4 Ways To Kill Your Social Anxiety

The following article was sponsored by Limitless Brain

Social anxiety is a major problem most people face. Even if you’re an outgoing guy, certain social situations, such as a business presentation or meeting girls at a bar, can trip you up. Human beings evolved to live life in small, tight-knit tribes, and social anxiety is in many ways a byproduct of the unnatural social environment we all live in. While some anxiety is natural, if you’re suffering from too much of it, it can seriously impact your success in your career, with girls and in other aspects of your life.

Fortunately, it’s possible for any man to reduce or kill his social anxiety and become a more confident, sociable person. Here are four ways you can lower your anxiety…

1. Take care of problems in your life as soon as possible

The whole of human thought is now available online, and the wisdom of crowds can be used to take advantage of it

Most peoples’ anxiety and stress stems in part from concrete events in their lives. If you’re stressed out about something—paying the bills, issues at work, or a family/relationship issue—it’s going to show in your behavior. If you have major problems in your life, you need to work on resolving them before you do anything else.

Society teaches people that you can eliminate anxiety with pills prescribed by your doctor, but this is a recipe for long-term misery. While it is possible to use supplements to lower your anxiety (more on that later), no substance can substitute for solving the underlying problems. Ultimately, the most effective way to deal with sources of stress is to eliminate them if you can.

2. Practice positive affirmations

Illustration depicting a road traffic sign with a positive thinking concept. Blue sky background.

Much of your internal state is determined by your own thoughts and actions, and by training yourself to think and act positively, you can reduce your social anxiety considerably. Self-talk methods have been scientifically proven to help people achieve their goals and improve their lives.

Most people already unconsciously practice self-talk, but it’s negative self-talk. If you constantly—even jokingly—refer to yourself as an “asshole,” “crazy” or other negative terms, your brain will internalize them and they’ll become a self-fulfilling prophecy. By using positive affirmations, you can reshape your reality by training your mind to accomplish your goals, akin to Adam Savage’s quote, “I reject your reality and substitute my own.”

Keep in mind that your affirmations have to be realistic goals. Part of the positive affirmation process is finding out what you really want out of life and pursuing it. Remember the difference between a wish and a goal: a wish is something you’d like to happen but don’t really care about, while a goal is deeply-held and attainable. By reorienting the way you view the world, you can achieve the things that you once thought were impossible.

3. Try to be more social on a day-to-day basis


In many ways, sociability is like a muscle: if you don’t use it, you’ll lose it. If you live alone and barely talk to anyone during the course of your day, you’re going to be at a disadvantage when it comes time to be sociable. Priming your brain for social interaction isn’t something you can cram for, but a natural process that you have to engage in the moment you get out of bed in the morning.

If you have a big party or event coming up, you need to ease yourself into it by being as social as you can over the course of your day. Strike up conversations with store clerks and cashiers, say hi to people on the street, and generally try to be as friendly as you can, even if you don’t want to. Much in the same way that it’s better to practice learning something for a little bit each day instead of cramming in a single day, being social every day will naturally lower your anxiety levels.

4. Use anxiety-reducing supplements


While antidepressants and other doctor-prescribed mood-altering drugs are generally bad for you, there are legal, over-the-counter supplements you can take that will ease your social anxiety. If used properly, certain supplements can naturally lower your anxiety levels and put your mind at ease. For example, one of the most effective supplements for reducing anxiety is Limitless Brain. It contains eight natural nootropic ingredients, including l-theanine, huperzine A, and sulbutiamine, designed to lower your anxiety levels and improve your health in a natural fashion.

Keep in mind that like any other substance, these supplements can be abused and misused. You shouldn’t be using any substance as your sole method of fighting social anxiety; they can’t wallpaper over underlying issues in your life or natural insecurities. Supplements are an effective tool for fighting social anxiety, but you can only use them to enhance your existing state; if you have serious problems in your life and/or a negative mindset, you should work on those first.

While most people suffer from social anxiety to a certain degree, it’s a simple process to get rid of the anxiety that you do possess. By making changes in your day-to-day life, using certain supplements and altering your mindset, you can overcome your social anxiety and become a more charming and successful man.

Click here to purchase Limitless Brain and help end your social anxiety today.

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281 thoughts on “4 Ways To Kill Your Social Anxiety”

        1. Kratom is Kratom broham! Ain’t nothing like a spoon of Kratom smoke injected in the morning, son!

  1. On a serious note, for the past month I’ve been Waklert nootropic on and off to help me get through a mountain of work. This is good advice peeps, prioritise tasks and effective time management will save you from the tsunami of anxiety and early grey hairs when leaving things to thensure last minute.

      1. Yeah and so is strangling hookers with an extention cord in a hotel room because she sniffed your last line. Too risky for me hombre

        1. It turns people into idiots who live for the love of charlie, but hey, at least they’re not feminists! Hehe

        2. What is does to girls in one year, is about the same thing feminism does to them in twenty years

        3. As for feminism would say 5 years or even less for femikuntz……mostly they’re outta shape anyway, you’ll find a younger woman will keep her figure and looks once she has a family.
          Oh and coke is the biggest contradiction of a drug, for men especially. Makes you horny as fuck but the old chap won’t come out to play. Might as well be slamming him in the fridge door…..

        4. Well I never did Coke when I was anything other but a very young man. All the coke was able to do to do to old Willy, was slowing him down and hell he needed to be slowed down back then

        1. The shit is good really good. I call it Satan in powered form. It is the angle of light and it is evil

        2. I have heard it is really cheap there. Dont do it. BUt If you do have two great hookers with you. Enjoy the night and never do it again

        3. The bright morning star, master of music, fallen from grace because of his own hubris.
          Lots of interesting material in the Bible regarding Lucifer. All food for thought and meditation.

        4. Or if Lucifer was an imitation of Jesus.
          Lucifer sat at God’s feet and played music for him. It makes sense that such a creature would be beautiful and intense.

        5. Although his beauty is probably not of human nature. In fact, I think it is plausible to say that if the average human (me included) were to experience true divine beauty, it would shock him to his core. Not in a positive way.

        6. I had such an experience. I describe it as the shadow of the shadow of God’s presence.
          Honestly, that was almost more than I could physically take.

        7. Isaiah 53 says that the messiah (that is, Jesus) would have no beauty or majesty to attract us to him.
          We depict him as beautiful primarily because of what he did for us, not because of how he actually looked. (Although, as a carpenter, he was probably pretty fit)

        8. That actually makes a lot of sense! Hah!
          Which only shows how brainwashed we are. Indeed, I alluded to this in another comment: Appearances are false.
          Sometimes when faced with the choice between darkness and light – the darkness is the way to go.

        9. That only talked about his physical appearance and his treatment. No SJW ever inspired people the way he did.

        10. Though there is little doubt that SJWs have a messiah complex. Not the same thing as being the messiah

        11. Talk about a great tool for Game.
          “So yeah baby, turns out I’m immortal and can walk on water. Give me your cup of water there, let me change it into a nice Merlot for you. I’d ask you to stay and hang around, but that turn of a phrase has really soured on me as of late. So…how you doin’?”

