Globalists, liberals, progressives, feminists, leftists, no borders, pro-choice, LGBT activists, SJWs, political correctness, multiculturalism—all these terms relate to the same ideology: the cosmopolitanism. We must use and spread the right term to target this ideology at its heart, instead of separately attacking its different avatars, like the multiple heads of the Hydra.
The true alternative
The key alternative in politics nowadays is identitarianism versus cosmopolitanism (which is a sub-level of the right vs left alternative). The fast expansion of the globalization that has been occurring since the 90s seems to be at the heart of this alternative. The cosmopolitanism (from cosmos and politês—“world citizen” in Greek), introduced by Diogenes 2350 years ago, is now at the 21st century the dominant ideology in the Western world.
Our identities are increasingly threatened by a new global model that emerged and is promoted by massive amounts of propaganda. By “identities” we mean:
1. The national identity
The nation state model is attacked by the globalists who are trying to replace it by a global “governance.” They work on the international relations scene to weaken the power and the sovereignty of the nation states and increase the power of transnational organizations which they control.
2. The cultural identity
There would be more easily a global governance acceptance if a global mainstream culture would pre-exist. Therefore local cultures worldwide are strongly influenced by a global model made from the worst of the American culture. The predominance of the English language or the Hollywood movie industry is a part of it.
3. The racial identity
Political correctness can’t admit the existence of different races within the homo sapiens species. Until the eventual dilution of the racial identities or local ethnic groups as a result of massive immigration and racial mixing, we are being told by the media that races do not exist, despite the fact that we should still consider that some “lives matter” more than others.
4. The sexual identity
The fact that we are either a man or a woman and the biological influence it has on us is denied by the promoters of gender theory. Their aim is to generate the perception that the panel of the possible sexual or gender identities is so vast, arbitrary, reversible and versatile, that they do not really exist or are meaningless.
5. History and heredity
We are our ancestors. The European roots, myths, and history are becoming systematically denied or falsified in the media and in the education system to match the contemporary cosmopolitan agenda. On the biological level, we see the premises of a dystopian future into the promotion of assisted reproductive technologies, attacks against the family model, child adoption by homosexuals, and transhumanism.
The global man is a man without past. Moreover, he may not even be a human being, as pro-abortion activists tend to claim already.
We see that the denial of identity is at the heart of the latent propaganda spread by the mainstream media and meta-political activists.
The subversion
The cosmopolitan utopia is a unified empty world where there is neither real group identity nor heritage but only individuals, each one unique and different superficially, but deeply equal to each other. Its appearance of chaotic diversity masks its real uniformity, since the attributes of the diversity are so diluted and mixed that they can not really relate to any group (except promoted through meaningless groups like the LGBT community, obese, disabled people, or diverse fetishists). Ultimately, the cosmopolitan’s aim is to be nothing more than himself and his unrestricted desires.
To push their mentality into people’s mind, they try to subvert the traditional values by different means:
The subversion of beauty
Classical art used to research beauty. Its inspiration often came from nature, myths, religion, history, or from the observation of human societies. Even ideologies like communism and fascism still promoted positive values like heroism into their artistic representations.
Like other dominant ideologies, the cosmopolitanism has an official art, sponsored and used to spread its propaganda (the bulk of contemporary art). But instead of expressing beauty or positive values, it either expresses nothing or negative values like weird sexuality. It’s an empty, ugly, and immoral art for dark decadent ages, heading to the mental prostration and the corruption of the masses (beside its promoters’ lucre).
The subversion of morals and ethics
Individuals are induced to focus on themselves, regardless of any other consideration. For example, TV series like Vikings or Games of Throne are a popular way to subvert a sane base (history or heroic fantasy) in order to normalize the most deviant sexual behaviors and immorality. Consumerism is celebrated permanently, even when it results in selfishness and less empathy for other people.
Previously unacceptable transgressions like pedophilia are becoming indirectly advocated by tendentious representations in the media. Cowardliness and submission are taught (notably relatively to the invasion of Europe) in parallel of the will to enjoy and “celebrate” the global Carnival.
The subversion of truth
Relativism is rampant in the West. We are not authorized by political correctness to judge or hierarchize different identities, opinions, or behaviors based on universal arguments (e.g., “being fat is unhealthy”). And if we base it from our legitimate moral or identitarian point of view, it’s still rejected in the name of the sacredness of the individual.
This is the way the global superclass and its army of zombified slaves are destroying the West. There is no doubt that, after the cosmopolitan ideology have eventually fallen, its devastating impact will mark deeper and more durably our societies than communism did in the countries it ruled.
