Spoiled Girls And White Knights Demand Men Shield Women From Traffic

In a sign that the “massive discrimination” supposedly “ravaging” women now extends to sidewalk “objectification,” Twitter exploded in unbridled rage when a photo surfaced of a woman walking closer to a road than her male companion. Even weak notions of politically correct “equality” were thrown out the window after an Atlanta woman’s tweet quickly saw the photo go viral.

And, once again, perennially confused non-red pill men across the globe were exposed to an additional indication that they’re damned if they behave “chivalrously” (and called patronizing sexists) and identically damned if they don’t behave chivalrously (and have their romantic desirability and manhood called into question).

What was most remarkable to my eyes was the huge number of young women, especially black women, fuming at the perceived ungentlemanly slight of the man towards the woman. Atlanta has a perpetual socio-economic underclass, and there are much more important aspirations for its African-American component in particular than having men “protect” women from the infinitesimally small chance of being hit by a motor vehicle.

If these are the sorts of social media stories putting Atlanta “on the map,” it will be a very long time until this city’s most pressing problems (and they’re major, major ones) are ever solved.

Atlanta still has a massive crime problem, not a sidewalk “etiquette” problem

Unless we take sidewalk etiquette as not shooting people in drive-bys or violently robbing them, Atlanta’s rotten core is not its “unchivalrous” men failing to walk directly adjacent to traffic. Statistics change from year to year, but the general situation is the same: Atlanta’s rate of crime is much higher than the national average, especially for violent crime.

This is despite an acknowledged trend of homicides and other felonies declining in recent decades. The statistics I unearthed, and these are only some of them, are compelling. Though the state of Georgia’s rate of violent crime is fractionally lower than the US average (3.66 incidents per 1,000 inhabitants versus 3.8 across the US), Atlanta’s rate is a comparably massive 13.03 incidents per 1,000. There’s an argument for asserting that many non-fatal shootings or other incidents are never even reported.

A lot has been made about Atlanta now being, by some measures, safer than stereotypically “clean” and “wholesome” urban areas like Salt Lake City. But, like with Chicago, Atlanta’s criminal woes are centered on particular districts. It is both a prosperous and considerably indigent city at the same time.

For majority black suburbs (and the city itself is minority-majority overall), the impact of crime is pernicious and soul-destroying. Comments like the tweet of “Ibi” serve as a microcosm of the underlying virus of denial and false focus afflicting modern urban communities. In a metropolis which features hundreds, maybe thousands of real tragedies every year, fatal or not, this will probably be the most “newsworthy” story to come out of it this year.

This is what feminism has brought us

As you can see by her Twitter profile and tweet topics, “Ibi” is very highbrow and “with it.” Not. Atlanta is let down by airheads such as her.

If feminism were defined as a base level of respect for both men and women, feminism itself would be fine. But this is not how things have worked out. Whilst I don’t exclude the possibility that women can (and non-politically correct ones often do) identify themselves as “feminists” in a way that is sensible and doesn’t appropriate the regularly radical, supremacist form, the default setting for feminism is now a complex mix of keeping historical social norms that serve women and making new ones that also advance women.

The interaction between the two halves of this highly selective past and present is fluid and capable of many interpretations, fundamentally depending on how the woman sees it. The most salient aspect of the feminism I am questioning is located in its inherent flexibility: individual women define what is and isn’t feminism for them and, correspondingly, what is “patriarchy.”

For the SJW type, a man opening a door for her is considered not only threshold sexism, but fully-fledged patriarchal misogyny. And for the self-entitled type, which includes gold-diggers of any degree but also your average self-entitled bitch, a man not shielding her from traffic is a savage indictment of his masculinity and expected ultra-attentiveness to her.

This is still the case when, like in this viral tweet scenario, we are not sure if the male and female companions are romantically linked to begin with.

A sign of the end times… but it can be salvaged

The best thing you can do for your own social circles is to gradually inculcate your friends, colleagues, and others with red pill and neomasculine ideology. There are many perils associated with going too hard and too fast with this re-education, including negative repercussions for yourself, but we all have obligations to reclaim and fumigate the degraded societies we find ourselves in.

In some ways, it is arbitrary to be picking on girls like “Ibi,” namely because they are mere cogs in a wider machine of socially-reinforced entitlement and the “me, me, me, me” culture. It must be done, however.

Now, not tomorrow, is the time to reflect on your intended contribution to the red pill cause and to act accordingly. You can start today, implicitly, with your own behavior, especially towards women. You can be decent and affable, but not in the way women use the bastardization of these traits to exploit and milk men.

You can be attentive to the needs and idiosyncrasies of a girl, but only when it is done within the context of her having reaffirmed your specialness to her. And she must be doing that constantly, or she’s simply not worth your time.

Read More: Why White Knights Voluntarily Enslave Themselves To Women

217 thoughts on “Spoiled Girls And White Knights Demand Men Shield Women From Traffic”

  1. “Don’t hold the door open for us, it implies we’re weak!”
    “Protect us from water splashing up from the side of the road because we’re women!”
    – Feminists.
    Though perhaps feminists will start to realize that when you intentionally break down goodwill between the sexes, you no longer get free, nice things.

    1. Then they will lobby to get the free, nice things by law. Like they do already.
      The situation is really tragic.

    2. They want to treated as equals as long as the equal treatment gives them what they want. When they aren’t able to compete with men by the equality treatment, then they demand a privileged treatment. And in the modern world if you as a man, refuse to give them both these treatments then you are a misogynist.

        1. They’re not actually smart. Rather, the men today are dumb white knights. They don’t know how to treat such women. Such whining women behave like, and should be treated like children. If all the man understood this and treated women accordingly, shit wouldn’t have gone too far.

      1. Did you read the link to the blog arguing that they should switch sides? One of the arguments is that if a car comes, he should be standing there so she doesn’t get splashed with water. Obviously not applicable in this picture, but they were talking about the reasons why he should always stand there.

        1. Nope. Didn’t read it.
          Was one of the reasons so that if her heal were to get caught in the crack in the sidewalk he could stop her from falling into the street and be struck by a car?

        2. One could argue back a woman should never cheat. It is the lady-like thing to do. If they can’t answer that question unequivocally, then where I place myself in regards to her well being is of no concern, as she clearly has no regard for mine.

