I was 15 years old when an older blue pill cousin told me never to masturbate. He cited a verse from the Quran:
The believers are those who protect their sexual organs except from their spouses… Therefore, whosoever seeks more beyond that (in sexual gratification), then they are the transgressors.
Having already dropped organized religion at that point, being a ‘transgressor’ wasn’t really a cause of concern, and so, I continued with my daily wanks and dug deeper into the rabbit hole that is internet porn.
Fast forward to today and I’m the one preaching that you should quit masturbating, not because you’ll go to hell if you do but because you’ll live in hell if you don’t stop.
Porn wires your brain to become a “voyeur”
Porn trains your brain to become a “voyeur” who watches “others” have sex instead of seeking it. It programs the brain to be a spectator instead of an active participant in one’s sexual life. This “voyeurism” extends (subconsciously) to other areas of one’s life as he “watches” others succeed, achieve goals, and get the girls of his dreams.
– From a thread on reddit.com/r/NoFap
Mainstream consciousness is programmed with a mentality of hero worship. Just look at the amount of rabid sports fans out there hoping for their favorite player to take the glory while they watch from the sidelines.
It’s okay to watch sports, but don’t let it get to the point where you become more emotionally invested in the success of other men than you are in your own success. Life is not a spectator sport, yet the majority of men are succeeding, fucking, and achieving vicariously through the lives of others.
I know a guy who says he doesn’t have time to lift weights, but has somehow managed to watch every single episode of House of Cards and every other popular show on Netflix. I know another guy who says he doesn’t have to time to read books, but knows exactly how many goals Cristiano Ronaldo has scored this season.
I’m sure you know men like these. Men that exemplify the spectator mentality. Men that spend their time watching other men penetrate life (and women) while completely neglecting their own growth and development. Billions of men are plagued by the spectator epidemic and step one to overcoming it is to stop watching porn.
What Sigmund Freud, Nikola Tesla, Isaac Newton, and Steve Jobs had in common
Other than producing work that changed the world for centuries, all of these men had mastered the art of sexual transmutation. In the words of Napoleon Hill:
The desire for sexual expression is by far the strongest and most impelling of all the human emotions, and for this very reason this desire, when harnessed and transmuted into action, other than that of physical expression, may raise one to the status of a genius.
Add in Shakespeare, Hemingway, and Thoreau to that list and you’ve got the original NoFap pioneers. Victor Pride writes that semen is life-energy:
When you waste your semen you are literally wasting your life-force.
Now, you might be wondering: Is there any science to back this up? Turns out, there is. When 28 healthy male volunteers abstained for 7-days, their testosterone levels shot up to 145.7% above baseline on day 7.
In another study, 10 healthy men were assessed for their testosterone levels before and after a 3-week period of abstinence. Across the board, the men had significantly higher testosterone levels after their period of abstinence.
Testosterone fuels your drive to succeed and abstinence is a proven way to build it up for more energy, focus, and motivation.
Does ejaculation affect testosterone?
I recently published a massive article to answer this question through the lens of 20+ scientific studies (which you can check out here), but the short answer is no: masturbation-induced ejaculation does not impact testosterone levels in the short-term.
That being said, studies done on rats found that excessive ejaculation significantly reduced androgen receptor density in their brains. Not only that, but it also significantly increased estrogen receptor density.
In other words: wank off too much and you run the risk of feminizing your brain. The effects of excessive ejaculation have not been looked at in humans, but researchers study rats because their primitive brain structures are surprisingly similar to ours.
In the words of molecular biologist J. Medina:
Animal research acts as a guiding flashlight for human research, illuminating biological processes.
What about sex?
Physiologically, there is no difference between ejaculating from sex versus ejaculating from porn. Psychologically, however, there’s a huge difference – pheromones, feelings of dominance, touch, etc. are all factors involved in sex that aren’t involved in masturbation. These psychological differences go on to have a tremendous hormonal effect as well.
Forty-four men were assessed for their salivary testosterone levels during their time at a sex club. The men who had sex experienced a 72% increase in T. Even the men who merely watched others experienced an 11% increase.
In a study on heterosexual couples, both the men and women had higher testosterone on the nights they had sex versus the nights that they didn’t. And in a cross-sectional study of elderly men, those with higher levels of sexual activity also had significantly higher levels of testosterone.
Stop watching porn because it enforces the spectator mentality. Practice strategic abstinence to build up your testosterone and enhance your creativity, discipline, and focus.
Although masturbation does not affect testosterone levels in the short term, excessive masturbation can have feminizing effects on your brain, and having sex with another person, rather than with your hand, involves factors other than ejaculation that play a role in spiking testosterone.
