Today, men live in societies where abundance (or lack) of sex depends a lot on the factors of game, available talent pool, etc. and so on. But one reality associated with sex is that it could hold unexpected negative consequences – particularly more without prior knowledge of game, and the true nature of women – as history has numerous examples of men who’ve been unfairly victimized because of that.
When it comes highlighting this scenario (more importantly, false rape accusations) and further illustrate how women have changed little throughout history, one striking parallel is that of the biblical story of Potiphar’s wife and her destructive obsession with Joseph.
The story of Potiphar’s wife
Joseph is an important biblical Hebrew prophet and patriarch—connected to the stories of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and that of the subsequent liberation of the Israelites from Egyptian slavery. His early life tells about a plot by his jealous brothers – who sold him to merchants from a camel caravan traveling to Egypt.
Ultimately, he was sold to Potiphar, the captain of Pharaoh’s guard; where he later became Potiphar’s personal servant, and subsequently his household’s superintendent. Joseph’s intelligence, work ethics and handsome looks eventually attracted the attention of Potiphar’s rich and bored wife (who was used to getting her own way), but later she was furious at him for resisting her attempts to seduce him, and then falsely accused him of attempted rape.
She called out to her servants. Soon all the men came running. “Look!” she said. “My husband has brought this Hebrew slave here to make fools of us! He came into my room to rape me, but I screamed. When he heard me scream, he ran outside and got away, but he left his cloak behind with me.” – Genesis 39:14-15, NLT
Upon hearing this, Potiphar then cast Joseph into prison – from where he later came (luckily) to the Pharaoh’s notice for his ability to interpret the dreams of other prisoners, which saved Egypt during a subsequent famine.
But this story touches upon important parallels and some red pill truths:
- Female (sexual) misery loves company: unrequited female lust and female inability to handle sexual rejection can lead to destructive caprice to destroy a man’s reputation
- The use of pseudo-feminine weakness, pseudo-victim complex and existing social clout by women to lend credibility to a false rape accusation
- The potential risks of working under women (or working for men puppeteered by their women) – unless you have prior game knowledge
- The potential risks of refusing sex, especially to a socially powerful, predatory woman
- The mind of a rich and bored housewife can be a devil’s workshop
And whether Potiphar’s wife may have had psychological or personality problems, they do not excuse or exonerate her from ruining an innocent man’s reputation, and possibly being the instrument of his death, if that could have been the sentence.
But in today’s feminist societies, her behavior is increasingly paralleled by modern women when it comes to male sexual harassment, and unrequited female lust “love” turning to “revenge” through false rape accusations.
When unrequited female sexual overtures could trigger a false rape accusation
In gyno-centric societies, women can increasingly be predatory and men can be easily victimized. In 2009 there were almost 12,700 sexual harassment complaints filed with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Sixteen percent came from men. Even though the total amount of sexual harassment is consistently on the decline, the number of complaints from men have increased over the years.
And though male sexual harassment is no joke, this alarming trend is now seen globally. Even law-enforcement or celebrity circles are not immune to this: power can (sexually) corrupt; and women are no exception.
But even if women are indeed the gatekeepers of sex, does it mean that a man should willingly accept whatever sex he might be pro-offered (even if it may be from females he isn’t attracted to)—overriding his personal tastes, standards and dignity? At least that’s what feminist societies would want: suffocate “regulate” men’s sexual options, by giving total control to women.
Fat acceptance and slut exoneration are just other examples of this dysfunctional modern social engineering construct to sexually enslave men to undesirable women.
So whether she might be an aging slut, or just beginning to begin her ride on the cock carousel, the men she desires or tries to seduce must yield to her: men shouldn’t judge her, have no say in their personal sexual choices, and willingly function as dildos on demand as per her wishes.
Meanwhile in this modern societal minefield – ironically or comically – rape sex tapes are now made by “victims” which are itself viewed as “disturbing art” (thus mocking rape itself). It could then be also said that making a false rape accusation itself has increasingly become a modern “art”, perfected by socially empowered women today.
