Superbowl Sunday: Roosh Live #8 At 2PM EST

I’m doing a call-in live stream at 2pm EST today that I expect to be more interesting than the Superbowl. Call-in details are in the YouTube description box.

Postscript: Start the video at 12:39. I had technical difficulties before then.

This comes after Roosh Live #7 was brought down for a “deceptive title.” After appealing, it is now back online.

If you received value from this video, consider supporting my work by buying one of my books at Roosh V Store or making a donation through the Roosh Boosters Club. I also appreciate donations via Bitcoin, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, or Monero.

  • Bitcoin: 15nepsskTk3yw4XXG68WRgZSvbXFN59Mh5
  • Litecoin: LL5XXBi5kuWNTd9Hhn33UY4Fp4FtknFkWi
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Visit my Youtube channel and hit the Subscribe and Notification button to get notified when I go live next time.

Previously: Tradthots Call-In Live Stream With Nick Fuentes, Laura Loomer, Davis Aurini, And Myself

18 thoughts on “Superbowl Sunday: Roosh Live #8 At 2PM EST”

  1. Its been clear as day that you are being actively targeted. You are probably on some list. All pretenses of objectivity in the media and Silicon valley are long dead.
    It speaks highly of your body of work that such efforts are being taken to bring you down.

    1. You don’t write like the original “jack” in the manosphere, who was terse and biting. I can tell you’re a different guy, definitely newer. Maybe you aren’t aware that there was another “jack”, but I just don’t want people to be confused.

        1. Actually, if you Google “no rings for sluts,” you’ll find a really good Dalrock article.

      1. I see . You are minding what other people are allowed to read based on your subjective opinion?
        Who is tyrannical here? You crazy leftists censoring everyone from your insane PC positions. Your reign of terror is coming to and end shortly and the backlash will be grand and WELL DESERVED!

      2. “You don’t write like the original “jack” in the manosphere, who was terse and biting. I can tell you’re a different guy, definitely newer. Maybe you aren’t aware that there was another “jack”, but I just don’t want people to be confused.
        Your own words are very telling and convicting of your selfish intent,

  2. Speaking of the Big Game, I see T Mobile is jumping on the Social Justice Warrior bandwagon with the ad featuring the angry woman’s voice-over “demand(ing) equal pay” while the camera hovers over all the non-White babies. And the pink background at the end with the words, “Are you with us?” was a nice touch. More like: “You’re either with us or against us.”

    1. Did it show any fair-skinned Asian babies? They are statistically going to grow up being more successful than Whites on average. Arrested and imprisoned less on a per capita basis as well.
      Somehow the SJW’s always gloss over this demographic…. doesn’t fit their agenda…

  3. Again
    I enjoy SOME of Roosh’s work but I don’t buy this ‘Poor Me’ crap.
    Do NOT use Google-YouTube FOR ANYTHING.
    NOTHING Roosh has said in his Live Streams needed to be “streamed live”.
    In fact the endless blah blah blah Howard Stern rambles are IMPOSSIBLE to listen to.
    Record yourself with your goddamn Iphone
    EDIT it for coherence-
    THEN post the video to all the other Video Posting Sites (Vimeo, etc )
    If you must just put a POINTER on YouTube.
    Title it INNOCUOUSLY so the YouTube algorithms do not pick it up…
    Example- “The FunTime Happy Puppy Show”
    In the video DO NOT put your picture just put cartoon graphics and links to the REAL videos on some other service.
    You can point ALL your interested ROK fans to your videos from this website..
    There is no real gain for trying to “promote” through Google and Social Media services that are actively looking to suppress you.
    Forget the whining.
    Be Creative.
    Beat the (((shitheads))) at their own game!!!

    1. This is a GOOD point.
      Its really very 2004 to even use Google services..
      Is there anybody left who does not know they are pure evil?

    2. I missed the part in your tutorial where Roosh can actually make some goddamn money like he does through his superchat donations while he livestreams.
      The man has bills to pay like the rest of us.

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