I submitted an article to ROK a while back about my philosophies on game and women, and I got an email back from Master Roosh that said, “James, I’m going to pass because there’s too much anger in the article.” Talk about a kick to the balls, but I actually completely understood his point. After all, I am an angry white man.
Though his advice was invaluable, it very much made me pause and think about the burning rage I have for women, and lots of other things, to be honest. I asked myself how I got here. And more importantly, is my anger serving me any good? At this point, I think the answer is decidedly, “no, you need to chill out, dude.”
I don’t know if I will ever find the exact genesis of my anger, but I compiled a list of the top five reasons you should let go of your anger right goddamn now.
1. It Will Help You Get Laid
Women don’t like angry men. We think that acting like one of the 300 soldiers, screaming at the top of our lungs with a glistening six-pack, is what gets women wet. In reality, women want to feel safe.
Those dudes who were Spartan warriors were probably a lot chiller than your high-powered boss who wears his Rolex at LA Fitness while “getting his pump on.” That guy gets laid, but only because he essentially pays for it, whether indirectly or not. In reality, he’s an angry mess.
True warriors of yore blended with the seasons and knew their death was around the bend at any moment. You’d have to be pretty ‘laxed to be okay with all of that. Women love strength, but true strength comes with a sense of calm; chicks will be calm if you are calm, and then their legs are much more likely to open so they can have your chill babies.
2. Meditation Is Dope, And Anxiety Sucks
Face: you cannot meditate if you’re angry. You will be super distracted by all the shit around you and instead of focusing on your breathing, you’ll be muttering a string of curse words that would make your mother cry.
Meditation helps us focus on our goals with laser-like accuracy; without it, I would be lost as to my short- and long-term goals. A bonus to meditation is that it also helps you get rid of anxiety.
Besides pharmaceuticals (which I highly recommend against), meditation is pretty much the only way you’re going to work through your shit, especially if you’re an anxious person.
Combine anxiety with anger and you are a recipe for anguish and pain. Nothing will let you get over that unless you look within and figure your stuff out. So, Namaste, motherfuckers.
3. You’ll Look Younger
Pretty simple here. Everyone knows that stress is the number one killer that our luxurious, privileged lives afford us as Western men.
In reality, today there is so much bullshit on the news, in school, at work, and in dating that it’s hard not to be stressed as fuck. But if you have the ability to tune all that crap out, not only will you live a little longer (who really cares, by the way) but you’ll look younger and hotter and probably bang a bit more.
Women want to see the weathered face of a full life on an older man, not the angry perma-scowl your grandpa had from enduring years of his nagging wife (that’s your grandma, by the way, be nice).
Take your scars with pride, but let go of all the bullshit you hear in the news and take from women and laugh in the face of it all. Otherwise, it’ll be your face that gets laughed at: get it?
4. It Will Help You Better Understand The World Around You
Ever wondered what happened to the namsy-pamsy little boy you were before you were redpilled? Why, oh why didn’t I take the blue pill?
Nah, fuck that! But the red pill has the tendency to turn a lot of potentially good guys into angry cretins, trolling /pol/, screaming about white genocide (just kidding /pol/, I love you, don’t dox me).
Although white genocide is probably real, once you’ve figured out the truth, what good does it do to get angry about it? Nothing, I tell you. The most realistic thing you can do to fight back against the globalists is to find a good wife, knock her up, and subsequently prevent your daughters from becoming whores and your sons from becoming pussies.
Otherwise, memeing about what a lost cause the world is and how angry you are at those who shall not be named will only get you so far. Don’t get angry, get everything. Even if the world is fucked, getting angry will only serve to cloud your judgment and further harm your cause.
5. It Will Make You A Better Man
I truly think that anger is a tool in the beginning stages of wokedom. We all have at one time asked ourselves, “Why am I not getting laid? Why are my teachers all trannies and gay men? Why was my dad not around? Why did no one tell me I shouldn’t be a complete pussy all the time and start providing my own way in life?”
I know the anger that I felt from asking all these questions is what led me away from my initial beta ways into becoming my more masculine self. The anger is what starts the fire, but if you don’t get that emotion under control, you’re gonna burn the whole damned house down.
If you can harness this (well-deserved) feeling in the initial stages of waking up to the despicable and degenerate society around you, you can turn that anger into action. Staying stuck in your anger will keep you exactly like that: stuck.
Resolve yourself to the transformation and evolve into your true form of a good, strong, masculine dude who isn’t moved by anything. They say not to sweat the small stuff, but it’s way, way more important not to sweat the big stuff.
I know that my anger is an everyday bitch I will have to tame, but being aware of it is the first step, and conquering it is the last. Let your anger tune you in to the realities of the world, but once you’ve awoken from your slumber, dust that stuff off, and live your life. Your mind, body, and spirit will thank you. And remember that while anger may feel good, it’s not a good look, bro.
Read More: 11 Ways To Master Your Anger
Nice article.
My caveat is to your point about how to get back at who or what you are angry about. You cite the best way as getting married and having kids. I see that as an anecdote as well. The problem is, there are to few women worthy of marriage, as Roosh has pointed out time and again. Until there are viable young, traditional, religious minded, virgin prospects for men to marry, I don’t see the angry problem going away.
