Movies are overrated when it comes to their cultural effects. Hollywood hypes its movies as life changing to sell more movie tickets, but it is usually just marketing. But every now and then, a movie comes along that does capture the imagination and can lead to real world changes. Marvel’s Black Panther is such a movie.
The Black Panther story
Briefly, Black Panther is the story of a mythical African country known as Wakanda. To outsiders, Wakanda appears to be just like any other Third World African nation. In reality, Wakanda is the most peaceful, richest, and most technologically advanced nation on the planet. This is due to their possession of an alien substance called vibranium.
Wakanda is an all-black nation that is isolationist, anti-immigrant, and anti-refugee. In other words, Wakanda is a black ethnostate. However, it is not that Wakanda is racist per se. It only restricts itself because that is in the best interest of its citizens. I believe that Wakanda is the most powerful concept in the movie.
Wakanda is led by the powerful and wise king T’Challa. T’Challa’s kingship is challenged by the villain Erik “Killmonger” Stevens, who also happens to be black. Killmonger wants to give vibranium to blacks worldwide so that the will be able to overthrow their white oppressors. Thus, the movie avoids falling into a simplistic dichotomy of “black man good, white man bad.”
Wakanda, Black Panther’s ethno-nationalist state
“Would you kill me, my love?”
“For Wakanda? No question,”
— Reg (@TheStarIsR) February 22, 2018
While there is a lot of adventure in the movie, the piece of the story that has really captured the imagination of black movie goers is Wakanda itself. Here is an African nation that is completely independent of Western aid with competent and honest leadership. This contrasts with the African nations of today which are too often characterized by poverty and corrupt leaders. MSNBC personality Joy Ann Reid wrote:
Contrast Wakanda with the Africa of today, a continent too often depicted in movies and the scant Western news coverage it receives as nothing more than a collection of backward and impoverished nations ruled by corrupt regimes and ripped apart by colonialism and dictatorship; what the current American president called “shithole” countries. Few realize the gleaming cities and rich, vibrant history this vast region holds. (My godmother’s old history books, stacked in her little library in the Bronx, literally take Egypt physically out of Africa.)
While Reid is diametrically opposed to Donald Trump, the irony is that Wakanda is sort of much more extreme version of what Trump wants for the United States. Trump wants to minimize the number of refugees and immigrants that the US accepts. Wakanda does not permit any refugees or immigrants at all. Like Trump, Wakanda does not do this out of any hatred or racism, but out of the simple recognition that a ruler must put the good if his citizens first. Only a strong, healthy country can benefit other nations.
Divisiveness in Black Panther
Even though Black Panther avoids painting all black people as good and all whites as bad, it is not free from racial animus. Whites are called “colonizers,” referring to historical colonization of Africa by the European powers starting in the 19th century and coming to an end in the 20th. The implication being that the various African people would have formed Wakandas had it not been for the white man.
This divisive message has been picked up on by black movie goers as can be seen by the tweets below. This message of racial pride and separateness will only buttress the movement in the black community to stop looking to white civilization, and instead form parallel black institutions.
Let’s keep it going !!!!!
— #TeamWakeNHate (@BabyFaceChem) February 23, 2018
— PMLEGEND™ (@PMLEGEND) February 23, 2018
In 2018 let’s stop celebrating first blacks and act like we have been there before
— T. Millionaire JD (@toddmillionaire) February 27, 2018
Celebrating second place (aka first black) is embarrassing. Stop that
— T. Millionaire JD (@toddmillionaire) February 27, 2018
On a side note, I find it interesting that the media feeds whites messages of racial harmony and the need for unity above all things—never anything like pride in the achievements of European civilization. The recent Superbowl and Olympic commercials are good examples of this.
On the other hand, blacks are taught to have racial pride and to take pride in the achievements of their ancestors, even if some of those accomplishments originate in a comic book that was started by two Jewish guys.
This double standard is not the fault of the black community. Rather, it is the result of social engineering by wealthy elites upon both groups. Their goal is to create a US that has no ethnic majority. Black Panther is meant to reinforce that message, but over the long term it may inadvertently lead to the formation of parallel institutions or even the restructuring of the US as we know it.
Black Panther is a fun movie and it can be enjoyed just at that level. It carries a wholesome message that communities need to take care of themselves before they can begin to help those on the outside. Further, successful communities need strong, selfless leaders and a virtuous people. These characteristics are prerequisites for all successful countries.
But the movie also carries with it the more controversial message that blacks might be better off on their own without the meddling of the “colonizers.” Only time will tell if Black Panther will give more momentum to a feeling that is already in catching on in the black community.
Read More: Is The Black Nationalist “Hotep” Movement An Ally In The War Against Globalist Elites?
We wuz Kangzzz n Shieeet Nigga.
If it wasnt for evil white man. We wuzzz gonna rulezzz Africaaa man (smacks lips) and the Holll World man.
Dem crackas took our continent!!!!
You snowflakes keep telling yourselves you’re superior to black people but you can’t even control your women, or reproduce or adapt effectively as a race of men.
You can’t function without despising and blaming other races – blacks, Jews, Muslims – because your life isn’t quite as cushy as you think it should be, but you could not take one fraction of the punishment these races have had to take through history, because you can’t cope with being disliked, you are physically and spiritually weak, and fundamentally you are pathologically afraid of darker skinned races, despite everything you’ve done to stamp them out, they are still there and still scaring the shit out of you.
Keep telling yourself having white skin makes you Charlemagne – it doesn’t, you’re just a passenger in history, like the overwhelming majority of people on earth, except you simply had the good fortune to be born in a certain part of the world. Having said that, most white Americans are descended from poor European peasants who slept with their pigs and goats and daughters and lived on raw potatoes until Europe exported its surplus population. You got to Ellis Island and got a new chance in a new land. Having black people as an underclass and the rapid industrialisation of the virgin land convinced you were something special. In reality you are born of serfs, and the brief window in time that allowed you to live beyond your status, the white picket fence etc, is at an end, and now serfdom awaits all but the more intelligent of you. Now you have to work and compete for what you have, and you lack the resilience to do it.
The reality is while you incels are complaining on message boards, the black American remains your physical and sexual superior and your women are going to him to get fucked and bred properly.
The never-slaved African – Nigerians and Ghanaians – is now by far your intellectual superior – he routinely outperforms you in your schools in your own countries, as does the Indian, the Chinaman and the Jew. I don’t mind Trump, but his childish eccentricities have made you a laughing stock – he has not one fraction of Obama’s gravitas, intellect or resilience.
