10. You are actually right.
          The Jews own or control the media. CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, etc are all owned by or controlled by the Jews. Even Fb is owned by a Jew. More than 90% of the world’s media are controlled by the Jews. The Jews own or control Hollywood.

          If you can mention the name of any popular and influential feminist in the last 40 years, she’s most likely a Jewess.

          The Jews are the plagues of the world. They have the US government by the balls, and they run America like a slave. Ever wondered why ALL American presidential aspirants MUST visit Israel?

        11. Yep, I know I’m right. BUT it’s great having a post like yours spelling it out for anyone on the fence. Cheers.

        12. Dr. Yes Means Yes, The Man with the GoldenDick, Thunderballs, To Russia for Sex

        13. Well, that’s what the internet’s for. All we need is a unified front (like what we have on this site) to rally the masses. This, coupled with social media and/or youtube, could be the launching pad. Even the bluest of blue pill herbs have to feel deep down that this isn’t right, and that we deserve better than this. It’s just that they’ve been getting beat down for so long that they don’t think there’s any other way to live. They don’t even dare to dream of a world where men–regardless of race or socioeconomic background–matter. Worse yet, a lot of them, like a lobster who’s being slow-cooked in a pot, don’t even know they’re living a nightmare. In the 80’s it was a gilded cage, in the 90’s it was a Matrix-like simulation, and from the 2000s-on, it’s been one big LSD-esque hallucinogenic nightmare.

        14. If the Jews truly do run media ( I don’t really buy into that) then the public is also to blame for so readily lapping it all up. People can’t stop watching and/or talking about all this bullshit. You are their bitches.
          It really does piss me off that our politicians always have to go kiss Israeli ass. John McCain, and similar conservatives, practically fall over each other to get over there at every opportunity. And we all know what happened to Ron Paul when he criticized US aid to Israel. Even his son still feels the sting from that political mistake. There is a picture out there of the Canadian prime minister, also a conservative, actually bowing to Bibi during one of his visits while Bibi was standing on some sort of raised platform that placed his height well above that of the prime minister’s.

        15. The Christian Zionists are the source of the problem here in the US. They literally WORSHIP the state of Israel and abandoned the worship of Christ decades ago. You cannot have two masters as the bible states, and they have made their decision. But we’re talking about tens of millions of voters who actually vote in large percentages entirely on the basis of the politicians attitude toward Israel, which is why every politician HAS to go to AIPAC every year and genuflect before the Israeli flag and publicly proclaim his or her undying support for Isra-hell. So the Christian people of this nation deserve what they’re getting. They DESERVE to be used. And they DESERVE to have their sons die in useless and silly wars overseas that only benefit Israel. I’m looking forward to the coming conflict with Iran. I will be watching it on TV and eating my popcorn. It should make for some good viewing and be very entertaining. And I’ll laugh when the body bags start coming home, and when the young men start returning broken in mind and body. That’s always fun, especially if they come from good Christian homes. Pawns get used. Its what happens to them. So they’re getting what they deserve.

        16. Don’t buy into what? That the Jews shape your thoughts through the media? Better get real. You can’t argue against plain facts lest you look stupid. See proof here:

        17. The SJW Who Falsely Accused Me, Withdraw Consent Another Day, Moonraper…

        18. Can’t forget Pussy Raker, Live and Let Self-Mutilate, License to Shill, The Living Marxist Hellhole, The State of Israel is Not Enough, among others…

        19. Did you actually just call John McCain a conservative? Pat Buchanan is a conservative, Ron Paul is a conservative, Tom Woods is a conservative – John McCain is a NeoLiberal with an “R” next to his name.

        20. Mmmm, have to take issue with some of what you say, I’m certainly not the type who think “I was just following orders” is an excuse for anything, however, I myself was young, dumb, and 18 once and went into the Army, had I been killed, “used” as you say, I wouldn’t be here now to speak out against the brainwashing.

        21. Who here has ever seen brother Nathaniel in person? He’s smart and he’s also a nut. He likes to stand by the highway in Colorado and make ridiculous faces and gestures. In freezing cold blizzards. That said, everything he just said is fact as far as I can tell. It’s also already well known.

        22. Leave the Jews for once. Just leave them!! Business and Life(including Game) lessons you can learn from their shining lights are some of the best crazy shit outt there.
          If they own the factors of production,(mis)information and all that shit, it is my duty as a man to learn HOW they did it.
          Then apply that shit to what I do and will do.
          Copy the great and you’ll be great.
          Hate on them and your ass remains on the bottom of the food (and game) chain
          To the Jews of this world, I tip my hat. You taught, and keep teaching, the best way possible- By Living the great shit you believe.

        1. The look of that woman turns my stomach. No wonder Bill was bangin’ other chicks.

        2. The ultimate insult to injury, an Obama presidency followed up by Hillary.

        3. That’s because her face looks like vagina. She probably just appears between women’s thighs and before they can tell what is going on, she has gotten what she came for, someone to sit on her face.

        4. “I will not tolerate failure”
          “Mini me quite humping the laser”
          —-Dr Evil—–

      3. Reality might only be found in dreams or memories in the near future, un-hinged Fantasy is becoming the norm.

    4. all in the name of politics….to get LGBT community votes for 2016 election.
      deep inside he might be disgusted and repulsed. but POWER is more important

    5. Agreed. There is no doubt that sooner or later the proverbial wall will be struck and something will have to give in terms of removing the cancerous elements or falling as several other great societies did when they allowed such malcontent and behavior to be glorified.
      Point being, the next decade or so (more and more it looks like it will come sooner) will likely show a radical step toward what once was or a massive devolution of society as a whole. People like myself and you will either become the first to be hunted or the opposite if the majority finally pulls head from ass and puts their foot down before its too late.
      I cannot stand conspiracy theories but the writing is simply too obvious on the wall.

    6. Since “women” are immune to accountability and proper legal punishment, pehaps Caitlin Jenner will get no jail time for killing that person driving while on the phone on P.C.H a few months ago. Just like a real woman Texting, talking on the phone while driving.I’d say shes achieved full woman status being addicted and inseperable to her smartphone just like the rest of them.

      1. I think the fact that Caitlyn killed someone and then still had to have her glorious coming out party only a few weeks later actually proves that she is a woman. That kind of solipsism wins her her bones as a true woman. Had Bruce stood down and respected the dead woman then you would see that he still had some manliness to him.

    7. By the looks of it things are going to get a lot worse before they start getting better… The western world is going bonkers.
      Even if you’re a moderate, nevermind if you’re a conservative, the cultural environment has just stopped making sense.

      1. True that. The cultural ignorance of this day and age, as well as some people’s complete inability of discerning right from wrong worries me. Any writer these days can defend even the most absurd bullshit (like this “rape story”) with weak-ass arguments and people will believe it and advocate for it, completely oblivious to things like common sense or ethics.

      2. I’m worried that by the time I have everything ready to make my escape… there won’t be anywhere left to go. This rot travels fast, and I’m not sure I can outrun it.

        1. I went to Kiev recently. It is turning rapidly to the West. Tattoos were everywhere and for the first time in Ukraine, I saw ear gauges. There were also many lesbians.
          Russia may be the last place, but while the rulers there want to fight against the West, the citizens are digesting Western media.

        2. yes, i’ve noticed a lot more pro-gay rights chatter online among my female ukrainian contacts (can’t think of any that i’ve noticed from the ukrainian guys). i think it’s becoming associated with being pro-western and anti-russian in their minds, so like anything else they perceive as western, they eat it up.

        3. Aye. They did the same thing with blue jeans in the 1980’s.

        4. I’m personally pinning my hopes on southern Mindanao in the Philippines, or the “dark island” as it is known due to its large–but not majority–Muslim population and their propensity towards violence. But it’s specifically that propensity towards violence that gives me hope that the island will remain relatively free of this cultural degeneracy. Catholicism remains fairly strong there as a counterbalance to Islam, and they mostly seem to get along.
          The population of the city I was in last has population of roughly 500,000, and for a city that large, there was only one nightclub, and that was located at the most popular hotel for foreigners. I saw no tattoos, no ridiculous piercings, and absolutely no prostitutes; and only a couple of ladyboys and they seemed to be quite low key in their behavior.
          The Muslims won’t stand for a bunch of fucking nonsense—they’ll start blowing shit up and killing people if the debauchery get out of hand.
          As for Russia—visited a girl there on five different occasions, and she was probably number one on the list of girls that were wife material. This was back in ’09-10. She grew up in an Udmurt village outside the city of Izhevsk with no indoor plumbing. It was a closed city during the Soviet times, and has seen very few foreigners. It had a similar population size to the city in the Philippines–500,000ish. The Udmurt people tended to be the least Russian Russians that I’ve encountered too—quite friendly. I think Kazan in Tatarstan just 250 miles to the northeast of Izhevsk would be a worthy spot to check out as well. To hell with Moscow and St. Petersburg, though.
          Russian info is a bit dated, but I believe those are the best cities to escape this shit while staying west of the Urals. Such a shame about Kiev. Astoundingly hot women there… now they’re going to be ruined.

        5. I’m not so sure about Mindanao. They were pretty open about that gay and cross dressing shit.

        6. They’re pretty open about that shit in the Philippines in general. There’s just a lot of gays there for whatever reason. The difference is that everyone knows there’s a ton of gays, and they just accept it. There isn’t this huge propaganda movement or an agenda being pushed to accept them while trying to get us all to think faggots are the greatest thing ever. “Gay rights” has basically been achieved there, quietly.
          Family is still, largely, number one. And the freakshow in Mindanao couldn’t come close to competing with the shit going on in Manila or Cebu, from my experience.

        7. This shit is spreading rapidly throughout the world. I’m afraid, by the time my son grows up, He’ll have nowhere to escape to.

