Why Don’t Feminists Support Mixed Men’s And Women’s Sporting Competitions?

We are constantly told that gender is “non-binary.” Feminists and other SJWs say men can be born biologically female and women can be born biologically male, while plenty of other people supposedly fall outside any male-female distinctions. Surprisingly, however, this insistence on the existence of so many different genders and sexual identities has not flowed down to what leftists demand in professional sporting competitions, which almost always involve men playing men and women playing women. In fact, it all looks awfully like a nod to the “evil” cis-gender dichotomy.

Where are the mixed sporting competitions so that everyone’s “gender” is embraced, not just two? And if one combined sporting field is eschewed (a 100% likelihood since men would cream women), dozens of individual competitions are necessary according to twisted SJW ideology.

Why, for instance, is Wimbledon dominated by the separate Men’s and Women’s singles Grand Slams and not the Men’s, Women’s, Transgender Men’s, and Transgender Women’s singles Grand Slams? After a couple of years, too, shouldn’t the Center Court of the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club play host to a Pansexual singles Grand Slam final? And then a Two-Spirit Gender one?

I give you the 2018 Wimbledon Transgender Women’s singles champion.

There are actually, if you take the braindead musings of SJWs, far more than 60 genders. But here are five dozen or so sarcastically outlined by Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) regional parliamentarian (and shitlord) Steffen Königer:

So when are the rest of these genders getting their own sporting competitions to express their “unique voice and identity”? If the distinction between, say, “androgynes” and men is as valid as the distinction between men and women, why not implement this in sporting competitions? Should logistics get in the way of this, bring in one totally mixed competition that pits men against women, without the furphy of team sports that mandate an equal number of men and women on each side in order to cloak the lesser female performances.

Equal pay and representation for all “genders”–not!

Usain Bolt and Elaine Thompson, the 100m track gold medalists at the 2016 Olympics. If gender is non-binary, where are the other genders?

None of what I have suggested here will ever happen because even calls for “equality” for women’s sport are indefensible. Both the United States and Australian women’s soccer teams, for example, have been thrashed by local city boys’ teams in the past year or so, news of which was barely discussed. Certainly those “pundits” who say that the female game is “just as good” will not take these results into account when they keep arguing for so-called equal pay and coverage.

The problem only gets worse when we consider the likely quality of a hypothetical “pansexual” or “two-spirit gender” team, especially the skills of participants who are biologically female. Yet if mere pronoun use matters so much to the menagerie of made-up genders and their ideological enforcers, why shouldn’t sports, regularly touted as a reflection of hard work, achievement, and individual self-expression, exhibit similar diversity? Questions like this are never examined or answered by the same people who declare that we should inject prepubescent boys and girls with the hormones appropriate for their “gender identity.”

When there have been controversies related to the binary nature of sporting competitions, most prominently in the case of South African sprinter Caster Semenya and her outing as a hermaphrodite, the SJWs were nowhere to be seen. If they wanted to be consistent, they would be as intransigent in the world of sports as they are in spying on whether someone uses “hir” or “zhe” when asked.

There’s self-interest at play, too

Even if she weren’t Russian, one couldn’t imagine a female athlete like Maria Sharapova supporting additional gender competitions that would lose them money.

Media advocates for women’s sport will certainly not call for more gender-based fields, principally because it would take money and attention from non-transgender, etc. female athletes. And the vast majority of the highest-earning women, from Maria Sharapova to Hope Solo, would not want that, either. In this vein, pseudo-gender emancipation and “equality” faces the additional obstacle of self-promoting female athletes who want to keep their piece of the pie, sadly a growing one, intact. These people will keep and play only with the “girl power” elements that suit their careers–and bank balances.

Of all the topics I have covered at Return Of Kings, this is one you can predict the smallest backlash about. Suggesting the “logical” expansion of transgender and related malaises to sport is enough to bamboozle the least crazy and ideologically committed SJWs, let alone the bonafide mad-hatters amongst their ranks.

Still, next time someone tries to shove pronouns or new bathroom rules down your throat, you could deadpan and say we should have 60-odd gender-based competitions for each professional sport as well.

Read More: 5 Things I Learned From Entering Bodybuilding Competitions

24 thoughts on “Why Don’t Feminists Support Mixed Men’s And Women’s Sporting Competitions?”

  1. If there are 11 players on a football team, you could diversify that, but then you’d still be excluding (at least) 49 genders. My suggestion is 60 non-repeating gender diverse players in each team, and more diverse fruit at half time, not just orange segments. Oh and you have to get written consent for a tackle.

