Prejudice is one of those words that are associated with negative thoughts, opinions, and behaviors. Its connotation is linked to something inferior, intolerant, bad and stupid, like a petty-minded person.
But he who is well-informed about history, philosophy, and possesses street-smartness, realizes that prejudices are some of the best and educated assets in a man’s life. Here’s why.
1. Prejudice equates with wisdom
In the conservative tradition of the Irishman Edmund Burke, history and philosophy are closely connected. Earlier generations knew a great deal about various phenomena, and to ignore their valuable experiences of the past would be a great mistake. Burke stresses:
Instead of casting away all our old prejudices, we cherish them to a very considerable degree, and, to take more shame to ourselves, we cherish them because they are prejudices; and the longer they have lasted and the more generally they have prevailed, the more we cherish them. We are afraid to put men to live and trade each on his own private stock of reason; because we suspect that this stock in each man is small, and that the individuals would do better to avail themselves of the general bank and capital of nations and of ages.
For example, although the earlier notions of women might be exaggerated, incomplete and partly flawed, they nevertheless include some underlying truth. Contemporary research in psychology shows that females are more neurotic, emotional and less rational than men, which is pretty much only a more nuanced confirmation of what those before already knew.
Prejudices do not imply that nothing can or should be changed, and it is the duty of our generation to filter out that which is not worthy to hold on to. Still the wise man knows to absorb the wisdom of earlier generations.
2. Prejudice is a legit philosophical position
If one goes a bit beyond the prejudical wisdom, one realizes that prejudices form every person who tries to understand society and the world. In the German philosopher Hans-Georg Gadamer’s work Truth and Method, he notes that prejudices are what forms our thinking and our interpretations of various new phenomena in our world that we encounter. Our particular tradition helps us to give it a meaning and at least a preliminary understanding. Therefore we cannot just let our “pure reason” guide us, like some of the Enlightenment scholars and neoconservative ideologists have asserted.
Let’s say that a blue-haired fat activist showed up somewhere in England in the 15th century. The people might have thought that it was some sort of demon from the underworld that manifested itself. While us contemporaries, on the other hand, know that it’s just another blue-haired beast, another degenerate sign of the times. Ergo: we cannot escape the particular historical horizon from which we understand things in the world.
3. Prejudice is the same as street-smartness and good decision-making
Like Steven Pinker claims in a passage of his extensive work The Better Angels of Our Nature, stereotypes and averages indeed are true. Blacks really are more prone to being welfare recipients. The fact that we should not essentialize entire groups is beside the point.
I remember when I visited Los Angeles for the first time in 2006. I took a Greyhound bus and spoke to a decent black guy in his 20s all the way to San Diego. Thus I have absolutely nothing against blacks as individuals, and as a larger population group I hope that they will do better in the future. Nevertheless, it was also wise of me to turn around after having just entered a metro station full of black males in their late teens in downtown L.A.
As John Derbyshire rightly noticed in his infamous article in Takimag, a white or northeast Asian person should avoid large groups of blacks, since they might be annoying at best or hostile at worst. Females, on the other hand, should know that to travel alone in unsafe countries is not very wise. Edmund Burke again:
Prejudice is of ready application in the emergency; it previously engages the mind in a steady course of wisdom and virtue, and does not leave the man hesitating in the moment of decision, skeptical, puzzled and unresolved. Prejudice renders a man’s virtue his habit; and not a series of unconnected acts. Through past prejudice, his duty becomes part of his nature.
The important thing is to look at what research and common sense say, so that our selective prejucides do not misguide us. Given that a man is relatively flexible in his way of thinking and acting, to hold on to prejudices can make up an excellent method to avoid dangerous situations and make decisions in accordance with such clever and virtuous principles.
Read More: Why You Should Not Be Afraid Of Selective Prejudice
The 4th way prejudice will actually help you. “Satisfaction”. Let the music begin.
Show me an SJW liberal who wants to live in Detroit or St Louis of some Atlanta ghetto any more than a Klansman.
From Southern Cal (¼ century ago):
Quite so. Generalizations are generally correct. Are you in a neighborhood where most people are black? Leave, it’s a high crime area. Are most of the people in your office women? Accept the fact that emotions will take precedence over efficiency and effectiveness. Does the guy at the bank/brokerage/law office sitting at the desk in front of you have a name ending in -stein, -berg, -witz or have a precious metal in it? You’re probably going to be swindled so leave and find a gentile providing the same service.
