Psychology as a field was planted by the broken philosophy of the 19th century, and now it grows through a broken system of grants and tenure. As such, it perpetuates myths that psychologists neither see nor care to see. Here are six of them:
1. Impulsiveness needs an outlet
This myth permeates one of the greatest genres to grace the silver screen—buddy cop movies. If the uptight member of the duo doesn’t learn to loosen up and be more impulsive like the fun one, then he’s headed for an early grave of suppressed stress. Yet impulsiveness, or acting without thinking, doesn’t relieve stress, it increases stress.
Like obsessive thoughts or compulsive behaviors, impulsiveness is an avoidant behavior in that it’s a distraction from the pain of latent anxiety. Avoidance only makes the anxiety worse because when we avoid anxiety it confirms in our mind the possible threat of the anxiety. The suppressed archetype and the impulsive archetype are two sides of the same coin—both represent an immature way of managing anxiety.
2. A single, traumatic event in childhood causes neuroses in adulthood
It’s possible that a traumatic event can shape our lives, but it’s rarely one event. And if we can pinpoint one event, it’s not the event but how our family and friends reacted to the supposed cataclysm. Let’s say our twin brother died when we were in grade school. If we’re still subconsciously, negatively influenced by this years later, it’s not because of Billy’s death but how our mother became grief-stricken and unemotional. Trauma is often diffused over many years. It comes from a long series or either abandonment or indulgences—either too little attention or too much—as a result of the alleged trauma. Single, inciting incidents make for a great story to tell ourselves, but they are seldom more than a scapegoat for insecure attachments.
3. Uncovering the cause of a neurosis cures the neurosis
It makes for a Hitchcockian plot when a man delves deep in his subconscious to figure out the root of his behavior, understands the cause, and in an instant is able to move on with a new sense of psychological freedom. Except real life doesn’t make for an economical hero’s journey. If we have an anxiety disorder, there’s rarely one cause but even if there is only one cause, uncovering what it is does little to lessen the anxiety. We may see the tin can from which the worms have crawled, but this doesn’t clean up the worms. Until we do the work no one wants to do by confronting our perceived threats—which usually involve parental relationships—no single “aha” moment will make much of a difference.
4. Victim blaming blames the victim
I’m probably preaching to the choir here, but it’s worth repeating: “Victim blaming” is a phrase that inhibits more clear thought than a political rally. No one has ever blamed the victim—not in the West and not in the past three centuries. “Victim blaming” merely lets a victim know his part in perpetuating his circumstances. It’s called being a responsible adult by uncovering increasingly expansive layers of awareness, which has nothing to do with blaming anyone.
5. We can replace bad habits with good habits
An idea—or hope, rather—that became popular during the mid 20th Century, with the rise of cognitive psychology, is we can merely exchange a bad habit by partaking in a good habit instead. It’s the rationale behind replacing negative thoughts with positive thoughts, or chewing gum instead of smoking. This only works if the good habit diminishes the psychological issue that causes the bad habit. Attending a 12-step meeting instead of drinking could take the rage out of our alcoholism if the relationships formed in the meeting relieve the anxiety that caused the drinking. But the bad habit cannot simply be covered up or retrained. Whatever is causing the bad habit must first be managed on its own, which creates a space for a good habit to fill, potentially.
6. Reason and emotion are inherently at odds
These are two different modes of processing information and evaluating the world, but this doesn’t mean they’re inherently at odds. They can be at odds, and they are in most people, but this doesn’t mean it’s necessarily so. Our emotions are approximate insights based on our many beliefs and perceptions about us and the world. These beliefs and perceptions that undergird the emotion may be correct, but when they’re incorrect, then they will contradict reason.
We may know rationally it’s good to leave our girlfriend because she became fat, but we may not feel like it’s the right thing emotionally because back of our emotion is the belief that we don’t deserve to have a girlfriend who takes care of herself. When we have a conflict between our reason and emotions, let’s not take that as a sign we’re inherently flawed as men but rather that we’re flawed as a man. Instead of stewing in our supposed helplessness, let’s take on the responsibility of understanding the source of our inner conflicts.
The myths presented here represent only a few of the issues with psychology. To fix the field, we need to correct them all. But to fix our psychology, correcting even one of these errors sets us up for a life of ease and success.
Read More: Are You On A Treadmill Of Materialism That Goes Nowhere?
Interesting article. I’m on the fence when it comes to a lot of psychology, because the profession seems totally unhooked from science these days and more bound to trends and fads than anything else. That said, there are some sound observations in the article that I’ll want to think about a bit deeper. The point on victim blaming is spot on, how that bullshit canard got injected into society is anybody’s guess, but it’s utterly stupid. Of course you can do things that create a certain set of circumstances.
The McCoy/Spock thing. Man, that crap always ticked me off. McCoy was a medical doctor, meaning, presumably, that he had a whole huge helping of training in very intricate science under his belt, and further, despite his inability to save any person wearing a red shirt outside of Scotty, he had a lot of hands on practice in using that science in a real and practical way. Meanwhile, Spock basically just sat around on the bridge and sneered at people for being emotional all the while he was prone to five emotional outbursts per episode. Of the two I’d want McCoy in my corner when shit got real, any day of the week.
To be fair there were always more redshirts. 🙂
Those are not two myths. Those are two steps in managing an issue. The thing is that you can’t solve a problem using any of them isolated from the other.
First you must know the root of the problem so you face it. And then, you must replace the bad habits caused by that problem with good habits. Facing a problem and not replacing bad habits doesn’t fix a shit. Replacing bad habits when the core root of the problem has not been fixed will bring back bad habits again.
Sure thing, (((Dr. Fraud)))
Victim blaming doesn’t blame the victim, it just “lets the victim know their part in perpetuating the circumstances?” That’s blame.
So don’t use the rape example.
Say you walk around in a rough part of town openly flashing gold jewelry, waving around $100 bills, and did everything else to draw attention to yourself as being a member of the privileged elite.
Inevitably, once you’re robbed and/or killed, do you not believe that maybe that sort of strategy might not have been a good idea, in spite of someone else being the attacker?
Or say you leave your car idling unattended in the same kind of area and it gets stolen. While yes the thief is responsible, do you not believe that your negligence may have “helped?”
But the expression is automatically associated with rape. The author even chose to include a picture reinforcing that.
And that’s a fair assessment. Every time I hear about some passed out drunk woman who reports a rape I always wonder why she insisted on choosing to get so drunk to begin with.
Whatever happened to moderation and responsibility?
If you went out drinking with your friends and ended up getting raped by a gang of gay guys, would you feel it was all your fault?
I wouldn’t get passed out drunk. I know my limits and respect them.
Ha ha, men get passed out drunk every day. Are they fair game for gay rapists?
There is obviously a continuum between innocent victim who does nothing wrong and false rape accuser. Many if not most victims lie somewhere in between those two extremes.
That’s not my problem. I only look out for myself and my family.
But why not use a realistic example… is it wise to get in the car with someone who has had a few too many and wants to drive? I sure wouldn’t be doing that.
Young girls who are NEVER asked to be responsible don’t become accountable as a result of “naturally growing mature.” That’s a more harmful myth than any of these. Women and men both need to learn the lessons, traits of responsibility, but women need to learn them from a very specific authority: the father. Now I know I am preaching to the converted.
When did the “false rape accuser” enter the conversation? Or is that just an unspoken subtext of every ROK chat?
It’s a representation of someone who is a willing accomplice who then afterwards claims victim status.
How about a more realistic example – you go to Walmart wearing a nice watch, two men follow you to your car and rob you at gunpoint. Should the police tell you it was your fault, for advertising your wealth?
Which is not what this conversation about “blaming the victim” is about.