How to react
Until the direction of the wind really changes, we can prepare ourselves by learning about our roots and identity, and be ready to defend it. A basic knowledge of history is enough to destroy most of the cosmopolitan assertions. We must retrieve essential moral values. Inspiration should be found in examples of beauty, grandeur, righteousness, heroism, but not money, misplaced hedonism, or the cult of the victims. We must cultivate ourselves and identify the dominating groups that have interest into the destruction of the West by promoting the cosmopolitanism. We have to realize that the West would die if it would not be a European civilization anymore.
We must also confront other people, speak to those who can be convinced and disapprove the others, without hiding our ideas. Cosmopolitanism is based on Orwellian lies. To destabilize it, say the raw truth whenever possible, without using the adversary’s language made to mask reality (illegal immigrant not “refugee”, race not “skin color”, conformist not “politically correct”, cosmopolitan not “liberal”). Trump’s attitude regarding the media during his campaign may be an example. Favor the group instead of individualism, as a strategy of empowerment. Learn how to fight and use weapons, for self-defense and for duty, and wait for the leaders.
The author’s views are inspired in particular by Henry de Lesquen’s ideas.
Read More: Appearance Is Ideology
Trudeau is a cunt
The first leader to attend a Gay Pride in person (in Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal).
Toronto is for men what South Africa is for Whites.
Toronto women are feminist shit because of the Jzchews from Bathurst, Leaside, Forest Hill and Yonge-Lawrence Park in Toronto. These Jzchews live in million dollar mansions with pools as large as a parking lot, but they claim that they are the victim in Canada, and USA New York is occupied by these Jzchews who live in Manhattan.
We can’t seem to get enough of ripping on this lady-in-manguise.
The first leader in the world to identify as a 4th wave Slutwalk feminist and ally to the LGBT community, while the white man dies homeless in the streets of downtown Toronto at the back of a 84 storey condo tower.
And unfortunately a very, very dangerous one.
The damage this man has caused Canada will take freaking generations to be fixed, if it can be fixed at all.
This traitor deserves all the scorn in the world.
Yes, because if you offend a tranny or a feminist, it’s at least 3 years in jail.
this article is spot on.
“We must use and spread the right term to target this ideology at its heart, instead of separately attacking its different avatars”
I completely agree on this, personnaly I used “destructivism” to encompass them all and to emphasize the negative aspect.[email protected]._V1_CR0,45,480,270_AL_UX477_CR0,0,477,268_AL_.jpg
can someone do some photoshop with trudeau’s face and make it a meme or something ?
They all look like trannies to me.
The fatal flaw of democracy is that it assumes uniformity and cooperation by the winners and losers of elections, economics and society. It does not take a majority (the coveted magic number of self-government) or even a significant minority, but instead just a dedicated fraction of trolls to derail everything for better or worse. Such ‘diversity’ is lost in the minutiae of checks and balances.
Until you accept that different ethnic groups naturally form different society types because, for example, Africans have different genetic group hierarchies, organizational structures and even family structures that are genetic in origin then you will never be able to save the West.
If it is changed ethnically then the society will follow the lines and cohesiveness of the replacement ethnic group. Any other alternative is really very hopeful and predicated on this idea that somehow technology and science ( more like science fiction ) will save the day.
Until you accept that race and its affect on group structures and family types ( eg genetics of paternal parental investment being low in Africans ) that the evidence is overwhelmingly in favor of this being genetic just because no University will study this then you are on to a loser.
Whites, Africans and Asians have hugely different testes sizes and this in all primates links to different levels of parental investment as it links to sperm competition and this evolves quickly as large testes are risky to hold. The nature of African males does mean they tend towards small tribes rather than big ones as they do not take the complex roles and follow complex rules and you see that in every black gang in the world vs white gangs with rules and organizational structures and social contract.
You are correct but the West is now doubling down on the lies communism did. South Africa is the future for all of us. The Caribbean went this way before.
People seem to not see that population growth works like compound interest and over a few generations the whole west can and likely will collapse.
My view is that should whites have to build new societies we should search through peoples family history and reject those obviously descended from leftists without enough right-wing activists to counter-balance. This must be a non-negotiable rule of the right as these leftists progeny cannot waltz in after wrecking some of the greatest civilizations known to man. They are collaborators.
We basically have to learn from the most successful insurgent group in history that perfected their way of behaving over many generations. We must study harder and look to love that because whilst we are behind on that we will always be voiceless and dominated however many strong we are. We must be less friendly to outsiders and not give up our women, we must have our own talm-d, our own parallel legal structures, we must biuld our own social norms and we must start to rebuild. The world when not rules by the fair even hand of the white man with his innate sense of justice will fall to another dark age.
European white people we are entering our period of existential crisis like the j-dics entered in the 1930’s. That is now for us!! And as with them it is difficult to poke your head up and say anything for you are opposing forces more powerful than any seen before. If we expect those who are happy to rob us to tell us and to forewarn us then we are utterly suicidal.
