If you haven’t heard, Vince McMahon is resurrecting the XFL in 2020, and if I was Roger Goodell, I would be very, very afraid. McMahon is somebody who has been in and around sports and sports entertainment for a very long time. He took the reins of the WWE in 1982, and it is still a very strong brand with high viewership and decent ratings. The WWE has been thriving for decades now. Not as long as the NFL, but… you see my point.
Vince is a calculating businessman, and a highly successful one. The original XFL was a failure because it didn’t take itself too seriously. But that was a different time.
Now, the NFL has made the mistake of taking itself too seriously. It has annoyingly embedded itself in political and social issues, rather than remaining neutral and impartial. We don’t care what Colin Kaepernick says about racial prejudice, or anything that Al Michaels says about anything. Their condescending ignorance is painfully hollow. We don’t care about their politics. We just want football!
So here are three reasons why the NFL should fear McMahon’s potential gridiron messiah…
1. NFL Games Are Simply Dull
Honestly, we just want to see these idiots (the players) kill each other (on the field, of course, though some of them have taken their work home with them), and we’re not even allowed that! A whole bevy of slanted rules of contact favoring quarterbacks, halfbacks, and wide receivers (the owners’ hottest commodities) have taken away a lot of the defensive spectacle that old football had.
Even the kickoff is ruined for the sake of mitigating violence. Imagine the most adrenaline-packed playoff game, the hype leading up to it, the crowd—the mob is primed and ready and drunk since 9AM—and the very first thing that happens is a disappointing sequence of inaction. A touchback! O holy blue balls!
Soon, it might all very well be flag football exclusively. Never say never when it comes to greed and the protection of the owners’ prized stallions.
Another malady the No Fun League refuses to treat is the pace of games, which have become nauseatingly sluggish. With the over-analyzing of replays and incessant penalties, which are reportedly up 20 percent since 2009, a sport that was once teeming with exciting moments and memorable displays of physical feats has been reduced to a time drag, a slow crawl to the next commercial break. When the Little League World Series is more exciting than the Super Bowl, you know you’re in trouble.
The maudlin, inebriated ballads of the disgruntled Browns fan in the corner of the pub are far more interesting. And in these ballads, you hear voices. Through the slurring of adjectives and expletives, the mob is in a confused, delirious state of discontent.
2. Its Stars Are Detestable
The mob is growing tired of prima donna athletes, who chew and spit out the hands that elevated them from street thug to penthouse thug. What image is the league presenting by jumping on the “progressive” bandwagon, yet handing out slaps on the wrist and second chances to convicted felons and ultimately glorifying this behavior? The mob has had enough of the double standards.
And finally, the mob is growing tired of the unpatriotic atmosphere these ignoramuses perpetuate, even if it’s all at the behest of their overlords. They simply do what they’re told. But they’ve forgotten that they exist for our entertainment. For our amusement. And nobody is forcing them to do it. You assume the risk of bodily injury by putting on the pads. Don’t like it? Don’t play. Simple as that.
With ratings hitting all-time lows (down 9% in week 15), merchandise sales plummeting, and attendance deteriorating faster than Dak Prescott’s intangibles, fans are hungry for a new medium to sate their inherent thirst for blood, for contemporary gladiatorial games to commence once again. They just don’t know it yet. The desire has been laying dormant as of now. People have come to terms with the NFL monopoly. At least it’s something, right?
As a result, the NFL has been getting away with mediocrity for years, except now they’ve exposed their flaws for the world to see, and Janet Jackson’s nip slip may be more prophetic than we initially realized. There are cracks in the foundation. And the XFL might just find enough room to squeeze in.
3. Market Potential
Yes, there’s a market for new football. Gritty, spectacular, testosterone-fueled blood sport. And Vince McMahon is no doubt salivating at the chance of redeeming himself in this market. McMahon understands that football should be entertainment primarily, because that is exactly what it is and should be treated as.
Just imagine a Roman gladiator, a person barely higher than the level of slave, screaming up from the pit instead of battling tigers, attempting to dictate what the Senate should do. Nobody would listen. There’s a time and place for everything, and politics do not belong in sport.
McMahon believes this and is making it a selling point. A shrewd, tactical approach in the wake of a season that will be remembered more for tabloid headlines instead of what really matters: the football itself. He also believes that players with criminal records will not enjoy the eventual fruits this rebooted league will bear.
With standards so low in our society as it pertains to culture for what degeneracy, the new XFL will be a deep, crisp breath of fresh air. A clean inhale, free from the smog of politics and pop culture brain-rot.
Ironically, this competition may be good for the NFL, who will no doubt be forced to improve their own image and the quality of their product if the XFL becomes more popular. Only time will tell.
But if McMahon has learned anything from his friend Trump, playing to the mob and giving the people what they truly want is a model to be emulated and repeated, something the NFL has forgotten.