Prejudices are simply playing the well-known and historically accurate percentages.
Yup, (((they))) have all the best interests of the goyim in mind….
Images and gifs don’t re code into graviton like they did with Disqus. Only youtube vids do. Maybe it’s a setting.
There’s nothing wrong with drawing logical conclusions based on data and responding in an appropriate fashion.
The SJWs can cry “racism” or “hate” as much as they want to. The vast majority of people don’t *hate* other groups of people–they simply avoid certain neighborhoods because they don’t want to get shot, robbed, beaten up, etc.
I find it most telling that the ones that are the most offended often live in gated communities or have compounds of their own with armed security like a certain candidate in the last presidential election.
Diversity for Thee but not for me.
The “Diversity” boosters want or imagine a sort of “Diversity Disneyland,” similar to the “It’s A Small World” attraction. All clean, healthy and well mannered natives from the world’s various cultures, and all without the objectionable bits.
“Gee, I feel just like I’ve been there. Travel is so broadening don’t you agree?”
And then they go home.
In a way, they’re like the Colonial Brits who enthused about how wonderful the (tame) natives were. Sitting on the veranda, clad in jodhpurs and sipping G&Ts whilst the natives sang folksongs and worked on their handicrafts in front of them. Or until the Mau-Mau’s came anyway.
Reality is something else, as anybody who live in the greater Los Angeles/Orange & San Bernadino & Riverside Megalopolis can attest.
It’s easily the most cosmopolitan place on the planet. (It’s nothing to hear 3 or 5 separate languages spoken in a day, and Spanish doesn’t count.) And on one level, it is, well, nice. Great markets, restaurants, etc.
But – and this is a big “But” – it’s completely lacking in cultural cohesion. And not just across cultures, but within each subculture itself.
(Bowling Alone by Robert D. Putnam details this, and is worth you time to read.
(And the sons and daughters of the immigrants are very radicalized and/or criminal. Read Mexifornia by Victor Davis Hanson to get the 411 on one of the consequences of diversity within this one non-assimilated subgroup. )
So you have tribes existing next to each other. (And falling apart within themselves.) And as long as the resources – Power, Water, Gasoline, Housing and Jobs in the case of Southern California – are abundant, then the tribes more or less get along. But let a good Earthquake or EMP take that away….
Well, it’s the L.A. Riots writ very, very large. And so much for Kumbaya.
But we/they, the Educated Elites, the Trendsetters, can’t say that. We/they have to Virtue Signal. “Look how Open Minded, Cosmopolitan and Inclusive we all are.”
And then we retreat back behind our gates, safe and sound.* Or so we hope.
Actions speak louder than words.
Just a thought.
*You wouldn’t believe just how awash with guns and ammo the affluent Westside, West Valley, and Beach Cities are. Stockpiled and ready to go. Like masturbation, it’s everybody’s dirty little secret. “Guns are Bad; Guns are Evil” might be the PC mantra in those parts of town, but I guarantee you firsthand that they’re packing heat, and a lot of it.
You’re talking about “Hispanics” who are really just wild Indians and this is the old Red vs White war similar to when Brits fought the Iroquois or Spanish the Apache.
Remember that the British never were able to sit around and sip Gin while Red Indians went about running their colony as low-level clerks. The Brits fought Indians from Plymouth Rock all the way through to Vancouver.
“And as long as the resources – Power, Water, Gasoline, Housing and Jobs in the case of Southern California – are abundant, then the tribes more or less get along”
The point I wholeheartedly agree with!
That’s why Canada, for example, is still alive with all the multiculturalism. Once the sustenance runs out, here will be a nastiness. People will see the real face of “multiculturalism” manifesting in, probably, the most gruesome civil war.
well said.
Prejudice is a gray area. I firmly believe that individuals deserve an opportunity to be treated fairly and receive a square deal. Whether white, black, Asian, or other, every man deserves an opportunity to be heard, and to cultivate his talents and efforts in pursuit of wealth and happiness. This is essential in a free society.
Consequently, programs such as affirmative action are diametrically opposed to a square deal, and respect for the individual. They explicitly assert prejudices in favor of certain groups, over others. They are stating, in essence, that certain groups are inherent losers in society, and they would have little chance of success without the power of government force behind them.
It’s ironic that the SJWs preach, “Don’t be a racist,” while at the same time fully endorsing and justifying statist authoritarian racism.
Legislation based on prejudice against groups of people seem unjust.
