Republican Congressman ‘Felt The Bern’ Of Leftist Shooting Rampage

On last Wednesday, June 14th, James Hodgkinson, a leftist, opened fire on a recreational baseball game of Republican Congressmen in which they were training for a charity event. He shot four, and two of those were hospitalized. Hodgkinson was shot in return by police on-site, apprehended, then died of his wounds. Today we are going to cover some interesting points of this act of terrorism and why the left is so desperate to have it be ignored.

The shooter was a hard-core, Bernie-loving leftist

Despite the left’s attempts to appear as the party of “peace and tolerance,” Hodgkinson was one of them. Although Facebook, in a move of questionable bias, has removed his profile, and one of identical nature put up “in memorial” by like-minded seditionists, anything on the internet of interest is permanent, and certain parts were archived.

Banners of Bernie Sanders don’t lie. I voted for Trump, but, with the little I use Facebook myself, the man does not appear on any of my pictures, let alone my timeline’s banner. Add to that the typical leftist’s cry of removing a sitting President and Vice-President from office for treason when their only crime is winning the election while not being their candidate of choice.

The scary thing is that his Facebook page looks basically identical to thousands of progressives out there. Makes you wonder how many more crazies are going to jump the fence from activism to terrorism now that all their candidates lost and they’re irrelevant for at least a few years.

He had a target list

Since no one has died, the left, in an attempt at damage control, are hoping that this shooting can be ignored and will go away. They are even abandoning their traditional “someone got shot, holy shit, GUN CONTROL LEGISLATION NOW!” platform, like they did with the last Congressman shot, Gabby Giffords, since it was one of theirs who did it.

Congressmen on the “kill list”

However, there’s a kill list. While a sane person might realize that they could probably remember something as important to them as a vendetta, and keep it in their minds and away from police evidence, Hodgkinson, in a typical liberal “muh feelz,” star-of-your-own-movie, Kill Bill style venting of emotional angst, had a list of whom he wanted to kill, and they were all not only Republicans, but members of the Freedom Caucus, a right-wing sub group of Congress much reviled by Democrats and their statist ilk.

He used a crappy gun

Hodgkinson used a SKS in the shooting, a gun which CNN, no stranger to in-poor-taste pushing of agendas, noted is “widely available in the US and used in the Dallas shooting of last year,” even though that last bit is untrue (Micah Johnson used a Saiga AK).

Putting on the gun writer hat for a moment, the Samozaryadny Karabin Sistemy Simonova (Semiautomatic Carbine System of Simonov, SKS) is not an awesome weapon. They’re kind of neat looking, and they are cheap, and any gun collector just wanting a plinking gun to hand to newbies that won’t hurt them and they won’t hurt it in turn should have one, but the AK-47 is a superior weapon in every aspect with the exception of the safety (the SKS has a neat little trigger-obstructor like a Garand, but it’s off to the side, as opposed to the giant stamped handle of the AK.)

Accuracy is not a strong suit of this weapon. Depending on whether or not the rifle specifically in question was actually a Russian gun, or was one of the many Commie knockoffs (like the Chinese Norinco), the accuracy of these things should be measured in whether or not you can hit the side of a barn (and for some of them, shooting from the inside of said barn.)

SKS. Note the limited, clip fed internal magazine and poor sighting system.

While I would not care to be shot by one, the 7.62×39 Soviet cartridge (native to the SKS and AK-47) is not a powerful cartridge. Lacking the superior aerodynamics of smaller caliber cartridges like the 5.56×45 of US and NATO forces, the 7.62×39 flies in the inefficient manner of its .30 caliber brethren of the day, and is why the Soviets went to the 5.45×39 round in the AK-74 model. Making matters worse, the bullet is not pushed by much powder for its caliber; the cartridge, being 39mm overall length, is much shorter than the .308 Winchester’s 51mm, or the 30-06’s 63mm, even though they all shoot roughly the same bullet.

The SKS has horrible iron sights, and, being a Soviet style rifle, has the gas system on top along with the removable service cover, so there is no real good way to mount better optics. The magazine, with the exception of a select few rifles made to take AK detachable mags, is a very good internal, ten shot magazine, but it is slow to load manually, even with stripper clips, and holds limited ammo.

All in all, this is a cheap rifle that someone who is passionate about their beliefs, but kind of stupid about everything else, would use in this sort of thing. The only good sides about it is that the rifle limited Hodgkinson’s damage in terms of accuracy, volume, and magnitude of firepower even more than his probably lackluster shooting skills, and that, if any news source were to report on the amount of ammunition he had with him, they would actually get it right, as the SKS is indeed fed by clips, not magazines.

Own it

There’s no walking away from this one. Guy shows up to a political event with a rifle, opens fire, hits a few people and is then shot dead, and a list of his desired targets is found on his body. The left is trying to ignore this one, as there really is no other option for them, and this highlights a crucial difference between them and the right.

Left Wing Domestic Terrorist

Conservatives, libertarians, and Constitutionalists believe in the idea of rule by the existing law. If you want to do something, you must do it legally. Since you believe in preserving the system, the system is generally on your side except for new laws introduced by progressives, and you fight those laws, and those that push them, legally.

Liberals and progressives believe that current laws are wrong, and, due to the religious fervor of their movement, believe that those laws do not apply to anyone who is doing the work of the progressive agenda (but they still apply to everyone else). The reason the left is not decrying Hodgkinson is they not only see nothing wrong with what he did, or attempted to do, but they wish they could do it themselves.

Just because we all know you can’t do it doesn’t make it ok for you to say it.

Remember this leftist shooter the next time the progressives trot out the “Islamic terrorism is not the problem; right-wing terrorism is the problem” screed, and throw it back at them.


This is the danger we, and everyone who is not a leftist progressive, face. In their turmoil that their cause/religion lost the majority of Federal and state elections last fall in a mandate of the people against the failed policies of the Obama regime, the progressives are increasingly turning to violence to enact their will on the people of the USA.

