Should Young Men Enroll In The Air Force Academy?

The United States Air Force Academy, located in Colorado Springs, CO, is the Air Force’s premiere learning institution. Graduating approximately 20 percent of the Air Force’s new officers each year, maintaining high standards among its cadets and future graduates is integral to accomplishing the Air Force’s mission: “to fly, fight and win—in air, space, and cyberspace.”

With recent scandals—including the 2017 sexual assault scandal and the Academy’s recent overreaction to a false flag racist attack—young men interested in a career in the armed forces need to ask themselves this question: is the Air Force Academy worth attending?

The Good

Unlike most civilian institutions, the Air Force Academy isn’t a walk in the park. Upon arrival, basic cadets will endure a six-week long Basic Cadet Training (BCT), where many will begin their transition into the military. The basic cadets will experience new stresses: cold showers, sleep deprivation, eating at attention, quote memorization, personal and dormitory hygiene, and grueling PT.

At the conclusion of BCT, the newly minted doolies (fourth-class cadets) take the Cadet Honor Oath: “We will not lie, steal, or cheat, nor tolerate among us anyone who does.” They are then accepted into the cadet wing.

Most people pay for this kind of fun.

After BCT, doolies must endure a nine-month probationary status where they maintain heightened standards, including keeping their rooms in perfect order, attending biweekly training sessions, memorizing Air Force knowledge for weekly knowledge tests, and not consuming any media (Facebook, Netflix, etc.), all on top of rigorous academics.

Doolie year culminates with Recognition, an abridged “hell week” where the limits of each cadet are met and broken. During this period, most doolies develop close ties with their squadmates, developing friendships and camaraderie for years to come.

After doolie year, the Air Force Academy continues to challenge its cadets. During the summer, the Air Force Academy offers Expeditionary Survival and Evasion Training, teaching cadets the basics of survival and combat. Also during the summer, the Academy challenges cadets with Jump Training, being the only program in the country where students jump without an instructor or static line for their first jump, as well as the Soaring and Powered Flight programs.

Once cadets have taken these programs, the Academy then offers cadets summer leadership roles, teaching some cadets to be instructors for each program.

Training has never been this fun.

During the academic year, cadets must take physically challenging classes, including boxing, unarmed combat, basic weight lifting, and the dreaded water haze (water survival). After their doolie year, cadets are given leadership positions within their squadrons and academics become more difficult. By their firstie (senior) year, the cadets have embraced operation graduation and motivation peaks.

Besides introducing challenges, the Air Force Academy offers many perks. Cadets who work hard and succeed academically are given opportunities to work with high-level government officials, influence national policy, and work on cutting-edge projects, such as redesigning the F-22’s wing and inventing lightweight, bullet resistant armor. They also receive paid internships with the NSA, the national labs, or with big names in private industry.

The best part: the Air Force Academy is “free” to attend. You are actually paid to attend a four-year university and get your bachelor’s degree, an expected value of $450,000 (when you include extracurricular programs). On top of that, you have a guaranteed job as an officer in the U.S. Air Force. Furthermore, if you want a rated (flying) position in the Air Force, almost half of the previous class (480) got rated positions, with 386 members going to pilot training.

Of course, few things in your life has feel as good as hearing the Thunderbirds roar overhead as you graduate and throw your hat in the air.

Few things ever match the feeling of satisfaction you get when you can leave “the zoo” forever.

The Bad

The military—and by extension the Air Force Academy—is fundamentally one of the most progressive institution in the United States. As we have seen with Congress pushing women into combat roles and the DOJ allowing transgendered individuals to enlist, actual combat effectiveness is (at minimum) second to the current social order.

What does this mean for young men? Well, that false sexual assault accusation might not just get you kicked out of college, and that racial slur might not just get you berated by your professor. A cadet is a member of the military and subject to the Articles of the UCMJ. Getting caught for violating rules at the Air Force Academy often leads to far worse punishments than similar infractions at civilian institutions.

Basic cadets rethinking their choice in college.