They are here to breed our women and give none back and if they keep on doing this our civilization will be done in two or three generations: breeding is compound interest. If you think that by magic non-white societies will suddenly start building like white societies as they have failed to do anywhere in the world after they flood them then you deserve your medal for idiocy. See South Africa or Jamaica ( which also collapsed ) or try and do something ( non-violent ).
It depends what you mean by ‘not give up our women.’ That is dangerously simp, beta-orbiting, cuck language, which does not help anything. Actually, it does the exact opposite of what you are trying to accomplish (sexually, culturally and electorally).
The fatal flaw of Republics is that they are frequently confused with being called “democracies”.
Since when did the pledge of allegiance say “and to the democracy for which it stands”?
Flaw of democracy as it doesn’t really work when some guy put in laws sneakily that stop deportations by writing and then interpreting the law and when they can then flood the nation to win the elections all the media keeps quiet because they own it and non-controlled media is blocked. Its a nice theoretical idea but it failed in the whole Islamic world as they are too divided and if the west is subsumed whilst acting as democracies I think that it will have to be dropped as form of government.
Governments end up too weak to do things, and often they are bought and sold by elites.
Democracy is a terrible idea. In a democracy the smartest and most affluent people get shortchanged by only having one vote, the same as Joe Shmo who works at Burger King. And when you consider the elites can manipulate the masses with ease, under no circumstances should you support this failed system.
(Not that it matters anyway cause we only have the illusion of Democracy in the US)
The richer a society gets, the more power goes to feminists and LGBTQ, just like the Bible says it will happen in the Last Days.
That’s cause the Bible was written by the same ilk who rule today
Cosmopolitianism will end once the economy collapses. Feminists and LGBT can only survive as long as the government can pay for their $25,000 a year HIV treatment or $1,000 abortion.
What about those feminists who fuck their students on TDSB property and still earn their $4,000 bi-weekly paycheck?
The left: Stir up waters to catch fish.
Diversity and multiculturalism are really just words masking the complete opposite. Diversity and culture are destroyed and replaced with an individualist mixmash nothing people that go to the same starbucks/mcdonalds found in every country.
Why does the left tolerate a 5 year old or 6 year old boy acting sexual, but a 17 year old girl who chooses to date the entire football team is somewhat the victim, in some states and countries, of “statutoryrape”?
Don’t females mature earlier than boys? And isn’t it misandry to sexualise a 5 year old boy, but place the age of virginity on females at 18 or higher? Why is the LGBT and feminist movement silent on this? When will all of those teenage boys getting ass raped in prison for “statutory rape” going to fight back against this whore of Babylon?
Q; the left does everything out of spite. If you don’t like it, they’ll do it and disguise it as a social justice cause. SOP.
Do you expect the left to make any sense? They only act according to whatever virtue signal opportunities are available and are motivated solely by hate.
Campus law in Canada and USA makes the age of consent beyond 18, 21, or even 40! Why????? If she drinks one drop of alcohol, it’s considered a felony that is way serious than child molestation.
I’ll just paste a comment from another article here on this site. It is absolutely spot on!
The Western project has led largely been driven by greed and power-lust. Greed/power-lust put women in the workplace, now Western women are effectively men without penises, no longer respect their men, and see marriage and motherhood as a prison. One of the most despicable things the West has done is export feminism overseas, although the sexual virility and patriarchal mindset of Africans and the patriarchal family structures of Muslims offer some bulwark against the brainwashing. International development programmes are commonly believed to be lining the pockets of foreign despots – in reality they promote a feminist, anti-family agenda that will serve multinationals better. The West dismissed the agrarian patriarchal societies of Africa and Asia as inferior, and forced economic materialism upon the world, with no self-awareness that it was sowing the seeds of human destruction. Materialism always needs more – constant growth – so it becomes inevitable that women join men in the workplace, then become men themselves, meanwhile men get made redundant by technology, state handouts and before long, robotics. Those men who stand up for human patriarchal values – values defined by biology – now become maligned. Western civilisation has given us lots of gadgets, but in doing so has completely destroyed the natural order of things, transgenderism and transhumanism being an obvious example of the mess we are in. And yet we keep making out like Western civilisation is some wonderful gift to the world – when in reality its the same kind of the gift the snake gave to Eve – lots of knowledge, little happiness, and a shit-ton of confusion.
My comment is that one can not stop the degeneracy as civilizations are inherently feminine and therefore the more develop their are the more they will favor the sick and weak in society as the majority becomes sick and weak.
Absolutely true and great comment. The reason patriarchy is ordained by evolution is because egalitarian men who share women when they come up against selfish men with patriarchal cultures then they die out as they get few back. Pursue a losing strategy like “equality” against groups that refuse to do the same back ( like muslims ) if you want to as a group but don’t expect to have a part of the generations to come.