        3. Why should he save her from getting splashed with water, and get splashed himself. Doesn’t he have equal self respect? Shouldn’t his first concern be to look out for his best interests first? Women always put themselves before men, why does it annoy people when men do it?
          I personally believe that in the modern world when women have stopped caring about men, men SHOULD put themselves first. I look after myself first, and if any women wants me to place her before myself, then she can just FUCK OFF.

  2. haha, this is too funny. unfortunately, it is only funny until the joke becomes reality and the nypd starts arresting “manspreaders” on the metro.
    fuck equality. fuck mutual respect. it is a power play and men are losing miserably.
    i always walk straight on the street and never go out of a girl’s way. i regularly get called impolite by some hag who has to stumble out of my way, but it’s so worth it. remember that scene from the matrix? just walk a straight line, upright and fast.

    1. Between all the mansplaining, manspreading, and manslamming it’s pretty amazing that I manage to even get to work everyday.

      1. clark, you have my sincere respect for managing such a stressful life. my suggestion: put on the cape and just fly high over all of your problems.

        1. Shieeet is he AMOGing you? Great peacocking there with the fingernails, you have to give him that. Classic Mystery method.

        2. Thats some serious eye rape there-and possible nonconsensual penetration.

        3. HAHA! You got it tough! between that and dealing with libtards, the struggle is real.

      2. You must space rape, stare rape and thought rape a lot of women on your way to work.

        1. Even before you get out of bed. The fact you wake up with a hard on means you thought raped some girl.

        2. The dream police, they live inside of my head.
          The dream police, they come to me in my bed.
          The dream police, they’re coming to arrest me, oh, no.

        3. I have a new 17 year old female ESL student. Today I taught her the meaning of ogle and leer. Rather funny.

      3. Btw, I had to man-yell at a chick in the gym the other day. She got in the way of my work-out. I yelled at her to move and she shriveled like a slug in a bowl of salt. Never fuck with a man’s work-out.
        I think she got a slight thrill out of being dominated. Her friend giggled like I had just tickled her coochie…

        1. Trying to squeeze in between me and the wall when I am doing wall bridges. Fucking annoying. Chicks love to get the fuck in your way rather than take a second to go the other way round.
          I smacked a chick in the shoulder with my skipping rope the other day who misjudged the distance between the wall and my rope. I hope it hurt.

      4. I now have a one hour commute and given a highway full of Chinese drivers, it is amazing that I manage to get to work. . .alive. Yesterday I had a rush hour commute and it was hellish; there were so many shitheads on the road who will cut you off or give you a death scare when they weave or turn without signaling or do some other fucked up shit. Many were women, especially old ladies who are Sunday drivers.
        On foot, women appreciate you holding a door for them or offering them a seat. On the road, they become complete bitch machines.

        1. Driving on roads filled with old Asian women… lol that sounds horrible.

        2. I have had several near death traffic experiences.
          Someone once told me that Asian women are the worst drivers: my Asian girlfriend! Takes one to know one, in part.

        3. To be clear, the old women are a minority, but generally it is complete traffic chaos because the guys are such asshole drivers.

    2. I’ve seen women do the reverse. Ever see a woman shoulder check a guy? And when I say shoulder check, I mean a woman slamming shoulder to shoulder and then sneering at you for not avoiding her shoulder. This was once behavior assigned just to alpha male football players.

      1. yes, it happens. makes me want to turn around and beat her. maybe i’ll do it one day.
        i also sometimes bump together with men that way. it’s all cool for me as long as the other person doesn’t act all morally superior. if you choose to have the “fight”, have it, and don’t whine about it.

        1. I wouldn’t promote beating her, however I will say having her beat herself would be the epitome of success. Imagine this. An aggressive woman comes barreling towards you. You see her coming and the only thing on her mind is f the world. Instead of showing her how her narcissism affects the world negatively, perform passive redirection.
          Brace yourself as if you will shoulder check her back and then release the shoulder. She may take the bait and she may not. If she takes the bait, the correct result would be her spinning out of control on the planted foot as you left her no body to make contact with. Optimally, this may land her on the floor, but at the minimum it should make her look like a fool. I have done this once and out of sheer embarrassment, the woman opted to keep walking with her head held down.

        2. i def would have to find a place with less docile women for that. here in munich, it’s less of a real shoulder check than simply running into each other.
          awesome stunt, though.

        3. beat a woman? lolz….and you do shoulder check with men sometimes?…you do tell a lot of nonsense.

        4. I have made women scream in pain when they have walked into me. For the record, in London I rarely bump into men but with women its quite frequent. They seem to expect you to move out of the way but rarely give you time to react.
          Years of martial arts has left me with a very solid body with lots of sharp bony edges. Bumping into me comes with a health warning.

      2. From driving a car in traffic to pushing in front at bars to shoulder checking a dude, I’ve seen women do it. Special snow flake syndrome. Takes the biscuit.
        Few days ago I was driving at night and out of curiosity I checked who left their brights on: 90% were women. They just care about their asses too much.

        1. If they cared about their asses they wouldn’t eat all those muffins and Krispie Kremes…

        2. #confortfood #allgirlsarebeautiful #magicpants #canthandlearealwoman #realmenlikecurves #fukh8rs #selfiegame

      3. a black chick carrying a heavy gym bag walked passed me with her little kid on the opposite side. She swung her gym bag right into me as I passed, and I guess the damn thing must have bounced off of me and around her into the back of the kid’s head of something, as the bitch was cursing up a storm, presumably at me, though I never altered my pace or direction, nor did I turn to look.

      4. and there is your equality (not really) at work. If women want to continue bouncing off of men, then have at it. I say if they want to be equal and try to run into me then they’ll have to deal with the fallout (just like a man).

    3. Hahaha I do the same. I plough through the masses like Arnold in Terminator I. Get out the way or get moved out the way. It’s all the same to me.

    4. Of course it’s about power and the reason you’re having all of these problems with females today is that unlike the Boomers you don’t know, or never learned, how to wield power naturally without coming off looking like a thug or lower class slug. The female knows instinctively that the men (within her class of course) are the leaders and she is the follower and subordinate.Just like a dog she must know her place in the hierarchy to be content otherwise she will be in a state of anxiety and continually pull these shit tests to determine her position.

    5. I think that photo is bullshit. Who says those two are together or even know each other? The woman is slightly ahead of the man and he looks like he is thinking about something important (like “whats for dinner?”).