White men – not you, but some white men – may have built a civilisation with the syncretic knowledge from the Egyptians, Aryans, Greeks and Romans, but white supremacy is a dead end, because it is not a philosophy of supreme whites – it’s the tantrum of low class losers whose skin has allowed them to ride the coat-tails of people who just happened to have the same pigmentation.
You know really that your flimsy status rests only on being part of a majority, and that too is fading as you incel yourselves to minority status, and other economies grow from a lower base, while yours has peaked.
There is no point having a civilisation based on lots of shiny new toys if it is sterile. And Western society is literally sterile, and has visited sterility on the natural world. The clock is not turning back – Europeans made their own societies heterogeneous with an insatiable demand for commodities that sent them all round the world sticking their nose where it didn’t concern them, destroying sustainable, homogeneous, patriarchal societies, and to therefore expect white dominated societies to remain homogeneous is an absurdity.
By the way I have nothing against whites – what I don’t like is a bunch of guys in their mom’s basements drinking warm Miller Lights and watching Blacks on Blondes on P*rnhub telling themselves they are somehow superior by proxy. A real man defines himself by his own achievements, mental, physical and spiritual, he doesn’t base his self-worth on the one thing in his life he had no control over, the skin he was born in.
@so what, I could not even read your disortation because you implied that snowflakes(white men) can’t control white women….have you seen these “brute beast” known as black women and how they are conducting themselves here in such a high clip, as a black man I will ever so often approach a white woman, Asian or Hispanic concerning serious issues, I never address the violent, weave wearing, neck rolling whore. I am sure you are one of those “NOT ALL!” Losers who will speak of the minority of black women(needle in a haystack) over the majority of black women.
MYSELF, when I talk about snowflakes I’m talking about racist, low class betas who blame minorities for all their personal shortcomings and who cling to their skin colour as a life raft. I’m not talking about sensible, stand-up white men who are secure in themselves and can relate to a man as a man and make an argument without recourse to playground inanities. And, talking of having security in oneself, I cannot get on board with this trend for black men blaming black women for all their problems and putting all other women but black women on a pedestal. I have had sex with and dated near enough every race of woman and the reality is women of all colours can have good attitudes and bad attitudes as individuals. Some of the most unhinged women I’ve known were white. Before they turned on white men, white American women honed their skills on black men – Emmett Till was the victim of a metoo lie. True, some black men and some black women do have difficulties relating to one another, but this more often than not the by-product of being in a minority in a caste-based society that is anti-family, and is tied up with poverty, education levels, class, welfarism, incarceration and ghetto, post-slavery anti-culture. It is entirely different from the misandry promoted by wealthy white women in the name of feminism that seeks to make men as a sex redundant, guilt-ridden and ashamed, and promotes homosexuality and transgenderism as more desirable.
Africans are not the intellectual superior they still cannot make or follow rules go look at their country. They still are not complex tool makers. They memorise to pass exams and then take advantage of the system to help AAs. And yes go look at second generation Africans in France and the UK and you will see all of the same social problems like crime and break down of family dynamics you see in America- the first generation has the African family but by the third generation they are players with single moms. The second generation do not form families so they quickly sink to crime and aggression. Americans could look to places with earlier African migrations to see how it plays out but they choose to pretend this African migration is a new paradigm.
We know that Africans are not advanced cognitively, and are like a seperate species. Real men define themselves on their own achievements? Blacks define themselves through the achievements of other blacks more than any other group so fiigure that.
Yes our civilisations will crash and yes that was because we let in groups who have different biological group structures and do not fit this structure.
We as a group know that we will die out and our civilisation will fall with it unless some things change, we knew that a long time ago, you can only absorb so many Africans before the group structure becomes African and that will happen across the west. The problem is not that they are naturally criminals but that they do not fit these societies so in a couple of generations their families break apart and then their higher levels of agression and dominance lead them to bad ways.
The fact is that we built these civilizations that are very similar and many were built without slaves across Europe. If we had an ethnostate we would be like Japan and if all instruments of society our men ran we’d uphold morality and the family.
The modern crime and decay is because the rates of crime are too high to stop from some minorities so it starts to fall apart. Much of Europe before these migrations were almost crime free with no dangers without locked doors when everybody was a middle class white.
Soon Europe will have worse race relations issues than the United States and that is an imported unneeded issue. What is needed is a Western European White ( not slav ) ethnostate where others cannot live. It would be amazing and dream most whites would buy into.
Imagine there was no crime, its easy if you try.
Warren I’m not going to pretend that there aren’t some black people who are stupid and self-destructive. But neither will I pretend there aren’t plenty of whites who are profoundly stupid and self-destructive. Neither will I play along with this fiction that every white man is Archimedes, or the myth that Western civilisation is the best thing that happened to humanity.
You mention the UK; in the UK 12 per cent of the population is Asian, 3 per cent is black, and the ethnic presence is entirely the result of Britain meddling elsewhere in the world, yet no-one seems to have the sense to accept that, and half the population don’t even know it. Most of the ethnic population are concentrated in London, the Midlands and Manchester, the most wretched whites live in small, post-industrial places where there are barely any migrants at all – I’m talking Jeremy Kyle Show Britain. Whacked out of their mind on drugs, a low aspiration culture which means employers would rather recruit foreigners, broken families, welfare dependency, kids in care, abuse, rough sleeping, and an inability to leave their dying town and adapt to reforms Thatcher made nearly forty years ago. White working class boys routinely do worst in schools and it isn’t because they have been forgotten – it’s because they are not bright, the guaranteed well-paid repetitive industrial jobs are gone and their parents don’t support them in their education. Why? Because they are serfs, passengers, history’s cannon fodder, pawns in the game. They just happened to be serfs who had the good fortune to be born into a more technologically advanced civilisation, but they bear no more credit for the achievements of that civilisation than an Eskimo does. That’s why they cling to their whiteness – it’s the only thing they ever achieved, it isn’t even something they were active in bringing about, and they don’t even know the elites care nothing for their skin colour, because before societies were multicultural, poor whites were the negroes.
And what of that civilisation – has it produced men who increased the sum of human knowledge? Yes. Has it increased the sum of human happiness? No. Has it imperilled mankind and our biosphere as no other culture has before? Yes. Is the imperilment of mankind the measure of a successful culture? Nope.