Thus, game becomes indispensable for men’s personal safety to identify the types and traits of (predatory) women, and the sexual situations which could potentially lead to false rape accusations. Game denialism, puritanical virtue, and blue pill beta ignorance “innocence” are no excuses to disregard the red pill and game, for these excuses won’t save men from misery in such potentially tricky situations.
…more so in today’s times.
As in Joseph’s story, countless men have lost their reputations (or sometimes had their lives destroyed) over false rape accusations throughout history. And in today’s modern societies, this threat is greater than ever before.
Thus, failure to acquire game knowledge would only increase the chances of modern men becoming sitting ducks for the wiles of modern predatory females—not only in relationships, but also in sexual situations which require strategic foresight and tactical finesse.
Game protects men in these increasingly common circumstances. Thus, there is no valid excuse not to acquire it.
Read Next: How To Avoid A False Rape Accusation
It would be interesting to know if there are any earlier written examples of false rape accusations. Female nature has never changed so the chances are good.
Most women the were kept in check like they are in Arab countries today.
The story of Joseph and Potiphar’s wife is probably the first practical lesson about how to deal with women like these. Without God’s plan Joseph would have been toast.
For guys who are not Joseph, we learn that we must be very careful, if not avoiding altogether, of situations in which we can be accused of a he-said-she-said crime with no objective way to vindicate ourselves.
It’s astounding that ancient texts like Bible bears testament to the predatory female nature. Yet, numerous men in this day and age ignores obvious red flags and many even extols feminity as if it is something to be admired.Yech!!!!
Females are vile and cunning. Even the most innocuous among them know how to twist a man around their fingers to acquire privileges and satiate their lust. We have been forewarned by our astute forefathers through historical texts and manuscripts. Only fools will shrug them of as some parochial nonsense.
Not all gate keepers are created equally.
i think the left one looks more real and authentic. the right one is polished and boring. real beauty is on the inside, too: while the right one looks dead and probably is dead inside, because it is made of stone, the left one has an exciting inner life of termites, bugs that are full of awesome emotions.
My spidey sense says that both gates have a dog behind them that can be tricked with the same biscuit. Even Tom Sawyer’s bros couldn’t be tricked into painting the ghetto fence. The mayor’s fence needs a little trimming of bush.
to expand upon your wonderful metaphor. i bet the dog behind the ghetto fence is bigger, louder and meaner than the one behind the mayor’s fence in order to make it seem like there’s something worth protecting.
Buying Kratom gets you an instant acquittal.
I heard Kratom killed Tupac and Biggie. Law enforcement couldn’t even open a case against that muthafuckah.
That’s because America’s top lawyers are proponents of that Kratom shit. Ever since Lincoln used it to acquire laser-beam vision it’s become ingrained in our legal code. Shit’s impervious to prosecution
Krotom is a very reliable slut tell. If she will do kratom she will do anything.
Beware though of the girl who did lots of Kratom when she was younger, but shut it down when she got with you. Bad sign, bro. Bad sign.
What is krotom?
Funny how the bible doesn’t give the name of Potiphar’s wife, though it does name other bad grrrls like Delilah and Jezebel. Perhaps our ancestors made a mistake by starting the tradition of naming baby girls; having names like men can make women feel that they possess more agency and personhood than they really do.
The SJW’s want to destroy a lot of the past and keep us from learning about it because they know on some level that our forefathers got racism and patriarchy right the first time around. The Red Pillers who emphasize the study of history and classic literature, in defiance of the Social Justice agenda, show that they understand how their world view has deep roots in man’s experience.
How could racism be good? On one hand I see a good point such as the boers controlled south Africa keeping the Africans subjugated in there own homeland. So I definatly see it uses but it has clear drawbacks and consequences, such as locking out talent that could be useful by only looking at race. Or building a deep seated hatred that will come around later and bite you if the tide Of power shifts. It builds a huge us against them mentality that is counterproductive. Like in ferguson the residents mostly blacks where calling for justice the same night the shooting happened now you have potential black lynch mobs roaming around. And they could rightly point back to slavery and Jim crow and white flight and a million and one other grievances to justify lynching the of the cop. You have a element of society that doesn’t feel apart of the group, you can give them toys and welcome them in but who will really ever forget that one time you tried to kill them. That’s my take
Man survives from learning to size up the dangers posed to his tribe from other tribes. Even white liberals don’t want to live around poor blacks, hence they use environmental laws and gentrification to price blacks out of the areas white liberals want to live in.
