Donald Trump Uses The Same Game On The Media That Works On Women

Future President Donald Trump’s established record of success with women is no secret. The guy has game and it is a given. Supermodels, Playboy centerfolds, you name it, The Don banged it.

Take away his money, what is left?


It cannot be denied that his fame added to his large financial resources are an aphrodisiac for women. It is simple biology in action. But in addition of his status, Donald can count on other traits like confidence or insane self-love.

Game denialists would be prompt to say ” Well, he only scores because he has money.” But people like Mark Zuckerberg are billionaires but still cannot bed beautiful women, why?


Because Zuckerberg is a doormat. Even with billions, he is an effeminate lab rat with poor posture that can only bang an Asian 5 to prevent his genes from vanishing from the surface of the Earth. His perceived fragility and his palpable weakness can magically turn any vagina dry.

Trump’s past as an entrepreneur and businessman refined his frame to turn it rock-solid. He is in excellent health (compared to his opponent) but his mindset is even stronger and the undeniable key to his victories. He has been through trial and failure and this made his resolve and drive exceptional, hence his success with the ladies.

A short reminder


His three wives. Obviously the shortest union of the three was with the American one. Let that be a warning. Her are some notable examples which confirm that DJT is a game natural:


1. Between wives, he met Sandra Taylor (pictured above), a Penthouse Pet of the Month, took her out for pizza, banged her, gave her a signed copy of the Art of the Deal and told her to change her name, for better career prospects.

2. He dropped the nuclear “Neg of the Century” on aging and now irrelevant ex-model Heidi Klum with the savage “She’s great, but no longer a 10,” giving her and her white knights daily seizures. She tried to defend herself as he knocked her off balance, counter attacked in a poor and predictable fashion, but the blade did hit the bone. She has not slept since.

3. These gems:

In an interview with Vanity Fair, while he was still married to Ivana, Trump said:

“I would never buy Ivana any decent jewels or pictures. Why give her negotiable assets?”

Trump: The Art of the Comeback on prenuptial agreements:

“There are basically three types of women and reactions. One is the good woman who very much loves her future husband, solely for himself, but refuses to sign the agreement on principle. I fully understand this, but the man should take a pass anyway and find someone else. The other is the calculating woman who refuses to sign the prenuptial agreement because she is expecting to take advantage of the poor, unsuspecting sucker she’s got in her grasp. There is also the woman who will openly and quickly sign a prenuptial agreement in order to make a quick hit and take the money given to her.”

A winner mindset


This is the same drive and mental solidity that helped him deflect all the blows that the establishment directed at him, which allowed him to surge in the polls and in real life, coming from the status of political farce to possible President of the US.

He is banging the media and his opponents silly just like he does with his previous lovers. And what is interesting is that he uses almost the same approach in both cases: he does not give a damn and plows through.

He shows us that game not only helps you bed pretty girls but also ensures you greater success in business and status related activities like politics. He proves that it is all in the mind. DJT assumes the sale before it takes place which is one of the pillars of inner game.

Whatever the amount of flak her receives or the curved balls his enemies throw, it rolls on him like rain drops on a raincoat.

Game applied to the political arena


Two of his recent stunts royally pissed off the mainstream media and serve as a reminder that his romantic skills, transferred to politics, still find the mark.


Last week, Donald Trump used the whole “Birther” controversy, not adding any comment on the issue but tipping a journalist that “they had to keep the suspense going,” letting them craving for more information.

It brought the media in droves to witness what he had say during his Washington conference, hoping for a juicy statement that they could then exploit against him. They all eagerly turned up but the whole event was entirely focus on Donald’s support from veterans, Medal of Honor winners and retired flag officers.

Through this, he managed to bring the spotlight on the unfair treatment of veterans under the Obama administration, a cause that does not interest America’s traditional media.

Nothing was said about the whole “Birther” issue and the coyotes of the mainstream media left enraged and empty handed. In the words of CNN, it was one of the first, if not the first, political RIck Roll. Just like with women, anticipation was cultivated and brought to climax before the coup de grâce.

Now, dicks have drive and clarity of vision, but they are not clever. They smell pussy and they want a piece of the action. And you thought you smelled some good old pussy, and have brought your two little mincey faggot balls along for a good old time. But you've got your parties muddled up. There's no pussy here, just a dose that'll make you wish you were born a woman

He also responded brilliantly to the “basket of deplorables” label that Hillary Clinton used to describe the Trump campaign and its supporters.


In a textbook example of “Agree and Amplify“, sporting his trademark shit eating grin, The Donald entered the stage of his Miami rally with the “Can You Hear The People Sing” soundtrack of the famous musical “Les Misérables,” assorted with a huge banner featuring the name “Les Deplorables.”

He embraces the notion of Deplorables, showing that just like the used and abused “racist,” a buzzword has no power and no weight. It is only used to silence a fragile opposition.

Just like the millennial girl that was teased and says “OMG you are such an asshole. I can’t even”, to which the panty wetter answers “And you love every minute of it”, Trump tells Clinton: “Deplorable”? Nice ring to it. Is that all you got?”

Artist's impression of Trump's "Les Deplorables" move

Artist’s impression of Trump’s “Les Deplorables” move and its effect on the Clinton camp

Donald J. Trump, président du game


Amused Mastery.

His whole philosophy can be narrowed down to this fundamental aspect of game. Trump uses Jerkboy-Asshole game because the American media reflects the image of a majority of American women: slutty, vulgar, leftist and only good for one thing: being pumped and dumped.

In the presence of a neutral, receptive and honest media, Trump would tone down the asshole game and would not be as aggressive as he is now. Exactly like a game-savvy man would use light game when he is not on American soil.

Despite his apparent qualities, it is a fact that Trump is not the panacea to the totality of America’s problem. But among the great measures he could take as acting president of the United States, observing his masculinity and game techniques alone could act as a great inspiration for the next generation of men striving for romantic and political success.

Read More: Why The Media Disinformation Campaign Against Donald Trump Will Fail

220 thoughts on “Donald Trump Uses The Same Game On The Media That Works On Women”

  1. Interesting to see that a beta chump from the west is able to bang more beautiful girls in a day in Bangkok than Mark Zuckerberg in his lifetime.

