Even in today’s degenerate culture you can make a marriage work. It takes time, effort, and humility but it can be done. If you don’t want to join the legions of men suffering through cheating, affairs, and divorce courts, then here’s a step-by-step guide to building a better wife:
1. Realize that she wants to make you happy
If a woman has consented to marry you, take your name, live with you, and bear your children, it’s a safe bet that she probably wants her life with you to be pleasurable. Even if she were a purely selfish creature, she’d still want you to be happy just because you being in a good mood everyday would make her life easier.
Bitterness and anger can easily creep into your relationship after a string of disappointments and you can convince yourself she simply doesn’t care. Ninety-nine percent of the time this probably isn’t true. She does care. She probably just doesn’t know what to do.
2. Tell her what you want
Communication is seriously important. If your plan is come home and stare at your screens together, you’re gonna have a bad time. She can’t read your mind. How’s she supposed to know what you want unless you actually tell her? As I said, she wants to make you happy, she just doesn’t know how.
“Bullshit,” I heard you say as you read that. “She knows exactly what I want.”
Are you sure? Even if she used to know what you wanted, are you sure she still does? People change. Circumstances change. Without realizing it both the things that make you tick and the things that make you angry have probably drifted over the years. Unless you make the effort to sit down regularly with your wife and get on the same page then expecting her to just know what your needs are is totally unreasonable.
Do you need more sex? Have you tried telling her? Instead of bitching about it on the internet, have you ever just sat her down and said, “Listen, I know we’re both busy, but I really need more intimacy from you if this is going to work.” Odds are she’ll probably respond.
Would it make you happier if she joined you in your hobbies? Great. Sit down and tell her. “Hey Babe, I love you, it would really help me have a better life if you’d go hiking with me on Saturdays.” She’ll probably be flattered.
Is something she does just plain annoying? Tell her. “Honey, mostly you do a great job, but I really can’t stand it when you don’t hang up your towel.”
Your life together is the sum total of all these smaller things. You can’t just expect them to work out on their own. Sit down and talk about how to make them good.
3. Prepare for the backlash (and calmly wade through it)
Change is hard. Seriously hard. As you begin trying to set your relationship on a better course, understand that her first reaction is going to be negative. She wants to make you happy, sure, but changing her behavior is difficult and everyone’s first reaction to a difficult request is negative. She’ll throw up barriers. Make excuses. She’ll call your requests unreasonable and maybe say that you’re too needy. Fine. Recognize that this isn’t an attack on you, it’s a defense of her own status quo.
Asking somebody to change implicitly means that some aspect of them is lacking and nobody enjoys hearing they come up short. Talk through it. Maybe what you want really is unreasonable. Maybe it isn’t. Gently but firmly insist on talking it through until you reach an acceptable compromise. This may take weeks but that’s fine. You’re in this for the long haul.
4. Get over your ego
Men’s egos are fragile. Whether we admit it or not most of us are very concerned with our status, especially among those we’re closest too. A lot of men don’t want to talk or compromise because doing so feels like an attack on our station. We think they should just do it. In our heads we say, “If she really loved me, I wouldn’t have to ask, she’d just do it.” No. You have to get over yourself.
For example, she’s not going to know that your dissatisfied with your sex life unless you tell her so. Brooding about it silently and telling yourself, “She must not be into me, if she was still attracted to me she’d jump me every time I walked through the door like she used to.” That’s not how it works. If you’ve been married for a while, the flame is gonna die down. That’s natural. You have to actually talk and remind one another to make the effort to keep it burning.
Want her to stop looking at her phone so much and pay more attention to you? Would you like her to do the dishes more often? Would it be better if she made the effort to greet you with a kiss when you got home? Great. Say so. We convince ourselves that if it doesn’t happen spontaneously and without prompting then a gesture isn’t sincere. That’s dumb. You’re not above asking for things and just because she needed to be asked in order to change doesn’t mean her effort isn’t genuine.
5. Reward her
Okay you’ve done it. You’ve had the difficult conversations and told her what you need. You’ve fought down your ego and weathered her resistance to change. Great. Now, when she actually starts doing what you asked, reward her. Again, change is damn hard. If she’s making the effort she deserves the reward. Our brains are wired to respond to incentives. It’s okay to make use of that.
Give verbal praise. Tell her how much you appreciate what she’s doing. Buy her flowers. Help her with her chores. Pick up her favorite candy from the store or sit down and watch her dumb HGTV show. Little gestures go a long way. If you want a change to become a habit you reward it. Incentivize the behaviors you want to see.
Take the lead. You’re the CEO of your marriage. Don’t wait for her to come and give you a list of ways you could make your marriage better. Take charge. Your wife will love you for it.
The false concept of female devotion—the woman’s traditional role of catering to men—is addictive to man, just as the concept of male lust, which is stirred up by that role playing, is addictive to woman. When the female supports the male’s weakness in order to obligate him to serve her selfish ends, she eventually experiences the result of her love in terms of frustration and betrayal. Through her use of man’s weakness (his ego), she weakens him further.
This leaves him susceptible to the same temptation she offers when it is presented from other sources, so that frustration and betrayal become the result of her supportive love (use). For women, gratification is more an ego-mental experience than a physical one, while for men it is mostly a physical event. Either way, selfishly cultivated gratification leads to guilt, frustration, and resentment, which amplify the need for frustrating “love.”
It is a vicious cycle.