Masturbation is definitely something that I continue to struggle with. I relapsed just two days ago after 15 days of NoFap. But today, I’ve leveraged $100 on Stickk to go to the National Organization of Gay Marriage if I don’t follow through on my NoFap commitment for 30 days. Who’s with me?
Read More: Stop Watching Porn
Not a fan of porn. Nor a fan of masturbation. However, wasting your semen? If you have sex with your wife and she’s on birth control isn’t that wasting your semen? If you bone some slut and finish all over her face isn’t that a waste of semen? The phrasing implies that if you’re not making babies you’re wasting your life force which is bad.
You didn’t read the article. It mentions the psychological response between intercourse and jerking it as different entirely. Whether you wrap it or not for sex is immaterial.
I read the article. Semen is specifically for impregnating women. You can still intercourse and waste semen
Ill impregnate you
Have fun with those child support payments. Which can even include paying for college.
Agree that whacking off is bad but kids are even worse. Bang girls and make sure the risk of pregnancy is low to none. Preferably none.
Kids suck. I may complain about alot of things, but damn glad I don’t have kids.
Look at it this way:
The primary function of any living organism is to survive and reproduce. Men are driven towards sex as their #1 motivation to succeed at anything. If men didn’t have a desire for sex, i.e. attract women, we wouldn’t have created great works of art, businesses, nations, etc.
Having sex decreases your desire for sex, which can play a role in sapping your inner desire to succeed. Why? Because you already had sex aka “succeeded” .
Think and Grow Rich is a book that has created more millionaires and billionaires than any other resource out there in the history of the world. You’d be wise to heed the words of Napolean Hill and conserve your seed and channel your desire towards creation rather than letting one rip.
That ‘success-in-exchange-for-pussy’ theory is a relatively new phenomenon. For instance, the Sistine Chapel, Eiffel Tower and Pyramids were not built by men seeking to parlay their talent into sex. In fact, nothing before the 20th century (at least) was either.
Women were nothing more than literal commodities handed over as favors and mergers in every society by fathers to prospective husbands (usually older men). Most of the world still practices this. It’s called coverture (arranged marriage).
So these anachronistic sexual dynamics of the Current Year do not apply. Marriage was stable and had nothing to do with attraction or courtship.
I would even go further and say women are not even attracted to it today (if they ever were) because they can gain a man’s wealth via corporate political correctness (#MeToo, Affirmative Action) without even having sex with him, and even through a sexless marriage/divorce (family courts). They are still going to get the sex they crave elsewhere…usually chads without significant financial means because of technology, contraception and gynocentrism.
I should also add…these fathers were so ready to unburden themselves of their budding (early teenage) daughters (peak value) that they even provided the groom a dowry to sweeten the deal because it was a tradeoff (business merger, favor to a loyal older family friend, peace accord to rival tribes).
So it was the WOMAN who brought the wealth, and thus the financial incentive, to a marriage.
Somewhere along the way (Gee, I don’t know when?) things went awry and reversed all of the priorities to the poz of the Current Year.
Consumerism and female materialism (extrapolated onto society as female vanity) did not even exist until the 1920s America (garter belts, women wearing trousers/smoking). ‘You’ve come a long way, baby.’
Before that, everything was subsistence farming, as there were no supermarkets or electronic appliances at home.
Plus, the differences in class/caste kept any ‘slumming’ from ever really occurring.
Hypergamy was thus completely suppressed, allowing the average woman to have a brood of children (most of which did not survive childhood) deep into the 20th century until the materialism of consumerism emerged postwar (WWI) when (((Edward Bernays))) applied the (((psychoanalysis))) of his ‘double-uncle’ (((Sigmund Freud))) onto Western Civilization as (((propaganda))).
Very fitting that an inbred (((family))) with a byzantine bloodline forced everything that was once very easy for our ancestors and made it byzantine for us.
So just about everything became ‘disposable’ to ensure that limitless transactions would occur and keep ubiquitous commerce flowing in all directions at all times in every facet of life.
Income became disposable. Products became disposable (glassware became plastic). Marriage became disposable. Sex became disposable. Unwanted pregnancy became disposable (eugenics). Men became (more) disposable in mechanized wars, prison, labor etc.
I wish someone would give me theit hot teanage daughter…I would even forgo the dowry…
I dunno about that… I think having a satisfying sex life is better for most men’s productivity than not having one.
100% agree
I just turned 31 not so long ago, and I’m starting to notice that the older I get the harder it is to read ROK.
It increasingly reads like it was written by a bunch of ambitious wikipedia-educated teenagers.
Guys in the comments who think 10 days without a wank is an achievement (who aren’t going through puberty) were a waste of semen.
Busting a load on a sluts face is a fantastic use for semen!
“When you waste your semen you are literally wasting your life-force.”