  2. I dont know about you guys, but at least once or twice I would love to see an all-male football/basketball/even football kick the living shit out of an all-female team on the playing field. Televise it and I, along with many other guys would surely watch the massacre in large numbers (re: viewership). If nothing else, just for the shits and giggles.

  3. They would support if the former East Germany weightlifter “chicks” can participate along with Wheaties Jenner.

  4. We need full men versus women events!
    We can worry about including 600389530183 genders after that.
    Just let me see men vs women Judo. Or boxing. Or soccer. Or…
    You get the idea.

    1. yeah, the modern day coliseum all over again….i agree, soxiety is in the shitter anway, we should go full ancient Rome in this fall of empires. at least the bread and circus will be worth it.

  5. Sooner or later we have to make a decision. Do we continue to willing affiliate with this fucked-up culture or do we abandon it? I suggest we move to the latter. Before you assume this is impossible, I say it’s not only possible but in some respects easy. Unaffiliating is easy in a digital world…that’s why I’m always harping on disruptive technologies and decentralization etc. Just deselect the parts you don’t want. The part that will require will and resolve is this – we need to have our rights observed, period. It is well within our human rights to NOT be around people we don’t like and to sustain our own cultural values. The left are the unjust here as they force us to conform. As such, we have the advantage. If a part of humanity wishes to deny reality and rape children and they demand our acquiescence then we can have our demands met too. Simply, we do not agree with their cult. This is how the GOP should configure itself.

    1. Yes and the whole homo thing has to go….. the term homophobe is pure sociopathy at its highest level…. take a word that has real and actual negative conotations and flip the script to make it seem as if that natural repulsion to something wholey unnatural and bad for society and worse for an individual is just an irrational fear…..
      Am i a junkiephobe because i dont want to hang out of shoot up smack ? Should i embrace my inner junkie and come out of the junkie closet and start shooting up ? … no obviiusly i feel a repulsion to that as does any sane person towards homo activities….. NOT LEAST because anyone can get draw into that if they hang around it too much……
      If a man is attracted to other men… since attraction is a two way process it stands to reason that men can be attracted to that man not least since he’s subsituted some masculine traits for feminine ones…. therefore i am not a homophobe… just a rational man that doesnt want to become a fag…. and my fear is not an irrational phobia but a very real repulsion to something that can harm me and drag me into a false and unnatural way of life.

  6. The 60 plus gender thing was just another weeklong fad from the left. Once again proof that you can’t take much of what they say seriously.

  7. This writer asks an interesting question but he comes up with an incomplete answer because he does not answer the “who benefits?” question fully. It is frankly unclear whether actual female athletes stand to make more earnings while competing against those claiming alternate genders and born male. They certainly won’t by being crowded off the podium. Notice how the last few years the sports industry has been inundated with increasingly successful campaigns to create prize pools for female athletes that equal or exceed the respective men’s. It is my opinion that this is done to encourage people stuck in poverty to see the mutilation and perversion of their own bodies -or those of their children -as a means of escape to a better life. That’s how you get Caster and a certain pair of tennis playing siblings… This is all in accordance with elites’ age old tactic of making the masses complicit in their own debasement, in order to break them and thus control them.

    1. Its just a symptom of the degenerate society that stupid pet causes like open faggotry and female soccer teams are more important than engineering, infrastructure, science, results and a metiocracy.
      There was no room for this BS even 30-40 years ago because life was more difficult and harsh. This the focus was placed on performance and results no matter.
      I dont have to hire a gender bender or a cumgobbler because they dont get a better result on building the golden gate bridge…. but now we are not building golden gate bridges…. theres no real progress on the level we saw in the 1800s and 1900s… some silly blog about some slut thats famous for being famous written by by somegneder bender fag is more important….
      Wheres the teleporter and the warp drive and the force field around the planet… these are questions we should be asking… not whether mr. queer dressed in over sized hogh heels and womens underwear can use the ladies restroom.

      1. “theres no real progress on the level we saw in the 1800s and 1900s… some silly blog about some slut thats famous for being famous written by by somegneder bender fag is more important….
        Wheres the teleporter and the warp drive and the force field around the planet… these are questions we should be asking… not whether mr. queer dressed in over sized hogh heels and womens underwear can use the ladies restroom”
        Bob you nailed it perfectly…instead of real forward advancement, we are mired by people who canmot do anything or relate to real life except by their genitals and asshole….its so sad that it will be the obsession that will end humanity because we just cannot focus on whats really important. excellent points you made.

