The Truth About Six Pack Abs

The following article was sponsored by Henry Tran.

*Editor’s Note: Henry teamed up with Return Of Kings to give you a huge discount at the six pack shop. Use your custom code: kings20 HERE for 20% off your entire order.

Hey guys,

My name is Henry, and I’m one of the head trainers at the #1 Fitness Channel on YouTube.

No matter where you come from, there seems to be a universally set standard for attraction and respect: A ripped physique, complete with six pack abs.

Now, I’m not saying that every guy with a six pack is respectable, nor is every respectable guy fit enough to have a six pack… But let’s be honest…

Typically, our first impression of a man with a six pack is that he is an Alpha male; a hard worker, and women are naturally more likely to flock to him with girlish excitement and deep sexual desire.

Moreover, having a trim, ripped waist makes the rest of your body look bigger – especially the shoulders – which is yet another masculine trait that separates us from women and beta males.

Now, I realize we’ve gotten to a day and age where having this physique SEEMS extremely tough – a lot men work obscene hours, are conditioned to unhealthy diets, and don’t get enough physical activity…

These men often look disdainfully upon a guy with abs because they assume that guy is a meat head, and all he does is work out, or he probably takes steroids. But truthfully, most guys have just been mislead to believe all the wrong things about getting abs… And that’s what I’m here to tell you.


You don’t actually need to exercise 24/7, starve yourself, or do 100 crunches a day to get six pack abs. In fact… I’m here to tell you that you need to do the exact opposite.

Check out these crucial mistakes you need to avoid so that you can actually get six pack abs faster…. no matter what your current lifestyle is like.

Avoid These Common Mistakes If You Want Six Pack Abs…

●    Thinking crunches alone will get you abs: This train of thought is pervasive in beginners – and even many athletes who haven’t had formal training. I myself thought it would work in high school and even college. Guess what? It didn’t. You have to lower your body fat levels enough to see your abdominals – and then you can do crunches and other ab exercises to help define and increase the size of the muscles… which brings me to my next point….

●    Relying on cardio to lose belly fat: This idea has invaded people’s minds. We see a lot of very fit professional runners, swimmers, and cyclists… But really, cardio is great for one thing: Your cardiovascular system. Your heart, lungs, and arteries will all benefit from cardio…. But your body fat and muscle mass likely won’t. In fact, there are ample studies to suggest that long, steady cardio is almost completely ineffective in reducing body fat.

●    Thinking you need an infomercial gadget or special device to get abs: You’ve seen it. Maybe you’ve even bought into it. I wouldn’t judge you if you did… However, the weird ab gadgets that are sold on late night infomercials usually aren’t much more effective for getting you six pack abs than just crunches… And glorified plastic wraps or new-age corsets are also not going to trim your waistline and remove body fat.


“Well then… what WILL help me get abs, if not cardio, crunches, or a “get ripped” gadget that I bought from an Instagram Fitspo?”

It’s honestly pretty simple…

Try these 3 tips now to see defined six pack abs:

1.    Start losing your belly fat with a basic, healthier way of eating.

○    Avoid restrictive, low calorie diets that make you feel hungry all the time, and eat 4-5 meals per day.
○    Eat carbohydrates ONLY from whole grain sources (quinoa, oatmeal, brown rice, etc), and only eat them in the morning and around your workout.
○    Instead of avoiding low-fat products, eat MORE healthy, high fat products like nuts, avocados, and yogurt….and add more protein into your diet.
○    The switch to more fats and fewer carbohydrates will turn your body into a fat burning machine!

2.    Accelerate your fat loss with simple, high intensity, full body workouts.

○     Forget bicep curls and hours on the treadmill. Do movements that involve more and bigger muscle groups like squats or deadlifts.
○    Take shorter rest periods and combine them with  a high intensity movement like burpees or high-knees in between sets.
○    No more steady state cardio – These workouts should take you 20 minutes MAX. Push harder for less time, which yields far superior results.

3.    Add in a basic ab workout to make your abs more defined once you have a flat stomach

○    Hanging leg raises – Hang from a bar, and simply bring your knees as close to your chest as possible. Once you’re good at this, take your toes all the way to the bar with legs out straight.
○    Plank exercises – Play around with different plank variations like plank side dips, alternating knee-to-elbow, or side planks to hit all areas of your abdominals.
○    Add weight to continue getting better results: Try doing leg raises with a dumbbell between your feet, planks with a weight plate on your back, or kneeling cable crunches.

