If you are a gen-X or a millennial born before 1991, chances are you have a son or a daughter. If you gamed girls efficiently, then spotted a valuable, trustworthy girl and started living together, perhaps one night your would-be spouse stormed out of the bathroom with a positive pregnancy test, and both of you decided to let the little being be. Or perhaps you went along more traditional lines and married before Ms. stopped having periods. Regardless—now you’re a father, head of a family. Congratulations!
Children are lots of work and money. Nevertheless, in addition to being incredibly cute when they’re small, they are the future. They pass our genes, our legacy. They are life continuing after us—the living proof we managed to pursue the line just as all our direct ancestors did.
Unfortunately, even if you manage to be in power at your home, which is already noteworthy if you’re a debt-riddled “educated” man, outside, you’re not. The power to be is the boomer generation.
Presidents Bush, Obama, and even Trump are all boomers. The Rolling Stones, the Beatles and so on were boomer references. The media cater to the boomers, which is why you can find so many condescending or incendiary articles against the millennials, yet these are never considered “hate speech.”
And these boomers are not content with having capital, status, and the mainstream culture at their feet, they also wish they would control the future as well.
Boomers have already mortgaged our future. They already spent it for their own luxuries and disinherited us by choosing daughters, adopted children, “minorities” over us. Their media, their movies, constantly cast us on a negative light while promoting a few X/millennials who betrayed their manliness and the bulk of their generation.
Strangely, even then, boomers rarely forsake the whole of the future. They live long. And after having abused the Greatest Generation, made life difficult for the X and sacrificed the Y they try now trespassing on the few Y’s who succeed to rule over the Z.
Pay close attention if your boomer relatives do the following things…
Constantly ignored your needs when you were a teen, then tried to re-enter your life
They have let you fend off for yourself as soon as possible, rejected your points as invalid, didn’t bother much when you stopped talking to them, then they come back with great interest when they hear you’re siring.
Try to make you depend on them
They provide some help by, say, babysitting your child and bringing some groceries. Then they start giving not-so-subtle clues that their support is really wonderful (even when it’s nothing compared to everything they own) and they could withdraw it if you don’t follow their bossy advice.
Try to play the hyper-cool grandparents
They start taking your child to restaurants, movies, or theme parks. They may pretend they are just enjoying themselves and contributing to your child being happy, but chances are they’re actually manipulating your child into believing his boomer relatives are cool, funny, and merry to be around, in contrast with their own busy and less patient parents.
Shower your child with costly presents
Costlier than what you could or would afford, which is of course a way to imply superior status.
They show a whole new face to your child
With you, they were uncaring and severe. They blue-pilled you and silenced your mature views out. Then they pretend to be relaxed, caring, and playful with your child.
Undermine your authority
They constantly criticize your choices, speak on a patronizing tone, and worse, they do so in front of your child as if they willingly tried to undermine your authority.
Start talking about inheritance out of the blue
They never spoke about inheritance and even made the whole topic taboo as they were squandering it away, but now, they start dangling the carrot.
Make constant allusions to your childhood
They start constantly alluding to your childhood, once again before your child.
If you can spot your boomer(s) relative(s) doing several of these, and doing these recurrently, you can be sure that their smiles hide something dark. Namely, they are trying to pull your child over so that he’ll have a rosy view of his boomer relatives versus a grimmer view of his own parents.
Grandpa’s cool, grandpa’s always fun to be around, and he always has a story to tell about his “vibrant” youth—before uncool daddy came to the world… oh, and do you know daddy’s voted for the big bad Trump? Here, get yourself another ice cream!
Some may believe I’m a bit paranoid. Frankly, I don’t think so. Most successful boomers are masters of deception, venomous hints, unbound egoism behind huge virtue-signalling, and you never know what they can do. Snatching the Z generation would be but a continuation of boomers’ current policy of attacking “angry young males” and pretending to be wiser, gentler, more tolerant, more altruistic and so on (while bearing none of the costs).
Ultimately, the boomers’ strategy may prove self-defeating. Minorities are aggressive and your children will suffer from them sooner than you did. Likewise, expensive stuff offered to the children means nothing in the long run when mom and dad struggle to pay the bills. In the short run, though, it may.
And rest assured, the boomers and their malevolent female heirs will do anything they can to put all the blame on our shoulders. If they can turn their grandsons or granddaughters into half- or quarter-heirs, heralded with the task of writing the official history books against us, they will.
If you see the signs, depending on your situation, consider the following…
Distancing yourself from boomer relatives
Trying to distance from the boomer relatives. Less of them equals more room for you. As a father, aspiring patriarch and honest red-pilled man, you are the head of the family.
Old rich cucks who supported all the leftist pseudo-causes and aggressive “minorities” against their own and indulged into every blissful compromise to maintain their comfort at the price of their whole civilizations are not legitimate to give advice, much less take decisions. You are the one in charge. Family activities, stories told, food, bedding hour, diaper brands—the decisions are yours.
Never expect a boomer to be generous with no strings attached
They don’t give much, and when they look like they do, they want something in return—not something like passing a genuine legacy but rather personal control, blue-pillism or some other manipulation like those aforementioned. Doesn’t mean you should not accept anything, but you should always be prepared to the day when your parents become something worse than strangers.
Have your own stories
If boomers start pushing a narrative, go into counter-narrative. Tell your children about the inspiring elders of the past. For example, tell them about Cato the Elder—a soldier, a patriarch, a plant-grower, a politician, and most of all someone who was proud to transmit more than he received, or give them some Miyamoto Musashi quotes through a capturing story.
Raise your children with red pill values
Make them proud to do things—playing, building, doing sports. Give them a sense of family, untill they identify with all those who still embody Western civilization. A child growing this way is much less prone to fall to boomer-sponsored consumerism.
Prepare your children early on
When your children reaches the so-called age of reason, openly tell them that grandpa and grandma cannot be trusted. If you have a son, tell him about boomer daughter worship and how a boomer will never defend him when he gets his face punched by his minority pets. If you have a daughter, tell her about migrant rape. Is this extreme?
Well, children are better off when they are taught to be self-reliant instead of drinking Kool-Aid while watching Sesame Street. Third-world children knowing how to sell stuff in the streets at 10 years old are way more prepared for life than so-called first world children being forced to sit passively eight hours a day, listening to female leftists. NZT 48 from Limitless isn’t real, but early preparation works wonders.
Conscious Westerners must rebuild our civilization. We must take what we can and live autonomously. This starts with living on our own terms, as individuals and as family heads. Our children are our future and our civilization’s future. They are not, and shall never be, the support or the future of someone who does not belong.
Read Next : We Must Not Deny The Importance Of Fatherhood
I am a boomer, and this is all weak millennial BS.
I have nothing to do with my grown up children, don’t want to see them or speak to them, they can do whatever they like in life with their own children. Like all millennials they are weak and worthless, addicted to their smart phones.
Let’s see, by your own admissions you are a shifty alcoholic vagrant, wallowing in a third-world mudhole, exploiting local farm girls like a sleazy pervert, and squandering your retirement fund, while ignoring your children back home in the West, laughing smugly and patting yourself on the back as it all burns down.
Yep, we’ve got ourselves a Boomer alright!
I bet that after you have nearly destroyed your liver and lungs you will come crawling back to your home country to squeeze them for costly medical care that could have gone to some worthwhile member of society, all the while bitching that the coverage should be even more, and sexually harassing the flip nurses assigned to watch you expire.
Yeah you’re right, I should have lived on welfare and learned to be a worthless PUA living off gullible InCels and conning women into bed. So much more worthy than working hard in my youth, earning my own money then spending it how I like after retirement. I have no idea what a ‘flip nurse’ is, but if they were white I wouldn’t be interested. White women are worthless.
WarAllTheTime….just for the record. Using the word “flip” for Filipino’s is offensive to them. Its like calling white people cracker.
Yup and you sound like a total loser and a great example of the fucking boomer archetype under examination. Great job!
And yet I probably beat you in every area of life, higher IQ, more qualifications, earned more, married longer, fathered more children, hike and cycle further and faster, lived longer. You might be able to lift a bit more but it’s unlikely. How does it feel to be less in every way than ‘a total loser’?
………… almost forgot, had sex with more women.
You’re a disgusting father . You abandoned your blood children then cucked yourself to an Asian single mom. I bet you buy presents for the step daughter who is from another mans Sperm
Hey, if you’re kids are weak and worthless – that’s on you mate. You raised ’em!
Not me, their single mom raised them. I wasn’t there.
Glad people finally see this piece of shit (((John Dodds))) for the shilling/pessimist boomer that he is.
Don’t forget, his go to response to articles talking about fixing every European built country is to “let them burn”.
This article is pure liberal BS.
We boomers WORKED for our pensions, and we are still working and paying taxes today, to support your generations welfare.
Everything you enjoy today, we built it, we designed it, we PAID for it, we fought for it, and what has your kind done ? NOTHING ! nothing but support marxist politics.
My generation is not the problem, YOU are. Too lazy to work, too entitled to start at the bottom, too spoiled to pay taxes, too cowardly to serve in the military, and too stupid to learn how to make money. You bitch about your so called “poverty”, yet you have plenty of money to spend on beer and cigarettes. You whine about ” corporate greed “, but will not get off your lazy asses and get an education or learn a skilled trade. You join gangs instead of study groups or service organizations, and then wonder why you are being “oppressed” by the police.
My generations idea of a business is to provide goods or services that are needed by the community, yours is a marijuana store. My generation knows to work, create, and solve problems, all yours knows how to party.
If you and your kind do not like ” poverty “, turn off oprah, put down the bong, get off your asses and go do something with your worthless lives.
My grandfather was right when said that people like you have had it too soft and too easy for too long, YOU need to live under a dictator for a while.
Almost 20 years of endless US military conflict in the Mid East by people predominately born after 1975 with no END IN SIGHT as we have invaded over 7 Mid East nations all sent by YOUR SHIT GENERATION. General Wesley Clark, Richard Perle, Obama, Bush Jr and the Israel Lobby all pushing for it
You sir, should check into a mental institution.
Let us not forget the rapist boomer Bill Clinton signed on to NAFTA, so any kind of future for Gen X and Millenials was kind of lost at that point.