As an individual, one must be allowed to be as prejudiced as his hearts desire.
100% correct, and I upvoted you for your comment. You can certainly be as prejudiced as you want, against any group that you want, for whatever reason you want…
My personal belief when it comes to individual interactions, is to treat individuals as individuals and not as a part of a group.
Here’s a hypothetical for you: My furnace is broken. I call a firm to send someone out to fix it. A repairman shows up, diagnoses the problem, offers a fair price, performs the repair, and treats me with respect. If all of those criteria are met, the man’s skin color is irrelevant.
That’s what I mean by a square deal and treating individuals as such.
Spot on. Affirmate action is intended to denature,homogenize and integrate the populus into an amorphic form to then be restructured to function only within a corporate plantation with no other cultural allegiances.
Affirmative action is dehumanizing to all parties involved. It creates preferred classes of people who have special privileges codified into law. In the ultimate twist of irony, it also creates an atmosphere where one can be deemed a “racist” for speaking out against the concept that one race should be favored over another.
Imagine if it applied to other areas of life… let’s use baseball as an example…
When certain batters come to the plate, the strike zone shrinks, pitchers are asked to pitch slower, three balls equals a walk… it degrades the game and all participants in it.
Plus the receiver of the affirmative free pass will brand themselves with a career long inferiority complex because they didn’t earn their wings. John Mccain crashed two planes but still retained his wings because his father was an Admiral, so the pressure was never on to fully hone his skills. Also in the legal profession, women and lower scoring minorities veer towards activist law where they work against white males retaining any authority and men in general retaining domestic authority.
Good article, prejudice does not equate to hate. I don’t ‘hate’ termites, rather I understand the nature of the creature and don’t want them in my home to destroy it. Same goes for blacks and certain other racial groups.
I see your point, but the trouble is, we don’t just dislike the fact that termites are in our home. We exterminate them. If you look at anti-Jewish German flyers from the 1930s, you’ll see they only said Jews should be excluded from certain facets of German society. Just a few years later, the gas chambers and concentration camps started sprouting up. There is no question that Western European/European-American civilization is responsible for over 95% of what we call the civilized world, through awe-inspiring advances in science, medicine, technology, and the like, and with the exception of maybe a few Asian civilizations, European societies are without peer. But with such great power comes great responsibility. It’s very easy for the intelligent and powerful to go from talking about how useless and harmful the not so smart and not so powerful are to actually putting plans in motion to eradicate them. We should always be wary of the slippery slope.
Once the termites have invaded our home and are starting to destroy it then we have no choice but to exterminate, however we aren’t just exterminating all termites in the wild at random. The holocaust is BS.
Nobody is advocating the extermination of other racial groups, we simply want ethnostates.
I think people really need to take a look at how the ethnostate idea could work before dismissing it out of hand like the MSM pundits often do. Clearly, you’ve got a lot of people over here who just aren’t going to get along. Some “black power” guy a few years ago proposed all of the blacks migrating to two or three southern states. Seems to me that the whites would get the northeast, Midwest, and part of the south (the lion’s share, as is appropriate given that they make up over 70% of the population), the blacks would get Alabama, Georgia, and maybe Mississippi, the Hispanics would get New Mexico and Arizona, and the Asians would get California and maybe a piece of Oregon. Give the LGBTs Colorado or Utah maybe. It’s something to think about.
What happened, and could happen to the jews, is their responsability, is their problem. All they have to do is to not create problems to others. Are they able to not raise hell in well driven societies ? by the leftism, rebellion, guilt, porn, mess on traditions…
What does a Jewish woman do to her asshole?
Answer: She sends it to work, or to troll on Roosh’s comments section.
Why do my local police harass me like there’s no tomorrow when a Jewish woman complains on me, but when I wore that KKK clown hat and told a thick ass negress to suck my cawk, she laughed it off.
Jewish women are intolerant and they have no sense of humor.
I don’t buy that you live in the Northeast around Jews and would be up close to one. You strike me as being from a Red State with zero Jews in your city or exurb.