Sounds like a 1950s Boy Scout manual.
Or John Kellog quoting from the bible about the sins of Onan.
American Men comply with their narcissistic career focused women and corrupt the sex act, prohibiting children. Any wonder the West is dying? Muslims & Naggers are having 5+ children but Western men are getting snipped like dogs. Beam me up.
Al Goldstein, the publisher of Screw magazine, “The only reason that Jews are in pornography is that we think that Christ sucks. Catholicism sucks. We don’t believe in authoritarianism.” Pornography thus becomes a way of defiling Christian culture and, as it penetrates to the very heart of the American mainstream (and is no doubt consumed by those very same WASPs), its subversive character becomes more charged.
Pornfather Reuben Sturman. According to the US Department of Justice, throughout the 1970s Sturman controlled most of the pornography circulating in the country … By the mid-80s he owned over 200 adult bookstores … It was said that Sturman did not simply control the adult-entertainment industry, he was the industry.
Jewish Professor Says Porn Industry is a Weapon used by Jews Against Gentiles
Nathan Abrams is a Jewish Professor of American History at Aberdeen University in UK. He boasts that Jews are the driving force behind the worldwide modern pornographic industry and that their motivation is in part to destroy Gentile morals.
oh look mudslime propaganda
Its not about religion bs rather than it has bad psychological effects……unless you’re a slave to your dick then I get it.
It’s also the traditional Catholic stance.
I’m heavy on self-improvement and watch some pornographic material daily.
When you’re a frail impotent old man, you’ll wish you could masturbate like you could in your youth (maybe science will make it possible but that’s beside the point) and even the Chads get less sex than they want so abstain from something for no gain? If anything we can just as easily argue that denying your needs like some insecure adolescent boy coming to grips with his sexuality will cause you to get distracted all the time and obsess about sex in your mind while getting a release allows your mind to concentrate on higher pursuits again.
As for the hormone stuff, I think it’s the same broscience that’s repeated about doing compound lifts (particularly squats) in bodybuilding. Those compounds can screw your back up for life but the hormonal peaks are simply random chemical background noise and there’s no evidence that the hormonal peak is anything but fleeting fluctuation that does jack-all in the long term. Yes, people can cite some short term blood test readings but they do not seem to have any relevance on the macrolevel. We do not even understand it all very well yet. Just watched a recent interview of Dorian Yates last night where he said he has the T levels of a woman now and is still able to perform sexually and looks just as good as anyone at his age. I’m not encouraging apathy about this but no-fap broscience needs to be approached critically.
You sound like some beta faggr. Go apply your advice over at Cosmo homo.
Maybe fapping to porn is part of the reason you are “depressedguy1985”!😁😁😁😁😁
your logic is simply invalid.
its not about denying your needs rather than having sex. ( unless you’re a beta who like to fap on IG models…)
Also, it has bad psychological effects on the brain since its releases dopamine in high doses. so I get you can’t quit cause you dont have the will.
but NEVER change the facts to suit your addictive state.
Do not sports or any kinds of highs release dopamine? So what? Where is the science outside of conservatice christian and manosphere broscience websites?
Out of all the ‘vices’ you can have in life masturbation is arguably the only healthy one and it’s not a vice as much as a feature of humanity.
You need to go to science to learn what addiction is; it’s a behaviour that interferes with the functions of your everyday life; it’s a true pathology. Alcoholism, drug abuse, exercise addiction, smoking etc. are very real. Spending a few minutes of your day getting off is not an addiction any more than going to the toilet every day is.
If you want scientific evidence of the multitude of negative effects of porn consumption, check out Gary Wilson’s book Your Brain On Porn or at least watch his TED talk on YouTube.
You just contradicted yourself from the 2 paragraphs you wrote .
you defined addiction perfectly fine, masturbation for alot is addictive. dopamine in high doses is not healthy at all. which is found in high levels in the brain as other addictive methods : Alcohol, drugs…..etc.
And usually the antisocial people are suffering from it….I’m guessing its you from your username lol
And don’t worry, I’m not religious so no need to be triggered from that.
Very well said. Unless overdone or get addicted, there’s nothing wrong or bad about masturbation.
Depressed guy, please go to Amazon and order the book “Your Brain on Porn” by renown neuroscientist Gary Wilson.
Here’s a quote from the book:
“Evolution shaped this basic human drive to build families: sexual desire is one of our most powerful motivational forces, and has been essential to the flourishing of the human race. Yet pornography transforms that drive into a force that primarily motivates the completely solitary and unproductive activity of masturbation.”
I am also sceptical about this entire nofap thing… it smells like a badly disguised re-invention of the old religious hostility to human sexuality in general, just with slightly different arguments.