I know what you’re thinking… “Wow Henry, you must really be a genius to come up with these steps – as if nobody has ever said this before!”??

Well,  yeah, it’s surprisingly basic. We, as a society, have over-complicated this whole “how to get six pack abs” thing. You’ve had crazy lies spun all around your head to convince you that you need very specific (maybe even weird) things to lose body fat and see your abs. I’m talking about bizarre ingredients in powdered shakes, vibrating bands that you wrap around your waist, and some wrap that sends electrical impulses through your abdomen to supposedly make your muscles contract and get you abs…?

No. Screw all of that…

If you want research-proven, high quality products that can help you reach your fitness goals, then you need to check out what actually works.
You’ll see exercise programs just like I mentioned – Full body, high-intensity resistance training, which will allow you to build muscle and drop body fat simultaneously.

…Nutrition programs that aren’t restrictive, that teach you how to eat healthy portions, prepare an entire week’s worth of meals in less than an hour, and give you all other necessary guidelines to eat for a six pack.

…Supplements formulated only the with top-tier, research-backed ingredients and full transparency of those ingredients, with the research right there on the page so you can double check this proven data for yourself.

And on top of that, you’ll be joining the biggest fitness team in the world. (There’s a reason why millions of guys flock to us for these proven methods every single day.)

When it comes to fitness, if you have the basic tools to drop your belly fat fast and develop that lean six pack, then you don’t really need much else. That’s why I teamed up with my friends here at Return Of Kings to get you and all the readers an exclusive discount.

Head over to the six pack abs shop right now and use the code: kings20 at checkout to get 20% off your entire six pack order right now.

Now you can set yourself up for success by creating the custom plan that’s best for your goals, without breaking the bank.

Train smarter, not harder.

Henry Tran

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109 thoughts on “The Truth About Six Pack Abs”

      1. With all these refugee coming in at least one is gonna turn into a Kratom Scarface.

        1. Krafugees = people invading countries where kratom is legal and obtainable, taking that kratom and fucking all the women.

        2. Niceeeeeee. Open a Kratomeasy, password to get in is “where is the pet shop?”

      2. try new Cratom. It is just like old fashion kratom but without the active ingredient. Kind of liked when JAC3D made a new and improved formula with no DMAA ugh

  1. 1.1.1 Have ab genes. I’m from viking/celtic stock and having ripped abs for me is a pipe dream. And I don’t need to hear some faggy shit about working harder, my routine would kill most people. My thighs are thicker than most people’s waists) so there are plusses.
    Tl;DR, Ignore the shit, work and play your strengths

    1. There is a lot of truth to that. I know a kid who is is sporting a nice 6 pack. No he does not work out and he is an alcoholic

        1. he just doesn’t carry fat in the front. a six pack is more about that than anything else. The rest of us do a 100 sit-ups everyday and get out body fat down below 7%

        2. I feel your pain Wes, my abs workout amounts to nearly 100 sit-ups and while I got the Vshape forming I cannot lose that much back fat. I even dropped down to 11 1/2 stone when I was working on site but still had a teeny weeny bit of back fat.
          Cunt fat.

        3. I had a coworker who was like that. Guy could eat nearly 4000 calories a day (no exaggeration, we logged his foods) and was still sub-10%.

    2. a lot of that is true. Also, have bodyfat % at 8% or less. I got down to that 6-8% range back in 2013 and had super ripped abs. I also had headaches all the time, my strength suffered, my joints always felt sore and every single gram of everything I put into my body had to be thought through. It wasn’t worth it.

      1. I find that I feel and look better at 10%+ body fat. My abs at that weight look good, but they are not cut. Below that, I get weak. This is normal and why body builders bulk up then cut before a show. Bulked up is not fat, it is enough extra food, where you can grow muscles

        1. I go even higher than you. Most the time I am at 10-12 and then during the winter I will go 12-15. There is just nothing in the cost benefit analysis that says droping my bodyfat will do anything for me. When I hover around 12% I feel good, can still drink in relative moderation, can eat whatever I want on the weekends as long as I keep to my calorie and macro count during the week (whatever I want is just usually “more steak” so I am pretty well trained to eat cleanly) and I feel good.

        2. Right now I am at 25% (and dropping) Only in today’s world of fat folks do I get complemented on my build.

        3. yeah. It is something out there. I am managing to gain weight right now with no corresponding bf% gain. I want to try to get 5 more pounds but don’t know. At some point I will hit terminal. I have been out of the gym letting the body rest for a week and stopped pushing 100% 3 weeks before that. Looking forward to getting back in and seeing what these old bones can do.

