9 Steps For Anti-Social Men To Become More Outgoing

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I feel anti-social. If I’m working on a big project I go into “work mode” and tend to avoid chitchatting so I can get more work done. Then after a long period of reinforcing that habit I begin to find it harder to connect with people.

If you choose to avoid conversation consistently your brain learns that conversation is hard. And if you avoid it for long enough you’ll struggle to remember how to do it well. If you choose to avoid people consistently your brain will spend less time being externally focused on others. Instead you’ll be more focused on your internal thoughts.

You may be familiar with gems like these…

  • “I can’t think of anything to say.”
  • “She doesn’t like me.”
  • “These people are better than me.”

And they’ll trip you up when you’re trying to make friends. The good news is that this happens to everyone. But what can you do to pull yourself out of it?

Saying Anything Is Better Than Saying Nothing

Each time you make the choice to stay in your head instead of saying something (anything!), you make it slightly harder for yourself to be social. Because the next time you’re faced with that same choice you’ll be more likely to make the same decision you made last time.

So it follows that each time you make the choice to say something instead of staying in your head, you make it slightly easier for yourself to be social next time.

Should I say “Thanks, have a great day” to the café staff as I’m walking out? Or should I just say nothing?

Should I say “Hi, how are you?” to the person who sits next to me on the bus? Or should I stare at my feet?

Should I ask the taxi driver how his day has been? Or should I scroll through my Facebook feed?

Even if these interactions last for ten seconds before going back to silence, deciding to initiate them is psychologically better for you than staying in your head. Your brain will go, “Oh, maybe focusing externally is something I should do more of instead of rattling around in this echo chamber,” and your negative thoughts will decrease.

If you’re feeling antisocial, expect to fail at this a bunch of times, but start small to keep yourself from getting discouraged. Start with Step 0 below and f*ck it up until you consistently get it right, then tackle the next step.

You’ll notice your confidence increase with every step. You’ll genuinely feel more comfortable around people, more motivated to talk, and more willing to take bigger risks if you just open your mouth and do this.

Step 0: Make eye contact and smile.

Keep doing this with new people and try new ways of doing it until you consistently get smiles back. Their smiles will make you feel more confident and will prepare you for the next step.

Step 1: Go out of your way to greet service staff with things like “Hi, how are you?”, “Thanks, have a great day,” etc.

Keep trying this in different ways until you consistently get positive comments back. Their positive comments will make you feel more comfortable.

Become A Social Person

Step 2: Say “Hi” when walking past people.

Keep trying this until you consistently get positive responses back and feel comfortable with it.

Step 3: Make quick observations and verbalise them. Like “Oh what a cute dog,” or “Nice shirt.”

You can end the conversations there. Keep trying this in different ways until you consistently get positive reactions back.

Step 4: Make a real effort to continue the initial conversation in ANY direction.

Just say anything after the initial introduction. Like “Where are you from?” or “What’s the dog’s name?” or “You look like you’re on your way to something important.” You can end the conversations there. Keep trying this in new ways until you can consistently continue conversations beyond the initial introduction, and get the reactions you’re looking for.

If this sounds difficult to you it means you’re probably not at Step 3 yet. Getting to Step 3 makes Step 4 easier, and so on. (And if you need more help with this, my site has a guide that will also help you figure out what to say and how to say it.)

Step 5: Add something personal about yourself, like “I want to get a dog one day.”

Add, “It’d be nice to have something to take care of,” or “You know I usually avoid taking risks but I’m starting to wonder if I should change that,” or “I love __. I could talk about it for hours.”

Rather than trying to impress people with what you say, just aim to keep yourself entertained or engaged. Keep trying this until you consistently get the reactions you want.

Step 6: Ask something that makes the other person think.

Say things like “What made you decide to get into that?” or “Are you usually lucky or unlucky?”, or “What’s something your friends would say you’re great at?” Anything that they have to reflect on before answering.

Now you’re having a legit conversation. Keep trying this until people consistently open up to you.

Step 7: Start group conversations.

For example: “Where are you guys from?” on a walking tour, or “Did anyone see that thing in the news today?” with your co-workers. Keep trying this until you can comfortably lead and continue these group conversations.

And of course do this without being the loud and obnoxious guy who doesn’t know when to shut up and listen.

Build Confidence

Step 8: Play a character in conversation.

If I’m telling a story about the time Steve ate a rotten egg, for example, I might temporarily impersonate his voice and body language and re-enact the situation, rather than just saying, “He cried to mummy and spewed.” Keep trying this until people consistently laugh at your characters.

Step 9: Invite people to things that you organise. Get friends to bring friends you don’t know.

Now you’re leading the social circle. Keep trying this in different ways until people consistently accept your invitations.

At this point the world is your oyster. You’re taking much bigger risks than you were when you started this whole thing because you’ve built a consistent habit of getting out of your head and saying SOMETHING.

This isn’t the end of the road. It’s just a solid foundation that lets you take control of your social life. From here you’ll decide what risks you want to take, and which direction you want to grow in. And if you’re struggling with any of the steps, add your own smaller steps. For example you can ask the time or directions before verbalising observations if that’s easier.

So get up and say something (anything!) to the next person you see. It’s a skill you develop by doing it. Not something you’re born with.

Read more: 3 Steps To Breaking Out Of A Slump

495 thoughts on “9 Steps For Anti-Social Men To Become More Outgoing”

    1. Add a black trench coat and you’ve got the wardrobe of choice for Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris.

        1. thats what comic con goers wear to appear cool to lesser comic con goers…

    2. Coming back from a ride on the Harley last weekend — dressed in all black — the missus asked me to pick something up for her in the local Amish vegetable stand. Waiting in line to pay, some yuppie douche (an anachronism, but no other way to describe him) looks me in the eye and says, “Where do you get your strawberries?”
      So yeah, there are places where you shouldn’t dress in all black.

  1. I was anti-social, and this is basically how I fixed it. The first thing to realize, of course, is that you are anti-social, and the reason is likely that you have some degree of fear of the unknown. The easiest way to break that fear is by immersion – by stretching your comfort zone until being friendly and outgoing is normal.
    If you’re program-oriented, here are some steps:
    1. For two weeks, try to greet fifty people a day with a friendly smile and a “howdy” (or local equivalent). Make eye contact, and roll with it if they stop to chat or shake your hand. If you can’t get to fifty (very hard for most folks), keep aiming at fifty anyway.
    2. Now that you’ve talked to a few hundred people and none of them have attacked you, step it up. Initiate casual conversation with these people when you have a chance. Keep it light and friendly, and do not complain – these are random people, not your goddamn therapist. Your goal is ten exchanged sentences per person, and try for ten or so people a day.
    3. Now you’ve gotten used to initiating conversation, and it’s time to go deeper. Find someone in the bar, DMV line, or somewhere else you can hold attention for a few minutes. Initiate conversation normally, then practice the deep-diving questions – follow “what do you do?” with “why did you choose to go into that field?” and the like. This is not story-time for you – this is learning to ask questions that get them talking.
    4. After a few weeks practicing 3, you can start interjecting yourself a bit. It’s still not story time, but you can improve the flow of conversation better now that you are focused on exchanging with them instead of downloading yourself onto the world.
    And…you’re done! You’ve become social.

    1. “it’s still not story time” words well spoken. A decent short story here or there is fine, but people want to know you are interested in them, not some long winded “one upping” story that kills dialogue.

    2. Step 5: snort a line of Kratom for every successful ten-mintue conversation you have

    3. What if all the people that inhabit the environment you live in make you sick and you want all of them to stay away from you ?

        1. You are on the wrong article. You need to follow a different set of steps.
          1. Get money.
          2. Get visa.
          3. Move.

        2. Two possibilities exist: that your society is fundamentally broken, or you are. If the latter, you can learn to correct yourself sufficiently to tolerate the common folk.
          If the former, you have only two options. The first is to begin from the “I am the problem” premise and adapt your mindset to tolerate and enjoy the company of fucked-up people. The second is to take some time to groom an environment you can enjoy, by finding the least messed up people and guiding them.

        3. It’s a combination of both. I’m pretty fucked up too. I can’t tolerate most men and I can’t hold a 5-min conversation with a woman without saying smth offensive. The last woman I spoke to was an Iranian chick I know from college a couple of weeks ago. She was pretty friendly to me but than I said some racist shit about her black zumba trainer who she looked up to and she never spoke to me again.

        4. That’s usually the case. It sounds like you basically know what the problem is, but you’re not prepared yet to address it. All I can say is that your personality can and will survive the little changes you make to become a loveable asshole.

  2. Great advice. If a man lacks social skills in this world he will have a very hard time building a network. I like to think of one of the 48 laws of power sometimes, “not to isolate yourself and put up walls.”

  3. Without good body language, confidence and presence down pat, You’ll just sound like a homeless person asking for “chaay-enj?” Work on this first.

    1. Or just sit on the pavement with a card saying “homeless and hungry, please spare some pussy, [so I can eat tonight]”

  4. Although I’m a fan of the simple “hello” with a smile routine with service people and random strangers, the “have a great day” BS is tiresome to hear in the U.S. because absolutely no one gives a shit, but they’ve all had to take mini-seminars or sit through training sessions moderated by corporate PR manipulators. As such, these catch phrases are dripping with phoniness. Also reminds me of the phrase “welcome in” which swept around America a few years back to every place I walked into — literally. Talk about a hive mind for the retarded. Who was the fucktard that pushed that greeting phrase on America’s working poor??

  5. be more like Buddy the Elf, he landed zoey deschanel wearing yellow nuthuggers

  6. I’m not a hugely social person, so I have never been a huge fan of random people conversations. It is much easier to socialize in clubs or groups where there is an activity to concentrate on. I’m quite the social butterfly in my dog training club, because you can always ask about the dog. You automatically have a topic of conversation. Your social muscles will strengthen and you won’t even realize it. Next time you are at some silly work-related networking bullshit event, you will find yourself glad-handing your way around the room.

        1. rofl- you really need to write an article on how you got to your gittin’ place in life

      1. people will do anything for one of those ice cream bars…and when they do they need to be persecuted to the full extent of the law.

