How Immigration Hurts Immigrants

Every year, thousands of people leave their Third World countries in hopes of living in the First World. Some do it illegally, crossing borders without the consent of the nations they’re migrating to. Others do it through proper legal channels, intending one day to become citizens. Much has been said about the negative effects of either kind of immigration for the local population. What doesn’t get said much, however, is how immigration ends up hurting immigrants as well.

First batch: skilled, hard-working immigrants

Wikipedia defines the Third World as “the developing countries of Europe, Asia, Latin America, and Africa”. These countries have consistently lower life expectancy, higher crime rates, higher infant mortality and a host of other problems. Not wishing to deal with such problems, many leave for more developed nations. While the reasons for leaving are understandable, many fail to see they’ll just be trading one problem for another.

The first waves of Third World immigrants are usually middle class or higher, who can afford private schools back home and have the resources to afford college and residence for their children in the First World. Being among the first to leave their country, they also have more risk tolerance and ambition than most of their fellow countrymen. These are people you’d expect back in their home country to start up companies, drive research, or even run for office. All the potential that could be spent developing their home countries gets shipped abroad instead.

People with the resources, drive, and talent to succeed in their fields leave the homeland that most needs them. So instead of getting entrepreneurs, researchers, and drivers of change in the Third World, you get more people competing for ever decreasing jobs in the First World. Developing countries miss out on their chance to properly develop, making them poorer in the long run. And because these countries continue to worsen, more people keep leaving them, leading to a national death spiral.

Second batch: not-so-skilled immigrants

Skilled, competent immigrants can be successful in their new countries and benefit the economy. Their arrival, however, is usually followed by additional waves of immigrants who aren’t quite as valuable. We’re talking about the new arrivals who become leeches on the welfare state. So all the hard work the first batch of migrants are doing becomes nullified by their less productive countrymen who follow in the second batch.

But harm to the economy isn’t the only export of low-skilled migrants. As has been said many times already, they also bring with them a host of cultural problems: increased crime rates, lowered social cohesion, etc. The same problems that made skilled immigrants leave their nations are brought to their new countries.

Cultural dilution

Nearly every single time, an immigrant who’s over a certain age will struggle to fully fit in. Even those who come with the intention of embracing their new culture never quite do so. A culture’s customs and traditions become a part of their people. This is specially true outside of the West, as these countries are allowed to feel pride in their homelands.

The elites use this cultural pride as a weapon against the local majority, making minorities into an almost protected class. Again, this has been well covered on this site already. A point that doesn’t get made, however, is that this protected status will only last as long as the elites need them. Once the local majority becomes a minority, the new majority will become targeted.

Third World cultures, for the most part, value the traditional family. The father provides, mother cares for the home, children are raised in values of their parents. If progressives truly means to erase the family and reduce population, these cultures can’t be left alone, lest they reinstate the natural order.

One by one, all cultures will be eroded into mainstream Western culture, so that everyone can become a mindless consumer. This is already being done to the Third World through American media by encouraging careerism in women, normalizing abortion, and attacking religion. You’d be surprised at how many people in Latin America, for example, already buy into leftist propaganda.

Everyone is happier at home

Most people would be happier to keep living in their home cultures. Adaption and integration into different societies is a hard process that’s never completed. No matter how ”protected” or ”special” minorities are deemed to be by the elites, they’ll never be fully integrated. Instead, they’ll just get used until deemed an obstacle.

Of course, staying in one’s home country is often easier said than done. For folks in failed states like Venezuela or warring countries like Syria, being asked to stay might sound silly. Why should they not seek to improve their station? Why should they care for what happens to their countries? Leaving home for greener pastures is a personal choice, and you can’t really force someone to stay. While I don’t claim to have an easy solution, the alternative doesn’t seem that great either.

Read More: Immigrants Who Skipped Work To Support Immigration Became Upset When Subsequently Fired

61 thoughts on “How Immigration Hurts Immigrants”

  1. Can you imagine the disappointment on the Third World immigrants who think they’re coming to a beautiful country when it’s actually not that much better than the shithole they left? Outside of the ease of making money, the USA has practically no real world advantages.

    1. What’s that Italian saying?
      I came to America believing the streets were paved with gold.
      I found the roads were not paved at all, and I was ordered to pave them

    2. To build on your point, the worst part is the only easy money is not very much money. Any job that pays requires a 4 year degree, and 5 years of experience (which you don’t have if you just graduated).

