If there is anything in philosophy that can unite Western men, whether they worship God or not, it is the classic virtues found in the writings of Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, and in Christianity (many of these do also overlap Oriental philosophy, such as Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism).
Although there is no complete consensus with regard to what the main cardinal virtues are, and where to draw the line between the greater and lesser ones, many can agree that prudence (or wisdom), diligence, patience, temperance, courage, justice and magnanimity are at the top of the list.
With these virtues as a point of departure, I intend to inspire both younger and older men, regardless of specific beliefs, by discussing some ways to concretize and incarnate these under current circumstances. Although some may be less relevant for a number of readers, I sincerely hope that at least half of them conform to everyone who reads this article. It can also be regarded as a complement to my earlier take on holistic lifestyle advice.
1. Natural bodybuilding (prudence, diligence, patience, and temperance)
Natural bodybuilding signifies a lifestyle characterized by diligence, patience, temperance, and—believe it or not—prudence. After the initial two years of remarkable results, one has to fight long and hard in the gym to gradually improve one’s physique, in conjunction with proper nutrition and recovery.
Therefore in order to gain progress it is significant to keep grinding, be patient, and not expect any large results. During a cutting phase it is also of chief importance to eat a moderate amount of calories, and decrease carbohydrates and energy-dense foods.
Additionally, one does also need prudence to understand physiological and metabolic processes linked to this pursuit. It does not require any deeper scientific knowledge, but wisdom is still important. That includes the balance between training, eating and recovery.
2. Traveling (courage, patience, prudence, and temperance)
Is travel only linked to hedonistic pleasure and mindless self-indulgence? I believe there is more to it. Firstly, to go on a trip on your own, for weeks or months, implies that one needs to be somewhat courageous. With high-quality infrastructure put in place in manifold locations around the globe, it has become easier and safer than ever to go around, but if one really wants to push the limits, whether physically or mentally, it often requires that one takes risks.
For instance, one should probably aim for to make some new acquaintances and/or hook-up with girls from completely different cultures, and pass through some danger zones here and there. With regard to the latter, calculation of risk is often involved, which requires prudence.
Additionally, the process which underlies traveling, namely to save money, hinges upon patience and temperance. To have the private economy in check is alpha and (not) omega in this respect.
3. Cold approaching (courage and magnanimity)
As Roosh correctly has emphasized, men who cold approach females should be proud of themselves. Obviously there is seldom any physical risk involved in running game of this sort, but mentally it requires a certain degree of inner courage.
Furthermore the process is linked to another classic virtue, magnanimity. Since the risk of getting rejected is involved in pretty much all approaches, it takes a great man and a great mind to handle the defeat, move on, not be put down, and try again (or to be too excited after success).
If one takes this crucial dimension into account, it is fair to say that game has got an undeserved bad reputation. Actually in some ways it can be quite virtuous.
4. Reading (diligence and patience)
In a digitalized society, attention spans get shorter and people read few books, especially ones that are extensive and demanding. For the sake of obtaining valuable information and knowledge, books are nevertheless a necessary tool to educate oneself.
Additionally, to read is to put one’s diligence and patience to the test. To read hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of pages takes time and requires hard work.
5. Charity (generosity, prudence, magnanimity and justice)
Charity today can be linked to real or potentially negative phenomena such as globalist philanthropy, mass migration, leftist equality religion, and misguided foreign aid.
Nevertheless, the wise man knows how to disentangle proper from improper charity, starting from the basis of self, family, tribe, nation, Western civilization, other friendly civilizations, and the world within a framework of concentric circles, and also taking justice into account. Not everyone deserves charity.
From an appropriate position, charity is a concrete and excellent means to contribute to society and to manifest magnanimity.
6. Self-defense (prudence, courage and justice)
Concentric circles can also be linked to how to properly defend oneself from enemies and intruders. Without being the least belligerent at heart, any real man must take into account the sword of Damocles which is civil unrest and various criminal activities and take action to make necessary precautions.
Thus he needs to learn self-defense without a gun, as well as to learn how to use a gun. Like charity, not everyone deserves one’s self-sacrificing inclination, but those who do must be able to count on you, so that at least you do everything that is within your might to prevent bad things from happening.
In this regard, courage, prudence, and justice are the main virtues to be considered. Correspondingly, not everyone deserves to get shot so make sure to direct eventual violence at those who are real threats.
7. Make an escape plan (prudence, diligence and patience)
If things become too bad in one’s home country, or at least at the particular place where one dwells, then international or intranational migration may be the only choice.
To make a historical parallel to my home country, Sweden, many bachelors left for America when severe crop failures occurred in the 1860s. Perhaps American and Swedes (alongside Frenchmen and Brits) may have to join each other and move to Australia if militant Jihadists encroach to the extent that it becomes difficult to protect one’s family.
To really carry through with an escape plan one needs both wisdom, savings, and an idea of where to go. Thus prudence, patience and diligence underlie such an effort.