Where’s the “Thumbs Down” on this ridiculous article? As a Boomer (I suppose, b.1962), I experienced many of the Horrors with my own parents/grandparents. The elderly of today are just like the elderly of yesterday. If the millennials somehow think they’ll be any different from the “Get off my lawn!” geezers of today then they’re even more disconnected than I thought. As a frequent reader of RoK I find the increasingly prevalent theme to disparage the elderly somewhat alarming and divisive. At first, I was a horrible person because I am a male. Then, I became even more terrible because I’m white. Added on top of that is my heterosexual orientation. Now, as one more gasp by the intellectually lazy, I’m one step closer to forced euthanization because I worked my ass off these last 35 years and am old.
Looky here, folks! Another dipshit playing the NABALT (Not All Boomers Are Like That) card.
You fuckers are so goddamn predictable…
Do you really think any Boomer on this board will give a cent on the opinion of generation snowflake?
NABBALT. Not All Baby Boomers Are Like That…
Haha, relax uncle. Pls drink your med and let’s hear your stories on the chicks you banged at Woodstock. The Woodstock 1994 I mean… LoL
Woodstock was a drugged out blur left on my mind. I can still remember the 20yos I banged last year though. I probably still score way more than you do.
Was she white though? I banged a nonwhite recently, but I don’t count her as a notch. Instead she gets an asterisk.
If I was a globalist banker wanting to create division with a divide and conquer mindset I wouldn’t change a thing.
(i) To the boomers, the millennials are an image of entitlement and decadence (smashed avo, tv’s, phones etc..)
(ii) To the millennials, the boomers have had tax breaks from cradle to grave
(iii) Create this animosity and infighting between the two groups and siphon from the working class through debt and increasing income taxes (on the so called ‘1 percenters’) while taxing super at the other end of life. Both lose and will blame each other.
Can’t the boomers see that the millennials will be the ones looking after them when they are infirm? Do they not realize that the millennials will not have sympathy for them if and when their (housing) retirement/investments crash and burn? Do the boomers not realize that millennials will vote down any public healthcare expenditure and pensions without shedding a tear?
To the millennials, do you not see we not as resilient or hardworking as previous generations? Given that, why would the boomers want to invest in our future? Unlike previous generations, we were the ones raised by single mothers, the state, daycare centres, and schools with national curriculum while the parents worked in the name of materialism and ‘equality’. We must learn that this past mistake CANNOT be repeated within our own family. That’s if the concepts of marriage and nuclear family means anything anymore.
That being said, the social aspects to this story ring true hundreds of times over. Boomers have no humility and are terrible advice givers in terms of relationships and family.
Boomer cucks are hugely responsible for handing jobs to spoiled women who do not deserve them. If a young woman shows even a shred of ability, a boomer cuck will hoist her atop a pedestal above a more talented man who has worked harder, longer and is more talented. This is awful, in a lot of cases the boomer cuck has more power and influence in the company. Boomer cucks will not hesitate to stomp on a young man’s balls because a young woman smiled at him.
I cant see how boomers with decades of “maturation”, cant comprehend the laws of cause & effect. Selfish motivations from day one till day done. Me me me! I expect that from a millenial, whos just a kid. But boomers have been at the drawling board longer than most the population yet they still insist on having the wining hand at all times. And are dumbfounded when his kin severe any ties, as its nothing but a lose lose situation to interact with them in any capacity.
I disagree with all those advocating a boomercaust its sick
” Me me me! I expect that from a millenial, who’s just a kid.” Just a kid… really? May I ask how old you are? Because in 2018 a millennial is between 22 and 37 years old. Whether they like it or not, a person of that age is an adult, not ” a kid” by any stretch of the imagination.
I’m a Boomer (born December 1960) and I approve this comment.
Something else that BOOMERS do almost exclusively that I think people are finally getting sick of is every few days when a white 20-something female schoolteacher molests a male student, that bizarre Boomer chivalry-libibo expresses itself in ‘aw man, wish I had a teacher like that when I was 13! She needs help, not prison.’ When these same white knights would turn around and threaten every pimply prom date their slut daughters bring over for a picture.
You guys really need to keep your creepy Boomer fetishes to yourself. Fantasizing about being barely pubescent and having sex with a woman old enough to be your mother.
It’s the exact same personality type that relishes talking about White petty criminals getting “pounded in the ass by big black bubba” in prison, while considering male-on-female rape to be the most evil act that can be committed. They hate males, and worship females. They have cucked souls.
You have to exhibit the traits outlined by the article.
One thing I learned about boomers is if you’re a good looking, clean shaven, young white male hetero, NEVER SHOW AN INTEREST IN A HOT BABE IN A BOOMERS PRESENCE…I’m a young Gen X’er and these f&#%in boomers will ruin your chances with her anytime they can…We’re talking about the greediest, most degenerate generation ever on planet earth that wouldn’t in a million years pass the torch off to their sons.
Always get the girl alone for a phone number, hotel, or date closing…No girlfriends with her, no big Jake type big headed, sizing up other dudes around her, and definitely no boomers around either. 100% completely alone. If I had read all the articles on this site back in the early 2000’s-2010 (when I was in my 20’s), I would of gamed easily 3 times as many girls.
If you don’t get laid, you get lazy and can’t function…That’s why there are so many white male millenials that are lazy…That’s why blacks and mulattos are all active 24/7 and on Saturday nights. They know they easily can play the game and can lay any of these bitches…Meanwhile, Sam is home along playing World of Warcraft and sleeping to noon.
Hey sonny,
in sexuality we (divorced)boomers are riding in open range.
If we really want sex, we don,t compete with shaved rookies..we simply pay for it at once.
And that’s the best, cheapest and safest sex you can have.
You’re kidding, right? Blacks and mullatoes activive 24/7?? They sleep most of the day. 3PM is early morning for these shiftless oafs. It’s nerdy whites and Asians who are busy day and night doing productive things. And the “bitches” they (the ghetto rats) lay are skank sheboons chuck full of STDs, or worse, AIDS. Easy to “game” but you pay later.
The ” screwed everything up” argument is weak from the start. Doesn’t even matter which generation we discuss. The whole thing is an excuse. And excuses are for whiners.
Obviously I don’t agree with everything done by previous generations but so what? I’m not going to sit on my ass and whine about Boomers and Gen Xers (or whatever the hell they’re called) like a bitch.
Which is about what this whole article can be summed up with: whining like a bitch.
Here’s a thought for us all: quit putting the blame on somebody else (or a whole generation which is even more asinine) for whatever problem you’ve got, get off your ass, and DO SOMETHING about it. If we want somebody to blame for our life going to crap, we just need to look in a mirror to find the guilty party.
What you say is RIGHT ON THE MONEY and I AGREE WITH YOU 99.9%!! But if you work in the real world of 2018 like I do, people get promotions not for how hard they work, coming on time everyday, saving the company millions of dollars, never giving the employer any problems.
Today, in 2018, people get promotions and awards for PROMOTING DIVERSITY AWARENESS, being a WOMAN, being a PERSON OF COLOR. The BOOMERS never, in their mid 20’s-40’s (PRIME WORKING YEARS), ever had to deal with the amount of reverse discrimination crap that middle aged Gen X’ers through to millenials had to deal with.
In 1978, boomers didn’t have the Holocaust and slavery and sexual harassment thrown in their faces 24/7. Boomers lived when insurance rates, energy, and home prices where the cost of living was low…If you made $6 bucks an hour in 1978, it was comparable to making about $20-22 an hour today. And one person (one man) could afford to buy a home…Not two people working…Meaning, wife stays home, tidies up the house, and has a nice roast ready on the table for her 30 year old husband in 1978. The only thing you have to do is eat, watch a football game, and go to sleep.
You’ve got 1958 mixed up with 1978.
Guan Yi never had to work hard in his life…He lives on an inheritance (a trust fund).
Hey Guan Yi, I bet you would whine if your trust fund were wiped out.
I will move my dad in to live with me anytime he wants. I’ll never put him in a nursing home. He worked hard and raised a great man (if I do say so myself.)
My man-hating mother and sisters however will probably back stab eachother to death financially and all die alone with their cats.
That’s the best thing you’ve ever said . Good job David for being a loving son
True. Good dad’s should be honored and respected.
Boomer filth, should be discarded and ignored. Why boomers are even tolerated in these types of places is beyond me, as all they do is form a disruptive element that prevents real dialogue or problem solving, due to their generational narcissistic psychopathic tendencies.
Wherever they go, they leave a trail of destruction in their wake. Best to ignore the trolls as they die from liver failure or STD’s.
Show me on the doll where your grandpa touched you.
Good one!! Many of these old turds didn’t get the Hairy Swinestein memo. I can’t believe these wrinkly old jerky dicks think they are hot stuff. So inappropriate, no couth and worried about their pension cheque. No thanks!!!!
In 1981 I took an economics class and as a project determined approximately when Social security would end. I realized I would likely see little to none of that. They’ve managed to keep the pyramid from collapsing longer than I thought though. My fellow Boomers always argue that they’re entitled because they paid in, but look who took your contribution, Bernie Madoff’s investors paid in too…when the money’s gone it’s gone. One day in the foreseeable future things will go ‘HOT’, be prepared.
Wow just wow. The whole tone of this article epitomises the term “taking at straws”.
People always act in their own self interest – this is nothing new. Just because it doesn’t align with yours you’re having a whinge.
The moral of the story is to focus on self-improvement so as time goes on, you have more time to devote to your family.
Sorry, “grasping at straws”…
Western Civilization was built by fathers who wanted to give their son’s and daughters more. Boomers only care about themselves, as you have shown for all to see.
Boomers will be an eternal remembrance, of what happens when an evil generation is born into a civilization. Gen Y, will be a remembrance, of what happens to a civilization when a broken generation is created.
LOL and this faggot used the “Wow just wow” cliché.
Keep crying about being called out, Boomer. It doesn’t change the truth of the article.
When you get older (probably a lot older yet) then you will become a boomer, just like everyone does. You’re clever meming won’t save you.
Ha ha. I’m only 35. I love RoK but it’s increasingly become a whinge-fest (a hallmark of a loserism). Instead of you faggots wasting time having a circle jerk about how tough the world is, how about you spend your time improving the aspects of your life that suck. You only get the life you deserve…
We can walk and chew gum at the same time, tough guy.
what and every single black activist is not doing the same? And do the SPLC not do the same?
