10 Reasons You Should Not Go To Southeast Asia

Southeast Asia, in particular Thailand and the Philippines, are promoted non stop in the manosphere as the place to go for feminine women and a red pilled life far away from the cancers of the Western world. As a young, good-looking red pilled guy in his early 30s who has lived in both places for three years in total, I’d like to provide a contrarian point of view that Southeast Asia is overhyped and not all that it’s cracked up to be.

1. Locals dislike you and take every opportunity to take you down a notch

If you aren’t a dopey all smiles, friendly 24/7 guy who prefers to keep to himself and doesn’t dress as poorly as the locals, you’ll be perceived as evil whitey incarnate who sees locals as lesser humans (their own projection) and they’ll take every opportunity to trash talk and take jabs at you to take you down a notch out of their own insecurity and inferiority complexes. This gets old quickly.

Good luck asserting your masculinity when locals are always a step away from seeing you as the evil white colonizer that tells them how to live their lives.

Le evil oppressor:

2. Low quality of living

In Bangkok you pretty much can’t walk anywhere. There are either no sidewalks or they’re falling apart and are blocked by vendors. If you’re from the US and used to driving everywhere it might not bother you, but as a European who likes to walk this generally lowers my quality of living a lot.

In Manila walking around is simply not advised for security reasons alone outside of small bubbles like Bonifacio Global City.

The most expensive mall in Manila is next to a slum tier area:

3. Shoddy overpriced housing

For the cheapest shoeboxes built out of the shoddiest materials and the cheapest appliances you pay prices that are often above Eastern European capitals in Bangkok. In nicer areas of Manila like Makati or Bonifacio Global City, these shoeboxes even reach Western European prices and you have to look really hard for good deals.

This is due to a combination of corruption raising construction costs and locals storing all of their (ill gotten) gains in apartments. A little price comparison: Budapest vs Bangkok vs Manila.

4. Girls are largely ugly, whorish, and have the mental capacity of children

Stubby chubby oompa loompa is the standard Filipina type. They apparently don’t handle Western diets well and a visit to a mall is like visiting a trashy Walmart back home. Cheating among locals is so rampant it makes Western women look chaste. Last but not least she’d be considered mildly mentally retarded in the West and would never rise above jobs like cleaner. If you ever go bust she won’t be a co-earner ever and ditch you asap for a better option if you don’t shape up quickly.

5. Nightlife PUAs delude themselves that they’re not banging whores

The nightlife is completely hooker-infested even in “better” areas where foreigners don’t commonly go, especially in Thailand where whoring is a way of life for many women. These aren’t places full of strong empowered women making as much as guys so they are happy to put out to Chad for free.

6. Impermanent visas and few local employment options

You’re on perpetual temporary visas which might be scrutinized whenever you re-enter the country to the point of being denied entry and deported if some grumpy whitey hating immigration officer dislikes your face or visa history.

If you choose to tie yourself to a local 3rd world woman you’ll have to deal with such nonsense as putting up 13k USD in a fixed deposit account for Thailand just to be able to get a visa. Never mind that this is a years worth of salary in a good white collar job in Thailand and you aren’t even allowed to work on a spousal visa.

If you need a job, chances are you’ll be pigeonholed into subsidence pay English teaching jobs. Locals don’t like foreign competition.

7. People are stupid stupid stupid

If you want to see the child level intellect of people of above average intelligence and employment just venture to the Philippines Reddit sub.

Thai people are pretty much completely absent from the internet outside of social media, which tells you a lot about their intellect and mental capacities.

8. Her family will lean on her or you’ll raise another man’s child

Third world families expect financially strong family members to play big spender. While local alpha guys who take care of the extended family get treated like kings in return, don’t expect them to extend this favor to you.

You’re a white idiot from the land of the money trees, a gullible idiot to be mooched of, a mark. Her extended family will relentlessly nag her to get more favors out of you and telling them to fuck off is mostly not an option even in the unlikely case that she has your best interests in mind, as they’re most likely the only back up plan she has if your relationship ever goes south.

A lot of women already have kids from another guy and might not necessarily be open about it as shrewdness is required to survive in the overpopulated third world and you’d never know as her parents are raising it.

9. #MeToo exists as well

A vengeful ex-girlfriend of a user on a forum managed to get him blacklisted from a country by accusing him of god knows what. He ended up having to change his name and get a new passport in order to be able to get back into the country.

10. Lots of unfortunate accidents

Thailand is one of the countries with the highest road fatalities in the world (yet trashpackers and flip-flop dude bros drive scooters with zero concern), and there are lots of sketchy deaths of foreigners leaping from their balconies.

The website Farang Deaths shows them regularly, including Alexander Cazes who was a member of Roosh’s forum.

In my time in Thailand I learnt of half a dozen deaths of acquaintances. Some died in scooter accidents getting mowed down by drunken drivers, while another allegedly jumped out of the window due to going crazy after his Thai girlfriend hooked him with the local version of meth.

In short, everything is stacked against you and the quality of living is low. I don’t recommend a visit.

Read More: 6 Myths That Men Believe About Southeast Asia

229 thoughts on “10 Reasons You Should Not Go To Southeast Asia”

  1. This article screams the world is such a dangerous place, don’t leave the confines of your comfortable home. The exact mantra the elites of America have is believe to keep us attached to the lovely American life of work-spend cycle.
    Real men have the balls to step outside their comfort zone and see and experience the world. Is the world perfect? No. But neither are western countries. I’m born and raised in America and still live here, but I enjoy my time in ‘third world’ countries more than I do in the States.

    1. Detroit is FAR more dangerous than Asia (Unless you want to sell drugs in the Philippines).
      Do you feel more uncomfortable walking past blacks, Mestizos or Asians?
      However, you are incorrect. America Deep State could care less if you spend your entire life overseas.
      Elites do not care if you are a working middle-class guy who throws in the towel and moves to EE or SE ASIA.
      I personally will state that in Asia you can get away from the poor and feral. This is not possible in the US. You’re going to run into Hood Rats and Cholos EVERYWHERE.

      1. It seems the author spent all his time in dives and tourist traps.
        I have spent extensive time in Asia, primarily Philippines, and loved it. Pinoys are warm and friendly, and genuinely like Americans.
        If you hang out in dumpsters, all you will meet is rats and roaches.
        There are tons of sweet, beautiful filipinas there, but you wont meet them in bars ot slum housing

        1. The author sounds a little like a whining douche. He does have some good points, but he also talks like a spoiled tourist party dude. He needs to get out of the touristy expat parts of the big city, and away from party/bar type girls.
          There is more to life than eating, drinking, and fucking bitches. Whoremongers shouldn’t cry about hoes being hoes.
          Live in a less expensive area, and live like a local (to extent reasonable). Make friends with quality locals, not lowlifes. I’ve not been to Thailand, or the Philippines, but have spent time in Vietnam (and Japan which isn’t SE Asia). I had generally favorable experiences. Vietnam is probably less corrupted by Western degeneracy than Thailand or the Philippines. Japanese and Vietnamese women are also prettier.

        2. Bart,
          I’ve not managed to find any “quality locals” in Thailand or PI, but Vietnam has a surprising amount of English speaking locals. Vietnam is also considerably cheaper (food and accommodation) then Thailand or PI, Viet hookers appear to charge more, not sure why. Saigon Green beer 450ml bottle in a bar $0.50c

      2. I like my black friends, even they don’t want majority blacks though. Majority black neighborhood is a ghetto, a black I know went from heaven to hell by having Asian & White coworkers replaced with blacks. The world should be White with a Yellow yoke and a small sprinkle of black pepper.

      3. Madman:
        Detroit is hell, that is why the netire middle and upper classes have left a DECADE ago. The Democrats changed the 2nd richest city in the world into a hellhole. That is why we do not live in Detroit. That is why many choose NOT to live in 3rd world hellhole sin SEA (SouthEast Asia).
        But as for crime, it all depends. If I have my concealed carry license and a 9mm and x2 15 Rd mags…. I feel ok almost anywhere. I choose NOT to live in fear. In SEA and South America, guns are totally banned, and self-defense is basically non-existent. Your appearance in SEA will get you noticed and can make you targeted more often then in USA, unless you are Asian too. That can invite more crime, scams, and trouble.
        Where I live in 97% white American. I do not see any Cholos or HoodRats (as you say) at all, almost ever. If I go to Jacksonville or Shitcago or LA, yeah, I am surrounded by trash people and urban decay, but that is why I do not go there. 🙂
        It is TOTALLY POSSIBLE to avoid the trash of America. Move to suburbs, work in outer areas outside downtown, live in middle America.

    2. DatGuy
      You are 10 x in more danger at the Greyhound in LA at night then you are at the Manila airport.
      Mestizos and Blacks would make any country in the world one of the most dangers.

      1. Greyhound in Edmonton, Alberta.
        You’re lucky if you aren’t stabbed by some native junkie

        1. I’m thinking about going overseas to marry an Asian Thot so I can sire some Hapa Elliot Rodger type and teach him White from Wong.

        2. Coincidentaly, this guy got his head chopped off on one of those buses in Alberta a few years back. The murderer, who was native got away with a total discharge due to mental health issues. What a joke.

      2. But what about Latino-White halfbreeds who appear 100% white to whoever doesn’t know the person?

    3. Dat Guy
      The opposite is actually true-nobody misses you if you spend your entire life overseas as I have what happens is everyone in the United States forgets you.

      1. Madman
        I get your point about the elites not caring about where you are.
        However, I like in a very liberal progressive State (unfortuantely) and this State is experiencing mass exodus. That means less tax money for the elite. So I do believe they care about that. Alot of Americans are moving to states like AZ, NV for the tax breaks and better quality of life.
        You can likely surmise from the my comment which State I live in lol. And yes, it is a hell hole compared to most of the U.S.

        1. DAT GUY
          San Fernando Valley turned hellish quite quickly. I was there in the late 90’s and the most dangerous thing you’d come across was a porn star (My brother went to school there)…by 2007 when I briefly returned it was a hellhole. Very few whites. Tons of homeless.
          Yorba Linda was a house my brother’s wife owned and when they were young the “Orange Curtain” still protected middle-class whites. But they moved out of state.
          You’d be surprised how fast the white tax base fleeing turns any city into Detroit. The true number of blacks or Mexicans earning huge amounts of money is low. A few bail bonds offices, one or two lawyers, some liquor stores and a fast food business do not support a barrio or ghetto very well.
          The poor whites in Detroit were mostly Southerners who simply moved South when that economy improved.

        2. MARZ
          You talk about Detroit an awful lot. I have heard that Detroit was the ‘hillbilly highway,’ I’m guessing from Appalachia. Kind of strange they picked that area (I assume because of auto industry).
          I frequently drive around (with a rental for a week) the country on strange peripatetic trips (actually, just got back last night from the Northeast). Detroit struck me as the ‘life after white people’ series. The neighborhoods looked ok from afar, but then once you got closer, all these mini mansions were decrepit, including the white areas. I saw very little segregation, aside from 8 Mile on down (all black).
          I was disappointed with how disgusting the entire state of Michigan is. The Northern Lights were pretty far out though. The most shocking thing though was the lack of cops in the city proper. I actually saw a sheriff downtown. Most of it is security guards. I parked right across from the Little Caesar’s arena as it was being built and asked a black security guard driving around a circle the new residency area if it was safe. We both stopped in the middle of the street to have a conversation through our windows. It was unnerving, but somewhat endearing. He said ‘It’s probably safe, but this is Detroit.’
          I took a photo of a freshly dead dog laying in the middle of the road in the ghetto with none of the blacks being concerned. That was sad.

    4. Sure you can enjoy it for some time, but the tides can turn against you very quickly.
      You get sick (lots of serious stuff out there from tuberculosis to leprosy) and rely on local clown doctors good luck with getting appropriate treatment, especially if you can’t just leave the country and head back home quickly because you have no insurance back home or you’re simply too sick. “Elite” tier hospitals will leave you disappointed.
      Piss off the wrong local guy for some petty reason, cheat on some vengeful local girl (they’re much more emotional and image conscious than western ones) or forget to look thrice before crossing the street: Boom just another dead foreigner.
      THAT DAY is unlikely to happen in a western country and you’re much more likely to be slowly ground to death in the meat grinder of the western world but chances aren’t so minuscule it’s going to happen in SEA.

      1. LARRY
        “Piss off the wrong local guy”
        If you move 10 miles you’ll never see them again. Filipinos in particular don’t have the money for a longstanding beef, they cannot afford the gasoline. Just move somewhere else, you’ll never see them again.
        If it is a wealthy local POLITICIAN or BUSINESS TYCOON GTFO the country AND DON’T COME BACK.
        “Vengeful local girl”
        Pay her $1000 dollars. Or just leave. Again, once you move cities you’ll never see them again (But Gen X is not on social media) Sometimes they will try and steal your passport. Hide that.

    5. Fuck the world its too dangerous maybe we should just purchase a suicide pod? Gay

    6. This authors experiences are also limited to Thailand and the Philippines. The two most tranny infested countries on Earth (it seems) and 30 day visas are the norm where you have to slip out every couple of weeks.
      Vietnam has FAR better women than either country, minimal tranny culture, and it’s even cheaper and there are options for 3 month visas before you arrive.
      Malaysia is nice too (fair number of hot Chinese or Indian locals not bound by islam) and the trashpackers avoid the place because of the higher drink taxes.

      1. Second vote for Malaysia. Immigration laws are pretty lax too. On a Western passport, you’ve generally got at least 1-2 years of visa free stamps before they start to press you into getting an official visa.

        1. Once you over 50 you can also more or less get a permanent residency visa in Malaysia if you buy an apartment which is valued at least 1 million ringgit or roughly 250,000 USD.
          That kind of scratch will get you a NICE pad in KL or Penang.

        2. Do you have a link for that info? The only thing I’m aware of that compares would be the MM2H visa, but that one requires a bond of at least RM 100,000 that can’t be used to buy a house.

      2. Quite surprised actually to see Vietnam in the TOP 3 countries of foreign wives of Finnish men.
        It seems to me that Vietnam is spoken about much less, also as a holiday destination.

        1. Here in Saigon now, sitting in September park. Can confirm the women are slim, pretty and easy to approach.

        2. John Dodds is our commenter’s SEA expert and I am sure he can help you guys with questions. 🙂
          I am not that much into Asian girls anymore and when I was into them years ago, I was into Japanese and South Korean girls and some Thai. The hottest Japanese girls ever are half-Brazilian and half-Japanese (Brazil has highest Japanese population in world, 2nd to Japan) and the mixed girls were super hot! Cute faces, Japanese hair quality, and Brazilian body (but slimmer). Totally hot.
          I am much more attracted to Ukrainian, Belorussian, and Russian girls then SEA girls.

    7. Others would argue “real men” fight to have a homeland worth living in instead of being marginalized guys in the 3rd world regardless of wealth, looks, game etc.
      Not that it’s a fight that looks worth fighting when everything seems stacked against you in the west as well, but I’m putting it out there none the less…

      1. That is called the ‘No True Scotsman’ fallacy. It is but one of many forms of shaming. These chivalry cucks (shrivelry) don’t even realize that letting go is how we will ultimately reverse all of this and win. Our power comes from our participation and cooperation. Hoarding all of our equities will starve the beast and bring it to its knees on our doorsteps. These well-meaning blinkered blue-pillers are too proactive to comprehend this.

        1. WEIMER
          That is why whites “win” by default. The blacks make a city unlivable, they leave, the city collapses, the blacks want taxpaying people back.
          If every white man moved overseas for two years the US would collapse.

        2. That assumes ‘we’ still have a coherent race by then. Generally white folk are not so fussed about inbreeding and will happily allow their genetics to merge into a suitable local lineage. In SE Asia, I’d say that almost all permanent white migration results in outbreeding, whereas pure white children being raised in Asian cultures are a tiny minority.
          But on the other hand, if our victory counts even though ‘we’ are no longer ‘us’ then that’s fine by me 🙂

    8. No, this article screams that this author is a fucking loser, to be frank. I know first hand, over many, many years that a lot of the things on this list are just plain bullshit.
      1. Locals have a VERY valid reason to dislike westerners, and that’s largely thanks to fucking Australians. I’m 100% on the local’s side here, the majority of the time when I see fellow westerners I’m embarrassed. Don’t go to Asia and act like a bogan (if you don’t know what that is, just think of a trailer-trash Australian). I had zero problem with the locals, and they had zero problem with me because I showed them RESPECT.
      2. You think low quality of living is measured by nice sidewalks!?!? Fuck off. Seriously. If I think of the quality of life I factor in the food, the people, the cost of living, violence, slut ratio and, of course, pollution. Pollution is a valid complaint of S.E. Asia as it’s pretty gob-smackingly bad, both the air quality and the trash on the ground. But the author didn’t state that. No, the sidewalks, it’s all about the sidewalks. Again, fuck off.
      3. & 4. Dude… you’re just projecting to the world that you’re poor and butt-ugly. I mean, if you’re complaining about the cost of housing and only being able to bang ugly girls… lol, that’s all I can say.
      5. WTF are you on about!?!? What, you can’t tell whether the girl you’re fucking is a prostitute or not? Did her asking for money beforehand tip not sound any bells off in your head?
      Man, I’m getting more and more pissed off with this dumb cunt of an author as I write. Where are we up to…?
      Okay, 6, 7, 8,9 and 10 are valid. Phew. Then again, with 8. if you’re worrying about her family leaning on you, you’re doing it wrong. S.E. Asia is the place to go to work on your approaches and notch count. On a good week, which is not that uncommon, I’d hook up with 4 different girls. But on a bad week, if I didn’t get laid it was by choice as if I’m given the option between fucking a girl I’m not aroused by, or going home and knocking one off, I’ll knock one off.

      1. Your feelings about Australians are fueled by your own experiences as an outsider who moved to Australia.
        There are not ill-feelings towards Australians personally from Asians and Bogans like US trailer trash don’t have the money to travel anywhere but Bali, maybe. Which is unpopular since the bombings.

