Many gym-goers consume protein to build muscle and rebuild body tissue. Some will also take supplements, bars and powders to supplement their everyday diets. But can doing this be detrimental to your health?
This year, there have been heart-breaking cases where fitness fans have reportedly “overdosed” on protein.
In March, a dad was on the brink of death after consuming a weight loss product. Two months later, a bodybuilder lost her life after taking fitness supplements. And a few weeks ago, 22-year-old Fabien Van Johnson passed away after consuming an excess of protein powder.
These tragic instances may prevent others from using protein-filled products.
So just how great is the danger of protein?
The Daily Star Online spoke to Dr Daniel Fenton, of the London Doctors Clinic, about the risks. While Dr Fenton reassured that our bodies tend to regulate our protein levels, he did point out that there was still a risk of overdosing.
He said: “The body is phenomenal machine that utilises only what it requires and is very good at getting rid of excess products, which is why high protein diets are fairly (but not totally) harmless.
“But truthfully, too much protein can be dangerous. “Everything in excess can lead to severe consequences – even too much water can cause low sodium, brain swelling and ultimately death!!”
The medical expert revealed that taking in too much protein can lead to kidney stones or gout. While these illnesses are not directly fatal, they can spiral into more serious problems. Killer conditions, including sepsis and kidney failure, can both be brought on by the stones.
Dr Fenton explained: “Put simply, protein consumption generates a great deal of varying acids , which is filtered by the kidneys. To compensate for the acid , bones release calcium to buffer the acid. The extra calcium being processed through the kidneys can contribute to calcium based kidney stones. Proteins are also converted into purines, and subsequently uric acid, this can cause uric acid based kidney stones and even gout.”
Even though you should be cautious when using protein products, evaluating how much is oo much can be difficult.
The expert said: “You may have heard of cases in the recent media of people dying from consuming excess protein.
“It would be extraordinarily difficult to presume exactly what ‘excess’ means in these unfortunate circumstances.”
The recommended daily intake of protein is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight – which amounts to 56 grams per day for the average man or 46 grams for the average woman.
It’s best to bear these guidelines in mind when consuming food or products that contain protein.
Don’t Miss: Protein Bars Are Worse Than Candy
Only if it’s made in Russia
Someone would have to be consuming a retarded amount for it to be dangerous.
I’m pretty sure we can find some volunteers round here.
“Is it possible to die from not getting enough soy?” – Same leftist publications
Why equate big muscles with masculinity?
What’s the point of having big muscles if you can’t do anything with them?
Conor McGregor has fuck all gains yet he could BTFO of almost any average guy on the street.
By the end of selection and training commandos generally look like a bunch of wasted and malnourished shipwreck survivors, yet they could easily survive a civilizational collapse.
Meanwhile Mr Meathead is gassing out and dropping dead from steroid-induced cardiovascular damage.
Depends what the training phase is. End of SERE and yes you will be emancipated. SOF units will emphasize all around physical fitness and operators will reflect that. CrossFit is very popular in the community for that reason. So while you won’t find many bulky operators, you will also not find a lot of exclusively long distance athletes either.
Most of the guys will have a high degree of muscular endurance so it’s too difficult to get too heavy or thin with that training regimen. It’s also easier to maintain in less than optimal environments.
You know, I once knew an old Italian man from Brooklyn back in the 70’s, and back in his boxing days, he told me that all he ever ate was a big heaping bowl of pasta with his mother’s special recipe pasta sauce, nothing else. He said it made him as strong as an ox and incredibly lean until he retired and started to eat a steak every night instead. The whole protein thing is bunk because there’s so many counter-examples from the past that it’s mind-boggling. Most of the guys back in the day just got their protein from chucking back a half-dozen raw eggs every morning and that’s it, and they were healthier and more masculine than guys today because no one coddled them and they worked hard sometimes 12 hours a day non-stop. Most people couldn’t afford a chicken in every pot, much less a nice steak and there were almost no snowflakes except for the people that worked in the bureau back then.
I’ve honestly gotten way more lean and muscular after working in a factory 12 hrs a day than I ever have lifting weights in the last 2 years. Traps/back/arms are fucking huge now. Just trying to get three square a day with a good amount of lean protein and minimal bullshit, no real bro science here. My uncles back in the day never lifted a weight in their lives and were ripped from coal mining/factory work.
That question sounds like some kind of disgusting japanese suicide porn challenge
Over-exaggerated yes, possible? Would take a while. You can read about protein poisoning living off of only rabbits.
100-150 grams is a bit better; more protein helps the liver detoxify excessive estrogen. However your body utilizing protein creates ammonia as a byproduct. Too much of this can burden the body over a prolonged period.
Adding 1.5 grams of taurine(a sulfur protein) can help you utilize the protein you consume in a more efficient manner. Ginger increases protein utilization too.
Whey protein is pretty shit-tier though. Drinking milk is superior; not to mention it contains calcium for you with endless minerals/nutrients to strengthen your muscles.
If you buy any proteins; the only ones worth your money are taurine, creatine and glycine and/or a gelatin powder(if you can digest it well).