8. Have children (prudence, patience, diligence, courage and generosity)
Demography can be tricky and it is far from easy to find a balance between quality and quantity. Under current circumstances, however, like wise and frequent ROK commenter GhostOfJefferson recently stressed, every good man should have multiple kids and change society from the basis of oneself and family rather than to hope for particular politics and policies.
At this point I only know very well how to make babies, not how to actually raise them. Still it appears as if it requires prudence, courage, diligence and patience. It also is an act of generosity to grant society with one’s descendants who contribute to a larger cause.
The problem with virtues is that they tend to be abstract. Therefore it is crucial to concretize these and connect them to one’s general lifestyle. Althought these do not conform to every man in every stage of his life, several are still applicable throughout large parts of it.
Read More: The Four Cardinal Virtues
9. Try to see things from a different point of view. It builds empathy.
I’ve OD’d on Sympathy/Empathy…..
I’ve found over the years that the call is always for *me* to appreciate other points of view and to have sympathy for others, yet strangely nobody else seems to feel obliged to do so for me and my viewpoints.
In the TTC Course: Introduction to Greek Philosophy, the professor advised that the best way to enter philosophy is to be sympathetic to philosopher’s perspective. And only then criticize if needed.
Does seem like that more and more, like I’ve been doing all the listening and questioning. And yes its a scientific fact that most people are diks, but we all have to remain receptive to the possibility of that one outlier worth listening to once in a while.
And similarly, when you least expect it, someone might be learning something from your viewpoints, your stupid, stupid veiwpoints…
hey, i had the same epiphany too about myself
that’s a kind of double standard
10. try to see how to gain benefits from seeing different pov or living situations. That’s thinking strategically.
What kind of money would one need to do the travel part? I certainly want to travel but am young with not a lot of money.
And I’d like to see a few places before shit hits the fan. Europe is already less appealing, so figured I’d better get a move on.
Read my 6 lifestyle advices first. Work is crucial. You have to fix that first before you can enjoy the fruits of traveling. 800 dollars a month for one year will do. Plan B is to work abroad at a hostel, farm or so. Try Australia.
Right, of course. I have a good shot at a position that pays very well in 2 or 3 years. And even if I don’t get it, I’ll have the qualifications to get a similar position elsewhere. So I will get there for sure.
I just dunno what state the world will be in by then lmfao Europe may well be on fire by then
Point 7 needs to be re-thought as you are suggesting running away to avoid confrontation.
“..may have to join each other and move to Australia if militant Jihadists encroach to the extent that it becomes difficult to protect one’s Family.”
No. You kill them.
In case it is hard to organize more wide-spread self-defense and the state has lost control of the situation. But just intranational migration can be an option.
Ah. With more context that makes sense. Mass migration because of famine or war is understandable, but organizing and fighting is a staple virtue among men.
Great article and far be it from me to diminish it through my attempt at levity but I would add:
9. Ingest Kratom hourly intravenously through the testes satchel.
Are you insane? Intra-testicular infusions of K are well known for leading to elephantitis of the nuts. Ever seen a civil war era cannonball? Your balls will look like those only of a size that they could be fired from the main battery of battleship Yamato.
That’s the idea-I could probably shoot fully-formed infants from my inflamed testicles by the end.
#2 can go either way. Travel broadens your horizons, but it also tends to plant the seed of envy. Once you’ve seen magnificent things, spoken with fascinating people, and experienced life elsewhere, the cozy comfort of home never quite looks the same.
As I’ve traveled a good amount in my time thus far, all seeing the rest of the world has done is confirm that I have a great freaking life and live in one of the nicest places on God’s green earth. I mean sure the Eiffel Tower is nice, and all of the cathedrals and castles in Europe are just gorgeous, but it all just seems so dated and tired. There are many fine, beautiful places in the world, but none of them make me in the least envious.
The Eiffel Tower is an abomination. It represents the beginning of modern soulless pretentious architecture in Europe.
It’s like that dreadful glass pyramid in front of the Louvre castle, built by masonic leftists in the 80s.
May these pretentious twats rot in hell.
Lighten up, Frances.
You mean that structure designed by Alexandre Gustave Eiffel…the Freemason?
It is a marvelous aerobic workout. Made the family climb to as far as you could go on the stairs before being forced to use the really pick-pockety crowded elevator.
It’s an even better workout to free-climb it.
This kind of thing really makes me kind of sad. It’s a stark testament to the pretty real notion that we have no frontiers of any meaning left to explore and that all adventure in life has been basically removed, so people have to go out and invent their own danger.
It’s cool. I can understand the thrill behind such acts. Watching these videos makes me wish I could do the same.
Re: Point 10 ( having children).
whenever the topic of having children is brought up around here, it is often coupled with the fact that the “white birth rate” is lower than it should be.
First of all, do you think the white birth rate can just be ever-expanding? we already have about 90% of the population dependent on the system and its infrastructure (i.e. 90% of the population would be dead within a week). higher population means that percentage will only continue to increase. is that really a good thing?
Second of all, even if we accept the premise that the white birth rate is tok low, why do you expect some guy of Italian descent to care what the Swedish birth rate is? You can’t consider “white people” to be an ethnic group. There are many distinct ethnic groups that are all “white.”