  2. This might be another big factor for the overall Trump-bashing over here in Europe. German leftists & SJWs treat you like the antichrist if you show sympathy to him.
    Btw, I really apprechiated his recent comments about Merkel.

    1. I can totally agree because I am german, too.
      I told many friends I would vote for Trump and the average response is:
      “What!? Why would you vote for a guy who is a racist and wants world war 3?”

      1. Whereas it’s Hillary who wants WWIII, or is at least willing to risk it if it pleases her Neocon masters.

      2. Answer:
        The other choice is a senile old woman completely under the control of her Muslim girlfriend.
        In Germany only the SED/Linke and a few other fringe parties have Turks in positions of power. It’s political suicide to do otherwise.
        Would your friends dare vote CDU if Mutti was married to a Turk?
        Would any German in his right mind do so?
        Are they sure?

        1. LMAO, we all know the real reason, Hillary could not stand, during 9/11 – she was saying morning prayers, while getting banged by Huma with a strapon lol.

      3. My father, mother and uncle were all born in Germany. I was born in the US. We are ALL for Donald J Trump!

      1. You bet so.
        He is literally ten times worse than Hitler and Putin and would only get 4% of votes in germany. That’s how brainwashed they are over here.

        1. I’m kind of sad about Germany going by by, but if your tribe has its collective head that far up its own ass, what are you going to do?

      1. Greece? Seriously? They don’t even have swarthy merchant street cred anymore. Who cares what Greece thinks about anything.
        Spend your $20 at the theater this weekend on my new movie, “My Big Fat Greek Opinion.

    2. Yeah, but look at Germany nowadays. Besides, Merkel has back-tracked for politically expedient purposes on her whole immigration policy after getting thrashed in the local Berlin elections on Sunday.
      I’m not a fan of either Trump or Clinton for various different reasons, however, as a moderate libertine conservative on balance if I was an American, I’d have to vote for Trump on purely pragmatic grounds, as I believe the possible appointment of ideologically liberal judges (up to 4) on the American Supreme Court will have serious ramifications for the next 30 years.
      The Law by nature should be tempered by a conservative and considered outlook, and the highest Court in the Nation should be comprised by minds that are innately cautious and circumspect and duly respectful to the spirit of the original intentions behind America’s defining Laws. I think, deliberately stock piling the Court with minds that are highly politically motivated to go beyond these original intentions and intuitions of the founding fathers will reduce America to a weak and enfeebled Nation.

    3. I appreciate his spot-on comments about the aging former “super” model Heidi Klum who’s probably a 8 at best in his portfolio of truly hot women he’s banged.
      “She’s great, but no longer a 10,”
      Trump frame is designed to withstand a magnitude 10 media shirt storm.

    4. If German leftists are doing it right, I want to be wrong and do the exact opposite. Because y’all are just about Germanistan by now and there’s nothing cool or funny about it!!!

    1. Attraction
    2. Comfort
    3. Seduction
    Like most natural alphas, he’s great at #1, but terrible at #2. We’ll see how far he pops his money shot on Nov 8.

    1. I bring the garlic and face mirror along to the Oval Office when he invites me over in November,

  4. The greatest power he has is that he can troll the media. The media starve to find any news that might sell and Trump always sells. He basically used them for many years prior to even thinking (he might though have been carefully building fame for years) to become president .

    1. That is what I’ve always liked about him, every time the media think they have him by the short hairs he is already in the next county.

  5. If you read a biography of him, he was always an alpha from the beginning. He was a “difficult” child. His parents sent him off to Military School where he rose to be the captain of the cadet core and the captain of the baseball team. He graduated from The Wharton School of Business (top business school in the USA). Right out of the shoot the guy did big real estate deals. He was fucking with the media when he was in his 20’s. He is credited for starting the turn around of New York City real estate, which was a shit hole back in the 70″s


    1. Saw a cringeworthy add from her yesterday. 30 seconds of her talking about how much she loves the chilluns.

      1. I just saw a video of her looking a little unhinged saying she should be polling 50 points ahead.

        1. That was truly bizarre, even for her. I think it’s the neurological deterioration and/or meds or just that desperate panic that she’s going to miss her ‘turn’ again, like she did with Obama. The fact that it airs at all means the establishment is abandoning her.

        2. Monday night is going to be interesting to watch. I look for Trump to make her go off the grid on camera.
          Watching her will probably give me nightmares. Wait……she already does that.

  7. Make no mistakes: Donald Trump campaign, is a masterpiece of game and communication. This is, i believe, the reasons why:
    1- Frame. He sticks to his ideas and defends them no matter what. Evident towards the media, namely female reporters;
    2- Push and pull. He attacks viciously any one who defies him, but has no problem in making that same person feel needed and in the center of attention. During the republican elections, this was plain to see;
    3- Body language. He dominates the space he is in. He walks with confidence and allure, straight up and with purpose. We see this all the fucking time!
    4- Dominance. For example, the cases of the Mexican president or Jimmy Fallon, are irrefutable evidence of how alpha the guy is. The guy is just a powerhouse of energy and control;
    5 – Confidence. He exudes this attribute. He displays a total trust in what he says and stands up for. His public appearances are classes on their own on this;
    6- Mental strength – The guy does not give up. Any normal person would have quit a long time ago, having in mind all the dirty campaign against him by the media, the “elites”, its own party…but…he as the mental power of a male lion defending his territory. He either wins or dies trying. He is as resilient as he his goal oriented.
    So, this makes him a case study for present and future men that want to make it, in life, job and sex. Its all fucking here!!!

      1. The Drumpf meme has failed miserably…tell English Milhouse to go back to the drawing board

    1. Good male lion metaphor. His male opponents probably thought of themselves the same way.. but they’re just rogues, i.e. male lions living by themselves outside the pride.

  8. Im sure Zuckerberg could have married hotter, he just doesnt look like he could handle it? or maybe he just wants the quite life and married someone who wouldnt dream of leaving him because she has hit the jackpot

      1. Yeah, I’m not sure exactly what to make of him. He’s very shrewd and intelligent, but, maybe he actually believes what he’s doing is helping mankind. I think he’s seriously misguided if that’s the case, but, I don’t necessarily question the naivety behind this belief of his.