        8. “Russia may be the last place, but while the rulers there want to fight against the West, the citizens are digesting Western media.”
          The country may be digesting it, but only to terms of keeping up on what lies an insane enemy is telling.

        9. Agreed. I have the same concern. I don’t like saying this and especially don’t like saying it publicly due to the morons who take things the wrong way but something will likely need to be done en masse to turn things around. With the expansion across the EU of radical Islam and the spread of corruption and “progressive” idealism, war is pretty much a massively high likelihood whether people want to accept it or not. Sooner or later the levy will break and lines will be drawn. It is clearly obvious these two sides are so divided and no compromises will take place.
          The midterms spoke loudly about how the majority feels but the upcoming Presidential election may be the most important in modern history. If another awful leader sneaks through then I am extremely concerned about what will take place. Especially now that they decided to grant amnesty to millions.

        10. That really isn’t a good sign. I mean Ukraine was one of my top ten list of travel countries. I just can’t imagine, I better travel there real fast and enjoy the culture before it becomes “another America town”.

        11. Once the older white conservatives die off it will be a shitstorm. Mexicans don’t give a fuck about America’s interests, women are too dumb and short sighted to enact policies which strengthen America. The only logical ones are WASPS, and men are being vilified all the time to the point many of us are leaving.
          It’s already too late, just leave the country man. The women here don’t give a fuck about us or what’s good for the country and neither do the mexicans

        12. The shitty American pop music, TV and movie crap knows no borders. It’s like a cancer metastasizing across the globe. I can’t remember the last time I went to a country where there were no illiterate black people screaming profanities on the radio (read: shitty American rap, “R&B”, etc.), for example.

        13. I’ve been to the Philippines and I certainly wouldn’t place any bets on them saving the world…

        14. In my experience, the Philippines has way more ladyboys than Singapore or even Thailand and they are even uglier and more aggressive than the others.

        15. I think if we can find a country that doesn’t have McDonald’s, that’s an excellent starting point.

        16. By then I imagine many will retreat into some kind of virtual reality world.

        17. Frankly I don’t give a fuck about them either. If Russia, Australia, or China came calling and offered me an amount for a move I would do it in an absolute heartbeat.
          Can’t believe I am saying that as I love my country but the writing is just too much on the wall and history doesn’t lie about how these things end.

        18. No kidding?? Can you move there??Will they let you?? Settled by the mutineers on “The Bounty” right???

        19. Meanwhile radical Islam is spreading around the world. I wonder if this will be a form of judgment on the degeneracy of the west.
          1st degeneracy then comes the Barbarian hordes,rape and pillage.

        20. You can’t out run it! Just change the world! If a dozen fishermen and a carpenter can do in the barren wastelands of the outskirts of the Roman empire then there will always be means for change!

        21. True. I can’t say I’m anything but happy to be able to look into the future and see the world that awaits western women. There has never been a more disgusting creature and they are going to get what’s been coming to them.

        22. Yea, dude. I liked 3 trannys on Tinder before reading the profile & I have to tell you, theres no way to know. I mean really, those dudes were cuter than about 85% of Yankee girls.

        23. I only saw passable ones in Thailand and Singapore, in the Philippines I just saw a bunch of bearded women. I don’t think they had Tinder back then.

        24. Oh yeah, Ukraine is suddenly the biggest American nut-hugger from The Iron Curtain after Poland.

        25. I’m more worried about what state the military will be in when these epicene millennial hipster faggots are calling the shots (I mean that literally) a generation or two from now. Will these weenies really be able to put up a fight against Russia, China or Iran (more than likely all three combined), even with air and sea power? I highly doubt it!

        26. For a while, the BritIsh Government was offering money to get people to move there.
          If they don’t let me, I’ll find some other remote island to move to.
          The West is going to hell in a handbasket. Remote islands are gonna be the only places left to escape the MSM, ISIS, Misandry, and feminism.

        27. thanks to white folks we lost funk and disco but white men have been bitching about black music forever especially if white women like whites are the main buyers of that rap shit

        28. To be fair I think the average idiots among the population (white or otherwise) would watch and listen to whatever is on MTV. It could be two camels fucking set to a dubstep beat and would probably be all the rage.
          “Just imagine how stupid the average person is, and then just think, half of them are even dumber than that!” -George Carlin

        29. From what I’ve read, the men in the Phillipines have extremely low testosterone. So low a western doctor would have a hard time telling he was viewing medical data of a man if he just read levels of blood hormones from tests. I’m not sure if it’s been proven this is connected to the high level of homo-sexuality, but it is suspected.

        30. central america might still be a good option, if not for the crime. i’ve only been to el salvador and honduras. the former is on the expensive side, the latter dangerous and kind of ugly. i hear good things about nicaragua, though. less expensive than el sal, less dangerous than honduras. panama and guatemala might be options too, but i know less about them.
          another plus is that spanish is about 100x easier to learn than russian.

      3. Hell, I’m a liberal (or used to be) and the culture is way past revolution-inducing levels for me.

        1. You’ve always struck me as more libertarian than leftist. Most libertarians are highly critical of the Corporate State in the same ways you are. We want a true free market, not the government and business colluding like they do today. It shocks a lot of people when they hear that from libertarians. heh

        2. the current US economy seems more national socialist than truly free market to me. that is, the government controlling means of production through ostensiby private corporations that it ultimately controls. i’m not an expert, but i believe that’s the model they had in nazi germany.

        3. It’s still somewhat on the mercantilist side than the fascist side, though it’s quickly shedding even the pretense of mercantilism. But yes, what you note is the definition of fascism, to be certain.
          The only reason I don’t credit it as full fascist is that small business still has a bit of control over its direction, and our homes still have some legal protections that the government rarely if ever violates without consequences.

        4. It shocks a lot of people when they hear that from libertarians. heh
          Indeed. The so-called Left merely assumes that libertarians are corporatist. They rarely, if ever, bother to actually discover what the beliefs of libertarians actually are.

        5. Miss a couple of property tax payments. Then you get to find out how much you own “your” house.
          I’d posit that we have an illusion of property rights.

        6. There was a time when liberal meant libertarian, not leftist. Not even that long ago in the grand scheme of things.

        7. Usually property tax can ride for a while before they will try to foreclose to pay them.
          I remember years ago I read something about Yeshiva Farm Settlement in a local paper that didn’t pay property tax for 10 years.I had to look it up on a map because I didn’t even know it existed and I lived in Bedford
          but was in Mt Kisco on the other side of the tracks in a fairly empty area.
          Another time a woman apparently wasn’t paying her taxes on her estate and they didn’t foreclose. Actually she had been dead for 8 years and I guess she had no family. She must have died in her kitchen and all they found was a skeleton.I think some kids were on her property and like kids do were looking in her house windows and saw it. So you can get away without paying.

        8. I’ve been telling people for a long time, “try not paying your property taxes and lets find out who really owns your property.”
          It sends them into a tizzy grasping for straws. It’s funny to watch.

      4. No…i think it can be changed. It’s difficult and it will take many (many people calling out this sick fucks when need) to make the change.
        Too many (especially SJWs) have been let off the leash for far too long. I call out people any chance I get (and I’m sure I look like the asshole for it…but I don’t care). If no one says anything, then it will continue. The more people speak out the more it will be found to be a rational move.

        1. While I agree with this move as I do something similar, I do believe the internet is the swelling grounds for an ideological pattern to take shape and gain ground. Look at what it has done for the feminists group.

        2. But it’s also brought us together – to the manosphere (and ROK). It will be difficult and it will take men to do the heavy lifting to make that change (as history has always stated – it takes men).

        3. It definitely has. Prior to ROK, I’ve held my beliefs in a vacuum, realizing that I was inherently different from most men, but not seeing the forest from the trees I didn’t get how to round out more troubling areas nor saw who I could relate them with. It was through coming to this site that I’ve seen I don’t exist in a vacuum and much of what I experience and believe is shared by many other men. It has been a solid experience shaping thoughts and learning from those who contribute here.

    8. Right. It’s anything goes gents. It’s Caligula time. It’s the Weimar Republic all over again…heaven help us.

      1. A Brave New World also fits the format of this worlds rapid decline.

        1. 1984 is not the same as Brave New World which would be an improvement over today’s.

    9. When people who have no evidence of a crime against them start getting treated like royalties by those equipped with political power, and that also at the expense of another individual’s respect and career, who is likely to be innocent, then we know that something is really wrong and that country is ruled by degenerates who do not understand that as rulers of the state, their role is to stay impartial. They should not be taking sides, or posting tweets which indicate which side of the fence they’re sitting on. This could give the impression that the whole nation is somehow “against” the individual they do not side with. Moreover, the bandwagon effect could influence the masses. Such a case should be resolved by the judiciary, and the judiciary only. No kangaroo courts, and no twitter judges. I personally believe President Obama and Kristian Gillibrand should be ashamed of themselves.

    10. Yep, and the female kardashians are pushing the “Black is back” bs. Has anyone noticed a direct correlation between when we first heard of Paris Hilton then Brittney went bizerk then Lindsey went full-retard then Kim Kardashian shoved her hair muff in front of the lens, and the exponential fucked-up-ness of women? I’m sure if you plotted some graphs there would be an interesting bit of data to show the world..

