It’s now been over a week since the most glorious victory ever recorded in the war against rapacious globalism and lunatic Cultural Marxism—the election of Donald Trump to the Presidency of the United States. Like many of you, I was outside with my fellow tribesmen (the same tribe our opponents tried to shut down in February) until about 4 A.M. on Election Day. As you may expect, it was a joyous occasion that I’ll never forget.
Yet, as I remarked at the time, while this was a glorious victory, a decisive one that ended the campaign, the war would continue. I had hoped to be as magnanimous as possible in victory, to finally bridge some divides and begin to move past the insanity we’ve been dealing with that’s accelerated in the past few years. However, as has quickly become apparent, the Cultural Marxists, SJW’s, and their globalist overlords have no intention of coming to terms or engaging in meaningful self-reflection anytime soon. Instead, they’re doubling down on everything that voters resoundingly rejected on November 8th.
Predictably, there have been “protests” and some riots. Incidents of violence on the left have taken place and gone underreported. Just as predictably, most of these “protests” are professionally organized, with George Soros likely pulling at least a few of the strings. Learning nothing, the regressive leftists taking to the streets, complete with their Year Zero pathology, think themselves morally justified in blocking streets and attacking people, because they’re on a mission to purify society. Anything that stands in the way of that mission can be justly eliminated.
I came across one of these “protests” a few days ago. It was generic and small, basic bitch shit, really. But recall that these are merely the peons in the army of their overlords. Their intensity will dissipate with time. The safety-pin wearing, safe-space occupying, neon-haired freaks aren’t the ones to take note of on the grand strategic map. The bigger picture to focus on is the drive toward increased censorship in the past few days.
The recent counteroffensive began with the uproar over Donald Trump’s selection of Steve Bannon to be his chief White House strategist. The media and its acolytes on social media went into another coordinated attack, lambasting Bannon and Breitbart, which he ran, as having connections to the “alt-right,” which in turn, they say, is “associated with white nationalism.” To reinforce this pairing, the media ran with a couple of the most controversial Breitbart headlines.
If you recognize this tactic, it’s because the media A/B tested this against Roosh in February. They took the “How to Stop Rape” headline, said that it proved that Roosh was “pro-rape,” and then repeated endlessly.
This is actually a sort of hypnosis trick and was certainly done deliberately. Scott Adams calls this word-thinking:
Rational People: Use data and reason to arrive at truth. (This group is mostly imaginary.)
Word-Thinkers: Use labels, word definitions, and analogies to create the illusion of rational thinking. This group is 99% of the world.
Persuaders: Use simplicity, repetition, emotion, habit, aspirations, visual communication, and other tools of persuasion to program other people and themselves. This group is about 1% of the population and effectively control the word-thinkers of the world.
He further describes the phenomenon of word-thinking:
Word-thinking is important to persuasion because if you can convince someone to accept a label on an opponent, it turns off their critical thought and turns on their confirmation bias. Nuance is lost. Context is lost. All that matters once the label is accepted is whatever qualities the label already contained.
And this is what the media is doing. They did it with Roosh and are now doing their damndest to do it to Bannon, no doubt as one of the thousand paper cuts they hope to use to take President Trump down.
Because the term “alt-right” is relatively fresh, it’s vulnerable to being defined with the most ominous, dark terms possible, which is why the media is trying furiously to create as much connective tissue between it and “white nationalism” as possible. Remember, with word-thinking, nuance and context are lost.
And now that this first step has been achieved where it was meant to, the self-anointed moral cover for the more alarming stage of the counteroffensive is underway. Now that the ambiguous and ominous-sounding “alt-right” has been attempted to be extensively defined, the solution is obviously to crack down on it and anyone having to do with it (even if they really don’t). Given this pretext, the purges and censorship have begun, with numerous prominent Twitter accounts being suspended. Agree with these accounts or not (I often don’t), it should give you pause that this kind of blanket censorship is being implemented. If you’re just a little bit politically unorthodox, you’re now at heightened risk of being slapped with the “alt-right” label (even if you’re on record as not identifying with it) and banned from outlets of communication that are both vital for pushing your ideas forward and for promoting any business you have.
But banning individuals is only stage one. Stage two is the recent drive by Google, Facebook, Twitter, and others to censor what they call “fake news.” The media has been on a blitz against these “fake news” articles, completely unironically given that this is the same crowd that uncritically signal boosted the Rolling Stone rape hoax to the ends of the world, “fact checks” Donald Trump’s comment that Hillary Clinton “acid washed” her private email server, selectively edits clips to promote the narrative that their pets in “Black Lives Matter” are entirely peaceful when they aren’t, and fails to disclose contacts and relationships with officials of the Democratic National Committee while writing about the campaign.
While this drive deserves to be a subject of laughter, we must nevertheless still take it seriously. There have already been reports of shadow bans on Twitter with prominent figures such as Mike Cernovich and Scott Adams, and it’s far from out of the question that a blacklist of sorts gets put up for outlets such as Return Of Kings, which were crucial in taking control of the narrative during the campaign. All the while, the media continues to nitpick, inflate, and manufacture anything they can turn into a controversy about the incoming Trump administration. Narrative warfare is far from over.
What Can We Do?
Fortunately, we have a master persuader in Donald Trump to lead the way, but we at the grassroots, the grunts in the trenches, if you will, must continue our efforts.
First, we need to begin to de-hypnotize those that can be. Scott Adams had some thoughts on that, but here are the crucial points:
1. The basis of the hypnosis in recent days has been around pairing the terms “alt-right” and “fake news” with all sorts of bad things.
2. Take away that pairing and you’ve made significant inroads.
I’ve A/B tested this sort of thing numerous times. Remember Mike Cernovich’s maxim that “conflict is attention and attention is influence.” Here are a few pointers.
1. Just like with women, frame control is paramount. The inevitable tactic that they’ll try to use is to associate anyone opposed to them with the worst elements of their “side.” Fortunately, our opponents have arguably worse elements given their blanket of moral superiority and cultural influence. Refocus the frame on those. Make them own their own worst elements.
2. Appeal to vanity. Most people like to think of themselves as “rational.” Tell them that their word-thinking is literally shutting down their critical thinking skills. I did this with a girl after the first debate, explaining to her that because “the movie in her head pictured a ‘Mexican’ in a certain way,” her critical thinking skills turned off, and that what Trump said about “the Mexican judge” would be equally applicable to someone of another heritage like “German.” It’s a long story, but her face was a picture. Tell them that they’re seeing things not based on reality, but on the movies playing in their heads, triggered by a certain word. Then watch the cognitive dissonance come.
On the broader level, here’s what we can do:
1. Continue on as usual. Continue to make a cultural impact. Get those websites, books, movies, and so on out there. Echoing what one member of the forum said: “politics is air cover, culture is the ground war.” They can try to censor “fake news” all they want, but we are too numerous to control if we don’t cooperate. It’s now time to redouble our efforts.
2. Don’t talk to any aggrieved victimhood class on social media if they’re acting hostile to you. They’ll use any excuse to ban you. Law 36: Disdain Things You Cannot Have, Ignoring them is the Best Revenge.
3. Begin to build new networks. Gab is up and coming and is far more free speech friendly.
4. I will echo what many others have said on the forum. MAKE FUN OF THEM. They’re a prime target for humor. Believe me when I say most people are sick of the special snowflakes on the street as well as the media.
This is a time of great opportunity, but we need to readjust for the new moves our opponents are making. They’re doing everything they can to censor us and de-legitimize Trump. That’s the next focus of the campaign. We must de-legitimize them in turn.
But take heart that we’re now in the ascendant. Otherwise they wouldn’t be making these moves. I recall when I first visited Return Of Kings and the forum nearly four years ago, there was a general malaise in the atmosphere. Day after day, it seemed, we were suffering another defeat. No longer.
What a ride it’s been.
Read Next: 3 Reasons Why You Should Apply For A Job In The Trump Administration
“Trump started with [CNN chief] Jeff Zucker and said ‘I hate your network, everyone at CNN is a liar and you should be ashamed,’ ” the source said.
Trump should nationalize the media.
Either the governmental controls the media or the media controls the government.
The notion of a “free and independent press” is a myth: the press (the media) always has an agenda and is never impartial.
“Trump should nationalize the media.”
That’s stupid.
Thats something Biff Bannon would say
First chuckle of the day.
Thank you.
was this before or after he came out and publically said he would not be following up on Hillary because she had “been through enough”
I wonder if he will actually put a big sign that reads Snake Oil For Sale outside the oval office or if he will just count on it being assumed.
Trump may not personally do it, but his AG Jeff Sessions will and Trump would not get in the way.
We will see. I am fairly sure that the trump presidency will basically be a 4 year episode of dancing with the stars. He is the president that this country deserves for sure.
Just watched a video in the guardian wesite where Trump oulined his policies and it sounds pretty promising. Whether he will implement the fiscal ones, well, there’s the parliament to get through.
At the very least I think he will get most of Obamacare trashed and that will happen pretty quickly and be for the benefit of all. More likely than not there will be some pulling back on the Obama policies which have people facing really hard times…especially in coal business. Core, normal kind of stuff. I think people hoping for drastic cultural changes will be disappointed and in the end he won’t be too bad for anyone. The worst part of the whole thing (or best depending on your view point) is that the guy is such a fucking clown that it will pretty much nail up the coffin of people taking the American presidency seriously for now on. 4 years of this asshat and nothing too bad happening and people will realize that this isn’t a serious thing.
Cultural changes take donkeys to implement.
As to the clown comments, the MSM is giving this dude a viguros roasting every morning. There isn’t much he can do to combat them as any format of dialogue will be a futile exercise; his words ante going to be taken out of context by a “childish” media which have a clear cut agenda. He’s being made to look bad and even commicak to mental midgets possessed by the leftoid curse.
Therefore, isn’t the only solution for Trump to either shut down or assume control of the media?
Or possibly a third option: fund his own media (his Twitter page is sort of a modern day Fireside chat).