I recently re-watched a few mediocre movies (Pearl Harbor and Heaven Knows, Mr. Allison) with a Red Pill lens…and it is incredible the lengths that men (particularly white men) go to in order to ‘prove’ their worth to a woman (usually white women) when the woman is not even looking for that. If she likes you, she wants EXACTLY that, nothing else. THAT is her fantasy and you are wrecking by adulterating any detail.
In Pearl Harbor, the woman carries on romances with two dueling friends, even becoming pregnant and never telling the father even though she knows he is going to be killed. She was willing to keep it from the man she ‘loved.’ (I know it’s just a movie).
In the Robert Mitchum movie (a Pacific vet is marooned on a deserted island with a nun that the Japanese invade later while they hide in a cave)…he ‘respects’ her chastity so much and tries unsuccessfully to persuade her to leave the nunnery and marry him that she returns the feeling by volunteering to ‘surrender’ herself to the unsuspecting Japanese army below so there is enough food for Mitchum, which he promptly reminds her that she will be gang-raped by the feisty Asian men, yet she is still ok with it. She even runs away hysterically when he is drunk and is aghast when she discovers that he changed her wet clothes and saw her naked when she was passed out for days from pneumonia, but he assures her that he did not trying anything and apologizes profusely. Perfect example of what a ‘provider’ and a nice guy simp gets from the women he adores.
You can even look at the comment section on a Yahoo story about a 32-year-old ‘girl’ who regularly put 7 kids to sleep with melatonin that she was paid to babysit, while she went tanning and to the gym. She was sentenced to 21 years. Literally every male commenter said something almost verbatim….’Isn’t that excessive? She gets that long, but a rapist, killer etc gets a few years?’ and even more shocking is how nearly all women actually shamed the parents for leaving their kids with her and not lamenting her term.
What does it mean? -Men are so thirsty that ANY woman who is of childbearing age is a potential mate in their eyes. They will do and say ANYTHING to ‘protect’ her from responsibility or consequences because it means one less fertile woman off the sexual market for them to potentially have some day. Simping is a male futures market (even though women will NEVER have sex with them). They get a high chasing after a woman who will ultimately reject them ad infinitum rather than doing what it takes to conquer a woman.
I am now convinced that MEN are responsible for feminism, and women are just going along with it. Not even (((others))) can enforce the simping and beta-orbiting white men have lowered themselves to.
Sorry for the Black Pill.
Titanic is another terrible beta orbiter training movie to add to the list. It follows the pedestalizing script to the tee. The red pill voice in my head kept saying “She’s GONE DOWN on other men, performed coitus and had penii thrust into her mouth and other assorted bodily funholes and this simp (DeCaprio) performs an A list performance depicting this as the way a man should pursue a single soulmate female. Sh¡t only females process the soulmate fantasy. Men don’t. Only emasculated propagandized men buy into the soumate schizm because all they’ve seen are beta movies pedestalizing the great whore spirit and all they’ve heard is the lonely desperado popular music love songs that cuckify the brain. “I Wish that I could have Jessie’s Girl” and so on. Heck who wants a used and pre-screwed woman?
And then there’s “Mrs Doubtfire”. Don’t get me started on that movie. Sally Fields is swooned over by some GQ looking suave wealthy man who is worldly. And for all his worldly experience, he is infatuated with pursuing Fields when she is estranged from Robin Williams. Plus she has three neglected kids from her stretched out wasted whorehole. Total TOTAL beta cuck training propaganda. It is a movie that is toxic for young kids to see. Burn it.
The propaganda is so prevalent that male youth identify the male psyche as being overwhelmed by romantic love only and being infatuated with used whores only – and whores with options to throw their pussies around loosely and at will. The west has become inundated with the resultant unmanagable women. THEY ALL NEED SPANKED, controlled and bred properly. I never hear a popular ‘love’/relationship/culture song that espouses spanking and disciplining a proper virgin woman, keeping her stuffed like a turkey and BREEDING a succession of fine fresh progeny for our great green republic.
In a robust patriarchal society, each brood set of siblings is fathered by the same sire – not a competing sortie of orbiting simp mother∫uckers.
I have no clue wtf you are talking about. You sound like the “King of the Beta Males”.
Guess I hit a little too close to home, huh simp? When is the last time you got any action? It takes a beta male to know one.
I see that you were actually talking to the poster above. Disregard my comment.
WTF is this weird guy above me saying
He’s saying that the more you fuck her (stroke your fragile ego) the more she’s likely to eat you alive like a black spider!
Which is not entirely false.
It takes life experience to realize that subtle aspect of the man-woman relationship. I see many struggle with it.
It’s why we men…shouldnt FORNICATE…just wait until marriage, and MARRY a woman close to a virgin as possible
How did that work out for Elliot Rodger?
If you’re passive she resents you for it. And since you can tell when that happens, you in turn are resentful for her doing things only because she thinks you want her to. Or at least that’s what I got out of it.
PZ, is telling you the love of a woman is an illusion.
They only really care for themselves …… AWALT.
Probably a hypocritical mistake we red-pilled individuals make is expect a good wife but don’t train our daughters like that.
Instead, when/if have children of our own, we don’t train our daughters to become good wives and proud mothers. We want our daughters to have every possible “opportunity” (like losing their virginity at 14, serving random men on airplane instead of husband, being up at 3:00 AM for some greedy corporation, etc.).
So, brathren, stop expecting to “train” a grown-ass woman and work on yourself and, most importantly, your family and daughters.
Nonokastri you are so right. Many men of my generation did OK in the wife department but failed miserably with our daughters. We loved them, we meant well but we failed them.