Funny thing is that the actual quality of the comments and the logic of them is far higher here where they allow free speech ( left and right side ). Most “liberal” newspapers like war-mongering troll blog The New York Times where only comments that support societies overarching narratives are allowed tend towards very low level comments.
It’s funny how they put muslims there, considering muslim men are only able to keep their women in line by punching the eveliving crap out of them.
It’s funny how they also ignore the traditionalist values that have helped China and Japan keep this shit out of their countries.
It is a deliberate development by the powers that be to reduce competition from the masses, and to trap many into producing for them at negligible cost.
“Transhumanism” in 2018 is just a fancy word for what people in technologically advanced societies in the 22nd Century and beyond would probably call “health care.”
(((Globalists))) know a people that don’t know their heritage and culture or are ashamed of it, will not put up a fight to defend it nor will they be ever able to muster any strength to oppose them once its destroyed.
Good article.
I was out this morning for coffee and looked around at everyone sitting in the shop. Almost everyone, man and woman, under 30 had visible tattoos. Most had full “sleeves” up and down their arms. There was the occasional face and neck tattoo also. I thought to myself what a bunch of freaks. What are these people going to do when they hit 40 and their skin loses its elasticity? They are going to look horrible.
Sure the WWII generation tended to have tattoos. Really can’t blame them though. They were going off to war and a bunch knew they weren’t coming back. But these were in discreet places that clothing covered up. My grandfather got one of Daffee Duck smoking a cigarette. It stayed pretty decent through his 50’s, but toward the end of his life looked like a kid had just colored on his upper arm with random markers. He was embarrassed by it and always wore long sleeves even in the hot summer.
This is what “diverse” culture get you. A nation of freaks.
These are generations of people of the sick. Compared to previous ones they are not healthy at all. Their mothers were sick and consequently their off-springs picked-up the toxic substances, the faulty genes and the nutritional deficiency from the mothers.
If you pay attention will see that young men today have rather small heads and very narrow faces. This is clear sign of low testosterone. I don’t care if they go to gym and have pumped up muscles, they are still weak men and will always be as the face never lies.
And girls, as beautiful as they are, are even sicker as naturally their constitution is weaker than men’s. So when they eventually decide to pop-up one child after 30-35 years of age, there’s no way the child will be healthy at all. And thus we have a perpetual deterioration of people’s health, with every following generation being much weaker and sicker then the previous.
Beyond that, they also fail to see how they’ve been laid low by the ironies of their mass consumerism, which they inwardly believe has made them individualistic. Instead, they stare across a polluted sea of their own conformity…hipsters are the absolute Dead End of Western Civilization.
(((We))) in the cosmopolitan business (World Wars, consumerism, Cultural Marxism, socialism) would like to thank our sponsors: Women’s suffrage.
Without you, (((our))) actions would not even be possible.
Why is it this article suddenly reminded me of some things mentioned in Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations?
This is our world today
Wow, the whole raft of pictures in this article with the exception of only one, is a testament to the sheer debauchery and corruption of the human race…
Its pretty obvious that without a near extinction level event or world war, Humanity if going to choke to death anyway on the sheer foulness of the corruption it has allowed to fester and take hold. the disgusting freakishness is just unbelievable.
I’m quite sure we’ll have another world war in the next 30 years. And I’m also fairly sure that, just as usual, it’s going to start in Western Europe.
Reasons will be different this time, though.
When are the writers, and most of the commenters, going to call it what it is? It’s the New World Order! If you have any hope of stopping this shit you need to get off the fence and call a spade a spade. These twots (B Russel, the Huxleys, Galton Darwin, Bernays, H G Wells, the Bushes etc etc etc)have been telling you whats coming for a hundred years or more, and you write it off as a conspiracy theory, just like you’ve been conditioned to. Fine, accept it, ignore it, play along with it, but do me a favour and quit fucking complaining like a group of jam-ragged split arses. It’s like a mothers meeting half the time….
The New World Order is not the name of an ideology. But we are talking about related things.
Until you accept that different ethnic groups naturally form different society types because, for example, Africans have different genetic group hierarchies, organizational structures and even family structures that are genetic in origin then you will never be able to save the West.
Until you accept that race and its affect on group structures and family types ( eg genetics of paternal parental investment being low in Africans ) that the evidence is overwhelmingly in favor of this being genetic just because no University will study this then you are on to a loser.
If it is changed ethnically then the society will follow the lines and cohesiveness of the replacement ethnic group. any alternative hypothesis is blind optimism.
Whites, Africans and Asians have hugely different testes sizes and this in all primates links to different levels of parental investment as it links to sperm competition and this evolves quickly as large testes are risky to hold. The nature of African males does mean they tend towards small tribes rather than big ones as they do not take the complex roles and follow complex rules and you see that in every black gang in the world vs white gangs with rules and organizational structures and complex social contract.