    11. There are just too many idiots in the world for the intelligent people to sustain through their contributions to society.
      We are being bred into extinction deliberately, because Men like us are hard to control because of that pesky little thing called “critical thinking.”
      You can try to escape the new dark age that is going to flood the entire earth before long like a bubonic plague on steroids, but it will ultimately prove futile.
      These people are planning a new world order subject to a one world government. We are the last domino in that master plan. Look at how hard they are pummeling rogue countries that are majority Christian, like Uganda, the ones that resist the homo proselytization especially. Obama even sent the damn military there for another “we are the world” bs moment.
      If it’s not homsexuality it’s islam, antitheism, eco communism, abortionism, socialism etc. They have a different flavor for every kind of progressive agenda that they use to try and shove down the throat of countries that don’t tow the globalist line, to say nothing of their own (US) citizens.
      Scum like obama uses the US political clout and military structure like a battering ram, in order to push for his political agenda abroad. Don’t think for a moment that we in the US are any different…he does not answer to us, as far as he and the rest of his prog buddies (on both the left AND pseudo right) are concerned, we are just the stupid and obnoxious serfs who are the property of government. We are one drone strike away from obliteration if we really get on their nerves.The SCOTUS even ruled essentially as such under the ACA, when the sellout Roberts helped the leftist progs issue a successful verdict that basically states the US can treat its citizens like an interstate commodity and therefore force them to get health insurance.
      Suckowicz is like a maggot forming on the body of society before it’s even dead. She is by no means an isolated idiot, just part of the legion of useful idiots the progressive misanthropes are breeding like pod people in order to replace real Americans with pseudo american highly suggestible biological automatons.
      This is why i keep saying this country is too far gone. Don’t bother trying to save it, instead concentrate on saving yourself, possibly your family, and maybe the mangina who is on the border of a red pill moment.

        1. Thank you for getting it.
          One more red pill on our side is one less blue pill we have to fight.

    12. Some poster named codemonkey posted the following comment. I saved it because of how on point it was. I really think what he describes is what the future of the west is going to look like.
      “I think that unconsciously, what we are seeing is women filtering men very hard.
      Generally women want to filter out potential mates (shit testing). As anyone who studies game theory knows, shit testing is generally a grat opportunity to prove to a female that you meet her required mate fitness standard. The more emotionally insecure, or alternatively proud the woman, the harder the testing. (E.g. The damaged and the princess).
      What we are looking at is women’s fitness testing run amok. At this point there are only two types of men who would be willing to get laid on campus. The utterly clueless or the completely sociopathic. That is, animals and monsters. Given the incredibly severe consequences of an accusation (in this case the accusation IS conviction), Any man with more sense than your average moron, but less ruthlessness than a Nigerian drug lord is simply going to go monk or gay. (About 1% of the male population)
      I think, this is partly an unconscious response to the environment, that is, the mass of women sense that everything is about to go to shit, so their mates have to be selected for either high aggression or slavish obedience. Either will do. And it’s also partly the result of the women having gone completely feral themselves over the past 20-40 years.
      I said above that the average man will go monk or gay, there is a third choice – he can also go feral. As this situation becomes more and more intolerable, it’s a distinct possibility that a larger and larger segment of men will simply decide to abandon civilization completely. By “abandon” I mean simply stop behaving with any internal code of restraint, and become full on sociopaths.”

      1. First a question:
        Why do you say the utterly clueless will be benefactors of this arrangement? Sociopath I get.
        Now a comment:
        I think this point is spot on. We haven’t had a major war or another significant culling event of the male population in the west in some time. As a result, I’d argue that women, subconsciously, are increasingly mixing shit up to provoke inter-male conflict (see increase in mental illness and rise in anti-social behaviors). Increased masculinization in women requires increased masculinization of men.

        1. The utterly clueless will be willing to make themselves into white-knights and manginas. Codemonkey says women will want either sociopaths, or slaves who ask no questions.
          I don’t fit into either camp for example, I generally question the status quo and I’m not a sociopath who would shoot before asking questions. What value would I be to a woman when things fall apart? I’m not going to share with her just kuz she’s a woman, and I’m not angling to become part of a gang either. I have enough intelligence to think for myself so I’m more difficult to control and convince.
          I agree with you. To women war is just another shit-test, but on a grand scale. And things might get out of control past the point of what the girls were predicting so they’ll be asking “where have all the civilized men gone?”

        2. Kent, when shtf on that coming day, that’s when one cuts loose.
          Obey civility but monitor the signs, so your hands are firmly gripping the aluminum Louisville Slugger when the lights go off and the zombies come out.
          Spend the time to learn some real-world fighting skillz, practice with evil looking badasses who’ve been there and done that.
          Once a skirt knows you’re “that kind of man”, the rest is easy.

    13. In the past, we thought that the future would be one of flying cars and people living to two hundred. But with the way things are going now, I fear the flying cars will get banned for being to phallic and only precious ‘womyn of color’ will be allowed to live to two hundred. We really live in a scary world.

    14. How many more warnings do we all need? We are living in the last days. 2 Timothy 3:1-5 “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.”

      1. 2 Timothy 3:6,7
        They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over gullible women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, 7always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth.

    15. Let’s look to a real NATIONAL AWARD WINNING FEMINIST and new SJW megaphone in her own homemade fake rape video. Who needs this Solkowicz chick when you have the one woman who women say represents their cause and ideals, through the mass media art…
      I give you MISS PIGGY!
      Now, frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn. And, I’m tired of getting attention raped by every female cause out there, especially the fake ones.

    16. Let’s look to a real NATIONAL AWARD WINNING FEMINIST and new SJW megaphone in her own homemade fake rape video. Who needs this Solkowicz chick when you have the one woman who women say represents their cause and ideals, through the mass media art…
      I give you MISS PIGGY!
      Now, frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn. And, I’m tired of getting attention raped by every female cause out there, especially the fake ones.

    17. But that’s what I’m thinking…I’m assuming that Emma is unwittingly protesting against sodomy (she doesn’t know that consciously but let’s pretend)…But why is anal sex part of sexual repetoire now? It is because of the Gay Agenda. Emma is unwittingly a victim of the left trying to stay within the confines of the dialogue of the left.

    18. Who needs this Solkowicz chick and her mattress when feminist have a NATIONAL AWARD WINNING FEMINIST ARTIST and SJW spokesperson, Miss Piggy, winner of the Brooklyn Museum’s Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art.
      Here’s Miss PIggy starring in her own fake rape video with an unidentified male co-star.

      1. Move aside Gloria Steinem. Women have spoken! And they choose a puppet to represent feminism. Yeah baby, you’ve come a long way!
        Women are beyond absurd! Do they ever just take a step back from their own crazy rhetoric and symbolism to realize how detached from reality they are? If they did they might realize that their artistic symbol of feminism is the creation of an operation by men.

    19. Hey, just had a brilliant idea to get around the “yes means yes” and STILL rape them. Ever heard of “the world’s most dangerous drug?” Saw it on “Vice” on youtube. It makes people obedient zombies who will do whatever you ask. And the best thing is they look completely normal. So just drug some chick with this then set up your camera and get her to agree to whatever sexual desire you want. Bam.
      Makes you wonder whether they really though this through. It’s like the end of Batman Begins when he finds the Joker card and is warned that because he’s a superhero he’ll be creating super villians.
      P.S. To the fatties, I’m not advocating this, just saying there’s a major kink in your armour.

    20. Roosh, I just saw that you’ll be on a world tour. You’re the man! Thank you for your effort and dedication!

    21. What we are witnessing now is what probably be known as the quickest unraveling and decline of any civilization known to man. Freaks like Jenner are being celebrated as courageous heroes instead of mentally disturbed individuals that are simply starved for media attention. And women that are endowed by the government to make ridiculous and egregious claims with no retribution to their folly, only accolades.
      I’m not sure if a society this warped is even worth saving. It is evident that we are the enemies, whether we choose so or not.

    22. Aren’t these same words spoken by this morally deficient man to our men and women in uniform who sustained life-changing and life-limiting injuries on the battlefield, and lived to tell of their experiences?

    23. If there is any justice in the world Bruce Jenner will try and compete in the Rio Olympics and sue the US Olympic sports commission. This will incur the wrath of the female athletes and then the left will do what they have always done so well historically and that is eat themselves!

    24. In the “rape video”, the actor does not continuously seek affirmative consent.
      While he would have received consent prior to the porn acting, maybe even in the form of a written contract, under feminist (affirmative) consent ideology,
      past consent cannot be used to imply future consent.
      So, under feminist (affirmative) consent ideology, the male actor is this “rape video” did actually rape Emma.
      Now if this was filmed on campus, we might have an interesting opportunity here to expose the internal contradictions of feminist (affirmative) consent ideology.
      1) We could bring a campus rape charge as a third party under feminist (affirmative) consent ideology against the male actor in the film .
      2) If campus rape charges cannot be brought as a third party, we could file a title IX claim that the refusal of the campus to charge the actor with rape creates a sexist unsafe/intimidating place for women and hence violates title IX that
      “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”
      Doing this would be straight out of the Saul Alinsky Rules for Radicals playbook of using their own rules against them.

    25. that’s not actually Barack Obama. it is, however, run by an official Obama campaign group.

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  3. She’s not even good at making amateur porn, much less art. Mariana Abromivic is a fucking retard, but looks like Michelangelo in comparison.

    1. I saw the video and I have fapped to some weird stuff on the internet and I honestly could not get it up to her video. She has no ass, is out of shape and the dude looked like he was soo desperate. He went down on her first. WTF?

  4. I am laughing so hard right now I don’t even know where or how to begin. Are you fucking telling me that this stupid bitch, who claims to have been raped after asking to take cock up her ass and being shown to be a fraud…. she decides to make a sex tape to show the world what happened to her?
    So…. she… again… takes cock up her ass…..
    … after carrying a mattress around and gaining man muscle in the arms?
    Ladies and gentleman I think we just hit the utter peak of hilarious while also showing just how disturbed these skanks truly are.
    Who wants to bet the TRUE reason she made this is because she was convinced it would make that guy jealous because, you know, nothing breeds jealousy more than a man with man tits banging a crazy mattress carrying ugly bitch who falsely accused a man of rape.
    Sidenote: Am I mistaken or did that douchebag shave a design in his chest hair? Chest hair doesn’t grow like that….. it looks like he shaved half of it and left the rest to look cool. Wow…. if the media doesn’t have a field day with this then there is no hope… at all.
    One last thing – Let me be the most recent to say she is fucking hideous….. no offense guys but I wouldn’t fuck that with YOUR cock. Christ…. that is one nasty looking radical with some pancake flopper tits, ass built for horse racing, and a quadruple belly of guard rail deterrence.

