Marriage between close relatives has been a taboo going back to the very beginning. The most notable instance is also one of the oldest: Oedipus Rex, the original motherfucker. In the Sophocles tragedy, he was a foundling raised by a shepherd, so he didn’t know what he was doing when he killed his father and married his mother. Later, he puts the pieces together about his past. In the aftermath, his wife/mom and children die in a murder/suicide, and he blinds himself in shame. One of the play’s minor themes is the red pill axiom that the truth hurts.
That was mythology. However, there have been real cases of close relatives marrying, and willfully. One of them surfaced in the news again lately.
Paging Dr. Freud
As the story goes, in March 2016, Patricia Spann (née Clayton), then 41 (other sources say 43), applied for a marriage license in Comanche County, Oklahoma. Misty Velvet Dawn Spann, her 25 year old bride, also is her daughter. However, in August, someone at the Department of Human Services put the pieces together about their past.
The investigator tells KSWO that Misty and her brothers were raised by a grandparent after Patricia lost custody of them. Patricia allegedly told the investigator that she didn’t believe she was breaking the law because she wasn’t listed on Misty’s birth certificate.
Patricia also told DHS that the two hit it off after reuniting two years ago.
So putting all this together, she was a teenager when she had her daughter. Later on—for unspecified reasons—she lost custody of her girl and her two boys. The grandparent raised them from a young age into adulthood. After their mother finally came back into the picture, she married her own daughter, figuring it was okay since she wasn’t on the birth certificate. It’s not clear how a mother’s name doesn’t get on a child’s birth certificate, but surely there’s a story in it.
This month, the daughter entered a guilty plea for incest, receiving a sentence of ten years of deferred adjudication. That’s legalese for “You better not do that again, or you’re in real trouble!” As for the mother, she plead not guilty, and the trial resumes in January. Will Misty still get marital immunity if she doesn’t want to testify in her wife/mom’s trial, or will that be disallowed because it was an illegal marriage? I’ll have to let greater legal minds than mine ponder that one.
But wait! There’s more!
Understandably, the locals weren’t very impressed:
“Who in their right mind would marry their mom?” Paige Watson who knew Misty from high school, said.
“More stuff happens in small towns than people know,” Watson said. “When I went to school with her, she had a girlfriend, and they both worked at Sonic.”
“I don’t know if incarceration is really going to teach them anything… but there should be some sort of punishment or deterrent,” neighbor Nathan Mansell said.
If all that wasn’t enough, it turns out that before all this, she married one of her sons in 2008, and got an annulment in 2010. As for the other son, he wasn’t too impressed:
“I think she’s worthless she put my sister into this. She forced my sister into this, there’s a lot of people that know it,” Cody Spann told the local news station. “For you to want to put your own daughter through this, what kind of person are you? If that’s what you want that’s on you, but none of us kids want that, and now you got my sister behind bars because of your choices, why don’t you let that sit on you as a mom.”
Patricia reportedly told investigators that the relationship with her son was not sexual and that she only married him to prevent him from being deployed with the military.
She also told investigators that she married her daughter in hopes of adopting a child, KSWO reports.
So a soldier doesn’t get deployed if he’s married? That’s a new one on me. Further, if she wanted to adopt a kid, why did she have to marry someone who already was her kid? (Well, given her track record, she doesn’t need more children, but yanno…) Finally, what exactly did she mean when she said she “hit it off” with her daughter? Was that just in a friendly way, or did Misty break up with that chick at Sonic?
Now I get political (you knew I would)
This has the potential to do more than inspire a new batch of Oklahoma jokes. This, or another case like it, could get pushed up the judicial food chain and become another one of those “landmark decisions”. All that’s needed is some legal advocacy group turning it into a civil rights crusade.
When a law is challenged in judicial review, the state’s attorney must play defense and argue for why the law makes sense. (The fact that the law was enacted by a legislature elected by the people—which is how representative democracy works—isn’t justification enough.) If the argumentation doesn’t suit the Court’s political feelings, the law is struck down. That’s why judge shopping has been such an effective wrecking strategy.