        12. He didn’t need no game. He just went to chill on a mount and made a bunch of loaves and bitches. Presumably loaves was a Nazarene slang word meaning Kratom

  2. I pretty much disagree with everything in this article.
    1. This is exactly the mindset the media and elites want us to have. The belief that our happiness and sense of peace is directly tied to externalities, making us chase goods, consume a lot and overall try to impress and satisfy other people.
    2. Positive thinking is bullshit and delusional. Stopping negative selftalk is good, but replacing it with another stream of annoying thoughts – barf. Best to be able to turn off those pointless voices categorizing everything all the time. Come think of it, there is not even a thing such as a negative thought. When you think ‘Im an asshole’, what is the essence of that sentence? That you are equivalent to a hole in the buttocks? That does not make any sense. No. What you really think is not just the thought itself. Rather, you imagine a human voice that transports an emotion. It doesn’t matter what somebody calls you. What matters is the intonation. When a mother says to her kid ‘You are bad’, it is her tone that conveys the message, not the tone ‘bad’. Something to meditate on.
    3. What does ‘more social’ even mean? What every human being should train himself at is to be himself and in a flow state. Sometimes being friendly is the harmonious thing to be. Sometimes getting into a conflict is. Both are social interactions, both have value.
    4. I dislike using drugs on a permanent basis. It’s not the real me … and yeah, there are good arguments against that line of thought, I know it. It’s more of a spiritual thing, I guess. If my inner voice told me ‘take that supplement’ like it tells me that I should eat, I would do it. But things being what they are and having experience with anti-depressants, I feel like that stuff just distances you from your real feelings and thoughts and while you become superficially more functional, you only end up digging a deeper hole by never really confronting the shit underneath.

    1. Finding the meaning of life. It will only be found spiritually in God. It is all there eventuality.

  3. What the hell is with all the younger folks claiming anxiety? Good god we all can be afraid of social rejection. But guys just gut it out, it goes away all on its own if you fight it.
    And damn it … do not take anything for it. Fucking cowards unable to face life. Do not be one of them. Nothing says a lack of masculinity like “I need my anti anxiety drugs”. Hint they don’t work, they just get you high. No different than a few shots of the old liquid courage.

    1. The self-improvement we’ve been advocating here for just over four years (Happy anniversary, RoK) is the best medicine.
      Get off the social media, because it’s not of value and things like Facebook experiment with fucking up your head.
      Stop the online dating, because the market is shite and you get both hard and soft rejection more frequently.
      Meet more people, filter for the best.
      Eat well and exercise. A healthy body makes a healthy mind.

      1. In fact, the value of a supplement like the one sponsored in number four would be that it can help make you healthier, and as a result your mindset will naturally improve.
        We’ve observed how fucked in the head vegans are. It’s partly because they’re massively malnourished.
        Saturated fats, eggs, proteins from both muscle meats and organ meats, and plenty of salt and iodine (seaweeds are great for this) can help immeasurably.

      2. That is why I enjoy reading this site. No victim hood here. Just deal with the only person you have any chance of controlling, yourself.

    2. The problem is a lack of Kratom. See, 30,000 years ago, God created the world, and the world was Kratom. Since then, the halflife value of Kratom has been reducing the amount of Kratomica in the atmosphere.
      The truth is, the Kratom trees don’t actually make Kratom, they simply consolidate all the Kratom in the atmosphere and ground and then pump it out in it’s original form. It used to be (30,000 years ago) that the entire world was just a big giant Kratom, and when men wanted to ride sabertoothed tigers, they would breathe in the Kratom and say “Down bitch!” and the tigers and their women would immediately lie on the ground supine.
      But because our forefathers were gentlemen they’d satisfy our maternal ancestors first and then ride their sabertoothed tigers off to war.

        1. Kratom only works on human males enhancing all that is right and good in the world. When women inhale Kratom they become hyper fertile and look to be impregnated by their male pair-bond.

      1. Kratom was the real forbidden fruit that Eve ate in the Garden. Looks what’s happened to mankind since.

      2. In all seriousness, I think something fucked up and potentially sinister is going on.
        I have friends that have had panic attacks. Grown, masculine men who lift and have families with fucked up anxiety problems. I used to have anxiety attacks when I would be driving a car before I started self improvement techniques.
        I’d get bad memories from a car accident I was in that I couldn’t seem to control, and then it was like having a hundred thoughts per second that I couldn’t control. And it wouldn’t stop until I got out of that situation. I thought my heart was going to explode or something.
        Its not hysteria. I only admitted I’ve had them before to my buddy after he was talking to me, asking what’s going on with him. I have other friends that are getting worse.
        Some guys in their early 20’s are far, far worse off. My buddies who are vets have them too. And none of our fathers had any of this shit until recently, like the last 5-10 years.
        My uncle, ex-bodybuilder (all natty too, aside from the performance de-hancing stuff) is now in his 50’s and gets them. Never before in his life did he get them.
        I don’t know what precisely is going on, but Kratom bans aside there is some serious biochemical shit going on. And its acting to our detriment.

        1. I saw an older friend of mine, in his 40s, for no reason writhing on the floor (well, he was actually going through major stress from his now ex-wife). This guy is a huge natural player. He doesn’t really know game, and makes some beginner mistakes in relationships, but can naturally get a girl’s clothes off better than anyone I’ve seen.
          I walked in and saw him on the floor as if having a seizure, made a joke, and then realized he was not acting. I don’t think that is natural or it would be known throughout history. Maybe it was just stress, but we allow unimportant things in our modern life stress us out (like the people who killed themselves over “cyberbullying” from strangers).
          I had a friend tonight ask me if fluoride was intentionally put in our water to dumb us down. I said well I think it’s much bigger than that. Fluoride is of course bad for your health, but there is a whole slate of things being done that result in a dumbed down, unmotivated, lazy populace. Whether these things are done in a concerted effort or not, I have no idea. But it’s definitely going on.

        2. We western men have no tribes anymore. For instance, men used to voluntary enroll in wars not longtime ago. Also, there is no longer violence in our lives anymore.

        3. I’ve seen this kind of thing happen around me in the recent years. People are more anxious , even if their life situation has them in a position that wouldn’t normally cause anxiety and by that i mean a sheltered life without worries and stuff. And people that would once take life head on and laugh about everything , turned into complete worrying wrecks. I also suspect that there’s something strange going on. Maybe all the estrogen in the food … i don’t really know.

        4. Its not just that. Although there is plenty of nasty chems around.
          You arent retarted, so your mind is picking up that things are spiriling out of control. Also, on a metaphysical level, your soul realizes that a major test is coming.
          We are not just masses of cells. We are here for a reason. What you say tells me that many people are picking up a warning.
          Solution? Make it your mission in life to talk to God one on one about whatever is on your mind for an hour a day. Im personally up to 16 minites a day and I talk about everything and anything, game, girls, bad experiences, my screwed up history, etc . Talk the way you would talk to your best friend. Thats the most important thing anyone can do in this life, so now when things are easy you want to train that.
          Also train emotionally and physically, to get ready for whats coming. Read about honorable men in collapse situations, because that is potentially down the road. And right now we can make use of the information to find out how men dealt with such situations.
          Of course, everything could end up fine, but that would only mean you would be stronger in a good situation, so win-win.

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      3. I remember when I was a young child on Kraton and my parents sent me to earth before the destruction

    3. Keep in mind that this is a generation defined by needing “grief counselors” and “safe spaces”.

      1. In our day we never even heard of anxiety as a medical condition. It was a pull your head out of your ass condition.

        1. I think I heard about it once, a movie, High Anxiety. That was the beginning and end of my experience with “anxiety” as a yoot.

        2. Back then if you said you were feeling depress, they ether bought you a drink or found you a woman. A good friend would take you out on the town, so you both could do both.