        1. I’m talking about the tourists, Gen X-ile. i.e. the ones not in Australia at that moment in time. And my views are entirely based on their bad behaviour. I pretty much spelt all that out in my OP, but keep projecting.
          I also have a problem with Russian men in Thailand. Ooh, am I also an outsider who moved to Russia as well? No, the fact is the ones I met in Thailand were in the multi-millionaire/billionaire club and they treat everyone else like shit.
          Need any more examples to project onto?

      2. So write an article with some hard data and pics instead of running your mouth all day every day in the comments section.

      3. Amen on #2, I live in a paradise neighborhood, and there are no sidewalks there.
        Just a trim lawn, then a rock path, (for trees and parking), and then the clean street.

    9. He’s European so he’s going to be more contrarian. He admits as much in his first few paragraphs. He’s providing his point of view which some may share.

      1. Umm… why would being European make you more contrarian?
        Europeans have nothing against visiting South East Asia, they go there all the time in massive numbers!
        TOP 6 foreign countries where Finnish men find their wives (2016 statistics): Thailand, Russia, Vietnam, Estonia, China, the Philippines.

    10. Great article!
      Let us also consider the following:
      The last years, a lot of progress is made in the understanding of the political reality of the world. We can agree that propaganda is intensively used as a means to suppress the masses: feminism, multiculturalism, leftism in general. The question now is: how much does the elite lie to establish their system? How far do the lies go?
      Feminism and multiculturalism are only the tips of the iceberg. The rabbit hole is much deeper than that. The matrix is much broader.
      In this brand new free 300 page document, the history, the tactics and the lies of the elites are revealed. Including the most important lie, the one that was not discovered until now.
      The intro video can be watched here:

    11. You need to get out of the big cities. Manila and Bangkok aren’t great places to live, but I do like Saigon. Tradition in Asia is for the man to pay for everything, you ain’t gonna get a free one, no matter how good a pua you are. As for Visa, Philippines you can rock up and stay 3 years at a small monthly cost (no income or savings required) , Thailand (my base country), married visa from Suvannakhet consulate $120/year, (no income or savings required), Vietnam 2 year visa $250. Dude, you need to do better research, there are lots of us living out here!

    12. Note to author,
      Stretch marks on their tummy is a secret they can’t keep past your first date! You can’t hide the marks giving birth leaves.

    13. perhaps but its the most redpill shit thrown out. The sites been ggetting bluepilled that its so good in the turd world but its typical anywhere outside the west or firrst world for that matter.
      I dont see it as its a scary world and put fear but awareness. Like if you find it so hard in the west, itll be harder outside of it. Even roosh and one other guy in their episode podcast on eastern europe mentioned it is harder there then here.
      But with that mentality may as well say bring in more dangerous 3rd world migrants into the west.
      Belive it or not avoiding trouble is a masucline trait. WOmen will walk in a dark alley in skimpy clothes and expect safety like an autistic child.
      Men dont we take procaution. We dont fuck with the neihboring tribes tradions for peace, were careful going into dangerous animal territories, even something small as putting a coaster on a table for your drink so you dont getting the bitching from the wife.
      gotta be real.
      plus westerners particular white ones have their reps ruined overseas lately thanx to pua.
      so itll be harder.
      Even Tim Sharky mentioned all the guys that get hustled by thai whores even pretending to be cutsie kitty kitty girly girls and have u send cash.
      you can go inland in your country and the conservatism is better.
      Like Im from 1 of the most feminist cities on earth akin to that of toronto an seattle, But I can drive 2 hrs inland and the girls are friendly pretty and guys are totally normal guys.
      event he adds change from abortion and “cuz im a girl” ads to promoting adoption and christian radio.
      even roosh said SIoux falls is better then Kiev.
      all cities around the world are mcdonald esque now.

    14. Having lived outside USA for just over 6 years as teenager (because my father worked for US Consulate overseas), I can attest that my own personal tolerance for 3rd world countries has diminished tremendously over the years.
      I recall right before my 16th birthday, all I could think about was going back home to the USA. I was done, I missed all the comforts of home.
      No matter how many hot (hot, not beautiful) Brazilian girls I made out with or bedded, I was unhappy and I was homesick for America, its comforts, and its quality of life. A middle class lifestyle in Brazil, southern Spain, or even Argentina back in the 1990s was basically a poverty lifestyle in America. You turned on the A/C (window unit only, no one had central A/C back then in Brazil, except the richest or businesses), the electric bill would go from R$300 to about R$800, thanks to global warming-type policies to artificially raise cost of energy. You were living in heat and humidity all the time. Have a car?? Driver’s license in Brazil is age 18 or older (in USA, can be as low as 15 years old for Learner’s Permit) and cost R$10,000 Reais for the driver’s license. Car registration, insurance, and everything else were 10x to 15x more then in USA. Driving around places like “Avenida Brasil” or “Cinelandia” area of downtown Rio felt like being around a smog-factory in the slums in China. You could barely breathe.
      Trash was everywhere, and it clogged the stormdrains and road floods were common. The roads had potholes bigger then in Detroit, it was like getting a rough back massage riding on roads in Brazil. Police “Blitz” suddenly blocked roads, you had 10 cops armed with AR-15s come at your car as if you were a terrorist. One false move and you become Swiss cheese (the cops do this to extort money from population, often even accepting personal checks if you cannot pay them cash to let you go). Bribes were HIGH, R$500 or more….
      I was tired of the 3rd world. Really tired. Exactly the same crap the OP article is talking about. I wanted to go out and not worry about being kidnapped, not worry about being always seen as a foreigner, or shot dead in a robbery in the “gun-free zone” country known as Brazil. All I could do is want to go back home to the USA.
      The women in America back then (I am talking mid-1990s from “middle America” high schools) were BEAUTIFUL, in-shape, sweet, cute, and everything else. I was tired of the bad attitude of the girls in Rio, tired of having to compete as a 16 year old with dudes who were 30+ (yep, they do that and parents often even encourage this!)… I got a ton of girls because back then, Americans had “special cool foreigner status”, but the top (9.5-10) girls were always out of reach because they were with dudes much much older. It was fun to have easy time with girls and come back to USA confident as hell and a great kisser, but I was ready to go BACK….. That is the point.
      (RoK’s own Kyle Trouble knows what I am talking about, even after enjoying low-cost living and the top-notch hottest girls in Ukraine: http://www.returnofkings.com/129169/when-the-little-inconveniences-of-living-abroad-begin-to-add-up )
      Overall, I sympathize with the OP article writer. After a a long 6 years outside of the USA, I was just tired of the violent crime in Brazil, tired of the tap water that can make you sick for just brushing teeth with it, tired of the heat and humidity, tired of going places without A/C in oppressive heat and humidity, tired of the crappy roads, tired of the trash and graffiti, tired of high cost of living (Brazil is super-expensive), and tired of seeing favelas and shithole ghettos everywhere. It gets depressing after a while, even if I lived in Zona Sul of Rio I still had to see Favelas and deal with the scum from favelas (favelas are everywhere, except Barra da Tijuca neighborhood or upstate Rio in smaller places like Petropolis).
      The grass is not always greener outside the USA. Yeah we have plenty of problems here, yeah, we have low quality women now in America too…. but when you compare the USA with certain 3rd world countries in South America or SEA (SouthEast Asia, like the Philippines, for instance), the USA is infinitely better to live in. Quality of life, other then the women, counts.
      Living in the 3rd world is fine at first, but after a while, it takes a toll on you mentally and spiritually. It is like living in California, it is depressing as hell. Small town and suburban America (middle of country, not degenerate NYC or California) is much better then living in a decrepit 3rd world country. Unless you HAVE to live in such a country due to need for low cost of living, work overseas, or fugitive of America’s unfair courts… I think you will tire of 3rd world country living fast.
      No wonder MILLIONS of illegal aliens from all over the world refuse to leave America, even at threat of arrest and deportation. No wonder we NEED Trump’s border wall or we will be overrun by foreigners, desperate to get in and live a better life and suck off the wealth of America’s welfare for themselves.
      No matter how many girls you bang in 3rd world hellholes, life can be depressing as hell there. Some guys will have higher tolerance to living in these conditions but I do not. I guess being already middle-class and an 8 in my own country has some benefits… 😀
      Maybe that is my tolerance for living in 3rd shithole countries is lower then many of my fellow compatriots… :sigh:

    15. The article was written by a whiny Gamma. Southeast Asia is a real treat.
      The quality of ROK has taken a mighty tumble. Time to shutter it.

  2. Warnings aside,plenty of guys will still go for the sucky sucky and me love you long time
    and Thai women are the easiest in the world,great for a young mans confidence

    1. Firstly I don’t accept the whole paradigm of whore vs prize dichotomy and if you get a free lay it is a free lay anywhere and asians just exchange money but it is not much different to women that do not. Yeah SEA the development is very low because they are so corrupt as much as anything and that applied to fidelity, honesty and scams. With asian wives NORTH EA ( China, Korea, Japan ect ) are far better but not quite so easy to get as a marriage and probably thats part of why.
      I would say Vietnam with Confucian values is an exception to this even though technically SEA. Thailand has when polled either highest or second highest rate of female infidelity and NEA has amongst the lowest rates so the difference in that regards is monster. Thai women are not regarded as good wives by anybody on average tho I am sure the odd diamond lurks in the dim sum.

      1. >I would say Vietnam with Confucian values is an exception
        It’s easily the most cut throat corrupt place in SEA with a really low level of development despite allegedly high IQs.
        Viet gangsters are known for getting gullible white guys in Australia to marry viet girls just so that they can get them into the country and whore them out.
        Super shifty people…

    2. Thai women are not the easiest in the world. The sex workers are, sure, but a lot don’t come from Thailand.
      If you want easier Asian women it’s very simple, you just go down the racial hierarchy. It’s a very real thing in Asia. Firstly the top tier are Japan, then Korea, then Chinese-Tiawan-Honk-Kong, then S.E. Asians. S.E. Asians heirarchy goes according to wealth, hence Singapore is top, and Indonesia’s at the bottom along with Cambodia, Myanmar and Vietnam. Ding, ding, ding. You’ve found the bottom of the Asian heirarchy.
      No, wait. Indians. Sri Lankans. Nepalese. Mongolians. Untapped territory, chaps. If you’re going for bottom of the barrel i.e. easiest lay, you now know where to go.

      1. Hong Kong is a province of China but in any event it is unlikely you were ever in any of those countries, much less getting laid.

        1. I think you’re right. He’s never been to any of these countries. How else could someone call Singaporeans ‘SE Asian’ and different from China/Taiwan/HK?

        2. singapore is in sea. Ok its got many chinese but so does malaysia and other parts of sea

        3. If you’ve ever met a person from Honk Kong they’ll tell you to fuck off with, “they’re really Chinese.” I suppose Canadians are really Americans too. Same with Mexicans.
          And, at Anonymous who thinks that I did not realise that Singaporians are largely made up of Chinese genetics. Duh. And did you know it was called Saigon, and did you know it was part of Malaysia till the 50 somethings. And did you know that Singaporeans go shopping in Malaysia because they have all the same shops but everything’s cheaper. It’s also a damn fast and cheap flight, or they can take a bus or train, all cheap as chips, you even get buses with massaging chairs.
          Could write you a fucking guidebook of where to go and what to pay, and that covers about 3/4 of S.E. Asian, been here long enough, but hey.

        4. HK people are most definitely Chinese. The only distinction is between 中国人 and 华人, both of which translate to the same English word. I’d say HK people have a pretty weak case for still calling themselves 华人.
          1- it’s not Chinese ‘genetics’. It’s 3+ totally separate races, with not much mixing. Just like Malaysia, but different proportions.
          2- Yes, I do know the history. Lee Kwan Yew wanted a ‘Malaysian Malaysia’ whereas UMNO wanted a ‘Malay Malaysia’. They kicked out Singapore to swing the demographics in their favour.
          3 – it was never called Saigon. It was called ‘Singa Pura’ which means ‘Lion city’ in Malay/Indian.
          4 – yes I know Singaporeans love to go jalan-jalan Malaysia. Malaysians also like to live in JB and work in SG. I had a girlfriend who was doing this.

      2. asdasda
        You’ll never get laid in Sri Lanka, at least by Tamils. Dumb Indian.
        Nepal. They are often the prostitutes in India, this is possible.

      3. south asia is middle east esque with the honor cullture….they dont play with western degenercey…its still illegal to be gay in india…its not pua land

    3. É mesmo, if it wasn’t for the women would you still live in Southeast Asia Southeast Asia?

  3. Nice post! Lots of guys in the manosphere from developed countries have a tendency to delude themselves into thinking thirdworld countries are a paradise.
    When they get in Brazil, my homeland, only to find out. That the quality hot girls from middle and high class families here are as spoiled and as narcissistic as American girls. They get their ego filled with beta orbiters showering them with atrention on real life and social media.
    Women are women anywhere in the world guys! Your guys need to stop thinking that moving to a third world country is gonna increase your SMV somehow and thus make it easier to make out or have a relationship with them.
    My best advice is for everyone to spend more time increasing their SMV by reading books, lifting, streetsmarts and getting real life experiences.
    There is no such thing as a paradise on planet earth. Every country and its people have their pros and cons.

    1. With due respect Señor Roark, coming from a 1st world to a 3rd world is absolutely an increase in smv, a benefit that shouldn’t be ignored. I will admit that it comes, like many things, with life’s balance of other problems, such as we’re mentioned in this article.

      1. It does come if you already have at least an average or above average SMV in your homeland.
        If you cant even game girls from your own culture dont expect to go to Brazil or some other country abroad and be banging a “Kristen Bell”.

        1. HOWARD
          I knew a foreigners married to bar girls and could not understand why they would marry and want to have kids with a prostitute.
          If you marry a bar girl, you will not change them.

        2. @madman marz
          Well sloots gonna sloot….
          Gringos need to get smarter, when looking for wife material in other countries. There is a lot of material already discussing how to check for redflags in a woman. If they opt to marry a whore its their fault.

        3. About foreigners marrying bar girls. Gotta remember that people in general are lazy and have average skills at best. For that kind of man going abroad may already be the greatest adventure ever, not everyone’s gonna leave the safety of tourist traps to explore the provinces and the jungle.
          I recently read about a man who found his wife on a business trip to Philippines, they met on a dating site. He messaged her because she had some cute drawings on her profile. 3 days later they were engaged! Still married after 10 years. She wasn’t a bar girl though, she had moved to Cebu to study, but anyway I couldn’t imagine promising to marry someone after just 3 days… or could I?

        4. Essentially, people who move to third world nations are typically baby boomers and late gen-xers who where lucky enough to be born into an economy that was still 90% white, dominated by whites, and the ability to climb the corporate ladder was much easier. Now, when shit hits the fan they leave, taking some of that “white power” they got in the form of wealth and they essentially go from middle class american to the top 5% in a foreign country. Then they think that foreign nations are the shit. In all reality if our first world nation (there is a reason they call it that) goes to shit than there will be no ability for people here to move to “greener” pastures. At a macro-level the whole foreign dating/moving thing is just a desperate attempt by a failed people to hold on to their wealth and quality of life, and is completely unsustainable in the long run.

        5. MM,
          It’s having the baby that’s important. The womb it came from is irrelevant (as long as tested disease free). I like having children, and at least a ‘hooker wife’ won’t start denying you sex once the baby is born.

      2. TRACY
        Filipino Spanish look like Mexicans. You do not have to marry ugly whorish girls you meet in a girly bar who sucked 3 penises that day.
        This is a choice foreigners make.

        1. Lmao I hope these youngsters heed your comments. I’m good looking, so marriage isn’t a viable option.

    2. Nobody thinks Brazil is paradise. The poor are a cross between a jungle Indian and a black-cannot expect such a place to be safe.

      1. You would be surprised at the number of delusional guys I have met, dreaming about settling in Brazil.

        1. dreaming about settling in Brazil? wow thats a shithole full of savage animals I thought the whites were desperate to leave?

    3. Howard
      I believe most ROK-readers who talk about pretty Brazilian girl, usually refer to the White Southern Brazilians (Gisele Bundchen etc). from Pr, SC or RGS.
      What they don’t realize is that those White Southern Brazilian girl are the most calculating , conning women in the country. Gold-diggers who use naive White American men to take them to the US.

      1. PETER
        Brazil is still a dangerous place. I knew a few fools in college who went to the Rio carnival and they all came back with horror stories.

        1. If you are white in any black area generally they will target you and in Brazil that means kill you

        2. Any black area, they see Whites as marks and they are right. My father gives all black panhandlers money, they probably only approach Whites. We Whites are the most naive but not me, these bitter blacks will only knockout or kill Whites that only see the best in blacks.

      2. @Peter Frazer
        There are still a few jewels laying around in my homeland, that are wife material, especially in Southern Brazil, famous for its hot blondies, just dont expect to find them inside a pub or nightclub in a big city in Southern Brazil.

  4. This site is full of controlled opposition in not just those writing the articles, but the comments too. Its all a bunch of j3ws telling you what to do and think. I can’t put all the blame on them completely though – the white man/woman has for the last 100 years done the j3ws bidding by fighting two wars against each other (WW1, WW2) as well as going along with the casual sex-family degeneracy culture. Now that the food supply and jobs are offshored(which would take decades to return), if an economic collapse happened, 99%+ of whites would be finished. Then, if it wasn’t bad enough the white man has become a total degenerate, the immigrants come over and they if they aren’t already total losers are turned into mindless consumerist selfish slave-zombies who copy the western degeneracy.
    Truth is, you cannot escape the j3wtrix(based on the film, ‘the Matrix’) as you have the smartphone zombie-apocalypse already in third world nations as being widespread. Westernisation is for sure less in third world countries, but it exists, and when exposed the locals become as degenerate as westerners born in the first/developed world.
    The problem is what to do? You cannot just round up the ringleaders and kill them as you are left with their enablers, who are blind sheeple who have become corrupted by western society(marxist feminism, casual sex society etc etc) who would fight tooth and nail to preserve the existing society even if they knew it was the j3ws behind it all and they knew they only had one day left before it all collapsed.
    Yes it is collapsing and going to end. The white man is the biggest loser. Either he fades away whilst the immigrants slowly become the new slaves, or there is a fast collapse ending 99%+ of white lives within 20 years from starvation, disease etc(as the white man is completely dependent on third world slaves to pick his basic foodstuffs and make his clothes etc…)
    At this point, most people in society are to blame and they don’t want to go through a short period of hardship so they can secure a bright future for the next generations to come. No, they expect their pensions/401ks and social security etc… I just look on it as hell on earth(but heaven for those who blissfully choose not to see it and engage in the societal matrix). Those people who make up most of society deserve what’s coming because of their unwillingness to see the truths before them.