    3. I know for a fact that many Mexican immigrants soley go to the US to make money that they send back to Mexico, they build themselves a Hacienda to go back to and live like kings, at least that’s the dream. Most have very little interest of staying in the USA.
      The ones that weren’t able to accomplish that goal are the ones that end up staying in the States and leaching for life.

      1. Are you sure about that? I am a Mexican immigrant. I served in the armed forces, went to college, and have lived in the states for decades. In fact my family is so well intergrated that my nieces and nephews do speak a lick of Spanish. No stereotypes please. In fact, what I am hearing now is that us Mexicans do not want to leave and all of us are on welfare. It is not anybody I know; might be the neighbors down the street.

        1. Good for you. The vast majority of Mexican immigrants, especially illegals, are not educated. That’s why they end up as low wage slaves for immoral business owners. Anyone making $10/hr with a family is going to be on welfare.

        2. Juanisaac, some people fail to realize tha many of the illlegals entering from Mexico are illegals themselves in Mexico from Central America. At least that’s what I see where I live. And the other little secret is that, for whatever reason, many from El Salvador, Guatamala, and Honduras do not like Mexicans. Now I am curious as to why I don’t see that many immigrants – lagal or illegal – from Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama.

      2. Too bad the Indians NEVER leave. Look at how many low tier third world trash from India enter on H1b visas to replace American workers because they are cheaper. Indians don’t want to go back to India. They don’t want to be close to their parents, and they secretly envy the “White Girls”, so much that they can get away with debauchery by paying hookers or sluts. Something that they can’t do in their home country of India. Bottom line is, any third world immigrant that tries to get into America, does so because they couldn’t make it in their own country.

      3. I left Central America because of a civil the US help create and perpetuate. I have a advance degree and employ people across the United States. My wife and I don’t look latinos. The only people White Americans consider Latino are the ones that look Latino. (e.g. Louise C. K. Is a Mexican as well).

      4. Leaching for life? I’m all for TIGHT border control — but most Mexicans I know are hard workers and bust their ass. I respect them trying to earn an honest living over the usually white and black beggars I see, and I’m white.

    4. They make the easy money in the US and send back to their families to enrich their lives so one day they all return back richer than if they stayed.

    5. Is that how your parents felt when they arrived here in the US, Roosh? Were they disappointed (if so, why did they stay)?

    6. that’s what you get for colonialism and slavery. if all the whites go back to there homelands the immigrants will do the same. enjoy the decline tickets.

    7. These young men should mostly stay home and fight for their homeland (as Kurdish women do for instance and as most men should). Only limited amount of people in real need should be permited to seek refuge. Period. Not go after places where they will get more money from the welfare governments.

  2. Right? Honestly, I can understand work visas and earning money, but why would you necessarily bring your family here if your home country is at least somewhat stable….the only thing that will happen is you will feel left out, your daughter will turn into a massive whore, your son might get a sex change, and your wife will turn into a cheating whore who leaves you…then you find out that the pension you worked for is worth nothing, and the welfare state that promoted the very degeneracy that led to the need for companies to hire you, ended up just passing on all that debt to you.

    1. And that my friend is what I truly don’t understand. The reason you see these Muslim terrorist attacks in the West is because these guys can’t assimilate to Western culture. They despise it so much that they try to attack us with Trucks, Planes, and Bombs. I don’t get why they even come here in the first place. They would be better off immigrating to Malaysia or the UAE.
      Then you have the H1bs from India. Their culture is so backwards, it never assimilates to the West. Yet, their kids who grow up here, either they become gay, transgendered, or completely hopeless beta cucks. Why would they even want that for their kids? Mind boggling.

      1. There’s actually not a lot of Muslim “terrorist” attacks on US soil (when was the last one?), and if Muslims hate us its because of our reprehensible foreign policy in the Middle East and our ongoing support and funding of the Israeli military. Try educating yourself a bit before spouting ignorant shit like this.

        1. Last one was a truck killing 8 in New York people I believe, some months a newspaper they happen all the time lol.
          So you think that its ok because it’s our own fault somehow and we should let more islamist into our countries to punish ourselves ?