        1. pretty much. i see the future dystopia before my eyes: woman at a doorstep calls a man with a flirtatious voice. our modern kerbside odysseus is fooled into the sound of the siren for a second and before he knows, the friend of the siren has taken a photograph of him straying from the kerbside. he is arrested, prosecuted, hanged. he does not die a martyr because nobody is on his side. end.

    6. I once had a woman bump into me from behind. She hit my rear left shoulder. She was trying to race ahead of me to get to a pedestrian tunnel (presumably so she could slow down again in front of me). She immediately accused me of being rude.
      My friends, I go from Quintessential English Gentlemen to Ghetto Negro so fast it will give you whiplash. And I gave her a verbal asswhuppping so severe she’s still on meds for the PTSD.

    7. I find the South the absolute worse when it comes to women demanding men engage in old traditions which were of benefit to them.
      When I was in Charlotte this past winter, a young woman rounded the corner and ran into me. Anywhere else, a woman doing the same would have gone, “Oh my goodness. I’m so sorry, I didn’t see you!” To which then I’d give them a smile and say, “It’s alright” and move along. Not in the south! This fucking bitch ran into me and then just stood there. After about 4-5 seconds I realized what was going on. Regardless of her running into me, because “I’m the GUY” I’m supposed to move out of the way for her.
      The girl wouldn’t even look at me. She just stood there saying nothing expecting me to move out of her way.
      A couple nights later I’m sitting at a bar and hear this gaggle of drunk cunts talking loud on “how pathetic men are now.” Some guy actually went up to them and tried to buy one a drink. Funny how the guy was “trying to be a ‘gentleman’” yet these bitches immediately began laughing at the guy and humiliating him before the entire place.
      From my experiences, the south is THE WORST for this crap so I’m the least bit surprised seeing this story and some black bitch from Atlanta flippin’ a dude isn’t engaging in an old tradition she DEMANDS.

      1. they say sorry? that’s cute and happens very rarely to me. i like it.
        here in munich, when they meet me straight face to face, they just stare at me the way you described it. i simply stare back and wait for them to clear the way. at first, it felt a bit unnatural because i was used to going out of women’s ways, but by now it’s almost fun.
        the most unfriendly are the old ones. there seems to be the idea going around that being old, weak, ugly and obnoxious earns you privileges. i like to cut corners myself, like they do. they will often try to squeeze or bulldoze through the space between me and the wall and when that doesn’t work – cause i don’t make place for them – they are very quick to shame me and call me names. one hag even tried to push me away, but i defended myself.

        1. I’m obviously in the US. I grew up in the Northeast — Maine — and spent a few years on west coast in Seattle. Even heavy feminist places like Seattle, if a female should bump into me, she’d always pardon herself.
          Southeast US though is a whole other story. I’ve never ever experienced women literally walking into me and not moving or saying anything, expecting me to move merely for being male. Like you, I’ve NO Tolerance for such behavior and being I’m from the NE, I don’t bite my tongue. There’s 0 way I could ever live in the South and put up with such pathetic demands from women who are complete cunts. I’ve made this known on other forums and there’s always some bitch from the South who proclaims, “I’m not a gentleman and lack manners.” The shaming of ‘not being a gentleman’ is always predictable. I love how they throw that out like I’m going to be paralyzed.

        2. these bitches could write an article for the art of manliness about being a gentleman and moving out of a girl’s way.
          i have a theory about what’s behind it. when you get something all the time in your life and then somebody refuses to give it to you, you feel entitled to it. as an analogy, take women as a whole. there may have been those “gentlemen” around and maybe they were even real men. these men did – in moderation – good things to women. women picked up on those deeds that were done out of good will (because why would the stronger party yield to the weaker out of obligation?) and assumed they were their “rights”. maybe those men even invented “manners” because they liked to live by principles, but now this self-imposed restraint that was meant to add quality to their lives is being used against all men to exploit them. same with the welfare state.
          as i wrote somewhere else: it feels good to do nice things to somebody because you want to. but it feels equally disgusting when you do it out of a sense of fearful obligation.
          it is great to live by principles, but when they stop serving you, ditch them.

        3. I completely agree. It’s the modern exploitation by women who are vile and complete cunts that has forced me — as a matter of personal principle — not to engage in old traditions which was a sign of being a “gentleman” to them.
          The issue why so many young men are completely FED UP is women conveniently picking and choosing when it comes to tradition. I’ve long called this Cafeteria Equality. You see … in an era where men immediately moved out of the way for women, women were expected to clean the the house and have dinner ready. Ahh. But now a days they don’t like that portion of tradition. They only want the side of tradition where they benefit. A guy is not allowed to expect a “lady” to cook and clean. But a woman is darn entitled to demand a “gentleman” move out of her way, walk on outside of sidewalk, hold door open and pick up entire tab. Because after all … well, that’s … tradition.
          To your second to last paragraph: Bingo. I’ve not a problem holding a door open for a lady or picking up the entire tab when I want to because she shows mutual respect and is … a LADY. Not some vile bitch who expects she gets that simply for being born woman.

        4. though i can’t imagine why men would have ever moved out of a woman’s way if not out of fear of the husbands wrath or out of simple arrogant contempt for her weakness. or the modern wimp’s version, reverence.
          in fact, whenever i see a woman, i am subconsciously less afraid of what she might do when i am rude than what her man may do. a bitch carries the protection of her man and gets the respect her man gets, even if she doesn’t deserve it. today, the man is the government. this dichotomy between absence of own accomplishment and yet respect from others must make for a wonderfully false reality perception. and there’s not really anything one can do about it, as the power structure is simply what it is; i think it’s the reason why most women can’t ever really grow up – they don’t have to stand up for themselves and they can’t. yet they get respect. for nuttin.
          so in older times, the respect towards a woman may have been the respect towards her man. today, i respect a woman as much as i respect the government: not at all. and as for the man she may have: look around. reason to be afraid?
          cafeteria equality, love that. yeah, bitches gotta realize that niceties are a choice – not something you can demand. be thankful for the things i give freely and i will be a kind leader.
          reminds me of a guy who very nicely asked me to help him with his english homework on my visit in peru. he went out of his own way to show me how much he appreciated me taking time for him, smiling and being happy all the time. that made me feel great about it, too. because yeah, i could have been doing something else otherwise.

        5. You nailed it. My motto is: If a woman acts like a lady, she gets treated like a lady. If she acts like a whore, she gets treated like a whore.