I’m a 60 year-old white male who’s worked in a scrap metal yard in the urban-core of a large crime ridden/black ridden midwestern city for 11 years now. I work with black males, Hispanic males and females, the owner’s snowflake libtard children, white trash mudshark drama queens with trophy bastards by multiple black baby daddies, and the usual feminized male managers. With the exception of a small group of us white males, the place is a feces hole spinning around the drain, full of SJW Trump haters, white male haters (funny, we few white males run the cranes, shears, balers, torch metal, run weigh scales, drive the trucks, and risk life and limb daily in extreme heat or cold for chump change to generate WEALTH and contribute to the economy while our female and minority colleagues belly ache about how oppressed they are, and they work hard at not working at all!!), and full of some of the most slothful entitlement dolts I’ve ever seen in my life! Blacks act and live like animals, in fact, my Keeshond dog, and my Bengal cat, are cleaner and more genteel than the vast majority of blacks! I’ve also had office jobs in the past that were filled to the brim with psychotic problem women who ran wild through the places like petulant children having temper tantrums. Packs of hyena hag demons who bullied, abused, and falsely accused their unfortunate colleagues of every vile act possible. So yes, I have a very dim view of women, blacks, and liberals. I call a “spade a spade” (pardon the pun).
Don’t tell me, that town has had a string of Jewish mayors and the choicest historic parts of the city went all black in the 60s. Actually, during the 50s the Klan in the south ran intimidation against rural southern blacks and then preachers with schoolbusses came south promising blacks a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow with jobs up north and cheap nice city houses in rust belt neighborhoods undergoing white flight. Blacks got pennies on the dollar for real tillable sharecrop plots down south in exchange for rowhouses up north from Anacostia to Chicago. Droves of southern blacks poured into the cities as lenders footed the bill to build a mega white suburbia, further mortgaging the whites. Inner city Detroit, Indy, PBurg were all seeded with super fertile black transplants but the rural parts of the states remained red as hell, conservative and white. Presently the white rural areas are under a different type of assault where pharmaco teams with illicit drug and opiate pipelines. The judiciary plays catcher’s mit position, thereby funneling more rural real property into the county drawer. We’ve been gamed again.
Today you can barely find a rust belt city that hasn’t been jewed to the bone, like a festering boil on western culture, like an out of control tire fire smoldering smack in the middle of the state. The culture wipe, the doping and running of vice, it’s all there.
Meant “Trophies ???” of course…
Wow, this reference was a great article:
When you argue with a large majority of people, you can be pretty sure that if you even use an argument based on solid facts (“Single mothers are more likely to raise children with learning difficulties”, “Blacks are more likely to end up in jail”, etc.), your interlocutor will automatically assess that you put all women/all single mothers/all Blacks/etc. in the same bag.
A large majority of people (not only women) are simply incapable to use logic and are driven by their emotions, so they’ll always look at prejudices from a negative perspective.
Tell You what:
Put a group of people onto an empty island! ALL WHITE!
Put a group of people onto another empty island! ALL BACKS/BROWNS/MUZZIE FUCKS!
Let’s say for argument’s sake that ALL these people are getting taken away from urban environments!
Let’s say for argument’s sake that ALL these people HAVING THE SAME TOOLS, THE SAME AMOUNT OF FOOD, THE SAME AMOUNT OF DRINKING WATER, MEDICAL KITS! <<—All starts as EQUAL at the beginning! ( FAIR GAME POLICY! )
You can possibly bet your life on THIS, that 95-98% of this whole situation judged by separately as individual communities……. the WHITES will sooner than later solve their personal conflicts ( or throw the non cooperative individuals OUT from their ranks! ) and START building and developing a strong community BASED UPON SURVIVAL and CARE for another, aiming for some common GOAL which would benefit this newly born tribe! ! ! <<> This JEW will try EVERY single dirty trick or manipulative verbal machination to GAIN the upper hand over the white females/resources/food/male policing power of the WHITE TRIBE!!! <<<—And the tribe would decay as so many nations did through time! – IF they LET him HAPPEN..!
( ..hence the nature of the parasite..! )
I didn’t read this nowhere, My own thoughts and THIS WOULD FUCKING COME TRUE LIKE 99 CASES FROM THE 100 IF IT WOULD HAPPEN!!!
Beat that!
Correct analysis. The black island would quickly run our of resources and regress to a primitive lifestyle, e.g. cannibalism, tribal warfare, etc.
..the blacks / browns / muzzie rats IMMEDIATELY start jumping to each another’s throat BASED UPON LOWER IQ / SURVIVAL INSTINCT ( males ) / TRIBAL HIERARCHY ( based upon individual testosterone level and physical abilities! ) ! ! !
Probably the most cunning/ruthless would prevail..
Practically saying: They will EAT each other on the process ( NO progress! ) for survival!
