Suppose you are one of those adventurous Americans who meets and marries a beautiful foreign woman. You are the envy of all your friends. What next?
You can bring her back home to the United States or Europe. The guys will be jealous, the women will feel threatened. And your bride will be a fish out of water—for a while. But it doesn’t take them long to get established. She will find a group of her countrywomen, other Thais, Vietnamese or Ukrainians. They will teach her the ropes. Where to go shopping for the kind of groceries she needs. The most efficient way to send money to her relatives back home. Where her fellow countrymen hang out. And, oh yes! They will also learn American culture. Their friends will explain about American men and American divorce law. And that is where the trouble starts.
My Vietnamese war bride, an upscale Frenchified thing, informed me after just over a year of marriage, after I had helped her family escape Saigon, that “A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.” When the inevitable the divorce came she refused a reasonable settlement offer and hired a junkyard dog lawyer to fight it in court. Losing, she was shocked to discover that that offer was off the table.
Keep your woman in her own country, where she is comfortable and where the culture is more likely to appreciate men. You make the adjustment to her culture instead of vice versa. Why? American culture is about the most poisonous in the world. Almost anything is better. Countries that haven’t been indoctrinated in feminism and cultural Marxism still value children and respect a woman’s role in bearing them and raising them. They also respect a man’s role as the breadwinner and head of the family.
I committed myself to Ukraine nine years ago, met my wife seven years ago and our son appeared five years ago. It is worth enumerating the many ways in which it is a pleasure to be living with her and raising him in Kyiv instead of the USA.
1. Kyiv is a beautiful and lively city
Kyiv is a worthy capital city. It has millennium-long history studded with cathedrals and other exquisitely crafted monuments. There are many, many targets for a tourist camera. The walled city was built to be defensible, situated atop a steep bluff on the right bank of the Dnieper River close to where the Desno River joins from the east, 20 miles south of where another major tributary, the Pripyat, flows in from the west. From their capital in Kyiv the Viking princes could easily sally out in their long boats to the Black Sea or anywhere in Western Russia.
The sandy river beaches are good for swimming from June to September and for fishing any time it isn’t frozen. One can rent kayaks and rowboats or take a river cruise in the warmer months. When it does freeze it is dotted with ice fishermen. All it takes is a saw, some bait, a line and the anti-freeze of one’s choice. There are bicycle paths along the river and on the islands in the middle of the river. The city is experiencing a surge in the number of bicycle commuters.
The Soviet system had its good points. They housed everybody in high-rise apartments. It may not be as attractive as detached houses, but it makes for a very compact city. Those people needed places to breathe and exercise, so the city is full of parks. As compact as Kyiv is, it is, with most people living in apartment blocks, it easy to get around. Every place in the city is within walking distance of a convenience store of some sort, and restaurants and shopping centers are usually within a walk or a short bus ride.
Young people the world over want to live in the city, and Kyiv is no exception. It has lots of bars, cafés and nightclubs. The trends are toward sushi and Italian food. Ukraine is traditional enough that young people even go to church. There are Orthodox churches in every neighborhood, and a handful of English-speaking congregations scattered throughout the city.
Kyiv is home to Ukraine’s most famous universities, Shevchenko University, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy and Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. These are their Harvard, Yale and MIT — an extraordinarily high percentage of business and government leaders have graduated from them. They know each other. As in the United States, just being admitted to these universities is a sign of intelligence and talent. For a foreigner, getting to know these elites is a lot easier than getting to know Ivy Leaguers in the United States.
2. Ukraine is extremely affordable
Kyiv is a very inexpensive place to live… very bottom of the Big Mac Index. The hryvnya exchange rate has fallen threefold since the start of the war in Donbass. Prices have risen, especially for imports, but not nearly as much. The tourist will note that it is still possible to get a decent hotel room for $30, a taxi anywhere in the city for $10 and a meal for under $10. That is just the start.
For those of us who live here, 16¢ Metro rides—buses and trams are even less—make life cheap and convenient. Try the grocery store—10¢ a pound for potatoes, beets, carrots, onions and cabbage, the staples of the Ukrainian diet. Meat is generally under two dollars a pound. Although there is a lot of hue and cry about corruption in the energy business, in the end it costs far less than in the United States: $100 a month to heat a house and between four and five dollars a gallon for gasoline. However, most Ukrainians’ utilities are included in rent, and only a few drive cars.
Medical care is a preview of the impending Obamacare disaster. The state promises the moon but delivers only what it can afford. The average Ukrainian has to stand in a long line to get indifferent service from underequipped and underpaid doctors in shabby, Soviet era hospitals. The flip side is that fee-for-service is alive and well. You can get decent care if you pay for it… and it doesn’t cost very much. In fact, Ukraine is a medical tourism destination, especially for fertility treatments, plastic surgery and dental work.
An American Social Security check makes you rich by local standards. It is a good place to live in retirement. Moreover, any American can teach English, and there are a number of entrepreneurial opportunities that don’t take a lot of capital to start.
3. Ukrainians are fairly uniformly Slavic – and they like people like themselves
Western newspapers are full of horror stories about Ukraine — war and corruption. Leaders in Moscow, Washington and Europe love to point fingers at us to distract from the increasingly blatant corruption surrounding those in the West. I’m no fan of corruption, but given the fact that it is universal, it is worth relating why Ukrainian corruption is more comfortable to live with than that of the Europe or the United States.
There is no hypocrisy about our corruption. Or, rather, the hypocrisy is so transparent that nobody believes the lies. The virtue? We still have free speech. Ukrainians do not lose their jobs if they are politically incorrect. They are not jailed if they say what they think about Middle Eastern immigration. If you tell a woman she looks good, she might actually blush and appreciate it.
The corruption has kept the standard of living low, which, perversely, has important benefits. People remain traditional because they have needed the support of families just to survive. “Asylum seeking” immigrants don’t come because there is nothing here for them—few jobs and nothing in the way of welfare.
Not having immigrants leads to high levels of social capital. The people actually like and trust each other. I am the only American in our little development of 3000 homes. They have included me in the group—everybody knows me and says hello when I meet them on the street, in the bus and in the stores. In my toney neighborhood of Bethesda, Maryland, most neighbors were too occupied with their important jobs to bother being neighborly.
The fact that it is mostly just Slavs has a couple of important corollaries. There are no bad neighborhoods in Kyiv. People will tell you to avoid the Troyeshchena, but a lot of people I know live there. I went to see for myself. I had a couple of pleasant shots of vodka chatting with the locals. I cannot imagine doing that in the Anacostia neighborhood of Washington DC.
People always stand up to give my son and me a seat on the bus or Metro. Old ladies absolutely gush over him, and engage him in small talk. They support their rising generation, and are tickled to death that I am raising him to be a Ukrainian.
Lastly, even though the locals will tell you otherwise, Ukrainians are good and polite drivers. They invariably stop for you at crosswalks. Very few will drive after even one drink. Fatalities per vehicle mile are about twice as high as in the West because the roads are poor, but you can’t blame it on the drivers.
4. Young people have pride in themselves
Students and young professionals show self-restraint: no tattoos, no piercings, no sloppy clothes, no swearing, very little smoking and no drugs. They are what in the 1950s was called square—delightfully so. They look forward to marriage and families, especially the women. For this reason they are perhaps not as easy as girls elsewhere, but when you get one, you have something of substance.
There are lots of places to meet young people. Needless to say, bars and nightclubs. There are studios all over town giving inexpensive dance lessons—salsa and swing are big—and hundreds of sports clubs. The English language Mafia club is thriving. The Toastmasters public speaking club attracts many of the best and brightest with meetings in English, German, Russian and Ukrainian. The Language Exchange club also meets in several languages. From May to September, the river beaches are great, surrounded by restaurants, bars and discos.
Ukrainians love to practice their English and welcome foreigners. Not too many make it this far east. It is an easy place to make friends.
5. It is a good place to sit out the West’s coming civil unrest
The Western press would have you believe that Kyiv is a lawless Wild West. That is the opposite from the truth — even today it is safer than any Western capital city.
The first danger cited is Vladimir Putin. When are the Russians going to invade? Answer: they won’t. Throughout is history Russia has expanded by stealth and opportunity. They stopped when Finland fought back in 1939 and Georgia fought back in 2008. They swiped the Baltics and part of Poland only after Germany had started a war that diverted the world’s attention. They imposed their will on their European satellites only because the Red Army conveniently occupied them at the end of World War II.
In Ukraine, they took the opportunity of political chaos in 2014 to steal Crimea, where by treaty they already had a large military presence. Emboldened, they thought they had an opportunity in the Russian-speaking Donbass. But the Ukrainians resisted, and that war is at a standstill. Putin knows full well that 80 million ethnic Russians cannot dominate 40 million ethnic Ukrainians, especially under the glare of world opinion. Despite what the neocons may have shouted to sway the US election, the Russians are not coming. Another comforting thought is that there is nothing here worth nuking. It is a benefit of staying out of NATO.
There is no dependent class here to rise up when economic hardship hits. Hardship is already here. There are no discontented minorities. Gypsies, the most visible of them, actually work—they sell flowers and work as junk dealers. You cannot be a parasite if there is no blood to suck. It is the United States and Europe that have legions of restless unemployed who are only being pacified by government benefits. and will rise up when governments can no longer afford them.
Ukraine’s corruption is well understood by everybody. As much as they complain, people know how to cope with it. It may take bribery to get things done, but they generally do get done. Corruption does not result in much violence. Occasionally some hard-nosed judge or a pesky reporter gets bumped off, true, but in every case the victim could have explained quite clearly why he was targeted. It is not like the random killing of whites by blacks in the United States or random Islamic terror in Western Europe.
Ukraine has lots of land, excellent agriculture, abundant water, reasonably good natural resources, and a homogeneous and hard-working population. It is not as dependent on international trade as most European countries. When the world financial system collapses, Ukraine will come through looking pretty good. They are so far down that it all looks like up, and the stress lines for civil unrest simply don’t exist. Though you may come here for the love of a wonderful woman, you will find it a delightful place to make your home.
Read More: Ukrainian Girls Have Lost Their Love For American Men
Interesting !! Thank you!!
Language problems and cold weather for half the year are major hurdles when considering a country like Ukraine to plan an escape route from the degenerate hate-whitey West.
(In lieu of the much more approachable Spanish language, the English-friendly Southeast Asian countries, and the warm weather and lower costs of living in much of those regions.)
Also, as ancient ebonic knowledge has preached “99 cent be a lot of money when you ain’t got no 99 cent”.