However, there is a difference between masturbation and pornography. (Ok, I know this is hard for you millennials here to understand, but the two words are not synonymous.)
Your brain can get hooked on pornography, and this can have less pleasant side-effects. It has happened to me in the past to spend hours watching porn at work, then working late to make up for the lost time and being to tired to sleep with my girl in the evening. While certainly less harmful than alcohol or drug addiction, it is still bad enough for someone who wishes to be in control of himself and his urges.
DG 1985, I agree with your comment about when you are a frail old impotent man vs when you are young. Masturbation for guys is as much about stress relief as it is about actual sex. It lets you think clearly. Better to do it rather than rape a woman because you are been driven to distraction. Porn addiction is another order of magnitude greater, I can see that causing issues in a relationship or marriage.
Re: the author’s quote from the Koran. Ever wonder why Muslims are so angry and aggressive… its because they enforce unrealistic sexual standards for a modern world.
Steroids can fuck about with your ability to produce as much natural testosterone as you did pre steroids. Dorian is now mid 50’s and is on TRT so his testosterone levels are probably in the high normal range.
I personally tried the abstinence thing many times in my life thinking it would somehow improve my life. I didn’t notice a lick of difference, except that I was able to have a self righteous control not to masturbate. No other positive benefits. Now that I’m middle aged sex drive has decreased, and its possible to go a month or 6 weeks without masturbation, without even trying. I actually think its better as you age to keep in practice at least a couple of times a week, to make sure balls and ejaculatory muscles are kept in good order. Use it or lose it.
Also regularly “emptying the tubes” decreases the risk of prostate cancer especially in more “mature” gents
If some of you downvoters are male, and not some lurking feminist leso, you are in for a big surprise when you get older. When you get to that point in life you will know you are wrong, in denial, and that annoying guy(me) was right. “Suck it champs” will be ringing in your ears.
Hey I actually like this article, and endorse its message. Imo sex without ejaculated inside a woman is like shooting a gun with blanks, or revving a sports car in park. Lame.
Great work Mr. Saleem.
But you should leave reddit and gay marriage off ROK, leave that type shit for huff and buzz.
Lol, people give too much significance to masturbating, it is a bad habit(gambling, smoking) indeed, but I wouldn’t say one’s achievements are directly correlated to how much he faps or not.
Also, Successful men fap lesser cause bitches love successful men, duh.
Kind of a contradictory statement.
If excessive masturbation is fine, then how come successful guys aren’t doing it?
who told you they arent doing it
Nothing contradictory.
If one doesn’t have access to a woman then he will fap. The reason she ain’t attracted to him is cause he is failing at life. If he stops masturbating ≠ his life becomes great.
exactly, proving the point of NoFap. If you use masturbation as a crutch, then you won’t even try at other things in life, especially self improvement.
A successful guy only whacks off if his girlfriend blue balled him or something.
I’m 19 years old and I recently spent 38 without masturbating. My great record was 40 days. I can say I don’t masturbate more than 4-5 times each month. All this progress thanks to one of the Mantak Chia’s books: Cultivating the Masculine Sexual Energy.
Now my challenge is to spend 100 days without fap. It may seem crazy, but all my friends know about it and they support me hahaha.
Good stuff Aaron, keep it up. My longest streak is 90+ days, but my current streak is only 4-days haha. But I know I will stick to my commitment because I’ve already leveraged $100 on stickk. I highly recommend you do the same or just give your friend $100 and tell him that if you break your NoFap streak then he gets to keep it.
Hey, good luck. 16 YO, currently on day 65. Keep it up!
I’m 89 this summer. Been abstaining from ejaculation in the last 45 years – in average 3-4 yearly max. Works for me.
You go, Young! I’ll bet after 4 years when your gun goes off, you knock a hole on the porcelain.
Mad respect.
I’ve done the NoFap thing before (once for almost an entire year) and I can confidently say that the number of bad decisions I made during those periods increased significantly. No doubt it increases your life energy, makes you more confident and confrontational, increases your gains in the gym, etc.
But I almost got some dumb bitch pregnant because I needed to nut so bad, and I had multiple scares of picking up STDs.
Obviously this was due to my own irresponsibility with fully controlling myself. But when you haven’t blasted your load in over a month and some sexy horny slut is begging you to come in her pussy like she’s about to die, it’s difficult to think rationally in that moment.
All the benefits of NoFap are real, I can attest to that, but just keep in mind you might have to take extra care with monitoring yourself that you don’t do something stupid and fuck up your life in a fit of testosterone.
Good thing I live in a liberal area where its terrible to meet women.
Yea, that’s a good point Clark. That’s why it’s important to maintain perspective and keep your intentions for why you’re doing what you’re doing top-of-mind.