I’ve already covered that above. Please try to keep up.
If they fall somewhere on the continuum then yes it is. They deserve as much blame as determined by the porpotionallity of their facilitation of the crime.
You’re the one who seems to be arguing that a rapist isn’t responsible for the rapes he commits. Are you sure it’s “young girls” who aren’t being held accountable?
Again, if you’re insisting that a rapist isn’t responsible for the rape, the person you’re trying to absolve of blame is the rapist. Surely you don’t think that.
Really? So you don’t wear nice things?
If a girl chooses to dress like a whore, gets drunk, and passes out with no notice of where she is, she is to blame as much as her rapist.
Why would I waste my money on things that don’t matter and for which I have no practical use?
You’re an idiot.
Well, in my country, people tend to wear things like watches, and they don’t feel like they had it coming if they get robbed. Look around any public place – you’ll see watches, rings, all sorts of things. No reasonable person thinks that those people are inviting robbery.
Whatever floats your boat.
I learned long ago that if you truly value something, you don’t take it to places in which there’s a good chance of losing it.
They can be co-responsible just like the court system can convict 2 people of the same crime and sentence them both to sentences that when put together would be greater that if a single person committed a crime.
If a drunk naked woman runs through a Muslim ghetto and gets raped she is 99% responsible for her rape and the Muslim who rapes her is 100% responsible for her rape.
Interestingly if somebody straps a steak on their back and runs around a lion pen and gets eaten they are 100% responsible for their death while the lions are only 10% responsible because they are just doing what is dictated to them by their nature.
No, criminals are responsible for committing crimes – that’s why they’re the one CHARGED with the crime. It’s not rocket science. P.s.- percentages shouldn’t add up to more than 100%.
Awesome. You certainly have the right to wander around dressed in tattered rags, but some of us expect more from our country.
Two people can each be 100% guilty of the same crime genius.
Furthermore criminality is in the will, so even if the aforementioned woman did everything she could to facilitate rape, but didn’t want to be raped, she did not commit rape. This does not absolve her of responsibility for being raped!
The percentages do not have to add up to 100 in this case. They are being applied to each person, not cumulatively. The lady is 99% responsible and 1% not responsible. The Muslim is 100% responsible and 0% not responsible.
The victim of a rape did not commit a crime.
She helped. Maybe if she had covered up, she wouldn’t have been raped.
You’re an idiot.
No, but she is neither a victim of it either since she facilitated it. And she deserves as much blame, scorn, and castigation as any man is wont to verbose her with.
Got it, “a victim of rape is not a victim of rape.” Brilliant logic.
Don’t engage the troll. Evidently the Internet connection at the mental hospital is back up.
Lol, yeah, the guy calling himself “raype kulchur” is concerned about someone else’s mental health. You can’t make up people this maladjusted.
It’s just a cohencidence:
I don’t think you understand how percentages work.
On a completely unrelated topic, your username is perfect for the situation.
No but that’s why you think I think and I think you should think on seeing a shrink.
Sure thing, (((Dr Fraud)))
I think you’re right. I give my teachers 90% of the blame, and my parents the remaining 90% of the blame.
Do you mean, stay out of places filled with muds, shitskins, and you’ll be safe?
Whoa, like an ALL WHITE country would be OK?
You are a Naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
Except she is not a victim of rape. Crimes are offenses against society. Why rape is criminal has to do with the fact that we have determined that we do not want to live in a society where rapes are tolerated. A rape occurred and she was a facilitator of it, therefore she is not a victim of that rape even though that rape occurred to her. Society is the victim of that rape which is why in a court of law it is the “People” vs. “Smith.”
Again we are talking about the drunk naked girl who ran through the Muslim ghetto.
Yup, because no white woman was ever raped by a white man. Fact, bro.
Candy has a point. Outside of any context where a girl’s drink was spiked or a guy was purposely targeting someone to rape, think about the typical college party: You have a drunk passed out girl barely dressed and a drunk guy notices her. Alcohol has a way of clouding judgement and causing impulsive behaviour. Drunk guy does something stupid to drunk girl because drunk girl decided to get tanked and passed out. Both made stupid decisions that lead to a crime. Call me whatever, but girls have to be more mindful of situations where shit like could happen and guys need to mindful of it too. Before I’m accused of saying I’m blaming alcohol, I’m not, because people choose whether or not they are going to get drunk. Again, I’m factoring out men who look for women to rape and am referring to the much more common situations of stupid choices (from both) leading to rape.
I’m glad there are no women in your life.
Saying that people should be mindful of their safety is a lot different than claiming they are to blame for crimes committed against them.
Thats not an invalid statement I do believe your parents and your teachers conspired to create a perfect specimen of smug idiocy which they were each 90% willfully culpable in doing. You of course we’re 100% for it.
Why don’t you go run through the ‘hood naked tonight, and let us know how you celebrated all the diversity.
Yes, they are.
I don’t think you understand percentages.
Says the troll.
I’ll be going there to pick up your mama tomorrow morning. She’s got a few years on her, but she still brings in the dollars.
Go for it, snowflake. Back in the day, those men were HANGED.
Now, thanks to morons like you, everyone else gets to pay their room and board for life.
You would know.
I pull out my own gun, and shoot them dead. Then I go to jail for life, because special snowflakes have “rights”.
Or, I split. Hmm. What to do?
One time, I was passed out drunk on a park bench, and I woke up without my watch or wallet, and my ass was sore.
Shjit, it was their fault!
Do you make posts without the word “snowflake” in them, or are you an idiot 100% of the time?
Is this the first time you have been stupid?
I’ll just mark that down as “100% of the time.”
Sure I do. Let me give you an example:
Let’s say we have a sewage line we’ll call this line the “SFC Sphinxor.” Now this line has three pumps. Pumps 1 & 2 both operate at 90% efficiency, pump 3 operates at 100% efficiency. The pumps are all part of the line. The line itself works at 100% efficiency bringing forth a steady stream of sewage for everyone to see.
Lol, that’s cute you think that.
So, this is the first time you’ve beaten your wife?
It appears I choose my friends more carefully than you.
Girl goes somewhere willingly with a guy, it isn’t rape. Consent is given the moment she leaves with him.
Mike Tyson was innocent. What did she think was gonna happen in his hotel room?
Crime is not an absolute, it is a temporary whim of your government. Rape crimes have been changed out of all context with it’s definition from 100 years ago.
Without overwhelming proof of violence it isn’t real.
I pass out drunk (or drugged) often. But I choose who I’m with.
Poor Richard on poor neighborhoods, man: If you lie with dogs, you rise with fleas. I also remember a line from a film when a man told a girl that if she dressed like a monster, she’d meet one, or attract them, something like that.
If you do certain things in certain areas, then you can expect to attract a certain kind of attention. Period. End of sentence.
Well maybe it’s about time we do blame the victim!
So if you fall in with a bad crowd who deals drugs or robs banks and you get shot in the process, who do you blame?
Most rape victims are guilty (excluding forcible abduction) of something.
Anyone tells me they were raped, and I won’t talk to them again ….. too stupid to waste time with.
That Hitchcock movie refrenced in the article, Spellbound, traumatized me as as a child, ironically. Good article, fair points of debate.
Psychology seems to me to be a pseudoscience. Everything positive that comes from it basically revolves around telling people to live good moral lives and use common sense. Whereas much of psychology is based upon unprovable mythological things like “archetype” “ID” ect. that have been preached like the gospel truth and have been extrapolated into thousands of crackpot theories and a lot of psychobabble. Unfortunately this nonsense has been taken as verified truth because psychology is supposedly a real science, when in fact much of what comes from psychologists is just baboonery.