Most men have “failed” their daughters because they are pulling a minimum of 60h+ a week and doing all repairs/maintenance around house and much more just to keep life moving ahead, to have enough hours left in the day be fully-engaged with them. Yes, that is terrible, but that is true. Fathers have NO rights when raising kids, not even a week off “paternity leave”. It is insane. This voice is sadly filled by leftist TV/movies, feminist schoolteachers, and our corrupt media culture, which fills many of the voids in our parenting duties for the men. And we all KNOW what a wonderful influence the left will be in a child’s life. 🙄
Also, many fathers get frivorced by their wives as their daughters become young women or young teenagers, a critical time when the daughters desperately NEED their father there for her. The problem is that most women like BABIES; they do NOT like children, much less teenagers. This is why so many women frivorce the husband when kids begin teenage years.
Once the father is forced out of the home and the ex-wife makes the daughter believe her father hates her and avoids her (when truth is lovely Family Court stepped in based on false accusations by the bitch wife), the daughter has nowhere to turn to. The daughter feels that her father “abandoned” her (when nothing could be further from the truth).
There is a woman who wrote an amazing story about this exact topic a few years back…. her mother lied to her all her life about her father and only as an adult she learned the truth (WORTH READING): https://judgybitch.wordpress.com/tag/fathers-day-post-that-will-make-you-cry/ This happens ALL the time, fellas. All-the-time!
The problem is that because SO MANY divorced women lie and poison their children (especially their daughters) against their fathers, you have a crisis in the making.
This “my father left me” phenomenon creates the first experience a young daughter will have with her men in general. The father becomes “the first man to break her heart” and that sets off a series of negative experiences she will have with men. The daughter becomes more cynical and at that point, she is just a step away from becoming the infamous “school whore”.
The mother, who is/was probably a “closet whore” herself then tells the daughter to “live it up”, YOLO, and other advice she read on Cosmo that week. >_< That is the “standard advice” most American women often give their daughters – garbage she read on Cosmo or whatever she psychic told her to do that week. When confronted about why she is letting the daughter misbehave and become a whore, these mothers often say “I partied hard in the 1960s, I would be a hypocrite to tell her not to do the same”.
Seriously gentlemen, how many women do you know that raised their daughters this way, to “live it up” like they did in 1960s?? How many women do you know that take their 11, 12 or 13 year old daughters to shop at Victoria’s Secret and even buys the daughter a “slutty set” for when she loses her virginity to the local crack dealer at her school??
Now, how many women teach their daughters to be chaste, to be good women? How many women teach their daughters to respect the men in their lives? How many tell their daughters to save themselves for marriage? Or to be Biblical Christian women? I am guessing 0 or close to 0. -_-
To make matters worse, the father is either working 60+ hours a week to be there to see this OR he is barred from contact with the children. The divorced father is also a victim of his whore of an ex-wife, just as the daughter will suffer all her life because of that.
As our pal Donavan said correctly before: “nothing gets a woman faster in bed then a Final Divorce Decree”. The ex-wife will turn your old house into a free-brothel for random guys willing to tap her MILF-ish ass. That is what the daughter(s) will experience growing up, strange random men coming and going 24/7 from her home. This is where she learns this behavior, NOT from Katy Perry or Lady Gaga (who are also a bad influences, but not nearly as bad as seeing mom bang countless random guys).
The fathers can only be blamed for about 20% or 30% of the problem. First, many men were blue pilled by their “Baby Boomer” parents, society, and then after a divorce rape, they have no say in anything that happens. Men have no “gender classes” to prepare us to raise a daughter when we have been forced out of our homes and pulled away from our families.
Stripped of our home and most of our wages, fathers are forced to work double shifts to keep the ex-wife’s whorish lavish lifestyle going. This is what happens. It is so bad, some divorce lawyers now advice fathers to “break free” and move over 500 miles away from ex-wife and kids because he cannot survive the pain to see what is happening. Barred from contact with kids or after threats of PRISON from the Family Court judge for “interfering in the child’s upbringing”, the fathers have no options but to suffer and watch from afar. Moving 500+ miles away also prevents ex-wife from dumping kids on father the second she wants to get her taco stuffed by some random MILF-seeking dude.
You guys need to read Dalrock to understand this situation. I simply cannot give you enough examples here without breaking client-attorney privilege issues. But what I am saying is 100% true and 100% based on my extensive experience in legal matters.
PLEASE, start here: https://dalrock.wordpress.com/2011/03/21/raising-feral-females/ We raise sons to be gentleman, intellectuals, soldiers, welp-behaved, beta, hard-workers, etc. But we raise daughters to be unrestrained and out of control, with zero impulse control.
Yes, I am talking as a 35 year old who does not have any children, but I have seen a thing or two in 6 years as a Paralegal, ok? 😡 This problem is very read. Read Dalrock on this topic and you will go “ohhhhhh…. makes sense now”.
On a personal note: I feel like when I am ready to have a kid, if my woman gets preggo with a daughter, I will be so freaking depressed. Raising a daughter in our shithole feminist culture that we have in USA today is such a depressing thought, I would consider abortion, which repulses me, but this is how repulsed I am about the thought of having a daughter in our country/culture. I rather raise a “3rd class citizen” white male straight son, and feed him the red pill from day 1 then a daughter.
Sorry I went tom far, but this tissue drives me crazy. Nuff said for today.
good read, man. thanks.
