…we will always assert the need to have due process and engage the fight against drugs in a way that is consistent with basic international norms.
— Barack Obama
An international spat has emerged between US President Barack Obama and his Filipino counterpart, Rodrigo Duterte, on the sidelines of the G20 conference in Hangzhou, China. Obama, who has taken a number of official and unofficial steps to strip male students accused of rape of their due process protections, has recently come out swinging against the human rights record of Duterte. The Filipino President’s signature anti-crime policy since taking office this year has been the extrajudicial killing of suspected drug dealers.
Anticipating even more criticism over the due process elements of his anti-drugs action, which has so far killed several thousand people, Duterte called Obama the “son of a whore.” He warned the American Commander-in-Chief against trying to interfere in the Philippines’ sovereign affairs. A planned meeting was promptly canceled after Duterte’s strident comments, but it had seemed unlikely to take place before the insult, too.
Barack Obama’s insistence on claiming the moral high ground has been a recurring theme of his contradictory Presidency. For example, his previous vitriol against the Bush Administration’s Patriot Act and targeted killings program has been overshadowed by Obama’s basic retention of Bush era anti-terrorism legislation and an unprecedented number of drone killings overseas, including of American citizens. The same goes for his supposed championing of women’s rights while embracing standout female empowerment performers like Saudi Arabia.
The most likely criticism of any stance comparing the Obama and Duterte Administrations on due process will be that Filipino drug dealing suspects are being killed, whereas men accused of rape at US colleges usually face expulsion and employment blacklisting. That said, the Philippines, a developing country with a history of serious corruption, is facing a deep existential crisis. The very safety of countless urban communities and townships is being undermined by powerful criminal networks, often on par or surpassing those found in drug-infested areas of Mexico.
By comparison, the United States, which pumps billions annually into all manner of programs to improve the “living standards” of tens of millions of people, often unreasonably so, cannot be bothered to invest the appropriate time, procedures, and money into ensuring that young college men accused of rape receive even a modicum of the due process measures found in standard courts.
All in all, Duterte’s approach is much more justifiable and defendable than Obama’s.
Obama’s woeful track record on college due process
In recent times, the Obama Administration has been vocal in promising to cut federal funding for colleges that do not tackle sexual assault “problems.” Problems are basically defined as women accusing men of rape, without any serious inquiries as to the merit of these accusations, which are actually best left to the police and general criminal justice system. So, solving these “problems” becomes a question of securing an acceptable number of “convictions.”
Although one would hope that college administrators would take the harder, more noble option and refuse to countenance blackmail, in reality most do not have the stomach to defy Washington. They are also aware that any refusal to accept Obama’s diktats would result in their own removal and the instalment of a lackey.
Speaking of lackeys, Vice President Joe Biden has taken up the mantle of Obama’s Roaming “Anti-Rape” Ambassador, allowing his boss to avoid more serious accusations of disregarding due process. And rather than specific laws, most of the time Obama and Biden have contributed to the pernicious climate against college men very loosely accused of rape by ramping up unofficial pressure. Reported sexual assaults, gerrymandered according to feminist surveys, are cited as bonafide sexual assaults by the White House, for instance.
Evidence against drug dealer suspects is almost always far more concrete than “evidence” against college “rapists”
Another problem with Obama’s hypocritical position on due process for Filipino drug dealer suspects is the nature of drug dealing as a crime. The production, shipment, distribution, market protection, and consumption involved with the drugs trade is extremely complex. A single batch of, say, cocaine might involve hundreds of people, even when the numerous drug users at the end of the line are excluded. This is particularly so if the drugs are originally manufactured abroad in places like Colombia or Mexico.
This complexity means that, among other things, countless text messages or other electronic messages are exchanged, corrupt officials or workers skirt rules whose non-fulfilment can be noticed by others, and people meet in streets or other crowded areas to exchange parcels or money. Communications like “When is the shipment coming?” are relatively easy to link to a narcotics operation and specific individuals, as are tightly sealed plastic bags hidden in terracotta pots.
Compare this to calls of “rape,” concerning situations where there are no witnesses and young men certainly do not make a habit of texting “Hey, I had sex with that passed out girl last night” or “I muffled her screams with her pillow!” Rodrigo Duterte’s vigilante groups, however distasteful you may find them, have better, more trustworthy means of determining who is a drug dealer than college kangaroo courts have in deciding who is a rapist.
Rape accusations invariably fall into the domain of he-said-she-said dynamics. At least in the First World, obvious injury after “rape” is consistently lacking. Furthermore, women often take many months, or even years, to report the “crime” and are continually reluctant to go to the police, opting instead for more indulgent college rape tribunals. Consequently, I like Duterte’s odds of stopping a real problem than Obama’s chances of thwarting a largely imaginary, at best unproven one.
Worse is to come with Hillary
Remember that a Hillary Clinton Presidency is potentially just around the corner. In one breath, Hillary panders to sexual assault accusers by saying they must be “listened to and believed.” In the next, she claims her husband is innocent of the rape accusations leveled against him. What we can expect, however, is that college men and men in general will be in her crosshairs if she is elected.
Sexual assault “reform” has been just one of many perverse ideas implemented by the Obama Administration. Inasmuch as his hypocrisy about due process has been immense, especially in relation to his current criticisms of Rodrigo Duterte, the post-Obama future portends even more of an undermining of the rule of law.
Men accused of rape, beware… things are going to get worse for you.
Read More: Liberal Harvard Professors Are Now “Rape Apologists” For Defending Due Process
Well that makes both superpowers ’embarrassed’ at the G20 as China saw North Korea let off some nuclear capable, ahem… ‘fireworks’ too.
Nice work linking the spat to lack of University ‘Rape Crisis’ due process and the coming (maybe) Hilary crackdown… bit of a stretch, but still amusing…
A previous, more masculine, iteration of America would probably have covertly approved of Duterte.
If only some of our state governors and legislatures would reclaim some of the balls granted to them in the Constitution and take the Duterte approach to dealing with Obama….
What you miss is this important part in Obama’s statement: ‘that is consistent with basic international norms.’
Basic international norms: Gurl powerrr > Justice for men.
What do you expect from a self confessed drug dealer? Obama’s presidency will go down as the most lack lustre in US history. Unfortunately I fear the voting public are now impressed by promises from people with dubious track records.
No, he will go down in history lauded for making gay marriage the law of the land and for socializing healthcare so that poor people can afford it. And that he won the Nobel Peace Prize for his great works.
Yes, I know both statements are false and can easily verify them but that doesn’t matter. The government skool textbooks will say otherwise as they already state that Senator McCarthy was on the House Un-American Activities Committee.
“..Senator McCarthy was on the House Un-American Activities Committee.”
Nixon was, but McCarthy wasn’t. They both were correct in any case.
Exactly which “great works” were those? He is worthless as tits on a boar.
You miss the point. The point is that historical perception will be distorted by the communists who control the textbooks.
He won the Peace Prize before he had a chance to do anything but win the election as a black man that hated the US. For the European liberals running the Nobel Prize committees that was enough.
In 30 years Obama will be one of the better Presidents in the US.
In 60 years he’ll be one of the worst.
In 100, he’ll be a footnote in a textbook.
I knew there was something I liked about that guy.
The good thing is that the empire is slowly and painfully dying.Too bad it will take years to complete these process.