    1. Cool.
      But really, whites aren’t going anywhere unless they’re bred out, which won’t happen because of the inherent racism in ALL people. The most intelligent whites will breed, and will not race mix because we understand the fragility of our phenotype. You can be racist and not hate anyone, it just happens to be a crime to be white and racist.
      Go figure.

      1. TRACY
        The problem is the whites that have 5 kids are trailer trash.
        Your average middle-class whites only have 1-2 children so they can provide a safe and secure lifestyle.
        Blacks, Mestizos and Trailer Trash are too stupid to think this far ahead and simply reproduce as a result of random lust.
        Welfare was not really designed for 13% of the population with 4 kids out of wedlock.

        1. MM
          I am sure most idiots who claim they are against “race mixing” have never had girlfriends, white or not…

        2. PETER
          I’ve known a few whites that married black women and their kids have no problems.
          If you see a mulatto in poverty, his father will not be white. David Bowie has children with a black woman, do you think she is at Section 8.

        3. MM
          It has been proven White male/Black female marriages are the most stable ones.

        4. PETER
          Black women know a thug or a lowlife white man when they see one-show me a black woman who wants to marry some Jax the biker or Sean Penn type.
          If a black female sees some lowlife like Sean Penn or Mickey Rourke they are smart enough not to want to have his child out-of-wedlock.
          They know thugs when they see them.

        5. Peter Frazer April 18, 2018
          “It has been proven White male/Black female marriages are the most stable ones.”
          What’s your source?
          According to this source the most stable marriages are those between Asians(by far), then Hispanics, then Whites and last Blacks. The most stable interracial couples are those between a White husband and an Asian wife. The least are those between a Black husband and a White wife…the Black Wife – White husband combo isn’t that much better though. Considering White wives:
          “Overall, interracial marriages involving a minority husband and White wife were less stable than other types of interracial marriages. Among them, Black husband-White wife and Hispanic husband-White wife couples were particularly likely to break up.”
          The stability order, according to the source, is this;
          1. Asian – Asian
          2. White Husband – Asian Wife
          3. Asian Husband – White Wife
          4. Hispanic – Hispanic
          5. White – White
          6. White Husband – Hispanic Wife
          7. Other Mixed-Race
          8. Hispanic Husband – White Wife
          9. White Husband – Black Wife
          10. Black – Black
          11. Black Husband – White Wife

        6. There was a study that did look at ten year divorce rates and obviously black make white female pairings had like 75% ten year divorce rate but the lowest was in that one study black female white male with 15% . That was still the lowest IR rather than lowest of all as asian asian was still lowest of all but yeah white women in that study had double or higher divorce rate with all partner types than white men in the reveres. The study is in the link below it is the same one.
          There have been other studies that whilst they show black males and white females are worst partners by far they don;t back up that one finding about wmbf.
          Generally there is like a reverse law whereby men get worse as husbands the further south you go so Swedish men are better than French who are better than Turks who are better than Nigerians ect but then with women it goes in the opposite way so Swedish women are awful and rarely take a marriage serious and as you go south generally they are better as wives tho not exactly but kinda.

        7. Once you are right up in finland and Iceland they bang guys without even taking names or requiring conversations lol and are total cum dumpsters

        8. ACE
          Black women with mulatto kids won’t be dependent on welfare. Mostly the white guy will pay for his kid.
          I’d guess they are less likely to be thugs, either, than mulatto children of black males.

        9. ADRIAN
          I’ve heard that black wives will fuck more often and like sex more than white women. They are less likely to be frigid. I’ve also heard they are less likely to cheat.
          And a white guy is more likely to hold a job, be grateful for a steady fuck and not be on the “down low”, own a house, not be abusive, not smoke crack, not have “side kids”.

        10. Middle class people who don’t have many ( at least 3) kids are trash too. Just wrapped in more pleasant facade. There is no more fulfilling thing in this world than having a large family. Only health problems are an excuse for not reproducting. People that have enough money to raise one or two kids easily can have 3 or 4.

        11. Adrian April 18, 2018
          The 2002 CDC report your blog article refers to doesn’t mention interracial marriage per se. There are two references made in the report (plus table). The table shows that “black/other” has higher divorce rates in all of the five time categories.
          “Interracial marriages are more likely to disrupt than marriages in which both spouses are the same race/ethnicity (figure 25).”
          “While specific pairings such as ‘‘white/black’’ or ‘‘black/Asian’’ are not
          shown, comparisons that can be shown reliably are presented in table 21.”
          “Race difference
          Same race …………………… 0.03(0.003) 0.11(0.005) 0.18(0.006) 0.31(0.008) 0.40(0.010)
          Different race ………………….. 0.03(0.008) 0.14(0.016) 0.25(0.021) 0.41(0.025) 0.47(0.030)
          White/other …………………… 0.03(0.009) 0.14(0.016) 0.24(0.024) 0.40(0.027) 0.46(0.033)
          Black/other …………………… 0.06(0.036) 0.21(0.051) 0.34(0.058) 0.48(0.062) 0.54(0.060)”
          The blog article you refer to contains incorrect information.

        12. Guys have you not realized most hapas are extremely successful and far more succesful that young whites!!! What you have is Asians who are against miscegenation trying to use it to biuld an Asian far-right by talking about marginally higher mental health issues. Half black girls with white motheres well every single one is usually depressed and unhappy but nobody mentions that. They grow up around their white attractive females and are ugly black girl and usually fat!

        13. Sam April 19, 2018
          “What you have is Asians who are against miscegenation trying to use it to biuld an Asian far-right by talking about marginally higher mental health issues.”
          “A new study of Chinese-Caucasian, Filipino-Caucasian, Japanese-Caucasian and Vietnamese-Caucasian individuals concludes that biracial Asian Americans are twice as likely as monoracial Asian Americans to be diagnosed with a psychological disorder.”
          Twice as likely isn’t marginal.

        14. MM,
          I have 5 kids, and was married to their mothers at the time. Not lived in a trailer (yet).

    2. I don’t think the authors or commenters are JIDF shills, but I agree with everything else you wrote.
      What’s depressing is that if/when that collapse happens, the average mouth-breather white is probably going to try and rob and steal from that 0.01% of preppers who saw this all coming years in advance.
      They shriek at you now for saying mean things and uncomfortable truths, which absolutely must not be discussed or debated! But when they become hungry and see you prepared, self-sufficient, and right-all-along, they will hate you just the same.

    3. I wish people like you, who actually get it, would write more articles. But instead of going in the correct direction and discussing these serious concepts, the site has chosen to go backward, and embrace censorship, political cowardice, and half-stepping, in some half-baked attempt to curry favor with the (((ADL))) and the (((SPLC))). There has been more censorship of the JQ here than you would find on HuffPo or the New York Times…it’s absolutely crazy. And about 90% of the readers/commenters clearly don’t get it, so they are in desperate need of the truth. Instead they are merely told to clean their rooms, as if a thousand years of organized psychopathy directed against their people is somehow the victim’s fault.

      1. Jordan Peterson is controlled-opposition. I have listened to very little of him because I can sum up his entire mantra very quickly. I cannot believe I have seen not a single troll mention this, but this ‘white Boomer father figure’ said in one of the only videos I have watched from him that he is the son of a First Nations tribalist. So we have this half-Injun, with mixed-people health problems, and mixed-person wimp voice, lecturing white males on how to be good white people so they don’t ‘fall prey’ to identity politics…something EVERYBODY ELSE IS ENTITLED TOO.

        1. The way he ignores the Jew topic makes me wonder…
          His historical expertise is pretty impressive, but it’s a mainstream blue-pill expertise.
          He can give some practical advice once in a while thou

        2. Jordan Peterson is just another one of the cowards, totally controlled opposition, or just another useful idiot to the opposition. HE is a libertarian type. This country should have been in a civil war 20 years ago, but it is libertarian types like Peterson who prevented that from happening and they prevent white dudes from ever organizing and doing what they need to do.

  5. 1. “Security”
    If you parachuted would you rather land in Manila or Detroit or East LA?
    The fact of the matter is that Asians are not as aggressive or feral as Mestizos and blacks.
    This may not be relevant to Australians or New Zealanders.
    2. “Ugly and whorish”
    This is up to the foreigner. If you marry some woman you bar fined, chances are she is a whore who only wants your money.
    3. Farang Deaths
    If you anger a wealthy or powerful local-leave the country ASAP. If you find out your wife is married to another man-forget about her and GTFO.

    1. MM
      1. Absolutely
      2. Very True
      3. True – I believe most Farang deaths are mostly due to those two things.

      1. PETER
        I was running a company in Cebu and my boss-a Brit-told me to fire a Chinese-Filipino guy who was alcoholic and abusive one day.
        So I did.
        His name was Ray and he called me and threatened me saying he was a “powerful man”. This was actually true, because although he was a loser he was a Chinese-Filipino and you will end up against the entire family cartel.
        However, in that case I just kept my mouth shut and after a month he forgot about me.
        But I was scared.
        A German guy was fucking a Chinese-Filipino business woman and broke up with her and she paid $30,000 to deport him from the Philippines. He lost his business.
        An Iranian guy I knew was married to a Filipino Immigration Officer and they ran scams on other foreigners until they’d saved up enough money to build a hotel.
        If you have an issue with a local you are going to lose. But they would probably lose in your country. Filipinos KNOW THIS and this is why Asians tend to be compliant and well-behaved in the West. Follow their example in the East.
        You won’t win in their country.

        1. >You won’t win in their country.
          Thais can define “winning” as merely existing as a confident well dressed above average looking white guy in their proximity that makes them look like lesser men to local women so they can get quite nasty. If you don’t defer to them like a dog they’ll hate you just for existing. Living among people that hate you isn’t a nice thing even if you aren’t a touchy feely guy.

        2. LARRY
          There are so many rich Arabs in Bangkok and foreigners in general that most Thais will not give the average middle-class decent-looking Westerner a second-glance.
          If drink in dive bars in small towns it might be different but generally Thais just ignore you.
          Since they do not speak English there is not much interaction anyhow.
          Besides, are there to fuck the males? Who gives a shit what they think?

        3. LARRY
          Blacks and Mestizos are much more race-war threatening in my experience than Thais. You’ll last longer in Bangkok than the East LA barrio or Baltimore.
          Would you rather live in Section 8 in the US or in a middle-class Bangkok apartment for $300 a month.
          Thais generally won’t JUMP YOU. They might sneer but I’ve been followed down urban streets in the US with blacks screaming “I’ll kill you you white bitch” and Mestizos waved a gun at me just for walking past a barrio in Phoenix.
          That won’t happen in Bangkok.

      2. PETER
        Foreign deaths
        1) A black American army Sergeant just insulted Filipinos all day and was a loudmouth. He lived in my subdivision but one night he was stabbed to death in his bed. This was just acting like an idiot.
        2) Another foreigner I knew was a money-lender. He loaned money to a Filipino cop who refused to pay. The cop killed him.
        3) I knew a Brit who met a bar girl who got him hooked on meth and he got deep into dealing in the Philippines. Another dealer shot him.

        1. Each one deserved their fate for being idiots in a foreign country. Hell, I wouldn’t do what they did in my my middle class, peaceful, 97% white hometown.

  6. I was under the impression that this was a good place to visit for an easy lay, not necessarily to live.

  7. I believe Both Thailand and the Philippines were great places for a western man with moderate resources to move to.
    Nowadays, I don’t think it is worth it. Visited both countries last year – sadly most of the issues the author mentions ring true. Needless to say, many things have changed since my last visit (2005) and not all of them for the better.
    1. Prices have gone up. AS a Westerner, your money won’g go as far a sit did in 2005. For many essentials, the difference in prices between the West and Thailand/Philippines are much smaller now than they used to be.
    2. Promiscuity is on the rise over there too. (it somehow coincides with the fact that more local girls have access to internet/smartphones than ever before)
    3. Due to mindless Western idiots visiting/moving to those two countries – as a consequence the locals (on average) are far less welcoming than they used be.
    4. Crime is a bigger problem than before. Not only in the PH but also in Thailand.
    5. There is a small number of highly educated local girls who really only want White males – however, they usually aren’t traditional as most local girls. In fact, if you are not careful you may end up with someone who is just as bad as the average White girl
    Nevertheless, if Thai or Philippina girls are your type, it may still be worth visiting those countries.
    The bottom line: approach these countries (like you would approach any country) with realistic expectations and great caution.

    1. PETER
      Philippines is much more dangerous than Thailand in terms of street robberies and burglaries.
      You have to ask yourself if you would get stinking drunk in a US city and wander around at night. Or go into black bars that look seedy. If your answer is yes, you should stay home.
      Also, most Americans and Australians who run into trouble are middle class and not particularly street smart. They think life is like the suburbs.

      1. MM
        You misread my comment.
        I was just pointing out that crime rates have increased since 2005.
        You are right, on average Thailand and even large parts of the Philippines are still safe for a sensible Western visitor.
        I felt safer in downtown Bangkok than I felt in the eastern boroughs of London, UK.

        1. PETER
          In my experience, it was convoluted scams as oppose to hold-ups that really ruined foreigners.
          There was Tom the American, who met a girl on the internet and bought her a house in the Philippines before he even met her in person. When he flew to his new home he found her husband drinking a beer in his new house and then found out HE OWNED it under Philippine law.
          He then hung around the Philippines in a local court trying to sue her for 7 years. There went the rest of his life savings.
          There was Harlan the Australian cop who’d worked vice and busted heroin dealers and fled Melbourne with a contract on his head. He bar-fined a prostitute and fell in love with this woman who’d sucked dicks at the bar in front of the whole place. Then he had a kid with her. Then she turned out to be a psycho-bitch who only cared about money.
          I could go on and on.
          But here is the reality-
          1) Keep your life savings in a US account.
          2) Always have a good relationship with one or two powerful people. Do business with them even if you don’t need the money.
          3) Don’t marry hookers.
          4) Don’t marry female cops-they are all corrupt and will fuck your world up.
          5) Don’t buy a house-improve the one your wife lives in. She owns it anyhow.
          6) Forget about winning in court. Just get out of the country if something goes wrong.

  8. I am nonwhite, but I have to say at this point whilst at least a portion of a certain tribe are the ringleaders of evil on this planet, that what I have learned is that they can structure society in such a fashion that most people become corrupted/evil that engage in that society.
    The problem is that this state of things is not sustainable. I often say that ‘white man number one’ has it in for ‘white man number two’ and wants to make nonwhites the new slaves. This is of course too simplified an explanation but it does suffice to get people to think. The whites of western nations had their societal peak around/pre1900s and since then have gotten worse. Since Oswald Spengler’s “decline of the west/occident”, a book written in 1910ish, western decline has been in vogue. However, in the current era, it is definitely true we can see symptoms of societal decline such as declining white western birthrates along with mass unregulated immigration and evil western wars seeking to consolidate the hegemony of the power ‘elitists’. Voting has now become the illusion of choice where none exists and many people have not woken up to this and (((who))) is behind it all. Honestly, such people (the vast majority of the population) are no better than mindless drones and deserve to die as they have NO moral compass. That’s why they cannot see it all for what it is, or don’t want to.
    I am horrified by the state of western society in 2018. Most people are brainwashed to an extent they could not even comprehend. Its worse than 1984 in many ways – yet people are happy and content in their slavery. They even contribute to other people’s and their own demise by their actions. It is true that any race/religion/group of people can become corrupted, but it seems to have most adversely affected the white person in the last 100 years(marxist feminism, engaging in pointless illegal wars based on lies/for a pay check, failing to rein in their own governments). The UK and US are the worst examples of this – even owning guns at this point makes no difference as the US has been the worst offender of all races working to enforce global zionist ideals. The few worthwhile folk see, understand and hate their society for what it is.
    Even worse, there is no solution to this all as posited in my other comment here. You have to wait for it to collapse and you cannot sit by poolside and enjoy yourself as its all global. You have to go to some dirt poor village in the middle of nowhere to get away from it all if it is at all possible. The alt-right is infiltrated with controlled opposition zionists such as Spencer, enoch, Robinson, southern etc etc. Putin’s dad was a rabbinical scholar and in the muslim world it is well known the Saudi royals as well as the premier of Iran are actually crypto-j3ws.
    The only problem being you have to blame the vast majority of people in western society at this point, irrespective of race or religion as they partake in personal and societal actions that advance the agenda. For example, PUA/casual sex is a form of degeneracy. Whilst the sluts become used-up the men also contribute too by further promoting this kind of behaviour that is anti-family formation. None of those hoes will make good wives and most if not all of the men would not make ideal husbands who could be faithful to one wife in the way that past generations were(pre 1900s) in promoting a strong society with strong family and societal bonds. This is just one example, I’m not hating on the PUA, but it is what it is.
    Most of all I am alarmed at what has become of the white man. For the last 100 years he has failed to keep his evil leaders in check. He has gone along with marxist feminism, becoming a PUA/Chad in response to the feminist herself. He has fought at least two major wars for his evil leaders where whites killed other whites. This continues today except in the Middle East where he fights the muslim all the while the zionist laughs behind the curtain at how he has helped corrupt the white man. He has become a slave, now that his food supply and industrial capacity have been offshored, never to return. He is fed false hope through movements such as the alt-right and controlled opposition leaders like Trump. His only purpose has become to fuck chicks, pay for illegal wars via his taxes, support the continued decline and die for the zionist. Truly, the white man is not a shred of what his ancestor was over 100 years ago and has become weak and corrupted. Few whites buck this trend. It is true that the immigrant also becomes corrupted but you have to remember that non-western nations have billions who are not as corrupted by this system. You are left hoping that the ‘proles’ one day reclaim the planet and with the exception of but a very few whites, most of those proles are dark-skinned.