South Africa and Caribbean the is the future for all of us or Islamization depending on where you live. Has any nation ever started mass migration and then been able to shut the gates?
population growth works like compound interest.
That is a good point. Crips and Bloods will never even be able to make as much money as a bunch of graying fat Italian-American men sitting around a Sausage factory like Tony and Paulie.
If Crips were capable of that organizational ability then the US would be in real trouble.
But for that matter the stupid white trash in biker gangs cannot quite match Italians either.
You see this with ethnic African gangs across the whole world where they have no organizational structures or chain of command. Many white gangs do even jail gangs and they even have real coordination.
Africans are all about ego and dominance amongst men so they probably cannot ever on their own form societies like Norway as nobody will follow the rules, and that is genetic.
When we see any other animal be that wolves or whoever we call the differences genetic and the behaviours but with Africans some miracle called culture must account for all difference.
I call it the “culture miracle” and its an article of faith amongst the left and its so holy that to question it is serious serious shit
Mafias advantage was that they could trust each other at least internally giving them the ability to do more. This really allowed complex hierarchies and specialisations.
Gangs are like separate parallel societies within societies with social contracts and by looking at them it across the globe you see clearly another evidence in the mountain that suggests Africans have different genetic group structures.
For those of you who aren’t Canadian, that’s our Prime Menstruator, Justin Trudeau
Peoplestruator Justina Trudeau.
Famous PUA from Toronto, Dr. James Sears is currently facing charges for ‘h8 speech against WOMEN and SHOES!
This is the first time in Canadian history that a man is charged for ‘h8 speech against women’.
Feminists in Toronto and Montreal wanted Roosh charged under this same law, but Trudeau wasn’t President as yet.
Another angle is to use some of the academic buzzwords in a creative way. For instance, the Australian ethnologist Frank Salter and his mentor Irenäus Eibl-Eibesfeldt, who has taken a great interest in genetic and sociobiological understanding of migration through a human ethologist perspective, use the term “global multiculturalism” as a positive ideal which will be beneficial for all of mankind.
With this term they mean the will to preserve the world’s nations, cultures and ethnic groups by severely limiting permanent migration and have a peaceful nationalism as the universal model. The left may then say that that sounds like “global apartheid” but just by using words like “global” and “multiculturalism” and give them a positive connotation and meaning you can more easily get people on your side.
I am positive to a “globalization light”, so you can have a positive trade relationships, travel and learn about other cultures. But the authoritarian globalist ideology with all its mishmash of cultural Marxism and consumerism is another thing.
Identitarianism is more general and may include what you call “global multiculturalism”, i guess. It’s probably a better term because the culture is not the central point, identity is (not only the cultural identity). Also, we should not use the adversary’s expressions, even to contradict them, because it can be misunderstood and it’s still a way to approve the positive connotation given to these words, which is dangerous.
I don’t like the expression “cultural Marxism”, it lacks meaning. “Cosmopolitasnism” has the anteriority and is more formal. Globalism is included into cosmopolitanism and is only a part of it.
Jewish tribalism wants to take over the world. Nationalism and traditionalism are barriers to Jewish supremacist penetration. So, Jews push ‘cosmopolitanism’ on gentile nations to weaken their defenses. It’s like Brits selling opium to the Chinese.
Six Million shoes did not perish in Germany during 1945.
Phuque off and die, Nazi filth.
Feminism always runs out of men’s money and it will collapse. Just remember to hold those sluts accountable when it falls. No Manning up for them as they are strong and independent ladies.
(((Ben Bernanke))) would always print more Federal Reserve Notes to miscalculate capital which benefit the feminist and the hooknosed Shoe.
“Cosmopolitanism” is a stupid term for this movement as it relates to many good things that don’t have anything to do with leftist ideologies.
Hell, James Bond is cosmopolitan. The word itself is synonymous with world-traveled.
Stick to the usual terms like “Commie” as they already have a history of being derogatory which we can use to our advantage.
James Bond is British, not a world citizen.
Communism represented the other side of leftism which is collectivism (which focused on the social class, not identity). But it’s almost dead now, since it was replaced by cosmopolitanism.
It really is the Jews, at the bottom of every single one of these socially cancerous movements. The Jew is always at war against his host, but it is a silent and covert form of warfare, for he would perish immediately if even a tenth of the populace were aware of his machinations.
“for he (Jew) would perish immediately if even a tenth of the populace were aware of his machinations”
That DAY is nearing !!
I thought India was Israel’s bitch. It’s amazing that you support the cleansing of the Jew out of society.
@Six…, Its not a surprise !! Its all about the western manipulated media and “vested interests” who always blame Hindustan/Bharat and misinform to the World !!
Hindustan was/is NEVER a “bitch” of anybody or any other Country, let alone the Country (which is, in reality, will perish if people of Hindustan “piss”) you mentioned !!