I don’t really watch the MSM and would suggest that people follow suit unless they find it entertaining. I have considered the MSM to be entertainment programing for over a decade. Trump isn’t a clown because of the media. He is a clown because he is a clown.
At leăst he’s not Clinton.
He should continue to game the media as he did throughout his campaign.
And let an alternative media of the right emerge…
I didn’t want Clinton either mostly because I was looking forward to the ashes and sackcloth that celebs are super libs would be donning in their misery. That said, I never really cared all that much which one of these people won. Either way it is a pretty clear signal that we are a thoroughly ridiculous nation./
I think even Hitler appeared deferential to Hindenberg. Hitler adopted a similar methodology: passionate orator and circumspect statesman. So choosing not to lock her up is really not so surprising. Not a perfect analogy but still.
Why in gods name would anyone want to look to Hitler for advice? When looking at role models a (mostly) closeted homosexual who beta effeminate habits who wound up shooting himself in the head after he had no hope of return from a grand scale colossal failure is not exactly where I would be looking for sensible policy.
How about ye old method of using the truth. Either Trump is right and Hillary’s email scandal is criminal and possibly treasonous which would require action regardless of if it came from a Sec of State or from a secretary to middle manager or Trump is wrong and there is no crime in which case he ought to apologize. There shouldn’t be an option where Trump says “yeah, she is guilty as hell of high treason but, ya know, lets just let this one slide”
Not advice. But if people think not following up on all his bombastic promises such as “locking her up” is proof of Trump being domesticated or neutered, it bears remembering that even Hitler (often held as the most intemperate of dictators) shed his fiery nature for level-headed diplomacy (from when he served along Hindenburg through the Munich Conference). Even Hitler wasn’t always a mad dog foaming at the mouth. Why would we expect Trump to be?
Actually I heard an old guy say something really funny to a couple of homos complaining about trump. Guy was maybe 70. He said “what are you two worried about. No president has ever kept a single campaign promise. It isn’t about to start happening now”
That said….there was either a very serious crime committed or not. Trump claims there was. So are we letting a criminal walk or are we admitting there was no crime?
incredible public speaker
I doubt he will pursue it.
He used her lack of integrity to realize a certain end. It was a means to that end. That end has been realized.
So….a bullshit artist
“did you bullshit last week?
Did you TRY to bullshit last week?”
Hitler was a failure.
where’s Frank Stallone when you need him?
this is a question that really needs to be asked more often.
where’s Frank Stallone when you need him??
Never needed him…..
However I do miss the ‘Stallone’s’ sandwich shops!
If you wanted chicken salad, you’d have to go in the alley and catch your lunch
DAMN! 2 for 2!
Dudes killin’ it today!
This isn’t really an argument lolknee. You’re better than this.
If someone brought an issue up and acted like he cared about it and that it was important just to achieve a selfish end and then once achieving that end drops the issue as Pabst suggests above then they are a bullshitter. It’s not an arument, just calling a spade a spade
In the end I don’t think Trump will do too much harm and might actually be helpful in some small ways.
That said, he is a dancing with the stars level buffoon and I don’t believe he gives a shit about any of the things he seemed very passionate about while selling a bill of services and a gallon of snake oil to an American public who felt marginalized enough to bite at just about any hook
“To eliminate your enemy, hit them in their sleep”. By giving them enough rope with which to hang themselves, or a poisoned chalice. Or in this case, a false sense of security.
He never publicly said that. According to a ‘Morning Joe’ TV personality an unnamed source said that Trump felt this way.
Trump should have pulled a Putin and made him sign a document … and then demanded his pen back:
There once was a Russian named Putin / For whom many people were rootin’ / Then along came Trump / Who defeated The Frump / And prevented a war, you’re darn tootin’!
“You ran around like cockroaches when I said I was coming.” — Vladimir Putin
We have an uphill battle ahead of us. They have the schools, the welfare system, the media, the globalist financial backing. However, we have one thing that is far more important….the truth. If you are able to talk to a liberal who is not a SJW on a personal level, you can do much to convince them of the truth. It is what it is.
The Left controls everything. Even things like science (climate change, etc) and the social sciences (human sexuality, psychology, etc).
Trump should nationalize the media.
Either the governmental controls the media or the media controls the government.
The notion of a “free and independent press” is a myth: the press (the media) always has an agenda and is never impartial.
Otherwise, Trump will be locking horns and butting heads with the media for 4 (or 8) straight years. They will distort and twist everything he says and does so as to smear him.
All the way back to William Randolph Hearts, yellow journalism, and the sinking of the USS Maine
I love those Leftist protestors (as outside the NPI conference) who think “Fascist” is an insult.
Not just no, HELL NO.
Our nation is based on a free press. That may be fine while we are in power, but power corrupts. What would it look like if the Socialists have power over the media?
That being said, I think we should be given more opportunity to sue for slander or intentional false reporting.
The concept of a free press was fine when people got their news from small local printing presses with a circulation of a few hundred or a few thousand.
It does not work with mass media with vested interests that push an agenda through omission, distortion, and outright lies.
I agree that most outlets are completely in the Socialist tank and are lying. We should be able to go after those in a court of law. There are conservative news outlets and some are quite good.
The courts are controlled by the Left as well. You can’t constrain yourself by playing by the rules when the whole game is rigged.
Right – I’d rather have 15 different media outlets pushing 15 different agendas than 1 outlet trumpeting one agenda, which happens to be the same one as the guys with all the guns and tanks.
But what you have is 15 different media outlets pushing 1 single agenda.
That is indeed a problem. So what we need are more outlets, instead of more concentration of the ones we have.
sounds like you advocate a parliamentary approach to the media
No, I suppose the free-market infotainment model works. What I advocate is a thinking, reasoning, discriminating public.
Ah so we need more “kitten stuck in tree” feel good news stories?
On a slow day sure!
But that really doesn’t speak to my comment.
More heart-warming stories of the retard who competes in the special olympics, thus proving that everyone has something to contribute after all?
just what we need: more stories about retards clearing hurdles lolz
Timmy never could quite grasp the idea that he was supposed to jump over the hurdles: he just barreled through them. Like a battering ram. But his smile was something to behold. It uplifted.
Nationalized media? Dude…seriously….are you ok? These last few weeks you seem to have lost touch with reality. We have spoken before, I know you aren’t this much of a moron. I sincerely hope everything is alright with you.
I think I smell a troll.
I don’t think so. For all his recent lunacy I know WP to be a person of intelligence and substance. My wondering about whether or not there are present issues at hand is sincere. Unless you mean me…in that case…yeah, I am absolutely a troll (but a loveable one….more like a scamp)
Oh I’m a real mensch alright 😀
I have found my epitaph: “A person of intelligence and substance … a real MENSCH”
fair enough…..Just don’t do the blue spikey hair like those early 90’s dolls.
We just had a major victory, I think it shows how powerless the liberal media really is. I am not impressed with Trump, other than his ability to stand up to the media. If anything, it shows that Soros, Clinton and company’s power is an illusion.
The fact that the media took a blow here was really the big win for everyone (well meaning democrats too even if they don’t understand it yet). I am in the camp that states that all power is an illusion. However, the more convincing the illusion the stronger the power. A body blow like this that makes the media show their hand as being totally absurd is really the #1 thing here….it is simply fantastic. It will force a rebuilding of the media which has been long in the coming.
Ol’ Blue Ribbon just seems to be a little fixated on (((certain people))) as the explanation for everything.
You’re not in any hurry to need an epitaph are you? hang in there!
late for an early grave
“I’m going to live forever or die trying!”
Exactly – The Emperor has no Clothes and we all saw his teeny junk.
“If I knew I was going to live this long, I’d have taken better care of myself.” – Mickey Mantle
Do you realise that every step he takes from now on will be branded as Hitler like and facist?
If he’s going to branded a fascist, he may as well earn the title.
Accepting the title of Facist is playing right into the hands of travel MSM. That will only grant them more credibility in the eyes of the average Joe whose media edu cation is based on years of propaganda (good or bad it’s up to the individual to decide) as well as their grandparents fighting in WW2.
This country already is fascist, with some dollops of socialism. we just dont have a strong man in a spiffy military uniform
I never understood why people bandied “fascist” around as an insult. It’s a third way, a beautiful alternative to capitalism and communism.
Because it has been turned into an insult. And facism hasn’t been adopted by many freedom loving individuals either.
Fuck freedom
Define freedom! Is that like a virgima.
Define Fuck!
The freedom to be a fag, to drink yourself stupid, to die with a needle in your arm.
The freedom to choose whether or not to do those things.
Show us where the hole is so we can fuck it properly!
and is it shaved or natural?
In a fascist society, people exist for the exaltation and glorification of the state. Their bodies belong to the state. Their bodies are but bricks in the national edifice.
I wouldn’t like the state to dictate to me. Cooperation can only happen so far before reaching a cross road
Nature dictates that you must eventually die. Why should man-made artifices (government) not make similar demands?
In Soviet Russia freedom fucks you.
Call me weird but I’ve never been crazy about facism.
Because I (personally) die a free man than live under constant dictatorship.
You’re weird!
hey… wait… umm…
Thanks m8
and that sucks.
literally Hitler.
There is no dealing with the media. This is the media that accuses Trump of being anti-Semitic when all of his grown children have married Jews and he counts his Jewish son-in-law as a trusted confidant.
oy vey !
Keep memeing..and make them offensive, outrageous and funny.
I saw Nora Odonell on CBS this morning saying ” we need to find out more about these fake news sites and what their agenda is”.
I’ve been thinking for some time now that CBS is fake news.
Is she hot?
Sort of, in a liberal needs a spanking way. She’s not in the same league as the smoking hotties on Fox though.
I only ask because a woman on TV really has nothing to offer but looks. I know your comment had something to do with some kind of noises coming out of her mouth, but none of that really matters right?
