Observations On The Art Of Seduction

I will begin this article by relating a short anecdote.

Rodrigo had finally succeeding in meeting Luisa in a small barzinho. They had matched on Tinder several days before, but the logistical difficulties of meeting in their large city had prevented a convenient date from congealing.

But he had been quietly insistent, sensing from the tone of her texts that she had a high level of interest in him. When she had made a point of telling him how she was looking forward to their date, his mood was significantly elevated. They both had had to travel—by bus and taxi—some distance to meet this night.

At the barzinho, Rodrigo had gently escalated his physical contacts, beginning with her hands and forearms; this had progressed rapidly to a point where they were imprinting tongue-inflected kisses on each other.

He had moved from across the table to sit beside her, her legs now resting on his thighs; one of his hands had descended slightly inside her waistband, below her lower back. Both were fully engrossed in the moment, whispering seductive invocations to each other amid the chorus of surrounding conversations on the hot summer street.


He eventually asked her to return to his apartment, to advance further their exploratory intimacies, but she had consistently declined, citing a litany of personal reasons. And yet he persisted. There was something about her refusals that contained a hidden entreaty of advancement, in that amorous code that only nascent lovers could decipher.

Finally she turned to him, looked him squarely in the eyes and said, I require efforts to be conquered. This, he knew at once, was his signal to advance further; it was probably one of the most feminine things that had been said to him, and it made his blood froth with expectation. Rodrigo recalled with quiet amusement two lines from Don Quixote: “A hen and a woman are lost by rambling,” and “Between a woman’s yes and no I would not engage to put a pin’s point, so close are they to one another.”

Yet Luisa still demurred, citing one reason after another to go home. And finally he relented, as it was now very late and he just wanted to return to his apartment. He paid the bill and told Luisa he would walk her to the bus stop; he himself would hail a taxi.

As they walked along the crowded streets, she turned to him and said she wanted to go with him to his apartment. And that was how quickly it had happened. That was how fast the game had changed. I require efforts to be conquered.

What are we to conclude from this tale? In matters of seduction, an opprobrious discourse on the differences between the genders simply will not do. There is indeed a logic to amorous interactions, if only we are able to see clearly through the biases of our predispositions. If we may descant a bit on the rhapsodies of love, we will see how some unexpected truths obtrude on our reluctant minds. The shattering of illusions is the first step in the acquisition of wisdom.

The aspiring lover must be hopeful. He will have innumerable obstacles placed in his path: excuses, tests, dramas, and excessive coyness will all be deployed against him in varying degrees of concentration. He must out-wait and outwit his adversary, paying special attention for clues that indicate he should press forward.

There is a delicate balance in a pursuit: it must stay within certain bounds, whose limits may shift over time. Knowing when to pursue, when to relent, and when to wait: these are the essences of the art of love. The pursuit requires a certain moral courage, for which the man will require a certain level of innate conviction.

An extended emotional gauntlet of pursuit is nature’s way of ensuring that only the most qualified contestants reach the finish line. Yet we cannot design flow-charts for the art of seduction; we cannot reduce its subtleties to neatly designed legal contracts, as some pathetic fools wish to do. As Seneca the Elder wisely noted (Controversiae. II.2.10):

In love, establishing artificial boundaries is easier than actually making love. Will you be able to get lovers to observe limits as if they might be called to account? That they do nothing without excessive thought? Promise nothing except through written legal contracts, and weigh all their words with cold logic? This is how old, senile people love.

I doubt anyone has ever expressed it more artfully. The pursuit is a righteous one if the following conditions are present:

1. You truly believe that this is the right thing to do.

Passion derived from sincerity is nearly irresistible. A man must have a sense of inner conviction that what he is doing is right. He must genuinely feel a level of passion for her; if he does not, it will show. Women are extremely sensitive to false emotions.

The keys to her castle must be granted by persuasion both artful and sincere. Naked sincerity, unadorned with artifice, is querulous and tiresome; cloaked in art, it becomes divine. Unless you truly believe in your quest, you will be detected, and you will fail. Even a small bit of doubt–or a whiff of negativity, anger, or frustration–will doom your efforts. Remember that you are not entitled to anything.


Only the pure of heart should enter the arena, just as in the story from Greek mythology of the foot-race to win the hand of Atalanta. Readers may recall that Atalanta agreed to have only that man who could outrun her in a foot-race. Failure was punishable by death.

A clever youth named Hippomenes employed the ruse of using golden apples, supplied by the goddess Aphrodite, to outwit Atalanta and take her for himself. How ancient are the tricks and inducements of seduction, despite all sanctions and obstacles!

2. You are receiving signs and signals to advance

Here we must look primarily at women’s actions. In our anecdote above, we note that even though Rodrigo was getting rebuffed constantly at the barzinho, Luisa was not asking him to stop touching her. She was not asking him to move away from her.

He was given the permission to proceed. Being attuned to these signals is one of the key functions of the pursuit. Although Seneca the Elder overstates his case when he says (Controv. II.7.6),

Sex is close to a promise when, having been propositioned, she remains silent,

he nevertheless in this epigram seeks to make the point that a man must be sensitive to the moods and actions of our expectant lovers.