Low cost of living aside, you are going to HAVE to have some kind of adequate and reliable income coming through from internet hustles or firmly established investments, because work options are going to be extremely limited for foreigners in Ukraine and the pay would be rubbish anyways.
Good point. But many places in America are cold for half the year. Almost the same latitude.
True. But when people move abroad as a lifestyle choice, trying to carve out there own version of “paradise” as much as possible, weather and having sufficient daylight hours year-round is often a crucial aspect.
Man, I can’t imagine a year without winter. The lack of snow last year was tough enough.
The climate here is comparable to Washington D.C., a bit warmer than NYC or Boston. Air is much cleaner. High temp last summer was 95 for one day. Low last winter about -20. Humidity not so bad. And… there are beaches.
Speaking of beaches…how does a beach city like Odessa compare with Kiev? Is Kiev the absolute best city to live in over there as an ex-pat or are there others that are comparable?
Odessa has an ocean beach – almost. It is broad and sandy. No surf to speak of but not bad. It is a destination for all of Ukraine, especially now that Crimea is gone.
Kyiv’s beaches are less crowded, fresh water, and accessible by metro, bicycle, bus or foot. Great for after work on long summer days.
All beaches have concession stands. After swimming you can drink a beer (about 60¢ for a tall one), soak up the sun and admire the girls.
There is always teaching English.
That’s great for a gap year student.
Teaching English is like Bartending, “careers” that offer a young man some lifestyle opportunities (ONS as a bartender and travel opportunities teaching English) but they have no real advancement and should have a use-by date of your 30th birthday.
Right. Teaching English is $20-$25 per hour, if you are good and established, and only good for maybe 20 hours/week.
For credentialed teachers, teaching in one of the international schools here is somewhat better. Subbing was $100/day five years ago – but not steady work.
It pays next to nothing here. Kiev is saturated with language schools already. Some people with special qualifications can make a living here.
“Low cost of living aside, you are going to HAVE to have some kind of adequate and reliable income coming through from internet hustles or firmly established investments, because work options are going to be extremely limited for foreigners in Ukraine and the pay would be rubbish anyways”
Yet another article that glorifies a foreign city / country without going into details of the fact that there are no opportunities there, period.
And with regards to doing business there – it is very difficult to trust people. Interacting with east europeans on a superficial level – such as going out socially is one thing, but when it comes to $$$ you best watch out!
Kiev is not all that pretty either IMHO.
Aside from the women – Ukraine is a shithole with nothing to offer a foreigner.
That is the subject for another article. For a wage slave, being sent to Ukraine is just about the only decent option. I see lots of entrepreneurial opportunities and have expat and local friends who pursue them – even despite the language! If your mindset is having things come to you, this is not the place. If you are willing to find the opportunities, they exist.
Great points made here. I myself am one of the younger guys, on Return of Kings at 24 years old, and working full-time in conjunction with some side businesses. Number 4 is a point I relate to well, and is one of the main reasons I am seeking to look abroad for a girlfriend or perhaps spouse. Now with that being said I understand the foreign dating scene, and the importance of being very pragmatic with foreign dating. With this being said I did study/work abroad for two years in both Chile and Argentina, and could immediately pick up on differences with the pride that young people in those places have in themselves compared to here in the United States.
I’m not part of the “never get married” contingent on the Manosphere, but hold out until your at least 32 or so (and have women fully figured out) before making that commitment. 28 – 32 I reckon is men’s peak years for notch collection, so the option to settle afterwards gets more attractive every year.
I would say that as long as you marry a virgin, the age at which you marry doesn’t matter. But obviously the older and wiser the better.
Few decent looking women outside Muslim nations are still going to be virgins past age 20. We gotta be realistic about the whole virgin thing. And yes, that includes fairly pious Christian girls who didn’t quite give it up at 15, 16, or 17.
I’m not opposed to marrying a 20 year old girl, actually my sister didn’t lose her virginity until she was 20 and she’s very pretty. Smarter girls from strong households tend to be more prudish, regardless of religion.
The evidence is there that woman carry genes from their previous sexual partners, Telegony is right, Aristotle was no fool. The evidence has been found in flies, which means it’s a biological process, one that cannot be reserved to one species alone. The more you think about it the more sense it makes; why wouldn’t be your genes be passed on every time you have sex? After all you managed to get in through her defenses right(assuming once upon a time that was hard to do)? Why wouldn’t nature reward those who are strong enough to do that? After all they will bring strong children to the world. Telegony makes perfect biological sense, you may have the DNA of your father but you also have traits from every man your mother slept with before your father. If you want a child that carries only your genes and that looks like you, you have to marry a virgin. Not even considering how the divorce rates rise for every additional sexual partner a woman has before marriage; marrying a virgin is a no brainer.
These are absolutely good points you make Humbert. I would not say there is no perfect age to get married, but my dad always tells me that marriage is the biggest decision you will make, and this can either enrich a man’s life or destroy it. In March I will be heading on my first trip to Eastern Europe, which should be an awesome experience and interesting to see how this part of the world is in person.
You probably won’t have them figured out by 32.
well better than at 24 anyway. That’s when tons of guys are only STARTING to learn game and figure shit out.
People in South America aren’t indoctrinated to hate themselves, their history, their culture, their ancestors.
Hell, they don’t even hate the Spaniards who came over and enslaved and genocided them in many cases.
They intermarried with their masters and somehow that makes it OK.
Even Spanish of the time found the eradication of entire civilizations, like the 400,000 of Hispaniola completely eliminated, too much for their souls to bear.
They were chopping their heads already. It was just one more to the party. Beware with leftism revision of history, their goal is always to blame whiteness.
People all over the world that aren’t Western are being indoctrinated the exact same way. To above all else, lust after everything western and hate everything that gives them their own identity. In that sense, I don’t know why these guys are obsessed with running away, they’ll find the same problems in the areas they’re bolting to.
No, you mistake western for white. Only WHITE people are subject to demoralizing hate propaganda. These people are Nazis but instead of blaming Jews for the world’s ills, they blame white capitalists. They are flipping NAZIS.
Since it’s just wishful thinking, I wish I had the cash to go to Ukraine and buy farmland. They tell me that Ukraine has some of the best land in the world. I could probably figure out how to operate one of those old raggedy ass Russian tractors.
Why? You aren’t Ukrainian or Russian. You aren’t one of them. They know it. So you can LARP?
You cant buy land in Ukraine. Forbidden by law. And all political parties without exception support this law.
You missed out on the part about wishful thinking.
You’re a cuck.
Don’t tell too many people or Ukraine will be fucked up as well.
That’s the wrong approach. Tell but don’t have an open door policy.
I begrudge no man his happiness. Fuck, if you have an escape plan and the means to hook it up, you deserve your win!
But, maybe now is the time to stay and fight. What that fight means, I don’t know. But I know this– The west is our home, as much as the gynocentrists’. Even more.
Roosh had this right: we awakened men need to recognize each other, support each other. For those of you that have sons– you know there is no more time to lose.
This is a great point you make. There has to remain an effort to fight for the west. After having lived abroad I still consider the U.S. to be the greatest country in the world for what it has to offer (apart from the women). It is one positive step in the right direction having Trump as our new president.
Tyler, I am glad you agree. As a younger guy, you have the opportunity to help your friends from seriously compromising their lives/futures/souls/communities. Don’t allow any unenlightened commentary to come out of your friends’ mouths unchallenged. Don’t let men parrot the narrative that demands their disenfranchisement and repression. Forget about changing the minds of women. Focus on gently (oh-so-gently!) bringing your male peers around.
I agree with what you’re saying about planting your feet and fighting but I strongly disagree with the whole “gently” part.
They need to be smashed over the head with the truth by men who are unafraid, unapologetic and live anti-fragile lives.
I grew up in the same culture, heard the same lies and was exposed to the same indoctrination.
I resisted. I fought tooth and nail against the zeitgeist. Because of this I became stronger.
Every brainwashed lemming and biological dead end can go to fucking hell. I’m not trying to convince them. Why? Because Truth, facts and logic never mattered to them in the first fucking place.
To gently coax or warm these weaklings to the side of strength is to behave like the many con men, charlatans and snake oil salesmen of whom manipulated them in the first place. You would only be lying to them anyway. Those enfeebled masses so bloated, so easily distracted will not survive in the future that is coming. To pretend that they have a chance by “gently” convincing them is a fools errand.
To be gentle with perverse degenerates is not the way.
The West is one big polluted vagina squirting out abominations and deformities. It’s time to let the malignant genes die off. To assert our position with strength, boldness and power. Those who won’t conform need to be cut off, outcasted and ostracized.
Weak men, white knights and pussy beggars don’t need gentleness or soft and easy words. They need the hammer of reality to break them and have all means of support cut off.
First of all– respect and propers to you, Jack.
I share your feelings about this, except for one thing. This culture war is exactly that: a war. I want to win.
I fucking want to win.
To do that, my side (our side!) needs numbers. We need more than we have. We need bodies on the field. They may not be the strongest or most dedicated, but every man we take off their side and add to ours is a net victory.
I suggest that you and I are both right in this case. There are guys out there white-knighting because they have been miseducated, brainwashed, and trained to hate themselves– not because they were born manginas. We can bring them into the fold. Some may need to have their blinders taken off slowly. Others may need to have enlightenment beaten into them. Both are legit means.
Can’t argue with that.
Yup. Don’t be such pussies. Stay and fight god damn it!
Tyler, you make just about the best argument that can be made. Somebody has to save America. However, as pilots, say, I’m running out of runway. As a member of the Silent Generation I don’t have time to make any more mistakes, or to slay all of the world’s dragons. I’ve made the best deal I can with fate, and it has turned out quite well.
Very well written article. It seems being poor in Europe is a blessing.
true that. poor countries don’t attract fake refugees. Croatia is also poor, poorest country in EU. out of 500 000 migrants that passed through the country, only about 20 applied for asylum.
Good article, but Ukraine is a cold country. Is there an effective snow ploughing system in place like in Sweden?
Not as good as Sweden. You need a Ukrainian mindset. You can get around Kyiv faster, cheaper and more safely by public transport than car. Let somebody else worry about snow. Do, however, be careful with your footwear. Every year some friend or another breaks a leg.
sweden definitely has the best feminist snow ploughing system in the world
“Ukraine’s corruption is well understood by everybody. As much as they complain, people know how to cope with it.”
They probably cope with it by encouraging and going along with it.
They shake their heads when they see something illegal happening and even the most insignificant person behaves like a small cog in the corrupted system.
