What It’s Like To Be A College Student In 2017

As the readers of ROK know, this country is sick. It’s a sickness that exhibits symptoms such as feminism, with its destruction of healthy gender roles, feigned racism, which gives people a reason to riot and distract the rest of us from real issues, and mainstream trends, not being mainstream because of quality but because of strategic placement for the purposes of mind control. Now I could continue this list of bullshit the left feeds us forever but it would be wiser to find the root of the problem.

Where are these idiots getting all their ideas from? If it is so utterly clear to us that all this crap is a lie to further some agenda, then how are so many becoming brainwashed? The answer is they aren’t living in the real world. They are living in a bubble held outside of reality—a bubble called college.

Why college?

The ages of 18 to 24 are extremely important years in any man or woman’s life. Unlike what popular knowledge tells us, we are really still in an adolescent stage in our early 20s. This final step of maturation is extremely important because it is the time when most people finalize their internal values and beliefs, meaning what they learn to be true in this stage of life will often be the basis for the rest of their lives. Now what, my friends, is so strategically placed in this time period of a person’s life? College.

The red region, the frontal cortex, is the last area of the brain to develop and is responsible for personal values and reasoning.

How it happened

Universities were not always designed to turn us into mindless zombies reliant on the state, but at some point (I imagine early 20th century) liberals invaded the college system and methodically removed all other professors and officials with differing viewpoints. They did this because they knew that if they pushed their agenda in this particular time portion of a person’s life they would have a lot more people voting for them, and their ideals would eventually become mainstream. They achieved this victory in the 1960s with the counterculture movement.

What is college like today?

A common gathering in 2017.

College is hell for anyone with a strong mind that can see through the indoctrination. I don’t know how many relationships I have ruined with women for not agreeing with their nonsense feminist ideals. Every class I go to, there is at least one statement a week about racial and gender inequality (even math). At this point it is basically a religion with the most devout believers receiving A’s while the students less knowledgeable about the liberal propaganda receiving C’s and D’s.

Of course, the upside to this is that since I understand their propaganda I can just bullshit all of my papers and get easy A’s. I once wrote an 8-page paper in my East Asian Civilizations class in two hours with few sources to back up my claims and a crap ton of misspellings, and still received an A because it was about the “treacherous” patriarchy. The unfortunate and truly sad part of all of this is that most people in college just want to make the world a better place.

After high school, in this day and age, very few people receive any life experiences that would shape who they are in any way. Therefore, most kids enter college looking for something to believe in and something to fight against so that they can feel that they did their part in making the world a better place. Well, they find the fight they’re looking for, but they are increasing hatred in this world rather than defeating it.

The greatest example of degeneracy—the cuckternity

Now let me give an example of instance in which these dumbasses have hurt lives. I use to be in a fraternity, a place I thought would be a solace of true masculinity. But no, even these once strong and powerful pillars of masculinity in college have been corrupted. I can name at least five different frats on my campus that have a quota for gay members. Now I really don’t care if someone is gay, but having gay men in a fraternity completely defeats the purpose of one.

Anyway, my fraternity was the leader in total degeneracy as we had five gays, one person considering a sex change, and everyone else, besides me and my close group of friends, were hardcore SJWs. Suffice to say I dubbed my fraternity a cuckternity. Now my cuckternity wasn’t always like this. In fact, my freshman year, we only had a few weirdos and the rest of us were chill guys who helped each other get laid and encouraged each other to become stronger men. All of that went to hell when one of the SJWs in the frat became recruitment chair.

I know what you’re thinking. Why the hell did you guys vote him in? Well, we didn’t. He got the other candidate kicked out by sending a picture of him smoking weed to the national board. We were outraged that he did that to our friend, but there was little we could do. We also didn’t really understand the nature of SJWs and their extreme degeneracy back then. But suffice to say, since we were heavy on seniors, in one year’s time the majority of the fraternity was made up of these weirdos.

Don’t worry milady we’ll save you from all that toxic testosterone!

At that point, there was a new election and they used their degenerate brethren to take all the power. They then passed out resignation letters to our remaining normal members, saying that we weren’t a good fit for the image of the cuckternity. Of course, we tossed them and started planning how to take back our organization, but it was too late. They then started accusing members of bullshit claims like sexual harassment and “mantalk.” Yes, they literally kicked some of my friends out for talking about girls’ asses.

Their claims of “sexual harassment” were usually about guys that came back to the house drunk with their girl. They called it “bordering on statutory rape.” They eventually accused me of this, and since it had happened to my friends, I was ready—I’d already had a lot of girls I know leave videos on my phone saying that it was completely voluntary on their part. I think that just pissed them off more, because with these kind of people a lot of their motivation comes from jealousy. They never get laid so they rationalize that I am a horrible person who forces girls into it.

After several such incidents, they eventually kicked me out for “mantalk,” at which point I became homeless for two weeks as I was living in the house. In total, they kicked 11 members out of the fraternity, 5 of whom had to become homeless or go live with their family. After the incident 20 people decided to just drop the fraternity and they went from 104 members to 72. At least now they are screwed financially.


This story was not to inform you of a series of unfortunate events that happened to just one unlucky fraternity. No, this was to illustrate how fucked up the current state of the United States college system is. In fact, this shouldn’t even surprise you. Even South Park did an episode on PC frats.

What we should learn from all of this is that college is no longer what it used to be. Now I am a believer in higher education, so I don’t think we should stop going en masse, but what we should do is use capitalism to our advantage. Start looking into vocational schools. Start going to private colleges and conservative colleges. Take from them their ultimate source of power—money.

The only reason anyone should go to college today is for engineering, medical school, any kind of scientific research, and skill-based professions. Anything else you learn in college you can learn just as easily on the internet. And as employers begin to figure this out, college as an entire unit will become obsolete.

Read More: Reflections On My Freshman Year Of College 

366 thoughts on “What It’s Like To Be A College Student In 2017”

  1. “The only reason anyone should go to college today is for engineering, medical school, any kind of scientific research, and skill-based professions.” – Amen.

    1. True story. Maybe it wasn’t even that bad to choose a Technical University with less than 10% females to study at. While my fellow students and the professors are all leftists (you cant expect anything else from modern germany) there are no real SJWs around because most fo the times they study modern art, history and gender studies and we dont have those courses here.
      We only have computing and engineering.
      The sad part is that there is virtually no possibility to hook up around here (the city is dominated by white german students and male migrants) so you are forced into an existence of Incel.
      But I don’t even care anymore.
      I’m more interested in learning japanese, painting, writing and getting my engineering degree.
      Pussies will come once I graduate and travel to Japan.

      1. Stay focused, become Awesome and the rest will follow. Life is long (if you don’t die young).

        1. One of my best friends got threatened with a knife and robbed by two africans yesterday in Frankfurt. So the ‘Life is long.’ part is not too certain in modern germany.
          Germany is gone since 2015. It is virtually nonexistent. I always see black majorities everywhere I go (those poor black africans fleeing the syrian war). That’s why I want to live in Japan. I prefer being a ‘whito piggo’ minority surrounded by hard working peaceful people over being stabbed in my homecountry.
          Take a look at Heidelberg.

        2. Yeah, but they should remember what Germany did to the jews. All it needs is to get the krauts a little angrier. They’re getting there. Pretty soon, there’ll be a major terror event in Germany and that’s when things will start turning around. Just wait and see.

        3. Sure, but somebody had to let them in, and it wasn’t Idi Amin.

        4. I never thought the decline would be so fast since 2012. Wow, you can bet those guys are not students, unless they teach Islamic law or have a Looting degree I am not aware of…

        5. i thought the same up until the last 5 months or so, until then there was no major incident, then some small ones happened and it changed my opinion. I think it kinda eased people into it

        6. What they did to Jews was a contributing factor in losing the war. But, it is not clear that same would be true for deporting Arab Muslim and African invaders. Let’s test this conjecture and find out.

        7. “. Life is long (if you don’t die young).”
          I think we will see an increasing number of young men wanting to cut their life short.