        1. Hmm, the words “good intentions” and “hell” spring to mind.. If his appointment of one-eyed feminist thugs to Facebook’s “Ministry of Love” is anything to go by.

      2. Yeah, because pretty people are stupid.
        Go suck your own cock, you faggot.

    1. My feeling is he married who he is comfortable with. Do any other tech titan marry hot women?
      Bill Gates is billions richer, but is the most unattractive man I’ve seen.

      1. Both Bill Gates and Zuckerberg were with their women before they hit it big. They actually kept the same women. Who knows why. And it doesn’t really matter.

    2. Refer to yesterday’s article on Anthony Bordain’s divorce. It’s a cautionary tale about even marrying a 5 is no guarantee she won’t take the money and run. AWALT.

  9. As a Brit, I sincerely hope the largest and most important chunk of our illustrious legacy makes the right decision – and votes Trump

  10. Coming in as the ray of sunshine I always am here, odds are heavily in favor that Trump won’t win. I know it’s hard to accept that, but he won’t.
    Feel free to link any political poll you want to show me how wrong I am, but for many elections, the most accurate gauge in a Presidential win, sometimes even down to the state, has always been Vegas betting lines. Why is that? Because polls are almost always inherently bias. Money defeats that bias. If people are putting money on the line, especially serious bettors, the last thing they want to do is make an emotional decision.
    Last time I checked the polls, Clinton and Trump were even. Last time I checked the betting line, Clinton has a two-thirds chance of winning.

    1. It’s a fair question. Sincerely. I think because polls … modern polls, sway left!! And of course Brexit was thought impossible.
      For example, I’m sure one poll had Obama 75% and Romney 25% at one point. Sure Obama won but by nowhere near those margins.
      There WILL be a shift – how big, we don’t know

    2. Yeah right, at 10 O’ Clock on the night the Brexit vote closed they had all the bookies out- the most reliable guides in the “business” saying 55% to stay and 45% to leave. It was all sewn with laugher galore from all the pundits up until the actual votes came in with the Sunderland vote(northeast England) around 11.30 and then all panic and shit-storms broke out across all channels.

      1. Same thing happened with Scottish Independence IIRC. St Andrews Crosses were waving all over the place, right up until 11:30.

        1. Because Scotland is just an English County. The Cricket Board have it right. Same goes for Wales

      2. Yes, Vegas did have UK staying with the EU. I would call that an exception to the rule.
        Speaking strictly for US presidential elections though, Vegas has been much more accurate than any political poll.

        1. Yes, but he doesn’t have to win the popular vote like in Britain. He actually has more options across an array of States than Hillary does. Even if he doesn’t win Florida, and assuming she wins as expected California and New York, he could still win with an array of smaller States plus Texas and those critical mid west States like Ohio which will go his way.

        2. in the most recent comparison (2012 election), Vegas got 48 out of 50 states correct in who would take what.
          their system works.

        3. This isn’t 2012. International polling has got many results wrong since then. In pre election and exit polls many people are simply not telling the truth.

        4. That was probably their prediction right before the election. How accurate is the Vegas betting lines two months before the elections and how much do they change by the time of the election?

        5. these aren’t political polls i’m talking about. this is Vegas betting lines, for money.

        6. I know Vegas, but, they have not factored in the shy Trump voter…i.e moderate conservatives/democrats who are not saying to the pollsters they’d vote for him. Vegas betting is based upon poll data and that’s what they’re all missing.

        7. for individual states? I have no idea. for overall numbers? the data goes back for months. there is plenty of swing in the numbers, especially outside of 6 months. But the numbers tell a simple but interesting tale. by the time debates roll around, most people have already made up their mind on who they’re going to vote for.

        8. I don’t believe the critical swing which is quite large (around 20%) have made their minds up, and, perhaps most of them won’t until they’re in the booth. This election is very different to ones in the past and this is a trend across all countries over the last two years.

        9. I don’t know. seems like they captured the shy Obama voter pretty well in both 2008 and 2012.

        10. You’re missing the point. There wasn’t any shy Obama voters in this manner at all. The data was accurate as voters told the truth in his case as he was generally perceived by his natural constituents as not being problematic in any way like Trump is by his natural constituents. Your friends in Vegas are missing this point and are likely to loose a shit load of money if they misread this key point.

        11. again, i think you’re treating Vegas betting lines like a political poll. a lot of data for betting lines isn’t just from what pollsters say. example – a thorough betting line would be able to tell you how a trophy horse has been sleeping, what they’ve had for breakfast, what the hemoglobin count and O2 level on their last blood test showed, etc.
          They’re digging into the data a lot more than just asking “who are you voting for this year?”

        12. in other words, betting lines don’t track what people say. they track the things that influence a person’s decision.

        13. This ain’t a horse race son so we don’t have the luxury of using hard analytical data. The only question that means anything is precisely ” who are you voting for this year? . That’s my point, you can stack and rack all the demographic stuff about income and ethnicity etc but that’s shown to be deeply flawed in recent elections. People are doing things in the booths that cannot be predicted using such techniques.

        14. ….but somehow have been predicted more accurately than many, many polls you coild show.
          No point arguing with me. Argue with Vegas.

    3. Sadly you’re probably right, simply because Trump is too much for many conservatives to swallow at this time. Either way he’s giving them one hell of a scare.. the Dems and liberal bullies are waking up that they can’t ride roughshod over everyone anymore, and people won’t stand for “vote for a corrupt rich white woman or your a racist/sexist bastard”.
      Hillary will probably come in home, but not by much. The big winner will be voter apathy.

      1. I don’t agree, I think there are a lot of “shy” Trump voters. I predict the last poll will give Hillary a 3% lead, but, the actual vote will be different. Moderate conservatives cannot or will not stomach the prospect of Hillary stock pilling the Supreme Court with her type of Judges which will be just too much for many to take. Yes, moderates dislike him, but, pragmatism and an appeal to the values of tradition and patriotism as well as a break for the middle classes will win the day for him, I predict.

    4. 2/3 advantage now? On 21 August it was around 4/5. Trump has really cut her presumed victory down significantly.

      1. and in July they were close to even. did he cut her lead, or did he gain some back from a massive loss a month prior to August?