Fortunately, like most things, they are not very good at it, and any concealed weapon carrier who is proficient should have no issue stopping one of these lunatics. Two in the chest, one in the problem glasses. Be safe.

Read More: As It Becomes Clear That Donald Trump Cannot Save The West, Only One Outcome Becomes Inevitable

328 thoughts on “Republican Congressman ‘Felt The Bern’ Of Leftist Shooting Rampage”

  1. For all the left’s preaching about peace, love, #hopenothate, #lovetrumpshate, etc. it turns out they are just as violent as the peace loving Muslims they so righteously defend. You know, the one’s who blow themselves up at a kid’s concert.

    1. Those Anti-Fags sure are some peaceful types. I’ve never seen any in person but on YouTube I think their entire vocabulary consists of “Fuck You!”.

        1. Put on a black hoodie and run around yelling “fuck you!”. Lol

  2. Muslim shoots up a bunch of people: “the real victims are the majority of peaceful Muslim”
    Left-wing guy shoots up a bunch of people: media stays silent
    Guy who happens to own a Confederate flag shoots up a bunch of people: “OMG WE HAVE TO BAN EVERYTHING RIGHT WING REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE”

    1. Those ‘Confederate Flags’ were probably made in China too. Ban China.

        1. I’m always here. It’s just that sometimes I’m masturbating too furiously to type.

        2. I can’t look at Richard Gere without wondering if that gerbil story was really true.

        3. You thinking about his gerbil while you’re choking your chicken?


    2. Isn’t the right always going on about the tree of liberty and the blood of patriots? I bet this killer found tbose words inspiring.

      1. right wingers are calling for gun control at all. Price of having guns .Freedom is a double edged sword. Even fat Bernie Bros have a right to bear arms.

        1. Regular and routine mass murder is “the price of having guns?” I suggest you set your standards higher.

      2. Well I certainly don’t disagree with that. But if the Europeans and the Britons are going to resist the Muslim invasion of their countries, they’re going to have to be more organised than this. They also have to be smart. Now is not the right political climate to enact vigilante violence on Muslims. They have to get some of their members into elected office first I think. Because right now, whatever they do will be seen as an act of agression rather than what it really is: defense.

    3. Trying to imagine if this Left-wing guy happened to be of “other color: black/brown/yellow” !!

    1. Now he’s gonna Trot(sky) down to federal prison where he’s gonna die and then Bern in hell.

        1. He’ll make a good Che (friend) or two in prison I’m sure. Maybe on occasion they’ll get served some delicious (Pol) Pot roast.

    2. Also, I’m not aware if any of these mass shootings were ever done by an actual trained person, like a combat vet, ect. They all seem like bumbling fools with not much skill from what I’ve seen. Charles whitman is about the only one I know of with any training, could be wrong on that.

  3. Nice follow up article to the assassination attempt of this loon last week. Clearly his agenda was to murder a few Republican figures at this baseball game and thankfully he failed. What has been circulating is not the decrying of violence that usually occurs but two interesting thoughts. The first is terrorism is done by white citizens in America but we don’t call them terrorists in America. The second was that one of the lives of the Republicans was saved by a black citizen and a homosexual citizen, two groups the same Republican eschews.
    I have posted several comments in the past decrying motivations for racism and it’s overall faulty premises. Don’t believe in the idea of white supremacy but view it as a vestige of Nordic Supremacy which never died off like it should have. All things being equal, any person living on the same soil as me and doing an action to jeopardize the citizens through fear and assault, is an act of terrorism especially when it targets the government. But in truth, everything you brought up in this article still supersedes any ideological reasons behind this attack. All disagreements, if they do not lead to an assault on your person or those like you, should be dealt with in the constraints of the law. Anything less than bare minimum, and we spit on the flag and the constitution which keeps us all tethered and law abiding in this great land of America.

    1. “The second was that one of the lives of the Republicans was saved by a black citizen and a homosexual citizen, two groups the same Republican eschews.”
      You mean Republicans don’t usually prostrate themselves to those groups like democrats do.

        1. In my statement I mentioned Republican as a singular unit, as in just the person who was protected. I know quite a few Republicans and tend to use politics as a litmus for a person’s affiliation but not their entirety as a person. Democrats can be conservative and Republicans can have liberal beliefs. You have to ally with what works for your interests best.

        2. Thanks.
          Still, I dont see anything where Scalia claims to have a problem with either group. His objection to same-sex marriages is religious, not bigoted.

    2. There are indeed white terrorists Red Hood. I’m putting up no defense there. The left just makes it out like it’s a serious problem, even MORE serious than Islamic terrorism when it clearly is not. 60 odd percent white population in U.S. versus 1% Muslims, 80 odd percent white population in Britain versus a few percent Muslims. Whose mostly doing the big damage and at alarming frequency?

      1. You have a bigger chance of being killed by a stray dog in this country than you do by a Muslim terrorist.

        1. Yes there’s a much bigger chance you will get shot or robbed by a black guy than a Muslim.

        2. Althought speaking in defense of blacks…. they are 13% of the country instead of 1% Muslims. Demographics matter.

        3. Well it’s unlikely that someone gets robbed by an NBA superstar.

        4. Pulse night club had a pack of stray dogs? The muslim terror apologist is back stroking his goat.

        5. Lol you got me, enjoy it while you can I usually don’t give up this easily.

        6. Hah! Funny but if this had been a few months back, the miscegenation Storm Front cucks would have smelled that comment 12 sites away and created a whole other thread from it!

        7. Right-wing logic: mass shootings are so rare in America that you can round them down to zero, but Muslim terrorist attacks, which there are far less of, ate cause for banning Muslims.

        8. Or by furniture, except importing murderers is a lot more avoidable.
          You’re more likely to die in a car accident, so why bother making murder illegal, eh?
          Great comfort to the victims, “Don’t worry your son/daughter could just as easily have died by stray dog.”