        3. In all honesty I really don’t recall over emotionalism being met with anything other than contempt and outright disdain by people at the time. In men I mean, it was expected in women. Some dope moping around the high school sniveling how sad life was would have been mercilessly mocked and picked on, or even given a punch when teachers weren’t looking.

        4. Here is the exact way my friends dealt with me being down
          When the phone rings
          It’s just some friends of mine that say,
          “Hey, what’s the matter man?
          We’re gonna come around at twelve
          With some Puerto Rican girls that are just dyin’ to meet you
          We’re gonna bring a case of wine
          Hey, let’s go mess and fool around
          You know, like we used to”

        5. Unfortunately a few stragglers managed to avoid a proper beating and then formed the stupid stinking sad-is-a-way-of-life grunge movement.
          I’m looking at you, Kurt Cobain’s rotting corpse.

        6. Assuming you had good reason like your dog dying or you wife running off. They would buy you drink and help you get over it. They might even give you two weekends to deal with it. But it was just assumed you would be back to normal soon

        7. Yes, those are and were acceptable. It’s the same lesson I explicitly taught my son. Crying for a man in public is only acceptable for the death of kin or your best hunting dog. Everything else, you take behind a closed door.

        8. That happened sometimes. Not everybody who got a beating deserved one though. I’m talking about the ones sniveling around school about how unfair life was. If they didn’t get a punch they at least got mocked.

        9. It’s a weird world.
          There was this incident that you may think was not overly dramatic or important, but somehow it stayed with me.
          Basically, some of the older people told us ‘calling someone a son of a whore is unacceptable and if someone calls you that, you should tell us’. Well, someone called me that. I chose to feel insulted as I had been advised, went to the ‘lady’ who was taking care of us that day. Bitch didn’t care about anything but watching TV. Well, went back to my room. Guys came into my room, one punched me in the nose. I couldn’t deal with it. I felt like I wanted to kill the basterd, but being fucked up as I am, I was paralyzed instead.
          Those are the kinds of things that one day lead to Tom Arrow taking it out on a poor innocent cop, heh.

        10. I grew up as a bigger kid than most in school. As such, I was never singled out by individuals, but by groups, usually “jocks”, who thought that if they ganged up on me, it made them tough, since I was “that big guy”. That stopped when I took down two of them at the same time in an auditorium after school hours. The rest of their group literally froze up and then backed away, abandoning their “champions”.
          From that I took two lessons. 1) Bullies are cowards and when confronted, can be beaten and 2) My being bigger made me a target, but it also gave me the power to help those who were smaller and couldn’t fight back. So in the end, I gained a positive outlook from it.

        11. The fact that I was not bullied a lot I attribute to the fact that I was not a weak kid. I was just … weird.
          That particular place where this happened, the guys happened to be a few years older than me and one was particularly large for some reason.
          That said, I do think I would have been able to defend myself decently. I know I’m not a bad fighter from my experience in training Muay Thai.
          But there is this shit inside of me … I just freeze up. It’s unnatural. Something comes up inside of me that makes me feel completely and utterly powerless. It’s literally like I’m being sucked into hell, man. Weird weird shit.

        12. That movie was so great! If I recall right there was a patient that was totally fine but from a rich family whose money was keeping the institution open. Mel Brooks was the new “Head Shrink” and the staff needed to convince him that the guy was nuts so he wouldn’t release him.
          At one point mel brooks is interviewing him and the other doctors are behind him freaking him out by putting in vampire teeth and shooting spit balls at him and Mel Brooks doesn’t see so he comes to the conclusion that the guy is nuts. Really fantastic.

        13. God I wish we could make Mel Brookes 25 again and let him have another generation of movie creation. I don’t give a fuck if he’s a (((them))) or not, that dude had comedic genius like nobody’s business.

        14. I’d stipulate that he’d get made younger, but keeps his fortune, influence and connections. If anybody can save comedy, it would be a 25 year old Mel Brookes with all of his current power.
          God, how glorious would that be?

        15. That is when you say “fuck this shit, time to fuck shit up” and let the instincts take the wheel. That’s how I roll, and it’s helped me through some tough times.
          Got me a reputation in school for being “grumpy” or “angry”.
          Like when I got shoved by this 6’6″ mexican kid. So I gave him a shoulder charge at a run. Slam. Made the lunch line go all wiggly.
          And my reputation ended up getting the attention of the school hottie. Too bad my adolescent brain was lagging behind and didn’t understand.

        16. Well, you got half of it right.
          By “time to fuck shit up” in this context I mean “fix this shit so I feel better by any (legal & morally acceptable) means necessary”.

        17. People really didn’t know what to expect from me. I was somewhat of a strange figure. Not in an overt way (nail-clipping collecting or taxidermy or pinning insects or anything like that) but just enough to make people uncomfortable for reasons they couldn’t really explain.

        18. It wasn’t even that fat ago. I have a buddy whose wedding I was best man in just last summer.
          A few years back he walked into a bar and told me his brother died over in Afghanistan.
          I bought him a Whisky and we sat there and drank a shot.
          Conversation went like this
          Me: you need anything?
          Him: let’s play darts
          By closing time we were both totally shitfaced. I lived closer but in the same direction so he wound up crashing on my sofa.
          Morning came, he went home.
          He didn’t brought it up a few times when drunk, maybe once or twice, but only in passing. I never mentioned it.
          And this was about a younger brother dying. Then I see people who need weekly therapy and a course of harsh medication because they feel “free floating anxiety”

        19. Indeed. People think the bigger kids didn’t get picked on are wrong. We just attracted the REAL hard-ons who had something prove…

        20. Not that usual. That is the exact way I responded to impending combat as a teenager. It wasn’t quite fear, more like repulsion or something….Utterly ridiculous for an oaf like me.
          Looking back, I wish I would have just sacked up and come out swinging. There are worse things than a beatdown.

        21. It’s not even fear of being hurt physically … I can take that relatively well. It’s something deeper. I don’t know. Yeah, I often wish I would just have ignored that feeling and done something, but the more I meditate on it, the more I realize this is wishful thinking. Those are demons that need to be ‘exorcised’ in some way.

        22. One important thing to learn is often you have to fight even knowing you will lose. Knowing there is a price to pay is usually enough to prevent a Bully. The Mormons standing up to the drug cartels in Mexico is a good example…they lose face about it, but at the end of the day the cartels gain nothing from intimidating the Mormons. My pussified dad never taught me that.

        23. In a way it doesn’t matter what causes it, you have to find the way of behaving in the right way, then your head will slowly change. I used to get scared when I got angry because my brother would so regularly beat me up as he was older and bigger. I’ll never forget one time when he puts up his guard knowing I wouldn’t attack him. I faked giving up the sunk a right on his face. The look of shock was priceless. Then I covered up for the beating. Those things that scare you? Those are the things you most need to do.

        24. To fight the enemy, you must wield a weapon of similar strength.
          Become sophisticated. Edwin Windsor in “How to Succeed in Evil” is a good start.

      2. I have been diagnosed with anxiety disorders and medicated for panic attacks and I sure as hell don’t need a “safe space.” I just need to take care of myself and be a man.

    4. You’re right for most men. Some circumstances are different. I struggled with approaching women for awhile because of a false rape allegation that happened when I wasn’t even a teenager yet.
      How did I fix my anxiety? A double serving of kratom, and a side of not being a little bitch.