If someone were asked to explain why parents shouldn’t marry their own children, it likely would be:
- Incest is condemned by society here and around the world;
- It’s forbidden by the Bible and by religions everywhere;
- Everyone knows it’s revolting; and
- It increases the risk of birth defects.
An attorney arguing why laws forbidding incest are unconstitutional (=”I don’t like them”) would glibly dismiss all that. The ignorant prejudices of society are oppressive. Further, we can’t have establishment of religion, now can we? Also, mere public opinion shouldn’t limit someone else’s personal freedom.
Then the lawyer would have a field day with the final item. First, mutant babies are only a concern for straight marriages. That’s because two women or two men can’t have children together (though some believe otherwise). Further, unlike in the evil past, the mentally retarded are allowed to have children, even though that’s high risk too. (In fact, some activists even encourage this, a subject worthy of its own discussion.) In the case of an incestuous straight marriage, they simply could use birth control—or not, because that’s their personal choice. That’s “reproductive freedom”, isn’t it? Yada yada yada…
The legal precedents are there
Could it happen? During the great gay marriage debate, cultural conservatives warned that acquiescence would open the door to further “anything goes” redefinitions. As usual, the matter was settled by lawyering it up all the way to the Supreme Court. In 2014, the Obergefell v. Hodges case became another one of those 5-4 decisions that rewrote the law the liberal way in all fifty states. Anthony Kennedy (backed by Kagan, Breyer, Sotomayor, and Ginsburg) legislated from the bench, referencing the 14th Amendment’s equal protection clause, along with Loving v. Virgina and a couple other cases that somehow had even less relevance.
It’s the typical legalistic casuistry. The equal protection clause was a Reconstruction-era measure meant to ensure that local sheriffs wouldn’t disregard crimes committed against freed slaves. The Loving case said that race mixing is a right guaranteed by the Constitution. These said nothing about gay marriage. Still, that blew the doors open for Obergefell, which will be the launching pad for any future redefining.
Since Earl Warren’s time, the Supreme Court repeatedly has exceeded its authority. Once again, the Court’s majority overrode a legitimate matter of state law, delivered a politically-motivated decision, and came up with legal-sounding pilpul to justify it. Could incest be the next legal frontier? I hope that no further redefining takes place, but anything can happen these days.
Read More: Coming Soon To A Society Near You: Polygamy And Incest
Pedophilia is on the menu of the nihilistic Bolshevik left ahead of incest.
What will they do after destroying Western Civilization?
Nothing besides wallow in the shit with the rest of us while enriching themselves by gorging on the carcass. They can only destroy not create.
Their religion is founded on the stale obsolete philosophy of a 19th century German bum and the falsehood that the state is always a force for good.
OK, Fuck, Marry, Kill – Jonathan McIntosh, Andrew Anglin, or Roosh V
Incest is different from pedophilia because you can still get informed consent from a relative.
Not even going to ask why you felt the need to clarify.
Marxism is indeed obsolete, but not for the reason you suggest.
If they can’t have kids, incest shouldn’t matter, more of a gay rights thing.
I’m a hot chick with big tits – if I go out in public in a big city with a tiny t-shirt that says “I Love My Rapist” and a hat that says “Make America Sexy Again”, how will people respond???
They’d respond by staring at your “big tits”, duh.
Supreme Court liberals should have expected this to come but then again those people don’t care
I wonder if these skanks actually munched each other’s gaping axe wounds? Or if it was only a welfare scam? Also, is it possible to limbo further under rock bottom? Jesus.
From what I understand, most lesbians do not engage in sexual activities. In the beginning they try, then give up rather quickly. After they reach that point, they look at each other and say, “ok, what now?” Then they lay in bed and hold each other. I don’t believe in lesbians. I don’t really believe in queers in general. I believe people are either confident with who they are or they’re confused due to a lack of strong values and traditions. Today everything is so watered down, hence all the half queers.
Lesbians lick one another pussies every day-its the fastest way to get or give a female orgasm. I’ve known enough Dykes to know this.
How can you not know that?
It’s all oral and fingering with Lesbians and believe me, they do it alot.