@Hal, of course they do, that’s why all of us here would put them squarely in the category of “loser” – they’d rather have a public whinge and play the sympathy card over doing the hard yards that actually yield tangible results (i.e. what a real man does).
Based on your logic, it’s “fair” to emulate the very people you despise… Hmmmm???
All your arguments are voided after starting with the uber gay retort “wow. Just wow”. You cant sound more like a bitch. Man up.
“how about you spend your time improving the aspects of your life that suck” Kind of hard to do you cocksucker when you have and entire country still in the hands of faggot baby boomers. Hey, were the baby boomers flooded with immigrants when they were young and starting out? Did college cost what it did today when baby boomers were going to college? You sound like that stereotypical baby boomer.
BTW, how are we suppose to improve ourselves when we deny reality. “You only get the life you deserve” Ya, that is the biggest load of BULLSHIT. Do you realize how many worthless assholes get the best life anyone could ask for while the most honest and hardworking guy get absolutely destroyed. It is typical of baby boomers to say this since they were born in an era in which the West pretty much dominated 80% of the worlds economy and there was no competition from the billions of third world countries. That is why I like to say that baby boomers are children that never grew up, because they were essentially born in neverneverland, therefore their solution to everything is “muh optimisim, muh just work harder, muh …”
Ain’t it the truth
@Wes: If you assume that “improving the aspects of your life that suck” is synonymous with working harder, you are indeed destined for mediocrity.
@Some Dude Uh, pretty sure I didn’t say that, and I don’t even think I implied that. I was just calling out another baby boomer idiot who actually does think that way. So I don’t know what the fuck you are talking about, like literally, your post is one of the most retarded, random, and out-of-place posts on this entire thread.
Technology and SJW are the reasons that Gen Y has a shit future.
Also, Boomers were not the PC generation, it was Gen X who really drove political correctness as they came of age in the 1990’s.
So Gen X really can be blamed as well.
Obviously you do not know the PC trash we Generation Xers were hammered with non-stop.
I got fired from a job in 2000 for ‘looking at a female employee the wrong way’…That’s what they said. The guy that fired me was a babyboomer.
I didn’t whine, like the Guan Yi and other babyboomer or Zionist trolls say on this website…I simply got another job…A job where I didn’t have to look at anyone. lol!
I first started to notice PC bullshit around 1990, I was about 19 at the time. I don’t think PC originated with Gen X, it was Boomer, neo marxist Uni professors and they tried to blue pill everyone. It only worked on women, fag’s and young children. PC must die.
The idiot who wrote this article can’t do the math. As I said in a previous article written either by this idiot or another ageist turd, where are the fuckng Gen-X parents, bitch?
Do the math. The Boomers are considered to be those born between 1945 and 1963. Gen-X is 1964 to 1990. After that? Millenials.
Do the math. I wsa born in 1949. My kid was born in 1970. My granddaughters are 18 and 25
This means that everything this dipshit wrote is bullshit.
Hey dipshit. Blame the fuck out of your Gen-X parents for not teaching you math.
Then blame them for every other ding dang thing that you are whining about. Then stop writing on Return of Kings. Why?
Because you are a whiney little queen and have no place among men.
Hey “dipshit” I’m a millennial born from boomer parents.
Boomers – 1943 – 1960 (Children typically born 1963-1990)
Gen X – 1961 – 1981 (Children typically born 1981-2011)
Millenials 1982 – 2004 (Children 2002-2034)
There is an overlap of eight years. Your math is fucking terrible. Even if you did raise a Gen-x-er, I wouldn’t call Gen-X a successful generation. They abandoned their kids (Millenial & Gen-Z) to the state and have pretty much destroyed the nuclear family; finishing the boomer legacy. I’m not going to defend the millennial, they are terrible overall. I’m sick of boomers being self righteous, they don’t even care if their grandchildren become the modern equivalent of eunuchs. As long as they weren’t alive to see it when everything falls apart.
Uh actually you are wrong. There is no way Gen X extends until 1990. I think you are the fucking dipshit. Gen X ends at 1982 THE LATEST.
“Do the math. I was born in 1949. My kid was born in 1970. My granddaughters are 18 and 25”
Doesn’t always work, I was born in 1954, my latest son is 6 years old, and I’m hoping for more.
PS, restless, can you send me your grandaughters phone numbers?
YOU should be going back to your original kids and repairing those relationships instead of cucking to a leftover Asian jungle bug and her daughter . Men like you are laughed up , white guy showing up to soccer games with a kid who doesn’t even look like you
My boy looks like me, white skin, red hair, not like his mom, dark skin, black hair. Everyone assumes she is the nanny.
One of my parents is a middle boomer, the other is a younger boomer/very old X, and I’m a millennial. My cousins follow the same pattern (millennial with boomer parents). This is rather common.
The dude is an smug-atheist in this video, but after watching it, and since this article is about baby boomers, I figured I would post it since the reactions from the baby boomers in the video as so stereotypical it is hilarious. I think European Boomers are the worst.
Wow, some NABALT
infiltrators valiantly
defending their own
reputation from the
truth; meanwhile
staying painfully
silent on 18,19, and 20
year olds being stripped
of their 2nd Amendment
Human Rights (by a RINO
boomer called Rick Scott)
Boomers will go down as the first generation in world history to fuck over their own parents (they defined themselves by opposing their parents), and fuck over their own children (by running up $20T debt and inviting half of the third world to come ruin our countries).
They are the most sociopathic generation to ever live, born from the ashes of the fratricidal WW2, and formed by daily immersion in talmudic propaganda via radio, television, and movies.
There isn’t a single thought in any Boomer head that wasn’t placed there deliberately by the (((propagandists))) that they so worship.
Boomers are truly the most despicable group of White people. They shat all over the greatest civilization in world history, just for some cheap feelz, and even now they won’t admit they were wrong, when it is obvious to anyone with a triple digit IQ.
Boomers hate their own children because the talmudvision told them to. It doesn’t get much more disgusting than that. They are obsessed with helping “The Other” while deliberately abandoning their own offspring to be devoured by the vicious psychopaths that they imported by the boatload.
If you are closing in on the promotion you have been waiting for, chances are, you have to get through a boomer cuck. Boomer cucks will award the job to a 25 year old girl before a man who “busted his ass” the last fifteen years.
I’ve seen it over and over again.
And more importantly, they will do their level best to cling to all the good jobs into their seventies, leaving you very little room to move up in the first place.
They abhor the responsibilities of saving money and planning for a modest future so they can do the right thing and retire, turning the reins over to the next generation who has been groomed for the task.
Haven’t worked since I was 45 years old. You can have the crappy jobs that are available these days.
I have seen it over and over again to.
My generation having to work into our seventies and pay ruinous taxes so your kind can have another handout.
You must be one of Mitt Romney’s 47% who do not pay taxes.
Typical attitude problem from your generation, live and breed irresponsibly and send the tax payers the bill.
The other thing about that is in any dispute with any female co-worker, subordinate, or manager, the boomer executive will automatically take the side of the female every single time. If you are a White male, forget about it. The boomer will actively work to sabotage your career in any sneaky and insidious way he can, because he believes “The Other” deserves it more than you do.
This has an extremely demoralizing effect across the entire company, as female employees are empowered by their BoomerCuck White Knights to exploit the men on their teams.
Boomers and “empowered women” together are poison for any company. The only reason so many American corporations have been getting away with it is the massive levels of debt it takes to sustain the lie.
And when she answers phone calls(cause thats all shes capable of doin)Her only response is “Omg Idk lemme ask one of the guys in the back”
Pretty much.
Not sure to what extent I agree with this article… But the title is hilarious!
We need more articles criticizing these boomer assholes. I’m shocked how many kids live with their grandparents when they turn 18 I can’t quite put my finger on it other that they are under handing the parents teachings and authority by letting them do whatever.
I come from a direct family line of 100 straight years of divorce, so I don’t know what ‘grandparents’ or even ‘parents’ are, since mine were separated when I was in diapers. But what really bothered me is how my Boomer dad would regularly swoop in at the end of the school year and ruin my perfect attendance by pulling me out of class to go on some dumb vacation out of state.
Even worse, something bad would always happen during these stupid trips that I never asked to go on, like a head-on car crash in Jamaica when I was in kindergarten in a vehicle that didn’t even have seat belts. Where we got taken to the ‘hospital’ in a taxi, waited on in the hallway with our broken bones, where all patients were being waited on. One local next to me even gave a urine sample on a cafeteria plate right in front of us, and the ‘surgeon’ even let my dad look over his shoulder as he operated on my sister’s head.
So I think this untimely vacation thing is a divorced-Boomer attempt to make up for lost time or something. Yet each and every time we went on these pointless trips, something terrible happened and us kids suffered injuries and had to go to a doctor. And the crybaby Boomers call us ‘ungrateful’ for the ‘life lesson.’
Thanks to Baby Boomers, I do all of my traveling alone in a rental car, against the counter-signaling advice of Boomer sages. I even have Boomer strangers taking my picture criticize me for not vacationing ‘correctly’ in California. Why do I need to rent a hotel and spend several days in some shitty city when I can take a few pics and drive through several other cities in the same day? What constitutes a ‘vacation?’ Do I need to visit the aquarium and eat a steakhouse too for it to count? You Boomers are a wet blanket.
I had an older Boomer dad and a younger Boomer mom, so I had to listen to the complaints from tons of older Boomer guys my whole life…and I listened so that I would not have the problems you guys all lamented. Now all these guys are all dropping dead one-by-one every time I decide to stop being estranged from my Boomer relatives in their 60s. All that chain-smoking and boozing is finally catching up with you hedonists. So all of the Social Security/medicare fetishizing you guys sperg out on at the expense of your race, country and children is all for naught.
You think it’s worth living after your 60s, I’m not so sure and I’m already there. Lucky for me my body hasn’t started failing yet, but I doubt I can make it for more than another 5 worthwhile years. I don’t want to be living in my 70s, have you seen those guys? and their quality of life?
Man, this suicidality of our people is killing me lately (no pun intended). Why does no other demographic but white men do this? Most Boomer-bashing (at least on my part) is tongue-in-cheek, but my point is questioning why work hard your whole life, as Boomers like to exalt, only to drop dead in your 60s? Trump is 71. Plenty of life left. But I don’t have a whole lot of answers to stuff I have been lamenting lately.