    5. I’ve actually been thinking about this a lot lately.
      The conclusion that I have come to is that 20, 30 years ago, traditional values, i.e., low number of intercourse, made the entire population more socially awkward or perhaps more socially goofy or innocent.
      Now that there are a few people on both genders who are as used as the village bike pump, and these people are to be aspired to, there is a stratification of social grace.
      I wouldnt say that the average guy is more awkward than previous generations, though there does seem to be a prevalence of neck-beard, but there is more stratification of social capital.

    6. It used to be called “shyness”, and you got the fuck over it.
      I had what could be described as a “panic” or “anxiety” attack once. It was when my dog passed away, a dog that I’d had for 12 years. What did I do? I recognized what was happening, did some deep breathing and focusing, and rode it the fuck out. Then I finished burying her, got drunk, and went back to work the next day.

      1. Yeah getting your ass kicked by life. It’s not a medical condition, it’s something you admit to, say it sucks, get over it and move on

  4. Actually, on a relatively serious note, I got great results from L-Theanine. It’s a naturally occurring protein that, in sufficient doses, helps keep your mind more steady and naturally breaks down anxiety. Of course, you can get enough L-Theanine from a couple of eggs each day, but the supplements are fairly cheap and easy to get.
    Otherwise, just accomplish shit. Nothing beats anxiety and depression quite like the glow that comes from getting something significant done.

    1. I read an article about Ray Kurzweil who thinks he is going to live forever and is taking tons of supplements every day. I picked about 5 off his list which I take, including L-carnitine and L-carsosine. But I’ve come to believe the best thing is to get as much nutrients as you can from whole food. Good to know that eggs provide L-Theanine, I eat an average of 5 a week.

      1. I was healthiest when I started each day with a hearty meal of scrambled eggs and sausage.
        Eggs have all the proteins and nutrients required to make a chicken. Considering that our biological makeup is comparable to chickens (same proteins, fats, vitamins, etc.), it’s got to be an amazing health food.

  5. I wholeheartedly endorse 1-3. I know the sponsor of this post is hoping you will try #4. I just have no experience with that. But yeah, taking care of problems as soon as they come up is a resolution I am making going forward. Even if you don’t make the best decision, just deal with it immediately and don’t let it keep hanging out there as a problem.
    Being more social is one of the best ways of increasing happiness. The problem is most people I would socialize with around here are beta-fools or worse. Thanks goodness for ROK, though typing at other enlightened folk is no replacement for real masculine comraderie. But we tried that in February, and the world flipped out.

  6. I can tell you with personal certainty, having used them all, that colloidal silver (a natural killer of bacteria and viruses), magnesium, manganese, fish oil, large doses of broad-spectrum vitamins B, C and D, a multi-vitamin and multi-mineral supplement (containing vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other things), and a simple formula which you can make at home, called Dr. Richard Schulze’s Super Tonic (fresh organic juices of horseradish root, garlic bulb, onion bulb, ginger root, and cayenne peppers in a base of raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar – Bragg apple cider vinegar, in my case) have done wonders for me on all levels. I’m pushing 60 and never get sick, have incredible energy and vitality, can think clearly and lucidly, and, prior to researching all of the things that I researched, and tried out, and eventually culled down by separating the wheat from the chaff, I was none of those things, at least not at the level I find myself at now…do your own research, think outside the box, and find what boosts you to the top. That’s the key.

        1. Well, here I am, a young man in his late 20s, exchanging existential philosophy and conspiracy theories with a handful of old fucks. What a sad fate.

        2. Wisdom doesn’t happen in one’s late 20s…think of all the amazing shit you have in front of you.

        3. Not everyone is old baybay, a lot of us ain’t! And don’t you know that life begins at 60? It’s in the books and such

        4. It means a person clings to optimism, or pretends that they are optimistic, when surrounded by disaster, or when faced with something that is fear-inducing – like a graveyard. That idiom might be viewed in two primary ways, I think – one, it indicates a person who is irrationally optimistic, or someone who is oblivious. Now, in your case, Tom, I tend to think that you might not believe death is anything to fear. Maybe even something to welcome…in which case, if you actually whistled past the graveyard, your optimism would be genuine. (Wink.)

        5. Well, it’s a bit of a difficult matter, isn’t it. There is a part of me that knows it is nothing to fear – and a part that fears it. Maybe that’s the ol soul vs ego duality. This part that fears it, I’d say that is my body. It’s quite fastinating. The past 10 days or so, I’ve had some tremendous success in detaching from pain. Truly amazing. It’s like nothing about the pain has changed, it’s still there. But suddenly, I am not it. I stand separate and watch it.

        6. Any particular methods you are using, to divorce yourself from the pain…I’d very much like to know about that, if you can put it in words.

        7. It’s hard to put into words and I can’t do that stuff completely by any stretch of imagination.
          To give a really simple instruction, I’d say … just observe. Observe, observe, observe. And with time, you get better at it. Those fancy techniques etc…. they will come to you. Reading about them is almost useless, if just for the reason that I think they may be different for everybody.
          Perhaps one more thing that starts to make sense when you actually experience it: Instead of trying to do it correctly, completely stop trying to do anything.

        8. I don’t know. For me, it’s not a particular technique. And it is. It depends on the moment. The flow of the moment determines what I do. Or rather, what happens. It is not that I do a technique as much as that I simply ‘let the technique happen’.
          In the past, I used to ‘do’ something that worked and then I got attached to it and tried to repeat it and that didn’t work. Because all answers really lie in the moment. The moment always tells you what to do. You just have to listen. There is no need to memorize anything. In fact, you may find that ‘memorizing’ is not that much of a controlled process either.

        9. Wim Hof’s technique is quite something. Basically, you hyper-oxygenate your blood through the breathing and, simultaneously, mentally feel around your body.
          Certainly not the end-all and be-all, but it’s a good technique.

        10. Carlos Castaneda talks about “not doing”. Meaning, stopping the habit of doing what one has always done, as a path toward enlightenment. Like, looking at the shadows that a leaf makes on the bark of a tree, instead of looking at the leaf or the bark. I know what you mean. And you are barking up the right tree my friend (pun intended). Keep doing what you are doing. (Or, not doing.)

        11. I think there is something to it. And I bet there will come moments where I will feel like doing that. Maybe even because I read this tip … who knows for sure how it all works together.
          But let me give an example of body language. Now, there are many tips out there on how to do ‘correct bodylanguage’. And those tips all ‘work’. You follow the instruction and you do feel better.
          But it’s an active ‘doing’ instead of a ‘letting happen’. Now lately, as I feel better, good body language just happens. I haven’t done a single exercise, have eaten shitty food, and yet my body suddenly, in such a moment, yearns to be stretched and to carry itself with pride. Hell, I run around literally like a bum and am overweight, but when I am in such a moment, the girls still look at me. Hah.
          So I think a lot of techniques are ‘correct’, but the best way to apply them is to not be attached to either technique and just let it all flow.

        12. When I’m recovering from leg-day, my body language naturally becomes awesome.
          Doing can help you become. Becoming is the goal, but doing can help you get there.

        13. Exactly. It’s all about perception. We perceive the world as we have been trained to see it. But it’s a world of energy first, and a world of objects second. And we can manipulate energy, and thus, our perception of reality. But to store energy, which is what a person needs in order to “see” (they need power, and power is stored energy), you have to stop burning it up by doing what you have always done…see? Heh.