Also the inexpensive living in Kiev is affordable if you compare it to the earnings in the western world. For Ukrainians it’s probably not that cheap.
“They will also learn American culture. Their friends will explain about American men and American divorce law. And that is where the trouble starts”
Yup. Yup. And yup.
As a U.S. born Colombian, I see this all.the.time.
To any reader that is interested in South American women: I urge you to stay in her country, if possible.
Trust me, American women of Latino origin can be worse than white or black women, with regards to divorce rape, single motherhood, hypergamy, and sluttiness; I get the impression that they’re trying to “right past wrongs”.
What past wrongs?
Well, perceived wrongs. Latinas have this notion that Latin men are worst of the worst of the worst.
I lived in Brazil for a while and believe me those Latina woman are right. The guys there are like something out of a bad 80s B-movie. Fucking cheeky fucks.
Maybe in US Latinas get corrupted by the Western culture, however those living in Canada are nice, feminine and humble by the most part.
Canada and the USA are the worst places for women. Then again, so is Sweden and Germany.
I was talking about Latin women in Canada specifically. People here, in general, tend to be more balanced than in the US
In Canada how so? I wouldn’t say people in Toronto are well balanced. and this comes from a Torontonian.
I’d never bring my foreign bride to the USA…not even for a visit!
That is one of the best services that you could ever do for yourself.
Yep. I am Yemeni, married to a Ukrainian-Canadian. White chicks… so many of them try to bully and ostracize me to be a drunk slut. I am like nope, go to hell. Horrible creatures who want people to join them in their misery. And they have a sick perverse enjoyment of trying to break up families because they can’t start their own. My friend’s daughter moved to Quebec, married with a kid. and the local feminists have a family destruction program disguised as free French classes for women, told her men were evil and convinced her to divorce her husband and break up her marriage. Feminists in Quebec are the worst most vicious vile man haters. I moved to Ontario.
Recently with the Trump women the virgin-until-marriage shaming, size zero shaming, pageant shaming, etc.has gone down, and I saw some women at the starbucks saying its amazing how all their Christian female friends are married with kids and they are not, and starting to ask questions.
“The guys will be jealous, the women will feel threatened. And your bride will be a fish out of water—for a while. ” Unless she’s Muslim, she will always feel like a fish out of water. Moving to Ukraine as an expat looks like a good idea. I will look into that.
Reminds me of an Eddy Murphy Raw stand up..
“Half, Eddy! I want Half yo $#it!”
Living in a place where fedgov is meddling seems to be dangerous. Outside the US in civilized places most people can separate people from governments so it’s not that but rather what destruction fedgov brings sooner or later. Where ever fedgov goes things seem to turn to shit. That also applies within the USA.
Man, I am happy for you. Honestly, I have discovered that Game works much better with traditional women than American/Western one’s.
I don’t find that you need game with traditional women.
It’s still traditional woman game. I mean you don’t exactly walk up, point to your dick and whip out a ring then get married for life.
Fortunately not.
I find with traditional women, you ask her out, she says yes or no and off you go. That’s the extent of my game with traditional women.
As simple as it is.
Entire former Eastern Block is the birthplace of Cultural Marxsism…so pick wisely.
frankfurt is in what was west germany. Many of the frankfurt school cultural marxists then decamped to the US, I think mainly columbia university. Not that there was any dearth of real communists in the soviet bloc obviously
Communism /= cultural Marxism
As a matter of fact, the Soviets of the 50s were more socially conservative than the modern Republican party.
one might wonder what the cultural marxist equivalent of a stakhanovite would be? the worker who best exceeds the quota for the number of cocks sucked, identities transitioned to etc ?
Ukraine is the hot bed of anti-communism.
Actually Russians were exactly like Obama liberals and worse under Lenin, especially more with the Jewish cultural marxist Trostsky. Stalin realized it was demoralizing so he banned homosexuality that was legalized by Lenin and pushed a Christian moral code. He borrowed the moral code from the bible then pushed failed Leninist social experiments to the west as a weapon to demoralize and destroy the west.
Ukrainians hate cultural marxism with a passion. Marxists starved them to death with the Holodamor.
Well they elected Janukovitch…who is a veeeery pro-Russian politician…nowadays in a Russian exile.
Ukraine is still very much a transition state (from self-management to democracy) with a stalled transition…you can not turn a state system on a dime…it takes time. Have a look at Eastern Germany.
The irony ensues. You’re cracking me up!
Wrong! CultMarx was the product of the Frankfurt School – Adorno, Horkheimer, Marcuse – which migrated from Germany to California, and Antonio Gramsci, an Italian. The Soviets were much cruder.
You’d be surprised how quickly Soviets copied these socialist ideas.
Now take into consideration that leftist intentionally obscured terminologies — in one country socialism meant something quite different than the other…I come from a country which was indeed behind the Curtain.
I wish I was a young man. I would go there in a heart beat.
What’s stopping you, man? I don’t know about EE, but east Asian girls are definitely open to men of any age.
I’m 72 and married to a good woman, but I envy you young bucks. The internet has opened up the whole new world for up you. I wish it would’ve been there in my youth. I love to read the Manosphere to keep up with what Men are doing in the 21st century. You are my brothers in spirit.
At least with Mgtow we can go to foreign places and fuck the women without having some wife divorce rape us.
Don’t worry champ. You can be old as hell and still take advantage of hyergamic women from other poor countries who want the white dick for it’s perceived status and money. It’s never too late to take advantage of the weak!
I have to disagree with your characterisation of Russia as expanding by stealth. There was nothing stealthy about the invasion of Finland (a war which they
won), or the annexation of Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia, or even their preparations for their invasion of Germany (which is why Hitler attacked first) or their failed invasion of Poland after WW1.
The invasion of Finland was more of a pyhrric victory. One could also view it as a successful repelling of invading Russians by the Finns, even if they did lose some territory.
I understand what you mean by pyrrhic victory. But the losses made very little difference to the Soviet war machine. The Nazis caused far more damage but still only destroyed about half of the Soviet military before being overrun.
Factually speaking, the Finns did not successful repel the Soviets and in fact Stalin achieved his objectives. It is propaganda that says otherwise. If anything it was pyrrhic for the Fins since they were effectively eliminated as a fighting force.
Re: The Finns as a fighting force. They were never involved as an offensive army; During the 1940s they only used their troops to defend their land from foreign invasion. So eliminating them as a fighting force was not a negative outcome for them. They still retained the ability of defense (although obviously weakened) after the Winter War.
As for the losses making little difference to the Soviet War machine, the Finns inflicted casualty rates of at least 5 : 1 against the Soviets. The Soviets had the manpower to overcome Finland by pouring in millions of troops there, sure, but the Finns made the warfare too bloody and dangerous for the Soviets to have the will to fight.
As far as win/loss, Finland is the only nation bordering Russia that didn’t fall to communism after the war, so I would give them a win for that alone. They did lose about 10% of their territory though (won it back, then lost it, then didn’t have the resources to retake it alone versus the Soviet juggernaut). And really, no one nation could stand up to the Soviets, not even the USA alone.
Finland is one of the few areas in mainland Europe, other than neutral Switzerland, that did not fall to one side or the other in battle. That’s as close a win as reasonably possible, in my book. Even the Germans, who were probably man for man the strongest fighting force, had their homeland decimated, and then occupied for decades.
And they produced the greatest sniper of all time.
What you are saying here is largely irrelevant. The Soviets achieved their objectives in Finland and the Fins were defeated having taken far more casualties relative to the Soviets on a percentage of population basis. The Soviet losses were insignificant on this basis and others
as they still maintained their capacity to dominate Europe. Hardly pyrrhic.
Your first paragraph is entirely contradictory and is further contradicted by your third paragraph. In no sense is losing your army not a negative outcome. The Finnish army was set up to defend against the USSR and was destroyed. It failed in its primary objective and this is opposite to the outcome for the Soviets. Lets not forget that the Germans also punched above their weight against the Soviets and were far more devastating than the Fins. Was that a pyrrhic victory for the Soviets? You can build a much better case for it.
The Soviets had no will to fight and yet carried on fighting when they were losing 5 men for
every Fin and won? I don’t understand.
Your final paragraph is manifestly incorrect. Finland fell to the USSR and ceded territory (like the Germans did). Fortunately for them, they accepted the limited terms of surrender.
Well, the Soviet objective was to capture all of Finland, so they clearly failed to achieve it. It’s well documented that the Soviet intent was to capture and incorporate the entire peninsula into Russian territory and after years of fighting they were unable to do so.
The Soviets were facing massive casualties and fought the Finns to a negotiated truce. Both sides tried to claim victory, and I suppose one could make an argument for either. The Finns would strongly challenge the assertation that they fell to the soviets, although they did lose some of their territory in the Continuation War.
If fighting off a hugely superior army, holding off the strongest military in the world for 3 years, while ceding only a small portion of your territory, inflicting huge losses for every inch of ground they took, and eventually negotiating their withdrawal from your territory, is not a victory, then that’s a rather small window of victory. Should they have followed Hitler’s edict to take not one step backwards, as in Stalingrad?
Anyway, looking at the aftermath of the 1950s, Finland surely behaved more as a victorious country than the defeated nations of Eastern Europe under occupied forces did.
I have it documented that the Soviets wanted a portion of Finnish territory and succeeded in obtaining a greater portion than they originally demanded.. This result renders the Finnish loss of life a complete waste.
The Winter War lasted three months. The portion ceded was substantial – which is why the Finns refused to hand it over.
Considering how Soviet conquering and occupation permanently changed almost every other EE nation, I wouldn’t say the brave defense of Finland which ultimately repelled the Soviets, was a waste at all. If Finland had been occupied by Russia (and Russia believed they could occupy Finland within 3 weeks, and even warned their troops to make sure they didn’t accidentally cross into Sweden), and fell behind the Iron Curtain, the nation would have been permanently changed.
Even in hindsight, it’s difficult to harshly criticize Finnish actions. Looking back, I would have likely leased Finnish territory to Soviets, as they had asked for. But there’s no guarantee that would have prevented a Soviet invasion, which would have occurred without warning, and could have ended in a complete Finnish loss, or it could have angered the Germans and caused a Nazi invasion. In the end, I think they made the best choice they could have, short of pressuring the western powers more for the support they promised but never delivered. Anyway, interesting to hear another viewpoint.
Again I think that you are factually incorrect here. The Soviets had limited objectives in Finland and achieved them. They didn’t repel them, they surrendered. Look I totally understand why the Fins refused the Soviet demands. My point is that the result did not disturb the Soviets long term strategic goals, unlike the invasion by the Nazis.