I agree, so I only worked until age 45 then retired, 52-62 have been the best years of my life. But I don’t know anyone over 70 who is still healthy and having fun. They seem to just ‘exist’.
Good point, but I take this somewhat nihilistic question even further…why wait until 45? I’m in my 20s and I just don’t see the point to building any sort of career, mortgage or marriage. I work just enough to slide along like an oil-slick rather than drowning in any debt or overburdening my downtime with more work. I admit I don’t know if I’m doing the right thing, but it just seems like if you know how to make money, and more importantly know how to spend it, so much of that is simply unnecessary. As for the post-70 age, I imagine that I would be doing a lot of what I’m doing now…consuming movies and podcasts and writing constantly, while cutting back on workouts and seeking pussy. What is being built? A pension I’ll never see? My Boomer dad is a dentist and burned through his SS in just the one year he was in a wheelchair for a knee replacement, and had to foreclose and now lives in an apartment. It just makes no sense to do this bullshit 9-5 (or even attempt it) when I know how it ends. The worst part is how the suicide rate is the highest for white men with a pension, a mortgage and a marriage/divorce because manicuring a lawn can get really boring in retirement, apparently.
I think you’re right for today’s financial system. Live for today. Maybe you should take it a step further and try bumming around the 3rd world, the pussy prospects are wayyyyyyyy better than the white homelands.
I don’t even know where to start. I don’t even have a passport. I travel around every few months in a rental car for a week and sleep in it (because I am a master at spending money – better than Jews, not counting investment). I would be so out of place though in a nonwhite place because all eyes are trained on you (diseased-riddled hookers, conmen, kidnappers, murderers, police). I walked across ‘dee barder’ into Juarez (with my Trump shirts turned inside out for obvious reasons) and was swarmed by these Oompa Loompas trying to sell me ‘massage girls’ because they heard the approximately $2 of change rattling in my pocket. I then pulled out photos of various Latinas I had gotten for free and that shut him up. I used to be so fearless, but I got terrified when I got lost in that formerly world’s most dangerous city as my phone (with no signal) was dying (as I had been taking strategic pics of my Trump shirts) and the sun was setting, and all these racial miscreants following me around, as I am 6 inches taller than most of these savages. I’m good at flitting around in the restaurant industry, but I can’t compete in a savage country when I don’t even speak their language.
The author has a lot to learn.
Please enlighten us.
And he is obviously too stupid learn anything.
Sigh, another divide & conquer article by Andre.
sub baby boomers for democrats , marxists ,
socialists .
Andre is ight tho Fam
Most of gen x are bugmen and butt lickers who are like fucking dodos sitting waiting to be eaten. They are jerk-off generation.
Narcissistic deflection. How can you divide something, that was never united? All that matters, is if the article is truthful or not.
So, it is the Boomers now who are destroying everything, and not the (((Jews))).
I get it, Schlomo. My White grandpa and grandma are the enemy. Sure.
Trying to reason with leftist boomers is an exercise in futility. They cannot stand logical reasoning. They refuse to understand how the political policies which they supported worked in a perverse way to bankrupt future generations both morally and financially. They only want to believe their narrative. I recently spoke with a friend’s parents about how the draining of our economy, and the inevitable financial collapse, could trigger a war of massive proportions (a la WW2 Germany post WW1). They refuse to believe they have to make any sacrifice for the well being of the nation as a whole. While millenials have many faults, they simply do not understand the purchasing power of the dollar today has made upward financial mobility increasingly difficult. The same house they bought in the 80’s for 45k is now worth upwards of 350k.
The gun control debate is insane. There is a police officer in the school I volunteer at, I’m never worried. They dismissed this fact by saying “that doesn’t matter”. Yeah and 1+1=5.
“The same house they bought in the 80’s for 45k is now worth upwards of 350k.”
You don’t live in Detroit then. You’d be lucky to get 5k for your 80s home.
You could not PAY somebody $5,000 to LIVE in your house in Detroit. A house in Greater Suburban Detroit-townships under other names-might be worth 20% of its value back in 1986 but these are really satellite cities.
But downtown Detroit-forget it. In addition to a terrible economy it is freezing cold with a climate like the Hebrides.
The people that live in Detroit cannot get out.
haha you’re right. I wouldn’t move there if you paid me $5k a month to live there. I’d get shot or stabbed in the first month
I’m a boomer and I wholeheartedly agree with this article.
Here’s a classic example: my aunt who owns a ton of rental property, which she squeezes endlessly to pay for her expensive eco-cruise lifestyle. Prop values have increased 10x since she bought them.
But her SON can’t afford any of her apartments. She bitches constantly about the government’s failure to provide “affordable housing”.
You cannot make this shit up.
People forget they are a part of a system. Way too individualistic. That is the big problem with our society.
Once again all boomers are upper middle class whites who voted for Obama, hate their race and their kids and stole all the money. Oh yeah they read the NY Times and have John Lennon’s Imagine on a constant loop in their fabulous houses. Who is this dickhead? I’m not sure if he is trolling or serious. I don’t know what’s worse, stuff like this or articles on gaming or why rap is so red pill. Some of you guys have no idea what’s in store for you after we’re gone.
Yes. Yes, they are.
A boomer would leave his own son bleeding to death in the middle of the street so he could rush to the sidewalk and help a negro win an argument against a white “racist”.
The same negro raped his daughter but that’s ok because he can run fast and catch a football.
She’s a lesbian feminist, I’d hold her down while the negro did it. At least she would know what her vagina was for.
Reminds me of an accounting job I went for once(before I gave up on the field of my study and a few tens of thousands of invested student loan debt to acquire said education).
Went for a job at a major corporation, applied, and they loved my resume(unisex name). When the boomer General Manager, found out I was a man, the sneaky bastard, against company policy, removed me from the second round of interviewing.
The only reason I got the call for the second round of interviews, was because a Hispanic, Aztec looking HR man, was bothered that I wasn’t in the second round of interviews when I should of been.
The fellow blue eyed man, the boomer, was pissed. It was plain to see in his eye’s during the live(in person) interview. Nothing I could of done, would of appeased him. The HR man, he didn’t say anything after the interview as he escorted me out, but his eyes where filled with apology.
Boomers are such an evil and wicked generation, not even Biblical Sodom and Gomorrah, were as evil as Boomer men are. As even those evil peoples, raised up their own son’s and took care of their own.
I think our race (all ages) is composed of vicious cutthroats, and the Boomer male represents the Great Santini character.
I would never vote for a woman, (((person))) or a negro.
As a Generation Xer whom has been on this world for half a century the Boomers need to shut up about articles like this.
You Boomers have published ENDLESS articles, ENDLESS television programs, about what losers the younger generations are. Learn to TAKE a little of your own medicine.
I’m a rare 40 something Gen Xer whose father actually fought in WW2 so I never had the pleasure of having Baby Boomer parents. My only issue with the B.B. Generation is that they are the ones most responsible for today’s illegal drug issues. That said, Millennials have some inferiority complex that they need to address if they ever stand a chance of being successful in life.
So you don’t mind that they strip-mined our economy, invited half of Mexico to come squat in our living rooms, sold their own sons out to the lies of feminism and marxism, failed to plan or provide anything to their children, didn’t save for retirement, voted themselves $20T worth of entitlements that we can’t afford, destroyed the nuclear family by embracing feminism, gave our enemies monopoly control over our mass media, etc etc.
All that is fine. It’s just the weed that bothers you.
Does anyone have any data or statistics which proves, or even supports that boomers voting records where the primary cause of everything you listed? And even if there is, isn’t it only fair to at least divide the boomers up into a few camps, as I’m sure not all of them supported all of this. I mean, there has to be some truly conservative boomers out there.
The problem is not that they voted directly for a lot of this shit, THE PROBLEM IS they never did anything about it. They literally just let the Marxists walk all over them. Also, conservative baby boomers are just as bad. Many con-boomers pretty much told their daughters to be career empowered sluts (god they are obsessed with their daughters), they supported all the propaganda and shows, they ended up marrying the feminist sluts of their day, they told their sons to be good boys and look for that special someone, they obsessed endlessly over their taxes, they hired the cheap illegal labor etc etc. The conservative boomers also supported the free trade bullshit we have today, and they supported the increase in H-1Bs. So ya, all around the baby boomers are a fucking degenerate generation of children that never grew up. It is almost like they don’t understand civilization and the role they needed to play in maintaining it.
This is a good point man. My dad is red pill to the max, italian, ohio man who loves to hunt and fish…
but his buddies from college are the most beta, beaten down pussies. Imagine a modern day beta who blames himself for the ex-wives that robbed him! 45 years of sitting in front of the tv being told to hate yourself and step aside for women…
The sanctification of F.D.R. betrays the lunacy of some members of this (boomer) generation. He was an egocentric megalomaniac. The legacy of his policies have damaged our nation in almost unparalleled ways. His entire life, and presidency, was a compensatory exercise. Eleanor was all of this, and more, to the exponential power.
The 3 golden rules of being a man:
1. Never complain
2. Never make excuses
3. Never blame others
Time to man the fuck up Millennials.
Those sound like rules for Boomer Cucks who never did a damn thing in their worthless lives except suck up to the system.
Here are my three:
1. Destroy those responsible for ruining your family.
2. Destroy those responsible for ruining your culture.
3. Destroy those responsible for ruining your economy.
Unfortunately that cycle always ends with:
4. Destroy yourself
As long as the Boomers are brought to justice, so be it.
@Darth Vader…lol, that sounds like some Justin Trudeau logic…”if you kill your enemy they win”. Pretty sure that blaming those that deserve to be blamed is a valid and important thing for anyone to do. If someone fucks me over than you damn right I am going to blame them.
If you can do all that destroying without complaining or making excuses, then you’ve got my vote.
Then destroying yourself would be a good start.
Sounds like 3 rules of being a slave
Boomers who never were traditionalist/hard-working once in their lives pretend to be all about tradition when they grow old. What you call “complaining” is power. That’s why everyone but Whitey is doing it. By telling us that manhood equals shutting up, you’re trying to manipulate us into relinquishing our power.