They make cocaine in Canada? Or did you mean Colombia..?
Obama is upset because his employers the CIA are the biggest drug dealers and money launderers on the planet. Duterte is probably wacking some of his associates. That said, I think a better comparison is with Obama extra-judicial killings. Its OK with one group of suspects but not with another (especially when they are doing your bidding!).
What was to be expected by the first affirmative action president, who made a movie to romanticise his wife? And who smoked weed every day in college when he should have been studying?
Pretty much, even in Greece it was dangerous to speak against him before eight years. Also nearly everyone thought that he would fix the problems of the world.
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Affirmative action in practice! Let BOTS work!
Notice how nobody “high up” has fallen to the gun..?
The cops that sell shabu, through their associates, are now whacking their competitors and in a few cases inocents as well.
You can’t promote rule of law with a complete disregard for any law whatsoever..
Duterte was elected because Fillipinos were fed up with the traditional famillies running things but I think once his poor policies take hold and hurt the country they’ll come round..
This incident with Obama shows a poor understanding of diplomacy and the cards that must be played opinions aside.
Some truth there but, the fact is that Obama’s mother was a whore. That’s a fact.
Yupp.. Rodrigo is right 100%.. A mudshark whore actually …
Eh? Ann Dunham was an anthropologist.
Totally fuck Obama…
Anthropologists can’t be whores?
Theoretically anyone can be but what would an anthropologist and CIA employee be doing selling tail on the street corner?
I think she was giving it away for free in the name of female empowerement..
If the Duturte’s policy was equally enforced he’d be dead.
He is well aware of threats to his life that is a common feature of phillippine politics. He has countermeasures in place.
Since philipino politicians get regularly assassinated.
Well if they’re “drug dealers” they should be taken out. Regardless. That’s what he promised.
Or are you just agreeing with me that the policy only applies to “little fish?”
No he goes after anyone no matter how high. Even the mayors son. Just do a little googling.
I hate when the U.S. gets involved in another country’s domestic issues. Obama always tries to make it international (or global) but it’s really a case of a country handling it’s business (inside its borders). Obama did the same thing with Brexit trying to influence people before the vote when he should have kept his comment out of it.
Older people used to tell me to ‘mind my damn business’…that’s what we need to do as a country. We have enough problems and we aren’t perfect but this ass hat continues to make us look bad by trying to take the moral high ground without looking at his own position (and mistakes).
I may dislike Obama, and indeed can’t think of a single policy I agree with him on, but the current president of the Phillipines is nothing more than a violent thug. I won’t visit the country as long as he is in power. ROK has a tendency to view things as black or white… don’t like Hillary? Then Trump is awesome. Don’t like relationships? Then go bang 100 whores. Don’t like your body? Then bulk up on Kratom until you look like Arnold. Sometimes that can be valid advice. But I’d still rather live under President Obama in the US than under this criminal in the Phillipines.
I realize that controversial clickbait headlines draw views, but I can’t see any value to this crazed man’s rantings.
I think the only reason he got a visceral reaction from me is that I’m always surprised when people speak authentically in public… Whether they’re psychos or not… But I agree it doesn’t mean they’re right.
This, basically. Its because he cussed out obama, you don’t see that every day (from world leaders). But he’s the kind of guy that talks that way about everyone, so it doesn’t mean a lot coming from him.
I’m 100 % certain that Duterte doesn’t force colleges in Phillipines to start committing human rights violations against males in feminist kangaroo courts or else be deprived of funding.
You American men need to wake up to what a shithole your country has become. Go talk to smart men who live abroad and let them demonstrate to you with countless other examples that USA has become a global and malevolent scam operation designed to extort resources from hardworking men and redistribute it back to the state and the very few elite at the top through feminism and – to a certain extent – exploitable minorities and under-privileged immigrants (who might even willingly accept a system of modern male slavery to escape their third world problems).
A little more research before praising sociopaths, please.
Since taking office, over 2,000 people have been summarily executed by police and suspected vigilantes. The number of murders and homicides had increased by 56 percent.
Unlike traditional politicians, Duterte is known for his outspoken anticlerical views, opposing the strong influence of the Church and its clergy and espousing birth control and LGBT rights.
Duterte is also known for banning swimsuit competitions in beauty pageants in Davao City.
Duterte’s ex-wife Elizabeth Abellana Zimmerman also emphasized in an interview that, despite Duterte’s womanizing, he listens to activist women and set up a program that mainstreams “gender and development” issues.
(How the hell does he have an ex-wife–divorce is illegal in the Phillipines?)
He has not attended Mass for quite some time already since he deemed it incompatible with his mayoral responsibilities: “If I listened to the Ten Commandments or to the priests, I would not be able to do anything as a mayor”
(The 10 commandments?!? Even most hard core atheists can get behind those)
“(The 10 commandments?!? Even most hard core atheists can get behind those)”
Nah man, I enjoy some quality coveting time.
My wife is from Davao, where Dutarte had been mayor for about the past 20 years. She is very hopeful that he will do for the Philippines what he has done for Davao. Davao is the safest city in the Philippines. It is the cleanest and the least corrupt. He has not been a dictator as he has huge public support and wins every election by a landslide. You can argue against his tactics, but you can’t argue against his results.
Modern “Catholic” church is not even a pale shadow of the Church 70 years ago. It’s not even catholic in most cases, just look at Bergoglio the clown; whose reign is not valid even by Catholic rules (public heretics cannot be priests, bishops, cardinals, let alone popes). Duterte is not a man I would praise and in all likelihood despite his good intentions, agrees with the westernization of Phillipines but he seems a bit better than his predecessors.
The Philippines is ALREADY westernized in virtue, to the point soccer is not the #1 sport there; after all, it’s a former American colony and a true East-West meeting point.
It’s basketball.
No true Scotsman fallacy. Because the Catholic church isn’t the one true holy church, and is somewhat corrupt, it is defensible for someone to completely disregard the Christian religion.
The Phillipines is one of the few non-Muslim areas on the planet where divorce is illegal, and slut shaming is a big part of society. But we should end all that because the Catholic church is a shadow of its former self?
My point was that unless you decide to educate yourself, knowledge of the Catholic faith (the real orthodox christianity), not the watered down circus theology that passes itself as catholic, is almost impossible. He (Duterte) doesn’t know what Catholicism is and therefore many of his objections stem from ignorance and badwill coming from the ignorance and twisted logic that is promoted by those who are supposedly in charge of the evangelizing process (bishops that advocate for mass immigration of muslims while defending the lowering of sentences and the abolition of the death penalty, even though St. Thomas and all the Popes before VII supported it).
His moral is in shambles but compared to the supposed “shepherds” in the Vatican II Church let alone the Protestant “churches”, he is a righteous man. I just hope the good things of that society (slut shaming and dislike for divorce) survive his administration.
How exactly is he a “righteous man” considering he is divorced (in a country where that is illegal), and is pro-LGBT, pro birth control, and pro-feminist? And that’s without getting into the issue of he thinks it’s ok for him to murder you if you use a substance he doesn’t like.
I said righteous in comparison to the so called shepherds of the “catholic church” who have rejected the teachings of the Church, supported feminism from the pulpit (albeit less brazenly than the pastors of the protestant sects but they are on their way don’t worry) and have been lukewarm on the topic of birth control and LGBT for decades. I’d rather have upfront enemies than traitors in my midst working as “spiritual leaders”. In reference to “murder you if you use a substance he doesn’t like.” well, I don’t know Philippines (never been in Asia) but if Philippines is as violent as let’s say Colombia (a country I know), then it needs a purge one way or another.
