Is Anthony Bourdain Getting Cucked By His MMA Wife?

Anthony Bourdain has emerged as one of the preeminent celebrity critics of Donald Trump. The vitriol he unleashed last year against The Donald over the latter’s illegal immigration stances was particularly vocal. It is possible, however, that a big part of Bourdain’s beef with the Republican Presidential nominee has to do with the television chef’s jealousy over Trump’s continuing assertion of his masculinity. After all, Bourdain’s current wife Ottavia, who is considerably younger, has a special talent for posing very cosily with other younger, more muscular and almost certainly much more virile men.


Wife of Anthony Bourdain with MMA colleague

Ottavia, an aspiring MMA fighter, has benefited immensely from her marriage to Bourdain. New York Times profile on her from several years ago makes it clear, even if the writer tries to deny it, that the Italian-born brunette owes pretty much all she has to her much older spouse. She came to America with basically zero money and zero English to follow a rock musician she was “in love with” (bad boy syndrome?) and, after a lot of time in menial restaurant jobs, eventually met and married the fabulously wealthy Bourdain. Whilst Melania Trump has also garnered a huge number of benefits from marrying The Donald, the third Mrs. Trump does not exactly do everything she can to embrace other men constantly in her social media pictures.

Whether Ottavia is actually cheating is yet to be proven. What can be said beyond a shadow of a doubt, though, is that her social media antics are of the kind that would drive a woman to the depths of anger and horror if her husband were posing with younger girls like Ottavia does with younger men. Considering that many of the men she poses with are not only significantly stronger but much more experienced in MMA than her, many of the up-and-close social media shots are flagrantly contrived.

Rather than feeling schadenfreude towards Anthony Bourdain, let us try and understand why an otherwise successful man puts up with this from his own wife.

How to pretend you’re not married to Anthony Bourdain in pictures

Take a look at these doozies, which I have titled myself for your amusement:

“Running a training camp at home with these guys while my husband is away.”

“The old, unready husband and the ready-and-willing trophy wife. Any takers?”

The man she is embracing rather too happily in the picture below appears regularly across her social media sharings:

“I always love to hang out with my male-only teammates after training, especially the dude on my left.”

Almost everything like this posted by Ottavia seems to be designed to emphasize other men’s masculinities at the expense of her husband’s.

Worst of all, however, is this attempted successful humiliation of him:

In order to thank the man who rescued her from a life of quasi-poverty and enabled her to pursue her MMA dream without having to work for a living, Ottavia has resorted to pointing out how old and decrepit he is compared to the other men (friends?) in her life. Anthony Bourdain may regularly travel, but it still does not explain the paucity of photographs with him relative to those depicting her and often shirtless younger men.

Compare Bourdain’s life to Donald Trump’s

Would Anthony Bourdain get away with a photograph like this, even as his wife does everything she can to pose with younger men?

Sure, Donald Trump was the owner of the Miss USA beauty pageant for twenty years. But can you imagine Anthony Bourdain posing with young, fertile women in the same way The Donald constantly does or Bourdain’s own wife does with younger, more virile men? Inasmuch as you can probably conjure up some images of Melania Trump by herself with men who are her own age or just plain young, these sorts of depictions are in the minority. Ottavia Bourdain, by contrast, throws them in the internet’s face.

Every liberal man and his even more liberal dog have argued that Trump is insecure because of everything from the size of his hands and fingers to the money he got from his father. So why not look into the idea that Anthony Bourdain is grossly insecure about his wife, age and marriage and is reflecting any lack of self-esteem back on Trump? Bourdain’s pro-Obama and pro-SJW politics may be noxious to us, yet we should have some sympathy for him.

It seems the behavior of his wife may have led the renowned culinary authority, who turns 60 this year, to take up martial arts himself. Undoubtedly, he has experienced success in his chosen pursuit, even recently winning a gold medal in a competition. Plus, men at his age should definitely be doing everything they can to stay fit. Notwithstanding his impressive performances, was it a matter of health and exercise that caused Bourdain to take up Brazilian jiu-jitsu or fears over his wife’s friendships with more virile younger men?

Bourdain’s politics are liberal, but we do not revel in his possible marital pain

Yes, yes, he dines with Obama, but at least allow yourself to feel some of Anthony Bourdain’s likely misery.

It goes without saying that Anthony Bourdain is to political thought what Jessica Valenti is to common sense. Sadly, nonetheless, his plight is one shared by far too many men around the world. Women have been blessed with abounding social opportunities to secure meal tickets from wealthy or merely hardworking average men and then show not even a modicum of gratitude for what they have been given. And the biggest way to make a man feel that his efforts will stay thankless is to basically shove it in other people’s faces that you want a younger, more buff and virile man, to the point where for every one recent public photo of you and your husband there are five to ten of you engaging in cuddles and exercise with less aged males.

Take this opportunity to recognize that if Anthony Bourdain is having these apparent struggles, you can as well. A multimillionaire who is known to countless millions, Bourdain’s romantic life looks as close to as precarious as it was for the founder of, who found his long-term girlfriend quickly snapped up by Dan Bilzerian when they had a break from each other.

So what can be done? For a start, you need to be judicious about the woman you choose to settle down with, let alone have a child with, as is the case with Bourdain currently. There are additionally certain red lines that you cannot allow a woman to cross. If she does, your choice is to either give her the flick or make it clear that you will not tolerate her staying there. Or, if you feel you have to put up with it, you can always ask Anthony for advice, right?

Read More: Dan Bilzerian’s Cuckolding Of Bodybuilding.Com Founder Shows No Man Is Safe From Female Infidelity

232 thoughts on “Is Anthony Bourdain Getting Cucked By His MMA Wife?”

  1. Damn those pictures say a lot lol. If it hasn’t happened yet it’s only because she’s not that hot. She definitely is looking though. Most women at least make some sort of attempt to hide it or play it off.

    1. Oh, as someone in the field of fighting, it likely already has happened several times. She looks to be the ‘pan sexual’ type who lives in an open relationship because being committed hurts people. Not to mention she is already cucking her husband in every shot which doesn’t include one from a MMA lady at all. Not to mention sparring can get sexual quickly with a woman’s natural desire to be sexually dominated crossing paths with a sanctioned domination in training, and you have a woman coming home with pre cum trails 2 to 5 times a week minimum. Only way Bourdain makes up for this is to start practicing Brazilian jiu-jitsu with Brazilian ladies, in Brazil. But he is too much of a cuck to actually attempt to enjoy his sexual life.

  2. Wow, I’m normally hesitant to make judgments or jump to conclusions based on photos or circumstantial evidence but if this chick isn’t cheating on her husband six ways to Sunday, you can have my left nut.
    Married women don’t go out showing boobs or wearing sports bras around men they are not banging.

    1. Especially when she’s home alone with Luke Rockhold. Dude’s a stud…,no Hmo

    2. I would also wager that Gregor and Igor Gracie ran an eiffel tower on her, while old man Bourdain was out eating Pho with Barry.