Truly feminine women do not want to have to exhaust themselves explaining matters of the heart to men. They expect us, as men, to know how to behave as men. They do not want to coach a man through a seduction: that, they correctly believe, is the man’s job. Nothing quenches the fires of desire more quickly in her heart than the perception that her man is obtuse in reading her signals.

3. You are sensitive to, and responsive to, her moods.

Remember that you are not entitled to anything. As men, we often forget just how different the woman’s world is from ours. On a recent date, a girl chanced to show me as an amusement the avalanche of texts she had received from some recent Tinder matches. I was disgusted to see text after text of groveling obsequiousness, photos of genitalia, and inept attempts at conversation.

The point is that attractive women are constantly beset by clumsy approaches in one form or another; and out of necessity, they need to hone their filtration systems in order to ensure that only the best candidates receive carnal admission.


Some further guidance along these same lines has been found to be useful. We must constantly be mindful of the fact that the art of love is an art. There is little place in this sort of discussion for laundry-lists, bullet points, and obsessive analysis.

In ancient times, the Greek word palestra signified a training-ground for athletes or wrestlers. The game of love has its own palestra. And as in nearly everything else, there is no substitute for the palestra of actual worldly experience.

Never argue with her. Arguments are best reserved for married couples. In the dance of seduction, logic and reason assume a decidedly secondary importance. No woman was ever won over with appeals to logic. Arguments are a sign of weakness, of a lack of control of the situation, and must be avoided.

Be generous. Within reasonable limits, you must be willing to demonstrate some degree of generosity of spirit. In the anecdote above, Rodrigo made a point of telling Luisa that he would pay for her cab ride back to her residence in the morning. It may sound like a small detail, but the ability to overcome minor obstacles like this demonstrates to her that you are a man in control of the situation. You thereby engage her instinct to be protected and cared for.

Fortune is fickle. As we note in the anecdote, things can change on a dime. Just when you think all may be lost—as Rodrigo did—suddenly your luck can change. The reverse will also happen, with depressing frequency.

You must stay the course with patience and fortitude, no matter what the outcome. No matter the final result—victory or defeat—you must keep your composure, behave with philosophic dignity, and go on to fight another day. As Seneca the Elder says (Controv. I.1.5), regarding the twisting turns of fate,

Fate is fickle. Victors show their backs [i.e., flee] to the defeated, and Fortune abandons those whom it previously supported.

Nothing was ever accomplished without effort. There are no conquests without effort. Failure will be your constant companion. Salute him when necessary, and appreciate his constant imprecations; for without him we remain unrealized potential.

If the vagaries of chance and Fortune are not to your liking, and if the sting of failure unduly swells the tissues of your vanity, then you should not enter the palestra. The only protection from failure is never to try. As Seneca the Elder (Controv. I.8.16) says, quoting Diocles of Carystos:

There is one safeguard against Fortune: not to make an attempt of it too often.

This is true, perhaps. But can we even call this life? I for one cannot. I prefer my victories, however sparse, to be attended by a phalanx of failures, that they may taste sweeter still.

Read More: 11 Fundamental Guidelines For Solid Game

104 thoughts on “Observations On The Art Of Seduction”

  1. A strong handshake, extended eye contact, leading a girl from the bar to a table, calling a waiter or waitress over to the table, pulling out a chair, and telling her you WANT her phone number… These things demonstrate your leadership skills and are strong flirtation techniques that breakdown the barriers to the kitty.

    1. I wonder if deliberate eye contact is perhaps one of the most important things. As a man, women have a somewhat inherent understanding that your attention can be singular, and as such, is valued. Moreover, making extended eye contact with any beast that is physically superior to you is emotionally moving. Just ask any big-game hunter, or zoologist or any person who regularly comes into direct contact with big cats. When you know that that beast is physically superior, and that under the right circumstances that beast would hunt you, eye contact with it stirs up the most primal of emotions. It’s literally a direct shot to the reptilian brain.

        1. Maintaining strong eye contact is a sign of strong confidence.
          Even when speaking to a man I could tell his confidence is low if he can’t look me in the eyes when we talk.

        2. I’ve had women tell me that when I hand them my cell phone and TELL them to add their number, it turns them on.

  2. If there is one secret, I believe it is this – lead, and lead with passion. Just get experience approaching and leading and you will recognize her “signals.” You will be advantaged by the fact that women want to be led. Just not forcing her to work for her own seduction will be a very positive thing since most guys are simps.
    She may not agree to follow, but you must always lead. Eventually one girl will.

    1. At one time I hated approaching. I always thought something magical needed to occur, not because I was timid or scared. Now I approach like it is second nature. Just approaching with “Hi” , “How’s your week?”, “Mind if I sit here?” “you’re cute” , “you seem fun.” commands respect from women and gets you attention from them that otherwise you may not get if you didn’t make your presence known.

      1. Yeah, we’re in the same place now. I’m a bit more bold than that and tell girls I think they’re attractive or looked nice and wanted to come talk. Often (especially in a confined environment) I will tell them if they don’t want to talk, I will leave.
        This both gives them an escape route so it removes any pressure they’re under, and it allows me to screen for interest.