        14. Regarding my last comment. A good example is that we sometimes indeed force ourselves to look at something particular, which we do out of a belief that we already know what to look for. And sometimes we need to let go of our idea of what we want to see so that we can see what we should see. Or not see what we should not see.
          For example, when I watch a movie or read a particular news, I sometimes can feel a drowsiness coming over me. Basically exactly like in school … . That’s your body telling you: Don’t give attention to this. This is not important.
          But we are conditioned to ignore that instinct. We have to ‘achieve’ and ‘work’. So we tell ourselves a story: The story that our brain is just ‘ineffective’ or ‘tired’ and we need to ‘push ourselves’ with coffee and shit.
          Instead of listening to the infinite mind that is telling us: Stop reading / watching this crap.

        15. Good point. I shall meditate on that idea, it sounds true to me.
          A world of energy … a world of objects. Is there a difference? What appears to us as matter – what is it truly? Tiny tiny particles of energy that interact according to certain laws.
          What is our ‘vision’ of ‘solid objects’? It is a few tiny particles of energy sending even smaller particles of energy into collections of particles of energy that we call ‘eyes’, which then … you know what I mean.
          On the other hand, one may certainly question the whole ‘everything is made out of just atoms’ idea.

        16. Exactly. Like when I pointed out the dummy in that Nice attack video. The indoctrinated mind fills in the blanks, and tells the person what to see. Let go of indoctrination and perception. Store energy by not doing what one always does. Then the world will really look crazy, but it will be a more accurate perception of reality.

        17. But there is no real need to get anywhere. If it is the body’s deepest desire to move towards a certain direction, it will happen so. There is no need to actively ‘do’ something to get somewhere. If the ‘getting somewhere’ is meant to happen, it will.

        18. We’re taught that it’s a world of objects first and foremost. But it’s energy first and foremost. It changes the whole game when you look at it as a world of energy first…

        19. That energy storing … really got me hooked there. Mind expanding on that idea? Something to do with that shell of awareness that needs energy?

        20. Yeah I mentioned some of this. About the predators and Castaneda’s thoughts. Supposedly, and I have done this personally, so I’m not just quoting some guru here, one can still the mind to the point where the predators (who enslave us on earth in a prison of mind, body and spirit), no longer eat the flares of energy we produce when we are preoccupied with day-to-day pseudo-concerns. When that happens, our glowing coat of awareness, which we are born with, grows back from toes to head. Usually it’s at toe level, when we become adults. Once that happens, the predator’s mind (which has been instilled in us, and we use its mind, also called the rational mind) leaves us for good. And then we can do incredible things, by strategically deploying all that stored energy.
          All I can say is, it’s true, from my perspective. Not the predators, and all that, I cannot vouch for that one way or another – but the fact that stored energy is transformed into power within the individual, and at that point, magical things happen. Like creating your own reality. You store that energy up, and brother, now you have power.
          Being single-minded toward one thing and one thing only, with no competing thoughts, is what did it for me. And I had this happen before I read Castaneda’s work. So his work was a practical guide, and explanation, of what actually happened to me when all of the following things occurred…
          I actually saw what would happen, about 15 years ago, when I spent about three months focusing single-mindedly on producing a piece of music, to the exclusion of everything else. This power welled up inside me. And I saw, that when I took the piece of music out and had it played in public (a recording), certain things would happen. And every one of the things I saw would happen, happened – just as I had seen them. And there was a lot more to it than that, but once the smoke had cleared, I thought I was going crazy.
          Then I read Castaneda’s books, and it all made sense. Heh.

        21. To have clear focus on one thing … is an amazing gift. I had it one or two times in my life. Just workig on something. Without bothering with constantly doubting it or whatever. The amount of energy you can translate into work when you just keep working … damn. It’s like entering another universe. Everything seems easy too because you’re not shooting your energy out into nothingness (or the predator’s mouth?).
          Heh. Come think of it. If we focus our thoughts on Hillary … who is to say that our focus of thoughts is not actually a stream of energy towards her. (Which I hinted at in my article you read)
          In fact, is it not kinda crazy that the entire world gives attention to just two individuals? A ‘sane’ mind would have to conclude they are some form of black magicians.

        22. Yes. And this is not lost on the elite. They focus their intent (that is what this is called) on one outcome, or one version of reality, and they shape it thereby. Well, a larger group can do the same thing – the power of two dreamers squared, or three, or a hundred million…

        23. Makes ya wonder, tho, if it’s not the other way around.
          What if Hillary is not forcing our thoughts. What if Trump is not forcing our thoughts?
          What if the thoughts of masculine men in pain have forced into existence … Trump running for president.
          What if the thoughts of crazy SJWs have forced into existence … Hillary.

        24. True. But consider this. Maybe our rational mind (the predator’s mind) is our one true common enemy. Here on earth, most knowledge is doled out. The elite dole out bullshit via their various institutions for social control. But they do this while simultaneously possessing what they think of as being “secret knowledge”. But what we’re talking about here, you and I, this is truly available to anybody who is willing to do the experimentation. Store up energy – that’s all. Stop burning it up on day-to-day trivialities, stop burning it up, most importantly, on thoughts of self-pity. Self-pity is man’s mortal enemy. Deploy that stored up energy into an outcome, in your mind, while you work unceasingly at one thing…and boom, now you don’t look at it as being black magic, or something sinister, it is what it is at that point. It’s all lessons. Nothing more. Evolve or involve. How we use it is up to the individual…Trump manifestations and Hillary manifestations aside. A person can be free from all of that. If they store up enough energy (power) and deploy it in whatever manner they choose…

        25. I think the reason why people do not let awareness build up is that this awareness then creeps into all the crevices of their existence. And that can involve scary places they don’t want to see.

        26. Real knowledge is a frightening affair. It is never what people think it is going to be. So yes, most people have what they think might be an epiphany, and they are both exhilarated and scared, and usually, fright wins out…fear is the prison. And my friend I am off to watch my Chicago Cubs in Game One of the World Series, meeting some people for drinks. But I enjoyed this back-and-forth immensely. I say keep doing what you are doing. You are way ahead of the average person in this basic way that we have been discussing. You have no idea how far ahead that puts you, or maybe you do; yes, in one way you do…it depends on how you look at it. If you look at it as a negative, then it’s a negative. You are what you think and you think what you are. Keep pushin’…

        27. All objects are actually energy. In reality there is no such thing as a solid object, since when you break objects down to their most base elements you come to realize that we’re actually made of nothing more than electrical charges associating with each other.
          Hell, break it down even more creepily, and there is probably no such thing as a universe, and we may well be (and this is actually a real theory) experiencing a set of quantum “photos” all interconnected and representing one precise moment in time which can and does change with each movement and choice within that frame, diverging down infinite paths and thus infinite universes. We may literally (Hitler) be immortal and not even know it since we can only experience the frames that our particular choices and the movement of everything in that frame dictates, while other forms of us go down different paths.
          Quantum stuff is *really* fun to think about, especially if you get high.

        28. No, I’ve just been told that I’m much more interesting to talk to at a party when my partner is high. Heh.
          I don’t know if she meant that as a compliment or a back handed insult.

        29. I’m with you on all of that. The conversations we might have, down the road, eh. Whether high or not. Can’t wait.

        30. Having a physics background inadvertently led me down to the path of philosophy. There’s a reason why people used to include philosophy in the natural sciences.

        31. Yes. And there’s a reason why philosophy is no longer included within that subheading. Heh. Cheers, brother. I’ll be thinking about all this while tipping some cold ones and watching the Cubs…I’m outta here for now.