        8. These aren’t the same Germans. The weimar republic had a ton of unemployed, angry combat vets drifting around. They were livid at their leadership, leery of the rise of communism, and mad at the conditions of the Versailles treaty.
          Plus they didn’t have a massive crash in the number of young people. Check out a demographic curve of Germany. In a few years the number of fighting aged muslim men will be at par with the number of fighting aged germans, and the latter are feminized.

        9. All those culturally enriching 17 year olds who look about 35 years old. What a future asset they will become to the new Fatherland.

        10. Nor was it Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen (well they have their own problems), Qatar, UAE, Oman, Turkey (except as they pass through), Lebanon, or any other nearby Islamic country.

        11. I’m already the only white man on the subway in NYC. I’d rather be the only white man on the subway surrounded by Japs than the only cracka surrounded by hispanics, blacks, and arabs

        12. Yes, it’s like that 1971 movie “Johnny Got His Gun,” – we’re all tapping out “Kill me” in our version of morse code

        13. you have actually seen the entire movie? I only remember it from that old Metallica video…hard movie to find

        14. ha – that’s my only exposure to that movie as well.
          OT (sorta) I found an outstanding kazoo arrangement of “enter Sandman” on youtube.

      2. I tried college a few times. Going back as an adult was awful. The level of entitlement demonstrated by the 18 and 19 yr olds was contemptible. Every time a test was handed back the class would waste 30 min or more whining about how hard it was and they should get extra credit and waaa waaa waaa.

        1. Where I went to school getting good beatings administered by the teachers was part of the curriculum… and I think I turned out pretty good…

        2. In my many, many years in college and various graduate programs I never once had an exam, paper, lab assignment that wasn’t covered in the lectures and readings….not once. Short of the possibility of getting a really fucking insane professor there isn’t a single difficult college course out there. If you show up every day, do all of the reading and all of the assignments and are active in class discussions, take notes and review them daily it is literally fucking impossible not to get at least a B in every class and even that B should be looked at with suspicion.
          I remember I had a student who couldn’t care one fig about the subject but needed the elective and it was in the right time slot. He was there on the Army’s dime and had zero time to waste with bullshit. I handed out the assignments. He showed up. Did the work required and got an A. Some fucking annoying privileged brat was hitting on him and saying “wow, you got an a. that’s awesome, it was so hard” and he looked at her and just said “you know he told us what was going to be on the test like 6 times in the last 2 weeks and it was all in the handouts anyway” I wasn’t meant to hear that exchange but I did and that (and possibly all the free dope and 19 year old snatch I was getting) is why I taught for 7 years instead of only 5

        3. To be honest, I think it is a matter of wearing the pants as an instructor. When students come to me to complain for shit, I keep the frame and use my non-American manners to make them feel like stupid people. So far, it is working. They respect me and complain less and less as the course advances. They know I take no shit from then, it is worthless to insist.

        4. That seems exactly right. If you can’t seduce your students you can’t teach them and seduction is about maintaining frame

        5. In my almost decade long experience as an outdoor expedition leader and instructor, that is precisely the way to be.
          Sure, there will be the occasional dissenting voices from spineless twerps with similar responsibilities who figure trying to be their ‘friend and equal’ is the way to go about things.
          I was never politically correct to start out with and being on this site has further reinforced that approach. Students will test your boundaries. A shit test if you will. As long as you have facts and logic as your armor, you’ll generally be fine even among the sea of morons that surround you.
          Very aligned with a recent ROK article about the 3 principles of leadership
          1) Lead by example (you’ve been through the shit yourself)
          2) Guide Like a parent (not a friend)
          3) Be competent
          Can’t tell you the number of times at the end of a program or even a year or two later, some student will come up to me and thank me for being uncompromisingly realistic with them.

        6. Standards vary by school, alot of elite schools test things beyond what are taught in class.

        7. i don’t know, I went to a fairly elite school and I was very well prepared. Maybe it wasn’t taught in class but reading material was provided

      3. Ouch, at least our tech. university has programs like biomedical/industrial engineering and math which tend to draw a lot of chicks. Think of the bright side though, less chance to get paired up with a woman for a group project. The difference between a mixed gender and male only teams is night and day.

    2. Has there ever been any other reason? Personally, I think more companies in the tech field should have training programs, a four year degree is overkill for a lot of positions in IT.

      1. TRUTH. Besides, most IT degrees are full of vendor specific bull anyway.

    3. Not sure what you mean by “skill-based profession.”
      Nursing, finance and accounting are fairly safe. Computer science is very robust, and usually gives good ROI too.
      Scientific research is NOT as open-ended as you believe. Astronomy and biology have limited upside, despite their allure. And both have plenty of faculty who want to undermine traditional (Christian) values.

      1. graduating with a biology degree 1.5 years ago was the worst decision of my life. You are 100% corect about the allure of a bio degree and the limited upside.

        1. Unless you are dead set on a career in academia, don’t get a PhD. The stats show that the PhD will get you less money than a masters in the same field, on average, some specific fields may require a PhD. The best way to make money is to get the minimum credentials needed to enter a field, perform well, let the company pay for your masters (almost all will do so gladly), and then stack cash. Once you are in an industry no one really cares about your school or your grades. The masters is just a punch on your card for consideration for management.
          I work in the finance field with a PhD. This is an exception. Even there you need to have a PhD in something with a concentration on statistics and mathematics. I will state that there are plenty of guys I work with that only have a BS, and are doing just fine based on years of experience, but nowadays it is much harder to break in without an advanced degree.

      1. There are only a handful of fields where the tier of your school matters. One of those is Law. My youngest son is determined to become a lawyer. He is working through his undergrad debt free. I told him that is great because when he goes to Law School he needs to get accepted at the best possible school and pay whatever it costs. In fact, if he can’t get into a top tier law school I will work harder to dissuade him from this path.

    4. That’s not what universities should be for. In the western tradition education IS the humanities. Music, Art, Literature, History, etc etc. Compare Socrates or Plato to modern feminist ‘philosophers’. Half of western science (e.g., linguistics, computer science, economics, physics) came from philosophical pursuits anyhow. (e.g., Frege’s introduction of formal logic, Turing’s first formal models of computation).
      The problem is that universities have turned into ideology factories that don’t teach anything useful.
      Anyone who thinks good writing is not a useful skill is a fool, for instance. When I teach law school, I see endless numbers of students who can’t string a sentence together. High school and university obviously aren’t teaching these kids anything.
      When I teach compsci I see legions of asian plagiarists who don’t do their own work, and the universities do almost nothing about it. STEM has its own skeletons in the closet.

      1. Writing and the humanities are important, but insufficient to be a well rounded citizen of the highly technological world we live in. All my degrees have been in technical/STEM fields, yet I got hammered with lots of humanities courses. If you were an art history major in college today, how many calculus courses are required?
        My second youngest son graduated a couple of years ago with three BS degrees; Accounting, Business management, and Economics. Throughout, and after, I stressed to him the importance of developing good writing and communication skills. Most of the time in the real world you will be known, and judged, first by the written word you produce.

      2. The real problem is by the time they even reach College they should already have good writing skills. We are having to re-teach remedial subjects to people.

    5. I encourage high schoolers to take a) CLEP or AP exams to quiz out of their first year or two, b) go to community college while working part-time, and/or c) get 4-yr degree online. Keep debt to minimum.
      Wanna go into law, medicine, or religion? Join JAG Corps, Army medics, or military chaplaincy. Have GI Bill pay for it. Or would that be blue-pilling cuckatude?

        1. You don’t say. How about civil engineers? Software engineers? Architectural engineers? Since when are we overburdened with people who can design and build things?

    6. HoToHousewife…But…But… Those discipline need “hard work” & no bovine excrement arguments as per, e.g. Gender Studies, Social justice studies et al ??

  2. College hasn’t been that bad for me. Probably because I am a computer science major who ignores most of the liberal propaganda

    1. Same here. I’ve come across a few tomboy-ish females in the program, other than that things have been smooth sailing.

    2. In my run-of-the-mill public college, only 11% of the computer science majors were women. It’ll be a male-dominated industry for a long time to come.