      2. Yeah. I CAN do it, but it makes me weak and miserable. 8 years ago was the last time I “cut” to 175ish
        Never, ever again

    3. You must not live in North America for it to be possible for you to have a leg thicker than most waists.

  2. The real truth about 6 pack abs is that unless you are on steroids, you can’t reach anywhere near your full size and strength potential and still have 6 pack abs.

    1. Don’t be stupid, nothing works without Kratom.
      The real reason it’s a class 1 substance is because all the power generators actually run on pure Kratom and the world supply was getting low.

  3. You could try crossfit. From what I understand, once you do cross fit you have to swallow so much semen that you can never eat enough carbs to change your macro ratio from 90/5/5
    You literally have to suck like 400 cocks a day the second you sign up for crossfit.

    1. Sounds like its good to to be the only guy in the cross fit class full of females who want 6 pack.

      1. you still have to suck the cocks. When you sign up for crossfit they bring the cocks in the room and you suck them. Every day. Twice a day. Crossfit is for fags.

        1. Actually there are a lot of gay guys at the local cross fit temple. Cross fit being a cult, I call that place a temple

        2. it is a cult 100%. It is also a terrible work out primarily for homosexuals and men who don’t know better yet. When I was going hard last year I went to my local cross fit and did 2 wods back to back on my rest day. They asked if I wanted to join and I told them “no, I was just looking for something to do on active rest days, but I think I will stick to something more intense and a better workout…like yoga”

        3. What? You don’t like grabbing a weighted Olympic bar and jerking it in an upwards twisting motion as fast as you can for time?

        4. They’re also filthy thieves who steal all the Olympic bars and bar clips from people at the gym that are actually there to use them the right way.

        5. Yes, yes they are. Hey can I use that power rack for an hour and a half I want to do 300 snatches at 65 lbs

    2. You should know about jizz shots to the Adams apple, you bumper plate afficionado.

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  4. I look scrawny when I get down to 10% BMI. Plus I like to eat french toast with syrup and normal food.

        1. Then you need to travel the world and the 7 seas
          because everybody is looking for something.

        2. This is true
          But that prick Bono still hasn’t found what he’s looking for
          Maybe he’s got jaundice vision from his wankers glasses though

    1. more like schedule 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

        1. Ancient Greeks used Kratom, result? Maths, philosophy, astronomy and firm tities everywhere.
          Nowadays? Just a lot of hummus and that’s why they have debt and boatloads of refugees.

      1. Kratom us a Kratom schedule drug. That’s why clever folk shoot up in she groin veins so that they never become addicts.

    2. Heroin is so widely available in the USA that governments are passing out anti-OD drugs for it like candy on Halloween.
      Maybe the same will happen with Kratom?

      1. You didn’t just say that…I will take Vanderbilt tonight -4 at home versus South Carolina (NCAA football), for $200, please.

        1. That stuff is for hipsters. Who can “find” the mist obscure overpriced beer.

          Whiskey and bourbon, thanks.

        2. I compare beer to whisky (Scotch) as I compare modern art to Renaissance era art. Of course I prefer the Renaissance pieces, but that doesn’t mean I won’t go to a modern gallery every now and then.

      2. Having learned that hops are chock full of more synthetic estrogen than soy, the great emasculator, I agree.

  5. Mike Change looks different now.
    Something few people discuss is how your face changes. At 15%, I have chipmunk cheeks and never get laid. When I cut down to 10 or 11%, (about -10lbs), my cheekbones cut through my face and I get girls approaching ME. The only problem is I’m so scrawny at that bf. Literally 165lbs at 6 feet tall lol. Hardly the alpha persona I try to exude. So you kinda do have to work hard to put on size first, otherwise you will look manorexic with abs only seen on instagram.
    I’ve been lean bulking for a year, gaining about 1 pound per month. It’s a decent compromise.

  6. Girl: Wow. You have some killer abs there. Are you a professional athlete?
    Guy: No. I worked like hell to get these so I could fuck superficial hot sluts like you.
    Girl: Wow. You and I, are like, soooo much alike!
    Guy: I know, righ-EET?

  7. Guess I got away with a good chunk of the genetic lottery with an 8pack and no dieting or exercise on a tall frame @6-7% bf. Thin though, but hitting the gym 4 gainz

  8. Dammit, I just wasted 300 dorra on the assmaster 5000 & this fucking springroll says I can do it with a bit of hard work and discipline – bastard. Time to dust off the old unitard

  9. I’d like to see this trend go away. If you got ’em from being on the farm or from sports conditioning, good on ya. If you’re purposefully going for a six pick… it’s just kinda feminine to me.