        32. In school you basically learn that all solid objects are made up of a lot of tiny solid objects. You just shift the whole categorical thinking into a micro-level. Completely ignoring that lacking the reference of being able to touch something, what is it’s solidness in fact? What IS an ‘atom’? Sure, a small small thing. But knowing what we know, we can hardly call it ‘solid’. But if it isn’t solid, what is it? Hmmmmmmmm

        33. It really doesn’t matter ultimately, we fucked, I was cool with it. If you can discuss quantum physics and get laid, I figure, game on.

        34. I read this whole thread between you and Tom Arrow. I have one question: what does any of this have to do with the price of Kratom in Manhattan?

        35. All the more tragic. Waiting for Oldot would be a great play based on your life

        36. Right but we are updating it to being about you and us old geezers

        37. I don’t know; I’m not the best at predicting series outcomes, but I had Cleveland last night. (Wanted the Cubs to win, but saw the line and the other data and took the Indians.) Also had the Knicks +9 and +350 money line at the Cavaliers (a double loser there), and San Antonio +9.5 and +370 money line at the Warriors (double winner there). I love basketball, man you can make bank on it. There are more games, which means more opportunities. (More than football, I mean…) Cubbies are looking pretty good tonight, based on the early lines…

        38. You’ve heard of the Butterfly Effect, I’m quite sure. Well, everything affects everything else. So…that back-and-forth that Tom and I had, did indeed affect the price of Kratom in Manhattan. I don’t know how, or in what capacity, but by God, and gosh-golly, it sure did…

        39. See, I am going in a different direction. Because I can’t see either the Cubs or the Steamers doing anything but building their fan base up and then totally disappointing them in the most hilarious way possible I am betting on a game 7 earth quake that swallows both teams whole just as the 10th inning starts.

        40. Being a Cubs fan, I’d take that scenario over what is more likely to happen (Cubs lose!)…

        41. As a Mets fan I understand. I find that the Cubs fans I know are split between people who want to win already and people who kind of will feel sentimental about holding on to the streak. That said, I am sure if Chicago does win that the city will totally devour itself. I would say the same thing about the Steamers but as far as I can tell no one will really notice is Cleveland devours itself.

        42. Being a Cubs fan is the ultimate comfort. No matter how screwed up your life may get, no matter how many bad things happen to you, you can never be as big a loser as the Cubs…

        43. I’d opt for ‘do’ over ‘observe’. Mind you this gem of wisdom didn’t come forth until I was north of 40…..

        44. and from what I’ve read (in the comments section of ROK of course), Kratom will cause you to build muscle WHILE meditating! AND your dik will cut glass when you’re done!

    1. D, A, and K2 are co-dependent vitamins. I try to supplement these with a pat of butter (because they’re fat-soluble).
      Never tried the super tonic, but I’ve done Joe Rogan’s green juice (kale, celery, carrot, and apple blended to a juice). Looks good, though.

        1. Heh.
          A dentist about a hundred years ago (Weston Price) did an international study. He was convinced that something was wrong, considering all the cavities and missing teeth he was dealing with in kids as young as five.
          His study took him to Africa, Alaska, and the Aboriginal cultures of Australia. Studying their diet, he discovered they ate a lot of organ meats and had perfect teeth. When he got home, he isolated vitamins D, A, and what he called Activator X (K2) and mixed them in butter. The result of his experiments was that kids’ teeth got better.
          Apparently K2 has properties that make D and A more effective, D has properties that improve distribution of calcium, and A has properties that keep the immune system more effective. And the three together help us absorb things like magnesium.

        2. I have never heard of that study, but I’m glad he did that.
          I’ve always wondered how certain groups, especially primitive groups made it to even 50 without dentistry techniques. That’s about how long some of our cousin-species make it in the wild, if they’re clever and good survivors. But when their teeth start to go, its a ticking clock for them.
          You can see the specimens left behind by European hunter-gatherers, before they started cooking food. Huge, powerful bone structure and teeth, with few defects or anything. I guess the weak stuff just died off.

        3. His work is chronicled in the book “Nutrition and Physical Degeneration” (by Weston Price). It’s really quite fascinating – he also did some research on cattle and other animals to identify the nutrients.

        4. You could probably say that about Heroin as it takes everything you have have but you will fight to the death to keep it as part of your life. Then again, it’s 4am so my brain hasn’t fully kicked in

        5. I swear i healed a cavity after six months on norwegian codliver oil. My dentist said he doesnt remember. But he definitely wanted to drill

  7. At first I thought this wasn’t a sponsored post. Oh well. Get a job in face-2-face sales. While it can get depressing at times, it will teach you so many freaking skills at once, it’s priceless.
    Approach, dealing with rejection, micro-macro economics, strategizing, planning, tactical tweaking on the fly. If you don’t over do it and stay outside the realm of typical sales dweeb, you can socially conquer just about anything after a few years of experience.

  8. A year or more as a bartender will cure you of whatever shyness and social anxiety you have, in a major way.
    Supplements? Shoot, just take magnesium. We’re all severely depleted of it (according to what I’ve read, and no, not from a magnesium merchant heh), and it promotes muscle relaxation and gives you a sense of ease.
    Oh, right, forgot…

      1. Embrace the weirdness man, embrace the weirdness!

    1. Magnesium’s good, and I also like to add regular multi-supplements here, also plenty of B6 & B12 for brain.
      (Responding to other posts) Was never much of a liquor/beer guy — it tends to make me feel stupid except in the smallest amounts. Prefer to pop a codeine or something similar. It seems to have a relaxing effect w/o the sloppiness of alcohol. Too much though and you get the limp dick effect which is not fun (slappin’ that floppy wiener across a chick’s face for ten minutes while she grows increasingly impatient is just embarrassing) but this can be countered to some extent with energy drinks or a little pseudephedrine.
      Folks should look into gabapentin / neurontin too. The mechanism of action is not clear but it somehow manages to be relaxing and energizing at the same time.

  9. It’s like the 10 Commandments, but there’s an 11th saying “thou shalt buy my supplement”

  10. Why are “antidepressants and other doctor-prescribed mood-altering drugs are generally bad for you” ?
    This attitude/information that gets put into peoples heads probably causes more problems than the medication ever would. If you can get by with over the ocunter medications and “changing your thinking” or just “getting over it”……..You dont have an anxiety disorder. fucking idiots.

    1. Thing is, anxiety is mostly caused by conditioning. So if you can condition yourself out of it, there you go. Thats Psychology (mind-games and no pills) and that means only a small period of monetary payment, as opposed to Psychiatry (fill to the gill with pill) which a drug company can sponsor a psychiatrist to use their drug on a patient indefinitely -hence lots of moolah).

      1. Do you have any source to confirm your theory or is it just the usual bullshit paranoia that is spouted here?
        Any physician worth his grain of salt isn’t prescribing medications based on payments from pharmaceutical companies. That may occur in the woeful american health system by a small number, but even still, i would say it is unlikely. Anti-depressants are prescribed based on need/seriousness and they are used to alleviate symptoms so that cognitive behavior therapy can be introduced and the “conditioning” you mention, can be removed.
        My point is, saying that Anti-depressants are bad prevents people seeking treatment with them, when the fact is, treatment that includes antidepressant/anti-anxiety medications is FAAAAAAAAAAAR more successful than without. And given the rate of suicide of males, i would suggest that that type of misinformation more than likely exacerbates the problem.