  7. OT, but celebrity chef Bobby Flay is taking a restaurant business of his public (it’s called Burger Palace). He’ll be doing an IPO down the road and expanding the chain nationwide. Knowing how much fat American princesses and other women, are enamored with Bobby Flay (“LOVE. Him.”) – not to mention how much they love burgers (as do Americuck men) – I’m predicting the stock will soar. And what American princess wouldn’t want to eat at a palace. So you might want to think about getting in on the ground floor when that IPO comes a knockin’…remember: Burger Palace, Bobby Flay, IPO. (Google it for details; the Wall Street Journal did a write-up about it very recently.) Adios, dudes…

    1. your reasoning is flawless here bob smith and i agree with you 100% but my guess is that the vast majority of people here…and indeed in the world….won’t touch that stock for IPO price and by the time they are able to get their toe in the price will be up enough to destroy any profits.

      1. I don’t want to be accused of not being generous with valuable information (knowing full well that what you pointed out is very likely to wind up being close to 100% true)…

        1. I think people often have the conception that you can just buy at IPO prices if your timing is good when in reality unless you have a very substantial personal and/or business account with one of the big firms — talking top tier — you will never see the ipo. I always here people talking about if they only knew how well it wold have done they would have jumped on the $85 dollar per share price of googles ipo….as if you didn’t need to have a minimum of 8 figures with Goldman just to get the offer.
          You already know this, but not everyone does so i thought i would throw it out there. I would bet dollars to doughnuts that if there are any people here who could get in on a serious IPO (which I doubt) it is less than 1%

        2. the VC guys have even better deals- remember the facebook guys owned stock at an obscenely low price- $15 maybe? Went public in the low $40s, right?
          Those fokkers in silicon valley made a killing(as usual)

        3. If you want to make money on the IPO, you need to already have a share of the company (through sweat equity, venture capital, etc.). Otherwise, you’ve got to be a frickin’ Rockefeller to have a shot, and unless I miss my guess none of us have that kind of dough and connection.

        4. Yes. I work for people who have enough dough that they get offered IPOs by big brokerages houses. When you have a few hundred million with Goldman they tend to call you and let you in. Other than that, yes, sweat equity and venture capital

        5. I do some work in M&A and I like what VC does in the middle market, which is usually to make companies healthier and better poised to grow. But the games that go on with public trades and the stock market amount to a whole lot of beak-wetting for the regulators and investment bankers and table scraps for everyone else. It is a part of American economic life in genuine need of reform, but the public will never care enough.

        6. To the common man, the stock market is literally gambling. You throw some money in, and if you’re lucky you walk away from the table with more than that. Everyone wants to win the lottery on stocks, but the average investor can’t beat a monkey throwing darts (true story).
          That’s how I look at it. Once it hits the stock market, all that happens is people pass money around to one another. It’s not like funding a startup, where your money goes directly to making a company happen, or even like investing in expansion, where your money helps pay the salaries of necessary contractors.

        7. At the top end of the spectrum, I find that investing bears little resemblance to gambling. In fact, the investment class is the most risk averse group of people I have ever seen. It runs 100% contrary to the myth of the brave capitalist innovator, taking a chance in the market. Big money goes to investments that are heavily researched, and often have higher levels of collateral/risk mitigation.
          Again, don’t take that as a slight. But, the reality bears little resemblance to the romantic fiction. It has a different kind of romance .

        8. I was more talking about the casual investor, the college student convinced he’s found a system that’ll make him rich or the entrepreneur who thinks he can double his income. The thought patterns of such investors parallel the average casino patron.
          Once you get high enough to see how the system works, it’s a very different beast. I have no doubts about that.

    2. he had some great restaurants here in nyc. steakhouse in AC was damn good too.

      1. this is true. Flay Restaurants are amazingly well run machines with terrific food in general. Not really my kind of places, but you can’t take away from the guy that he knows how to make a restaurant work

      1. he had a place here – spanish/tapas style. food was amazing. mesa grille was great too

      2. I used to watch his shows (they ran them in-between Good Eats and Iron Chef). From what I gathered, he knows how to grill a hatch chili pepper, and not a hell of a lot more.
        I mean, hell, I was a kid and I was shouting recipe improvements at the screen.

    3. I’m glad Flay is self-aware enough to realize burgers are his only strong suit. How the Food Network ever propped him up alongside Batali and Zakarian is a mystery to me.

      1. i dont wanna sound like an nyc snob here- but have you ever been to his joints?

        1. Yeah, a trip to Mesa Grill will show quickly that Flay is more than just a burger and taco man……side note, i am fine being an nyc snob

        2. I’ve spent all of three days in NYC. Not saying the restaurants can’t be good, but you and I both know that celebrity chefs don’t do the heavy lifting.
          EDIT: I’m just saying he’s the Rachel Ray of Iron Chefs. His inclusion on the roster continues to astound me, when it’s had so many amazing and talented members over the years.

        3. Bolo…that was the joint. closed bc the owner wanted to build condos. the fish stew was one of the best meals Ive ever tasted. is bar americain still open?

        4. all that matters is how the food tastes. iron chef is just a platform to get your brand out there. peeps slam Emerille for his sloppiness on tv, but his restaurants in new orleans were solid. Delmonico’s, and the one in the quarter, damn good…

        5. He used to do this show where he’d go around challenging local chefs. They picked the dish, and he’d supposedly best them. The trouble is, watching the locals versus Flay, he never brought anything new to the table while they usually did.
          I learned a lot…from his competition.
          That said, a good restaurant is a good restaurant. If he’s got quality chefs and ingredients at his restaurants, they will succeed and be delicious. If one of those restaurants makes it near me, I’ll be sure to stop in on your recommendation.

        6. You gotta have the inoffensive, basic skills Rachel Rays to supplement the more talented and experimental cooks. Tons of people don’t know how to cook a grilled cheese, so sweetbreads is probably not going to sell ads.

        7. Bar americain is still open. Excellent food and well run but not really my scene. I’ve been there a few times and it never disappoints. Flay is a showman and makes a lot of money pandering to the average American — not exactly a haute cuisine crowd — but the man has chops

        8. I thought the point of that show was to showcase the local chefs. I never got an inflate Flay’s ego vibe from it.

        9. You’re not entirely wrong, but we’re better served with someone like Alton Brown. One season of Good Eats beats decades with any other cooking show (exceptions including, possibly, Batali’s old show).

        10. Maybe so. I mean, they gave him twice the visible cook-time as the other chefs, but he was the star. Perhaps I’m giving him a bad rap, as something about him always felt like Guy Fieri to me (though, to Flay’s credit, Fieri’s restaurants closed faster than a maiden’s legs before a fat gamma).
          But I’m a snob. I come from a long line of country folks, with a barbecue recipe passed down from my great-granddaddy that has yet to be rivaled by anything I’ve tried (not that a few haven’t come close). It’s hard to watch someone else get famous for your family’s schtick, and not doing it as well as your pa.
          So maybe that’s all it is.

        11. Alton Brown is great. I’ve been really getting into the science of cooking lately. Yesterday reading up on boiling potatoes in alkaline water to produce crispier roasted potatoes.

        12. The technique that’s astounded me recently is the reverse-sear. There’s a lot of science to why it works so damn well, but without a sous vide it’s nearly impossible to beat those steaks.

        13. Yeah, its still showbiz at the end of the day. It’s been nice to see PBS and Netflix take the foodie craze that Food TV started and promote some lesser known, more pure cooks. Stumbling on Sean Brock and the Joe Beef guys really changed the way I cook and view food.

        14. Everybody that gets one absolutely raves about it. Literally I have never read one bad sous vide review. I’ve been putting off pulling the trigger on a sous vide for years now (for no good reason, I can easily afford one). I have some caribou steaks in my freezer just asking for it. There’s a hotel up north that used to do sous vide reindeer with a berry demi-glace. Outstanding.

        15. Try the reverse-sear first. A sous vide is pure magic, don’t get me wrong, but you might just find an oven can get the job done.

    4. What the fuck is wrong with burgers? Ground meat is next to godliness. I made elk burgers last night.

      1. I was talking about fat American princesses and Americucks who like burgers. This is roughly 75% of the American adult public. I was pointing out that those people are the ones who will drive the price of the stock up. I wasn’t talking about you, or anybody else in particular, as far as loving burgers goes, and whether or not that was a good thing or a bad thing (I love burgers, for example). I’m going to have to put disclaimers up on all of my future comments, along with a “Group Hug” meme, I guess…

        1. Ha, I was just giving you shit. I know what you mean – “Gastropub” people.
          I really wanted to talk about my elk burgers (local butcher got some locally grown in). So good. Found an amazing game spice with juniper and orange peel that I am just hooked on. Did I mention I topped it with fennel bacon?

  8. “Make quick observations and verbalise them. Like “Oh what a cute dog,” or “Nice shirt.” ”

        1. the brilliance of some of those lines (as well as some early simpsons) is that they were able to appeal to adults and to children without being boring to one or offensive to the other.

        2. Don’t you like to stuff beaver (pussy)?
          You must be British or something.

        3. Google is paying 97$ per hour! Work for few hours and have longer with friends & family! !pz101d:
          On tuesday I got a great new Land Rover Range Rover from having earned $8752 this last four weeks.. Its the most-financialy rewarding I’ve had.. It sounds unbelievable but you wont forgive yourself if you don’t check it
          ➽➽;➽➽ http://GoogleFinancialJobsCash391OfficeGroupsGetPay$97Hour ★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★✫★★:::::!pz101l..,…..

    1. All these years, and I’ve never used “nice beaver!” as an opener. The possibilities…

      1. Seriously/sadly, can’t imagine how that line could actually be used in the heat of battle. Would be verging on the surreal, no?!

    2. Me and a friend used to rewind the scene were Anna Nicole Smith takes off her dress….most lol scene ever…

      1. It was a take off of the crying game. Now pretty much every film is a take-off of the crying game

    3. Calling a girl an “eager beaver” is fun, e.g. if she’s enthusiastic about something, loves her job, whatever. If she gets it, you’ve just shared a joke about her pussy. If she doesn’t get it (most non-US girls), well at least you’ve entertained yourself with a joke about her pussy.