    1. Pretty interesting rant. Very surprising to hear honesty (I’m still skeptical) about a nonwhite caring about white men. There are some glaring holes though…You pointed absolutely zero blame on nonwhites because they are an inarguable net loss for white society, who are causing serious problems. They aren’t even ‘proles’ but parasites for the most part. Just being honest. I say this as somebody who gets along with nonwhites better than my own race too.
      Very insightful on the ‘white number-one vs white number-two.’ I have been trying to articulate this for a while. It seems only white men are divisible like this. Virtually all nonwhites vote leftist, while men are mostly evenly split. White culture is subdivided into endless fractures and fissures, while every nonwhite culture is relatively monolithic.
      I don’t know if you’re one of those nonwhites who see (((them))) as white people because you are not trained to see physical differences, but (((they))) have allied with yet another Pareto distribution of white wannabe aristocrats against the vast majority of whites. They even use you nonwhites as a slave army to crush us.
      There will never be an alliance between the ‘number-two whites’ and anybody else. You guys have too much hatred for us overall, but you will side with the (((aristocracy))) because they give you goodies.
      You’re right that this is not going to last. Everybody knows this. There are no ‘utopians.’ It is a misdirection by the number-one whites vs the number-two whites. They are preparing for the collapse by capturing all of the socio-economic power, using nonwhites to mop up our white number-two corpses. So nonwhites are gaining something by this: revenge against *some* whites that they have an insatiable hatred for.

    2. Incredibly good exchange between jmolony and Weimar Republican. I will refer to it again I’m sure.

    3. jmolonoy: I agree with what you have said in your post. But don’t be so shocked. All of that was already predicted in the 19th and early 20th Century by real White men who saw that the future looked dark indeed and certainly disorderly.
      The result of unlimited immigration in the 19th Century showed plainly in the rapid decline in the birth rate of native Americans (eg: Whites who came during the Colonial era) because the poorer classes of Colonial stock, where they still existed, would not bring children into the world to compete in the labor market with the Slovak, the Italian, the Syrian and the Jew. The native American was too proud to mix
      socially with them and gradually withdrew from the scene, abandoning to these aliens the land which he conquered and developed.
      America’s ever increasing vulgarity and baseness can be traced to that period of unlimited migration to our shores. It did not give the White American man a chance to actually develop a national ideal and prototype. From then on, first with the equality acts and then to the 60s destruction of all that was good in old society, from the sex and drugs and rock and roll…to our present state of decay where you see what’s left of Whites in a massive opioid/drug problem, never before seen bastardization of children, single mothers running rampant, welfare rolls increasing and just a general malaise and immorality as we have never witnessed in human history…because never before was immorality so celebrated, so imposed, so seen as the “way to go” as today.
      The only White men you see trying or at least attempting to buck this trend is the White man of certain stock and in certain geographical areas of the US. It isn’t easy today though since we are literally living in an occupied territory aided by media & corporate power. But I do agree also that the White man himself is the origin of his own destruction. No other race is as divided or opinionated as we are…and our individuality worked for us historically despite so many clan wars between Saxons and Angles, Jutes, Frisians, Normans…etc but today, in a world where the majority is indeed non-white, our restlessness, dissension of spirit and just plain old disagreement between us has doomed us to death. That was already predicted long ago…we are just living on the coattails of whatever is left of the past. May as well enjoy what’s little left of it.

  9. Many of these problems aren’t as bad in other SE Asian countries like Vietnam, but yes, you will encounter headaches wherever you visit or move to. The Philippines is a shitty country based on many accounts I’ve heard, including my father who was there on two business trips. I don’t trust any woman from there.

    1. Agreed, Vietman (despite having a post-communist government) is way better than Thailand, nevermind the PH.
      However, the best country of the region is another nation- the country’s remains undisclosed.

        1. I wasn’t referring to Singapore.
          (Singapore is clean, safe and nice…but extremely pricey and is hard to get permanent visas)

        2. Malaysia? It’s a pretty balanced country with friendly respectful locals and lots of opportunity. Malaysian girls are great, but stay away from the Muslim Malays, and keep to the Chinese girls. Lots of them are intelligent, ambitious, and great marriage material. English is very widely spoken, especially by intelligent/educated folk, but one must also put the effort into learning Malay language and possibly also Chinese if you date into their culture.
          Perhaps the author should try living in Malaysia for a while? I think it may change his opinion of SE Asia.

      1. Taiwan is my guess…It has most of the benefits of Singapore but at a fraction of the cost

  10. Good article. It’s important to move beyond the simplistic Western/foreign dichotomy and tell the truth about the cons of the second/third world. Places like Thailand and the Philippines are nice for a vacation or if you’re a digital nomad, have lots of saved money, and somehow can be able to live with pretty decent standard even in the long term. Plus, you must have the right mindset to begin with and know what to focus on and to avoid. As soon as you go to clubs, talk to girls online etc it should come with an understanding of many being amateur hookers, crazy and stupid etc.
    Let’s be honest, most girls in Thailand and Philippines – even the batter 20% – are around 6,5. Many are still thin, open for sex and prefer white guys, but I would not move there and live there forever. More like a thing for a couple of days, weeks or months.
    As for taking risks and having adventures, there are always calculations involved. Some situations and behaviors should definitely be avoided, but I think that some exaggerate with regard to SEA, althouh the traffic accidents remain pretty high.
    Go to some clubs, meet some 87 IQ girls from a dating app, eat nice food and enjoy the weather, talk to some other traveler and have some fun. That’s what SEA essentially is all about.

  11. I think the author misses the boat on why western men go to SEA. Or he’s just being controversial to be controversial. Or maybe he just doesn’t like Asian chicks. Whatever the case may be, I think he’s wrong and I know a lot of manosphere guys that have made a life in SEA hooking up with normal girls. I’m sorry you missed the boat man, but SEA absolutely changed my life and I have every intention to go back.
    I do not agree with the saying if you don’t get laid at home, you won’t get laid abroad. That’s really not true. You do have to have some common sense and a little game, but I can’t tell you guys how much less game I have to throw in SEA and how much more results I get compared to back home in the West. The key is confidence and approaching like a mad man.
    Maybe the author just isn’t comfortable not having conveniences, but SEA can and does change an entire world view for the better of a western man. And honestly, as long as you’re not at risk of physical harm, who cares if you have some local haters? Haters are gonna hate if you’re doing something right and not everybody’s gonna like you. Hell, your neighbors in the West may do the same.

    1. yankee
      The last day I was in the United States on business-not out of choice-in Los Angeles a large black man followed me from behind shouting “You’re nothing but a white bitch and I’ll kill you!”
      Luckily, I faded into the passengers boarding the bus.
      But the hatred of blacks is far scarier than some Asian guy. On some level also, they understand that white guys are in Asia to bring money into the economy and to mind their own business.
      Some Asian give me shitty looks does not really bother me. Most of them have no money to do anything anyhow. Unless you open your mouth and say something they will not do anything-there is no “knockout game”.
      If you insist on going to dive bars or hanging around bad areas you’ll run into some trouble but an Asian giving me a shitty look in the middle of the day-I don’t care.

    2. There are a lot of tired old myths floating around ROK. It’s true that some guys are so pitiful that no matter where they are they will strike out with women. However for most, the grass can be greener. Many men have found much more success and happiness in different parts of the world. The west is in terminal decline and living here just grinds the life out of you on a daily basis. Just like some men are better suited to different types of work. Some are more physical, others more cerebral. Some like the country and others prefer a more urban setting. Just because your hand is your lover in one country does not mean that you may find yourself wildly successful in a foreign land.
      Now as for the article it seems that the matrix is spreading in every corner of the globe. The “you go grrrl” empower me phenomena is becoming the norm everywhere there are smartphones. Which means everywhere. No need to throw in the towel, there is still adventure and yes with it danger to be found. Take it from an older man. If you can GET THE HELL OUT and see the world. Make some options for yourself. It’s going to go from bad to intolerable in the so called civilized west.

      1. WHO CARES
        Getting out-
        1) You have to be young and have no dependents/unmarried.
        2) It helps to be streetwise. Being from Detroit or Chicago gives you an advantage over somebody from Oklahoma or Alabama sticks whose never been hustled before.
        3) You cannot be a felon or on parole/probation.
        4) You cannot own a house, though I’ve known a few guys that sold theirs simply to leave. If so, you will have to stick it out in Asia no matter what happens and the guys who throw themselves off balconies are usually older and lost everything to a hooker they met in a bar.
        5) You have to really despise being around blacks and Mestizos. I do. Therefore some Asian giving me hard looks across the road is nothing because I’ve been chased by blacks, threatened by them and driven through certain-death areas. The US has internal third worlds.
        6) You have to be drug-free. If you cannot stop smoking crack you are going to be miserable overseas. Scoring drugs is dangerous in Philippines especially. Your dealer will snitch on you to get a pay off from a cop. Even having a bag of pot around is risky. I knew one French fool who grew his own pot in the Philippines and I thought he was crazed.
        7) You have to accept the fact that when you go back to your own country you will be like an immigrant. Nobody will remember you after 20, 30 years.

      2. I am interested in going abroad, not to find ‘muh mud princess,’ but to explore the world and possibly fuck a few. I honestly don’t even know where to begin. I’ve heard you go to the post office first to get a passport? I don’t even plan my trips…I just rent a car and drive in one direction for the week I have the car, hitting as many towns/landmarks as I can, and then race back home. I have seen nearly everything in the last two years in America and I’m ready for something else, but I am lost on how to even go about it.

    3. The key to banging Asian girls (in Asia) is to be light hearted. NEVER be serious about anything and you can have a really good time. I paid for some company with a 24 year old in a hooker bar last night (vang Tau front beach) . Her drink $4, my drink $1, that bought me games of pool against 2 other hookers. We all spoke English, they appeared to have a good time as well. After 1 hour went to another bar, same again playing doubles against a Norwegian oil man (age 60+) and his 30 year old Viet wife (she crucified us at pool). $10 for an evening out in a beach resort with female company….. Unbeatable value for money IMHO.

  12. Best Asia article in a long while, well done sir.
    Nice to hear people talking about Asia realistically, it is not for 99.9% of people and it has its downsides as well, it’s just up to you to decide if they outweigh the benefits.
    I also can’t abide those fucking scooters and would never ride long distance on one. My German roommate was always coming off his cracking ribs and breaking teeth. There was a white guy (American, presumably) involved in a massive accident with no id, but a couple US dollars in his pocket on life support. Hospital had to reach out on social media for someone to identify him or pay his bills or he’d be taken off of life support. Never heard if anyone came forward.

    1. MICK
      You’d have to be stone crazy to drive a motorcycle in Asia. Take taxis-costs nothing. Buy a car-only one $1000 for an old model that runs well.
      But drive in truck-infested traffic on a scooter.
      That is stupid.

      1. Hell, I don’t mind taking the bus. In China bus/subway is timely, modern, cost cents and are about as good as public transport can get. Least compared to back home.

  13. Wow. Everything in this article is super wrong. I really sincerely thought there will be one or two points of truths. Almost none.
    Local girls are ugly and fat ?!?! What the fuck man. Are you that bad to find only chubby girls even in Thailand and Philippines?

    1. erk
      In the Philippines the Spanish Filipino women look more or less like a Mexican.
      Not all of them are ugly.

      1. I find that there’s a wide variety of looks in Filipinas.
        I’m sure there are a lot of chubby Filipinas near the Jollibees and McDonald’s in the malls of Manila… that’s why it’s maybe a good idea to think about visiting other places too in a country of +100 million people!
        And by other places I don’t mean Cebu…

    2. Asian girls of the peasant class are typically emaciated to oddly shaped, pitted faces and weird deformaties- though rarely fat.
      Matter of fact her face is a good indicator of her socio-economic status, is it an unnatural palor? She probably can’t afford decent skincare and whiteners.

  14. Actually, this sounds in many ways like Spain (and other Southern Eurotrash places I’ve lived in). Give or take some important details…I’ll adapt it:
    ” Locals dislike you and take every opportunity to take you down a notch” — This happens in many Euro places too, relative to American Whites. You get lots of stupid comments anytime the weakling Eurocuck beta males can. “You eat trash in the US” (as if they had gourmet everywhere, LOL), “You Americans only care about guns”, “you’re ignorant and fat”, bla bla bla…it gets old REAL fast. You will ALWAYS be Johnny Foreigner…because, let’s face it, YOU ARE and you feel it everywhere. Every time I looked around at the “locals” in Italy, or Spain or Greece…I thought to myself “thank God I didn’t grow up here in such ignorance and complacency”.
    2. Low quality of living: ALL RIGHT. So, in Europe you can walk and that’s definitely a plus America doesn’t have outside our historic cities and towns in the Northeast mainly, but walking is nto everything. You also get very poor quality SERVICES in most of Europe. Get your bank card lost or stolen? Good luck with customer service after 5pm…or even, as is the case with Spain, want to bank after 2 pm? F-YOU they will say. Overpriced dry cleaning and electric charges and in many places water will be charged as if were expensive wine. Lots of “Made in China” everywhere (JUST LIKE USA) and grumpy bartenders/waitresses who work on a salary rather than tips. Good luck getting any respect with that unless you’re a REGULAR customer AND even that leaves much to be desired in terms of services.
    3. Shoddy overpriced housing: Check. I can’t speak for all of Europe but I can definitely say that the UK or Spain have terrible housing, paper thin walls and OVERPRICED. Try looking at price for rentals in central areas of major Euro cities. Hint: it ain’t cheap boys.
    4. Ugly girls/whorish — OK, filipinas are indeed usually fat and ugly…but many European girls aren’t so pretty to look at anymore. They are thinner than Americans or Filipinas though, so there’s that. They are also feminist to the core, aggressive, loud (especially UK and Spain)…certainly not wife material unless you really, really, really look hard and even then that’s few and far between.
    5. No comment since I don’t go to clubs anymore…but I’m sure the element in Euro clubs or American clubs isn’t someone you’d want to introduce to any healthy and morally sound person…no decent woman goes to a nightclub by herself or with her friends to whore it out. No decent girl would go to a club, period…not now, not ever.
    6. Check the same for Europe. Most jobs are poorly paid and for locals only…that’s why the best and most qualified tend to leave or, if they are lucky to be born into money, wok for daddy’s firm. This happens less in Northern Europe, of course…but jobs are no good in most places and are increasingly scarce. Anyone who emigrates to another country “for jobs” is deluded unless you get a job offer beforehand (A firm offer, signed, not lip service from a clown who tells you what he thinks you want to hear).
    7. Stupidity is on the rise everywhere…Americans aren’t much better anymore.
    8 & 9: No comment.
    10: Drunken tourists jumping from balconies has been recorded in Spain too…so it’s not an Asia thing, it’s a stupid dumb Westerner white male drugged out loser thing. Good riddance…too bad more don’t jump from balconies and that way some social hygiene is preserved.

    1. 1. I got so sick of talking to ignorant Europeans who think every American wants his 9 year old to own a 9 mm that I just said I was Canadian and since they think all Americans are Texans they believed me.
      2. Low quality of living. Try being an American tourist in a hostel. Apartment rent in London for the same quality of housing you’d get in Philippines or Bangkok for $200 would cost you $1000 a month. And European buildings are one thousand years old with plaster falling off the ceiling.
      3. Services. Everybody in Europe is pissed off in service jobs. The cost of living is high. This is why Polish and Bulgarians do them. Immigrants have largely replaced Brits in such occupations.
      4. Ugly/whorish. I guess this is debatable. Depends on the clubs you go to. Who you associate with.
      5. Clubs. Back when I was clubbing this was code for doing Ecstasy. Nobody in Europe went out in the late 90’s without doing to hits of Ex and I was always a drinker.
      6. Jobs. To be honest, you cannot do anything in Europe except maybe the shittiest under-the-table jobs unless you are “gay for pay”. Then you might make a living. In Southeast Asia you can live cheaply and my work is over the internet anyhow. But in Belgium. Forget it. Then again, this is why there are no blacks or Mestizos or trailer trash overseas.
      7. Stupidity is on the rise. I don’t find East Coast and West Coast Americans to be that stupid. The real stupid Americans never go overseas-they cannot afford to and have not interest in doing so.
      8. Jumping for balconies. In Spain, this would be more because they were involved in some nefarious shit-coke dealing in Ibeza, mixed up with Russian mafia etc. In Asia more likely it is a scam or they simply DO NOT WANT TO GO BACK HOME. It is hard if you are a working middle class guy like me to want to return to Feminist cunts, she-boons, Mestizos, Hood Rats, Antifa and all the other shit that goes along with being an American.