        9. The odd thing is, I’m as white cracker as they come but I would rather not associate with goofball Hitler fan boys.

        10. You can’t ban the native inhabitants, you’re stuck with them. That’s what criminal justice is for.
          And almost nobody is saying ban all Muslims. Nizari Ismailis are peaceful, etc.
          However when 2/3 of an imported population wouldn’t report one of their own for terrorism (UK statistic), that’s 2/3 that doesn’t need to be inside your country.
          I’ve known Muslims all my life, some are just getting by in life like everybody else. But the extremists are there man and pretending they’re not is willfully ignorant.

        11. Like Bob Dylan Said:
          Now, a very great man once said
          That some people rob you with a fountain pen
          It don’t take too long to find out
          Just what he was talking about
          A lot of people don’t have much food on their table
          But they got a lot of forks and knives
          And they gotta cut something

        12. What third-world shithole did George Soros hire you from? Globalist-paid trolls aren’t what they used to be.

        13. He doesn’t attempt to make points, just sneers at everyone for no particular reason. I would advise you ignore it.

        14. Not feeding her is the best strategy. Look at all of her comments, they are meant for nothing other than to anger the target and to sneer, she doesn’t give a shit about actual topical discussion or debate. Withdraw troll feed is my suggestion.

        15. I would agree these mass shootings are done by whites. but you don’t see “us” making excuses . Muslims /immigrants and the crime etc they bring in could have been prevented by not letting them in….

        16. Is that true. There were 14 deaths in 2016 by dog attack (not sure how many were stray, but I will say 14). How many americans were killed by rag heads?

        17. That’s pretty smart actually. Storm cuck types tend to be very similar to radicalized black guys in that they preach race segregation, want everyone militarized, and have a bunch of pseudo science approximations on why the other side is the devil. All of this reduces your own safety, reduces your joy in life, and makes an unnecessary enemy. Anyone that you have to attack first without them attacking you in any way is an unnecessary enemy. I’m all about finding an enemy out but if it reduces the quality of my life, then it is all meaningless.

        18. Also, white terrorism isn’t monolithic in cause. The reason for the camel jocky terrorism is always the same….islam….but a guy like the unibomber was going after people for one reason and McVeigh for another and the Columbine kids yet another it is different. A-Rabs aren’t being painted with one big brush because a bunch of them killed people for separate reasons….it is the reason that is in common which is why white Muslim terrorists are painted with the same brush as brown ones.

        19. I have my views that I suppose are unacceptable by others however I am a live and let live type, life is hard enough anyway without me being continually pissed off and carrying a chip on my shoulder that I can do nothing about.
          Oh, wait……the other side isn’t the devil? Lol

        20. Muslims hate dogs, so unless those dogs are of Swedish origin, I assume those they are atheists.

        21. I mean it’s not like one of them couldn’t probably beat me senseless with his pinky finger and his other hand tied behind his back, I’m just saying it’s unlikely to happen. There just ain’t a lot of NBA superstars hanging around hereabouts.
          That is one rough looking cat in that pic- corn rows, neck tats and he still probably carries an el-cheapo Jennings .380. Lol

        22. I would say that if you expand out the time line from birth to fame and fortune to death it is actually fairly likely that most NBA stars will have robbed someone at some point in their life either before becoming NBA stars or after blowing their money on fat white women, gold teeth and watermelons.

        23. I can’t disagree with that, man, they ain’t nuttin like havin sum goll teefes.

        24. Actually only about half of them are. We just get the media highly screeching if it’s a white male while if it’s not they tone it down FAST.

        25. the best is that the “secret weapon” to keep black kids from doing well on the SATs was #2 pencils infused with the flavor of menthol and grape soda. I can’t remember what years this thing aired but I want to say late 90’s

        26. Speaking of watermelons, I’m just down the road from The Watermelon Capitol Of The World haha.
          The harvest crews are almost all Mexican and they haul them from the field to the packing shed in old school buses with the sides cut out. Being at the stoplight in town it’s always interesting to listen to a black guy standing onthe corner trying to talk a Mexican driver into stopping and giving him a watermelon. This goes on every day all day and I haven’t seen a Mexican give away a watermelon yet.

        27. “Storm cuck types tend to be very similar to radicalized black guys..”
          They are both selling the same damanged goods and want you to submit to their worldview. Quasi-cultish in a lot of regards.

        28. One would think that after Tom and Jerry along with Billy Boy being banned from television that they never would have gotten away with that.

        29. Laugh though people might, and yes racist stereotypes are funny….but watermelon and fried chicken are good and Mexicans are anything but lazy or bad employees. I am sure that whoever is underpaying that Mexican is very happy with his hard work and loyal service and that the black guy asking for watermelon knows that it is an objective, non racially binding fact, that the watermelon is goooooodddd

        30. Nothing like some watermelon right out of the refrigerator on a hot day, I eat my share and then some every year. I have been known to be working in the field next to a patch of watermelons and jump the fence to get one and eat it right there.
          I’ve picked a damn pile of them in my time too, just like a Mexican lol except I’m taller.

        31. When I was a kid I got up the nerve to ask a Black Guy if it was true, if he Did in fact like watermelon and fried chicken.
          He looked at me with that patient kind of “kid you’re a fukkin idiot, but I’ll try to help you” look that adults sometimes give and asked:
          “do YOU like fried chicken?” of course.
          “do YOU like watermelon?” of course.

        32. I do see “us” making excuses – every white man who commits a mass shooting is usually described as “mentally ill.” The only reason this one hasn’t been is “he was a BERNIE supporter!!!!”

        33. The President said what he said. It’s sad how Trump’s supporters have to spend so much of their time working around his actual words. ..

        34. The statements “mentally ill” and “he was a BERNIE supporter!” are clearly synonymous.

        35. Now I’m no news hound, but I’ll wager that no one promised to “ban islam” for 18 months OR days….

        36. Their side already banned thinking, if you don’t believe me just read more of Reince Pubis’ comments.

        37. He said what he said. Then, Guliani went on T.V. bragging that Trump asked him to find a way to “make it legal.” That’s why the judiciary keeps shooting it down.