Centuries ago you laughed at the Jew, now he owns your institutions. You laughed the Chinaman, now he’s one step from ruling you. You laughed at the Arab and the Indian too, and now Western governments depend on them. You denigrated the Muslim, now white family structures crumble while his patriarchy prevails. You said the Aryan was the ubermensch, that the black man was an inferior specimen – then black men bested you on the track, in the boxing ring, on the football pitch, the racing track, the basketball court, even on the tennis court. You said he was an ugly beast, now your women are draped off him. But ultimately race is not the measure of a man, the measure of the man is himself.
@So what
And there it is “Centuries ago you laughed at the Jew“ the true source of your vitriol.
All the justification and rationalization the j3w needs to scheme, subvert and try to destroy a people who actually have taken them into their societies for centuries and aloud them freedoms and sovereignty as a people. Until of course their greed and corruption grows too much for the host to tolerate. But the j3w has engineered the ‘final solution’ to that problem by demoralizing and eradicating the white race. As dictated by their holy book the Talmud the mongrel races of the future will be serfs to the (((chosen ones)))
Irish in the US had higher death rates than American blacks, yet few Irish complain. Whites, Japanese, ect. can overcome, blacks can’t so they opt. to blame Whitey rather than admit they are incapable, inferior, ect.
Blah blah blah white men are weak, be individuals white goy it’s good for you and makes you strong. “White men try to stamp out blacks” but had the capability to wipe them out and didn’t, were first to end slavery and no mention of j3wish, Arab, African slave traders in your little history revision.
Shedding a critical light on j3ws who own all your influential institutions makes you a basement dwelling white loser goy. Just like what the (((media))) tagged Roosh with. So give up white man and embrace tolerance and individualism. Look how much respect it has gotten you from the newcomers and your women. None? But surely you still have sovereignty and strong cultural ties to your people. No? Oh well you were just meant to roll over and die out anyway whitey.
How does this ‘ideal’ individualist white man or black man for that matter overcome a hateful (((tribe))) that has usurped his institutions and plots to rob them of their History, wealth, culture, racial identity, spirituality and their very humanity.
In evolution theory, Cohesive groups simply outcompete individualist strategy. It is why (((they))) divide and conquer outgroups and promote individualism on their enemies yet do not adhere to their own prescriptions and remain zealously tribal. You will probably respond with (((they))) just work harder than you or are smarter, but this is simply not true. The powerful effects of strong networking and disabling your competitors has overwhelmingly been proven to trump any individual challenge. The gap only broadens as they disable groups further the more power (((they))) gain.
u made good points until u used chinaman and thereby ur hypocrisy shined thru under the facade of higher enlightenment now go fuck urself
Hats off to you Sir for educating the neo-rednecks. I cant be assed. Steal the wealth of poorer nations by withdrawing from the colonies, but leaving your brown-black proxy colonials in place who rape the countries of their resources selling it off cheap to the western world and stuffing the proceeds in western world assets. Then if the locals try to remove your colonial proxies, arm you proxies, if its not enough send in your military ‘advisors’, if its not enough then ‘drone’ them or hit them from the air & if thats not enough then send in the troops. And blame the locals from wanting to leave the poor shitholes to emigrate to where there is more wealth.
An analyst recently said, if it was not for the petrodollar agreement (to protect the gulf monarchies from their own populations in exchange for oil to only be sold in dollars and the proceeds invested in US bonds etc – thus forcing countries to purchase dollars to buy oil) the United States would have the same standard of living as Mexico.
They couldn’t biuld modern societies however much money because that would require the locals to behave differently and biuld roads, and houses and this is not about money entirely and some conspiracy theory its about how they behave ant trade advantage will not allow them to have these complex hierarchies because its all biological and they are all about being “alpha” and showing physical dominance to one another.
You see these behaviours in every African ethnic gang in the world in Brazil or NYC where it mimics the behaviour of them as tribesmen and that will not create for them any society resembling the West.
A typical word salad that defies — like all works of fiction — history, genetic truth and normalized observation. But please, continue to tell us all how the chimps in Ghana are superior.
@So What
Your erroneous rant about black men being so capable and desired by women of other races is comical!
The data says that Asian and white non-hispanic men are by far more intelligent genetically than black men. And intelligence has a strong correlation, almost determinant relationship, with financial success.
This shit about sexual supremacy is also laughable bullshit. Firstly the implied penis size difference is negligible in legitimate studies that don’t rely upon self reporting, and by the way, white men tend to have thicker penises often in those studies. When you control for age and body type, disparities in other studies disappear, and they were marginal to begin with.
This should be obvious to you, and perhaps why you try to push such tripe–white men are by far the most desired by women in the sexual market place. Forget the mounds of data that indicates this, let’s just focus on your own observations for a moment. Have you ever been to a club frequented by black men? What color are the women in those clubs? Not white, that is for sure. I assure you, black clubs will have ZERO white or asian women.
Every been to a club frequented by white men? Guess what color women you’ll see there? Tons of white and asian women. And if you see women of other races, they’re super attractive and hand-picked from the line of desperate females waiting to get through the door to the white males they worship.
Ever see interracial couples? You may notice a white woman with a black man more because it supports your fantasy and because it’s a rare sight. If you’re honest, you’ll notice that attractive women of other races are more often with a male from the white race than a female of the white race with men of other races. It’s not close.
This is yet another example of deep denial by an angry black man fixated at white women he can’t have. Sure, you can go get some used-up blob or a whore with low standards on Tinder, but you’ll never out-compete an eligible white man. Never. And that’s a sad truth that you just can’t face.
Look at Africa, it’s a shit hole. The West is great because white men have invented literally everything that makes life great–the wheel, the internet, the automobile, water desalination, water treatment, fish farming, hydroelectric energy, nuclear power, rocket propulsion, jet propulsion, the air plane, the microchip and so on and so on. What has the black man invented? Peanut butter.
The West and Europe weren’t on the decline until waves of immigrants from Africa and the brown world flooded in. If the US were all white, is there any doubt that we dominate? But African countries that are all black are HORRIBLE.
Lol. What a joke. Did I really need to tell you this? Oh, I guess that I did as this is exactly in line with my point. BTW, I have a phd, was a college athlete and I have an 8-inch penis with great girth.
Black supremacist commenting on a ridiculous black power movie. White’s don’t need to blame blacks for anything, however, blacks and their apologists are constantly whining about how unfair it is to live in a white country. There are no white people moving to black countries but many blacks who can’t wait to move here. I believe most blacks would move to America if given the chance.
Read the bell curve since your apparently one of the intelligent negros, who can read, and learn about IQ differences between our races. There is a reason there are no successful black countries. No vibranium for you.