Where does that opinion extend from, Papa? It appears like you gleaned it from an episode of “The Little Rascals- He-man Woman Haters Club”. Any dude worth is weight knows a woman that is truly in love will be receptive to those recommendations presented in the article. Why wouldn’t any woman? A successful relationship isn’t 50% – 50%. It’s 100% from both parties when geared towards mutual and productive goals that satisfy both parties, and kids, and the neighborhood…, When you’re the example by which others would emulate, (Making the change in yourself.) and expect no less in return, the results are magic and reciprocal. Always remember, men get big kudos for the littlest acts of kindness and appreciation. Be an ogre and reap the rewards. But that’s just my opinion based on a successful 42-years relationship. What say the rest of y’all?
Found the Boomer
Excellent article.
I don’t fully agree on the part of “tell her what you want” This falls into the category of having to negotiate desire. I would not ask, if she is not into having sex then I would do something else. However I would make my desires known to her by demonstrating rather than having to explain myself like a child.
Thats the exact opposite – demonstrating wont change shit, they dont get it, they need it to be said to them, demonstrating your attitude without telling them whats the issue, even if it seems to be obvious to you, wont work, ever, thats just the way their brains are wired.
In order to harvest a good crop one needs:
1) Fertile ground
2) Good seeds
3) Nutrients
4) Some knowledge on changing seasons
5) Several tools for work
6) A dedicated person to do the work
In order to harvest a good wife one needs: (please fill in the list)
Dont forget Brawndo.
One of the things over looked in this article is you need to be in a environment to succeed. If you live in the middle of some major city where degenerate people and temptations run high you are setting yourself up for failure. Women are very much a product of their environment. So if you want a traditional wife make sure you to an area that reflects conservative values.
Absolutely correct! I live in a degenerate big city. It’s been my observation, over many years now, that unless both the man and woman have a strong faith base, and are active in, and regularly attend, a traditionalist/conservative church (and even then, that’s not an absolute guarantee), a liberal debase big city culture will add extra pressures and temptations on a marriage, and will easily have the potential to destroy it. A smaller town, or rural community, although not perfect, can offer some respite from the big city deauchery and shenanigans. Plus, women have less opportunity to monkey branch, or be a female philanderer, when all eyes are upon her, and there’s some accountability and repercussions to one’s conduct in a smaller community.
My ex witnessed two of her sisters and her female cousin break up within the same year when we broke up(she came up with it).
So, yeah, they are far too easy to manipulate by the society.
Interestingly, they only get “manipulated” when they sense any “profits/benefits” and NO Consequences !!
Ah, yeah, forgot to mention that she had finally acquired stable income and felt empowered and shit and thought the fuck with it, you go gurrrl, if mah sistaz can, so can I!!!
Now shes broke and still has no idea what to do with her life and how to make ends meet.
Any man marrying a woman from a major city, or any major metropolitan area is ASKING for a divorce rape.
Stick to suburbs of mid-size cities or more rural areas are the way to go, if you are even considering marrying a woman (or having a child out of wedlock). Stick to “flyover America”, a country largely ignored by the Bolsheviks running our media, culture, and school. Yes, you cannot fully escape the influences online, TV, movies, music, etc, but you cut back on most of the city-trash.
As Thomas Jefferson said: “if we pile upon each other as they do in cities in Europe, we will become as corrupt as the people of Europe”. Man, was he ever so right, so often!
Ps. I chose to live in a suburb that is over 90% white, mostly Christian, and that votes overwhelmingly (68%) Republican. I think if more people chose to live in such places, we would reduce contact with the trash we meet from cities and the Coasts.
Alright guys, hear me out. After years of analyzing the dynamics between men and women, reading a ton of books and articles on this topic, I’ve come to the conclusion that winning is a matter of method, especially when it comes to finding a wife.
You simply have to be picky and screen out for red flags. Ideally you want a girl that fulfills the following requirements:
-Is a virgin
-Is reasonably young (find them between 18-22 years of age)
-Isn’t addicted to social media. Ideally, she has no Instagram/Twitter and the like.
-Doesn’t do drugs, never did and isn’t planning to. This includes cigarettes.
-Her parents are not divorced
-You get along with her mother (it is common wisdom that a girl’s mother is what she ends up becoming)
-Is either religious or at least a believer. Stay away from atheist girls, but also from “spiritual” girls who will waste tons of money on whatever Eastern cult is the flavor of the week.
-Has real hobbies. If a girl has no hobbies and is constantly “bored”, chances are she’ll pick up a new hobby named Chad along the way.
-Has no slutty friends. Even one slutty friend is already a huge red flag.
-Isn’t a dominant woman.
-Has no tattoos or piercings.
-Doesn’t swear
-Doesn’t listen to rap/hip-hop/RnB/metal (trust me on this one)
-Ideally, she is an anti-semite.
-She is conservative or at least not interested in politics. Never date a leftist.
-She doesn’t identify with feminists (duh)
-Doesn’t ride horses
-Wouldn’t date outside of her race (trust me on this one)
-Doesn’t dye her hair blue/yellow/green
-Isn’t into modern American culture.
There are girls like that. You just won’t find them on Tinder/OKC/Your favourite bar.
Happy hunting.
Agreed, though stay away from political women. If anything, it is in women’s natural instinct to be more liberal (in the nurturing, protective way, not the pro-tranny, promiscuous way) but think of educating the masses, feeding the poor, etc. these are all feminine nurturing instincts.
Right wing politics are decidedly masculine and a feminine woman is entirely out of place in that sphere.