  8. Not exactly about mixed sporting contests, but a related matter. In recent years in Australia, there has been a massive push for girls/women in sport. Lots of federal, and private funding and promotion.
    We’re not talking traditional womens sport like netball, or softball. Straight womens sports like netball have been pretty much ignored, despite the fact they had the highest participation by women and girls, and does actually generate some income from female spectators. These are all mens sport being promoted, like Aussie Rules football, rugby league and rugby union, and cricket.
    Its all being pushed by feminist idealogues. And by feminist idealogues I mean plain old lesbo’s. Feminism has always been the Trojan Horse for tricking young impressionable women into the lesbian lifestyle. Anyone who knows even the slightest thing about womens soccer, or cricket knows it is predominantly played by lesbo’s or those soon to experiment with the lesbo lifestyle, straight women are in a small minority. It must be the after game showers, and “team bonding sessions” that really get them going.
    Traditional men’s professional sporting clubs board have been infiltrated by feminists.
    All in the name of political correctness and equality, forcing the men’s sports that actually generate income, into subsidising the fledgling womens version.
    Who the fuck watches women playing mens sport? Men don’t want to watch it. Not even women watch it. It doesn’t generate enough money to support itself. I’m hoping this is a short lived experiment that will die the death the way lingerie football did in Australia. If it is still going over here its definitely not televised anymore. There just wasn’t enough interest, not even from lesbo’s.
    Don’t get me fuckin started about trannies playing sport of any kind. Women should be the one’s most up in arms about having to compete against a man taking female hormones.

    1. Yes the female rugby and soccer thing has been shoved on prime time TV and its wholey wrong… what self respecting woman wants to play an agressive contact sport with a pair of tits dangling off her chest…. its all wrong….
      Hopefully its a fad and a fashion that will flame out in time… all ot takes is for a few women and men to adopt normal roles and promote that and it will become the new fashion……. just as the 60s hippy thing kind of died out after a couple of decades… the butch fem will just look like a stupid fashion in time…..

  9. If SJWs won’t double down on their ideological aims, we should do it for them until the whole equality movement implodes.

  10. Why Don’t Feminists Support Mixed Men’s And Women’s Sporting Competitions?
    Simple. There’s no way to do that without showing -too openly- just how much females suck at sports compared to men.
    By contrast it’s easy to see why fems have no problem with full military integration.
    a: more and more of the dirty work is being delegated to drones nowadays, anyway.
    b: in the fog of war, there isn’t a large audience to notice everytime the female ‘drops the ball’ (and risking the lives of those around her in the process).

    1. Yeah and funny how theres a 14 to 1 ratio of male to female deaths in the work place and little clamor for more women in farming, fishing, mining, sewer repairs, electrical grid maintenance, construction, oil rigs, container shipping and the nasty, dangerous, grimy 24/7 shift work …. and frankly underpaid work that keeps the lights and heating on. You wanna talk about equality in the work place lets stop this fem smoke screen and campaign for the men that do all the dirty work for shit wages.

  11. Don’t listen to what crazy feminists or sjw say. They have no idea what they are talking about. There is no such thing as “gender” and sex binary reproduction is essential to many species.

  12. They ARE curently mixing men and women. Transgendered ‘women’ athletes will soon kick off any women-born-as-women from any top ten ranks in any competions.
    So there won’t be any women (BAW) professionals in a few times. Because,they just won’t win. This will seriously piss most women off (that and having to share changing rooms and rest rooms with freaks)
    When the Left is doing such a good job to make our point obvious to a majority of women, we should thank them.

  13. What kind of SELF RESPECTING WOMAN OR MAN would realistically compete against people they have no chance or EVERY chance of beating easily and still call it “competition” when it clearly would not be?
    Where is the honor or challenge of willfully and voluntarily “competing” against people you have ZERO chance of beating or losing to?
    Where is the honest and truthful competition ( with appropriate standards and judgment values commensurate with the TWO BIOLOGICAL SEXES of humans) in that scenario…Nevermind all the other pathetic SJW/ PC nonsense of “60 different “genders””
    There is 2 ONLY 2, men and women…all the rest of the mental illness is exactly that…out of control untreated mental illness waiting for its final suicidal meltdown.

    1. It isn’t about the glory of competition or honor. It is about cold hard cash. If you are the bottom ranked guy in the PGA when competing against other guys and you realize all you need to do is LARP as a chick for a few years and you can be number one in the WPGA and stack some serious coin, lots will. Same for every other sport where there is real money to be made.
      This Trans stuff eventually ends women’s sports. The TERFs know and that is why they fight.

  14. If men and women are so damn equal, then I’d like to see women be included in the draft – and lose their voting rights if they refused. Hell, the 19th Amendment was a huge mistake anyway.

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