Its all because of the Politicians, western funded NGO’s and “vested interests”; Hindustan “might” appear to “entertain” a few !!
Don’t be a Hindutva. India is Isreal’s drug dealer for soldiers on R&R.
Oh, and I was an American in India who met a fellow American loser named “Danny” whose wife was an actress. A fat Sikh woman but he made money of her career.
Portuguese and Brits used the place pretty badly. For some reason the English burn your asses worse than the Portuguese though.
I’ve dealt with Brahmins in Dubai and they are awful. They’d give any other group a run for their money in terms of duplicitous sliminess.
No offense if YOU ARE a Brahmin.
I am not a Brahmin, but, the traits and “awfulness” you mentioned can be found in EVERY race, color, caste, creed, religion etc.
In every place I Lived & Worked (Bharat, U.K and U.S) and in every Race, I have seen shitty, worthless, ill-mannered, bad-tempered etc. etc. etc. people AND, at the same time; I have also seen sincere, honest, friendly, well-mannered, easy-going, helpful and Law Abiding people !!
Brahmin are similar to Jews-perhaps analogous. They run the media, control the Bania classes and at the bottom of it are some sort of “alien” (As in from the Caspian or the Ukraine originally) race.
I am a “gora” who spent years in Andheri, Goa and Kerala-employed, not a hippie.
The only American I knew then (9 years ago) in India was a redneck named “Danny” whose wife was a fat Sikh who did bit parts then but eventually became a Bollywood star. He played music in bars.
Basically Brahmin are the Jews of India.
Yes and the traitorous gentiles that are seduced or bribed to carry out (((their))) dirty work should also be led to the gallows
I see an odd similarity between the Shoe and the feminist, or gay rights movement.
Note the “soy face” on Trudeau, a key hallmark of the soy boy.
Do not argue with any SJW or any of their ideas. You have to treat SJW’s as a crazy person and their words as a crazy homeless babbling. Do not give them any value or mention them. They are inferior and should be looked at like this
Them some nasty hos Justine, some nappy headed hos indeed Truvada
The last pic of the little boy.. my first reaction was, “which SJW parent forced you to do this?” But after a while it broke my heart. The expression in his sad little eyes speaks volumes.. to witness death of the spirit in one so young, it’s absolutely appalling, and the parent(s) should be fucking ashamed.
They tried to infuse Game of Thrones with hip hop tardation, the youtube hits were abysimally low despite popularity of the show.
That top photo was the most disturbing thing I’ve ever seen. It made me weep for our future.
1) The people most affected by them are not Irish Catholics or Italians or Germans in Queens whose survival instincts have been sharpened by the concrete jungle. It is rednecks, trailer trash in the US interior.
2) One reason is that poor whites with limited education have to live in proximity with blacks or Mexicans. SJW programs do not affect Italian-Americans in Newark as much as Cletus or Bubba.
3) Poor whites are also victims to a large degree to Mexicans whose dope they will consume-first the Mestizos pumped cocaine, then meth, now heroin into the white underclass-and they get hooked on it.
4) Poor whites never have any money. Jews detest Trump but could not stop his election. He’s richer than they are. Point blank. They despised Bush and would have voted for Gore but Bush was richer and got a few neocons behind him.
5) Asian-Americans and Indians and Mexicans really do not GIVE A SHIT about the media-they have no idea who Sarah or Jimmy Kimmel are and they do not watch Jersey Shore
Superwoman is an Indian from Canada, and a few vocal feminists on Tucker Carlson’s show are Mexican.
A few but Chinese and South Asians are mostly sneering at the white rubes and joiners and most of the Mexicans too.
Agree with ALL the points, especially the last (but-not-least) one !!
Indians and Italians and even the Catholic ethnic whites come from ancient corrupt civilizations like Rome or the Punjab or Israel or Persia.
But the Old Colonial stock Americans were penniless English settlers-same as the Australians-who were great for exploration and killing Natives and even establishing the pillars of agrarian productivity but shitty at the sort wheeler-dealer urban ructions that Italians or Indians or Jews excel at.
I am able to sense GRUDGE here !! Nothing more to say.
I am not a white Canadian. I don’t know how they feel but I suspect it is a mixture of irritability and indifference at somewhere like Brampton. Who knows?
Grudge of who against who?
Show me some Indian who moves to Canada from Dubai who can even recite the first five letters of “Oh Canada”.
Indians, Persians, Italians, Greeks, Arabs, Slavs just know the streets better and understand corrupt political systems and the whites are sitting in their house watching some stupid Talk Show.
They have no idea who incredibly cynical Jews or Mexicans or Blacks or Punjabis are.
Having said all that, Sikhs and Gujaratis in Canada have become fairly obsessed with black street culture and presumably this comes out of LA.
“…and the whites are sitting in their house watching some stupid Talk Show.”
