10 Things I Learned From Touring The American Midwest

I’ve been writing about America and its culture for over a decade, but I’m afraid I’m not as knowledgeable about the entire country as I would like to be. Nearly all of my experiences come from Washington DC and New York City, two cities that are distinct from the rest of the nation. While there is great overlap between them and other American cities, the differences are significant enough that an American man may choose to not write off the country completely.

In my recent Midwest tour I spent time in five cities:

  • Sioux Falls, South Dakota
  • Omaha, Nebraska
  • Lincoln, Nebraska
  • Kansas City, Missouri
  • Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Here’s my video report:

The big outlier is Kansas City, a multicultural and generic city. If someone blindfolded you and dropped you there, you would have difficulty identifying which city it is since it serves as a template for Any Mega City, USA. Because of the high numbers of Hispanics and blacks, I felt like I was in a slightly safer Baltimore.

The rest of the cities can be somewhat generalized as one, even though there are certainly differences between them. Here is what I noticed about the Midwest, excluding Kansas City:

Very high white population


In Nebraska and South Dakota, you can go a long time without seeing a minority. In fact, I was the darkest person in the many venues I stepped foot into. I was actually amazed that parts of America could be as white as Eastern Europe, and they’re not even in the top ten of whitest states.

People use their smartphones significantly less

I would see large groups of girls talking to each other without having their phones out, which is quite rare in Washington DC. There were several points where I noticed that I was on my phone much more than those who surrounded me, making me feel ashamed.

No gays


I did not see more than two gay couples in four days, and the gays I saw were not overtly flaming. It’s almost as if I was in a homosexual free zone.

People are incredibly nice

While I receive more eye contact in a place like Poland, I received many more smiles here. In Oklahoma City, in the dead of night without anyone else around, a woman walking her dogs said “Hello” to me, a gesture that I don’t experience anywhere else. The evil part of me couldn’t help but think that people this nice could be easily taken advantage of. Maybe we can convince them to do all sort of crazy things in the name of “equality” or their own “safety.”

Very high social trust with deep social networks


Now I know why I’m not a big hit among men in the Midwest: my cold approach game would get you quickly marked in your town and ostracized. The best strategy here is to have a lot of friends and date the women in your social circle. Without a social circle in the Midwest, you’re a bit screwed when it comes to landing the best women, who get snapped up soon in college or even high school. If a girl in the Midwest is single past the age of 25, she likely has serious issues that make her an unsuitable mate. She’ll relocate to DC or NYC to try for a Sex And The City lifestyle of experiencing a few rounds of alpha male cock before she has to go back home a broken woman, lamenting about her fun days in the big city.

Obesity is a serious problem


People here are fatter than in the coastal cities, and unfortunately this has impacted the women. All the benefits of women being friendlier and not addicted to smartphones doesn’t matter much if she’s a land whale.

It doesn’t take long in the Midwest to notice that the food culture is horrendous: the most popular foods are fried and loaded with simple carbs and salt with hardly any vegetables. Even worse is that that carries over into the home—they’re not preparing salads and healthy foods in their kitchens. The food is tasty, of course, but it makes you feel like crap and also causes constipation because of the lack of fiber.

Men are more masculine and woman are more feminine

The men are heavily into sports, hunting, machinery, and hanging out with the guys. The women are more girly and elegant with longer hair. While Midwest women are not as feminine as Eastern European women, they do put out a more down-to-Earth vibe that is less snobbish. The only difficulty is that it’s harder to tell in the beginning of an interaction if a Midwest girl is sexually attracted to you or just being her normal self. In more stand-offish cultures, like Ukraine, it’s easier to know where you stand with a girl if she merely talks to you for more than a couple minutes.

It’s significantly cheaper


Washington DC is expensive. You get screwed not only for housing but for food and entertainment. The implied contract is that you work like a slave in your big city job that gives you a flashy business card so you can experience the finest distractions and colorful lights that mankind has to offer without ever being bored. That contract is a bad deal if you’re not a mindless sheep, especially when you consider that the bigger the city, the more likely a girl will participate in anonymous sex through nightlife and Tinder that makes her an unsuitable dating partner.

I’m not too familiar with the average salaries in the Midwest, but even if it’s lower than DC/NYC, the costs you experience there are so much less that you should still come out on top. Don’t let the big city lights seduce you: it’s a trap that inserts you into the rat race with very little opportunity to get out.

You’ll need a car

The Midwest consists of huge expanses of space. When a city wants to grow, it spreads outwards instead of upwards. This means you must have a car, even if you intend to live in the center of the city where the concept of public transportation has yet to catch on. Whatever the Midwest gains from the friendliness of the people is partially lost with the atomization of everyone driving in their car box for much of the day.

It could be a good place to raise a family

The place that stuck out the most for me was Sioux Falls. If I want to know what a “traditional” America looks like, this is perhaps the closest I’ll get (until I visit the Mountain West), though I would have to spend more time here to understand the marriage and religion dynamic. Yes, people are overweight and there also some corrupting influences, but I can say this with certainty: it’s less corrupting than a large Eastern European city like Warsaw, Poland. If I were to marry a village Ukrainian girl tomorrow, I’d prefer to live with her in Sioux Falls than Warsaw. This doesn’t even account for the fact that there are tons of towns smaller than Sioux Falls (population 150,000) that could be better for family life.


I’ll be the first to admit that my analysis of American culture mostly applies to large cities with high transient populations that have weaker social connections. If a man knows his neighbors and maintains long-term relationships with his friends from school, he won’t need cold approach game to meet a girl (he’ll just need game to keep her). But if he lives in a big, expensive city where he changes jobs and apartments frequently and where his friends move to different cities, he’s simply not going to have a strong enough social circle where he can meet attractive women, so he’s much more likely to find my advice helpful, which will be required just to get laid.

While Washington DC is a good place to generalize about American people since it attracts transplants from all over, it’s important to stress that it attracts the outliers from theose states. If a girl from South Dakota comes to DC to work for a non-profit, she is definitely not a typical girl from South Dakota who—if her sexual market value had been good and her mind sane—finds a good man to settle down with before 25 years of age.

At the same time you shouldn’t generalize about America from DC or NYC, our masters are using the same template where family and tribal bonds are being destroyed and replaced with dependence on corporations and the government. Most of you reading right now are from a Western city greater than 2 million people, meaning that the advice and observations I have for you mostly holds true, even if you’re not American. The fact that the advice I give to men is also applicable to those living in England, Canada, Australia, and even India is both convenient and disturbing.

Thanks to my trip to the Midwest, I finally understand why so many guys don’t understand me and often spout game denialist statements like, “Game is stupid, you just have to be a good guy and have some friends.” They say these things because they have a deep social network or are from smaller cities where game does not work in the same way it does in the big cities, or at least where it’s not as required to meet a girl who weighs less than 140 pounds.

I’m not going to change my advice to deal with small towns, especially since most of my readers live in big cities, but at least now I understand why so many men don’t see the point of what I teach. If only I was as lucky as them to grow up in a normal town with normal people whose minds aren’t addicted to the junk that comes out of New York City and Hollywood. Since I’m not, and since I continue to live in big cities, I must use game practices to sleep with women I desire, but now I’m definitely curious about other places in America that could be even better than what I saw in the Midwest.

This article was originally published on Roosh V.

Read Next: 4 Things I Observed From My Trip To New York City

237 thoughts on “10 Things I Learned From Touring The American Midwest”

  1. I believe that America and the Western hemisphere is no longer on life support- it’s dead. The West is now a rotting corpse, decaying and decomposing. The West is gone, politically, economically and socially.
    Look at the news and you can start to sense the panic that is taking place. All of the central banks are scrambling towards negative interest rates and more quantitative easing while manufacturing is being outsourced, oil prices plummeting and bail ins ready to be implemented at a moment’s notice. The only reason why people resort towards moving to the big cities such as New York, London and the other major metropolitan cities is due to the desperation of looking for whatever work is available in this service sector economy, while finding insane costs of living are crushing people. Everywhere you go, small and local businesses are closing down, while chains are appearing left, right and centre. America is officially, a multinational corporation. The small man has no chance in succeeding (unless you are incredibly lucky.)
    Now take a look at the culture of the West. Honor, integrity and honesty, all gone down the toilet. Men have become emasculated, while women have become masculine, with no real structure and good coherent relations that exist between the sexes, while the traditional nuclear family are obliterated by the family courts and constant discrimination and attacks being made against men in general. There is now a constant fear in which men are now living in, whether it is at college campuses or having to work in a office environment filled with insane women and hr deparments constantly breathing down your neck. People are more obsessed with playing with their smartphones like zombies while screaming for celebrities lip sync matches. The idiocy never ceases to spread. Divorces being filed by 70% of women while men losing everything and being displaced altogether from society, should make you realise there is no place for a self respecting man to lay down his foundations towards building a family or career in what is known as the United States of America.
    Times are tough and about to get a whole lot tougher. Which is why expatriation may be one of the better options as a man to consider. But be warned- even this option has its fair share of obstacles- visa problems, civil unrest, etc. But still, a better option to go look into considering the fact that the West has inevitably collapsed. But still, even with all of the pessimism I have mentioned, it is still worth living your life, even in these dark times. Road trips, constant travelling and seeing the world and what it has to offer, can indeed, help to provide you with a fullfilling life even if the world is falling apart.

    1. Fuck running, man. Whites are pretty darn good at winning, there’s already an uprising of discontent for anything PC. Times, they’re a changin’.

    2. Excellent advice.
      This weekend I watched the film 99 houses, it was pretty good, it’s about a guy who is living with his mom and his son, they get behind paying the bank, lose their house in foreclosure, and he has to take a job literally shoveling shit. Eventually the only work he can find is for the asshole who evicted him from his house, and he ends up being morally compromised by taking this work. It is a pretty good depiction of what our society rewards and what it encourages, and the only viable industries left (reselling existing housing stock, which is not a productive enterprise).