We all gotta bust a nut at some point, but learning the art of channeling that desire into creative work is something of a superpower. Nikola Tesla is possibly the most productive man of all time, but he died a virgin.
I admire men like Tesla, but it’s sad that he died a sucker. Makes you think.
Testa was asexual I think.
Being the genius he was, and also fluent in so many languages, maybe his mental strength is incomprehensible to an average guy. Low IQ people snap easily and lack self control, when professor Ivanov was attempting to create a human-chimp hybrid in the 1920s in Russia, he believed that sexual gratification would have been the first and only entertainment choice such a creature would make, due to its diminished mental capacity. Tesla was at the furthest extreme of the intelligence curve, way to the right of most anybody, and also very disciplined in every facet of life.
5-6 days after no fap i become a way too aggressive and confrontational.
I could easily argue with anyone, get into fights…my mind works faster but downside is that i could easily bang ugly girl and think she is bangable till i cum then i regret.
Add alcohol into mixture and its watch disaster unfold.
No fap had upsides and downsides
Yeah, nofappers are a little scary. But girls are more attracted to them than to ‘baters.
day 30 on NOFAP here.
I relapsed many times. last one was 26th March.. though it’s easier now cause I meet a girl everyweek for a great sex session, she work in another city (we meet during the week-end), I’m over with jerking off and porn; it was never my thing.
I don’t know if it’s related to the fact I’m not Fapping but I met another girl (American living here in Paris) in my swimming session, I approched her outside the pool we talked a little bit on the way to the metro, took her number, we went on date 1 and 2 then we had sex last week-end (basically few hours after my sex session with the previous one..). it was pretty exhausting and I had to put ice on my penis sunday cause it was hurting. Considering I’m not a chick magnet (at all), for me this is absolute new experience..
I quit porn because everytime I jerk off on it I feel like a worthless piece of shit, a loser. I feel also sad comparing the quality of girls in those movies with my the girls I can get in my daily life (even with trying hard and improving). so I avoid that. I don’t want also to encourage this industry.. they make millions out of desprate idiot girls who think life is a great game at 18 years, but regret it later. well it’s too late of course, you can’t erase porn from internet.
In my modest viewpoint, you can’t be on both sides. you can’t try to seduce women and at the same time be creative and focus on other areas of your life (oncly exception : if you write successful blogs or books about it). many young guys don’t understand the tremendous work that it takes (if you’re average looking dude), you must go out minimum of 4 times a week, sustain true bullshit discussions with girls, bring energy and fun, take numbers.. many will flake. I mean sure women are great creatures, but I’m tired of this. it’s not fun to play a such difficult game.
PS : I don’t know exactly why, but since I started this nofap, I play chess everyday, on my phone in the metro, in internet.. I play also other games like sudoku and Go game (a japanese traditionnal game). I’m also more curious about how things work. it’s probably a different way of “penetrating” things. I’m also more anxious when I walk, more fun in conversations, less shy and definitly don’t give a shit about women rejections.
“I’m also less* anxious when I walk” [erratum]
I agree with you bro, that’s why I’m abstaining for 30-days and focusing on creating value content during this time. My productivity is sky-high and my intentions are clear.
Thanks for sharing your story bro.
You sure as shit don’t have to go out 4 times a week with the express purpose of chatting up girls in some dive bar and you absolutely can focus on creating your niches in the market at the same time as pulling left right and centre.
If conversations wity women are boring then talk about your interesting life- dominate the interaction.
You sound like a young man studying abroad I n france, have you worked out your mission in life yet, found your niche?
That was interesting. I find if I do not masturbate about once a day, I have embarrassing erections all day. I think it might be because I am a virgin, I don’t know. I work in field where erections create serious difficulty for me, I do not sit behind a desk and often am in front of people. So for religious reasons I went about 3 months without masturbation, and the erections got me in trouble at work. I do work sometimes in swimwear or athletic shorts. Plus if I do not ejaculate each day when I get erect I leak into my pants all day and create stains. (I am not a „beta“ virgin, I just have very high standards and because of religion will not have intercourse before marriage.) If I masturbate in morning and at night before bed without porn I find it helps keep my erections under control and I do not leak around attractive girls.
My record no fap streak is 74 days and I had an eye opening experience in those 74 days BTW great work Saleem bro keep it up
Are we talking straight up no ejaculation period (including no sex) or just not jerking it and still having semi-regular intercourses?
In short: the author takes a quote from the false and Satanic Koran, and then spends the rest of the article trying to get the reader to be as repressed as he is. I hope he and I never wind up in the same train station.
Chris, I don’t think so. it was probably the first time he was told to not masturbate based on some religious argument. if he was christian it would have been some quote from the bible I guess.