        1. “my room mate Lori Is getting paid on the internet $98/hr”…..!ti828ur

          two days ago grey McLaren. P1 I bought after earning 18,512 was my previous month’s payout..just a little over.17k Dollars Last month..3-5 hours job a day…with weekly’s realy the simplest. job I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months. ago. and now making over hourly. 87 Dollars…Learn. More right Here !ti828u:➽:➽:.➽.➽.➽.➽ http://GlobalSuperJobsReportsEmploymentsCentreGetPay$98Hour…. .★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★::::::!ti828o….,

        2. No she needs to be banged by a real man to teach her what a submission hold is really all about.

      1. He probably ate Brazilian açai infused cum out of a bowl of Italian vagina. “Mmm… Better than sex!”

        1. “my room mate Lori Is getting paid on the internet $98/hr”…..!ti440ur

          two days ago grey McLaren. P1 I bought after earning 18,512 was my previous month’s payout..just a little over.17k Dollars Last month..3-5 hours job a day…with weekly’s realy the simplest. job I have ever Do.. I Joined This 7 months. ago. and now making over hourly. 87 Dollars…Learn. More right Here !ti440u:➽:➽:.➽.➽.➽.➽ http://GlobalSuperJobsReportsEmploymentsMarkGetPay$98Hour…. .★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★::::::!ti440o….,..

      2. Interesting the photo with Obama. Obama is clearly the alpha in that photo, leaning slightly forward fixing Bourdain with a steely gaze while Bourdain submissively guards his nuts.

        1. Thats likely the first time Obama has ever been the Alpha in anything.
          And of course, Bourdain is a cuck, look at his upbringing and his overbearing mother.

        2. I would love to see Hillary’s body language vs Putin. How do you suppose he would react to her head bobbing?

    3. It’s photo-cheating! In an age where men are crucified for the act of infidelity for simply friending a hot babe on Facebook, women need to own their own shit and get branded with a scarlet letter on their flat chested sports tops.
      Also, Anthony, if you’re into ladyboys, you should have picked up a couple in Thailand, where I here they are quite good — so good that you can’t even be called gay for indulging in dirty deed with them. This thing you’ve married is as boner inducing as a high school freshman swimmer’s body. Ewwww.

      1. I’m sure he easily could have picked one up during his culinary excursions which often consist of him traveling to dingy ghetto back alleys to have some unsung wok maestro serve him up some stir fried grubs and scorpions on a trash can lid. ‘Cause, you know, that’s where the REAL authentic food is.

        1. LOL every season of No Reservations broke into 2 sentences. You shit posting bastards are my new idols.

    4. #gangbang. Tony should ground her for posting something so suggestive. I was gonna give her the benefit of the doubt(simple attention whoring) but now Im not so sure…

    5. Sure she’s banging all of them. Something goes click when you’ve had one too many T injections. She doesn’t qualify as carousel female when there’s not much feminine left about her. She’s tasted the adrenaline of a fight while high as a kite on T. She has already sprouted invisible alpha balls that you can’t see. She’d shave her head if clippers were near. I’d advise her to go mohawk. Meanwhile she’s into notches just like a guy. Being a woman, she can’t discern that the porn queen image of getting sausage trained isn’t ladylike. Steroids, T injections and especially hysterectomies screw with the hormones and turn a woman into a freak. She’ll never have to jump off the carousel and snag a provider. She’s a cool granny to the studs now and her P is driven by the artificial hormones. Total freak. Same league as Kardashians/Jenner.

      1. She got T injections???
        Dude is a cuck for sure. No sympathy for him. If he married that it’s pretty safe to say he’s a fag.
        But thats the end goal isn’t it? To meld everyone into the atomized, odious androgyny of the New World Faggot.
        Burn it to the fucking ground.

        1. Don’t forget that SJWs also want us all to have grey skin, which is that happy medium on the color spectrum for everybody to have a uniform look while being androgynous. Hence they lionize miscegination left and right.
          Russia, when are those nukes landing again? How can we help expedite the process, Tovarishi?

        2. The only way you could even get erect with a woman like that is if you get off on being dominated by a woman. She spends her time fighting and wrestling with other guys. No thanks.

        3. This comment is astute. This guy enjoys being “dominated by a woman.” The end. That’s why he’s with someone like her and that’s why she can disrespect him in every man sandwich picture she takes, he likes it. Scratch that, he’s a liberal and therefore he loves it. Methinks there could be all kinds of dominatrix weirdness going on this relationship.

        4. Gray skin with no genitals… the left won’t stop until we look like Gray aliens. I wish I could pretend that’s impossible but every other conspiracy theory turning out to be true.

      2. It’s a little known fact that testosterone controls arousal and aggression in women as well as men. That’s why you should never buy the bullshit that “women are just as sexual as men.” This is completely impossible because men have about 8 times more testosterone than women. This is simply an empirical fact.
        Read testimony by women body builders who get T injections: they’re shocked that men don’t fuck everything that moves, and this is still with only a fraction of the testosterone the average man has. This chick is probably horny all the time.

        1. Testosterone is entirely a masculine hormone.
          In women is becomes transsexualism.

        2. No women still do have very low naturally occurring Testosterone levels, its men who are estrogen and progesterone free, or at least we used to be until people started eating processed crap out of BPA containers, drinking a water supply laced with birth control and getting so fat our bodies start producing it on their own. Truly as a demographic men have fallen just as hard if not harder than women.

        3. Aye, remember that woman are way more sensitive to the effects of testosterone then men are. It’s a bit easier for female to male transgenders to transition due to this fact of biology then their male to female counterparts.
          Aggression in the male brain and typical masculine thought patterns are actually linked to estrogen compounds hitting the brain. Men’s bodies are defined by testosterone, their brains by converted estrogen.
          Women’s bodies are defined by estrogen and their brains by, well, we know it’s not estrogen affecting their brains because the estrogen is binded past the blood brain barriers unlike men.
          Low testosterone in women causes infertility and low sex drive. Sex patterns of females can be linked to testosterone exposure levels in the womb, surprisingly. High testosterone will lead to hyper-sexual woman, yes.
          The amount is tiny compared to a man’s level either way. They actually produce more then their levels reflect, but estrogen cannot be created without testosterone so most is used for estrogen creation.

        4. Not because women have some testosterone it means it is a female thing too. Women also have a clitoris the vestige of a penis. The orgasm is also the vestige of the male orgasm, etc. (No such thing as “female-orgasm”)
          There is a mutation that affects/blocks androgens receptors, when that happens in women they are still women(reproductive), maybe with bigger breasts due to the estrogen having a stronger effect, etc. But when that happens to men, you do not get a normal man. But an severely undeveloped man.
          Men have estrogen(testosterone is aromatized in the brain), very important for the brain, so estrogen is not an exclusive female hormone, it is more complex than that.