    1. I think that after she had graduated she realized that her best chances are in porn. I’m almost sure that new videos would appear. I can name you some:
      “The return of the dirty mattress girl”
      “Revenge of the mattress rapist”
      “Mad Emma”
      Man, I’d not score her only because she is a psycho and seems to be mentally unstable. People like her serve as a sign of common degradation.

    2. her whole art project is secretly meant to expose the stupidity of sjws. it started as a one-day project for fun, to see how far she could really go. surprised about people’s gullibility, she continued. eventually, she grew disillusioned and lost faith in humanity. thus she decided to do this video to prove it was all a joke. but they still don’t understand.

      1. At this point her only (seriously) legitimate recourse to actually salvage the rest of her existence would, literally, make the same claim you just said. As silly as it sounds, she is (basically) going to never land any legitimate job (who the hell would hire someone who is so untrustworthy outside the snatch brigade who will now distance from her), never even remotely come close to meeting a decent guy (seriously, can you imagine meeting her then finding that shit out?), or even remotely having a chance at children who aren’t as fucktarded as she is.
        I would never want to even be in the same country as her but if I was forced to give her advice it would be to come clean, throw every single feminist scumbag under the bus by telling the world how they came together and colluded for their own benefit, and then never surfacing in the media again.
        Outside of that, she is finished in terms of a successful life, absolutely finished. She may cackle now (I’m sure she reads these posts) and her “friends” (that have utterly used her) may convince her otherwise but the bottom line is that less doing those things, she has absolutely not a single chance, zero, zil, zip, nada, no chance to ever lead even a semblance of a decent remaining 50 years.

        1. i don’t know, man. people can adapt to anything. and people can forgive almost anything. if someone is willing to grow up, there is no reason to be unforgiving towards past mistakes.

        2. “Outside of that, she is finished in terms of a successful life, absolutely finished.”
          You may want to believe that.. but you’re underestimating the accelerating demise of the current culture. Thanks to feminism what used to be considered scandalous, i.e., female sluttery, making a porn video like this, whoring around with a bunch of guys and writing about it ala Karen Owen from Duke, etc, is now considered “empowering.” For fuck’s sake.. this mattress carrying “fuck me in the butt” slut was invited to be a special guest of a congresswoman.
          Mattress Girl will do just fine, trust me. She will find lots of sympathetic women in power and white knights willing to hire her for some non-profit, women’s group fighting to end “rape-culture.” She will be seen a hero and feminist icon. This is our new reality.

    3. Didn’t you notice how mannish she looked around the hips and rump, and those big-ass feet? She’s a maaaaan, baby, yeah! It stands to reason. Look at pride parades. Gays and transgenders are the most exhibitionist people on the planet, next to crack hoes/strippers.

  5. I wonder if she got a porn offer from Ron Jeremy via email or some kind of deal from Hollywood after this video got released. After all, she could probably make decent amount of money by doing porn. Hey she’s not an anal virgin anymore.

    1. she was always ugly….now she added the dyed hair…..typical left winged feminist

      1. right . Recent ROK article about the madness of gals with dyed hair….proof positive right here

  6. Why do so many of these mixed-race public figures have such screwed-up lives?
    I exempt Roosh from that characterization because Armenians and Persians have a long history of contact and they probably breed together better than, say, Jews and East Asians, whites and East Asians, whites and Persians, or whites and Kenyans. .

      1. People attack the UK and especially the Guardian as being too biased, but there is NO WAY the PC police would allow that kind of article to be published in the USA.

    1. I think we have to seriously consider, legitimately consider, the scientific potential of evolution and the potential differentials being exhibited between specific groups. Evolution is a tricky machine and in some environments it produces a need for physical prowess where as others it can ascend other attributes. On top of that, the process is fairly precise but could spark within several generations in terms of the path it is destined to leap toward.
      My point? I know some won’t want to hear or accept this but we need to consider the fact that taking individuals out of a war like and defense mechanism laden society where they are, quite literally, built to survive only to mix them in with those who have lived, established, and chained toward a more civilized and brain oriented society could lead to some serious mutation issues.
      It isn’t a “who is better” question but rather a “who is ready” question and that is a VERY serious question that needs to be really hammered out without worry of feelings.

    2. It’s true about mixed-race people. A suspiciously large number of mixed-race males I know of are queer, and a lot of the girls are unabashed sluts.
      Roosh isn’t really “mixed-race”, he’s all Near-Eastern.

      1. Agreed. A high proportion of mixed people I know are pretty messed up and joined the SJW scene.

    3. If you go to Europe it’s glaring how mixed race individuals go to the crazy left. I saw an asian/white male walking down the street in front of me and I thought “This guy is dangerous” and I lingered back a few feet…then he ran across the street and attacked a white male and was screaming in English…the Half-Asian was an American…and people on the street had to pull this guy off of the white guy.

  7. Wow. Nothing more than female rape fantasy. She wasn’t raped, she just wishes she was. smh

  8. With all the publicity this nasty whore has received, I cannot believe a man would consent to fuck her, let alone on tape. The guy has bigger breasts than her. I hope Nungesser wins a boatload of money from his lawsuit.

    1. There are males out there who will literally do ANYTHING for puss. I thought it was funny how at the end he just walks out into the dorm hallway naked. According to Nungesser, he left in the middle of the night while she was asleep.

    1. And she’s a real attention whore. That’s probably the last nail in the coffin to completely destroy Paul Nungesser’s life (although I’m not sure what she schemes to do after this). Just for all this attention and sympathy she has literally torn this guy apart. This should be serve as a warning to all guys to carefully select whom they want to fuck, just in case that girl is crazy.

        1. That’s what I’ve been thinking for a long time. Every lay is a ticking time bomb now, my friend. A man never knows, if the girl’s gonna scream rape afterwards. Although a man can choose his lay carefully and screen out the psycho women, one can never be fully sure. After all, one can’t look at a woman’s face and tell what she will say afterwards.
          Even if a man records a video of every lay, a vindictive woman can always say, that she wasn’t really into it, or the man emotionally pressurized her to do it, or she didn’t feel right AFTERWARDS. Even if her body language says otherwise, I’m sure the judge will take her side. And all hell breaks loose, if the judge is a woman, or a mangina.

      1. How does this ruin Paul’s life? All I saw was a guy fuck a girl the way most men fuck girls. This clears Paul of any guilt because it shows how mentally fucked up she is. This is the best thing that could have happened for Paul.

        1. This ruins Paul’s life, because, unfortunately, the society we live in is insane. Undoubtedly, they will see it as rape. Paul’s the one whom she’s falsely accused of rape, and sadly most people will see it as Paul raping her. Facts and reality do not matter to them. They’re like bubbles of emotion that burst anytime a girl screams rape.
          Had we been living in a saner society, the normal fucking seen in that porno would be considered normal. But because we live in a fucked up society, it will be considered rape by the masses.

  9. The insanity and level of devolution of our society can be seen in the latest interview with Dr Ruth. I’ve never really cared for her, but after reading a bit, it turns out she is a fairly modest, old fashioned woman who decided to become a sexologist and help people with relationship and sexual problems. Ask her about premarital intercourse–she says she is old fashioned and doesn’t believe in one night stands, and that people should wait until at least age 18 to have sex. She made a career out of having a call in show where she helps people in a fun and light hearted way to get over their sexual problems, don’t worry about your penis size, have better and more frequent orgasms, etc.
    Yet her recent radio interview with Dianne Rheim drew a shitstorm of fake outrage when she said that she is troubled by the new trend at universities where a young couple can get naked into bed together and somehow later the woman decides it was rape. The SJWs have gone crazy with headlines like “Did Dr Ruth Just OK Rape?” Uh, no, she didn’t.

    1. Despite this “culture of critique” accusation thrown at Dr. Ruth’s people, many Ashkenazi Jews adhere to a sensible view of sex roles and family life that conservative white people would agree with.

    2. Dianne Rheim is older like as in elderly but a classy looking dame who remembers the old days when women kept it together and were LADIES.

    3. Well you didn’t know Westheimer when she did her call in show in ’81 and a lot of real freaks called in, even by today’s standards.
      As far as getting into bed naked with a man it’s ridiculous to ever consider the woman was raped. Why else would she get into bed naked?

  10. false rapists like her should be actually fed to prison guys who are thirsty for pussy as a punishment.
    that would reduce male on male rape in prison. plus I don’t think cunts like Emma Sulkowicz would mind it.She’d rather enjoy it.(want it in the butt…harder…rougher)

    1. That’s a great idea! Wonder if they do this in Saudi Arabia. Eye for an eye, you know…

    2. She deserves it. The dumb slut probably doesn’t know the difference anyways so I say let’s start booking her in and keep her busy til she drops.

  11. Shit.. I mean… man.. words escape me. Let’s just say, after this video move any person that still believes she was raped is a fucking moron beyond reason. Like yeah, a girl who went through the trauma of being actually raped would want to do that…
    The lengths this bitch will go for attention is unbelievable. That’s what she wants, to be in magazine covers, to meet famous people, all based on a lie that ruined an innocent man’s life. Anyone who buys into that crap is one sad miserable retard.

    1. That was my first thought. How could a victim reenact that kind of trauma without going full PTSD mental freak out in the process?

      1. Only one answer to that: Because that lying ass cunt was never actually raped in the first place.

  12. Can I fap to this? I mean, I’m always interested in seeing a young bitch get her a$$ plowed.

    1. I can’t bring myself to actually click and watch, but apparently, yes, she has made her own sex tape, and then calls it rape, and then calls anyone who watched it a rapist. I guess you would also be a homosexual rapist because you watched the guy as well.