Right. The reason the the tv was on that channel
Is it’s the local affiliate and I wanted to watch the weather. The only reason I watch Fox News is for the scenery.
yeah, I have a thing for the news bunnies. They are right in my wheel house type wise. I would say that 80% of the dates I go on are with girls who could very easily make the transition to news bunny.
I like to pop it on when there’s just not enough URGENCY going on in the house…
And the scenery.
Tits McGee was a hot newslady.
I love the way you always get to the essence of the matter and put the whole conversation in context!
Man, that FOX NEWS ALERT! DOONNGGG! Sound gets on my last nerve lol
You mean like Outnumbered on Fox?
One word: dangling
You know what I mean 😉
A serious subject and it deservers a serious answer! But first….
I hate Leftist Whining with a passion! Every time I’ve heard Leftists and SJWs whining over the past few years I just *know* some new atrocity is coming down the shute:
1) Filthy perverts on parade simulating sex acts in front of my children, and the subsequent hours of calming my kids down with that look on their innocent faces and “Daddy why was that man dressed as a woman and what was he doing to that other man?”
2) Totally insane requests to use made up words, especially pronouns, instead of our beautiful language evolved over hundreds of years to express the finest thoughts of the greatest men ever written.
3) Insistent, agressive, just plain rude, demands from mentally unstable (or even mentally ill) people that I pretend various mental illnesses are not only acceptable but normal! Worse, that I call some dumb-shit, washed up, ex-athlete who mutilated himself and is clearly fucking insane a ‘hero’ or a ‘beautiful woman’ or some such other dumbfuckery.
4) Clearly absurd or ridiculous new laws that I cannot even begin to explain to my innocent children such as “why is that Man dressed as a woman using the women’s toilet daddy?”
I could go on, but you already know…
Oh, and btw, this is how I *know* Trump is doing some good! Every time SJWs shrilly whine about Trump I know he is proposing something insanely great that will bring back some sanity to our culture…
I suspect I’m not the only person who hates the filth they’ve inflicted on us, and I’d say Brexit and MAGA have proven that..
Which leads to how we win…
Humour – absolutely!
We need to show how fucking ridiculous all the crap they have come up with really is, how insane, how illogical, how irrational, and how fucking dangerous it is – especially to our children.
In the period they were winning, recently ended, SJWs demonised us – we were fascists, or rapists, or racists, or whatever emotionally charged bad word they wanted to fling around that week.
Time to do the same – *mercilessly* ridicule their bizarre and nutty beliefs, absolutely destroy their pseudo-arguments, and reclaim the ‘sensible, reasonable and socially agreed’ space with sanity.
Above all ridicule those insane fuckers! It’s amazing how their absurd ways of speaking become obviously and transparently absurd when you simply point out the absurdity and just laugh at them….
Especially for younger people, where bluster assumes the space that self-confidence should be, they will almost immediately drop opinions and belief systems that get the subjected to ridicule and social shame on a regular basis!
You win by claiming/reclaiming the space called ‘normal’.
Hillary Clinton claims “all love is equal”
The myth of equality is the most pernicious of the modern era. This basic tenet is at the heart of everything that is wrong with the world.
Of course! If everything is equal than you can prove anything.
Somehow the very sensible and just idea that all men should be treated equally in the eyes of the law was conflated to all men are equal. So some slackjaw moron, some aids infested faggot and me should all be charged with theft if we steal and we should be punished according to standard punishments…but the idea that those two are in any way equal in value to me in general is a fools game.
so how did it happen? Well, I have a guess. I feel that the number of fucking losers so far ought weighs the number of people with any fucking value. So when you say “hey all the morons and losers and hobos and faggots should all be seen as being just as great as all the successful men who are leading the world” it was a popular idea. The problem isn’t equality. The problem is that we have this dictatorship of the majority. The majority is almost always fucking wrong because the majority of people are fucking lazy idiots.
The intent was unequal people being treated equally before the law. What we have is “equal” people treated unequally before the law. If you or I get caught driving drunk or get into a drunken fight we’ll be thrown in jail but if a celebrity or star athlete does the same thing, he’ll be released, given a slap on the wrist, community service etc.
yeah, but the dictatorship of the proletariat wasn’t invented by the proletariat but the vanguard of the revolution, most of whom had very soft hands. Equality of opportunity became opportunity of outcome, because of marxism, or at least the revolutionary impulse to level the old order. Equality of outcome (however it happens to be bastardised in the moment) is something which is a common theme from the french revolution to gender quotas for the boardroom. The “proles” are susceptible to flattery but they’re not the ones who came up with the idea
I’ve no doubt that you are right about the origins…it is simply a fact. The real question is whether or not the beast got out of hand and now is self propagating which I believe it is. It seems to me that the vanguard has vanished and the whole system imploded and the popularity contest became the real marker. THat is why we have a ridiculous tv personality as president, why kardashians are wealthy and why people give a fuck what Kanye says. Power to the people was always a bad fucking idea. But it was slightly better when it was just a phrase. We are full moron now.
And full moron with morons who are convinced their moronic opinions are ‘equal’ to someone who actually understands the topic at hand…
No? lol
lol. God he was such an insufferable cunt. The Beatles remain, in my opinion, the most over rated mediocre pop band in history. I sat down about a year ago just out of curiosity and listened to the entire discography. There are about 11 good songs. Essentially though should have put out one decent album.
But what do you think about the Plastic Ono Band???
Over the years I’ve realised that the proliteriat wouldn’t have to rise against oppressors if they weren’t so prone to supression. A good proportion of the proliteriat will sell theit firstborn and freedoms for a chance of becoming part of the 1% club.
Well, it is like the old saying goes: Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one and most of them stink. The sheer number of conversations that go
Person 1: I am a world famous expert on xyz with a PhD and 30 years of experience. I have published dozens of peer reviewed articles, wrote 3 books on the topic and have dedicated my life to the careful study of this field and it is my opinion that ABC
Person 2: That’s bullshit
Person 1: Who are you
Person 2: oh just some guy
is frankly disturbing.
Such an average band
Frank Lee Disturbing
the Beatles and the whole counter-culture of the 60s is nothing less than weaponized anthropology.
Sounds like a conversation between Dr. Ruth and Dr. Phil.
a red pill a day keeps the doctors away.
Q. What do you call someone who is a bit proletariat?
A. A tad prole
true, but some was legit good music. The Who and Cream were great. The Butterfield Blues band was amazing. And I will always love bob Dylan. But the beatles just stunk
that is exactly what they were. Average musicians with mediocre lyrics and some decent harmonies. They had a handful of decent songs. Basically no better or worse than Hanson.
Are you saying that mmm bop doesn’t constitute a seminal cultural contribution?
But infinitely better than today’s pop music, that’s how low we’ve got.
The problem with today’s music is there is such a glut. I would imagine that you could find just as many good groups….the problem is that since everyone with a MacBook can produce an album we have a billion bands — most of which are junk. Because there is such a small percentage of good groups you would think that the age is filled with bad music, but I do believe that time will sort most of this shit out. Imagine if every shitty garage band in the 70’s could just upload their music to iTunes. Not much different really.
no…in fact I am saying that MMM Bop is an excellent pop song which is as good as anything the beatles ever put out
A Hard Day’s Night through Revolver is good, if not great. Overall, yes, extremely overrated.
ah shit he even capitalized the MMM!!!
One of these days I’m gonna take a walk through the old neighborhood, wearing jnco’s, listening to NOW that’s what I call music Vol 1 on a portable pansasonic discman, drinking a can of surge and smoking a big delicious joint
Yep. Or instead of YouTube, in their case, be on a TV show:
or have some other “gimmick” like the original Sofia Vergara:
Should have smoked Kratom instead of dope.
We can close this discussion now, Kratom was mentioned.
I love the monkeys!
All men are CREATED equal.
They just don’t stay that way!
sounds like your average debate!
but these ideas are supposed to be self-propagating arguably. There is always a vanguard, even if it may not be the same as a century ago. This is an article about winning a propaganda war. That’s the kind of theme that the left almost exclusively has concerned itself with, and arguably the result is that it has gradually pulled back from overt leadership e.g marxist intellectuals and the like (france being a probably exception) to more subtle forms of influence and thought leadership. People aren’t always easy to influence if your approach is pretty much: “I want to influence you; you should be influenced by me because….”
And please don’t dis Kanye in his time of need. He’s not nuts; he’s scared. My theory is that if he or his missus weren’t themselves responsible, then illuminati Jay Z arranged lovely Kim Kardashian’s terrifying ordeal to keep him in line.
PS – had to unupvote you, because I quite like the Donald
Yeah, this seems about right. As for Kanye…I think he is doing great.
don’t think many proles get to join the 1 percenters. Oddly your point mirrors 19th century radicals frustrations that the working class wanted to work the system – become aristans, rich peasants, farmers / kulaks – instead of overthrowing the ruling class. Now of course the radicals are the ruling class!
Q. What does a tad prole become when he grows up and has kids
A. A pepe
Do you think Jay Z is illuminati? Does he really have hitmen which are coming at Kanye’s mind?
I am not sure, but I can’t rule anything out. I mean, you think Yeezy is crazy but I just found out that Yeezy Jeezy and Weezy and three totally different rappers….there is more than meets the eye going on here.
Jay Z is definitely a freemason – there are pictures of him at masonic event – didn’t even look Prince Hall. Question is whether that means anything. Kanye probably thinks so.
The influence of drugs aside, the music industry does seem to be particularly rife with rumours about such things. It’s not beyond reason to think that powerful men, might organise to keep their bread and butter artists in line, particularly if they are not merely making money but are in the business of propagating ideas and symbols etc
My cousin is a free mason. It gets him out of the house for meetings where he drinks with his buddies and in the summer they do a golfing trip. He has three daughters and a wife. He stays as active as possible with as many groups as he can that involve him not being in the house.
I gotta be honest, I don’t really buy into the whole shadow powers behind the scene and their symbols and influence.