        5. “It’s a bit easier for female to male transgenders to transition ”
          LOL. There is no “transition”.
          Just some twisted fucks mutilating themselves to play make believe so they can fuel their death cult narcissism.
          Mother nature has decreed that scum like that do not deserve life.

        6. The word transition certainly describes the gradual physical changes that happen in response to taking hormone supplements. Using transition for a big jump like surgery does seem off. Why you mad?

    6. She’s definitely fucking those dudes. Anthony Bourdain is accomplished and masculine in his own right, but I think he needs a dose of the red pill to help him choose a better woman for LTR.

      1. I would prefer to have Roosh do a travel show like Bourdain, but instead of critiquing various cuisines, critiquing various international women on his journey. Which to pursue, which to avoid.

    7. Let’s face it, the Master Chef can’t get enough of MMA second-hand multiballsack-sweat laced creampies…

      1. Look at what some of these aliens eat and call it fine dining that’s probably a delicacy on their planet our cum is their caviar.

    8. You are no doubt right. Lesson learned: Old farts should not marry women their daughters age.

    9. Nice of you to offer but I really don’t want your left nut. Maybe Ottavia will want it? But you may have to wait your turn, she has more nuts to get through than a rampant squirrel.

    10. Just another point. What kind of man marries an MMA fighter? That is straight up weird. You can’t trust a woman like that to act like a lady when she’s doing her best to act like a man.

    11. >Married women don’t go out showing boobs or wearing sports bras around men they are not banging.
      Would like to see a future RoK article about Brie Bella and Daniel Bryan then. Guy is sitting home injured for months while his wife is on the road barely dressed. She looks hotter than Nikki since no implants or bruised knees.
      Only Ziggler was Alpha enough to hit on Cena’s girl. Probably everyone is hitting on Brie though. Only way she stays pure is possibly having needs met through twincest.

  3. Wow, muscular women, so sexy … /s
    Marrying or even dating a woman who enjoys a masculine hobby and rolls around men a lot is the worst decision you can take.
    You know what they say about women who are “one of the boys”.
    With muscular MMA women take that and multiply it times 11.

    1. I banged a competitive Muay Thai chick one time. Did a little digging and she confessed to banging a ton of other fighters but, “only the winners”. These girls have higher T than their more docile sisters and therefore a higher sex drive. She couldn’t get enough. We fucked four times in one night. I couldn’t even shoot my load on the last round.
      Suggests again that women do not have an equal or higher sex drive than men, as is sometimes pushed in the mainstream. Women’s sex drive is activated by men whereas ours is just always on. Makes sense from an evolutionary perspective.

    2. Nothing bothers me more than when a girl tries to infiltrate a male friend group and says oh I just want to be one of the guys like no bitch stay away

    3. First date, I would have likely chirped out & thrown her purse out the window. After hearing of the masculine hobbies & then seeing evidence her domestic skills were not honed – DEUCES ‘LIL HO!

    4. Oh it’s instant boner killer x1,000. I love it when somebody exercises regularly and takes care of themselves HUMBLY in every which way but flaunting it and bragging about it on every social media app fathomable irritates me more than a screaming kid at a four-hour wait at DMV. We’re ALL doing the same thing (including my 90 year-old grandmother and my neighbor confined to a wheelchair after a car accident) and we don’t brag for attention grabs!

  4. The pictures don’t say as much as the fact that SHE posted them.
    As my good ole friend Patrice Oneal (RIP) would say, “Anthony hasn’t trained his bitch properly.” It’s normal for a woman who sees you all the time to eventually begin to think and act like she’s on your level, it’s your job as the General to remind her that she isn’t. Bourdain hasn’t, and she’s doing what’s in a bitch’s nature to do…especially a young one at that.

  5. She defines meh. Maybe he’s tired of her and no longer cares what she does.

  6. “You need to be judicious about the woman you choose to settle down with, let alone have a child with”
    We have a winner.

  7. For an MMA fighter she isn’t that jacked, that picture of her flexing is nothing

    1. Minus well just attach a cadaver dick on her. It’ll always be stiff and she can pound any beta bitch.

    2. She trains/exercises, once they start to do that they have to announce it on social media 24 hours for the ego fulfillment regardless of her physical state.

  8. I’m more concerned for Johnny Depp – Amber Heard breaks up with him 2 days after his mothers death, no prenup, $500million divorce, then she has the gall to conveniently claim domestic assault (Even though Depp has never had one report or indication of this behavior) and she puts on this pathetic act and costume for the courts. The best acting her ‘career’.

        1. Oh yeah, playing up the bisexual card to the fullest was her entire self-marketing schtick. Her acting chops must have really been that bad to have to resort to guerilla tactics like that!

        2. johnny might be playing a drunken disney pirate until hes 80

        3. Apparently it doesn’t talk a whole lot for Johnny Deep to get aroused. Just look at that disgrace!

        4. He minus well pop her one good since he’s being accused and likely be found guilty of it because she said he did. Don’t want her to perjure herself, now do we?

        5. Even though I never jumped on The British Fetish bandwagon (the accents irritate The Christ out of me, and I’m probably the only person you’ll ever hear say that but I don’t at all care) I did really dig this show.

        6. Lol. ‘Might as well’. Thats like saying Valentimes day or calling an outfit an alfit.

        7. Wow! My grammar has gotten worse. You’re correct. Might as well is what I meant to say.

      1. $600K is cheap compared to what the courts just award ex of retired Laker Derrick Fisher – $1.3MM/year! And we all know Depp is worth ten times what Fisher has in the bank!

    1. Another idiot who attacked Trump is falling.
      Remember his stupid movie about him?

    2. Even if he did beat her ass (not likely, but…), every guy here knows that guys virtually never hit a woman unprovoked; the woman always pushes buttons or initiates violence and then uses the socially acceptable pussy pass. This nasty tramp probably deserved a good old fashioned ass whupping, but at least Depp got rid of her. Wait, why the fuck would he get married in the first place and particularly to a “bi” cum dumpster slut like her? *facepalms hard*

      1. I don’t get why wealthy men are still putting their fortunes that took a lifetime to accumulate at risk. I remember reading somewhere that some UK lawyers were advising their wealthy male clients not to get married due to the divorce laws. These guys need to at least get a prenup. It’s not full proof but it’s better than nothing.

        1. Although rich, they still think pussy is made out of gold. Thus, they make mistakes like the average joe but on a much larger scale.

        2. Rich peopletend to make more risks becayse they know they can pay for tgeir problems

    3. No prenup?? What was he thinking?? If they got married in California then it’s lifelong alimony too. I’ve never heard bad stuff about Depp. He’s a mellow guy from all accounts. This is gonna be a hoax…

    4. Thanks for informing. Feel sorry for the guy. Let this be a lesson to ALL ! Want to get married ? GOOD ! Sign a pre-nup anyway !