    3. Pretty true. The media and academic communists are mostly to blame, I think. We let them take over our culture. The social justice ideology infects every corner of our country, from big city squares to small town churches. I would be curious what Roosh would think of Utah. It has its share of problems, but at least the women there marry and enjoy being home-makers.

      1. Look at how removed college educated youngsters are from reality. In a period where we have high unemployment, jobs vanishing to foreigners, ridiculous cost of living while wages are stagnant — they’re more concerned over faux racism/ sexism/ homphobia and linking pathetic articles from Slate, BuzzFeed and Gawker on FB to appear as “being smart.”
        I’d advise folks to look at some videos of Milo or Shapiro speaking on college campuses. These are just two of countless examples: students losing their minds when a conservative speaker comes to their campus, engaging in violence and methods to shut down the convo. On top of that, you watch these videos and realize these kids are going $50K/ year in-debt for this madness.

        1. They all think they’re rebels cause they smoke weed and have tatoos but really they’re ideal infant wards of the state the education system has designed them to be.
          If all they do is get “triggered” act like fags it’s good because they don’t vote so all the state needs to do is cater to your public sector unions who will frog their march members out to vote for you so you’ll give their lazy asses more benefits..
          This is how you got California and for us Canadians, Ontario..

        1. I’m not the first to point this out, but can there be no conversations here without the Nazi comments? It distracts from the subject matter.

        2. Yeah because you have to be a Nazi to point out that Jews are having a negative effect on our society…..(I’m not for the record).

        3. My Mexican grandfather made more Jew and nigger comments than anyone I’ve ever known. Palestinians… Even blacks go off about Jews a lot. Everyone in history has hated the Jews. Everyone. (I don’t trash Jews but I treat them like any other group, no special passes.)

        4. And it’s for a reason…..
          I mean, it’s not for nothing that basically everyone dislikes you and kicks you out of their states.

    4. Assuming we still have a somewhat high average IQ (which is dropping fast both due to dysgenics and low IQ mass immigration), the West can never actually be “dead” economically.
      An economy is basically people just trading services, that is building houses etc, and even though some manufacturing is outsourced, most western states still produce their own food etc.
      I do agree that most western economies are a mess with high taxation, really it’s the high taxation that is the evil and once that is corrected assuming intelligent people still exist, our economies should be able to recover.
      While I do agree that manufacturing being outsorced is bad (and this is happening due to taxes, not greed), I don’t see why “oil prices plummeting” would be a bad thing for the West lol? Maybe a bad thing for Arab nations that sells us oil and also Norway maybe lol. And yeah, bail-outs (assume that what you meant with bail-in) is a bad thing, but some Western nations like Iceland rather let their banks fail.
      “Now take a look at the culture of the West. Honor, integrity and
      honesty, all gone down the toilet. Men have become emasculated, while
      women have become masculine” <—I would say talk for yourself lol, at least I’m not emasculated and still value those things, and there are still tons of feminine women. But yeah, on the other thing you wrote, men are being discriminated, that’s true.
      “Times are tough and about to get a whole lot tougher. Which is why
      expatriation may be one of the better options as a man to consider” <–I actually think times would get better, the West have shrinking populations, that means more resources for everyone, the bad thing is the mass immigration of third world people that mess this up and drive up prices.

    5. This is a sad indictment on the west and all of us who continue to be a part of it.
      I live in the biggest city in my state and while there is no shortage of mindless shit to do, it seems suffocating to me.
      Yet I cannot leave as I’m making somewhat decent money and able to save. Still it seems as if a part of my soul dies every day I have to see tatted up careerist sluts, whiny bitchmade males with thirst levels penetrating the stratosphere.
      If I go to a smaller city like Sioux Falls, I’d be an outsider with not much prospects for work unless I could start a location independent business.
      Also my game experience is primarily nightlife game in my city so like Roosh said I’d have problems due to lack of social circle.
      That being said I’m absolutely sick of nightclubs and the nightlife in general. I’ve seen and done it all. It’s fucking empty.

      1. Try the midwest-midwest. The Dakotas are more “old West” than Midwest. Look in Michigan (outside of Detroit, avoid that, and Flint), Ohio, Indiana. Lots to do still, plenty of nearby “small big cities” and plenty of jobs.

        1. Thing is I’m in TN now. So I’m here in Dixie land feeling this way. My city has become super cosmopolitan and its just not what I wanna be a part of.
          They have high rise condos and apartments springing up in the downtown area everywhere for the past several years. It attracts these yuppies. Young singles who want to feel cool and part of the en vogue element which the city is trying to promote.
          Some of these places are like 500k plus for a coffin sized place to live but hey now you’re one of the cool kids!
          It’s really nauseating that I work in this environment.
          The women are an absolute misery to be around.
          The cities seem to attract the worst kinds of women. Some of the outer more country areas aren’t near as bad but most of my social circle is involved in the city.

        2. Avoid the Dakotas like the plague, unless it is summer and you are going to be driving through the prairie with a small arsenal.

        3. TN huh? Sounds like you’re stuck in Nashville. If that’s the case part of the trouble there is the proximity of Clarksville. Military bases throw the SMV of folks way out of whack. I’ve witnessed Adonises begging from 2’s. The dependopotamus is real, and they’re an epidemic!

        4. Yup. I’ve seen what you are talking about in some of the trashier areas outside of Nash and its fucking disgusting.
          Thirsty dudes and low smv women who over value themselves cuz they keep getting validation from said dudes. Both are pigs and both deserve the shit sandwich they get in life.
          Downtown Nash where more locals congregate(not Broadway) you tend to have much better looking women. Even so they are all just whores and I have zero respect for them. I talk very bad to most women I come across in the nightlife and I’ve hospitalized white knights before when they predictably try to intervene.
          Sometimes ppl just need a brutal beating.

        5. Yeah I’m stuck in Clarksville myself, so I get to see it first hand, and it’s pretty pathetic. Even the college campus here is a cattle call.

      2. “cannot leave…i’m making somewhat decent money” this is the big swindle. YOU are making decent money in exchange for taking part in the matrix. that money is slow killing you each and every day. the sooner you realise this and break out, the less likely you will find yourself an old man, with many many regrets.

        1. Yes, and the “decent money” pays $50/hr (San Francisco) parking fees, $12 drinks and all the overpriced crapola you would not encounter in Sioux Falls. Your assumption that you would not make your way shows a fundamental lack of understanding of the mid-west.

      3. Can you not find anything “mindful” to do in your big city? For me, I just love small pleasures like walking around the market or stopping for an artisan coffee.

        1. I’ve done things like this before but at this time it is more difficult because I work 65 hrs a week with 2 jobs and I am in the process of starting my own blog which I plan to be writing and learning about this whenever I’m not working my other jobs.

    6. America is dead- last yr marked the 10th straight with 3% or less economic growth. Last good year was 2005…solid growth is at least 4-6% a yr…

      1. Perpetual exponential growth was a retarded delusion to begin with. The optimists were warned, and didn’t listen.

      2. maybe “growth” isn’t such a great thing after all. Look at how economic and technological abundance has completely destroyed America. Women can now rely on the excesses of the American way of life rather than a male provider. This is proving to be a complete disaster. Maybe a long bout of de-growth is exactly what the west needs.

        1. One thing I’ve noticed the past 13 years traveling is that every year the rest of the world catches up a little bit with the US in terms of modern amenities.

    7. I agree with your post, but you shouldn’t despair (my faith considers that a sin). Despite historical examples the West has been kicking the can (problems) down the road for 3 generations and we are out of road and the inept political class is out of bread and circuses. Get ready for reality.
      I spent my Friday night commute on a plane seated next to a beautiful woman from Slovenia (same place Trumps wife is from). We spoke and exchanged pleasantries, talked about our kids, etc.. and then we started talking about Europe and politics. Her last words before she departed was “Europe is dying.” I agree. The West is dying. It lost it’s faith in itself and will be succumbed by inferior cultures. The only question left is “will it die or rise?”
      Interesting times we live in.

    8. I am seriously considering learning Russian and getting the hell out.
      Like this year.
      If anyone has any thoughts on this, please share. It would be helpful to meet other men who I can practice the language with as I learn.
      Its crazy, and I would just be an outsider, but Eastern Europe has been through this stuff before, carried out by the same fucking people…

      1. Seek out a russian girl to help you with the language lessons. The movitvation to learn will be intensified. But learn russian only as a measure to improve yourself.
        The grass isn’t that much greener economically speaking in Russia or Eastern Europe. The wages are low, inflation and cost of living are high, but if all you are looking for is to make ends meet you’ll be ok… but you will never get ahead. Russia has to many former soviet men from the “stans” looking for work and in the EE there simply isn’t any. Anyone with a marketable skill is working abroad.

        1. Find a place where you’re organic and have support. Fleeing to another country is a POOR idea. When the U.S. starts flailing it will beat the shit out of *everybody* in the vicinity. Suddenly you go from charming outsider to “one of them”, then they burn down your house.

        2. Thanks…but depressing. Sounds like a bunch of Kebabs and little opportunity.
          Best lay I ever had was a Ukranian girl a few years ago. Massive flighty whore though.

        3. You are talking to a guy who hast been in Europe from 911 and GWB’s relection as a conservative who didn’t deny it when asked.
          The shit Euros said was surreal. Be it the Board Room or the bar. Surreal.

        4. Gonna baton down the hatches in Wyoming, I figure. Or Montana or perhaps South Dakota. I’ve a strong impulse to save my kids and future grandchildren.

        5. “I’ve a strong impulse to save my kids and future grandchildren.”
          As do I. Crazy as it sounds, wife and I joke about it, but I would send my wife and kids back to Russia. Their politicians may be corrupt, but they are not culturally suicidal.

        6. Yeah, I have my sights on Wyoming. Idaho or Montana are also good choices. I’ve heard good and bad things about the Dakotas.

        7. From what I hear Russia is hell if you don’t have money but paradise if you do. That’s why I’m building up my bank account.