Politics is deciding how to control other people (strangers, society) and that is something women, particularly your wife, should not be doing at all. In my experience right wing women can be even more nutty than left wing ones. Just pick a traditional woman who doesn’t believe in gay and tranny rights and follows everything else on your list.
“a feminine woman is entirely out of place in that sphere.”
You have never been to eastern Europe, then. There are loads of hotties at right-wing rallies. Single ones.
They follow social norms far more than men. They dislike racists not because they care about racism or take principled positions but because they are low SMV men usually and the ideology is also low SMV. The principle of philosophy they follow is the power law rather than moral rights or such even if they are not conscious and so not aware of that.
In EE the right is higher SMV than elsewhere as they haven’t lost yet but can see they are still fighting to save their homelands from ruination and genocide of the male genes by invading males. The prevailing social norms do not shun women for doing this. Being shunned is a death sentence for a woman by the group so she will not go against social norms and is naturally more controllable hence following the dictates of modern society more. In the West you will not find a woman that is right-wing aside for the odd possibly autistic like Southern.
Western Women today hate Nazis, in NS Germany they loved them. Might is right to women, only men can pave a new way. Men can see the flaws of the modern world and take action to correct it, women embrace it without question.
Reds had to resort to rape, the commie gooks were the worst offenders I believe.
Agree with most all of them, but riding horses? Collapsed vagina is a very real thing and there are hoes everywhere you go, but I’ve met some of the most feminine gentlest girls at the horse stable.
Excellent, well thought out, and comprehensive list. I will respectfully add some additional points to your good list if I may.
.No unwed and/or divorced single mommies with children by one and/or multiple baby daddies.
.No trust fund women, women on the dole, or women receiving alimony and/or child support.
.No slothful or lazy women.
.Pro-gun, or ambivalent to guns.
.No homosexual friends!!
.Likes animals (not a PETA loon), or is at least ambivalent to animals.
On a completely different note, you mentioned swearing. I celebrated my 60th birthday this past Friday. I stopped into a popular bar on my way home about 10:00 pm. Two of the pretty 20-something female bartenders comped me a shot of Padron, and a Tito’s vodka. Besides being heavy and frumpy, I watched packs of young women screaming and cursing like dockworkers. Uncouth and unladylike in my book. The place was getting packed with young Chad frat boys (i.e.= potential trouble), so I left after 30 minutes. But here’s something I’m noticing more and more. Is it just my imagination, or are young women hitting the wall sooner? I’m seeing 25 year old women who look like they’re 40+. Any younger men on this site have any insight into this, or have noticed this trend too?
a life that lives heavily on the sins, staying unapologetically immersed sin and self service culture and self absorbtion, will age a person must faster than their years. typically the “wall” hits at a point where biology has already hit its peak and is in full freefall (mid 30s)….however a person that lives in the manner i listed above, is very hard on the biology. it is an all out assault on the body by poisons from their indulgences, but also from the hard miles if hard sex and all the attendant assault on the immune system and poor diets, never mind the excesses of narcissism trying to force the body into a condition it cannot handle through artificial means.. proper diet and exercise can prevent the wall from hitting sooner, but really, if you look at how 20 30 40 somethings actually live….you see the anecdotal evidence with your own eyes. when you look at people who live less the sins and actually try to take care of themselves and be self disciplined, they age more gracefully all the way around. if you live like a heavily travelled piece of highway, you fall apart like it.
Again, valid points, Neal. I too submit (and suspect) that the vapid emptiness of a godless existence, regular heavy bing drinking, recreational drug use, promiscuous lifestyles, junk food diets, sloth, and the constant seething and internalized anger from realizing that they can’t “have their cake and eat it too”, nor does the sun rise and set at their feet, ravages and pre-maturely ages young women today.
@antonio if you or i at our ages went on a drinking sex and eating binge like most 20 somethings live, we would look like utter shit in about 2 months. the damage shows much quicker in older folks, but takes some longer time for younger and more resilient bodies can generally rebound from. but a body is like a rubber band, the more and harder you stretch it, the more fatigued it hets faster and eventually breaks. take an older rubber band and try to do that and it breaks much quicker. its the same principle and its evidenced everyday. its why when post wall women go out and try to act like they did in her twenties why it is they look like complete and utter dogshit after their excesses, and never really fully rebound.
“I celebrated my 60th birthday this past Friday.”
(On behalf of ROKers)
Belated ** Happy BIRTHDAY Wishes **
Thx much, sir.
Why no homosexual friends? Please elaborate.
You just described the female unicorn.
Here’s the REAL truth–today’s men will decide for themselves which women is best for them, and do not need “lists” from “experts” as to what constitutes the “best wife”, lest they are virtue signaled to death for not meeting a desired expectations.
“Snap back to reality your son’s on crack & your daughters got nut stains on her back”
Only a blowup doll has those attributes.
As long as men keep fucking and chasing women who don’t fit this list, nothing is going to change EVER. It’s obvious in this society that casual sex, partying, and drinking is the norm. Majority of men I’ve seen or known who want virgins or good girls are having casual sex with women, men are enabling this whole thing.
This site portrays that we are suppose to be leaders, the bigger person of the sex but we love to blame women. I doubt a lot of those men would want to wait until marriage, they’d rather get their notches up by any means necessary(whether their desperate or puts up with a hot chicks bs). Men magically gain standards when they’ve got in their 30’s and fucked 30 to 100 or more chicks. Just like those 30 year old woman who say “Where have all the good men gone?” Men say the same thing after they’ve done there dirt or part in everything. You can’t have casual sex and good girls/virgins at the same time(can’t have your cake and eat it too), i guess if you move to another country, even if you do the fact still remains that we’ve failed women as men.