Similarly, young men will be discriminated against, especially if you are a white male. While women make up about 25 percent of the cadet wing, a disproportionate number of women end up with leadership positions and military accolades. If you want to ranked the best as a male cadet, you have to work significantly harder and be overwhelmingly better than your competition.

Of course, even if you work hard, the Air Force Academy’s military rankings are mostly subjective and getting a high rank is ultimately a popularity contest, where the cadet leadership’s friends and brown-nosers usually get the best rankings.

Many of the Academy’s clubs work in a similar way. The Wings of Blue, the Academy’s jump team, is notorious for only picking hot girls and cool guys, completely disregarding an individual’s aptitude for parachuting. If you are boring, like most young men with the grades and aptitude to get into the Air Force Academy, your avenues for success will be limited.

Finally, there is the stupid shit. The Air Force Academy worships football, forcing cadets to pay for and attend every game as well as alcohol-less tailgates in a dry stadium. Cadets cannot engage in sexual contact with other cadets in the dorms without the threat of expulsion. Many cadet girls, being only 25 percent or less of their class, develop massive egos that are perpetuated by “falcon goggles” (seeing women as far more attractive than they really are because you hang out with so many men).

Marching every day, mandatory meals, mandatory fun, the sex gap… there is an endless buffet of stupid shit.

Football first, football before self, and football in all we do.

At the end of the day, you can also get shot at in Uncle Sam’s wars and might die for a cause that you don’t believe in. You will earn, with blood, sweat, and tears, all of the benefits and privileges of military service.


In conclusion, there are massive upsides to attending the Air Force Academy: a free education, room and board, and a guaranteed job afterwards. There are also several downsides that young men will face if they decide to attend. I recommend that, if you get the opportunity to attend, keep your nose to the grindstone and treat it like any other job. Fortunately, life does get better after graduation, even if the military bureaucracy gets worse.

Read More: Race Hoax: Black US Air Force Cadet Caught Writing Anti-Black Slurs On Dorm Doors

43 thoughts on “Should Young Men Enroll In The Air Force Academy?”

    Short answer: No!
    Long answer:
    All wars are fake wars.
    Some are short and some are long,
    but all wars are ‘created’.
    Every war is a war of secrets.
    Wars with the greatest number of secrets take the longest.
    A war without secrets is ‘a bashing, a mugging, or a trial run’.
    Every war is a social experiment whose end
    is always ‘new ways of controlling the masses’.
    All wars are a front for creating social change.

    1. I’d contemplated military in my youth. In short, I came up the these same general conclusions… the war I would be fighting was for some shady ass bureaucrats that sold me the “nation first” crap, which had nothing to do with my well being, or my neighbors in the long run. What’s sad to me is we really do churn out some very capable tacticioners of their crafts, so many brain washed, with faith in men very well organized in a military hierarchy to not lead them astray (or this nation). All I have to say is the Iraq War, and the undoing of the Iraq War’s results with the next administration. To say after that, there’s any reason to join the military except now to “hope” it’s to “keep our nation safe,” and a steady paycheck, pension, and free schooling is cannon fodder. Trump is a guy I’d probably fight for, but now I’m too old anyways. Bush 1 – Clinton, Bush 2, Obama… no way. And even re. Trump, his hands are tied in so many directions, we can only trust in the highest military to exercise the country’s best interest at this point. The problem is, any war we fight under Trump will be due to the screw-ups of 2 decades of national mismanagement.

    2. Finally someone who gets it. This is the reason why I will not enroll for any US Defence related jobs.
      1. You will be slave to someone else’s ambitions. The military industrial complex, Hillary Clinton or some other scumbag.
      2. I do not want to be part of the bullshit wars that US imposes on others at huge cost.
      3. They do not pay well and do not take care of you properly if you need medical help.
      Ask yourself this:
      Do you really want to endure all that trouble and die for some politician or bureaucrats sitting in his air conditioned Washington DC government housing ?