      2. People can say what they will but I left for Latin America and it was a great decision for me, even with all I had to give up to come here, things are still better for me than they were in America. My current girlfriend is 19 years old, was a virgin when we met, is a Christian, cooks, cleans, isn’t materialistic, and is pregnant with my child. I tried to find this for 30 years in America to no avail, simple as it may sound. Found it within two months of being here.

      3. I’m taking Russian lessons. And building up my bank for 3 years until I’m 35 and plan my escape to Russia. But of course a lot can change in 3 years. Russia has great momentum and Putin has been kicking ass but there is still a lot of work to do.

        1. Interesting, we are the same age.
          You are right, much can change in 3 years, and the unpredictability of everything makes it hard to commit. Having the language skills will always be a plus though, I would imagine.
          How difficult is it? I’ve never learned a foreign language outside of joke highschool Spanish.

        2. Learning a foreign language is almost impossible without full immersion and living in the country. Few people have the discipline to practice everyday.
          Spotify has some good Russian playlists. Learn the words and sing them back.
          That’s how I learned Spanish and Portuguese.

        3. find Russian talk shows on youtube and play them in the background. every day for 1 hour or so. Don’t even try to understand just let it play so your brain gets used to hearing it, then gradually learn words.
          the daily exposure is what matters.

    9. You must come from a large metro on one of the coasts or Chicago. When you get away from those “service sector cities” you can find a much different environ. BUT, you must be willing to be a good deal more self-sufficient in your day-to-day activities. Best of luck to you and try to avoid taking antidepressants.

    10. If the small man has no chance then you better be a big man.
      I am from a town smaller than Sioux Falls but what can I say. Is it easier to find a girl? Not so sure. I never dated a single girl there although I had opportunities. I’ll say one thing, it was boring as hell and I could never live there. I would feel my mind becoming smaller and smaller.

  2. I generally dislike big cities and loath DC and NYC. I feel like I’m being legally robbed whenever I go there.
    The nice lady in Oklahoma City was probably carrying a gun and would have shot your ass if you tried anything – another big difference between the coastal cities and the rest of the U.S.

    1. Exactly. We’ll smile, be sociable and nice but if you start getting stupid violent or just acting like you might blow your cork, out come our sidearms.

        1. It’s just a good assumption, if you’re a criminal. The only places they hit here are Criminal Protection Zones (sign posted). We’ve had major businesses change that policy of posting because of the clear way thugs target. United Dairy Farmers went from anti-gun to totally pro-gun in every way because they were the target of so many robberies, being the one of two anti-gun gas station franchises in Ohio, and their hold up rate plummeted when they got rid of the CPZ signs.

  3. Want a 25-yr-old heifer of a wife who will fry you a pound of fatty bacon every morning and deliver it with a kiss? This is your place, if you can penetrate the social circles to land one a them gals.

    1. Sounds like you’re hanging around the wrong small towns, hoss.

      1. I’m a big small town supporter, but I do have to kind of agree with jammy. Attractive women do flock to cities, it’s like cock and free shit heaven for them. It’s much easier to find easy attractive women in the city than in the country. Fat is still shamed in the cities, where it’s become SOP for the country towns. It’s a goddamn shame because a lot of those country girls; when you look at their older pictures, were fucking devastatingly hot before they got fat.
        Fat is 80% of the reason that MGTOW/PUA lifestyle exists. Most girls are, at least when young, quite attractive. There would be plenty of women to go around if not for the fact that 60%+ have rendered themselves completely unfuckable with fat. Imagine if 60% of men were broke/lived on the street. Or 60% of the men died in a war. Women would be fucking batshit trying to get the remaining men to look at them.
        Unfortunately, we are those batshit women. 60% of the population is “dead” to any man with standards. “Normal” has become exceptional.

        1. I did note on another post that fat is a problem, but I suggested that the solution is to live outside a college area. There are more thin attractive young girls here, just 20 minutes north of THE Ohio State University than you can count even if you had all day. The effect is that it spurs on the “old fashioned” sense of competition to stay thin and attractive with the non-college chicks. Toss in the fact that just half an hour up the road we have two other pretty decent universities and thin chickies are everywhere around here. Going to a high school football game is an exercise in restraint in trying not to openly oogle the 17-18 year olds, geez.
          But sure, if you go over to Springfield or Zanesville there are a metric ton more fat broads (pun intended).

  4. The only reason, IMHO, to live in a city is to have access to lots of easy pussy. Also, if you’d like to drink yourself into a stupor and not get a DUI. Absent those 2 goals, there’s almost nothing for most “real men” to do in a city. Nobody works with their hands. Nobody goes outside except to walk from one overpriced bar to the next.
    Take out the beautiful/easy women, and cities are a fucking hell hole. Too many people, prices are ridiculous, 95% of the retail is “female centered” shopping. I can’t actually imagine a more feminine way to live that a box in the sky with someone at your beck and call to prevent you from ever having to do anything except spend money. It’s fucking soul killing. It’s also ugly as sin once you get accustomed to seeing real natural beauty.
    Roosh, head to Salt Lake City, anywhere in Montana, much of Colorado.. It’s incredibly beautiful country with a lot of men who are are really men. The further out of the city, the less “hipster” you’ll get and the more authentic men/women you’ll find. Probably is, it’s not easy at all to find random pus out there. Friend game is the only way to go. And if you sleep around at all you’ll wind up with a bad reputation that’ll be difficult to shake. Not a good place for game, however, a good place to find a wife and raise kids.

    1. Yes. I was raised in a fairly small commuter / farm town. It was assumed by guys in my generation that you go have fun in the city for a few years after college – then get the hell out and start real life in the country or burbs.

    2. Working with your hands is the only definition of a “real man”? Do you mean the production of goods and objects? That would make philosophers such as Aristotle and scientists such as Tesla less than real men. Not to mention Beethoven and Hemingway, since they don’t make objects as such. Teachers wouldn’t count as real men either.
      I live in a major city, on the third floor in a large condo (stairs only), and I work with my hands all day — though not in the way you probably would approve of. I have a major body of water literally five minutes’ walk away, along with incredible running, biking, swimming, soccer, etc. I have three major music venues within three blocks. I spend less than five dollars on beer when I go out, and cook most of my meals at home.
      This is city life. It is what you make of it. It sounds like you just don’t like being around people very much.

      1. Guilty as charged, I hate being around most people. The juice just isn’t worth the squeeze; especially as I’ve become better off, I just have no tolerance for the BS that always comes when you have large numbers of people.
        The other thing that always bugs me is that, even if you fight through the hordes, it’s just not “that special”. I live close to Miami and occasionally go down for work to crazy exclusive restaurants. The typical evening when we do this is arrive at 7PM, jammed into a bar for 2-3 hours waiting for our reserved table. Then seated, mediocre to very good service (depends) and a good meal. Get out of there at 11-12PM after $1,000+ for dinner and wonder to myself.. Was this really any better than Mortons/Captial Grille? And the answer, almost always is “No”. It just costs a lot more and takes a lot more time. Which is pretty much my experience in every city; things that are so easy in the burbs/country are like pulling a tooth in the city. Shopping is a nightmare (everything is crazy packed); sure, I can walk there, but it takes 30 minutes to check out, pretty much negating any time savings. Want to build something? Just forget about it, good luck transporting a 2×4 into your condo. Let alone a table saw. 😉 Everything is just so much harder in the city if you actually want to go out and do something.
        I used to live in a major city, and, as soon as I settled down, I jetted right out of there. It was awesome living there as a single guy; endless bars/clubs, places to walk around and meet girls, no need for a car. But, as soon as your goal isn’t “max puss” anymore, it lost all appeal.
        I just can’t think of a single thing I like to do that would be easier in the city. I enjoy hiking, biking, woodwork, boating, motorcycles.. Sure, you can do all that in the city. But it’s going to be a real challenge and require a ridiculous income to support. Not worth it to me, even though I enjoy the arts sometimes, it’s far easier to drive in a few times a year than to deal with it day to day.

        1. Well, that’s your fault for buying into the overpriced city “scene”. Jesus, that Brickell scene in Miami is enough to drive anybody mad.
          The best food should cost no more than $20 per head and is usually ethnic. You have to ask around but those are the places you want to find, and they’re what makes cities worthwhile. It takes research and avoiding the crowds.
          As for shopping, um… I don’t know what to tell you. I use Amazon a lot.

      1. Thats what i heard about Colorado from a friend who went to UC.he was a liberal and came out a Republican because he said people were so bad with their micro agressions and what not

        1. I’ve been in Boulder and Denver. I had some fun nights in Boulder. I remember there being a ton of hot girls at CU. Of course, this was easily 6 years ago … so things may have changed. 6 Years ago, I don’t recall a proliferation on “safe spaces, micro-aggressions” and finding “racism” in everything. I was in Denver over a year ago and that town is changing. It reminded me of another Portland — bums everywhere.

        2. Boulder he said has a lot of rich entitled people i guess amd he said he only expected to get worse now that google is opening their headquarters there

        3. I was only there briefly … but I’d say your take is correct. From what I’ve heard, the cost of living is now so high that police and fire officials who work in Boulder can’t afford to live there.

        4. Portland is my hometown and while I think the city is very beautiful and livable, the people are some of the worst libtards there are. Part of me can’t wait for the massive earthquake that’s due to hit and hopefully shake some reality into these folks.

        5. I lived in both Portland and Seattle. I loved Portland at first because when I moved there, I was a naive liberal just out of college. Portland made me do a 180. There’s some decent things about Portland. But the people — Talk about some of the most vile, intolerant and hateful people. They’re so irrationally far left. When Michael Savage says “Liberalism is a Mental Disorder,” I find validity in that statement after living in PDX. Just observing these people in public, you can tell something is not right in their heads.

        6. I had a great time in Boulder, but I was 19 so maybe that says something. Still a beautiful area.

        7. It’s when you look in a microscope, spot some paramecium and then openly and loudly declare war on them while swishing the slide back and forth.

        8. “a subtle but offensive comment or action directed at a minority or other nondominant group that is often unintentional or unconsciously reinforces a stereotype” such as “I don’t see you as black.”