Divorce rape and debt slavery exists when you marry a modern twat. DO. NOT.MARRY.
God will take care of this feminist and faggotry. Hopefully, Russia or North Korea will send a missile into a femfaggot city without harming the innocent.
Walkabout Rules
1. Most of the people that threaten your or with whom you have conflict are never going to go anywhere. That is one reason they are scary; they have nothing to lose. People with things going on in their life do not hang on to grudges. Losers do.
2. People who dislike you will ask “where is he?” and the response from someone will go “Oh, he’s doing this and that”. They will feel a bit of jealousy, knowing their lives are not going to move on.
3. That is why the ghetto is the ghetto. The anti-social stay and the productive leave.
4. Ignore people. Get an ugly e mail, don’t respond. This lets the person know that you do not care what they say.
5. “Words, words, words” What insults people hurtle don’t really matter. Pleasure, experience, money, travel. They matter.
6. The worst people are stuck. They cannot go anywhere. The people of the world are ultimately the winners in life.
Fantastic post! I’d “+10” you if possible.
I have to add this: There are extreme cases where something so fucking egregious is done and justice needs to be carried out.
The post was better than the article..
– I’m angry because I had shitty parents, especially the mother. A manipulative, controlling, narcissistic, bullying harpy who trained me to become used to being a bullied victim. My father, although very capable, simply didn’t give a shit to train me to become a man.
– I’m angry that I went through 12 straight years of school being treated lower than dirt and less than human.
– I’m angry that after doing everything I was told to do by my parents and teachers, I never got my reward. I have been honest, got good grades, went to college, got a good job, earn an above average living, but never got the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
– I’m angry that my mother (may her soul rot in hell) and her equally vile daughter screwed me out of my inheritance. My father wanted me to have 50%, but those two witches thought otherwise.
I’m just plain angry! And at my age it’s not going to change. But at least I have managed to keep a sense of humor.
“And at my age it’s not going to change.”
I’m older than you. If I can change, so can you.
@ EE
On second thought you are right. Never say never.
@AutomaticSlim I may be the outlier here but it sounds as if you are trying to portray yourself as the victim. You said you feel cheated by failing to get married to the woman of your dreams, you said that your father let you down and you said your mother was essentially negligent in your upbringing. If I could describe this I would say you are simply finding excuses as to how you are not happy. I’ll tell you one thing: many successful, happy people come from the shittiest, most obscene back rounds and childhoods. All you have done for yourself is find excuses as to why the “american dream” never worked out for you. Individuals with cynical beliefs about the world and everything in between never amount to any of their deepest passions and desires. Somewhere along the line you lost confidence in yourself; confidence that you can surmount to whatever it is you are aspiring towards whether it be a hot wife or your dream job. Look, all I’m saying is that excuses have never done shit for anybody, ever. Pitying yourself by drinking cheap booze and banging escorts in an effort to fill a gaping void is futile. You need to find yourself and I can’t help you with that.
I have read your posts for a while now and you seem like a good guy.
This post above reminds me of something. A scene from the movie “The Outsiders”. I’ll say to you this: “Stay Golden”…
@AutomaticSlim The Outsiders is iconic no doubt. It pains me to read your excerpts sometimes though, honestly. In a weird way I feel some empathy for you but at the same time I can’t because people that complain but fail to do anything about their ailments are cancerous for everyone around them.
@ Burton
“…because people that complain but fail to do anything about their ailments are cancerous for everyone around them.”
You are absolutely entitled to you’re opinion, but by the same regard, I am entitled to mine. And in my opinion, I am not “cancerous”. First and foremost, I have never advise the younger guys here to follow my path. If you have read my posts over the last couple of years here, you would notice that I tell the younger guys who may be having trouble with females to ABSOLUTELY follow the advice of self improvement. In fact I have often commented that I WISHED I had the internet/manosphere as a teen so as to avoid my current predicament.
Yes, lift weights, practice game, attain confidence by approaching girls in many different places. That is what young guys with issues, “incels” if you will, should take from this site and practice and perfect. I am COMPLETELY on board with that.
But I did not have that in my teens and twenties. For me, the “best I can be” is making the highest consulting rate and banging the prettiest escorts. Not playing the “victim” here. Just stating facts. If I were to improve myself to the best of my ability, I would still have to resign myself to the fact that I would be dating women over 35. UNACCEPTABLE!!! No way I will do that!
My messages are simple.
1) To Fathers: Trains your sons to be real men so they don’t end up like me!
2) To college age “incels”: take the advice offered to you on this site so you don’t end up like me!
3) To hopeless omegas playing video games and whacking off to porn on the internet: Put down the video games, turn off the porn, immerse yourself in a STEM degree, make loads of CASH, and bang hot escorts like me!!!
Not everyone has hope, like you.
As I said. Stay golden. It’s a good way to be.
@AutomaticSlim I applaud your honesty. Your posts have always been entertaining and indeed often times contain a unique insight within them. Also, there are plenty of attractive 30-35 year olds out there who want a man with a high stable income. That’s an entirely different issue though.
“1) To Fathers: Trains your sons to be real men so they don’t end up like me!”