If my “complaining” could accelerate boomer retirement and stop boomers from squandering precious resources, then I will “complain” every single day. My aim is not being acknowledged as manly or anything by your generation of fuckers (who constantly fail to acknowledge anyone besides their daughters and pet minorities) but winning. Millennials who turn the tide against all odds are much manlier than rich cucks pretending to tell us about manhood from their fortresses.
True, I remember growing up listening to my dad and his union buddies talk about how they cheated their employer(sneak in hour naps and stuff, robbing productivity from the company, which led to it’s downfall). Even though they readily admit the Union destroyed the company, they still swear by Unions.
And I would add a fourth point to your list: Never let anyone make you believe a lie against yourself or control what you think.
Some may believe I’m a bit paranoid….
No, sir you are not.
Article spot on as I have seen this spurred on myself. Not even our pets go anywhere NEAR this particular person. Instead, find the oldest child or me and hang out.
Boomers are responsible for the DEEP STATE, which is the biggest crime against humanity that was ever perpetrated.
The Deep State started before then, think WWII and the OSS.
Boomers are the deep state! Everyone of them including Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Pompeo, Cheney, Obama, Clinton, Michael Chertoff, Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, Elliot Cohen, Ari Fleischer, John Podesta, Rahm Emmanuel, John P Holdren, Ben Bernanke, Lloyd Blankfein, Jamie Dimon, Hank Paulson, Mike Mukasey, Robert Rubin, Leon Panetta, Timothy Geithner, and that’s a short list of scumbags.
All Millennials are transgendered cucks.
Yeah and you are a faggot.
Most Boomers I know actually “worked” for things—- had 1 or more jobs as teens, put themselves thru school if parents did not, married, women worked, but not primary money source. There was less shopping for useless things, ppl worked toward goals, didn’t “travel the world” and “explore” other countries, teach ESL in other countries—- or ride skateboards into their 30s and 40s. Ok? Most ppl got married, worked, bought homes and raised kids. A totally different time.
The internet, “disruption” (where only a few ppl make $$$ at the expense of many others) and automation are responsible for a lack of opportunities. Combine that w a cultural decline.
That plus illegal immigration. Boomers (and old Gen X) were very easily able to land entry level jobs as teenagers and if they were even remotely competent and motivated they could parlay those jobs into careers. Now if you live anywhere in the south your cities are totally flooded with illegal aliens. It’s very difficult for a 15 year old to compete with some 40 year old Guatemalan when it comes to work ethic, usefulness, etc. And that’s not a knock against the current generation of teenagers – go watch Caddyshack or American Graffiti and you’ll see that teenagers have always been a little lazy and unreliable. Just comes with the age.
You are ignoring the political history in your very simplified summary of what is wrong with the modern world.
No hookup culture either.
Boomers are dying off as they are in their 60s and 70s and generally their progeny in Generations X and Y and the millennials will be inheriting their wealth. Instead of whining that the Boomers managed to be successful and acquire assets, maybe younger generations should treat their elders well and be grateful that they will be getting an inheritance.
Uh, that’s the whole issue ya knob head. BOOMERS aren’t leaving anything for anyone, besides their bills and liabilities. They can’t even save an adequate 401k for retirement. That is why a lot of them soak up entry and middling level jobs well into their fucking 60’s, they can’t even afford to retire.
I retired at age 45. Haven’t worked for over 15 years.
You must be a drain then. So many millennials paying a high rent and competing with low wage untermensch so that Courtney and Brett enjoy their aloof retirement.
Seems to me you don’t have a lot going for you. Maybe you could tell me why you think you are entitled to someone else’s property, savings or investments? Why not earn some money for yourself, then you can spend it how you like instead of being a little bitch whining for handouts from people who worked to earn their money.
Almost every middle class member of Generations X and Y and millennials in my acquaintance has Boomer parents who got their educations, worked hard, bought houses and amassed some amount of assets. And unless there is severe family dysfunction, almost all parents, Boomers included, leave their assets in their Wills and estate plans to their offspring. Where I live, the houses have appreciated considerably and all these folks are leaving the house and their assets to their offspring.
I guess you are whining about the Bush recession that wiped out a lot of people’s wealth, that catapulted many middle class people into the lower economic classes, and being born to irresponsible parents who did not provide for inheritances for whining offspring. And really, why are you whining that mommy and daddy are not leaving you a fortune when you could be working and making your own life and amassing your own wealth?
That is the whole issue, douchebag, your kind thinks you are too good to work, pay taxes, serve in the military etc.
Of course we have to work into our 60’s, to pay for your welfare.
When we are gone, you will starve, or become slaves.
The problem is that a few took everything so some folk have twenty flats or 5 given by their parents but those with out can go whistle.
20trillion dollars of debt and your country and peoples power handed over to foreign entities that wish to enslave you is quite the inheritance.
This article speaks to me. I am solid Gen X with Boomer parents and I can tell you that nearly every negative stereotype about that generation is accurate.
I grew up listening to my dad talk about how he fully intended to spend every bit of his money before he died, and that all he wanted to pass on to his kids were bills.
I remember having a conversation with my parents when I told them that I wanted to get all my traveling and adventuring out of my system before having kids, because once I had them I wanted to be able to focus on them. They both tried to talk me out of that, which even today when I have two kids of my own seems really bizarre. Why would you try to talk your son out of wanting to devote himself to his family?
My parents have visited me twice in my entire adult life. They have met their grandchildren a total of five times, and four of those times were because I traveled to them.
Don’t get me wrong. They’re not bad people. They don’t lie or steal and they were not abusive when I was a kid. The phrase that I have used over my life to describe my parents is “benign neglect,” and I think that perfectly sums up their parenting style. I never doubted that they loved me but I never, not once, thought that they put my interests or needs above their own. That generation is just not built that way. Once you accept that it makes it much easier to deal with. Almost a version of taking the red pill re: women.
I can relate to that. I love my boomer parents dearly and I have never doubted that they love me. But there is a peculiar lack of care, especially among boomer men. They just don’t seem to care about anything except their material wants, and their SJW moral high horse.
More than anything, I feel sorry for them. They were used as pawns in a very ugly game and the truth of the matter is so brutal that it’s hard to blame them for being unable/unwilling to look at it.
But when I see them double, triple, quadruple down on their anti-white and anti-male rhetoric I quickly lose any warm feelings of compassion I may have had. They are revealing themselves as my mortal enemy, and their actions are designed to thwart my ambitions and raise the undeserving up at my expense.
Occasionally a boomer will become red pilled and save himself but it sure doesn’t happen often. They were saturated with (((indoctrination))) quite literally from the day they were born and the doctor slashed off the tip of their penis in a satanic-talmudic mutilation ritual.
The poor things can’t admit that multiculturalism and feminism and runaway debt spell death for their descendants. It will become undeniable soon enough.
I have a feeling the boomers still living will not have a pleasant go of it in their final decade. I don’t like that idea, but damn it nature will be paid. They must atone.
I can relate to your comment. My parents are boomers and in so many words, childhood was a f**king struggle. Had to literally hound and harass Dad to go the field and hit fly balls so I could do better for little league. Any kind of advice I needed almost always played into this boomer mantra of, “whatever makes you happy…we don’t care,” which is just utter nonsense. Mom’s the type of woman who has to know everything that’s going on, to the point that where personal boundaries that divide men and women are merely an illusion, and to broach them was necessary for the sake of ‘needing to know.’ But I think the biggest disappointment – and I’m curious if others have seen this also – was the total abandonment of going to church on Sunday. And it still exists, because here it is, Good Friday, and they asked me ‘what are you doing that for?’ They’re becoming more like strangers than parents. Sad.
When booms aren’t bragging about their own lives, they’re trash talking everyone elses. When they’re not patting them selves on the back, they’re bitching about something. Once a boomer is happy, (never is) nothing else matters. But when said boom is unhappy (always) they will ruin other peoples lives as much as possible until their fantastical, impossible demands are catered at the fruitless expense of whippersnappers. “I worked for nickel a day & it made me a better man. I walked 3 miles each way up hill in snow blah blah blah.” They’re brains must have stopped realizing the world has changed for the worst and imagine we are living in a utopia of abundant virgins and blue skies all for free. “Ill be damned if I have to wait in line, i paid social security for fifty years!” They would rather burn away all their easy gotten cash than help their starving sons working 3 jobs, living in an inner city, gang infested, studio complex(cell block) even if its said boomers only son left that hasn’t bit the dust in his 20s of slave labor and forever increasing cost of survival. But any money boom does give away is to the ((ones))that invented said boomers imaginary friend in the clouds. Rarely will you meet a decent/cool boomer, but they do exist.
Most boomers never did any of that stuff and are full of it. Whenever anyone has a story to one up another, it is far more likely they are just bullshitting. Look at boomer Steven Seagal, he turned bullshitting into a career.
Joms Viking: Boomers took any kind of job. You rarely heard ppl complain that jobs were beneath them. Waitresses, landscaper, babysit, etc. All those jobs go to others BC you give them away. You feel you’re above those jobs. Also your parents don’t seem “parental.” Sorry.
Eric Greene your insincerity shows.
Did you not read my comment? Those jobs went to teenagers back then because there was no one else to do them. Teenagers have ALWAYS been lazy. It’s just how they are. But they’ll hustle for the green. When I was a young kid (pre teen years) there were still those jobs. I remember my older brothers and sisters working in fast food and piling firewood.
I mowed lawns and painted building etc. as a young guy, and I did about as well at it and tried to shirk work about as much as you’d expect a young kid to do. Twain was writing about that stuff back in the 19th century so it’s not like it’s not just part of human nature. But the thing was: people still hired teenagers and kids because no one else would do it.
No way no how will people hire a 12 year old to mow their lawn in states like CA or TX. All that work is done by illegals. Come up to my neck of the woods and you still see white kids mowing lawns and slinging burgers because we don’t have illegals. It’s not rocket science.
Ah the ol boomer capitalist we import slave labor because white folk are too lazy.
In contemporary economics people with iq above 90 realize their labor and working lives are worth more than slave wages if they ever want a chance at an acceptable humble living standard. Rather than the market and value of their labor correcting the boomer capitalist would rather exploit the imported colored man they so claim to love and see as ‘equal’ whilst screwing over their own kin and future generations completely.