      1. and you can always invite around to watch some nostalgic beaver and butt head on youtube. It is important that you snigger accordingly

  9. It’s not easy to be social when you read RoK everyday and then you go out only to notice all the shitlibbery and degeneracy around you.

    1. become more outgoing by shouting at shitlibs on street corners. You can really come out of your shell that way

        1. ok, then infiltrate a gay pride march and hand out ROK t-shirts to passers-by

        2. He got their attention. No doubt he has a better chance of getting laid than those white knights.

        3. What’s not shown in the picture is that he has his dick out (seriously, he does). Dude is an epic level Master troll. That smile is absolutely perfect.

      1. Speaking of shitlibs on street corners, this one’s a I-love-being-naked-on-street-corners variety PETA lib and she tried to take my beta husband many years ago, even showed up drunk at his studio (that I paid for) after dark. He locked the door and left her passed out on the couch. She can have him now. Multi-layers of really fucked up.

        1. AND writing in to Playboy AND having her letter published. About falling in love with a married man, blah blah…Meggan Anderson in Los Angeles. (He said he was tempted – too bad he didn’t, it would have ended back 6.5 years ago and I would have had an early start.). The double G in her name gave her away. And she has worked with Playboy so she had an in to getting it published hoping to “get the guy,” by stirring up trouble. Imagine a whackjob vegan living in LA falling for a married, beta carnivore. She tried her best. Tart.

        2. That was good of you to pay for his studio, though. Just curious could you tell me about the game he ran t…er what I mean is, could you tell me more about the decision process for that? For science

        3. The studio was more a sleigh of hand. He mentioned it off convo. Then a week or so later we (I) cashed in some Kurgerrands to pay down his debt – mine was paid down in 2008 – and I found out a month later he did not pay down his debt…he put a down payment on the studio.
          I was properly pissed off as you might imagine.
          Another example of selfishness was I had a position at a growth strategy consulting firm and had an in for him to do freelance writing for focus groups, paid $10k a week, he was in, the job was his and he turned it down – that wasn’t the kind of writing he wanted to do…I was speechless that time, working at a hellish job for far less than $10k a week and he was turning down the work. The difference between a conservative “get it done” mentality and do what you don’t want to do short term to cast a net for the future, tuck away a few nuts, and a liberal I-should-be-able-to-do-what-I-want-and-get-paid-what-I-want mentality..
          Little by little these examples chopped away at the tree that held firm the boughs of marriage.

        4. So regarding game, it was totally messed up for a long time due to hormones. The pill, especially today’s versions are very unsafe.
          Nobody has ever heard of the one I was on bc most women stopped taking them long ago and their sole patent status expired so they had no financial advantage to continue marketing them. It added a lot of male hormones to my system and I didn’t mind being the breadwinner and protector (weird such a shocking switch) but once off the pill it took about three months for the change to who I was in my nature, an emotional feminine woman.
          Even his body scent changed to me and not in a good way.
          We’d go out and people would say we look like siblings. Creep factor x10… when a woman is on the pill her body thinks it’s perpetually pregnant so she is attracted to what is considered “kin” genetically – we weren’t that close genetically as he was Norwegian and Scottish and I am a mutt (Swedish, German, French, Irish, English) but our Scandinavian roots may have had some intertwining.
          When you are not on the pill you are attracted to your genetic opposite for full genetic diversity and opposing immunity (the olfactory system is key here) advantages in any offspring for full spectrum excellent health. This is what’s behind that crazy chemistry you have with someone that it is literally procreation driven.
          So at the end of the day I was alpha and he was beta and it worked as long as I was on the pill but it started messing with my endocrine system (it bounced right back BTW and then some) so I got off it ASAP. After about two-three months of being off it, I flipped back to the natural, feminine woman I was before the horrible artificial hormones and hormone mimickers were coursing through my body. Suddenly I was soppy, crying at the drop of a pin but laughing about it with full awareness that ahhh, it was emotions, because it was so new to me. And I suddenly started caring more about my appearance etc.
          And the dynamics of the relationship just didn’t work anymore – a marriage needs both a masculine energy and a feminine, not two feminines, to this I can attest.
          Fortunately I was so healthy in all other ways (it was my dirty little secret, being on the pill) that my body snapped back instantly.
          Never get serious with a woman on the pill, make sure she is always off it before you commit, to make sure the olfactory system doesn’t have a warning message for her.
          Lessons learned.
          Perhaps when I go through menopause some day I will again be attracted to him as my natural estrogen levels won’t be driving miss daisy anymore.

    2. How so man? I see it as an opportunity to put theory into practice. Everybody being a moron, so you are the counter-example that blows all of their stupidity out of the water.

      1. Maybe in a more balanced society GoJ. When all the people around you are shitlibs and carrossel riding sluts , your counter-example model will be only an undesired outcast. I don’t feel a desire to associate at all with these people.

        1. In all honesty it’s not hard to turn the tables on them. I’ve walked into hipster bars before (unknowingly) and at first get the “problematic” look but half an hour in I’m the star of the bar. People don’t know what they believe or why they believe it and if you are the polar opposite and radiate that you’re made of firmer stuff than them, they’ll fall in line most of the time.
          Went to Harrisburg, PA for a 2 week training stint (I was the trainer). Didn’t know *anybody*. By the time I left I was a regular at one place where I’d walk in and everybody would greet me by name, shake my hand, buy me drinks and girls would flirt heavily. It just takes getting over the loathing of other people as being “retarded” that I think a lot of introverts kind of talk themselves into believing is true across the board. Most of the time, 90% of people are decent and just want to get by in life and welcome a happy conversation I’ve found.

        2. My favorite was a Bernie bro (living the stereotype, from the shitlib face to his massive student debt and lack of work ethic) I met during the election season. It took three seconds for him to realize he had no idea what “democratic socialism” was, and for thirty minutes I was Socraticly teaching him about economics and politics.
          He’s still a waste of good carbon, from what I hear, but at least he’s self-aware about it now.
          EDIT: He covered my tab that night. Didn’t cover his own, though, which is why he’s not allowed at any of the bars I frequent.

        3. I’d depends on the person I guess. I’m naturally very introverted. Since the red pilling process I’ve become more isolated. I understand things now but I had more friends back then.I was kind of a happy fool.

        4. Yeah, I’m a natural extrovert. I think articles like this can help you break out of the shell though. Almost every natural introvert I’ve met seems convinced that everybody “outside” his world is fucked up. I just don’t see it, although I will say up front that maybe this is because I suffer the opposite view and just don’t see the “fucked up”. End of the day though I rarely have a bad conversation or interaction with people in real life.

        5. Extroverts tend to find happiness and balance when they learn to adopt introverted qualities as necessary (cherishing your own company, learning to do things alone, etc). Introverts find it when they learn to adopt extroverted qualities (reaching out to other people, learning to hang out, etc.)
          There’s more to that whole Yin-Yang thing than I ever expected.

        6. My son’s like you, a natural extrovert. He was the kid you’d take to the playground who’d immediately walk up to every kid introducing himself and than organizing them into an activity.
          At his college orientation day they split the parents/kids. I call to meet up with him at one point and he says he and his friends are going to a presentation first. Friends? Some kids from your HS here? Nope, 3 guys he just met. Hung out with them all this year and they’re rooming together next year along with a few others.

        7. That sounds about how I am most of the time. If there are two people or more in a place I’ll likely know their names and other things about them fairly quick.

        8. Agreed. We need to start speaking up and not give a damn. Truth and a consistent position for a strong civilisation is on our side.

        9. “Most of the time, 90% of people are decent and just want to get by in life and welcome a happy conversation I’ve found”
          no….no they arent.
          90% of people are NOT decent. they only appear as such…..take any one of those so called decent folks, and peel off a layer or two of their facade and you’ll find liberal fucktards that will stab you in the back in a heart beat.
          this isnt negative nancy over here….its a statement of fact. people dont want to change their lives for the better, they want to keep doing whatever BS theyve been doing and hope they get by. if you start talking red pill to a non-red pill person the odds are you are not going to be friends for very much longer….why? because liberals are so vastly more unreasonable and incompatible with american conservative values, that its like they are from mars or something.
          and all it takes is one off hand accidental remark to offend one of these fucktards. I’m not friends with someone anymore because i said “thats gay” in the sense “thats stupid”….this person was gay. we now no longer talk. thats all it takes.
          so no….i fully challenge your BS assessment of:
          “Most of the time, 90% of people are decent and just want to get by in life and welcome a happy conversation I’ve found”

        10. Yeah, they are. If this is your experience then I’m guessing that you live in a blue state or blue city. You can’t find “liberal fucktard” under any of the rural people I know and only maybe 25% of the suburban people I know.

        11. it has nothing to do with a blue state or a blue city, though a persons location could be a factor in general. even many conservatives are cuckservatives. look Im a trump guy, but hes not a true conservative but well he wasnt a bad option if he can actually fulfill his promises.
          however the red pill assessement that the world is turning to hell in a handbasket and ‘most people are good” cant both be right.
          take for example, americas insane debt levels……you can’t on one hand state america’s government has an absurd level of debt and on the other state that the american people are financially responsible. why cant you state this? because for better or for worse the government tends to mirror the people it governs. governments can only get away with what the people actually allow and the people only allow things that they are actually okay with it.
          this would mean a financially irresponsible people will elect and allow a financially irresponsible government.
          i hated obama….but obama was merely a product of a country that endorses his values. he came from america, he was born here, he was raised here. his liberal communist philosophy was birthed in our backyard. to say that obama doesnt represent america would be a lie because he came from america….a segment of america that conservatives and red pillers all claim are infecting every aspect of our lives.
          so we cannot sit here and say feminism and liberalism are ruining everything and infecting every aspect of our lives and yet still claim that “most people are good people”. thats not how that works.
          its like a preacher who preaches doomsday from the bible and then tries to tell me most folks are just doing their best….well no thats not how we get to doomsday. we get to doomsday by having a world going psychotic at every corner.
          so hence i challenge anyone that claims “most people are good people”…..because quite frankly if most people were actually good people, my country wouldnt be in a state of immoral decay.
          nevermind the fact my own experiences seem to verify this fact…..as most people i see once you get past the their front and peel back the layers prove this. just go work customer service, humans today are horrible people. theres no greater proof than customer service. its like the fat guy who claims he cannot lose weight but when pressed and asked about his diet and exercise, he has no end of excuses….is he truly just a good person doing his absolute best?
          or its like Islam….somehow its a religion of peace yet it keeps breeding terrorists…..they too claim “most muslims are just good people”. their silence is action. them not turning in the terrorists is action. it is a choice to do nothing and that is action.
          i need not just words….actions and observable trends to buy into the “most people are just good people” because quite frankly theres tons of evidence that says otherwise.