“In short” : trying to convince people to join islam using a nofap article doesn’t sound very effective.. specially when the guy have a website that promote increasing testosterone levels.
your over-reaction is typical and predictable among western people. There’s probably some quote out there from some indian book (who knows) or eastern philisophy material that doesn’t know what the concept of a single god is, neither the Christ.. yet you will not consider them as “satanic book”.
point is : if you want to create an anti-christian/evil/satanic book, it’s probably not a good idea to put a god on it, also a good idea to put yourself in the center of it, not promote the Christ or make him the main character on that book. Apparently this “evil Koran” does.
Atta boy, keep fapping in your mom’s basement.
I am highly skeptical of this ‘[email protected]’ movement. Everybody knows p0rn is a monstrous issue that is getting worse by the day. (Recently P0rnHub traffic literally doubled in just one month into the billions). But there are a few key variables being left out…
What constitutes ‘p0rn?’
Hardc0re p0rn, s0ftcore p0rn, centerfolds, airbrushed pictorials, sculptures, paintings, stick figures, yearbook photos… It’s not all the same. We have always had some form of p0rnography (hieroglyphics).
Watching another man [email protected] and having $ex is probably not healthy or entirely hetero$exual. Watching two w0men having $ex is also not entirely healthy. But watching one [email protected] woman is perfectly healthy. It has been expressed in the arts since the dawn of man.
Playb0y is/was perfectly healthy. Admiring the ideal female form (sculpted fertility) in a striptease is even healthier because there is such suspense that piques a man’s libido to chase after the real thing without viewing [email protected] or even nud!ty, aside from maybe the edge of an are0la – like a hamster-wheel of hetero$exuality with an optimal mix of imagination and aesthetic.
[email protected] and p0rnography should be decoupled because they do not always occur simultaneously.
The K0ranic passage is an anachronism because dynamics were drastically different – promiscuity was unlawful during [email protected]’s life, and there were plenty of wars to kill off the excess of bachelors to leave a mini-harem for each l0thario, who would never have a need to [email protected] since polygamy is a pillar of Islam.
The author also omitted a ‘vital’ topic that no man can ever talk about: Erect!le Dysfunction, which occurs because of all sorts of reasons, and is incredibly difficult to solve…and won’t be solved from ‘[email protected],’ but worsened.
And you can further decouple potency from virility because sometimes you can have one or the other, both or neither.
The te$tes produce billions of $perm a day. It has to go somewhere. Just like a w0man’s men$es have to be regularly expelled. That is why wet dreams occur. [email protected] is actually healthy if the imagination is used rather than erotic material because your pituitary integrity is not undermined by any atrophying forces.
So this well-meaning bro-science definitely has flaws, and even unintended consequences. Hardcore p0rnography does indeed atrophy your brain with overconsumption, but [email protected] eventually ‘solves’ itself as you age. If you have no access to $ex and abstain from [email protected] long enough that it atrophies your biochemistry (just like the flip side of p0rn addiction), your libido will disappear and so will your potency. ‘If you don’t use it, you lose it.’
If you’ve never experienced any of that, consider yourself lucky and this as a warning because each is an existential mindfuck, especially if you are in bed with a hot chick. Solving it is like Plato emerging from the darkness in the Allegory of the Cave…but it can be done, even after years, from a combination of logic, cognitive (shock/c0ck) therapy and spontaneity.
Jerry at least they arent racist losers who lost WW2.
Dont lie to us Jerry… We all know that you fap all day long by looking at a picture of A.d.o.l.f inside your closet. Loser! So get inside your chevy and drive back to your bunker before we launch another bomb right to your racist insecure ass.
Jerry, when are you going to learn?
Stop with your “we wuz kangzz n shieet”.
The war is over. Deutschland lost ww2.
So stop crying Jerry and go back to your daily fap…
Tsk tsk tsk… another butthurt concern troll. Have I triggered you? P.S. I have two dates lined up and four different jobs that want my services atm in YOUR language. That’s right. They want me over their own kind. Haha.
Then you woke up and realized it was all a dream…
You have taken the butthurt to John Doe levels. Wanna know what I think? You’re deeply envious of white people. I’d trust an open La Raza leftist more than some ‘based’ Hispanic any day. At least they are honest in their hatred. When I see one of you with a MAGA hat I just laugh how you can fool so many gullible, guilted crackers. You guys want white genocide far more than any leftist. You’re just seething with self-hatred and rage. I will also take this moment to remind you that I have had sex with Latinas. They call me ‘muy guapo.’
Yes, Had Germany won WW2, thered be no invasion into Europe by infinity brown people, Israel, world Govt or spreading communism to 11 nations. 60 million goyim died. Patton was an anti semite for saying later ‘We warred against the wrong enemy.’
Jerry, you lost the war. When are you going to quit crying and get over it?