As someone who has to live and work well to the south of Rio Grande, I can tell you that one of the greatest crimes of U.S.A., Europe and its NGO apparatchiks was the set up of myriad of treaties that have tied the hands of most Latin American authorities in regards to the criminality thanks to the practical impossibility to establish the death penalty. Rapists (real ones, not the fantasy heroes of your Anglo women), murderers, pederasts, pedophiles and other scum get a slap in the hand thanks to a corrupt system whose penitential system is overwhelmed, where an underage common thief who is only guilty of being hungry and trying to steal something for his little sister to eat will be sent to the same jail where a narco-terrorist and serial pederast is. In a saner world the latter would have hung up in a public plaza or at least put against a wall before a firing squad after all his crimes have been proved not put in prison so he could be king of the hill and with the help of his buddies rape and kill the weaker inmates.
The modern West might survive the folly of all these considerations and abetting of proven criminals of the worst sort and only because most of our worst criminals were executed and their bloodlines ended in saner times thus pacifying our society (see Evo and proud blog for a discussion on the effects of penalty in Europe in the Middle Age and before the French Revolution and how the massive death of all sorts of criminals might have changed our DNA for the better to see what I am talking about); but 3rd world countries cannot, not without becoming real shitholes where the empire of law is non-existent.
Innocents will inevitably be caught in the fire but there is no other way to improve the situation. Sorry for the rant.
Yes, there are tons of problems with the justice system, and it’s deeply flawed and dysfunctional.
AFAIK, the Catholic church is still opposed to birth control and divorce, so even by this odd comparison of “who is better: a politician or a church leader who is not running for public office” I can’t see how Duterte can be considered righteous. Anyway, all you did is criticize the church, not provide any reason that this guy is righteous. Just because Hillary is going to be horrible doesn’t mean Trump is the answer. The either / or fallacy is a serious flaw in reasoning.
If you wish to know more about the real Catholic doctrine I would suggest this link as a starting point and examine their arguments carefully: http://www.vaticancatholic.com. I am not full time convert or anything like that but I recognize that only traditional catholic faith is useful in a civilization building endeavor. The thing that passes itself as the Catholic Church is even worse than useless in regard, it’s poisonous. If anything, Philippines is in the current situation partly thanks to the soft approach of that “church” in several matters, having had a chance to be a force of good in a country where it’s influence was/is still great.
Duterte however despicable he is if what you say is true (I will look into it) is an open enemy to the traditional values but people like him can only challenge those values successfully when the tree (the collective consciousness of the people) is rotten. And guess who sped up the rotting process…As I said before he only is “righteous” when compared to open traitors (current “church” leaders). In a nutshell I support his hardlines policies and despise his supposed social agenda.
The either-or fallacy is powerful. It draws eyeballs. The complexity of reality isn’t so attractive.
BTW Obama inherited three wars — the Iraq War, the Afghan War, and the secretive War on Terror. He totally drew down the first, massively increased then totally drew down the second, and has continued the third without the use of human soldiers. I like those policies. You probably should too.
You forgot the mess he caused by overthrowing Gaddafi and putting ISIS in charge of Libya. That has opened the African floodgates into Europe. He did the same in Syria and now all of Europe is on the brink of civil war. Did he inherit those too?
Obama co-founded IS with hillary.
You’re right. They conspired to bring linking verbs to our language. Such devils.
I said this below, moron — but here goes again: Since when is the executive branch of the U.S. federal government responsible for the immigration policies of the European Union? Please explain.
linking verbs? that’s all you got? huffpo much?
I demand a better class of troll.
Obama and hillary’s mid-east policy is destroying europe.
Since the birth of said European Union, created by two CIA agents, it has always been under US control.
Isis is not in charge of Libya and is about the be routed there..
The war on terror is the worst one. Both sides want to continue on with it (endlessly because it’s endless spending)…and there is no real oversight on it because it’s a war ‘in the shadows’..no particular country involved, no Congressional oversight, no accountability for spending, etc, etc…
These are wars that can go anywhere, at anytime with unlimited spending…and the people (taxpayers) have no say. In a sense, it is a loophole in the system.
We need to focus on problems at home (we have enough of them) and stop with the bullshit of “nation building” or fighting the “war on terror”.
Their war on ISIS did not focus on destroy the source of their infrastructure and supply lines.
When Russia came in doing those things is when ISIS started to lose.
What about the 16,000 extrajudicial killings of innocent civilians by drones under 0bama? Mere collateral damage. How about encouraging race riots and shootings of cops? That seems a bit thuggish.
Obama is third world dictator straight out of bum fuck africa. Such a fraud.
You’re flat out lying. No president has ever encouraged riots or the shootings of law enforcement.
TRY not to be an idiot.
When a president invites a community leader who incites rioting and murder of white police to the white house for private talks what else can you call it but encouraging the same?
I’d tell you to try taking your head out of 0bama’s ass, but I already know you won’t
“If I had a son he might look like Trayvon Martin”…
The problem that I saw with this move was that Obama should have invited members of both parties (cops and BLM) to the White House for a conversation, to sort out the problem, etc…
But, because he only invited the BLM members should be a cause of concern for anyone. It does look like he’s pandering to one side.
Get a test.
Who do you think he’d look like? George b ush?
Exactly why I said Obama was being a huge hypocrite when he talked about due process and extra judicial killings. The linkage to the college campus rape witch trials is valid but weak. The stronger case for Obama’s hypocrisy is the drone killing campaign.
Obama is crack baby whose mother did inter-racial gang bangs. But wrap him in the american flag and salute that if that makes you feel patriotic.
You may not like how president Duterte runs our country but for most Filipinos 91% of us, we support him all the way. It is easy to portray a very horrific scenario if you are just sitting on your chair inside your office rather than to actually live in the Philippines and be a victim of the drug menace that plagued our country for more than 10 years! Yes there are killings now and that is true but there were also killings before president Duterte took office. In fact there were 50 murders a day on the street of the Philippines in 2015 crime data and most of those victims were also poor. According to the latest data, there are about 26 killings on the street of the Philippines but the difference is that while those killed in the previous administration were innocent victims, the deaths NOW are hard core addicts and drug peddlers who fought it out with the law enforcers. Being a Filipino who lives on the ground and experiences the daily struggle to remain alive for fear of being killed, raped, robbed and shoot at by the drug gangs, the recent event is a big relief. What is the value of human right if that right is not afforded to us who are innocent victims of drug-related crimes but instead afforded to the very criminals who destroyed not only our family but also took away the lives of some of our love ones? It seems the innocents are voiceless and helpless but the criminals are protected and afforded full human right. What mentality is this?
Admittedly I don’t know much about Duterte aside from news. A few months ago I asked my friend from the Phils (now living in Canada) how his family was faring overseas with the new leadership. He said his whole family supports him, and its made them excited and hopeful to see someone willing to “take out the garbage”. Good enough for me!
Don’t easily trust the news. Telling duterte negative responses. he only kills and hates people that destroy his beloved country. He’s cleaning the government from corruption. Like a boss
Your people elected an excellent leader. The west can learn alot from your example. Hopefully in this November election my country will follow suit.