        12. I think this makes a difference for sure…I live in the Seattle area, one of the WORST places for game, or even for talking to new people of either gender. Try starting a random conversation with a stranger in downtown Seattle, and there’s a good chance you’ll be on the receiving end of an awkward smile and then a cold shoulder. I’ve talked with people here from other parts of the country, and the consensus is the same. And women here bitch and complain that they can’t find any “real men” yet when guys approach, all they do is instantly apply the “creeper” label, even if a guy is good looking and well put together. Other parts of the country, especially rural parts are undoubtedly better off in this regard.

        13. Denver is like this. I’ve lived here for 4 years and have made 0 friends. Very flaky/cold people. But hey, all that snowboarding right??

        14. I have to share a secret and no shit. I started just thinking of love. Self love. Love of others and it beamed from me. Now people say hi to me and I live in Los Angeles. Everyone, and kids stare. People ask me questions in stores like I work there, ALL THE TIME, people are overly friendly in grocery stores, homeless people even on the streets. Everywhere. Smiles, hellos, small conversation and on and on.
          Do a self-study on intentional thought and see what happens. I know it sounds like bullshit but someone else on a forum I am on recently experienced this as well when taking ORMUS he made that amplifies intention (this can be good or bad depending on your state of mind) and he had multiple strange social occurrences in a short span of time (within 45 minutes) after dark with three or more different people in New York which is unheard of according to him.
          Reality follows thought and emotion.

        15. Yeah, people generally don’t want to be pals with people who think of them as “fucktards”, regardless of what political philosophy they subscribe to. Weird, huh?
          Sounds like you wanted to be friends with a gay person for whatever reason and then you used “gay” in a disparaging sense and they don’t want to be friends anymore – which is more or less perfectly their right. I don’t think anyone stabbed you in the back in the slightest because that outcome was truly 100% predictable.

      2. The problem is the morons relating to the more intelligent person. Funny thing is, I have an easier time having an intelligent cnversation with more rednecks and blue collar types than supposedly university-educates types. This isn’t an absolute, but it is the experience that prevails.

        1. I agree with your observation. The redneck/blue collar types are always curious and open to new ideas and don’t have an air of smug “I know everything” about them.

        2. Funny thing is, one of my friends was a Jewish professor. He was quite liberal, owned a gun, divorced, and very red pill when it came to matters with women. I say was because he died last year.

    3. Agreed, I had to give up nearly my entire social circle because of this…

    4. True. Also I do not recommend saying “hi” to the person who sits next to you on the bus. That will get you shanked in London.

  10. I find a good trick is to say things back to people in a form of a question.
    person who talks a lot “I wanted to tell my boss off”
    quiet person “you wanted to tell him off?”
    and conversation.

      1. it’s as if girls don’t even recognize (or care) that that’s all I’m doing.

        1. isn’t parroting more like
          person 1 “I like mac n’ cheese”
          person 2 “I like mac n’ cheese too!”

        2. They both are. Bring something different to the conversation. If I wanted to hear my words repeated I’d record them and play them

    1. Works better with women than men, since they talk to be heard and not to converse (as a rule). When they tell part of the story and then pause, they’re basically asking you to confirm you heard them, so you just parrot it back.
      Of course, “okay, then what happened?” can work just as well in many cases.

      1. Yeah, my bad. I was thinking about having actual conversations, not listening to a vacuous female prattle on and on and on and on

  11. “Hi, how are you?”
    They’re doing fine. How do I know this? Because that’s the standard answer to that question. Unless you’re asking a Russian. Which is why you’re told never to ask a Russian how they’re doing.
    “Oh what a cute dog,” or “Nice shirt.”
    That’s why they acquired the dog and shirt.
    And if you’re going to go on about the weather, there’s a window. It’s partly cloudy outside here. And hot.

  12. The exercises mentioned in the article are good for flexing of the social muscles but introversion is a sign of body with suffers from low energy and chronic fatigue. Many people today are so tired-and are pushing themselves so hard-that they cannot comprehend how exhausted they really are.
    When you have energy, you don’t have to learn the “techniques” of human relations. You don’t need books or seminars on how to assert yourself. And you don’t need to be taught how to be loving and sexual to your mate. All of these things come naturally, and spontaneously, to people with energy.
    Why do people seek the answer to life in “techniques?” And why do they seek to learn about life from books rather than from first-hand experience? Because they are scared. They are fearful of being themselves. And why are they fearful? In many cases, it is because they are more tired than the people around them. People who are tired are oversensitive. They are anxious. They are always on the lookout for how other people are thinking about them.
    A person who is fearful cannot be spontaneous. That is why he turns to “techniques” and “self-help” manuals as a safe substitute. He turns to technique to give him the appearance of the confident, energetic and spontaneous person. But no book can give you health. And no book can make you be yourself. No one who follows a “method” or collection of human relations or sexual techniques will ever be as exciting to be with, or as loving, as the truly fear-less person.

    1. This is actually quite true. But what would you say is the cause of this fatigue a lot of people have? And what could they do to remedy it?

        1. Lack of Kratom.. that explains everything! How come I didn’t see it until now?!!

  13. You mean saying things like ” what the fuck are you looking at?”, is antisocial?

    1. Depends on the context. If you are sharing a moment with your girl, watching the sunset at the beach, it may very well be the thing to say.

      1. It’s just one of those things that sometimes I have a hard time NOT saying….or-
        It ain’t none of yo fucking business how I’m doing, unless you are a doctor or something. Or-
        You keep looking at me like I owe you money? Or-
        You got a problem? Lol
        I’m not really what you would call outgoing I guess.

        1. you sure you’re not from NY?
          I knew a guy from Brooklyn in college – he used to complain how friendly everyone was (in Philadelphia!). Like him, I too was unnerved by the “hellos” and “how y’doing”s, but he used to get irate.
          One time someone said “good morning” to him and he snapped back: “yeah? what’s your angle?!!”

        2. My best mate is the same way. I’m more of a “Howdy!” guy – if I catch someone staring, I react as friendly as possible. If they meant no harm, they usually return the greeting with a smile. If they did mean harm, they’re usually so taken aback that no harm comes of it.

        3. It’s kind of a leftover mind set from being a CO for a while. You get into the habit of not engaging in idle chitchat with or around inmates and afterward it turns into a habit that you carry with you all the time.
          I try not to be like that all the time but sometimes I just can’t help it. Sometimes when I’m walking in a crowded area and people just won’t move out of the way I have to stop myself from yelling “MAKE A HOLE!” Instead of just saying excuse me.

        4. You people would freak the fuck out if you hit actual red state flyover country. Folks are generally so friendly that you immediately think that all the girls are flirting with you and that all of the men are borderline smiley-happy psychotic.

        5. Especially those guys that even if you ignore or dodge them they just follow along and keep talking haha

        6. I can take you to at least 4 towns within a 20 mile vicinity of where I’m sitting right now that appear to be clean, pleasant and still stuck in the year 1952. Easy.

        7. All you have to do is walk into a restaurant in a small town and take a seat, someone in there is going to try talking to you.

        8. those idyllic towns had shit wifi, disgusting pubic hair and an unhealthy aversion to sex.

        9. I’m with ya on the wifi, but I’ve pieced together a few things from my family in such towns. They ain’t averse to having sex so much as getting caught or pregnant.

        10. I manage to turn mine off until either alcohol or anger is introduced.

        11. probably. Doubt anyone has every really be adverse to having sex. It is the attitude towards it that is annoying. Meanwhile, the wifi issue is a killer. I need to be able to stream.

        12. Sounds like you haven’t been to the kind he’s talking about. I defy you to find a single leaf out of place on the ground or a single mote of dirt in Sunbury Ohio. Place reeks of money and still is stuck in 1952. That’s the place I sent the pictures on Telegram of the statue of Johnny Appleseed if you’ll recall.

        13. People evidently don’t speak my language when alcohol is involved because they don’t understand what I’m saying no matter how loud I say it and waving my arms doesn’t seem to help either.

        14. Well in this you are 100% correct. I would never find anything amiss with Sunbury, Ohio…..mostly because I would hang myself if I was ever forced to go there 🙂

        15. Yeah, there are those types.
          An exchange student from Finland came to my high school during my senior year. Great guy, taught me to curse like a sailor in Finnish which is a skill very few people outside of Finland can claim. He said that “everybody in America is so nice, it’s like they’re your best friend even if you’re just standing in line trying to buy something!”. It shocked him a bit at first.

        16. I’ve been to a few of those towns up north. They have a quaint feeling to them that we have lost in some areas around here because of that wonderful diversity.

        17. I am always 3 martinis and a short argument away from sounding like Paulie on the Sopranos. It is a sad truth.

        18. I get tongue tied cussing in English I’m sure I couldn’t pull off Finnish

        19. That’s pretty close except I’m a little bigger around and louder

        20. You miss so much goodness in the world with that kind of thinking. Such a shame. It’s a beautiful little town and the wifi is excellent. Pretty people too. And that little war memorial thing I sent you pictures of, where they put pennies on the crosses. Neat place, I enjoy riding there on a lazy Saturday.

        21. The language is heavy on vowels and the letter combination “enen” (at the end of a lot of words) for some reason. It sounds really cool.

        22. My voice is very even under most situations, but i turn right into that with alcohol.

        23. meh. not for me. glad its there for those who enjoy it.