Actually psychology is the basic understanding of how the “economy” works. In this sense, it is to understand or perceive an action or reaction and the reasons behind it. To put it simply, to understand and to assume why certain individual react differently through their perception and surroundings.
That’s interesting I hadn’t thought of it like that. I guess my polemic is mostly against clinical psychology. I would think understanding perception and reaction would have strong implications in behavior, marketing, etc.
It does mainly in marketing and economics. Psychology plays a role in trying to assume or understand. In this case, to understand the needs and wants (desires) of an individual (consumer) before releasing a product in to the market.
Funny how (((Dr Fraud))) created all this bullshit.
Of course. It’s a pretty good racket for the (((folks))) who don’t seem inclined to go into anything involving real work.
You seem to be on the right path, brother. Ever seen this?
It will blow your mind.
The hormone and neuron portions are objectively proven. Everything outside of that reflects whatever is socially trending at the moment.
Even the hormones are not really proven, at least not in the way you and I think they are. There is a large contingent of scientists that argue that SSRI don’t do anything. I also remember being told about 15 years ago that we don’t know how antidepressants work, they just do and that I would have to take them to understand, which was a depressing thought.
The id, ego, superego thing isn’t even still used.
Modern psychology/psychiatry is pretty simple these days. Virtually every emotion experienced by a person—sadness, grief, anxiety, frustration, anger, impatience, excitement—is now classified as a “mental disorder” which demands chemical treatment by the major pharmaceutical companies. What’s always bugged me about psychology, aside from the overwhelmingly obvious clusterfuck evidenced in my opening sentence, is this – how can any psychologist even begin to understand the way a person’s mind works if that person is smarter than the psychologist. Explain that one to my total satisfaction and I’ll gulp a handful of anti-depressants…
I never thought about therapy like that. The only therapist I had was a high-degree blackbelt and meddler in actual zen-type healing. He also had 30 years on me and had been raised by a good father. I think you’re right, Bob, I could have picked him apart, I’d never have changed.
I think psychology is mostly about flattening the behavior of individuals to force them to comply with some sort of preconceived notion of normal behavior…which in reality reduces the individual to a state of compliant malleability. Of course, that smacks of conspiracy theory, which is classified as a mental disorder by the Diagnostic Manual of Mental Disorders…cough, cough. How convenient.
You’re on a roll…
I’m pretty lucid until about beer-thirty…
The Sabrett’s motto
That’s why we call him “butter,” Bob is always on a roll.
Psychology is emotional prostitution that’s all. You go to a whore to get the blowjob and a shrink to get the “understanding”
Butter Bob might catch on
that’s why coaching was much more my cup of tea as a pratictionner. helping willing people to achieve even more greatness is another job than listening to people complaining of their shitty life
Don’t sugarcoat it, dude, give it to ’em straight…ha!
Very true. However, a guy that likes to have butt-secks with other guys that also wants to have his weiner mutilated because he feels like he wants to change his name to caytlin is not classified today as having a mental disorder. In fact, the people that disagree with that behavior are now the ones today that are accused of having a mental disorder because they don’t agree with men having butt-secks with other men and/or getting their weiners cut off.
See how everything has been reversed today? Liberals/Marxists working for their father Satan have turned what is up down and down up. Just like the recent rhetoric about the Arkansas death penalty. Liberals don’t want the death penalty, they want someone’s trial appealed for over 30 years. They say the murders are innocent. HOWEVER, when it comes to abortion…the poor little babies that are going to be cut into pieces are not innocent according to the liberals. Those babies are free to be ripped from the womb and harvested.
So the people who really need help due to their mental illness, are given a free pass, and the people who spot that mental illness, are insane…I think we are starting to figure this out…
Doesn’t the Emperors new suit look so nice?
It’s all happening by accident. It’s just a big cohencidence.
(((Who))) was the “father of psychology?
Despite popular opinion, it’s probably not Freud but Wilhelm Wundt:
Wilhelm Wundt The son of a (((Lutheran minister))) you fucking moron
95 (((feces)))
Well, that’s not what they teach us in school:
You mean, modern psychology.
There is an interesting theory which states that nobody can know with certainty the way we individually perceive colors. That is the way I see the color red may actually be the way you see the color green. Anyways my point is the same principle should apply to feelings and cognition.
I agree. And I’ve thought about that color-perception thing. That one is tough enough to wrap the mind around. But trying to wrap one’s mind around the complexities of another person’s mind, and come up with a 100% accurate summation of how that all works for a particular individual, and then accurately decide whether or not it works in a healthy way, or in a bad way…give me a break.
It is to assume or to understand why certain individuals act in different actions through the perception of an object or situation. Better to assume then to not know anything.
For some reason, I’m reminded of that old adage, “”When you assume, you make an ASS out of U and ME…”
Ass U ME
Funny enough I grew up with a psychologist as a neighbor and he said the exact opposite. Better to not meddle with things you don’t understand. He actually went on to say that most of what we claim to understand we really don’t. That most everyone who goes into see a shrink just needs somebody to talk to and listen to them that is it. He said a good friend was better than the best psychologist money could buy. I guess shrinks aren’t all that bad lol.
There was a line in Crocodile Dundee to the effect that somebody was seeing a psychiatrist. Dundee’s response was, “Don’t you have any mates?”
Add to that observations from two of my friends:
1) You never see a Harley-Davidson parked outside a therapist’s office.
2) Two hours on the bike is better than five shrinks.
…and bitches!
Benny Hill RIP`
Right!!! Exercise, especially aerobic exercise is great for the mood. 1000 up votes…
Tell wally
He tells the whole town
Nomore problem
Testify, brother. The “therapy” business is a racket, plain and simple.
When I find a “therapist” who is my intellectual superior, I’ll let you know. Same deal if I find one who isn’t crazy as a shithouse rat.
Exactamundo. Funny how the craziest bitches pursue degrees in psychology…
Yep, I’ve heard many say everyone in their class was a lunatic. This info brought to me by a lunatic. That’s why they’re drawn to the field. Getting the degree is therapy.
Whoa, is that a man or a woman?
Or is it one of those “fluid gender” things?
I don’t know what it is but I don’t want it in my restroom.
and he somehow parlayed this into a senate seat
Um…well…he kind of “found” enough ballots in his favor in car trunks….multiple times…until it took…in any event.
The best sex partners are always the ones far too crazy to ever live with. You have to choose between living with someone and having dull sex, or being single and having great sex.
“The best sex partners are always the ones far too crazy to ever live with”
Exactly ! I came to the same conclusion a long time ago.
“You have to choose between living with someone and having dull sex, or being single and having great sex.”
Sad truth indeed. Either you choose stability with a balanced person, which will always lead to boredom, thus to a kind of “beddeath” of some sorts, thus to adultery in most cases.
As it is impossible to turn a hoe into a housewife, it is almost impossible to bring the inner bitch in someone mentally stable and dull, permanently outside.
agree 100%,ive noticed this as well…is it mere coincidence that psychology is a tool of the Devil,when the bible says many young women are “turned aside after satan”?
satan always takes things that God says are good and calls them evil.
More like ,,hasn’t taken a beating yet” thing.
Take any man or woman with mental issues, throw them into the jungle for 6 months and if they don’t die or get killed, they will emerge into kings & queens.
“Same deal if I find one who isn’t crazy as a shithouse rat.”
Once upon a time, when I was great, I dated 2 girls who where psych majors. Each of them was crazier than a sack full of shithouse rats.
And they were worthless in the sack.
Psych majors are nuts.
You won’t believe how many escorts are psych majors — but those ones are good in the sack.
$260/hr to sit there and listen to me talk about my problems. Quit after the 4th session. Getting stupid as I get older.