Read More: 4 Reasons Why Americans Will Never Fully Embrace Soccer
The degenerates at Slate are whining that the XFL has “too many rules” which of course would bother Slate who support illegal immigration and complained the electoral college is racist 4 years after claiming it was the best thing since sliced bread aka after Obama wad sadly re elected. The XFL could be big if they can produce good marketable names and have an enjoyable product.
If they get rid of the all the silly crash helmets and padding, the XFL will be a real man’s game!
It’s kind of like UFC is to Boxing.
It’s very difficult to watch, speaking as a Brit who enjoys “real football”.
What’s with the break in play every 3 seconds? NFL is like an endless reel of advertisements that gets interrupted every so often for a glimpse of some kind of sports event that moves at glacial pace, bar a few fleeting moments of frenetic activity.
I know that hidden in there somewhere is a strategic and potentially fascinating game, but with the stop-start frenzy, it’s unwatchable in its present form.
I don’t really care what you as a Brit think of American Football, but I do know that “Real Football” is boring as FUCK.
I was at a game in Belfast in the late 1980’s, Linfield v Donegal Celtic. Major riots on the terraces, heavily armed police, and a hand grenade chucked from one stand to the other. Even a player on the pitch PLAYING copped a punch in the head from a spectator who ran on. Best tackle of the game was from a police dog.
I somehow doubt NFL will elicit the same passion/unbridled hatred that soccer does elsewhere.
Europeans and latinos have replaced tribalism and nationalism with soccer. They are not as passionate about the sport as they are about their people beating the other people. Soccer has managed to tap into that. It has happened on a very visceral, subconscious level so I doubt that most soccer fans could even articulate that this is where their passion comes from.
A 3-hour NFL game has, on average, 11 minutes of action. Furthermore, the NFL is 70-percent black.
Whichever way you look at it, those statistics are not doing white American men any favours.
I’m originally from America. The only thing more boring than football… is baseball. Talk about watching paint dry… 🙂
Here In Australia, NZ , France and pacific island nations we play a mans sport with no padding or whinging or fake injuries or ref crying or other shit that soccer has
Sure the nrl and union has too been ruined by pc culture but Aussies don’t watch it but playing it makes a man and it sure as hell is fun to play unlike soccer where some whinge cunt cries to the ref every 5 mins because he broke his fingernail and his boyfriend fucked him up the ass too hard the night before
Rugby is interesting when compared to football because of the way it has approached the game from a safety perspective. I suspect that the helmets are why football is prone, if it is prone, to concussions. The proper technique for tackling is to place the facemask in the numbers of the opponents jersey, or in other words to lead with the head. That is only possible because of the helmet.
I’ve never cared much for watching sports. It seems like a pretty blue pilled activity.
Still, I think the XFL reboot has a lot of potential, and is a good “poke in the eye” to the SJW NFL.
I’ve never been one to watch football, though my dad used to watch it religiously. Back when the XFL first came out I decided to give it a shot, knowing that the rules weren’t as restricting as the NFL, even back then. I kind of started to get into it when they pulled the plug. Would I watch it now? Yeah, sure, if anything then only to spite the NFL, but football is a good game when its balls to the wall, win or we don’t get a paycheck stuff instead of “I got my 10 million for the year contract so I can coast my way through the season”.
If the XFL would be successful compared to the NFL several things should happen:
1- Support grassroot teams and minor league teams for the sport
2- easy barrier to entry to new markets and teams should not pay a lot to set up a team in the league, or build a new stadium.
3- Go to both big markets with no NFL teams and markets with NFL team
4- Stay out of politics and PC culture
5- Go international by setting up affiliate leagues and federations
Football will be dead in 20 years. Don’t even try to revive it.
Football will go the way of men over the next 20 years. What I mean by that is, if the globalists/cucks/PC-mongers get their way, the game will be eventually outlawed.
If we win, the game will continue, and perhaps begin to evolve back to some of it’s original roots.
The globalist goal of infecting the NFL with “social justice” causes, pink ribbons, and the like has nothing to do with either, or with improving the game. Moreover, the attempts to sanitize the game to “improve player safety” and/or prevent concussions has NOTHING to do with either! Everyone knew 30 years ago that ramming your head into another man’s head was dangerous. This isn’t a new phenomenon.
So what is this new outlook on football actually all about? It has NOTHING to do with social justice, cancer awareness, or player safety. Nope. It’s all about DEMORALIZING a male, cultural, largely Christian institution. That’s part of the globalist agenda. Find anything and everything that promotes healthy masculinity and destroy it. Football is an easy target because it’s so damn big of an institution, from high school ball up to the pros.
20 years is a respectful over-estimate. I give America society as a whole another 20. 🙂
New? XFL flopped almost 20 years ago.