Racism didn’t arise from some kind of accident or mistake, but rather out of necessity for surviving in a harsh and dangerous world.
The world is harsh and dangerous but I think a tribe mentality cannot work. We went from tribes or clans to states then country’s in the evolutionary scale of organizations. Tribes lost out because they are to distinct and hard to band togethor. Even in gentrification blacks still can buy in and be where they aren’t supposed to be so it comes down to class not race. In your tribe you have whites working against your best interest and so on and so forth. I heard they find Jewish manufactured parts at the Iranian nuclear facilitities. So the tribal racial system was beaten out and a Better one was introduced, tribes of like mind.
“So the tribal racial system was beaten out and a Better one was introduced, tribes of like mind.”
The less diversity (cultural, religious, racial and ethnic) the better for the state. Now, a monarchy can manage a more multicultural state than a “democracy,” because a “democracy” (really fascist) state like the USA underwrites all the worst patterns and crimes in the name of fixing them, whereas a monarchy would force everyone to internalize the costs of their own behaviors (so if blacks burn down their own neighborhood while “protesting,” there would no free money to replace everything, and no Section 8 housing vouchers to move them into new non-black cities to ruin.).
The tribe mentality’s done a really good job for the Tribe…
Gotta love white liberal hypocrisy.
“Do as I say, not as I do.”
If you want to see a really hilarious real life validation of this, read up on George Lucas’ recent plans to build affordable housing on his property in super-rich ultra leftist Marin County California.
Yea, I heard all his neighbors have been fighting it for years. Classic example of Not In My Back Yard (NIMBY).
BTW, I don’t know of any PUA’s who go to black African countries for sex. Has Roosh ever done that?
By contrast, white women visit these shit holes as female sex tourists.
Because roosh is the end all be all right? Roosh is Iranian and Iranian men worship white women. And why call a man a pick up artist, is it an art to sleep with women. I mean is it really that impressive that you would call it an art. Art implies it can be taught, but could you given the notes of your demigod roosh go and bang some of the same chicks he has if he didn’t just pay for them mind you. I doubt that You could. Let me learn you some game, there isn’t one good female not one worth flying all over the earth chasing and a good man is one in a thousand. As soon as you do the nasty it’s over that’s it done son, it doesn’t matter if it was a playboy model or the chick down the street. That was as good as it gets. And I figured this out at like the age of 20 i doubt the soundness of mind of anyone who would tell you to take this up as a hobby. And before you tell me well you just don’t know what it’s like. Oh, but I do know what it’s like I can show you my passports been to Spain, Bosnia, croatia, Italy, Japan and that’s a few the list could go on and All I did was chase poontang and was successful.The African is the same as the white as the Japanese unfulfilling.
Heard a podcast from Hangover radio and they first place they had sex at, or addressed, was South Africa and the women they met there.
“Like in ferguson the residents mostly blacks where calling for justice
the same night the shooting happened now you have potential black lynch mobs roaming around. And they could rightly point back to slavery and Jim crow and white flight and a million and one other grievances to justify lynching the of the cop. You have a element of society that doesn’t feel apart of the group, you can give them toys and welcome them in but who will really ever forget that one time you tried to kill them. That’s my take”
Oh man, “calling for justice” and “rightly point back to,” blah, blah, blah. You clearly don’t understand how the fascist government of the USA manages the races, or the reasons behind “white flight” (really just “flight” because everyone moves away to escape, not just whites), etc:
Apartheid may not have been the best system, however when it was in place South Africa had a generally low crime rate and people from other African countries migrated there to partake in the good economy. Since the ANC took over? South Africa is a basket case with no growth and rampant criminality.
Most of the poor urban blacks in America today are willing idiots that listen to the socialists and race hustlers that use them for power. It isn’t to say there aren’t other problems, but if American poor urban blacks held education and accomplishment in the same esteem as they currently hold laziness, idleness, and whoring about they would be in a much better place, in a matter of a few years.