        9. Exactly and apparently its taken over colorado, if you’ve seen south park season 19 they hit on ot very well

        10. Some bullshit leftists came up with to further spot nonexistent racist/sexist/whatever-the-fuck-they-think-this-week-o-phobic remarks in everyday life so that they can continue to be perpetual victims.

        11. like when Trump quoted Mussolini recently, and all the libs screamed, “got ‘eem!!! you quoted a fascist!! You fascist!” Then he completely owned them and said, yeah, it’s a great quote….but thinking of the actual material matters far less than crying fascist for liberals.

        12. Denver was best in the 80s and 90s. It’s definitely changing for the worst, but so is most of the country.

        13. Boulder isn’t as weird as it used to be. These days, if you avoid the hill, it has an almost boring small-town vibe. Especially when the college kids leave town.

        14. The massive earthquake is predicted to obliterate Portland and all of its inhabitants

      2. I bud of mine married & divorced one. She was liberal and had a chip on her shoulder which no one, even other liberals, could never figure out. Odd ducks.

    3. Agreed.. Utah/Montana/Colorado should be their own separate country, and I would probably move there. However, I gotta add to your reasons for living in the city: First there is the culture, and I appreciate the theater, symphony, movies, art, museums, restaurants serving diverse food, etc. Second you can make more money, although this is a double edged coin. I make good bank but it’s in a somewhat soul killing white collar profession. It’s only a good career path for “enjoying the decline”

      1. All of those things exist in Columbus Ohio (people are shocked to discover, I must say) AND you can drive 20 minutes and be out in the middle of nowhere without difficulty.

        1. I’ve never explored Ohio.. Made it to Cincinnati but anything further north was too far for me to make in a short car trip. Columbus is definitely on my list to explore more.. Isn’t the Rock&Roll museum there too? Definitely want to see that…

        2. Cleveland for the R&R HOF. The family went there this last summer. Fun place.
          Cincinnati is the second worst place to visit, with Cleveland being the first. Columbus is clean, pretty and you can literally walk down the sidewalk at 2 am in the morning and not feel any kind of threat.

        3. Y’all should come visit sometime. I feel like the Ohio Sales Rep some days, heh. The only problem here is taxes, but compared to big city places it would seem like we live in a taxless anarchy I’d wager.

        4. Well, as spicynujac mentioned, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is a good opener and known internationally. It’s also quite nice and a fun visit.
          Without knowing what interests her (and you) it’s hard to say, but if you have a general “thing” that turns your crank I’m betting I can easily name some spots off the top of my head.

        5. Wright Patterson Air Force Base
          Dayton Air Show
          There are a lot of William Tecumseh Sherman things here, including a museum.
          Depending on what you like to eat, we have a huge selection of German cuisine, Greek cuisine, and some pretty good fine dining in a general sense. Eddie Merlot’s is a semi-high end steak and lobster place that rivals and surpasses places I’ve visited both on the east Coast as well as Texas (the steak melts in your mouth…gah….). And of course Schmidt’s Sausage Haus, which is a must-visit if you hit Columbus.

        6. There’s also the huge Air Force Museum near Wright Patt too, which is a huge draw for aviation and space travel buffs.

        7. I know we differ on this dramatically, but I could never live outside of a major city unless I had retired and moved to some beach resort. When I say outside of a major city I mean, I couldn’t even live in Brooklyn at this point.
          It bugs me, however, when people jump on the “only my way of living is good” or “only the way I do things is for real men” That always seems like bullshit.
          I can definitely understand why someone wouldn’t want to live in a big city….it is a totally valid decision with its own set of benefits and pitfalls….but I have always been an urbanite..it is in my blood.
          Too often people here (not you) will immediately assume that someone who doesn’t believe exactly the way they do is somehow lesser or wrong.

        8. I get the differences and don’t have a problem with them. My only beef is that the only view which comes out is “big city” from the manosphere leaders. Until Roosh’s venture out, those views and advice were all out of touch with “outside of the big city” in a major way. I don’t mind if people want to live there though, you just couldn’t pay me to live there even if the per diem rate was $1,000 a day. Not gonna happen.
          I think Heartist (CH) came to the Midwest once on a lark and filed a very similar, though far less detailed report. He was amazed at how nice people were and how little it took to meet a girl.

        9. Once knew a girl from Baltic. Her parents owned an Amish restaurant in town. I’ve never eaten there but the food sounded like some seriously good stuff. Those Amish know how to cook.

        10. Amish food is amazing, but you best steer clear if you’re avoiding calories or carbs. Head up around Winesburg and vicinity and it’s nearly all Amish with a smattering of Swiss settler’s descendants. The cheese, the slow cook roast beef, the chicken and potatoes smothered in butter…amazing stuff.

        11. I can see that. I think Roosh points to something interesting in this article that he doesn’t have as many mid western fans because “game” as we know it isn’t as much a part of the landscape. When I read stuff here it makes perfect sense and reminds me of situations I am constantly in which goes to your point about it being a big city voice.
          I am taking my first vacation in two years to go down to the islands next month, but this summer I think I will take some time off and try to get a better understanding of the middle of this country.
          I have been to Lexington, KY and Bloomington, IN but not for a long time, just for weekend university symposiums. Might be time for some exploration.

        12. As noted in previous conversations, you have a standing invitation to a guided tour of Columbus and vicinity if you make it through here. Summer time is great, although a bit humid.
          If you come in late summer after OSU starts playing games, we can hit a tailgate and I might even be able to scrounge up some game tickets. I think you’d like a tailgate party. This is nearly *typical*.

        13. Bremenfest is an amazing small town summer festival with music and food…and blondes. My father recommended it and I laughed it off until I got there. It was 99.9% blond people, and the women were kind and attractive. I talked to a lot of decent people, was deaf from the concerts and sunburnt. I really should go back this year

        14. That’s about right for the general area. You have the base population here being descended from German immigrants, with the second largest group being the Irish. Everybody else is a “minority”, including other European descended folks. Up in Union county (close to where I am, give or take) and several other surrounding counties they were issuing their government documents in German up through the 1930’s.
          Makes for an interesting mix, you have the blonde haired good looking chicks that look straight from the Hinterlands, with an easy going devil may care Irish attitude (the old kind, not the new nasty Irish attitude). A radio station jock that came here from the east coast made sure to mention a couple of times that coming to central Ohio was like visiting The Fatherland, heh.

        15. I know the photo was taken in Columbus, Ohio, because of the cop in the background. He has the milkman’s hat.

        16. Yep, I actually like that. Places like Rhode Island have them dressing up like mini-Hitlers. Ugh.
          I can nearly tell you the hall it was taken in front of, heh.

        17. Pretty sure one of them is her mom.
          Which kind of says something. You have a college aged daughter and your wife is still hot. What’s not to like?

        18. I know the hall. I still know a cop on the force. They still don’t like jokes about their hats.

        19. My family actually vacationed to Columbus Ohio awhile back, my parents actually want to retire there when they get older! I loved it there personally, nice people and area. Went to the Columbus Zoo and it was the nicest one I have ever been to, the Ohio Caverns awhile north were also very beautiful. Really, I wouldn’t mind moving there if I could find a nice place in the future.

        20. My family vacationed in Columbus, the Zoo there is amazing and there is a science center called Cosi, but it is more for kids if you have any. There are some beautiful natural caverns about an hour from Columbus too. http://www.ohiocaverns.com/

        21. Yeah that midwestern “comfort food” and Amish food doesn’t translate well if your a couch potato. The Amish work it off. I have to run. Still can’t out run the calories I can take in.

    4. Unfortunately the city of Denver is killing the entire state of Colorado. The leftists have fled California and other large towns and migrated to Denver. There’s a reason the northern part of the state wanted to separate. It’s because Denver controls the politics for the entire state, while screwing the farmers and minimalists occupying the rest of the state.

        1. Same here. Lived there for three years. Happy I got out. The rent raises every month and a new horde of of leftists invades the state each day. It’ll be California 2.0 soon enough.

        2. Colorado shouldn’t be allowed to turn. These people need to be intimidated out. Fuck “micro-aggression”, macro-aggress these useless bottom feeders.

        3. It’s sad and hilarious to me at the same time that these people hate what happened to California because of things *they* voted for, then they move next door and do the same thing all over again. I’m not exaggerating when I say that I think they’re a cancer. They just destroy everything they touch.

        4. Agreed. But it may be too late (unless the farmers organize an armed revolt and reclaim Denver). The state flipped from nearly 60% red to majority blue in under a decade.
          It’s really unfortunate since it’s one of the most beautiful states in this country.

        5. Haha I said the same exact thing. They voted for lousy government policies that essentially ruined California, realized they couldn’t afford to live there anymore, moved to Colorado, and voted for the exact same policies. They hate humanity and seek to destroy it.

        6. CA has the weather, economy, food, and well, everything. CO has a lot of shit weather, bad housing prices, and ghetto people. Enjoy that ski traffic! Go paint the CO flag on everything hipsters!

        7. Quit jerking yourselves off, where do people get that Californians are flooding into CO? It is more a Texan invasion, just go ski anywhere around Christmas to see for yourself. People in Idaho say the same thing.

        8. I watched it happen in the mid 1980’s. Also, Coloradans complained of it (right wing) by name for years. Shit man, Calis were totally xenophobic for a while, while simultaneously fleeing their own self inflicted shithole and made no secret about it.
          Whatever Texas is contributing came from Cali originally, I guarantee you. You couldn’t find two liberals to string together for a lynching in Texas in 1985. If they’re there now, they are from out of state.

        9. I’m aware of both, actually. And “quit jerking yourselves off”? I guess “DirtyHarold” isn’t a misnomer, is it?

        10. I just find it funny when people flatter themselves with the old, “Californians are moving in!?”

        11. Probably people seeking to flee “diversity” and then, lo & behold, the rest of America is right behind whatever happened in CA a few years back.