In life you have your doers, and you have your watchers. The watchers like to watxh the doers because they wont, or can’t do themselves.Watching sport is like watching porn. Really scraping the barrel with this piece, eh? Keep dreaming BFL
It’s way too soon for the NFL to be fearing the XFL. Heck, the CFL shouldn’t be overly concerned either, and they’re the only major football league not called the NFL to survive for a lengthy period of time.
Should both teams take note? Yes. Beyond that, it’s too soon to tell if the XFL will last or be a mere bust. I get the feeling that XFL 2.0 won’t be anything like XFL 1.0, though.
Why does the author have a problem with Al Michaels? He calls a good game, is fair to each team, and always seems to lean towards shifting the game back to what it used to be.
In short, he’s one of the best broadcasters in the game.
The reasons the XFL failed last time were multifold: #1 you can make the argument that the NFL was at its peak in popularity in 2001. #2 The XFL played up its connection to the WWF instead of treating itself as a separate entity altogether. #3 The quality of play early on was complete garbage as the players had no time to get ready for the season – it got better as the season went on but by then nobody cared to watch. The NFL has taken care of point #1 by becoming a degenerate liberal cesspool that gives fans the middle finger every chance it gets, so if Vince McMahon can learn from the past and avoid repeating points #2 and #3, the XFL could be a legitimate threat to the NFL. Also keep in mind that the NFL’s current CBA expires in 2021, and with no new deal in sight their may very well be a work stoppage in the NFL which would give McMahon and company and even bigger window of opportunity to thrive. I hope they do it. Will I watch? That remains to be seen, but if nothing else I’d love to see the NFL get the giant middle finger it desperately deserves.
Bringing back the XFL would be just like bringing back Crystal Pepsi.
XFL will make McMahon bigger than Apple
…and imagine if they allowed sponsorship from Hornaday, Winchester, Sig Sauer, Smith&Wesson, etc.
Mature men should be giving up on watching sport unless their making money out of it. There is nothing more pathetic than a 40/50 year old man pouncing about wearing a $100 dollar jersey with some Hood rat’s name on it who if he had the chance would be fucking the blokes wife and daughter.
Here in England I gave up football when I was about 16/17 old its what little boy’s do, not grown ups. Men should be doing more productive things in life than watching a multi millionaire Hood rat.
I still watch football, but I agree that buying and wearing another man’s jersey is pretty Beta. Try to picture your grandfathers who fought in World Wars doing such ridiculous things…
Taking your wives,girlfriends, daughters and chicks that friend zone you to sporting events, especially those filled with men not of your race is essentially cukolding yourself as you worship and idolize sports stars in Front of them.
You won’t see brothers taking their girl to swimming or ice hockey.
I’m older, and I’ve never connected with sports, and the the worship of athletes. Nor do I see how sports enriches our economy, our education, our society, or my faith base and me personally at all. It’s a total and complete zero, like video games, or what degenerate Hollywood celebrities opinions are on life, politics, and social issues. Even writing about it is a waste IMO.
If I were the xfl, I would try hard to be the non-NFL. Eliminate instant replay, fewer commercials, eliminate fair catch, fewer penalties, focus on players who the nfl rejected, like Tebow, and 2nd tier college players not good enough for the NFL. He should also focus on the quality of the game, instead of entertainment and I think it can work.
The NFL is really the SJWFL. In breaking the trust of the American people, they committed suicide. It’s just a question of when the bleeding out ends. Fuck ’em.
Let the XFL fill the void.
Vince McMahon is an interesting character to say the least. His rise to make WWF/WWE a worldwide phenomenon is amazing, but he’s left a lot of broken bodies (literally and metaphorically) in his wake. And his unceasing contention that he’s keeping pro wrestling is “drug free” is so demonstrably false it’s laughable.. even McMahon himself has been juicing for years, just look at pics from his old ring announcing days alongside Ventura.
But what I like about Vince McMahon is, he’s managed to keep the gender/race politics, PC and SJW crap out of pro wrestling. (Or if those elements are there, they are used ironically in some comedic storyline). If he can manage the same with XFL then he’s on a sure winner, as sports fans on the left and right alike are sick of some $50-million spearchucker telling them how evil whitey is. I only hope that when Vince retires and Shane (or God forbid Stephanie, although TBH she might make a better CEO) inherits the reigns he maintains his father’s legacy.