        38. ^ you’ve got to kind of feel sorry for the poor kids who don’t know enough to actually have a conversation.

        39. Hush, I’m trying to masturbate to your avatar and you’re ruining it with all your talking.

        40. Yeah, you’re right. Verbally abusing trolls-for-hire is one of my guilty pleasures. I really ought to take up smoking or drinking instead – probably more productive in the long run.

        41. No.
          Temporarily ban Islamic immigration perhaps, but “banning Islam” simply cant be done.

        42. He promised to ban travel from 7 nations (I think?) where terrorism originated from. Which are the same nations that Obama did a travel ban on without anybody going ballistic. The Left has very selective memory and outrage. This Pubis is a clown of the lowest order.

        43. Thank you. I was unable to verbalize this. And yes, a First-Class Butt-Sniffer indeed.

        44. ? The fact that he was a bernbot clearly suggests that he had a mental illness doesn’t it ?

        45. Very little can be done to prevent mass shootings, other than a well armed populace or time travel to kill the inventors of gun powder. muslim terrorism on the other hand can be prevented by excluding such immigrants from countries with significant muslim populations as well as requiring the eating of bacon cheeseburgers as a condition of entry for all others.

      2. True HC. Think on that same day 2 attacks on American soil occurred, the second being in California. Then there was at least 2 automobile utilized incidents in the U.K. with drivers plowing through citizens and the attack on London Bridge. Using the color of the citizen is a diversion from the ideological differences of culturally different Muslims. To be clear any Muslim raised near Sharia Law or the region post 9/11 is likely to be Anti-American. Even more to your point, Islamic terrorists are likely to cause more localized damage on a large scale Post 9/11 than any other group.

        1. You sure that you are ok today? You’re saying a lot that I agree with.

        2. If you look at the terror attack map of Europe it is 100% in countries that are being flooded by Muslim immigrants. Same with spiked in rapes and crime. Poland and Hungary have had no terrorist attacks because they don’t allow in Muslims…”white terrorism” is rare…

    3. There is white terrorism but it pales in number and significance to Muslim terrorism.

      1. Yes. Violence in order to influence politics is the standard definition of terrorism. That it’s been expanded to include everything up to indecent exposure is ludicrous.

    1. Haha!! If you can stomach seeing those Fags for more than a minute, this clip is pretty spot on. Reminds me of the Terrence and Philips clips from South Park. I laughed. I cried. I hurled in my barf bag. Then I looked in the mirror and thanked God I actually care about myself and quality of life to not fall in line with that shit.

      1. I watched a few clips after Berkley and it appears they get their asses kicked no matter where they appear.

        1. Are there any tv shows geared towards the family anymore? Mom,Dad, the kids all watched together? I had Family Ties, Cosby Show, Growing Pains, Full House, that show with Steve Erkel

        2. I hear that Last Man Standing was. The Middle is/was as well.

        3. Last Man may return on CMT. I think it was on at 9 or 930pm, not exactly prime time for the family, that was always 8-9pm…

        4. the beginning of the end of pro-family comedy……..
          A few years back I binged the ENTIRETY of The Waltons and really rather enjoyed it!

        5. The Andy Griffith Show greatest show ever still comes on. The black and white ones anyway, the color ones kind of suck.

  4. No love for the SKS? lol
    The only thing that kept that situation from being much worse (aside from the shooters poor Marxismship) was that Scalise had an armed detail from the Capital Hill Policeforce with him. Had that been someone who could halfass shoot and knew his weapon there would have been a lot of bodies.
    PS- I borrowed Marxmanship from
    JustARationalGuy, thanks dude that was brilliant.

  5. My 2 cents on this subject:
    1. The SKS is actually a pretty neat rifle and I highly recommend it. It is extremely overbuilt and rugged as well as dead-nuts accurate out to 300 yards. It fires a potent intermediate caliber round and is more accurate and sometimes more ergonomic than an AK. Source: I own a Norinco SKS and it gives both of my ARs and my G3 a run for their money. You could do far worse if you’re looking for a SHTF gun. To build one these days, they would run about $1000 at retail. They’re only cheap due to surplus. The fact that this Bernout couldn’t hit anyone with it speaks to his own incredible incompetence.
    2. It’s very interesting how the left is reacting to these new, non-traditional terror attacks. More interesting is the way the right is reacting. When this attack happened, they completely pushed aside their usual gun control crap. They know we won’t buy it anymore.
    Next, have you guys noticed how the media and people are reacting to the Finsbury van driver hitting Muslims in the UK? The media and leftists immediately decried it as terrorism but are being called out due to their immense bias, as it takes them days to call Islamic attacks terrorism. In addition, I visited an Aussie news site for a second opinion and they all essentially said that the Muslims deserved it and should be deported. I wasn’t expecting that.

    1. More interesting how the right reacted – they finally found a shooting they cared about, and it wasn’t even committed by a Muslim.

    2. If you like the SKS, I have a story that will break your heart. After we got to Baghdad in 2003, we found a few crates of brand new SKS rifles in their factory packaging. Never fired, still in the plastic with the factory lubricant on them. Beautiful rifles. We got to play around with them for a while and then the order came down that we had to collect them. They had us lay them against a curb and had and Amtrac run over them to crush them. What a fucking waste! Ahh well, got some good pics of my buddies and I screwing around with them first.

      1. That’s terrible.
        I recently saw something about some Rebels in Syria finding a cache of MP 44s along with ammo and using them.

        1. Supposedly, that’s why we had to destroy them – to prevent them from falling into enemy hands. I don’t think any Marine who had his hands on one was going to let some haji have it back!

        2. I don’t, unfortunately. I was not there to see the crates opened, and wasn’t really concerned with it at the time.

      2. That’s just awful. Used to be, American soldiers could take home war spoils. That this has been officially made forbidden and stopped really pisses me off.