      1. Long hours, hard work, math, average pay, no glamour. Don’t expect girls to rush in.

        1. Since when are the hours of your average computer programmer long and arduous and underpaid? It’s consistently touted as one of the best professions in America.

        2. They can be long, at times, especially around a release where you’re literally on the clock 24/7 for a month at a time (on call or actually three shifts to service a major release in a major corporation). Underpaid though? Nah, not even vaguely.

        3. Uhm, I don’t believe I said “underpaid” anywhere. I don’t know how that one got in the discussion.

        4. I was responding to HoToHousewife, who did in fact….mention underpaid.

        5. You are correct. You said average pay. I said underpaid. An oversight on my part.

        6. Well yeah, because you HAVE to release by Christmas come hell or high water. There are a lot of other software gigs that have reasonable hours and flexible scheduling and are truly a pleasure to work in.

      2. In STEM in general, women make up 6.57% of graduates.
        Feminists get in a snit about it, but nobody is denying little Susy access to the physics lab or anything.
        People need to learn to just be content with life and stop trying to force square pegs into round holes.

        1. Oh I’m not arguing with you. As of today, most women grew up being told they can choose whatever degree they want. There’s nothing stopping them from being an engineer or a software developer or whatever. Yet they still don’t choose STEM in any kind of numbers.

        2. I was a hobbyist furniture builder at one point. I studied the old techniques. I wanted to build furniture true to the beginnings, when screws were not used. What I found was that the traditional technique for using pegs to fasten wood together was to jam a square peg in a round hole. It is impossible to get a tight joint any other way. I built a nice dining room table with no metal that way.

        3. Women make up way more than 6% of STEM grads. It’s nearing parity. They make up the majority in bio end biomedical engineering, maybe 15% in EE and near parity in civil, meche e etc.

        4. Wrong. So wrong that it’s incredible you posted it.

    3. Graduated about a decade ago, and a masters a few years after. I went to a college in middle America, but with the nonsense at Mizzou recently I guess not even they are safe. There was very little SJW stuff at my State college then. It was there, but very limited. We even had a very large liberal arts college at the University. I get the impression things went downhill in academia very quickly.

  3. Given the prominence of alpha behavior, or at least alpha-like behavior, coming out of most fraternities in the past… it was only a matter of time before the SJWs got in there and turned them into snowflake factories.

    1. That film was practically a documentary about my college life in the early ’90s.

    2. That movie could not be made today.
      And thats crazy to think about.
      “Probably in a parking lot somewhere picking his nose”.

      1. That is a sobering thought….I can see some square-spectacled, nose-ringed faggot fuk whining about how it’s ‘not funny’ and they’re marginalizing ‘real issues’…..
        Some good bits in that movie for sure!

  4. I remember walking past the student bookstore they day I dropped my son off to start his freshman year. It looked like every single book was about how wonder it was to be LGBT and how evil it was to be straight, white, or male.
    And to think I was in college during the Reagan years.

  5. I am so glad I chose a technical university for my studies. You are basically guaranteed a well paying job once you get your masters, and there is a lot less politically correct bullshit, as it’s mostly focused on applied “hard” science. My fellow students are fairly liberal (what 20 year old kid from western europe isn’t?), but the study load for most majors is pretty high so once you get that precious free time you don’t spend it on bs like campaigning for social justice.

    1. Even those places are under pressure, though. More and more left wing admins are starting to work there.

  6. Thank God I graduated Sigma Chi in the 90’s. Chicks were down, No pussies allowed in the Frat, Hella parties and total brotherhood.
    Can’t stand these skinny jean wearing freakshows walking around EVERYWHERE these days. Thanks Feminism! Turning men into manginas since we hit the year 2000.

    1. In hoc, Brother. Michigan late 80’s here. Watch Fox Business tonight at approximately 9:28 CST. Sigma Chi is being featured as a developer of MEN. With luck it won’t be a hit piece, James Earl Jones-Michigan ’55 narrating, well, there is some concern.

  7. I just wonder why young people today even still go to college? At this point it is clearly and obviously useless to someone’s future. There is such a large amount of info out there that shows how useless college is today. If they’re not going to med school or engineering, why waste 4 years of your life on top of thousands of dollars in tuition, just to end up working as a barista at Starbucks?
    They would have been better off just working at Starbucks right out of high school, and saved up their money for 4 years.

    1. Totally agree.
      I only go to University because a) I need a degree before I leave germany forever, b) a degree in engineering is essential, c) there are no tuition fees in germany and I don’t have any kind of debt.

        1. Japan because there are no white liberals to ruin the place.
          I just sneek in and then I promote a zero-migrant policy in Japan so that I’m the last one setting a foot in this country.

        2. There’s a fair chance that you won’t be admitted with any kind of permanent residency status I believe. Japanese have a very good immigration policy (not commenting about you specifically).

        3. I would exploit their love for all things non-Japanese- youre german, so start the first beer garden in that country

        4. Good luck you known Japan has some very strict immigration laws and you may never completely become a citizen.

        5. was italy part of the axis? serve spaghetti-Os and Bitburger on tap

        6. I prefer being an outsider in a country with great culture, safety and adorable women over living in germanistan handling feminazis and white guilt syndrom infected people who will throw me in jail for criticizing queen massmigration Merkel.

        7. You know, you can have the best of both worlds, and just move to the Midwest or old West of the U.S. We’re white, we’re conservative traditionalists for the most part, plus you can carry a gun and shoot bad people.

        8. Good idea. My Russian wife and I discussed that. We’d rather be minorities in Japan promoting Japanese homogeneity than live in western europe surrounded by third world savages.

        9. White for now. They have been sending refugees to places like Bismarck for quite a while now. Twin Falls has a muslim rape problem now, and boise has a black violence problem.

        10. I’d rather feel like an outside in another country than an outsider in my own country.

  8. I recall one local frat got in trouble because they asked on a member questionnaire “if you could rape anyone who would it be”. Last I heard approx 3 yes ago) some local frats haven’t been invaded by fags. Fags get their own “safe space” frats. Fag frats. Heh.

    1. Harold Ramis and green lipstick do not mix
      On a serious note: a bib ol bomb was dropped in Afghanistan

      1. a bib ol bomb was dropped in Afghanistan

        I like it when bombs take the necessary precautions before eating Spaghetti-O’s.

      2. $16M worth of bomb destroying about $50 worth of infrastructure over there. USA! USA!

    2. I think the photo is misleading. You can find these types on campuses sure, but they’re not omnipresent. I was walking across OSU campus with my son this last Saturday and I don’t think I saw a single clown hair or Faggy McButtplugg (that looked like one). Mostly just young, decent, fresh faced kids for the most part. You’ll see your deviant now and then but it’s nowhere like is being suggested here.
      Now an East Coast or California college, who knows, maybe that kind of thing is normal there.

      1. exactly. The thing about having 20 deviants on a campus of 20,000 people is that while they are statistically insignificant as a group, they all gravitate towards each other and form one large, loud, annoying land mass so if you get a picture of them in front of something OSUish and then write an article about how OSU is becoming a haven for degenerate shits someone who doesn’t know the reality of the situation can very earily believe it.
        It really is no different than bullshit like the union square freaks here in NYC that would violently protest milk and cookies. Get a few pictures of these idiots and you can paint an entire city to look clown shoes absurd. It makes me really wonder if a lot of the stuff I see here about places I don’t go to really is all that bad or if it is just selective editing.

        1. It’s not only here, most every web site has it’s own slant and viewpoint. I guess the safest thing is to take everything with a grain of salt, and realize that the exception does not the rule make.
          See, I’d be one of those guys who would be allowed to read in lolknee world. Maybe.

        2. no doubt.
          The problem with the exception is that it is often much more interesting or, at the very least, more sensational and attention grabbing. Couple that with tech-na-mo-ology and people who are hungry for a message and it is a real danger.