    8. Or watch the music video of The Verve, Bitter Sweet Symphony. A great didactic tool to be more dominant.

      1. love it. just what i am talking about: the beauty of a straight line. his singing is a bit too gay for my taste buds, though.
        the part with the big guys – i would probably not dare to do that. yet.

  3. Shame on all the dudes of Atlanta for not shielding your city’s ladies! You might just get a whiff of pum pum.

  4. wtf is this? an article about a tweet from some slag? hardly important news

  5. Men invented chivalry. Women killed it; they eagerly killed it and they were happy to kill it.
    Now let them deal with the results of their actions — it’s called ACCOUNTABILITY.

  6. This has nothing to do with sexism. Its just for modern women the gutter has an almost irresistable pull

  7. “Not many men know how to hold a conversation anymore” un motherfucking believable, I’m usually apathetic to social justice nonsense but I hope this is the straw that breaks the camels back. Every girl I have met is a vapid uninteresting waste of space. To say that men don’t know how to hold a conversation with a straight face truly shows how disconnected from reality these women are.
    Ive seriously never met a girl who understood sarcasm, irony, comedic timing, with most of them being fans of slapstick in your face low brow humor.
    Simply put Most of the time it’s like a god damn interview with these broads

    1. women are the cattle that wants to be led. since they do not know leading, they think that both partners are equal, as they do not see the different perspectives of the interaction. “having a conversation” means to lean back for her.
      know that low brow humor. some girl friend of a girl friend once wrote me on facebook and asked if i wanted to suck her big cock. some time later i wrote her that i will hold her hair while i cum in her head and she called me creep. i wasn’t joking, though.

      1. Naah that’s not the low brow humor I’m talking about.
        Fucking Solid banter though on your part.
        I’m talking more about the fact that more and more of my conversations with women are starting to feel like one big boring predictable Steve Carroll/ will Ferrell comedy.
        And people look at me weird when I try to break from the social script and shake things up.

        1. probably depends on the girl.
          the bit more intelligent ones seem to be more receptive for things out of the ordinary. even if their intellect doesn’t make them less self-absorbed.

      2. If you could use extra payment from 50 dollars to 300 dollars on daily basis for doing work over internet from your couch at home for 3-4 h each day then this may interest you…

    2. It’s really young women who can’t hold a conversation with anyone
      Being offended is a normal part of social interaction, folks
      I’ve been to countries where people are far more blunt than Western societies, and it’s a much better feeling

      1. They like to talk about themselves and their feelings and you have to “validate” (ie. don’t criticize) them.

    3. They can have interesting conversations, so long as your definition of interesting includes reality TV and celebrity gossip.

    4. The only “humor” girls get from me are jokes at their expense. Nuanced humor like irony and word play are often lost on women. They only perceive low end jokes. In my experience the only humor they enjoy are backhanded compliments, put downs and puns.

      1. They can be trained, like Pavlov’s Dog, to respond to double entendres. Sexualize her comments, make yours obvious, and eventually almost EVERYTHING will get her giggling even if you didn’t intend it. I did this with my peer group in university and actually got away with it in the small office that I worked in later. The complete prudes would double check their thoughts before they spoke them in my presence, but for the rest, just an eyebrow raised by me at any comment would get their hamster working.
        On another angle, can anyone name a female comedian who is actually funny? It’s like combing STEM jobs to find one.

    5. The sum total of all female humor is men getting hit, kicked, clubbed in balls.

        1. Fiction (hilarious and foreboding fiction) but have you noticed that America’s Funniest Home Videos usually has at least one nut shot per episode?

    6. Don’t know what these white knights want to accomplish with their chivalry. Modern women aren’t going to take them out back and suck their dick for helping them cross the street or opening a door, like they did in the old days. It’s just further spoiling.

      1. Just to speculate, maybe they are married and already in a relationship and their SO encourages or rewards this behavior.

    7. I think “hold a conversation” means “run clown game”. Have a serious discussion and within a few minutes there will be some sort of disagreement that they will consider a deal breaker which means you will never get into their pants. That isn’t an issue with male friends or female colleagues who I don’t want to fuck anyways.

      1. You only get about 20 seconds to excite the pretty girls. Any hint of boredom and her eyes start to wander. Clown game is all they respond positively to, its like they don’t want to be taken seriously.

        1. I guess this is why I only play web game, or do it the old fashioned way by getting an introduction through my network. The women are different in that you have some pre-screening.

      2. Spot on. Women do not want conversation, they want you to entertain her aka clown game.

        1. That’s in the early stages. Later you play “validation game” as discussed elsewhere. If I have a problem and I complain to you as a guy, you listen and then give some advice and then maybe we put our heads together to figure out how to solve it. Women are totally different. If (or when) they complain to you, they don’t want (you) to fix it, they just want to keep complaining to someone who will agree that their complaints and resulting feelings are justified.
          (There are a few exception to this that include starting the car, killing spiders and such, but that tends to be MUCH later in the relationship.)

    8. Agree…and then there is this:
      “I’m sure half of you guys don’t even know what’s wrong with this picture.”
      I know what’s wrong with that picture. That black man is wasting his precious time walking and talking with a black woman. There are too many reasons why he should pass on her and get his time (probably money, too) back from her.
      It’s all just a waste with these women (attitudes).

      1. Lol this completely. I have only been with 1 black girl and I’m black myself! It’s a rule of thumb that she is going to be way more entitled then the average entitled college age girl.
        Plus I don’t fit the rapper, pants around my ankles, drug doing stereotype. And I wear sperrys.
        We pretty much stay out of each other’s way.

        1. Yep. I don’t know what it is but most men would do well to steer clear of them. There are very rare exceptions but for the most part I would stay away. The really bad part is that over the last couple of decades it seems that all American women (or western culture women) have become too entitled that men should avoid many of them, period. This issue has only gotten worse due to the fact that life has become to easy (therefore it can flourish). Hard times are needed to “right the ship” on many different fronts.

        2. i worked at a company once where the call center was 50% black women. there were about two dozen of them. almost all were morbidly obese, loud, and had several kids by several different men. they’d loudly complain about how they couldn’t find a good man, and also sexually harass the hell out of you if you were a decent-looking guy and walked in there. only one of them was thin, pretty and feminine, and not surprisingly she was happily married.