    1. Truth, I had nice abs when I was a skinny happy skeleton. I’d rather eat right and be strong than have visable abs. 95% no one knows Orr cares you have them.

    2. What about purposefully going for low body fat? Percent low enough for visible rectus abdominis would mean no leg chafe.

  10. Great article. Keto Diet all the way, you get to eat delicious food while melting fat faster than a snowball in hell.

  11. Six pack abs are a result of genetics, dehydration, and dangerously low body fat percentages. And even if you do manage to obtain them, it’s purely cosmetic. If you aren’t at the beach, then how is anyone going to know you have them? Unless you pull a Situation every 10 minutes, no one is going to know.
    Seriously, stick to the Texas Method if you want a killer physique.

      1. It is an intermediate strength program, but it can be modified for powerlifting, which has you squat three times a week. However, the first session is at a lighter weight (usually around 70%) for higher volume (5×5), while the second session is even lighter in load and volume (2×5 at 80% of the volume session weight). The only time you go all out is on the last session of the week, where you go for either a 5RM or do a series of heavy singles or double. If you did intensity sessions every single time, you’d kill yourself.

    1. I think 6 packs are over rated as well. I do include ab/oblique exercises in my work out, but I have low bf and with my
      genetics its not hard. Yeh women do like the feel of them when in bed, but its not what got them there. i had a 6pack when I was scrawny and it counted for squat when I had hard time getting laid. As long as you dont have a bulging belly that hangs over your belt buckle most guys will be fine. Having a 6 pack the only way a girl is going to really know is down at the beach or if you wear a gay style mesh top. 6packs – they are all over the covers of men’s fitness magazines these days though.It helps the industry to keep men striving

  12. “…Nutrition programs that aren’t restrictive…”
    I ate a 12 oz. can of spam smothered in dijon mustard with two vlassic pickles for dinner tonight. And a can of Pabst. Now…Where’s my 6 pack???!!!
    I think genetics has the most to do with this. Either genetics or steroids. I’ve been exercising since I was a teenager and never had anything lose to a 6 pack. But then again, I do the traditional stuff, not the full body high intensity stuff this guy is talking about. That takes a gym. I barely have enough time to do my BS exercising before I have to leave for the train at 6:50 AM.

      1. I do leg raises, bicycle crunches, russian twists, pushups, deep knee bends, dips, and a little bit weights. I also take the stairs up and down at work. I go for “fit & trim”, but a six pack would be great. Not sure if it can be done at 50, though.

    1. Most likely you have achieved a balance within your energetic expenditure, even if working out, and your energy supply.
      A lot of people tell me they are “not cut to have visible abdominals”, and that they “have poor genes” because they have been exercising for a long time without results in that department.
      Like other commenter said, diet is where the money is at.
      HIIT is not mandatory for achieving the goal we are discussing, you could do well training in other ways.

  13. Dunno about the opener to this article as not that long ago it seemed that the “manly men” and the chick magnet types didn’t have six-pack abs.
    Shoot, many of ’em even had chest hair. The “shoulders to boulders” style waxing required to showcase a torso like the one depicted ain’t for me.

  14. Shoulders>Traps>Back>Chest>Triceps>Biceps>Abs
    The actual Heirarchy of upper body musculature that makes a man appear large/muscular/masculine, and the abs are the only one thats optional.

    1. Leanness is masculine in the sense women can be slightly fattier and still attractive. Like 10/15 or something.

      1. Women are naturally fattier as a matter of physiology, but unlike guys they cant say, gain 40lbs and still look good. the idea that an adult woman could gain 40+lbs of bodyweight over any period of time and come out looking and being healther and more aesthetic is absurd.
        tonnes of young guys gaining 30-40lbs in a year or two naturally and look great, definately not all muscle tho.

  15. I used to train for hours and sure I got the physique I wanted but I wasn’t able to maintain that intensity for a lifetime. When I scaled back I noticed I slept better, had a better libido, and more freedom to do the things I wanted instead of working out all the time. Diet is supreme. Everything else is secondary.

  16. I would probably have a visible six pack if I just cut out the post-dinner bowl of cereal for a year.

  17. An Asian guy giving tips on how to trim fat. I have a feeling he’s never really had a fat problem.

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