        1. definitely telling them they are attractive, but in a polite and well-mannered way, is extremely effective. I see Newbies go for the “you’re hot!” line on women, only to get shot down and come looking to me for answers as to why they failed.

    2. “You will be advantaged by the fact that women want to be led.”
      If I might add a bit more…..
      Women (most women by my count) want to be with a confident man. Leadership is demonstrative of confidence.

    Quintus, I bought your book, “37”. It’s the most delicious text I’ve read in a long time. Thanks.
    P.S. – gave you 5 Stars at Amazon 🙂

    1. I get the feeling from reading this that Quintus is writing another one. Sweet prose

  4. “Nothing quenches the fires of desire more quickly in her heart than the perception that her man is obtuse in reading her signals.”
    Truer words were never spoken.

  5. I think the reason that I never resonated with ‘PUA’ techniques is because it usually requires you to use tricks, gimmicks and acting like a clown to seduce the average slut, this method usually makes a man oblivious to the signals that woman gives due the said man focusing too much on doing somersaults and backflips just to get the number of a female that’s not interesting in him the first place. Where I will give the PUA credit for is in its identifications of IOI(indicators of interest) which is very important for a man to incorporate in his game as it weeds out the girls that are interested in you from the girls that are.
    Most women, if not all are attention whores and will happily watch you ‘bomb out’ during your approach and just give you enough to keep you there while she eye fucks the alpha from across the room/bar etc. I believe in being direct while at the same being sensitive to the signals that she gives off so you don’t waste your time
    Psquare Method
    1. Approach
    2. Convey your interest immediately in a direct manner (body language, verbal banter)- be sensitive to her body language
    3.( If she responds favourably)- ESCALATE(proposition for sex/make-out/handjob/number etc.)
    Now there are times when one has to use plausible deniability so the girl doesn’t feel like a slut e.g. ‘You wanna come over and [make up something non sexual that you want to show or do with the girl]
    *Don’t let rejection affect your ego. A lion gets sidestepped by a zebra more often than not, but it never stops the lion from hunting.
    Great article Quintus

    1. only one caveat, it’s not always best to wait for IOIs because chances are she doesn’t notice because she is busy drinking, talk to another female, or people watching. You have to approach without IOIs most of the time. I agree, most PUA seminars are for money making only and are at best strange and silly.

      1. You’re right, I’m not talking about looking for IOI’s before the approach but during your interaction/seduction process

      2. Sometime ago I got to hang out with one if the best pick up artists in the world in a causal setting. Just as friends on a basic level. From what I gathered, he always had to be the smartest, funniest and coolest guy in the place. He was doing pretty well for himself. Even had 2 steady girlfriends. One of which was the mother of his child and soon to be second. What I didn’t like about him was an air of fakeness that seemed be radiate from him. It was like he was always trying to find my weakness. At one point he even tried to get me to buy a preview of his girlfriend’s pua book which I declined.
        After that he moved away but soon wanted me to draw a graphic novel of one if his movie scripts. He didn’t want to pay my asking rate and we split company. In learned a lot from that experience. For a while he had been a hero of mine but I learned what he was really like. A lot of guys getting into pua idolize that coaches but never look part the surface to see that they’re just people trying to make money too.

        1. Many PUAs in the 1990s seemed fake and I was alwaus sudpicious of them. After having developed my own strategy for getting chycks I’ve dropped PUA tactics. I am guessing the ‘gurus’ out there today giving seminars and what-not are the same.

        2. No, I really don’t want to say who it was, but he was voted number 1 in the world for a few years straight.

        3. True. I read a lot of the classic PuA hand books back in the day. Starting with David DeAngelo’s “Double your dating”. Even read some of Mystery’s and Style’s early work too. Now a days that stuff is really outdated and would tell guys to stay far away from it.

        4. It was more on relationships and getting your GF to be more sexually adventurous in bed. Being that I’m single, I had no use for it.

    2. So true… I would add – know your demographic and play to your strengths – know your “type”. Recognizing IOIs is the difference between being blind and seeing. It is the single most important thing to know.

    3. So true on the ninja kicks and backflips of PUA. Too much too much. They make things too complicated which was why when I followed their whole “scientific” formula I bombed out with getting chicks. I just used my traditional way aka what you just said and I got better responses (aka lays).

    4. PUA is for guys who don’t necessarily have the physical attributes that women immediately like. I am fortunately enough that I have those attributes and I don’t need to resort to any trickery.

    5. You’re completely missing the point on the art of seduction. Proper seduction. That’s what makes the game fun.

  6. Alcohol ruins both seduction (for both), then emotional vulnerability along with physical restraint (for women). The only times I don’t mind a woman having a merry drink is during a meal…or in private.
    That’s one reason most females in clubs and the like turn me automatically off. I enjoy talking to a prospective mark.

    1. I game between 9 PM and 12AM in clubs when females are not inebriated and can pay attention as well as talk.

  7. I think that one of the best “quick fixes” to your game is to start telling girls things, instead of asking them. Instead of “Do you want to go to Panda Express?” say “Let’s go to Panda Express.” Instead of “Can I have your phone number” say “Well, you seem cool enough. Give me your phone number.”

    1. “Hey Courtney, do you think like maybe umm… could you possibly in a bit when you’re comfortable, on chance occasion maybe swallow my semen if you’re feeling up to it? The safe word is banana?”