        3. I grew up in Toronto and aside from seven years in Vancouver (a “what’s a black chick?” city) I was living in TO until a few years ago; let’s call it just over a quarter century of my adult life. In that time I have dated only two black chicks and it didn’t go anywhere with either one (one was sweet but – frankly – stupid and didn’t put out while the other struck me as only one step removed from being an axe murderer). My first serious girlfriend was something like a 30/70 black/East Indian mix from Guyana and she was awesome – the fish that got away – but that is it.
          Based on demographics I should have dated several black girls and slept with at least 2, but that never happened.

        4. The studies I looked at have 75%+ of black women being overweight with most of them being obese.
          I was in family court one day and a case ahead of me got called where the lawyer asked for “interim custody of the 6 children of the relationship”. Her client was a wide load black woman. As it turns out, three kids were from his previous relationship so this was sort of ghetto brady bunch goes to court. Still, I can’t fathom who would ever have fucked her, let alone made three kids with her. Maybe he tore out his eyes before emasculating himself. . . I dunno.

        5. indeed. although to be fair, it’s not just black women. i was in a training at my company the last few days run by a blond, blue-eyed woman who is literally almost as wide as she is tall. like, about 5’3 and well over 300 pounds. weird welts on her face too, so she looks kind of like baron vladimir harkonnen from the dune movie (if you’ve seen that). she’s on her third marriage and has kids. how would you get it up and if you did, how would you physically get it in? questions i hope to never, ever know the answers to.

        6. Still, I had a colleague in Vancouver who was fat and on top of that did not have a pleasant face. She was awesome if maybe a bit too assertive. But she can’t find a man because SHE HAS STANDARDS. Not dick nor ab nor money standards, she wants a guy who doesn’t talk shit or do shit.
          I never took a swing at her because she is no beauty and her IQ is in my range and we would argue about all sorts of stupid shit and sometimes she would be right. Best indicator: I bailed from being a lawyer after 4 years but she is still going strong.

        7. I no longer have eyes on the ground as I live in China. . .and I wonder why all the guys bitching about American women are not here to score someone slim and everything.

        8. I would say any foreign black chick is a vast improvement over what we have in the states (and maybe Canada), today.
          The entitled attitude is the worst (followed by the white entitled women). I just couldn’t do it because I couldn’t put up with the attitude. A foreign one (say a truly black woman from Africa or another country) may be a fresh of breath air compared to an American black woman.

        9. Yep..that seems to be your typical American black woman. There are always exceptions to the rule (a few thin ones) but for the most part they are big, loud, with the attitude. I’ll pass.

        10. iin my travels as a younger man, i met some very beautiful and feminine women from ethiopia and somalia.

    9. Well you are just a big bad patriarchy boogie man you see men don’t know how to talk about who taylor swift latest boyfriend is or what color nikki minaj toe nail is today so clearly men just cannot converse.

    10. If you are searching for extra cash with average of 50-300 dollars each day for doing basic work over internet from comfort of your house for 3-4 hours each day then read more here…

    11. As I’ve said before, I cannot go after younger women because of the garbage that comes out of their mouths. I can’t even fake interested anymore. There was a time in my life when I could listen to the endless drivel about themselves if it meant I was getting some ass. Now, no way. When I hear a group of hot young chicks talking among themselves, its like an anti-boner. Verbal diarrhea.
      Edit: I have met a few genuinely funny women, although they are EXTREMELY rare.

    12. Gotta go after chicks 25+ bro, I find chicks under that age range to have a much higher probability of “air-headedness”, plus they’ll usually have more experience.
      It sounds like you’re just really bad at picking out chicks, like really bad, where are you trawling for these basic bitches anyway?

  8. Nothing new here, modern women want men to be gentlemen but they think they shouldn’t need to act like ladies. Hell women act the complete opposite to a female in The West but still want to be treated like a lady.

    1. And it breaks my heart. I want to be chivalrous. I want treat them like ladies. It’s fun, because it allows me to build them up as something special. Hell, one time I pulled over to change a tire for a woman standing, helpless, by the side of the road.
      But more and more women act like something very much not a lady.
      Now I’d drive on. If I saw a guy standing by a car with the hood up, I’d offer him a ride. Woman? I’d just keep driving.

      1. Modern women are in a state of confusion, our feminized society tells them how they are superior to men so if a man helps them he’s being a mysoginist because he’s implying she needs him to it for her. But the reality is men are better at lots if things so they actually do need us plus ao they say you aren’t a gentleman if you don’t. You’re dammed dammed if you do and dammed if you don’t.

      2. Females all have cell phones and if they are driving should be able to pay for a towtruck and call him to change their tire for $100. I wouldn’t even get my hands dirty for a female.Let them pay for everything like a man has to. Why would any man get his hands dirty to save some bitch money? She’ll only be spending it on some junk or more shoes or handbags. As I said, if you can afford a car, insurance and you drive join an auto club for a 100 bucks or pay some towtruck to service your car and learn how to be independent and pay your own way.

        1. Yeah, it’s true. Sad, but true.
          I was driving with my son on a rural road. I pulled over and picked up a guy hitching a ride. We had a great conversation about the area. He told us about the history and what life was like there.
          I don’t think I’d pick up a chick that was hitchhiking. Not only is the liability too great – there’s a decent chance she’d say I tried to rape her – but the conversation would be inane.

  9. In public, I look down at a 45-degree angle, mind my own business and do no favors to strangers, especially women- UNLESS they are older and from a more traditional culture (Eastern Europe/Middle East)

    1. Don’t look down. Look to the horizon; head up back straight. Improves posture, improves sight angle, and you look more confident.

      1. I think you missed my point … in the street, I don’t WANT to see most people’s ugly/angry mugs.

  10. “Not many guys know how to hold a conversation anymore”
    Aye, right. And women do. /Sarcasm.
    One of the things I look for in a woman is intelligence. Sadly, like a less than 20 notch count, finding a woman who I can have a semi-intelligent conversation with, that doesn’t end up with her looking something up on the ubiquitous smartphone or calling me “weird” because they can’t understand the concept or counter my argument is like finding glitter coated unicorn dung, and this is in a city with two universities.

    1. And be careful not to counter any of her feminist talking points with some actual if not politically correct facts .. or else you will be called a “misogynistic creep.”