    1. I think a lot of the problem is welfare. I know many immigrants that are so proud of coming in legally. Then I ask them what they do and then they tell me they are on disability or some other kind of welfare. The biggest welfare king I know is a German guy who knows how to scam the sytem so well.
      My cousin is not the smartest guy in the world but he does something useful. He works on tobacco farms in North Carolina. He’s not the sharpest tool in the shed, but he is not on welfare and works to pay his own way.

      1. Why in the fuck would a german come here for our benefits? Ludicrous. The benefits they have in Europe are the major leagues compared to us. If I was looking to scrounge benefits I would hit up one of the Scandinavian countries, and if you’re an EU citizen it’s incredibly easy to do so.

  3. Everyone has a right to come to America and the taxpayers have the right to pay for their replacements.
    Space will never run out and the taxpayers have deep pockets.
    The glorious world of next Tuesday will be like a Benetton ad where all races hold hands and sing Kumbaya under the rainbow unicorn flag flapping in the wind.

  4. My grandparents and virtually everyone else’s in my Midwest city were immigrants. My own happened to be Germans. He arrived at age 14 as furniture maker.
    No problems integrating although in those days Southeast Michigan was well-nigh a German colony. My grandfather was only 14.
    He managed to find a job and eventually even built a successful lumber company.
    Sadly, the United States does not attract many European immigrants these days. My own German relatives showed little interest in chain-migration.
    I myself moved to Canada for a few years for work so you might have called me an American immigrant in Canada.
    Did not have integration problems.
    Trump’s father and mother were immigrants too.
    Who are the immigrants with problems.

    1. hard to attract european immigrants when europeans don’t have children.
      the only white countries with stable population growth are argentina and urugay, I believe. the rest are negative.

      1. The European immigrants are going to South America to escape the Muslim hordes. Might be a win win. Europeans will bring jobs and employ the locals. The locals will stay home and not emmigrate to the USA illegaly.

        1. Europeans will immigrate to Australia or New Zealand. These are the most stable Anglo-Saxon countries.
          Immigrants don’t bring jobs. They come to seek a job.
          Good luck finding a job in Brazil.

  5. There was a time where my father threatened me, that if I didn’t work hard I’d be stuck digging a ditch. I’d love to do that job instead of still being poor with a white collar job. Where the hell is my shovel? Oh yeah in the hands of h2b laborer who make my “privileged” salary even more useless. Oh yeah let’s fight about how hitlery or the fat fuck is the problem. Meanwhile if you have kids they won’t even be able to work at McDonald’s.

  6. Trump’s father was born in Germany (Or rather Trump’s grandmother got pregnant in Germany and Trump’s father was born 3 month after they arrived in New York) and Freiderich Trump appeared to have no problems as an immigrant.
    I moved to Canada for work from the US when I was young. No problems there as an immigrant from Michigan.
    My grandparents and everyone else in my Midwest City were immigrants from Germany and Poland. My doctor was an immigrant from Sweden. Everybody in the Northern Midwest practically is the grandchild or great-grandchild of immigrants. No problems whatsoever.
    Which IMMIGRANTS are we referring to? Europeans or Brits have a hard time integrating?

    I had to move to Canada to get a job as a native of suburban Detroit. Came back, still no job, had to move to Dubai.
    I’ve now spent my entire adult life contract to contract overseas.
    So I dig what you are saying. The only reason I ever had a job was because I had no kids and could move across the world if I had to.

    1. I met a guy in Phuket. he worked shift work on an oil-rig.
      one month on – one month off. And stayed in a condo in phuket. His buddy did the opposite shift.
      One was in Paradise. The other on the oil-rig…Then they switch.
      If I had my time over – would live like that.
      He told me I should move to Dubai? or some shit hole like that – and do IT…make a fortune he said.
      But I have kid here….

  8. So x-ile, your saying that not only did you as a productive male haven’t been able to reproduce or work where you were born. And they wonder why I drive my penis mobile so fast, I hope to kill myself.
    I too have not had the luck to reproduce as women keep aborting the fetus’ of children they don’t want to mother. Unless a mother suspects of a simp father she can pawn off the job she was meant to do. Kinda sounds a lot like the immigration situation, eh

  9. I should have emphasized it a bit more, but the problems I mentioned apply mostly to third world migrants. There seems to be some confusion, so I felt like clearing that up. Another thing I forgot to mention is how quickly some girls form traditional cultures become damaged through Western mainstream, specially Universities.