If you try to play, let’s say Dear Prudence, on a guitar, it’s actually quite complex, not just a bunch of cowboy chords. (I suspect Hanson would be the latter.)
I just looked up the chords for dear prudence. They are all major chords. It doesn’t look very difficult at all. The chords are D, D/C, D/B, D/A#, G/D, A/D It is pretty much novice guitar playing. mmmbop too is all major chords and quite easy to play. I can’t imagine anyone who has rudimentary guitar skills and a basic knowledge of major chords wouldn’t be able to learn how to play Dear Prudence in all of about 15 minutes.
Maybe that’s just what he tells you, because it’s all above your pay grade or whatever. Of course maybe he doesn’t know – tin-foil hat or not, the argument is typically that the organisation limits knowledge by degree. Equally why does it even need to be a single thing? There are countless different lodges after all.
Symbols etc. are certainly a powerful form of communicating messages, including subliminal, but the internet is awash with people searching endlessly for hidden meaning – that kind of power and influence can pretty much run itself
Maybe. For my part i think it is a club for guys who like getting away from their wives and they trade on a mythos to make money.
It may certainly be that for most. I don’t think it needs to be a single thing. But such a mythos may itself amount to the operation of power, and if they trade on it, they are operating it consciously. If one sets aside the possibility that Kanye has simply lost it, then it genuinely sounds as though he is scared of Jay-Z, perhaps as I say worrying that he was the guy behind the robbery (equally he could be trying to misdirect blame from himself or Kiim). If he is genuinely scared as described, in a sense Jay Z’s power doesn’t depend on him actually having ‘hitmen’ or engaging in ritual sacrifice or whatever: the mythos may be sufficient in itself for the wielding of power
“The problem is that we have this dictatorship of the majority. The majority is almost always fucking wrong because the majority of people are fucking lazy idiots.”
^^ THIS ^^
On stilts. Combine that most of them actively avoid the consequences of their choices/ decisions when it all falls apart they start seeking scapesgoats to keep from ever changing their behavior. Their “problems” quickly become a “community or social problem” to be loaded on to the backs of others. Eventually when this cancer metastases through the nation the downward spiral (eg. Europe) becomes a free fall (eg. Venzuela) and those with any wealth or skill sets flee.
Wrong, they are not all major chords.
That D/C, D/B, D/A# sequence is basically playing a D chord along with a descending bass line.
D/C means D over C and so is a mixture of two major chords at once, not novice stuff.
EDIT: I’m probably wrong about the ‘mixture of chords’. I guess it’s a slash chord:
I mean maybe. He also could be mocking Jay Z with this. He could also be more afraid about how Jay Z’s influence over the music industry with his own near billion dollar empire might effect him. Eminem wrote a song about how he was a fucked up at a time and almost went after Kanye and how bad of an idea that would have been. Kanye could have been talking about disenfranchising Jay Z fans and causing a rift that he would almost surely lose to the more popular entertainer. Kanye could be totally fucking nuts. Kanye could (here is the one I believe) be talking in a bombastic way in order to make the world of rap, his place and Jay Z’s place in that world and celebrity in general seem as if it is far more important than it really is. What I don’t buy is that a bunch of people in some masonic town hall are working out a grand plan for all of this.
The Doors…
I understand what it is. It simply isn’t that tricky. You want a tricky chord scheme, take a look at Africa by Toto. Playing a D chord with a descending bassline isn’t something to get gaga over. I mean, they just aren’t particularly special musicians. They are competent professional musicians with mediocre lyrics and decent harmonies. Nothing more.
damn straight.
The doors were just awful.
I think that is the first things I’ve ever disagreed with you on… must be a leftover from my earliest hippy programming…
Well, they had a few tricks. I thought this was interesting, “out of 186 Beatles compositions only 22 remain in key”:
Songwriting Tricks of the Beatles
This whole thing might well be about power play. Kim’s robbery is thought by the police to have been an inside job, which most obviously implicates Kanye or Kim. I don’t know how hard and fast that is. If it doesn’t implicate them, it might implicate their security, or the hotel etc, but it’s not beyond the realm of possibility that it might be ‘inside’ in another way. I don’t want to pursue that because it is purely speculative, and potentially irresponsibly so. The only evidence here is Kanye’s speech and behaviour, which we would probably agree, is somewhat odd. I don’t consider impossible that he might be genuinely scared of Jay Z and his influence. There could be a developing music feud going on or something – I don’t know. There is clearly a context. That appears to be partly about a rumour he appears to believe in that Beyonce would only appear at some venue if she was given an award (that on account of that did not go to him). If that’s the case what’s to say he’s not perceiving a) he’s been robbed of a music industry award because of Beyonce’s influence and b) his wife (his family!) has been targeted in a violent and terrifying attack (assuming one or other of them didn’t arrange it themselves). Suppose then that he’s innocent, knows he didn’t commit the robbery (and believes that Kim didn’t) but also knows that it was ‘an inside job’ – wouldn’t he start to put two and two together (rightly or wrongly). Jay Z benefits from that mythos. A mythos of an all powerful illuminati, who can influence from behind the scenes, or off people without leaving evidence – why wouldn’t he believe it. Maybe he really suspects that Kim was responsible but wouldn’t you suspect Jay Z with a reputation like that?
As for freemasonry and grand plans – that’s kind of separate issue. But if you don’t believe in any kind of grand plans (and it doesn’t necessarily have to be Albert Pykes three world wars or anything) then you’d have to believe that all that symbolism, the pillars the chessboard imagery, all the talk of rebuilding the temple or whatever is just for effect. There is certainly occultism behind much masonic symbolism – I don’t see how it could be argued otherwise, even if that is not what ordinary masons are interested in.
WRT to the robbery and it being an inside job I really think that it probably was but that that doesn’t come close to narrowing it down. Between the security, the assistants, the hangers on the maids and other staff members the entourage that Kim and Kanye travel with is fairly extensive. I think it is just as likely that a maid (presumably related to Selena’s old housekeeper BOOOOM) picked it up and figured no one would care and now she is in too deep to return it.
As for Beyoncé telling MTV she wouldn’t perform if they didn’t give her that award…that I believe 100%. That Kanye feels aggrieved about this would only make sense. There are always unintended outcomes. By Beyoncé keeping herself (btw when did computers start autocorrecting the fucking accent onto Beyoncé’s name?) at the number one spot she isn’t clearing space for the group just below her etc.
I have no doubt that symbolism matters and I am willing to believe that there was a time when groups like the freemasons were more than just social clubs for guys who need to get out of the house but I just don’t buy it any more. Should I join the masons? I could be an undercover reporter. When my cousin asked why I don’t join I told him for the same reason I don’t play golf….I am single I don’t need that shit.
key shifts are nothing new. Look, I am not saying they sucked. They were competent pop musicians. However, they are afforded this god like genius status which simply is undeserved. They are fine pop music. IT is the river of myth between their status in the world and their actual talents that gets me. Bands like the Kingsmen were just as good if not better. Just a different PR move. For my money I would have liked to see The Hollies have a more lasting career. I always thought they were better than the Beatles.
It sounds terrible, but I was an avid Doors fan before I knew anything about music…
I still enjoy their songs once in a while, but great it is not.
In high school they were the cat’s tits for me though.
No you’re probably right…. Just a hangover of my wasted youth 🙂
Unfortunately for Kim if it were an inside job she’s probably the most obvious suspect, although I think most people would imagine that if so it would have less to do with money (which she has a lot of I think) and rather more to do with attention and sympathy. I don’t think I really believe that , and certainly if that were true it would have been a miscalculation on her part. If she was the person responsible though I think the attention she would be seeking would probably be that of Kanye rather than the general public. There is the issue of Kanye’s tour after all. Recently she’s presented him with an ultimatum, which he was given in to – choose between Kim and his 30 million dollar tour. Well Kanye has chosen Kim, but what if he reasons the same the above? I would much prefer the guilty party to be Jay-Z and “satanic” freemasonry or whatever, but it would probably make most sense if Kanye presented with such an ultimatum not only chose Kim but also chose to believe her, at a time when he may have been continuing with his tour in order to avoid the nagging doubt that she might be guilty. But if it isn’t Kim and it is an inside job, then someone else (and not a mere cypher, a maid or a corrupt security guard) would have to be to blame – the beyonce, Jay-Z freemasonry connexion would make sense to him. Indeed JayZ/Beyonce vs Kim may be the only suspects. We are talking about Kanye’s troubled mind here not necessarily about reality.
As I say though I prefer the idea that Jay-Z is the illuminati king-pin masterminding the whole thing (even if he probably isn’t). With regard to the actual likely suspect list if the robbery was an inside job I’d have to say I don’t think we’re really talking about the maid, or casual staff. What I was reading today was that it was irregular for the security to have the night off or to be away from the jewels at all: the normal procedure where a large sum of jewellery is involved (I think it may have been borrowed) is for this to be guarded at all times, and where appropriate returned to the jewellers who provided it (this is based on one article – I’m not entirely sure of the facts). So it’s really either Kim (/Kanye) or the security people / whoever made the decisions about the security. A security firm could be controlled by ‘the illuminati’ but Kim would presumably have had to ok any such arrangement unless she was carefully manipulated.
I think masonry is more than a social club for guys, even if it isn’t necessarily everything conspiracy theorists suggest. There is a great work going on at least for some.
Should you join? Do you really think you’re cut out for that secret squirrel shit? Wouldn’t it drive you crazy?
You and me both!
I tend to agree; even “The Simpsons” took the piss out of certain so-called secret societies in the “Stonecutters” episode. I see license plates with masonic symbols and think “B.F.D.”
Surely you’re trolling about the Kingsmen, as in Louie Louie, literally a three chord song? (I looked it up–bonus, I never knew the lyrics.) But anyway this is all largely a matter of taste, who is good and who is overrated. I don’t even listen to the Beatles by choice any more (unless I’m trying to learn Dear Prudence), although they were quite influential in my youth.