    5. Former Laker Derrick Fisher just got blown up by divorce court.
      $1.3MM per YEAR PLUS $15M per month support for one-child! I mean DAMN, married about 15 years and got to pay THAT for what!? I truly don’t understand the court system. I give her $10MM tops and $5,000 child support and college tuition. She did ABSOLUTELY nothing that warrants such compensation. Judge must be banging her!

      1. Apparently he didn’t learn. He is now in a relationship with an ex-basketball wife.

    6. bruise on her cheek, still took the time to paint her fingernails.
      oh yeah ofccccccouuuuuuurse the bruise is real

    7. Totally agree, It reminds me of Paul McCartneys bitch who took him to the cleaners saying he abused her, no proof but she still wins. This was in England though where feminism is extremely strong and established, english men are really on the short leash. Now Depp has to go all guns blazing to retain some of his wealth. Money he earned while she knew from the minute he was interested in her, she was going to rape him financially. All women can’t help themselves, with feminism influencing them, they are only about money. The only happy men are men with proper women who are feminine and happy being women with a man in charge. These are very few and far between now. Women are only in marriage to enrich themselves. Actually this is yet another reason why feminism hates Islam, in Islam, the man can give his wife nothing if he chooses, if she has been a bad wife, he can say it, she will get nothing. Feminists go absolutely crazy about Islam. The global elite are behind it all, why are we being media hypnotized to hate any and all Muslims.

    8. Ahhh Johnny Depp not my favorite actor but that is just wrong to do that to someone in their moment of grief 🙁

  9. Recently me and my girlfriend went to his restaurant in New York City-it was outstanding. It’s sad that his political and romantic abilities are as bad as his culinary skills are excellent.
    Stick to the cuisine, pal.

    1. Sadly, many men have mastered their skill or craft but are uneducated on women and the real world. More men need to learn game and the red pill. I’m not for publicly shaming men for being naive either, we’ve all been there.

  10. Well, I’m wish I could give Anthony the benefit of the doubt and assume he is fucking younger and hotter chicks on the side, given his money, fame and the fact that he is always traveling abroad because of his work… He could still keep his alpha card if that was the case… but then again, given his political views, it’s quite possible that Anthony is getting cucked and emasculated by a teenage boy wearing a wig with a crack between his legs and is ok with it…
    What has the world turned into..

    1. Even if he were doing younger, hotter foreign chicks on the side, I would still not want my wife to be doing all this shit on social media.

      1. Yep I forgot to mention that. I was assuming a complete “0 fucks given” attitude, but then again the cheating wife is carrying your family’s surname, so yeah, just get rid of the bitch and the dishonor..

    2. He was never an Alpha. Gamma comes to mind. All of his “werks” are so damn whiny. He sounds like a petulant girl half the time.

      1. lol really? Well, I don’t really keep up with the man, so I don’t know.. I just assumed alpha because money+fame.. but if you say so so be it..

        1. Yeah, most rich and famous men, anymore, are nowhere near alpha or sigma. Either Beta, Gamma, Delta or Omega.
          No more heroes….

  11. You don’t know the whole truth here and are engaging in wild speculation about their relationship. Just maybe Anthony and Barack managed to slip away from security and visit a vietnamese barbershop. Ever think of that, Genius?

  12. Her dick’s probably bigger than his is. Why would a normal woman want to look like that?

      1. They’ll never get it. Some lady went undercover as a man to write a book and her mind was continuously blown the entire time about how men are nice to each other where women shit on each other and how hard it is to try and pick up girls and be constantly slammed down by them. How we don’t just sit around talking about pussy all day like they think. v

        1. I remember that video. It made me laugh out loud. They’ll never be dudes that’s why they’ll never get it unless they do what the chick in the video did.

  13. I see white guys letting their wives/girlfriends get away with very questionable shit all the time. Talking to other men, going out to lunch with male coworkers or going out to happy hour after work, taking pictures with other men and posting them on Facebook, etc etc. An Arab man would kill her for that.

      1. Most of us were raised within a heavy handed female imperative.
        Mom would never hurt us, but dad might.
        Mom would never lie to is, but dad might.
        Mom has no agency and needs to be trusted and protected and it is all because dad was a bum liar.
        I can trust all of my teachers of which most are female but always be careful around adult males even your uncles.
        The trust men have towards women is reinforced every single day a thousand times over in some manner.

    1. Honestly, I like it this way. You don’t like it, stay in your own fucking countries! I really don’t understand the urge to murder a girl for talking to another man or not wearing a ninja outfit every time she leaves the house.

      1. You like your woman going out with her male coworkers and taking pictures with them? You probably enjoy watching her have sex with black guys also, don’t you?
        I’m not condoning murdering a woman for doing those things, but as a man you shouldn’t allow her to do those things anyways. It’s blatant disrespect and she obviously looks down on you if she’s taking pictures with other men.

        1. What I like is that I don’t have to treat my girlfriend like a pet monkey that I have to watch constantly. And I don’t find pictures offensive. Speaking of which, wanna see my picture of Muhammad?
          I think it came out great!

        2. Just because I’m Arab doesn’t mean I’m Muslim. I don’t believe in God or Allah. So your Mohammed joke doesn’t affect me.
          But if you have no problem with your girlfriend taking pics with other men, then more than likely you’re the pet monkey of the relationship.

        3. Yeah… I agree. I do not want any girl I date putting pics up like that. It is pure attention whoring. Every single pic.
          Being enlightened… That is SJW bs.
          It is not necessarily a lack of trust either. Dudes will see her whoring around and want some of that action. Her actions will simply attract more men.

        4. Do your parents know you’re an apostate, Haji. God, why can’t you cousin fuckers do us all a favor and drown in the Mediterranean?

        5. You mad that all the white girls in Europe are pushing for cousin fuckers to migrate into their countries because all the men are weak like you?

        6. The things you listed as murderable offenses:
          -drinking after work with a group that includes men
          -having lunch with a group that includes men
          -posting pictures of herself on Facebook with men other than you in them
          In truth two of my deal breakers are spending too much time on facebook and taking too many pictures, so I don’t have the problem Anthony Boudain has, but it is more because it is annoying than because it makes me paranoid. I don’t like attention whores.
          And seriously, Arabs are appropriately called sand niggers, not because of their complexions, but because they front just like niggers do. You ain’t murdering nobody, Mr. Billy Badass.

        7. Well, actually, I think the term “sand nigger” comes from bedouins and khors, which are black arabs. The bedouins live in the dessert because they want to.
          But overall, Middle Easterners are very diverse. Like I said before: we are found to be Caucasian, brown, and black.

        8. I’m not from Europe, but I’m pretty sure it’s globalist corporate heads and Marxist politicians rather than “all the women in Europe” pushing this. But I’d wait to see how this all plays out before you declare victory.