( IF would be a good minded individual amongst them, that would part with these members of the group sooner or immediately and would try everything to gain membership to the newly built WHITE community! )
BUT!!! And here’s this BIG BUT:
Inside the island of the WHITE community….
..JUST PUT ONE SINGLE JEW ( male / from the same urban environment! ), JUST 1!!!
–>> This JEW will try EVERY single dirty trick or manipulative verbal machination to GAIN the upper hand over the white females/resources/food/male policing power of the WHITE TRIBE!!! <<<—And the tribe would decay as so many nations did through time! – IF they LET him HAPPEN..!
( ..hence the nature of the parasite..! )
I’ve written about the Mars-colonization version of this.
Start one Mars colony with healthy, competent, conservative white people with normal sexuality.
And then start a separate Mars colony based on social-justice ideology, where you collect the blacks, Hispanics, Muslims, feminists, gays, transgenders, bugmen and so forth.
Ceteris paribus, the colony with functional white people will more likely succeed.
I especially don’t see the point of sending gays and transgenders on colonization missions, and not just because they won’t breed. The normal colonists have more important things to worry about than the stupid drama men with broken sexuality bring along with them.
You mean broken men with stupid sexuality.
I will add, all of the wiggers who I knew in highschool either overdosed, got shot, committed suicide, or went to prison (15 years later.) That includes my next door neighbor, who became a wigger, started selling heroin, robbing people at gunpoint, and eventually got locked up. All of this to prove they could fit into the thug culture that rap music has made so popular.
I was quiet, avoided confrontation, and moved out of that neighborhood ASAP. I’m doing pretty good now, even sending money to my parents. Every now and then at a club I run into thugs who want trouble, but I know where that ends. No need to prove “diversity works,” I just leave. I have a LOT more to live for than they do.
I knew a a few drug dealers in high school too.
One became a police sergeant and makes over $130K/year. True story.
Good practice, David. I’ve learned the hard way as a now old man to pick your battles wisely, and there’s no shame standing down and backing away, especially when dealing with half-wits and morally bankrupt wiggers, blacks, psychotic women, and any other miscreatants.
You piss taking lil’ bearded ……!
You r a fuked up Nazi phag boy.
Local American police are likely to violate the US Constitution and Bill of Rights for a Jewess cunt.
I’ve done pranks even in tense states like Missouri and Alabama, and not one negress ever complained on me to police to harass me. They even laugh at me and only wave their finger to tell me that I should stop that joke.
These fvcking Jewish cunts have no sense of humor.
Tell You what:
Put a group of people onto an empty island! ALL WHITE!
Put a group of people onto another empty island! ALL BACKS/BROWNS/MUZZIE FUCKS!
Let’s say for argument’s sake that ALL these people are getting taken away from urban environments!
Let’s say for argument’s sake that ALL these people HAVING THE SAME TOOLS, THE SAME AMOUNT OF FOOD, THE SAME AMOUNT OF DRINKING WATER, MEDICAL KITS! <<—All starts as EQUAL at the beginning! ( FAIR GAME POLICY! )
You can possibly bet your life on THIS, that 95-98% of this whole situation judged by separately as individual communities……. the WHITES will sooner than later solve their personal conflicts ( or throw the non cooperative individuals OUT from their ranks! ) and START building and developing a strong community BASED UPON SURVIVAL and CARE for another, aiming for some common GOAL which would benefit this newly born tribe! ! ! <<> This JEW will try EVERY single dirty trick or manipulative verbal machination to GAIN the upper hand over the white females/resources/food/male policing power of the WHITE TRIBE!!! <<<—And the tribe would decay as so many nations did through time! – IF they LET him HAPPEN..!
( ..hence the nature of the parasite..! )
I didn’t read this nowhere, My own thoughts and THIS WOULD FUCKING COME TRUE LIKE 99 CASES FROM THE 100 IF IT WOULD HAPPEN!!!
Beat that!
Yeah, to me it’s funny that when you try to eat like your ancestors, it’s called “paleonutrition,” and that is allegedly healthy.
But when you think like your ancestors, instead of calling that “paleocognition,” it’s called prejudice, ignorance, superstition, racism, sexism, homophobia, hate and cognitive biases, and those are supposedly bad things.
Theodore Dalympre: “In Praise of Prejudice” (good title isn’t it). Great book, basically was my greatest red pill.
I live in South Korea, sometimes I really can’t stand the place then I read things like this and all of a sudden I’m reminded
of how lucky I am and how wise it was to leave the third worldification of the Western behind.