        1. I’ll admit I’ve had about half a dozen psych classes in a college that was barely touched by progressives.
          Ask a psychologist/psychiatrist if they take a behavioral approach to mental illness. Chances are not. But sometimes medicine is needed. Sometimes it’s sandblasting a soup-cracker.
          Modern Psych: use a (hypothetical) flowchart of symptoms to determine what new-age disease you got. Talk for an hour, give prescription and never see ’em again.
          Behavioral Psych: analyze syntax and content of patient’s speech to determine phobias (and other problems) and behaviors that can change the associated response. Many hours of analysis and high-level thinking required.
          Pharmaceutical companies have salesmen that go around hawking their drugs to medical organizations, and depending on incentives that’s what the medical establishment chooses to purchase for its stocks. Salesmen can also have goals on how many contracts with a new drug they can secure, what drugs to push and what not to. The medical supply industry exists. Not talked about and seldom seen. It is simply more economic, easier to learn and less mentally draining to give someone a pill that to figure out what is wrong. Business applies to the medical industry because they are only human after all.
          I could hunt down links and stuff, but if I’m going to do that I might as well write a full-bown essay and post it somewhere.
          But about suicide and depression? Here’s some reading (Wikipedia is true on a holistic level in any case)

        2. I’ll admit I’ve had about half a dozen psych classes in a college that was barely touched by progressives.
          Ask a psychologist/psychiatrist if they take a behavioral approach to mental illness. Chances are not. But sometimes medicine is needed. Sometimes it’s sandblasting a soup-cracker.
          Modern Psych: use a (hypothetical) flowchart of symptoms to determine what new-age disease you got. Talk for an hour, give perscription and never see ’em again.
          Behavioral Psych: analyze syntax and content of patient’s speech to determine phobias (and other problems) and behaviors that can change the associated response. Many hours of analysis and high-level thinking required.
          Pharmaceutical companies have salesmen that go around hawking their drugs to medical organizations, and depending on incentives that’s what the medical establishment chooses to purchase for its stocks. Salesmen can also have goals on how many contracts with a new drug they can secure, what drugs to push and what not to. The medical supply industry exists. Not talked about and seldom seen. It is simply more economic, easier to learn and less mentally draining to give someone a pill that to figure out what is wrong. Business applies to the medical industry because they are only human after all.
          I could hunt down links and stuff, but if I’m going to do that I might as well write a full-bown essay and post it somewhere.
          But about suicide and depression? Here’s some reading (Wikipedia is true on a holistic leven in any case)

        3. Where was all this depression 30+ years ago? How did we function without massive suicides, without your chems?
          Very little to any of the so called psychiatric “profession” is legit. You’re all pill pushers. I lived in a time when nobody took shit besides aspirin and suicides were rare. Sell your snake oil somewhere else.

        4. I’ll admit I’ve had about half a dozen psych classes in a college that was barely touched by progressives.
          Ask a psychologist/psychiatrist if they take a behavioral approach to mental illness. Chances are not. But sometimes medicine is needed. Sometimes it’s sandblasting a soup-cracker.
          Modern Psych: use a (hypothetical) flowchart of symptoms to determine what new-age disease you got. Talk for an hour, give perscription and never see ’em again.
          Behavioral Psych: analyze syntax and content of patient’s speech to determine phobias (and other problems) and behaviors that can change the associated response. Many hours of analysis and high-level thinking required.
          Pharmaceutical companies have salesmen that go around hawking their drugs to medical organizations, and depending on incentives that’s what the medical establishment chooses to purchase for its stocks. Salesmen can also have goals on how many contracts with a new drug they can secure, what drugs to push and what not to. The medical supply industry exists. Not talked about and seldom seen. It is simply more economic, easier to learn and less mentally draining to give someone a pill that to figure out what is wrong. Business applies to the medical industry because they are only human after all.
          I could hunt down links and stuff, but if I’m going to do that I might as well write a full-bown essay and post it somewhere.
          But about suicide and depression? Here’s some reading (Wikipedia is true on a holistic leven in any case)
          Edit: Psychology is a crapshoot at best. Even for experts in the field. That’s why there’s so many journals n stuff.

        5. I understand there are salespeople selling the products but that the is the last point of call after years of research, scrutiny, testing etc of these drugs. And now i know you are going to come back with some kind of ‘well yea but they get around it with bribes or something similar…but thats simply paranoia. Telling a manic depressive that his medication is bad for him, is like telling an asthmatic not to take Ventolin or diabetic not to take insulin shots.
          Antidepressants are getting better all the time, and most have zero side effects.
          The article above says they are bad for you then suggest an over the counter medication, which by the look of it, i doubt is even sold by licenced pharmacies?… so whats the difference?

        6. Stefan Molyneux did some interesting interviews regarding the DSM. Basically, the profession as a whole wasn’t sufficiently scientific (for good reason), so they formed their flowcharts and pill campaigns to make it look like medicine.

        7. I think the collapse of the family unit has a lot to do with it. It’s hard to be depressed and anxious when Uncle Bill is taking you out at 3 AM to go deer hunting; there is hay to bale and shit to shovel once you get home, and mom has put chicken n’ biscuits and fresh baked apple pie on the table to enjoy with the rest of your brothers and sister.

        8. Behavioral therapy should be attempted first. Changing the chemical balance of the body is the LAST RESORT. And always check to see if it’s been evaluated by the FDA. Otherwise you might as well take homeopathic medicine and wave a crystal wand around.
          As a fellow who has gone through 2 bouts of depression (one of which I seriously contemplated suicide) I can say that it is possible for a person to tough it out with mind alone. No, I was never diagnosed: I toughed it out. You need to have a strong will, which is uncommon.
          The problem with testing is that it is done on laboratory animals. Granted they are good analogues, but there are differences between ’em and humans. Such as long term effects (10+ years) of medication use is rarely studied until a statistically signifact number of people are affected negatively. A company will not do an active study for 20 years on a single drug. A retrospective study, perhaps. But by then it is too late. How many years did it take before people realized asbestos was carcinogenic? Yeah, thought so.
          Comparing diabetes -commonly a physical defect in the pancreas- to depression -commonly a conditioned response to stimuli- is comparing apples to oranges. Read some peer-reviewed academic texts instead of news articles.

        9. Behavioral therapy should be attempted first. Changing the chemical balance of the body is the LAST RESORT. And always check to see if it’s been evaluated by the FDA. Otherwise you might as well take homeopathic medicine and wave a crystal wand around.
          As a fellow who has gone through 2 bouts of depression (one of which I seriously contemplated suicide) I can say that it is possible for a person to tough it out with mind alone. No, I was never diagnosed: I toughed it out. You need to have a strong will, which is uncommon.
          The problem with testing is that it is done on laboratory animals. Granted they are good analogues, but there are differences between ’em and humans. Such as long term effects (10+ years) of medication use is rarely studied until a statistically significant number of people are affected negatively. A company will not do an active study for 20 years on a single drug. A retrospective study, perhaps. But by then it is too late. How many years did it take before people realized asbestos was carcinogenic? Yeah, thought so.
          Comparing diabetes -commonly a physical defect in the pancreas- to depression -commonly a conditioned response to stimuli- is comparing apples to oranges. Read some peer-reviewed academic texts instead of news articles.

  11. #3 is great advice. I’m a fairly introverted guy-I’d rather be snowboarding than socializing. I’ve realized how many easy opportunities you have on the day to day to work on your game and people skills in an absolutely no risk environment. Chat up that cute girl at the coffee shop-after all you are just there to get a cappuccino, who gives a shit if you walk out with her number? The point is you put your balls on the table.

    1. There is no better feeling in the world, I believe, than hitting a heavy DL double that totally fucking wrecks you and then turning around to take a walk around the gym. If I could bottle that feeling and walk I would be rich

      1. Its that same euphoria that helped win wars and build civilizations.
        If a man has the courage and determination to lift twice the amount of his own body weight in public while screaming, then there is no excuse for him to fear anything besides maybe death.