Indeed…it’s their country, their election.
It’s another reason why the U.S. needs to focus on the U.S. and stop trying to dictate domestic policy to other countries. We have a bad habit (and record) of doing it.
Truth is, now is probably the safest time to visit the Philippines. Id vacation there long before id ever even consider going to mexico.
The leader of PI goes on the offensive against cartels, while the leaders of Mexico remain torpid. It makes a world of difference.
They already had the option of lead or gold many chose gold and those who chose lead are now dead.
Unless there find a way to thwart their own assassination and fight effectively to utterly wipe out the cartels that have declared war on their country.
I get that he’s a tough guy prepared to handle a wretched situation, but intending to kill 100,000 of your own citizens without trial – i.e. extra-judicially
Can anyone really be safe it that’s how the law is administered?
Well let the human rights and obama handle the budget of the 700,000 people who surrendered with rehabilitation centers and due process.There will come a time that the cycle will repeat in and out of the cells, btw his killing the pest in this country not the innocent. that’s why the people should be discipline and don’t do shit that harm and destroy the country. That’s when the change comes. Jesus said that the good will be separated from the bad in his second coming it’s all about cleansing but im not telling his the messiah. we just need to trust him. He might be the like putin if he keep it up.
jesus didn’t say murder a 100,000 drug pushers / users. Of course they may be feral scum. But there still human feral scum. Separating the wheat from the chaff may not be as predictable as you think.
Bottom line is he may be an effective ruler, but he’s also a murderer and a thug and though I despise Obama on this one I’m on his side
I totally understand what you mean. The Phillipines has a serious crime problem.
But, what makes you think those killed are all drug dealers?
How can you promote rule of law with such measures?
Someone could call you a drug dealer then you’d be dead without a trial nothing..
The cops all all involved in trafficking Shabu and are now killing their competitors or criminal assocaites who might rat them out.
Notice how there are no high level killings? The high level dealers are left alone for the most part beacuse they pay off whoever they need to.
This was tried years ago in Thailand and it didn’t work. Thailand has a shabu problem that is possibly worse than your country..
That’s an interesting questions that you would like to ask. But CHANGE is happening right now and It will be uncomfortable for the people who are not used to. We can’t stay the same and hope that we’ll achieve greener pastures.
Right you can’t have anything until you have peace and stability. Most libyans and Iraqis would rather have Khaddafi and Saddam back than the situation now…
How will Duterte deal with threats of assassination to himself and his family/friends?
Duterte said that he is “untouched by all these threats and that he “eats” such threats for breaksfast”
The fact that Dutarte is a thug is neither here nor there. He is enacting the policy upon which he campaigned. He said this is what he would do, and he was elected by a wide margin to do exactly this. His approval rating in the Philippines is above 90%. As the Wall Street Journal stated, this is democracy in action.
He is doing what he and millions of his countrymen believe is essential for the survival and good of his country. Getting criticized by a limp wristed hypocrite like Obama is not something he has to put up with. I believe his little dust up with Obama will increase his popularity with the Filipino public. there is a great deal of resentment against the US for the interference in their country since at least the days of Marcos (who royally screwed up the Philippines with the help of the US).
“I believe his little dust up with Obama will increase his popularity with the Filipino public. there is a great deal of resentment against the US for the interference in their country since at least the days of Marcos (who royally screwed up the Philippines with the help of the US).”
This is huge for Filipino society, especially when Nixon sent Kissinger to set up that false flag on Plaza Miranda on September 21, 1972.
he was elected by a wide margin
Duterte received 39% of the vote.
I don’t care if 99% of Filipinos agree with him, a pro-divorce, anti-church, pro-feminist, pro-birth control, pro-LGBT leader who believes in extrajudicious killing of the citizenry is not the kind of leader I want. I’m well aware of the dangers of democracy; that certainly doesn’t justify immoral and degenerate behavior.
In a first world setting, I would agree with you. The difference between Mexico and the Philippines is that one country has a leader who aggressively pursues cartels (Duterte) while the leader of the other country looks the other way. You can’t reason with an entity that willingly blows up cities in retaliation. See Davao attacks last week.
So the problem with the US drug war is that we haven’t been aggressive enough in battling the cartels? Interesting theory.
Duterte will fail miserably in eliminating drugs. A lot of people will die, however, and he may very well destroy the vestiges of tradition, piety, and conservatism that the Filipino people have to some degree (haven’t been, but articles here praise it).
The greatest solution is to end the “War on Drugs” and allow MDs to prescribe dosages to addicts. In the meantime, what would you prescribe to maintain order in a country that is ran by drug cartels?
Full legalization or the death penalty like they use in Malaysia and Singapore. Only either extreme works…
Information is scarce but so far indicators of Davao city looks good.
Likewise many thousands of drug users and dealers surrendered themselves to police:
Well, technically he (Duterte) is right. Obama’s mother was as virtuous a woman as any “sex-worker”.
Did you read the current article on rooshv about how today’s women are yesterdays prostitutes? Spot on.
His people want him to be a violent thug. The Philippines has a serious problem with drugs and he is solving it. Its their country and their problems. He currently has a 90% approval ranking.
He is an excellent leader. Truth is, now is probably the safest time ever for you to visit his country.
A friend of a friend was murdered there recently in a police killing, because he was around some drug users or dealers. The murder rate is up over 50%. I will not be visiting. Portugal, on the other hand, I plan on visiting next, and has fully decriminalized all drugs, and is one of the safest countries in the world (far safer than most US cities).
Bingo, this is what I’m hearing as well. Criminality has increased.
But US cities are full of noggers.
There is none. the Phillipines has a long tradition of what Filipinos call “Drunken Master” type leaders that drink too much (or seem to) and generally do a great deal of harm to the country through their incompetence.
Estrada, Ramos and now Duturte seem to fit the bill..
I agree, I’d rather live in the U.S.. But it’s troubling to see how we are moving towards a police state (similar to the former Soviet Union) since 2001. Politicians introducing the ‘war on terror’ which can be an endless war with endless spending, the Patriot Act – to keep us all safe, Homeland Security, etc, etc..
It’s not just the GOP, either. Democrats have followed right along with their part over the last 8 years (if we’re being honest here).
If we keep heading in that direction, then we will be the former USSR in no time.
What many people forget is that most drug dealers are the lowest dregs of society and often times will use violence in order to get their way. With a country where the average IQ is already lower than the average white man’s IQ, you are talking about dangerous thugs who have no regard for their own people.
What Duterte is doing may be repulsive to some, but it is the only logical measure you can take against such scum. The Romans didn’t employ crucifixions to the barbarians they conquered because they were unnecessarily cruel. They understood exactly what type of people they were dealing with.
Duarte is wrong insulting Obama’s mother but beyond that well obummer deserves all his enmity and contempt as he merits it from us all. I have no problem calling obummer an idiot because he is an idiot and much worse.
Please enlighten us further. I’m curious to hear more of your opinions.
We all agree this clown has done great harm to our nation and society, has promoted vice and denigrated virtue while his mother whom he has often disowned for being white has done nothing other than be his mother and that does not justify calling her a harlot even if the shot is directed at her offspring.
The Flips do not have any black gold.
I don’t give my female relatives the pussy pass. That is all.
He’s not insulting 0bama’s mother, he’s truthfully describing her.
She’s a “textbook” example of the carousel riders mentioned on this site.