        1. ☀☀­@c{­­­­­­­­­­­G­­­­o­­o­­g­­l­­e­­­­ ls<-paying 97$ per hour! Work for few hours and have longer with friends & family! On tuesday I got a great new Land Rover Range Rover from having earned $8752 this last four weeks. Its the most-financialy rewarding I’ve had. It sounds unbelievable but you wont forgive yourself if you don’t check it
          ☀☀☀☀☀{{/Visit > see Prroff page–>—-

      1. Or how about the classic “In the car, where do we go?” dilemma:
        “Hey, where do you want to go to eat, Betsy?”
        “I don’t know, you decide.”
        “No, it doesn’t matter for me. Go ahead, honey, your call.”
        “Um, how about, Ezio’s Italian Restaurant?”
        “Whatever you want, honey dear.”
        “Do you feel like Italian?”
        “I’ll do whatever you want to, Betsy.”
        And it goes on.

    2. Yes. Make statements, don’t ask questions. The only questions you should be asking are screening questions or qualifying questions.
      Slowly and steadily, I’ve begun to reduce questioning.

      1. This works in business too. Leaders tell people what they’re going to do, and people like leaders.

    1. There is no “PUA stuff” here: no gimmicks, no magic wands. It’s all real world stuff, street tested. How do I know? Because I am the guy in the anecdote.

  8. “He had moved from across the table to sit beside her, her legs now resting on his thighs; one of his hands had descended slightly inside her waistband”
    …. at this point I did wonder if this article might turn into some bodice ripping heavy breathing erotica, but having lured us in it becomes a fine piece on the nature of seduction.
    The quote from Don Quixote – “between a woman’s yes and no I would not engage to put a pin’s point, so close are they to one another” – should be required daily reading. Rape prosecutor’s should have to recite it every day, and gender studies professors should have the words lasered onto their inner eyelids.
    Instead though we have a system which increasingly sees failures to perform adequately in the ‘arts of love’ as crimes analogous in punishment to those of Atalanta’s suitors who failed to outrun her. There is also a paradox in the idea that the successful suitor must be pure of heart given that he could only outrun her by tricking her.
    The myth also assumes that Atalanta is a worthy prize in herself – in Dwayne ‘the rock Johnson’s recent (and quite bad) Hercules, she’s actually a pretty ordinary woman, and that’s part of the problem. This is the first article for a long time that actually suggests that some women might really be worth pursuing. Men might well be prepared to risk their lives for a stab at a woman who was genuinely worth that risk, but are there any such left?
    In a sense the issue to be decided here is whether to run that race at all. What did Bruce Lee say in Enter the Dragon ‘I practice the art of fighting without fighting’ before casting his opponent off into the dinghy. Maybe that’s the trick in question

  9. Who has time for this shit? The ‘art of seduction’ (lol what, someone’s been reading too much Robert Greene without any perspective)… on modern day Western skanks. Please! I would feel thoroughly offended by any bitch who told me ‘she requires efforts to be conquered’ (the same bitches who who got DP’d and gagged on NCAA Div I cock in college). I mean if you’re telling me that, then she already knows there is an attraction. I say always be prepared to walk away. On the apex of the triage, money, power and women, in today’s times women are the absolute bottom of that trinity. In fact they’d be beneath bonding and walking my dog, who actually loves me. Ruthlessness and the propensity to leave at a moments notice has its own attraction. It truly is lonely at the top gentlemen.

    1. LOL!. Meetings like these just don’t happen anymore. I was going to reply to this with something along these lines. Today’s Western women have no idea on even the kinda of attractive game that turns them on. No sense of propriety or feminine quality. They float on a sea of nothingness which teaches them nothing but rewards (or doesn’t criticize) their most base and narcissistic impulses. Not a chance of landing this.

      1. Exactly, some stupid bitch who goes to average state U listening to rap, and who probably wants to fuck thugs and student-athletes, is worthy of the ‘art of seduction’? Lol… Approach directly esp if there’s eye contact, ask for the number and coffee etc, if accepted escalate to drinks and sex, if denied move the fuck on. Simple as that, all these fucking clowns on here with this PUA bullshit. Attraction is felt in the first 3 seconds, if she’s not interested, I don’t have time in 2015 to chase pussy. It comes down to showing yourself some fucking respect, the same bitch you are shoveling $15 a cocktail for, was probably gangbanged at a house-party the week before. Show some fucking self-respect! The Art of Seduction! Ha! Should I don a powdered wig for you too madame? hahaha

        1. Sad but true man, sad but true. The Tove Lo video comes to mind about the total destruction of your average western young woman. I have tremendous respect for Quintus and I have no doubt that this still works in Brazil or Eastern Europe but in the USA the ONLY game left with the typical Western cunt is extremely fast and direct, otherwise you are perceived as needy and get thrown in the orbiters band. They let themselves be destroyed by feminism now lets finish it totally for after destruction comes construction.

        2. A lot of truth to this, but it’s a bit more complicated than that. But for American game guidelines, I stand by my article “11 Fundamental Guidelines for Solid Game”. The link appears at the end of the article above.