        24. If I have to picture what I sound like from someone on television it would be a cross between Cletus Snow and Doyle Hargrave.

        25. 60% lounder and 30% less wacky?
          BTW this weekend making stuffed onions. Picked up some super huge Vidalias and going to use the same basic recipie i use for stuffed peppers but do it in an onion. Also, I will make my onion and peach preserves.

        26. Yes I can verify this. And as far as North Dakota goes, specifically Grand Forks, they ARE flirting and ARE DTF.

        27. As far as onions go those things are awesome. They got lucky on them in the beginning but a lot of research went into making them better and they are.

        28. In Texas, that sort of thing’s implied. The first rule of Gun Safety, as learned by every young lad, is “Don’t piss me off.”

        29. I’ve generally assumed as a matter of course that all hot girls want to fuck me, they just may not realize it yet. Helps set the tone of the conversations I have.

        30. I have one that says “When I snap, you’ll be the first to go!”.

        31. I’ve been told by some of the guys that go on the wheat harvest run from Texas to North Dakota/Montana that they have a really big time when they stop in those little towns out there.

        32. Exactly. If they didn’t want to fuck me, they wouldn’t be within eyeshot of me. Just a good axiom I think.

        33. no problem. I meant to do it earlier but i just now got the machine for it. This one is a recipe i read. Cooked down viadlia onion and peaches. I am going to use it primarily as a pork glaze but i can’t imagine it will be bad in any application so long as I don’t fuck up making it.

        34. Neat looking place, many of those old buildings around here have been replaced with vacant lots.
          One of the only nearby places I can think of that still has a healthy looking downtown area is Tifton Ga.

        35. Actually two places, but yeah. They’re very pleasant, nice to walk downtown in, clean and lacking entirely of diversity. If you can imagine such a thing, because whenever I hear the media they assure me that places like this are awful and that diversity is strength.

        36. I think he may have been that person actually. That shot is from the movie Strange Brew.

        37. I am pretty sure that actually is Richard Kiehl. Rest in peace jaws!

        38. For most of my life, anyone who smiles and/or says hi was either:
          a faeg pervert
          a drug pusher
          a religious nut
          a lunatic
          Its still a little unsettling, even to the well-adjusted adult I’ve become.

        39. same here. same exact ‘keys’ to that lock.
          and sometimes talking to an old freind

        40. I have never spoken to an old friend without drinking and/or being angry so I might have to see if that is an independent key

        41. And there are towns like these every forty miles or so all the way across the country. About as far as a horse could ride in a day evidently.
          A pain if you want to just set the cruise control and get someplace

        42. Oh without question. Just that these aren’t run down like you’ll find in a lot of places, Main Street still looks alive, vibrant, has fresh paint and a bustling little economy thing going on in these places.
          Highways were a godsend though, no question.

        43. there is a guy who works at my gym in some capacity i really don’t know. He may be maintenance or an assistant manager. Big guy, but like bouncer big. Tall and somewhere between muscular and fat. Whatever. But he has this fucking mean look on his face all the time. One time he was standing in the way of the water fountain just being a fucking obstruction and i said “hey big boy, they pay you to stand there looking mean?” and when he gave me a blank look i just said “get the fuck out the way” hahaha Something about him had rubbed me wrong for months and I had just been looking for a reason to be a dick to him.

        44. this experience of people who smile and / or say hello might be different if you were a young, cute girl

        45. intriguing….
          We have tons of little towns like that out this-a-way and they’re mostly vacant. You get your antiques, used books, maybe but little else.

        46. Kill me now! How can I got to Presque Isle, Maine, within shitting distance of Canada and everyone speaks perfectly yet EVERYONE in North Dakooooota sounds fucking Canadian?!!
          Most accents can be sexy (Aussie, UK, Southern) on occasion but that damn, Minnesooota/Canadian accent NEVER sounds good.

        47. I know what you’re talking about, I’ve drove through Indiana (and PA) and seen that many times. Looks like they were semi-abandoned after the nukes dropped and only a small contingent of stragglers stayed behind. Empty store fronts, cracked sidewalks, dirty streets. Ugh.

        48. Oh man, someone giving me the blank stare is a sure way to start some trouble lol

        49. The typical story is the big boxes move to the periphery and suck the business away. Whats the secret in that place?

        50. Delaware is a college town for all intents and purposes, at least in one part, and generally it’s always been nice regardless. We kind of just stay put here, and there’s nothing to gain by fucking up where you live. Sunbury was a small farming community that gentrified in the 1980’s I believe and is now a very, very rich little area that you’d be lucky to find a house with any land in even with half a million in your hand.

        51. you are right about Minn and Canadian but I would lump Southern in with the ones that are just terrible on a woman.

        52. Not having been to the Hudson Valley I’m going to have to take your word on it. I just like how clean they are, how kept up to date, and how nice the people are.

        53. It must be so awful living in a high trust community where you know most people, can leave doors unlocked (tho I never do), can find nice people everywhere, etc.
          It would be a better place with a few dozen Syrians and Somalis .
          Imagine the vibrancy!!

        54. What’s the shitter is that this IS what you hear all the time. Who the fuck do these people think that they’re kidding?

        55. aha!
          Yup we have those too. Former ‘small towns’ propped up by external bucks and/or commoditized cuteness.

        56. Better keep a close eye on those peaches. Don’t want them to get stolen.

        57. Sunbury is the gentrified. Delaware is just Delaware, always been like that.

        58. If its really crowded, I don’t say anything. Just move forward, elbows out.
          Somehow, I always get where in going.

        59. Yeah, news, social media and hollywood really do give the false impression to us outsiders that America is 80% minorities and homosexuals and the rest are whites. Glad to hear that’s not the case.

        60. yeah, the pics there are very similar to a lot that you see in hudson valley and also even in parts of west chester like Rye and Dobbs Ferry or Sleepy Hollow etc.

        61. They are scared *shitless* of us, is what it comes down to, I think. We are utterly alien to them so they overcompensate and get totally insecure by over representing their bizarre little degenerates and racial fetishes. End of the day, we know that this is not how it really is.

        62. There’s Southern and there’s Country.
          “Wutcha doin’, boway?” is Country
          “Hello theyah” is Southern.
          Low class. High class. Think strong Bronx accent vs. Manhattan

        63. i get that for sure. The accent on the men for some reason doesn’t bother me as much but either low or high class on the woman just is grating on my ear.

        64. Of course. Success guaranteed if you’re a cute girl..and if you’re just a guy, just another way to be labelled as creepy or rapist.
          Double standard anyone?

        65. If you are a guy with low smv. A guy with high smv will have an experience similar to a cute girl. A guy with low smv with not. Want an honest assessment of your smv? Spend a whole day randomly Smiling at and making small talk with women. A sampling of the ones who were receptive will be indicitice of your own smv

        66. My smv.. Above average, but never enough high for those modern basic bitches. I’ll keep the leftovers of my ego safe, i won’t play this kind of test. Lol

        67. Oh hell, you’re right. I was thinking of him playing Rosy (o”Greer?). My bad.

        68. Probably why liberals want to ban guns in the first place.
          So that they don’t have to develop the most rudimentary social skills.

        1. Its almost as effective as prefacing a question with: “So if you’re so fukkin smart, then…….”

  14. I’m finally to the point where I don’t have to interact with anybody unless I want to do it. Thank fucking god…not that I dislike most people or anything. (Okay, that last part was a lie.)

  15. You’ll not get away with the first 4-5 of those in eastern Europe. Eye contact? Saying “hi” to strangers? Trying to converse with service staff? These are good ways to get a cold, icy glare back. But it’s fine in the west, as long as it’s the Anglo nations, plus France and Belgium (but not Holland) – in my experience.

    1. In many cases, you have to mirror the people to a degree. Some places like New York aren’t as keen on greeting strangers on the street as they are in, say, the Texas hill country.

      1. i find that new york is incredibly keep on greeting strangers. I make eye contact and smile at every single girl that is on my WB list and if she is within arms reach I always, always, always say something. The results are so overwhelmingly positive that I very rarely get ignored and don’t remember ever getting a negative reaction.

        1. Sure but Texas is another critter altogether. If you’re at a hardware store in Texas you’ll basically learn all of the gossip and family secrets of everybody who caught sight of you walking in. There are extroverts, and then there are Texans who take it to a whole new level.

        2. My fiancee knows the life stories of pretty much all my kin, and she’s only been to two Thanksgivings and an Easter. Texas is a social place.

        3. I still deny the existence of texas despite having family who claims to live there.

        4. NYC does not really have the kind of innate aversion to strangers that other cities seem to have. We are a friendly bunch unless you break any of the bajillion unwritten and often complex social conventions that you have no idea even exist as a tourist. Then we yell at you and curse in front of your children.

        5. It’s a whole other world. I was stationed there for a year and I could not believe how outgoing people were. Like it even made me do a double take, and I’m from the “Way too friendly Midwest”.

        6. that kind of cloying friendliness just stinks of moron or comes of as disingenuous. I am very glad I will never see it first hand again.

        7. No, not that. I know what you’re talking about. It’s not that. It’s this really strange thing that you have to experience to really get. I mean they are genuinely interested in what you have to say and really share…a lot….like you’ve been best friends for years even though you just met him/her while waiting in line to pay for antihistamine.

        8. It’s that new English thing where you can use alternative phonetics to spell. For example, those animals that live in the water that have scales-

        9. Apparently so. But I was thinking maybe it was some mangled Eye-talian word, like pronounced “gro-chay” or something.

        10. In elementary school, for homework we used to have to give my kid his vocabulary list with some words misspelled for him to correct. I’d mash up weird phonetically correct things like that. For some reason other kids in his class loved that…

        11. That would be worth a laugh or two as well as a challenge to figure it out.

        12. The Texas Republic actually isn’t part of the U.S. It’s a foreign country that’s still on fairly good terms with us, but they have their own power grid and now their own gold repository. They are definitely a different breed.