  2. Should an American male join any branch of the military?
    Absolutely not.
    All branches are converged, almost as hopelessly converged as the NFL, and unlike most jobs, that convergence could easily get you killed.
    As for “all of the benefits and privileges of military service”, what the fuck are those? Shitty VA healthcare? No advantage, probably even a disadvantage, for many job opportunities? The occasional perfunctory “Thanks for your service” from strangers?
    Joining up, as things currently are, is a sucktastic idea. DOn’t do it

    1. I joined because I enjoy flying high performance aircraft. That’s my main benefit and privilege.

      1. Good for you, but about 1% of people in an airforce actually fly aircraft. The rest are ancilliares. And no I didn’t down vote you, that was there before I commented.

        1. Right now 99% of all the pilot qualified (health, eyes, etc) Air Force Academy Grads that want to, get a shot at flying (IE get pilot training). It will be that way for the foreseeable future.

  3. We have pointed out far too many times that military service is pozzed, blue pilled, and a total 180 to the fairly strong libertarian ideals that a lot of us in the manosphere hold.
    Being a 36 year old enlistee and having to salute 22 year old junior officers while your just patiently trying to finish off your 20 years service before you get a pension sounds like cuck heaven to me.

    1. It’s been like that for literally thousands of years. Those junior officers know their place, and if they don’t, they’ll get an attitude correction soon enough

      1. Actually, no.
        Officer and Enlisted ranks are an invention of the modern (i.e. post 1500’s) professional military when there was still a difference between nobility and commoners.
        Take for example the Imperial Roman Army, the bulk of their command was made up of Centurions who earned rank through exceptional service. The Imperial Roman Army had a larger pool of experienced soldiers to pull from since enlistments were 25 years. There were no 22 year olds pulling rank ordering 35 year old grunts around.
        Now the High Command of the Roman Army could have some appointed Patricians, but the Romans were nothing if not practical and it would be rare for a Tribune to run around shouting orders to legionaires.
        Even Medieval Armies where nobility commanded the equivalent of the Officer class were made up of seasoned warfighters, often the Knights had to pony up a shit ton of cash, supplies, and men something a 22 year old rarely had command of.

  4. Rated Air Force officer here (that means I fly planes for cash). Air Force Academy graduates are fucking weird as hell, because they have been in this incestuous bubble for four years without the social feedback from the outside world. They usually make really annoying Lieutenants, and if they’re lucky they’ll get fucked with enough by the rest of the officers until they begin to act normal and less nerdy around the time they put on Captain. And that’s for rated officers; they may never become normal outside of that career field.
    Going out with them is a lost cause; their idea of fun is to stay at home on a Friday night and play Risk, or go see a movie. When they do go out, they travel in packs of twelve and never talk to girls unless they’re super drunk, and the results are spectacularly hilarious. Their threshold for a girl’s attractiveness is low, as well as the behavior they’ll put up with.
    They tend to cluster together socially and rarely ever let anyone into their little circle; not a big issue when everyone’s in training and they’re the loser nerds, but it does become an issue when you’re a higher rank competing for a position and the one making the decision is from the Academy.
    The female Academy grads have an extremely warped sense of their sexual market value; they get very confused when they go on Active Duty and the non-academy officers don’t supplicate to them immediately. Makes running into them at the bar very interesting, because they’re not used to being ignored by their peers, who went to a normal college and have had outrageous experience with girls that are much more attractive than them and less pretentious.
    And the goddamn worshiping of football is the most useless thing ever. Fuck academy kids, and any of them are reading this, take all this shit into account and unfuck yourself immediately.

    1. (From below, but it really needs to be moved up here. Thanks in advance for your understanding.)
      “…where they maintain heightened standards, including keeping their rooms in perfect order, attending biweekly training sessions, memorizing Air Force knowledge for weekly knowledge tests, and not consuming any media (Facebook, Netflix, etc.), all on top of rigorous academics.”
      Sounds like a cult. You know, where they cut off all contact with the outside world and brainwash you. Exhaustion, Sleep Deprivation, Mind-Numbing rote memorization aka “Chanting.” We can go on and on here.
      Add to that the well documented Born-Again-Christian proselytizing at the AF academy, and you have a case for a factory that cranks out Millennialist/ Dispensationalist nutjobs with their finger on the trigger.
      (Add to the the repeated cheating scandals, instructors privately reporting the incompetence to their students… We’re hardly talking about the best and brightest.)
      Go ahead. Look all this stuff up. You’ll be stunned.
      Just a thought.