Yeah but the Japs kicked their butts in 1905 pretty good.
At a high cost. More Japanese died during that war than Russians.
And the Russians returned the favour with extreme prejudice in the Thirties and again in ’45.
However, […] only a few drive cars.
Probably not worth the trouble, anyway.
Well, I bet most of readers here would be leaving Ukraine quickly in panic after few months. It is probably nice country to visit if you have money from US or/and earn remotely, but truth is Ukraine is fucking poor.
It was very poor country before this shit with Russian invasion, now it is even more poor.
Locals are leaving this country by hundred of thousands just to work somewhere else.
In fact right now in Poland there is between 500 to 1000 k Ukrainians working. Just because they are so poor. And Poland isn’t rich west country, in fact many Poles are doing the same thing, leaving country for job, so if Ukrainians are will to move to Poland that should say how shitty it is there.
Right now in house next to mine Ukrainians are renting rooms. 4-6 persons per room just to make it cheap. Do you guys think they are doing it because Ukraine is so great place to live?
I am sick with this glorification of corrupt systems in manosphere. Seriously, just because Ukraine is more traditional does not mean it is good place to live. Or because Putin seems to be a little bit masculine, does not mean he is good leader or Russia being better place to live than US.
I get that some of you hate living in your country, but seriously sometimes reading this bullshit is like reading some rich guy compiling that his Porsche broke and praising public transportation which he rarely uses and does not know about shitty, smelly drunks in subway.
And you wonder why people make fun of Americans.
Great post, seriously these manosphere people are dumb as shit.
Well, I wouldn’t say dumb, but they clearly don’t understand what being poor means. Poor by US standard would be quite well off in most countries on globe.
You don’t care about SJW or other left bullshit if you are just wondering if you are poor as shit. In fact most manosphere problems simply don’t apply there, because they don’t have time for such bullshit problems.
Seriously leaving US to live in Ukraine without income from US is just like cutting off your hand because you got pinky infection that can be treated with antibiotics.
And I maybe not poor now, but I have been leaving on under 1$ per day few years back with small debt. Just because I was acting stupid.
There is no SJW problem or left bullshit. It’s all made up nonsense to make money on dumb, autistic, social rejects Seriously, just look at this article. It was probably written by someone who has never been out of the Unite States. Go live in Ukraine? Are you kidding me?
Ain’t that the truth! They sure do make for a good laugh though!:)
The US is helping the EU overthrow the Ukrainian government, get it into the EU and NATO and thus a western satellite state which can look forward to being deluged with cheap replacement labor and third world squalor.
Yeah… Ukraine being deluged with cheap labor… Not anytime soon. Ukraine is source of that cheap labor.
Russia is cheap and it’s getting cheaper foreign labor anyway.
Russia has GDP per capita 25,965$ and it is 49th country in world by wealth per capita.
Ukraine has 7,987$ per capita and it on 113th place.
You clearly don’t understand how poor Ukraine is.
Grass is always greener on the other side. Btw, why you Polyaks hate us, Russians, so much?
Not, really. Most Poles like Russians.
It is just that we don’t like Russia as a country.
We like Russians as a people.
So you can say it is love-hate relationship. And our common history is complicated and very recent. Some things take time to heal.
I can’t speak for Poles, but I can speak for Ukrainians. We still associate Russia with the Soviet Union and Holodomor, so we do not like Russia.
I have no problem with Russia. I would rather Ukraine become part of Russia again than become part of the EU. Here in Ukraine we moan about life under Moscow’s rule during the Soviet Union, yet so many are willing to exchange rule from Moscow for rule from Brussels.
Because its too big. Played some Witcher games? Russia is Nilfgaard. North will love it once it divides into billion of Estonias.
The problem with Poland, I think, is that it doesn’t want to associate with Eastern Europe, yet it is not accepted by Western Europe either. Identity crisis so to speak
Smaller countries need to be part of large alliances to survive. Ukraine has two options – joining in with degenerate, Satanic Libero-fascist West and accept all the vices that come with it, including possible flood of third world immigrants. Or, swallow its pride, forget past offences and embrace its Orthodox, Slavic nature and make an alliance with Russia.
I cant say for sure, but I believe many Ukrainians got disillusioned with the whole “We’ll be part of EU and turn into the land of milk and honey over night” idea
I don’t know a single Ukrainian who wants to join with Russian mafia world. But I do know many looking to Turkey, Saudi or independence.
“Most Poles like Russians” Really! They only hate your race slightly more than than their fellow Slavs further east. The Poles have through their geography been always screwed by the greater powers on either side.
I don’t believe that Ukraine will ever be part of the EU. Maidan was just the youth’s pipe dream. Those kids got beaten like Pussy Riot got beaten at Sochi. As corrupt as the politics may be in Ukraine, it keeps people in line on a broad social level. Say what you want, the gene pool here isn’t contaminated with mutt people like it is in the Muslim and dindu-loving West.
More like George Soros and his friends pipe dream of predatory economics. Just like what they did with Jugoslavia.
Those “kids” were brainwashed and their puppet masters were paid off.
Well, Poland was never Eastern Europe.
It was always part of central Europe. That way Poland is catholic not orthodox and so on.
Poland was always its own thing. Neither west, neither east. I won’t say it is identity crisis. It is polish identity to be neither of those two and always been so. We take much pride in our independence.
On other hand Russia has and always had ambition of unification of Slavic nations. And we don’t want that. Hence all that wars with Russia and our complicated relation to Russians.
Same thing applies to Germans, who always had expansion ambitions similar to Russians. Don’t be mistaken us being part of EU doesn’t mean we like Germany. It is just so that Germany is weaker now and less keen on military expansions, so it is better choice to keep closer to Germany than to Russia.
Sorry, but your country clearly isn’t peaceful and cannot be trusted in that matter right now.
Generally true, but more accurate to look at median income, not average income. Both Russia and Ukraine have quite skewed income distributions. Median income is lower than average income. On the other side, also, look at Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) of those median incomes instead of dollars at the exchange rate. Ukrainian money goes farther.
Well, for me it is simple observation. Rapefuges don’t choose poor countries that can’t afford to take care of them. Those people are lazy and don’t want to work. They will chose Germany over Poland every time. We don’t have problems with this people. Nor would Ukraine. Arguments against joining UE because of migrants is just fucking retarded. And that was just a point that I wanted to make.
As for Standards of living in Ukraine. For westerner it sure must be nice, especially in bigger city, but not every part of country is bigger city and they don’t earn as much. Well they go to Poland to earn 300$ per month and spend 30%-50% of that here… But to be honest it was not always that. It is because of Russian invasion. Before there wasn’t as much Ukrainians here.
And that why argument pro Russia and against UE is retarded. That is just something that spoiled westerner could say.
Nor of those is argument against points in your article, just response to some people posting bullshit here in comments.
Please pardon my ingnorance on the Soviet Russia/Ukrainian relationship and issues, but isn’t Russia more a country defined geographically and politically rather than a ‘race’ which is defined genetically? I am a Deplorable American, and I hold no grudges with those in what we were taught as Eastern Block countries, and I believe it would be great if (like we hoped back when Gorby took down the wall) that there would be peace and balance in Europe. I am Native American Indian (Algonquin & Cherokee), Irish, English, & German. So, what ‘race’ would I be? I live way down south in the south Florida swamps. There is a lot of poverty here also. There are people here who make a sustinance living off the land, scalloping and fishing. Some have been able to be self sufficient in electricity and fresh water by improvising solar and wind generators to provide electricity. The major difference between other countries and America is that we own our land and have landowner rights that the government must respect, buttressed via the 2nd Amendment. And yes, we have guns, big guns, and lots of them. Whether Japan’s Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto actually said, “There is a rifle behind every blade of grass” or not, the statement is pretty much right. We also learned improvisation from the last 50 years of warfare, we learned a thing or two from all over the world. So yeah, there are places the wrong person may go into and never be seen again. We got ‘gators, crocs, pythons and lots of other meat-eating critters…This is something ISIS and other bad people may want to think twice about before coming into my swamp.
In the 45th mostly peaceful (except for Liberal demonstrators) American government coup, We Deplorable Americans REJECTED the corrupt government beauracacy that has slimed it’s way into governmental offices for the last 70 years. We Deplorable Americans are fed up with the likes of O’Bama, Clinton(s), Bush(es), Reed, Pelosi, et. Al. who give away the fruits of American labor through bad treaties, endless wars and ‘police actions’, while simultaneously substantially dilluting employment opportunity for our young men and women by allowing vitual open borders. We are not 100% pro-Trump and are waiting to see how he leads, but to the best of our knowledge, he is not part of the corrupt establishment. I believe it’s a middle-eastern saying that goes something like “The enemy of my enemy is my ally”. If America, Russia, China, and the “civilized” world could partner to the restoration of war-torn middle east, establish a benevelent, peaceful government where people are not being raped, beheaded, stoned, and terrorized, our generation could claim to have actually done something good. If people of the world would lay down their grudges, racial and theological hatred, economic division, a united People of the World could dictate to our political employees and representatives how it’s going to be. The people of the world working together (no war) really could end hunger and famine, really could clean the air and waters, really could cure illnesses, disease and plagues. Wishful thinking, I know. But isn’t that the pinnacle of social media?
GDP per capita is mislead, it’s productivity, not salary. The average salary in Ukraine is 2,800 dollars.
“We still associate Russia with the Soviet Union and Holodomor, so we do not like Russia.” Why? Stalin wasn’t even Russian, he was Georgian. As for most of the individual perpetrators, they were communist Ukrainians and Jews.
I never said it is salary. Just simply putting Russia and Ukraine toghrther to conpare their relative wealth
I would like Ukraine to become part of Russia again, too, but that will not happen without a civil war wrecking our country. Not enough people in Ukraine want to be part of Russia again. Realistically, you can keep Donbass and Crimea, but the rest of the country has no interest in becoming part of Russia again.
It is hard for Ukrainians to “swallow” their pride and “forget past offenses” when Stalin in Moscow starved 3,000,000 of their ancestors to death. You just do not forget something like that.
If Ukraine wants to join the EU and commit cultural suicide then they will do that. Nothing Russia can do, short of invading the country, will stop that.
If Ukraine joins the EU, we are moving to Karelia.
The truth is that there are two Ukraines – Eastern Slavic and Western where many trace their ancestry to Astro-Hungary and Poland. I dont know what future holds, I just know Ukraine will never be part of the West. P
P.S. Karelia is very beautiful, but rather poor
I would rather live in Karelia and be poor than live in Moscow and be poor with Chechens, Azeris, and Ingush for neighbors. I wish Putin had cut their throats in 2001.