The predictable triggering of the high-time preference Boomers is hilarious. You guys it take so personal, while we in Gen-Y (I refuse to use the M word) do not. The vast majority of our generation votes for degeneracy, just like the majority of Boomers are Zionist warmongering materialists concerned with their Medicare/Social Security more than their own children/grandchildren. The difference is we don’t internalize those facts or any criticism, while you geriatrics go apoplectic because you are not used to be criticized and cannot handle being uncomfortable. Ironic, huh? Instead you just give us an anecdote about Vietnam or about how much harder you had it during the ‘good old days,’ that you guys eliminated with your hippie hedonism (irony, again). You guys singlehanded brought back STDs with your ‘free love.’
Boomer Modus Operandi:
Cuck to women
Cuck to the Tribe
Cuck to blacks
Cuck to latinos
But we’re not going to cuck to you……don’t spend your inheritance all in one place
I know an awful lot of Gen Xers who were raised by Boomers. Off the top of my head, maybe one in a hundred of them:
Is well-adjusted
Parents are still married
Has a great career, stable marriage
Drug and alcohol free
Raised healthy and happy children
Owns a family home
Will inherit money or property from their boomer parents
and last but not least BELIEVES IN GOD
Was born in the 70’s and grew up in a really fucked amoral negative decade. Try being raised in a commune or the Disco Era. Millennial Gen Y do not know how decadent their parents were before the Just So No era. It was bad post-Watergate.
Came of age when drugs were considered harmless vices…however Gen Y is stoned on weed all the time. Which makes you useless and is a new tool of the government to sedate angry young males anyhow.
Boomer parents have no fucking money because divorces cost a load of money.
Boomers: you have five years to turn things around, barring a black swan event. You have the power to redeem yourselves. Will you? See the game that has been played against you, and you will see the way out. Do one last brave act for your sons, so they may remember you with fondness and pride.
I don’t disagree with what people have to say against the boomers. But, what everyone is forgetting, is that the selling out of younger generations by the old has been happening in the west for over a century now.
Remember World War I, the supposed war to end all wars? How tens of millions of young men were either killed or maimed. The devastation of that generation was so great that the writers of the time named them the Lost Generation. In the hundred or so years leading up to WWI, Western Europe had seen relative peace unlike anything experienced in prior centuries, all for that to be torn down in only 4 years. Then of course World War II came around and another tens of millions of young men died. Now, young men had been sent off to war for millennia, but nothing like on the scale seen in the two world wars. And that’s to say nothing of the gulags under communism. And don’t forget Vietnam, when the Greatest Generation (Who everyone loves to give a free pass on) sent more young men to die, only for us to gradually lose the cultural battle against the leftists. The decline of the west started well before the boomers set foot on this earth. They accelerated the process, no doubt, but their offspring will likely be the ones to put the final nail in the coffin of this civilization. The suicidal path the west has been on for a hundred years is yet to be finished.
Don’t forget too, that while the US is 20 trillion in debt, most of the world is deep in the hole too. The next depression will affect every nation on earth and will be a lot uglier.
Completely agree except I don’t believe it to be suicide. Rather calculated murder by (((those))) that usurped power.
There are some who has posited that war is a creation of old men to kill off young men in order to quash the competition for young women and give old men a shot at the young maidens. It is always the old who lead us to war and always the young to fall.
This belonged on the Owning Your Shit Thread on Married Red Pill. Except he continues to externalize his childhood. Own it brother. This is your story, not a story about Millennials.
Millennials are the first generation to have over a hundred different genders. Enough said snowflakes.
Boomers have given unconditional power to (((those))) that teach that nonsense in schools and education curriculum.
You offered the minds and souls of your children and your children’s children to the altar of Talmud Satanic worshipping cretins because you chose the life of comfort over fighting for what was right.
I was raped by the owner of the site and I know other women have been as well. You have been warned. #MeToo
I have come to the conclusion that ‘rape’ is a social construct. How prevalent is ‘rape’ in the animal kingdom outside of humans?
The whole Boomer/Gen X/Gen Y/Millenial/Gen Z thing is as confusing as heck. After Gen Z are we going to start over at Gen A? Or Gen Z sub 2? Or maybe start naming generations after women, like hurricanes used to be. I personally would not like to belong to Generation Sasqueneesha.
Nostradamus predicted Z and 2012 to be the end and so did the Mayans…Turns out they were full of #%*&!! We’re witnessing a slow motion ending that way everyone becomes acclimated to it and its all engineered by the same Elite Boomers as Elliot Cohen (who founded PNAC Project for a New American Century in 1997).
Boomers are traitors. Opposite sides of same coin. And they wonder why their holidays are sooo lonely. Any doubt why there is the most suicides in that generation. All that self centered entitlement has come back to bite you in the ass. I always give a justified devilish smirk to any crotchety faced geezer that looks me in the eye. As i can see the ravages of time, the manifestation of negativity and the cloak death itself enveloping them.
Wow, my mom’s parents did this to my dad. Pretty much everything in this article. Some things listed in this article are just how crappy people act, and others listed here are just how people or older people act in general. This article is not very useful and doesn’t mean boomers are evil. I mean think about it. Trump isn’t perfect, but he’s one of the better things we have going right now and the author of this article points out he’s from the boomer generation, as if now you should dislike Trump a little more just because he is a “boomer.”
Let’s start thinking critically gentlemen. Their are trends in each generation, and they can be important to study. But damn, to assume every boomer is entitled, or every millennial is lazy or stupid, this is just getting annoying. For instance, my dad is a boomer and has seen and known we were on a bad track for a lot of his life, and did what little he could to slow and stop it. But he was mostly powerless in the face of the huge cultural shifts that were happening.
Now my mom was a boomer whom really road the boomer and feminist wave to unearned and undeserved wealth which she now appears to mostly be squandering.
Most 18 year olds I run into are idiots and I don’t interact with them. But then again, that’s true of 18 year olds a long time ago as well. The other day, I ran into one whom clearly reads some of these “red pill” sites. You could tell from the points of view he held. And he was sharp and educated as well. A pleasure to talk to and gave a man hope for the future.
Anyway, Roosh, I’ve been holding on here at ROK because I don’t really know where to go to get the kind of articles I want. But there is a problem, and that’s articles like this. A true waste of my time. This article should have simply been titled, “Really annoying things old geasers do,” or, “More reasons for hating my wifes parents.”
This site is a target of many …SPLC to name one. Divide and conquer your dumb shits. Congrats, you fell for the whole thing. Divide the youth from the elders and separate any transfer of history and experience. This is low IQ shit right here.
Right. You guys refused to transfer knowledge about female nature and nonwhites, so instead we all have to have our own little epiphany deep into young adulthood. We even have a name for it….the Red Pill. Step aside, Boomer, and let the young men clean up the mess you hedonists left with your experimental parenting.
The Boomer personnel experience, is utterly worthless. Observations of Boomers though, is valuable as the main goal for future generations is: “Don’t be like the boomers”.
Something is true, or it is false. Either prove the article is false, or STFU.
The author of this article is a coward. Left Europe when Europe needs good young men.
Then writes about resentment of people that “gave up ” on him. PATHETIC.
I was one of those dumb -fuck boomers drafted for Vietnam. I have a lot to tell young people about their government. It is important to listen to your elders before you’re suckered into another folly. But……you have been set-up to resent your history and elders. Good fucking luck.
I want to hear more about guys that were actually drafted. You guys should gives details. How many gooks did you kill? What was it like? How much gook pussy did you get?
I haven’t killed any ‘Gooks’, but I’m fucking the hell out of their women.
I have only recently experimented with the slants. I was never attracted to them, but after realizing who much they worship us white men, it is difficult to not indulge. It feels good. They like us more than black men like white women.
Text book narcissistic psychopathic behavior, to try and assert dominance by trying to make your target feel as if your denying something that is needed. It is not. Your life experiences are worthless. Your generation failed to stop war, while Gen Y, succeeded to stop the Syrian War from becoming a larger conflict(thus far), and keep stalling suicidal boomers, who want a major nuke war with Russia within their lifetime.
Boomers are a generation of narcissistic psychopaths, every last one, to varying degrees. You will not be content, unless you “go out with a bang”.
Thank you, I’ll take that as a compliment
Roosh, I thought you were better than this?
Spot on. I watched my parents do this with my nieces and nephews. Watched them systematically undermine their parent’s authority and replace them. Now all the kids look to grandma and grandpa for everything. My brother and sister are hopelessly dependent on our parents, one attempt to defy them and their own kids will turn on them.
Luckily I’ve already burned that bridge so when my wife gives birth my parents won’t be able to interfere. Getting her parents out of the picture will be a little more delicate though; I’m already working on that. Pointing out how her “hands-off” parents who thought it was real important that she “live her own life” are suddenly awfully bossy now that she’s married.
yea, I’m sure your parents are no good pieces of …..The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree
I have never listened to any valuable advice from any old man Bobby boy! Not that they aint got it but their too damn selfish to share it. Theyre hell bent on belittling youths via preconceived grievances. They treat the current times as if its 1957. Where a dollar a day gets you burgers, fries, soda pops, drive thru tickets for him and his dame. He can work down at Abe’s hardware she can do laundry & cook, and house is paid for. Little white picket fence. Gas is a nickel a gallon. Mentally he doesnt want to accept the fact we dont live in that era but he goes on treating the current year as if we do. He feels as if he knows all, has seen all and that entitles him to be the control freak that he is. Nit picking every detail to the microscopic level, yet he wont stoop to the level of getting his hands dirty and helping. Nope he’ll sit back and bark orders, cuz hes paid his dues dammit! But everyone else on this planet is here to serve him. Break your back for him year after year, will he thank you? Nope! He’ll just spill some salesman bullshit how you should be thankful that you live in this land of freedom thanks to Him and his sacrifices, just keep your mouth shut and he’ll pay you your shiny nickel. Or he’ll find some Jose in a Home depot parking lot that wont question his traitorous ethics, and work for 6 bucks an hour. Suddenly he’ll find himself bed ridden in a hospital setting, surrounded by a few black nurses as they all laugh their asses of watching him suffocate to death.
That’s some grand ,over-simplified, Blog infused BS right there. Get out in the real world and start talking to people. You’ll be surprised at how many older people know and understand the shit that has happened to this country. No “bootstrap” crap….we know how fuck things are. Many of us actually tried to change this.