        3. The problem is that many of the decent looking folks, either out of duty or true belief, share 99% of the BS the 20 deviants preach. They are infected with the same mental virus.

        4. I don’t know. I meet a whole lot of people from all walks of life in my business and personal life and I have only one time in my whole life, living in a famously liberal city, going to a famously liberal college, only once (outside of when I was a professor, it was that bad there) met a girl who spouted even 1/10 of the feminist BS that I read about here.
          Really. One. It was the girl who on a first date said something about the wage gap and I told her the only gap I was interested in was between her legs. She had already been rambling on and I was ready to call it quits so I just blew it up.
          Outside her not one single man, woman, girl of dating age and when I say I meet thousands of people I am not exaggerating.
          Stay away from young academics and out of hipster neighborhoods and you’ll be just fine

        5. I do have to deal with many U.S. graduates in business settings either Americans or upper Class Hispanics who were sent to Ivy League Universities by their rich parents. Even in these meetings, they don’t lose their opportunity to show how “open minded” (read idiot) or how tolerant they are (read spineless and ignoramus), how unrestricted free trade is good (even though their daddies are the first obstacle for open markets in their own countries through their cronyism, etc.) how Assad is evil and Trump is the devil, etc. etc.
          Fortunately I just stare at them and change topics, real live discussions might intrigue third parties but never convince true believers or shills and since my life was not on the line, a discussion is unnecessary.

        6. Maybe it is just that I give off the sense that I couldn’t Care less about politics so no one tells me this shit.
          I recently was chatting to a group of finance guys at a bar who all just finished their MBA at Columbia (my alma matter) and in the brief time I spoke to them they seemed like great kids. They wanted to talk about buisiness and women like most people there age. Spoke to them a little about scotches and they were far better informed than I was at their age and then they left in an uber to head downtown to some club where I am positive every single one of them got laid.
          In my business the most liberal people I deal with Are probably either the PR people or the graphic designers and none of them ever talk politics with me. There is one girl who lives in williamsburg so I am side she believes some stupid things but we have a cordial and occasionally flirtatious relationship where none of it ever comes up
          The sales people for advertising I deal with are young college grads and none of them seem to care about anything other than money and sex.
          The bars I go to tend to be upscale. I rarely see a guy without a suit or at least a sports jacket and almost never see a girl not in heels. None of them, from 19 years old (last weeks date) to a guy in his 70’s who is a retired estate lawyer I know ever talk about politics or social shit–at least not around me

        7. Maybe Americans have a penchant for talking about politics abroad when in company of foreigners? I don’t know. Older American consultants are more like the people you describe. Or maybe ‘cos you are not in their age bracket and might look imposing. Anyway good for you.

      2. HA! your in Oklahoma bud count your blessings. try looking at a college up north

        1. Eh…actually, Ohio. I should have written it THE Ohio State University, because it’s the all caps THE that really sets us apart.

      1. Porcer, you left out the most obvious tell… what the hell is that real dodge looking dude between green ghoul & faggy lipstick up too???
        looks as if he’s waiting for the opportune moment to launch at the camera man with a machete!

        1. Funny you mention this. I almost had him in there. He would have replaced 4 or 7, and would have showed up as:
          2. Unabomber in attendance

  9. I enjoy learning and I’ve had some great classes in my tenure at college. While SJWism is taking over the school I think I’ve made a significant difference in the life of some of the men I’ve helped steer away from that stuff towards the red pill. My rugby team is honestly a beacon of masculinity and everyone likes them more than the “sorority” I joined. I’ll be happy to graduate in a month.

  10. I just burned all the books from my bookshelf that were written by jews. God, I didn’t know that the jewish influence in my room was so big.
    Through the selection process I found out that the author Robert Greene – highly praised by the autists from reddit/redpill – is jewish.
    And here is one quote from him from an interview he gave to the guardian:
    “I’m a huge Obama supporter. […] It’s Jay-Z and 50 Cent and Obama and my Jewish ancestors – that’s the America we want to celebrate. Not the vulture capitalist.”
    I really enjoyed burning his books. It’s just sad that I gave him some shekels by purchasing his works in the first place.

    1. that is sad, deranged and a sign that you may need professional help

        1. I didn’t say that. I said that if you are burning books based on the political view or religion of the author than you should probably seek help. YOu could easily donate books to a library, sell them on ebay or, maybe, just stick them in a corner. Burning books is one of the greatest crimes a person can commit and just reinforces my long held belief that not everyone should be given books to read. Knowledge should only be given to the initiated and worthy. Anyone, in my opinion, who is burning books, was never smart enough to read them and never deserved to have them in the first place — regardless of the material or personal belief of the author. The protestant reformation really screwed us on this one.

        2. Oh, yeah sure. I will donate these books to the library so that even more people can read (((Fromm))), (((Gruen))) and (((Freud))) and even more people can be infected with cultural marxism.
          Seems like a smart plan – a 4D chess plan like you americans say in 2017.

        3. See, this is what I mean. You seem the type who wasn’t intended to read. Knowledge needs to be withheld from those who cannot handle it. Honestly, I don’t even think you should have internet access or possibly limited internet access which is trade specific…but c’est la vie. You can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube and idiots get to read and burn books.

        4. yawn. I remember you. You are the guy who got cucked, has a bad attitude, thinks the world owes him a favor.
          There is nothing even remotely ad hominem in my comment to you. If you bothered reading books instead of burning them you might have a better grasp of language.
          I am trying to explain to you that the willful destruction of the knowledge base of the world, whether or not you are happy with that knowledge, is truly the action of a moron who was never intended to have access to knowledge in the first place. There is a very good reason that the church kept people like you busy toiling in the fields and far away from an education. People who think the way you do are much more useful to the world not knowing how to read and with very busy hands.

        5. Gosh, there is just so much wrong with that comment, where should I start?
          You remember me?
          I created my Disqus account a week ago.
          There’s not that much to remember.
          A better grasp of language? English is my third language and I focus on japanese (my fourth language) atm. I just love the audacity of english-only speakers telling me that my english level sucks. Self-absorbed muricans….gotta love em.
          Since when is cultural marxism knowledge?
          I dont burn books instead of reading them, I read them and if they are shitty I burn them. Just like I’d like to burn some modern artworks.
          Again, a constant stream of ad hominems doesn’t make you look sophisticated.

        6. Not to butt into the middle of a delightful row, but he’s not English speaking only, so be careful.

        7. ok…well there was another straight alpha from Germany then. Odd coincidence that.. And yes, I get it, someone taught you the word ad hominem last week and you want to use it as often as possible despite the context being wrong.
          ANyway, I have no more time for your stupidity and weakness. see ya later agitator.

        8. ha. it’s ok. This faggot is too stupid and shallow to discuss grown up boy things with anyway. I am finished. Sometimes I wonder where my passion for mocking idiots went. I must be getting old.

        9. Actually, in fact, you are getting old. We both are. Life sucks like that. But in the end, que sera sera.

        10. faggot – stupid – shallow – idiots
          I see a pattern here.
          Still not a single argument.
          Yeah, I’m not able to discuss those ‘grown up boy things’.
          Because spitting out insults like a ten your old suffering from Tourette syndrome is mature as fuck.

        11. I am not arguing with you because you are a child and a moron. Now I am just mocking you. There is a difference.

        12. while I agree with your overall sentiment that burning books is inappropriate i would not consider it a crime – also some books are just a pile of dogshit

        13. Some books ought never be published. Sure. That is a whole different conversation. But this dipshit is talking about important and intelligent work and burning it simply because the author is Jewish. Even if the book was called “how to cook the Goyim” you still preserve and study

        14. dude if you dont want to leave a trail you have to do a better job 😀
          so far I remember from reading the comments:
          straightalpha turned to germanübermensch turned to mensch turned to straightalpha again

        15. thats kind of true, still I can see both sides of this argument as the content of some books (not the one he mentioned though) might be so detrimental to society that its not worth keeping them in circulation (except for maybe some copies for study) But that is a far fetching discussion that ought to get philosophical quick. My main point is just that I dont think burning books is a crime.