      1. yea…though she made the tape she didn’t give all the viewers her consent to watch it 😛

      2. That dude was a first class fool. Watch, she’ll eventually turn and claim *he* raped her and use the video as “evidence”. I mean she’s freaking bonkers, even thirsty dudes you’d think would have enough sense to not touch her with a ten foot pole.

  13. after this stint…..Anybody interviewed all those people who had supported her blindly after she claimed rape ????

  14. I knew from a young age just how stupid people are.
    All you can do in this world is hold on to your integrity and exercise your individual autonomy.
    If people want to rise up against these whiners then they have the free will, but I doubt that is possible for such a brainwashed, obedient, submissive lot.

      1. Just watched it. I’ll need three dates this weekend and a lay to get started on the road to recovery!

  15. I’m no stranger to porn but you couldnt pay me to see that ugly twat get “raped”. I dont want to give her the satisfaction of view counts and somehow parlaying it into something else. Fuck her..I wont.

    1. one should be able to take off that video for her being too ugly to do porn

    2. Not even to insert funny Benny Hill music and goofy sound effects at appropriate moments? Maybe give it a voice actor overlay, kind of like Bad Lip Reading? That would be He-Lare-EE-Us, if you ask me.

  16. If you’re a feminist, you know you fucked up when even the lunatics on Jezebel are questioning your actions.

  17. Ultimately it is men like this guy who is to blame, without any men to spin around her finger, she is NOTHING….

  18. Look at that shitty furniture. This is Columbia U which I think is 60+k per year..Fucking cheap ass stuff . Christ get some iKea up in there at least.

  19. I thought i’d seen every variety of perverse god forsaken porn there was, but the sheer gall of this exercise in vanilla-self-whoring is stunning.
    She has made a huge tactical mistake. Her female supporters are going desert her, and anyone who didn’t already think she was a narcissistic fraud crying rape to get attention for her art will find themselves having to think again.
    Dammit have to eat my supper after seeing that

    1. “Her female supporters are going desert her…”
      You underestimate the stupidity and gullibility of her supporters.

      1. I actually checked a few MSM sites after commenting, and not a few female journo / typists are treating it as though this should be taken seriously. They tend not to highlight her chugging cock on screen though

      1. I checked with the jezebel girls. They say you are comment raping them with your penetrative comments

  20. I wonder if genuine victims of rape, and the fact she has ruined the life of the man she has falsely accused, ever crosses her mind?

  21. I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt and assume that was an accurate representation of the events…. She put the condom on the guy. She started going cowgirl on him shortly after doing so. She put in too much work to claim that she was raped. She ruins it all for genuine victims and the people who follow and support her are just as bad. She should have been jailed for the same amount of time as an actual rapist should get. Does anyone know if the accused is able to live a normal life?

  22. She has clearly slipped into mental illness, or pure sheer evil. What a fraud either way.

      1. Well to her credit, at least she’s doing it for public consumption. Every single thing she does *bolsters* our side’s views.

      1. And to think her father, mr. famous psychiatrist, somehow thought enabling her is the best way to deal with it.

        1. Well he probably was the first one to fuck her anyway, you know that good old borderline personality disorder incest thing.

        2. Too much testosterone (from her father and numerous captains of school sports teams) squirted in her vaginal/anal cavity during her pubescent stage made her all mannish-looking, poor lil’ saltywitch.

  23. This chick is nuttier than a Christmas fruitcake. How does this move parlay into getting gainful employment & helping the world (at the very least, filling up your rice bowl as they say in Asia)? What is she selling? What value is she crafting & giving the world?

    1. Oh don’t worry. If she can put up a video of herself getting fucked, she’s enough of a cynical whore to take on a job “in the arena”.
      Expect to see her end up either in politics as a consultant or activist in “women’s issues” or as a writer for the feminist clickbait section of the internet.

      1. Maybe she’ll accuse the guy in the video of rape. She has the “evidence” on video.

      2. Sadly true if Anita Sarwhorsian can turn her blatant lies into multi million dollar feminist empire I see this slut doing something similar.

    2. That’s the beauty of being SJW approved. The president shakes your hand, you get awarded for bravery from congresswomen, and unless you go to a red state for employment, you can slap merit in the face if any objections to your employment come up. She fights for every woman’s rights to not be judged after all. That is privilege.

      1. In some perverse way I can grudgingly respect that.
        A few fortuitous conditions have to exist though in ensuring she keeps her head floating above water..for now.
        Let’s see. The perfect technological era to exist as a modern Western female with mass dissemination of info by way of social media. When the world was larger & slower she would have been just another loony bin candidate with a mattress who gets put in her place like others before her.
        The right political structures that cater to female privilege & social justice in everything but official name. So yeah..i’d say she’s making the best of it.
        Goes without saying that my acknowledgement of her efforts isn’t endorsement of what she represents.
        I can already forsee her bottle of Useful Idiot magic fairy dust running very low. The Warren Buffett of predicting leaky Useful Idiot magic fairy dust bottles just gave a thumbs down..

  24. just googled her name: emma sulkowicz, the first autocomplete suggestion in the drop down list is “emma sulkowicz liar”
    Even google hates her

    1. Who could have guessed that Google was a misogynist?!?

      1. I think she was just gross enough to turn them. Hopefully the MSM too. Even the forces of evil corporatism have limits

        1. Aye. She has a face that docked a thousand ships.

  25. Emma Sulkowich. The prototypical craven, lying, grasping, self-aggrandizing, eternal-victim jew.
    Her parents, rather than hiding under a rock in shame must be celebrating in their synagogue that she whacked an evil German over the head and stands to make money out of it.

  26. Any iota of meaningfulness that her “rape case” brought is now in a capsule and has been thrown into the sun. You can’t even argue with this hilarity. Only someone who is mentally ill could forever destroy their image like this.
    She is so goofy it hurts.

    1. Whoa dude. Why can’t you just accept this as normal? How dare you ask questions. Clearly you’re a transphobic cis-scum.
      (Sarcasm Off)

  27. If her father had any balls he would disown her and cut all funding. False accusations and a homemade porno, talk about a failure as a father if there ever was one.

      1. Kids don’t turn out like her without a strong influence from home.

        1. Next stop: Publicising the alleged anal sexual abuse Mr. S. her father did to her.

      2. Her parents may be getting a cut of that money she’s gonna make in the book deal.

    1. Who is paying for all of this?
      When I started to read about things like this, I started to wonder who was paying for all of this (tuition at a univeristy, apartment or dorm room fees, spending money, etc.)
      If it is a father paying for all of this, why in the world would he put up with this behavior?
      One possibility is that maybe her parents are divorced, and as part of a settlement is her college costs. If that is the case, then the father has absolutely no control on what she does since he wouldn’t be able to cut off the money.

      1. I respect muslim men for controlling their women. No self respecting man would allow his daughter to act like this (and pay for it too)

      2. I found an entry to a letter that both parent wrote to Columbia, along with commentary that she had too much to do to pursue the matter with the police or in a civil lawsuit. I think most people’s take on it is that she doesn’t do either thing is because it would end up that she could be lying.

        1. So basically, getting her hair dyed blue and hitting the cafeteria before it ran out of Greek Yogurt meant more to her than reporting the alleged “rape”?

  28. Time reports on this without comment:
    Sulkowicz writes on the website for the project that the video is “not
    about one night in August, 2012.” Instead, she says, “I want to change
    the world, and that begins with you, seeing yourself. If you watch this
    video without my consent, then I hope you reflect on your reasons for
    objectifying me and participating in my rape.”

    1. She made the video for all to see. How is this not her consent? I don’t get it?

      1. don’t even try to enter into this woman’s way of thinking. She’s trying to force people to accept her viewpoint while sucking cock and getting rammed. So far she doesn’t seem to be succeeding. Its actually quite sad, or at least it would be if she didn’t actually have a victim who’s been falsely accused as a rapist

      1. sad fact is she’d happily let each and every one of us fuck her on or off camera, separately or all together, provided she could cry rape. Its how she feels validated

        1. nah, she wouldn’t cry it. for some reason, i believe that japanese girls don’t have the vocal organs to cry. all they can do is this weird sulking.

        2. You need to watch jap porn. The girls have pixelated vaginas and they cry like newborn babies. The sulkowitz porn vid has no sound though

        3. I didn’t realise. I don’t really want to play it again. Maybe just the bit where she gets slapped

        4. It makes her appear like she’s not a slut because she was “raped”. We all know the truth.

  29. I can see the future….her and that duke feminist….the mattress ….mandingo.

  30. I swear to God, that was one of the grossest creatures that I have ever witnessed.

      1. I thought they were one and the same? So….how is Emma not a tranny? That has easily got to be the manliest butt I’ve seen on a woman in my life. And I’ve seen fitness model women in the nude.

  31. You all think she’s an aberration, I honestly think most women are as crazy given the right circumstances. With 2 liberal psychiatrist parents, growing up in a liberal place on a college campus there’s 0 restriction on her behavior this is what you get.

    1. It’s interesting to note that her behavior has been produced by the educated elite, rather than the uneducated peasantry.

  32. This person has to be one of the most vile in recent memory. This is exhibit A in the show “When Attention Whoring Goes Toxic”. She scams and lies with no shame and remorse, and when that doesn’t work, what does she do?
    “Hey, I’ll attention whore some more, and make a sex tape!”
    Horrible, horrible human being.
    And to those worthless chickenshits who say “it takes courage to share your (hoaxed) story”: I say, shove it up your ass. You’re a lying, degenerate sack of shit and we’re going to say so.
    It’s because of examples like this one (out of thousands every day) that we can appreciate the need to codify and organize neomasculine ideals. It’s a key way to preserve and propagate core beliefs that can serve as a bulwark against this sort of manipulation.
    They know what they believe in. Do we?