        13. I can vouch for that. You apparently don’t say “Hi, how y’all doin’!” to the cops in NYC either. They glared at me like I’d lost my mind. I didn’t do that again…

        14. Cops are working and generally yeah. Though I had one funny exchange on St. Pats day. I was walking on 2nd avenue in an area with a lot of bars and they had maybe about 100 cops lining up. This was before sundown so they were just getting ready and one guy just starts puking his fucking brains out right there on the street and I looked at this cop and smiled and said “good lucky tonight” and he cracked a good smile and just shook his head.

      2. Similar to here, if you see anybody they are going to speak or at least acknowledge your presence by waving or nodding in your direction.

  16. Just take a few grams of Kratom, and then you’ll never have social anxiety again.

    1. RoK Kratom magic aside, some strains do help with anxiety a bit. L-Theanine is better, in my opinion, and it’s not a magical plant of the gods but a protein.

      1. I took Kratom at a party once, the next thing I knew, I was the party

        1. I mixed Kratom with my toothpaste and rubbed it on my testicles and now have fathered many children.

        2. I was flying to Japan for business, and as soon as I got over Soviet Russia, the kratom in my bag jumped up and took me.

    2. just tried this new Kratom cream from AliExpress and wow I can deadlift 450 !

  17. To the group of girls, giggling together: “Wow, you all sound fun, how do you all (not y’all) know each other?” then, “oh, you’re all friends from XYZ? Cool, so which one is the (funny, sexy, bitchy, quiet, whatever) one? Let me guess, its you? I’ll have to be careful.”
    At this point they have asked you about yourself and you are in. Continue with some forced pairing phrases that include “we” and “us,” thereby cementing yourself as part of their group. “Lets all go do (XYZ) together, I’ll act as the designated boyfriend to keep creepy guys away.”
    I use this, in one form or another whenever trying to break into a pack, especially the tiara and sash wearing bachelorette/birthday/whatever groups that roam bars and casinos.
    60% of the time it works every time.

      1. It depends on the situation. If you are sincere, White Knight Save-a-Ho game is legit. It has worked for me more than once.

  18. I’ve found that most people like to talk about themselves, if you can find what they’re passionate about they’re usually interesting to listen to.

    1. yeah, one girl did this to me. She came up to me and started talking about sucking my cock. My attention was absolute.

        1. this was not a VR unit, but similar. It was a VD unit.

    2. Aye. As I’ve said before, one of the key components to being an excellent conversationalist is getting the person you’re talking to, to talk about herself and then act interested (and sometimes, it can be actually interesting). Keep stringing her along with single sentence questions about her favorite topic (see: herself) and you’re in. Throw in a funny story or two that relates to her own gabbing about herself and she’ll think you’re the greatest person in the world.

      1. Girl working at the gym, never said much until one day I come in with my motorcycle gear on. Boom.
        She used to race- pocket bikes than 250 on up to 600cc super sports…. almost couldn’t get her to shut up. It was fun to see that sparkle of enthusiasm in her eye that people get talking about things they love.

        1. Ready to spread like warm peanut butter. I don’t know what it is, but bikes really seem to get some women wet faster than anything. I love walking into a store or business all geared up and have a cute twenty something chick hit on me. I stay in shape, but c’mon. I’m pushing sixty! It’s gotta be the bike.

        1. Don’t gouge your eyes out right away. There are probably some downsides we don’t know about.

        2. Let me go see a blind person. I want to look him in the eye and tell me how great it is.

        3. i love this account. I really laugh myself stupid at every single post.

        1. You use your damn blind walking stick and if you run into them say ” get out of the way, moron!”.

        2. At first I was afraid I might offend a blind person but, they can’t see this cause I can’t type in Braille.

        3. It depends on which definition you’re using, most of the time though it’s because I’m confused anyway.

  19. Good article though, it takes practice to be outgoing and like the old saying goes, use it or lose it. If you get out of practice it can be hard to get going again.

    1. True to some extent. There are some people who are just attractive. Natural Charisma is hard to fake.

      1. Yes but with practice it’s easier to engage others in conversation, the more you do it the more comfortable you become.
        Coolness is what you can’t fake you’re either born with it or ya ain’t got it.

        1. Is that stuttering in some other language that ain’t American?

        2. are you being intentionally obtuse or has the 80’s not made it to Georgia yet?

  20. Step nine is biggest. Also, I would add, have lots of dude friends that invite you. Gets you to more parties. Piece of equation I was missing when young. Had more girl friends. Problem is, as you get married and get older, you cannot really just hang out with girl friends as readily.
    I am happily married, but missing many dude friends. Take heed folks.

    1. Build a circle of male friends either by reconnection or making new acquaintances. Lack of you having that external circle can be deadly to your marriage. Do not have friendships that are just an extension of your wife’s social circle— i.e. her friend’s husbands, boyfriends, relatives.

      1. Tell me about it. It’s worse on Facebook. You’re expected to friend all her friends and like all their crappy “inspirational” quotes about being true to one self or some stupid shit.
        That’s one thing that boys should be taught, especially going into high school. Take care of your friends. Because the same friends who will pressure you into drinking or getting high might be the same friends who will lend an ear and some wisdom when you’re down on your luck.

        1. It comes down to frame and maintaining a social status that isn’t via her, her friends, her connections. Women can perceive you as needy, or socially dependent on her, or having no status of your own if you don’t maintain your own circle. This isn’t about her expecting you to be friends with all of hers, but the tendency of some guys to prioritize her activities/friends over their own— to make her happy! Not realizing that down the road this will destroy their status in her estimation as they lose their connections with their own friends.
          It is essential in maintaining frame that she sees you as valuable, as bringing your own social connections and introducing her into them occasionally. As not being dependent on her.
          ETA: if all she’s getting out of this socially is sharing her friends with you—why does she need you around?

        2. Or in other words, tell her gently to fuck off, you’re off on a fishing expedition with your friends. If she’s butthurt about it and claims to be lonely, maybe her own circle of friends is unsupportive, and ergo, crap.

        3. Agreed, what happens is if you let your wife tag along, you will be less fun, and therefore your circle of friends won’t want to hang out with your whipped ass.

        4. If you don’t have your own friends, you simply confirm that you are nothing but an accessory in her life, vice an independent person she must value to keep in her life.

        5. you know, i don’t have a facebooks but they send me an email pretty much once a week. Through some kind of sorcery and legerdemain they are able to list people from my contacts and show me their profile picture and the email says “there are more people than you know on facebook” as if the reason I am not signing up is because I am afraid that if I do i won’t know anyone…so they send me an email with a bunch of pictures of 3rd cousins and some cunt i piped out 5 years ago and an inducement to join the facebooks. I can’t even imagine if I was on how that pans out with a woman and “liking” shit and being friends of friends.
          When a girl asks me why i don’t have facebook I have a stock answer. “Because i am a fucking adult” As for friends of friends, I suggest you use my answer when they want me to be real life friends of their friends “you do realize that every woman you introduce me to i will think about fucking”

    1. I suppose it depends on the hobby.
      I would think “video games” won’t do the trick.
      But something outdoors, like windsurfing or rock climbing might. Maybe a shooting club?

      1. My brother, who’s going through a painful divorce, has been taking up mountain biking, and that teenage joy that was dissipating away has been coming back. Riding bikes was not just a hobby, for us poor kids, a mode of transportation and a way to bond with other boys. And I hope to join him and our high school friends soon again for a spin in the mountains.
        Writing this, it’s amazing what hobbies do for human beings, but especially for men. I’ve had hobbies like boxing, chess, guitar and piano lessons, soccer, and collecting metal and alternative records, and I’ve met great friends. It’s also so sad when you leave your hobbies for “love”, and even more painful when a relationship just craps out and now you have to figure out once more what your interests are. And not to talk shit about the ladies, but let’s face it, (at least from personal experience), hobbies for modern women are limited to shopping, romcoms, figuring out for the 20th time how they’re going to lose weight, gossip, lusting after the latest heartthrob celebrity, and plotting how to piss you off. No wonder most women hate it when a man doesn’t even need to cheat on them to do things that don’t revolve around her.

        1. “but let’s face it, (at least from personal experience), hobbies for modern women are limited to shopping, romcoms, figuring out for the 20th time how they’re going to lose weight, gossip…”
          Yeah, spending a guy’s money or bragging to their friends how they spend a guy’s money.

        2. Hobbies enrich your life in a multitude of ways. You may put them on hold at certain points in life, but you Never give them up completely.

      2. It is funny how almost any extracurricular activity that is physical is smiled upon as ‘character building’ while any activity that isn’t (video games, chess, etc.) is ‘nerd stuff’.
        Even when the latter clearly makes one smarter (like with chess).
        Even when teamwork and other character building skills can be learned with multiplayer type gaming perhaps just as easy as on the football field or basketball court (or easier).
        Not advocating one type over another but providing a little food for thought.
        It’s probably a good idea to clearly know WHY we consider one type to be good for us and the other to be like junk food.

        1. Maybe because of fresh air & exercise?
          I grew up in the 70s & 80s.
          Never really cared about video games.
          Pong bored the hell out of me.

    2. I like hiking in desolate wilderness places. Doesn’t help with the introversion thing.

  21. This seems to be a very hard topic. Helping anti social men become more outgoing appears, to me at least, to be nearly impossible. The problem is that outgoing people really have no idea what it is like to be anti social. My answer to anti social people is always to just stop being a fucking baby and go be more social. That is the same thing I tell people with a fear of speaking in public. Fear of speaking? Come here and I will give you something to be afraid of you fucking faggot.
    That said, this is a real issue for a lot of people and just one that is really impossible to ever fully understand from the other side. So advice for anti social men to become more outgoing is either from other anti social men who don’t know how to be outgoing or outgoing men who don’t know what it is like to be anti social.
    This article does ring true to me. Each step seems valuable. However, this is shit that I just do naturally. Each one of these 9 points are just things I have always done. But to tell someone who is actually anti social to just do them is like telling a person with two broken legs to just stop being a pussy and go for a run.
    So while I do think the author has zeroed in on actual traits of outgoing people that do make a difference in various aspects of life including, but not limited to, dating I am not 100% sure the article is actually useful to people who look at these 9 steps and say “well fuck if i could do them i wouldn’t be anti-social”

    1. ” Fear of speaking? Come here and I will give you something to be afraid of your fucking faggot.”
      That’s just excellent……

      1. ha. You know, that really is my initial response and always has been when people tell me they have a fear of public speaking but I really do recognize it is a real problem. I just am not in any position to help them solve it whe “walk it off” is about as good as I can offer.