Ukraine is part of the West and so is Russia. Moscow is the eastern pole of Western Civilization and Christendom.
It would not matter if Stalin were Japanese. The point is that he was the head asshole in charge of the Soviet Union when the Holodomor happened. To people here Russia is the Soviet Union and vice versa. Russia represents every horrible thing that happened to Ukraine in the 30s.
It is an irrational hatred considering 2,000,000 Russians died in Holodomor, too.
worry about interracial sex i see
Nervsky as in Nervsky prospekt? I agree with you. I disagree with the public views on modern Russian expansion
It’s not aggressive at all. In fact it’s quite the opposite. It’s helping create a multi polar hence more peaceful world . It limits the aggressiveness of the west who always likes to play the global policeman and meddle with everything. A lot of Eu countries sadly fall victims of propaganda. Especially when developing armies and missle systems next to Russian borders. Sadly a lot of people are biased these days but at least some are awake and know the truth.
Nevsky as in “Alexander Nevsky”. I think millions of refugees flowing into EU will wake up the masses from its Liberal somber very fast
Yes, it is a global problem.
I knew a Ukrainian girl like this. Loves Russia, refused to speak Ukrainian, and thought Putin was the cat’s arse. She was a decent lay but an emotional nutcase.
Sounds like a good trade.
Stalin wasn’t Russian. He was Georgian.
Si se puede, tovarish!
The goal is to make it a ruined, corporate client-state. It’s no coincidence that our VPs son was poised to take over their largest utility company immediately after the installment of a non-Ukrainian puppet leader.
When you say the country is “poor” what do you mean exactly? That there are no jobs paying big salaries? Perhaps, but as the article stated, the strong local agricultural and staple foods at 10 cents a pound are far fresher and more affordable than what food costs in high cost “rich” nations.
It seems the cost of living is low, so the fact that salaries are low does not surprise me. Anyway, if the article is written to a mostly western audience, that is a good thing. We are earning money in dollars or Euros, which translates into lots of wealth when emigrating to a low cost “poor” nation. I plan on living in a “poor” nation when I retire.
Anyway, the massive wealth and comfort of the west is in large part what created the problems our culture is facing now, so I don’t see poor as a pejorative.
Not like die from starvation poor. More like shitty car, shitty apartment and shitty low paying job or no job.
So if you have money from west and move there it is fine, but if you plan to earn there… good look. It is not a option for most.
I’ve had a shitty car and place to live most of my life. Because I save almost 50% of my income. So I’m already used to that lifestyle, but chances are if I moved to Ukraine I could live like a king. Guys don’t need all that flashy stuff anyway, most of it is just used to attract girls.
50%. Wow that’s a lot of income to save annually. I lived in Ukraine for a while, I had an apartment in Kiev, that was pretty alright. I think, I was paying around 50 Euro a week (this was back in 2011), but to be honest, it’s as Tom says, not particularly great if you’re a foreigner, you’ll never break into their culture, which is pretty circumscribed by its Slavic origins, unless you like your own company, it can be lonely.
I’d rather Spain or Greece any day, they’re traditional in part, but also very westernized in a non-American way.
“More like shitty car, shitty apartment and shitty low paying job or no job.”
So like America is!
Well for them saving is going to Poland, earning 300-400$ per month (low-end jobs in Poland), spending 30-50% here on living, then coming back home with rest after 3 months. They also buy a lot of stuff, because here it is cheaper to buy some home cleaning stuff. And they are happy about that.
I seriously admire them, because it sure is hard to find such good, hardworking people.
Sure as hell you don’t have it that bad in US.
You flat don’t need a car here. It is a handicap. Leaving Bethesda I had to give up a BMW Z8 that I dearly loved, but it would have been an albatross around my neck. No car now for more than eight years. Such freedom! The taxis are dirt cheap.
I tell people that I drive a Bentley – I rent one whenever I need to. However, I never need to.Cheaper that way.
It was mostly to make a point to spoiled by western living standards. People don’t see how much they are used to west until they leave.
As for the car I never owned one. Don’t have driving licence and don’t see point in having a car.
No no, its way worse economically than America, as I replied to spicynujac:
GDP Per Capita:
US – 57,000
Ukraine – 3,000
Mean Salary:
US – 49,000
Ukraine – 2,800
GDP growth:
US – 2.6%
Ukraine – -10% (yep, NEGATIVE 10%)
US – 1.5
Ukraine – 40%
US – 4.7%
Ukraine – 12%
I had a great college professor who gave us a speech the final class of our senior year. The gist was, all of you are probably living on $10,000 a year or so now. And that was pretty much true. He said the number one problem most people make is they adjust their lifestyle / expenses to match their incomes. Instead, let’s say you get a $30,000 a year job and instead just moderately increase your lifestyle to $15,000 a year. You’ve seen a 50% increase in expenses, which is huge, but yet you still can save 50% of your income. That’s the basic model I’ve followed and it will allow easy retirement by 50.
You had a good Professor.
Yeah, and the best part is, you still get all the great stuff, it’s just delayed by a year or so. I’ve worked up to a 6 figure income, and close to being debt free. Living off $50,000 a year disposable income is stuff most people can only dream of, but it’s easy if you just delay all your major purchases a couple of years.
Here are some statistical breakdowns (all statistics 2015; in dollars):
GDP Per Capita:
US – 57,000
Ukraine – 3,000
Mean Salary:
US – 49,000
Ukraine – 2,800
GDP growth:
US – 2.6%
Ukraine – -10% (yep, NEGATIVE 10%)
US – 1.5
Ukraine – 40%
US – 4.7%
Ukraine – 12%
If that isn’t a shit economy, I don’t know what is.
That 4.7% figure for unemployment in the US is a laughable fabrication. Obama “peddling fiction.” Shadow Statistics has it closer to 22%. Ukraine has no such need to lie to voters. Ukraine’s growth was negative after Putin started the war. Latest figures show positive growth again.
All that said, yes, it is a poor country. Don’t come if you plan on living off the fat of the land. If you can contribute something, you can make good money.
Ukraine really may be poor as dirt. I haven’t been. But GDP is a very misleading statistic, because the cost of living is so high in the US. For example, my water bill can easily be $100 a month. In the rest of the world, potable, clean, safe water, costs a fraction of that. I don’t think they even bill for it in Italy. US has a really high cost of living because of our out of control legal system, among other factors. Also, many other stats are useless because they’re compiled by different entities. For example Ukraine unemployment of 12% may actually mean 12% aren’t working whereas in America the 4.7% rate refers to a specially defined subset of measurements labeled U1 through U6. The unemployment could be worse in America, but the reported number lower.
Anyway, GDP adjusted for PPP is much better to use when comparing across foreign currencies. $56,084 USA vs $7,987, is likely a much more accurate comparison.
GDP is a measure of productivity, it doesn’t necessarily have to be correlated with wage at all. The average salary in Ukraine is as I said, 2,800 dollars.
“If you can contribute something, you can make good money.” An amazing 2,800 USD…
If you don’t correct for purchasing power parity, it doesn’t accurately measure productivity. That’s what the PPP/GDP model does. And of course, it’s essential to look at the per capita number or else you’re just seeing numbers which are inflated because of where arbitrary political borders lie.
I’m not an economist, but I’m pretty sure all wages payed to Americans living in America are a component of US GDP, so wages are built in to the formula. Even if they aren’t, they are still implicit in the formula, because domestic wages are required for most products and services. The price a consumer pays for an orange includes the labor costs of growing, picking, and shipping that orange.
The reason PPP is important is because while the average US number may be $50,000, there are many countries where you can have a *higher* standard of living even if average local wages are less than $50,000.
That’s if you can contribute nothing. If you are adept at programming, you can make that much per month.
So 33 thousand? That is still pretty terrible.
It goes a long ways here. But — you are right. Being a wage slave is not the way to go. Not anywhere, but especially not here.
As an American living in Kiev, I say that I have to agree with you. Life here is not easy and things are very expensive. One of my friends here made $300 a month working as a lawyer at a bank, and she had to pay $200 per month for rent. She had to survive for the rest of the month on what little money she had left.
It is too expensive to hire a specialist to repair things in your apartment so I’ve had to learn how to do things myself, or find a friend to help me for free.
It is very easy to be taken advantage of in Ukraine. My employer was withholding my salary and was giving me endless excuses on why she couldn’t give it to me. I was on the verge of quitting my job before she finally told me that it was waiting for me in our accountant’s office. If I don’t get it by the end of this week I will quit.
The roads here are horrible. The public transportation is excellent, but the roads are the most horrid thing imaginable. We pay taxes to have the roads fixed, but the roads are never repaired. Where does that money go? Hmm . . .
And that brings me to another point. Ukraine is a First World country with Third World style corruption. This makes it a major pain in the ass to open a business or to receive medical treatment.
If I were single in Kiev life would be very hard for me, but thankfully I have my wife and together life is easier with our combined salaries. The support of her family helps, too.
I really hate American expats in Kiev. None of my friends in Kiev are Americans and every Ukrainian here knows how much I hate American expats. My impression is that they are a bunch of losers who could not hack out a life in America, so they came to Ukraine to teach English and screw the women. With the exception of one person, every single expat I’ve met here is some kind of loser.
Americans thrive in Kiev because they have supplementary income from social security checks or from VA pensions, so they don’t have to work, or at least they don’t have to work hard. The rest of us – myself included – often have to work two jobs.
The reason why I like Ukraine is because I love my wife and her family, and I do not have a high opinion of my family back in the United States. The lot of them can rot in hell for all I care, save my father. They have never cared for me, so I really do not care for them. My family here, though, cares for me, and I feel their love. This love from them breeds for me an appreciation of my new Motherland, an appreciation that I do not feel for the United States.
Yeah, Ukrainian are good, hard working people. I must say that I am surprised, because they even hardly drink alcohol while being here. Almost 100% of them work and don’t cause any trouble like Arabs in west. And unlike Arabs in west, they integrate with us pretty well, but that is no surprise since they are also Slavs. I honestly can’t say anything bad about them.
It is sad, that they have it hard in they country right now.
Ten zly – I pretty much agree with the facts you cite, but come up with a different conclusion. I do not intend to glorify a corrupt system, just to put it in perspective. This is a good place (1) to marry and raise a family (2) if you can make the money to do it. But .. unless you get sent here from overseas, working for a salary is not the way to do it.