I suggest you to get inside your chevy as quick as you can before I use my mortar.
Give up Jerry! you racist prick!
We all know you fap inside a bunker by looking at the pictures of Detuschland’s leader from the 40s.
Jerry you are a Loser!
Al’ , You accuse Weimar of dreaming. If he was it was most likely a wet dream. So its a win win for him regardless.
I remember living in a Florida a few years ago…Sometimes I couldn’t sleep (because I had severe insomnia) so I would walk to the 7/11 and get some burritos (I know, not ‘real’ burritos) before the sun was up… Then I’d see you guys ‘doing the jobs Americans are too lazy to do.’ It was cute seeing little oompa loompas in their little cowboy boots, cowboy hats, big belt buckles and their over-sized mustaches. You guys are like cartoon characters. It’s adorable.
I can remember I made the decision to move down there after visiting for a week. As I was taking one last walk on the beach to touch the water, not knowing if I would ever return as I was still uncertain that I should move… I walked past a sexy Columbiana. She wasn’t the typical mestizo, with the stubby fingers that can’t even fit around your dick and the backward turtle-shell belly and flat-ass. She had great tits. She later took a selfie of us and sent it to me. Still have it.
We couldn’t understand each other, as I did not speak Spanish at the time…but I did speak one word that caught her fancy…’Margarita?’
The problem was I did not have my wallet on me. So I said wait 15 minutes while I run to my car. She didn’t understand a word, but she still waited for me (much to my shock).
She did not have her passport, and thus no I.D., so she could not get a margarita…so we shared mine with only one straw (win). Then we got kicked out because they saw it.
So for the next few hours, we walked the beach, and as I carried her into the Gulf of Mexico and we each practiced pointing out things that she would say in Spanish and I would say in English, I’d take a moment to point at her lip and she said, ‘labia.’ I giggled for a second, then I would kiss her. She did the same to me many times.
The funniest part was she wasn’t there alone. She was with a beta Columbian who did not like being cucked. He seemed handsome enough, but he was just her accountant partner, and did not have my height or sunburn.
I also fucked my half-Hispanic, half-black neighbor (had no idea she was either), who was from California, much to the chagrin of her roommate and her jealous neighbor in the ‘troubled-veteran’ housing complex. She had an amazing body (not the miniature Mayan phenotype), but still had many personal issues.
I show the pics of Latinas I fool around with to all the hombres I work with who ask me about ‘panocha.’ But also to intimidate them a little because you guys respect that. I did that when I ‘crauzed dee barder eentoo Wahr Ez’ last year. I was swarmed by all these oompa loompas following me, trying to sell me a ‘massage girl’ because they heard the two dollars in change rattling in my pocket.
I said, ‘No, thanks. I don’t have to pay for your women. They come to me.’
Then I continued to look around in amazement at the absolute shithole Mexico is. It’s worse than Baghdad. The open-air markets are such fire hazards. The mountains of garbage are virus pits. The deformed beggars at every corner is a sign of dysgenic sexuality (incest, rape). The collapsed concrete blocks are somehow livable.
Why do I interact with Hispanics so much, you ask?
I think of myself as like the Humphrey Bogart character in The Treasure of Sierra Madre.
Jokes asides
Well if your story is true, which I serious doubt, congratulations. But I wonder if those Latinas would ever want to bang with you(if your story is legit) if they knew you hate Latinos and blacks so much that you spent most of your time writing comments in ROK about how much better your W.A.S.Ps are.
If you really banged our women you just did it to fill your insecure ego and to try to prove to yourself and your stupid beliefs and weak self esteem that you are somehow better than us just because you banged a few whores desperate for citizenship. I bet none of them really liked you all they saw in you was a ticket to America. When I travel chicks get excited when they hear I´m from America as well. But anyways congrats your smartasss you exploited their dreams as a chance for you to bang and dump them.
However the truth is if you ever marry one of them as soon as they get their citizenship they will be kicking your ass out of your own house and divorce rape you. Then they will be looking for a real Alpha Roman Hispanic men that looks like Antonio Bandeiras or Al Pacino.
Jerry they dont love you. Deep down they know you are a insecure guy who needs to feel validated by talking all the time on the internet and with his buddies how great his white race is.
If you ever face a hispanic, slavic or black alpha male trust me you would lose the battle pretty quick we can game any women we want, especially from your race, they love hispanic or black cock.
God, you’re hilarious. I love your attempt at divide and conquer of the white race. Classic. First off, Slavs are white. They are from Europe. Good attempt, though.
Second of all, Al Pacino is ITALIAN (also European, not ‘Tony Montana’), and Antonio Banderas is SPANISH, not ‘Hispanic.’ Penelope Cruz (before you name her) also SPANISH. Spaniards despise Hispanics. They say you speak filthy, lazy Spanish.