Blacks are repulsive to most nonblack women. Most won’t say so in public, as its verboden. Check out backpage and look how many hookers will not even bang a black for cash.
It’s true most white men have created nothing themselves except a society from where men who do create spring from. What has a black society ever created except for chaos and malcontents such as yourself.
We aren’t supremacists like yourself, we just want to be left alone to live among people like ourselves. So keep on hating you jelly POS and go make Africa great for once.
Black and white supremacists alike consistently fail to see the lie. Civilisation is merely a means of promoting corporate or elite interest at the expense of individual freedom. It’s a simply the use of administration, buildings and technology to harvest labour and taxes. The natural state of man is what you would call a savage; this civilisation we live in is actually a dystopia. The simple truth is man was meant to live off the land, under the stars, in a patriarchal homogenous society with multiple wives and many children under the direction of his God and at the mercy of the seasons, to walk miles and drink from streams, to die when it was his time; in short, to live cyclically and sustainably in an interdependent kinship-based clan as people did in Africa, Asia and the Americas for thousands of years and still in places, manage to do, despite the predations of the IMF, multinationals, and aid agencies that are fronts for Western corporate feminism. The West has spent 500 years destroying the natural state of man wherever he found it and replacing it with Caitlin Jenner and iPhones and s ton of other distractions that are actually unnecessary and inimical to human happiness. If anything this movie is a patronising piece of propaganda that promotes the nation state, trans humanism, feminism and industrialised warfare as ‘liberation’ and ‘progress’, when in reality, Western elites have systematically destroyed freedom and made serfs of us all, regardless of skin colour.
Civilization is an extension of whites natural tendency towards hierarchical group structures, and their propensity to make complex social rules and to follow them. It may be subverted for any number of reasons. Asians cannot make these rules or derive them but them damn well can follow them. That is why when China walled off it stopped advancing.
White society has now gone wrong as the rules went too far and so the rules even limit the young generation erecting their own homes and now the taxes meant to stop poverty now undermine the family structure and even mean that only the very poor and very rich can afford them, and this won’t change.
Their own systems are now are destroying their own people and the societies will fall backwards and civilisation I believe when the world hits 30B and most of that is African and Muslim I doubt civilisation will continue.
If the world had a few hundred million population then this lifestyle you talk about might be viable but when the worlds population is 30B and the vast vast majority of that is African and Muslim then it won’t be viable. The reason Africa had 30 million population when we found it and much was uninhabited was because they lived like that.
The systems also are becoming stronger and stronger so that there is no real way that they can be opposed or changed. I think when the Wests civilization does collapse in 2100 when whites are <3% of global population and Africans/Muslims have collapsed their once strong societies then its very likely new ideologies will be found, and that new ideas and all of the current stuff and morality and social structures will be forgotten about as a major failure.
I think that the current IQ of leaders is far too low, and that is a major cause of this. When the West does collapse, which is likely as the left when they win demographically will flood it with people that really don’t fit the society, then we may at that stage look to rebuild.
Divide the left brain from the right brain of every single human and you will rule over them…… if you are awake already then you will know we are all victims since birth….
The more the blacks get racist the more whites will. We can see now that sharing our stuff is really only what whites do as nobody else really seems to want to share their land, share their women, and we provide the ideas and the social harmony that is needed for humans to be more than fighting out on the ground.
You will never have the multiracial dream because the Major religions , with Christianity as the exception, will not reform or voluntarily subside. They will always push their own ethnic interests or group interests and then if you as a group don’t push yours back you just die. When muslims hoard women what can secular europe do about this?
They have to either accept their men to be in a bad situation or block dating between Muslims and nonMuslims because they cannot make the muslim women break their religion and marry out. Multicultural harmony therefore becomes impossible.
The extreme ratios you see of something like 10:1 on the streets/clubs with BMWF vs WMBF or WMAF vs AMWF are also probably genetic ( culture is the worst myth and just a happy pill swallowed by the lower groups. Its hardly studied. ) . If you put a nation of 50:50 between whites and Asians or Blacks and Whites without blocks on IR dating it will all go sour. I have seen that in small areas where this happened as the whites, or asian men get shafted and they aint feelin multicultural after that.
Brazil in a best case scenario for small levels of Africans, and Jamaica is a best case for higher levels. The groups will always fracture this way, sadly.
Ethic nationalism will increase but also it gets less and less realistic and feasible. I think for as long as you have elections it won’t happen.
Modernity just expects people to take leave of their senses and not see the differences. That’s what makes this movie so crazy. When you see black gangs they don’t make rules and follow them they have ego based decisions and constant fracturing and everybody arguing. White gangs have rules, order, hierarchies, and are organised like normal white society if with violence thrown in.
That is why this movie is so false and it gives false ideas to these Africans who know the truth may be different. I think as Africans increase in number eventually the truths will become impossible to deny and in a hundred years if Europe does collapse then whites will eventually want to live amongst themselves. They will not want to deal with all this multiculturalism and its problems it brings. Nationalism is like a hydra but the question is can it be kept down forever.
“The groups will always fracture this way, sadly.”
bEcause white women are the most desired in the world, and black women are the least desired. This is proven many times over whenever the dating sites release their search data.
And FYI the most common interracial relationship is white male with asian female
By marriage david because they need that for the visa. Not by hookups or cohabitation or even probably producing offspring.
Depends on which country. Globally I unsure what the correct figures are but I would guess there are more white women with Arab muslim men than white men with Asian women if you look through Eastern europe and Russia but I am not sure.
Most of the States these days on the streets you see more white women with black men than white men with asian women
White women want black men.
This is just how it is.
The younger the woman, the greater the effect, for whatever reason.
Then why do whites want blacks to come to their societies to skew the odds against them in dating? The same is true for muslims as well.
Asians don’t let white men in for this reason but whites let blacks in.
Yo manzz I wuzzz africanzz. I built dem cpus with dem mac apple computahzzz
But demm crackas made me turn whitez just like Michael Jackson man.
Demm applez computahzz rr black prideee manzz !!
Apple izzz blackzzzzz! But dem crackaz lie in history books!!
You’re a triggered weirdo
Blacks really are like children. On another site, someone posted a photo of a theater full of blacks holding up the Black Nationalist Fist during this film’s opening credits. They are so easy to manipulate. A comic book, Disney fantasy invented by a Jewish guy who was already a very old man when I was collecting comics as a kid in the 90’s. Just pitiful.
By the way, what ever happened to Stan Lee’s #MeToo problems? They seem to have disappeared.
whites are also like children please know the biggest enablers of denegracy in the west is white people the biggest haters of trump are white people.
yea, (((white people))).