    1. I think the problem is giving away freebies to people who do not deserve them. My cousin comes legally from Mexico every year to work the tobacco farms in North Carolina and then goes home. He is not the smartest guy, but at least he does something useful. The Uzbek dood that ran over those tourists in NY came over on a diversity visas and then brought over like 20 of his family members. I wonder how many are on welfare?

      1. JUAN
        Mexicans are half-European (Roughly) and Christians so probably they will do better than Uzbeks.
        As far as crime goes the Latinos who really caused the biggest problem at the highest level were Italians because they are much more cunning than Mestizos.

  10. Universities that they don’t pay for because we need more diversity instead of ingenuity.

  11. Southeast Michigan is really a shit hole. Some Americans would later ask me how I could live overseas all of my adult life-I even worked in India (Kerala) for a time.
    Who would stay in Michigan?
    There are many shitholes on the planet earth but Michigan is simply bleakest. Its cold as fuck. Its crime ridden. Its got no decent jobs and if you have a decent education why would you stay.
    I’ve never been back to the United States for longer than a week though I am a white American (German-American). I just don’t give give a shit about the place.
    Won’t say where I live now but it is not America.

    I was 25 in the late 90’s when I left MIchigan. The US went downhill rapidly in the early Bush years. So I just never returned.
    Have not missed the place at all. Glad to have lived elsewhere. If I’d mortgaged a house in Michigan for $100,000 in the 1990’s it would be worth shit now. My grandparents house was worth $400,000 in 1986 Greater Detroit and it sold for $80,000.
    Also you can actually get sex easier as a white guy in non-white countries.

  13. What we are trying to say is that primitive Paleo-Indians from Central America and certain other Non-Asian Minorities do not make the US better than Irish and Italians and Germans made it it.
    What decent immigrants would come to the US now? Maybe the Muslim crisis will get so bad that Germans will start immigrating to Milwaukee again and Swedes will have to move to Minnesota.
    But I do not see many Australians or New Zealanders wanting to immigrate to the US.
    It was not always that way. Even 30 years ago Australians wanted to immigrate to places like California. But the US has gone downhill.
    Scots immigrating to Central West Virginia like they did 200 years ago?

    1. The USA has mixed economy. We need all types of people. Sure we need the NASA scientists, but alo people who will contribute. I do not mind CEntral Americans if they work hard and contribute. What I do hate are Central Americans who take welfare or live off crime. I am Mexican myself and have no sympathy with Mexicans who cut in line being sent home.
      I have know quite a few Europeans immigrants in my life. They come from socialist countries and the first thing some do is figure out how to get paid by the government.

      1. JUAN
        Argentines and Cubans and Mexican Creoles have zero or next-to-zero Indian in them so as immigrants they are no different than the Italians.
        As for European immigrants coming to the US for welfare I would not know why they would do that when the handouts are so meager compared to their own country.
        Look how few Canadians you meet in the US.

  14. “The Problem is Third World Immigration”
    Ukraine is technically a Third World country and so are some Eastern European countries but these folks manage to act like human beings when they immigrate to the United States.
    Spanish-blooded Mestizos below the Rio Grande are dumping their poor Indians on the US is what you mean.
    Along with Middle Easterners who will kill others and mutilate their daughters genitals wherever they land.
    This is probably what you mean.

  15. When our population stops falling prey to false idols, we can truly be free from the satanic cult of consumerism. I have nothing wrong with people immigrating but for gods sake please melting pot it don’t salad bowl it and tell the croutons that they are as beneficial as the greens.

  16. Just here to say that we Michiganders won’t miss GEN X-ILE.
    He sounds like someone that never left Detroit or Dearborn.
    Good riddance.

  17. “Good riddance.” Yes because I would have rather stayed in Washtenaw county than managed to move to out of state (beginning with Arizona and then Canada and Dubai etc.) Remaining in Michigan would have been so much more preferable. Lot’s of sunshine and booming economically.
    I’m an Ann Arbor native but attended Central Michigan University. How many middle-class whites or non-Arabs live in Detroit or Dearborn? Maybe a few Polish Catholics that were too broke to move to Warren are still in Detroit. I doubt it though.
    If a person had a choice between Mid Michigan and California, for example, how many would choose Isabella County?
    Have you ever met a celebrity in Michigan?
    What great industry or vibrant economy or great weather keeps you in Michigan? Or are you just stuck there? If you won the lottery would you remain in Michigan?