You probably do not know this because you are not from an urban center of the Northeast or West Coast but in my college days I went to Lesbian bars. They do nothing but engage in oral sex.
Of course lesbians give up on sex because they realize they have no dick. Their thrusting is a delusional act of futility. They can try all night to hump and no dick will materialize from either one of them. It drives them . . CRAZY. They eventually go CRAZY on each other. That’s when the girl has a reality check moment and cries out “OMG I’ve got no dick. I’m going CRA . . . . . well I believe it was the inspiration for THIS SONG ›››››
Of course, they had to have the pitbull. You know because they want to look tough like men (even though that would technically be considered a “gender role” which liberals whine and moan incessantly about) but at the same time they want to virtue signal us that you can tame an animal mad make him sweet, be it Tyrone, Billy Bob, or a dog originally bred to fight bulls and bears.
And again, as much as much as I try to stereotype others, these people end up stereotyping themselves, this shooting themselves in the foot.
Fucking hell.. if I didn’t read the title of this article i’d have thought it was her son.
That poor dog.
Oklahoma. Where men are men
And so are the women.
They look like total trailer trash.
In extreme cases like this, sterilization seems a good option. That, or transportation to Tasmania.
I don’t think Mum is going to get her daughter pregnant and Australia does not want unskilled white trash like this so both of your points are moot.
The daughter can still get pregnant. Doesn’t matter that she’s a dyke. The Tasmania part was a joke. Clearly you didn’t get it.
Someone’s lurking around giving downvotes because dad didn’t show up for Thanksgiving.
This is the fucked up shit that occurs when minorities start pulling away at the threads of society. Even a blind man could see this shit was going to happen.
Makes me want to puke.
Also putting a lesbian in gaol, that’s a reward not a punishment.
I was brought up thinking that Adolf Hitler was an evil man, but the crazier society is getting, I’m starting to think he wasn’t as bad as he was made out to be, and a hell of a lot saner than the fucktards of today.
Are you fucking serious? You think a dude bent on killing off an entire population via gas chambers is more sane than the “fucktards” of today? I’m beginning to think that some of the readers of this site need help.
Hello Burton, my fine fellow:) Yes indeed I am fucking serious. He had a solution for getting rid of degenerates from society. What pray tell would you suggest as a solution for the problems that ail our societies today? Harsh language and scolding? Prison?
The free world allies in WWII did what they thought was right at the time. They would be horrified now that the societies they fought for, and many died for, have sunk so low today. The past that they fought for has more in common with Nazi Germany than the way of life today.
Freedom and democracy have been abused, perverted, eroded until it means nothing today.
I wish things were the way we are told, where everything is rosy but that’s just bullshit fantasy.
Yes indeed things have gotten so bad these days. I keep waiting for critical mass, but no matter how bad shit gets, nobody does anything about it. Maybe its about time someone did?
adolph was an r selected scumbag who managed to take control of society at the beginning of a K shift.
Putting aside all the dead Jews and Slavs, putting aside the fact that thanks to his fucking war the fucking communists were able to take over all of eastern europe for close to 70years,
The end result for germany is that he got tons of German men killed,and tons of German women raped, and as a bonus Germany got a permanent foreign military presence on their soil.
Thats not a “win”.
Everything that happened in the west between then and now was the inevitable result of decay. Shit floats to the top. Most of the German high command were notorious homosexuals and degenerates. In all likelihood they would have degenerated faster than what we saw under democratic rule. Democracy, freedom of speech, rule of law, the bill of rights, all these things exist because under a centralized murderous government things break down even faster. These rights exist to give you a fighting chance against decay and corruption.
The solution is hard, and you wont like it, but here it is. Women must be denied the right to vote. First and last. Women are not capable of leading and must be banned from leadership positions. All federal funds to academia must be cancelled. The university system itself makes more money from their massive holdings than from their students, which means that all and any university tax exemptions must be withdrawn.
Those are the main problems as i see it, because those two things are the actual source of nearly all the other problems.
You are aware that Nazi Germany was a totalitarian state… no free speech, no free press, disarmament of the people, and the state injecting itself into every aspect of people’s lives and public culture as possible?