        1. Okay then. From month to month, the lines being offered can jump around this wildly, but you suggest we rely on today’s odds to predict what will happen yet another month and a half out?

        2. Check the data. By beginning of October, the betting lines start evening out for the election.
          In most recent comparison, Clinton’s lead on Trump right now is larger than Obama’s lead on Romney at this point in 2012.
          She’s almost at the point where she would have to die RIGHT NOW to lose.

        3. And that might happen. But then they’d probably bring Bernie back in and he’d utterly win, by a literal landslide. Even though he’s the least Alpha guy that ever existed. Cause he wants to give free shit to everybody.

    5. That’s about what Remain had until very late in the Brexit campaign.
      Trump’s one-third chance of winning is for:
      1. enough decent people to turn out for him to overcome Democratic voter fraud.
      2. enough SJW’s and Sanders fans staying home or voting for Jill Stein because Hillary somehow doesn’t hate men, whites and Christians (and Jews) enough.

      1. It’s not me you have to convince. It sounds like you’re trying to convince yourself though.

        1. LMAO, keep telling yourself that, HCF. Let me tell you something – white people are sick, of these BLM terrorists, looting their shops, and beating them senseless in parking garages. The polls are nothing short of propaganda, that you see, for Hillary. Also, many Trump supporters exist – we don’t have a sign in our yard, because we don’t want planet of the apes, happening in our nice neighborhoods, but come election day – we will get in that voting booth, and knock that ballot up with our Trump vote! Trump is going to win, and I say that, not as a brain-washed, white person, but as one, who has seen, the Chicago machine, for what it is, and know BLM, to be nothing less, but America’s version of the taliban, with a darker tint. You have only seen the beginning, over Trumps resounding victory, and that of the end, of BLM and SJW’s. It will start slowly, and then into a rout, as SJW’s are replaced on campus, and elsewhere, with the alt right, trolling, shaming, and naming them (the same goes for BLM, they shall be named, and shamed, give it time, they will be exposed for the cultural marxist scum they are).

        2. Are you speaking in iambic pentameter? Those commas made reading your comment so hard.
          I’ll repeat some of what I said, since it seems a few of you aren’t catching it the first time around:
          -I’m not a supporter of either primary candidate, so to mention Clinton’s or Trump’s accomplishments, faults, or supporters is lost on me.
          -There’s no point in arguing with me, when your real argument is with Vegas. What I said wasn’t opinion, it was sharing facts.
          -you say “the polls are nothing short of propaganda.” I AGREE, which is why I stated that the Vegas betting line has historically been more accurate than almost any political poll you could show me.
          -part of the reason the Vegas betting line is so accurate is because the odds are decided with little emotion. Money is on the line. The difference between a bookie and a pollster is simple – a pollster can be wrong every single election and it won’t affect their bottom line. A bookie can only be wrong a finite number of times before he is out of business.
          Your diatribe was full of emotion and anecdotal evidence. I work on logic and information, so most of your argument was white noise. Tighten up.

        3. So betting and bookies, are now “logic” and “information”? I can agree on the later, but not the former. Bookies and bets are predictable, but not so much, I would argue, to where they can solidly predict in a sport, like politics. This is not 2008, let alone 2012. If the Vegas bookies, are so reliable, it is because Las Vegas and it’s county, vote Democrat, and re-elected Harry Reid. It does not surprise me, you’d have a Democrat bookie, taking Democrat bets; in a Democrat county for Hillary. Nevada will most likely stay blue, during this election, given most of the new population growth, has been from illegal Mexicans, and Californicators.

        4. This is why I don’t suffer fools.
          You continue to argue with me like I’m stating an opinion. You’re bringing up 2008 and 2012 when Vegas has a 91% rating of predicting the president down to the individual state since the 1930s. You’re even trying to inject politics into a system that disregards politics.
          You’re also still speaking in run-on sentences. Stop that.

        5. So if Vegas tells us, we’re all going to die, 91% odds by the earth hitting the sun next week, you will take that as truth? My point is simple – you can be right 91% of the time, and still be wrong. The element of surprise, the element of screwing up, is VERY real. Human beings are very unpredictable. Brexit has been cited, by many here as a prime example. Stay frosty my friend. In my view, it’s not over until the people, and not Vegas, have their say.

  11. OT, but half a billion Yahoo accounts have been hacked. I feel vindicated bc I never gave them my phone number- everyone thought I was being paranoid…

    1. Ditto for Facebook and Google. Give over my phone number for “increased security”?? Fuck that noise.

      1. You get your identity hacked, could ruin your credit score and so on…what recourse do you have? Participate in some class action lawsuit, get a check for $918.19? I pass.

  12. I’m too much of a gentleman to take anybody’s betting action here at ROK on this matter. But Trump is the NWO’s preference – despite outward appearances to the contrary. Trump will win.

      1. Can’t wake all of ’em up beforehand. Only when they get hit upside the head after their man “wins”. Then they will wake up. Doesn’t matter who’s elected. The NWO is putting the pedal to the floor. Anybody who comes out of it as the winner, was handpicked to win it. If Trump gets elected, which is a near certainty, he’ll do an about-face and bring the thunder. If it’s Hillary, same thing. Just like Obama did…”If you like your health plan, you can keep your health plan”, etc. All major candidates are NWO puppets. No exceptions. A person might not like it, but that’s how it is when the curtain is pulled back. Many guys can swallow the red pill about the nature of women; but swallowing it about other realities concerning institutions they revere? It’s hard, if not impossible. Because ultimately, it will mean that everything they believe in is a lie. And it’s human nature to fight against that ever happening, even to the point of committing violence against the messenger who delivers truth. Doesn’t make it any less true, unfortunately…

        1. I concur Bob. Keep em’ voting. Voting is just a stalling action, a distraction. Only thing that’ll bring this show to an end is mass civil disobedience, and I don’t reckon that’ll be happening any time soon. I was suspicious of the Trump phenomenon from the beginning, but despite that, there was a part of me that desperately wanted it to be real. The coordinated attacks from the MSM and the “establishment” gave it credence too. You don’t get to be a presidential candidate though unless you are playing the game. The smoking gun for me? Israel.