        12. I could talk about people from Ohio as well if you’d like. I lived in GA for awhile and I don’t really know where the native Georgians went, but it’s like a bus loaded up the entire population of Columbus and Cincinnati and brought them down there. I’m estimating GA will turn “swing state” that reliably goes (honestly can you even call it a swing state if it votes the same way every time?) blue every election within the next 5-10 years.

        13. CA is the locomotive leading the train off the bridge. Sad because it was a beautiful place 50 years ago. I got to experience the past 30 which were the final nails in the coffin

        14. Because I LIVED out there for 8 years while I was in the Army.
          There absolutely is a Californian invasion into CO, and it’s screwing up the state is taxes rise, regulation explodes, and the amounts of grift and corruption in the public sector are going up exponentially.

      1. Stoner losers from the Midwest have now migrated to Denver, & are trying to sell it as a place just as cool as CA. It has entirely sold itself out, and is filled with outsiders trying to act more stereotypical, “native” than the real ones. Like what the guys did in Dumb & Dumber when they went to Aspen and wrote that IOU for their clothes. Roosh, steer your ass to Sonoma county, CA and feel it out…drive a little HWY 1 as well. Santa Rosa, Petaluma etc… all top shelf.

  5. “I was actually amazed that parts of America could be as white as Eastern Europe”
    Yeah, so go back to your own filthy, sandnigger country, so white countries can be white again.

    1. I have more respect for Roosh than for alt-right neckbeard faggots like you.

  6. Does anyone know how hard or easy it is to break into mid west social circles? It sounds so great but at the same time there is less control over who you can date.
    The sweetest girls I met in my coastal city were mid west transplants.
    edit: and they were very pretty in a natural way.
    edit 2: wow thank you guys. I’m saving all of this advice.

    1. I’m from Kansas. the rural girls might be a *little* better but not much. It really depends on where they went to college, strangely enough.
      If they went to a community college, or a small shitty college then they remain good people. If they went to a large state school they often turn into cunts.
      They all seem to understand they have to get married in their 20s, and extremely few will be overt feminists.

    2. It’s not hard to break into social circles because the people generally are very nice to everybody to begin with. You don’t “break into” so much as you hang out with a group with your interests and eventually you start getting invites to tag along to events. It’s nothing at all like the East Coast where you have to present a pedigree proving three generations of your family have lived in the area along with a triplicate signed voucher of financial means.
      I live in Ohio, believe me, you want to hang out with folks, you find what interests you and just start talking, if they don’t talk to you first I mean.

      1. Thank you GhostofJefferson. I get the idea now that social circles in the mid west are made mostly of people who just enjoy each other’s company and not a competition for status/networking purposes.

        1. That’s correct.
          If I wanted to hook into a subculture here, say Oldies Cars, I can find info on the next meeting almost anywhere. I’d show up, walk around, chat with the people at the gathering and I guarantee you by the end of the day I’d have invites to several other events. If I show up to enough events I’d end up getting invitations to cookouts and dinners in short order It’s just how it works out here. A friend of mine who was raised in New Jersey said we’re “obnoxiously nice, why is everybody so fucking nice all the time!?” (in a joking manner)

    3. You could also take some evening courses near a university. Form study groups over coffee and happy hours.

      1. You might be jesting, but that is very close to the truth. If you are not from the region, the best way to meet people is to be active in the local “Clubs” and when I say clubs it is not discos, but VFW, Kiwanas, Elks, Red Cross, Scouts, American Legion, etc…

  7. Roosh, I thank you immensely for this article. I’m not sure if I had any impact on luring you out here or not with my constant “Well, you city boys” stuff, but if so or not so, I’m glad you wrote a very fair and balanced article on what it’s like out here in flyover country.
    One addendum: To avoid the fatties, go to a small town/flyover country place near a university. Problem solved. I live 20 minutes north of THE Ohio State University and because there are thousands and thousands of thin young women by default due to the university, the surrounding area women folk feel the need to stay in shape and compete. A friend of mine from Georgia came up here to visit once and was amazed at how many “in shape, gorgeous women” there were (his words) “You can’t swing a stick without hitting ten of them”.
    Move to Bumwater, Kentucky though and if you don’t have a fatty fetish, you’ll not have sex again voluntarily for the rest of your life.
    The Midwest consists of huge expanses of space. When a city wants to grow, it spreads outwards instead of upwards. This means you must have a car, even if you intend to live in the center of the city where the concept of public transportation has yet to catch on. Whatever the Midwest gains from the friendliness of the people is partially lost with the atomization of everyone driving in their car box for much of the day.
    We reject central transit by and large, very explicitly, every time. The freedom of the automobile is something you’re not accustomed to so it seems “atomizing”. It’s not really, and because of our love of individual transportation you’ll find huge biker communities out here who thrive on the drive, not to mention Oldie Car clubs, drives and gatherings. If you’re not used to it though it can seem strange. But try to build a train out here and you’ll get the middle finger and sent packing, without fail.

  8. So when are you coming to the south? I’m really curious how Roosh will view things down here…

    1. That’s true. I’ve lived in a lot of places in my days, and prefer the Midwest to all other places, hands down. The only place *better* is Wyoming or Montana in my estimation, but that’s due to my place in life right now more than anything else.

      1. I don´t know the States that well, especially anywhere in the middle or south, but, I like the look of the States you mentioned, especially Wyoming which is a perfect square, and of course the iconic Devil´s Tower which looks sureal.

        1. Devil’s Tower is a pure chalk white and is sublime to view. I ride my motorcycle to Sturgis pretty regularly, and Devil’s Tower is always on the checklist to visit. You can see it from nearly 10 miles off and it just gets bigger and bigger until it consumes your view. There’s a bar right at its base which is packed with bikers from across the world during Bike Week. Had a couple from France take my picture because I was open carrying, they’d never seen that before. The Tower itself is just amazing, you can’t go to Wyoming without seeing it.

        2. The last time I was there, there were 1000+ acres for sale near it. It was tempting….but gotta wait for both kids to be out of school first.

        3. Yes, I can feel a tour across the States a blowing in my middle aged chins! I´ve been all around the world and yet I´ve neglected a lot of the States, especially the Badlands and the Big Sky areas. I still think America has that sense of freedom and the last frontier about it when you go to areas like that. I wonder are you actually allowed climb it anymore or is it protected?
          Anyway, I´m in Asia at the moment on a business trip, can´t say it agrees with me, not my type of place. The culture is too exotic and remote for my mind…and there´s no english spell check on their systems either.Excuse my bad spelling etc…!

        4. I wonder are you actually allowed climb it anymore or is it protected?
          No idea. It’s pretty intimidating from a “should I climb it” standpoint. I’ve heard some people say that they were at the top, but I’m not sure if they were being serious, or talking about something in the past, or if you can still do it.

        5. Devil’s Tower is a must see. What you want to do is fly into or start in RapidCity SD. From there you see “The Badlands” ( Sioux injun country) check out Wall Drug in Wall SD. From Rapid City you see the Black Hills which are amazing. In the Black Hills you see Mt Rushmore which is amazing. The monument of Crazy Horse is getting closer to completion. Other Black Hills sights: Sylvan Lake, Wind River Cave. See the towns of Deadwood and Lead. After you see the Black Hills drive west 80miles and see Devil’s Tower which is surreal. Can check out Sturgis SD to home of the famous Sturgis Rally every year.

        6. Sounds good. What I really like about the American landscape is its vastness and that innate hostility it has towards accomadating everyone that comes along. I guess you have to respect it and that´s rare these times.

  9. Live in Sioux Falls. Its an overgrown small town. There are plenty of young thin women, although perhaps a smaller percentage than elsewhere. Churches are very strong as are non-government social/charitable organizations.
    Some gays. There is an annual Pride with a dozen booths and a hundred of so people. Not knowing it was there, I walked my dog in the park through it. Two things struck me about it. First were the excited teenagers in attendance. I am guessing they were being treated like “adults” and seeing things their parents would disapprove and that excited them. The other were tubs labeled “Got Lube?” with tubes of free lube. It was a family park and parents were steering their kids clear. The lesbians were friendly to my dog and that cuts a lot of slack with me.
    There is a dichotomy in South Dakota. The small town middle class farmer/rancher culture and the “outlaw” biker/cowboy culture. Both are masculine. They are, perhaps, a continuum of personality traits rather than entirely separate.

    1. The small town middle class farmer/rancher culture and the “outlaw” biker/cowboy culture. Both are masculine.
      This is what has me looking into Wyoming and/or Montana. They are from the same roots as you suggest.

      1. Wyoming/Montana are amazing. The winters are ridiculous, but, my god, what incredible country to look at. No traffic, no crowds.. It’s my favorite place to visit, always feel refreshed and energized when I get back.

        1. Indeed. I am in fact looking around for property there, or better put, dragging the wife out there and saying “Ok, here’s the list of acceptable places, what do you think of them” and going from there. I’ve even considered somewhere around the Blackrock area of South Dakota (real nice there).

        2. This is probably going to raise some hackles, but I also really like the Salt Lake area. It’s really religious (which isn’t my thing, to put it mildly), but it’s beautiful and close to awesome stuff. Was out there for work and spent the evening in Park City; less than 1hr from downtown SLC and totally different/mountain town atmosphere. That area reminds me of Denver sans hipsters. Replace hipsters with devout Mormons and you have SLC. 😉 But the people are really nice, the area is beautiful, outdoor stuff, the best in the country IMHO, are all nearby and you have a major airport to get out if you need to for work. I’d consider it.
          The other one is area outside of Asheville in the Carolinas. Holy crap, talk about cheap cost of living. It’s also very pretty, and close to major airport, but has a bit of a.. Well… Hick/lack of education problem. Not that big a deal because you can buy a house in the woods and never see your neighbor if you want. And the people there are so nice it’s almost like you’re being put on. I really like that area too, if I stay in FL, I might buy a 2nd home up there.