        1. I either do Super Saiyan 3, or Arnold Schwarzenegger telling kindergartners to shut up.
          Already been kicked out of two gyms because of this.

        2. The scream is so important. Loads of guys abuse it so it gets a bad rap. When I hear someone making noise I immediately look at their bar to count up their weight. I have seen guys yelling like Arnold with 135 on the bar.
          My all time PR was 495×2 while I weighed 175. I know I yelled it out, but for the life of me don’t remember. At some point I just blacked out. When the weight slammed against the floor the noise woke me up and I could see people looking. I beat my chest but don’t remember why. It was fucking glorious. I went for a walk around the gym with chalk on my shins and hands and felt like I owned the world. I can’t even imagine how dudes like Eddie hall feel when he deadlifts 1000 pounds

        3. Everyone starts somewhere. It is all about muscle failure. However you get there is fine and as you get there more and more you wind up needing more and more

        4. I hear ya. I’m one of the millions of “going to start working out one day” jokers you probably run into at the gym and never see again. Its a flaw. I know it.

        5. I think everyone starts off that way until they see some serious results and are like holy cow

        1. This is true but there is something about a deadlift that is 2x body weight or more that just is incredible

  12. I suffered from chronic anxiety in my late teens and early 20’s, but not social anxiety. In fact, I used to socialise a lot as a way of escaping the panic attacks I’d often get if I was left alone. Ultimately what I was fearing was fear itself.
    I tried things like sedatives and anti-depressants, but the only thing that worked for me was exercise, a relatively balanced diet and regular sex.

  13. I have found that at many socials I don’t really care to meet any new people because of what associate with them (techies, for example) — this kills the motivation to socialize.

  14. Get rid of that piece of shit photo above. I’m so sick and fucking tired of every day seeing some kind of photo or some commercial showing a black with white girls while the white man looks on. There’s a 95% likelihood that the black in the photo was born a welfare product. Taxes are stolen from the white working man to pay for a black to be born, then that same black goes and hits on white girls and the stupid white girls sit there and talk to the black not fully comprehending that he wouldn’t even be alive if it wasn’t for the money stolen from white guys to pay for him to be born.
    Could you imagine if you went back in time 200 years ago, and told the hard working men of that era that you were going to take 50% of their income from them via taxation, use that taxation for single black females to reproduce black boys, use that taxation to raise those black boys and give them “free dis and free dat”, and then have those same black boys hit on their white daughters while their white sons look on? All the while, taking photos of it and posting it all over media propagandizing to the public that it’s perfectly normal and good for white european females to socialize with and mate with brown colored males. Do people just not fully understand or see what’s going on? IT IS and HAS been an all out assault and attack on white Christian males by jews in western civilization via the central banking system that gives the jew unlimited capital to finance cultural marxism. Get a clue people. This should be the conversation each and every single day until the white population finally rises up!!!!!
    Go find a photo of a white guy hitting on some black women while a black guy sits by himself and looks on. Whoever chose that photo is a complete idiot. White men need to start getting pissed about this shit. For every white female that is taken by a black upsets the balance of available white women for white men to date. It’s one of the many things that has played a part in having a situation today where it seems like every single white guy is competing for the same female 10 to 1.

    1. Reminds me of what’s going on in Calais. White French women “volunteer” there so they can get raw-dogged by rough Arab thugs and then they go back to town where some loser buys her a fancy dinner and doesn’t even give him a “hug close”. What’s happening right now is really like sine kind of ancient conquest where the weak men are losing their land and their women to the stronger invaders.

    2. “I’m so sick and fucking tired of every day seeing some kind of photo or some commercial showing a black with white girls while the white man looks on.”
      I figured the white twink was checkin’ out the black guy.

  15. Stop thinking others are better than you of course you should acknowledge and take note of their strengths but never let that be a reason to think they’re better than you. It’s a problem even with men not joining STEM fields because they feel intimidated by these smart sounding people in those fields.

    1. It’s starting to get old. Just like those people on youtube videos who post “First” or “Last time I came this early [fill in banality here]” jokes.

  16. “Keep in mind that your affirmations have to be realistic goals.”
    I want to be a billionaire. People tell me it’s unrealistic but billionaires do exist…

  17. The cruel paradox is that getting laid gives confidence, but without confidence, you aint gettin’ laid!
    This is from the “Shit I wish I knew at 16” files….

  18. Google is paying 97$ per hour! Work for few hours and have longer with friends & family! !mj255d:
    On tuesday I got a great new Land Rover Range Rover from having earned $8752 this last four weeks.. Its the most-financialy rewarding I’ve had.. It sounds unbelievable but you wont forgive yourself if you don’t check it
    ➽➽;➽➽ http://GoogleFinancialJobsCash255DirectEasyGetPay$97Hour ★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★::::::!mj255d:….,…..

  19. Approach anxiety is learned.
    The media and government reinforce this.
    When the top of the pyramid takes everything society stagnates or even declines.
    The 0.01% have been strip mining everyone else for the last two decades or more. In the process merit benefits have nearly vanished.
    What is left is politics. Social manipulations.And of course violence to make it all work.
    It’s only a matter of time on this course when productivity slows to a halt and this society reverts to the norm.
    The current and dominant worldview is collapsing.
    It’s demise is due to the disconnect between what we see and what we are told what we are seeing.
    The so called rulers never wanted a smart, creative and happy population.
    Happy creatives are almost impossible to manage and keep on the farm.
    The schools, everything is set up that way.
    “When you grow up you tend to get told that the world is the way it is and your life is just to live your life inside the world.
    Try not to bash into the walls too much.
    Try to have a nice family life, have fun, save a little money. That’s a very limited life.
    Life can be much broader once you discover one simple fact:
    Everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you.
    And you can change it, you can influence it… Once you learn that, you’ll never be the same again.”
    ― Steve Jobs

  20. Sponsored post. An ad. No surprise. Anxiety is real and can be controlled/managed. Cut out sugars and refined flours and take some of the suggestions from this article and you stand a chance to control it.

  21. The only way to kill your social anxiety is to jump into the reality.
    When you were trying to learn how to swim, you were trying to use floating noodle pads, devices, and off the cliff to not drown in deep water and try to float in doggy paddle swim style.
    And when you were trying to learn how to ride bicycle, you started off with someone holding the handle and maybe even started off with tricycle.
    guess what?
    When I tried to learn how to swim and ride a bike. I drowned multiple times and scraped my knee dozens of times and because of that, I managed to swim and ride a bike today.
    This is parallel comparison to approaching women or anybody and to kill that social anxiety. Just jump in and get into action. What is the worse thing that can happen to you? You will get “NO” or maybe even “fuck off” comment. Then so what? Does it kill you? Are you getting decapitated or beheaded with a knife? Does it hurt? Why does a rejection have to hurt you? Do you need alcohol or special chemical stimulant to help you? Why?
    Just jump in. If you are suffering from social anxiety then that is the problem you should fix and if you still have that problem then perhaps you don’t want to solve it badly enough.
    My approach: cold approach style. Just jump in and immerse into it. If you see a cold water and you want to get used to it, you know what you do?

  22. I’d add: visualize yourself in social situations, act a bit out of character, speak your mind but tread carefully, let yourself go.
    Social anxiety caused by too much smartphoning, computering, Facebooking, fapping, videogaming, fear of being judged and isolated & co.

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