      2. And Ronald Reagan was “just” an actor.
        A lot has already been said, but at this point write this election off to 1) most people are pissed off and Don is telling them what they want to hear and 2) Hillary has the looks and personality of a lamprey.

  13. You rate Zuckerberg cow a 5!? I say a hard 4 at best. I mean, she’s not even pleasently plain. Definately in the ‘just south of attractive’ to ‘not attractive at all’ side of things.

  14. This is what separates the alt right from trad cucks also. They don’t understand game and thats why millennial men were taught to “just be themselves” to get chicks.
    It’s beyond comprehension for them to use negative reinforcement to achieve their goals. The naively assume that it’s just as it was in the olden days where you could EXPECT PEOPLE TO FOLLOW SOCIAL NORMS. Well times have a’changed!
    For example; my dad is a traditional conservative. He is almost 80 (and had 3 marriages) so he’s been out of the courtship game for quite some time. I wouldn’t expect him to know how the modern SMP operates. But despite that he kept telling my incel brother to “JBY”.
    His opinion on The Donald was the same, when he was crushing the primaries, he kept saying “People are just enjoying the show for right now, there’s no way in hell he will win the nomination”. It wasn’t until months later when the cuck lineup had diminished to a few pathetic hangers on, that he finally made the connection:
    “Every question is addressed to Trump or is ABOUT trump. He’s the center of all the debates and issues”
    I looked at him and said “Exactly”. I went on to explain that is what matters, not “the issues” or not even the fact that they were all shit talking trump. By being the object in all the conversations, whether bad or good, he is winning. In that moment I think my old man finally learned a thing or two about game.

    1. I don’t understand “traditional conservative” with “3 marriages”. Is it an American thing?

      1. “I don’t understand ‘traditional conservative’ with ‘3 marriages’. Is it an American thing?”
        Even the lay Eastern Orthodox Christian can have up to three marriages and stay in communion with the Church. Orthodox don’t even have to bother with the pretense of Roman Catholic “annulment” wherein the earlier marriages are declared to never have happened.
        As far as the emperor, de facto, nobody questions his mistresses and concubines, as long as he keeps them on the down low, and has the Mandate of Heaven.

        1. I was arguing about the doctrine, but about the “conservativeness” of such person to get remarried twice. The divorce rates of Orthodox in Greece are very low, in contrast with the US.

  15. Overall good article. Got Trump right. Got Zuckerberg wrong. Yeah, he is a simp but if he was on the dating market he would be hotter than hot. Billionaire and women love using Facebook. They would have bragging rights to the man heading it.

    1. Sorry, but the very fact that no hot young sexpot lured Zuck the cuck from Priscilla Chan before they married is a damning indictment of his game, even with $billions.

      1. IKR.. I bet billionaire Mark doesn’t drive a Dodge or drink shitty old red-label Johnny Walker. So why would he settle for a bottom-shelf woman?

  16. You are all being gamed by Trump and Breitbart news. Be ready for the disappointment. If you guys want to change your country, you’ll have to do much more than voting that TV celebrity.

  17. Remember when the prices of limes surged back in 2014? You might not, but restaurateurs are still feeling the effects, not to mention anybody who still purchases limes. Guess who benefited from the price surge? Corporate concerns that stood to make large profits based on lime prices. Guess who paid the Clinton Foundation to make that happen? Those very same interests.
    This latest Clinton Foundation scandal comes to us courtesy of a Wall Street Journal article, from September 20th of this year, outlined and referenced at the website below, courtesy of Zero Hedge Fund – and it is just one of the many reasons why Trump will be elected, and Hillary is steadily imploding; I mean, aside from the fact presidential elections are decided long before the events actually take place…you might think of it as providing cover, via a plausible rationale, for the eventual result of the election –

  18. “But people like Mark Zuckerberg are billionaires but still cannot bed beautiful women, why? Because Zuckerberg is a doormat. Even with billions, he is an effeminate lab rat with poor posture that can only bang an Asian 5 to prevent his genes from vanishing from the surface of the Earth.” Relax, bro, relax.

    1. lol.. yep, a little intense. Just because you bang em don’t mean they are bat shit crazy; no matter what they look like.

    2. Yeah a bit much. To think that Mark Zuckerberg would get shut out from getting laid from 8’s, 9’s and 10’s is a bit much. I hate the guy especially for his stupid attempt to trademark himself with the gray t-shirts but he would have big time bitches throwing themselves at him if he rolled up to the French Riviera in his yacht etc. His beta-tude explains him not having interest in big-time women; it doesn’t explain him not getting them.

      1. Actually, he WAS shut out. He had plenty of time as a single man to replace Priscila, considering that she only agreed to marry him after Facebook’s IPO, but nothing ever happened. Priscilla really was the best he could do.

        1. 55 Billion and he’s lean with decent enough looks. This is getting laughable. I know he is a dork, sperg etc but if the guy wanted to step out and snag a nine or ten then it just happens so freaking easily. C’mon.
          55 BILLION.

        2. Of course he could get a high-end whore. Nobody is disputing that at all. But we’re talking about wives or girlfriends, not whores.

        3. Unless he is a full-blown autistic or has full blown Aspergers then the guy can get a true girlfriend or wife if he wants. And it would be so damn easy that maybe he’s lost interest in it. You don’t see Bill Gates out banging college girls either. With 55 billion, full hair, lean body, youth. I think Zuck’s mediocre wife has grown into a manosphere device of sorts to sell ‘game’. Like, “With game, you can do better than a guy worth 55 Billion!” It’s being oversold. I don’t care about Zuck so I don’t want to seem like I’m digging in to defend him. But, the image of a guy with decent looks worth 55 billion crying into his mojito under the cliff shadows while the studs with game score babes around the bonfire is way unrealistic.