I’ve been a beginner guitarist for a very long time. I love music, but I’ll freely admit my dexterity, ear, and grasp of theory are lacking. This was an interesting topic for me, what’s special about the Beatles’ music. You did mention they had good harmony, I think that’s the key (bad pun).
It’s not so much key shifts (which would be Modulation, I believe ). My link above is talking about out of key chords they call Outside Chords: they often threw in unexpected chords that didn’t fit conventional progressions.
We can agree to disagree; I just feel like sharing some stuff I dug up, including links, in case there are any interested lurkers:
Here’s some famous musicians on the Beatles
David Crosby, Byrds, on Meet the Beatles,
“Those are folk-music changes, but it’s got rock and roll backbeat. You can’t do that, but they did! Holy yikes!” (1)
Roger McGuinn, Byrds
“The Beatles came out about that time and I got really jazzed by the Beatles. I loved what they were doing and they were doing a lot of passing chords. Like instead of just going like G, C, D, they’d go G, Bm, Em, C, Am, to D. So, the minor and passing chords I liked and, I thought these are really folk music chord changes.” (1)
“The words weren’t so meaningful but the chord changes really had magic in them” (2)
Another thing mentioned is the Beatles were innovative in playing their own instruments; except for Mr Tambourine Man recorded by the Wrecking Crew the Byrds emulated this.
Bob Dylan
“They were doing things nobody was doing. Their chords were outrageous, just outrageous, and their harmonies made it all valid …” (2)
I mentioned I was fascinated doing some research. The last three links below are scholarly discussions of music theory and the Fab Four. I have a tough time with music theory, so it was a bit like learning Chinese through immersion.
As I understand it, the Beatles not being trained in music theory doodled around and composed based more on the architecture of the guitar. They brought together chord progressions from many different genres. They mixed them up and threw in chords outside the conventional progression. They used an unusually large average number of 9 chords per song (21 on ‘You Never Give Me Your Money’).They often used major/minor modality. They often played blue notes in a ‘British/Northern’ way by using the adjacent note. A lot of these ideas were ‘in the air’ in the 60’s and shared by other British Invasion bands.
“From an orthodox musicological point of view the Beatles’ songs ignore all accepted rules. They seem to be built out of a chaotic pack of chords and tones. Striking as it is, this phenomenon has been noted before. According to most experts the songs are the result of a willful theoretical ignorance and a determined practical incompetence in musicological matters. Nevertheless even the most stubborn adversaries and vicious critics of rock music admit to the musical qualities of the Beatles’ songs. Joined together by ingenious melodic lines and backed by perfectly tuned harmonious singing, the chord transitions create an obvious-sounding and naturally flowing stream of music. Step by step the songs introduce their listeners to their remarkable chord and tone material. In this way each song becomes a coherent musical unity” (2)
The Byrds speak on The Beatles
Words and chords – The semantic shifts of the Beatles’ chords, by Ger Tillekens
The Sound of the Beatles, Summary by Ger Tillekens
The harmonic language of the Beatles, by Johansson
Love that episode
But Totos Africa is unattainable?
Key changes and weird chords aren’t that hard. Try keeping an odd time signature like 5/4 etc.
I would think songwriting with key changes and weird chords that actually sound good together would be difficult. On the performance side sure if you know a bunch of chords it’s no big deal to put them together. I think there’s an ambiguity in this discussion whether we’re talking songwriting or performance.
So you’re another Louis Louis fan? I guess it has a “1–2–3, 1–2, 1–2–3 beat”
I have no idea who Louis Louis is. I’m talking about some modern bands. For example Tool, listen to their song schism or the patient. Time signatures are all over the place.
My favorite band of all time is Thrice. Started as a hardcore punk band, evolving into post hardcore and experimental.
Check out some of their songs with odd time signatures. I’m learning this one right now on my guitar.
Blood Clots and Black Holes” (measure and sections of 7/8 throughout, ending has measures of 8-5-8-6-8-7-8-8)
Also the song:
“The Abolition of Man” (Structure? What structure? 7/8 here and there)
And another slow one is:
Between the End and Where We Lie” (Borrows from post-rock and electronica; chorus is in 7/8 and 9/8)
These guys are amazing live and always play sold out shows. Their discography is fantastic rangin from angry punk rock roots of their youth (my youth as well) to experimental albums of slow and melodic sounds. Their lyrics are great. Definitely a hidden gem of my generation.
I work in a county jail. When someone suggests we should give female inmates something that we don’t give male inmates, I immediately give a pointed “no!”.
Exactly why I am considering joining. Booze and conversation with guys on the right side of the bell curve once a month.
Not a bad gig for married guys
Ok I was taking a bit of a piss with the Kingsman and of course taste is subjective. Notice I don’t say the Beatles suck. My issue is the enormous gulf between their ability and recognition.
I am not a great guitar player by any means but I am competent and I’ve been playing for more than 30 years. I think the difference is in background. I initially started playing jazz and then fell in love with blues folk music. Rock was always kind of an after thought. As such, finer picking how I learned. So the idea of playing a bass note while riffing, which to a lot of guys who get their start playing rock seems like crazy stuff, is just how I learned. If you listen to guys like Robert Johnson you will hear the roots of rock but also some truly inspired guitar playing.
The most you can say about the Beatles is that they applied, later on in their career, delta blues finger picking to pop music. Clapton and Hendrix were already doing stuff like that not to mention Elmore James in the early 60’s and the guys from the Paul butterfield blues band.
Pete Townsend, who had his start in classical music, was doing stuff like that very early on in his career and Stevie Ray Vaughn, a student of the great blues pickets like Robert Johnson and Lonnie Johnson, could blow most of them out of the water.
If you listen to Hendrix playing 12 string accounting on Here my Train a commin it’s like this too. The thing that made the Beatles special was just how famous they were…a game that predates a lot of their more “creative” stuff which I would argue came from hanging out with really and truly talented and creative musicians like Clapton and Keith Richards (who is much better a guitarist than often credited for).
In the end, I honestly feel that the pop stuff that the beatles did was actually better because it seemed less forced and pretentious but that is my subjective opinion. That they we’re, as musicians, good but not particularly special is, I believe a fact.
The harmonies are a whole other thing. To harmonize with voices like they did is a skill I don’t understand so to me seems almost like magic … but not as good as The Beach Boys or The Band I would argue.
But that’s just it…what you know is what makes other things seem special or not. One man’s magic is another man’s science .if you look at guitarists like John Pizzarelli who is still playing, and really look him up and give a listen, you will realize that 90% of the Rock and Roll guys from that era who are seen almost as gods or geniuses are total bush league amatuers. Close your eye s and listen to Pizzarelli. He is playing at least one but sometimes 2 or three harmonious rhythm lines while playing the lead all at the same time. I’ve seen him live and he does it all while joking with the audience like he isn’t even paying attention
Doh! Louis Loius – damn that autocorrect!
(Louie Louie has an interesting rhythm and I know all the chords – good exercise next time I pick up my guitar.)
An obviously deranged argument that wouldn’t survive a few seconds counter and deserves to be laughed out of court with “you’re fucking serious?!!!”
According to the Left, two childless queers in a “marriage” is no different than a man and woman raising 6 children together.
According to that logic, whenever a little girl conducts an imaginary wedding for her stuffed animals (Mr Bear marries Mrs Elephant), that is somehow also “equal.”
see Pabst…this is the kind of stuff that gives me hope.
they’re printing kindergarten books about this very subject, to teach tolerance ….Sick !
tolerance is how much strychnine you can handle before it kills you
Saying that two fags raising a kid is normal is so ridiculous that I can’t comprehend how someone would think that’s good. I bet those poor kids catch hell at school. I suppose that’s why the leftists have been adamant about bullying lately, because they already know.
At one time HBO was running a cartoon about queer tolerance it was called the Sissy Duck or something like that.
HBO…why am I not surprised. White ducks need to check their privileges.
Reminds me of an animated tv commercial from a few years ago. Best I remember the mother was a giraffe and the father was a rhinoceros or hippo maybe and the kids were mixed so, you can imagine how fucked up that was. I mean….hell, I don’t even know to say about it, I didn’t then either.
Seems like it was an advertisement for some kind of cleaning product. There was also one with a female animal of some sort married to a centipede. How fucked up is that?
Their argument is:
“well it’s better than two abusive hetero parents”
yeah, well so is orphan-hood!
Yes that would explain the latest social engineering obsession. Not bad in itself of course, but in this case self-inflicted.
No doubt some ghastly popular music will take up the theme of how beautiful they all are irrespective of how perverted…
something along the lines of “Skippy the kangaroo has two moms”
“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”
4 seems impossible for even the most retarded leftist, but no.
I know a former girlfriend with 3 pre-teen girls arguing with other Facebookists how wonderful and normal it is for men to join her daughters in the female bathrooms
4) Clearly absurd or ridiculous new laws that I cannot even begin to explain to my innocent children such as “why is that Man dressed as a woman using the women’s toilet daddy?”
You had a lucky escape there Man!
She sounds lovely…
I’m actually glad she has 4 kids – (including one boy.)..
Most of my ex girlfriends are now over-the-cliff cat ladies – perhaps I alpha widowed them…
And this one got super pissedoff when I dumped her – to quote:
“you’re going to die a lonely old man”
and she may be right. but at least I’m not her prisoner…
Yeah, I’ve heard that one a few times too – its a *classic*!
as you say, better lonely than a prisoner…
great post man– the mocking is their tool. Logic cannot work.
And tirades of anti-this-that-and-everything are hard to deal with…
But slowly inexorably push back with cocky humorous mocking..
This weekend I explained a few concepts to my pre-teen daughter:
subtly indicating the anti-male bias in adds (and she has been cognizant of add manipulations for years).
ad-hominum attacks
straw man arguments…
and to just observe how politicians, tv personalities use them…
she understood immediately…
the lessons continue…
That’s what I’m saying! You’re doing it! Dissect their usage of words and show they are simply using smoke and mirrors, and mock, mock, mock mercilessly their ridiculous, puerile and just plain *nasty* view of the world!