        1. yeah – LOOT is one of the most ancient, revered motivations for going to war in the first place! Take that away and whaddaya got?
          To wit:

        2. Not only was it forbidden, we were ordered to shake down our Marines several times, and if they were found with weapons, they were supposed to be given NJP, or worse, depending on the offense. Now, to be fair, there was some retarded shit that went down. I recall a couple of retards playing football with a live unexploded ICM bomblet that went off and seriously injured them. But I also saw Marines get fucked because they tried to sneak some rusty non-functioning Russian pistol home. Completely retarded. Especially since none of these weapons are illegal back home.

        3. It actually is dehumanizing to the foot soldiers. A guy kills a Kraut officer and then takes the Luger off of the dead body and sends it back home, he always has that as a memento and something to place above the hearth in pride. Saying “Nope, no loot for you” is just saying “Hey, your life experiences mean nothing to us, go out and either fight or die, that’s your entire value to this military”. Looting the enemy is a timeless tradition that we’ve opted out of for no good reason that I can see. If I kill a Jap, I want to take his samurai sword that belonged to his family as my trophy.

        4. It is one of my most favorite movies of all time. HIGHLY recommended.

        5. It’s a fantastic movie all around. Just so many levels of awesome.

        6. One of the few movies, The Dirty Dozen being another, than if I catch a minute of, I will stop whatever I am doing to watch the rest. Giving up cable has curtailed this, but back in the days when I could still flip channels, I wasted I don’t know how many weekend days watching this movie again.
          But I should knock it off with all them negative waves…..

        7. To be fair, we weren’t prohibited from bringing back everything – just weapons. Honestly, I think it was driven by cowardice in the senior officer corps about having to answer up if some dude with PTSD went out and shot up someone with a looted SKS a few years later. Nevermind that this never happens. Believe it or not, I was actually ordered to cross the LOD into Iraq in condition 3 because our command was worried about negligent discharges. Think about how retarded that is for a minute – going into combat, they were more focused on us shooting each other than on us shooting the enemy. I never passed that order on to my Marines, and magically we didn’t kill each other in a flurry of stupidity.
          So against that kind of risk-averse backdrop, it’s easy to understand dumb orders like this, no matter how stupid they are.

        8. “..ordered to cross the LOD into Iraq in condition 3 because our command was worried about negligent discharges.”
          Jesus tap dancing Christ.

        9. Bro, I have so many stories…
          Occasionally over the years, I have discussed with people on here about whether I would encourage my son to join the military. I have often said yes, but would advise him to do it for himself, not for his country, and largely because of the PC horseshit I witnessed firsthand.
          But as a few of my friends have stayed in and given me the updated gouge, it is getting harder and harder to even advise that. A buddy of mine just went through the Commander’s Course in preparation to pick up a Battalion. They had a segment on transgender acceptance that he said was basically a bunch of imbeciles berating them about what bigots they were if they found anything wrong with it.
          This shit will get people killed.

        10. but isnt this the point? getting people killed, weakening the military from within? end game for them is still global goverance…much easier with a joke of a military(or having the best of the best endlessly being redeployed overseas)

        11. didja know common core guidelines called for less recess for the kiddies? entirely too many kids uner 18 have the fitness level of a SIXTY YEAR OLD. total coincidence, weaker, fatter, dumber…IF I can find the article Ill post it

        12. Well, I completely agree that all of this horseshit is just a leftist attempt to undermine what is one of the few fundamentally masculine institutions remaining.
          That said, I don’t think the average retard who thinks this shit is awesome because “yay, diversity!” has any foresight about how dumb this stuff is. Yesterday, I mentioned a conversation I had with one of my wife’s idiot friends about women in combat. When I made the remark about her son coming home in a flag draped coffin, I could tell by the look on her face that she had never even considered that. The other part of the conversation I didn’t mention was that, my wife’s other friend was in the room, and she has a daughter. So I also chided this dumb bitch about how “brave” she was to send other women’s daughters off to die for her naive ideals so that she could feel morally superior. That drew some raised eyebrows from my wife’s other friend who obviously got the point, and was really the nail in the coffin for that discussion.

        13. That doesn’t surprise me although it makes me shake my head in disgust. I have no idea why parents put their children into public schools. Oh wait. Probably because most parents have devolved into Third World liberal idiots…sheesh.

        14. I would believe you. I was at a kids birthday party about 2 years ago and an active duty major (O4) was there and we had a few words. He was retiring and hitting the door as fast as he could. This was right after the faggots were openly allowed in. He mentioned the military will be unrecognizeable in 20 years and most officers he knew were looking to leave.
          “This shit will get people killed.”
          Yes it will. I am also disgusted with that fact that it will be other peoples kids getting mauled in order for a bunch of old leftist cunts to virtue signal and support a false ideology. It won’t be mine though.

        15. The bullshit assumptions regarding adult military men are absurd at this point.

        16. Good friend of mine was in the Navy, told me a classic “military intelligence” story. When he was in boot camp, there were two different kinds of winter coats — one style for the males, and one style for the females. The male style was the classic Navy “pea coat” that was seen as more prestigious and official, and it was thicker and more warm. The female winter coat wasn’t a pea coat and it was thinner and shorter. The females complained — not about it being thicker, but about it being more prestigious — it was unfair that they didn’t get to wear the “official” Navy style pea coat.
          Three days before he graduated boot, every trainee had to turn in their winter coats and they were all issued what were basically raincoats. He said his drill instructor was furious, red-faced and spitting mad, because he knew this was screwing the future enlistees who would be coming in the dead of winter when it was really cold, and they wouldn’t have a winter coat.
          Turns out that command had gotten word that there was a problem with the coats and that there were accusations of sexism. So they decided they would solve the problem by making both sexes wear the same coat. When it can time to decide which coat, they just picked the cheapest one they had ample supplies of already sitting in storage… which was essentially just a lightly padded raincoat.
          So, even though all the guys (and girls) had perfectly fine, brand new, warm and nice winter coats, they had to get rid of them all to get new, shorter, thinner, less warm raincoats… just to appease the chicks, who didn’t end up getting their stupid pea coats anyway.
          He told me that the change lasted about six months, right through the cold part of the winter, until somebody finally realized that enlistees needed actual winter coats in the winter. Of course, by the time they realized this and made the recruits turn in their raincoats for new unisex winter coasts… it was spring, right in the middle of the rainy season.