I am actually friends with several former Iraqi soldiers. Back in the day we tried to kill each other. What was in the past is in the past and it has to be at allowed to leave.
You are correct in that aparthied helped South Africa but they made a mistake by not incorporating blacks into the power. Instead of making it about class and mental function it was all about race causing anc to have a wide populous of sympathizers. The Romans for example had a great system of you where not a roman you had to buy in then your children where then roman. By making that a high price you would eliminate from the pool lazy undesirables that all races have an abundance of. I see everyone is focusing on blacks but I don’t see it that way at all. I see it as people born here third fourth generation Americans who are the problem. Why do Indians all seem successful well to make it to the usa from India takes drive and if you have drive you have it plain and simple it shows up. Go to India there are tons of lazy ingnorant Indians. Look at the black there are blacks succeeding and blacks not succeeding. But for some reason the ones who don’t are put as the typical black person. When one thinks of blacks they think of the hood. But whites somehow can separate themselves from association with a trailer park or rednecks the unsuccessful of their race. Even though there are way more trailer parks and rednecks than hoods.
Poll taxes were abolished in the USA at the federal level in 1964 and at the state level in 1966.
The more I read about poll taxes the less I see them as being bad. No state that had them engaged in racial or sexual discrimination in applying the tax; anyone who paid it could vote.
People who stand to lose nothing as a result of bad decisions made by elected officials have no place voting in any election.
No my vision is more like this for citizenship. Requirements like this, to be a citizen to run for office one must pay a one time fee. Not so high as to lock out the lower class but high enough so a lower class person would really have to save for a bit. The citizenship extendeds to immediate family but they only gain legal protection not to vote or run for office. But make it a serious crime for the rich to buy it for their children. The citizens have full rights trials, healthcare, education systems. But the non citizens are on first come first serve basis for everything. But at the same time enable non goverment organizations to really help and educate the non citiZens. So as to elevate them. The only other route for citizenship would be the millitary but amp up the millitary training to make a high attrition rate for trainees and only hounaorble discharges get citizenship upon leaving.
In the perfect patriarchy, female infants would be nursed exclusively by their mothers but not named independently. They would be named by their master upon wedding. A girl would not be named explicitly but would be introduced by her pedigree like ”this is the third daughter of the renound Henog by his second wife Moondust.”
I’m not understanding how game could have helped Joseph in this situation. You can pull verses and stories from the bible but miss the point. In this situation he is faced with a clear fight or flight situation, trust God and stand on your morals no matter the consequences of break them. He stands on his morals regardless of the outside pressure to capitulate and it works for his good. Game would say bang her and make sure no one finds out. also it’s not mentioned in the story but one could assume because the fact he didn’t die being a slave trying to rape a mans wife,that the man didn’t believe his wife was in danger at all. He just went through the motions in the punishment of Joseph. Coming to me next point if you show truth and honesty no one no matter what can strip that from you the story shows this. Joseph didn’t sample being honest or else he would have stopped when his brothers sold him, or when that chick tried to bang him he made it indistinguishable from himself. Which is why he had trials and tribulations, a lie is like an ordinary rock but the truth is like gold if you put it in a fire it gets better .
“Game would say bang her and make sure no one finds out….”
That’s an over generalized assumption. Game doesn’t automatically mean you bang every woman who offers you sex, or does it as you mean to imply?
The article states:
“Thus, game becomes indispensable for men’s personal safety to identify the types and traits of (predatory) women, and the sexual situations which could potentially lead to false rape accusations.”
Even experienced gamers of women have their own choices in selecting women according to personal tastes, and don’t recklessly over-expend themselves.
Game in simplest terms in this context is socio-sexual intelligence – that is not only making the best of the sexual options available, but also wisely disregarding or sidestepping the ones which could hold unpleasant consequences. This comes from red pill foresight, knowledge of female nature, and the different types of women.
Indeed Joseph was a prophet and “divinely protected”, but one thing to be also learnt is that not every man in a similar situation would likewise share his later fortune as when he rose to prominence through his divine gifts – even though being jailed initially. So what would a man do in a similar situation in today’s environment? The only “gift” which can help him is game.