I’m inclined to think he meant “Son of a Bitch” but there is something lost in translation. He has called other world leaders in the past “son of whore” so I tend to believe its a saying of sorts. Pretty shitty dialogue, he did apologize. He has the right ot run his country however he wants and we need to keep our nose out of it. Its not our job to go around protecting the human rights of the world unless it somehow points to a current or future threat to the US. We worry way too much about other peoples lawn while our own lawn is all fucked up.
This is probably what was going on
hahahahaha YES!!! you bastard!
buncha fargan bahstidges
Obama condemns Philippines of human rights abuse, while silent with Saudi Arabia’s human rights abuse.
The Flips do not have any black gold…
They do, actually. They’re having trouble claiming it though.
No, they dont. All that matters is the ME stuff, it still, for now, flows like water, and its light sweet
No one respects a limp-wristed community organizer who whines about social justice and lectures you about what you’re doing wrong in your own country. No wonder the Chinese were screaming at his lackeys on the tarmac, they were just having some sadistic fun stomping on Obama’s weak ego.
Easy to make fun of presidents, keyboard warrior. Care to argue some facts, or do you prefer to continue the character assassination?
Better to make fun of those who voted him into office.
Your messiah is above criticism? The fact is he is weak and mot respected and his lackeys were tongue lashed in China. They disrespected him in front of the world.
If you criticize obama’s performance he will refuse to stand for the national anthem at football games and call you racist.
“The fact is he is weak ”
Nothing more to had. A weakling is disrespected, because he cannot demand respect. Obama is the poster child of a weak men, hence a weak leader.
Well, let’s see. Radical Islam is destroying the west right now- in places like France, people live in constant fear because Obummer is too weak to go after what is really just a band of Islamist towelheads in pickup trucks. Obama has started TWO cold wars, one with Russia and one with China. Unlike previous presidents, Obama doesn’t intend to win. At home, race relations are worse than since the 60s. He eggs on black militants who riot and burn down cities over made up bs. The economy has barely grown any since 2009 and there is a general feeling of hopelessness in many parts of the country. Thanks Obama.
All part of the plan to wreck Europe. A certain German lady (hint: name rhymes with Urkel) won an award in 2010 named after a Count (and it wasnt Chocula)
1. So French and German immigration policy, as well as the activities of ISIS, are the responsibilities of the executive branch of the U.S. federal government? Please explain that to me.
2. Putin is pursuing the new cyber Cold War. Obama is publicly warning the world what he’s doing. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/09/05/barack-obama-warns-of-cold-war-style-cyber-arms-race-with-russia/
Nice job twisting that one around.
3. You have a bizarre view of American racial relations. The president who urges racial peace and reconciliation is blamed for the very discrimination that he’s speaking out against.
The president who urges racial peace and reconciliation
Nonsense. He reflexively backs the black guy before learning basic facts. The police acted stupidly, Travon could have been his son, he meets with the incredibly racist BLM leaders…
He promotes racial division nearly to the point of violence.
You should probably read this.
Peace and reconciliation? What planet are you from? Obama is a two-bit agitator.
npr lol get out of here
npr is pure comedy genius. id listen to it all day if it wasnt so depressing.
All I’m left with after that is feeling he is either incredibly duplicitous or too stupid to take his own advice. His instincts do not correlate with his carefully crafted political speech.
“Urges racial peace?”
Trump hasn’t taken office yet. I don’t know who you’re talking about.
1. US caused wars and destabilization are causing the mass invasion of Europe
2. You don’t think the NSA and CIA are doing the same to Russia?
3. Racial peace is attacking the police and appointing racist attorney generals? You have a warped view of racial harmony. Where is his condemnation of the knockout game?
1. Germany and France wouldn’t be receiving millions of “refugees” if Obama hadn’t bungled Syria and Iraq so badly. ISIS is also a product of Obama’s failure in ME.
2. Obama’s been gutting the military and his treatment of the military has totally demoralized its members. Yet he still insists that Russia plays by the rules when he can’t even enforce them. Obama is only inviting war and destruction (and we’ll lose).
3. Race relations were for the most part improving until Obama. As the first black president, he had a great opportunity to heal any wounds that were left. Instead, he acts like the police are KKK squads and he sends in his bloated DOJ to investigate them even when there’s no doubt the police, and not the “unarmed” (300 pound muscular) black guy were in the right.
4. If you still genuinely support Obama, you’re a moron.
1. Bush bungled Iraq, genius. For five whole years. Do you need a history lesson?
2. The downsizing of the military has been going on since the end of the Cold War. (Rumsfeld: “You go to war with the military you have, not the military you want.”) Obama has continued this trend.
3. Black people never thought race relations were improving. And Obama has gone to cop funerals, dipshit.
4. Reality is a nice place to be. You should visit sometime.
1. Iraq was stable until Obama pulled out. Whether or not you agree with going in in the first place, Obama screwed up royally by pulling out.
2. In number terms, the military has been shrinking the whole time. But this is the first time since the Cold War that we have serious competitors, yet Obama doesn’t have the brains to realize this. So our military is now less prepared than at any time since 1939 and Russia and China are rearming.
3. If blacks didn’t think race relations were improving, why is it that only now they’re burning down entire cities? Obama is one of the black militants. He’s painted the cops as skinhead thugs when really the real problem is black-on-black crime going through the roof. And just because Obama attended a police funeral doesn’t make him pro-police- after all, he’s the one who has been harassing police departments all over the country when it was obvious they did nothing wrong.
4. I stand by my assertion that your a moron.
sure Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown and Ferguson burns…
1.) apparently it is when he’s pushing against brexit. There is absolutely no good reason for him to be doing that, or for a nation to handover legislative control to some unelected cabal outside its borders.
2.) Russia didn’t WRITE those emails. Putin, Snowden etc etc (and all of those whistleblowers currently sitting in jail) are the ones who are “warning the world”. You don’t believe that we’re not in a racket.
3.) he is being held accountable for racial provocation. Find me a person who blm instigates a riot for that wasn’t a criminal pos.
Not backing down to charlatans and criminals is the only sound and responsible position.
NPR is for people who love to buy $50 coffee cups and tote bags.
As a black person, race relations improved for me when I decided to stop hanging out with racist people (career victims).
I learned what hard work and critical thinking could do for my future. Now I have a diverse group of like-minded friends who also don’t blame other people for their bad decisions and dysfunctional behavior.
Obama’s race bating, where he speaks on a major news story BEFORE the outcome of an investigation, has given rise to riots, looting and murder by a portion of us that gives us ALL a bad name.
Foreign blacks come here and run circles around a lot of natives, not just blacks, in education and career achievement. The race card has become the boy who cried wolf.
Well, I hope you’re not around when the real thing shows up…
Perhaps its the national debt that he doubled. Or the $1 trillion dollar bail out of Wall Street. Or the executive orders used to bypass Congress in foreign affairs. Or how he referenced the crusades as justification in retaliatory attacks against the Anglo population of this country. Well start with that.
Perhaps it’s the trillion-dollar stimulus bill that was enacted just before he took office. Perhaps it was the enactment of the Bush tax cuts, which dropped federal revenues (read: tax receipts) to record lows, making it impossible to stay in the black. Or maybe it was Congress’ unwillingness to cooperate with him, in anything, ever — see Republican obstructionism — that forced him to use executive action.