        16. There are books detrimental in just the way you say and I am all for having them under lock and key and only given to very select people who can handle them to read….but to destroy? Never. That is cowardly

        17. Dort wo man Bücher verbrennt, verbrennt man auch am Ende Menschen.
          Where they have burned books, they will end in burning human beings

        18. When the Right wishes to suppress information, they do it in a brash very public way, e.g., book burnings in Germany in the 1930s.
          When the Left wishes to suppress information, they quietly and secretly remove books from the shelves or start rewriting history, airbrushing photos etc.
          The difference is the Right is forthright and upfront about its intentions while the Left is sinister and sly about its intentions.

        1. Yeah, I never cared for Jesus, either.
          Seriously, if you don’t believe that Jesus wields awesome supernatural powers, he rose from the dead, and he’ll use these powers to punish you in the afterlife, then what does he have left?

        2. “If you kill your enemies, they win.”
          “If someone slaps you on one cheek, offer the other cheek also.”
          Uhm, which one was Trudeau and which one was Jewsus?

        3. I prefer the words of Genghis ……..
          “The greatest pleasure is to vanquish your enemies, to ride their horses and sleep on the bellies of their wives and daughters.”

        4. they are quite powerful words those, when compared to what ol ‘hey seuss’ said

  11. Every class I go to, there is at least one statement a week about racial and gender inequality (even math).
    I think that 8, wants to rape the 6.
    Trump wants to make universities responsible for a percentage of the tuition when students cannot get real jobs.
    Risk sharing for colleges on student debt
    They are a business and their product sucks. If he doesn’t get sidetracked from this I want it.
    The other thing this country needs is for all 17 year olds, yes SJW equal females this includes you, is to serve 2 years in the military.

    1. God Bless Trump for addressing this. Academia is the fever swamp where these Khmer Rouge-like zealots are produced…

  12. I’m currently taking classes at community college to burn my VA benefits, and you are dead correct on the liberal propaganda being thrust upon today’s youth. Just in a sociology class, the film 13th (a documentary victimizing the BLM movement) and MTV’s “White People” special were played with discussion afterwards. These were followed by all the glorious things Islam brings us and why we shouldn’t worry about genderless restrooms. Their defense? We will eventually get used to it.
    The shining light out of all this? The students who were still in high school, the 16 and 17 year olds, were the ones most vocal about their opposition. They were vehement in their responses, I mean saying that transgenders were mentally ill and need help, not catering, and pointing out that the three terror attacks in the last three weeks were all done in the name of the same religion. Generation Z is looking somewhat promising.

    1. That’s my kids generation. And they are *just* like that, to a tee. I’m even seeing a lot of kids that age starting to ostracize the faggots again and make fun of them. Maybe it never stopped, but for a while it seemed like being Fag was akin to being Baby Jesus. Not any more.

      1. I have a theory on this. Right around my generation (I’m about to be 33), and especially in the one following mine, it seemed like a lot of families created wealth seemingly out of thin air. Maybe it was the tech boom, the real estate bubble, etc, but right around the time my generation was in high school and following for about a decade and a half, families experienced more comfort than they had in previous years. They created wealth from bullshit like stocks, trades, and real estate. This led to the Great Pampering of the generation behind mine.
        The ultra-pampered generation starting with mine and beyond started to formulate ideas about how the world works. In their minds, they were entitled to live however they wanted with no consequences since daddy was always there to bail them out with the millions he had amassed in stocks, etc. They received sports cars at the age of 16 (I can’t tell you how many kids at my high school, a public school at that, drove cars costing upwards of $40,000-50,000).
        Then the bubble burst and it’s never fully recovered. This left the pamperettes in a bind. Their worldview was shaped by entitlement, they had always been handed everything in life, but now daddy’s $3 million mansion had been downgraded to a $1200 a month, two bedroom condo. They never learned how to actually accrue true wealth, how to work hard for fucking anything, or the truth about how the world really works. They were raised in fantasy-land, and that’s where they still remain. All of their ideas are a result of living in comfort. Seriously, who the fuck has time to think about gender fluid restrooms when money is tight and you’re working your ass off just to get by?
        So now that daddy can no longer afford to care for them as he’s now working twice as hard for half the income, they’re turning their eyes on the government, since all they know is entitlement.
        Fast forward to the generation just behind the pamperettes. Middle class families are now experiencing more strain than they’ve ever experienced before. Both parents are working long hours for chump change, leaving kids to grow up much faster than they did during the Great Pampering.
        I see my nieces and the way they take care of each other. It’s a complete 180 from what I saw from the generation just after mine. These kids learned how to be responsible at a very young age. Because mom and dad had less time at home, the kids had to help pick up the slack. This left them with less time for bullshit nonsense like the queer agenda. It also taught them that entitlement is an illusion. If there is a silver lining in the absolute fucking of the middle class over the last decade, it’s that it’s making the newer generations gain a better understanding of how the world works and that nothing comes for free.

        1. That’s a very good theory. Toss in that the older Millenials were raised by Boomers or “Just after boomer but not GenX” types, while my kid’s peers are being raised by GenX (who is consistently polled out at conservative-libertarian) and you’ll see a vast gulf in the attitudes between the two.

        2. Definitely. It’s interesting to see. I noticed the gulf even in middle school as an 8th grader. The attitudes of 5th and 6th graders were very different from mine. Even the leftists from my age group who bought into some SJW nonsense still retain what I call an old school liberal mindset. Get a couple of beers in them and they’ll admit that they hate the newer batch of SJW liberals.

        3. Astute observation. The agency of meeting basic needs over rides academic social engineering malarkee any day. The younger generation could become more conservative because of necessity.

        4. “They never learned how to actually accrue true wealth”
          I would say it’s no longer possible, no matter what you learn or how hard you work. The world has changed, you now earn less, and need to work until you die, just to survive.

        5. I am a boomer (mea culpa) who raised 6 children. I believe they are all millenials, ages 39 to 23 (OK the first was a couple of years too old to be in the standard definition). There is a huge difference in the degree of leftist indoctrination between the oldest and the youngest. The youngest millennials really had the indoctrination screws put to them big time.

        6. Just as it has been for thousands, if not millions of years, for the vast majority of human beings, with only a few, very brief, respites.

        7. Yes, but older Baby Boomers (born say the mid to late 40s) gave birth to GenX’ers (those babies and kids you see at Woodstock).

        8. And your point is….what?
          GenX polls consistently as right wing borderline libertarian. We were the bulk of the Tea Party thing when it started up originally.

        9. Are you familiar with this quote from Robert Heinlien?
          ‘Throughout history, poverty is the normal condition of man. Advances which permit this norm to be exceeded — here and there, now and then — are the work of an extremely small minority, frequently despised, often condemned, and almost always opposed by all right-thinking people. Whenever this tiny minority is kept from creating, or (as sometimes happens) is driven out of a society, the people then slip back into abject poverty.
          This is known as “bad luck.” ‘

      2. My kids are all millennials. Unfortunately, they are not like that. I have preached the red pill, and did everything I could to tell them they were being indoctrinated, but to little or no avail.
        Gen Z is reported as being statistically much, much more to the right politically.

        1. I’m glad they have a new designation, because that’s where my kids are, GenZ.

      3. I could be wrong here but I have a hard time believing that children ever stopped making fun of faggots (whether they were homosexual or just fags) no matter what the faculty, media, etc tried to push.
        Again, I could be wrong. But my nephews who were around that 7-13 range pretty much use 80% of their speech to call each other some form of gay.
        Can you really stop immaturity?
        Maybe, I don’t have the requisite experience to say but I just don’t believe that school yards aren’t filled with kids calling each other homos

  13. Richard Dawkins had the genius idea of describing memes (e.g. ideas, religious and cultural norms, etc.) as cultural analogues to genes; both replicating, mutating and responding to selective pressures. Some having an advantage to replicate, some having a disadvantage to replicate.
    I don’t know his exact wording anymore but he says something along the lines of “turned up speakers.”
    Teachers and college professors are essentially the “meme replicators” of the ruling class; the latter handing the former “turned up speakers” so they replicate memes the ruling class likes.