        3. Might be Quitus but I, like Lance have no time for it. Besides not everyone has the means to travel too, many of us are still clinging to what good jobs are left. He has every right to be pissed off about the decline of women in his home country which supposedly is the greatest in the world. Why should we after all have to fly around the world just to meet someone worth pursuing? Sure I will go out this weekend and approach again like the last one but your average man today is downright intimidated by the average American woman. And the shit is spreading in Brazil and Eastern Europe as well. I guarantee in 10-20 years they’ll be the same as here.

        4. I don’t mind spending a lil cash on drinks to lower the inhibitions of a bitch, but its usually done after a girl has reciprocated my desire to fuck her.
          What always baffles me is how some guys waste hours/days/months wasting so much time trying to fuck ONE girl whilst the girl they thirst for blows the whole football team on a weekly basis.
          Its either a girl is interested in fucking you or she’s not. There’s no in-between, If she makes you wait for hours/days/months than she’s not interested in fucking you.
          Time is the most valuable thing in this world, there are 3.5-4 billion women in this world, it kills me watching guys pander and bend over backwards for a wet-hole

        5. Absolutely P, time is the most important asset in life, followed by money. Women will come and go, young pussy will always be there. Some hot 18-21 yr old is not only expendable and replaceable with other 18-21 year olds but value depreciates. Every moment spent not fucking her, represents my time getting fucked. Women are time fuckers, and I will have none of it. Being a black guy does come with advantages, given that most women already know that we have no-time for hoes and bullshit.
          Either you’re down to fuck, or you’re out of here. Beauty in a woman is bullshit, not the same as art. It’s ephemeral, vain, conceited, shallow and false. Fuck my time for that, when there are 20 other bitches who could replace her? Never. Besides women have been viewing men as expendable for centuries, because of war and high risk occupations, but somehow a man is ready to sacrifice the rest of his life in ‘matrimony’ for 10 years of declining beauty. And really after one or two child-beds, it’s over by that time as well.

        6. Yeah I kind of disagree. If a girl doesn’t wait, but lets me fuck her immediately, barely knowing anything about me, that’s trash. I won’t see her again. She obviously doesn’t care who she fucks. I don’t even much enjoy sex with those type of easy girls.
          At least if a girl makes you wait and ‘prove yourself’ to a certain degree, you know she has some standards. Maybe she needs the wait time to sort out the guys she doesn’t really like. Maybe it makes me feel better when she finally decides I’m one of the very few she does like enough to fuck. Maybe this is all just bullshit, but I’d rather take the time needed to fuck a ‘fussy’ girl who needs time to know me before jumping in bed, than fuck ten girls to whom I’m just another dick.

        7. The fundamental error in your line of thinking, is that you’re adding perceived value to a bitch who’s perceptibly ‘fussy’ because this gives you the indication that she cares about who she jumps in bed with. In a nutshell, she acts this way with YOU! But some other guy, let’s even for the sake of argument say George Clooney, and you could bet that bitch would be on her knees in 2 seconds in a shit-stained bathroom giving oral. You can bet she’s pulled this off before with alpha males. Pull the pedestal from out under these hoes completely.

        8. I dunno why you don’t get many more UP votes than expected. Your comments on all these threads are nothing but REALness

        9. Most men get shamed by either society or women into foisting upon themselves beta tendencies. The key is recognising nature for what it is and being unapologetic. Some girl told me one time, ‘you just want to fuck me, don’t you!’ and I said… absolutely, and that’s the only reason sweetheart. Needless to say this paid huge dividends. Now other men would fail miserably and start shit like, ‘no I want to get to know your personality and family and shit’. lmao… Be man, what nature designed you to be.

        10. I agree women do that. But in my experience, some (a minority) also are simply more discriminating who they sleep with and need time to get to know you. Your view is that all chicks are sluts, and I respect that’s been your experience and it’s certainly true that most of them are.
          Like I said, it could be bullshit, but in my life the chicks I’ve waited to have sex with have been better chicks than the ones who let me fuck them within hours (minutes). It wasn’t that the fussy chicks didn’t want to fuck me, because when we finally did they were into it.
          I’m not saying the woman George Clooney married isn’t a slut, maybe she is, but I bet she didn’t give him head in a toilet within hours of meeting him.
          Not many women wait to even know your name these days, let alone a second date, so if one does, I automatically give her a little credit. The ones that take their panties off the second they get in my car I mentally file under ‘less than garbage.’

        11. That little line of credit might end up being your biggest debt. I think when you come into any situation unassuming, you may more often than not end up with pleasant surprises. I’m a huge believer in probability and statistics, and I think it’s best to prepare for a world of averages instead of world of improbabilities. You live in the West, probably America. All these hoes have melting and/or boiling points much like metals and liquids. You might not be her melting point but there is some guy out there, some where, probably multiple men who can have her at will, within the first few minutes. I don’t care if she grew up in a convent, this is reality. You’re assuming that what chicks have told you, is a universal truth for all men. All men are not creating equal, not matter what liars with the last Jefferson tell you. If a bitch shit tests you like this, she may be trying to pull some cash out of you for dates etc, but simply, you may not be the one who gets the panties wet. No woman ever makes a man wait who gets her hot and bothered. Your reality is yours alone.