  19. “the image of a majority of American women: slutty, vulgar, leftist and only good for one thing: being pumped and dumped”
    Btw, I wish Trump won in November. Being a foreigner myself, I like how he wants to control illegals and make his nation great again

  20. Man Drump sure has that cock of his squarely planted in your thought there my friend lmfao lol you do kno he won’t hire you right… Oh wait he actually might lol fucking idiots Bahahaha

      1. BAGAHAHAHAHAHA LMFAO this isn’t a Jason Bourne movie you twat lol lmao man your so entrenched in your fantasy WAKE UP FROM THE MATRIX you sorry excuse for a dick stain lol

        1. Your an idiot in al seriousness. Some equally dumb ass shit inbred turd prolly believed your ass too. Go fuck yourself “Sir”

        2. Therein are the reasons for you being a dick bag. Now kindly excuse yourself you clit jizz faced asshole

        3. Here’s the thing most immigrants know more about your systems of government then you do lol sad as it is this is the truth. Citizenship is given to any American born here whereas as millions of other Americans have had to pass a lengthy interview and test. Myself included. I can tell you without a doubt that your illiterate ass would fail the immigration written and oral presentations. Goodnight ape

        4. Must burn you up inside that I have paperwork that says otherwise lmfao Hahahahahaha I have a brother whose in the marines and an uncle whose Made detective just this past year in the Baltimore PD. And guess what shhh come close so I can whisper this to you we are all Muslim and American and have done more to secure this country than you will ever hope to do you key board warrior now for the last time goodnight. I’ve got a million more important things to concern myself with

        5. I also think its funny that you brought up inbreeding earlier.
          Its funny because Arabs are some of the most inbreed people in the world. It is why they are so violent.

        6. I wasn’t going to dignify this idiocy with a response but first of all Good Morning 🙂 also no every person who wears a turban is Muslim you simpleton. A turban or head wrap is a cultural garment/attire which has various styles from region to region. You’re welcome for the learning moment – now I encourage you to go read a book moron

        7. Dear Child-Kissing Fag,
          I’m a clinical bibliophile, so your ‘read a book’ zinger rang a touch hollow, lol. Also, I don’t care about the head wrap details from woman-hating, male-pedestalizing (cough, cough…GAY) cultures. Go a kiss a boy, faggot.

        8. Listing your hobby does little in way of providing an adequate argument. Furthermore by using the term “Faggot” in reference to an insult only serves to illustrate exactly how low functioning you really are on the spectrum of legitimate intelligence. These facts coupled with your ridiculous grand standing and sweeping generalizations of an entire group of people you know little to nothing about – I mean aside from what is spoon fed to you through the media and ROK. All of this, every tiny detail has led me to the irrefutable conclusion that you are an Idiot. A total buffoon. But hey don’t take my word for it – just go over your previous comments and how you type – look yourself in the mirror and see how ugly you truly are both on the outside but more importantly n the inside. You stupid stupid vaped excuse for a husk. Now run along and jerk it for the 5th time today you limp dick bastard

        9. Uh huh. Yeah, you Muslims act like the most arrogant, dislikable tool bags on earth, absolutely nobody likes you, and you’re too self-centered to suspect that maybe other people don’t like you guys blowing things up, robbing their sons, and molesting their daughters. Get a fucking clue.

        10. Sounds like I hurt your feelings lmao lol BAHAHAHA – sorry I’m not sorry bye bye now 🙂

      1. And I’ve done what exactly🤔??? lmfao lol stump drumf tit tat Drumpf lol bahaha eat a dick you idiot lol

  21. I’ll vote for him just for shits n gigs but I do believe there will be fraud committed and the election stolen by unaccountable thieves.

  22. Shit.. after seeing Trump’s repartee to Hillary’s speech, culminating in that delicious “Les Deplorables” poster, I think I have a mancrush on the Donald.
    It’s righteous to witness the leftist establishment flinging every handful of feces in its arsenal — racist, sexist, elitist, blah blah — and it’s all just slid off Trump like water off a duck’s arse. I mean, Hillary’s “deplorables” jab was just a “sophisticated” way of calling Trump’s supporters a bunch of stupid-heads.. the last desperate bleating of a blowhard heckler who got her ass handed to her. They got nothing left except sitting there fuming and shaking with rage like old boilers about to explode.
    Personally I think Hillary will run it in by a whisker, although I hope I’m wrong, simply because too many American men have spent too long in a state of cuckitude. But no matter what happens, I take heart.. Trump has proven a bitter pill for everyone to swallow, especially for establishment leftists, bigcorp media, SJWs, professional umbrage-mongers, and business-as-usual tradcucks. They’re all running scared, and they’ll have a far harder time steamrolling over honest men from here on.
    And take heed of the author’s final words.. Trump has given an alternative figure for young men to aspire to: Strong, independent and unwavering, instead of weak and capitulating.

    1. I’ve moved my prediction to 273, 265 Clinton. Data is starting to show Trump pulling ahead in Colorado and Michigan though. This could actually turn into a Trump rout if the debates go well.

      1. The AFL-CIO announced their support for Hitlery (litterally) two months ago, but publicly warned that their members are being swayed by Trump.
        Now that Ford announced they are moving their medium car assembly lines out of Detroit to Mexico, I think Trump will take MI and OH.
        The worm is turning.

    2. No. Trump is going to the White House and by the time he makes it there, Hillary had better have found a country that will give her asylum or had her lawyers build a rock-solid case for her being incompetent to stand trial, because otherwise a visit to a lethal injection chamber is in her future.
      By custom the old and new POTUS drive in the same vehicle to the inauguration. Why do I find myself thinking Barack will use the time to privately admit to Donald that Hillary deserves everything Donald has in store for her?

      1. Look guys, these people blew JFK, RFK, MLK’s heads off for lesser things. You really think they’re just going to stand back and let Trump reset the establishment and rejigger their world? I don’t know what’s going to happen, but I know that’s not going to.

        1. Oh, I’d love to see them try it. If a hair on Trump’s head is harmed, everyone will know who it was and why. If Hillary wants to go out like Elena Ceausescu, please, let her put a hit on Trump.

        2. If they make a move, chaos will be unleashed.

          They will have tp grin and bear it. .
          Enough immgents coming fpr libturds tonwin elections.

    1. This is very important. Never apologize to the media. Integrity and rationality doesn’t win, it’s confidence.

  23. Another thing. The first time a woman humiliates you in public should be the last.
    Notice how Melania hasn’t been seen in public since she made Donald look like a fool at the RNC? I reckon our Melania talked her way out of Donald’s bed and out of a promising career as the next FLOTUS.
    I dare say President Trump will be able to do a lot better than a well-used and over-Botoxed 46-year-old anyway. In the meantime, Ivanka is hotter, younger and not so obviously idiotic.