BTW, your lines read like a bunch of rehearsed, Professional Troll Bullshit. The examples you site are right out of Boomer Central casting….not even a good try troll.
Boomers generally stayed married longer. The women were empowered to be bossy over the husband and to represent face and mouthwork too of the political standing of the household. The women were bitten hard in the ass by 2nd wave feminism circa 64-74 so they bred offspring at the get go but their mouths were on fire to yap and shit talk, overspeaking the husband who worked but remained silent. If ever it was time then for the women to shut the hell up inside the house, spread em white ass balls up and BREED, TIT FEED and SERVICE thy patriarchal master.
Statistically no. Boomers have the highest divorce rate of any measured generation.
We define everyone by their age group and not their character? Most *fucking stupid* RoK article ever.
I agree. Though the author of the article makes reference only to boomers of a certain mindset, it is the commentators who use the same tactic as the enemies of ROK employ: damn an entire demographic. All men are rapists. All whites are racist. All boomers are self-serving cucks. Never mind that a boomer being on ROK would automatically not fit their stereotype, they paint with a broad brush so as to avoid their own faults and shortcomings. “Damn those boomers. The reason I’m poor…single…jobless…etc. is because of those boomers!”
The audience here at ROK needs to be unified, but the side effect of this article, even if not the original intent of the author, is to divide.
The enemies of ROK have been given reason to celebrate.
There are generalities in life, the problem is when people make false generalities for their own personal gain, like the liberals today. The baby boomers are a fucked up generation, all of them. Conservative baby boomers are the neo-con, pro-woman, “race don’t matter”, hire illegal aliens, obsessed with taxes and oil retards.
Which of course, includes me since I’m 63 years old and you must assume I’m “neo-con, pro-woman, “race don’t matter”, hire illegal aliens, obsessed with taxes and oil retards.” And what’s humorous is you’re so blind there’s nothing I can demonstrate in my own life that can change your mind. You are trapped in your own prejudice and already-formed ideas.
Your thinking is deeply flawed. Enjoy evading responsibility for your life choices by using a made-up whipping boy.
Even though this is a really good article, it is best to let your children bond with their own grandchildren as much as possible. Almost always children benefit from their grandparent’s influence.
Also, there is no point in being angry at your own parents as they won’t be around forever. No matter how good the boomers may have had it, they will start dying off in large numbers quite soon. There time is nearly over.
The die off period can hit hard and fast. I remember in the 90s where WW II veteran get togethers would still fill a large room. Then it was a short decade later that there were no more get togethers, rather a piece in the paper of one or two sole WW II vets still alive in town. Today in 2018, we hear about one or two remaining WW II vets nationwide.
But the number of ‘holocaust survivors’ continues to grow and the heroic stories of Nazi grotesqueries and Jewish heroes is ever expanding.
One of the biggest problems with baby boomer parents is that they raised boys and girls exactly the same. I came across this site and read some of the criticism of western women and a lot of it is true. I love my mom to death but she never taught me how to cook, clean, do laundry. Luckily we have the internet to teach us those things now. My dad always pushed me into playing sports and I was never taught how to be a lady. Once I got older I could see a lot of what is being done to kids is wrong in so many ways. Drugs are pushed onto young boys, girls are forced to play rough sports they don’t care about. It is all really sad, I don’t blame them entirely for this, a lot of it was propoganda from the media that led them to their belief system. I think the best thing the younger generation can do is try to undo the damage that has been done by raising our kids properly.
››› “One of the biggest problems with baby boomer parents is that they raised boys and girls exactly the same” ›››
Great comment. It befuddles me too when boomer parents raise a child to adulthood and the young adult still hasn’t fried an egg on the stove by themself. What the he|| was the mom so busy doing that she couldn’t teach the young miss to do anything domestic? Well, she was busy watching idiot TV or if she was on the ball, she was reading the sugar coated kosher fishwrap newspaper thinking that it would help her communicate to all the similarly stupified neighbor ladies that she too was on top of community/world events. The media and newsrags were relied on heavily as a crutch to help women how to think – especially when so many boomer moms were going ‘crazy’ raising kids in this house. I heard it over and over the same BS from boomer moms – “I’m going crazy over yada yada” – always simple domestic stuff that any clear mind could sort out and ignore in previous generations. And boomer moms had it so comfortable and easy with all the automatic household work machines to do the work for them and nothing to watch but a toxic idiot TV box and nothing to read but gatekept slick and kosher editorialized women’s magazines stuffed into the mailbox.
So it’s not really all their fault that they were so mentally and culturally wiped out. The problem is they were ’empowered’ to be bossy so any resistance would be met with phone calls, advocacy and badgering by the nanny state authorities. The solution today as back then is to meet anti cultural forces with force that equals the threat, whether it be in the home, with neighbors or more broadly wherever the enemy rears it’s ugly head. JUST HEED the words of MCGOO and continue servicing thy patriarchal master and continue tit feeding and breeding fine fresh progeny for our great green republic!!
You gotta love the so-called School Massacre Generation on here talking shit about their elders. I’m sure one of you Millennial posters is named David Hogg or David Fagg, not that the spelling matters.
Funny, I could have swore that the highest kill count came from a Baby Boomer in Las Vegas.
This is the second article on this topic in the last 2 weeks by this writer, not to mention the same topic from 6 months ago. Rehashing the same talking points, the same vitriol, and the same commentary from the same commentators. How about some creativity? ROK once had decent articles like the siege of Malta. Other decent articles about the trades, firearms, and just common sense topics were featured in the past as well. This site is spinning around the drain.
You seem sorta like a whiny bitcc.
I look at my parents and their friends (boomers), its unbelievable how this generation so openly worships the ZOG. It all started with (((Dylan))) and was just a snowball rolling down a shit mountain from there.
They all remind me of the Richard Dryfuss character in Jaws, both in wimpy looks and nasaly voice spewing left-wing garbage.
They always use the “but I voted for Reagan” when they sense your red-pilled talk is making them seem like a generation unto themselves, when in reality thats the only conservative they ever voted for and it directly coincides with when they started receiving their inheritance and thinking about retirement. Marxist for life until they get a payday with money they didnt earn, then it becomes a bitch fit about taxes and welfare and their pension.
Yep yep yep. You can go back through time and unravel exactly what happened. You can see how the grand boomer psyop started with Bob Zimmermann, Woodie Guthrie, etc and ended up with the Laurel Canyon boys. All of it directed from above, funded by communists, tied to the Frankfurt School and other subversive organizations which schemed to destroy the postwar generation of white westerners.
To this day every single boomer walking the face of the planet absolutely worships Bob Dylan and The Beatles.
The Lords of Lies had their filthy claws into the boomer generation from the cradle. To be fair, a lot of blame goes to their parents for not only fighting the most unjust war in history, but raising a bunch of narcissistic sociopaths who thought desegregation was the ultimate expression of enlightenment.
“It’s like when your old-a** parents are like, ‘I don’t know how to send an iMessage,’ and you’re just like, ‘Give me the f**king phone’ and you take it and you’re like, ‘OK, let me handle it,’ and you get it done in one second,” Hogg said. “Sadly, that’s what we have to do with our government because our parents don’t know how to use a f**king democracy, so we have to.”
~David Hogg
The thing with Boomers is they can’t even do conservatism right. When you mix boomers with politics, the best among them become milquetoast Reagan Republican, CivNat Cucks. They allowed NeoCohens to take over their party. They are constantly pleading for everybody to be nicer. They beg for compromise. They bow and scrape before their opposition. The insist that multiculturalism has not failed us, it only needs a few tweaks. They insist that mass immigration and diversity is good for America, we just need to document it more. They insist that our monstrous debt levels, which fund a sinister Deep State operation as well as the Military Industrial Complex, is just fine. They are Israel-Firsters who support endless war in the Middle East as the best of their masters in Jerusalem. They are deeply committed to egalitarianism and to the feminism project.
In short Boomer conservatives are nearly indistinguishable from their liberal counterparts. It’s time to flush it all down the toilet and start over with something new, and lessons learned.
Reading Breitbart comments really is disturbing, I just can’t do it any more. If you want to see how the minds of Boomer conservatives work, just read those idiotic, moronic, myopic, totally enslaved boomercuck comments. There may as well be chains and collars around their necks, with the other end in Tel Aviv.
I totally agree, It’s not like the well informed opinions we have here……
I would also like to add that we are all individuals and putting all baby boomers in the group with Bruce Springsteen and other radical leftists isn’t really fair. We don’t want to be associated with David Hogg anymore than some of them want to be associated with the hippie movement.
Can we get something interesting here like an article on the two crazy lesbians who went over a cliff with their 6-8 children of mixed race because the CPS was after them. I love how news reports keep say, “….we’re not sure yet…there is no proof….remains a mystery.” Bending over backwards to cover moonbat female asses. Starving home schooled children wearing all the same clothing. Is this starting to sound familiar?
Also, let’s have a rocking article on the number of female teachers who are sleeping with their underage students. Is it just me or does this seem to be some sort of plague.
I always find it funny how babyboomers claim to be hard-working people who have built up the country. In reality they didn’t face any real hardships in their lives. I think they had the most relaxed lives in human history.
Sure, technology is better now, but the overall quality of life is much lower now. We are stuck up with worthless college degrees, no jobs, no own home, no new car, no quality women etc.
The babyboomers who had hard lives were exceptions. The majority of them had lives we could only dream of.
This sounds a lot like my parents and I am a Boomer (except since my Dad grew up in the depression, he saved like anything, so did leave a substanail inheritance.
My dad is my hero and red pill to the core. Marriage ruined his life, well, his first and second wives becoming “radicalized” feminists is what did it.
I do believe boomers ushered in the feminist bullshit, welfare, and affirmative action which have destroyed our cities, marriages, and free market. But this article sounds a bit like somebody has a chip on their shoulder.
I’ll admit certain topics release a decent amount of built up anger from years of bottled up abuse, and my accusatory responses have a cold hearted note. Decades of dealing with certain demographics will form opinions that we all feel entitled to. Yet its doubtful that anyone on these forums are so different, that petty differences cant be shrugged. We prob all have the similar struggles and same goals for our lives, or we wouldnt be in these chatrooms at all. Now that im sober & reread some of my words i feel the need to apologize to all here for such hateful things ive written at times. I really do have a lot of anger inside from all the bs society heaps on us and taking it out on guys in the manosphere is just counter productive. Ive learned more about the real world from guys here than I have anywhere else.