    1. I think it’s normal female behavior, given the right circumstances and enabling. When you remove all restrictions there’s no limit to what they’ll do.

      1. No. She’ll be forgotten in a week for the next cultural atrocity. 15 minutes of fame is an outdated concept. Expect her to act out even more to regain attention, possibly with a firearm.

        1. The book publishing industry is filled with junk like this whore’s story, expect some sort of book deal to be announced in the coming year or so.

        2. Her suicide would then be blamed on patriarchy classifying her as a slut. The irony is more women compared to men call women sluts.

      2. I could see some group of “empowered” execs at a marketing firm hiring her to consult on their millennial strategies and how to reach viral audience in this day and age. Disgusting as it sounds, she’ll make profit for being the whore she is.

        1. I read somewhere that Jenner stands to make hundreds of millions from his transition. I have no doubt that there will lots of edgy companies lining up to have Sulkowicz sell their products. It is a very strange world we live in.

        2. Hopefully, Jenner stays alive long enough to spend. The transexual half life expectancy starts the minute they legally choose the pronoun she. And he is pretty old as is which if my guess has it, if he had a decade left, he’ll be gone in under 5 years.

        3. Yeah, I see it now: Sulkowicz endorsed toilet paper, wet wipes, hemorrhoid remedies, rectal suppositories, enemas and of course, premium lube.

    2. Horrible, horrible human being.
      I do believe the term, in her case, is “sodomite”.
      And if there was ever an example of a female sodomite, Sulkywitch is it.

      1. She is. Because, like Zuckerberg’s “wife,” SHE’S A MAAAAAN, BABY!

        1. next time, she will do it on times square and squeak around: look! i am being raped! and you just look! you don’t do anything! you beasts! oh, i think i’m cumming. this monster is making me cum! i feel so dirty, oh please, make it stop!

        2. If she reads this, Tom, she’s gonna use up a whole new roll of toilet paper because of you.

    3. I”m not a fan of the Russian mafia state but they know how to deal with radical feminists and bullshit like this. They proved it with how they dealt with Pussy Riot. I can only hope the Western world will one day learn that lesson and deal with our radical feminists and attention whores like Mattress girl in a similar way. Whip these women and jail them and keep them in line and teach them a lesson they will never forget. Or else suffer the fate of the Western world with our out-of-control feral women and feminists.

  33. I don’t get it. Is that actually her?! OMFG. How depraved, to film yourself having sex with someone and then upload it on the Internet for all to see. How can anyone, anyone, think that the USA has a healthy and normal culture when women place videos of themselves having sex, with an actor presumably, on the Internet, for whatever reason.

    1. This is what happens when all social restrictions are removed from women, and they have the freedom to be who they really are deep down: attention whoring, feral sluts.
      No wonder every other civilization and culture in the history of the world learned to keep their women in line and institutionalized their submission in religion and tradition. Remove those things at your own peril. You see the results of giving women too much freedom in today’s degenerate feminist Western culture which cultivates, legitimizes and even celebrates freaks like Mattress Girl and her fellow sluts as “empowered” women.

  34. That was boring and clearly consensual when she took her own clothes off and began felating him.

  35. Oh and look, it’s now doing the trendy Skittles-hair bit! What a bandwagon-hopping cliche schmuck of an attention whore, on top of all else!

  36. So wait at which point did she decide to say no to sex? After they went down on each other? After they started to go at it? What a joke.

  37. This is the all out nuclear version of self-victimization/false-rape-attention-whoring. This woman has essentially launched a career and become a recognized media figure for making up a rape story and owning it tooth and nail. It’s almost like a when an autobiography gets outed as being a fake memoir but it becomes a best seller anyway because it’s entertaining and/or “has a message.” The truth is lost in the imagery. This woman has made an entire identity out of it. It’s interesting from an artistis perspective for sure, but a damn shame she is being heralded as some kind of survivor/hero because she had some sex she regretted after the fact.

    1. I doubt she even regretted the sex. Logically we think maybe this started out of regret or something, but it’s likely she just wanted attention and a sick fantasy from the beginning. Like UVA rape case, we keep assuming there’s some rational reason this grew, but there’s no there, there.

  38. I can’t believe this crazy bitch and her minions actually carried that nasty mattress to her graduation ceremony. I hope the release of her sextape is the jump the shark moment for the “rape culture” crowd.

  39. As long as she is in the spotlight, there’s no need to prove she’s wrong. She isn’t wrong because she is a female (weaker gender), protected by leftism, NGOs, all those feminist associations and double standards.

    1. Laughing my balls off right here
      The look of tortured look of either anguish or bewilderment (Too much Botox?) is priceless

    2. I’ m not as thick as you dink I am.
      For one moment this about this….
      Bruce TransJenner won an ESPN “Bravery” award over Noah Galloway.

    3. Noah Galloway.was turned down for the ESPN “Bravery” award. Bruce TransJenner was given the award for growing boobs and taping down his man parts. That’s what now defines being brave.

  40. She did this so that when you search her name on the internet the video eventually comes up. It’s on pornhub.
    Now, with the time stamp being changed, some people wont do the read anything about this and see the video only.
    Then in the eyes of a lot of people who only see the video, this bitch got raped.
    Make sense?

      1. She’s gonna take the website down soon, too.
        Then all that’s left is the pornhub with the date on it where she clearly says no.
        Eventually, all people will see is that, oe the other places where the video is uploaded.
        This is just a smokescreen.

  41. it is easy to figure out she is lying about being raped – who would want to bang her even if he got paid to do it, much less force himself on her. lol what a joke of a human being that slag is

  42. This nutty tape is prima facie evidence she WASN’T raped . No woman that was really raped acts like this…

    1. At best, she just created it as an art project. She just used that incident to enhance the artistic aspect of it. Although, I wouldn’t call it art, I would call it attention whoring.

  43. I’m sure sure how she thinks that she’s going to win the sympathies of average people by posting an ambiguous “rape” in which she says “hit me again”(which she does in the video if you suffer through it).

    1. I admire your courage and strength to watch this video but you also disgust me.

    1. They broadened the term rape to be whatever they want to define it as. Just thinking about making love to a cute girl you saw makes you a rapist nowadays.

    2. I think the rape part came at the very end. (No pun intended.) Supposedly she didn’t want to be butt banged. Although, I really doubt that even happened at all.

      1. That’s even funnier because the dude who stopped fucking her didn’t want to butt bang her anymore! Lolol projection central!

      2. That’s still not what any normal person would consider rape or what the law considers rape which is why both the cops and college didn’t want to touch it.
        So let’s say that the guy is fucking her and then takes his dick and puts it between her tits. She doesn’t like it and tells him to stop and he doesn’t. Rape? of course not.

  44. You would think that feminists would be up in arms about false rape accusations because it belittles actual rapes. But we all know this has nothing to do with actual crime.

    1. Why would they? They need the masses to believe the false rapes as real to maintain their political power.

        1. What if they are perfectly consistent, but only appear to be inconsistent from your frame of reference?
          Try to find a frame of reference in which they are consistent and you might have gone a long way toward figuring out what they are up to.
          I will suggest a starter frame to try for fit:
          They win/ You lose.

        2. I think you mean what their motive is. They really want and need rapes to occur, real or fake rapes. This gives them the power. They don’t really care about the tramas the real victims endure.

        3. there’s not even anything in it for them. sjws are the idiots who hate just the people who provide them with all the joy in their lives. socialists.
          they simply need to fight, even if there’s no enemy. they need to believe there’s some kind of oppressor – what other excuse would there be for them to not get their lives together?

  45. In all seriousness, how much would it cost for these problems to be bought and sent away?

  46. Sulkowicz is half jewish, half chinese/japanese. no fucking wonder shes trying to milk her imagined story. permanent victim status in her mind.

  47. couple thoughts:
    – did she drink too much ink?
    – aspect ratio errors make dicks huge, but only doggy style
    – this reminds me of the 50 shades movie where he announces to ‘fuck hard’, only to present the most flowery sex scene since titanic
    – what the fuck is wrong with this chick?

  48. Well, she desperately wanted us to imagine her getting fucked in the ass. Now we don’t have to imagine.

    1. are you sure? it’s not exactly high definition. she may still claim it was rape because he had an angry look in his face – he even manipulated her into blurring it to destroy the evidence.

  49. It is stunts like this that remind me how much we have fallen off the cliff as a civilization.
    Why has the man’s face been blurred?

      1. Hah. I was thinking it could be for another reason, but I’m probably mistaken.

      2. He could get regret sex after this video goes viral and then claim HE was raped by her. His argument would be, “Would YOU fuck her?”

    1. In the old porn, like when they just had films, porn was so disgraceful and low class that the ‘actors’ wore masks to hide their identity.
      And stop referring to these sluts as ‘porn stars’ because they are just prostitutes doing it on camera for money.

        1. I meant that they are somehow trying to give them a higher status than a whore.

    1. But isn’t she saying that the film isn’t rape? We have a very unbalanced girl here.

  50. ‘which used a preponderance of evidence standard. This standard is actually well below the words used to describe it’
    From the very beginning I’ve been saying that these college tribunals do not even meet this standard and are really just kangaroo courts and that people don’t understand what this level of proof is.
    Even at this level which is used in civil cases you still have to prove your case with real evidence and testimony and witnesses can be examined. Otherwise anyone who files a civil case would automatically win if they were using college tribunal standards, which are really no standards at all and just a matter of how much the female cries and is a good actress or how crazy she is and actually believes her own lies.
    It’s a pity that Nunngasser had to be harassed for a year but this is the best thing that could have happened to keep destroying feminism and their ‘rape culture’ hoax.
    This is the end of Sulkowitz and by the end of the year she’ll fall into complete obscurity where no one will even remember her name (people have very short memories)
    The problem with young people is that every generation has forgot what went before and sort of has to learn everything all over again and doesn’t remember any of the previous hoaxes;they also falsely believe like all kids that they are smarter than their parents and won’t fall for the same hoaxes but hoaxes usually aren’t exactly the same and they still fall for the new repackaged version.
    There was a hoax(there were many) back in Boomers days where a governor of a State claimed that 4 students went blind from taking LSD and staring at the sun.It was all bullshit, he just made it up but a lot of people believed it.When it was exposed he went into some psychiatric hospital for a ‘rest’. Even after being exposed as a liar people still defended him claiming that he was well, so concerned about students and drugs blah blah blah as if that were an excuse for an outright lie.