  14. What the hell is going on? Back when I was in college we actually had a sign at the door of a party that said “No means yes and yes means anal” and the worst we heard about it was some mild grumblings from a few chicks that probably ended up taking it in the ass later that night anyway. What the hell has happened to people?
    I know the answer, I’m just being rhetorical.

    1. During my “just out of high school” yoot, we had flags that said “No Fat Chicks” that we’d fly in the back of our pickup truck. We’d park and then girls would come over and we’d all drink. Except the occasional fatty, who we would direct to the flag for further instruction.

      1. My group was probably the last vestige to see some strong masculine messages. Thank God for Married With Children. Hooters, Hooter, Yum, Yum, Yum. Hooters, Hooters, on a girl that’s dumb. And the other oft used phrase, sexual harassment is for ugly people to feel as though they are important.

        1. There are videos on YouTube from Spring Break at Ft. Lauderdale during the mid 1980’s. Just regular person type videos, not commercials or pro stuff. If you have an hour, watch one. That can raise your T level by a solid 100 points, because you see all of these fresh, uninked skinny girls with long hair out whistling at boys, and young in shape men giving it right back to them. It is an utterly alien world compared to most of what we see today, if even just in regard to physical condition and openly expressed attitudes.

        2. I couldn’t even imagine a world like that, I would be in heaven today if just one girl whistled at me that was attractive and thin lol. Now you go out and look at a girl and she’s calling the cops. Seems extreme but its true in many instances.
          I tell this story all the time and people get a good laugh out of it. But I was at this dumpy sports bar when I turned 21 and I went up to the bar to get my buddy and I drinks. This fat hog was sitting there and looked me straight in the face and said “don’t even think about it!” I couldn’t believe it and didn’t know what to say. But it was an eye opening experience for what the next 6 years would bring lol

        3. Mind you, the culture had changed a lot back then considering millenials and generation Z was raised in a culture (i.e. brainwashing) where libtards are heroes, faggots are icons, Weaklings are praised upon and the filth as the new gold, victims are held as saviors, Zombies/ recorders as intellectuals and where Neathedral man as the new cool.

        4. The land whale ( i have plenty of em in my college) shouldn’t even think about having a meaningful relationship with you considering that they are always living in a delusion

        5. Yeah haha. I know a girl too who thinks she’s super hot but she could stand to lose about 50. I think that might be the worst is when a fatty thinks they are undeniably hot.

        6. When landwhales fly, i wouldn’t even consider fucking them. My sperm is too expensive to be wasted like that.

        7. That’s what the world used to be like mate. I spent many weekends at Myrtle Beach in the mid 1980’s and you nearly had to swat away the hotties to get some peace and enjoy a drink just watching the ocean.

        8. Seriously, you should look up 1980 spring break on youtube. Bit before my time and I literally Hitler cannot imagine that was my country just a few years ago.

        9. My dad cannot understand why I can’t find a good and hot woman to date me now. I’m like pops it’s not like it was back in the 80s lol. If I was in my mid 20s in the 80s I feel like my charm and level of game would totally slay..

      2. you actually had the no fat chicks flag? that’s spectacular. You don’t still have it in a box somewhere.
        I feel like you also need an ass, gas or grass sticker.

        1. You know, I just might have it in the basement actually, now that you mention it, along with a big old container of cassette tapes.

        2. Shit, now I think that I found something fun to do this weekend!
          I think I still have a “Party Naked” T-shirt somewhere as well, all boxed up. My basement is a museum to the 1980’s, more or less.
          Pull out the flag, put on the shirt, and ride someplace where I can deploy my Jarts set.

        3. Just double check anything you bring out hasn’t been re-appropriated as ironic by hipsters (think trucker cap). You don’t want that message being sent

        4. I recently got an apron (I am the family cook and master BBQer) that says, “Every thing tastes better naked”.

        5. The ass, gas or grass stickers were ubiquitous in SoCal, along with
          stickers cut down to read-

      3. Never had that, but I did have a bumper sticker on my ’79 Chev Blazer that said “Don’t laugh mister, your daughter might be in here”

        1. Kind of like the favorite bumper sticker of my day; “I am the guy your mother warned you about.”

      4. My favorite saying is from Californication where Hank Moody’s dad says, “Life is too short to dance with fat chicks.” You should see the looks on people’s faces when I say that. You would think I just shot their dog lol

      1. Never light your farts unless you are wearing a pair of jockey shorts. Ask me how I know. Hint, why is there a screen at the top of a Bunsen burner?

  15. Our intellectual and academic elites work at cross purposes by promoting both nihilism and indignation at alleged social injustice.
    Dammit, make up your minds. You can’t have both.
    If nothing matters in life, then the grievances of Jews, immigrants, blacks, feminists, transgenders and gays don’t matter, either.

        1. I’ll cut your fucking head off jew dog! And I’m not even a fucking muslim.. :))
          Rat fuck parasite. Couldn’t even dare to eyeball Me face to face you dog!
          Sorry for the dogs, they’re better!
          Orur habbo!

  16. The USA also spreads this propaganda to the universities from other countries…I have a degree in “American Studies” and only half of what we learned was useful information like American history, geography, literature, theater, cinema, etc… the other half was gender studies, minority studies, globalism and other dubious crap…

        1. Well, if that means that I’d have a few indentured 22 year old sorority girls waiting on me hand and foot, then I’m totally behind this plan.

        2. yeah, I am pretty sure I have been doing my best to elevate student loan debt by feeding and buying drinks for young women for years.

        3. Why do you need student debt for that? Just do it the old fashioned way, a few spiked drinks, a bathtub full of ice and a decent set of sharp knives and Bob’s your uncle, you’re in business!

        4. Island of Misfit Toys for Him. No one wants to play with a Charlie the unicorn.

        1. Name one recent college graduate that would not then file bankruptcy, immediately.

        2. My oldest daughter, 6 years of college (B.A. and teaching credential program), no debt. By December, my other daughter will complete her 4 year degree debt free.

        3. AND make the University/college co-signers on every student loan for their students.
          As well as, require some percentage- (8%?) of their endowments be spent subsidizing student tuition.

        4. And give up the ability to purchase a house? Or get a car loan (or any credit) without being raped by high interest? Or rent an apartment (landlords check credit these days)? Or get a job in certain fields? Declaring bankruptcy isn’t a piece of cake. Besides, a bankruptcy judge needs a good showing of hardship before he’ll sign off on a decree.

        5. Actually, your ability to get a car loan dramatically improves after a bankruptcy. The car loan is shorter than the time you’re able to declare bankruptcy again, you can’t go bankrupt on that loan. So, you’ll pay a bit higher interest but if you’ve got income you’ll get a loan.

      1. If America has money for tomahawk missiles to main Syrian children and money to give maimed syrian children prosthetic limbs, it has money to forgive student loans.

        1. Since the vast majority of uncollectable student loans are held by females, it is inevitable that the government will pick up the tab. It is only a matter of time. Right now they can limit their loan payments to no more than 10% of their income. All they have to do is live off some man and, bingo, no student loan payments.

        2. No, subsidize bad choices and irresponsibility and you just get more of it.
          Bigger problem is, Obama’s transfer of the student loans to the government made it the largest asset on the books. If you allow the student loans to be forgiven, all of sudden that asset on the plus side of the books becomes a loss on the negative side.

        3. Nonsense.
          Not ‘America’s’ problem (at least no more so than removing and attaching Syrian limbs).
          Honor your bond! Shylock was the hero in the merchant of Venice.
          Though I don’t understand why such debts are treated differently under the bankruptcy laws.

    1. Why have student loans?
      My teen daughter is working as a petrol pump attendant in the holidays to pay her university fees. Why can’t everyone work for their degree?

      1. why do i have to pay taxes so ratheon corp ceo’s can make a nice juicy bonus?