Mocking will do it every time… make it *normal* to mock Leftist bollocks “oh here we go again!”
Oh, and everybody secretly hates the arse-hat who rants like SJWs do, so if you are the guy that pushes back on them those ‘secret-Trump-voters’ (and they are *everywhere*) will just love you for it!
Yep, vocally push back against the SJW supporters, and you’ll find yourself backed up by secret Trump types – they become emboldened by your actions.
Straight up!
Now *that*, my friends, makes the difference!
Push back on an uppity, whining, SJW today and show them the value of their beliefs, the loathing in which they are now held, and most of all show them who’s boss!
Just like Trump.
coming at you in a public restroom : “mommy, why is this man using our bathroom ?”
Show the left for what they are on the normie and you win. Today no one needs to point the extends of hippie culture to fearmonger people against them, today we are at the extend of the hippie demands!
“1) Filthy perverts on parade simulating sex acts in front of my children, and the subsequent hours of calming my kids down with that look on their innocent faces and “Daddy why was that man dressed as a woman and what was he doing to that other man?” ”
This is true even at what used to be family events – such as the Thanksgiving Day parade. Couldn’t believe it in 2013.
And whenever someone says “celebrate diversity” is a code expression for “here come the queer boys”.
Someone just bothered to replace 4 little words (variables) in a piece of feminist garbage, to just prove how baseless, delusional, contemptuous, paranoid and dismissive of consequences these creatures are:
Trump also wants to decentralize the educational system, leaving education up the states. This is a mistake. If he does that, half the states will continue to indoctrinate the children with Leftist ideology.
The solution to Big Leftist government is not small government but Big Right government.
I too wish for more radical solutions, but given the American reality, it wont happen
Sometimes I wish there was a Conservative dictatorship so a million or two of Leftist freaks could be rounded up, stripped of citizenship and send off one way to Liberia or Haiti.
And then we make a reality show out of called “Progressive, whites free paradise”
They did that in Germany some time ago, only without the benefit of TV
Actually, TV was pioneered in Germany.
I believe the first TV broadcast of any power and range was actually of the 1936 Olympic Games
check out Carl Sagan’s Contact
TV the technology, yes, but I meant TV as a consumer activity.
Q. What’s the dirtiest thing ever said on TV?
A: Ward, I think you were a little hard on the Beaver last night
a classic
Germany rounded up Leftist freaks and sent them to a black country?
What is the plot of Harry Turtledove’s next alternative history book?
well, a white country, and by country I mean camp, and by camp I mean prison.
I dont see any connection between what I wrote and your comment
You said something to he effect of ’rounding up leftist freaks and sending them to a foreign country’
I said, ‘that’s what Germany did’
Germany rounded up leftist freaks.
Glad to see an article about this. The left has been so successful for decades precisely because they have the tools and the talent to dominate messaging in all its forms. Conservatives had better learn to do the same, otherwise Trump’s victory and the hope it represents will be short-lived.
The debate about Bannon is kind of wierd. To make sense of it all Mondoweiss has come up with the term zionist anti-semitism to describe the phenomenon
Literally [Hitler x (((trolls)))]
Looks like a Hasbara boiler room.
oy vey shut it down.
I actually don’t buy this. It may just be that I am naïve, but it just seems really far fetched. A little too tin foil for my taste.
Must be on the Internet therefore it’s true
CRTs? You’d think Soros or whoever could stump up some cash for LCDS
Fuck twitter, google and facebook, I’ve had it with your crap ! from today on, I quit using these globalist services, they need to die.
That’s the spirit! You won’t miss them…
Carthago delenda est.
the new twitter alternative – which launched over the summer – features a kek like frog. Timely innovation
I will continue to read interesting tweets that make it to Twitter, but the other two are useless.
that’s like saying one more puff. I’m done with it.
So no @realDonaldTrump for you.
Good for you!
I have very little social media and feel my life is richer for the experience. Facebook is pretty much just confession for a world without god. I still don’t even fully understand what twitter is. I have an anon Instagram account that I actually like so I guess I can be blamed here. As for google, I am sticking with it. I find it to still be the most useful search engine for my purposes at least.
I have zero. I categorically and emphatically rejected all that social media horseshit and will not ever lower myself to such.
That is a perfectly valid and probably the best option. I like Instagram because I keep up with trainers I know and food prep advice. It has come in useful as a tool for a couple things. Still if the fuckery got bad I’d walk away in a heart beat.
For sure. If it serves a certain purpose whereby you benefit then by all means keep it but as you say, when things go full bizarro then you pull the plug and fuck it i off.
Try Gab
yeah but I’m kind of suspicious it’s a CIA funded smart move. Yes I’m paranoid.
Also, don’t tell people to ‘google it’.
Humor and contempt are powerful weapons in our fight against the left, but i would also suggest that we start forcing negative associations to the left by constantly re-using words like “creepy” to describe them. Their creepy look, their creepy behavior, their creepy need to control, their creepy obsession with perversion. Making an association like that stick would go a long way to breaking down the carefully constructed veneer of “cool” they have built for themselves, and make it less likely that people would simply default to leftism on the strength of that image.
They just can’t help themselves.
looks reddish
Give Me Back My Wig
Good call. Shame and lowering their status are crucial plays.
Humor is good, but I’d say be careful with the satire, because a satirical piece could be construed as fake news.
For instance, the #draftOurDaughters campaign made me uneasy because it did fool some gullible people that it was the real thing.
We’ve reached the point where we literally (Hitler) have no idea what’s real or fake anymore.
Nothing is real. Nothing has ever been real. The martrix analogy has always been a bad one. There isn’t the real world and then the simulation. There is only simulation on simulation on simulation. It is a dream had by no one. The fact that normal people are starting to realize what philosophers have known for over a century already seems to make sense with normal time tables as far as I am concerned. Within another 50 years the public should be cued into what late 19th century philosophers understood with some real clarity. It is still a little opaque now, but we are getting there.
Do we have to climb up your assertions as if on a ladder, then throw the ladder away to see the world clearly?
much earlier than him. I would say, tbh, that a few of the pre socratics were on the right track until Aristotle made a point of narrowing the narrative. There is a re-emergence comes towards the end of Kant’s career. I think the german romantics started to play with the ideas again, that Nietzsche had it right in his head but it was too big of an idea for the time and so it comes out more artistically than structured. I would say that by 1888 the ideas were all out there like jigsaw puzzle pieces thrown on the floor and the next few generations just spent time putting them together.
I can see all of that! Totally agree… Never been fond of Kant of the german romantics, but *definitely* see the idea implicit, and as you say ‘artistically’ in Nietzsche (as was his way!). I see the notion so clearly in Wittgenstein however it’s right out in the open…
I think that a lot of people aren’t fond of the way Kant is presented in universities rather than actually not being fond of Kant. I am a huge Kant guy and I feel that he suffers from being poorly taught. ALl of modernity is worked out in the critical project quite brilliantly and is, almost 100% of the time, taught very poorly by people who don’t get it.
Never studied him, or indeed any philosophy in university, have just found it compelling reading over the years! Perhaps this is the problem… I never found a way ‘in’ to Kant to be honest, and found the sheer quantity intimidating. Neitzsche grabbed me from the start! Wittgenstein made my head hurt but I knew there was something there and persisted. I’ve always found the Greeks accessible, both pre- amend post- Socratic. The pre-socratics always seemed like the Cambrian explosion to me! So much speculation, no wonder we can trace the first glimpses of ideas that were reached in a structured way later in some of them…
I can see that. The sheer tonnage of Kant is really a big thing. If you want to really read him and understand him you basically need to set a year aside. Also, there is no passive reading. Reading will be a physical thing. Nietzsche always grabs people. I have often told people that he is the easiest philosopher to read while simultaneously being the hardest one to understand. That has its ups and downs. I don’t think any of it is necessary. I really just enjoy endless minutia
I seem to recall somewhere on RoK reading you were once in academia… Philosophy?
I was…but that was a long, long time ago in a galaxy far far away.
Of course, but I still love the way it totally violates the image of participants in sites like these that the MSM wishes to promulgate.
Plus it’s great to talk philosophy now and again!
Nothing is real, everything is permitted.
Not necessarily. Social conventions made for great societies.
I was being a little facetious there,it was the credo of the real Assassins as stated by Hassan Sabbah.
Regarding morality, similarly Sabbatai Zvi: “Blessed is he who permits the forbidden”.
When I was in college the Right’s voices were either purely logical(Rich Lowry, Dinesh D’Souza, et al) or angry and out-of-touch(Jerry Falwell). The Left owned the realm of comedy/satire. There’s no higher ground here. When pundits like John Oliver use psychological tactics to manipulate their audiences, the only choice is to respond in kind.
This is why younger Libertarian/Conservative/Nationalist voices like Milo, Lauren Southern, et al are necessary even if they personally rub you the wrong way.
Maybe I should through my hat in the ring also-I’m extremely conservative and Red Pill and have a hilarious sardonic/black sense of humour. I would crush each of these Leftist imbeciles with my incredible manhood-or wallet, whatever is funnier.
“How We Can Win the Propaganda War”
Two things jump out at me:
#1 Milking our assets.
#2 Keeping our eyes on the prize.
to quote the great Bob Dylan
Well, my telephone rang it would not stop
It’s President Kennedy callin’ me up
He said, My friend Bob what do we need to make the country grow?
I said my friend, John, Brigitte Bardot
Anita Ekberg
Sophia Loren
Country’ll Grow
I have been thinking about rewriting this song with modern references. It is a fun tune to play.
we’ll lose the fapping war for sure.
Well, at least we’ll all have strong bones.
Besides, I think we can beat the Fuerza Aerea Peruana with one hand…on or off the stick.
But I intend to win the Boning Battle at least.
That was masterfully done.
Having hot girls on our side, and flaunting it, is crucial. Increases status, lowers that of the opponent, provides incentive.