Well, I don’t disagree, but I often read articles on manosphere that paint old soviet block as paradise. And seriously I am getting sick of it. Because in truth live is never easy. Yeah Ukraine don’t have such problems as US does, but that is one side of truth. Live isn’t so pretty.
That does not mean that Ukraine is bad place. It is certainly better place to start family than west, at least judging by people from Ukraine that I see working abroad.
I need to finish my article on business opportunities here. However, if convincing people to come in search of a loving spouse and good mother is difficult, convincing them to take control of their lives and become an entrepreneur is 10x harder. Still think I’ll give it a try.
good post these are the guys who could not get american women who spout that bs
Ukraine is first world? I mean I might call it 2nd world, but that is stretching it.
I’ve been to Third World countries in the military. Ukraine is not Third World. It comes no where close. I could compromise with you by saying it is a Second World country, though.
The only think I don’t like about Ukraine is no ice hockey. Football rules here. That blows.
I agree. I’ve been to the Eastern Bloc and to the Third World. People in the Third World are so poor it defies belief.
You were an expat once yourself. You went to Ukraine to find a woman, so dont be so judgemental. Most expat American men are looking for women because we are starved for intimacy.
I did not go to Ukraine to “find a woman” as you wrote. I am not crapping on people who come over here to be with their wife. I am talking about sex tourists who spend a year over here drinking and whoring.
Whoring is a mutually beneficial activity. The sex starved man finds an attractive woman for intimacy. The poor woman gets a little extra money for food and clothing that she likely would not have. She may be taking care of children and not have a husband. Its a win-win. No one is hurt. As long as it is discreet, legal and respectful, no one is harmed. It happens every day in almost every country of the world except the United States, which is the most sexually repressed nation on earth. If you are so judgmental, why not judge the Ukrainian men who create and sustain the industry at a much high level than the foreign tourist.
People often forget to relate costs to income. Are things cheaper in Ukraine? Yes but your income is probably way less too.
Your points are valid but I think as an older person I can identify with the writer. As he notes, if you have social security you will live very well. The problem with most of these types of posts on ROK is that they over generalize and tend to be subjective while portraying themselves as objective. For example, from my experience living and traveling overseas, if you are from a major blue state city in the US, people, even young women, seem sane and well adjusted compared to where you came from. If you came from a saner place, they might not appear so. Same with income. If you have an expat package, are a successful digital nomad or are comfortably retired, a lot of places seem like a bargain that aren’t a bargain for most of the locals.
Well, then sure expats should be ready for some hatred from locals. People always hate those who have it better than them. Especially when there is a lot of those who have it better. Very small number of people from west living there won’t be noticed. But just wait until rent goes up, because of western expacts and you will see hatred.
That way Ukraine is only good option if there aren’t many westerners there. So articles like that are just like shooting yourself in foot.
Not to worry. I’ve been telling people for nine years how great it is, and yet nobody comes. Their concerns are pretty much those given in the posts here. As far as hatred goes, I have one neighbor, an old Soviet, who has been unfriendly since we bought our land in 2011. But he is in a small minority. As I write, in general our neighbors, the ladies in the markets and people on the street are more than courteous.
I have lived in 5 countries outside of the US and It is not given that people are going to hate expats who have it better than them. Usually, people in struggling countries have more pressing problems and understand you are dumping cash into their economy. If they do hate expats who treat them well and who are not there in overwhelming numbers, then that says something sad about the citizens.
Well it is always question how many. One or two expats here and there is not enough. It is just like with Arab in west Europe. Those countries used to be incredibly tolerant and open. Now when they have a lot of trouble with those (1 in 8 work), it is different story.
So yeah, you won’t see hatred when something is on small, natural scale. Problem starts when you inflate such movements of people.
There are people hating those who have more than them everywhere.
Social security? So he lives high on the hog in Ukraine at the expense of young Americans in the States working hard to support him?
So what?
English Bob. The system is unfair. Social Security was a bad idea in 1935 and still is.
Who is working hard to support me? I would say it is the Federal Reserve printing presses working overtime. Any way you slice it, the Millennial generation is getting screwed. But — they voted for more of the same! Go figure.
Got to vote for people to take care of us post retirement… 😉
Oh no! Don’t ruin the ultimate ‘neo-masculine’ wet dream of being strong and “alpha” but at the same time of running away to non-westernized countries! I mean just look at the picture of those women dressed in white gowns dancing around a fire. It parallels shit straight out of Disney. Don’t tell them that life is so hard that the women they’re gushing over form a large percentage of amateur adult performers on cam-sex sites. Just like slutty women think they deserve Prince Charming, ” alpha neo-masculine ” men after man-whoring it out think they deserve a “virgin eastern-European who is chaste and submissive” in an all white community, but if they can’t get that, an easy Asian will do. If God forbid an Asian is also not possible then they’ll finally settle for a mongrel Latina. Don’t you dare fuck with that fairy-tale! For a bunch of people obsessed with ‘taking the red-pill’, this happens to be a pill that’s proving rather difficult for them to take. Also, I’ve been banned from commenting for pointing this out!! :).
ha ha good funny post
But the west is poor in most other ways (other than financial). So it depends on your perspective.
I don’t doubt it is a very hard life to live in Ukraine with a local income. But this article is mainly aimed at a western audience who’ll often then have an income from abroad (i.e an internet business, working remotely or western retirement money).
Also, there is perhaps a benefit to life being hard. We’ve seen what the ease of life in the west has done to men and women. Weak, wimpy, entitled and can’t really handle any real hardships. Won’t even have children anymore because that’s deemed too taxing and as a burden to avoid.
Don’t get married and no one then needs to concern themselves with what country is best for her to treat you. Look at what country best meets what needs you have. The USA might be moving more towards a desirable direction with the election of Trump. We will have to see.
The grass is always greener man.
This article is just one guys personal opinion of his experience living in Ukraine. He clearly loves it. The astute ready will realize he is getting a social security check every month which makes him very well off in a country like Ukraine.
So it can be assumed that if you have a decent passive income, Ukraine could be a nice place to be. I’m not at all surprised that it sucks for anyone with no education that must take whatever crappy job comes along. The astute ready will also note the author admits Ukraine is very corrupt and poor. It sounds like for him, the corrupt part isn’t effecting him (probably because he is spending his American earned money there every month, he’s probably treated well) and the poor part is helping him. His modest social security check isn’t so modest when spent in Ukraine.
I’d only call this a glorification if you didn’t read it very well.
The reason people make fun of Americans is because YOU ARE FUCKING JEALOUS OF OUR WEALTH AND STRENGTH! Now go eat a dick.
What? The women “feel threatened” by your bringing a Russian wife home? LMAO…
Good LORD how delusional.
My boss has a Russian wife. I’ll have to make a note to “feel threatened” one of these days. OH and there’s the Russian girl I used to work with that married an American and had a baby. I totally forgot to “feel threatened” there. Quite clearly I have absconded in my duties and need to add “feel threatened” to my bucket list.
Yeah, he’s totally delusional. But what do you expect from a 60+ years old dinosaur?
You’re a woman?
I had a mammogram last week. Looks like I still am.
I used to talk to an Indian professor who tells me they had a saying in India, ‘it’s only a bribe if the job did not get done’. I guess the same applies here.
I’ve been living in Kiev for a year, and before that in St. Petersburg, Russia. I’m originally from New Jersey. I confirm all the points he said and this guy speaks the truth. But like another guy said, keep this place a hidden gem. I am only 22 and realized that there is no future in the US, due to the culture. Before coming here, keep in mind you must know Russian or Ukrainian and the country is very poor. However, it is a MUCH better place to raise a family than anywhere in the USA, that’s for sure
What was your experience like in St. Pete?
Absolutely wonderful. In some ways, I recommend St. Pete over Kiev.
Sounds pretty good. How does the women compare between St.Pete and Kiev?
I hear that Kiev and Moscow should be about equally ranked when it comes to the beauty of the women there.
Well, the girls are hotter in St. Pete compared to Kiev.
After living in Ukraine for so long he still hasn’t grasped that Ukrainians and Russians are two sides of the same coin
Perhaps the Banderites got to him. Especially seems that way since he spells it “Kyiv” instead of Kiev.
Ukrainians and Russians may live in neighboring countries, but they are not 2 sides of the same coin. It’s like saying that Canadians and US are 2 sides of the same coin.
The former president of Ukraine, Kuchma, wrote a book: “Ukraine Is Not Russia”
The joke is that Putler also wrote a book: “Russia Is Not Ukraine”
Except that the joke turned into an invasion by Putler’s sovok mafia state into Crimea and Ukraine.
“It’s like saying that Canadians and US are 2 sides of the same coin.” So again, they are two sides of the same coin. Can you actually explain what the significant cultural differences are?
Ukrainians like to brag that the troublemakers in the Gulag Archipelago were mostly Ukrainians. Russians are accustomed to being crapped on by their government.
Russians were schizo about their subject peoples. They dominated by numbers, but always felt culturally inferior. True of Ukrainians also. The great aeronautical engineers, weapons designers etc. etc. were more Ukrainian than Russian.
Ukraine is a continuum. More European in the West, where they were under Communism only after WWII, more Russian in the East. However, as Putin has recently discovered, they don’t want to be part of Russia.
Russia’s population of 140m consists of 80m ethnic Russians, the rest mostly Muslim peoples. Booze and procreation don’t mix well – the Russians are under demographic pressure.
“Russia’s population of 140m consists of 80m ethnic Russians, the rest mostly Muslim peoples.” Bullshit. Russians make up 85% of the population, or 120 million, and Muslims make up no more than 5% of the population.
Another aging perv omega who sneaked his way into my country illegally teaching English but luckily got quickly aprehended by a predatory Ukrainian.Let’s speak in 3 years, loser! Tell us the story of losing your house hahaha
I am a proud member of the Dynamo Kyiv firm and we are starting to hunt you bastards down! This especially concerns sex tourists with a racial handicap (like roosh .e.g.) but sleazy pervos like the author of this article are on the radar too.
And if you teach english (and you are doing it illegally for sure, you dirty refugees)-I will f find you and report you to the immigration.
Starting coming week. This shit is just too much.
Типичная гойская малолетка.
When did you become aware of PUAs going to Ukraine to do “business”?
Doing the jobs Ukrainians won’t do!
lol. What jobs won’t ukranians do? That should be a tv show. I mean, they def get a klondike bar at least.
Protect your country from these pathetic pervs brah. Don’t let their unjustified sense of superiority get in the way of protecting your borders and your women.
@GetItGoing below
I tried replying to your comment but apparently, the prophet Roosh V who oh so hates the leftists for being intolerant while preaching tolerance has banned me from commenting on his cash cow project.