        3. SLC has a huge underground population of hard core sluts. It was a favorite city of mine when my band was touring

      2. I live in Montana. Smaller towns are generally filled with good people. The larger cities have a lot of “slop.”

        1. Seems to be a constant refrain. The words “cities burned” is recurring throughout history.

  10. Same shit in rural Asia or Latin America.
    You get the most genuine of smiles and affection from people that are from a small town. Big Glitzy America makes you robotic.
    Seriously this is nothing new. Believe it or not, not all country folk aspires to be in Teen Bukake 18.

        1. Actually…being in the movies might be an easier way to go blind than watching them…but only marginally.

  11. I’m a midwest guy. I live in southeast wisconsin and I can tell you there are a large portion of land whales around where I live. It is seemingly ok for these women to embrace the fat instead of live healthy. Im a little over 6 feet tall and weigh about 190 pounds and according to my doctor Im very healthy. The problem I encounter is I am an above average male (will be graduating in a year and have a lot of goals Im pursuing) fishing in a sea of women who demand outright perfection in order to date you. Im certainly not Channing Tatum, but I am not ugly by any means. It is really sad to see the state of the dating environment at least where I live and from what I read, in my many cities across the United States. Somewhere along the way, guys who are perfectly capable of providing an excellent relationship were pushed aside and considered not good enough by women who are not perfect themselves. I refuse to compromise and allow women to dictate the rules when it comes to dating. I dont see it changing anytime soon, but I do see it changing once I enter my 30s, have an established career and my own home. I own 4 acres where I live and while that is not very impressive to women now, it eventually will be. The challenge is whether I want to marry someone who will eventually try to take that away from me. I hope other guys start reading the articles on this sight as its given me a lot of solid insight as to how I should respond to the bullshit circus that is dating these days…..

    1. I’ve never understood Wisconsin. Michigan has a slew of healthy women and they seem friendly enough, but Wisconsin always threw off my bearings.
      I’d say that if you want a good girl, head to another midwest state (not Minnesota which seems to be Wisconsin on steroids) maybe?

      1. Yeah its hard to say. I have so many connections here that its hard to leave. There are a lot of beautiful women but they end up believing that they are completely untouchable because betas and omegas will construct the pedestal they stand on. Its kind of sad what society has become haha.

      2. I drove through Wisconsin on my way to work in St. Paul and knew if I lived there id probably gain weight just cause I love good craft beer, cheese, and cured meats and then factor in the long winters and I’d either be fat or on a permanent bulking cycle, so I’m sure if those girls aren’t active they’re gonna be large

        1. Yeah the winter was hard on me lol. I put on some muscle before fall semester and it has all eroded over one too many three floyds beers and too many klements meat/cheese Christmas gift boxes lol. My new years eve consisted of polishing off an entire case of Zombie dust. Cheese curds are my weak spot. Everywhere you go you can basically get fried cheese curds at the drop of a hat. Damn you wisconsin! lol

        2. I made a stop at the 3 floyds brewery in Indiana and gave it try cause of how much I heard about them and they had some great beer and good food, I think I enjoyed new glarus brewery more tho and their sour beers are the best but that entire area has great food and beer, just sucks those two breweries don’t ship out beer to other parts of the country

    2. I live pretty close to you and we’re pretty similar. Four things:
      1. Don’t marry before 30.
      2. Don’t marry after 30. (Well, maybe if things change in our legal system, but not at the present moment.)
      3. Remind young entitled women who give you crap that there are almost 4 billion vaginas in the world. What makes yours so special? Use those words exactly. Young blonde American women < 24 yrs in particular need to hear this.
      4. Plan a trip to South America after graduation. Prep some basic Spanish. See the smorgasbord of beautiful non-entitled young women available to you, at any age. I’m 40 and smashed 19, 22, and 24 when I lived there a year ago.
      Remember that we men ultimately win the battle of life. Men age fantastically with nutrition, exercise, focus, and purpose. Women generally get more miserable and uglier — hate to say it, but it’s true. The wine v beer metaphor is real.

        1. Happy wise women exist, they’re usually surrounded by their children and family.
          Happy wise single women, not so much.

        2. Indeed. Grandmothers surrounded by ten or more children are both happy and wise.
          And not sobbing into a mess of cats, which are surrogates.
          Stupid women, meh, it makes my head spin how stupid everything has become.

    3. “fishing in a sea of women who demand outright perfection in order to date you.”
      I’m 26 and from southeast Wisconsin as well, and in my experience this quote is spot on. I went on so many dates with girls some of whom I thought were below my attraction level. Nearly all of them were vapid as hell, had no hobbies or true interests, and never had anything to talk about other than school or work. Whatever their job or major was it became quickly apparent that they weren’t really qualified but were most likely going to succeed in their field because thats just the world we live in.
      And somehow like you said all of them had extremely high standards and unrealistic expectations.
      I was once extremely hitting it off with a girl a couple years younger then me one time, probably hb7 (I’d consider myself an honest 8) I had her eating out of the palm of my hand. Soon enough she announced that she was in pre-med (they usually do this early, since their career and/or major shapes most of their identity). I told her I was in grad school for Philosophy. Immediately her disposition changed, and I knew she was out. Most of the attractive women in our area who aren’t trash come from traditional and moderately wealthy families. Girls “don’t date down” status wise. So even if you are more attractive and intelligent then them and have more personality, a step down in status is enough to plummet your SMV down the toilet. And the problem is even if you do continue dating one of them most families have done a shit job maintaining actual tradition and so most of these broads were complete decadent airheads, and like you I refused to lower my standards too much in that regard.
      I continued dates with girls I thought were viable LTR material while also hitting up the bar scene. All the conversations followed the same empty banter, with either cautious flirtation from the viable’s which lead to dead ends after a few dates, or instant hookups and one night stand from the trashier bar skanks. I eventually stopped caring because I found that most girls– regardless of background, education class or anything else– were like Andy Warhol prints: you think maybe the next one is going to be different, but soon you find out that nope, its the same vapid empty reproduction like all the others.
      I suggest getting out of the dating scene if you are currently in it. I became so fed up with it that I became downright rude to most girls I met at the bar. They responded most to this ironically enough, but I found that my standards were just plummeting, and I didn’t like where I ended up. I hate this advice as well, but let them come to you. Its not worth sifting through a sea of shit and constantly disappointed when you think you found something else.

      1. Interesting to hear you’re/were in grad school for Philosophy. Im actually at UWM right now for a bachelor’s in philosophy. Looking for internships at the moment to try to springboard off that and use the plethora of skills that come with a Philosophy degree for a job in business.
        At any rate it is pretty depressing to have to bring so much to the table just to be eliminated almost immediately for whatever reason they choose. These girls are boring as fuck and I’m supposed to be Leonardo Dicaprio with Morgan Freemans voice.
        I got on a dating app 3 months ago to test the waters. I have about 4-5 pictures all of which have me in different settings and show im a fairly outgoing guy. My profile has some mystery to it and is not too cliched. In 3 months Ive had a total of 3 real women message me all of which were way below my standards (which aren’t that high, but I would drop down to a 6 if I absolutely had to). All three of these “women” messaged me saying “hey” or “hi” which if we message them that it is an absolute death sentence.
        So i took up the task of messaging moderately attractive girls or attractive girls around my level simple things such as I read your profile and noticed this about you blah blah blah and asked them some basic questions. I’ve received genuine responses from about 4 women out of probably 150+ messages at this point. I have no expectations for these dating apps the way it is, but its further proof that if you’re slightly above average and have something going for you, you are absolutely worthless on these dating apps. It cracks me up the amount of entitlement these women have in their profile. If their profile is more than 2 small paragraphs long, I usually swipe left almost immediately.
        Its always amusing to me when I match with a really attractive girl and think well here it is she liked my profile so she’ll probably respond. Nope! Guess again!
        As you said its easier to walk away. Im no longer interested in dating and even at college its nearly impossible. I’ve asked out two girls in two semesters after getting to know them through small talk and the first one we went out on an incredibly awkward coffee date and the other one wouldn’t even give me her number and I haven’t spoke to her since.