Care to mention any of that?
Higher taxes is good for an economy? Care to explain the mechanism? If the economy is so great, why are rates still near zero?
Congress always cooperates with 0bama in the end.
Sometimes the GOP has put up a show of resistance, but that’s only to cajole another handout from 0bama (eg: Mitch McConnell’s multi-billion dollar KY dam)
They’ve never even forced him to adhere to a budget, he’s had uncapped spending for his entire reign.
Do you have a source for this? All I ever here about is ‘muh obstructionist congress’
Bush was garbage as well. Obama is merely a continuation:
-doubling the national debt from 10.6 to 20 trillion
-failed $0.8 trillion American Reinvestment Act of 2009
-supported $1 trillion 2008 Wall St bailout [the video is on CSPAN website]
-toppled Libya without Congressional approval
-sells weapons to the Saudis, pushes for gun control at home
-Obamacare [I can elaborate upon request, as I’m in the medical industry]
-America losing its’ #1 spot as world’s largest economy since 1873
-47% of Americans on government subsistence
-Alludes to events which happened centuries ago to justify black violence
The “community organizer” was in over his head.
LOL, especially when Obama himself is a maternal descendant of some English king.
The problem with Anglos is that they’re too gynocentric. Race-based lynching? Done at the beck and call of their own women.
False Jack the Ripper accusations during Victorian England? Permanent exile to Canada, New Zealand, and Australia.
Willingly giving the pussy pass by looking the other way? No wonder their foremothers were dickriding the Vikings, before The Crusades.
I just can’t see how the same people who criticized Bush and the GOP can sit and defend Obama (with Clinton) for doing many of the same things.
If there is a standard, then you hold everyone to that standard…not just the other guy. I shake my head at the disconnect.
“which dropped federal revenues”
Cut spending. Problem solved.
“Or maybe it was Congress’ unwillingness to cooperate with him, in anything, ever — see Republican obstructionism — that forced him to use executive Action.”
You mean to act like a dictator and break the law?
You lie and decieve just the global warming cultists.
He just had to lock up those whistleblowers and kill those innocent people so badly that he had no choice but to go over everyone’s head ? What if bush did that ?
You’re wasting your time with this crowd my friend. Stick to a max of single syllable words. Their views and opinions would be comically if it wasn’t down right depressing. I come on here just to remind myself what is actually out there in the world. Best of luck amigo
What do you think of bullets coated with bacon grease?
Agreed. My dad says that a twenty percent of the population is hardwired to hate all outsiders; they literally see reality differently than we do. Fantasizing about evil Muslim pedophile presidents justifies that neurological twitch.
Still, I gotta let that twenty percent know that there are people living over here in the reality-based community, and that our vision of the world is more accurate than theirs.
It would be “comically” eh ?
So you hate 20% of the population simply because they are acting according to their genetic programming.
Another word for that is: racist.
Keep fighting the good fight then. I’ll stick to my short sentences for these clowns. I swear it’s like an echo chamber in here lol
I think that is one way to fulfill your fantasy of being the bad-ass you envision yourself to be rather than the Van Helsing watching – Tobacco Chewing – Sister, cousin fucking in bred – Children of The Corn looking ass – Stuttering through sentences when confronted – I could go on but wait I’ll stop here. thnx for your comment 🙂
I like that you have such a low opinion of “me”.
Photoshop ?
Real obama dressed for his muslim brother’s wedding in africa.
That’s just an African costume and Kenya is almost all Christian.
4 months left gentlemen. January 20th can’t arrive quick enough.
You know what I fucking hate? TALKING HEADS. That’s all liberals are & that’s all liberals do. They sit in their luxurious cafes with their MacBooks and iPhones and their latte bullshits and they just wax poetic about things like how messed up Duterte is for his “lack of humanitarianism.” Meanwhile, they’ve never stepped foot in the Philippines. They have no idea what it’s like over there– the violence, the poverty, the drugs, the everything. And yet they think they have the right to judge how Duterte should go about eradicating drugs & druglords in a completely fucked up country.
If libs actually went to the places they talk about so often, they’d start to change their minds.
Why would liberals do that? Everything makes sense if you don’t know what you’re talking about.
Exactly. If one of these libs who complain about oppression actually went to a 3rd world shit hole for a week or two, they’d never complain about them being oppressed again. If they did, you’d know they’re either being disingenuous or they’re heartless monsters.
I disagree. I know plenty of libs who have gone to real third world shitholes and still complain about imaginary oppression. It’s like their own bizarro version of trickle-down theory – little oppressions here are why real oppressions happen there, because we set the standard for the world . . .even though we shouldn’t….because that’s imperialistic . . . and all cultures are equal . . . or something. To a leftist, it doesn’t have to make sense, and they don’t even try. It’s basically what all the “microaggression” nonsense is built on. These people can visit the genocide museum in Rawanda and see evidence of real genocide, and then call Trump “genocidal” because he wants to shut down immigration from Muslim countries (not making that one up).
That would fall under them being disingenuous. They are not looking at the situation for what it is and instead are rationalizing it all away on whitey/USA/men/pick-your-poison even if none of those have had even a minute impact on the region.
To rational men like us, it would seem disingenuous, and no doubt, many of them are. But many of them actually believe this. I don’t say that lightly. I say that as someone who associates (because I have no choice) closely with people like this on a daily basis. After observing, listening to and interacting with them for years, I honestly think that some of them actually believe that micro-aggressions lead to real aggression, and that these things can commute across national lines.
Another thing that you hear is a retarded version of two wrongs don’t make a right. It goes something like this – “yeah, it is terrible that ISIS rapes female child sex slaves, but that doesn’t mean it’s right for women to be catcalled on the street either. Both are bad and we shouldn’t stand for any of it.”
Fair points.
But women like to be cat called by men they are attracted to. So how would a guy know if what he does is welcomed or not? It’s harassment if she’s not attracted to him. So men don’t do it so they won’t be labeled a rapist, and now women are pissed that men do not cat call them.
See their stupidity?
“Both are bad and we shouldn’t stand for any of it.”
I have seen your second paragraph play out in more than a few occassions and I think it allows them to protect themselves for being non-judgemental and thus no action is morally required of them. Moral equivalence par excellence.
hey, I have never heard of Duterte before this article and I am far from a liberal and I am totally clueless and apathetic to national politics, but I will be damned if I sit here and listen to luxurious cafes maligned.
Read up on him. His running for president is similar to what Trump is going through. All the media were against him and called him a womanizer, a dictator, and all negative. He is not PC and he curses. He gives no fucks about what people think. He does what is best for his country.
I am, under no circumstance, “reading up” on some politician in some other country. I can’t even name my own senators. Unless it is hilarious or a menu I do not want to read up on anything.
All you need to know: This man wants to kill you for using kratom.
“Unless it is hilarious or a menu I do not want to read up on anything.”
So which of these two criteria does Game of Thrones fall under?
You can’t kill a man who uses kratom.
That is re-read. I have enough information and knowledge. I have no desire to add to it. Rather, just continuous ongoing exegetical work on already read stuff.
Let him try! I am using kratom.
You felon!
Have you looked into the Telltale game series of it yet? I’m waiting for the next episode to come out so I can watch it on YouTube.
I downloaded it but haven’t played. Been busy. Between work being crazy, plates being spun and fashion week upon us it is a crazy busy time.