Additionally, why should I make major life decisions (such as whether or not to reprocuce, how many children to have, etc.) based on what the white birth rate is? I don’t care enough about the white birth rate to even consider it when making major life decisions.
I’m Italian Canadian and I care what happens to Sweden. The WW2 Italians fought alongside the Germans and Japanese for the right to have nation states.
And no the white birthrate would not be an issue if borders were maintained. The Japanese population is declining but that’s ok so long as their civilization can continue to exist and create opportunity for the next generation. The next generation may or may not grow its population again. The Japanese seem to understand that GDP and quality of life are not the exact same thing.
Iceland’s population is 300, 000 but they maintain a distinct culture and stable economy. If they brought in a million “refugees” however it would cease to be Iceland. Borders is what matters.
I have no Northern European blood in me (all Southern and Eastern European, and Jewish) and I care what happens to Swedish and English people, but not as much as I care what happens to Italians, for example.
I understand this sentiment, but I think a pan-European alliance is the only way right now.
I think you underestimate just how different the different ethnicities of Europe are. I’m fine with a pan-European (or pan-Christian) ALLIANCE, but not a pan- European UNION.
I don’t believe pan-Europeanism could work. Just watch how west-Europeans look upon central- and eastern-Europeans. Not only 10 years ago, but recently I read many articles that French and British want to restrict their job market to citizens of some EU countries (most of them central and eastern). Not exagerating: obviously, we are still EU citizens of second category. Yes, French, German and British don’t mind unqualified and uneducated imigrants from middle and far East and they can’t get over the fact that countries of Visegrad4 don’t share their multicultural optimism. Isn’t it ironic?
if we don’t work together we’re screwed
Definitely agree… but don’t tell me, tell Frenchmen, Germans, British…
Japan is a dying nation and Iceland is a feminist gulag in the making. Can’t your examples be more uplifting if you are trying to back up your position?
Lol uplifting? I don’t know why don’t you help me out here. Tell me about a healthy society in the current year. I’m looking to the future.
Japan might be having a shitty generation, but they will continue to exist.
You’re right that Iceland is cucked… But they will nonetheless continue to exist.
Neither are examples to follow. You might think that Japan would still exist, but for that to be true, they rely on what happens outside their frontiers (if none of their traditional enemies to whom they haven’t even offered half-hearted apologies decide to strike and avenge their forefathers). Basically they rely on luck. You’d have a point if Japan were alone in the world. That’s not the case. You are too used to the Pax Americana my friend.
In reference to Iceland, if that’s future for the West, I’d rather have us be wiped out, going out with a bang is always better than go with a whimper. I’d rather look to the past as a guide if anything and see if it can be adapted to the future.
This is primarily an American website, so I do primarily consider the American situation.
However, as a Swede I can add my particular perspective, which is largely shared by other European people. I have not written explicitly neither that people should care about Swedes – I don’t expect them to – nor that only whites should have children. Given the ethno-demographic composition of both America and many European countries, though, it is obvious that stable masculine white men should have more children with their feminine women in case they happen to find them. http://www.returnofkings.com/111274/7-core-principles-of-a-reinvigorated-western-culture
It’s true that whotes are really under-represented on the demographic charts. You can’t even find a whote unless you travel down to the subterranean cities far beneath the sewer system of Chicago. Then it’s whotes a plenty! But above ground you’d be hard pressed to find one, even when snipe hunting. They really do need a higher birth rate.
ha ha. very funny.
yes, i made a typo.
“Nobody has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.”
– Socrates
Damn good quote. Should take it to heart myself. I’m not exactly taking care of my body as I should. Need to start changing that.
I was quite fat not so long ago. Now I lost so many waist sizes I had to change my entire wardrobe and I never felt better!
spending money to change wardrobe in those conditions is a pleasant way to spend money. Congrats
I hear that keeping it off is the hard part. You’ve gone zero-carb?
That’s awesome, dude. Loosing weight really does make things a lot better for everything in your life. I’ll get there as well.
Not entirely. I cut down on a lot of junk food. Increased protein intake and exercised hard. I’m a vegetarian so I eat a lot of greens, beans and peas. It’s been working well so far.
Carbohydrates is not something to completely avoid, it just has to be taken in moderation. For that, I reduced rice and increased lentils.
Not that I have any experience with losing fat so take it with a grain of salt but you could try only eating once a day for a month and then judge wether you want to keep going.
It not only spikes growth hormone but it also gives you alot more time for other things.
At first it can be kind of tough but you’ll get over it.
My advice is that you eat a LOT some time after you’d usually have lunch. Really until you feel like puking and it doesn’t feel very pleasurable.
If you feel too hungry in the evening you can eat an apple, a banana or something.
Soon enough your body will get used to it and you won’t feel hungry anymore throughout the day whilst you will be sated without having to eat all that much during your one mealtime. I recommend that you still eat a little more after your saturation feeling has settled in just to be sure.
That was my experience atleast. If it doesn’t work
for you don’t beat yourself up over it. Different people have different things they find difficult.