        12. You should have said, “no of course not.” And then fucked the shit out of her… LOL!

        13. Fair enough. That’s your experience. Mine is that there’s a type of woman who makes all men wait before deciding if she wants to fuck. I ended up in a relationship with one and she was definitely hot and bothered when the time came.
          You’ll maintain these type girls only made ME wait, and yet happily fuck other guys within minutes, and that’s fine it’s your belief I don’t personally share it.
          I’ve had way more women agree to fuck me within hours than any that ever made me wait. I actually think this has more to do with women these days being sluts than me being their ‘melting point’.
          My experience is most western women who agree to go on a date with you are dtf asap. But certain women (a small minority) wouldn’t fuck any man on the first date, whether he’s Brad Pitt or Prince William.

        14. I would say that her motivation for making you wait is fear. Fear of being perceived a slut or if she actually likes you, that you will never come back. Women have a deep fear of abandonment. I have definitely gotten a woman “hot and bothered” and then been told “its too soon”. Could I have gotten it then and there if I persisted? Possibly, but I wasn’t in a hurry and knew I would see her again.
          However, on vacation women are different. They are less apt to wait because there is generally no chance they will see you again and no one will know about her part-time sluttiness….

        15. One of the classics – I’ve pointed many a friend in the direction of that article when introducing them to Return of Kings. It nicely encompasses the core tenants of red pill ideology and should be included in the “Beginner’s Section” many have suggested be created around here.
          And as always, another strong article Quintus, with the added bonus of a particularly intriguing back and forth between you and Lance. Getting to see both side’s impassioned take on this is great stuff.

        16. Fair enough. That’s your experience. Mine is that there’s a type of woman who makes all men wait before deciding if she wants to fuck.

          Santa was your dad, the Tooth fairy was your mom, there are no such thing as Mermaids and those bitches are running game. I’m sorry but this is the truth.
          The Bearer of Bad News

        17. Reminds me of my Ex I dated for 3 years. Broke up with the bitch since I was tired of her bullshit and less than a week later she sucked and fucked some random dude from tinder in less than 1 hour of meeting him…at the hotel he works at too

        18. I absoltely uphold your statement! Radicality, I believe is a masculine character trait that must be developed when it comes to women.

        19. I suspect that this all depends on the demographic of the women involved. I believe it is true for young feminism brainwashed women these days. But for those of us born in the 50s, there is a better demographic of women – who grew up and were educated before the advent of rabid feminism. With that context, I wrote the following:
          “No woman ever makes a
          man wait who gets her hot and bothered. Your reality is yours alone.”
          No, his reality is
          also my experience. A woman who never makes a man wait who gets her hot and bothered is a slut. Not all women are sluts.
          I heard a saying about this a long time
          “Easy come, easy go”.
          I have gotten sexual with women after multiweek courtships where they lit up
          with intense desire and sexuality. Indeed, my opinion is that sluts who fuck
          you right away are not actually very passionately desirous. It’s no more than
          just another bodily function like a sneeze or fart to them. Or something they
          do because all their friends are doing it.
          It sounds to me like your view on this is a self fulfilling prophesy reinforced
          by you rejecting women who won’t fuck you right away. So all you get is
          promiscuous sluts. The quality of the results you get is proportional to the
          effort you put in.
          I doubt that you have even had the kind of experiences
          thekingslayer and I are talking about. You have created your own reality and it is not the same as ours.

    2. If you are dealing with masculine, skanky American chicks, Lance, then you have a point. But that isn’t the case here. This story takes place in a major city in Brazil. The rules are different down there, chief.
      Rules are different when you’re overseas, dealing with actual feminine women. I really hope that you get a chance to experience this, Lance. I think you’d lose a lot of your bitterness.
      An American chick would never be able to deliver the line “Preciso effortes pra conquistar”, but a sultry young brasileira with long black hair on the steamy streets of Lapa can do it.
      And you know what? You would feel inspired to pursue.
      Masculine men and feminine women have a real polarity that suits each other.
      If the only women you’ve been with are dipshit American fuckheads, then of course you’re going to be angry and bitter has hell. I totally understand.
      But you need to take my advice on this: get outside the US and visit Eastern Europe, Asia, or South America. You will then see what a real woman is like.
      Beneath that bitter exterior of yours, Lance, is a disillusioned idealist seeking to be inspired.

      1. Quintus, good to hear from you, pay no attention to the swearing, that’s for effect. Now with that said, what the fuck? I think all women in more or less the same vein, exhibit the same behavioural traits of sluttiness and hypergamy. The last time I checked, Brazil was not a bastion of the nuclear family unit, where women were saved until betrothal. I absolutely possess no sense of bitterness, why should I? I see life unimpeded by historical precedence, which has no relevance with modernity. Life changes, times change, people change. The only constant in life is change. The art of seduction, if meted out on an appropriate mark may be worth it, but how many marks or women, are actually worth it? Brazilian women on average may have better attitudes than your average American princess, but stats indicate they are more sexual (slutty) at a younger age. Make no mistake, pedestalising women based on nationality is a quick route to disappointment and heartache.