If you read this, this is all I can say, due to the ban: if you read all my comments on this article, you can clearly see that I am merely pointing out the nonsensical and contradictory stance of ‘neo-masculinists’. Those comments should explain this better, but then again I can’t help it if you personally can’t spot bullshit when you see it. :).
That is a nonsensical comment. Their is absolutely no “sense of supierority” around here; certainly not from the author.
“Pervs” do not marry, have a child, and immigrate legally and integrate healthily into a foreign society.
Honestly, you two should be embarassed to write such over-dramatic, insecure comments.
dude…dafuq is wrong with you man?
So let me guess this straight:
The author legitimately married and has a child with one of your own women and also wrote an article speaking positively and highlighting the benefits of your country and he is a “pervo”?
You are clearly dysfunctional and insecure like the bitchy women who come here to stir drama and lash out at others.
Hopefully you see a therapist for those anger issues and personal problems you have.
As always, the problem with miserable, weak men is they try to drag down others who contribute positively to the world and those around them.
Funny how this retard talks about ‘no immigrants’, while he – as an American – is an immigrant himself. Slavic countries are pretty anti-Western (especially anti-American), so don’t think they are waiting for Muricans and their degenerate culture.
The guy is obvious a racist and fake I doubt he has ever been to Ukraine. I was there last month. There is really no anti-immigrant sentiment. They have other things to worry about. And Slavic countries are not anti-Western.
That’s the irony of basically all western reactionary groups. The worst is when they start gushing over economically struggling places like Thailand. They think their own shit doesn’t stink. LMFAO.
I wish Riga was as cheap as Kiev. It’s just a rip-off fest here, yet the people have absurdly low wages. Maybe that’s why some of them are in my country (the UK) lying about their marital status to draw benefits, lying about their secret homeownership back in Latvia so that they can get a free social house to live in, and generally working the sucker-system in the lunatic state UK like crazy.
The other thing is Latvia has the coldest, most socially unpleasant people I have ever met. I sort of expected it before I came, but the big shock was how annoying I ended up finding it. I can’t speak for how things are in the Ukraine, but the ethnic Latvians are like emotionless androids and so are some of the Russian minority here, although overall the Russians are definitely a warmer, more cheerful people and you can have some banter with them. It also helps that my wife is Russian!
But overall, I would say beware of eastern Europe as a panacea for western social ills. The girls are no longer impressed by you having a western passport and many of them now are hooking up with nouveau riche Slavic guys. Despite the bad economy here and the appalling wages, there seems to be a superabundance of luxury, status symbol cars and concomitant showing off / posing. And the haughty looks some of these strutting models dispense are libido-killingly bad.
Ukraine is quiet the red pill country…
I live here and more than a couple of my Ukrainian friends here congratulated me on Trump’s win.
Men are men in Ukraine. No high-voiced whiny bullshit. Boys are raised to have a strong character. They relate to Trump well because Trump himself acts like a real man.
I think in the next 4 years we are all going to learn that “acts like a real man” and “is a real man” are separated by a very, very large gap.
lol a real con man wait til these white folks realize he cannot bring back 25 dollar an hr jobs
I’d like to meet your friends. Mine remain swayed by the party line they read in the Economist, Manchester Guardian, Der Spiegel, NYT etc. etc. Unlike friends in the US, they listen politely as I try to explain Trump.
bs that fucker just exposed white america as fucking hypocrites.always preaching morality bs then elect a racist crook who fucked the shit out of his workers and stiffed small business folks
I’m bringing my Thai girlfriend over in 2 weeks where I’ve already disconnected the TV. I’m going to isolate her from Western culture as much as possible. Kind of scared to be honest, I don’t want her to poison by Feminism and become an unhappy depressed person like all Feminists. She’s always so happy!
You two should go back to Thailand and create the family there.
I’m only back for 3-5 months to pump out some serious $$$$$ then i’m heading back for years!
Well done, sir!
watch this and remember
Good article. As a frequent visitor, I can back up everything that you have written. I’m there now enjoying another few weeks in Ukraine, currently searching for an opportunity to make a long term stay here.
Conduct yourself like a real man here and you will know what makes Ukraine so good.
Once the women get over 40 they cake their faces with tonnes of cheap make up and wear leather gear that’s way too young for them. Ukrainians in essence are Russians in the true sense- all fur and no underwear.
True enough. Analysing my UKRnotches(TM), that transformation takes place at about age 33. These ladies (rightfully) believe in their short shelf life and make the adjustments. That can be to your advantage. And it is still far better than a western woman of the same vintage. The absolute worst UKR woman I ever boned still had tenderness and a soul.
So any opinions about the other Russian satellites … Moldova, Transnistria, Belorus? Similar to Ukraine or more/less preferable?
NEVER BRING HER BACK TO THE STATES. That shit will lead to corruption very fast.
I agree with most of the points, but there’s one thing you absolutely got wrong, i.e. the whole “Russia stealing lands” lie. In 2014, what happened in Ukraine was a neo-nazi cup supported and funded by western imperialists (CIA and NATO mainly) that overthrew the democratically elected president Yanukovich. The purpose of all of this was to indirectly attack and weaken Russia by installing a pro-western leadership right in front of her doors. Fortunately, not everything went according to plan. First, Russian-majority Crimea decided through a referendum to re-join Russia (of which it had always been part of, becoming a part of Ukraine in the first decades of the 1900’s because some communist dickheads decided so). Secondly, Russian people and pro-Russian Ukrainians living in Donbass (the historical eastern region) opposed the nazi/imperialist junta that had come to power and fought them in order to defend their lands.
That’s true. As soon as new Ukrainian government came to power, they announced their plans to ban Russian language and reduce the rights of Russian minority. Of course this provoked unrest in Donbass region.
“The Soviet system had its good points. They housed everybody in
high-rise apartments. It may not be as attractive as detached houses,
but it makes for a very compact city. Those people needed places to
breathe and exercise, so the city is full of parks. As compact as Kyiv
is, it is, with most people living in apartment blocks, it easy to get
around. Every place in the city is within walking distance of a
convenience store of some sort, and restaurants and shopping centers are
usually within a walk or a short bus ride.”
This is a huge plus for communist architecture so common in Eastern Europe. So many people living in big apartment blocks create demand for various services, which means you can have grocery stores, bakeries, bars, hairdressers, butchers, public transport, church, sports betting and many other things within walking distance.
Compare that to American suburbs where these same services are at least 15 minutes drive away.
Great article, Graham. It’s always good to hear stories and perspectives from people who are actually there, on the ground.
Thanks. It isn’t as rich a niche as yours, but I hope to mine it with some success.
I’ve been living in Ukraine for close to 4 years now. The author is right about a few things, but he needs to realize that Kiev is not all of Ukraine. A few minor points here:
1) Kiev is fucking expensive compared to most other cities in Ukraine. If you’re looking to rent an apartment, expect at least $300 for an unremodeled dump out on the outskirts, and much more than that if you want to live anywhere near the center. Rents have been skyrocketing in other cities too, although Kiev is still much more expensive than most. You’re going to struggle to make ends meet if you’re not sharing an apartment with someone and don’t have US-based income.
2) If you don’t have a remote job working for a US based company, then your pickings here will be slim. You can either teach English for a little more than the average Ukrainian salary, or you can do a “copywriting” job (writing articles for websites for SEO purposes). You’ll have much better luck finding the former than the latter. While food in general is much cheaper here, extraneous luxury items (electronics, quality clothing) is actually more expensive. Many locals save up money and find ways to purchase such items without buying them locally.
3) Not all places in a city are good places to live. Ukraine doesn’t have ghettos like in the US, but that just means that the gopniks are living througout the city as opposed to just in bad neighborhoods. As an example, my ex-girlfriend had a close circle of friends who she grew up with, who all lived in the same district. The ones that have decent jobs are the ones who left the country and now live abroad. The ones who stayed here, almost all of them are unemployed alcoholics. There were a couple who would come at least once a week banging on the door begging for money, giving a bullshit reason about how they needed money for medicine or what-not. 30 minutes later, I’d see them taking shots of vodka at the local bar.
4) Based at least on my own experiences, women in Kiev are much more picky about men than in most other parts of Ukraine. That’s not to say that you’ll have trouble finding someone here, but don’t expect miracles. Women are generally easier in the smaller cities. Also, tons of scammers in Kiev. I got taken there once with the “cafe” scheme, and never again.
5) Minor point here, but Kiev is a bitch to get around compared to most other major cities in this country. Or at least it takes forever to go anywhere. The metro is slow as hell, marshrutkas are always crowded and it’s often difficult to get anywhere if you don’t know how to speak Russian or Ukrainain.
6) Kiev is overflowing with expats. If you hate expats like I do, find another city.
Thank you for the addition to the article (as well as to the articles author). Can I ask you a question though….why do you hate ex pats. Honestly asking, I am just curious about that particular stigma. I would assume that people who chose to be in a place would be there because they love it and their love of the place would endear them to locals.
Parts of Europe are … interesting. And sometimes you run into something you don’t expect. For instance, I was in Italy just recently. Got into a conversation with some Italian women and was blown away at something curious. Granted Italy has gorgeous women (hey, I admit I’d even overlook the tattoo rule there) but it wasn’t a place I’d really expected to encounter some heavy duty traditional thinking. They were all complaining about the recent woman mayor of Rome. Not because she did anything wrong. Not for some political reason. But… because she’s a woman. And a woman shouldn’t be the mayor of Italy’s capital. She should be raising her family otherwise her family will suffer because she’s a mayor.
Apparently traditional sorts can still sneak up on me occasionally. 🙂
but they will run a crime family and have you killed
Hah, only if you get on the “wrong” side. And if you do, that would be negligence I’d deserve to be offed anyway. 🙂
Are young Ukranian women (18-25) willing to date or sleep with older men over 40? Are they more receptive to these relationships than the average young woman from the US?
Let’s stick with dating. What happens later depends on the success of the former.
Answer is yes. Short anecdote. We had a party this weekend. Google “Bright Colors of 50s Toastmasters” for pix. The women love to dance and make conversation. I danced the whole night. They take me for who I am, not how old I am.
Part of the publicity for the party was selfies. I’ve never made one myself, but got pulled into this one by a dance partner. Note that the waterfall hairstyle doesn’t work on me as well today as it did for me and James Dean in the 50s.