  18. Every night I was not living in Ann Arbor on Right-to-work wages enjoying the warm weather of Asia and Arizona or the better pay of Ontario I was crushed with longing for the lovely streets of Washtenaw county. And actually Ann Arbor is the nicest part of Michigan.
    I was born in raised in Ann Arbor, garden variety white middle-class background (Catholic, German-American, suburbs near Huron River). I met a few Dearborn Arabs in Dubai though who preferred it to Dears. That is what a lovely place Southeast Michigan is…the Arabs want to immigrate back to the Middle East to comparatively cleaner and wealthier cities like Dubai!
    There are two kinds of people: those who live in Michigan there whole life and those who leave because it is cold, has a bad economy and is not terribly cosmopolitan. The other kind have never traveled so they cannot really comprehend life outside Michigan or they can but they have too many kids, too little money, whatever.
    Anybody who Michigan “gets rid of” does not miss it much, bro.
    You would be amazed at the comparative splendor of say Ontario, the West Coast or if you happened to be an Arab-American from Dearborn, Dubai.
    Flint or Detroit represent the underside of late stage Capitalism where anybody with some kind of skill and 3 dollars in their pocket who is not a welfare dependent crackhead with 3 kids gets a job somewhere else.
    I actually graduated from college at the age of 24 in 1998 and did not even bother to attend my ceremony before I grabbed my diploma and bolted to Arizona.
    Now Phoenix has a great many rednecks too. If you are from Michigan and could go anywhere I would say the West Coast.

    I’m not terribly good-looking and will participate in sex with any woman under 75 including a Lebanese woman I met in Dubai one time at a festival who was neither pretty nor ugly.
    She turned out to be born and raised in Dears. Third-generation Arab Christian.
    Some Arabs find Dearborn so awful they prefer Dubai. It is more modern, cleaner, more money to be made, safer and of course there are few Non-Asian Minorities to speak of.

  20. In general agreement, except for the ‘mindless consumer’ outcome. Hasn’t the UN already decided we live in a post-industrial, post-capitalist and post-consumer society? Isn’t that one of the lynchpins of Agenda 21? Could it be that the current push for AI, automatation and the robotic takeover is just a stop gap to impliment the replacement of the majority of mankind (or should that be non-gender specifickind)?

      1. As the economic center of gravity moves to Asia and the Near East you’d be surprised how many South Asians from UK mill towns have moved back to Mumbai or Chinese or whoever.
        This migration actually started during the “Celtic Tiger” Era of 1990’s Ireland when Irish-Americans from the post-industrial rustbelt cities like Buffalo New York were allowed a work visa if they had one grandparent born in Ireland to work in bars and other jobs that Irish Citizens preferred not to do.
        Dearborn is Michigan’s Arab Quarter and many whose parents were born in Michigan immigrated back to Dubai because the standard of living is higher there and crime far lower and is not Sharia law so you can booze and screw all you want within 4 walls.

    1. Post=Industrial
      All well and good except the UN does not give a shit about citizen of Flint or Detroit who has no money to literally move and must walk on foot to the local welfare office.
      As the rest of society becomes a no-purchase they will probably realize what blacks in Detroit do. Few people can be made to pity the squirming masses.
      I myself went to Bangladash for three awful months to work. I was never so glad to leave anywhere and once in a while I would think “Gee, I should feel sorry for these folks” but after a moment it was back to “Damn, how many more days in this office until I can GTFO?”

  21. SOXMIS Post-Industrialism and Reality
    Human nature always on naked display in late stage capitalism. What actually happens when the economy of a region collapses is that the young and able bodied with initiative leave with one suitcase and a diploma under their arm and middle-aged folks with a career sell their house quickly (Or don’t and some simply abandon it) and flee.
    Those that remained in Flint (Detroit) and other late-stage Capitalist failures are children of the poor, single mothers, old people, hardcore junkies and drunks too high to get on a train or bus.
    Since the rest of society does not give a shit about these folks and those that manage to leave just write them off as society’s losers.
    There is the racial aspect of it as well. Like South Africa, the people with the money and skills and zero dependents are mostly Anglo-Saxons and Jews while the blacks remain and so do the working-class whites (Mostly Appalachians and Polish Americans in Flint and Detroit areas) with families who lack the money or skills to start over elsewhere.
    Things go Darwinian incredibly quickly just like SA-crime rises 400% etc and the primary economy becomes the latest street drug craze along with that good old female mainstay. But eventually EVERYTHING COLLAPSES like Detroit.
    No matter how many people end up a no-purchase in an economy the rest of it usually does not have to give a shit because the people from these ghost towns who have to remain there end up so broke they literally cannot move (You have to factor in winters where people are indoors for 5 months).
    I personally went to Bangladesh and I did not give a shit and just wanted to get out of the place as soon as I got a paycheck. Westerners in a consumer economy imagine some social contract exists between them and the state whereby if they brush their teeth and obey the laws and hold a job and are honest they have a right to a middle-class standard of living. White working class people in totally irrelevant Michigan and Ohio cities driven by a primary economy felt this way. They found out it was not the case.
    Hollywood leads you to believe that when an entire economy is phased some substitute automatically occurs because that society or nation is comprised of citizens who give a fuck.