As long as you keep going with whatever works.
If it’s really serious you might also consider swimming. Michael Phelps took 12000 calories a day and would have been ripped if he only subtracted 2000 calories.
But that’s about what I know about swimming in that regard.
Thanks, but I already tried it and it did not work. My body gets used to the new style of eating pretty fast and then I have to up the ante and eat even less food than usual, to the point where I might end up eating far less than my body requires.
However, it was good for me at the time because I was(and still do for the most part) lead a sedentary life with no excercises(which I’ve started working on changing) so it definately helped at first, but it’s not a long term solution.
The trick is that I use different diets and then take what works best for me from each of them and attempt to form my own, personal diet. That’s something I believe everybody who wants to lose weight should do. It takes some dedication but it’s worth it.
I absolutely agree with the swimming part, though. It’s one of the most effective ways to both lose weight and build a strong and good looking body. I know people who benefited from swimming immensely.
Good, you do showcase dedaction.
As for getting into exercise I would recommend that you use it to start of your day. Don’t leave any room for putting it off.
And what I have also found to help surprisingly is to get into the community or atleast surround yourself with it.
Subscribe to some fitness channels on youtube etc.
You are what you do after all and when you think more often about
something you are inevitably bound to do it more and this is the most direct way to change one’s character.
go for it, benefits are huge !
I’ll give you a tip: identify the two or three things in your diet that are most unhealthy for you. Eliminate them and replace them with something more healthy. Example: if you drink a couple of Cokes a day, cut those out and start drinking a smoothie or water instead. Do a couple little things like that, and over time, you’ll see changes in the way you feel.
Use that momentum to make a couple more changes: start walking or doing some other form of light exercise for 30 mins to an hour a day, start making sure you are getting the right amount of sleep. Then just keep making little changes, little course corrections, as time goes by and you see improvement. You’ll be surprised how much better you feel.
Thanks for the tip. My main issue has always been that I’m an impatient fucker, so instead of taking things one stept at time like you suggested, I try to change everything from the get go: change my food entirely, start doing heavy exercises that my wholefully untrained body is not prepared for, etc. But since my body can’t adapt to such a drastic and sudden change, in a few weeks, sometimes days I’m back to eating tons of fast-foods and lazying around while pitying myself to death.
I’ve gotten over that stage of my life, though, lamenting about my situation instead of doing something. I’m slowly progressing.
Thanks again and sorry for the rant; time to go actually do what I set out to do instead of pondering on what I should do.
Hey man, we all do it. Its the thing that kills more self-improvement than anything else, I think: biting off more than you can chew, killing yourself with too drastic a change. Making smaller but smart and consistent changes, getting a little momentum going, and then building on the momentum… that can really work wonders. Good luck!
REPETITION and TIME my man… whether you develop Bad Habits or Good Habits – nothing happens overnight – it’s all Repetition and Time. Start focusing your energy on more (Positive) endeavors, and with “Repetition and Time” you’ll be amazed at the transformation.
Start with your health, then move on to your finances.
Socrates was a bodybuilder himself ? Or was he preaching things he did not do ?
nah, just joking, good quote indeed !
This should be carved in stone on a tablet used to beat children who smugly say they’re ‘not athletic’ and use that as an excuse to be weak and flabby.
lol i like your pov on children’s education
“Spare the rod, beat the child. That’s my motto.”
-Agatha Trunchbull
lol that’s the position to receive the daily smash of the “socrate quoted stone tablet” !
I disagree. As long as you’re not fat and get a decent amount of exercise there’s no reason to aspire to your bodybuilding potential if not inclined.
Wow, so true…never knew Socrates spouted that one off. It’ such a special place when you glimpse the outer limits of physical capability, endurance, etc.
What I should be thinking: how can I implement these best in my life?
What I actually thought: what the fuck is that abortion of a handgun in the picture? Looks like a HiPoint and FN had offspring with extra chromosomes….
Like all the so-called “American” Jews who hold dual citizenship with Israel. We know where they plan to go as their bugout destination when things go to hell in this country. This gives them perverse incentives to treat the United States as a throwaway, and they vote accordingly.
Yet these same people would probably mock white preppers and survivalists as paranoids and kooks.
I hear a lot of internet talk about Jews being prepared to run to Israel if something happens but, for arguments sake if something happened to the US, Israel would disappear pretty quick, there’s no place to run to.
Enjoying the decline is not my cup of tea.
We are creators, we must create a world in which we want to live in, and fight those who stand in the way of that.
Well said. We are heirs of God (Romans 8), and as such, we have a natural yearning to create. Those who go against this are consequently unhappy people.
The fuck.. just kill those criminals doing drugs, raping animals and whatnot stupid piece of human waste destroying our genes..
And now we have no brain left aswell..
IT goes good for us, ay? Shit..
Great article, and thanks for the shout out!
Some really great advice here. This is very well-thought out, and it is something we should all take to heart.