      1. Oh cut the white-knighting. It was her job to see that they didn’t pull a stunt like this (by accident or, I still believe, design).
        As it was, her English was so feeble that she couldn’t effectively prevent sabotage. She clearly had only a dim idea what she was reading at all, never mind that it was copied word-for-word from a speech by Obama’s beard.

        1. When the whole speech stealing thing came up I thought to myself this is what every female ‘politician’ says all the time. It’s a slightly more educated version of miss world. ‘I support puppies, children and women, how am I going to pay for it?… men’
          Hillary even says that she is a women and children advocate. She can say in front of everyone that she doesn’t care about men and get cheers, then the dumb bitch goes on about how women are oppressed? They really are just children.

    1. YES! & I want to extend this any public display of humiliation, like her purposefully trying to make you feel like a fool in public.
      Putting a figurative foot down the first time shit like that happens sets the course for the entire interaction you two will have moving forward. I can’t believe what I see some men going through when shopping for groceries. Old haggardly women with an obvious well to do guy bitching about him preferring American Bacon over Canadian Bacon- you know, mundane shit that shouldn’t be given a second’s thought.
      I have never, and will never go through that as a man. You wanna be a bitch, try me behind a closed door so that after I make you feel like an idiot I can pump you into submission again, only to enjoy a hearty sandwich after.

    2. It’s too late in the game to dump Melania. She probably got a stern talking-to and a copy of English for dummies. The timeout should end by Nov-8

      1. Melania is one of the European women that RoK always crows about. She knows what side her bread gets buttered on and she will do what she is told to do. She grateful just to get the bread nevermind the butter – that’s extra to her.

    That pic….Hahahaha!!!!
    On a completely off topic note, the conductor on the train the other morning had a tattoo of a wedding ring on his ring finger. This was a middle aged guy who was probably around 50 or so – my age, but he looked much more like a “old guy” than I do. As a lifelong omega/outcast/reject/defect/realist, I try to stay out of this “alpha vs. beta” stuff, but I have to say…A tattoo of a wedding ring??? That has to be the biggest “beta-cuck” move of all time!

      1. Yeah, and death camp prisoners in ww2 as well.
        The conductor looked a little like “swamp thing” from the movie “Con Air”. What would he do if the missus divorced him? Cut his finger off?

        1. Death camp. Oy vey
          My friends grandpa stayed at 8 of them.
          Said one night Imsa the Nazi she wolf raped him. She used a riding crop in his buttocks and then 5 other female guards took turns with him. Said he hated it but I’m not so sure
          He’s writing a book and sells autographed manuscripts for only $100 cash. Let me know. He’s pretty trustworthy I think. He would never lie about this

        2. The greatest nickname of the entire WW2 was “The Stomping Mare”. Apparently she wore steel toe boots or something. And all the “you know whos” in the camp were terrified of her. If you ticked her off, she would fly into a rage and kick the living sh*t out anyone she could get hold of.

      2. Think of the implications- we now have a very large population that voluntarily tatoos/brands/pierces itself as cattle. Deeply sad and even disturbing. But they do have the mindset of slaves, so I suppose it adds up.

    1. Real, traditional men don’t wear wedding rings. Only in the feminist era have betas taken to wearing them.

      1. They are a symbol of shackles…. as in, we are bound together. I suppose that could be a positive or negative connotation, depending.

      1. Hello Southern Man.
        Thanks for the kind words.
        Not sure if I agree though.
        I have always believed that DNA has a lot to do with a male’s success in life. My father was a natural born alpha, a Golden gloves boxer, Naval Officer, Business Owner, Landlord, and plenty of mistresses so he could get away from my evil witch of a mother (I HATE that woman’s guts!). But me…I was a loser from day one. I realized on the first day of school that “these kids don’t like me very much…” Skinny, weak, socially inept. And I guess my father figured I wasn’t worth his time.
        But on the other hand, I was “red pill” before there even was a red pill. And I always did what I needed to do to get by. I went into a field (IT Consultant) that allows me to make an above average living, and I use a good portion of the $$$ to bang hot, upscale escorts 2 to 3 times a week. Not prooud of it, but certainly not ashamed of it either. I can honestly say that at no time in my 50 years has a female shown one ounce of attraction towards me. But I don’t give a sh*t. As long as I make the $$$, I can bang the hot 20 somethings and have my fun. And when I get depressed over things, there’s always booze. I get by. I live in the real world. It’s not so bad.

    2. No, no! Tattooing a “proper of (insert female name) between your belly button and pube line is Cuck!

  25. Your hopes and dreams, all being put in this piece of shit whose dick is currently in your mouth. When he becomes president, his dick will be in your ass.
    He’s not your savior. He’s a fucking politician, and he will only serve himself. You’re all so pathetic thinking he’s gonna be the one to save you from immigrants, terrorists, homos, feminists, etc. Truth is, you will all continue to be pathetic manginas who just complain about how the system is out to get you.

      1. Let me guess, you’re making assumptions about my Mexican name. I’m a US citizen, Trump deporting me would be illegal, in case you’re gonna come back with “Trump is gonna deport you, Mexican!”

        1. If you are a US citizen, then you should want what is best for Americans, not Mexicans. #rd world immigration, both legal and illegal is quickly turning the US into a 3rd world cesspool. Is that what you want? A multi-culti third world cesspool? As far as I am concerned, that would make you extremely UN-American, regardless of your citizenship.

    1. So you’re voting for the old, rich, corrupt grandma? Can you enlighten us what aspects of her platform entice you to do so.

        1. based on what???..he hasn’t done anything other than hire 25000 people in is business????

        2. Both are upper class, over privileged scum. They don’t represent me or you. Trump has run a bunch of businesses to the ground. What makes you think he’s not going to do the same to this country? And how about the fact he’s trying to earn votes by stirring up white resentment?

    2. I lived in Latin America and all Latino men and women I met dislike homosexuals, feminists, and Muslims. Many usually also dislike immigrants from the neighboring southern countries who are giving up on their homeland to try and “make it” by sneaking to the US.