      1. Madman:
        Yup…so true! They think all Americans are Texans. I enjoyed owning them though…every chance I got. When they pointed out “junk food”, I pointed out their frozen food section…or their ALDI AND LIDL! Not to mention that fake milk they have coming in a tetrabrik box and lame excuse for steak…they don’t have American beef (the natural kind, not talking about supermarkets).
        Hostel: Agreed. I stayed in hostels at times…though I must say, to Spain’s credit…the best cheap temporary accommodation and clean I have ever seen in my life are in Spain…and I give them credit for at least working on that.
        3. That’s right. And it’s just no the same anymore isn’t it? This may sound so “evil” but I miss being served in bars by “locals” or natives…it’s just not the same anymore. I remember the good old days, not far long ago, when you could go to any pub in a country and a person of your language and nationality would be the bartender, serve you the drinks, chat about any interesting topic…now, it’s so commercialized and overrun with foreigners I don’t bother going to bars anymore unless I KNOW the place is owned by locals and locals work in it. The atmosphere totally changes.
        4. True…although my take on it is that if you are in the right mental circles, you can find a good woman (never like in the past, but still more than people think)
        5. Yes, that’s true.
        6. I got lucky because the kind of work I do is in need everywhere and since I speak 3 languages, that got me far within my line of work…I was always my own boss though and it was fun just knowing you were better surrounded by ignorant locals…I remember in Spain even the “wealthy” types were in awe at my experiences…and I thought that those people were average at best. To be honest, the most interesting people I have ever met in my life, of any race, are in the United States.
        7. Northeast is where it’s at…I couldn’t live anywhere else but even here you have to be selective of course…but yeah, there is some good intellectual circles if you know where to look.
        8. I get that…but I also think that we need to build alternative resistance within the US. I do think it’s mostly too late though…for racial, ethnic and economic reasons, although it’s honorable to die fighting for something better.

          Lee was a boat-builder. He borrowed a load of money from a Filipino General to build his personal yacht. He was a master boat builder. But built it too but he went far over budget because of booze and prostitutes. He had to flee in the night, clothes on his back and passport.
          C.J. Song was a Korean who got hooked on Shabu (Meth) and was busted by the cops. He did some jail time and was deported from the Philippines and as a result never saw his wife and children there again.
          Air Force John fucked 14 year old girls and the Philippine police busted him and forced him to pay a huge bribe to get out of jail-$20,000 or something. A seventy year old man will pay ANY AMOUNT to get out of a Filipino jail.
          One German whose name I forgot shot his neighbors dog for no real reason. His Filipino neighbor was a businessman and jailed him.
          One German ran a cybersex cafe and used local women. For some reason Filipinos frown on foreigners using their women for porn. They jailed him for a year.
          Two German bikers running a front store were shipping crystal meth to Europe. They also had automatic weapons in their bungalow. They got 10 years. I’m not even sure you would live through this. Filipino jails are not 5 Star.

        2. I’m in Saigon looking over September 29th park. Double room with air-conditioning and decent breakfast is costing $20 a night. At the nearby beach resort of Vang Tau an apartment with separate kitchen can be had for $200/month. Eat in Breakfast at Highland Coffee $1.50c (chicken bagette + viet coffee. Bahn mi ga xi + Phin sua da) Hardly as expensive as the west.

      2. Madman marz,
        You suggest that you cannot do anything in ‘Europe’ where education is free (in many countries) and everyone with the brains can afford to become a doctor, lawyer, engineer, teacher or whatever they like. There is no anguishing over a college fund and going to university is still the simplest route to a comfortable middle class life. If you cannot make it in Europe, you don’t have to blame the system. Americans are supposedly all about not blaming the system and getting your hands dirty and you can do that in multiple places.
        Granted, entrepreneurship MAY be more difficult and it may be more difficult to get rich in ‘Europe’ but you can lead a comfortable existence.
        I wonder which movie you got that “gay for pay” thing from or the ecstasy thing? No offense but it’s just that ridiculous.
        Yes you can live for cheaper in developing countries; they must adjust the prices of their goods and services to the wages of the population. The upper middle class or immigrants with lucrative positions will live comfortably anywhere and very few of them to choose to live in a developing country regardless of how cheap it is and if they do, they probably live in a closed community with other fellow white people.

    2. I’m a US centric European, so I agree with you. The anti US brainwashing is euro j*wish though as they don’t want euros to have any real freedom ever and want them to be bred out of existence / killed by muslims.
      The brainwashing is really really strong in Europe from muh cultural superiority (who needs real actual freedom right?) to muh guns (with the rapefugee influx people see now that it ain’t that great if you can’t defend yourself against bloodthirsty invaders of prime fighting age ).

      1. Larry:
        You know, before my experience in Europe I was a bit skeptical about America but it is true that traveling is indeed a cure for ignorance and that’s how I realized not only was I an American…I was proud to be so and truly understood then the wisdom of our founders and ancestors who were, at best, lukewarm to Europe even centuries ago…and finally the writings of F.Scott Fitzgerald and Mark Twain, in their mockery of Europe, all made sense to me.
        Europe today, particularly Western Europe, is one big giant and expensive amusement park (with more tragedy than real amusement) and with a mostly useless male and female population living off the remaining prosperity their ancestors built. They care nothing about freedom, it’s true…in fact, they are even worse, much worse, than modern “Americans” (I use the term loosely these days). In America, even the dumbest White loser at least has a NOTION of who the enemies are…but in Europe? In many cases they couldn’t even bother to know anything let alone politics…not even talk radio variety exists there.
        It’s ok to see for their old buildings and grandeur…but not much else and its certainly no place for a man who values freedom. At least in the US we still have homesteading left! I can’t imagine any Antonio in Madrid, Jean-Claude in Paris or Mario in Roma defending the homeland, or with weapons….too busy in their little coffee shop and their tight rolled pants.

        1. Europe is basically a peasant continent and the culture was always culture created by the elite – an elite who made sure that the peasants would stay peasants by making it nearly impossible to become entrepreneurs in an insanely over regulated system that required people to put up insane amounts just to be able to start limited liability corporations, forcing them into low paid employment.
          Said employment is also only available to people going the straight and narrow through a rigid education system sucking up to man hating feminist teachers for decades, which is why white collar euros all come across as soft and cucked.
          The European elite’s money has been largely drained by smart jews nowadays, with overly proud peasants being all there is left.

        2. Dorian, you make assertions that appeal to people who like to have simple thruts fed to them instead of doing their own thinking.
          Why don’t you compare something that can be reasonably researched and has been researched? Have you looked into the distribution of homesteading across the world? Accounted for environmental differences? Is the american obesity rate consistent with your stereotyping of europeans as passive dullards and americans as fighters? What about the fact that at least an eighth of the american population is made up of black haired dark skins who put their race first while many european countries are still relatively homogenous?
          Not trying to say who is “better”. Just sick of either side trying to come up with division and stereotyping based on ignorance.

        3. Brazilian Woman: Too needy!
          USA Woman: Doesn’t really need you at all!
          Brazilian Women go though what I call the “I’m the queen of the world phase.” but a reality check for most usually starts around 25 and by this age Brazilian Women tend to have clear understanding of their SMV and more realistic expectations then women in the U$A.
          Unlike many US Women, Brazilian women actually want men in their lives and not afraid to admit this by giving your clear IOI’s if they find you attractive; there is none of the push pull nonsense so common in the U$A.
          I currently live in South Brazil and find women in Porto Alegre far more attractive( Though Florianópolis and Caxias Do Sul have more attractive women still. ) and easier to meet then Rio De Janeiro due to less jacked male competition ( Take a walk on Copacabana Beach, yep that’s your competition.) .
          In fact a few weeks ago I saw this dude probably in his late 20’s and a 6 at best riding a beat up old bicycle with an 8 woman sitting behind him and thought to myself “Damn, this is something that I would never see in the U$A. ” Now granted the above example isn’t that common but I’ve seen plenty of average looking fat, balding, lower income men with more attractive wives and girlfriends usually at least a point above them.
          Middle and upper class average looking men ( 5-6) have it even better and 2 points above themselves ( 7-8) is the norm due to financially well off men being less common then the U$A where they are a dime a dozen.
          Another benefit is age gaps of 10, 15, and even 20 years are far more common, however I noticed that ages tend to more even for lower income Brazilians though Southeast Asia is probably still the best region for extreme age gaps.
          While below average in the U$A an location independent income of $3000 a month which is $R 10000 is month in Brazil will put ahead of most locals but locals have the advantage of time and despite the high cost car ownership is common in Brazil.
          $if you earn less $2000 ($2500 for Rio & São Paulo) a month choose another country as the reason to live turd world countries is to increase your SMV via income.
          On a final note: it amazes the how out of shape of most upper to middle class Brazilian men over 30 are with obesity, balding, and a poor style sense being common. Lower income men (income levels 3-4) while thinner look far older due to too much sun, usually have bad teeth. thanks to the famous Brazilian diet of greasy pastels, palitos, white rice, and Coca Cola.

      2. LARRY
        When I was young in the 1990’s Europeans loved Americans but Bush changed this. The real anti-American trend started in the 2000’s.
        As for Muslims, they were much less assimilated than US Muslims and bolder in their aggressiveness. No Paki in the US behaves in that way to whites in the US.
        Culturally the Europeans seem to regard AMERICANS with such ignorant cliches that they feel like stale-I can recite them…the guns…poor blacks being framed by KKK…religious lunatics (As if Europe does not have this)…health care issues…
        Italians cannot get guns…how do they shoot judges then?

        1. Id say the Gulf War was the first point the Euro-American love affair started to unravel, every pointless, illegal military adventure since that war has further degraded goodwill towards America. You guys are digging a big fucking hole, and just like a black hole, it will suck all light (skinned people?) into it.

      3. That makes sense. America has (at least historically) been a place where men who were fed up with that nonsense came and that’s why up until recently, the American male was so much more self-confident, business like and “aggressive” (in the good sense) than the Euro male. Given your perspective, it all makes sense. Even today, if you try setting up a business (LLC) in Spain, you still have to pay “freelance fee” whether OR NOT you earn money and it is very high cost. It’s as you say, I always got the impression there that they actually WANT you to be in employment (in low paid wage jobs or low monthly salary) rather than be your own man. Europe hates a free and independent man.

        1. SOXMIS:
          If America was fighting Muzzies, why would the Europeans, start to hate America? That’s because they got their heads up their multi-culti pansy asses and are loving being cucked by the Muzzies.
          See, i am not defending America’s recent wars. We have actually already fixed that problem with the election of Trump, who has promised no more foreign wars and is finding ways to withdraw troops from the Muzzie lands. And the election of Trump seems to have upset the Euro trash more than even the California libtard trash.
          So the issue is the Europeans are much further down the road of cultural and civilizational suicide. Can a guy like Trump be elected to power in any Western European country? Trump even received 30% support from Hispanics (the largest minority in the US) in America. Will a figure like Trump in Western Europe that get 30% support from the Muzzies there?
          Also, if just the 2 Metro areas of California San Francisco and Los Angeles) are separated from the US, America suddenly becomes quite conservative and conservative politics will become very competitive for many decades.
          Yes, the 15% Blacks in America are complete low IQ, high T losers and are a problem, but they are sort of powerless tools of the (((leftie elites))) . But then they are an old problem that we got from America’s original sin of slavery. We should have picked our own cotton.

    3. You’re right, the UK has absolutely terrible housing, unless you can pay for upscale.
      Most of western Europe has good quality housing though, even for welfare receivers.

        1. Most of the housing in the UK (except the top-tier market) are pretty shit and ridiculously overpriced.

    4. Dorian and MM
      I moved from Britain to the US years ago. Best decision I ever made.
      Why any American would move to the UK, even temporarily, is beyond me.
      Yes, you can get a job on work visa with an international company if you have the relevant qualifications and experience. But why would you dot that? In the UK ( and most parts of Europe that aren’t complete shitholes) you would would struggle to maintain a reasonable standard of living, even on a reasonably good salary.
      It’s overcrowded. Housing is unaffordable (even in shitty areas). Public transport is crap, unsafe after dark and overpriced.
      Public services in general are bad. Public healthcare is unreliable and the private healthcare will cost you more in the UK than in the US.
      It also can be dangerous. Nowadays London officially has higher murder rate than New York.
      Local women are atrocious (some of the immigrant ones can be decent)
      Don’t expect a smile from the people who serve you in shops, bars, restaurant…despite the high prices you pay. People tend to be pretty rude in general. (And ye, I can well imagine the stereotyping you get if you speak with a US-accent.)
      All pros and cons considered: Miami. LA or Denver are 10-times better than London.

      1. I’m with you on this, Peter Frazer. I could never understand why any American man would want to move permanently to the UK. I am indeed proud of my ancestors…but I think America is brighter, better and stronger place, freer place than the UK today.
        I’ve lived in Miami and although it’s not my favorite place, I’ll take it over London hands down! Even a poor low class tramp can more or less get a ranch house in Miami and live much better than a middle class person in London. America is a vast, great continent with natural resources, diverse climate and yes, more positive/friendlier people with a different attitude to life.

      2. I can remember about 14 years ago I became obsessed with Harry Potter, and thus everything English, because I was the same age of the protagonists in that dumb series. Years later I was still watching Rick Steves’ Europe trying to soak in as much about England as possible because I wanted to live there. But what I have learned is that it is truly miserable. They are bigger jock-sniffers than Americans somehow. They march down the streets with placards about firing their ‘football’ coaches. It’s madness. They will get worked up about the [email protected] sport ever, but not about losing their country.

        1. continued….I used to think the average Englishman was so sophisticated that even the c0ckney sounded Shakespearean, but now I have grown to hate it like eb0nics. I think the bizarre disposition of the 21st Brit has adopted dates back to WWII, like it’s ‘national humiliation,’ in a similar direction that afflicted Germany/Japan after WWII (expressing itself in bizarre p0rn)…only Great Britain didn’t lose…technically. They rode the coattails of America, who rode the coattails of the S0viet Union to victory… But it was a Pyrrhic victory nonetheless because they lost their empire in the process, and thus gained an insatiable [email protected] for German nationalism and extrapolated that hatred into hatred for white nationalism overall, along with the rest of Western Europe. That is why they cuck0lded their rump empire to n0nwhites and are perpetually miserable poisoning themselves in pubs, watching [email protected] kick a ball for sport…as if it were their new identity.
          The waxing/waning love/[email protected] in America for Britain occurs alternatively every decade: 40s love (Churchill), 50s [email protected] (Sinai), 60s love (Beatles), 70s [email protected] (Nixon), 80s love (Billy Idol/Sex Pistols), 90s [email protected] (NAFTA), 2000s love (Harry Potter), 2010 [email protected] (Trump).

        2. Yes! The plebeian culture in Britain is even higher than it is in the US. This started in the 19th Century, when manufacturing substituted the rural life. America was, for a longer time thankfully spared from such an early decline and despite two world wars, it didn’t utterly destroy our country as it did the British Empire. They are much more servile indeed and I’ve always said they sent their best to America and stayed with the wretched underclass.
          A lot of Americans, unfortunately, have a fetish for the “British accent” (they think everyone speaks royally) and think England is a refined place. It isn’t: it is vulgar, mercantile/hannoverian rather than Elizabethan today) and a police state much worse than America. I was never impressed but living there made me confirm my worst fears.

  15. I split Asian countries into two categories; Clean Asia, like Korea, china (sorta) and Japan where the electricity works, WiFi is easy, tropical diseases are low and women are relatively attractive and then Dirty Asia, where parasites swim into your dick in the rivers, thatch roof huts are the norm in rural areas and women are gross.
    I am hardly ever attracted to Thai or Flip women.

    1. Well, South Korea and Japan indeed offers better standard of living and better women.
      It may be slightly more difficult to settle in Japan or South Korea, but it can be done.
      I would’t consider living in mainland China, though. However, Hong Kong, Macau and especially Taiwan are really good – both in terms of quality of life and the local ladies.

  16. Well all Third world countries have corrupt governments with having very rich elites and a huge lower class. However, you talk about living there while you’re article ends with do not visit. Is the article for short term or long term stay?

  17. “you’ll be perceived as evil whitey incarnate who sees locals as lesser humans (their own projection) and they’ll take every opportunity to trash talk and take jabs at you to take you down a notch out of their own insecurity and inferiority complexes. ”
    Sounds better than here in America.

  18. You forgot to mention that incurable Gonorrhea has made it’s debut this year in Southeast Asia. Yep! No more shots to cure your embarrassing Dick snot. Now, you’ll have it for life.
    I read last week that some British Bro got it from a hoe he banged in Thailand and brought it back to the U.K. So, double-wrap your pecker, brother! Big “G” will be in your neighborhood soon.

    1. Xcal,
      False news, don’t know anyone in Asia who caught anything that wasn’t easily cured in a week. Been here 10 years, no condoms and caught nothing so far.

  19. Wow…the article screams! I went to the Far East without knowledge of, or respect for local culture…and BTW…some girl broke my heart. Please ban this blue pill beta boy.
    I have visited Thailand a few times, but I have been in and associated with the PI for over 25 years. You hear of guys who have these tragedies happen to them, mostly its because they walk around the country with either their head up their ass, or with an attitude that says “fuck you…I am better than you”! So I am sure somebody let him know he is a VISITOR…..its their country….have fun…spend money, but don’t walk around from place to place acting like everyone owes you something because you happen to have the money and can spend. I am guessing this guy went to PI thinking, I will just buy the place, and everyone will kiss my ass. Its all about FACE in Asia. You shit on that and a guy, or guys will kick your ass. Do it to a girl, and she will fuck you up with the police and in some cases Immigration. Also, if you look like a newbie…they will treat you like one. You show some respect for them, and you take a little time to learn about the country, and what to look out for..Ie..scams….There are way to many websites out there that will teach you an encyclopedia’s worth of knowledge about PI so you are better armed and up for the challenge.

  20. 6. I recently read an article from Yle about young Finnish men who were building their careers in Manila, in real estate and software business. One of them had worked for 4 years and then started his own company.
    This was shocking to me, since all I’ve ever heard about are the low-paying English-teaching and call center jobs.
    Of course Yle might be sugarcoating the story a bit. Yle is like the BBC+Guardian+HuffPost of Finland, so they are real cheerleaders when it comes to white men on an adventure in Asia…
    PS. 120 comments, congratulations. Maybe next a contrarian article on how the game doesn’t work?

    1. Not sure why you think a contrarian article on SEA not being the safe haven for red pilled guys is related to game denialism.
      Nobody really needs to write it about south america as the daily violence in these countries is always all over the media while any negatives relating to SEA are generally brushed over.