There are no real men, con artists smooth talking women into bed aren’t real men. Charlie Manson was probably one of the last real men. Force and violence is what real men do.
“I went to college, got good grades, got an above average job, earned an above average living”
Meaning you’re luckier than 80% of the world.
A lot of people go to college, get good grades, avoid drug addiction, piercings, tattoos, and unnatural hair colors (ie. they did everything they were supposed to do and are not part of the SJW set) and don’t manage to get a out-of-your-mothers-basement livable wage job (like minimum $15 per hour) no matter how much they apply and try.
THEY are the rightfully angry lot out there.
The US economy responds strictly to supply/demand with no moral sense to underscore it.
I went through life with a good credit rating, good life and good job. When the downfall came, I fell hard and fast. Ended up in a shitty hotel room wondering each week if I was going to be in a homeless shelter. I just didn’t read the road signs and took many wrong turns. While I am not out of the woods, things are much better. At times my anger and anxiety consumes me. I just try to move past it. One thing though, I am grateful for the experience as it has made me realize many things. Everything we have been told is a lie. There is absolutely no security and you are better off burying your money in a pickle jar in the backyard.
Not sure about that, I know loads of simple rice farmers, they work the fields (not all that hard), get drunk on rice whiskey and bang the village girls. They don’t have much, but they keep their land and homes despite relationship changes, and they mostly seem happy.
I live in Issan, John!
To begin with they are all related, with villages being essentially a large family.
Most adult males in Issan do construction, sell lottery or work in the Bangkok labor sector as oppose to farm. My brother-in-law made his money in construction.
There’s a couple reasons.
1) Issan has a homogeneous culture-the people are related in most villages, barring some Chinese half-breeds.
2) The division of labor is pretty traditional.
3) The vast divisions of wealth between rich and poor do not exist in Issan. UK has always had deep class-tensions and wealth divisions, for example.
4) There is no criminal underclass comprised of another racial group.
5) Buddhism is quite strong.
6) Population density is actually relatively low.
7) “Keep their land and homes” This is actually of central importance to them.
8) The region is quite rural.
…you did not grow up with a single-mother who brought male clients into your house.
…you lived in a house, not an apartment.
…you got money for college.
…you were not stabbed or shot in school.
…you had a job.
…your father loved you.
…you probably grew up in a suburb.
…you had a decent job.
Yes, all of your points are true.
And yes, growing up in a decent NYC suburb is absolutely better than what I imagine growing up in Detroit was like. My father and I got along OK, but he did not do his job as far as training me to be like him. But then again, perhaps the majority of American fathers are negligent in this manner. His father didn’t train him, but he had his older cousins for that, as he grew up in a two family house in the Bronx.
I grew up expecting the “American Dream”. If a guy works hard and is a decent person, he gets his reward – a thin, pretty young girl to marry, who appreciates your hard work, cooks and cleans for you and you get to relieve yourself inside of her every night. I feel cheated and angry that I don’t have that.
Escorts and booze only go so far in dissipating that anger. But, I do have to admit, when I see some poor guy with a hideous land whale for a wife, or a nagging wrinkled old bag who may or may not have been hot at one time, I consider myself lucky.
At least I have my freedom. I could never live like those guys. Maybe the American dream never really existed. All a big lie.
I grew up in a decent suburb because my father worked long hard hours to pay for it.
This was almost a semi-rural area because the properties were situated on one acre lots.
As a kid, you had to stay in these leafy suburbs because if you went out of them, the blacks and the Mexican kids would beat you up. It was not like you could hang around downtown like kids in NYC or Chicago do. So in a sense it was like living in a very rural area-miles and miles of suburbs with no restaurants, bars, libraries etc.
Raising your kids in a suburb and sending them to a private school was crucial in Detroit for white kids.
So I never really interacted with my father unless I had fucked up, which was fairly often, and got a lecture or the occasional belt-which parents used back then.
However, we were able to live comfortably middle class. My mother was homemaker.
This, I assumed growing up, was the norm.
It was not until I was an adult and working college jobs that I met the true feral garbage of the white population.
@ MM
Haha, yeah I grew up during “belt wielding” times as well. My father taking of his belt was serious business. Didn’t happen too often, but when it did, it was no joke. My mother the witch on the other hand was always whacking away with the wooden spoon, throwing her shoes, etc.. That stuff was laughable to me. She was so slow and easy to block/duck/evade.
The American Dream changed into the American Divorce rape Nightmare some time around the 1980s.
Bravo!!! It is all a big lie. I can relate to your family and certainly the inheritance storm clouds are on the horizon. Getting my manipulative, narcissistic dad on board to leave a straightforward sensible is difficult since, did I mention, he likes to manipulate.
The Government will come and take your home, your money and your livelihood and give the money to crack/opiate addicts and welfare parasites. I now cheat and scheme every chance I get.