Hell, if a guy can buy her drinks, a bar slut will sit there and nod her head and pretend to give a fuck while the guy spills his guts…much cheaper. Might get the guy a BJ, too.
At $260/hr (correction, 45 minutes) you’d think I would get some usable advice. But he just sat there listening to me complain about my life and telling me that my my hooker stories were “fascinating”… All that was to me was $1040 that I didn’t get to spend on hookers.
Shrinks are nuttier than their patients. That just proves it. He should have paid you for getting off mentally while listening to your hooker stories…
I obviously went into the wrong business.
Does anyone know where I can get a mail order psychology degree?
260? Jesus, what scam were you going to?
NYC Metro area. Try finding something cheaper. It was a waste, both of money and time.
Oh Yeah.
This guy had them lined up.
I would go at night, 7 PM. There was always someone before me, and sometimes someone after me. People pay for him to listen to them complain. It’s the perfect business. Like when Mr. Burns owned the Casino: “People come in, empty their pockets of all their money, and then leave”.
NYC, makes more sense. Councillors are probably in very high demand from all the strong independent womynz.
All counselling and therapy is a waste of time.
Live with it or kill yourself!
Well, a nice big, thick rope from Home Depot is a lot cheaper than $260. And there are plenty of good, strong oak trees around here.
sheee-it I’ll listen for half that!
whats all this therapist shit anyways? what ever happened to “dad/mom,im having some problems..can i talk to you?”
or if its REALLY bad,calling in a priest. the mental health industry is a tool of satan,and a money racket.
i will however,rebuke that stuff about a person killing themselves…its a sad thing. sometimes people need help dealing with something… but a psychologist is the wrong place to turn. you’ll end up more messed up than you were from the start! 99 percent of this stuff people are dealing with,a quick call to a parent or grandparent leads to some sound advice.
agreed…its not even considered legit medicine…its snake oil according to many medical authorities. many insurance companies refused to even cover it until the government stepped in.
of course,due to my religious beliefs,i believe more is at play here as well…demonic possession…there was a time in history not long ago,that if a family member was showing signs of “mental illness” you didnt call a doctor,but rather,a priest… this isnt a medical issue,its a spiritual issue.
Tom Cruise knows the history!
Bravo Mr. Cruise…a little cartoon redux here…seems fitting.
Huh. I have now decided Tom Cruise is awesome.
My computer skipped out at the part where he was talking about Ritalin. Ritalin is a chemical derivative of cocaine. That’s what these psychiatrists are prescribing for our children.
It’s amphetamine, not cocaine, and the dosages are completely different. When a tweaked takes meth, they are probably smoking using 100-500 milligrams in a single dosage, while a typical dosage for prescription ADHD medication would be 5 milligrams ORALLY. The tweaker is taking more in a single dosage than one a patient would take in a month.
Ive read a simple zinc supplement could take care of ADD, especially in boys.
We’re learning in class that metals like zinc, iron, and manganese stabilize metabolism because they have multiple [divalent] charges. From what I gather, the bond strength is higher during deficiency, and weaker during excess, so it stabilizes levels to a healthy equilibrium. People with legit psychological issues are lacking these stabilizing vitamins. Natural remedies are the way to go.
Ritalin, like cocaine, is an amide. Not an amine. Adderall is a methamphetamine because it contains an amine functional group. Lethal dosage depends on the purity of the substance, how its induced, and the tolerance of the individual. 300mg of Ritalin is enough to cause cardiac arrest while chronic cocaine abusers are able to snort 1.5 g + per day.
If you want to know how little calling something an amine drug means, morphine, amphetamine, amitriptyline, and Chlorpromazine are all considered “amine” drugs by the DEA. Even in your own words “300mg of Ritalin is enough to cause cardiac arrest while chronic cocaine abusers are able to snort 1.5 g + per day.” This clearly shows how different they are, but not to mention, NOONE is being prescribed anywhere near 300 mg of Ritalin. The dosage for ADHD treatment isn’t even enough to activate the reward pathway.
It’s clear you’ve never taken organic chemistry. The chemical difference between amide and amine is significant. DEA[which is a joke] also classifies marijuana as a Class I drug.
The LD 50 of cocaine and it’s synthesized derivative Ritalin are different by a magnitude of 10. This is misleading and does not account for the fact that cocaine is snorted and Ritalin is orally taken. When coke is taken orally, or when is Ritalin snorted, they have the same LD50.
I really don’t care what a communist Bernie fan has to say. So, as always, feel free to have the final word.
“The chemical difference between amide and amine is significant.”
I know, but those drugs are not amides. What exactly makes Cocaine and (more so) Ritalin amides? I’ve been reading stuff for a few days now trying to find anything that says this, and the closest I can get is that cocaine is a local anesthetic (thus the -caine), and several other local anesthetics are amides.
“The LD 50 of cocaine and it’s synthesized derivative Ritalin are different by a magnitude of 10.”
That still doesn’t mean anything. Even if it is cocaine, so what? It’s not at a high enough dosage to be lethal, it isn’t even high enough to activate the reward pathway.
“I really don’t care what a communist Bernie fan has to say.”
Wtf did you get the idea that I am a bernie fan?
Wow …he’s right … Meds don’t fix your marriage, job or whatever is making you anxious /sad . But Scientology is a cult and is super kooky…
I can’t underestimate the importance of finding the “right” celebrity to go to for medical advice….
I had been sent to several councilors and shrinks though out my teen years and very early twenties. I had been on numerous meds and had taken just about all the IQ and Personality tests. Anytime, one of them would comment on my IQ scores, I knew I was dealing with a dumbass who would only go by what the books said and try to apply that bullshit to me. I had fun tying them in rhetorical knots.
did the meds work?? Did any of the therapy , drugs help?? Sounds like you just figured it out yourself…
The meds didn’t work and the therapy didn’t work much. The therapy help a little in regards to helping with inner reflection but that’s about it. I think the main problem I had, (and most “ADHD” kids have) was that I didn’t realize that all the meds and therapy aren’t meant to make you better necessarily. It is to make you easier to control.
The fact is, we are all slaves on a plantation. In schools, we are conditioned to accept this form of slavery. I think all the widespread mental illness and depression is people’s subconscious reactions to this form of mental bondage we are all subjected to. Subconscious reactions that manifest themselves in various behaviors and thought processes. ADHD and Depressed kids are really just signs of a certain population slaves having trouble comprehending, accepting, and internalizing their captive state. It is the subconscious rebelling against their slavery. Upon reflection, I realize they weren’t trying to help me by showing me how to live a free life. They were trying to “help” me and millions of other kids), by therapeutically trying manipulate me into accepting my bondage.
These things were really easy to see after I started working at mental hospital in the mid nineties. I worked in a long term adolescent unit. Our program was based on behavior modification through inner reflection of cause and consequence of mal-adapative behaviors. While meds were used, they were used sparingly. The focus was accountability of self and the use of self reflection to modify thought and behavior to achieve more positive outcomes.
I learned more from helping people in this fashion that I did in all the years of people helping me. I was never taught concepts of inner reflection and how these affect how we perceive and interact with the world around us. If I had known as a teenager what I had learned in the mental health field, I would have had an easier time seeing the world for what it was, and adjusted a lot easier.
Delusions of grandeur dont mean you are smarter than the shrink.
Could be. But it would have to cut both ways. Meaning, delusions of grandeur would explain why the shrink thinks he can analyze anybody…
Or the extensive education and training on the subject informed them much more so than you.
Or sometimes a man is outmanned but he refuses to admit he’s outmanned – in which case he often becomes a psychologist. Kinda like guys with small dicks becoming cops.
Refuse to admit their outmanned?