Retrospective Idolization
An affable marijuana-loving Irish-American full-time carpenter and part-time actor name Ford and a teenage cokehead did a Space Opera. The set was apparently riddled with cocaine abuse.
A young ex-Marine was seen on the Dating Game and cast as Flash Gordon. He later became a bodyguard.
It is kind of sad that people infuse these films with such meaning.
Princess Leah died of cocaine abuse. Flash Gordon is now a security guard.
I mean in some ways there is something pitiful about it.
If you look at Pierce Brosnan and all they hype about James Bond he actually looks like my Irish PE teacher at Catholic school.
I thought he owned the security company.
They are just like whites on that level. Both groups is naturally xenophobic to support their own genes BUT whites are supressed of that instinct.
The Jew > Me Too
”Black Panther is a fun movie and it can be enjoyed just at that level.”
i really don’t think this should be the message of the article..
just have a look at this before make up your mind:
Just a test run to show what will happen to whites in the U.S. after we become a minority in our own nation.
the “red” indians where where also killed and made a minority in their own lands
Sure they were, but they didn’t just stand by and take it. And they weren’t the dominant culture that voluntarily suicided to make room for someone else. They fought their asses off and lost honorably. For some reason whites just seem like they’re giving up.
Let’s not forget, that the “Indians” had no unifying culture between the tribes either. And were in fact, busy Waring with and killing each other long before the white man came.
Like most nations that the Europeans conquered and colonised, the natives made it easy to subjugate them.
As a black man I find it hirlarious that so many blacks are quick to call out whites for “stealing” and taking everything from blacks. In my mind I’m like stop saying that she*t! Don’t you realize your just whining about how when push came to shove the whites proved SUPERIOR to our ancestors! If we wuz such kangz and shieet, explain to me how these lowely, out numbered, degenerate whites just waltzed in and took everything.
We should be embarrassed to even mention we came from greatness if slovernly slobs from Europe can just walk in the front door and take everything we built and enslave us with nary a fight!.
They are so brainwashed in their delusion they don’t even understand their whole narrative of injustice only works if whites and thier culture were indeed superior… dumbasses.
We have guns here and are waiting for an excuse. Big difference.
Stop watching movies.
Grab a book. A good one. Something that will get your brain going.
There are still movies worth watching that tell redpill truths and dont try to brainwash you with feminism or left-wing propaganda.
All you have to do is watch oldies such as For a Few Dollars and More( starring Clint Eastwood) and the old 007 movies( starring Sean Connery ).
As for new Hollywood movies avoid them at all costs they are full of degeneracy, homoesexualism and communist brainwashing.
The blatant naked use of Fake people and places to stoke hate in the real world.
If it weren’t for CGI and Holyweird and FICITION dressed up as “justice”, we wouldn’t be having this discussion at all.
africans are the most diverce people on earth both in charector and genetics
west africans are deferent to bantu people of southern africa as much as they are defferent to white people in Scandanavia.
some Africans are organised in the way they run their countries, families or even villages ie gvts of botswana namibia south africa, zambia, etc while others will shame the wild west in lawlessness.
putting them all in one bracket is not fair and shows lack of understanding ie zimbabwe has a literacy rate of 95%.Almost every citizen has finished high school while south sudan is below 50% yet people see it as same and same stuff is never done in Asia
North africa is diverse, the place controlled for centuries by Christians and then Muslims, not aboriginal blacks, that is why is diverse, the other half of the continent is black and more shithole than the rest.
Even more shithole than the shithole north, and that’s saying something.
Zimbabwe wants white people back because the previous murdered white people were the only ones who could operate the farm equipment to feed the native population who wuz kingz. I say let them starve.
update yourself on the news white farmers where into tobacco and flowers stable food then and now is still produced by black farmers even now Zimbabwe does not import food but black farmers export beef.
One thing is that blacks are so egotistical they rewrite all history and understanding so that it doesn’t suggest that they are less intelligent and organized than the other races. They could at least be honest.
The Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency’s labour force survey estimated that 97% of people over 16 were NOT literate enough for employment in 2011.
UNESCO Literacy rates are based upon a 2ND GRADE Reading Level.
Falsified Literacy Rates in Africa are a common problem used to reassure Corporate Sponsors that Charity Donations are “effective” and “worthwhile”.
African governments EXAGGERATE= POPULATION, LOW CRIME LEVELS, and LITERACY to attract Investment and maximize Aid Programs.
Haplogroups that are Negroid tend towards physical and environmentally stressed adaption (hot desert climate) in exchange for reduced level mental competency and IQ.
The entire variety of African variation in terms of physicality and culture does NOT change the fact that all Negro Haplogroups are L0-6; representing a pre-evolved mitochondrialDNA subspecies.
Mankind did NOT originate in Africa, nor did other race groups derive from it.
The MAJORITY of the African continent is ALREADY ethnostate administrative.. yet still fails.
Colonialism was, and is, ONLY possible because tribal Africans AGREED to sell their own families, resources, lands to ‘outsiders’ (which includes non-Whites such Arabs, SAsians, and other African sub-groups).
What I find most interesting about this article are the tweets by T Millionaire (whoever that is). Drawing attention to “first black” is embarrassing. White liberals, are you listening? I always had a suspicion that blacks are annoyed by white liberal virtue signallers. They just don’t have the heart to tell them. White liberals; black people do not want to be saved by you, in fact, no one wants to be saved by you. You’re not anyone’s savior lol.
Liberals are the real ‘racists’. They view blacks and non whites as pathetic animals that need their ‘supremacist’ care and protection. Eventually these are the same idiots that end up getting mauled by their pet tiger or chimpanzee.
All the racial shit here….And I can only comment once a month?
Fuck ya’ll…..I ain’t coming back.
Bye, tinkerbell.
Then kick rocks, puss-cake.
Site has turned into an alt-right echo chamber. Half the putdowns and shutdowns of alt-right snowflakery are removed but the white guys don’t even realise what’s happening behind the scenes. Same tactics weak liberals use of no-platforming. Doesn’t bode well for them if they can’t even construct an argument.
Oh there are more coherent arguments here than anywhere in the left. You SJWs have Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, Google, Amazon, the web, money, and Sillicon valley and we have ROK, bitcoin and Trump.
We hardly have room the even breathe these days but Trump represents hope in the world for us. There are some leftists like contrarian lesbian who comment every day so its not like they are all banned.