    3. Sks accurate to 300 yards?
      Sir! I’m not calling you a liar, but that might not be true.
      I will not say its a terrible gun.

    4. I’ve owned and shot an SKS many, many times. The only thing it was accurate at out to 300 yards was “hitting random objects that you were not even vaguely aiming at”.

      1. Haha perhaps I got a fantastic example but mine shocks me every time. Careful you don’t get one that’s shot out, I know that some have bad barrels. That would produce the results you describe.

      2. I never tried shooting at anything that far away with mine but, I bet I could scare the hell out of somebody with it at that range though.

      3. A good friend of mine has a very serious gun collecting habit. He has this theory that, in manufacturing weapons, there is always some small number in any large batch that comes out bad. Even the most vaunted of gun brands will sometimes turn out a lemon.
        The opposite can be true. A gun brand that is renowned for being badly manufactured can, every once in a blue moon, turn out an individual weapon that is dead straight and true.
        It’s a rare and mystical thing, but he believes it is why, no matter how bad a particular gun’s reputation is, you will always find a handful of guys that absolutely swear by that weapon.

        1. That is absolutely correct. In process (manufacturing) engineering we refer to the phenomenon as tolerance stack up. It happens in electric motors, internal combustion engines, firearms or any other piece of machinery that relies on tight tolerances to function properly. It you have 5 parts that must meet a tolerance of +/- 0.005″ each and they all come out +0.005, you now have a cumulative error of 0.025″ and the final product probably won’t meet spec. When all of the tolerances on a gun are at the extreme limit one way or the other, that firearm may be so sloppy it’s inaccurate or so “tight” it’s unreliable (failure to feed, failure to eject, etc.). OTH, if all to the tolerances are just about dead on, that firearm will probably be very accurate and reliable no matter that it’s a low end weapon designed for mass production. Having owned a couple of SKS rifles over the years, I can say they aren’t a bad weapon. I wouldn’t want a competent rifleman shooting at me with one from 75 yards.

        2. Precision is patriarchal bigotry.

        3. That sounds fundamentally logical and correct. I’ve shot a lot of SKS’s over the years and while I don’t mind it as a short range combat arm in a *pinch*, I’m not going to be making it a weapon of choice, assuming that I have a choice.

      4. Probably why the the North Vietnamese gave the Viet Cong those rather than their AK variants. Why give the quality weapons to untrained black pajama idiots.

        1. thats what they used on the French wasnt it? before they got the AK’s?

    5. I can believe the SKS is a great rifle in real life, went on a 10 kill rampage in the game Insurgency a few days ago with that gun,

      1. Insurgency is a seriously underrated vidya game. You have good taste.
        I’d be lying if I said half the reason I own that rifle isn’t because I slayed people with it in BF3….

  6. They really just need to track everyone down who has those glasses frames with the slightly red tinted glasses and arrest them on spec. There is no one who wears those classes who isn’t about to kill people in strange ways. I mean Christ, this guy is a members only jacket away from being an antagonist on criminal minds.

    1. I had some glasses kind of like that in 1993, however I haven’t had a Members Only since the eighties.

      1. The glasses were fine in 93 and the members only was fine in the 80;s but if you still are wearing both you are a murderer and most likely collect trophies of victims.

        1. I always wondered how they kept those ears from smelling after a while. I guess the inside pocket of a Members Only could be handy for something after all.

        2. And all this time I thought it was follow the yellow pricked toad. I looked and looked during the movie and never could see that damned toad or his prick…

        1. WRONG!
          It had a front window and a window for driver and passenger! And back windows!
          So there!

        2. right, and once those stoners grow up I would bet most of them are pedophiles.

    2. True, except that — much like Law & Order, CSI, etc. — the antagonist on Criminal Minds is always a Republican.

  7. Fat boomer ,loser idiot this guy . Heard he was a foster parent but was a drunk monster. Some foster kid later LIT HERSELF ON FIRE (self immolation ) while under his foster care..

  8. If this guy wasn’t a typical Prog – incompetent at everything in life – a lot of Senators and Congressmen would be dead. The SKS might not be that great, but no way does a competent shooter miss that many shots from 75 yards. I wonder if that’s the first time he fired it, or any gun for that matter. He has to be the worst shot in the world.
    During and ambush at 75 yards? There should be no missing – and any .30 cal round zipping along at 2,400 ft/sec is going to be fatal is properly placed.

  9. Great article luke.

    Those people calling for open war between left and right better be very careful.
    Its not a thing they should want

    1. The right would win so quickly anyway. A lot more people who actually utilize their 2nd amendment rights and would be a much better aim.

        1. Imagine how quick the stab-a-thon in London could have been stopped if even just 1 or 2 percent of the British population had concealed carry…. Hell even if the assailants had guns themselves

        2. that was in no small part due to the continental army’s ability to turn feathers into macaroni using just a simple hat. Very few people know that the troops at valley forge lived on a diet of Italian food due to their other supplies being totally depleted and the magical feather to macaroni trick making it so they could eat ziti all winter long.

        3. Didn’t they also have a mule, packed with Yankee Strudels – I heard they were dandy…maybe that was Doodles, same thing, I think.

        4. once the Yankee Doodles ran out they were forced to exist solely on macaroni made from feathers.