  5. Just to clarify, you dont enroll in USAFA. Its a competitive process and roughly 1,200 which amounts to less than 10% acceptance rate.
    I am a USAFA graduate and cucked or whatever other label you want to attach to me, I saw no other way to spend 20 years flying the B-52 than serving.

    1. Are you an Airline pilot now?
      If so, does your military pension + airline pilot salary, in your mind, justify the years you put in?
      Just curious. Thanks.

      1. No sir, I work for a private defense contractor. That has been great and it does pay considerably more than flying for an airline.

    2. I said the enlistees are cucked, because the older 30-something guys would have to salute your young, dumb, and full of cum 22 year old bitch ass.

  6. I wonder if all this fanfare of the American army really generates better soldiers. I understand the American army is the best, but that mainly due to resources and technology, why all this shouting and weird shit is necessary? I have been in a pretty decent army myself and the American way seems really over the top with no apparent reason. Also, why so many veterans has PSTD and are homeless? what are you guys doing there to screw up your people so much that they develop all those mental problems?

    1. Combat veterans with PTSD is pretty standard for any armed force in the world today. Its part of the job, but its made worse due to shitty rules of engagement(made up by feminists and lawyers with no real life combat experience).

      1. PTSD wasn’t a “thing” until we titled it recently. What we’re calling “PTSD” was ALWAYS a thing in every war and much, much more so before modern combat. It’s almost synonymous with the “safe space” community. They used to call it “shell shock,” or “war torn soldier.” We don’t even fight enough high volume battles due to technology to be so heavily focused on PTSD. Is it an issue? Of course, but compare it to Namm, Korea, WW2, WW1, Civil War, 1812, or Revolutionary War and it’s pampering in comparison of casualties.

  7. I disagree. If young men don’t joining the military, that would be men retreating from the most masculine of all spaces. I will give you one potential dystopian outcome if real Americans boycott the military – The military is taken over by feminists, lesbians and trans and they millions of import 3rd World hyper masculine men (uncivilized thugs and barbarians) to be grunts in their slave army which they use to not only fight foreign wars (mostly in the name of “liberating” women) but also civil wars against real Americans.

    1. Where my concern lies now is – as you’ll read in the comments – many vets are more focused on how the military made their lives better in terms of employment, skillset, stability, experiences, etc. I strongly feel more people joined in the past to truly fight the evils of the world, rather than a road-map for a successful life laid out where if you just follow steps 1-20, you’ll be setting pretty. The issue lies that the “evils” of the world have been revealed to – in some instances – having been conjured by the very world leaders in charge of the military in the first place. The fact that the military even allows gays, trans into it should signal a major turning point in our national security, the reality being that by default in that case, no number of badass, tough, intellectually brilliant, strategists can undo that softening – even if only by impression – of what this legislation has done. If I’m a MMA fighter and I know your left knee is bunk, I’m going to attack it and win. The rest of the world’s militaries are thinking that about us right now.

  8. I disagree. If young men don’t joining the military, that would be men retreating from the most masculine of all spaces. No? I will give you one potential dystopian outcome if real Americans boycott the military – The military is taken over by feminists, lesbians and trans and they millions of 3rd World hyper masculine men (uncivilized thugs and barbarians) to be grunts in their slave army which they use to not only fight foreign wars (mostly in the name of “liberating” women) but also civil wars against real Americans.