Warren I’m not a leftist, I despise the hypocrisies of the ctrl-left entitlement cult, I’m an an individualist free thinker as all wise men should be. It saddens me to see the same tactics of emotionalist censorship being employed in the manosphere, which should be the place men go to get away from all that. Safe spaces are comforting but kill intellectual growth. Censoring truth and debate will turn the best site into a self-help group for beta incels very quickly. Intelligent comments are being filtered but the most illiterate, race-based insecure inanities are promoted and upvoted. Way to kill a movement with infighting, ignorance and fear.
You had about 10 comments published so your argument ROK don’t allow contrary view points is incorrect. Sometimes There is a delay while they approve long comments especially if they contain certain key words they go for moderation.
What the fuck are you talking about? All the arguments here posted by obviously butt hurt blacks and shills are always something along the lines of…
“alt right Nazi echo chamber”
“racist white boys”
“nuh uhh that shiiieeets a lie”
I mean, what kind of fucking argument do you make to those statements. You want dumb useless monkey banter? That’s facebook and 4chan. The moment one of you imbeciles starts using data/stats, you know, what we use to prove our points, perhaps you’ll get a serious response back.
The god damn irony…
“I ain’t coming back.”
Oh, No! You just simply can’t leave US alone; that’s not fair!
Our elites want to tame black nationalists so that they will cooperate with corporate globalization.
When I saw Captain America: Civil War I couldn’t help but notice blacks were over represented. Seemed like every other character was black.
When I saw Black mirror minorities are over represented too, is annoying, but heeey! is the future! the last session is all whites are evil and greedy, the only thing right is that it was white people who invented the tech of digital mind transfer to computers. The final episode was about a black antifa chick killing a white devil because of racism and then she burn a business like antifa does. White males are either assholes, beta soy boys or evil.
When I watched Thor: Ragnarok I was disgusted that the Azgardians were all played by mulattos.
That movie sucked.
Thats just sweden in another 30 years.
Welcome to America in the 21st century. Blacks being over-represented in TV shows, in movies, magazine ads, TV commercials, billboards, ads on buses, new car brochures, everywhere.
What a sick society and culture we live in, where the most troublesome and least-accomplished race is being hyped up beyond all reason.
(this should trigger the SPLC).
Black nationalism means more black men will want black women. White women find black men more attractive than most men find black women, so I imagine it’s a win for anyone who likes white women.
White women are only accepting of Africans because they see their women as 0 threat and the strong thirst of the black males for their flesh artificially raises their SMV giving them more options. Watch how white women react when a lot of Asian women are around or mention you dig Asian girls.
It’s a media thing as well. In Asia, women generally ignore black men. They don’t really care for black men whatsoever. But white men? They go INSANE. Why? Because Asian women are fed in their media, that white men are the best.
In the USA, Americans are fed that these nigs are the best, so I’ve noticed Asian women tend to pay attention to nigs here more than in Asian countries. Why? Because Asian women born/raised here, are indoctrinated by (((media))).
I can assure you, that if the media decides Asian men are the best, and they start promoting Asian men as the most masculine, as funny as many of you think this is (or improbable) every woman would be lining up to date Asian men or fantasize about them.
I live around a bunch of blacks, and sure, like any group of people, there are ugly, and there are good looking people. But generally, if you live around a lot of blacks, you’d know the majority of them are ugly monkeys. They look nothing like the half white/half black actors who are well dressed on T.V.
“promoting Asian men…”
Thankfully, Asian MEN doesn’t need any “promotion” by your fucking pussified media.
Don’t know when your kind of “trash people” come out of the *JEG&IIC Syndrome !!
Jealousy, Enviousness, GRUDGE & Inherent Inferiority Complex.
Black men are only considered options because white women (like all women) are more turned on by masculine men. If your average, high earning, accomplished white man were to behave like they actually have spines when it comes to dealing with white women, they wouldn’t seek it out in other men.
I actually dislike many white women who express an interest in me because almost without fail they expect me to behave in stereotypical fashion and it’s insulting. My only interest in them comes from their more feminine demeanor, which is slowly changing for the worst.
Male thirst period, raises the value of pussy. White men, YOU are responsible for the behavior of white women.
The stats I have read are that less than 5% of white females date interracially.
I live in the NY metro area.
It’s rare to see a white female with a back male, and when you do, she is usually either fat or ugly. Extremely rare to see an attractive white female with one outside of the Hollywitz fabricated movies and TV shows. Even Tiger Woods’ girls, except the wife, were not that attractive. Lindsey Vonn is a fat pig, IMO.
I will admit, though, that when I lived in Ca. it was more common than NY, but still, not an “epidemic”.
which is why all the white women feminists will bleed every single thirsty one of you dry… help yourself take two. you will find they’re not like porcelain China dolls at all , but like rabid wolverines after your wallets and ATM cards. but hey, if you are thirsty enough you’ll pay the price willingly.
I used to love this site when it was strictly on the betterment of men. Now a days it seems all you guys do is cry like the liberals you hate so much.
Feel free to leave, tinkerbell.
I won’t. There is still good content on this site. I’m just saying, a lot of you guys b**** and cry a lot. If you guys hate blacks just say that. Your complaints about the hood culture are justified but then when an article is posted that has nothing to do with any of that, the “we wuz kangz” junk comes about.
The one who seems to log in on here and bitch and cry is you.
Big difference. Our “whining” is over legitimate and serious issues, which includes the war against *white* men. Liberal whining is always over illegitimate issues like supposed oppression of women, minorities, and gays, phony climate change, Trump being “Hitler,” etc.
Sad I had to explain the difference to you.
We no longer have time to tolerate or carry oversensitive phaggots. Either take the red-pill or there is the door back to the land of blue-pill.
Wakanda could/would never exist.
Born in 1960. I remember in the early ’70s, perhaps, when the Panther teamed up with Captain America, two most athletic gentlemen, to fight the dastardly Baron Zemo and his minions. Pretty good couple of comics there.
This is an equally race troll-y article aimed at getting fellow whites all RAHOWA. By and large the divide and conquer strategy seems to be working. Africa is a corrupt shithole, sad fact is, America is starting to fall into that same shabby state. Black Panther just represents the interests of those who aim to hasten that demise. If somebody fucks with you, by all means defend yourself, just don’t go tilting at every windmill.
Black African were not even capable of inventing the wheel (among a lot of other things). They had (and still have) only primitive arts, no architecture, no technology…
Being colonized by the European was a historical chance for them and a source of investment without equivalent. They have a huge dept to Europe. After the decolonization they wasted their chance to manage themselves well, that’s why now they come to Europe to get social help.