We need to be conscious of and address actual fake news. For instance there’s the Baltimore Gazette, a completely fictitious news site made to look like an actual newspaper. There’s also one supposedly from Dallas, I can’t find it right now, that was used to float the story that an FBI investigator involved in the Clinton case had committed murder/suicide. This story went across the alternative press but the only source I could find was this bogus website.
Who the heck is behind these operations? I think they are part of this effort to discredit the alternative press.
Because I don’t believe in propaganda and that the end justifies the means I think it behooves me to investigate a bit before propagating really inflammatory stories.
EDIT: Not Dallas, the Denver Guardian.
So the story was “FBI AGENT SUSPECTED IN HILLARY EMAIL LEAKS FOUND DEAD IN APPARENT MURDER-SUICIDE” “Walkerville, MD – A FBI agent believed to be responsible for the latest email leaks ‘pertinent to the investigation’ into Hillary Clinton’s private email server while she was Secretary of State, was found dead in an apparent murder-suicide early Saturday morning, according to police.” Trust me, or do the research yourself as I did, this is utterly bogus and the source the Denver Guardian is fake.
Supposedly this is some teens in Macedonia making money with clickbait for Trump supporters. They started with Sanders but found more interest in pro-Trump stories.
Graph is from:
Denver Post: There is no such thing as the Denver Guardian
How Teens In The Balkans Are Duping Trump Supporters With Fake News
Exactly How Fake is ‘Fake’ Facebook News?
I wish the flag was blown in the other direction. Same reason I dislike the flags on American soldiers. A backwards American flag. Think of the symbolism. And the flimsy excuse that it is to give the illusion of soldiers walking forward.
I could understand the Les Mis/ deplorables motif with the flag backwards because they are moving from left to right but why cant the artist just mirror flip this image? Why does it have to show our flag backwards? I wish the best for President elect Trump but does it bother anyone else for there to be an association with Trump and a backwards American flag?
Its with memes. Dank, dank memes
NY times article by Margo Kaplan (surprise surprise)
(((Margo Kaplan)))
and you wonder why their ad revenue is tanking. even a leftard cant go full leftard
I searched for her name and the images of her. That ‘face’.
How we can win the propaganda war?
By reporting about PIZZAGATE!!!
I trust the crowdsourced investigation of Pizzagate will continue.
However there’s nothing to warrant an arrest yet, or even a search warrant. It’s easy for the other side to claim these pernicious last-minute rumors caused the downfall of poor Hillary.
paedo-art, paedo-symbols, isn’t against the law in itself unless it represents kids pornographically. There are a number of kids in those photos – but there’s no evidence that anything has been done to them. Indeed some of it could just be a kind of spiteful ‘gay’ humour on the part of jimmy whatisname etc (the cometpingpong owner). I think there’s much more to it though. There are some strange references to someone who likes little boys by a performer called majestic ape. It could be explicable but it’s very strange.
All we can say 100% is that Podesta & Jimmy Whatsisname are very creepy guys. I would say Satanic.
Under a strict definition Podesta’s teenage nude photos would be illegal, but then of course there’s the wiggle room that they are ‘art’.
It’s baffling, how can CPP claim to be family friendly, with all the creepy wall art and music going on, unless that’s just sick humor.
Interesting link. There’s the abandoned underground tunnels in DC also, supposedly around CPP.
Is Epstein’s island guarded by mercenaries? Doubtful. Sharks swimming maybe. Alt right media should snorkel over there with ex Blackwater bodyguards. Go in there James Bond style and do a daring surprise expose. Any MSM coverage announcement and they’d clean up and evacuate the place real quick. The pre pubescent sex slave girls there were likely bought with cash from the Child Protective Services kidnapper/racketeers which is the biggest cash cow branch of the Socialist Services. The democratic party elite were always the closest thing to bloodsucking blue blood royalty that ever evolved in the US which constitutionally forbade titles of nobitity. With the Republican elite, you still have to look out for bloodsucking vampires though. The swamp is huge. Alligators will be showing up in back yards as far north as Minnesota. Baseball bat and sledgehammer sales will be at an all time high.
I would lay money on podesta subscribing to alternative spirituality, beyond his apparent catholicism – Abramovic does appear to be preoccupied with satanist themes, even beyond her art. Not sure about Jimmy Whatsisname but unless we’re completely misinterpreting the situation he does seem to have a paedo themed restaurant. The guy appears to be gay though, and all the children that feature in those photos appear to be female – I suspect there might be a relatively innocent explanation for this. I suppose if it really is a paedo club it won’t just be him though, but one does have to be careful with regard to these things, especially as we’re all scouring the web looking for evidence to convict
Maybe a stateside, Romanian, or Russian 400lb basement dwelling hacker could get some incriminating video, pictures, or e-mails. although James Bond with a tuxedo under his wet suit infiltrating Little St. James Island is much more appealing.
If it were indeed true, as according to PC theory, male pedos can molest male kids and not be gay, perhaps it’s possible for a gay pedo to molest female kids, not being straight.
From HuffPost, regarding Sandusky:
“…the false belief that pedophilia and homosexuality are connected… Because not I, but homophobic people, tend to think ‘He molested boys, he must be gay…’”
“I did not say there is such a thing as ‘a gay pedophile’”
by Cindy Abel, filmmaker
(Wow, linked article is good example of the twists and turns of the PC mind.)
This is interesting, apparently you can rent the island for $3k per day, double occupancy, free food, booze, and maid. This is creepy: “Children are most certainly welcome”.
Pool is different shape, but I believe it’s the same place, one of these pictures must be way older:
Lots of allegations flying around the web that the Podesta bros were staying at noted pedophile Clement Freud’s villa close to where and at the time that Madeleine McCann was abducted.
If you search for Podesta Freud there’s more, including a now-banned reddit thread.
PC culture might well serve to conceal what is going on (i.e. if you fall into a protected category any crimes you commit have hurdles to overcome to come to light c.f. Rotherham etc). PC aside though you’d expect a dedicated paedo to have a sex preference, and in the case of an openly gay man, for that sex preference to be for boys rather than girls. If the Majestic Ape reference is in any way connected (which it might not be) there is a reference to someone with a preference for little boys. The pics relating to the comet pizza guy seem to relate to girls, possibly the kids of friends or family, and could just show a slightly warped sense of humour. Alternatively what you have is a gay man, with male paedophile tendencies (strongly suggested but not proven) presiding over a milieu of sexual transgression that appears to be focused mainly on paedophilia but not necessarily one sex rather than the other. In other words I don’t think Comet pizza guy (James A.) is into girls, but others in his circle might well be. I do think we need to be careful here. I think there are crimes going on here, but evidence of a paedoculture, and featuring transgressive art (that may suggest paedophilia but is more widely themed – the artist Dionysio for instance features occult sexuality rather than mostly paedo stuff) isn’t in itself a crime or proof of crime. In other words there is definitely a culture here, that is disturbing, in some cases occult (like Abramovic / Dionysio), in some cases paedophile themed (comet ping pong), in some cases (occult cannabalistic – tony podesta, abramovic etc), but which might not actually involve any actual harm to children (or others)
A disturbing culture needs to be distinguished from an explicitly criminal one. I think it is a question of the latter – the coded messages seem to suggest that – that there is illegal activity going on being hidden within a code system – but that still has to be proven.
It would be mind-blowing if this turned out to be true, but it seems to be stretching credulity, without strong evidence linking them to the crime – we don’t even know whether they were in portugal at the time. I suspect this will turn out to be a dead-end, and if so potentially a distraction
ok, I’ve watched the video now. The question is whether the facts of the matter are true – were John & Tony Podesta really staying at Clement Freud’s villa in May 2007 when Madeleine McCann disappeared i.e. have the suffolk police officially confirmed this, or would they be prepared to do so, and / or is the anonymous FBI source which also alleges they were there correct.
The need to be careful here relates to the fact that we currently have a controversy generated by the DNC / MSM about fake news. If these ‘facts’ turn out to be untrue, those same sources will seek to legislate against ‘fake news’ outlets. In fact false – rumour based – evidence could easily be set up by intelligence services in order to undermine the wider dissenting alternative media – i.e. the internet amateurs like ourselves run with the bone that they have thrown and we start hounding those implicated (with paedophilia there will be vigilantes who would be prepared to go a long way beyond that). The Podestas eventually prove they were not there, that the site was set up to discredit them (was some kind of political espionage in other words) – what would be the result? There will be a new push, with new legislation to outlaw ‘fake news’ which will be broad enough to encompass the real targets here – Breitbart, Zero-hedge – all the alternative media sites that are springing up to challenge the MSM’s monopoly.
They certainly could be the abductor’s but until we get non-anonymous sources, and police going officially on record to confirm such things, we need to be very careful about what we allege
I was careful to say ‘allegations flying around the Internet”. I didn’t mean to endorse this or post it to my news site if I had one.
There’s a big gap between readers of some alternative news sites and readers of traditional media. I think most intelligent readers of something like know not everything posted might be true and are willing to evaluate the evidence.
Here’s the deleted reddit thread, according to, I haven’t found anything too inflammatory:
I got another reddit link from a search for ‘Podesta Freud’, but it’s banned “Podestas in Portugal Same Complex as Madeleine”. This is the one I was referring to yesterday.
This one is interesting because the video I posted above claims there is forthcoming evidence that the Podesta bros stayed at Clement Freud’s place, not in the same complex. Other mainstream reports confirm Freud was out of town. (He befriended the McMann’s and was revealed to be a pedo after he died.)
Well the buzz has been that they look just like the police sketches, down to a mole above Tony’s eyebrow (wrong side though). Also there’s a gap in John’s e-mails around that time.
I didn’t think that much of the identikit sketch resemblance, was willing to dismiss it as a coincidence, but this is interesting. Unfortunately some will consider this a proven part of the story when it’s just a rumor.
It’s alleged that Freud and the Podestas were friends, but I haven’t seen any evident of that.