    1. Your logic is flawed because you think the modern military is a masculine place. It is not anymore. Far from it.

  9. Reading that made me soo glad i went navy 10 years ago. Basic training was an absolute cake walk. Everybody passed. Even Mullen with his 1.5 pushup maximum. Bootcamp food was over the top satisfying(compared to batchlor meals) 8hrs sleep mandatory(red night lights sucked & everybody talking way past lights out) Pt was a joke. Mostly folded uniforms & cleaned shit. I didnt get broken down. I didnt get built back up! Lol

  10. If you go stay far away from any women cadets. Stick only to groups of guys. Had a first who worked in the JAG office there for two years and he would swear that false rape/harassment percent was 75%.

  11. A few random points. I wanted to be a zoomie (dad was career USAF) but got into USNA instead. WTH I thought, the Navy flies too (but see below). I once told a zoomie what a pain the Navy was, with old traditions no one could now explain which made no sense. His riposte? USAFA is only since 1959 or so (USMA since 1802, USNA since 1845) and so they were inventing ‘traditions’ all the time – how would you like to be in a place like that? Good point. Also, the cadet uniforms were designed by Cecil B. DeMille of Hollywood fame, and look like it. (Navy is the only academy (ok, coasties and merchant mariners too) where most of the middy uniforms also work in the fleet, it’s just that after 4 years they’re worn or sweated out or too heavy or whatever, but they could work if needed; not so for USMA and USAFA. And as article points out, the lefties have been using the US military as a social experiment (because they follow orders) since the late 1940s, so now today’s USAFA commandant is a dyke – how weird is that? Well at least you have something in common, you both like pussy (I assure you, there’s no way she’s the femme in the relationship, you know, just like Ellen ain’t (see Portia di Rossi and decide who’s who)). Well, my eyes went south at USNA and the Navy (and Marines) use the 20/20 eye test as an absolute cutoff device for flight school, some bullshit about landing on carriers being sooo hard, but if you get in to Pensacola and then they go, so long as correctable to 20/20 (and they like you) it’s ok, but not at the front end, whereas at USAFA (assuming nothing’s changed) where they take their mission to produce pilots seriously, you could have up to 20/50 (correctable to 20/20) and still qualify to go to flight school. So there’s that. To wrap up: back in the day the ‘cost’ of the academy education was said to be $50K (ha!), but I don’t dispute the $450K figure for today, but either way, using my numbers, we used to say that USNA [insert appropriate academy here] was a great $50K education, rammed up your ass a nickel at a time! Too true. Alpha Mike Foxtrot.

  12. The criticisms regarding progressivism would apply to any corporate, government or academic institution in America. Entering an elite institution that is free and will provide bonus points on most employment applications doesn’t seem to have serious disadvantages. The student just needs to have the right attitude and enter with the intention of furthering his self-interest and not out of some deranged notion of public services. And the chances of the US going to war against a country with a significant air force is almost zero.

    1. If you’re responding to my comment, as of today, sadly, you may be right, the leftist view has permeated many places, but again I come back to the essential point which you’ve not appreciated: it often starts with the services because they follow orders (and the Secretary of Defense works for the White House, not the services or servicemembers). Now, not all of these things are bad per se, but I’m just pointing out the timeline: 1) racial integration of society, US military, 1947, by presidential edict, Truman; Brown v. Board of Ed., for civilian schools, 1954, US Supreme Court; Civil Rights Act of 1964 (there were also earlier similarly named acts, e.g., 1866, 1870, 1875, but this was the big recent one), US Congress; 2) equal work rights for women, US military, women at service academies, US Congress, 1975 law, first women enrolled 1976; Equal Rights (constitutional) Amendment, US Congress 1972, never ratified by enough states, 1977, extended to 1982, fail; 3) gays in military, 1982 official DoD incompatibility; ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ sort-of exemption, Clinton administration, 1993-2011; full acceptance by law, Obama administration, 2010, effective 2011; 2013, Obama administration, gay marriage upheld, US Supreme Ct [the signal point re gays in the military is how pervasive over time were the prohibitions, which were then flipped by the liberal Obama administration getting legislation through Congress, followed by failing to defend the DOMA in the Sup. Ct.; see
      Anyway, the points are rough but I think it holds true that the US military is often a social experiment lab for whatever is du jour in the fetid social experimental world, without genuine regard for the effect on combat capability or effectiveness. Women in combat? Why not, it’s an important step in career development – but not whether the girls should actually be in combat. Women on board ships? Sure why not – except that those ineligible for duty at any time are like 20+% because of pregnancy, all paid for by your tax dollars. You couldn’t figure a more effective inner rot to degrade the military if you tried. Well, the social justice warriorettes did try, and prevailed. I can’t wait until a whole lot of them start coming home in body bags, to their parents’ dismay, maybe then they’ll understand.