What kind of job opportunities are there for English speakers. Most jobs in Ukraine dont pay well enough to enjoy how cheaply the country is. I’m 27 i lived in Ukraine for about a year on money i had saved up and i’m married to a Ukrainian girl I met the summer after i graduated college. Hence why i lived in Ukraine for year. But i don’t see many economic opportunities for me in kyiv?
It should not matter where you and your foreign spouse lives. But, it does matter that she or he returns to her/his native country. She or he as a result won’t forget where she/he has come from.
I am interested in finding, dating, and marrying a woman from Latin America. I would consider moving to her native country. But, I have to deal with these issues:
1. difficulty of finding a good job
2. difficulty of learning a second language fluently
3. difficulty of finding a nice place to live
Some readers may already know that i am living in south america since 09 so let me tell you it aint easy down here.
1) job is the major problem. You may be able to find one in chile or maybe even argentina/brasil but dont expect it as well paid or cozy as it it in the US (EU). It is much harder.
In fact most expats prefer to found their own company or at least work from home office.
The trick is to have a business going ***at least 3 years before you move overseas*** so it is kinda reliable you know. In south america you are on your own.
2) spanish (or portu in case of brasil) you will have to learn. If you want to work you will have to learn it very well. If you bring your job and/or all the money you will ever need with you, you still need to learn it to some degree and it sucks, even should you master it.
3) Thats fucking easy. There are tons of nice corner in every single SA country. Mountains, sea, cities everything available and that for cheap compared to the US/EU but make no mistake. For cheap means for you, in your US based income – if you rely on local income it may very well be much more expensive (relativly) than back home.
4) You will be able to score younger, hotter pussy because beeing a white male with US/EU passport will increase your passive value big time.
It is not so much the local women are less spoiled than the women in US/EU (they are but the margin is getting smaller) but YOUR relativ position on the male SMV scale beeing better. They treat you better and give you more options because you are in a better male percentile, thats it.
You can have the same sweet women with the same sweet care back home *BUT YOU WOULD HAVE TO BRING A LOT MORE TO THE TABLE FOR IT*
If you have only U$ 2000 /month in US/EU you will have to face the fact that most 6s could do better and you may have to settle with something lower.
Now in south america that same 2000/month will get you 7s quite easily, maybe even an 8 provided your high is ok, your body is hard and you got some game. You get the idea.
Even as someone who has visited Russia nearly every year of my life (I have family there) with occasional excursions to Ukraine, all I can say about this travel ad is, why would someone of such an advanced age
want to be tied down by a toddler? I don’t understand this.
Last chance of passing on his genes. Good for him.
You got it. Three adult millennial children aren’t gonna give me grandchildren.
I love kids, and what else could I do that is as meaningful?
Sup Graham.
Read your article. Lot of truth there.
Like you, I was a soldier. Army Lifer. Married a European girl.
Just like no plan survives initial contact, life tends to do shit that confounds all your careful planning. No telling what shore you will wash up on or what you will be doing…
You: “Oh, I’m going to go here and do this thing”.
Life: “Nope! Fraid not old son”.
I will tell you that when things looked pretty bleak, my wife looked at me and said “Where you go, I go”. She has never reneged on that nor once eyeballed the door looking to better deal me.
It’s been 20 years, and we’re still together, still going strong. We’ve had our problems like everyone else, but we’ve stood the test of time and all the shit Life can throw at us. Some pretty good body blows, but we can take a hit.
Our son is – in a word – awesome. Movie star handsome, tall, strong and smart as a whip. Couldn’t ask for better.
She’s the best thing that ever happened to me. Ever.
One grunt to another, I am happy for you. Truly.
Luck and fortune.
Malgus, love it!
I’m not a grunt. Did my service before the war, but spent four years in VN, first supporting 1MAW and 3MAF in DaNang. Vietnam stories are on my web site.
You absolutely got it. It is a matter of attitude. Commitment. My mother-in-law spent four days here. Wife was holding my hand, nuzzling up, all that nice stuff and I can see mom on the one hand glad that her daughter has made it, on the other hand wondering about her own life. As an aside, it is nice to have a mother-in-law younger than you. I can just laugh off any crap she might be inclined to give me, and bend over and tell her I love her.
Congrats on your son. Ours is just five. We can only through a glass darkly observe the man start to emerge. I think it is promising, but I’m the dad. My job is to love him and support him whatever.
The Nam vets were our mentors. Our platoon Sergeants, our 1SG’s, our CSM’s. Taught us what we needed to know to survive. I’m still here because of their sage teachings. Much respect.
Got my shit pushed in pretty good, but I’m still on this side of the grass. Some days good, most not, but it is what it is and all a body can do is deal with it. What my wife puts up with… man… just that there is worth the price of admission.
My MIL and I had our Come To Jesus talk. She grew up in postwar Europe – her earliest memories are of everything still being destroyed, shortages, occupation forces, etc – so she had to be extraordinarily strong, pragmatic and pretty authoritarian just from a survival point of view.
This clashed with my own personality type – I’m an ISTJ and I have my own way of doing things (that’s NOT how she does things). Which resulted in a great deal of friction, until our Come To Jesus talk. Me, her, adult beverages and for two hours we railed at each other. But, we cleared the air and that was that. All is copacetic now.
My job with my son…. is different.
He’s the last of us. Really. Our family is very old. And ours is the direct line – he is the firstborn son of a firstborn son of a firstborn son… going back a very long way. My job… is to make sure he survives – no matter what – and has as many children as possible. My siblings do not have families. So, my son is extraordinarily important. And he knows it. I love him and support him – always will – but his mission is much more important than the nebulous “be happy” canard.
Have to go hang blinds now. If mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy. Be well.
Hang those blinds high.
And I’m with you. My three millenneal children aren’t going to give me grandchildren. My siblings didn’t have kids. My mother’s three sibs came up short – no natural grandchildren. My father’s brother led a dissolute, boozy life that ended in suicide and a legacy of messed up kids and grandchildren. No solid families there.
For the same reason as you, it is up to my young son now. I don’t tell him as much, but when he assures me he’s going to marry his sweetie Sophia, I do nothing but encourage him. Right way to think, even if the girl will change in time.
Interesting. I’ve been there myself.
A good place, I hope a mudstorm doesn’t ruin it like the rest in europe.
Did you know that small box of tomatoes costs about 4 fucking dollars, grapes five dollars. I hate this ecology garbage, it’s a scam.
It probably will, since the Neo-Nazi junta took over two years ago, and they want Ukraine to be part of the EU.
LMFAO. Look who’s in charge. Jewish Nazis?
I think that the EU is growing cool on Ukraine, and Ukrainians are more and more gagging as they observe the problems that Europe has brought on itself through bureaucracy and immigration. I hope we keep our distance.
This Junta is the same country that promoted a 22-year-old woman with no political experience to Interior Minister, whose only job before that was posting nude photos of herself to social media.
“Junta” means together. A Junta is an organized group of people who overthrow a government. Our government is anything but “together.” It is comic. The people chased Yanuovych out two and a half years ago. He was replaced by chaos, not a junta. Putin jumped into to take advantage of the chaos.
This 22 year old does have a fairly impressive resume for a woman of that age, and the nude pictures were intended to be private, just like Melania’s. Still and all, I have to agree that there were certainly better qualified candidates.
Nevertheless, Crimea was historically Russian. It’s only “Ukrainian” because Khrushchev gave it to the Ukies in 1954. The referendum two years ago was democratic.
Go away, Russky troll.
This site has a common theme: Women don’t like you? Blame it on feminism. Your traditional immigrant wife leaves you? Blame it on liberalism. Dead broke and can’t hold down a job? Blame it on women in the workplace.
And when the happy men that embrace feminism and western culture enjoy monetary success, just brush it off as blue pill bliss.
But isn’t it possible that ROK readers are actually the blissfully ignorant? Isn’t it possible that ROK followers chose the blue pill so they could wake up in their own world where they can cry “victim”?
Dude why don’t you just STFU ?? Why screaming this to the world? Would you post that you have 1 million dollars in cash under your bed and give your address to everybody? As people have already told you this would ruin the place
I have to disagree strongly on the “random killing of blacks by whites” in fact it doesn’t work that way at all. After adjusting for population, black on white violence is disproportionately higher. The only reason why you think whites kill more blacks than vice versa is because you are fed media lies. White people are not the problem. Black people are.
Can you buy guns in Ukraine ? I used to speak Russian 30 years ago when I left the military, but forget it. Think it would come back.
Also, nice article. It can work to bring them back, but it IS risky.
Strange and not objective article which looks more like first impression of American tourist who travelled to Ukraine than a person which lives there.
In beginning author says that wife will find group of her countrywomen or Asians. Hmm, what similar ukrainian women has with Thai or Vietnamese and what about they can talk together?Then someone would tell her about American men and divorce law…sorry, but if woman isnt totally dumb before marriage she should at least read about laws of country where she would live next years and for sure what to do if husband wouldnt be such as before marriage (if he threat her bad, offend, beat,etc.)
Kiev is beautiful and lively city….in centre its nice and beautiful, but outside it mostly grey ugly houses and broken roads.
Point that Ukraine is affordable is truth only if u’re tourist, work abroad, have job where can take bribes or just steal money. But when you work for 300 or bit more dollars per month in CAPITAL and near 100 in smaller cities ukrainian prices doesnt look so affortable anymore.
War and corruption isnt true? In Ukraine is freedom of speech? Ah yes, this democratic place bans russian tv channels, forbid russian singers to enter the country, talk shit about ukrainian singers which has concerts in Russia and all this is when millions of ukrainians have go to work there because of “good” situation last few years.
There is enough people with tattoo and piersings. No smoke or use drugs 100 percents is bullshit. Most guys smoke, less or near half girls smoke too. Lot of young people use drugs. Ukraine is number 1 in Europe by children alcoholism. Sure immigrants or “refugees” wouldnt come here just because country is poor and no welfare.
Working gypsies….OMG….i’m agree that there is some gypsies who has regular job, but most of them steal and sell drugs. By the way, about corruption and gypsies. Few months ago in my city gypsy raped and killed 9 yo girl, before it other gypsy wounded with knife security guy from night club and what happened? Absolutely nothing!
Not dependent to international trade? Sure not. Trade was mostly with Russia, now Ukraine is on knees and wait for new credits.
If Ukraine is so nice place, why then near million of Ukrainians work in Poland and more than 2 millions in Russia? Sure young ukrainian girls marry old ugly europeans and americans because they are in love with them.
Ukraine can be not that bad place for trip.But for work, having business and just life its one of the worst places in Europe.
PS. I am Ukrainian.
I noticed Ukraine produced lovely women as a boy. Its always been a dream.