Another consideration; your protein ratios. Your ancestors consumed the bones, the skin, the organs; the whole animal. As a result they had a lot more glycine, proline and the like. They had lower levels of methione, tryptophan and cysteine. These 3 proteins in excess are linked with harm. Whenever you hear a weak grass-feeder(vegetarian/vegan) vomit out their so-called health benefits there might be a part truth to that. The first few months of low protein lowers the methione, tryptophan and cysteine, so their health benefits (if even true) would be linked to that.
Not soon long after will they become weak and lose a lot of muscle though. As they consume inferior proteins and will lack taurine especially and have low b12, selenium, zinc and the like.
Higher good fats(saturated) or good sugars/carbs also help negate the negative byproducts of processing protein. There are interesting studies about higher testosterone with a lower protein %.
Taurine and Creatine arent proteins.
Stupid article.
You CAN overdose on EVERYTHING.
Stupid statement. Of course theoretically you can overdose on everything but to get to that point for most foods you’d be hurling your guts before you even get close.
I remember that Ben Weider weight gain crap from the 80s. Horsesh*t. Pure horsesh*t.
Very confident you’d simply get diarrhea or vomit before you’d over consume protein and die from it. I believe I’ve had diarrhea from excessive consumption of Whey & Caesin before. While you actually CAN drink too much water and die from it (very rare, and very difficult to do as well), I’ve had days when I was in extreme bulking eating 10,000+ calories in a single day, and another 2-3k calories in protein shakes and weight gainer when power lifting with guys who exhibit at the Arnold Classic. Maybe possible if you did it like the cinnamon challenge minus the water and aspirated it, otherwise, I really doubt it. I’d say there was an underlying health issue with this kid no one discovered beforehand. And / Or he was not drinking nearly enough water. High protein intake should be accompanied with high water intake no longer than a few hours after digestion takes hold.
I must confess, I immediately thought this article was going to talk about some Japanese porn star girl dying from bukkake.
It’s possible that too much protein may turn a limp-wristed beta peon into a macho man, but highly unlikely, just like the premise of this article.
This place is dying if it is putting out content like this.
It’s supposed to be here to show us the BS leftist newspapers are trying to peddle.
Please WAKE UP … Over the course of 2018 you will see an ever-increasing amount of ANTI-Supplement, ANTI-vitamin propaganda.. it is the realization of the U.N.’s CODEX ALIMENTARIUS. It is possible to for a human to over-eat -ANYTHING-.. but it is NOT likely. In order to cull the sickly herd of goyim tptb have to eliminate all nutrition and health products in an absolute fashion. By regulating all supplemental products the population will be sickened and soy-fed until every man is an low-test SJW cuck. This is the beginning of the end. Do NOT fall for shit articles like the above that try to make you doubt your exercise regimen. Be healthy and eat hearty. Fucking dismiss sell-outs like this author “new syndicator”… great identity source. huh?
I didn’t know the UN did this, but it was to be expected and makes sense that they’d like to control what the gøy cattle is eating.
Just gøøgled this, but can we have more info on that thing from you?
I eat 56 Kratoms
The 0.8 recommendation is related to how much your body needs. But as natural bodybuilders we are not only interested in that and that studies show that high-protein diets – especially if the total calorie intake is rather low – are in fact beneficial for a person’s health. 2-3 grams per body weight kilogram make up a balanced amount.
Coming from someone who’s taken various nutrition classes in university, 2-3 grams of protein per kg of body weight is absurd. 0.8 is a good baseline if a person is sedentary and that number can rise up to 1 to 1.1 depending on the activity level and muscle wastage of the person in question (i.e. professional athletes will have a slightly higher protein intake around 1-1.2). Your body will end up eliminating any excess protein that you feed it and the only thing you’ll end up doing is making it harder for your kidneys to clear your blood. This “high-protein” fad needs to die quick.
Seems like those various nutrition classes were a waste of time, or you just slept through them.
This post comes out only an hour after I consumed an extra scoop of USN GF1 followed by 4 pieces of chicken. True story.
This from the U of Ottawa:
What a waste of good Canadian sperm. It goes in the PUSSY duuh. She doesn’t have to swallow it. It’s much better for national demographics if you finally nut into her hole. How hard is that? It’s okay if she slurps it now and then but don’t completely forget it’s supposed to go in the hole.
Eat natural high-protein food instead of suppliments.
Even just a little bit of Kratom will negate the negative effects of protein overdose.
Kratom will not only negate the effects of protein overdose, but give you the gain potential as if you ate 2000 grams of protein a day and lift 5x a week, without any negative side effects.
In addition your weiner will grow to a 25″ coil, you’ll be 7 feet tall, and shoot fireballs out of your ass.
This made me want to double my roid intake.
ive never met a woman or man who died from too much brotein ingestion straight from the male tap or otherwise taken internally from brotein injections.
i think the premise is overblown and inflated then wrongly inserted into the discussion boards. just saying. if anything the lack of brotein shakes and injections is the real problem.
If you do heavy strength training you need way more protein, like 1g per pound of bodyweight of pure protein from animal sources. There might be a problem with processing more protein if there is some sort of kidney condition or the kidneys are already compromised in some way.
Protein is a waste of time. You get enough in diet. Anything more is just masturbation.
That coupled with a good exercise routine will get you looking like Christian Bale or Alex Kovas. That’s all the mass you need.
Anything more is useless and cartoonish looking.