  21. I want to second the writer’s comments. Things are horrible, absolutely horrible for men in Asia. In fact, things would be better here if there were fewer foreigners.
    I have lived in SE Asia/China for over 6 years in 3 countries and I can tell you that there are simply too many foreign men here who enjoy living in Asia and find they have a higher quality of life here than they could elsewhere. What is really horrible is that Asia is a man’s world, not a woman’s, and we know that is simply evil. All these poor suckers over here who date or are married to slender, younger women instead of the challenging and age appropriate women (with real women’s bodies not thin ones) that they could have in the US.
    To make matters worse, there simply aren’t enough blacks and Mexican in Asia and white skin is a sign of status to the point that skin whitening is a multi billion dollar business. So backward. Much better to live in a place that demonizing whites. Tbat is what a real man would do. So, stay in the US.

    1. Dragon,
      Like everyone else says, written by a tourist that never left Khao San road. Been here 10 years, lived with some seriously violent women, the sex was amazing. Never had any Visa problems or fights with locals. Someone gets a bit iffy, buy them a beer and they are suddenly your new best friend. Really enjoying Saigon at the moment, flight here $75 (visa free 14 day) room in center of town $20/night, Saigon Green beer $0.50c a bottle at my local bar, the girl rubbing (40yo ordinary looking) against me is drinking Tiger beer at $0.80c a bottle. For a 60+ guy, life in Asia is good.

  22. I disagree with most of this and I have lived in Saigon for 3 years. The job thing is key but there are plenty of good girls and families around here if you choose to look. If you hang out at go-go bars you will attract that low-life quality of women.

    1. Tell me all about it. To me Vietnam is a sketchy undeveloped 3rd world clusterfuck of motodrivers zerg rushing into each other and nobody giving a single shit about each other. They’re also known as the biggest scammers of western people in Asia, hence almost nobody but broke ass trashpackers goes there.
      To me it’s a common delusion of western guys that SEA women that don’t whore themselves out straight up are somehow much better. The elites there are mostly multi millionaires (at least on paper as property is hard to liquidate) and commonly aren’t down with marrying their girls off to some western middle class white dude.

  23. Any country or society where the men sit around all day doing sweet fuck all and the women whore themselves to foreigners is a society not worth giving a shit about. Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam are 3 country’s that immediately come to mind.

  24. Tell me all about it. To me Vietnam is a sketchy undeveloped 3rd world clusterfuck of motodrivers zerg rushing into each other and nobody giving a single shit about each other. They’re also known as the biggest scammers of western people in Asia, hence almost nobody but broke ass trashpackers goes there.
    To me it’s a common delusion of western guys that SEA women that don’t whore themselves out straight up are somehow much better. The elites there are mostly multi millionaires (at least on paper as property is hard to liquidate) and commonly aren’t down with marrying their girls off to some western middle class white dude.

  25. Despite all of America’s problems when I travel abroad then return home I almost want to kiss the ground. Yeah there are a lot of problems with American lifestyles, but nothing like the rest of the world. Here in America at least I can carry a gun instead of a steak knife, blade wrapped in napkins, if I go out at night or need to grab a late night train. If a migrant (homeless here in the US) threatens me the police are blocks away. In Europe they couldn’t give a darn about anything like that.
    Eastern Europe is a little bit more orderly. Not much so these days though. You know you generally aren’t safe when homeless people can roam into an expensive hotel in the middle of the city and mock staff because the police won’t remove them.
    As much as the red pill community likes to knock on America it is the best left by far.

  26. @Depressed guy: I make factual assertions, based on truth. If you can’t accept evidence and reality, that’s not my problem. The fact is, homesteading is only very common in AMERICA…NOT Europe. In fact, since you claim to be so much into research, it doesn’t seem like you’ve done your homework, because in fact in Europe, they are literally GIVING AWAY rural land begging for people to settle it. And no, Jean Claude sipping his mocha latte in a fag Parisian French cafe isn’t going to cut it. Not only that, but in some Euro countries, things like homeschooling are actually ILLEGAL.
    You talk about the American obesity rate (Which I myself have already stated)…but fail to see how you can connect someone’s weight with being politically passive. And you must be having a laugh when you say “1/8th of American population is made of black haired dark skins who put their race first” — of course we have more immigrants…more people want to actually come here than go to lame ass Europe. You are relatively homogeneous? Doesn’t sound like you’ve been to Paris or London or Frankfurt, sir. Do you have fewer coloreds than Americans? YES, but that has nothing to do with your populations and all to do with desirability or ease of settling in Europe.
    None of this is “based on ignorance”, despite your whining. This is reality.
    If anything, I just think Americans historically have been too naive and stupid to trust “American institutions” and “environment”. We have had historically a serious immigration problem…and our ancestors (the real Americans, not the hyphenated half breeds) were too myopic. In the 19th Century, Europe basically emptied out their jails and mental asylums, shipping all your lesser peoples or undesirables to America.
    These newcomers were welcomed and given a share in our land and prosperity. The American taxed himself to sanitate and educate these poor helots and as soon as they could speak English, encouraged them to enter into the political life, first of cities and then of the nation. This is why you see more darkies here, yes…that’s true. Our ancestors, when it came to “nationhood” and race preservation were too childish and did not have centuries of European instinct at preservation. That is another reason why your continent has fewer immigrants today. Historically, you’ve just gotten rid of people and expected America to deal with your more troublesome folk. But today, you cannot claim that your relative homogeneity is a sign of virility so much as it is a sign of Europe’s own failure and stagnation. So go ahead and let the Europeans enjoy their alleged “cultural” superiority (Even as Mcdonalds there is just as full as any in Chicago or NY)…while your birthrates continue to decline, your military is a joke and your women (like American women today) are worthless.
    Anyways, rant aside…my main point was that for men who want to be more free and actually do something about it, America as a continent still offers more opportunities for that.

    1. Dorian, you say that they are fact based but unless proven otherwise you’re just regurgitating what your drunken uncle said to you one night over a few drinks; it’s not based on legitimate historical research or anything else but hyperbolic conjecture just like that old “we saved Europe’s ass in WWII” or “europeans don’t bathe!” thing that mouth breathing folks have been known to say. You sound like some guy who reads right wing opinion pieces from magazines for an education and it’s OK to be black and white when you’re 15 but when you’re an adult you need to try and see the shades of grey, step back and be humble enough to say “I don’t know the truth. Here’s what I’ve read”.
      Unlike the United States, ‘Europe’ does not have a federal government even if the EU is disproportionately influenced by the largest countries and the closest equivalent to a federal state. Government aside, even the EU countries are very different culturally, religiously, politically etc. and that’s why it’s good not to generalize too much unless you have some serious knowledge; having just a little knowledge is worse than knowing a lot because you’ll end up painting with a broad brush.
      Why would I care if ‘my’ military is a ‘joke’? How are ‘my’ women worthless? You need to refrain from blatant assertions like ‘all X people need to be exterminated ASAP’ if you want to be taken seriously.
      I understand that the US is seemingly better for entrepreneurship but most americans are not enterpreneurs or own businesses. They are just regular people working for a wage just like most europeans, living in their bubble and believing what they learned in high school, uni and the news they came across and in ‘Europe’ you can get a free education and lead a comfortable existence even if you did not born to be coddled by affluent parents. You will not end up homeless or sans medical care even if you don’t have money of your own. I think that both sides can learn from one another in good and bad and it’s not like we don’t have people in ‘Europe’ who would still like to return to a feudal system, turn people into literal wage slaves or even have them work full days for nothing but unemployment benefits. I’ve read some of these manosphere/race aware sites where some americans seem to think (and also think it’s american to think so) that demolishing social security (but not corporate welfare) is the answer and the poor shiftless people are pulling everyone down; if we could only have sick and unemployed (against their will) people roaming the streets relying on crime for shelter and food with the affluent locked away in gated communities then it would all be better; so much better than this european faggotry where people actually get to retain some dignity and have basic needs met (sarcasm off).

      1. Depressedguy:
        Your commentary keeps getting funnier each time you post. Having lived in Europe, I don’t need a drunken uncle to tell me anything…it doesn’t take much thought to see that what I have said is real for anybody who has actually lived in Western Europe. “Not based on historical research” LOL…yeah, I’m really gonna publish a doctoral thesis just for you.
        Hyperbole to state FACTS? No.
        “Europeans don’t bathe” – sure they do, but certainly not as frequent as Americans and that’s a pretty well established fact. You’ve only got to look at polls that have been taken asking people how often they shower and many European countries confess to lower frequencies of showering/bathing even less, than Americans.
        I don’t read any “right wing opinion pieces?” (sic). And thanks for attempting to patronize me but I have two important degrees in not just any field…my education is actually worth something.
        “I don’t know the truth. Here’s what I’ve read”.
        If you can’t know the truth, again, your personal problem. I know what I see, I know the truth and truth is based on empirical evidence. Just as it is true that most crime in the US has its origin in the Black community, it is truthful to say that Europe is not a good place to be if you want to be free. By your comment, you’re a relativist and that says a lot about you than it does me. Most leftist thinking (and no, I am not a “right winger” at all) is based on that premise that we cannot know the truth. It is the idea behind the decline of rationalism and the rise of “romanticism” and sentimentalism in the 19th Century and early 20th Century…leading to our present predicament. It’s nt “what I’ve read”…it’s what I’ve seen. What I’ve read is immaterial and irrelevant. Facts are facts: if you go through a list of liberties that are left in America, we have more freedoms than Europeans, particularly Western Euros.
        Honestly, you sound like a girl whining and whining. “Ohh you’re generalizing!!” OH MY! WHAT HORROR!
        Yeah, I KNOW that “Europe is diverse”—but not when it comes to FREEDOMS. Name me ONE Western Euro country with the 1st and 2nd Amendments, to name some examples.
        If your military is of no consequence to you, then what does that say about you? Your women are worthless the same way most Western women are today…and that’s why so many men on this site go to “greener pastures”…they will all agree with me on this matter…so if you’re not OK with it…you sound buthurt actually. Go get another latte in your local and come back when you’re not going to whine.
        Most Americans are not business owners? LOL. Did I say that? Did I say most Americans own businesses?? I can tell you though that most REAL Americans are MORE business owners than Europeans today. I also said, and repeat, that MOST entrepreneurs of any consequence in modern history have been overwhelmingly American.
        I haven’t said anything about education being free or not in Europe (though that’s actually changing…have you seen how much a Masters degree now costs in Spain? VERY expensive for the general population relative to their incomes. Yeah, that’s also a fact.
        In America you also don’t end up “sans medical care”….that’s why so many people are either on Medicaid or Medicare…so if you think people are dying at the hospital gates, it is you who do not practice what you preach about facts and grasping “data”. Sounds like you’ve been watching too many Michael Moore films or repeating whatever rumor you heard in your decadent corner cafe.
        Your last paragraph is just a feminine rant. I actually support social security and the OLD SCHOOL concept of the great society…way before you guys even knew what “social security” meant, we had it in America. First, through our mighty Protestant churches and when that failed, through federal control. So no, I’m not a FOX bot drone.
        I laughed at your “dignity” comment…you certainly wouldn’t be out of place in the “metoo” movement that’s for sure. You may be able to impress American women with a pretentious Euro accent…or even some American men (the faggotry level in Europe makes America look like the 50s when it comes to manhood), but too bad your “Euro cultured” knowledge doesn’t impress me or most people here. You talk a lot about your welfare state, all the while ignoring that your beloved totalitarian EU is actually dismantling it! Are you French? Where are you from, sir? Yeah, I’m one of those old fashioned Americans who still ask foreigners where they are from.

        1. “Most Americans are not business owners? LOL. Did I say that? Did I say most Americans own businesses?? I can tell you though that most REAL Americans are MORE business owners than Europeans today. I also said, and repeat, that MOST entrepreneurs of any consequence in modern history have been overwhelmingly American. ”
          Talking about real americans is a ‘no true scotsman fallacy’.
          “Yeah, I KNOW that “Europe is diverse”—but not when it comes to FREEDOMS. Name me ONE Western Euro country with the 1st and 2nd Amendments, to name some examples. ”
          That’s like asking me to name one european country with american gun laws. Just because they don’t call it this or that amendment does not mean that those same actual freedoms do not exist.
          As far as freedom of speech goes, it’s a complicated issue and the USA may be technically better in that regard depending on what criteria you use because they supposedly have not TECHNICALLY banned some forms of hate speech that are banned in the EU but if you look at countries by press freedom, Scandinavian countries and Netherlands were in the top 5 in 2017 (Norway was 1st) while United States came in 43rd.
          This is a good example of how evidence can be interpreted selectively to say what you like it to say; apparently american freedom of speech is technically doing well according to law but corrupt structural influences have a huge effect as well that prevents that free speech from being heard. Does not this challenge you to think whether huge generalizations can be drawn the way you seem to do?
          “Your last paragraph is just a feminine rant. I actually support social security and the OLD SCHOOL concept of the great society…way before you guys even knew what “social security” meant, we had it in America. First, through our mighty Protestant churches and when that failed, through federal control. So no, I’m not a FOX bot drone. ”
          Charity has always been around under different names. Over the centuries it’s been organized very differently in different european countries according to the influence of the dominant christian church (orthodox, catholic, calvinist, lutheran etc.) and this trend is still visible today; in some european countries, particularly lutheran countries, the concept of social welfare and christian charity has effectively fused into their form of government while in southern countries government intervention has been less and churches have taken on a more active role.
          “If your military is of no consequence to you, then what does that say about you?”
          Again you cannot generalize about european vs. american military just like we should not do with freedom of speech for example. Just consider NATO; it’s a military alliance between North America and select european countries. If you know some basic military history, you’ll know that Russia is very much opposed to NATO and NATO membership is a sensitive question in some non-member countries that have historically juggled back and forth the question of whether they should join it or not for various reasons; would the men of these small countries be forced to fight in shifty wars to please larger veto states or should they take the risk and join it in case Russia and its allies decide to expand their territory? People with credentials continue to debate this. So military is of consequence to people but simply expanding military presence and influence mindlessly is not necessarily the best solution owing to complex historical reasons. Even americans would be inclined to agree. Being born and having your ties into a smaller country does not make you inferior to someone who scratches their ass in a much larger country; the accomplishments of greater countries do not become the accomplishments of one individual who just happens to inhabit those borders and the smaller status of smaller countries is not a reflection of the inferiority of a man who happens to be born there.

        2. @Depressed guy:
          “Talking about real americans is a ‘no true scotsman fallacy’.”
          No, it’s not. I have not contradicted your claim that “most” Americans aren’t business owners. What I have said, and it bears repeating…is that in America, nearly all business owners are American (with the exception of major cities, where some ethnic groups are known to start businesses that mainly cater to their community). But again, in history, in modern history, in our lifetime…most entrepreneurs of any consequence have been American (both the good and the bad)…we’ve gone from Ford to Jew Mark Zuckerberg…but nonetheless, anything that has affected human lives significantly, comes from America. In decandent Euroland, for the past century or so or half-century since the postwars, you’ve essentially just been leeching off American prosperity and innovation, all the while cursing the existence of the US. Hypocrites. You have been incapable of even creating anything remotely alternative to the US for Western power.
          You say “American gun laws”. Tsk, tsk. For someone who tries to pass off as being so “evidence” minded, to talk about “American gun laws” is a big no no and only shows how you are just another European who generalizes (grossly) without knowing what you’re talking about. There are no “American gun laws” — gun laws vary from state to state and even from TOWN TO TOWN within a state or county to county. If you think NYC gun laws are the same as West Virginia, well, me thinks you need to go back and study.
          And that’s not my question and you know it – I asked you, and I will ask you again, to name one single European country that has anything that is the equivalent (please don’t waste my time with “oh but names are different”)…call it what YOU WANT, tell me which country has the EQUIVALENT of the gun freedoms enjoyed constitutionally by Americans.
          On the free speech question, you’ve essentially admitted you DON’T have the same level of free speech we do…but then you go on a rant about press freedoms. That press freedom index doesn’t really measure WHAT a journalist can or cannot say, but rather the obtacles they may face in their access to information. From that angle, I have never said American “press freedom” was ideal. In fact, like I myself said before, America is LESS FREE today than 100 years ago…as we have gradually lost our Anglo-Protestant cultural identity. It is NO surprise that the Scandinavian countries rank high in press freedom…as they are also of a Protestant and, currently, pretty homogeneous still relative to increasingly corrupt and vulgar US government and overall culture, as a result of, again, mass immigration and loss of cultural purpose. That being said, Scandinavian countries are no paradise either: there are several types of banned speeches and Sweden, Stockholm…is one of the rape capitals of Europe where people are not even free to speak on the race question. We don’t do much better in America in that regard, but at least you won’t be jailed (yet) for speaking. You may be ostracized socially or corporately, but that’s a whole different matter.
          And no, your commentary doesn’t “challenge” me at all…because I have been very clear from the beginning and none of what I say is factually untrue. Just because you may not like “generalizations” (a very femenine characteristic by the way), doesn’t mean that it is bad. You see, I am not going to fall into your typically postmodern PC nonsense that “generalizing is wrong”. It isn’t: if it weren’t for generalizations, we would not survive. Imagine…can you imagine finding a snake on your bed at 4 o’clock in the morning and thinking….hmmm, I’ll just wait and see what happens….I can’t generalize about all snakes!!” You’d be a TOTAL FOOL IDIOT if you did that…but hey, if you feel it’s so bad to generalize, by all means…I won’t stop you from trying to hesitate in every corner to your own peril. I am determined, effectively, to draw conclusions based on empirical things many people who have lived in Western Europe can readily see. In fact, even many people who come from Europe on this thread have agreed with me. You are the only one having little issues and whining about generalizing.
          Yes, I agree with you about charity vs Southern and Northern Europe. It’s worse though in Southern Euroland because, due to the influence of their Roman Catholic Church…and decades of poverty and dictatorship (which come naturally to Catholic oriented Latin countries) they still expect “la familia” to take care of things and to a large extent they do. This is why, despite massive massive, astoundingly high youth unemployment in countries like Spain or Italy and Greece, there have been no significant revolutionary movements on either the left or the right. Nothing that has been transforming…so they were historically for the past 200 years and still are, an overwhelmingly passive culture, a nation of slaves basically.
          NATO: Yeah, so? I know Russia is opposed to NATO. Why do you make claims about areas on which I have made no comment whatsoever? You do not know what I know…you only know what I have written. I have also never mentioned ONCE whether or not expanding the military is a good thing! In fact, I am inclined to believe the opposite TODAY. If we were, in say late 19th Century America or early 20th Century when we were actually building things and conquering territory, I’d be applauding more military…but today? Well, no, of course I’m not going to applaud a military that is used to fight AGAINST the interests of my country and who uses the blood of our own people (although increasingly nonwhites are being used…just like Rome used mercenaries in its last days). What I said to you was that your military, in comparison whn it comes to CAPABILITY, is a joke! If, say, France were attacked tomorrow…you couldn’t defend yourselves alone! Yes, indeed, you’d have to run like little girls to NATO! NATO! NATO! NATO! The bully hit me!!! You are incapable, Europeans of today, are not capable of self-defense. Even in Iraq, when Euro coalition forces joined the Americans, Iraq people made fun of the Euro armies. Even third world countries laugh when they talk about “Euro military”.
          By the way, you have not answered my question: Where are you from, sir? Tell me what country you are from.