        9. Hate to break it to you, babe, but white Americans who aren’t afflicted with cultural Marxism don’t make the distinction .
          I know that there are many different peoples in the Middle East, and I even have had a little Arabic, which I’ve only recently been able to take up again (though I’ve damn near forgotten everything but the alphabet). Nevertheless, the current invading hoards may as well be a monolithic mass of human waste, and they’re bringing the most aweful parts of their culture with them.
          Just look at the guy above. I actually have to explain to him that I don’t feel the urge to murder a girl because she has lunch with coworkers. He also dissembles that he would never let an Arab girl behave like this, but of course when an arab girl, like you, chooses not to wear the towel and marry a white man it is only because the superultravirilealphamaleallahuakbar arab guys “dont want them.” This shit is getting old.
          And don’t post pictures of yourself on this site. It isn’t classy.

        10. It’s not? Why? It’s not like I’m trying to prove myself, I just wanted him to know that yes, in fact, I am hot and I don’t want you lol.
          I don’t know, I may be with a white man but I definitely am traditionally Middle Eastern. I have a chastity vow, I don’t drink, party, and I have strong family/ marriage values. Those are all good traits of Middle Easterners, something maybe you guys can take up.

        11. Well, I’d say those are traditional European values too (except that northern Europeans do like to drink, myself included), but in case you haven’t noticed, Christendom is under assault by some very powerful forces at the moment.
          But hatred of artistic depictions of the human form, uptight sexuality, unnecessary conflict between the sexes, and a lack of balance between secular and religious powers are also part of Middle Eastern culture, and quite frankly a lot of us don’t want these things.
          But yes chastity and family are important, so as far as that goes, keep it up.
          It’s funny, but despite Mr. Jockey’s assertion about “keeping women in line” I’ve found that Muslim girls immediately go wild as soon as they’re away from their parents, at least in the States. One girl I knew in college, a Muslim from Palestine, practically dressed like a prostitute, and always complained about how she had to dress whenever she went to visit her parents. Very sweet and pretty, but she would flirt shamelessly with every man who looked at her. I’ve known countless others, but she’s the one who stood out. It’s like the culture has decided “it’s all or nothing” when it comes to female sexuality. It’s possible for women to be virtuous without policing their behavior 24 hours a day.
          As for the pictures, whatever floats your boat, I guess.

        12. Those are European values of long ago, they are not anymore. Kind of how I remember a time when being American was coveted and classy. Now, even people from back home shudder from disgust at Western lifestyles. What do you think happened? American women were supposed to be the most beautiful. Which they are still, but they trash themselves with obesity, bad clothing taste, and no self respect. But really, their faces and hair is so beautiful.
          Even Middle Eastern men have that “all or nothing” mentality. I tell my brother he doesn’t have to either live at the Mosque or party 24/7, but take the good from both.
          Yeah, some Muslim women do and some don’t. It is possible for a woman to be virtuous without being policed, but it is very unlikely since women are naturally (more so than men) a bunch of herds. If they are living in a culture where promiscuity is encouraged, most are going to want to join in. It all goes down to personal will, values, and intelligence. Also, a lot of women are dumb ass bitches who are easily deceived and emotionally manipulated by men who they shouldn’t bed. They also struggle with controlling their Oxytocin attachment hormones which makes them enable trashy men.
          Which is why it is very important a woman does not bed a trashy man, because as women, we have a stronger release of Oxytocin when we have sex than men do, and that shit is real. You don’t want to be emotionally attached to a low class degenerate.

        13. Well we can definitely agree on all that.
          It’s funny to me that you think American girls have especially pretty faces and hair. I’ve heard this from a lot of middle eastern women. I once dated a Turkish girl who insisted that all typical looking Americans “looked Russian” and any woman with blonde hair was immediately “exotic.” This was very funny to me.
          And actually, while I do find women of my own race very pretty, naturally enough, my definite type is women who are more of a typically Mediterranean color. It’s just what I like. Since, all things being equal, I do prefer that my significant other be Catholic, this has resulted in a lot of my girlfriends being Italian.
          Anyways, I only really ever come to this site to support Aurelius, and he’s taking a break from writing, so good bye forever, I guess. Good luck with navigating modernity.

    2. Which is why attractive, good Middle Eastern women, such as myself, would rather not marry you. You are a bit too archaic. I at least appreciate the trust, given that I deserve it.
      Fuck your ninja suit and uptight facade.

        1. You come here like you were coming to some ghetto, to learn “how they behave”, and then rub people with your social status.
          Definitely you are not interested in male societal problems, like unemployment or loneliness. This site is to improve that. By pointing out experiences of other men, giving exercise tips etc.
          It seems like you have decided to be somewhere higher than other people, and have more legitimate political causes.

        2. It’s true, though. I’ve been reading this site for years and I’ve only just started commenting.
          I do come here to learn about the bottom of the barrel, and it has helped me a lot in my personal life in avoiding and pointing out no good men.
          As far as the male issues, I haven’t recently seen an article discussing unemployment or loneliness. But I am too interested in reading that, as I am a human curious about other humans. 😉

        3. Fortunately for you, there are no sites collecting the female bottom of the barrel. Affirmative action saves them from doing that.

        4. Are you kidding me? All female Western blogs are collecting the female bottom of the barrel, or just look outside your window.
          GirlDefined is probably the only femme blog that isn’t trashy.

        5. GirlDefined fights feminism? You are interesting.
          You are against both PUA/MGTOW and feminism?

        6. Not really against anything, not even this site. You do whatever you need to do to get what you want.
          I just want an old fashioned gentleman, like from one of those Marilyn Monroe movies, and I already have that, so I could care less about anyone else.

        7. Umm, but you are here to avoid and point out the bottom men, but, you don’t care about anyone else.
          You are contradicting yourself. Congrats anyway.

        8. Yeah, I wanna make sure I avoid men that are on this site, but I don’t care about you or your views. I don’t care if you manipulate other chicks, I just wanna make sure it ain’t me, NAW MEAN?

        9. Why do you say that? Because I’m a needle in a haystack and I don’t belong to you? :'(
          You know, men on here are wrong about finding the needle in the haystack, the needle finds YOU. The needle doesn’t want you.

        10. No, I don’t like you. I would not want you. You are rude.
          You should stick to reading and keep these comments to yourself. That is borderline abusive.

        11. You already said you got a man, your Prince Charming. Why would you need avoid men on this site? Strange that YOU keep coming back on this site.
          What you are is an attention whore. Beat it!

        12. Hey, if what you say is true, then good luck to the both of you. Most men here want men and women to be in sane, stable long term relationships. Now, that men here have indulged your need for attention, what is your deepest, darkest desire? How about your greatest fear? Quid pro quo…

        13. This woman is an annoying attention whore.
          She literally caused a uselless 13 comment chain. She is annoying, full of inconsistencies, tries to shame people, act like one of the boys, says nothing of value.
          The website has a “no women” rule for a reason.

        14. She wants all men here to talk to her like trash so she can fantasize each of us doing whatever we desire to her. She can’t put a face to any of us here, which adds to that mystery she and every other women fantasize about. Her Prince Charming can’t fulfill that role.

        15. My Prince Charming is amazing, but he’s really bad at sexting, which is what he has been doing for a while now.
          The innocence is admirable.