That’s too bad. It will make you realize what a pussy we have as a President.
Senator Amy Schumer’s Uncle is one. The other is a feminist who name escapes me
Ha. I don’t care who wins American idol, survivor or the presidential elections. I assume he is a pussy as he is a television personality.
I almost bought a condo until I realized that the seller was amy schumer. Price was great and it had everything I wanted. Went to open house, spoke to brokers, etc. etc. Then I find out it was hers and I backed out. To be fair, I was iffy on whether I was ready to buy or not any way, but this was as good a reason as any.
Your take on Carl Schmitt ?
never really read him.
I’m reading pieces from him through Dugin, russian Right wing philosopher. Schmitt sounds like he’s my Soul Animal.
Interesting. She has a jawline/chin like Rocky Dennis from the movie Mask
she is terrible, but the condo was nice.
Likely the saddest thing I have ever read
Well then you must not have read about that time that the clown got stood up at the prom. The irony was that he was a happy clown.
There is nothing new under the sun. No need to learn about modern politics.
How long ago was this sale that almost was?
If it was recent, then I’m hoping that she (unlike Babs & Baldwin) is making plans to keep her word and emigrate to Spain upon Trump’s election.
It was maybe a year ago. Not sure her plans. Condo was a nice 1 bedroom with fireplace on Central Park west with a small balcony. Everything I wanted.
As long as he does what is best for his country and is not another Ferdinand Marcos, who increased his power and also ripped off the country. Tough on crime is a bit of a ‘low hanging fruit’ policy. Raising the GDP/person of this poor country would be a much better legacy. Any politician that is not PC and doesn’t use scripted political speak, is a good start though.
like i read this post by this black girl of all people expressing her thanks & excitement for the new miss japan, who caused controversy bc shes half indian. this shitty little black bitch was going off about how its great for japan bc theyre too homogenous and no diversity, etc etc.
i mean.. the EGO!!! the fucking ego on that bitch to assume that japan needs to have the same cultural values as does the US. that bc the US is trying for diversity, japan needs to as well. fucking disgusting mentality
its the same script- sheltered little american trying to speak for the needs and wants of an entire country she probably visited for like a week
That woman was anything but beautiful either. Miss Japan is starting to look like a SJW joke.
Yaint, you said you’ve written for ROK before. What are some of the articles you’ve written? I’d like to take a look at them.
Think about it, is there a single country that is “embracing diversity” by importing lighter skinned races than the bulk of their indigenous population? NO.
This is the real problem that I have when I hear the word “diversity”. That word is only ever used when it means integrating others into a white society (or environment). We never hear this word being used the other way….it seems to be a one way thing.
A white society, as a whole, is expected to bend to be a little more diverse but are these other societies (or environments) going to bend to accept or include whites? That’s the problem that I see.
If we can’t trust Joos to give us honest news, commentary and shape public opinion, who can we trust?
The Philippines is not a completely fucked up country. Its not a warzone here with bullets zinging over people’s heads and bodies piled on the street. This isnt like in Mexico. What the hell are you talking about? The Duterte kill count hasnt even reached the 1000 mark. This article is misleading. I live in the Philippines, so I actually know what’s happening here. I can go to a 7-11 in the dead of night in my pajamas and wouldnt have to worry. There are certain high crime rate areas but that exists in other coutries as well.
What I read was Duterte was lashing out against the journalist who disregarded his request of not asking political questions in the upcoming G20 summit. The journalist was not a fan of Duterte and twisted it out of context. That expression he said is common like how we say “crap” or “shit”. It really wasn’t directed towards Obama.
Edit: Link.
It’s crazy the society we live in, I read this article, typed in Dr luke and couldn find one article not insinuating he’s guilty, even though he never even been arrested for the alleged crime. sorry state of affairs we live in and it’s only going to get worse, SMH…
A weak response by the judicial system against drug lords results in people wanting a more direct response.
Filipino President is stupid. Cracking down on drugs is important but so as humanity.
He was upfront and honest about what he was going to do, and the people elected him in free and fair elections. I’d hesitate to second guess what the people knew needed to happen.
Attacking President Obama.
they did not. in fact when the police murdered one pusher, the family of this guy couldnt believe it happened. they even told the media they voted for Duterte.
if you haven’t been there & seen it for yourself, you can’t comment on the situation.
thats like white kids in the suburbs who never met a black person denouncing racists. meanwhile if youre a white kid in the intercity, you know firsthand what black people are like. so when that white suburb kid tells you youre wrong for being racist, you know he has absolutely no right to speak on the situation
They have drug problems. Killing off left and right isn’t right. They have huge ghetto and drug related problems. Not all people are drug related pushers.
What Duterte did was he raised all the police salaries to deter them from taking bribes from drug dealers. Corrupt government officials are killing off pushers to silence them because if the officials were blown, they would suffer major consequences. Duterte means business.
Raising police salaries to decent livable level was a good move. I don’t have a problem with the extrajudicial killings if they have their facts 100% correct and are killing off violent drug cartel members or senior well connected drug kingpins, and not drug users or small time dealers. It can get out of hand down the line having ‘judge dredd’ style police, when the power & lack of accountability goes to their head. It needs to confined to a small team of enforcers that need to get approval of their hits from higher up.
‘Being tough on crime’ is a headline grabber for politicians and it looks like they are doing something to change the country for the better. In one respect they are if drugs are widespread and the scourge of the country, but Philippines has lots of corruption, low GDP/person and a lot of poverty, but that’s a bit harder to solve, so lets go with tough on drugs.
Desperate times call for desperate measures
His approval rating is 92%. He is kicking ass and is loved. 70,000 plus have turned themselves in and asked and will receive help.
What he’s doing is working, pretty pants
I call him dictatorship not leader.
That’s why youre a cuck
Muh libertarian right to use and sell meth and all that
Wrong. its not working. even some of his idiot supporters are now starting to have misgivings.
nope. this guy is doubling the salaries of police and military to get them on his side in case the Filipino people try to pull another People Power Revolution to get his ass out of office.
Its a known fact that in the Philippines the Govt is the biggest criminal mafia and the police is part of it. The police are actually behind lots of the drugs and prostitution here. Duterte’s motives for raising army and police salaries arent a deterent to bribary but more of personal insurance in case the people start rising up against him. The war on drugs is just a charade, smokescreen. Anybody can now be killed under the pretext of this fake war. The police or whoever can kill people and just sling a piece of cardboard on their necks labelling them as drug pushers. Duterte has even said he is planning to disallow the ownership of firearms like shotguns for personal home defense. He is basically disarming the people so he can rule with an iron fist.
“Anybody can now be killed under the pretext of this fake war. The police
or whoever can kill people and just sling a piece of cardboard on their
necks labelling them as drug pushers.”
That’s the big risk with turning a blind eye to hit squad style police. They think they are untouchable and its get out of hand. They can also move in and fill the void with their own drug network after bumping off the competition. In a place like the Philippines with little public accountability and checks & balances it would not surprise me if both happen.
“he is planning to disallow the ownership of firearms like shotguns for personal home defense.”
One of the risks with the populist ‘tough on crime’ politician is this ^ done under the guise of making the public safer. For country like Philippines though it would suit the leader to have an unarmed population while also having police with license to kill. I have to admit I dont know much about Duterte
^This, every single day.