      2. DEPRESSED
        Taxes are lower in the United States and those industrious people who are wealthy can have an easier go of it in the United States but a poor European can easily get of poverty while people who are poor in the United States will never get out of poverty.
        Poverty in France or Germany IS NOTHING compared to poverty in the average trailer park or Rustbelt. There is just much more extremism between the classes in the United States-I’m from Detroit.
        Regular Americans work for a much lower wage than Europeans which is why the last time anybody immigrated to Milwaukee from Germany was at least 100 years ago. Show me the Scottish who want to immigrate to West Central Virginia. Or Welsh to South Carolina.
        Only Bulgarians want to immigrate to America.
        All white people more or less bathe with the same frequency.

        1. Poverty in France is nothing compared to the US? I recommend you visit the “banlieues” of Paris or Madrid’s shanty towns, or London’s ghettos. And Southern European wages are actually, as in the case of Spain, below some African countries.

    2. Homesteading exists in rural Eastern Europe, I’ve seen it in a couchsurfing TV series!

  27. jmolonoy: I agree with what you have said in your post. But don’t be so shocked. All of that was already predicted in the 19th and early 20th Century by real White men who saw that the future looked dark indeed and certainly disorderly.
    The result of unlimited immigration in the 19th Century showed plainly in the rapid decline in the birth rate of native Americans (eg: Whites who came during the Colonial era) because the poorer classes of Colonial stock, where they still existed, would not bring children into the world to compete in the labor market with the Slovak, the Italian, the Syrian and the Jew. The native American was too proud to mix
    socially with them and gradually withdrew from the scene, abandoning to these aliens the land which he conquered and developed.
    America’s ever increasing vulgarity and baseness can be traced to that period of unlimited migration to our shores. It did not give the White American man a chance to actually develop a national ideal and prototype. From then on, first with the equality acts and then to the 60s destruction of all that was good in old society, from the sex and drugs and rock and roll…to our present state of decay where you see what’s left of Whites in a massive opioid/drug problem, never before seen bastardization of children, single mothers running rampant, welfare rolls increasing and just a general malaise and immorality as we have never witnessed in human history…because never before was immorality so celebrated, so imposed, so seen as the “way to go” as today.
    The only White men you see trying or at least attempting to buck this trend is the White man of certain stock and in certain geographical areas of the US. It isn’t easy today though since we are literally living in an occupied territory aided by media & corporate power. But I do agree also that the White man himself is the origin of his own destruction. No other race is as divided or opinionated as we are…and our individuality worked for us historically despite so many clan wars between Saxons and Angles, Jutes, Frisians, Normans…etc but today, in a world where the majority is indeed non-white, our restlessness, dissension of spirit and just plain old disagreement between us has doomed us to death. That was already predicted long ago…we are just living on the coattails of whatever is left of the past. May as well enjoy what’s little left of it.

    1. DORIAN
      Why are Jews or Italians or Irish in NYC hooked on meth, oxy or whatever stupid drug epidemic comes along?
      Why aren’t Jewish or Italian women lined up at welfare with a Mulatto kid? It is always Anglo girls from Southern Indiana.
      Why are poor whites having children at 20 out -of-wedlock even though Jewish girls are more like likely to DO PORN. It is the Anglo girls from the Flyover that mud shark because they cannot distinguish reality (Black father will beat and abandon her) from some fairy tale.
      Why are Anglos more likely to be arrested for stupid crimes. Most of the whites in jail apart from “Wiseguys” in Supermax will be Anglos.

      1. Madman: There’s a LOT of drug use in NYC, among many different ethnics. It’s just that the opioid crisis has hit harder in rural areas with fewer resources. In fact, I’d tell you that among the NYC “upper class” (of any ethnic group), there is more drug use than in the low income areas, which primarily serve to distribute rather than consume these days.
        Italian and Jewish ethnic groups are, being primarily non-white, more cliquey and ethnic based…so that’s the answer to your mulatto child question. And like I said earlier, Whites do very well given a good environment, but when that degrades, they can sink to very, very low levels. This happens when you take the White out of his natural habitat or surround him by a hostile system…they can sink very low indeed….that and if you add to the fact that today the process of natural selection is far less aggressive due to technology among other things, you get more undesirables across the board.
        Whites in jail: Because, as I said, when you take the White man out of his environment…this is bound to happen. The White man is not as efficient a paper pusher and factory/crowded tenement dweller as is the Southern European, the Arab, the Jew, the Chinaman, the Jap.
        Our prison population has increased exponentially in the last 30 years or so, for a combination of reasons…a lot of White men are in jail, yes, mostly because they are also more likely to rebel against this system.
        Historically, heavy, healthy work in the fields of northern Europe enables the White man to thrive, but our transformation to a manufacturing economy first, then our new “techno” or digital age, quickly weed him out, while the little brunet Jew and Italian can push papers and conform to the system far better than the White, who needs more exercise and cannot live under heavily urbanized conditions. This is precisely why you see so few Italians and Jews in rural areas and so few White men in urban areas (unless they are of the new breed, soy boy variety, hopeless).

  28. Wait, you mean you have to watch out for yourself and people are desperate, prejudiced, and willing to do things just to survive? You don’t say.
    1. Let me guess, you wandered into their country, make no effort to understand the local language or customs, much less practice them, and you dress in a manner that is alien to them? Oh, and their food was bad, too, right? I have worked all over the world, and made friends all over the world. It’s fairly simple, be humble, understand and attempt to use the local language, know and practice the local customs (except if the directly contradict a demonstrable religious belief i.e. don’t start the muslim prayer when you are not a muslim.), eat the local food, drink the local beer. It makes a huge difference.
    2. Whether you call it “third world” or “developing world”, yes you can expect the QoL to be somewhat lower in some respects that it is in more developed countries. That is a price you choose to pay.
    3. If you aren’t staying, why complain about the shoebox. If you are staying, make arrangements to buy or build something you feel is more suitable.
    4. You were banging low quality girls in the west, so why do you care? The girls that are quality in most Asian countries are not out looking for your white ass. They went to college/university, they have careers, they usually have close bonds with their families. You will have to work if you want a shot at these girls. First, they aren’t necessarily looking for their white savior, they are looking for a long term mate, and you will have to show that you are not a typical “farang” just there for drinking and whoring. You will have to make a good impression on their family, and a quick fuck is out of the question. Instead, you are after a girl that had to start working after fourth grade, somehow survived, and you call her dumb and retarded.
    5. PUAs should know they are treading ground that has often been trodden before. It’s none of my business, it’s none of your business. What is your complaint here, anyway, that you (I’ll assume not a virgin) can’t find a girl in a bar in Asia that is not a virgin? I am underwhelmed.
    6. I don’t know what your problem is, most countries I have had extended work in, all I had to do was pay a small fee for a work visa, usually less than what I expected to make on one day of my work.
    7. If you are constantly dealing with the lowest common denominator of the population, they will always seem stupid. On the other hand, their country functions, even if we can’t figure out how at times, so there must be people there who know how to run it.
    8. Yes, her family might make demands of you. You don’t have a voice? You can’t say “No”?
    9. All I have is his word on that one. He may well have done something reprehensible and have gotten away with it. If it’s true, the old adage, “don’t stick your dick in crazy” always applies.
    10. A. Situational Awareness. Watch where you are, watch where people are around you and what they are doing. B. If you find yourself around people doing shit you know isn’t right, cut contanct and get the fuck away, quickly.
    I could literally right almost the same article about any country or region on the face of the Earth.

    1. >The girls that are quality in most Asian countries are not out looking for your white ass. They went to college/university, they have careers, they usually have close bonds with their families.
      Ain’t no such thing in Thailand as a quality girl.
      If she isn’t ugly she at best has some bullshit “career” while she mooches off daddy and is looking to be taken care off by prince charming who replaces boomer cuck daddy that buys her a new $1000 macbook or even a brand new car when she snaps her finger.
      Asshole game to set these girls straight in terms of princess demands doesn’t work so well as a foreigner.
      Girls from lesser families that aren’t ugly will have to provide sexual favors to get jobs and even then she’ll look for a life that resembles the previous girl as well.
      Thai culture is total cancer and a girl with redeemable qualities isn’t looking to racemix.
      White guys get hookers, hired help and single moms.

      1. At 60+ I’m entirely happy to have a 30yo hooker/hired help/single mom in my bed every night. In fact I’d probably be happy with far less, what are your mating prospects like?

        1. JOHN
          Mine would not be as scarce as yours but I am glad I spent my life in Asia simply to be away from blacks, Mestizos, trailer trash etc.
          I do not have to sit around and complain that Jews destroyed my life, do I?
          SJW has not effect on me. I do not have to give a shit if some purveyors of overpriced coffee named after a character in a bad 70’s rip-off of Star Wars mistreated customers.
          The entire wonderful thing about Asia is that it means that I do not have to have spent my life thinking about this garbage that is on the mind of so many white men in the US.
          I’ve paid no taxes for 20 years. None of the money in my working prime was misspent.

      2. >Ain’t no such thing in Thailand as a quality girl.
        Don’t hang out in the seedy areas where the white farang are at. Don’t expect that the quality woman isn’t going to have some bias against you because of the actions of a lot of the white men in her country. It will be uphill, it won’t be fair, but that’s life.
        >If she isn’t ugly she at best has some bullshit “career” while she mooches off daddy and is looking to be taken care off by prince charming who replaces boomer cuck daddy that buys her a new $1000 macbook or even a brand new car when she snaps her finger.
        It’s funny, outside of Pattaya, I’ve never had that problem. Rule number one, if large groups of older white men are hanging out there, don’t hang out there. You complain of finding people that will take advantage of you when you are trying to take advantage of them. Why are you surprised?
        >Asshole game to set these girls straight in terms of princess demands doesn’t work so well as a foreigner.
        The subset you deal with, yeah, I guess. It’s because they are from the bottom of their society and to them survival is a fight.
        >Girls from lesser families that aren’t ugly will have to provide sexual favors to get jobs and even then she’ll look for a life that resembles the previous girl as well.
        That sounds like a good way for a business to be hounded out of town in that part of the world. The culture is for the women to be virgins when they marry. The men may try to act like dogs but there is only so much they can get away with.
        >Thai culture is total cancer and a girl with redeemable qualities isn’t looking to racemix.
        With you? I expect you are telling the truth.
        >White guys get hookers, hired help and single moms.
        Again, I expect you speak the truth about yourself. Your truth isn’t mine.

  29. This is the funest article I have read in a while: You can not walk anywhere because there is no sidewalk… do you complaint that the nearby mountain don’t have elevators as well. “Nightlife PUAs delude themselves that they’re not banging whores” this apply to the entire western civilization as well.

    American expats who were street-wise made snide bets about how long Dan would last in Cebu. Dan was sent by a US company to manage their airplane factory in Lapu Lapu. Dan fell in love with the secretary at his company. His company closed the branch but he remained there living on $200 a month. He opened a Sari Sari store for his secretary, her family turfed him out after he was bilging from it. Then, finally, they kicked him out. He lived with a sympathetic American but then finally he had not money to return to the United States. Finally a rich Filipino sent him back to the United States.
    When I talked to Dan I could kind of understand his story. He was working middle-class white who’d been beaten up by blacks and was even stabbed in the neck by a black in a laundromat because he was working middle class and could not get away from blacks.
    “The only difference between here and the US is that I can get a Food Card in the US but I’ll still be living under a bridge,” Dan explained to me.
    Eventually he left the Philippines and I never saw him again…The Americans who took bets on how long he would last cashed out their bets.

    1. “He was working middle-class white who’d been beaten up by blacks and was even stabbed in the neck by a black in a laundromat because he was working middle class and could not get away from blacks.”
      What the hell is “working middle class?” No such animal. Laundromats are about as low class as it gets when it comes to neighborhoods.

  31. You are talking about two countries known for being very “third world”
    The rest of South East Asia is a wonderful place, full of wonderful women. My experience in asia is 180 from this article. Vietnamese chicks in particular are everything you could ask for.

  32. I am writing this comment from deep inside Thailand. I’ve been here since 2003 (although not “in-country” for all of that time. I first visited Bangkok in March of 1980. I also visited Pattaya during that same year, when it consisted of just two dusty roads and that f*cking stupid “Walking Street”. Back then, the journey from Bangkok by road (private vehicle) risked robbery at gun-point.
    FYI … I have also visited the Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, India, and China. Have had several “high quality” Filipina girlfriends, but only in Dubai and Saudi Arabia. I could never find one while actually visiting Manila or Cebu.
    I lived in Bangkok for 9 years before the Financial Collapse of 2008 rapidly turned the exchange rates ugly, making life in the City of Angels suddenly 30% more expensive. So I got out as fast as I could. That effort still took me 2 years to complete. A total nightmare! Although at least I did manage to avoid the floods of 2011.
    Despite some unnecessarily hostile comments, I would say Mr. Larry Simmons has written an excellent and very accurate article. It’s only an article, not a book! He’s focused on specific issues … all true! Therefore I’d advise you all to pay heed to what he has written.
    Holed up in a Penthouse Apartment in Central Bangkok for 9 years is not the recipe for finding out what Thais really think of us Farangs. So it wasn’t until I shifted out of Bangkok and into one of their richer provinces that I was finally exposed to reality. That and the fact that I had hit economically ‘testing’ times, causing me to live more closely to my ungracious and oftentimes quietly hostile hosts.
    The average Thai has few qualities to shout about. They are not cultured like the Chinese, or Japanese, or even the Malays. Their much-touted food is vastly overrated, and to make matters worse, is usually prepared under unhygienic conditions. Outside of 5-Star hotels, their culinary skills pale when compared to Vietnamese, authentic Chinese, Korean, and especially Japanese food. Meanwhile, all Thai beers qualify as piss-water crap. And their locally distilled Spirits are positively dangerous to one’s health because you have to drink three times the amount to get any kick.
    Back in the 1980s I remember seeing many drop-dead gorgeous Thai women. Many of those had Persian origins. There were also some Chinese in that drop-dead looker mix. But Thailand has been over-exploited … as others writing for Roosh’s ROK have pointed out time and again. They were all spirited away to California, or Amsterdam, or Berlin! Thailand is now barren. Furthermore, about 30-million guys from all around the world are logging into on-line dating sights each and every day thinking they are writing to their very own Thai girlfriend. Think about that one!
    Most of Thailand’s better looking (and educated) girls desperately pursue jobs in Singapore. Those who look truly classy clamor for work in Japan. They can’t stand Bangkok, which has (since 2004) become a shoddy version of New Yawk City mixed with Dubai. It’s too hot, too crowded, and massively over-priced.
    Thailand is a Tarot-card deck of elaborate scams and any White Male aged under 50 who hasn’t already acquired vast overseas experience from traveling to many other places (not just Thailand or the Philippines) should either stay away, or take private acclimatization lessons from people like Larry Simmons, or from me.
    The death rate for White Foreigners visiting or living in Thailand is unusually high. We don’t know the exact figures. Such information will never be shared because it would totally blow the lid on Thailand. While in Bangkok I knew of two twenty-something British lads who were poisoned (killed) by their Thai dates soon after meeting in a bar just off Sukhumvit Road between Nana and Asoke. It was reported on the local TV news. I doubt the perpetrators were ever found … or if found … if they were ever adequately punished. Hundreds of White husbands have been killed by their Thai wives for the pettiest of reasons. If they don’t use poison, then they just need to pay a couple of hundred dollars (in Thai Baht) to hire a Thai gunman, as most have already served in the Army and have access to a pistol.
    Nonetheless, I do not feel threatened in any way. I feel safe enough in my home. But none of my neighbours are welcoming or especially friendly … even though I keep the house I rent looking immaculate … and even though I can speak some Thai clearly.
    As far as moving around is concerned, I know that if I am ever involved in a road accident, I will be blamed no matter the cause. The hospitals here will charge massive amounts for the most mediocre of treatments. This activity has since grown into a huge and profitable industry for the Thais … giving medical treatment to Westerners who fail to practice proper diets or exercise. I could go on and on.
    Thailand is 80 percent myth. Whatever it was worth visiting for (during the 1970s and 1980s) died during the 1990s. You’d have far better (i.e., more memorable) sex fucking a Muslim woman from Central Asia. And I’ve done that too (in Dubai) so you can count on that being true also!
    Cheers! Or if you prefer … Sawat-dee khrap.