Thats some nonsense
Im not even gonna ask how you know about cops dick sizes.
Dont ask dont tell.
Jordan Peterson explains it very well:
Fuck this Jordan mangina cuck.
Poor attila, someone hurt his feelings by disagreeing with his pre-conceived notions of the world.
What are you talking about? Do you even know why I said that?
I’m talking about that after him giving an extremely well layed out and reasonable response to a question, all you can counter him with is “Fuck this Jordan mangina cuck.” You clearly had your feelings hurt and aren’t capable of rational argument.
Okay? That is a red herring. Just because he is wrong on one thing doesn’t make him wrong on all things. He simply has a misunderstanding about what MGTOW is, and I say this as a MGTOW.
fyi I don’t have any feelings.
lol sure
He’s a Psychology Professor at the University of Toronto. The fact that he somehow ended up on our side is already a massive surprise, let him have his effeminacy.
Karen Straughans response video was one of the best breakdowns of MGTOW I’ve ever heard. Just fantastic, check it out.
He’s a big free speech champion though. YouTube his interview on the Joe Rogan show. Joe Rogan was “blown away”…
Yeah, I didn’t want to bring that into the discussion but here it is for reference.
I stand by my assessment. Jordan is a cuck.
Maybe, but he’s a blue pill mangina still. He’s got ways to go.
Free speech should be a given. We don’t need champions for that. But I understand, we live in opposite day.
I never said he’s wrong. This is YOUR red herring. What I said was he is a cuck. That doesn’t mean I said he is wrong on whatever else he’s talking about. But if he doesn’t understand the fundamentals about why mgtow exists, he can’t be anything but that.
As a psychologist myself, i can say that you are right about some points here.
Modern psychiatry tend to claim every mental state as a pathology and proposes some chemical cure : pharmaceutical lobby, nothing less, nothing more.
I completely agree with your opinion about how a person less smarter can pretend, because he studied some books and graduated a (flawly) degree, knowing the depth of the mind of someone else. Especially when almost people in such courses (women in majority) are insane and weak minded at some point or another. It’s catastrophic to let such living disasters having the responsability to take care of other people. really.
I think that only some persons, whom almost all have them having psychopathic or dark triad traits have the genuine ability to understand AND to change people at an intuitive level. Others are just a bunch of people who use books and theory to TRY to change people. In other words, The first naturally can, the second hardly try.
I find that in most cases (non pathological/medical i mean), a massive attack of red pill psychological slaps does wonder, and is muuuuch more effective than just listening, agreeing, listening, agreeing etc which leads nowhere.
Psychiatry is a racket, but Psychology has some value.
indeed, as long as the psychologist is not a leftist or a weak minded (thus suffering of what I call the “Christ syndrom” : willing to save everybody but unable to solve his own problems).
Only strong minds can help others.
Before it was a “disorder” it was even more simple: if it’s not one thing it’s your mother
Circle gets the square…well done.
That is not true, it is when those emotions hinder the persons ability to lead a ‘normal’ life. Or they are a danger to themselves and others safety.
I will agree that people are still not being encouraged enough to exercise and instead are treated with drugs. But even active people get mental illness, the illnesses you are saying dont exist just arent permanent and its probably laziness that prevents it from being cured.
Psychology=No Drugs. Psychiatry=Drugs. They are not the same at all.
Medical / Psychiatric field doctors are merely the human form of Ducks…and quackery. Both just as loud and useless.
“The myths presented here represent only a few of the issues with psychology. To fix the field, we need to correct them all. But to fix our psychology, correcting even one of these errors sets us up for a life of ease and success”
It would appear that today’s psychology has become junk science, pure and simple.
That said, anyone have any suggestions on what is a logical approach to helping one resolve their issues?
Question please: For the ‘victim blaming’ section, instead of seeing it as a yes/no, on/off scenario, would it be appropriate to look at it on a scale?
Example: 0 to low blame – Guy 1 lives in a nice neighborhood, has an alarm, has a gun to protect himself, and some batcrap insane person breaks in anyway and murders him before he can get to his gun.
10 being: A guy walks into a biker bar, finds the biggest and meanest looking biker there, punches him with no warning (and never having met or heard of the guy), and then said guy gets beaten to a pulp by said biker.
(Extreme examples for extreme ends of the spectrum)
Man, I do that shit for FUN.
Cool. So, if I’m understanding this article correctly, that would put you/your actions in the higher numbers.
The higher end of the scale.
When I was young, we literally would go out looking for fights, in particular with our local biker gang.
I usually won, but I did get my ass kicked a bunch of times. Builds character.
Damn. You got more guts (or craziness) than I ever did.
Good for you!
Yeah, the good old days.
Good times.
His fault for not keeping his loaded gun under his pillow.
Rule 1 for defensive weapons, they have to be within reach and ready.
Rule 1 for offensive weapons, you can store them until you want them.
maybe “the insane invador” is an experienced badass killer and the home owner grabbing his gun wouldn’t make it anyway?? 😉
Here’s an example of insane behavior being passed off as normal behavior by the SJW media…fat celebrity chick Rebel Wilson is suing for defamation, claiming that a series of magazine articles falsely portrayed her as being a serial liar (which, of course, virtually all women are) –
so brave and stunning. and fat
For the record the swine is a liar as they were blighting the television screen from at or around 2000-much of their other fabrications do not hold water so their ‘lawyer’ is really taking them for a ride.
Therapy for women is like freelance building inspectors.
Unless they give the answers desired, they get no repeat business…
And in both scenarios some poor shmuck loses a house
Psychology is inherently political.
I say it time and again, shout it from the rooftops. Hear me now and believe me later: psychology is inherently political.
Here’s a myth that needs to be utterly destroyed. And I quote as best as memory serves me. Here it is:
“Sugar and spice and everything nice, that’s the stuff little girls are made of.”
You know as well as I, that’s a lie straight from Hell.
I think that’s classified as an old wive’s tale. Those cheeky old battle axes.
“sugar and spice…” sounds like a leftist saying. Thus it is bullshit, as every leftist thing usually is.
SPICE is the variety of life!
Spice is the plural of spouse right?
hahaha excellent as always !
but “narcissism and vanity and insecure rage” doesn’t rhyme….
Tarragon and rosemary and musk smelling sage
Narcissism and vanity and insecure rage
For little girls that’s the first page
I throw down a gauntlet, you pick it up and break my jaw!
One more question. Again, please, I say this with no derision, but with genuine curiosity. I’ve seen several mentions, between this article and others on the site, of leaving the girlfriend/wife if they become too unattractive, or if they age beyond the standards of the male.
So, what would your thoughts be on the place of these women who are ‘undateable?’ Those women who might fit your criteria for behavior and upbringing, but who no longer meet the physical standards? Where do they fit in your vision of a perfect society?
Thank you!
There is a phenomenom called marriage googles…
Men aremore loyal and stay with he wife as they age
Scullery maids. Someone has to do the dishes, of course.
So ‘Handmaid’s Tale’ as opposed to ‘Brave New World?’
NOW you’re getting it.
Thank you for the clarification!
I don’t even know what the “Handmaid’s Tale” is, but I”m just assuming.
I’m going to go look it up, now.
OK I looked it up: Holy FUCK. Is that one of the first feminist novels ever?
And of course, (((they’ve))) made a TV show out of it, too.
The Handmaids tale is about America being taken over by a group that has their own religious ways that follow the Bible. Due to a rise in infertility due to pollutions fertile compliant woman are made into handmaids to bring forth children. The main character is a divorced (from before all these events that take place) woman with a girl who agrees to comply so she can live for her daughter. You want to be a compliant woman whether it is being a wife, handmaid, servant or aunt (older woman that keeps the younger women in line). Infertile woman can be servants or aunts. Aunts are allowed authority over other women and thus have to probably be consider trust worthy but also not someone the other women can pushover.