Who asked the “whites/pales” to sit at home & watch stupid shows !? And why you are crying out and blaming other people !? Why you want me to show a “Indian” from dubai to canada blah blah blah !!??
Didn’t you heard about Satya Nadella !? Didn’t you heard about Sundar Pichai !? Didn’t you hard about Dr. Samba Reddy !? Didn’t you heard about Ajay Bhatt !? Didn’t you heard about Har Gobind Khorana !?
Why you are even talking about corrupt political systems, as if there is no corruption in this Country !? and as if whites/pales are not involved in any corruption !?
Nothing against you or fellow local guys, but wanted to say that it became “so easy” to simply ignore “own” faults, inabilities & failures and blame “others”.
No I am not Canadian (White American) and I have lived in Dubai and India so I only saw the Punjabis and Gujaratis before they immigrated.
So I know nothing about those Indian names you mentioned. Canadian news involving Indians does not really make US headlines.
I do not quite know what your point is.
I am not Canadian and I have heard of none of these cases.
I’m a US white who spent a few years in and out of Goa and Kerala.
So I know India-a bit.
I come here to drop Hydrogen Truth Bombs and I’m the sort of Gora you’d get an understanding from-
…No I did not hear about these people. Maybe one of them was a victim of white racism is Canada, which is actually worse than the US in some ways because immigrants are coming into a white homogeneous hick society.
Or maybe it was Sikh gang violence.
Don’t know. US whites are uninformed about the situation for Indians in Canada.
To be honest, the US Embassy really screens Indians and this is why the situation in East Vancouver does not occur in say, New Jersey.
No, I have no idea who these Indo-Canadians are.
Let me tell you why:
The US Embassy carefully screens the dorks, losers, refugees, lowbrow Muslim and low caste people, criminal types so that the US only receives Indians who are harmless-IT nerds, fairly Brahmins (Those few of these want to live anywhere but Jo-Jo) and Gujarati Merchants with a load of money.
There is clear thinking as the US does not want a 4th underclass to add to poor trailer trash, Mexicans and Blacks.
Canada on the other hand has indiscriminately imported Sikhs since 84 with mixed results and ensuing East Vancouver gangs.
So the US Joe Public does not hear about as many Indian fuckups in US.
Our Embassy has a better policy there.
RAVI Satella
Sorry, I have heard of this IT dork but and I assume you are some Dravidian Nair from the South so IT is all-important but the reality is that it is not really that interesting.
I did live in India off and on for several years in Kochi (Or Cochin as it is sometimes spelled) and did the Goa thing but I was not that interested in your country.
1) They are dumb enough to believe the media. Asians and other races only believe in money.
2) Other races are more cynical.
3) Whites care what other races think. Asians don’t. Mestizos don’t.
4) Poor whites are in a cycle of poverty. Single parents, drugs, early pregnancy, joblessness.
5) Whites do not travel or have international connections. Asians, Jews, Mexicans all have a more worldly understanding. White Americans simply sit in the US interior with no notion of the rest of the world.
The (((SHOES))) were expelled from over 150 cities and countries. The shoes are looking for another expulsion from the West in the near future, along with their agents of social destruction like gays, lesbians, trannies, feminists and Justin Trudeau.
The problem is the following:
1) White males who feel this way are locked into small cities in the US interior somewhere and don’t have a pot to piss in or they themselves would not be living in some rustbelt city pissed off their sister is a Mud Shark crack whore.
2) These same white men have kids, families, house payments. The Shoes have a load of cash OR they are Winehouse types shooting up in a Bronx alley who do not give a fuck anyhow. Trannies and other agents of social destruction do not have kids and have nothing to lose and do not really care about anything. They are happy to suck eachother’s cocks in a Castro loft and smoke pot all day.
3) These white men are thousands of miles from the epicenters of social destruction-which is to say Los Angeles or Manhattan. Sure, you can be a pissed off guy in Missouri but how are you going to get to LA and what will you do when you get there.
4) The white men who are most pissed-off also DO NOT HAVE ANY FUCKING MONEY. Live in your mother’s basement when you are 28? No money for college? How are you going storm manhattan when your truck has two broken-out windows.
Since they have the money and the cities on the coasts where the money and power are this is a daunting challenge.
Of course whites could throw a strike on the primary economy that fuels this.
However the shoes probably already factored this in and have some reserve currency scam that would then send the US into the next stone age.
Good article and I agree with many of the points made. Where I depart is the idea that the West can be saved. In my opinion it’s already over. The demographic changes cannot be halted without the state infringing on basic rights and no member of the political class in the West has the desire to do so anyway. It is very clever what they have done. They have married consumerism with degenerate liberal ideology and this prevents the populous from ever agreeing on a solution.