  22. SOXMIS US Internal Migration
    US internal migration has always been going on beginning in the early 20th century when Appalachian whites and Black Sharecroppers moved North at about the same time that Irish and Italians and Jews were immigrating.
    When my grandmother purchased her house it was worth $400,000 in 1986. When we sold it it got $75,000. Granted this was in the Great Recession. However this was in a college town about 50 miles West of Detroit.
    Women under 30 can get out and they do. Some are college girls and of course they just latch onto some boss or employee in Arizona or California when they get there. A not inconsiderable number become strippers or are already sex workers who can do what they do anywhere-this is why more Thai women end up in the UK than Thai males.
    Gays also can leave fairly easily. They can do the same thing, really. Move to San Francisco and latch onto some other gay or even practice the world’s oldest profession.
    Thus “family values” and shrinking middle-class are what you hear about back in the rustbelt because it is harder for straight people with a blue-collar skill set and kids to go anywhere.
    We see this all over the world from South Africa to Ohio. Working-class whites get stuck and of course so do blacks who tend to then victimize the shit out of them.

  23. Not to America. New Zealand and Australia are more stable Anglo-Saxon countries and some Germans will want to go there. Detroit or Phoenix? Unlikely.
    If you consider a half-Italian and half-Indian white.

  24. You guys are basically arguing that America is failed. And while this is very true, we still have a foundation that we can build upon. The h1b and h2b laborer a that never leave continue to buy into the failing system. There will always be shit. You can work for yourself. Will you be a baller no, but will you happy yeah and you don’t need to leave America, though I’ll agree Detroit and Chicago and any metropolis can lick my balls.

    1. RODIMUS
      Warning to young guys: I did not plan to leave America forever I got stuck overseas. A person eventually wants to get married, have kids and the next thing you know he is married to a woman overseas.
      1) Depending on your skill set it sometimes easier to work overseas for decades than pound the pavement of your own backyard knowing that the job market is lousy.
      2) Your family eventually just forgets about you the way your grandfather’s brother in Poland or Ireland forgot about him. People move away, older relatives pass on etc.
      3) If you leave after college nobody remembers you. You have no “network”. Your college friends are now 40 or 45 and have not seen you in 20 years.
      4) You have to have a lot of money to return. The old house is sold and profits divided up etc.
      5) No pension. You ended up overseas working contract to contract.
      6) Some people think of you as a coward (Post 9-11). You ran off when the going got tough in your country. Now 20 years later you want back into a system you never contributed to.

  25. I constantly have older friends contact me to make amends on the way they mistreated me. If you are the bigger man, they will actually want to be like you, which is the rather flattering. I am in no way dismissing your need to travel and the many lessons you learned abroad. Bravo for showing yet another path to take. Suck it up and do what your shitty boss does. When you get good and he sees he needs you more than you need him. (this applies to all childless fathers who will give away their businesses if you become a good son to them). Find a mentor if you dont have a Dad. I highly advise you not leave the country because the war it here. Futher promote the problem like all who you chastise, leave as gen x did build a business here and accept your arent gonna be money bags.

  26. The ironic thing about this article is Roosh V is himself the son of Iranian and Armenian immigrants. It seems like he would indeed be happier if his parents had stayed put in their country of origin, since all he does is complain about Western women’s behavior. Maybe you should move to Iran Roosh, you know, get back to your roots. You’d fit in better there.

  27. Immigrants? “Not my people not my problem”. If we want to deafet globalists and liberals we must first ourselves stop thinking like globalists and liberals.

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