It’s funny that the “simplest” of these to do is probably the most difficult to do well: having children. Just having children is not automatically virtuous. Having children and raising them well can be virtuous, however. But doing that requires a lot of work: getting yourself together physically, financially and mentally; picking a mother for them who is physically, mentally and emotionally able to be a good wife and a good mother; establishing a home for them in a safe and healthy community; giving them a sound and nurturing family; and then maintaining all of that through their childhood as they are growing up.
That can be a daunting task, but I think it is core to our development as men, as it is our basic fundamental purpose in life. Well, all of us except lolknee, of course.
That is all true, however, it doesn’t all happen up front and at once. The choose the right mother and have a good business/career/job thing is up front and a must, but the rest comes over time in incremental chunks. You have some breathing room between stages of life for a child up to a certain age anyway.
My daughter just graduated high school this last Sunday. She’s off in the fall for chemistry/pre-med. And with that, my official duties as a father of children is complete, and my future as father of two grown, independent, decent human beings begins. My calendar has suddenly opened up and this, my friend, will be the Summer of GOJ’s Indulgence. Heh.
But if you want to maximize your chances for success, you have to position yourself well going in… you have to lay a solid foundation to build all of that on later. Or, at least, you need to think about the end goal, what kind of life you want to give your kids, and how best to situate yourself and your family to achieve those goals.
Yes, you should at least have milestones and ideas of where you want your family along every stage of life, no question. And you MUST have a plan on raising the kid in a general sense, that is, you don’t just do passive parenting and winging it as you go, you instead have an approach to raise the kids in a certain way that helps guarantee their success in life.
Would you kindly give me some advice on parenting or suggest some good books on the subject? Now I’m only 23 and unmarried, but I like to plan for the future.
Big request there man. There are some articles on this site which have given out good advice. There’s also another site, albeit it much smaller, with some good child raising advice.
(not my site, btw)
In general, consistency is key, as well as dispensing with 90% of modern child rearing advice. In other words, don’t raise the kid to shit all over everything, to be undisciplined, to feel that he’s special just for participating in some sport or group activity if they didn’t place high, and discard with that awful nonsense of “share your toys!” (which fosters a socialist mindset). Lead by example and provide the child with a good role model to enforce what you wish to teach him. There is SO much more, but those are off the top of my head.
Thanks for the link and the tips! I’ll look into it.
People have all sorts of excuses for not having children, ” the world sucks, it’s too expensive” it’s too hard etc”, and it’s all a personal choice however, I think part of the reason is all the efforts to reduce teen pregnancy. There used to be “afternoon tv specials” about it, there is classroom instruction about it, church groups go around talking about it, 16 And Pregnant on MTV, all these programs document how hard it is( and a teenage pregnancy is) but, people are brainwashed to carry that feeling their entire life.
It’s one of those cases where ” the road to hell is paved with good intentions”, sometimes good intentions carry unforeseen consequences. Children should be thought of as a blessing instead of a curse.
Now, who is going to be the first person who gets the wrong idea and think I said unwed teens should get pregnant?
“Children should be thought of as a blessing instead of a curse.”
In case anyone missed it.
Having children is both a right that you earn and a duty. I don’t think that’s extremely difficult to earn that right and fulfill that duty, the problem does not lay there.
The problem, as we all know, is to find the right woman. In my personal opinion, adequate wife material must fulfill at least these requirements (in no particular order, they are all equally important):
1. Physical beauty.
2. Sane physically and sound of mind.
3. Not a whore.
4. Adequate set of moral values.
5. Young, max 25 years old.
You know, there is a huge difference between virgin and “not a whore”.
Asking for a virgin these days is asking for unicorns. In fact, I have never meet a virgin in my whole life. In this context ‘not a whore’ means a girl who doesn’t ‘know’ more than 10 cocks in any part and orifice of her body.
I’ve met plenty, in Amish country in northern Ohio. They even make themselves stand out insofar as if they have on no wedding right AND they’re dressed like it’s high harvest time in the year 1754, you know right off the bat, badda bing, virgin.
These days, women can get sewn up and become virginal again via surgery. Kind of like pussy makeup – it makes it seem better than it is. The point being, a guy never really knows what he is dealing with…
Are Amish open to marrying foreigners? Heh.
Yeah, but the Amish have serious health problems due to generations of inbreeding, so blonde and with the adequate values as the Amish girls are, I’ll pass.
In this days, there are plenty of forms to investigate a woman, some are legal others not so much….
Number 2 is easy, just looking and their family is the first clue, and a couple of bucks in adequate places can get you the complete medical history of a woman.
Number 3 is relatively easy in the days of Facebook, Instagram and 6 Degrees of Separation. A good Due Diligence and that’s all.
But that’s not the problem, the problem is to find a beautiful young girl who is physically and mentally healthy, not a whore and not a crazy ass feminist.
If you ever find that Unicorn, my friend, please be sure to ask her if she has an older sister…
Yeah, don’t forget to ask if she has a younger sister too…
I think a lot of that is really overplayed. Most Amish I’ve known and/or met seemed normal and healthy. The communities are huge in northern Ohio, the chance of inbreeding is pretty slim as long as they aren’t doing it on purpose.
Converting to Christianity and moving to northern Ohio in 3,2,1….