        1. While the ‘just do it’ advice might seem trite, most everyone would agree that the only way to conquer a given fear is to face it.
          EDIT: and alcohol, of course.

        2. I agree. The problem is that if you suck at it, if you are afraid to do it etc. sure, face the fear to conquer it…but the first few hundred times you try will be horribly awkward and people tend to be cruel so not only do you have to face your fear but also fully expect that the parts of facing that fear that make you the most anxious are 100% going to happen…and not just once but over and over again for quite some time.

        3. Not in favor of encouraging people to engage in public speaking. Half have nothing interesting to offer, the other half, while having plenty to offer, are wrong in their opinions.

        4. After a few beers I turn into a skyscraper building rocket scientist. If you don’t believe it, just ask me.

        5. I used to be nervous when speaking in front of people. Now I love it. It’s addicting when you have people reacting to what you say. You don’t want to stop

        6. There really is no magic to it. Once you have something worth saying to a group (and believe it to be so), it can be quite natural.

        7. My drunk curve is like the crack of a whip – I’ll go from the most fun guy in the world to insufferable, hostile, mopey asshole in the blink of an eye.

        8. I go in the opposite direction, I’m an asshole when I show up but after few I’m everybody’s buddy.

        9. Yeah, me too.
          Up to the 4th double martini, whiskey, whatever, I am Henny Youngman. But after that 5th, I turn into the Mickey Rourke character in “Barfly”…

        10. FWIW- it just augments whatever mood I happen to be in. If I’m happy- I get a lot happier, sad then I get sadder, angry I get enraged.
          I only drink when I’m in a good mood.

        11. hahahaha – then at this point I’d recommend we DON’T got out for a beer or 6!

    2. Based on my own personal experience I find that the only way an introvert can ever start socializing with people is if something extreme happens that forces him to do that, be it a person that pushes him every day to talk to people or an event in his life which requires him to go out of the house and possibly get a job like waiter at a bar where he HAS to socialize. Things like that.
      But they almost never try to socialize by their own initiative. They don’t have the courage. They’re scared to death of rejection and without having experience in socializing they don’t know where to start so they will retreat back into themselves doing time-consuming habits like play video games or watch TV Shows and never, ever interact with real human beings. There are loads of reasons why this happnes. Lack of a father figure is a strong one, or the presence of a bad father figure being another.

      1. Other reasons may be that our moral values are totally distanced from the societal values displayed to us. For example, civility and urbanity are DEAD. And the rampant hyperindividualism from these days does not help, either.

        1. Agreed. However, from what you’ve stated above, it seems like you are actually doing pretty good IMO. I’m refering mostly to introverts who are so bad at socializing that answering the phone-call can be a scary situation.

        2. I was there too, and thankfully am I’m pass that. It was a horrible place to be in.

      2. “They don’t have the courage. They’re scared to death of rejection and without having experience in socializing”
        I don’t think is always a matter of “courage”. In some cases perhaps it is, but not all. Its all according to what you are used to. If you grow up being treated lower than dirt and less than human, that is how you will expect ALL strangers to treat you. So more of an avoidance response in those cases.
        Agree about the father 100%. I have posted many comments here about the duty of an alpha father to train his son to become the same. I speak from experience in that regard, as my own ultra alpha father took no interest at all in passing down his ways to me, and allowed my rotten harpy of a mother to dominate my early years.

        1. “I don’t think is always a matter of “courage”. In some cases perhaps it is, but not all. Its all according to what you are used to. If you grow up being treated lower than dirt and less than human, that is how you will expect ALL strangers to treat you. So more of an avoidance response in those cases.”
          Agreed. It is how I was treated in school, and without a father to guide me on how to deal with bullies, scumbag teachers that couldn’t care less, a mother that got waaay too emotional if I had just a scratch on my face(I don’t blame my mother btw, she tried her best to be both mother and father, but it’s difficult not to be bitter towards her when her overprotectiveness is a major factor to why I became reclusive), very few friends to stick up for me, it affected me very negatively, and it still affects me today.
          Worse part of it is very few people understand, or care to understand.
          Thank god for humor, though. It kept me sane.

      1. That I understand very well. I am not very different. I don’t actually have any friends in real life. I have some guys I talk to online who I consider friends, I have waiters, bartenders, matire’d and restaurant managers, work people, people I consider connections and a bunch of walking life support systems for twat. I frequently say that the only time I am not lonely is when I am by myself. That said, as soon as people are around something in me clicks to being incredibly easy with social skills. This isn’t the same for some people though.

    3. Fear of public speaking is an excellent example… It’s really the anticipation of the event that creates the most anxiety, not the actual event itself. Once it’s over with, you think “what the hell was I so afraid of.” Finding ways to overcome that fear is really key. Once you get rolling along, you should be fine.

      1. yeah, but i have seen people really paralyzed by this. I actually enjoy public speaking and because I enjoy it I excel at it. I have really seen people in what looked almost like physical pain when having to speak publicly.

        1. Agreed – very true, some people just aren’t cut out for it. But so much of this seems to really come down to fear. I’ve witnessed so many guys that allow fear to dictate their actions; they just succumb without ever realizing how detrimental it is to both their personal and business relationships.

    4. “The problem is that outgoing people really have no idea what it is like
      to be anti social. My answer to anti social people is always to just
      stop being a fucking baby and go be more social. That is the same thing I
      tell people with a fear of speaking in public. Fear of speaking? Come
      here and I will give you something to be afraid of you fucking faggot.”
      Hahaha!…you really do sound like “lolknee”, don’t you? Hahaha! You are right, and many of us anti-social guys would be way more comfortable fighting some guy one on one in a back alley than approaching girls in bar or club or park or supermarket, etc…
      It’s not simple. Some of us (like me) were conditioned to be this way by, say, by an evil witch of a mother who groomed us to be this way from infancy, and then the kids in school who were MORE than willing and happy to continue that treatment.
      I compensated in early adulthood by becoming what I was conditioned to become. An angry dog that was kicked too much, with my outlets being hookers and booze. But at least I was able to keep a sense of humor.
      For the younger guys out there I say give the above a try. It’s absolutely worth a shot.

    5. “But to tell someone who is actually anti social to just do them is like telling a person with two broken legs to just stop being a pussy and go for a run.” Not exactly. This article is more like giving someone who is not a good runner some step-by-step advice on how to become a decent runner. Being outgoing is natural for some people, true. But in reality it is a skill, or a mindset, just like any other.
      I once watched an interview with a professional MMA fighter, where he was asked how he got over his fear of getting into fights. He said that every single time he steps in the ring he is scared. He’s just learned to become familiar with the fear, even anticipate it, and to use it to his advantage.
      I’m not a naturally outgoing person. But I realized a long time ago that literally the worst thing that would happen to me if I talked to someone is that they might laugh at me. In reality 99% of the time honest, friendly banter is returned with honest, friendly banter.

      1. I think that is an excellent way to see things. I always liked the saying that “bravery isn’t the absense of fear it is acting in the face of it”

    6. “Fear of speaking? Come here and I will give you something to be afraid of you fucking faggot.”
      — “They give you 8GB a month on this data plan … then the speed cap kicks in.”
      — “NOOOOOOOOOO!”

  22. This is an outstanding article that everyone should read before going out again. I am a natural introvert and if I get in the zone and retract from interactions to focus more on building something and work, then I slowly lose charisma and I find myself stuttering or backtracking on things that I say, or just simply find it harder to find something to say.
    But when I am in the groove with interactions, I’m a silver tongued devil. I can spit all sorts of game and thoughts that liven up conversations with ease and can do it without thinking. It just flows without me realizing it. Mr. Zephyr is 100% right in the effect small steps have in leading to bigger leaps. It may seem obvious to most of us but seeing it in action and seeing yourself go in and out of the groove really drives the point home. The steps are solid and excellently spread in managable increments. Well done

  23. Can be useful to some I think, as long as they are not extreme introverts. Those are beyond rescue, at least as far as self-help goes.
    I am ambivert so I always switch between introvert and extrovert mode, if not on a day-to-day basis than at least periodically. The thing for me is that I am so focused on game, or at least getting laid, that I seldom hang out with new people – beta males and girls in particular – if I have no chance of scoring in that social circle or context with an attractive girl. This is probably because of cynicism, Machiavellianism and narcissism as well.
    The exception is of course friends and acquitances that I truly love to hang out with for whatever reason and the value that they bring in a mutual relationship. Platonic friendships with other males is one of the best things in life.
    But if there are new people, or a social circle that I don’t know that much about yet, I check out if there is any chance that attractive single girls are around. If not, then I don’t waste time. I rather stay home, read or write, and go to the gym and have a shallow chitchat with my gym buddies than random and average people.

    1. “No civic life, here. Just a bunch of migrants…” I can personally attest to this statement. I was born and raised in SoCal. I finally left about 12-years ago – best decision of my life. Too many years commuting in gridlock… It became a pressure cooker – seemed like I could never catch my breath, even after 2 week vacations.
      Although, I have to say: the weather and the food are still fantastic. The car culture is still very big there as well, which I was heavily involved in. There’s lots to do and see, but finding “genuine” people can be a bit challenging. I wish you the best out there brother.

      1. And the ease of getting an apartment!
        I was in Ca. from 90 – 92. Getting a place was a piece of cake there. Here in NY (I am a native NYer) it is much more difficult.

        1. Very true – the early 90’s were the beginning of a massive building phase, especially in Orange County where I lived. Neighborhoods were springing up literally overnight.

        2. Yeah, I left NY and drove across country. After 5 months of drifting, it was time to find a job. Ended up in the Bay Area (San Mateo). Couldn’t believe how easy it was to get a place. Paid first 3 months in advance and that was it. And only $475/mo at that.