If men want things to change they have to say NO, me personally as this article suggests I don’t mind training or upgrading a broad through her health/fitness, sexual life, homely duties, etc(i deal with black women so I’m a monk)women need guidance, they are not are equals, men need to take accountability. I do have casual sex with women but the difference between me is I don’t judge, only reason i won’t get serious with a chick is if she’s a nympho or has a higher sex drive then me. If she had like 3 to 10 really slutty experiences within a 5 year span(you’ve maybe done a lot worse) that’s fine but no nymphos. You can’t own a woman’s soul if you don’t accept her sexual past, women love sex too. Honestly guys even if you find a virgin, she’s probably has had a fantasy or masturbates, hymen doesn’t mean innocent, (a funny mention, women can get surgery to put their hymens back and make their vaginas tighter through surgery). Also another thing, you’re not your GF’s first love, HER DAD IS lol.
All this trouble could be avoided if all men would just wait until marriage to have sex. I go to the gym and see women come and go with seemingly nice frames(big butts, big breast, big thighs) to only find out they have weak legs(weak legs, mean weak vagina), I just think if she had a good male figure in her life she could go 5 to a 10. Thing is, she’s content with that because she still gets a lot of MALE attention from it anyway.
So many well-meaning simps unwittingly side with feminism because both bow to gynocentrism. I see your missives, but do not see one point about what is in it for the man. What benefit can a man get within marriage than he cannot get without? I never thought I would become one of these guys, but it is all about survivalism now.
Any man who refuses to point this out is being deceptive. Why not skip marriage and just sire children with the woman instead? The way ‘matrimony’ is set up right now, only the most versatile men can withstand it. He has to tolerate how disgusting and used up virtually all women have become, and work even harder to make an unpleasant union last ‘for the sake of the children.’ I am not seeing love or happiness in this equation unless you are a sadomasochist or hopeful beta-orbiter (who will die alone chasing this fantasy).
Yep, a lot of writers for this site, and the posters that reply seems to be living in some fantasy dream world. Marriage in the western world is completely finished for men. There is no advantage to be had, only slavery and servitude. She doesn’t even have to fuck you.
An excellent article, assuming you have something decent to work with in the first place. Remember, garbage in, garbage out. The above is a great strategy to use on a traditional, feminine woman. Not your typical Americunt.
Making a worthwhile edible sammich takes some training. Why it is so many of them absolutely do not cook…..I learned how to cook for myself and worked in restaurants. Ill never crawl or eat a female made dinner, except if my Mom makes it. My grandmas are all dead now and only one of them could cook worth anything, the other was a hair dresser. No self respecting man should grovel and DEPEND upon a woman to feed him, unless his wish is to be a useless begging cuck and ATM for her.
As a married man I can say: Matsumoko is trying to save marriages worldwide. Listen to him.
LMFAO @ the man calling him NONOKASTRI
Really appreciate this article as it IS the man that leads, and for the woman to follow despite what most females say.
I agree with number two especially. Recently, my husband let me know that keeping the cabinet doors open anywhere in the house really grated on him. So, I did my best to keep them closed as both he and our youngest son cannot stand open doors. There was no point in crying, and carrying on pointing out what he does not do. NO. He politely TOLD me what he wanted in order to make him happy. Done.
The reward system is equally important as my favorite is positive praise! In fact, on the example of purchasing gifts, my man has let me know years ago we DON’T celebrate Valentine’s Day because he REFUSES to be told WHEN to purchase goodies (example flowers) for his wife. He told me he will purchase them when he DAMN well wants! And for crying out loud more gifts and goodies six weeks after Christmas spending MORE of his hard earned money? Learn to cultivate and appreciate what one has as wanting more of something makes one greedy, as well as an ugly ungrateful spirit no one finds attractive no matter how pretty the face.
Yesterday, I listened to a Patrice O’Neal podcast. I believe he was on to something talking about a woman’s ego being a sickness and that it needed stomping out. “You don’t allow for someone to continue to be sick”, he stated. “You help them get well.” Or John Wayne in one of his movies stating women that are angry and have a bur under their saddle are really angry about something else completely different!!
Mr. Matsumoto is correct. The man is the CEO of his marriage.
As always, thank you for allowing me to comment.
Marriage is feminist entrapment for men.
WR is correct, there is no way a man can win this game, other than by not playing.
I think PUA died, and MRA was a failure-to-launch (aside from being a meme pacesetter, a la ‘family courts, false rape, female leniency’), because both are Blue Pill ideologies that refused to adapt and were eclipsed by the Red Pill, which MGTOW prescribes.
As long as you take Red Pills, you don’t need ‘advice’ or ‘rights.’
I think the ‘Neo-Masculinity’ thing (I’m not criticizing it, mods) is an inverted version of the female walkabout/Rumspringa trajectory in the Current Year: partying deep into your 30s, accumulating massive debt and ‘experience’ before settling down. It has always been that way for men, so it’s not revolutionary.
I can see the all hangers-on swarming to the last vestige of the Manosphere, desperately trying to stop all of it from the confluence of MGTOW. The Holy Rollers blaming men for female behavior and feminism, trying to bait and switch men with an anachronistic marriage to chase after. It’s pathetic.
Whoa! I really disagree with much of this post! Have decades under my belt, and yes had a divorce midlife, and have had decent relationships but with largely sluts (found over time under several layers of veneer resolved, especially the Alpha Widow profile).