Luckily, ROK readers are all super-attractive studs that just get better with age. True!
Unfortunately not all of us. We do get the occasional troll that wanders through.
Say, do you imagine I could divide up a pizza so that the constituent pieces could add up to more than 100% of the original pizza?
You can divide up a pizza an infinite number of ways and each person eats 100% of their piece of pizza. Each person can then say they were a 100% participanting in eating pizza. The original value of the pizza is neither increased nor decreased, but the sum total of the percent of participation in eating the pizza can be infinite so long as it is directly porpotional to the number of people that it represents.
Have a smarter family member read what I asked you and ask them to explain it to you. If you live alone, try a random homeless person – they can’t possibly do WORSE than you are.
Whampwhampwhaaaaaamp. 😭😭😭
So, if I punch you in the face, we’re both “100% participating in the punching,” so that means you share the blame. Got it. Really, really insightful.
“If” and actually yes. Watch boxing, or a real fight, you will get it.
I do watch boxing – but the matches I see, the boxers wanted to be there. You have weird ideas about rape. Do you understand what it is?
If you punch me in the face, you’ll be in jail.
Oh, for sure! But THESE geniuses figure YOU ought to be in jail also, since we were “both involved in the face punching incident, and so share the blame.” They’re really smart.
Most of the women claiming ‘rape’ also wanted to be there.
That’s how they got raped, not a lot of abduction by force these days.
Since there are literally tens of thousands of rapes reported in the U.S. each year, I guess it’s pretty absurd for you to claim “what the women wanted.” Trying to look stupid? Success!
Only 1 in 200 reported rapes ever result in a prison sentence.
That ‘sort of’ indicates 199 out of 200 are false accusations.
If you don’t want sex with him, don’t go anywhere alone with him. How easy and enforceable is that?
I’m sure that “sort of indicates” it to the type of person who has “rape stats” ready to quote. Get a therapist. You have serious fucking problems.
But none of those problems include being a rape victim.
Did you seriously not catch the dismissal in my last comment? Your social deficiencies must be a real handicap.
Nobody is forcing you to reply, ‘block’ is easy to use.
Interesting answers.
Follow-up question: In the current set up of society, where feminism is more prominent, what would you prefer these women do so that they do not hinder the males around them, especially if they are still single and unattached (and, again, fall into the ‘undateable’ category)? For example, how would you prefer they live so that they do not hinder the males around them and, possibly, help as needed?
Collect young hot women, bring them to me for inspection.
Otherwise fuck them, they mostlychose their path and mostly have done great damge to the west
Ah, but isn’t this site about trying to change that? To alter the path of western civilization? Part of that would be outlining not just what women shouldn’t do, but what they should.
Also, I think bringing all the hot women to one guy might take too long. You might want to set up a committee. Or two. Serve snacks. They’ll love it.
You can’t save western civilization (((they))) have already destroyed it. The name of the game is surviving the coming Zombie Apocalypse. Bury your stash, train with your swords.
A convent. Or perhaps more generally doing charitable works for the betterment of the country. Midwifes, nurses, kindergarten teachers, nanny’s etc. or perhaps they don’t have to do anything, people are more valuable than their utility.
The ugly guys get them then.
It depends on how good in bed they are.
What you lose in looks, you can make up for in tricks.
Also, if you have lots of kids, it’s cheaper than hiring a nanny.
In my younger days i met many psych-majors at the bars…. all crazy.
Like a feminist with a womens studies degree itsall self study.
Few years ago i went to couples therapy. Such a sham.
Is validation for the chick – no matter what occured.
And for me is two BPD women gaslighting, mocking-shamming, strawman, scotsmaning, adhomining…
Next time $$$ at strip club
I think a lot of female therapists are more invested in enjoying the drama than in actually resolving issues. That enjoyment of another female in trainwreck mode..
Correct me if I am in error.
But, once upon a time, was there not a rule here at ROK about conversing with female visitors?
Was ROK not begun with the intention of being a straight male only place?
Or have the rules been waived for snowflakes or repealed altogether?
Please advise!
Good point!
I know, right? What ever happened to that rule?
I’m so sorry. I did not realize this was a rule of your community. I will be on the lookout for moderator clarification. My curiosity was simply piqued by the articles. Again, apologies if any offense was taken.
he’s right. It’s not personal, it’s simply that interacting with women on these boards change the dynamic of the interaction, and very rarely for the better. The rule is bent occasionally but it’s there for good reason
“The rule is bent occasionally but it’s there for good reason.”
Thank you for clarifying this for her.
I don’t come here to talk to women so I would have never responded to her, although having read all her comments, I guess she seems okay. Still, I have nothing to say to her here.
Thanks again!
you’re welcome. I’m not a mod, but like you I’m aware how it works. I actually remember a time before the rule. There were occasionally running debates that never got anywhere but never seemed to end. Unchecked the bottom line is that when they comment women seek attention and when the respond men give it. It’s better just to keep things focussed
“There were occasionally running debates that never got anywhere but never seemed to end.”
SFC Sphinxor is a perfect example of this.
I’d like to give credit that there are couple of female posters that have been lurking this forum for years. But they seem to understand that ROK is ultimately men-only.
I hadn’t actually read his / her comments but having done so yes, certainly. It wasn’t just the troll threads though. I can remember having an endless debate on an issue related to feminism with some female commenters. It was all time and energy wasted. You don’t engaged in an arguments you can’t win
Thank you for the clarification.
you’re welcome
Has it been determined what, exactly, SFC is?
Cinder Ella is OK. I like her posts.
There are a few that come here who offer a decent and unique perspective. But yeah, the SJW/feminist/liberal trolls are best ignored.
Right. Generally a comment by cinder ella is good to go, she doesn’t post much and when she does it’s kind of emotionless and not “me me me”. The attention whore types, eh, later gator.
quite. cinder ella makes occasional low key comments and her contributions her are constructive
I have to admit I did find shura’s post to another female rejecting GoJ’s friendly advice and dragging that rejection on, quite amusing-
“Lily, my most sincere condolences. But let’s put the
shovel down now, ok?’
Yup, Shura is good too.
And I have to admit, I get a kick out of Miss Kitty.
I tell those troll broads to leave all the time.
Why would we seek to censor others right to free speech when so much of this site is about how the gynocentric system does that to us? I think anyone should be allowed to post, but I choose to ignore obvious the trolls. Arguing with anyone on the internet is a waste of time. You can always block specific people if they bother you.
Well, if a woman comes with intentions to see the opinion of men (at least of the non-cuckolds) this is the right place. Returning traditional values to someone affected by all the advertising bombing of degenation can be a difficult task, but not impossible.
It’s more that the rule ins’t worth actively enforcing. Especially since women commenters are a minority due to the nature of the site.
…. they’re more like guidelines, really…
Woo to those souls who become subjugated to some type of emotional complex- like the need to control others at all costs- the need to always win at all costs so others will “love” you etc.
I’ve worked with some smart people over the years who nevertheless despite their superior IQs are staggeringly obtuse when it comes to what emotions motivates them to act like jerks and bitches on so many occasions. It’s like they’re intrinsically dumb and opaque at this level as they stride along trapped like flies in the nets of their own emotions.
Somehow, I can’t reply to this post, but here goes:
It also used to classify homosexuality as a mental disorder.
Aaaaaand, IQ lower than 80 was listed as mentally retarded.
The DSM strikes again. A majority of therapists are LGBT types? Voila! Homosexuality is no longer a mental disorder.
And fifty percent of diversity is not retarded.