  17. Several years back, I worked with a couple of guys who were in a frat at one of the local colleges. One night, they invited to come to one of their parties. I was absolutely shocked once I got there. Half the members were fags, the other half were skinny-jeans, fake-glasses-wearing manginas. Needless to say, I didn’t fit in and left about 20 minutes after getting there. I had only graduated about 3 years prior to that night and never once saw anyone like that at any of the frat parties I went to when I was in college. It’s amazing how far and fast many fraternities fell.

    1. I worked part time at a grocery store going through college. My freshman year a couple of idiots come in asking if we have any spoiled yogurt, or rotten fruit, or meat that’s gone bad that we’re gonna throw out. (No, we don’t. If I did I couldn’t even give it to you without violating the law). See, they’re in a fraternity and need it for their hazing rituals- make their pledges crawl through it or smear them with it or soak in it or something
      Never was interested in joining a frat, that confirmed it was a bad idea.

  18. Went to School in the 80’s and we had keggers, pot and chicks. .I don’t know what its like now; but I would hate to be apart of above. It looks like a sad case of blue pill revenge of the nerds.

      1. This is at a time when their social life is most important. If they are trapped in their own little world at 22, what will they be like when they are in their 40’s and no longer have near the opportunity to socialize?

        1. with no way out. I used to be fairly social. I struggle now to maintain a network a friends. It gets difficult when juggling responsibilities.

  19. It all changed at the end of World War Two with the G.I. Bill. There was a shortage of teachers so they imported thousands upon thousands of liberal commie teachers from Europe to take up the slack. We see what happened 20 years on with the turmoil of the 1960’s and beyond.

  20. I finished up school right before the first wave of PC hit campus. I remember the difference on campus the year I graduated and the next Spring when I went to visit a friend still in a student there. It was crazy. Like a complete 180 degree turn. And probably 95% of it was never captured by the media because you didn’t have the internet and the liberal MSM didn’t really care. With two years after graduation the college had basically banned frats, set up every single multicultural office you could think of, had “specialty scholarships” for gays from Kenya, I mean the whole nine yard. Glad I never donated them a dime.

  21. I remember during my RA training (I needed the money, alright?) the school brought two morbidly obese women in to tell all the RA trainees about how not everyone identifies as male or female and they should be careful to note their preferences. This was just a few years ago.
    About 70% of the RAs agreed afterwards that it was bullshit and it cemented in my mind that these SJWs were simply ugly losers desperately searching for something to make them feel special. They do themselves in pretty quickly as soon as you get eyes on them and can see it plain as day.

    1. COMMUTER Community College followed by COMMUTER State School or Flagship State School. Religious school like Grove City, Hillsdale, or Regent. Uncorrupted liberal arts school and I don’t know if any of these exist any longer but there used to be a few tiny ones out there.

    2. As a recent graduate, I wouldn’t recommend it unless they want to do something that demands it (military officer) or they have a distinct plan to pay it off (GI Bill, jobs or scholarships).
      The degree inflation is real, too. They would need a very utilitarian degree and at least a few internships afterward to secure a job.

      1. I did an engineering degree at a state campus, graduated in the early 2000’s and it served me well. I think colleges reinforce a kids political opinion, either the kid already sees the BS, or they fall deeper in love with the BS.

        1. That’s exactly what happened to me. I acquired a contempt for leftists in college.
          Their home life and values play a big role there. I doubt your kids would have much to worry about in that regard. It’s really just weighing whether it’s worth the money anymore. Degrees are inflated and some professors are just a joke.

        2. I tell you, I couldn’t wait to get out my senior year. All I saw were whiny spoiled brats and hippy teachers.

        3. Do you really want your sons to repeat your sad hopeless corporate cubical existence?

        4. My son is getting a computer engineering degree at one of the most liberal colleges in the country. He and his conservative buddies just laugh at the nonsense, and enjoy the spectacle. The Trump election was an unending source of joy as the folks in the social sciences lost what little of their minds they still possessed. In the couple of general ed they have to take, like the author, they just tell them what they want to hear, get the A and move on.
          The same kind of nonsense drove my daughters to becoming far more conservative/libertarian. They came to understand that current feminism really is about hating men and creating a misinformed exploitable political faction.

    3. Pharmacy, Dentistry or Medicine.
      Very quick ROI, most other stuff may be not worth it. Research what employment requires what qualifications, how likely they are to get a job after graduation, and what the pay for that job is.
      Don’t let them choose their own course, you have to guide them.
      If the only question you can ask is, “do I send them to college”, the answer is “NO”.
      As for STEM
      IT, worthless, very low pay for graduates, 100 people chasing every job.
      Engineering (mech or elect), low pay.
      Physics, Math, Chemistry, research scientists and lecturers don’t earn much, school teachers even less.

      1. Pharmacists should be replaced with automation.
        Why are we paying people $120k a year to dispense pills into a bottle?

        1. we’re going to have robots hauling ass cross country but we need people to chop pills in half … anyone else seeing a lack of logic here?

      2. stem: long hours, difficult work, low pay, and all your coworkers are ragheads and curry eaters

    4. Depends on what they want to do in life? 2 of my nephews worked in a feed lot, worked hard and got noticed. One went the operating heavy equipment route, getting his CDL, he already owns his own home and isn’t 30 yet. The younger one started assisting in equipment maintenance, they sent him to a school so he’s now a certified diesel mechanic- and also owns his own home. No college involved.
      Anyway, once your kids figure out what they want to pursue, find some way for them to talk to folks actually in that line of work and get advice. How did they get there? How are people getting into it now? What do they see as the future in that industry? What are realistic income expectations short and longer term? Then start researching the colleges with good programs in the field, and that you/your kids can afford.

    1. Disgusting what these teachers do . It’s the equivalent of malpractice … I would love to win the lottery and go back to college and take some of these courses and challenge these freak profs.

  22. Chin up men. All is not lost.
    Pick an STEM major. You will be able to pay off loans. Also do only Asian girls. They respect men, come from good homes, and know drunken sex isn’t rape. They will even do your laundry without asking,

    1. Some. Biology is a pretty bad bet, unless you get into med school. Plus engineering disciplines are cyclical. A lot of chemical engineering and chemistry have been offshored of late.

    2. Asian women do not date or fuck white guys.
      Look at any college campus: nothing but asian couples holding hands.
      On the rare occasion you see an asian girl with a white guy, the girl is a fugly dark asian.
      feels bad man

      1. As a long time sufferer of yellow fever I have to agree. My solution, which I offer on each occasion this comes up, is to go to Asia. If only 6% of Asian women are interested in white guys, go where Asian women are 99% of the female population, and white guys are 1% of the population.

        1. True. That I will believe. Over there, where everyone is Asian, the women may be looking for something new and exciting compared to their “mundane” society.However, when they come here, they are outsiders and seek out their own to date.

        2. i hate the term “yellow fever” – most NE asian girls have white skin and are often whiter than caucasian girls, especially those who try to make themselves brown through tanning

    3. why would you want your woman to handle your skid marked or cum stained underwear?
      Do you want to see your gf/wife picking up dog shit?
      Most men have a n inbuilt romantic instinct or need to ascribe some type of purity or ethereal quality to their woman, even if illusory. So handling cum stiffened boxers or dirty socks kinda breaks the fantasy.

  23. Pretty sure I have a mild form of ptsd brought on by four years at NYU. The pinnacle of that tour through hell being the overweight black female prof who called me out, in front of a full class, for being a “sexually repressed victim of the patriarchy.” And this was an art history class. The experience is designed to manipulate and overpower. I don’t think indoctrination is too strong a word.

    1. I remember sitting in on an art history class where the fat lesbian professor told us that the male body was ugly compared to the female body, which was perfect in its proportions. Meanwhile she was 230lbs.