Here’s my 4 points:
1. Keep your ass in top shape, always, so other women are after you.. I don’t care your base SMV genetically, just make sure you’re on top. This makes you feel great and also is the best ‘training’ on her ass that you can replace her in a heartbeat.
2. Be a problem solver, let her vent but bring her back with logic. If she’s not responding, it means she’s likely got a side cock and wants out.
3. I don’t believe for a minute that she’s devoted to you. Ever heard of hypergamy?
4. Make sure you are totally in control of the finances, and any gifts from your parents or side of the family go into a separate account YOU control labelled ‘inheritance’.
There’s always an up partner and a down partner. You don’t go ‘equal’ with her.
Connected to all the above is don’t LTR a high-notch woman, or an Alpha Widow – EVER.
You don’t need a wife, you piece of shit. You need an unpaid servant. Die of cancer.
Have fun with your beta soyboys – probably cats.. and dream of me. On your deathbed I know you won’t be any different.
He NEVER said He needs a “ungrateful, bitchy, arrogant & selfish pussy” aka “wife”, you pile of shit !!
Unpaid servant !? You mean a MAN !!?? Again, He NEVER said He needs a MAN, you horseshit !!
Die of STDs, you dogshit !!
Most (the 80% non-Alphas…) men don’t practice hypergamy, as they like stable relationships. Women on the other hand – it’s in their DNA. Anything north of your SMV that approaches her – poof. You can’t slip due to economic pressures, health episodes, family issues. Soooo proven by soooo many posts on ROK and the manosphere, real live reports. I’m not saying in my original post that guys need to be jerks in their LTRs. But to avoid gut-wrenching surprises, this is IMO the best Frame one can adopt. A woman, over years and decades, can earn my sentimentality. But I must tell you gents, mine was a 30y marriage – and it still happened and I played the OP’s game !
This is a fantastic list. Thanks for posting this brother. I wish that I had known this information back when I was married. Who knows how things might have turned out?
Also keep in mind that there is something implied in articles like this: that the woman in question is WORTH working for. There’s no sense in reading this advice and dismissing it out of hand with things like, “Women aren’t worth it,” or, “They’ll just get bored and cheat on you.” That’s as stupid as women who dismiss the advice of old-school shows like Dr. Laura. She used to tell women to have sex with their husbands even if they didn’t want to, because after a few minutes they’d get in the mood. Her assumption is that the man they were with was WORTH working for, but of course triggered feminists would bitch about men who beat women or cheated on them as though she was telling them to stay with those types.
mgtow. that is the correct conclusion. my take on mgtow is exactly that. to not play the game and call that corrupt game and the women that support it exactly what it is. a vile game that victimizes men. i went through that grinder, i will testify against marriage and civil contracts and relationshits, UNTIL THE FEMINIST Debauchery AGENDA IS DESTROYED and women willingly choose to become decent trustworthy people worthy of mens time and attention. but we know thats not going to happen…so give em what they deserve.
If you’re not worth a shit, don’t expect much from others regardless what you try. Love and war is binary, it works or it does not. What does it matter to you? Only have control of yourself…she acts stupid, she is treated as such. She plays games, she is playing herself as you don’t play. If she isn’t down to cover up a murder, rob a bank, and throw everyone she ever knew under a bus…shouldn’t be your wife to begin with.
A wife must be good natured, supportive and modest. Fundamentals are key. Amazing what traditional manuals, whether they be Biblical, Hindu or even Old Testament; all tell us to marry a certain type of girl and never try to make a wife out of prostitute. If any church (and I’ve sat through services that cite Hosea in support of such foolishness), form of (((media))) (we just discussed the Scott Pilgrim movie plot regarding the promotion of slut worship), advertising, etc., we know exactly what the (((emphasis))) is. Building a home on shifting sands will produce a house that falls in the next storm. And marrying a tart is the ultimate is sandy foundation
Lulz very true. Yet seems many ” men ” would rather play victims of society, then simply face lacking discernment. Blame a rigged system for personal failure, as if time changed something. It’s all shit, that’s why I dont do shit…yuck huck not my fault can’t have things I want, so lie to myself and say don’t want them! Bloody sour grape idiots. Marriage is a feminist trap! When it’s a union from God.
religious patriarchy is the only way to make a woman trad. Even if you keep your appearance and game in top shape, its not any kind of insurance plan if she can just jump ship whenever she pleases with no legal ramifications whatsoever.
Best thing I can advise for the guys who really want a wife is to either move to a tiny religious community, or some farm in a second or third world country.
It’s no big deal. I own any comment I make. Yet there is someone else using the nobody name. Perhaps it’s random chance, maybe I nor the other person isn’t that creative hence nobody, maybe someone is riding my nuts for reasons, hey it could be some magic default I’m not aware of. I’m just throwing this out there. I’m an asshole not a cunt, so if ever encounter a cunt nobody or simply a nobody lacking balls…I ain’t the one. Anyhow, to my clone…..keep up the good or bad work, just try not to fuck around like a clown.
Holy Hell,
So much sexism
So much stupidity
Educate yourselved you idiots, no women owes you anything
This whole thread maked me want to puke, then set you all on fire
so says the universal feminist judge of all things…..her holiness has spoken and should all kneel before her leaking compost pit between her knees. the entitlement stench is toxic with this one.
“I am now convinced that MEN are responsible for feminism…”
Yeah, right. Perhaps collectively, but not individually.
MEN gave women the vote.
MEN gave women the eligibility to hold public office.