I’m an oldfag, when I was in elementary school, we only had ONE mystery meat diversity. He was of course thrown in with the retards in the “special” class. Yes, there are even White retards. We take care of them.
In 1973, when they lowered the entry point to 70 IQ, because they figured out that the dindu average of 80 meant HALF of them were retarded, suddenly Charlie became not retarded, and was thrown in with the human kids.
Our blatantly homo music teacher, (((Mr Kindberg))), was a flaming faggot, when we had no idea what sex even was, whom you had to let spank you on your birthday! Even as little kids, we thought he was weird and queer. Looking back on it, the POZZ was deep and thorough even in the 70s!!!
less than 80 was considered retarded back then??
I thought it still was. Don’t chimps have an IQ above 70?
Kindberg could very well be Swedish…
They average for chimpanzee’s is probably 50-60. But it’s still more complicated than that. Chimpanzee’s don’t have a theory of mind, all non-autistic humans do have theory of mind on the other hand.
What is a theory of mind? Self awareness?
Basically. There are probably some specific differences a psychologist could explain better than me, but that’s the gist of it.
Aboriginal Aussies arent much smarter than chimps???
“I’m an oldfag…”
What’s that? I’m not hip to the lingo you cats use.
It was 85, not 80. IQ has a 15 point standard deviation.
The original lethal weapon alluded to the opposite; the impulsive cop was an anxious wreck who contemplated suicide everyday.
Yeah, the Magic Negro kept him on the straight and narrow, by letting him bang his daughter.
A moral tale.
I never said it was moral, haha.
Go talk to a priest- they are free. Not sure if what you say in couples therapy can be used against you in divorce proceedings, but a chat with a priest cannot
Years ago my parents went to marriage counseling and wound up giving the counselor advice: when they argued they chased each other around with squirt guns.
they received counseling in a Benny Hill skit?
They told the counselor how when their arguments escalated they would break out the squirt guns (my father’s squished stetson was the casualty that caused that decision), concerned about whether such intense conflict was normal. Councilor proclaimed them well adjusted and that she would recommend the same to her clients.
so simple. end an argument by acting like children. and laughing about it
Interestingly enough my wife last night agreed that we should take in Orthodox services. I was kind of surprised.
There are Greek Orthodox churches in Ohio?
And Russian. Yes.
Yes. The orthodox wedding scene in “Deer Hunter” was actually filmed in Ohio.
Cleveland in fact!
Why in such a hurry
Do check it out. I recommend the Russian variety. OCA is usually a good starting point – and don’t worry; I was once a protestant too!
Yay!!! Welcome to the True Church, Mr and Mrs Jefferson.
Father O’Blivion will make you play with the one-eyed meat puppet while he counsels you.
If this is a Zappa reference my hat is off
What else would it be, sir?
“”The Anti-White Racism Of “Moderate” Muslims!””
Does anyone here remember this article?
In the comments on that article I asked this question:
Why is anyone here debating or arguing with SFC Sphinxor?
Read the comments from that person.
And I now ask that question again!
You can’t say “psychology” without “psycho”.
Another gift from (((them))).
Wilhelm Wundt was Jewish?
Jung, Skinner, Rogers, Piaget, Pavlov, James, Bandura, Harlow, Kinsey, Wundt, Binet, Watson, etc.
(((Maslow))), (((Adler))), (((Freud))), (((Erikson))), (((Vygotsky))), (((Zimbardo))), (((Milgram))), (((Pinker))), (((Hernnstein))), etc.
Actually pretty interesting
wasnt Jung a Christian?
Son of a minister in fact. Hence I did not add the ((( ))).
right, but I meant he BELIEVED and such
I think he struggled with a strict faith but always kept a spiritual view of life.
He studied the Zodiac and tested whether people born in different time zones actually had different personalities as a result. I think this is the origin of the Myers Briggs Personality Inventory (MBTI) because he needed a way to compare personality traits between people. His formal view on personality is from his book chapter Psychological Types (an interesting read btw).
In his later years he tried to integrate the scientific discoveries of quantum mechanics with his philosophical views of mind/body dualism. Argued that mind is not reducible to physical matter, and that the collective unconscious is more than just mental archetypes held together by common evolutionary history. Believed things were connected on a deeper level.
I think his Christianity led him onto a broader path of metaphysics is what I’m saying.
Wundt’s opinion was that man is a chunk of meat – that there was no such thing as soul. The Greek word for “soul” is “psyche” and he is supposed to be the founder of psych-ology – the study of the soul?
It kind blows his reason for existing.
Willhelm Wundt wasn’t jewish, but he isn’t the “founder” of psychology anyways, there are a tonne of people who contributed towards its founding. Ultimately though, it doesn’t matter, as the current set of theorem within the field is completely alien to pretty much anything these old dead guys taught.
Ironically the effective forms of psychotherapy have just rediscovered and applied insights from ancient wisdom traditions, namely, Stoicism, Buddhism and Hinduism.
Buddhist monks dont take medicaid
fun fact: in order to be an astronaut, you needed to be 5’8” or shorter. Baseball announcer(a giant pitcher) was told in the early 70s by his Air Force father he would never, ever be an astronaut(he has poor eyesight too)
Back when fathers were fathers…at least he became a MLB pitcher who made a few million…what would a single mom have told him lol
I discovered the height requirement for flying jet fighters with a whole lot of sadness. Being 6’3″ and could fly, well, cargo planes. Which is the opposite of jet fighter.
6′-3″? you should be in the HOLD of a cargo plane!
Third shortest man in my family.
fukkin Ents…..
One time in my early 20s I got fired from my job. My dad was displeased but rational about it, but my mom went berserk on a condescending tirade. I was talking to my mom on the phone, and my uncle was over at my grandparents’ with me at the time, so my mom yacked at him for a few minutes so he could help motivate/reprimand me etc. My uncle got sick of listening to her and handed me back the phone without saying goodbye and I hear my mom saying, “he’s FUCKIN’ UP!”
She was ripping me up and down trying to psychologically diagnose me, and finally I said, “Mom you need to put away your Dr. Phil pop psychology cliff notes!” My uncle and my grandpa cracked the fuck up. It was great.
I have never had an idea “psychology” is now considered “science”…? It has always been quasi – science, highly affected by cultural narratives and social values. One cannot consider validity of psychological claims and interventions without the cultural context.
P.J. O’Rourke’s summary of the social sciences in college:
People do lots of things, nobody knows why, test on Friday.
Great article, glad to see some scientifically minded people in the manosphere, which often seems over run with psuedoscientists and charlatans who want to peddle their supplements or books.
One issue with modern shrinks is they want to label everything in entire fucking world with some weird disorder the whole psychiatric group is a fraud. They want to DSM this and that if you are different and do not follow the herd mentality.
No they don’t. Transsexuals for example are perfectly normal and mentally healthy. Same with gays.
See how that works?
Psychology is a crock. If I hear one more person throw out the term Sociopath Psychopath or Narcissist I’ll stab them.
That is probably because what you perceive as psychology is actually pop psychology. There is no diagnosis as Sociopath or Psychopath in either the DSM or the ICD, its a thing only really used by pop (aka psuedo) psychologists.
They guy was making a joke, for fuck’s sake. Maybe he should have told it slower.
You’d be surprised how many people actually think those things don’t exist.
There was a great cartoon published many years ago (in Forbes I think, not that it makes any difference), accompanying an article entitled “Wounded Healers.” Its thesis was that people who go into the “psychotherapy” business are considerably more fucked up than those they allege to treat.
Anyway, the cartoon shows two men in a stereotypical therapist’s office; the patient is lying on the couch and the psychiatrist is seated in a chair with a notepad.