Slim, You’ve shared your story before. How your tale resonates with me. I’m 60, and my father had an untimely death in 2009 due to a botched colonoscopy. The “wimmin” folk in my family are straight up psychos from hell. My old school patriarchal Tool & Diemaker father kept my bi-polar mother and two sisters in line, but after his death, they went totally feral! Me, the lone son, is in their crosshairs, deflecting endless barbs and sniping, and getting the shaft on my eventual inheritance as well. What was supposed to be a third each child, is now reduced drastically by my 87 year old mother changing the will four times. I’ll be getting next to nothing. I’ve resolved to cut all ties with my family (with the exception of one niece and her husband) after the old lady expires! I found one balm for anger (for me personally) is cutting ties with bad parasitic people, and walking away!
If you rarely saw your father growing up it was probably because he was busting ass to provide you with a decent life.
Oh he absolutely worked hard.
He ran his own mid sized business and was out of the house by 6 AM. If nothing else, he did instill a work ethic in me. But I believe being a father is more than just being a hard working provider. It’s making sure you pass on your skills to your son, and hope that he will eventually surpass you. He had MANY skills he could have passed on to me, but in addition to being a hard worker, he was out of the house for other reasons too. Mostly golf 3 or 4 times a week and banging his mistresses. Which I do not blame him given the ice cold witch my mother was. But if he wasn’t going to train , then I wish he had at least outsourced that training. A military school, or boxing program, or something like that. I was lost as a kid and my parents let me flounder. I did OK in the end, but I could have been much, much more than what I am now.
But, like you said above, I am doing better than most, so I suppose I should be thankful for that. Have a good Sunday.
few people “bust ass” in their jobs these days other than food service workers during that 1 high volume lunch hour (out of the eight they are ‘working’) and people in construction and oil & gas industries.
Backbreaking (but decent paying) manufacturing work is getting rare in 1st world countries and there is make-work galore which serves no intrinsic purpose to society (diversity and inclusion officers etc).
@ Reality
I am an IT consultant currently on a contract where I am paid by the hour.
I work a 10 hour day (9 + 1 hour lunch break). I have a 65-70 minute one way commute. So out of the house minimum 12+ hours a day. IT work is not physically demanding like the industries you describe, but it is mentally demanding and stressful. At times extremely stressful. I am compensated well for my efforts, but still, it is not easy by any means. It’s funny that the older I get, the harder I have to work. My last contract was 50 hours a week as well. And before that 45 hour week. And my pay, while very good, stagnated 20 years ago and will remain there. You can only go so high doing what I do. Given my lifestyle and the way I spend money, I will be doing this for as long as I can. Most likely till death.
The distance of your commutes, and how you choose to spend your income on your lifestyle pursuits are irrelevant points to your actual job.
If you have to mentally ‘bust ass’ so to speak with multiple deadlines in any given shift, then that is certainly commendable and a demonstration of solid fortitude. It doesn’t change the fact that jobs are getting far less rigorous and don’t require 100% spot on attention compared to the past.
commendable reminders madman, but that doesn’t improve the lot of men who are 25+ and still living at home with bankrupt sex lives because living wage jobs are being kept out of their reach.
An “it could be worse” attitude is basically an acceptance of mediocrity, which is not what we are about
This is true.
My own parents are divorced. I did not grow up to be a gay who wanted to “chase the bug”.
What is funny is that after raising us, he married a Portuguese woman and PAID FOR HER KIDS TO GO TO COLLEGE. Then he divorced her in his fifties.
For a doctor who earned $100,000 a year at 71 he lives quite modestly.
@Automaticslim, Ive read your comments with some interest but feel you are wrong to be angry, I dont like to share many details of my background but I can tell you I was kicked out of home at 15. Not that my family life was much better. I never feel any hatred, anger, resentment to either of my parents. If it were not for the ill treatment I recieved I would not be the man I am today, I would not have done the things I have done, been to the places I have been and all in all I am very happy for those experiences and more than happy with who I am. A man must be able to make his own way in life, to not have to rely on others, e.g family, friends, work, government, a woman! Sure I may not have the material wealth others have, but I wouldnt swop my experiences , my life or who I am with anyone. On the point of inheritance,y mother became fairly wealthy about 20 years back after marrying some rich chap and decided to try and make right with my sister and I. Offered to buy me a house in the UK if I returned, I told her to bash it up her date, then she warned Id be left out of her will to which I replied I wanted nothing from her, to leave it all to my sister who got it much worse than I. Let it go mate, fuck em.
I’m hearing you AutomaticSlim. Could say similar things myself. It is bad as a heterosexual man to be brought up by messed up women. Don’t think anger can be just gotten rid of, it needs to be channeled into martial arts, or political activism against the leftist forces that have screwed up families.
Wasn’t quite treated like dirt at school but with everything though for me, there is a sense of paying a bit too much and receiving a bit too little.
She still created you bud, you owe your existence to her… I’ll thank your mom for this post
She did NOT created Him, you moron. It is GOD who “creates”.
Why you want to overexagerate and expect “undue” credit !? For something that is: 100% NATURAL, Mundane & Obvious !!
Any damn female in any damn living species does the same thing!! and its ONLY possible when a MALE impregnates! (Unless you are “hermaphrodite” !!)
There is no point in arguing with your kind of weak, inferior, pathetic & ungrateful pussies.
Continue enjoying on the “hard work” and materialistic comforts Invented, Innovated & Pioneered by MEN.