MEN abolished the whipping-post for wifebeaters.
MEN changed the divorce system to overwhelmingly favor women (no-fault divorce).
MEN changed the child custody system to give custody to the woman unless she refuses to accept them.
MEN changed the child-support system to reward women for producing children out of wedlock.*
MEN legalized abortion of their children.
MEN changed the treatment domestic disturbances (“violence” doesn’t require actual physical violence) to every man being only a “911” call away from being dragged (by MEN) out of her home (think it’s yours? See who stays and who goes. See who gets the house) in chains.
MEN did all of the feminization of society. Not all men; men in positions of authority and power.
Women did not have the political ability to make these changes until MEN opened the door to them.
Many women opposed each of these changes. The anti-woman suffrage movement was largely women.
*Formerly men were required to support only children of their lawful wives, and children they legally adopted. Women who bore children out of wedlock had to look elsewhere for support.
spot on sir. femenists scream about patriarchy, but their power comes directly from cunt thirsty patriarchs turned beta cucks.
Most of those changes you posted are positive things for women. The only three I’m not so sure about is allowing abortion, women being “rewarded” for having a child out of wedlock, and what actually defines a domestic disturbance. I think that depends more on the circumstances and I can see where that would be taken advantage of for their own benefit.
And I’m glad they changed the last law you mentioned since that just gives the man every reason to have sex with any woman without having to take accountability for it. If it’s your kid you should take care of it. If you didn’t want a kid than you should have prevented that from happening.
It actually seems to me more that men like to blame women for what they do wrong.
Demographics being what they are women would have to vote to undo all this. Unless we all stopped voting voluntarily and men were the only voters again. The more time goes by, the more disenchanted I am with the system as it stands. I’d be plenty happy letting men take the political and economic reigns and focus on more homely pursuits, but that is not the world in which we live.
Wow, I’m impressed! This sounds like it’s coming from someone who is actually married, and has good, reasonable advice!
Looking forward to seeing more like this in the future, rather than articles spewing hate…
It’s also nice to know that the article acknowledges women as actual human beings too. 🙂
As I think Dave responded to another past pro-marriage joke of an article – “Fuck this dumb, life ruining advice.”
You’re lying to yourself if you think marrying any woman in the west is a situation you can some how control. You can’t. It’s much bigger than you, I, or us, collectively.
Lie to yourself at your own peril.
Now, some here might see this as ‘sinking to their [single mums’] level’, but I see it as potentially the next step in MGTOW. I’m open to respectful criticism of this idea; it’s a fairly new idea that’s popped in to my head (though I’m sure I’m neither the first nor the last to have it) and I haven’t really thought the implications through.
That being said, one can buy a baby for about £10-£15k. Your own genetic material, mind – I’m not talking about adoption here. £15k is about the going rate to hire the uterus of a surrogate mother. If the gays can do it, why not straight men who want to sire an heir without the risk of being divorce raped? Because £15k is a bargain compared to what the average married man stands to lose should his wife suddenly decide that she’s not haaaa-ppppyyy. Of course, you could always knock up one of your more LTR-type fuckbuddies, but good luck getting custody; chances are you’ll be extorted for child support and receive every-other-weekend access in return at best.
Now, I don’t know about the law in the US, but in the UK the surrogate is considered the legal mother until the ink’s dried on the adoption papers. So there’s always the risk that your rented womb will decide to keep your baby. She might even be able to sue you for child support – though I’m not sure what the law says on this situation – in any case you’ll at least be no *worse* off than you would if your johnnie had split while you were banging some nightclub ho. Still, she’s only got a year (at most) to change her mind, so at least less time (and therefore much lower probability) that she’ll fuck you over than a wife would.
Now, I know that a lot of guys here think that hiring prostitutes somehow makes you less of a man. I know that I’m effectively advocating hiring a prostitute here – just one who, instead of renting out her pussy by the hour, she rent out her womb by the year. But I’m on the side of those who advocate such courses of action because you’re not paying for sex, you’re paying to avoid drama.
im surprised the feminist lynch mob hasnt tried to “correct” you for being logically oppressive to their feelings.
Wow. This is actually very accurate. As a woman, this was one of the first “How to Get A Dime Piece Wife” type article that didn’t make me roll my eyes. The advice here is solid. While we all understand the man is the provider and in charge, we also have to understand that love isn’t soley based on authority. Affection and communication (without going overboard, of course) are key. If my husband demanded sex from me when I just got home from a long day, I would be a little frustrated, he would get mad at me, and the cycle would continue. But if he broached the subject at a better time in a better way (Think: “Babe, I’m getting a little frustrated at the lack of intimacy lately.”), I would be more than happy to help. After all, that’s what women want to do. You just need to tell us in a not-crass or mean way.
holy shit. a reasonable female post. sorry your interdimensional travels landed you here. your “sisters” here haven’t a clue. we dont get sane visitors here often. i hope the feminists dont catch you.
I agree with 1, 2 & 4. However, if your wife doesn’t want to do it with you as much as you do, it’s ‘cause you don’t go down on her enough.
P.S. DNJ: it seemed unnecessary to be uneccessary.
i believe this article is pointless since laws are biased agaisnt men, therefore you can’t be sure you’ll drive your relationship towards better days, once she’s not haaAAPppyyyy anymore, you’re screwed!
Avoid marriage in west societies, go abroad and stay there.
I mean, sure you can “reward” her. But, what about making her happy? I believe that marriage involves sacrifice, and she should sacrifice as much as you sacrifice for her.