    2. Women do seem to be less than functional in the conversation category. I had a friend visit me from Switzerland for four days, and the only thing she did was talk about her giant tits (they are nice), fakely complain about how everyone gives her things for free yet she doesn’t know why, and take selfies and pictures of EVERYTHING so that she can upload it to snapchat to showcase her “fun”. I should have let the old perverted chinese men undressing me with their eyes have a go behind the restrooms in the public park. My time there would have been SOO much more entertaining and mentally stimulating than her middle school dribble.

  11. Liked the article, great points, but the use of “not”? what are we, 12 years old in 1992?

  12. Now, I think the disconnect here is between black women and non-black feminists. Atlanta, long held up as a “black-run city” that is a success story (which it isn’t, see sbpdl.com for the low down), has black-women syndrome in droves.
    Black women expect to be treated as queens by black men for no other reason than they are black women. That is, they expect their man to almost literally be a footservant, keeping her from all the minor and major inconveniences of life, and obeying her commands. In my practice, I rarely see such black footservant-men as clients, since most black men who are white knights don’t go committing crimes. Instead, these black white knights are usually the dude who the “black queen” cuckolds with some nasty street trash that I do defend. Captain save-a-hoes.
    Non-black feminists, on the other hand, are peretually sensitive to any perceived slight. So they jump from one hoop to the other, with no rhyme or reason than their sensitivitiy at the moment. Most are heavily medicated, and should be, since their sensitivity to the world is such that they simply cannot handle it.
    The overwhelming emotion in these black-queenie types is demanded fealty; the overwhelming emotion in these non-black feminists is hysterical, protean fear.
    Occasionally, some of these black-queen types get so bad, they actually start thinking that all men (not just their black men) should be their footservants. One or two have come in to my office and think I’ll start massaging their feet and lying in court for them and shit. It’s positively hilarious that some 200lb slut from the ghetto thinks she can order me around or that I want to bang her.
    You can’t really set such idiocy straight, so I’ve had to “fire” them as clients. There’s a couple lawyers who put up with it for the pay, but it’s a dang awful way to make a buck. Entitled, delusional black women are the hardest to deal with behind the scenes as a lawyer.

    1. “Black women expect to be treated as queens by black men for no other
      reason than they are black women. That is, they expect their man to
      almost literally be a footservant, keeping her from all the minor and
      major inconveniences of life, and obeying her commands.”
      That’s because the welfare checks and housing vouchers are coming in her name, they’re not married, and she can always kick him out of the apartment and find another sperm donor, clown, servant. The black racists go on and on about the “legacy of slavery” when they’re really complaining about the results of the “help” that they want more of:
      One study of 19th-century slave families found that in up to three-fourths of the families, all the children had the same mother and father.
      Today’s black illegitimacy rate of nearly 75 percent is also entirely new. In 1940, black illegitimacy stood at 14 percent. It had risen to 25 percent by 1965, when Daniel Patrick Moynihan wrote “The Negro Family: The Case for National Action” and was widely condemned as a racist. By 1980, the black illegitimacy rate had more than doubled, to 56 percent, and it has been growing since. Both during slavery and as late as 1920, a teenage girl raising a child without a man present was rare among blacks.
      Much of today’s pathology seen among many blacks is an outgrowth of the welfare state that has made self-destructive behavior less costly for the individual. Having children without the benefit of marriage is less burdensome if the mother receives housing subsidies, welfare payments and food stamps. Plus, the social stigma associated with unwed motherhood has vanished. Female-headed households, whether black or white, are a ticket for dependency and all of its associated problems. Ignored in all discussions is the fact that the poverty rate among black married couples has been in single digits since 1994.

      1. I disagree; the pathology of blacks today is merely blacks ferally returning to their normal, savage state. West sub-saharan african tribes are organized by a matriarchy where a skank mom has mutiple children by various men, earns a subsistence living by her small farming, while the men are lazy, shiftless dandies who run from any child rearing.
        There is no family amongst blacks.
        it was only the enforced bonds of slaveholders by forcing marriage and fidelity amongst slaves, and later Jim Crow segregation combined with no welfare state that put blacks into 2-parent households. Once freed by the end of segregation/forced marriage and accelerated by the welfare state, blacks became the feral criminals we see today.

    2. The American negro female ranks at the very bottom of the world’s females, right down there with the dregs of the barrel. She must either be crazy or completely stupid to believe that any white man would even want to touch her let alone screw her. It’s probably because of the thirsty negro men who of course can’t get quality white females that screw these ghetto hooligans that give them this impression that white men of substance or even poor white bums would want them too. What deluded crack pipe dreams!

  13. but we all have obligations to reclaim and fumigate the degraded societies we find ourselves in.
    Amen brother. Reclaim and fumigate EVEN if it means negative repercussions. Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead. Can’t make an omelette without breaking some damn eggs. And hurting some SJW feelings.

  14. #notyourhumanshield
    my body my rules.
    Why act like a gentlemen if the woman doesnt act like a lady.
    Chivalry was only beneficial for women of high moral character aka ladies, not for your common street crazy ho.
    respect is earned not given,if you want it you have to give it and live by it.
    Somewhere along the line this was forgotten.

  15. If my mother saw a man walking down the street like the picture above, she always said, “she must be for sale”. Of course she was from an era where manners was an expectation from both men and women.

    1. You know times are bad when it is public fare to tell men to close their legs whilst women are actively opening theirs.

        1. You know it’s amazing that more steps don’t break these days and these lard butts aren’t found dead at the bottom of the stairs. And I would never get into an elevator with something that size.

        2. That girl don’t want no scrub that don’t have no job!! She needs a real man who can take “care” of himself and she doesn’t date fat guys. It’s just her preference.

    2. A woman walking outside in Puerto Rico is for sale. Maybe that goes for all Caribe and South America.

      1. I’m from Canada and that was so hammered in my head that to this day I take the inside.
        I believe it originated in times when people threw their garbage and pee pot contents out the window. Also, so a lady was not splashed by a passing buggy.

    1. Yes. Those drivebys against women by savage gangs such as the Elamwood MRA’s, Red Pill OG’s, MGTO-Dub’s and the Manosphere Bangerz have to be stopped! Whyte Knightz man up!