        1. Yeah, I agree with her about the female body being prettier/more attractive than the male. I’m really not attracted to the male body.
          Although, only some female bodies are proportioned perfectly.
          Maybe I’m a lesbian too…

  24. Here’s what I told my sons:
    Goto a small, STEM-specific school (SD and Colorado Schools of Mines comes to mind) – which will be a sausage-fest except nearly two-thirds of the guys are genuine clueless nice-guy betas, around a third are absolute nerds and geeks who couldn’t get laid in a whorehouse, which leaves the odds in favor of a guy with game. On the other hand, the girls there are serious about their education, and so they have a TAD bit more sense, and a large fraction of them are land whales. And AWALT holds – never EVER forget that.
    If you don’t go STEM, go to a trade school where you can learn a well-paying trade, get out much faster, and not have to put up with the SJW corruption.

  25. Boomer here. Went to engineering school in the 70’s.
    The behavior on campus now shows that we are witnessing the blow off the top for post secondary education. These are the end days of the traditional college/university paradigm.
    After WWII, it was evident that technology was effective in winning big wars and boosting a complex society, Technology became king and required highly trained (academically) practitioners rather than just mechanics and technicians. Of course the whole level of complexity went up including all the supporting functions like admin, IT, management etc.
    The trouble today is
    Internet and social media creating echo chambers for group think,
    Over use of academic degrees by employers to screen potential employees
    Over use of student loans based on free money (historic low interest rates) to bring in even the most unqualified students
    Lowering standards to bring in large number of students to feed a huge university/college infrastructure pumped up by the point above.
    Most students these days would have had no business being in a university in my day and certainly my parents day.
    The internet will eventually bring top quality instruction from a small select group of world class experts in broad and narrow subject areas. Lab work must of course be hands on.
    However, the one nut to crack is the fact that the modern post secondary brick and mortar system is now really there for mating opportunities and socialization – quite apart from any academic knowledge.

  26. If you have any kind of passion that you can learn skills for online, then college is a complete waste of time and money.

    1. The problem is that not everyone comes up with an enterprising idea. Before, becoming a professional in a college career was one of the few ways to become a “wealthy”.

  27. I find the whole idea of a ‘fraternity’ as a bit gay.
    In the UK you go to university to drink and fuck, I just agreed with whatever the pussy I was with said, enjoyed the cheap sex, then on to the next one. Same for the university lecturers, they let you know what answers they wanted, you wrote those answers on the exam papers, everyone was happy. Nobody ever failed their degree for agreeing with their lecturers.

  28. Just don’t go to school, teach yourself how to make money off of government stupidity and you’ll be wealthy in no time.

    1. A few things need to be said to anyone persuing a college degree. Research at what point is the ROI met in your field and the need to continue higher learning in a brick-and-mortar university simply needs to end. The private sector is flooded with people with postgraduate degrees and no real experience. The potential employer will pass over them and pick the guy with a BA/BS and ten years work experience in said field over them any day. I know I do.

  29. Shit, the Tri-Lambs were pussy slayers by today’s standards. They fucked ugly, but they still managed.

  30. bbbbb-b-but you will never have so many awesome parties in your life
    bbbbb-b-ut you will never be around so many hot girls ever again
    bbb-b-but it’s your last chance to fuck lots of hot girls

  31. The Ivies have become PC hellholes ….. Literally a training ground for degeneracy…

    1. Not in any place that’s raised the minimum wage. Can’t take a chance on inexperienced folks at the higher wages. They’ve got to be reasonably productive from day one.
      Daughter found this out recently, she was hired with no work experience. Minimum wage went up, now the policy is they won’t even interview folks without work experience.

  32. “He got the other candidate kicked out by sending a picture of him smoking weed to the national board.” <—Seems like your friend is part of the problem.

  33. I don’t know why the people on here are encouraging young males to study engineering.
    Why would you encourage them to live a life of involuntary celibacy. That’s what STEM means. You will meet hundreds of times more women working at a mall kiosk selling tschotskes than working as engineer. That retard working at the sunglass hut in the mall or working as a cashier interacts with hundreds of women a day. As an engineer, I can go months without interacting with a female. Think that’s healthy?
    Fucking morons

    1. Going into STEM does have some upsides though
      – higher income than working in sunglasses kiosks, though I suspect this is gonna be minimised as the supply of STEM workers are increasing which will likely push down wages, plus its no fun to get into a higher tax bracket
      – from society’s POV, it’s more beneficial for finding cures for diseases, unless the whole conspiracy theory about how the elites are restraining medical advancements for their own gains is true
      – you’re less likely to be exposed to leftist ideology compared to if you work in other fields, although I suspect that is also gonna change

      1. Mot higher paying jobs in engineering (senior project manager) require like 10 years of relevant experience (meaning 10 years as a program manager). So you are only making decent money by around 35-40.

    2. Bunch of nerds can submit 10 proposals for a hyperloop but can only speculate on what a vagina feels like: “We believe the surface is warm and inviting, captain”
      fucking pathetic

  34. Here’s my philosophy: Put your head down on your desk and run out the clock of life
    why get on the hamster wheel of education, more education, certification, internships etc … killing yourself to live

    1. Here’s my philosophy: Figure out what you want out of life, figure out your plan to get there and execute it. College may or may not be a part of it.

      1. And if I want nothing out of life?
        If the happiest I ever was in my life was sitting in the public library with a stack of books reading? If I have no desire for fancy clothes, a fancy car, or the ability to experience foreign cultures?
        What then?

        1. Sounds like a goal. If that’s how you’re happiest, why spend your life doing something else? Can’t criticize a man spending the one life he has doing the things he enjoys.

        2. Yeah, but the hookers in England are as shocking as the fat slags. We need the money to get out.

  35. About a decade earlier, my frat was similarly purged. Now, I don’t even really like alcohol, and drink both then and now once a month tops, but alcohol and college are two inseparable things.
    I had joined this frat as a transfer student, hoping to make friends faster in the middle of a semester. My frat had been kicked off campus for breaking rules, and was just now allowed back. They returned as some kind of micro-managing bureaucracy. My big brother and all the cool guys were purged for drinking in the house.
    They went in my room once and found one of those airplane sized singles and i fought this dick over it. Really stupid shit. We never did anything positive really, just recited the silly secrety society stuff and argued a bunch in chapter meetings. We got free home cooked meals and cheap housing with free wifi, which was about the only thing I got out of it. It was full with the clean cut faux Christian Sean Hannity types. What kind of person do you turn into if you were the alcohol police in college?
    I saw the current chapter on campus recently and there were several really fat guys and gay ones. There is no reason to join one of these SJW groups today. They are totally cucked.

    1. Didn’t join a frat, wasn’t interested since I only needed a degree to be a military pilot.
      But the advantage, as I understand it, is similar to going to a name school– the network of alumni or frat members embedded in the industry throughout the country. Like my nephew working on summer break running into an alumni from his school telling him he’d get him a much better job the next summer.

      1. Actually that is a benefit. And there is a business connection where that helped me. I got a contract for some consulting work, then after the fact the guy found out we shared the same frat, so it’s not like it got me the job, but he likes me a lot more knowing we know the same “secret passwords,” even though he’s like 30 years older than me.
        But the corporate world thing is not for me. If you dont plan on working for a corporation your whole life, definately skip the frat.

  36. “College is hell for anyone with a strong mind that can see through the indoctrination. I don’t know how many relationships I have ruined with women for not agreeing with their nonsense feminist ideals.”
    Feminist women prefer feminist men in many cases. Let them have that shit.

  37. I’d love to have been in that fraternity, just so I could enjoy the honour of getting kicked out for simultaneous sexual harassment AND “man talk”:

  38. The last part about employers figuring this out. This will be the ultimate knife to the University student. I have seen more and more employers looking for experience over degrees. Even if you don’t have one. They know they are getting some cucked out trouble maker who knows fuck all about anything. They also know they will be expecting everything handed to them and will be destroying any cohesion the company has with its employees. All it takes is one. I’ve worked at places where the workers got along, worked well together, etc. Throw in a SJW, butt slammer or weirdo and it goes to shit in just months. HR and labor get scared and start accommodating the degenerates so they just do it more and more. I’ve even seen companies go under because of it. Sure, they will blame the market, this vendor, this customer, different economic climate etc for their downfall, but it was the shithouse employee(s) who did them in.

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