PS: Ever heard of FATHER of GYNECOLOGY !!??
Right…. dream on buddy. For the record I’ve alread secured my existence for the generation to come. YOU are not worth my time.
Also very funny that you believe you are gods mouthpiece, that you are GOD harbinger… be like me friend, venture into nature during a good hard snowfall and live in GODs country for a month or soo… and reproduce. Then talk
You ever cut wood? Hunt for food? I think this ones a fag in a city wiping ass and playing video games… dreaming of masculinity. Any masculine man would never fault their own mother. Sure I get it AUTOMATIC SLIM, I had a poor upbringing too. I blame the society not the woman who bore me… Rise above, hunt, fish, educate yourself….. live in accordance with nature.
@ AutomaticSlim The people in your life that let you down didn’t entirely screw you up. You’re not beyond repair. You need to let them go. As long as you are angry at them, they have a hold of you. If you can, forgive them and let it go. Move on, don’t look back. You’re not what they tried to make you into. They failed. You won. Go and enjoy your life.
Well we have 1 thing in common. When my dad died 10 years ago, I found out just how big of POSs my mom, and both sisters were.. and it didn’t take long, only a few months into his sickness (of 11 months before mortality) did they – at my dismay – begin to position themselves to control and ruin our once-stable-secure family togetherness. 6 months after he died, small life insurance payments came to each of the 3 children.
My oldest sister’s husband had lent me a few thousand many years before that, that he said “don’t worry about it bud, we’re both businessmen and we both lost our businesses after 9/11 leading up to housing crisis, and your company was tied to housing. Don’t sweat it.” Do think my sister, in the wake of my dad’s death, could maintain her empathy, and sympathy given by her own fucking husband from years in the past? Nope, that indian-giving cunt coerced my mom into giving HER my first small amount of inheritance via life insurance pay-out.
And believe me, they didn’t need a fuckin penny of that money. I didn’t really need or expect the money either – having not been privy to his will and her being the oldest sibling – but it was the premise, the idea to fucking capitalize on our dad’s death. Angry? Sure, but that has subsided. Forgiving? Fuck No, not with anchoring your own gains on the death of the family patriarch.
@ Shady
Mothers will always sympathize with daughters, especially if the daughter is a bitter, wrinkled, middle aged hag. The mother has been hagged out for decades, and will welcome her daughter into hagdom with open arms, and a freshly changed will to screw any son or sons out of what is rightfully theirs. My own evil cunt of a sister knew this for 4 YEARS (!) and never said a word to me. Even lied to my face once when I asked her about the will (she was executor).
All the while pretending to be on my side. I even bought her little pansy of a son a car! What a moron I was! The only person in my “family” that I have anything in common with is my former brother in law. She screwed him over big time as well.
I like this article.
In the last week I realized that peace of mind is the best thing I can have. Since then, I enjoy peace of mind for the first time in my life.
What can anger be used for?
Hatred, strife, envy, jealousy, drama, etc.
But peace of mind is free, can be enjoyed with a lady or even if you are single, has no party or religious affiliation, and can be had by those who want it.
This article is a step in the right direction.
Good job.
Thanks for reading and giving your thoughts as well! Peace of mind is more helpful than people understand. Thanks again for sharing, take care, Edward.
Anger has positives or negatives. For yourself its best not to have it.
side note: Anybody all of lauren Southerns recent vids are about Africa? She quite rebel then started getting involved in Migrant stuff and then quickly made a beeline for Africa where she seems to stay. I doubt she has dated a white guy or would. Thats all I am saying.
1. Anger will drive a man to contemplate and do things, of which he is fully capable of achieving , but should never be done. Once met a guy who had been in jail for five years. His crime was one born out of pure anger. He was a smart guy and found out his GF was f-ing another guy. He concocted a kidnapping plot that sounded like it was that of a movie. And it worked. Problem was with everything on video these days the police eventually caught him. He had to plead out to a felony and now will have limited employment and social prospects for the rest of his life. Plus he lost five years of his life in jail. All because he succumbed to anger.
2. Anger is a distraction. Sure we all get angry and you can’t simply dismiss the emotion. But to let it grind on you unnecessarily long is just going to distract you from doing other great things in your life.
3. If you are angry all the time it is the sure sign of some deeper emotional imbalance which should be investigated. It could be a real chemical imbalance that requires pharmacological intervention. Or you might just need to talk with someone about some past events you have never fully digested. Either way being a “hot head” is not just a personality type, it means that you have a real mental health issue.
4. No one wants to hang around with angry people. I once had a good friend whose dad died at an earlier age. This guy blamed everyone for his dad’s death. The health insurance company for not paying for an experimental treatment. The doctors who he would call quacks. The hospital. Even God. Before this happened he was a chill guy. Nothing really phased him. Afterwards, especially if he got a drink or two in him, he would go from zero to crazy without any notice. Once I cracked a fairly lame joke not even at him at a bar and he got so mad he started throwing chairs. The bouncer managed to calm him down enough to get him to walk out. That was the last time I ever say the guy. Last thing I heard was he had two convictions for assault and saw a pic of him on social media where he appeared to be 10 years older (he is in his mid 30’s).