        16. Strange. Innocence is something you should commend(and nurture) in a child.

        17. Innocence should be cherished and protected because I don’t want to be married to a Roosh V who’s empty and sullen as shit and even though is quite young, sounds and looks ancient.

      1. Didn’t you say you married a white guy? Arab women that marry non -arab men usually do it because Arab men don’t want them or find them attractive. Don’t call yourself attractive if you’re not willing to post your pic so we could judge you ourselves. Anyone can anonymously call themselves attractive.

        1. I am not married to him yet. He’s a good, Western man. He’s going to be a lawyer just like me and was only with one woman before me.
          I really, actually, wouldn’t call myself ugly.

        2. Ugly people would never call themselves ugly. Post your pic so we could see how attractive you really are.
          And if he’s only been with one other woman, then congratulations on finding yourself a nice weak beta man that will support you while you grow to detest his weakness.

        3. That is a picture of me.
          You call him a beta male, I call him my Prince Charming. Why would I want to be bossed around by your unromantic self when I can be with a man who trusts me, romanticizes me, and also makes bank? I don’t need a man to support me, because we are both going to be a legal couple.
          This is why you don’t have this hot piece of Arabian ass.

        4. Dude, seriously, you can’t pretend something is there that isn’t. -_-

        5. Arab guys like fat chicks and white guys hate them. Maybe this woman is skinny.

    3. If the only thing keeping a person faithful is their partner’s hand in preventing ‘questionable shit’, then that person was never worth it to begin with.
      A faithful partner who remains faithful only by staying locked away is no prize, this goes for both man and woman.
      If it takes that degree of supervision for your mind to be laid to rest on their honesty then you need to find better women.

    4. You need quantify that. Some protions of White guys. Certainly not Brasilians, Portuguese, Greeks, Armenians etc..

  14. Mr. Bourdain criticizes a more masculine man: a definitive beta move. So we shouldn’t be too surprised she’s getting her dose of masculinity from elsewhere (besides her supplements).

    1. Exactly. His special on Russia was full of jabs against Putin. Too masculine for Tony, so he disrespects him.
      It’s ok to disrespect the leader of a foreign country, as long as it meets the SJW narrative. Typical shit.

  15. “Running a training camp at home with these guys while my husband is away.”
    Don’t these guys have better options than a post wall, tatted up woman with a face like a bulldog and a clit like a carrot? The thirst is too damn high…

  16. It’s a certainty that Bourdain has a prenuptial agreement with her to protect himself.

    1. Hope he does. He will still lose, but it’s the difference between a hard slap in the back of the head and a kick to the balls.

  17. Look at this dude.
    girl breaks up with him after 3 years, she immediately starts dating other dude.
    Ex shows up to her place in the middle of the night, sees them sleeping together, stabs them both to death THEN STABS HIMSELF TO DEATH.
    now THAT’S jealousy.
    Guess he couldn’t get a gun so his only suicide solution was with a knife, hari kari.

    1. How can you even stab yourself to death ? WARRIOR MENTALITY all the way man..

  18. The one thing I liked of this article is that it is not centered on the gossip aspects of the story. Instead, the focus is on giving advice to men, as in “make sure this does not happen to you” or “this could happen to you if you are not careful when choosing your life partner”. However, I am already seeing some guys in the comments going full gossip and speculation. Fun as it is to talk about celebrities private life, I think those kind of things belong to gossip publications aimed at women and is not really an activity men should indulge in.

    1. observing allows you see parallels in your own life. sharpens your judgement. his show is interesting and travel-related.

  19. I watched some of his stuff and he seemed like an actual guy. So much for that, he’s a gay ass and his wife is putting out to hunks, go figure… Don’t let the cumstain on the door rub off when you leave, Tony.

  20. She seems like my worst nightmare personified. Cannot wrap my head around why a man who could have any woman he wants settled for this attention whoring, exercise bragging, opportunistic man-jawed abomination. He must’ve fallen victim to Really Cool Accent Syndrome or something trivial like that. While women do that on the regular because they are more likely to reward you for something you were born with like height, skin color, an accent or some other irrelevant bullshit rather that something you actually worked hard for, no self-respecting man should allow that to ever happen to himself!

  21. Amazing that the guy has traveled so much, then chooses to settle with trash like that. You’d think a traveled man with any brains would be able to sift out an Eastern Euro, Asian, or South American gem for himself-easily. No, he takes the ungrateful migrant wait staff that can’t cook worth a damn. Shows you how much value he considers himself worth.

  22. I’ve had these same moves done to me, but I have to be honest, neither the chick nor I knew the first thing about Jiu-Jitsu.

  23. The old saying holds true, “If you think your girl is cheating on you, she is.”
    These pics aren’t a red flag, they ARE the red flag.

  24. She’s publicly emasculating him and it certainly looks like she’s cheating. No man should put up with her behavior he needs to show her the door.

  25. Well he married her, so if he cuts her loose, kiss 50% of his wealth goodbye. It’s a tough spot to be in as a wealthy man. You want a good wife but must risk so much for a family life

    1. You have to wonder about his choice though. Chick is muscled, probably juicing and heavy with testosterone. Sounds like a relationship which is more fetishist than love.

  26. Looks like women get extra horny after workouts. Of course she is fucking them.

  27. “We should feel sorry for him”.. no we shouldn’t. Someone with Bourdain’s success and money has no business being a beta cuck. His weakness and willingness to let his wife run around with a lot of young men reflects poorly on all of us. He should be setting a good example rather playing the teen friendzoned douchebag. Its piteous.
    Men like Bourbain are the reason modern women feel they’re entitled to gallavant around.. but if their husbands dare do it, *ka ching* divorce. The best use of Bourdain is as a cautionary tale. In fact, i give that marriage 5 years before sweet Ottavia kicks him to the curb, taking half his millions to fund her carousel ride thru life.
    Fucking gimp.

  28. This is the universe’s punishment for him being an SJW, that’s all there is to it.
    Until he repudiates his sjw beliefs (which he never will), I will never have any sympathy for him.

  29. Read his book “Kitchen Confidential” years ago. Seemed like a good sort, even perhaps a bit alpha. That bird must drain his balls something serious I wouldn’t give her a second look……I don’t like Crying Game scenario’s………

  30. Tony has reached “the end of the line”. Endlessly repeating himself, on his
    endless travels, while whatever ‘goal’ he pursues remains ever-elusive. His
    show has become unappealing, and downright off-putting. He seems to be
    actually aging on-camera, in real-time. It’s not fun to watch.

  31. His wife may be younger, but she’s also about a 4. Yet another rich liberal beta male a la Bill Gates and Zuckersperg.

  32. The man she’s featured regularly in her photos is named Eddie ‘Wolverine’ Cummings.
    He’s her trainer, not her colleague or teammate. That’s why he’s in so many pictures. He’s the ‘man on the left’ in the restaurant. She especially likes that man as he trains her to fight.
    I just feel it’s important to point out that particular man is a professional teacher and sponsor before we randomly accuse him of having sex with his clients. He may take his job far more seriously then to risk it boning his students.