That seems fair. Evaluating the evidence fairly and accurately is the only way this kind of stuff isn’t going to blow up in the ‘alternative media’s’ / amateur researchers’ faces. Paedophilia is an incredibly incendiary project and its something that can be relied upon to move people to actions they might not otherwise be inclined to take. James A., the comet ping crowd, the podestas etc are certainly a bunch of wierdos but as yet nobody’s proven anything more than weirdness. If you remember the Hampstead Satanic Abuse scandal a year or so back, I’m convinced that was some kind of psy op. Or at least was exploited as such even if it was something else to begin with. Over-reaching is the great danger here.
Yeah, I found Hampstead hard to accept, and stuff like that builds skepticism that there could be organized high-level pedophilia.
I think it comes down to fact checking. Something that unfortunately we’re not that well positioned to do.
Firstly, do we know for a fact that these sketches are contemporary, and issued by the police? They certainly do look like dead-ringers for the podestas. IF they really were staying in Clement Freud’s apartment at the time, then any police force would have to look at that. But that takes us to the reliability of the sources – the anon. FBI source and the Surrey Police force. I don’t have the inclination to look into this at the moment but if they turn out to be false it would be a perfect legitimising illustration of the elites ‘concern’ with fake news. I sense a trap. The FBI looked into these emails. Nothing would ever have been released (or Comey’s exoneration of Hillary provided) if there was anything easily provable about these allegations.
I might be wrong. They might indeed be paedos, but the impossibility of proving it might still serve to make an arse of alternative media as a source of ‘fake news’.
A disturbing culture is good cover and support for actual illegal activity, but I agree, nothing proven yet.
Exactly. We know a lot of the British establishment stuff is real enough. I doubt it will ever see the light of day, and if so it will be because those who don’t want it to see the light of day will provide plenty of red herrings to mislead us
It only sees the light of day as the perps die of natural causes.
Well the contemporary existence of the sketches is easy to prove:
They state both sketches are supposed to be the same man, which the police have recently restated. Also he is described as German.
Here’s the one that they say looks like Weiner “Madeleine McCann Sketch: New Suspect is ‘Very Ugly’ Man”. (Well Huma and that 15-year old would have differed on that. j/k)
Talks about bushy eyebrows and pitted skin, so doesn’t sound like AW.
I actually think it would be more productive to focus on the meaning of those discoveries – vis a vis the culture of podesta and to some extent by extension the clintons – rather than chase fool’s gold. The reddit guys should tone it down, anonymise the suspects to a degree (more for forms sake) and do their research in the background, and be prepared to give up if they don’t find anything sufficiently conclusive
That’s does seem to be the happen. Of course the authorities are generally aware long before that point
If pedos who molest male kids are gay and female ones straight (and mixed bi) there would be a disproportionate percentage of gay and bi pedophiles, that’s why it becomes a PC issue.
Well that pretty much puts Tony (and presumably John) Podesta in the clear. Not only are they two separate people, albeit brothers, neither of them are I think german, or to my knowledge german speaking. The article also suggests the sketches which are from five to six year old recollections were also of a man 20-40 years of age.
A question I would ask is if that is so easy to discover the moment one has hold of the original articles, was the person who noticed the resemblance (which is fairly uncanny to be honest) aware of that. If he or she was aware were they just too anti-clinton to care, or were they perhaps deliberately pushing mis-information that could easily be disproven at a later date.
I think we’re getting to the stage when we have to start to factor in the kinds of games political operatives play when trying to manipulate people or set facts. That might in itself be used as evidence: i.e. if the podesta allegations are easily disprovable then perhaps the origin of those allegations can be found, and evidenced as disinformation (either by the trump camp or the clinton camp). We know from the emails themselves that podesta and the DNC are absolute machiavellis
I thought the sketches were contemporary and didn’t realize the news reports were much later, from 2013.
However, you realized and therefore wrote that the “sketches…are from five to six year old recollections”. Actually they were made shortly after the McCann disappearance but only released five years later in 2013:
“Why were Maddie suspect E-fits kept SECRET for five years? Images and evidence of sightings uncovered by private detectives were suppressed.”
They are from two separate witnesses, so proponents of this being the Podesta bros are holding out that they could possibly be two different people.
it certainly doesn’t hurt to keep an open (and enquiring) mind about this, but just imagine this got to the point of prosecution and trial by jury: the mere fact that they’re not german, or german speaking (I don’t know this but assume that is the case) would result in any such photofit evidence more likely to exonerate than convict. If it’s really the case they were staying with clement freud at the time on the other hand, maybe – but then – the main reason we’re considering them is because of the photofits, not their holidaying habits. All I’m saying is that on its own this kind of evidence is incredibly weak. There would have to be something solid
Pizzagate got banned from reddit and is on voat now:
You know… maybe I am crazy, but I am really a lot more optimistic about the future. Yes, there is still a lot of battles to be won, but truly, I think the big one has been fought and won.
While Adams may think rational people are for the most part imaginary, Trump’s win proves this is not the case. Half, a full half, of America voted AGAINST the word thinkers and persuaders. This is a HUGE victory and one no amount of new words (fake news) can overturn.
Does that mean ROK and the alt-right are the new persuaders and its readers just more word thinkers?
I don’t think so. You don’t come to ROK and have your mind changed because we are so persuasive in getting you to “think” with different words. Everything written here causes cognitive dissonance to most people still plugged into the matrix.
To become a deplorable (see how I make that a badge of honor!), you have to REASON your way here. The current memes of enslavement are so powerful because they are cultural with at least 50 plus years of indoctrination.
Yet… Trump won. Landslide.
Yes…. battles to come, but all politics is downstream from culture.
Politics Really is Downstream from Culture
Quote: “Finally, what are voters meant to take away from a candidate’s speech, platform, or appearance? The candidate’s story, of course. That’s why it is imperative to understand messaging. Not only will a politician tell his own story, he will also attempt to define the opposing party or candidate’s narrative for him. He who controls that narrative wins.”
Who won the narrative battle of the 2016 Presidential election?
We are the new culture, the new media, the new patriarchy. There is no stopping it.
ROK is interactive whereas the boob tube is spoon feeding.
You know… this is a good point. My father used to talk about how when TV came into the house, families stopped going out to visit one another. The boob tube literally chained people at home when they would have gone out. While people are still indoors, they are now going out online in comments, writing blogs, tweeting away. It is a community, an odd one, but a community is stronger together than apart and strangely enough, the internet is forging communities once again.
Odd but true. A very literate and keyboard savvy community at that.
MSM has become such low grade wood pulp propaganda that if it were edible food, it would be like eating shredded styrofoam. No nutritional value and the corpuscular air pocket nature of the styrofoam globule would permanantly aerate the body tissues, like potting soil mix, like the potted plant that you look like when yeu’re bug eyed and your face is stuck like a plunger to the boobie tube. The MSM effectively makes you into a body full of hot air in this way.
ROK and red pill sites are the closest thing to informative and enriching media that we’ve got. Electronic advances in interactive communication are mainstream but think about this . . . . . Why doesn’t CNN or MSNBC have an interactive screen by now? A bar at the bottom of the screen where you can officially post your thumbs up or thumbs down with your remote. The interactive power to comment on the credibility of the reporting. And they need a bullshit meter in the corner of the screen. And viewer’s ‘would bang’ results posted beneath the weather ladies. It’s all social engineering disguised as pulp entertainment anyway.
We can’t be lectured anymore by lefty professors or MSM bobble heads. We reject them.
Styrofoam with glyphosate.
I second that and demand the inclusion of the ‘Would Bang Metric Analysis’ or what I could call ‘B.O.N.E.R’ – Bangable Or Not Equilibrium Rating’.
Like this?
A razors edge has no middle ground. There’s only one side or the other. In static flux, the movement of a people in idle slumber and disarray sits atop a razors edge. With the weight of movement, the mass bodypolitik either falls to one side of the razor or the other. There is no stable middle ground. A razor is firm, hardened and decisive. There is no riding atop the razor. Once the fall begins to one side of the razor, the mass becomes one and the course accelarates like a greased slide down the side of the razor but never upon its edge. The fuhrer should have listened to MCGOO and never used the razor literally on his face.
Things would have been a lot different if he’d known that the razor should be used only figuratively.
literally trolling !
look what we have to deal with in Cuckada, I’ll add it to my next cringe compilation.
I won’t even click that since I can preview the link URL in my browser. Fellow Canuck who is constantly dumbfounded at how fast his country is changing with its first feminist Prime Minister. And we got the light version. I can only imagine what Hitlery would have been like in my worst nightmares.
1- Remind people that media and entertainment industries are two industries used as propaganda vehicles. Mention it regularly in conversation (bc its true). Once someone recognizes this, they’ll always see it, bc its very obvious. 2- Remind people to guard their own minds and think for themselves.
3- For those completely programmed– don’t discuss politics. Save your energy.
We win the way the alt right has been winning. You swarm them with counter propaganda. They are so meticulous with their plans, they have to be, so a large disorganized force with no goal other than opportunism is something they can’t handle.
Couldn’t resist…
Good one. (I tried uploading it here for you but Disqus says “Unfortunately your image upload failed”. It’s JPEG and < 5MB, so ???)
A bedrock principal for successful propaganda is credibility. Another is don’t let the other side drown out or block your message, either by pulling the plug or overriding your narrative.
Rather than going tit for tat on the pros and cons of their various issues and the benefits of the opposing positions attack their strategy. Identify their true motives and call them out.
Shift the debate and take the offense.
The medium is the message. If one has control of media, one controls what is seen and heard. Thus, one controls what shall be the beliefs.
Since the 1950s, Americans have been habituated to watching TV. Unwittingly, Americans brainwash themselves daily, voluntarily.
Orwell wrote, “Big Brother is watching you.” Orwell had it wrong.
In the USA, you are watching Big Brother, or in ghetto-speak vernacular, you iz watching Big Brother.