  26. Got a fundraising email from the Trump campaign today. Basically if you gave him a few bucks you were entered into a raffle to ride on his plane. Loved the “assuming the sale” line “next year I will be flying on Air Force One…”

    1. I missed that email.
      Honestly, I’d rather fly on “Trump Force One” than Air Force One as AF1 has to be a downgrade to the literally gold plated TF1.

  27. Why is Trump polling so badly with women? If he is such an Alpha, he should be doing better with women voters, yes?

    1. With married women he’s doing fine. It’s single carousel riders facing the real possibility of having their bulls deported to the septic tanks they came from who are in the bag for the Bitch.

    2. You mean ugly lesbians right???
      Lesbians aren’t women…just like fat women aren’t women!

  28. OT: Anyone else started getting these douchey “DEUS VULT!” popups all the time? It’s so fucking annoying, especially when it smashes the comment you’re composing.

    1. Yes and they are quite fucking annoying, it makes my browser scroll all the way back to the top of the page when I close the popup too.

  29. “His perceived fragility and his palpable weakness can magically turn any vagina dry”
    Hit the nail on the head with that one
    (((zuckerberg))) is a perfect example that money doesn’t stop you from being a fucking loser
    Now to start my own anti-social networking – I need a catchy name like facemuck or khuntface; the idea being having no internet friends & not having to check my phone every 2 minutes; will free up the rest of the day to do useful shit

        1. If that’s what the life of a winner looks like, I am an aspiring loser scumbag deadbeat.
          This looks like the family photo of that one friend who says:
          “Don’t ever get married bro.”

        2. No. Actually.
          He would have married a Jewish woman, and devoted his wealth to building the Land of Israel, aka Startup Nation, leaving Mexifornia to rot.

  30. Haha, it’s not that I care or like Zuckerberg but he could bed the entire ROK editors wives and commentators alike with a wink of a dollar. The man is smart, wifes up a plain Jane to keep her in check and honesty she can’t dream in million years to find anyone better. The douchebaggery on this site is amazing.

    1. LOL….kill yourself…..there is no bigger vagina drying mangina on Earth than ZuckerJew! He’s banged his gook wife probably 3 times.

  31. you call that successful? the guy has no morals. look at the first picture. hes posing for the camera while being hugged up with a bunch of bimbos. he flat out admits he dumped his wife because shes not as hot as she used to be. why would you want somebody like that running our country?
    PUAs disgust me… my grandparents were married for over 50 years until my grandfather died of cancer. he never left my grandmother after her body stopped looking as good from old age and from having their children. they stayed together through everything,he loved her,she loved him and respected him and his authority. she stayed faithful to him while he was overseas fighting the war in Korea. he gave up things he wanted to make a better life for his children and for his wife. THATS a true alpha male. Trump is not. Hes just an old,rich,player. thats it.
    besides…i thought games were for children. when you grow up you dont play games anymore.

    1. She stayed faithful? How do you know that? Because that’s what she told the poor jerk?
      You want loyalty, get a dog. They never complain, they’re much cheaper, and when they’re past their prime nobody judges you for taking your old bitch out back and shooting her.

      1. Dude you realize you sound worse than the radical feminists with that line. The whole point of this site is not to teach men to hate women, but to teach men how to properly respect women and be respected by them.

        1. If that is the point, the authors of these articles and the majority of the men commenting on them are not meeting that goal… This site teaches many men that it’s okay to disrespect women, as long as they get what they want…At least that’s how many of the men come across..

      2. yeah,because in the entire cosmos there has never been a woman that DOESNT cheat,right?…and guys NEVER cheat,right? lets not be unrealistic here man.

    2. “when you grow up you dont play games anymore.” Your grandparents sound great. Mine were too. But they don’t make them like that anymore. Not in this society. Here are our role models:
      Bill fucked his secretary in the white house and lied under oath.
      George. W didn’t know how to speak.
      Barack talks about the importance of transgender bathrooms while an islamic extremist kills 50 people in Florida, and another kills 75 in France.
      Hillary played games and jeopardized national security, possibly killing hundreds of our soldiers.
      Politics is a game and every politician is a player.
      It’s just fun for us to watch the equivalent of a business PUA use game tactics on the media like it’s a ditsy girl at a bar.
      Personally, I just vote capitalist every time. I am interested in how a business owner would handle the economy.

  32. I’m sick of reading the line, “If Hillary wins, we’re over”.
    What a faggoty attitude. Trump has brought forth the children of The Great Silent Majority and they will stymie Cankles far worse than Obama was by the teenage-melodramatic “tea party”.
    The Don 2016.

  33. Hmmm. Yes Trump’s wives and girlfriends are more attractive than Zuckerberg’s longtime girlfriend turned wife. But notice how gold diggers tend to be quite attractive? I’m sure if Zuckerberg wanted to he could have just about any model on the face of this planet. Maybe he’s not into being used for his money? Trump is by far one of the most unattractive trolls walking this earth, even when he wasn’t an old man he was hideous. He doesn’t have game, just a cocky attitude and money. Money is really all an ugly guy needs to land hot girls, which has been stated on this site thousands of times.

  34. Alright I usually like the articles you guys put out but that bit about Mark Zuckerberg was one of the dumbest things I have ever read in my life.
    Zuckerberg has been dating that girl since he was 19, since before he was rich and famous back when he was just some nerdy kid at Harvard. If he had wanted to, he absolutely could gave gone out and fucked untold numbers of sluts who might intern for his company or see him at a club and recognize how rich and famous he is. What he did instead was marry the women he loved who had been loyal to him for years.
    Trump marrying gold diggers that clearly only like him for his money and screwing the glorified prostitutes that star in his beauty pageants does not make him a better man. In fact I would say a lot of his behavior has made him a much worse man, he’s used his position as the boss to manipulate scores of dumb “career” wives to cheat on their husbands with him, running dozens of people lives.

  35. It’s gonna be interesting to hear how this website’s authors and other “conservatives” spin the great crashing of the Trump Train…either when he loses or when he’s elected and turns out to be just the same as every other lying politician…
    And before you state that I must be a Hillary supporter, I can’t stand her either. I’m not voting for Trump or Hillary..
    Both “trains” are going to crash and burn…And there’s really nothing we can do now..://///

  36. At least let us hope that the next President is not a bull dyke or a faggot like the one today ??

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