I think I am considered a millennial. They are some debates on who are a millennial and if some are more generation x. Roosh is young enough to be considered a millennial. My dad is in his early 60s so I do not know if he is a boomer or not. Not all people in their 60s or 70s have money. Not all Boomers were part of the hippie movement. I suspect some millenials can even say other some fellow millenials are lazy and lost. I think millenials need to self reflect. Generation x already made our world make big technology advancements. They say you can not take money to the grave but it can only help you while alive. That is true. But you can not take your youh or beauty with you either. We all die so I think we need to consider that before we want to disrespect elders etc.
I’ll admit certain topics release a decent amount of built up anger from years of bottled up abuse, and my accusatory responses have a cold hearted note. Decades of dealing with certain demographics will form opinions that we all feel entitled to. Yet its doubtful that anyone on these forums are so different, that petty differences cant be shrugged. We prob all have the similar struggles and same goals for our lives, or we wouldnt be in these chatrooms at all. Now that i reread some of my words i feel the need to apologize to all here for such hateful things ive written at times. I really do have a lot of anger inside from all the bs society heaps on us and taking it out on guys in the manosphere is just counter productive. Ive learned more about the real world from guys here than I have anywhere else.
Always enjoy Putin sponsored articles to divide America. Go Vlad!
While the person that has written this article has some points I do think people do a have to take responsibility for their actions. I know one Boomer woman and on one Generation X woman who is raising their grandchildren because if they did not the children would be put into state custody (since the mothers are drug addicts). I even know a millennial raising her sisters children along with her son (for the same reason). I bet she appreciates the help her boomer father gives her. Yes, you can blame bad parenting but these mothers are adults and know better.
This boomerang article keep coming back around.
How do Americans deal with hypocrisy today?
You might live in a warm place and own a new car listening to good music with an excellent stereo after you ate a delicious dinner and feel pretty good about living in a free country, but how does being tracked and wiretapped 24/7 feel?
Americans may feel like they are good people even when they commit three felonies a day just by existing.
How do Americans justify paying taxes when their taxes fund rising debt, Obamacare, food stamps, regulations, US wars, illegal immigrants, nanny state laws, security cameras, license plate readers, checkpoints, redlight cameras, speed cameras, FBI facial and voice recognition, curfews, gun bans, NSA wiretapping, the end to the right to silence, free speech bans, searches without warrants, private prisons, mandatory minimums, 3 strikes laws, CISPA, SOPA, IMBRA, private prison quotas, no knock raids, take down notices, no fly lists, terror watch lists, Constitution free zones, stop and frisk, 3 strikes laws, kill switches, National Security Letters, DNA databases, kill lists, FBAR, FATCA, Operation Chokepoint, TSA groping, civil forfeiture, CIA torture, NDAA indefinite detention, secret FISA courts, FEMA camps, laws requiring passports for domestic travel, IRS laws denying passports for tax debts, gun and ammo stockpiles, laws outlawing protesting, police militarization, chain gangs, boot camps, and Jade Helm?
Americans might feel like they live in a moral country, but how can a nation that tortures and launches endless wars take the moral high ground on anything?
How could Americans not feel responsible for US wars, debt, and tyranny?
How would the founding fathers think about the collapse of the USA?
The American default reaction to hard facts seems to be to not think and to silence those who speak the truth, but facts don’t cease to exist because they are ignored.
Future generations will ask why Americans didn’t resist when the US became a police state.
One thing worse than learning that you live in a police state is finding out that no one cares.
The only realistic option left for a moral American seems to be to renounce your citizenship.
What I believed happened to BOOMERS is most were promised the goods (bonuses, pensions, stock option plans, good neighborhoods) by the ELITE in exchange that their sons and grandsons would grow into adulthood into a country vastly different (Political Correctness, stagnant wages, insourcing, outsourcing, high crime, high rent, high cost of living, ultra feminism) from the one the BOOMERS lived in.
The BIG turning points in the US came in 2001’s 9/11 and 2008’s Economic Collapse. Since then, its been largely downhill!
Look at how many BOOMERS are masons or secret society members. It just tells you something, don’t it?
boomers are worthless whiney entiltled scum. they are rich with many assets, we are poor with nothing and they want us to build up their empire even further, while we struggle to pay rent. and guess who owns the appartment you live in, the company you bend over for.
the poor slave who has nothing has to spend his life for a spoiled rich guy who has everything already. all this is good for is the poor individuals future overthrow over the ruler.
now i could write about why the millenials are so pathetic.
You are one bitter loser. Victims never amount to anything. I made a good living and tased 4 kids mowing lawns. ALL YOU DO IS WORK FOR THE MAN. You deserve your life. Have fun spewing your bitterness on your little keyboard soapbox. Sounds like a great future. I will enjoy my Children and grandchildren who love me.
raised damm autocorrect.
John dodds is the most disgusting kind of man there is . He abandoned his 2 kids and cucked himself to a single mom in a third world country . He has family pictures with slants that aren’t his brood but doesn’t even make a phone call to his blood children
Spot on! A much needed article. Thank you. Wish I read this 10 years ago.
Mostly applicable to “rebellious” millennials who have converted to tradition, meaning and objective reality and are raising families accordingly. Being both traditional and religious naturally inclines one to desire a good relationships with elders and for children to know their grandparents but if this article might ring true for your family distance can be an unfortunate necessity.
There are probably a remnant of families who have more or less handed down their traditions and morals through the generations including boomers and millennials but they are extremely rare.
Over the weekend I was listening to an old video of Bishop Sheen giving a talk about Good Friday and he was very aware of the errors of that generation. I remembered my dad, when discussing his apostasy with me, telling me he had read everything Bishop Sheen had written and “didn’t believe a word of it.”
The niceness and decency and affluence of many of the damned of that generation only makes them all the more creepy.
The Boomers, as parents, always had a weird soulless, vacant, self-absorbed air about them. For myself and many others that I know, they just didn’t get much consideration growing up.
Relocations were done randomly without any concern for the children. We were forced into bad schools because there was no concept of seeking out whiter schools with higher test scores. Nutrition was garbage. Bologna, American Cheese, and other processed garbage. Microwaves in every house, and a television the centerpiece of every living room.
The attitude most Boomers seem to take toward raising children is that it’s enough of a favor to pop the little bastards out and put a roof over their heads – anything more than that will only spoil them. They did nothing to impart useful wisdom, to guide their children’s career choices, to assist with getting into good Universities, or paying for college. They set aside nothing to pay for weddings or help buy the first family home or anything of the sort.
The way they treat dogs, children, and other “inferiors” is with cold, disinterested ambivalence and a callous indifference that is hard for me to relate to as a natural empath. I seem to care more about my dog than most Boomers care about their sons. That’s my take on most of them anyway.
Rather than argue or comment, I’m going to ask a question of all of you younger readers who detest Baby Boomers: if you were me (a Boomer aged 62 who also detests all the negative qualities that you assign to my generation), what would you personally have done in your young adult years to save the West from its impending destruction? I ask this question because I was just as opposed to the impending destruction as I am now, but looking back on it I can’t think of a damned thing that I could have done to effectively fight it beyond trying to reason with people in a futile attempt to wake them up, which I did repeatedly. So please, tell us what you would have done differently.
The entire time I was reading this, I kept thinking about the movie Gran Torino. This is totally Clint Eastwoods character, and his brat family are the boomers after his Car, his home, and whatever else he has. These are the people he distanced himself from, and the Chinese boy next door was the kid he would give it all too. He taught him life lessons that stuck with him, he saw promise in his future, thus passing him the torch.
“They turned Norman Rockwell’s America into Hugh Hefner’s America.”
“START TALKING ABOUT INHERITANCE OUT OF THE BLUE” – literally after my parents passed away they start talking about the inheritance out of the blue. Possibly they want to take part and eager to gain something with it, they will go to the extreme to take away the wealth from others.
Jomsviking: Disagree on your “jobs taken by immigrants” comment. There are jobs to be had by anyone who truly “wants” to work. You find ’em or you create ’em. Thats all. Everything is up to you, not other people.
This is 100% spot on.
“They all remind me of the Richard Dryfuss character in Jaws, both in wimpy looks and nasaly voice spewing left-wing garbage.”
Excellent epitome of a boomer.
“Rather than argue or comment, I’m going to ask a question of all of you younger readers who detest Baby Boomers: if you were me (a Boomer aged 62 who also detests all the negative qualities that you assign to my generation), what would you personally have done in your young adult years to save the West from its impending destruction?”
You could have objected to Social Security on the grounds that it would disincentivize parents from investing in their children (for their “social security”), instead of the government. And you could have told your fellow boomers, if the government is now going to take care of us when we grow old, we (the boomers) are still obligated to raise our kids the way we were raised: fairly and not treat our gen-x children like little fucking slaves, then discard them right after the “child support” payments stop after age 18, because it was so easy to get a “no-fault” divorce (so motherly). No-fault divorce, yet another boomer achievement.
In Reference to Boomers: They are spoiled children of history and their times over. It’s simply a matter of time how long can they cling, reactionary style, to the vestiges of power that were built up in the 20th century.
Andre you are a whining eurotrash Loser. You ran from Europe because frankly the muzzies conquering the place are more manly than you. THEN you come here to project your sick hatred of your parents into our Families.
I first came to this site because I thought the people hear understood the mess the nation has become. This article proves me wrong. YOU ARE A BUNCH OF WINNY CHILDREN. VICTIMS ALL. YOU WILL NEVER AMOUT TO ANYTHING BLAMING OTHERS FOR YOUR LAZINESS. I have raised 4 children, all who love me, and each other. This group sound like a bunch of liberals wanting handouts. Have fun in your bitterness while I enjoy my family and grandchildren
I don’t know if its boomer hatred or boomer envy, but this author sure has a hard-on for boomers. Not to mention that his writings concerning boomers reek with the air of redistribution of wealth.
To all the Boomers trying to defend themselves: Remember “Agree and Amplify”
To all the boomers throwing temper tantrums
You act like spoiled children because you were never told no at any point in you life. The people you are calling entitled work 15 hours more on average a week than you did at their age, all so the government can kowtow to you.