Terms like “free” and “democratic” are in no way an accurate description of the Nazi regime.
These are white trailer trash (Though I am sure they would claim a Cherokee Princess in their family tree).
Public whipping would be far more effective, yes.
How many German-Americans actually admire Nazis or thought Hitler was anything but a madman who took orders from his dog or psychic?
In Detroit most skinheads are Polish-Americans which is rather comical.
Hitler created the refugee situation that led to homeless Jews logically seeking a homeland that brings us to where we are now.
Jews in my city (Ann Arbor, Michigan) would sometimes mutter about “Nazis” to German-Americans and Trump’s German-born father told Jews he was “Swedish” but the reality is that most German-Americans (And Germans) think NAZIS are a crock of shit.
Modern-day anti-Jewish sentiment in the United States is not coming from Manhattan’s German-American populace like Trump or German bankers in Houston. It is coming from poor whites in the Flyover from Old Colonial Anglo-Saxon stock.
Burt the buck, there were no gas chambers used to gas Jews to death. The showers were for delousing to actually prevent death
That was so long ago that who gives a shit?
You are a legend
Bang on Captain. Form of porno for the bored. I like the “daddy didn’t show up…” line.
I hope the Left starts pushing incest. It’ll be an even bigger disaster for them than pushing trannies into women’s bathrooms.
Normies are repulsed by all this degeneracy. Tho they can’t talk about it due to fear of consequences. The more openly degenerate the Left becomes, the more silently normies move Rightwards.
Maybe after Trump, we’ll get an even bigger shitlord for POTUS.
You mean Donald Trump? The one who said “Caitlyn” Jenner could use either one of the restrooms in Trump Tower?
If they can’t have kids what’s the problem with incest?
They seem like they’re of great genetic stock…not. There’s too many people on this fucking planet. How many of our tax dollars go to support mongoloids like these individuals?
If Trump comes out against this, the 9th Circuit will support it.
Doesn’t matter if Trump is for it or against it. If it SOUNDS conservative or traditional, the 9th Circus Court will rule against it. Pissing on Trump is just a bonus to those clowns in black robes.
Really? Trump, the guy who likes taking weird pictures with his hot daughter or makes Oedipal remarks about her then marries her off to a Jew? I wouldn’t be surprised if he tapped that. Maybe that partly explains why he keeps her princess in the White House staff, even when her feminist tirades and her Jew hubby are a detriment to his administration.
In all fairness, Bill Clinton would definitely do the same to his own daughter, except Chelsea Clinton is definitely not hot, so there’s that.
After looking at those mugshots, I don’t feel guilt in saying that eugenics can be a wonderful thing, because let’s face it, some people are genetically destructive and don’t deserve the right to life. I would go as far as arguing that retards, the criminally insane, the sexually perverse and the like have the right to the compassion that a quick, painless death provides.
I don’t see what the fuss is about incest?!?!? It’s going to be legal in the next 5 years now that gays can marry! Paedophilia in 10 years… Beastality will follow next….
Bestiality used to be legal and is now increasingly banned so you don’t have a point.
Well with incest you can get informed consent AND not have kids.
We treat normal sex the same way.
Get wrecked.
Only insanity could drive people to want to fuck their relatives.
This is morally apprehensible and last time I checked not being insane and reality denying is crucial to civilization.
To which you clearly don’t belong.
You don’t have standards, degenerate.
Cowardice, comfort and indulgence are what defines you.
Tolerance isn’t a virtue. All you need for that is a complete lack of values.
That’s a false narrative. Fact is that Canada for example already legalized beastiality again.
Get your shit together. Leftists are allergic to any kind of standards as comfort and indulgence is what rules them.
Eventually they will have undone everything that signifies civilization.
Just because we took some actual steps forward and made some actual progress towards something by banning beastiality doesn’t mean that this isn’t the way the western world goes.
What do you think this is?
Do you actually think they will just stop and say “okay, that’s it. Not one step further.”?
This is already completely improbable when considering that time doesn’t stand still. There will be people, as there already are, that push for all these things.
Who will stand up against them?
The left?
What do you think will happen over time you chronically apathetic moron?