        5. I’ll be damned. You learn something new every day, don’t you. It’s a miracle they survived. Weren’t they stumbling around Valley Forge, wearing rags on their feet. Ziti and rags. Those dudes were some tough hombres…

        6. I think it’s illegal to carry a pocket knife there much less defend yourself, they are to accept their murder.

        7. Nah, they will eat it…they just will improperly cook it and coat it in terrible sauce

        8. The kinds of things WASPS do to pasta shouldn’t be done to a dog.

        9. It’s funny how many people in this day and age would actually believe that.

        10. The truth is actually more interesting. English aristocrats at the time were fond of travel which was expensive and relegated to the uber wealthy. One place people liked to travel was Italy. A style of dress amongst well to do “fancy pants” English was called “macaroni” and it was quite flamboyant.
          The song Yankee Doodle Dandy was an insult to American hicks who would “stick a feather in their had and call it macaroni” no different than saying you would put a pocket square in your motocycle jacket and call it high fashion .

        11. Are you suggesting that one should not put a pocket square in his motorcycle jacket?

        12. I was suggesting he shouldn’t wear a motorcycle jacket 🙂

        13. So I’m — er, I mean he is good with a pocket square in his Member’s Only jacket?

        14. The truth is always more interesting.
          Another is the origin, meaning, and use of Yankee.
          Jan kaas means john cheese.
          Dutchies used it as an insult to British, who then used it against “Americans”, who then made it prideful.

        15. Hey! Now you’ve gone from preaching to meddling! If you think I’m getting on my ‘Busa Killer without a motorcycle jacket sporting some pretty serious armor, think again. And pocket square or no pocket square, that get up got me some pretty serious play from a twenty something hottie at the counter when I bought gas the other night, so I dunno… Of course having that bike didn’t hurt either. I guess their standards are lower out heah in hick-ville than they are in NYC, so I’m keeping the fúckin’ jacket. 😉

        16. Absolutely unfúcking believable! I rode it in this morning and one of fellow motorcyclists pulled in when I did. I asked him if he’d seen my “chicken strips” lately, so he checked my back tire and said “I don’t see any!” I said, “I haven’t seen them for a while either.” Ha! For a 1400cc beast I cannot believe the way that bike handles. I’m sure those Bridgestone Battle Axe tires don’t hurt; I’m using every bit of them and not evening hanging off! This bike is literally a dream come true. I’ll try to get a pic posted so you can have a look. She’s your kinda girl, sleek, fast and dangerous…

        17. Kneeman, I highly recommend it. There’s only one thing better, but it’s hamster powered and I wouldn’t try to ride one from here to Kansas City, lol!

        18. too much bike for me. I just don’t have the experience. I barely could handle my R1. When I crashed it I was going less than 10 mph lol but that’s how it is with race bikes, total lack of stability until you hit at least 80.

        19. I completely understand. It’s not for everyone and I have the advantage of being in a rural area with relatively little traffic by comparison. I can’t even imagine being trapped on the Van Wyck at rush hour on bike. I’d lose my shít and take off lane splitting. Then somebody’d get píssed and open a door in front of me, lol!

        20. I used to lane split the Long Island Expressway all the way. I would make it from Manhattan to Montauk in about 2 hours. When I would get off the bike I would have to unpry my hands they were so stiff. To be honest I never should have got so much bike in the first place. I didn’t grow up driving. I drove a couple times on vacation, did a training class with a 250 and then bought my first bike, an R1 all at the age of fucking 40.

        21. Wow! Yeah an R1 for your first bike was definitely learning to swim right after you jumped in the deep end of the pool! I’m glad you’re still with us; that could have turned out a lot worse than it did. I recommend that new riders start out on something small. There’s a 250 Ninja, but I’m more in favor of having them learn on a dual sport (what we used to call an Enduro) first. They are light, nimble, more forgiving, get unbelievable gas mileage and will go places no street bike (or cop) can. There are a lot of cool videos on youtube of “hooligans” riding them and Supermotos (essentially dual sports with street tires) up and down stairs, through traffic, you name it and it’s a hoot. Usually the cops can’t catch them but try anyway, lol! I just sold my KLR-650 which is a mid sized dual sport and already miss it. My Z-1000 is up or sale too, so I may offer a trade option for a dual sport in the 250 – 400 class. Man! See what you did? You got me thinking…I’m gonna blame this next bike on you! 😉

        22. If I get another bike it will be a triumph Bonneville T100 McQueen edition which runs 860 CC I think but doesn’t have the race feel

        23. Oh that’s a sweet retro bike! I really like the oil cooler and the Keihin fuel injection set up that looks like vintage carbs. At about 67 HP it will be a lot more tractable than the R1 but still have enough power to get you out of a tight spot. Put some solid dual sport tires on it like Heidenau K60 Scouts and you’ve got a winner for weekend riding in the country on gravel too. Good choice and you won’t have to worry about every swinging dick having one either!

        24. pretty much my thoughts exactly except for the gravel. I will take it out to the beach in the summer and also would consider driving it around in a suit. 8500 for a 2012 isn’t terrible. Not this summer, but possibly next.

        25. Yes, quite so, well aware of the history of it. I’m just assuming that 99.99% of the people under the age of 40 are not, in fact, aware.

        26. isnt the Bonnie a 500 or 650? the Trophy or Trident has the larger engine i think?

        27. (I say this knowing I could be wrong and will look it up). I believe the Bonnie is generally a 650 but the 2012 T100 they made to celebrate Steve McQueen’s anniversary or some shit (and which looks like his bike from the great escape) was given a few feature boosts including an 800+
          That said, when I get to a desktop I will look up official stats. I could totally be wrong on this)

        28. ahhh i gotcha now, i didnt know about the anniversary edition, thought you meant vintage.

        29. I love vintage stuff in theory but really don’t have the space or time to do the upkeep that keeping a vintage bike or car requires

  10. The Left is so freaking dishonest that it’s pointless to even try to engage them any longer. Their immediate spin on this is “It’s just that political rhetoric has become so course” and trying to spread the blame to “everybody” instead of their own sneering, snarling approach to politics. Some even blamed Trump, which is bizarre on so many levels. This Leftwing nutbar was doing exactly what many on the Left call for every day, openly, not even in hiding, which is “Kill Republicans!” These people think that they’re “revolutionaries” and thus justify this shit as morally okie dokie. The minute one of them does something though and they go into “Well, really, it’s something everybody played a part in”. Boy howdy, I don’t recall hearing that about McVeigh at all, that was “Right wing terruh!” 24/7, not “You know, the political rhetoric is just so course, it’s everybody’s fault”.
    These are disingenuous people and they don’t have an honest bone in their bodies. It’s no mistake that every bloody, violent and pointless “revolution” since the 1800’s has always come from these people.