One can waste an awful lot of energy trying to save the West only to realise that most care more about football and shopping than children being groomed and raped en masse. The only answer is self improvement and self empowerment. Don’t wait for leaders don’t waste your energy on politics or worrying about wider “society” because neither of those things care what you think or do anyway. Focus on your own life and those you care about because the ideas of national identity culture and community in the true sense are already dead.
I agree we are pretty trapped, but if history learn us something it’s that anything can happen.
I’m not trapped. I was one of those Gen X sneering slacker types who left the US young (25, 1999) and spent my life overseas because I was to cynical to buy into anything.
So it has never affected me.
Than why do you call expatriates “spiteful assholes”. Of course as a white North American male born in 1974 I am glad I blew the place in 1999-it went down the hill even from the days when Monica and Bill were in the news.
The reality is that the real whites that are suffering are the people with no connections, no network, no in-group mentality (Jews, Italians, Arabs, South Asians, Koreans, Mestizos in America) who simply have to suffer through the bullshit of what other races crap all over their ass-
The Yeoman Anglo of Ye Colonial Stock in Missouri eats shit from coked-up Hebrews writing some script in Sherman Oaks and Mexicans dealers or MS-13 who look like the “Night Stalker” roam around his streets shoving meth and crack into his community and Alpha black studs with the big lips and the big dicks leave pregnant mudsharks for his taxes to pay for and then he has a joyless jerk to some porn.
So those are the odds and what whites are reduced to
I haven’t called anybody anything you must have mistaken me for somebody else.
Cismopolitanism? Never heard of it. Globalism? . . . the correct term. Thus article is aimed to obfuscate and confuse the discussion by fragmenting the language which is currently used to define it. Thats my guess.
The fact the word “cosmopolitanism” is not used is precisely the problem which I wanted to point in this article. I’m not surprised you did not hear it because of that, but it’s like living in the Soviet Union in the 70s and never have heard about communism.
Cosmopolitanism is an old, formal and well documented term that should be used instead of globalism (which is only a part of cosmopolitanism, as i tried to explain).
1) Relatively intelligent from expensive private schooling even if naturally stupid.
2) Attended some sort of decent university even if majoring in pot-smoking and Frat Parties.
3) Parents possibly different passport holders-Jewish mother, South American father; German mother; Japanese father. Etc.
4) Money in the family. Inheritance. Property.
5) Live in major city.
6) Hi-tech job.
7) Gay or single “swinger” type. Slut if female.
1) Small city or region nobody knows or has been to (East Anus Podunk, Tennessee or Missouri)
2) Public school.
3) Marriage; Dependents young.
4) White.
5) Working or working middle class.
“The global man…may not even be a human being, as pro-abortion activists tend to claim already.”
It has no children, either, for children are the property of their fymyl generators to destroy at will and, if they choose to complete their gestation, to slice pieces off of them.
The only legal relationship that the sperm donor has to the results of the acceptance by a fymyl offspring generator of said sperm is to be compelled to support said offspring, if the generator/gestator chooses to complete gestation and expel the offspring in one piece, alive.
How do Americans deal with hypocrisy today?
You might live in a warm place and own a new car listening to good music with an excellent stereo after you ate a delicious dinner and feel pretty good about living in a free country, but how does being tracked and wiretapped 24/7 feel?
Americans may feel like they are good people even when they commit three felonies a day just by existing.
How do Americans justify paying taxes when their taxes fund rising debt, Obamacare, food stamps, regulations, US wars, illegal immigrants, nanny state laws, security cameras, license plate readers, checkpoints, redlight cameras, speed cameras, FBI facial and voice recognition, curfews, gun bans, NSA wiretapping, the end to the right to silence, free speech bans, searches without warrants, private prisons, mandatory minimums, 3 strikes laws, CISPA, SOPA, IMBRA, private prison quotas, no knock raids, take down notices, no fly lists, terror watch lists, Constitution free zones, stop and frisk, 3 strikes laws, kill switches, National Security Letters, DNA databases, kill lists, FBAR, FATCA, Operation Chokepoint, TSA groping, civil forfeiture, CIA torture, NDAA indefinite detention, secret FISA courts, FEMA camps, laws requiring passports for domestic travel, IRS laws denying passports for tax debts, gun and ammo stockpiles, laws outlawing protesting, police militarization, chain gangs, boot camps, and Jade Helm?
Americans might feel like they live in a moral country, but how can a nation that tortures and launches endless wars take the moral high ground on anything?
How could Americans not feel responsible for US wars, debt, and tyranny?
How would the founding fathers think about the collapse of the USA?
The American default reaction to hard facts seems to be to not think and to silence those who speak the truth, but facts don’t cease to exist because they are ignored.
Future generations will ask why Americans didn’t resist when the US became a police state.
One thing worse than learning that you live in a police state is finding out that no one cares.
The only realistic option left for a moral American seems to be to renounce your citizenship.