More red meat for bitter losers in the “manosphere”.
Hey Sigmund Frued, you know that the term “neuroticism” within the Big Five isn’t what you think it means, right? Are you even aware of what the five-factor model is? Here’s a tip, friend: If you’re going to use a random academic journal to support your argument, you might want to actually read it first.
You know who’s most prejudice against black people? Other black people. I made a meme on a Facebook group that “Stop Snitching” didn’t become popular because we’re afraid of the police. It’s because us black people are scared of our neighbors. There’s something to be said when doing the right thing can get you in all kinds of trouble. Rappers or athletes don’t stick around in the ghettos they grew up in. We know too many of the people here are not to be trusted. Chris Rock had a comedy bit about “niggas that live next door to you, that will break into your house and then come over the next day and go; I heard you got robbed.” It’s funny that we know, and usually from experience, what to expect from our own people. But, will fight tooth and nail if someone else points it out. Black people know that if there’s say a house party with other minorities especially if their young, things will almost certainly not end without some serious incident. Myself and some people I know won’t go to parties like that for that reason.
Humans are great at recognizing patterns, we learn and survive like that. There’s nothing sinister about evolutionary traits. The problem is people who don’t want to admit that there are inherit dangers within their own community that have not been worked out. Just ignored as “racist” being racist.” And the sores being allowed to fester.
It’s perfectly natural to hate a Jewess cunt after she sent your local police to harass you like if you committed blasphemy against God or something in that league.
What does a Jewish woman do inside a concentration camp?
Answer: Send her asshole to work in the opera near Auschwitz.
How did you meet this Jewess. Sounds personal bro. I think your wife left you and you are a Jew sir.
Eric Hoffer, the working-class philosopher of San Francisco, called prejudices, “… the testicles of my mind.”
Some of the comments on here are just fucking savage lol
Asking People To Have Sex With My Girlfriend
Prejudice is good for you -but if you speak it or write it down you, and ONLY YOU white-cuck, will be banned, censored, criminalized or removed. Welcome to THEIR nightmare you boot-licking scum!
Our purpose as men and women is to be STRAIGHT and to have as many children as possible. The neglect of this biological need by both men and women is why America is falling. Seeing a gay person, a woman with short troll colored hair, someone of mixed race, seeing a woman who is obscenely fat (fat men do not elicit the same response because fat men can still biologically reproduce), seeing alcoholics, drug addicts, the reason this is repulsive to so many is because all these listed things affect the health and well being of our children! The rates of depression and suicide are high among women because they are delaying childbirth. Divorce rates are high because society LIES to us and tells us “This car/house/outfit/phone” is what you NEED. It also tells us we NEED to be a bitch which is such a lie. What we NEED are children and good husbands and good wives. Mentally emotionally and physically sound children. Men and women. Divorce and all the above RUINS a child it has been proven time and again.
Gotta disagree with you here. Prejudice is hardly close to wisdom, more like a knee jerk reaction useful in surviving dangerous or unknown situations which can and do oftentimes fail us when dealing with complex issues. Burke himself said: “ prejudice is prejudgment, the answer with which intuition and ancestral consensus of opinion supply a man when he lacks either time or knowledge to arrive at a decision predicated upon pure reason.” The man furthermore explains that prejudice can devolve into bigotry, but I needn’t go there.
It’s meant to be the fallback for one’s fallback, not a crutch, not a set of metaphorical bionic legs with which to propel your ideology. When you have the time, resources, and ability to think and act rationally, you should do so. It’s a prejudice of sorts that keeps animals from ingesting toxic fuana known to be the demise of their species, it’s intelligence followed by wisdom that allows humans to use the same toxic substances for medicine in the right doses.
So no, prejudice is not the same thing as street smarts or good decision making. I understand where you’re coming from; there are certain common sense attributes that prejudice can enhance, the fear of strangers, especially groups of strangers, but it isn’t as simple as “a white or northeast Asian person should avoid large groups of blacks”. Any person should avoid any large group under the right – or rather, wrong – conditions. It feels like the article is weighted more as an apologist tract than an avocation of listening to one’s instinctual thought processes when the situation calls for it.
I am not saying that prejudices should guide us always and forever, but rather that some of them are beneficial, given that they are based on sound reasoning and/or unimpeachable data. Like I said, a man should be flexible in his way of thinking and acting. Sometimes he shold just relax, even if he is in Latin Amercica. It’s about situation and context.
Noted, thanks for clarifying.