There is nothing wrong with bestiality. A mare can consent.
How come you’re not bisexual and polyamorous yet goyim?
It’s really come down to the issue that degeneracy is subsidized in various ways. The fabric and advancement of society has a foundation based on family, marriage, ethics, & morals. Centuries ago, if someone wanted to engage in degeneracy, that was simply their choice and they very likely suffered the consequences of economic and social chastisement as they bared full responsibility for their actions.
For example, today if some stupid low IQ white girl wants to go have sex and produce a mud baby with a hoodrat, she has the full support of the tax payer if the hoodrat cannot help provide or doesn’t care to provide. And in a lot of cases, if the hoodrat can provide, it’s through an affirmative action job. If she wants to work and be a “single mom”, there’s plenty of easy EEO/affirmative action jobs for white females to get and plenty of subsidized apartments/housing for them to live in with their mud baby. All supported by the tax payer.
If two lesbians want to shack up together, they can today because either one usually has an affirmative action job that pays as good as any job a lot of men have. A century ago, there wasn’t any EEO or affirmative action quotas that gave out jobs to females. So if two lesbos wanted to live together a century ago, they would have a tough time trying to financially support their decision.
With the case above, that woman’s kid was probably supported through welfare and/or other means of subsidization to begin with. A century ago, if a female wanted to be loose and whore around, she would bare the full responsibility of a pregnancy. Usually the kid would simply be handed over to an orphanage. There was no welfare back then. No subsidized apartments. No EEO/affirmative action jobs. And very few SIMPS around that would actually want to be with a woman that had a kid by someone else or had been having sex with various men. Today, if they don’t go get a ‘on-demand’ abortion supported by the tax payer, they simply dump their trash kid on the tax payer and live a worry free life while we all pay for it. Then that kid they have grows up with no moral upbringing, and continues the cycle. All tax payer supported.
Satan has played a brilliant game of chess in molding society in a way that degeneracy is rewarded.
Why be so surprised? I work in corrections and believe me these people exist by the hundreds of thousands. What do you think goes on in those shitty little trailers and shacks you pass by on the way to your next destination?
If you can’t see by their picture that they are both the product of depth of a dinner plate genetic breeding gone terribly wrong, then certainly the name “Misty Velvet Dawn” should have triggered you.
Wanted to adopt a kid? Jesus!! Mother needs to be taken out and disposed of like the diseased dog that she is. Remember this the next time your local feminists yap about “dead beat dads”.
Flaws with your aguments.
1) “Incest is condemned by society here and around the world;
2) It’s forbidden by the Bible and by religions everywhere;
3) Everyone knows it’s revolting; and
4) It increases the risk of birth defects.”
1) In modern times, this is based mostly off of FEELINGS. “It’s gross”, “EEEEWWW”, “I wouldn’t do that.” This all comes from what’s called the Westermarck Effect. However, that is the Argumentum ad Fastidium, or the Argument from emotion and is a logical fallacy.
2) Why should anyone care what the Bible says? If the Bible is true then it is literally impossible NOT to commit incest because we came from two people. Retards. The Bible also allows for killing homosexuals and slavery.
3) The people who commit it don’t. Again, it’s the Argumentum ad Fastidium.
4) Condoms, birth control, spermicide, etc. So does having kids when women are over 40, do you oppose that?
You guys just can’t think for yourselves can you?
You have no power here JSG.
That’s pretty much what I predicted a lawyer would say if a case like that came up. You’re not an attorney, by any chance?
Do you have a counter?
You know, sexual liberty is the least problem with the left. While it’s odd that they were able to marry, mother-daugther intimacy would probably not have counted as “incest” 2000 years ago – or even 300 years ago, from what I read in history books about the middle ages and the early modern times. Where there’s no cock, there is no sex.
Thank you Ron for your answer, I like a man who gives it a go and offers a solution.
Reed, Yes I am aware that the Nazi regime was totalitarian, no free speech etc. My point was not to paint a rosy picture of the regime. It was more of a comment about how far our societies are degenerating and devolving, since WWII.
I’m very surprised this hasn’t been broached yet. with the passage of gay marriage, nothing is off the table.