        1. If I gave the impression that I was pedestalizing, that’s my mistake. Didn’t mean to do that.
          And I’m not saying Brazil is some sort of lily-white, pristine paradise, either.
          It can be smelly, skanky, nasty, raunchy, brutal, and bitter. Just how I dig it.
          I need spice, brother. And I get the sense that you do too.
          Don’t worry about all that other damned bullshit. Just dive in there and get your prong worked on.
          Let the world stew in its own juices. We’re all fucked, more or less. You can either be miserable, or go out with a smile on your face. Get in there and blast loads.
          It’s one big gooey world, Lance, and it’s got your name on it.
          Now dive in there and munch.

        2. It can be smelly, skanky, nasty, raunchy, brutal, and bitter.

          And obese too. For fucks sake!

        3. Here was a song I was listening to the other day for the classic “My Fair Lady”. It had a lot of red pill truth in it.
          Well after all, Pickering, I’m an ordinary man,
          Who desires nothing more than an ordinary chance,
          to live exactly as he likes, and do precisely what he wants…
          An average man am I, of no eccentric whim,
          Who likes to live his life, free of strife,
          doing whatever he thinks is best, for him,
          Well… just an ordinary man…
          BUT, Let a woman in your life and your serenity is through,
          she’ll redecorate your home, from the cellar to the dome,
          and then go on to the enthralling fun of overhauling you…
          Let a woman in your life, and you’re up against a wall,
          make a plan and you will find,
          that she has something else in mind,
          and so rather than do either you do something else
          that neither likes at all You want to talk of Keats and Milton,
          she only wants to talk of love,
          You go to see a play or ballet, and spend it searching
          for her glove, Let a woman in your life
          and you invite eternal strife,
          Let them buy their wedding bands for those anxious little hands…
          I’d be equally as willing for a dentist to be drilling
          than to ever let a woman in my life, I’m a very gentle man,
          even tempered and good natured
          who you never hear complain,
          Who has the milk of human kindness
          by the quart in every vein,
          A patient man am I, down to my fingertips,
          the sort who never could, ever would,
          let an insulting remark escape his lips
          Very gentle man…
          But, Let a woman in your life,
          and patience hasn’t got a chance,
          she will beg you for advice, your reply will be concise,
          and she will listen very nicely, and then go out
          and do exactly what she wants!!!
          You are a man of grace and polish,
          who never spoke above a hush,
          all at once you’re using language that would make
          a sailor blush, Let a woman in your life,
          and you’re plunging in a knife,
          Let the others of my sex, tie the knot around their necks,
          I prefer a new edition of the Spanish Inquisition
          than to ever let a woman in my life I’m a quiet living man,
          who prefers to spend the evening in the silence of his room,
          who likes an atmosphere as restful as
          an undiscovered tomb,
          A pensive man am I, of philosophical joys,
          who likes to meditate, contemplate,
          far for humanities mad inhuman noise,
          Quiet living man….
          But, let a woman in your life, and your sabbatical is through,
          in a line that never ends comes an army of her friends,
          come to jabber and to chatter
          and to tell her what the matter is with YOU!,
          she’ll have a booming boisterous family,
          who will descend on you en mass,
          she’ll have a large wagnarian mother,
          with a voice that shatters glass,
          Let a woman in your life,
          Let a woman in your life,
          Let a woman in your life I shall never let a woman in my life.

      2. The way you described the brazilian feminine woman made me think of an italian summer day listening to guitar music, smelling a rose’s perfume with a gorgeus woman by my arm and side. Ah, Florence, ah life, how beautiful you are. I always dream of doing that stuff once I reach my financial and mental peak. But I don’t think I can afford it yet and not for the next 5-10 years. Not yet, not enough time, fuck ! This running and slaving over money is stealing my youth! Can someone give a pointer here?

        1. I hear you man.
          My plan is to go abroad and teach English while I teach myself more marketable skills (languages, coding, data analysis.. Stuff I’m already pretty good at and supplement my research background).
          In Korea you can save approx 15-20k and the hours/work are pretty fair.
          Just shooting ideas at you, I don’t know your situation and everyone is different.
          One general pointer though is start learning how to invest. Teach yourself basic finance and investing. A good intro book I recommend is Money: Master the Game by Toni Robbins.

        2. Thanks man. I’m already working on a foreign language and the coding myself. By the end of 2015 I want to be able to have a stable platform to take off from. I love my country and my people and I see things are already changing for the best but it will take about 10 years or so for the elements to change and I don’t want to be here sitting on my ass untill that happens. I quote Scipio Africanus ,,Ingrata patria, ne ossa quidem habebis”.

        3. Good for you man. Glad to see that RoK members practice what we preach.
          What country are you living in? America?
          And yeah coding + foreign language sounds solid.
          Check out https://www.coursera.org/ and http://www.codecademy.com/ for some good online free resources on a wide range of topics.
          “Ungrateful fatherland, not even my bones shalt thou have!”