    1. “As far as moving around is concerned, I know that if I am ever involved in a road accident, I will be blamed no matter the cause.”
      This much is very true, in Thailand and much of the poorer parts of SEA. Don’t even stop to help out if you witness an accident in which you were not involved. They’ll only get confused or be more likely to turn it around and find some way to blame you when the cops show up. Even more so in tourist areas. And at the beach don’t fall for the “you damaged the rented jet ski” scam – the cops are in on that too and you won’t get out without a bribe of a couple of hundred bucks. Avoid renting them, period and watch for similar setups.
      I disagree about the food; I think both Thailand and Vietnam have interesting dishes, though the Phils food is kinda blah, yeah. But the idea that all the attractive women left is just cynical naval gazing. Sure, they have more options nowadays but that doesn’t mean there’s none left and never will be any – there’s a new one born every day!
      It also isn’t as easy for a foreigner to stay in Thailand long term nowadays for a variety of political and economic reasons, but it’s still doable and parts are much better than others – get the hell out of overrated dumps like Pattaya and rotten neighborhoods in Bangkok, for chrissakes. The author mentions Roosh forum member who died – he was actually doing pretty well. Maybe if he wasn’t running a version of Silk Road and basically being a high profile drug dealer he’d still be at it – that’s his own stupid fault. But he killed himself in prison after his arrest – come on already, how did Thailand cause that?!
      Vietnamese woman are better looking, sure, but if you think being a farang in Thailand is tough, realize that staying in Vietnam long term is even harder, as is the local language. Overall what’s missing now and everyplace is general curiosity. Thanks to cheap travel and the internet everybody already knows (or thinks they know) everything about the west, white guys, foreign countries, etc. It definitely isn’t the same as it was 20+ years ago but it still isn’t terrible.

      1. Joe … the quality Thai food you are referring to has become something of a rarity since the early 2000s.
        Thailand is now festooned with 7-Eleven stores and Family Marts. Selling junk food to locals such as bags of potato crisps by the million.
        You can flit from Thai Restaurant to Thai Restaurant (especially outside the main drags of Bangkok) and end up eating tepid crap that bears little resemblance to the Thai Menus seen in Thai Restaurants in the West. The error is to assume all Thais follow something similarly fragrant and well-prepared in their daily diet.
        In reality, a high proportion of Thais actually eat crap each and every day. The most sophisticated being 8 strips of cooked chicken laid over a dollop of steamed rice, washed down with a small bowl of watery soup.
        The seafood being eaten outside of top-notch restaurants in Bangkok is undersized, and too often tainted with fecal matter and/or heavy metal poisoning. Whereas back in the 1980s you’d be served (perfect) king sized prawns by default each time you ordered any shell-fish dishes. And they never gave you any stomach problems.
        In many ways Thai and Vietnamese recipes are similar. But it’s been my experience to enjoy more flair and sheer delight with Vietnamese food. Top rate Thai cooking can now only be appreciated when you’ve got money to burn.

  33. Fuck bro… you have the most negative mind to think about SEA in such negative detail!!!
    These good and bad about every country where I love SEA cause it’s traditional, the people are way more friendly, happy and respectful. If I message a girl, she will always get back to me within 24 hours. These no bullshit mind games like in the West, the women show respect to men. The weather is excellent and your basically a millionaire due to the exchange rate.
    I think you are spending 2 much time in the big cities. I find every big city no matter what country you are in are westernised. Roosh said to stay away from cities with more than 1,000,000 people for a reason.

    1. Paul:
      It is not tradition; it is self-interest. The women in SEA see a white guy, they see a better life, they see child support cash, they see help for her family, they see money.
      Girls in Ukraine are also quick to respond and are open to guys coming up to them to chat, even if they are defensive at first (but as Bang Ukraine explained, it is a self-preservation strategy). That is cultural, but you will have to use Game and strategies to get a woman in Ukraine.
      In SEA, the girls are fast and loose. Divorce rates are high. The women sell themselves cheap, many times free, just for a CHANCE to get out. There is a reason these girls are called “yellow cabs”, cause anyone with a few bucks can go for a ride!!! 😀
      The girls are easier then anywhere else in world. That is because they are low value, dude.
      Some of these girls are professional yellow cabs for foreign guys because they will do ANYTHING to get the hell out of that hell they live in. If you have been to Manila, Bangkok, or Quezon City, you know what I am talking about. Their countries are hell and their lives are terrible as is.
      As soon as Western FemiNazism hits SEA (and it will, matter of time), it will be same shit as Western countries, but with uglier women, and their REAL VALUES will show. They have low morals…. LIFE has low price. Life is cheap. These countries are crowded.
      No doubt, women in cities are crazy. Stick to smaller cities… yes, 2nd tier cities are best. But overall, certain countries are so messed up, the women will do anything to get out. They are low value in their own country and they are low value in USA too. I got a friend who has a Filipina, she is so ugly, he avoid many of his old friends, because he is embarrassed of her. 😮 His kid is 100% Asian, not even 1% white. Do you want kids that look nothing like you? I don’t!! *shrug*
      BTW, in many SEA countries, the girls purposely deceive gullible white men to get knocked up on purpose, because 1) they can get cash from the men via child support, conveniently enforced by USA State agencies; 2) They want some white blood to help de-uglyfy them (just look at last Ms Philippines, she is 1/2 white; they sell “skin whitening creams there, etc); 3) they can try to get you to marry them since you got them knocked up.
      Unless you are a low value guy (or unless you truly LOVE Asian girls) or you are desperate, you are getting from bottom of the barrel many times in SEA. It will RUIN your life to bring them into the USA (via marriage, only way to import a foreign woman most of the time).
      Think about it…. keep her there and have fun. Do NOT import one, Paul, I am telling you, the divorce will ruin your life.

  34. “A lot of women already have kids from another guy and might not necessarily be open about it as shrewdness is required to survive in the overpopulated third world and you’d never know as her parents are raising it.”
    Western guys dating filippino women in Western Countries learn this the hard, they only find out when they do the stupid thing and ask them to move in with them.

  35. Great article, clearly, these are objective observations.
    Comments on this article’s 10 main points:
    1) Very true. I was picked on by Brazilian guys all the time when I was in middle school and sophomore year HS, because I was a gringo and a lot of Brazilian girls wanted to hook-up (or at least make out).
    ANY country you go to and try to score with the local girls, local dudes will be pissed off. That is standard procedure everywhere! This will be x10 if you are different (i.e. white guy in Africa, black guy in China, etc etc.
    2) Totally true. In most of Brazil (Rio, Sao Paulo, Nordeste, etc), the crime is unbearable and it is dangerous as hell. Thanks to national gun registration (a/k/a/ Universal Background Checks!!), they confiscated ALL guns from the GOOD guys. The criminal cartels and street thugs are armed to the teeth. Crime in Brazil (and many 3rd world countries) is very high, cops do NOTHING if you are a victim, and your life is in danger over a $10 NY Yankees ballcap, even if you do not resist.
    The infrastructure of some of these countries is abysmal. Roads are horrific, sidewalks are filled with human feces, Camelo (street vendors), and trash. Water makes you sick, so showering and brushing your teeth is a dance with a major stomach/intestinal parasite (and its symptoms) at anytime. One of my friends had recently traveled to Brazil for Olympics and then to Manila and he said Manila makes Brazil look like a pleasure cruise in terms of infrastructure. Most of 3rd world SEA is ages behind 3rd world countries like Brazil or Argentina… but these SEA 3rd world is light-years ahead of Africa.
    3) Buildings in Brazil fall all the time due to using low-quality materials, beach sand, etc. And yet, they cost a fortune to buy or rent. Hotels are super expensive too.
    Most of 3rd world is insane: low wages, shitty lifestyles, and high costs. That is why we see Favelas everywhere. No one can afford anything. BTW, Philippines has infinitely more favelas then Rio. Not even a competition, I have photos to prove it.
    4) Agree 100%! We have a saying here that the Filipinas are the “Peruvians or Asia”. If you say to a woman in south or central America that you think she is from Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Honduras, etc – that is taken as an insult that she is fugly and a horror-show to look at.
    Take a look at the current “migrant caravan” going through Mexico into USA. Do you see even 1 “cute” (HB-4 or below) girl or remotely attractive dude (3 or 4)? Nope. Ugly ass people.
    Obesity is on rise everywhere in the world, due to availability of unhealthy foods, mass produced at low price.
    5) The standards of morality and the appreciation for life in SEA are very low. Life means nothing, life is cheap, there are too many people anyway. No one cares about anyone else.
    (We are watching this trend begin in USA in large scale, because of stigmatization and open attacks on Christianity, the foundation of Western society. Imagine having no Christian foundation and tradition at all in most of these SEA countries (save Philippines), and you can imagine how low morals can be).
    So women whore themselves openly for a sandwich. This is poverty driven, but also their cultures have no sense of morality or decency. There is a reason we have the joke “Five Dollah, five Dollah, I make you hollah” joke. 😀
    6) You have to have a Kyle Trouble or Roosh type of “location independent lifestyle” (online business or some sort of revenue independent of the 3rd world) to be able to live in 3rd world. Going there to work is a bad idea.
    Visa situation varies, but in Brazil, it is hard to get papers to live there and very hard to get citizenship. You would have thought it would be easier in SEA, but nah…. 🙄
    7) The REASON 3rd world countries are the way they are is because the PEOPLE there are shit. Syria has oil and strategic location of trade. The country is a raging shithole, full of radical jihadists, intolerant and poorly educated barbarians that MUST be controlled by a dictator strongman like Assad.
    Brazil, same deal. The people’s mentality is shit. The country is shit. No one trusts each other, people steal from each other (even when they do not need to steal), and they all think alike (all UN-style education). Everyone belives anything the UN or elites put out, no one questions anything. They are bottom-feeders.
    These countries that suck in SEA is because people are dumb, poorly educated, and narrow-minded. It is same in Central and South America.
    8) OMG…. this is 150% true. I have a stupid friend that married a Filipina. 🙄 So far, her family has bilked this clown for:
    *A “van to allow her father to work as a driver and make his own money” (at $32k US Dollars, which is WAY more then the cost of the new van);
    *$3k for “repairs to the family house” (which is a favela shack in rural Philippines, I have seen pics);
    *$800 USD for “new shoes and clothes for her younger sister to find a job”;
    *$9k USD for her mom’s medical bills (a lie, of course).
    To make matters worse, the guy and the Filipina signed a pre-nuptial agreement and he put a clause there when they have a child together, the Prenup “loosens up more”. Guess what? Bitch got pregnant “by accident” 🙄 by him less then 1 MONTH after they married and started screwing. LOL 😀
    Now she has him by the balls. Refuse and she files for Divorce, fights to end/dismiss the prenup, easily sue him for child support (and this clown has money!), claim he abuses her and take HIS house (paid for), and he gets fucked for 50% his shit if he is lucky.
    The kicker: The girl is ugly as hell. I would rate her a 1 or a 0 for USA standards. Just Fugly girl, dude… not even body is worth anything and face is busted. This girl is so ugly, giving her a 1 is too high. And yet, she got this Omega clown to fund her lifestyle and her family’s. LOL 🙂 Betas and below….!!! 🙄
    The other kicker: The kid looks 100% Filipino, not even 1% white. I would bet she fucked a local Filipino dude she liked before marrying him, got preggo, and the dummy took the fall. LOL 😀
    BTW… totally true. The women’s interest are her FAMILY’S interests. She does not give 2 fucks about the guy. Her loyalty is to her country, and race, not some dumb guy she married. LOL
    9) Not sure on SEA’s problem with Feminism, but in Brazil, FemiNazism makes Sweden or USA look like a Patriarchy. I kid you not. If SEA is moving that way, be ready with cash to bribe cops, because jail there will be hell.
    10) That is because infrastructure in these countries are hell. They have crazy bad and high # of traffic accidents in every 3rd world shithole, because their roads are poorly done, people drive like idiots, there is no personal accountability for bad driving, and cops only enforce laws when they can extort money from citizens.
    Living in 3rd world is hard. It takes a special person, with a lot of patience and the NEED to get women from such countries to live there (or desire to save money). Take it from me 6 years living abroad and I could not wait to get back to USA.
    yeah we have problems in USA, but compared to most of the rest of the world, our country is awesome. Yeah most of our women suck here, there are issues with govt, courts, and social issues, BUT when you take it into account of what the ALTERNATIVES are, the USA is a great place. That is why we have 20 million illegal aliens living here, sticking around no matter what. That is why we have 52 million Legal immigrants in a country of 320 million. This is a great place to live, period.
    My .2 cents.

  36. REALLY lame article! If you’ve got a decade on the ground in SE Asia, and you are falling for all this bullshit.. it is YOU that is a moron. Every single item on this list can be easily mitigated by a smart guy, or a guy who has taken a little time to know the reality on the ground. I GUARANTEE… there is NO way this guy has spent a full decade “in-country”. Maybe.. over a ten year period, he has visited, banged a couple bar girls, and now thinks he “knows” SE Asia. You don’t know dick man!!! You’re a 30 something dude.. You don’t have enough experience (or frame) to be in a position to know SE Asia and be really good at it. PERIOD. In my seven years living in SE Asia.. I have seen SO many guys like this. TONS of them. They all have the same beefs.. because they ALL fall for the same stupid crap.
    Now.. the truth is.. SE Asia is NOT what it used to be. Western degeneracy is making its way into the culture in a big way. But… you can still find a decent woman.. but you WILL have to do some major searching and vetting. And you BETTER bring your damn ball sack!! This place is not for weak men or men who don’t have experience. These girls will take FULL advantage of your weak nature. They will mow you right over and you won’t know what the hell hit you.
    Conclusion… I’ve seen “this guy” many many many times in my years abroad. This is just another example. My advice… DO NOT listen to (most) 30 somethings when it comes to traversing many of these countries. Some.. some.. do have their shit together. I know a couple of younger dudes who do. But most.. they get their asses handed to them. Mainly for NOT having enough experience (in general) with women, and not being and acting like a damn man.

  37. So much truth in this article. I got married in Vietnam in 2009, thought I was set up for life with my waifu and my kid. Wanna guess how that ended?

  38. “Girls are largely ugly, whorish, and have the mental capacity of children”
    Ok, who let the stealth SJW into the ROK writers lounge? Seriously, this is about as fucked up as it gets. Did you even go to SEA?

  39. These places used to be paradises, back when you had find out about them from books and friends.
    But that all changed when the internet made it easy for the typical dipshit that frequents venues like this to go them. Suddenly hordes of western assholes who never would have had the balls or resourcefulness to find their way to SEA without some internet whoremmonger holding their hands, began to show up by the tens of thousands.
    I watched it all happen. It took about 5 years to start fucking the place up. By 2008 they were totally fucked up. The people just got sick of western assholes like the guys here.
    I’ve been going to Thailand since the early 1900s. But after 2005 I quit.
    It’s yours now fuckheads. Enjoy the shitholes you created.

    1. ff … I’ll give you 9 out of 10 for sheer insight and harsh truth with that robust comment.
      Me thinks you’ve hit the nail on the head with that one! My only quibble is that I would probably prefer to shift the start of the rot you’ve pointed to, a few years sooner.
      I stopped visiting Thailand after a frustrating 1991 trip, where I threw up my hands at the incessant traffic jams and said no … not any more! But due to the positive effects of the Sky-Train, I rescinded in November 2002. And started living in Bangkok in early 2003 … teak-lined apartment in Sukhumvit Soi 6.
      Sure by the early Noughties, Bangkok was no longer what it was in the 1980s, but it was still pretty good up until about 2006. But it’s been downhill ever since for me. And Pattaya is still crap.
      And I say all that despite the fact my current girlfriend (who I met in Pattaya, but she actually lives in BKK) is 40 years younger than I, and can suck my member (when she’s in the mood) like a porn star. Good cook too! 🙂

  40. Wow, you sure are an asshole. Couldn’t that be the reason the locals don’t like you?

  41. A very partial article indeed. There are a lot of reasons to be in SEA, including Thailand and the Philippines, than wanting to be revered as the White King, access easy hot punani and eat good and cheap food.
    Thai people are particularly proud of their stock and culture and will indeed look down to any foreigner who does not conform their expectations. Filipino society, if anything because of its complex colonial past, is much more inclusive towards foreigners, especially Westerners.
    Of course scammers and low-life individuals can always be found, especially in societies where poverty is rampant and the temptation to hop on and have a free ride is high.
    While I have never been to Thailand, I can say that there are a lot of good people in the Philippines, from simple friends and girls to high-net-worth individuals and businessmen ready to help.
    The main point is: can the average guy who wants to live in SEA be bothered to delve a bit deeper and get acquainted, let alone embrace, these aspects of society? A bum is a bum, no good girl will want to associate with them no matter how happy-go-lucky and handsome they are. A well-groomed man who is in SEA for a purpose and socialises with people who can help him fulfil that purpose, now that’s a different story.
    Case in point, I have been living in the Philippines for almost 3 years, running my own business. Yes I have met (and dodged) countless people with less-than-charitable intentions but also found many more good friends and girlfriends than I did while living in London for 12 years – that’s 4 times as long!
    I also found a great girl who is everything I could have possibly dreamed: she is young, very pretty, well educated, with an international job in BGC. And, what’s most important, she loves me for who I am, not what I have.
    So, once again, it’s OK to scratch the surface when it comes to a casual discussion about SEA living. Yet, if one wants to spend more than just a few weeks in Manila or Bangkok or Ho Chi Minh City, they just can’t afford to reason by broad stereotypes.
    Good luck to all.

  42. This douche bag does not know about the Philippines. Yes, you see shanty towns in Manila. You did you see many homeless people congregate in San Diego, CA ,Venice Beach, CA San Francisco, Stockton, CA Los Angeles, Miami, etc. White trash talks about other people but it does not see itself in the mirror. Sure, don’t visit southeast asia but do not preach to the choir. Don’t visit the USA too, because there are so many homeless people across the country.

  43. Even though it might sound extreme, this is true.
    I spent 2017 in Asia (Indonesia, Vietnam, India) and I agree with all these points.

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