I grew up one neighborhood away from the hood in my city. After my parents had their tires slashed on one occasion, foiled 3 Vietnamese kids from stealing their rims (the cinder block thing), and saw drug deals taking place in their front yard… they saved up and got out.
“Humanity” is a lame excuse, especially when the people opposing you don’t play by the same rules.
true. in fact the drug pushers being killed are just small fry. No big names have been caught or killed. This idiot keeps barking about killing pushers and users but if he really meant that he would have gone after celebs or other prominent members of Philippine society who are putting money into the drug trade.
In all seriosuness, Im beginning to think full legalization is the only option. We are murdering our nations with this crap and enabling powerful criminal cartels.
I would propose full legalization for all drugs with complete bans on advertisement. The only restrictions Id insist on would be selling to anyone under 18 and public inebriation. treat it the same way we treat liquor licenses.
Then reform the school system so all secondary schools teach actual trades to young men. This way, they arent simply sitting in class doing nothing, but learning something that can work for them for the rest of their lives. Require from them only the minimum amount of math necessary to run a business. The rest of the day they can be practicing their trade with competent professionals, or studying other subjects available if theyd prefer an academic career.
Id go on to remove restrictions on small businesses, get rid of all minimum wage laws, so that young men can easily find work and start businesses.
This way, theyll have actual goals to reach that mean something to them. When you have nothing worth doing, thats when you sit on the couch jerking off to pron and smoking weed. When you let a man fulfill his dreams, its shocking how much work and effort he will put in to fulfill his goal.
You realize that would not happen. Look at all the money to be made by all levels of the government keeping it illegal. DEA, police, prison industry, money for drug enforcement, CIA revenue, and most importantly, control the people.
The CIA uses the drug trade to fund off the books operations and client regimes. The DEA was set up by Nixon to weaken the CIA’s hold on the US. And we all saw what happened to him.
Before you can end prohibition you have to end the CIA and the related Cabal of the Clinton’s, the Bush’s and Obama.
Codemonkey for President 2016! You heard it here fist.
While there might be some selfishness behind it, the states that have experimented with legalization have made a decent case that it shouldn’t be done.
So, Bribes and extortion? Well it looks like we’re already doing that with limited legalization in the USA.
Ex: the State of Maryland is seeing its weed licensing board being shaken down by racists as “not enough” black applicants have met the requirements to obtain weed licenses.
Exactly. Just gtfo of it. Let anyone grow it. Government is the problem not the solution.
Makes sense, and sounds great. Which is why it will never happen.
I can’t see it happening. Besides the corruption in our government (federal agencies) you have big pharma pushing back on it to keep it “illegal” and out of the country. They don’t want any competition at all.
The foremost goal in war is destroying the source of power. Legalization or other measures that substantially cut off supplies,funds and men are all needed to put an end to the cartel problem once and for all.
Still the cartels still have human trafficking,oil theft, kidnapping and other avenues to survive.
What if your dream is watching/editing the porn you filmed/co-starred in before selling it while smoking weed though?
Well pd, I’m just gonna have to get back to you on that one.
This guy is intelligent if you listen closely to what he is saying in his speeches he’s totally right and not only to his slur words. only 2 months from being elected. he’s already making a change. releasing all corrupt officials name and bringing fear for those who are doing misdeeds.
no he is not sorry.
I have alot of respect for a man like Duterte who is loved by his own people and who is actually willing to keep his promises that he made to the voters in his own country.
Ive always felt some drugs should be legalized, but thats just my opinion. My opinion, just like obamas opinion, doesnt mean shit. The Philippines has the right to choose their own culture, enforce their own borders, and choose their own laws and i support Duterte for sticking to his guns and calling Obama a son of a whore for meddling into the Philippines problems.
Unfortunately, Duterte isn’t big on the “enforce their own borders” part.
Maybe his game plan against China’s encroachment is to “grin and bear it” while hoping that The Donald can get China off his back?
The Philippines is the key to controlling the south china sea and the Singapore Strait.
Duterte can do whatever he wants, and the next american president will still kiss his ass.
I doubt it, past US presidents actually relinquished our military stronghold in the Philippines.
Nowadays, China is working to annex the Philippines and there’s not a thing that the Philippines can do about it. Even Duterte has taken pains to appease China.
The USA, and President Trump, is the Philippines only hope against becoming the next “Special Administrative Region” of China.
Duterte’s a chicken in his dealings with China and what he did was basically treason.
Duterte wont be loved for long though. this is a guy who personally advocates vigilantism via Davao death squads,with no regard for due process. The Philippines is slowly turning into Brazil where the police can kill civilians at the slightest provocation. No warrants for search or arrest needed.
What there is to say more about Obama? He was reefer in college, his mother mother a white leftist whore craving for an affirmative action partner, I think a member of black panthers, who later abandoned her, married a muslim filipino who raised him as one in the philipines and then became the most successfull socialist in the U.S.A. while being a member of the country’s socialist party. Who is also the worst president of the USA and made a movie romanticizing his betaness to his man-looking wife in which the actress who play her looks like this: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e5/Tika_Sumpter_2013.jpg
He cannot romanticise his one life while not lying and pretending, truly that movie will be the epitome of his presidency, as every thing else has failed!
Obama wishes Michelle looked like that.
I have my doubts that he wants a woman.
I’ve heard that as well. In Chicago, Obama’s homosexual escapades were publicly known.
His mother was a jewess
I did not know that, makes sense though. Most things echo nowadays.
So that makes Kenyan a niggajew?
It’s all a freakin’ sideshow…”Yes you can!”, my ass…
Political Circle Jerk
Mexico should copy Duterte.
Obozo’s ideas on ‘due process’ like his views on democracy show what buffoon or hypocrite he really is. Thank God in a few months we shall be rid of him No Thanks to the Republican party who fielded two drab losers of the moderately stupid and stupidly moderate kind to run against him.
Obamas mama was a Marxist jewess whose father was president of a bank
Oy vey
As a Filipino,I did not Vote for Him. I was for a Lady Senator(now retired). In fact,I want President Duterte to legalize Marijuana Strictly for Medical Reasons. I do agree that Obama should stop lecturing Nations on what to do even if Cussing is not appropriate in the context of International Diplomacy.
Obama chastising a puppy for shitting on a rug is questionable in my opinion.
He’s correct. Obammy’s mama was a mudshark ho.
son of a coalburner
Shit is true! His mama was a hooker!
Due process is a part of mans rights, unless he decides not to go to work for your daddy.
he’s not cracking down on corruption. inspite of his appearance and man on the street trappings, this fool of a president has a wealthy family and ruled his roost in Davao through fear and intimidation. His family controls business permits and then some in Davao and they get a slice out of everything.
Only 40 fucking percent voted for Duterte so really its not like the FIlipino people want him as president, let’s be clear.
Duterte is a communist with well known ties to the Communist Party of the Philippines. This motherfucker even cut a deal with the son of Ferdinand Marcos to get the votes of Marcos loyalists in exchange for burying the bastard plunderer Marcos in the Libingan ng mga Bayan(Heroes Cemetery) in the Philippines. A bomb recently exploded in Davao, a city w/c is supposed to be firmly under his thumb and he is now using that as an excuse to declare the entire Philippines is under a state of lawlessness. Doesnt that come across as suspicious? Ferdinand Marcos also used a bombing incident as an excuse to declare Martial Law.