The other thing I like about Vince McMahon is what he’s done with the divas. He took the sea-hag hair-pulling sideshow which was women’s wrestling, and made it a thing worth watching, being equal parts sexiness and blood sport. Say what you want about women in general (and feminists in particular), the divas do hits and high-flying moves not quite as well as the guys, but it’s still very watchable. A bit like lingerie football… but unlike lingerie football, the sporting elements ensure feminists can’t bitch that it’s nothing but “objectification”. Bravo, Vince 😉
Oh BTW, the ’07 head-shave match between Vince McMahon and Donald Trump (refereed by Stone Cold Steve Austin) was probably the best I’ve ever seen =)
“But what I like about Vince McMahon is, he’s managed to keep the gender/race politics, PC and SJW crap out of pro wrestling.”
I think we can say pro wrestling is one of the few elements in pop culture and sports which hasn’t been polluted by political correctness and cultural marxism yet. It’s not just McMahon’s WWE, I’m talking about the whole wrestling industry (New Japan Pro Wrestling, Ring of Honor, EVOLVE, indie federations).
Great article and perspective. One of the best I’ve read here in some time.
‘We’ don’t want some football. ‘We’ want those mutants pictured above wearing Colts merchandise to get off their asses and do something else with their free time.
‘We’ don’t care that the NFL isn’t patriotic. The country belongs to Them. It has belong to Them since at least 1932. ‘We’ should understand that that Red, White and Blue flag stands for everything and everybody but Us.
If you want to see something really scary, go on YouTube and take a look at the fans from sporting events prior to 1990, and then compare them to the mutants pictured in this article. Has a people ever fell to pieces so fast physically than white Americans? Was it murder or suicide?
until football evolves into a mad max-style gamble able Bloodsport, it’s destined to fail.. what passes for today’s football american-style football at least has all the entertainment value of watching old folks in an old folks homes die as they go on living their daily lives. except those folks have dignity and respect can’t say the same for the freaking NFL
Author is a fucking idiot. Did you see the playoffs? The super bowl? That was dull. NFL has nothing to fear about the XFL, they will just laugh. All famous black athletes are detestable. Whats your point? Roosh this guy is an idiot don’t ever let him post again.
I live in Indiana and I swear, that first picture of those Colts fans…those dudes look like every out of shape goofy Dadbod Sportsball fan in this state. Always with the jerseys or the baggy oversized colts sweatshirts and the baggy ass cargo pants or carpenter jeans that look like Homer Simpsons big blue pants. Always slurpin down corn syrup from some 200 oz. McSodaPop container that looks like something that fell off an aircraft, and stumbling around with that dazed look just waiting for their wives to give them the next set of instructions.
The left leaning Media has called Vince Mcmahon racist for taking Advantage of the Nfl’s anti Trumpism. they may say its racist but it is truly ballsy and smart Business. Vince fucked up running WWF once,but when Wcw faltered he took advantage and now he owns pro wrestling’s premier company. Just because Xfl flopped doesnt mean it will this time.Vince is an Alpha, no wonder him and Trump are close buds. I think Vince is more regal than Trump but theyre both winners.
Remember when Vince tried to set up an alternative bodybuilding federation to the IFBB?
Weider mopped the floor with his ridiculous sideshow. It was gone in two years. And the NFL is a lot bigger than Joe Weider.
Liberals ruin everything they touch. Goodell is a classic Clinton liberal. The No Fun League will continue to decline under his white-guilt ridden leadership. To hell with him and the pampered babies of the NFL.
Vince McMahon is nothing if not a smart businessman. NFL, as lame as it has become is still really the only game in town, even as they systematically commit slow motion suicide. US Soccer is at best about as exciting as AA baseball, and is comprised of leftovers that can’t hit a fastball or a long jump shot…there just is not the money in US Soccer to attract high caliber athletes. World soccer is comprised of fantastic actors that are fair athletes as well….
Basketball is streetball and suffers from a long term image issue that they can’t fix.
Baseball is great spectator sport for those with a long attention span. If you were able to pay attention long enough to read this far through this you probably don’t mind watching baseball.
So with those facts stated, the calculation Vince was probably able to do in his head is that taking even 10 percent of a $13 Billion market share is $1.3 billion…not a bad gig if you can get it, and he can recalibrate the game with rules that let the available athletic and cost effective talent put on what people want to see. See the parallel with pro-wrestling???
Hey, when even monster truck racing pulls around 4.6M spectators a year and you can figure they each spent $100 bucks each over the year on fan crap, you are looking at a half billion market with that product!!
The traditional sports are truly vulnerable due to “letting the inmates run the asylum” and they are going to find out the hard way.
I never watch sports looks like porno I rather live it then watch it.
It was a good idea then, but poorly executed. It was ran too much like wrestling. There might have been some crossover between NFL viewership and WWE viewership, but they fundamentally misunderstood that correlation. Watching WWE on a Saturday night was the equivalent of a one night stand, but the NFL on Sunday was church, and XFL cheerleaders that looked like strippers, and announcers that sounded like wrestling announcers disrespected the religion. However, McMahon isn’t stupid so hopefully he’s learned from his mistake.