Sorry to disappoint you, but significant numbers of defects in the Amish community due to founder and drift genetics in that group. In one of the specialty clinics in the area sees community members and well over 120-130 different genetic disorders within the community of varying degree of severity. And that is only the ones that will come to that clinic.
Huh. They sure look perfectly normal, if weird. But hey, it’s not like I go and give them medical screenings.
I’ve dated 3 virgins and I’m in my mid 20s. Excuses are like assholes….
Where in Northeren OH are you at? I live in Cleveland.
I agree in general except when it comes to escape plans, I ain’t going nowhere until I get good and damn ready, nobody is running me off from anything, jihadis, leftists,killer clowns from outer space or anybody else.
Reading. Depends on what you read. How is it that watching Netflix is a waste of time but reading novels is not, When reading novels you are not learning nothing you are just wandering the mind in a Movie/Novel plot and imagining life. If I´m not reading science, manuals, history or technical book, I feel that I´m wasting time the same as with Visual media.
When your mind “wanders” in creating the scenes, scenarios, character voices and other variables in the world described by the book, you are in fact exercising your mental faculties and helping your brain grow. Additionally, you are likely gathering new vocabulary or reinforcing or re-examining meanings of vocabulary you already know. There really is no such thing as “wasting time” when pursuing fiction reading since it does in fact benefit you intellectually. Granted, I’m talking about good literature and not boddice rippers or comic books here.
Right. Actively watching a (good) movie can be intellectual investigation; exploration. The trick is to know how to identify these and seperate them from ‘amusements’.
I really enjoy reading this site, even though I am a woman. I would like to start something similar for women, to help bring us back to our natural femininity and place, to make ourselves, and indeed everyone more peaceful and happy. Does anyone know of any sites that are already doing this? Thank you.
Yeah, check out the writings of Andrew Anglin and the Daily Stormer.
Also google ‘WHITE SHARIA’.
It’s what all white women need.
I wish you well. I think it is needed.
If you stick around this site long enough, you’ll know what men want in women. Use this knowledge to improve yourself and the women you know.
You need to do it. I’m a married guy who teamed up with another married guy to make a red pill site for married men. If you want to make return of Queens, why not do it yourself?
Yeah, that won’t be thought of as a faggot web site at all! Return of queens!
Could be a chronicle of the renaissance of that under-appreciated borough of New York?
Or….a Freddie fan site!
Lol it was a subtle joke there presidential poltergeist
Return of Cucks
Thank you. I am really thinking about it and just trying to find the best way to do it. I feel so out of step with most contemporary American women and their surly and violent attitudes. I am very happily married and it’s like my joy in my marriage annoys some of the women I used know, who only care about these girls nights and getting drunk, reading idiotic sites like Jezebel, wearing pussy hats, and having affairs. Sex in the City was one of the very worst shows to happen to women sparking all kinds of media brainwash, which has poisoned female minds… of course making them incompetent wives and terrible mothers. I don’t understand it- they have everything and their husbands are so wonderful, yet they have this toxic misery they try to spread to other women. I am so sick of it. While I personally do not believe that Sharia (white or otherwise) is the answer, I do believe that women need to stop acting like spoiled, entitled brats and realize that their true power is in being feminine, cooperative with their husbands, receptive, maternal and resourceful. I will figure out how to do this, and would love to have men chime, as your opinions are important.
sounds like a BDSM scene…..
that’s a naughty site! very funny 🙂
returnofqueens.com ?
Oh the titles to be had…
ReturnToFemininity .com
LadiesBackFromTheBrink .com
FeminineAmericansThatStillExist .com 😉
I may create that site towards the second half of the year.
If/when you do, I would gladly throw my hat in the ring to help with content!
Virtuous is as virtuous does (click to enlarge)…
a marvel/DC movie- an unholy alliance if ever there was one!
All women marvel at the chance to go AC/DC in a dark theater.
count me in
I wonder if that Gal Gadot girl’s got rhythm…
Even when I was a kid I thought super heroes were kind of silly.
I looked at a comic book back in the seventies though, Sargent Rock I think it was, do they still have those? If they do, he’s probably been turned into a gay UN peacekeeper by now.
Blackhawk took no shit either….
I notice that most comic book super heroes teach the impressionable male to white knight the shit out of it…
There’s a veteran’s memorial in a place called Sunbury, Ohio, which is a nice motorcycle ride for me when it’s nice out. In it they have a cross up that honors a local resident, one Sergeant Rock. I thought “Well hell’s bells, he was real!” when I first saw it, heh.
That Rock fellow was one tough mofo to get sent off to fight in Iraq at his age!
The only comic I’ve ever cared about is Conan the Barbarian. Other than that, I couldn’t care less. I have, however, recently started digging some old pulps characters, like The Shadow and Doc Savage.
I was only a passing fan of comic books growing up. My dad would sometimes get me a couple to read when I was home sick or something. I enjoyed the super hero cartoons a lot more.
But I think there is something to the comic-book-as-perpetuation-of-human-mythology concept. There are some basic, fundamental human stories that some of the best comic books and comic book characters convey on a meta-level that are important.