    1. That may be true. If Eddie has gfs who are at least 7, it almost certainly is.

    2. Fair enough, but is it that common for trainers to hang out with married students outside of the dojo and have such casual physical contact with them?

      1. Upon careful consideration, no… I don’t see anything inappropriate about his physical contact with her, it’s not sexual.
        Looking over photos, most would be photos during training at the gym. As far as this article, the first is a photo of him with her at an event she participated in. It is normal for a participant to be in a photo with their trainer/sponsor at such an event.
        The second shows them at Five Guys Burger and Fries with two other teammates grabbing a meal after training. I don’t think it is inappropriate for a trainer/sponsor to take his team out to buy some fast food as a treat.
        He definitely would be the least of my concerns in that situation. He also doesn’t appear to be at her house training after hours. It is common for MMA trainers/sponsors to have a friendly relationship with their team and students. The only uncommon part is a married woman participating in MMA.
        (Slight edit as an afterthought. I say he’s not at her house after hours training as the academy she is referring to is the ‘Igor Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Academy’. Eddie Wolverine doesn’t have anything to do with that academy as far as I know. He’s unlikely to be the one taking the picture.)

        1. Upon careful consideration of what ? The pictures ? Are you rationalizing her spending over time with alpha males ?
          Are you a woman ?
          Is your hamster running ?

  33. Bad boy syndrome “?”, as if it’s a question? Of course she has it! Look at every male personal trainer or class instructor or black belt at any gym under The Sun – they have armies of groupies orbiting around them, occupying their shadow 24 hours and laughing at anything mundane and banal out of their mouths the entire time. I’ve even gone up to the male staff at my gym when they aren’t flanked in every cardinal direction by one and said “Where are all your groupies? Did they die?” and they get it, they truly do!

  34. Fixed it for you
    “Running a train at home with these guys while my husband is away.”

    1. Exactly. Two hours after the photo, they turned her face into toaster strudel.

  35. Well this is what happens when you get absorbed by your own hubris..
    You think “I’m a super star, I know everything and I’ll tell all you lesser mortals how to live and will solve the world’s problems.”
    “Bonor” from U2.
    Brad Pit and perhaps Anthony believing “there’s no way my younger slut wife is cheating on me I’m AB.!”
    He should stick to his food show and stay out of politics..

  36. I know someone who is on the inside of the “New York Restaurant scene”, who says bourdain is a hack and most in the business sees him as such. I believe he was speaking of him as a chef. Lest we forget that bourdain was a heroin addict too, or still is…guess that never really changes. Aside from those items, separately, why oh why are there men out there that feel its “cool” to be outdone by women? bourdain probably brags that his wife is an mma fighter in the same manner that a wife of a male MMA fighter does. The difference is that the wife is not pathetic, rather, natural and good. bourdain, I suppose, qualifies as alpha. But, maybe its just dumb luck. I mean, he’s mildly amusing, I wouldn’t say talented, and all this guy does is travels the world and eats…and drinks and smokes. Its not like he’s interpreting Hamlet.

  37. oh yeah this bitch is doing some “ground and pound ” for sure ….Bordain is a self righteous twat….

  38. Meh, another whore. His first mistake was wifing up anyone. Plus, he’s a self-righteous twat.

  39. Bourdain, in his first book said he wanted to be a chef because one of them,in the place that Bourdain worked as a labourer fucked a bride to be before her wedding day.Chickens coming home to roost Anthony?

  40. I gotta give it to this “lady”, genius gameplan. Regular woman immigrant sees mealticket. Probably fucks the shit out of him and he’s sold. She knows he’s a millionair that travells constantly. The perfect ruse to pump and dump HIM. She’s fucking bad boy MMA guys while Bourdain ison the road neglecting her and her “needs”. All a woman needs to do to these days is to rationalise cheating is to say he was always travelling and negelecting her. She will clean him out. Even though she knew damn well that travelling is what he does. She will use it to get half his money all of his property and a “lifestyle” she was used to being married to a millionair restarauntuer/ t.v celebrity. Thats one clever bitch.

    1. You just know she played up the “I’m an old school Italian woman” when they were dating. Probably made him some lasagna one night.
      These bitches know what they are doing.

  41. Speaking of The Donald, just look at that face. Bourdain must be blind.
    Trophy wife? Between the face, the haircut & the disgusting torso shots (she’s a curveless, shapeless stick figure), she’s not something for Bourdain to brag about but rather to be embarrassed by.

  42. “Italian-born,” answers a lot of the questions as to why. they make that best prostitutes and pump and dump girlfriends, but only serve you well if you like being emasculated and enjoy drama.
    he is probably falling into the same trap that other southern European American males fall into. he will try to up his masculinity to compete and be a real man, however it is unconscious and he will not add mental dominance. thus his wife and those that notice will mock his new manliness. whipped italian men do this all of the time: big guy lifting weights, being tough with their sons and others, showing off in some way, big man at the office and whipped pussy with the bitch.
    shame as he is a great essayist and his show is very good on many levels. he is quite an entertainer and journalist in his own right. watch, you will see a change in this as his marriage gets worse, something along the lines of pretense infecting his work, possibly preceding a fall.

  43. Male celebrities often have beards who pose as their spouses and/or girlfriends, while in reality they are gay. Bourdain seems gay to me. So that would explain his “wife’s” coziness with myriad males. One thing that raises my eyebrows is her career choice – MMA fighter. That fits in with the SJW notion that women can do anything a man can do, and that only serves to push the SJW agenda, and that makes the whole thing seem even more contrived. She’s probably a paid actress/cutout who pretends to be Bourdain’s wife. And this all dovetails with Bourdain’s very vocal SJW leanings, which are also probably scripted. Regardless, I’d wager a hefty sum that the only fishy smell Bourdain ever gets on his face is due to eating sushi…

    1. Why would anyone want their face near a woman’s cock socket? That’s the cleanup crews job, not any real man’s.

  44. One would think that with his fame and fortune he could have found one that was less manly and better looking but, since he is a self righteous leftist that just relegates him to whiny bitch status anyway. He got what he deserves.
    I can’t really see what a mans attraction would be to a female “fighter” for anyway.
    The only female “sports” I could stand to watch would be women’s beach volleyball and maybe mud wrestling.

  45. Bourdain is a homo. How else did he get his tv job ?
    This girl is his beard. That and Bourdain may be impotent from all the drug use.

  46. What kind of man “allows” his wife to act like this? One who doesn’t need to control her to feel masculine. I dare say Bourdain is more comfortable being a man in a world full of women than anybody on this site.

  47. I’ve only seen him once or twice on that CNN show of his but holy hell, he is one arrogant dude. If his wife is stepping out on him like that, it’s probably only because she’s sick of his arrogance also.