      1. Let me correct that, it was Dr Norman Yoder but Gov Shaefer of Penn. believed it but had to retract it when he found out it was a hoax.You still had politicians who insisted it wasn’t a hoax and 6 students were blinded. It’s not much different from today where no matter what the facts there are still people who want to puch their agenda.A few years lare Nixon appoints Shaefer as head of his Marijuana commission lol And btw, they didn’t like the results of the cannabis study either which showed it wasn’t very harmful. These studies are not new and that was 40 years ago.Personally I don’t think young people should be using it because it tends to make them docile and lack motivation and those old Cheech and Chong films may have been an exaggeration but there’s some truth in them.

  51. This vid is weird even by radical feminist standards. If you were male and got raped in prison and had difficult time proving it, would you then stage a video of yourself getting raped and post it on the net? This vid makes no sense.

    1. She’s mentally-disturbed and needs to be treated at the nearest mental institution. But liberals are too dumb to see this and rather than encourage her to seek the help she desperately needs, they lead her further down the path of self destruction.

    2. Yea, many people will find it funny if a guy did that, but this is a girl doing it….

  52. So you think trigger warnings are stupid? Not after you watch this video.
    Genius. Absolutely Brilliant.

  53. I’m still in shock. This reminds me of the Marx quote “History repeats itself, first as tragedy, then as farce.”
    She has become a total farce. If this doesn’t make one take the red pill, what will?

  54. But this greatly HELPS the man’s current lawsuit against Columbia, no?
    I bet Columbia is pretty pissed at Emma at present. The man’s lawsuit is now a slam dunk.

    1. it’s Columbia’s own goddamn fault for trusting a woman, especially a young woman with neon hair.

    2. Bollinger was pretty pissed with mattress girl and turned his back and didn’t shake her hand.

  55. I think when girls say “I got raped”, they are really saying is “I regret fucking this guy” or “I want attention”. I think it’s part of buyer’s remorse thinking. I mean she probably first enjoyed it which is obvious from the video as they are passionately kissing and then the guy attempted anal sex (which is apparent from her “oowww”) and he left right after he fucked her and she is in fetal position like as if she got “raped”. Even if he caressed her, I think she would still have framed this guy. I don’t know and don’t care about the whole back story but it seems like she wanted to “get back” at this guy for whatever reason.

  56. Murica has officially gone insane, a man making himself a woman and an athlete coming out as gay get awards for bravery, and an attention whore makes up a rape an carries around a mattress and is hailed a hero. These are the end times gentlemen and I’m not even religious, America is encouraging peoples mental illness and even making heroes of mentally disturbed people.

    1. Even though it slightly bothers me that you leave the “d” off of every “and,” what you said is 100% true.

      1. Fixed it, I was typing in a hurry on my phone and for some reason the auto correct kept writing an when I pushed the a button.

    2. It’s the end times but not in the way you think. It’s the end of the craziness of the last 20 years and that may be good news for you young ‘uns. Females don’t change but at least you may have a generation or two until some new nuttiness gains again.

  57. Who needs this Solkowicz chick when feminist have a much more influential spokesperson? Let’s look to a real NATIONAL AWARD WINNING FEMINIST and new SJW megaphone in her own homemade fake rape video. Now this is real art! Or so judges the women who presented the her the Brooklyn Museum’s Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art.
    Congratulations MISS PIGGY!
    A F’in PUPPET is what women look to for representing feminism. Do they ever just take a break long enough to stand back and vomit over their own ridiculousness?
    Now, frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn. But, I am tired of getting attention raped by every female cause out there, especially the fake ones.

  58. I’ll play Devil’s Advocate for the sake of debate practice. I assume that the point of the video was that the man stuck it in the wrong hole when the girl was at her most vulnerable. Without upfront consent, that is foul play. What can women do…and is that rape? Well, it has no relevance to Paul Nungessar because Emma agreed to experiment with him so she gave consent. The end. Ultimately though, the argument to end this argument is…Women shouldn’t be whores and sleep with men they don’t trust and have deep bonds with. Also, sodomy is for gays, you don’t stick it there anyways. This wasn’t a problem in past generations. Our media is really pushing the sodomy thing in current generations.

    1. If he stuck it in her butt she must have been experienced with it and yes it does have strong overtones of homo sex.
      And what’s consent? if you consent then it doesn’t have to include just the first time.If you have sex a few days later I would consider it just a continuation unless she had a signed affidavit in the presence of 2 witnesses that she wanted to opt out. The problem with the girly men today is that you’re allowing the females to set the terms of everything and they put you on the defensive to manipulate you better.Who ever heard of this insane stuff where you have to ask permission about everything. Kissing or feeling up a girl at some party is nothing and if she doesn’t like it she can walk away.And if men are so bad then why are these girls always going to where men are and frat parties.If they don’t want to get fucked then why are they always putting themselves into situations where it’s likely to happen? Stay home until you grow up and stop causing trouble and being attention whores.

      1. The equivalent of a male hanging around with drug dealers and then wondering why he was mugged.
        The women know exactly what they want though. There are no surprises and no coincidents.

  59. What is the purpose of that fuck video? And is the blue haired flabby bitch featured in it the same female who was walking around with the mattress?

  60. she intentionally made a porn video to prove men are objectifying her by watching it.
    WTF? I hope to God there is an insane asylum big enough to put her and her mattress in.

  61. Prediction; she will go into porn for real. All the enterprising eskimo sharks who run the industry have to do is convince her that it’s “empowering”.

  62. Here is one place where post-modernist critique might actually work. The very fact that this video is a consensual art project invalidates the very thing that it is trying to say – that sexual violence is always a terrible, shocking, unacceptable thing. Mattress girl demonstrates that there is one place, at least, where it’s perfectly acceptable: when making an art project.
    tl;dr: this video deconstructs itself.

  63. Wow. Just fucking wow. What an idiotic, pretentious piece of shit–the video, that is. On the other hand . . .
    I love how she uses a French title in an attempt to convey some sort of legitimacy.
    There was obviously a deep tragedy here: all of us who had to witness that pasty blob bouncing up and down on some less chubby, browner blob. Oh, my poor eyes!

    1. And what’s with that 10 sec blowjob she gave him. If she’s Japanese I want to see some bukake :o)

      1. If she had let him nut in her face, it would have been part of her Japanese heritage: homemade kabuki mask!

  64. I just read on encyclopedia dramatica that both of her parents are prominent psychiatrist. Is this fucking true? I swear I’ll never stop laughing.

  65. Who needs this Solkowicz chick and her mattress when feminist a NATIONAL AWARD WINNING FEMINIST ARTIST and SJW spokesperson, Miss Piggy, winner of the Brooklyn Museum’s Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art.
    Yes, women have embraced a muppet as a spokeswoman for their cause through her art. Do women ever just take a step back from their own insanity to realize how absurd they are? If they did they might realize that their artistic symbol of feminism is the creation of an operation by men.

    1. She made her own fake rape video. I guess it doesn’t take that much talent or effort.

  66. This isn’t surprising. She’s going to have to do SOMETHING to stay relevant now that she’s graduated and won’t get the publicity of walking around campus with a a dorm mattress. I’d actually be more impressed if she carried a queen size Serta Perfect Sleeper around that way we could at least admire her core strength.
    I hope Paul Nungesser learned his lesson about banging ugly psycho chicks.

  67. Feminism is sending a message to girls that if they falsely accuse Men of Rape they are going to get celebrity status and published on magazine covers, Liars and Evil-Doers are garnishing Praise from Media and Politicians, it’s wrong.

  68. for all those who bash ROK as misogynistic and backwards, this is the result you get when you take all constraints off modern women.
    Without a strong father and society enforcing some rules or decency, this is what modern women have become.

    1. The morality of women is the result of putting their feet to the fire figuratively speaking

    2. This is what women are at core.
      Societal constraints are what keep it in check.

  69. Even though most men on this site consider themselves ‘red pill’, they were nonetheless shocked at what Emma’s doing even though it shouldn’t be.
    Get it through your heads fellas, women are screwed up in the head. they will do any god damn thing they please on a whim without societal constraints. NOTHING they do should surprise you.
    Flaking and cheating is just scratching the surface of the depraved shit we will see from western women.
    You shouldn’t view Emma’s behavior as some strange anomaly…..this type of shit will become normal, make sure youre not one of the suckers who thinks women have integrity

    1. I think this is the top end of the red pill which goes down last when swallowed: When their are no societal constraints on women (which were upheld by MEN, for us it was the boomer men who let it go) they are libel to do anything; every single one of them is mentally imbalanced. If under the care of a strong man from childhood on-wards (father then husband) and in a society which is structured around manly virtue, most females will be decent and appear pure. But it is not of their own doing, it is the man keeping control of their insane impulses. The entire social landscape today(the crumbling America) can be attributed to a society wide refusal to acknowledge this plain biological fact.