Anger is a human emotion that cannot be avoided. But being an angry person is something that you can and should always avoid.
The amount of otherwise good men who are in prison for 10+ years due to the aftermath of temporary fits of rage, which happened only because their women completely fucked them over, would astound you.
I work in the prison system. Wouldn’t astound me at all. Not keeping your shit together keeps my job security. Mind you, what’s your normal? Grow up with this BS and it just follows you around like a bad smell.
Letting go of anger is what red-pilled guys have been doing all this time, opting instead for jedi mind tricks and stealth dominance. Results? The same old declining society we have today. We in the red-pilled community need to stop shaming anger, start harnessing and get some societal results, pronto. Anger is something that can be used immediately, only when it continues is it useless and it continues because the “men” around you don’t harness it, instead opting for jedi mind tricks and “game,” which we should’ve been past now and moved on to stage 2.
The sole voice of reason in the ocean of bleating betas following their feminized emotions.
Utter nonsense.
“I’ve got to hold onto my angst. I preserve it, because I need it. It keeps me sharp, on the edge, where I’ve got to be.”
I wouldnt say utter nonsense, horses for courses. The problem isnt so much being angry, its how you use it. Sure being a Zen master might be useful in certain situations but there are times when you have to get angry, fucking blow all gaskets and plough through. It’s a natural emotion, we wouldn’t have it if it were not necessary for our survival.
Well put.
So long as it’s not a fire hose of indiscriminate anger (chaotic / unproductive), I try to embrace it, won’t force it to dissipate until it runs its course, then either find a constructive outlet for it or let it go.
When I was younger, I went to father or grandfather for anger management advice; moms and grandmas don’t really understand angry boys or men, even if they mean well — they just want to make it stop and go away. Ignoring anger and being out of touch with the reality of your anger (and where it came from) is worse; it’ll fester and create psychosomatic disorders.
“Responsible anger” is a-ok for men, and does not need treatment, because our DNA carries a natural, savage code of violence that lurks underneath polite society’s laws and strictures. It’s our lot in life to calibrate and work that stuff out as real men do. But the author’s correct in saying we should try to get back to “baseline” personality as quickly and authentically as possible, or that anger stunts our growth.
I’ve lived with–and observed–a lot of pointed anger (for example, I’m the guy that would theoretically press that “Big Red Button” if I thought it would instantly eliminate 5 out of 7 billion people on this overpopulated planet; that requires a certain anger, and stems from my sense of loss of control over the grand design; LOL I’ve consulted with Jung and Freud). I come across a lot of smart people and they’re often a bit angrier than those of average or below-average intelligence, because they are more equipped to understand “what’s really going” on in this messed up world, are not fooled, and have developed techniques to abide the displeasure it brings.
I should have read your post before putting my five cents in, you said it much more eloquently than I could. You sure have a pretty mouth.
Excellent article.
The kind of anger that forces you to stand up and say “Enough!” is perfectly legitimate.
The kind of anger that forces you to sit down and brew in resentment is worthless.
Good point. Many times anger breeds depression and inaction. That is worthless. You are correct.
“I know the anger that I felt from asking all these questions is what led me away from my initial beta ways into becoming my more masculine self. The anger is what starts the fire, but if you don’t get that emotion under control, you’re gonna burn the whole damned house down.”
This is exactly what happened to me.
Once I took the red pill and realized how I was lied to, trampled on by leftists while living amongst them, and how there was something sinister behind this all, the rage came out like a faucet.
What it gave me was massive anxiety and I knew that I needed to let the anger go so it didn’t destroy me from within. Blue-haired harpies in Canada would upset me to the point where I was pounding my fist on my desk…and I don’t even live in Canada.
It’s important to redirect this anger into something productive; whether that’s starting your own blog tackling political issues or doing something else altogether. You can’t let anger eat away at your insides.
I find that “tapping” helps. It’s some new-age shit, but to some extent it really does work. Whatever you use, get a handle on your anger and learn to properly channel it into productive purposes that will benefit you instead of hurt you.
Right on. The thing about unfetted anger is, as you get older it turns into cynicism, and finally ossification. Then your life is spent making pointless comments on social media about how no one gives a shit about your pointless comments.
Its interesting that feminists have spent decades making male anger pathological and toxic (while female anget is a good thing, u go grrl). This article is the first time I’ve read actual practical advice for letting go of anger.
Good article, but I can’t completely agree that women don’t like angry men. The women who like “thugs” and “bad boys”,essentially do like angry men.
Being a “bad boy” isn’t about being angry. It’s about (what women perceive as) strength. Not being surly and bitter. I don’t know how these concepts could be confused with each other
Because even though your ideal concept is right, lot of these guys that women I’ve seen perceive as bad boys or thugs, were pretty pissed off at the world. Again,
I’m angry as my fiancée is no longer allowed into the country anymore the country I served for 7 years the country The country that made my fiancée and I fork out $7000 for a visa that we have to wait 17 months for a reply to a country that is overrun by Indians and Chinese a country that lets Sudanese criminals in but not a white woman that can speak 4 languages.