      1. Delete the %5D from the link in the above comment for it to work – the last word in the link is ‘timeline’.

  13. US military casualties from the founding until 1917 (not counting the civil war)? About 30,000. The US grew large and rich while the Europeans slaughtered each other. Then we forgot the teachings of the founders, became enamored with empire, balance of power wars and large peacetime militaries. We’ve been in decline ever since.

    Only if you intend to do away with your fellow Chemtrail pilots.

  15. Those cadets are tough as nails.
    When i was in the AF ROTC,
    i remember one morning
    it was zero degrees while
    i was wearing very short
    hair; only to see a video
    on TV about cadets in
    freezing temps, with
    even shorter hair!!
    At my graduation
    from Lackland;
    cadets were on
    the field during
    the bomber run
    and boy did they
    knew how to walk
    really fast in 120
    degree temps!!!

  16. “…where they maintain heightened standards, including keeping their rooms in perfect order, attending biweekly training sessions, memorizing Air Force knowledge for weekly knowledge tests, and not consuming any media (Facebook, Netflix, etc.), all on top of rigorous academics.”
    Sounds like a cult. You know, where they cut off all contact with the outside world and brainwash you. Exhaustion, Sleep Deprivation, Mind-Numbing rote memorization aka “Chanting.” We can go on and on here.
    Add to that the well documented Born-Again-Christian proselytizing at the AF academy, and you have a case for a factory that cranks out Millennialist/ Dispensationalist nutjobs with their finger on the trigger.
    (Add to the the repeated cheating scandals, instructors privately reporting the incompetence to their students… We’re hardly talking about the best and brightest.)
    Go ahead. Look all this stuff up. You’ll be stunned.
    Just a thought.

  17. Looking back, we tend to remember the good and not the bad but…I did not particularly enjoy my 4 years at this fine institution. I don’t think it is intended to be “enjoyed” and as my son is learning at USNA (Class of 2021); if you want to succeed, you better “get comfortable with being uncomfortable”. I agree and add that “they can make it harder but they can’t make it longer”. I attended and persevered to garner a USAF pilot training slot. I have made aviation a successful and lucrative career as I currently enjoy my position as a Captain at a major US airline. I am thankful for the training, experiences and opportunities the US Air Force afforded me. However, knowing what I know now, if I had to do it all over again; I would have joined the Guard!

  18. Ah, the Chair Force. 6 week boot. Marine Corps is 13 weeks. Not saying it’s bad, just ribbing you a bit. Definitely the ‘smartest’ branch.

  19. Notice the Trend-
    “How to Date a Co-Worker”
    “Masculine Men Are Natural Environmentalists”
    Pure fucking PROP-A-GAN-DA!
    Do NOT support ANYTHING in this shit country that demands your over-effort, sacrifice, financial support, monopolized time, etc.. ~
    ESPECIALLY the USELESS military.
    For 100 years and untold TRILLIONS of dollars what has the Air Force achieved?
    Just another useless pack of faggots.

  20. Notice Blue Robots Picture #1
    The “Few Good Men” Motto has been replaced…
    by what?
    Excellent Service?
    Where are they?
    WALMART?????~~~ :-p

  21. If anybody got in my face like the animal in Basic Cadets Picture Number #5
    I would literally gut him like a pig and make him eat his own entrails as he died.

  22. The Wings of Blue, the Academy’s jump team, is notorious for only picking hot girls and cool guys, completely disregarding an individual’s aptitude for parachuting. If you are boring, like most young men with the grades and aptitude
    Reason #483283 that women ruin everything.

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