There are risks of working under men controlled by women. (or women themselves), and also of refusing sex to a female overlord. This knowledge comes from game – so even to avoid such situations – game becomes important.
“He stands on his morals regardless of the outside pressure to capitulate and it works for his good.”
I think that’s similar to what the author states in the question:
“But even if women are indeed the gatekeepers of sex, does it mean that a man should willingly accept whatever sex he might be pro-offered (even if it may be from females he isn’t attracted to)—overriding his personal tastes, standards and dignity?”
True, there ain’t anything wrong with patriarchal religion and virtue – but to live totally by it while dissociating from social intelligence and game is not wise too. The lessons which patriarchal religions impart to men is to become socially aware to overcome these challenges of life, not become willing martyrs simply for the sake of misapplied virtue.
In the bible he does have divine help, but only after he has taken the first step blindly. In the situation he is a slave forced to perform day to day, he has no recourse to the predatory nature of the mans wife. He was trapped in a phone booth of sorts in a no win situation and in that situation he still maintained his virtue. By saying game could have got him to see it before it came is ignorant and gives ” game ” to much credit. Hence the fact he was a slave devoid of rights and an avenue of complaint. tell me how could he have gamed his way out of it? Seeing it was a divine test of his faith. The fact the author uses the bible at all shows he does not know the meaning behind the story, God was testing him. To simply strip away that females are predators when given the opportunity and game is your only reprieve is underutilization of the story.
“Unrequited female lust…”
Lol, cool story, Oscar.
You have to admit that traditional society looked out for the interests of lower status males better than ours. It shamed female promiscuity and it made it easier for men to marry young women before these women had the opportunity to damage themselves.
The catholic church even showed compassion for society’s unmarriageble male
sexual rejects by setting up a celibate priesthood and celibate monastic orders. The church valued these men’s lives when the dominant men and women didn’t.
“It shamed female promiscuity and it made it easier for men to marry
young women before these women had the opportunity to damage themselves.”
I just read this “dating diaries” episode in the newspaper today.. and all I could think about was how everything in it validates the manosphere’s understanding of women, about what they really want (an alpha “bad boy” who gives her “tingles” and who has lots of sexual experience which tells a woman she’ll get to enjoy lots of good, hot sex with him) as opposed to what they claim they want, i.e., a “sweet kind man,” how incredibly shallow and superficial women can be (note how she judges him and sizes him up very quickly based on the car he drives and his clothes), and how the current dating market heavily favours women and leaves many of the normal, average-looking men out in the cold and without the same amount of dating and sexual experience that a correspondingly normal, average woman seems to accrue riding the cock-carousel, which leaves most normal, average looking men at a big disadvantage later in life when the carousel rider is finally ready to settle down and wants someone to put a ring around it… but can’t find a good enough man with enough sexual and dating experience because she and her fellow women spend most of their hottest and desirable years rejecting these very men and spreading their legs for the alpha bad boys:
Why marry ?? When you have a smorgasbord of chicks giving it for a glass of wine only !
That video clip was disturbing. I tried to count how many times he said “no”, but I lost count.
But that’s not rape, amirite?
if he’s too much of a wuss to simply stop playing along, there is nobody to blame but him. he’s behaving like a girl.
how could it possibly be rape? he is much stronger than her.
Anyone else see that “I make the rules” shirt as a challenge?
And I have a more reliable wingman than Krauser, his name is Duct Tape.
“Joseph’s intelligence, work ethics and handsome looks eventually attracted the attention of Potiphar’s rich and bored wife (who was used to getting her own way), but later she was furious at him for resisting her attempts to seduce him, and then falsely accused him of attempted rape.”
I call her “the original Feminist.”
And NtZ is right – neither Game or Hell hath no fury. I used to work for Netflix. There was a young woman there who had made several compliments on my physique, and believing that the workplace isn’t an appropriate place for relationships–not to mention that I didn’t find her nearly as attractive as she herself thought she was–I shrugged it off. During a lunch break, I logged onto my account on the company computer and added some movies to my list. I logged back on again the next day and found a movie from the gay/lesbian genre in my list. After asking around, some of my other co-workers told me what I already knew, but being someone who tended to hold grudges, I decided to just let it go rather than make a scene. Some time later, I walked out to my car after my shift and found a page from a gay men’s magazine stuck to my window. The parking lot had no security cameras, so there were no witnesses this time.