  48. I’m shocked that Anthony Bourdain married that freak. Man, I really like his TV series and books.The guy came off as alpha in his writings. The Food Network crowd said he’s the bad boy of chefs. But he went and got married. Surprising, considering what he witnessed early in his career.
    His first book details wedding reception his first restaurant catered. As a young twenty-something he saw the Chef take the bride out back behind the restaurant where they threw out garbage and banged her, in her white dress, amongst bags of garbage. The groom and the families were out front in the restaurant unaware what was happening out back.
    How can he even consider getting married, much less to that woman, after witnessing a bride getting fucked in garbage. That was a red pill moment for me as a reader. How did he not learn that lesson about the true depravity of women?

  49. Ottavia Bourdain is a woman?! I think it’s a transsexual of some sort. If not born male it’s at least injecting male hormones (steroids) based on that hip shape.

  50. Women MMA fighters disgust me. They all act like a bunch of feminist man wannabes. They are the female equivalent of Richard Simmons.

  51. In the episode of Bourdain’s tv show “Parts Unknown” where he travels to Thailand his male “host” takes him out to a nightclub where drag queens perform. Bourdain cozies up and actually kisses one of them on the mouth while he knows that he is being filmed. Anthony does not mind mma fighters gangbanging this butch because their sex life consists of HER pegging HIM with a strap on.

    Jump to 23:50 if you can’t stand watching a whole episode of his pretentious, Joo York, aged hipster faggotry.
    and the “dream sequence”

    1. In his older shows a younger version of Anthony Bourdain can be seen wearing an earing.
      He also has an unusual interest in the Kardashians for a senior citizen. It borders on obsession as he repeatedly makes jokes about them. Is he trying to score some fudge brownie points with Bruce Jenner?
      He chose to take up bjj around the time osteoporosis is setting in. Among men who train real martial arts without rules, boys who do sport grappling like olympic greco roman/ freestyle wrestling in a spandex unitard or shirtless bjj/mma are known as “mat fags”, meaning they partake in the activity for the sexual excitement they derive from getting all breathless and sweaty by burying their faces in another man’s crotch going for a double leg takedown in a an act which resembles forced fellatio, hugging his waist and riding his back (simulation of sodomy), guard and mount position (AKA missionary position) and rolling around on the floor together.
      He is a confessed ex heroin addict and many of them admit to be willing to engage in gay prostitution when they are in withdrawal and need a fix bad enough even if they are str8. He has also confessed to being a customer of prostitutes, he never specified if they were female though.

  52. Not sure why the author didn’t notice but did put that photo up for effect but Ottavia flexes her arm to cover up Anthony in that pic. If I didn’t look carefully I wouldn’t have seen him blended in the background there.
    While she lavishly shows all her boys so grandiosely
    She’s obviously just in it for money and has no interest in Anthon. Check that other unflattering picture of herself just laid out like a grandpa were Anthony is a bit cut out from it. Either Anthony is a pussy or Ottavia is actively keepin g him out of the picturr. The only thing she retains of him is her last name but it’s more like he’s her dad and not in it with her. She just uses his success to take steps up the corporate ladder

  53. As old and as much as a cuck he is, he can still physically overpower her. It is his demeanor and his inability to dominate the relationship that makes him a pussy.
    Also notice the ig comment thread: grown men saying how “badass she is” or “can kick our asses”…pathetic.

  54. I’d much rather bang Rebecca Maddern or Sonija Ecclestone than Ottavia, beacuse at least Rebecca and Sonija look like women.

  55. I’m single and have a 5% share in a renewable energy company that’s projected to IPO at $5B within 5 years. If I don’t find a nice woman to connect with BEFORE that happens I certainly won’t be after it happens. I’ll just stay single and rent my companionship.

  56. Only closet monsters would consider tanking these boy looking, clit dick ghouls & most women that think they can fight are arseholes
    Stupid fucking bowl haircut looks like a judge dredd helmet

  57. This sounds like the good old fashioned jealousy game women play. Sure, she could be cheating too. I will never fall into the jealousy trap again. Women will constantly guilt you with, “you’re not jealous are you?” “Better not be jealous,” “Why are guys so jealous,” and so on. They’ll push and push and push until you’ve had enough. You could catch her with a cock down her throat and she’ll say, “oh my god! You’re so jealous and insecure.” Where do you draw the line. Don’t worry, the psychopath will draw the line for you if you chose to stick around and once you find out where that line is, you’ve already lost financially, physically and mentally.
    I read a great book that describes the scripted pattern of dating a psychotic woman. It starts where she constantly praises you, builds you up while bashing her previous boyfriend. She’ll talk about her ex to the point where you feel like you’re talking about him all the time, making you hate the ex and want to protect the Psycho. After 10,000 blowjobs and more praise and worship than you’ve ever had in your life, she’s got you hooked and now it’s time for her to destroy you. Let the jealousy games begin, combined with belittling and typical feminist emasculation, she said you were the best sex partner she’s ever had, now she’s saying your the worst and she’s been with better. Going out with other guys saying they’re just friends. in the beginning of the relationship she said she would never do that. Now it’s time to see if she can make you lose your shit. Taking half naked pics with younger guys. Keep pushing til he explodes. Once he explodes she can point the finger and say, “see! I knew you were crazy.” Now she’s in victim mode. She will tell her tale of survival to all of her friends. How she was with a controlling jealous man who never let her have any friends. She will collect her alimony and child support because she “deserves it” after all he’s put her through. Even if it is HE who decides to leave, she will say she is the one who is kicking his, apparently “worthless” ass to the curb. Very paricitic in nature, suck you in, drain you of your resources and spit out your shell. A woman will allow herself to degrade in sadomasochistic fashion to sell her tale of “survival.”

  58. Bourdain’s pro-Obama and pro-SJW politics may be noxious to us, yet we should have some sympathy for him.

    No sympathy for Kike, antiwhite scum.

  59. By “give her the flick” i assume you mean hit her. Don’t do that. Not for her sake, but for yours. The second you hit her you’re forever labelled a woman abuser. Doesn’t matter if she started it or how many times / how bad she beats your ass or literally tells you to hit her. They want you to hit them so they can be the victim the rest of their life and turn both their and your family and all of your mutual friends against you. Just run. Flee. Don’t ever come back. I tell a woman straight up in a relationship what will make me quit and if she does any of those things I leave. (And yes I know I’m not the best catch, but I’d rather die alone then be put through hell ever again).

  60. The guy has millions and world class fame, while she’s at best (at best) average looking. If he can’t have a loyal wife in that dynamic what does that mean for everyone else? No wonder more and more men are dropping out of society to become muscle man zyzz “fuck boys” (that women complain about but can’t stop fucking ,hahaha) , there are very few ways to have a long term relationship with a woman nowadays without sacrificing your dignity and masculinity.

  61. I kind of want to fuck his women and make her pregnant and force him to pay for the child support, God knows he’d cuck out and do it.

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