        1. Go south young man (to other midwestern states, or go West to Montana/Wyoming/Idaho/Dakotas).

        2. Sorry for the delayed response, I just saw your reply. I only use “Disqus” for Rok and I don’t comment on the site often. I had wanted to send a private message to you but it doesn’t seem like I have that option. I’m not sure if I’m just unfamiliar with the site’s format or if there really is no option for PM’s on here. So here is my reply in spite of all that: (Sorry for the wall of text in advance)
          Like you, I briefly tried online dating for around two months before shelving the whole idea. I suspect that most girls use such things as an ego boost. Lets face it, guys have much lower but more reasonable standards then women in matters of attraction and in terms of personality preference. Any halfway decent woman on those sites gets inundated with an endless supply of messages daily. I estimate the top 40% of women on there have a rolodex of dates lined up at any given time. How much value is that chick going to give your date Friday morning when she already has another date lined up later that evening and two more dates schedules over the weekend? To make matters worse, as she reflects on her 4 dates Monday, there’s always a nagging thought that she has a near infinite potential for finding her prince charming out there if she’s just “patient enough to find him”…
          I went on a total of 3 dates via dating sites and each one was pretty awful. Most of my messages on the site received replies, but there were plenty of times where a girl who I thought was very legitimately below my own attraction level would never respond. Near the tail end I was getting no response from more and more women–and I had started broadening my horizons in terms of attraction nearly to the point of messaging chicks I probably would have had trouble getting a rod from. It was depressing as fuck dude. My standards plummeted lower then ever in just those 2 months. I walked away from online dating, but like I said in my response earlier, the dating site mentality extends into the real world dating scene as well. Its a freaking dredge man. I sympathize with your troubles.
          And as its always great to meet another philosophy major in public even if in an internet forum especially because it seems we are a rare and dying breed! I actually left UWM soon after getting into the Grad department. My decision was due in part to personal priorities (family issues), my dislike of the debt I would accrue in the process, as well as the high risk and low reward potential of the whole endeavor . Mainly however I had become disillusioned by our Higher Education system as well as the current state of our society. I couldn’t stand to sit in classroom anymore, much less teach in such an enviornment (I was going to be a TA in hopes of eventually becoming a professor). I’m sure you know, Higher Ed has become a joke. Its more of a profitable industry (and indoctrination program) then an intellectual institution.
          In my experience the philosophy department has been degraded and plundered as bad as any field and perhaps the most of all of them. I’ve been out of “academia” almost 5 years already and it seems like things have gotten exponentially worse, more-so than I had anticipated. My girlfriend is currently enrolled in a private all women’s college. I encouraged her to take a philosophy course (she’s actually in STEM) so she enrolled in a philosophy of science class this semester. After her first day she came home with a feminist book written by her professor. I struggled though the first few chapters but ended up throwing the book at the wall in anger. I would do better to wipe my ass with those pages then read them.
          I have since kept up with most of the syllabus, which has been completely compromised by the professor’s narrow ideological perspective, and my girlfriend often gives me reports after each class. Let me tell you, the absolute idiocy being disseminated in that classroom is staggering. I always thought these feminist/SJW morons in academia were just ignorant of classical philosophy and basic logic. However in her book this teacher at least briefly confronted classic philosophy and any logical constructs therein. However she did this by merely relegated such things to a line or two before sweeping them aside and rejecting them outright sans a legitimate argument for doing so other then because “Patriarchy”, “Old dead white guys…” and “Western Civ. is bad grrr”. I did not know such a perspective was possible by anyone who considered themselves a “philosopher” much less a sane person. Its like calling yourself a mathematician but stating you don’t believe in numbers, and so none of your equations contain numbers or any other similar abstract system. Its insane.
          Consequently, this professor and those of her ilk that I had in my college days had no coherent system of intellect, and just bumble-fucked their way through every major theory or school of thought. She stumbles through readings, misinterprets or distorts entire texts often by cherry picking insignificant details, taking them out of context and over inflating their worth. And she thinks she can get away with it because the “social constructs” argument allows for anything to be a legitimate or viable option. The term has become a free for all, a get out of jail free card, a real catch 22 for any established body of knowledge. I could go on about how such thinking has polluted STEM as well, but I’ll spare you for now.
          It honestly angers me that these morons cannot even construct proper and coherent arguments yet they teach in major universities and pollute large quantities of younger generations.
          At any rate I hope your experiences have been more beneficial and enjoyable then mine. Perhaps there are some remaining bastions of logic and sanity remaining. I wish you good luck in your endeavors.
          Also though I am only a few years older than you, I have found that as I get older, the more rare actual intellectual or otherwise “deep” or personal conversation becomes. Most people even in modern academia don’t possess the tools for critical thinking or introspection, and its hard to connect with the ever-growing rabblement. If you ever want to meet up, grab a coffee or beer and talk to a like minded individual I would be up for it. I’m sure the media won’t try to ban just a 2 man RoK meet up, but who knows. If you’re up for it let me know dude (preferably through a private message if that’s possible)

  12. Lived in Iowa for 6 years now. Lived all over the country previously. Girls here are massively promiscuous. I’m guessing it’s due to the fact there is nothing to do here but drink and fuck. I was banging this girl who is a massive ho, loosest pussy on the planet. I mean it’s like she got hollowed out like a canoe on a regular basis. So I’m fuckin her, it’s like a bucket of water. Just gotta pick a wall and stick to it. And she asks me mid slop “am I the tightest you’ve had?” This is mid bang mind you. The whirlwind of irony and realization that if I say the truth, bang is over swept over me in a matter of moments. I looked down at her, and failing to not sound like Chris Rock said “Yeah!”. Every girl here is a massive whore.

    1. Iowa is desolate. I feel more sense of human beings being around and things to do in Nebraska or one of the Dakotas. Des Moines to the exception of course.

      1. Fucking hate Iowa. My only experience with the Dakotas was in the winter (don’t do it). Nebraska was okay but not my cup of tea

        1. Iowa is always a letdown. All that space, and nothing done with it masculine outside of farming. Get up northern Iowa near SD and that changes. But not a moment before.

        2. Even DesMoines or Des Moines is not on spell check. That should say something. Many portions of Illinois/Indiana share the same boring reality. Indiana might take the cake in terms of backwardness and just generally being awful

  13. Come do a tour of the outer boros of NYC- Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx and Staten Island. A free face slashing comes with this package

  14. Wish I would’ve known when you were in KC… definitely safer than Baltimore – but if you venture into the wrong place – could be worse

  15. If you thought KC was bad, you wouldn’t believe the shitstorm that St. Louis has become. Black Lives Matter…. You’re welcome

    1. I am from a smaller midwest community and visited St. Louis, damn was that an experience. Great food and arch, but lots of drama.

    2. I currently live in Saint Louis, I moved here after being laid off from my job in Long Beach,CA. My sister convinced me to come here because it’s cheaper and to be closer to family. It’s definitely super cheap…I bought a 2 bedroom condo in Hazelwood for $25K straight cash, so no more rent or mortgage for me.
      The black people here in Saint Louis are a different breed. They are just completely uncivil creatures, like wild animals. I was at the Galleria Mall just yesterday and a fight broke out between a few black women.
      For now I’m just saving my money until I decide where else to move to. Saint Louis is such a horrible city in every aspect.

      1. I’m in the St. Louis area too, but I live in Wentzville, far away from the feral animals the live in and near the city. I like that St. Charles county is still conservative.

      2. Property here is dirt cheap, the girls are total sluts, and the scenery is nice when you drive Southwest. Those are the best attributes of St. Louis.
        Problem is, Ferguson set off a huge divide in St. Louis. There used to be way less hostility between the races, and people just had a good time. Also, with Wash. U, we have a huge SJW demographic in the city. The women are either ugly, out of shape, some combination of the two, or a crazy SJW. At least they are slutty.
        We have talked stl on here before, camel jockey.

  16. My $.02: The mid-west is great place to grow up as child and raise a family. It is hell being there as a single young man. Big correlation why so many guys from that region sign up for the military– though I think southerners are still slightly the bigger group. I live overseas now, but would return there in a heart beat.
    Also I would recommend every man to spend some time in Chicago (acception being the south side and anything toward Gary, IN).

    1. @John Galt-in my time in the USAF I met a gazillion guys from the deep South. They formed a large contingent of the enlisted ranks.

  17. A few years ago I did a road trip through the mid West and stopped in many of the same cities. One hotel I stayed in had a permanent sign in the lobby that said “do NOT use towels to cleaning hunting rifles request gun rags from front desk”. I found people in those parts to be more “real” in that they understood how society worked. They knew the farmer that stocked the local grocery store, raised livestock, worked manual labor, and generally understood the value of a dollar.
    The downsides are as Roosh stated is that most women are married by 25, there is very little night life even in some of the larger cities, and the people tend to be “boring” in that they tend to be simple (nothing wrong with that…you just aren’t going to find a philosopher at the local watering hole).
    I don’t think I would ever want to live out there, but if you need a place to clear your head for a few days drive or book a flight to a random city in the mid West.

    1. (nothing wrong with that…you just aren’t going to find a philosopher at the local watering hole).
      You apparently don’t drink in the same bars as me, heh.

      1. Where I live in rural PA you won’t find pretentious faggot Derrida reading types wearing tiny glasses. I had enough of that in my years near NYC. You may find a retired engineer ruminating about becoming a farmer, who talks about moving to the country with his wife years ago with a far off look in his eyes.

  18. The grass is always greener, I guess, but as someone who has lived in a smallish southeastern town for the past 15 years, it’s not exactly the paradise that it may seem to those on the outside.
    Small towns are incredibly cliquish, and as the article says, the good women are taken by their early 20s and often before that. Most of the socializing happens in and around church communities, which can be just as political and off-putting as any big city social network.
    Now, if you do what I did and find a foreign girl to bring back to an American small town, that’s the good life because you don’t have to work as hard to keep her focused on you and the two of you can avoid all of the social circle bullshit in favor of just doing your own thing. But there is plenty of bluepill bullshit in flyover country, and growing up in a small town isn’t any easier than growing up in NYC.

    1. The church is not omnipresent in the midwest, socially speaking. In fact, where did you get that from? Ohio here, btw.

      1. I think it really just depends on the community. My community is close to a really liberal SJW college area, but about 18 miles away from that is a real church centered community. I am in the area between the two! Michigan is where I am from.

    2. The southeast and the midwest are very different entities. Sounds like you rode the bible belt west instead of going north and seeing the old industrial heartlands

  19. I’ve been to Iowa once, the white people there are some of the most naive i’ve ever met
    something in the water?

    1. It’s called being virtuous and having the assumption that others are as well. It’s a trait of white cultures from the north. Foreigners often take advantage of it, are discovered, and then nuked. There’s a certain level of “oh, that’s why” involved here. Unfortunately, you can’t do that any longer, because…equality.

  20. I’d have to say that for the most part the great plains are terribly boring. Horrendous winters and that wind that just slices right though you in the northern ones and a Texas badlands feel in the southern ones (There is a reason why the US government settled the Indians in Oklahoma after all). I have lived most of my life in Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan and Ohio and honestly dreaded heading west or north into Canada cause it never ceased sucking.
    If you are a worldly individual who desires independence and simplicity then the Midwest is for you. If you are unwilling or capable of creating things which surround you then I highly recommend staying in the urban centers. .

    1. Total agreement.
      Although I like the Old West states a lot, but that’s a “me thing”.

      1. As a midwestern man at heart the great plains trouble me in that they are not diversified enough. Too much of one crop in one area and oodles of badlands. One reason I moved to my current post industrial locale is the fact I could put just about anything in the ground and it would flourish. Including hops and grapes…

  21. That was pretty introspective there, player. Looking inward is always a good thing.
    Now pack your bags and go hit up the Deep South.

    1. Can’t speak for Roosh but I’ve been and lived there. Whole hell of a lot of fat chicks to make the midwest and everyplace else look thin by comparison. The few thin chicks are *UBER HOT* especially with their accents but consider you’re up against every other man in the South for competition. Those Duck Commander folk may look hairy but they have your ass beat (and mine too).
      I met some super hot Southern chicks in the military during the mid 1980’s. I’ve not met one since who was not wifed up OR Pretty Princess with a hot accent, since.