        3. yep, pretty much all the oranges are gone from Orange County. Used to be you would drive from about Santa Ana to Camp Pendelton looking at nothing but orange groves.

        1. I didn’t know you were from Europe. I completely understand about the food… My father was a Chef from Italy, classically trained in French Cuisine – nothing can compare!

    2. Yup, lots of transients in Ca.
      Its kind of known for that.
      You’re from Europe, right?

        1. Good luck. It can be somewhat “detached” in Ca (lots of phonies), but plenty of young, pretty girls depending on the area. If I was a different kind of guy, I would have taken advantage of that when I was there back in the early 90s.
          Instead I was just picking up hookers on a different coast. I should have used that time to take stock of myself & make a change. Try to have some fun. Regards.

    3. I think what you’re trying to say is California is overrun with wetbacks and that if you find yourself in bean-town you could be in for an unpleasant experience–as a white guy. Yes, it’s an issue.

  24. Speaking an someone who is quite anti-social, I have to say this seems like some good advice. The problem is getting oneself motivated and up to the task. That part is not easy. Especially at my age. My advice to younger guys in your teens, twenties, or even early thirties: give it a try!

  25. hmmm, I’m autistic so social dialogue is something that never improves for myself, and people don’t accept me anyway. if I look at people they look ready to fight me (male or female) so most of it is about the face fitting. I have to deliver to people everyday and in the years ive dealt with doing this, I have become much worse at doing so. I used phones years ago in a job and panic attacks worsened the more I had to use them, so social skills don’t come naturally with practise to everyone. especially aspergian people like myself.

  26. I make it a point to interact with all the strangers I find myself around. It’s a good defense strategy.

  27. i feel like the more red pill i become, and the more observant of people i become, the less i want anything to do with them.
    most are fucktard liberals or worse, cuckservatives. then we have the phonies are the local churches.
    seriously…..why do i need to interact with 99% of these clowns?
    I’d love some loyal reliable red pill friends…..most folks are just fucktards. or worse they are the “educated” liberal….which is another thing….i used to once at least respect liberals as a different point of view, now i just outright hate them and wish them death like the treasonous scum that they are…..again thanks deep red pill. not that i regret it or anything.

  28. What’s all this bullshit?
    Just be yourself, you are beautiful just the way you are, not like all those other jerkboys.
    Be yourself and treat women with respect and the right girl will come along and see how good you are.
    In the meantime, let’s just be friends 🙂

    1. 50% of one’s personality is malleable. There is no such thing as being yourself because the whole idea of a static personality is based on false assumptions. It is up to each and everyone how one deals with this fact but it is optimal to be more outgoing, confident and narcissistic, while simulataneously help those who deserve it.

  29. I am somewhat introverted/self-conscience. But, have overcome and traveled the world many times, and lone wolf attacks over decades with great success…
    One thing I do with almost 100% success (for initial interaction) is to “clink” glasses with an appropriate cheer: happy -> 4th, summer, spring, bastille, waitangi, etc…
    Usually wait till they are ready, but if not, they will fumble purse,iPhone to pick up drink and perform the ritual…
    However, I am old and, suddenly, very grey…
    But I casually try — bars and such are definitely going to work- but I mostly avoid for cash/health reasons.
    And the ROI is drastically diminishing.Is it worth the effort?
    I had 4 western women near my locale — old (36 – 46) and party animals.
    Impossible for anything but a pump-n-dump…
    A week later my friend and I went to a “elite” party bar…High Society, yachts, and private jets.
    Guys wearing expensive looking sunglasses inside (is that cool?)
    I had loads of fun, and great interactions….
    My friend hated the plasticity/fakeness/uber-wealth. We wanted to eat but had to wait — and too expensive. We spoke of moving to Asia – easier, cheaper etc…
    So I took him to a fish and chip shop down the way…Told him would be fatties and families…
    no problem we will eat and go back..
    But, god loved us, and there were 4 Asian chicks at the next table.
    I launched my attack — there was no way they were escaping without trying…
    Brought them back to my place…Had loads of fun…they were great, laughed at my jokes, soft voices, respectful, etc…
    However, we met up with them again, and my opinion changed, they were self-absorbed iPhone users. Ate twice as much as my friend and me (and we are big athletic men). Were becoming chubby…and eventually will be fat.
    I have been with many Asian (over 100) women in USA, and Asia — without fail -> they are so honorable and caring towards their man…
    The west destroys…
    In any case the advice here is gold — especially the:
    “if you see something, say something”
    and chink those glasses — 100% successful introduction.

  30. People who cannot tolerate being alone will never understand those who enjoy and require solitude.

  31. “Saying Anything Is Better Than Saying Nothing”
    Everything you say can be used against you. I prefer to think twice before I say something.

  32. Most extroverts are annoying attention whores. They are most tolerable when they STFU.

    1. I don’t think you actually know what an extrovert is. Robin Williams, who could be highly annoying with his constant chatter, was a huge introvert.

      1. Yes. Robin Williams was a highly annoying introvert. Thanks for the insight.

  33. How about Fuck this society? Becoming red pilled is being diametrically opposed to the very society we-re living in. And if takes me having to move to the mountains I will do so.

  34. #10 Drive a vehicle worth more than $50,000.
    Seriously if you have ANY doubts about what people, woman in particular, REALLY care about just show up in a moderately expensive car or better yet a 4 door 4×4 truck. You no longer have to be outgoing the sluts and losers will come to you drawn by the odor of money. Its disgusting.

    1. Fair point but when you initially make contact with her you’re not going to be in your car hence the need to whet her appetite (or her something) another way first.

      1. Eh most of the places near me have windows that view the parking lot, I discovered this when I stopped in at a bar to play pool one night, normally I go in have a drink or two shoot a few games and leave. I just enjoy pool and dont have people who are a challenge to play against at my place often.
        This time I couldn’t figure out what was going on until I left, several sluts (I won’t disparage whores by calling them that) approached me. I am not bad looking I am in decent shape and dress well and I am tall but still that’s not “normal.” Guys I had seen in there before were suddenly trying to strike up conversations with me.
        I realized when I walked out the door that I had brought my work truck rather than the beater I normally drive to keep the miles low on the work truck.
        I went to another crappy bar a few weeks latter with the same affect, it really makes it hard for me to WANT to screw when I know that they would spread their legs for ANY guy with a little money.
        That really put women into perspective for me. Hard to have much respect for them when you realize that the first thing they care about is the size of your wallet.

        1. Nice story, says everything you need to know about females. Status and money. But why fight it? If they’re materialistic sluts who want to know you just because they think you’ve got money, why not go with it and have fun? No need to respect them too much.

        2. I am at the point in my life where I want to settle down and have children. I dont have much use for or interest in sport screwing at this point.

        3. Understood and all the best. My guess is that the lucky female will still be interested in the size of your truck.

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  36. Point 2: saying “Hi” when walking past people. But they’re all plugged into their phones! Precisely to avoid being Hi’d. We need a headphone ban for 18-30 females in public spaces. Highly antisocial.

  37. Antisocial people are Machiavellian types not introverts.
    Please read a book.

  38. I always hark on stupid people, and how often times its just not worth even trying to communicate with stupid people, because no matter what you say, it will just go over their heads

  39. If you see an indication of interest on her part, ask an opening question like how is your day/night going? Or an opinion question as most people like to render their opinion or talk about themselves. Keep it brief and don’t overstay unless you see real genuine interest on her part, prolonged eye contact, broad smile, turning her body toward you or even better if she starts asking you questions.
    If instead she sprays mace in your eyes, kicks you in the nads and starts blowing on a rape whistle this may be a sign she is playing hard to get. Don’t take no, a restraining order or multiple gunshot wounds for an answer. Man up and display your inner alpha, gamma, delta, epsilon, zeta, theta or whatever the fuck greek alphabet letter you want to call yourself and pursue your quarry with gusto.

  40. Stop fretting over how people think of you. That’s weakness. People have this need to build some desired image of themselves but that can lead to loss of confidence and getting the ego damaged. Nothing is worst than living a life of the torment of how you care about people think of you.

  41. Pain in the ass pedant here: what you’re describing is “being asocial”. Being anti-social is breaking shop windows and setting cars on fire.

  42. If you can’t talk and fully engaged with the women, what makes you think you can handle her in bed?

  43. Why would I make the effort to be social with and acceptable to people I really don’t give a flying ratphuck about? Isn’t that kind of like saying I am MGTOW, and then simping to the masses I can’t stand anyway? Thats why I am MGTOW, because I choose to be, and it suits my sensibilities, and that’s what matters.
    My job is customer service related, and I can engage virtually anybody politely in meaningless prattle and have no problem with serving as required by my job, but I return crappy attitude with suitable rejoinders or if necessary a suitable leveled rude riposte for unruly or deliberately rude attitudes. When I am expected to be polite and casual I am, but my anti-social attitude is based on the vapid and narcissistic self serving character of the people that I must deal with. Otherwise, after my typical day at work, I give less than popcorn fart about people in general. they don’t do anything for my life or goals, why should I bend a knee unnecessarily to kowtow to the masses. Makes no sense.

  44. It’s hard to start a conversation or just smile at a girl when they stare right through you like you don’t even exist.

  45. The best advice that any introverted man should attempt to put into practice and will IMO almost immediately substantially increase the odds of getting play in social situations is STOP FUCKING OVERTHINKING EVERYTHING. And stop thinking everyone is thinking about you, or thinking you’re awkward, or that you don’t “fit in” and so on. I guarantee pretty much nobody is thinking about you in the slightest until you make your approach.
    The red pill academic evo psych navel-gazing stuff is fun to BS about on the internet. It’s nearly entirely useless in practice when your goal is simply to pull a cute girl from a dive bar on a Saturday night. Do you want to be Plato, or a player?

  46. I generally tolerate people in public with (usually) a look of barely disguised contempt. From long experience, I’ve found that they usually don’t have anything interesting to say, and unless it is in a situational context in which we actually do have something substantive to discuss, I’d as soon not communicate verbally. I find that mere presence is often enough, and I tend to attract like spirits to my orbit.

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