The Batman/Bruce Wayne thing, just for example, is so iconic. That same story has been stolen and reused for hundreds of other comic book characters. For years — even decades — they’ve tried other story arcs, other Batman characters, other men beneath the cowl… but they always seem to keep coming back to that same iconic story.
My favorite “comic book movie” by far is Unbreakable. Not your traditional hero-in-tights movie, but it is really a fantastic piece of film on the subject.
Dude, you got some deep stuff out of those comic books….
i thought the Watchmen was pretty cool
She’s a little on the scrawny side, still kinda hot but, not as hot as blue eyed Wonder Woman from back in the day.
Gal Gadot was born in Israel. Her ancestry is Polish-Jewish, Austrian-Jewish, German-Jewish, and Czech-Jewish. So…
I know, righ-EEEET? (Feminine inflection there – it’s cunt-tagious.)
Not to mention all the different races and nationalities DNA in her vagina.
Telegony…it just makes sense.
That’s just way too much Jewish…
You don’t think she’s Jewish do you?
It really does. I would love to see some in-depth DNA studies of couples who have been married and sexually active for long periods of time.
There’s no such thing as Jews.
Not gonna happen anytime soon, but for the time being you can check out the Duggar Family.
Well, who’s going to sell all the diamonds then?
There’s no such thing as diamonds, either.
Well, honk my hooter, ain’t you the bearer of bad news today?
No…there is no race, no ancestry, no gender…only feelings.
Nothing more than feelings? So I should try to forget my, feelings of love?
And tear drops? The ones rolling down on my face?
This whole thing went Dada quickly didn’t it….
Try to forget her, man. Look at it this way, now that you are out of her life, she’ll never cum again…
Mondo Dada…
I’m actually rather sad that I still had memory, in my head, allocated to remembering that horrid song.
Three words:
Morris Freakin’ Albert…
Me too. I lived with this chick twice. Banged her night and day. Her daughter (via another man), she looks like me. I wasn’t banging the mother in question when she got knocked up, hadn’t done so for over three years…there”s gotta be something to it.
You’re right, there is no gender.
Damn! That other man’s life is my worst nightmare.
You two are not trying to do some John Lennon philosophy are you?
I swear, you look at couples that have been married for decades, couples that have grown old together, sometimes it really looks like they have grown to look more like each other. Its amazing. Couple that with the viral aspects of DNA, and it really makes you wonder.
No, you have to be high to do that I’m at a drug free workplace.
I’ve noticed that myself. Another weird thing I’ve noticed. The woman I told you about, when she was really young, she looked like her mom. When she got older, she started to take on her dad’s facial characteristics. It’s a compelling science, I think.
John just wanted to give peas a chance…kinda corny, but who am I to squash it. All things bean equal, he was not much different than Elvis Parsley in that regard (I know, I saw it on Okra.) And now, lettuce pray…
far out man
I think the only words left in the Webster’s Modern SJW Dictionary that remotely resemble it are “juice”, “June” and “July”.
There’s no such thing as July.
It changes so quickly I can’t keep up with it…thanks for getting my mind right, dude.
Practicing concise writing, I see.
Well, its all anecdotal, but if science ever gets back to being about the search for truth and knowledge rather than SJW bullshit, I bet we will find that DNA is a lot more “infectious” than we currently understand.
Don’t get me started….
Has to be. Which is why they slammed the door on that science.
Imagine there’s no heaven, I can’t, especially when I’m high.
The Russians are wise to this…
“Russian Educational Video About “Dumpster” Women”: http://gawker.com/the-worst-movie-of-the-year-is-this-russian-educational-1764826328
“Telegony is theoretically possible”: https://the-newspapers.com/2016/09/19/telegony-is-theoretically-possible-an-unexpected-review-of-the-academic
Right, can’t have science uncovering that cum dumpsters are literally mongrels chock full of mutated DNA from guys whose names they never even knew.
Kinda like Albert Wesker from Resident Evil.
However…if it ever made a resurgence, you can bet lawyers would be filing paternity claims against 50 or more men at a time. “Shared Parentage”…I should delete this fast.
Hey! They always knew my…um….alias…er…name!
I really don’t see her as that attractive at all. When I first saw the broad my first thought was “Hmmm…looks vaguely middle eastern” and reading Bob Smith’s post below today, it now occurs to me why this is so.
Wonder Woman is a bullshit heroine anyway. Her creator was a huge mangina cuck who loved feminism. Her story, her character and all that has never mattered to me in the least, even when I was of a comic book reading age. Just repulsive.
Lynda Carter on the other hand, in her prime, would be entirely welcome to bear me as many children as she could crank out.
Objectively, I recognize that Gal Gadot has attractive features, a nice body, etc., but I also don’t find her subjectively that attractive.
In a freaking New York Minute….
Comic books suck, but I found Marvel Zombies quite interesting. Seeing all of the characters I hated (read: all of them) getting ripped to shreds was highly satisfying.
What a body…nice face, too.