  22. WTF is with the takeover of Americans minds via pets? I went to a campground yesterday that had a separate dog shower, and 80% of crap in my fb feed is animal related. I like animals, but from my distance I can see the unhealthy obsessions.

      1. Have a cousin like that. She is in good shape, but her and husband never had kids so it always “selfies” of them lifting wine glasses on the east coast or pics of their pets. Sad really.

    1. Fills in the void people have from being childless or only having one or two kids

  23. As someone who grew up in the suburbs of NYC and currently lives in NYC I can attest to the culture shock that going to a rural area brings. As of now I mainly stick to the East Coast, but once or twice a year I’ll travel to rural Pennsylvania to visit some old college friends. It’s only 3 hours away but it’s like being on another planet. The first bit of culture shock was when I went to a gas station immediately after getting into town and the cashier was a white woman who actually said hello to me and chatted me up. I dress typical for a young NYC resident, so much so that I’m invisible while in the city, but in this small town I stood out like a sore thumb. Walking down the street a group of teenagers commented on my clothes like I was an alien from another planet.
    As much as living in the big city suits my personality and goals at the moment, I do enjoy my time away in the middle of nowhere. It’s quiet. It’s serene. Lots of beautiful nature. And as Roosh mentioned that big city stink isn’t all over everyone. I’ve personally seen young, idealistic girls from the Midwest move to the city as sweet charming things and within a year become cynical, used up hipster twats in shitty vintage dresses with their smartphones glued to their hands. The light is literally sucked out of their eyes.

    1. “The light is literally sucked out of their eyes.”
      You nailed exactly how I see cities. They just crush the soul in people, women most quickly, but even men eventually as you become more and more jaded to the experience. IMHO, we just aren’t built to live so close to one another, it’s like putting a bunch of rats in a cage, the start attacking one another for no reason.
      Also, you have to think about what cities are like for women. It’s better than a man stepping into a whorehouse with a few 100’s falling out his back pocket and a black card stapled to his head. The cock is everywhere and most city women will rack up dozens of new lays in the first year. That has a serious soul killing effect for anyone, but, most especially for women. The only men who have sexual access like that are A list celebs and pimps (like, real pimps, not “pimps”). Both of those groups typically go fucking batshit eventually, nobody is designed to have sexual access be that easy. It makes men jaded and women insane.

      1. Here are some more differences between the city and the country:
        In the city I know tons of girls who have intense anxiety or are on anti-depressants. Sexual access aside they’re just having their souls crushed by the rat race. These girls tend to be in their mid- to late-20’s, when biologically speaking they should already be mothers. Instead they’re stressing about a non-profit job while collecting cats and becoming miserable. But most girls I know from rural areas are usually wifed up or in very serious, committed relationships by the same age range. Like Roosh said, if a Midwestern girl isn’t wifed up early then something is seriously wrong with them.
        In addition, it’s easy to take people for granted when living in a big city. I remember one time walking past Bryant Park when I saw a guy on a bike get hit by a delivery van. No one stopped to help the guy, no doubt since they had places to go and figured there were tons of other people around who can help them. To make matters worse, the van driver got out of the vehicle and proceeded to yell at the cyclist for being in his way. So if pedestrians won’t help a person who was just hit by a van, why would they say hello to you? Meanwhile, in the country there are less people so you can’t ignore people or burn bridges the same way. In very rural areas people have a sense of duty to help others in trouble – For example, in Alaska motorists will always pull over to help out a broken down car, since in the cold environment ignoring them could mean allowing someone to die.

  24. Relocate. Middle America is real America. Middle America will put Trump in the white house. Middle Americans actually reproduce. They’re not all fags and spinsters. They’re real men and girls. They resist the toxic trends going on in American culture.

  25. Living in Indiana, I must admit that these are all true. The only thing wrong is that the women are not cosmopolitan. And what I mean by that is, being good in bed. But its alright. You can definitely raise a family here.

  26. Maybe this is why I have a hard time understanding some of this game stuff too. I live in South Carolina, and the culture here is very much like you describe it in the Midwest. Nice, friendly people who tend to have traditional values, marry young, and tend NOT to view sex as a casual pastime. When the ROK writers talk about how all girls spend their youth racking up double- (or even triple-) digit notch counts with one-night stands, I’m genuinely surprised. Where I come from a lot of people think it’s scandalous to even kiss before you are engaged. So all of you who think these manosphere guys are just overreacting to bad (or non-existent) relationships, or have Mommy issues, or just plain hate women, it could just be that they are coming from a big-city perspective, where the way people act (girls especially) is quite different from what you’re used to. Clearly there is more than one culture in America.

  27. RE: Warsaw, Poland
    I’m an American who lived in Warsaw; 1995 – 2014. The locals told me that Poland
    is in Central Europe, not Eastern Europe. Checking a map, I agree, Poland,
    Hungary, Czech Republic, and Slovakia are located in Central Europe. During the
    commie times, the Soviets wanted the west to think of the aforementioned countries
    as being in the eastern region so it was mostly the Soviets who kept pushing the Eastern Europe location of these countries.
    As for corrupt, I found that policing was pretty even handed; I didn’t witness or hear
    about very many bribes paid to police. A few ministry heads we re caught with their hands in the cookie jar, but they were usually quickly removed from their positions. Overall I found Warsaw reasonably enjoyable: commercial, good pubs, good public transportation, and generally American friendly.

  28. I’m guessing the rainbow flag with the swastika is a jab at the current state of the alt-right? You’re not wrong there. Where in that stupid ideology, two gay white guys are more preferable than a heterosexual mixed-race couple.

  29. Well, thanks for the bone Roosh. That was interesting. Having lived in the mid-west for 55 years I can say you show some insight. You should spend some more time in our neck of the woods. You most likely did not meet very many men that are self-sufficient even though you did notice that we hunt and fish, etc. I run a trapline too. PETA would have a freaking heart attack over my circle of friends. I’ve lived a few times in large metros and always found them lacking.
    We have women who find it perfectly acceptable to live outside of town on twenty or more acres with a half-acre or larger garden, can our own food, eat wildlife and freshly caught fish, and we still find being on the government dole as shameful. Oh, and while there are plenty of gals that are overweight, those who are not never become so. We eat well without having to rely on Monsanto and corporate produced products. We take care of what we have and do not need to live in today’s “disposable society”. I still own and use products that my great grandparents purchased or built in the early 1900’s.
    Many of us are cultured and we are quite well versed in the arts. A lot of mid-west schools still have bands, orchestras, art classes and theater as a part of the regular curriculum.
    One of the things that you did not note is that folks from large east and west coast metropolitan areas think we’re all backwards hicks. We look, listen and laugh. I’m glad you got a taste and you understand now why I often comment about folks being from large metros when they speak of “how women are”. Never intended to downgrade your observations, but point out an entirely different world from the “coasts”.

    1. I would, however, recommend avoiding university towns:
      Madison, WI
      Iowa City, IA
      Ames, IA
      Columbia, MO
      Lawrence, KS
      Manhattan, KS
      Any college town spreads the SJW poison and slut culture. My criteria has become “can I step outside and see the entire Milky Way or just a few of the brighter stars in the sky?”

  30. “I did not see more than two gay couples in four days, and the gays I saw were not overtly flaming. It’s almost as if I was in a homosexual free zone.”
    Yeah in smaller towns and cities, even near fagopolises like Toronto, in this part of Canada they have to tone it down a lot and that’s how it should be.

  31. Las Cruces, NM had the nicest people on the PLANET when I went to NMSU back in the early 2000’s….lotsa fat girls even on campus though…still, lotsa conservative Christians if that is what you are looking for as well as Catholics…people in NM are the most laid-back I have ever met, much much more laid back and less uptight than California where I lived for a few years (in an armpit called Ridgecrest in the Mojave desert)….yuk….

  32. The heart of this is true as I live here. The thing is that you cannot say it isn’t getting corrupted. It is slowly. It’s really a continuum. Move to bigger towns then small cities and finally cities and it gets progressively worse. Even our bigger areas aren’t usually quite as corrupted as NYC for example. There is some hope of preservation in middle America but we must act soon before we go the way of the rest. We are slowly feeling the corruption.

  33. I played a few shows in Lincoln. In August. Hot and humid as hell. One of the shows was on game day… Yeah, that didn’t work too well. Kansas City is very generic. Boring.

  34. Roosh, you clearly are a fast study. Because this piece has made me understand you better. Please try to visit all 50 states if you can, even though I have not myself. I would be interested in your take on the south. Because my personal, though limited, experience of the south, is as Hollywood cliches would have it. Sex obsessed warriors who love to live it up. It’s just that I don’t fear the mentality as I once did.

  35. It’s a shame you didn’t stop by Des Moines! Though honestly Omaha is pretty similar, just slightly larger.
    I saw you retweet this article and jumped at it, curious to see what you had to say. Usually we just get condescension from coastal people but gotta hand it to you, this is very accurate and fair. Zero disagreement here (even the car point, bronan brought his bike here from Colorado and almost never got to use it the two years he was here)
    The necessity of Cold approaching is just not here, though it is still handy if you master it if course. Girls being cunts is just not a thing here either, so hard asshole game isn’t necessary either. Since everyone is pretty nice and also only or two degrees separated in social circle, most dudes meet chicks by random social circle encounters- you’re at the bar with some friends and then some of one friends friends run into you and so on. Everyone gets along well and there’s your shot if there’s decent chicks with them.
    Most dudes end up with a gf this way and will never need to cold approach ever. Girls aren’t too picky but at the same time most dudes have a baseline of masculinity (you might have been surprised at some of the catches average looking dudes made)
    The obesity thing is a big drag though, but thankfully it’s reserved to taken girls. Most of these chicks will stay in shape while single then gradually inflate in a relationship, drop what they can before the wedding, then resume inflation (an alien observing the process would conclude these girls bodies are absorbing and shortening the hair on their heads in order to fuel waistline growth)

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