  16. As it’s been said elsewhere: You know the brothas have it bad when they consider a white American chick an upgrade.

  17. “For the SJW type, a man opening a door for her is considered not only threshold sexism, but fully-fledged patriarchal misogyny. And for the self-entitled type, which includes gold-diggers of any degree but also your average self-entitled bitch, a man not shielding her from traffic is a savage indictment of his masculinity and expected ultra-attentiveness to he”
    Feminists don’t hate men holding open doors.
    They just don’t like men thinking that women need them whenever they hold open doors.
    i.e. they want to depend on men but they just don’t want men thinking they have ANY kind of leverage because of it.
    They want reliable servants that don’t perceive their own strength.
    Those of you familiar with the Harry Potter books know about the house elves.
    A thoroughly humble class of magical creatures that serve the (magical) humans but whose own magical powers greatly exceeds the humans.
    That’s the closest analogy I can think of on such short notice but you get the idea.

    1. “Feminists don’t hate men holding open doors.
      They just don’t like men thinking that women need them whenever they hold open doors.”
      So which is it? Do you like men holding the door open for you or not? Should we open it and as you you approach the doorway, close it? WTF? That is the perfect definition of damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

  18. I actually love opening the door for my sweet feminine company, and I also like walking closer to the street to protect her. But these cunts are making me feel like I’m losing everytime I’m nice to a girl. Fuck them. They ruin everything.

    1. dont be nice to girls. they will severely punish you for your considerate behavior

      1. Well I’d say it depends from what position you’re coming from. If you’re doing it to elicit a positive reaction from her, I would agree. If you’re a strong man who’s simply being nice for the sake of being nice but at the same time doesn’t take any shit from her, it’s a different story.

    2. Females always walk to my left but that’s only so my right hand is completely unimpeded in case I have to belt someone or draw my pistol.

  19. I was just reading how feminist favorite porn star James Deen, declared hes not a feminist, and is very against many of their positions. Googling further, the vast majority of feminists are ok with it(no twitter campaigns, no boycotting). SHIT TEST PASSED. The lesson is don’t try to convince her with your mouth, convince her with your dick. PS and the problem with that foto is that the reinforced belt/girdle she is wearing is the only thing giving her what resembles a waist.

    1. This is hilarious if it is true. So…, big dick and desired by other women equals Shit test immunity? Betas just can’t win with hoes. I don’t blame men for retreating into Fleshlights and Porn.Too many hoes out there and not enough wholesome. Oh the irony of hearing a women at my work describe herself as wholesome last week to the new hunky guy while knowing I saw her bobbing her head up and down in the bosses car while on break in the parking lot just two weeks ago. Why would anyone want to have relationship with a untrustworthy promiscuous woman that thinks of you as slave and meal ticket to be used and abused?

      1. I should have included a few links to the articles. http://www.thegloss.com/2013/11/14/sex-and-dating/angry-feminist-open-letter-james-deen/
        “Would I sleep with you? If we could have our special moment together, and I could keep it off the internet and all for my very own, who wouldn’t? But I get that you’re a professional, and this is what you get paid to do. So I’ll just indulge my new little fantasy in private, like writers are supposed to do. And you’ll keep making ladies feel good about their sexual desires, like more men should.
        Angry Feminist Fan”
        “But maybe, I thought as I headed home at the end of the day, my frustration with him was misplaced. Mr. Deen, after all, didn’t become a porn star so he could become a feminist activist — he did it because, as his own blog so eloquently states, “he knew he was destined to have sex with girls on camera. ”
        And from the belly of the beast (Jezebel). http://jezebel.com/5892942/james-deen-feminist-hero-or-lady-porn-star
        “But why hate on Deen just because he’s in the spotlight? It seems like most of Deen’s fans like him less because they think he’s “safe” and more because he’s the only male porn star out there who actually seems into the women he works with.”

        1. ” more because he’s the only male porn star out there who actually seems into the women he works with.” I thought all porn stars got into the women they worked with?

  20. Women can have equality (or in this case cuntsplaining entitlement), or chivalry. Not both.

  21. The only thing wrong with that picture above is that the man isn’t pushing the bitch onto the road and into oncoming traffic.

  22. She shouldn’t hate on men not knowing what’s wrong with that picture. Not many men are into fashion faux pas! How are they to know that waist cinching belt is the wrong color!
    In seriousness though, I didn’t even know that walking on the outside was a “bad” thing until a man I was with told me to get next to him away from the edge, and the reason he told me was because he didn’t want to advertise that I was for sale. I have more important things to think about than to test if a man I walk next to is going to “save” me from getting hit or shot or whatever else these moronic women think can happen only by being near the edge of the sidewalk.

    1. But check the image of the woman spouting the message. She looks like she’s two bars away from telling every black male who wishes to court her that she needs a mansion, 20k diamond ring, and a pledge of fealty for life and the hereafter. Anyone with that much entitlement clearly only needs protection from their ego.

  23. You can be attentive to the needs and idiosyncrasies of a girl, but only when it is done within the context of her having reaffirmed your specialness to her.

  24. The male walking on the street side comes from latin american culture. There are motorcycle purse snatchers who look for women to approach from behind. Easy target.

  25. “Not many men know how to hold a conversation anymore.”
    Well then pick better men, you dumb bitch!

    1. This bitch would just babble nonsense and all her twitter shit that no men would want to engage in. Then she complains about men don’t know how to hold a conversation? Geez!

    2. She spelled it wrong. She meant to say, “Not many men want to talk to me anymore.”

  26. He’s actually doing the gentlemanly thing in the modern age. The reason men are supposed to protect women from traffic is that it is assumed that traffic is horse drawn. He protects her from getting splattered from the splashes of puddles of horse fluids.
    In the modern era, there are no horses except maybe around Central Park in NYC. However, there are members of an unmentionable protected class that is especially prevalent in metro Atlanta,
    who hide in the alleyways to attack her
    who like to attempt to murder uppity white hispanics with jewish sounding last names who aren’t actually jewish over a particular assault flag (I will add that this protected class is mostly Christian and sometimes Muslim),
    The gentleman’s job is walk next to the buildings so as to protect her from attack from said members of the unmentionable class of whom there are an awful lot in metro Atlanta.
    This assumes that she is a lady in the first place. Good luck with that in America regardless if she or you is of a protected class or not.

    1. It was not due to getting splashed by a horse or something like that. Horses were very strong unpredictable animals and if one got spooked and acted up it took a man to grab the reins to control it, something only a rare burly 250 lb bull dyke may have been able to do while 99% of females were helpless and would just get hurt or killed by a horse.