You could’ve filed for sexual harassment if you did find out it was her that did this.
The manager at the time, to his credit, gave me the chance to have her canned that first time, but as I said, I was hoping to forgive for a change. I also liked the company and didn’t wanna create problems for them while it was still a young brand. (This happened in 2003.)
Interesting that your manager knew about it and did not bring it up to HR’s attention. Even though if she was not fired, it would at least been on record against her.
It is a manager’s duty to report any harassment incidents to HR by a subordinate. By not doing so puts your manager in the hot seat.
Your Lucky, i’m assuming she didn’t get too Radical in her Scorn? Sometimes a Scorned woman will become obsessed with payback, and the harassment won’t stop till her Ego is satisfied.
Nope, she knew enough to watch her step. Plus, she got canned not too long after. As another female co-worker allowed, “She has a lot of growing-up to do.”
Man I would have had her come over and do the laundry at least. Introduce her to your home girl and set the frame yourself. Don’t let her or any woman dictate your frame. Tell her you can work her in for a threesome. If she’s too posessive or manipulative and just wanted you for a snack, then she has no chemistry to begin with and never will. But if she’ll take her place in a harem, than that’s all you need to know. You should have at least tested her on it. Usually everything has a silk lining somewhere.
A job that I worked for years was for an orchestra. And I brought an attractive Japanese woman to see a performance. The following day when I was doing my work, my two female managers started to question me as to what I was doing the prior night with my date. It went from questioning to full on interrogation.
The one manager became visibly upset and went on talking about the reason I dated “. . . . that Japanese woman was because Asians are submissive and blah blah blah blah.” At a later time this same manager saw me talking to a female coworker and then informed me that people in our department aren’t allowed to talk to people from another department.
I wanted to complain to the General Manager, but he made it very clear to the staff who were his favorites and who weren’t.
These days if I were to work a white collar job again, I won’t answer a female coworker my relationship status. I plan on using either direct affirmative answers like “I keep my private life separate from work” or vague replies like, “I’m not sure if I’m single. Some hours I’m single. Other hours I’m not. “
and he never would have left Potiphars house as the slave and went on to be the vizier of eygpt. The test is to stand for your believes no matter what, not learn game . What ever game is
Nabopolasser, you are probably along the right lines with your interpretation of the theological point of the story. But that isn’t what we’re discussing here. It’s being used as an historical example of a FRA, to show that it isn’t a new thing. It’s also a good story to use because it’s well known, concise, and makes its point in very clear terms.
It’s quite possible to draw out more than one valid conclusion, or use the same story to illustrate more than one point.
What I’m saying is a theological point is the point. You cannot go In the story and intergect what ifs. It is pointless saying if you only knew this when there is a guiding force (God ) conspiring to test the character will . To say that would be to say with enough wisdom you can outsmart God who was working for his good after he showed due reference for the truth regardless of consequences by learning game. Which is to say by learning game you can become god . By knowledge you can outsmart and avoid God and his gifts after you’ve been put in the furnace and tried. Then by using the bible you can denote that game would be the knowledge of evil not of good and by leaning to your own knowledge “game” you would limit yourself to your frame of reference and not expand and become more like God.
Firstly, what are discussed here are the parallels of Potiphar’s story with modern social situations – which are the more visible
parallels men today would usually see, but fail to identify.
Secondly, what is dealt with is male sexual harassment and FRAs throughout history, and more importantly how women in power can undermine a sub-ordinate male’s power over his own sexual choices – even if he might try to protect his virtue.
This parallel becomes even more important in today’s societal quagmire which seeks to socially crucify men even for innocuous reasons – even their virtue at times.
There are a lot of virtuous men who’ve been “victimized” in similar situations throughout history – but more so because they lacked the social intelligence and foresight to properly eject from such situations, if not how to preemptively avoid them.
Thirdly, the usefulness of game to protect oneself in modern application to this story does not underplay or disregard the theological meaning of the story – that is that Joseph didn’t submit, which is admirable, for game can itself teach men to have standards when it comes to women.