My cucked shithole country let’s people get a citizenship without speaking English it lets people that don’t speak English vote it lets in Islamic terrorists and brown people of the world but not young properly educated white women ( and Roosh as well )
I’m angry as I’m denied a basic human right and there’s nothing I can do
That suck man. What country is your fiance from? She is not allowed in or is the process taking too long?
Sounds like Canada (Kanadistan) to me.
… and is being angry helping ?
So what will you do about it? Complain? Why not go to China and be with her?
If you are angry at a woman, remember that you already got the sex from her. You blew your load in her holes and shot wads in her mouth and used her.
Effectively women are the receptacle, so they are the ones who are used. Her holes have already be opened as receptacles and she is the one who has had to wash your spunk off or spit out after you got the fun you wanted.
So fuck her.
Her mouth has already been a receptacle for the loads you shot.
When she meets new men remember…
They kiss the mouth your loads shot into time and time again.
She has already been a receptacle for your dick.
So you got shit out of it.
I’ve talked to many people who lived in other countries…Asked them what it was like. Many told me that they had homes, cars, good healthcare, modern train/rail systems, and healthier, local foods. They did tell me that electronic gadgets like I phones are prohibitively more expensive in their country and 24/7 convenience is non-existent. I told them that here in the US we’re constantly being told that we’re spoiled because most have a home, car, and a plethora of food.
So, though it might be true that the US standard of living is still the best in the world…It appears that many do have their own car and home in their home country…If the US goes by convenience and gadgets for calculating standard of living, then they need to change that mindset.
The way I see it, I would rather have a home, car, hot woman then gadgets and 24/7 convenience. So I asked myself, why are so many still coming to the US? Over the past decade (Obama era), countries are sending us their undesirables from, for example, Nicaragua, so that the US eventually becomes undesirable and their home country becomes more livable and modern.
I’m from Detroit and I can tell you that this is fundamentally bullshit.
If I pushed you of a plane with a parachute on would you rather land in Detroit or Sydney or Dubai?
I’m not harping on blacks or Mestizos either. Trailer trash are pretty awful too.
Exactly! But when people admit and say that the US is not the best country in the world, someone will probably say “go live someplace else then.” However, some of us would like to stay and fix it. The US can be a great place to live…The topography is incredible! You have sub-tropical/Mediterranean climate in Florida, SoCal, mountains in Alaska, Colorado, Wyoming, Appalachian states, desert and canyons in Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico…Dense forests in Montana and Idaho. I have the opportunity in the US to live somewhere where I’m the only person for miles or I can live with millions in NYC. The US in square miles is slightly larger then China. Why would someone want to trade that for an overpopulated 3rd world country or small, dense countries like England or Italy. The US is worth FIGHTING FOR and SAVING!!
Is it true that you can’t fix a sinking ship? Yes…But a sunk ship on the bottom can sometimes be brought back to the surface. When you’re 3 touchdowns behind with 7 minutes left on the clock, would you choose a 30 year old Tom Brady or Joe Montana to win the game or would you choose David Carr or Kyle Boller? Same goes for turning the US around, at least back 30 plus years or more. Would you pick Trump or Hillary to do just that?
“Go live someplace else”
Every Hood Rat with a clean record, of which there are few, would immigrate to Australia from the US tomorrow for the social safety net if you could simply get off the plane in Sydney airport and say “Hi, I’m a poor American who’d like to know where your welfare office is.”
You’re probably nowhere near Northeast US/Canada crossings but they grill the hell out of every Black American. They go easier on whites. Canada does not want US poor flooding their healthcare system.
I tried immigrating to every other nice Anglo-Saxon country in the world-either you are a brain surgeon or you have some really weird niche skill (NZ needed sheep vets when I applied).
When I moved to Canada I managed to acquire a two-year work visa AND graduated from a Canadian college. But becoming a permanent citizen was a lengthy process and the economy of Canada is not that hot to be honest.
In Australia I did business, but they too restrict US immigrants to air traffic controllers (30,000 moved to Australia in 1981 when Reagan broke the unions) and other skilled tradesman or they used to sell citizenship for $1,000,000 to millionaires.
“Sinking ship”
It has already happened, essentially. Whites like French in Haiti simply moved away from places where blacks were killing them and these places looked like the Haiti earthquake struck it. In reference to anger, the best revenge that whites ever wreaked on blacks or Hispanics was simply to leave their population centers in disgust at which point they lose the middle class.
In so far as Brazilification the US is propped up by Asian and Jewish IQ to an extent, even if whites themselves are shrinking as a population.
Go live someplace else then:
1) You have to be young (I was 25).
2) Single, no dependents.
3) Some trade or qualification.
4) IQ in the normal to high range.
5) No parole or probation.
This is why it is rare to see trailer trash, Cholos or Hood Rats in Heathrow Airport. Which I am grateful for.
Yeah, about the trailer trash…There moms were drinking and smoking 4 packs a day, and hitting the local bar. Most of them are either morbidly obese or thin as a rail…Never anything in between. Decades of drug, opioid use, GMO beers, breakfast cereals, and mechanically processed hot dogs, and most of these types go straight to the nuthouse.
Rarely a doctor, lawyer, engineer ever seen from the type…When the first factories closed in the early 1980’s, their daddies never looked for any work, and stayed home watching sports on the tube all day with feces and dirt all over a 1970’s shag carpet.