The patient says, “My friends think I’m crazy.”
The therapist replies, “Why don’t you kill them?”
lol like it.
Stab them while live-streaming it on Facebook.
I’m a narcissistic psychopath afflicted with sociopathy and accordingly manifest this in being homicidal, genocidal and suicidal 😛 Funny to bandy around terms-it amuses me no end.
The opening paragraph here kind of hints that psychology is an unnecessary collection of poor theories. And perhaps in a way, that’s correct. The 19th and 20th centuries have left psychology pretty empty. But, the problem is not psychology itself, it’s the system and the psychologists who get all the press and write all the books. We need more Joseph Campbells, more Jordan Petersons, more Robert Greenes and more Rollo Tomassis. That’s the real problem. We need a field of psychology that isn’t just an extension of leftist, self defeating bullshit. We need psychology to be a science that breaks down and rebuilds the psyche in such a manner that every student can take the knowledge and use it as the foundation to build empires upon.
Every person reading ROK needs to consider themselves a psychologist, and keep pushing cultural paradigm back towards a healthy mental place were motherfuckers can thrive. Also, fuck Bill Nye. That is all.
“and keep pushing cultural paradigm FORWARD towards a healthy mental place were motherfuckers can thrive.”
Corrected. Let’s speak like them, since they control language.
Game is basically psychology.
Child psychology, but still.
I think the last one is the most dangerous myth. There is now science to support that without emotions, we cannot reason and make moral judgements. I would have to go looking for the YT clip but I think we can see this truth in our adversaries. Only a completely unfeeling, unemotional, uncaring person would go to Berkeley with the PREMEDITATED intent to “take 100 Nazi scalps” of people, complete strangers, she does not even know in a time of peace, not war. Daily, the left is proof that a LACK of emotion (or simply pure psycho/socio-pathic hate) is what prevents rational thinking. We deplorables are a deep feeling bunch BECAUSE of the wrongs that have been committed against men and The West by feminism… but we are NOT running around looking to beat up anyone. We think, because we can feel. The left feels nothing except rage, and their thinking is reflective of this lack of emotional depth in their lives.
amen brother.
Emotion is generally a reasonable check of ‘rational’ delusions, but rationality, applied within the correct scope, is sufficient.
Emotions are for the most part just a check on behavior. That said, africans are willing to kick men to death on the spot for being ‘thieves,’ so they can be wrong as well. And reason can be corrected much more easily than emotion.
tl;dr: emotions are a close approximation, reason is either correct or wildly off.
A good article, as it helps clear up some of the excuses leftists deploy to great effect in justifying their deleterious ideology.
(((Doctors of Psychology)))
One flew over the chukoos nest was an ok movie. Kind of a downer at times. But I like the part at the end when the chief said I’ve had enough I’m outta here.
“And if we can pinpoint one event, it’s not the event but how our family and friends reacted to the supposed cataclysm”
I fucking shit you not, this is the absolute truth. I had the most traumatic thing happen to me as a child, and its not that it happened to me, its what happened after and the subsequent 15 years after that poisoned me.
Every red-pill, alt right man should read “one flew over the cuckoos nest”. It is one of the first red pill pieces of literature, and possibly the best. It explores man’s emasculation and castration at the hands of the matriarchy and the modern system. A Must read.
Some emotional responses are good some are bad. I agree with CS Lewis when he says that the object of learning is to learn the correct emotions and to unlearn any bad emotions. For example you learn to be courageous or patriotic, and unlearn cowardice.
This is why I read ROK daily!
However, there is something I don’t understand: Victim blaming actually corrects the victim’s mistakes, right? So, it’s a positive thing, right?
I read ROK in the hope of a fresh fat shaming week.
I dated a girl for awhile who was in med school. Anyone who was trying to become psychiatrist was literally a sociopath. They were either trying to fix their own mind (or at least understand why) or were related to a sociopath and were trying to understand why that party was crazy.
I took an elective psychology course taught by a guy who had his praxis. He taught on the side and was very direct about anyone seeking to major in psychology. Most do it because they were trying to figure themselves out. He also said unless you are in for the long haul (PhD), you will never make a living at it.
He was a great instructor. The university didn’t renew his contract after the 2nd year.
Psychology has not been practiced, as a field of study, for the last two to three decades. What currently exists, and what is being sold as science and practiced throughout the US, is counseling. Counseling is a collection of methods for practice, and has largely left the fragile moorings of psychology. It is a priority to clarify the distinction of the two, which this article doesn’t seem to do very well.
Today we have people being classified, trained and certified as professionals, in a drive-thru method (do you want fries with that) of helping people.
As to these myths listed above, they are a moot point. Counseling is not a science. Counseling, as a skillset, is an art. Counseling is something you get better at over time and practice. Counseling has not attempted to pursue psychology, as a science, because academia does not want to discover what truly drives people to behave the way they do. Academia (and those psychiatrists who believe that they are in authority) wants to keep as many people dependent on counseling, because this gives counselors a reason to exist.
The latest version of diagnostic information (DSM-V) is beginning to move away from specific diagnoses and criteria, because they don’t want to carry the burden of proving the reasons for someone’s bizarre behavior. The DSM-V is merely a lengthy treatise on “Oops, we don’t know what to do from here”
What is real psychology then? Electroshock therapy?
Psychology is still, as I understand it, a field of trying to understand why people think, feel and then act the way they do.
While counseling has drifted away from the why/way you got to this point, to how do I change the behavior/feelings? Cognitive behavioral therapy is more about a method to change behaviors you’ve fallen into that you want to change vice years of trying to understand why you fell into those behaviors.
I.E. if you’re an alcoholic- it really doesn’t matter why you were motivated to drink destructively, your focus is to learn to stop drinking destructively.
all I’ll say is can you imagine a roman soldier in a campground going to his fellow soldier…hey dude my father, mother, aunt, uncle, or whatever really wasn’t nice to me. yeah…we’ve come a long way to what men really are. freaking modern society has really made men think…which they don’t really do because modern society is now run by women. men don’t think this hard they act. we’ve become women who overthink decisions. stop over thinking or worrying about human psychology. men are pretty simple and that’s it. there’s really no deep thought involved like in this article. if you’re a man and you’re first thought is…man this chick is messed up or i don’t have time for this…that is the correct thought. no article needed.
Good point. I might add, to make quick and correct decisions one needs a stiff moral and cultural foundation. All the “answers” will spring forth from there. Snap judgements are easy to make when you have that foundation. Life is much more black and white than many want to believe or admit.
Watch a goofy movie called “Blast from the Past”. It’s cheeky but shows the lack of basic cultural skills of most modern men.
The main character:
Speaks multiple languages
Cuts a good rug
Is polite and doesn’t tolerate rudeness
Can defend himself with basic hand to hand combat
Has game and confidence with women, because they haven’t been pedestalized in his upbringing
Imparts his father’s and mother’s wisdom
These things come naturally to him as that’s how he was taught by involved parents.
Totally agree. What’s more over – intellectualization makes men inept, fragile and too self – focused. That’s my general observation. Psychology is basically a solo game and as such strengthten individualistic tendencies among society. We need a genuine culture, traditional culture not another armies of “experts”.
An ear for men- the therapy racket
Far too much /pol/ and Daily Stormer influence on some of the posters here. Some of you are going to wear out the parentheses keys on your devices.
psychology is nothing more than one of the many tools of the devil… in the bible the only time a person was insane was when it was a curse from God(as was the case with Nebuchadnezzar) ,or when they were possessed with devils. when the bible says Jesus healed people of “madness” it says “the unclean spirit departed”. insanity is caused by demonic possession,or punishment from God.
Psychology is a racket for the jews.