    1. What you state is true, but it’s getting boring listening to mostly well off white people in the I95 corridor and the left coast huff-and-puff about their paid whore not becomeing POTUS.
      Trump should call for a 5 million man armed march to DC. The optics of streams of armed men coming to the US capitol would have the world shitting itself.

      1. That *almost* happened in real life, back in 2012. With all the “ban guns!” bullshit right after the CN shooting, there were serious discussions going on about an armed, locked and loaded, march on D.C. That entire event, had it not de-escalated due to armed protests across the nation, would have seen the Capitol in flames.

        1. You and I know those discussions were heard loud and clear.
          That’s why they won’t actually try to ban many guns.
          Instead, they put it in piece by piece in the states people allow it and go with population replacement in the rest of places.
          They have to play it slow and long because they know a hard action taken now or soon would end badly for them.

    2. The left is definitely dishonest but I think it’s more like they’re delusional to the point where they truly believe what they are saying. You can destroy all of their arguments and they will just blink and accuse you of being a ____, or a ____, or a ____ (take your pick, fill in the blank), or whatever the trendy disparaging label of the day actually is. It’s a frightening situation.

      1. “Trendy disparaging label of the day”……. I like that.

      2. They are fundamentally religious, they just don’t know it. And I don’t mean religious in a positive way, I mean rather in the most poisonous, awful way that religious fanatics have acted throughout history. Same people, different “god”.

        1. Yes you are right. Christianity is moribund.* Weak people are scrambling frantically to find some meaning in their lives and left-wing causes have a strong appeal to these people.
          * I think that Vox Day is calling for people to get back into the churches. Here in GB Jesus will soon go the way of Zeus.

    3. The Internet will be to us what the lead water pipes were to the Romans. I can remember a time when fanatics and nutters of all stripes were isolated from poisoning the wells of public discourse as there was no Internet and no mobile phones to blow things way out of proportion. Today every deranged person can virtual signal to their heart’s content and stir up trouble at a moment’s notice thanks to the Internet.
      Here is a good example of this. The day after the Scottish Independence referendum failed pro-union supporters arranged via FB to have a pleasant meet up in George Square in Glasgow for an impromptu good-natured celebration, somewhat like Roosh’s RoK meet ups. No trouble was intended. However thanks to the Internet pro independence supporters got to hear of this meeting and they turned up mob-handed itching for a fight. The pro-union supporters seeing that they were outnumbered started calling their friends to come down and things started getting out of hand. The police turned up in large numbers, a traffic diversion was set-up and nobody was allowed to enter or leave the square and many arrests were made. This couldn’t of gotten so big and so out-of-hand in the pre-Internet days. The Internet has given all types of groups the ability to organise and stir up s**t at a moment’s notice. This is very dangerous for the stability of our society.

      1. He stands out like a sore thumb once he starts defending the honor of sluts…

    1. Really off topic:
      I remember watching this funny video when I was 10 years old! I finally found it!

  11. In financial trouble, separated from wife. Instead of selling everything, getting a small room and moving on, he decides to go out and suicide in a blaze of warped glory. Go out and “Hodge” yourself. Another nut job gone, pure Darwin.

  12. I’d have expected this from a Shrillary-bot, not a Sanders supporter. Sanders’ record on the 2nd Amendment is pretty good, and he was the only one of the major candidates to really care about the working class. Trump was mostly talk and Mrs C. detested the working class (calling it deplorable, racist blah blah blah). I voted for Trump, but only because (((Debbie WS))), Podesta etc screwed Sanders out of the nomination.

    1. Libertards love sanders for the benefits. Only reason he became a senator was because the locals wanted him to stop fucking up Vermont (lol).

    2. Sanders panders to the MOOCHING class, not the working class. He’s perfectly happy piling on tax after tax and regulation after regulation that directly and indirectly destroys working class income.

    1. He looks like a fat, old, lazy piece of sh*t who feels entitles to “gibs muh” from hard working people who made something of themselves.
      He is the epitome of everything that is wrong with this country. A grubby lump of crap who feels that a living and a comfortable life is owed to him. People like this should be left to starve and die, and their rotting corpses stinking to high heaven. Want health care and security later in life???
      Work your ass off when you are younger. Get good grades in school, get a meaningful degree, break your ass and earn a high income! Want to be a fat, lazy, complaining, pot smoking, beer drinking f*ck???
      Then starve and die!
      That’s what I say about this a-hole and anyone like him!
      I like beer. Especially Pabst Blue Ribbon.

  13. It’s very hard for me to feel any sympathy at all for either side right now. Most of the political class need to be physically removed from society, but it is amusing in a way that leftist did what the left has been accusing ‘right wing’ militia groups for years. The story can’t get any better than that.

  14. A follower of his mentor/idol L. BRONSTEIN a.k.a. Trotsky, the biggest mass murderer of Russian Orthodox Christian ?? So ?? Are you people surprised ?? At his actions ??

  15. Regrettably, but predictably, there are those who relish the opportunity to make political hay out of this tragic incident. This sad excuse for a person in no way represents or typifies those of us who think Bernie Sanders (a man who’s been fighting the good fight on behalf of regular working people (unlike most of his congressional colleagues, who’ve been doing the bidding of powerful and wealthy special interests and running this country into the ground) for decades) is the cat’s pajamas.

  16. SKS isn’t bad. Not amazing, but no reason a trained shooter can’t hit someone at a couple hundred meters, and the power is decent enough to do the job at that range. It’s plenty accurate enough for center mass hits at that range.
    Of course, any gun sucks if someone is untrained in it’s use, which sounds like the case here.

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