This Wakanda concept may give good results for some people but not for blacks, whose countries naturally decline and get stuck at the shit hole level as soon as they manage their own destiny.
whole world is fucked but u whites will be fucked first with extinction with is the worst type of getting fucked. really EU and North america are shitholes for the white man u cant even find a decent wife to marry while the avarage african leaves in some village does not own a cellphone yet he marries a virgin, if he choses he can go to europe and fuck your whores who will prefare a semi literate african over over u yet u somehow think u are better than him.
Xfingin makes a good point. You can masturbate all you like over colonization, art, intelligent discovery and invention but at the end of the day the white mans institutions are (((owned))) and he is being eradicated. The black/brown/yellow any old savage is taking the easy white woman as his booty freely and his people will still exist when white gentiles are no more.
Beware though Xfingin. When the white gentile is no more the new (((white man 2.0))) is going to be whole new level of slave master. If you don’t believe me just read some of the Talmud on their grand vision of the world.
Suck it up @Sas… !
Don’t know about others, but Browns (“old savage”, according to “shit head” @Sas… !!) don’t give a fuck about the white/pale Un-feminine, Arrogant, Bitchy, Slutty, Whorish and Un-grateful fowl smelling pussies !!
Wanted to say more, but it is an absolute waste of my time !! I have a suggestion for your kind of “trash people”; get over the GRUDGE !!
P.S: Your kind of “trash people” might feel “satisfaction” by blaming and showing GRUDGE on Brown MEN (and other MEN). That doesn’t make me (a Brown MAN) to think “bad” about white MEN; NEVER.
Whatever man. The only grudge I hold is toward the (((people))) trying to destroy the world and rule the wasteland.
read: “Un-grateful foul smelling … !!
Ok, Ok !! But do not worry!, I am damn sure that (majority of) Brown MEN will never give a shit about dating or living-in or marrying white females !! The same females who “march” against their Elected President with “pussy” makeup on their head !! The same females who “walk bare chested” in the name of “equality” with MEN !!
OMG ! Never and Ever !!
They also had no written language, and never developed concepts like gradations and such.
I meant real architecture, not piles of mud. Btw, the mosques were most likely designed by hired Arab architects. Too bored to check for each one.
Just imagine, when blacks have spread everywhere, the seven hells finally have become truth.
Oy vey, another great hero by (((Stan Lee))
As a white man, I am a minority in my city of Toronto. I’m noticing lately that the black ppl and some of the browns, are colder and seem to have been influenced by our Marxist media. Imagine one day when they completely dominant a city like Toronto. We will be totally marginalized in the city of our birth. Don’t be Toronto, fight multiculturalism with everything u have brothers, it’s hell.
there is no fighting it except typing away at some blog already thanks to those so called tranies and other lefties u are actually a minority
I hear some of them dot.browns are acting black?! Hilarious.
@Chuck, I am not here to influence your “opinions” about Browns but fact is; The Brown (otherwise Friendly, Cooperative and Easy-to-deal with) people always appear “cold” to the “majority” !!. There are hell lot of reasons and guess no point in discussing the obvious.
Did you know the case (right here in the U.S.) where a “brown MAN” who saved a kid/girl (who somehow missed “track” of her Parents) was physically assaulted by her Dad, and there was NO case filed against Him; just because He is from the “majority” !!
So even if we are doing good with no bad/wrong intentions; we get punished !! and then the “majority” blame that we are “colder” !!
I’ve been waiting forever for an article in this movie! It really was a great movie. The best part of the movie was that it cared very little about what the white people watching thought or felt. Most box office movies with a mostly black cast go out of their way to teach white people something. This movie just didn’t care! They just let the black audience marvel in all that dark skin wonder. I’m just going to ignore the typical “we was kangs” b.s. comments the likes of this site we’re just itching to leave. Black peoples so rarely see this positive imagery of themselves. Wholesome families, people proud of their land and their culture, no desire to be accepted by another race. This is just what black folk needed. It’s inspiring because it leaves the message that black people should stop begging for acceptance for whites, and instead just rely on each other. The racists can be pessimistic if they want,but that’s the message most black people saw.
Not sure why you guys are so mad,as if there haven’t been shows or movies about white people banding together?
It’s propaganda aiming to make uncultivated blacks believe that:
– they (as a group) can build advanced technological societies, despite they did not realize anything close to the concept of a civilization.
– that globally the whites spoiled them despite it’s historically the contrary.
It’s a perfidious manipulation that uses the over-developed blacks’ pride (which deeply comes from shame), in order to make them help destroying the West.
I support black nationalists but they have to be humble (realist) and also not accuse the whites.
We waz kangz in sheet . wurs muh history
ummm…it was fiction. it doesnt exist. it was all CGI and Stage acting and special effects… hello….
People are annoyed with the “activism” behind it because it’s a fictitious movie. No one is upset with the narrative of the movie itself.
When Blade came out with Wesley Snipes no one had a problem with it because it was sold as a bad ass movie with a black super hero. Snipes did an excellent job and it was worth watching.
Everything is made to be political these days.
“…go out of their way to teach white people something.”
Is it !? Really !!?? Just out of curiosity, what that “something” is !?
-Is that about how to wear “saggy pants” !?
-Is that about the “thug” culture !?
-Is that about the “drugs” !?
-Is that about “looting malls” !?
-Is that about “killing” On-Duty (MALE) Police Officers !?
-Is that about how to “traffic” EBT Cards/Food Stamps !?
-Is that about “relentlessly” blaming the “majority” !?
@Jackie, blaming others, especially the majority, might “satisfy” your “complex” but in reality, you are proving that you are Diffident, Incapable, Parasitic and Bitter.
The movie forgot about Irish slavery in the U.S.A and the native white skinned people of Africa, the Berbers.
Irish slavery lol. Indentured servitude is not chattel slavery. Why do you guys want to be oppressed so bad?
Oh, crap!
This damned film is the functional equivalent of the movie “Shaft” 40 odd years ago. Fantasy Black Pride and all that.
(The whole Black Panther character was a sop by Stan Lee in the Fantastic Four books around 1967 in an understandable effort to remain topical. He was the first black superhero, and was, in fact, quite uplifting. Credit where credit is due and all that.)
And like “Shaft,” nobody will remember the film in five or ten years. It will remain a footnote, nothing more.
(The misguided people trying to book a flight to Wakanda would do well to read the “Black History” articles at Occidental Dissent. In fact, you all should.)
That’s it. I’m out of here. It’s Friday. I’m going out. To get laid. I’ve got a life to live.