A girl from back when women were still shooting for glamorous and alluring to men. Lynda Carter was a true looker in her prime, as I’m sure that you’re aware.
I would donate some DNA to her bun-in-the-oven pursuits…
Yeah, she’s always been nothing more than female empowerment horseshit. Which makes it even more disgusting when I find MALES that are fans of her. Why would any self respecting man like a character whose main characteristic is to promote the belief that women are better than men and who’s majority run consists of belittling masculinity? Really baffling. I get it that she looks good and you like fapping to her, but sheesh. Have some self-respect.
Lynda Carter had to have been a hellavua pilot too,being able to fly that invisible plane without being able to see the instruments.
PS-don’t be getting under the impression that I’m a female (or any other)superhero fan, I was just commenting about her looks and blue eyed ww is hottest
I bet she could cook too, the ultimate package.
She was so beautiful!
Her creator was giant BDSM fan. Her only weakness was being tied up by man. (They later retconned it out.)
Ooh, that’s something I didn’t know. Probably explains her obsessive need to tie people with her “magic lasso” to get the “truth” out of them. Hmmmmm….
She’s a jew.
Why choose between the two?
I don’t think they’re allowed to make movies without that sort of thing anymore.
For those who might have missed it…Wonder Woman was shown at the Alamo Drafthouse theater in Austin, Texas, and only women were allowed to attend; check out the pretzel logic displayed by women in their Tweets on the matter –
Ironic when you consider that there are probably MORE male fans than actual female fans of Wonder Woman who enjoy fappi-ugh, I mean appreciate how she encourages women to be strong and independent and realize their potential to be even better than us oppressive, disgusting males!
Why weren’t there any women-only screenings for the Human-Centipede series?
Which, if done for men only, would result in an immediate lawsuit.
Yep. And it all creates a huge controversy, which increases ticket sales, so Warner Brothers can use the money to create more putrid mindfuckery like Wonder Woman 2…the beast will feed, indeed. Until it is starved to death.
This doesn’t bother me. We should be able to have both men only and women only events/spaces. Just because “men only” is out of favor right now, doesn’t mean we should start being hypocrites.
But then they’re stupid enough to watch that kind of shit anyway Uncle Bob. Any male (I don’t use the word ‘man’ as that has deeper meaning and is often inapplicable to those who have a Y chromosome through sheer dumb luck) going to such would have their sexuality questioned by me. I tend to be merciless when mocking others for wasting their time on what is tantamount to a nerd playing adult Barbie dolls.
We were supposed to be discussing a virtuous life but, it degradedinto a discussion of which would we do first Lynda Carter or Gal Gadot….. we are all going to hell.
As long as demon chicks in Hell look like this, I’m cool:
She’s got a tail…… there are boundaries that should never be crossed.
Hey, sinners can’t be choosers!
hot as hell !!
Gal Gadot is a front for Zionist propaganda.
Neither, worshipping celebrities you will never meet is foolish. Prefer real people that I will actually have a chance to know.
I did all of the mentioned things except having children..and I don’t feel virtuous at all. I’m just testosterone fueled jerk and I don’t aim to be anything else.
And I am especially upset by rational and virtuous faggots. I really wish to stick a big cucumber in ass of anyone who claims to be a virtue and is older then 60 and by the way didn’t accomplish SHIT in life.
Audentes fortuna iuvat.
Another word of advice is to avoid large cities. Degenerate culture thrives in large cities.
Tune out of the MSM and consumerism as well.
Rejecting mass consumerism will do quite a bit for your financial well being.
Your overall wellbeing improves the more you red pill. It’s easier to red pill in a small out of the way place.
Make friends only with other red pill guys.
The cities are teeming with narcissists. Want virtue, form a community of like minded people with similar values and outlook.
The cosmopolitan cities are ruled by deviants who value diversity over community.
I saw a CNN hack piece that said the worst foods for you are non organic strawberries, sprouts, swordfish, white chocolate, and canned tomatoes. They listed these 5 as the absolute worst things you can eat.
Really? Not processed foods that contain HFCS, refined sugar, white flour, artificial sweeteners, and preservatives? Also what about tobacco and excess alcohol?
I guess they would make their advertisers angry.
A men’s health editor listed them. That is why I never read such rubbish.
This is why you need to be wary of the MSM.
While those 5 might not be ideal I think there are a lot of other things that are worse.
The msm is wonderful at promoting degenerate behavior but I think some people are waking up to the horrible and borderline satanic things they hurl at people.
Don’t bother moving to Australia. It’s a huge liberal nanny state full of male-hating feminists and limp-wristed betas. You’ll only be disappointed. Although there are still conservative pockets to be had, mostly in rural towns and outback areas.. if you can find a job, that is. Oh and put up with shit internet.
I know about that but Australia offers rather good work opportunities. It also has tightened its immigration laws recently, which implies that less “refugees” (i.e. economic migrants) come in, whereas working migrants can come if they support themselves. That is, people like us.
Indeed. And the ‘Conservatives’ are only such in name whilst kowtowing to all the Musulmanic scum and selling up everything to the Chinese.