But again the overlying layers of the story (the nature of predatory women, the risks of
working for such women, etc) cannot be ignored for these often directly or indirectly contribute to the same situation men today may find themselves in, what Joseph found
himself in. Religion undoubtedly helps
in preservation of faith and virtue, but game helps in self-preservation.
There are different contemporary societal conclusions to this story – not only the usual theological conclusion about Joseph’s virtue , for it talks about a situation many men have found themselves throughout history, and will continue to find themselves in.
And even if they can’t run away – then what are they supposed to do? How to avoid
or eject themselves from such situations with minimal damage – this knowledge comes from game and the red pill.
When religion itself cannot be applied to dynamic nature of life to protect men, then it becomes outdated.
Thankfully, patriarchal religion isn’t that way – for it shows numerous examples like Potiphar’s wife to learn about female nature. Simply focusing on the theological aspect of this story would be underutilizing its application to the state of societies we live in today.
#5 could land you in trouble with HR.
“The potential risks of working under women (or working for men puppeteered by their women) – unless you have prior game knowledge”
HUGE point here! The reality today is that many workplaces are now led by women and homosexuals. Especially in media and advertising! If you are not in a position of power you are in grave danger to being singled out, specifically if you are a strong, masculine man.
Feminists and homosexuals have the same agenda, to keep down straight and hetrosexual men. They will do this usually by passive-aggressive means. It’s not a fair fight when it is 15-1.
Take a peak at the corporate structure of an ad agency and you will see an alarming trend. Yes, the top senior positions are still led by the old guard but they are now in their 50’s and 60’s.
By 2020, those positions will be replaced by women and homosexuals. I did an examination of all the senior roles of an ad agency.
Results (Director level)
Women = 46
Men = 4
Male Homosexuals =12
I don’t expect to change this trend to change anytime soon. Just this summer, this said agency brought in 15 interns.
Women = 13
Men = 1
Male Homosexuals = 3
If you are a male in power now ITS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to bring as many men in as possible. Tough of course with affirmative action laws but there has to be an effort made.
Women are kicking men’s asses in so many categories. Women have advanced degrees over men on a 6-1 clip.
We’re running outta time fellas! Real quick!
The trend also points to many undocumented men doing the mule jobs while old guard men go jobless. The undocumented mules are already compromised and easily leveraged and manipulated. A scenario where a class of cat woman whip carrying bosses dictate over a compromised ant worker class of males where the gender gap is also a societal class gap has ocurred before, precipitating the fall of ancient Egypt. We’re already seeing it with Orama’s female appointees. If the trend were to continue, then you can imagine what the business world would be like. A scenario where some female in the business bat lady boss class might get displeased with one of her mules and simply kill him and stuff him into the trunk of her Lexus to throw into the dumpster on her way home. Under family court bitch law, equal protections have already been breached. Under total hive BITCH RULE, protection under any law is completely lost and thrown out the window. Sense of justice with the right brain follows no rules or law. Still they can be sweet as honey when they’re properly girded and choked.
Has anyone actually beaten Nethack? How the hell am I supposed to do the protection racket when my arc needs to be level 4 in order to survive the gnomish mines in the first place?
So ?? Making porn does buy you an Alpha Romeo ??
Does ANY right thinking person still fall for this low level crapshit????
But plenty of NOT THINKING suckers, dreaming of a quick million !
Its sad. An horrible commentary on the factory line education system we run that turns men to grade and worthless paper seeking junkies
If you could use extra paycheck on the side of about 50 bucks to 300 bucks on daily basis for doing easy jobs from comfort of your home for several h daily then this may interest you…
You’re pathetic.
Only a Buick ?? You got cheated on your making porn movie .
Still waiting for the one who buys a 747 and gold plates the whole damn thing!
Only $73 an hour ?? Boy………You got cheated really bad. Most of porn movie actors get the least minimum $100 an hour !
You mean you can fuck a woman in 20 mins for the first date.I did it and it was fucking awesome.
And the reasons mentioned in this article is why there must be very good evidence of rape, especially when a woman makes these claims.