  27. Equality….right up until there is a spider on the wall or there is a real risk of injury.

  28. You know, sometimes reading this site makes me wonder if we really are leaving in some kind of Matrix and our AI overlords are just trolling us relentlessly to see if we are stupid enough to believe all of this still real and not a computer simulation.

  29. I’ve noticed that when sleeping in a bed with a girl, no matter what our respective sleeping positions are when alone, I’ll always end up on the side of the bed closer to the door. It’s never a thing we discuss, either, it just happens naturally. But bottom line is that if there’s a bump in the night then I’m the one that has to check it out. And if there’s some crazy gunman that enters the room, then by being closest to the door I’m not only the default protector but also the first in the line of fire.
    Long story short, for all the back-patting women give themselves about being strong and independent, they need men to protect them more than they admit.

    1. As he mentioned, Communists, Muslims, and Fascists have eradicated history records and art that doesn’t fit with their sensibilities. It’s also what happened in Brave New World. “Policing thought and censoring expression” – he’s spot on with that observation.

        1. I read Brave New World just a few weeks ago: they began history from the year of our Ford, and all other literature besides technical manuals was suppressed (so only The Savage had a copy of Shakespeare, as well as the Arch Director, who had his own personal collection). They encouraged sports participation and ‘feelies’, while solitude, poetry, etc was strongly discouraged (via hypnopedia). Do you have a different interpretation?

  30. I’m sure half of you guys don’t even know what’s wrong with this picture. Smh
    Yes I can see something wrong. The female is not following the traditional white European custom of walking 1 step behind the man.A man does not hold a door for the female but walks through first and she follows after he opens it (holding a door and allowing the female through first is American)
    And pretty soon these bitches will be complaining that the pavement is not wide enough for their 200 lb butts and we have to make the street wider. This is what happens when men don’t just tell females to shutup and stop bitching and tolerate their childlikeness and sense of entitlement.

  31. My grandmother lives in the countryside. My grandfather died 20 years ago.
    Her pension is about 100$ per month or about 25$ per week.
    She has a farm and grow about 40 different types of fruits(apples, peaches, apricots, plums, blueberries, blackberries, cranberries, raspberries, strawberries, white and red grapes, ) and vegetables(cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, peas, carrots, eggplants, etc etc etc) and 20 types of fresh spices.
    She raises goats for the milk and meat, pigs for meat, rabbits, ducks, chickens for eggs, dogs for protection, 40 bee hives that make around 1-2 tons of organic honey per year,
    She fixes the house, until recently she was taking care of her mother (my great grandmother) until she died.
    She makes tons of canned foods or if you want to call it preservatives, and sends my family and my uncles family soo much food that our basements are full of cans and food.
    And she has only about 100$ to spend per month. That means paying her electricity, cable, phone, water and buying bread. And she always sends me, my brother and our cousin and even our parents and uncle and aunt money on hollydays and birthdays..
    Cooks tons of food every time we go to visit and helps in her community.
    She lived her whole life in Eastern European Communist country(Bulgaria) until the 90s when communism fell.
    And you spoiled American bitches bitch about walking on the outside of the road? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?
    You receive thousands of dollars in government money, get special scholarships and quotas, free birth control, alimony, child support and about a thousand other perks of being born with a vagina.
    And the worst thing that has ever happened in your life is your iPhone battery dying in the middle of the day or Starbucks being our of pumpkin lates…
    And you dare call yourselves “strong” and “independent” women?? That can’t even make a toast or boil water.
    Sorry for the rant but seeing stuff like this really pisses me off.

    1. Western feminists are the weakest women ever created. They ramble on about being strong and empowered, but they are all nothing but toddlers compared to the women of past eras.

    2. Your grandmother is the role model to what all women should strive to be like.

    3. The communists protected their societies rather well from the right wing liberal influence.

  32. If she’s as obnoxious as Ibi, maybe he’s actually hoping she’ll get hit.

    1. If she’s an obnoxious as Ibi, he’s probably waiting for a truck and planning on giving her a nudge.

  33. Feminists again prove they believe women are weak and inferior, not even capable of walking on the side near the traffic.
    I am woman, hear me roar…but protect me for I am weak.

  34. Y’know, I almost think the guy should walk on the inside, b/c that’s where the homeless, skeevy guy will be…and I’m only out walking with women I actually give a shit about, not some SJW femcunt.

  35. Men are only supposed to walk on the outside to protect their lady companions. Since he is not, we can correctly assume that the woman accompanying him is not a lady.

  36. “Not many men know how to hold a conversation anymore”
    It’s difficult to hold a conversation with somebody who has the attention span and mental capacity of a rock.

  37. Women are sheep or as the Swingers would put it “bunny rabbit”
    Move them into their place, dominate and mate.

  38. Someone should inform her that it was once proper for women to walk away from the wall, like you see in the picture.

  39. But I thought Chivalry was crypto patriarchy?? I thought chivalry was hidden misogyny ?? Which is it ladies?? We mens can’t win.
    Would bang though….

  40. My grandmother told me you do this so she is not for sale as a pimp walked with his whores to the outside so the public could see them

  41. …and a lot of these feminist ideal-isms are being re-constructed, upheld and reinforced by “white knight” male pastors (WITH HANDS OUT FOR THE MONEY and an AGENDA to CONTROL) within the walls of those “almighty” Christian churches.

  42. Yawn. Yet, none of those women would “catch a grenade” for me, a la Bruno Mars.

  43. What she should have said is “not many men know how to hold a conversation WITH ME”. You’re goddamn right you uppity hobknobber.

  44. Roosh is no longer willing to watch the decline:
    ” There are many perils associated with going too hard and too fast with this re-education, including negative repercussions for yourself, but we all have obligations to reclaim and fumigate the degraded societies we find ourselves in.”
    We do need to speak out and be “wise as serpents” as the saying goes. We do have some responsibility to the society we live in.

  45. Feminism is quite simply that men and women should be equal in all things, that is, there is no discrimination against one in favour of the other. Conservatard Fucknuts don’t like this because they still want to beat women with clubs and rape them in their caves. Their obsession with property extends to all things.

  46. Risk my life for a diseased bag ho, wetbacccckkkk please. Women ain’t achieve shit anyhow. If a man dies that might be the next great scientist or leader, if george bush wife dies, o woah is the great loss to humanity. Now there will be less cookies and muffins.

  47. We can’t talk about violent crime, because that’s racist
    So let’s discuss pointless shit instead

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