I knew a few young parents of today’s Gen Y who would be in their early 20’s now (I’m 44).
Most of them were feckless 20 year old males with (At best) a GED shooting their loads into the local sullen Mexican or white girls about the same age.
The druggy white chicks usually got pregnant by blacks.
In which case they never saw Tyrone again.
Not Thailand or Philippines then, they all have 7-11s running 24/7.
World according to North Americans who have not traveled:
UK is full of vast empty moors where werewolves lurk and ghosts in ruined castles while London is full of butlers and smooth toffs like Roger Moore.
Thailand is a brothel and taxis are elephants.
I used to live on Bodmin Moor when I was in the UK.
JOHN US and the Media
Average-sized frothy Irish guys named Pierce Brosnan intimidate everyone.
Ray Winstone solves problems with a sock and pool balls and asks blacks where there “tool” is.
Hulking Cornwall rednecks want to sodomize Dusty.
Werewolves and hounds of hell on the moors.
Guys that look like London cab drivers aka Craig are secret agents.
Let go of your anger. But don’t lose sight of what you hate. Anger is useless.
What a time to be alive.
Enough to drive one mad bro.
Just keep yourself occupied with worthwhile pursuits. Don’t just mark time but actually immerse yourself in your career and some GOOD hobbies (like working out, investing, etc). When you have a continual “to do” list a mile long you don’t have much time to dwell on anger
If you are angry with somewhere why don’t you leave?
Australia is fast catching up with the UK chap.
LOL tell that to the “minorities” claiming whites oppress them as they beg us to let them immigrate to our countries. Where are we gonna go? To the shitholes these ungrateful future democrats came from?
I’m angry and I take it out on white knights and antifa shits. Especially knocking them out haha but I also take my anger out in. Boxing and in self improvement.
The key to overcoming anger is to always have an open. unlimited future in front of you. As long as you have this, you can put behind you all of the things that piss you off. The only things that are worth being angry about are those that seek to deprive you of an open, unlimited personal future (hint: “deathist” bioethicists and FDA bureaucrats).
Good point..even then there is nothing more gratifying than using your smarts and cunning to outthink and circumvent those who are hell bent on depriving us of an unlimited future.
99% of anger derives from the Man-Vs-Man (or woman) conflict, not man vs. nature, or man vs. himself. The only real reason people hang onto that anger is they don’t learn. I’ve learned simply to trust no one but myself. Sounds melodramatic, excessively blunt, and negative I suppose, but each time I learned something that works like this; “Once fooey on you, twice fooey on me.”
I can see a bad deal, or a scam coming from a mile away now. This isn’t to say I don’t, on occasion, get entangled in someone’s web of lies, but along with letting anger go, goes gaining of wisdom. You will remain especially angry, if you gain no wisdom and fail to practice said wisdom, when whatever it is that pissed you off, teaches you no lessons.
Another great article. Keep them coming.! Anger can be a useful tool but, speaking from experience, it needs to be channelled. I’m naturally wound tighter than a corkscrew. Owning my own business for over a decade – in a very rough and tough industry- allowed me to build a reputation that at times wasn’t really positive. One guy who used to work for me used to refer to my explosions as “ the wrath of Forest”. Time changes in circumstances and harsh reflective honesty with myself, has helped to really temper this part of my personality. Wisdom and maturity has shown that a man’s strong energy and edge is more useful attacking issues and problems versus people. A man needs to be extremely judicious about picking his battles and using that anger in the fights that really matter..and always using it as a last resort. Utilizing anger for every real or perceived slight, disappointment or wrong made against you will burn more bridges and hinder a mans success faster than anything I can think of. Leading to a vicious feedback loop that will only make you angrier. A terrible place to be. No one wants to be around or do business with rage monster.
When a man begins to realize that life is not perfect, people will fail and no amount of control will change that, it becomes that much easier to not get rattled and upset about things that don’t work out the way you want. You cannot control what happened…only your reaction to it.
Very awesome insight, thanks for writing that out and sharing. Thanks for reading, you have great comments!
“The most realistic thing you can do to fight back against the globalists is to find a good wife, knock her up, and subsequently prevent your daughters from becoming whores and your sons from becoming pussies.”
This is not really that related to the article in question but, fuck, it’s hilarious:
White genocide is definitely real. It’s not rapidly coming but gradually. THE GREAT NEWS IS studies show white babies are back in the majority of births, and you can just hear the liberals screeching in self hatred over that. All we can do is keep living, Defending Trump (he’s not perfect but holy shit he’s the type of ballsy motherfucker we needed before hillary gave the US to the dems forever via open borders and imports of ISIS psychos). The main thing is to defend our ancestor’s legendary culture of Christianic values, moral family-based living, and Men being men along with Women being women. History shows great empires go through civil unrest but eventually nature returns to the status quo and men act like men and women like women again. Ignore the MSM guit trip propaganda and focus on preserving your culture. If blacks and mestizos and Arabs hate us then why the fuck dont they fucking leave for their oh so amazing motherland. Anyways, I love this piece and its more coherent than I said but just my thoughts