      1. Boomer men never let anything go. Whether they were protesters or hippies the girls stayed in the background.Once in a while the protesters, like at Columbia in the late 60’s, they’d let the girls have a few words but it was like, OK that’s enough now get out of the way and see to the food, even if it was just ordering pizza. No, men weren’t rotten or domineering but it was just understood that the men were the dominant ones who the crowd listened to.Same was true with the black men who wanted their own protest and wanted to control and manage it. Few women had any say in their group.Females are not intended by Nature to be the leaders, that’s men’s job and if you allow females any say they make a mess of it and run amok because they can’t cooperate like men do and are always vying with each other for attention and who’s going to be top hen and you lose track of what the protest was even about.

        1. If you want to see what females leading and being allowed to voice opinions freely leads to, you need only observe the insanity of the past decade, or sit through a few weeks of a gender studies course

      2. Women have to be the property of fathers and the husbands. They do not have the personal responsibility to be entrusted with rights.

    2. Well she’ll pay for it and always be known as mattress girl so her little fun and games with the other girls is going to effect her for life.Nunngasser is suing the college because they have money and they probably left her off because why waste time on some girl who doesn’t have a pot to piss in.But after he settles with the college, and they will settle, he can still go after her and sue and this porn film that everyone knows what it’s about are going to make the case against her even easier.

  70. What I would’ve like to see is that this video posted prior to her graduation. Then it would’ve gone viral and just about everyone at the commencement would be…?
    I really can not believe that an Ivy league university would let this piece of filth tarnish their reputation like that.

    1. universities have been taken over by women and cultural Marxists, whose main purpose is to destroy traditional family values….so they had to uphold the narrative that she was raped (she wasn’t). there was never logic involved in their decisions

      1. Although universities’ main purpose, at least at the top, is always to profit. Everything else is secondary. If they misjudge and/or screw something up, they’ll take a hit financially and alter their tactics as required.
        If these cunts are making too much of a mess and bleeding the accounts, they will be dealt with sooner or later.
        Perhaps this Sulkobitch stunt is engineered to backfire so that these cunts’ credibility drops and the scales of right/wrong tip back the other way.
        Is Emma Sulkowitch a patsy?

    2. Bollinger warned her not to bring that mattress to graduation but I guess he didn’t want to use force and security to stop her that may have caused a disruption but the college is going to pay even more for her stunt at graduation. Bollinger shook hands with Nunngasser when he got his diploma but when he saw her coming with the mattress he turned his back which I guess may help in the settlement of the case because he can always claim he told her not to bring it and didn’t see that she had until she passed him.

  71. She wants me to “reflect” before I comment? WTF she completes her undergrad and now she’s a psychiatrist? What do I hope to get out of this video? I wanted to see what it was like to bang a fat ass dorm ho from a third person POV. Mission accomplished.

    1. She may not be a psychiatrist but both of her parents are… for real. And this is what they raised. This is the ultimate proof that psychiatry is a complete joke, they can’t even raise their own kids to be normal.

      1. I didn’t know what her parents did but I sort of assumed it was something like that.

  72. There is no “art” in anything she did. If carrying some object around with you is art I was an artist this morning with gym bag, lol. Let’s stop calling these libtard attention whores “artists.” Let’s not play into their pretend world where they have talent and creativity. It is a joke some imbecile like this even gets to be in an art class at university. She barely fit to scrub toilets. Real artists are innovators, mystic thinkers, and often prophets of breakthroughs in physics. Da Vinci, Michaelangelo, Monet, Manet, Dali, Escher, Picasso, Pollock, etc. Suckowitz isn’t even interested in art.

    1. But but she has a degree in art.This is even more retarded ‘art’ than when Yoko put herself in a bag as an exhibit.Probably John’s idea because he couldn’t stand looking at her anymore lol

      1. That’s nothing compared to her film featuring asses.
        Cut from the same cloth.

  73. It needs to be pointed out what’s really… er… behind all of this. This chick has a fetish–she gets off on the idea of people thinking about her getting sodomized. That’s why she used the phrase “fuck me in the butt” in conversation, that’s why she carried the mattress around, and that’s why she made this video.

    1. She may or may not have a fetish and we don’t even know if Nunngasser accommodated her.She was butthurt all right but it was because the guy was going out with other females.Pure jealousy and revenge. She wanted him thrown out of college because she couldn’t stand to see him after he dumped her. The fact that she goes to a party and gets fucked by 2 guys and then contracts VD of course is nothing.And yes, females like Emma will go to these insane lengths for revenge for being dumped.

      1. All true. AND, she loves people thinking about her getting banged in the ass. Loves it.

  74. Does this whole thing remind anybody else of when Shia LeBouf got accused of plagiarism and started doing weird “performance art”? He didn’t do porn, but I remember one of his things was called “I am not famous” or something. Very reminiscent of “This isn’t a rape” if you ask me.
    P.S. I’m not sure if asking these kinds of questions is playing into Emma’s hands or not, but I noticed that as soon as the guy finishes, immediately grabs his clothes and leaves the room buck naked. Did Paul allegedly do this? Are we to believe amongst all the other parts of the accusation that don’t add up, that after he supposedly raped her, Paul grabbed his clothes and walked naked into the hallway of a women’s dorm, and nobody noticed? I know it’s college but damn.

    1. I’m reminded of Steig Larsen Girl with the Dragon Tattoo—the obsession with Anal Sex, colored hair and Paul Nungessar being the Germanic villain

      1. That’s not fair to Paul though. The dude in Girl with the Dragon Tattoo actually was a rapist.

  75. Yikes. I would happily view the video if she didn’t have the aesthetic delicacy of a low tier tranny.

  76. This is what happens when women are unconstrained by the Patriarchy. It’s like a dog without a strong pack leader, only marginally more intelligent ( or so they keep telling me ).

    1. Their fathers, brothers and even other females because they didn’t want to look like whores by inference if females did this stuff.I’ve had females who worried about what their fathers would think of them even though they were grown women and of course he wasn’t going to do anything to them.That’s right, just what she thought what he may be thinking about her.

  77. Mattress Girl Emma Sulkowicz Makes A Rape Sex Tape

    Her father must be so proud.

    1. Worked for Paris and Kim K. She’ll become the next “celebrity” just you wait.

      1. He looks like he knows the feeling of rape first hand. Wonder how many times the mother of Emma took a strap on to him to pay for Emma’s education.

        1. how much us Columbia these days? $60k/yr? Better off buying a condo in morningside heights 5 yrs ago, sold it, now youd have 800k to travel the world…

  78. For the propaganda it doesnt matter if you can debunk her story , its just needs to be repeated repeated repeated ….the average news consumer will not question it let alone to make his mind up by serious background research.Its not meant to convince the critical thinkers.

    1. Perhaps people are stupid but that porn film is going to hurt her. it’s just too insane and people will see that she is too.

      1. you don’t understand insanity. see, the more insane something is, the more completely it harmonizes with the insanity of the recipient.

  79. It’s not really a genuine film of her ‘rape experience’if he didn’t fuck her in the butt

  80. I have never been into porn, but after watching that, I now I a new found appreciation for rape porn. Thanks Emma.

  81. Brings up another point, the part of the Video where she’s getting anal Raped and tries to fight him off, she can’t, I thought women were just as strong as Men, and in some cases stronger? She clearly could have just used some of that Super Strength feminist’s are Raving about to throw him off and kick his ass but she chose not to, maybe she thought using her brutish strength would be to vulgar so she opted to take the Higher Road and just let him rape her so to keep the Peace?
    If women are just as equally strong as Men and in some cases Much Much stronger, than because she chose to do nothing, does that mean she wanted it? Maybe she is an accomplice in her own supposed Rape?
    It’s common feminist knowledge that a single female wrist Flexor is stronger than a Quadricep Head on a Male, and once you get talking about Larger Muscle Groups in the female anatomy, heh forget it, you better start comparing the strength output to that of a Hydraulic car Jack or a Bulldozer, so with all that Strength i’m absolutely Perplexed as to why she just laid there and did nothing?

      1. Must’ve, with all that unlimited Strong woman strength she could have used at any moment to throw him off, there is no other explanation.

    1. “Raped and tries to fight him off, she can’t, I thought women were just as strong as Men, and in some cases stronger?”
      Maybe she didn’t see Mad Max: Fury Road (snicker).

      1. That’s true, she must not have got the memo that she could have broken her alleged Raper like a twig if she had decided to use her “Tough chick” Fury Road super strength.

  82. What a bizarro world the left has made for all of us to live in. Reality is whatever they want it to be. They make up their own science, history, psychology and definition of rape. In a sane world no one would pay the slightest attention to this mattress girl and I hate to say it but Mr. Nungesser will be paying for his “crime” for a long time to come.

  83. David Garret’s been on fire lately. Great article and keep up the good work pal!

  84. “Our esteemed “friends” at Jezebel are evidently gobsmacked by the video and labeled it “disturbing”. They’re not criticizing the bizarre video (of course they wouldn’t!)”
    They are not criticizing it because most people on that site are mentally ill from the start. Any rational person (man or woman) should see that she’s doing everything for attention.
    The girl (Emma) has real mental issues and she needs therapy. Anyone who agrees with what she is doing should see a shrink as well.

    1. She’s a selling point for the demented and insecure feminist market. Too many women buy into this shit as they love gossip.
      Unfortunately, this appeals to teenage girls even more as they are young, insecure and impressionable.

      1. That depends. I have seen teenage girls, who were heading to the beach, openly ridiculing feminists. They also had the advantage of being attractive. I contend feminism strongly adheres to the leanings of ugly women and women who have father issues. The rest who fall inline are the misguided lot who rightfully want to be treated with respect, but wrongfully believe those who state the same beliefs out loud will facilitate those beliefs in actions.

        1. When it comes to the male-female relationships they will utile some aspects of feminism, mate. Apart from that, hot chicks love to ridicule ugly ones, women are very competitive.

        2. Power is power and women are just as greedy for power as anyone else.

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