        4. I’m from the blessed country currently named Romania. But this is not the actual name of the country. It’s a name given to us by the powers that have been 2 centuries ago while wiping out our intellectual class because they ,,knew too much”. Many of our poets & authors from that time wrote only about how we’ve been robbed of our history in order for our neighbouring countries to take away any written or actual fact of how large our country was or how powerfull our people actually are. The greatest example comes to mind that I’ve once intended to write an article about, today is actually his birthday – Mihai Eminescu. This land and it’s people has been fucked since the 1800. But almost nobody knows this stuff and the people you talk to about it will start to call you crazy.
          I’ve been thinking about writing an article here about that poet but I want guidance from someone who already has some experience as this information needs to be polished before anyone lays eyes on it. Anyway, every 50 years or so, a few hundred people become martyrs in order for our history to be remembered and our values to be reiterated.

        5. I don’t know anything about that but I’d be interested in learning more about it. I hope you put the article together but I don’t think I’m the guy to help you. I could help with editing but I have no background in that topic.

        6. Nah, I’m still pages behind. I’ll probably do it when I’ll make time for it. By the way, thanks for the pointers on the courses!

    3. I have to agree with most of that.
      I cannot imagine working up anything resembling passion for pretty much any women today. Even simply sleeping with them, is more of a bother than it’s worth, and if it wasn’t for the silly romantic in me insisting on keeping my “skills” from getting too rusty for when I find that one in a/ten/hundred million diamond worthy of more than a polite brushing aside, I doubt I even would.

  10. “In love, establishing artificial boundaries is easier than actually making love. Will you be able to get lovers to observe limits as if they might be called to account? That they do nothing without excessive thought? Promise nothing except through written legal contracts, and weigh all their words with cold logic? This is how old, senile people love.”
    In the context of the recent “Yes means yes” and affirmative consent contracts, this quotation made me laugh out loud. But at the same time Seneca wasn’t dealing with a female mindset and culture that is literally one step short of utter insanity.

  11. Quintus, first off- very well written post, hats off bro.
    Thing is, I think it needs a counterbalance perspective. Let me explain.
    I guess you interpret the lady’s comment, “I require efforts to be conquered” as something to prompt our inner Rake. Fair enough.
    However, as men we mustn’t forget that in seduction, we need to switch roles, we must get her to work. By her actually telling our boy Rodrigo, “I require efforts to be conquered”, she is setting up the dominant frame that SHE is the ring leader, and that he is the performing beast.
    And this trick has been a consistent theme throughout the ages going all the way back to myth of Hercules and the 12 Labors- remember that one? Hercules “pissed off” Hera and so she made him WORK his ass of in the hopes of getting back in her good books.
    There are so many other such myths, tales, etc., that have served to effectively control men by channelling men’s natural sexual and aggressive instincts (testosterone) into a life of sacrifice and servitude to the state or to women. Also, in all tribal societies, women are taught from a young age to make a man work or prove himself to gain access to her sexually…
    And I believe that this is the root of the changes we see going on today. In todays Manosphere and seduction arts , men everywhere are learning to override our hormones in favor of mental skill and social dynmaics, They are learning to .”reverse the polarity”, they are learning that THEY are the prize, and delaying HER gratification is part of reversing this polarity. Making her work validates earning You. She must Work (compliance, push-pull, etc.)
    Somebody HAS to do the work, women know this is a LAW.
    Our job is to make sure its her.

    1. I see your point but the situation here was different from what you might think. Rodrigo was not being told by a female to be “in control”…she said this to him as a way of telling him that he had already won. And ever since the bang, she’s been blowing up his phone with texts and messages.
      Again, in a short article like this, I can’t really capture all the nuances and details. And it can lead to misunderstandings about the whole context of how it all went down.
      Latin women like more drama, and enjoy the chase. They don’t punish you for it as much as American women do…hell, with them, one false move and you’re done.

      1. Hi Quintus,I frequently see the references to Eastern European Women, Russian women, etc..etc.. on this site. I am Armenian myself, traveled to many of those places and I do not see the differences between the American Women and the rest, except in their outward behavior. The Eastern European women ACT more demure yet their intentions are just as devious i.e. wanting a Greencard, Luis Vuitton bag, and some kind of financial benefit from a man. Very few are virgins anymore as they are expected to give it up to players and PUA type equivalents in their respective countries. I have witnessed so many failed relationships with women from the former USSR nations and their satellites because the guys did not get what they thought they were getting when they were ‘courting’ the women over there. Can you please provide details about your experiences there and why they are so different than your American experience?

      2. Very true. As you say, the national mindset of a country’s women may in fact (and probably usually does) force a man to change his game from the top down,
        I noticed the same thing with the women of France. In contrast to the Latin chase and flamboyancy, the overarching French mindset is one of subtlety.
        Anyway, unfortunately our North America women are neither subtle nor are they appreciative of the romantic chase.
        No, for them, its more important to become some kind of SJW or sex rebel. Either way, they are aggressive beasts, hence the need for more of a screening, compliance, overt dominant approach.

  12. Not so sure about generous. The about of pussy I get seems to have a direct inverse relationship to the amount of money I spend on it.

  13. “1. You truly believe that this is the right thing to do”. A spot on observation. Sometimes I do feel that I don’t believe I am doing the right thing, but I do it anyway or not. I think today it’s harder to feel that passion of really wanting to conquer a girl. Today perhaps passion equals lust. Perhaps I don’t put too much passion in pursuing a girl. Maybe because I don’t care that much at the bottom of it. I stay detached from the result. No expectations.

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