Just a thought.
And the Irish *were* transported as slaves to the New World. Try doing some research.
You should open a book and read before you open that cok holster of a mouth.
This rather annoying woman who posts on here can extol all her perceived virtues of blacks and black culture she wants ( I thought women and homosexuals were once Persona non grata on this site. So when did that change?), “save the negroes”, site her marriage as the benchmark of harmony, that her husband is her equal, that all the world’s woes are because of white males, rail against older men with younger attractive women, yada…yada… I’m quite certain that I’ve been out in the trenches a lot longer than she’s existed. I’ve spent 11 years now working in a scrap metal yard in the crime ridden urban core of Kansas City with blacks, and I’ve had to deal with them as customers, or as homeless vagrants. I watch them frequently chimp out like entitled thugs, throw bags of trash in the street, and live ghetto hutches like feral animals. They’ve turned St Louis into a crime infested sewer, and Kansas City is closely behind. I once met a medical missionary who was home on furlough from West Africa. He said the blacks continuely broke the door handles off his Land Rover he used to make his rounds between villages. I suffer from major “negro fatigue” now, and I have a policy of avoidance of blacks (living in a black infested city, and my day job, precludes this, so I bite my lip until it bleeds a lot). I see no redeemable value in this movie, have better things to do with my time and money, and I would rather sit through a root canal than sit through it.
Sure, guy. I’m in a committed relationship with the (black) man I gave my virginity to and we have a very harmonious relationship. We don’t secretly hate each or try to manipulate each other. I live and work with young black men and women who want to create a better future for black people in America. One where poverty is less of an issue, where the education isn’t inferior, and one where black children live in homes with their fathers. I’m sorry you’ve a had a rough time with black people. Must be rough being on the outside looking in.
@ AZ
Agree 100%.
I’m just a tad younger than you (just a tad) but from my life experiences I have to say I go out of my way to avoid blacks. I see no possible upside of engaging with them. I have lived in a 30% black area for over 25 years, and I simply treat them as if they don’t exist. I neither look at them nor away from them, rather I look through them, like ghosts. And always on the lookup to deal with a “chimp out”, as you say.
Obviously not all blacks are like this. I have met and worked with some decent blacks over the years. But this is no reason for me to let me guard down.
Article Quote – “But the movie also carries with it the more controversial message that blacks might be better off on their own without the meddling of the “colonizers.””
Anyonethinking that thought might want to have a look at Africa since the Colonial Masters have returned to Europe, its no wonder africans are migrating to Europe in such great number.
this movie aint doing shit. the shitholes are still shitholes arent they?
‘Black Panther is meant to reinforce that message, but over the long term it may inadvertently lead to the formation of parallel institutions or even the restructuring of the US as we know it.’
If I read this article corrects, the writer is hinting at a white ethno-state by pretending to write about a black ethno-state in America ie black separation…because of ‘white oppression’.
So far so dishonest and intellectually cowardly.
I won’t address the above as it is dishonest, if I read it correctly.
Instead, the ethno-state.
The idea of an ethno-state, much beloved of the alt-right before they allowed themselves to march and assembly with Sieg Heiling swastika carrying ‘Nazis’, with predictable results; is so far from reality, it can be used by Hollywood in an action movie.
It is so ill thought out, so desperate and so harmless an idea; it can be used by Hollywood in an action movie.
It is so unattractive to the vast majority of (white) Americans that it can be used by Hollywood in an action movie.
When your cultural enemies are trumpeting your ideas, you have either already won, or you cannot win, with those ideas.
so, which is it.
ps, remember ‘winning’ is not ‘being right’ or winning an online debate.
‘Winning’ is having real power, wealth and influence in the REAL WORLD where people live.
While I understand most ROK readers are from the USA and in most cases their experiences with “Black” folks were the interactions with African-Americans (born and bred in the US, multiple generations). The so-called African-Americans are mostly mixed-race , by the way (Mixed coastal West African, White British and Native American).
You will find that first generation African and Haitian (Jamaicans not so much) immigrants to the US tend to do better for themselves and their families than the so-called African-Americans, despite not having even the fraction of support that their African-Americans have.
Compare the average Haitian-American in Miami, FL, a Nigerian in Laurel, MD or an Ethiopian in Seattle, WA…to the average so-called African-American in Detroit, Baltimore, St Louis, Indianapolis etc.
See the difference?
I notice that when white men choose to be with a Black woman, she is usually at least somewhat attractive and often quite intelligent. Black men typically choose the least desirable white women.
Why is that?
White women are more of a status symbol for black men. I’d say especially if you grew up in a westernized culture where they make up the majority of beauty advertising. I used to prefer black women when I was younger but it changed over time due to saturation of advertising, porn and personal experience. Now I don’t find black women attractive unless there’s some white admixture.
Holy sh!t i didn’t know that Stan Lee was jewish ! Damn…now it’s all come full circle for me
Absolutely which comes with as understanding then that any white American is British. The only way they are in the USA which is a great plus
I have never seen the level of immaturity and barbarism then seeing 3 or more black guys between the ages of 18-29 together on a Friday or Saturday night. Because I live in a formerly predominately white middle-upper middle class suburb that has experienced a massive increase in blacks and Arabs since 2010, its hard to avoid their chimpouts!
Did I even choose to be born black? What makes me so bad? The fact that I’m associated with idiots just because I have the same skin color as them? I want an answer
Oops. I meant, I didn’t choose to be born black. Why am I seen as some bad person just because I happen to be from a certain race?
Don’t worry, this is ROK, not a “trash” website/blogs like “pussy bell” !!
You did not chose to be born black (or brown/white/page/yellow/whatever color !!) and nobody here (well, maybe, a “few”) is/are commenting on “all” blacks.
You might have noticed here, several MEN making a point that they have seen and worked with “decent” black people. Good and Bad is everywhere, in every Culture, in every Religion and in every Color !!
These kind of stupid movies, campaigns, marches, speeches, blogs are all “tactics” of the so called “elites” and “vested interests”; simply ignore them and cherish every minute of your GOD given life. Let we MEN stay UNITED.
The South African Gov recently voted unanimously strip all whites of their property without compensation. Who would have predicted that when SA went from a all white dominated society to a all black society, that blacks would do the same. Absolute power corrupts all. And the funny thing is, they are justifying the theft for the same reason the Afrikaaners did. They were there first. Just taking back their land.
Divide the left brain from the right brain of every single human and you will rule over them…… if you are awake already then you will know we are all victims since birth….