And lastly, I never said I hated anyone. Reread every comment I have made here. I never said I, or the white race, was better than anyone. I just what will happen once we are genocided and why all of you are obsessed with us. Try actually READING it. Oh, sorry…maybe you’re illiterate.
Also, those ‘whores,’ whom you just interestingly waxed and waned between white-knighting and outright disowned as race-traitors (that’s good, I like your style, hypocrite)….were, aside from the bonita Columbiana, ALL born here (in fact, all from California)….so your ‘citizenship’ theory/coping-mechanism does not apply. I fucked one while her boyfriend was in jail. She said up front ‘this isn’t gonna work.’ Then we fucked on my air mattress (which became permanently deformed), then in my shower, then on my foldout kitchen chair.
I was afraid that I had HIV for about 6 weeks though because she had been raped 7 times allegedly, and was formerly a stripper, and recently had a relapse. They always inform me of this as their literally in my bed, not a moment before. She was hot as fuck though. Somehow the whole neighborhood knew about our little tryst.
I am not ‘WASP.’ Actually, I have some of that Slav blood you worship.
Also, your cognitive dissonance has shone…’I am somehow insecure for banging Latinas.’ Prowess does not equal ‘insecurity.’ Not how it works and you know it.
What can I say? She liked my guitar playing. I showed her my apartment to fetch the guitar and she said, ‘I expect you to be a gentleman.’ I just said ok and nothing happened…until a few weeks later I was walking at night and I saw her on her balcony and she said ‘knock when you get back.’ After a few Bud Lite Lime piss-beers and cheap wine in Styrofoam cups, she takes her shirt off. So me not turning that down makes me ‘insecure?’
Why don’t you just say what you’re really getting at? –‘Stick to white women, gringo.’
Still, I see that caliente Latin temper because you know what I have said is true. Not fun is it? I don’t take glee knowing that I’m upsetting you by sleeping with your women. Now you know how we feel on a MICRO level.
Now, just imagine I invaded your country with all of my family and friends and millions of dingy and rowdy peasants, speaking a foreign language, who look like me (only with prison tats), taking all of your menial jobs, housing, welfare and banging your sisters and causing crime…and when any indigenous locals complain, you lose your livelihoods, friendships, families and romance, and are constantly hounded by homosexual communist mobs. That is exactly what you people are doing to ALL of our white countries. It’s evil and you know it.
I know empathy is a white male thing, so I don’t expect you to comprende mi, mijo.
Also, I don’t spend all of my time here. I WORK jobs where I speak YOUR language all day. Today is an off day. You can choose to not believe any of it, if that helps you cope.
Vamanos, puta.
You said it right! Masturbation (applies to both genders) is 100% natural, safe and healthy.
Don’t know why the Author referred to particular (((religion))) !! Every Culture, Tradition, Religion & Race has talked about “abstinence”.
Isn’t it healthy to detox, to stop/reduce/limit alcohol & smoking !? The same goes with Masturbation or real Sex; too much is too bad !!
“Left strictly to our imaginations we humans once tended to assume the starring role in our sexual fantasies, not the passive role of mere voyeur as in video watching.” – Your Brain On Porn. Read it.
Nowhere did he mention watching p0rn. Like I said…decouple p0rnography from [email protected] Can’t really watch p0rn in the shower. Can’t really [email protected] in your cubicle. The two do not always go hand-in-hand. Actually, it would be an interesting study on how often they don’t.
How in the actual fuck does one transmute sexual energy? Ive tried this shit and if i go too long without getting off i cant think about anything else until i do. My dick is like a whiny SJW who wont quit throwing tantrums until it gets its way. I cant reason with it, the only thing i can do is beat it into submission…
The reward circuitry in your brain has become rewired. Stop thinking about the feeling you get from rubbing one out and align your focus with something you want to achieve whether it be in terms of health, sports, creatively, or anything else.
I Tried the No Fap thing in mid-2015 and lasted to Early 2017.What I could say is that 2016 was One of the best years of my life,and I’m abstaining from fapping since march 2017 (it helps that I’m christian) and yes,it’s true.All the benefits,I can think with more clarity,I’m more focused,I have a lot of energy to make a variety of things.Compare this to when I was a porn addict,I was always sleepy,can’t focus and I was thinking everytime about sex.Porn and masturbation are two “fruits” of the feminist sexual liberation that was purpossely made to undermine the psychology of the western man
My man.
Why the hell you are linking porn & masturbation !? The later is there since the dawn of the Civilization !!
Guess there is no point in arguing!
I’m with you on this, Ravi. This is like an asexual cult!
Christian fundamentalist and sexual prude/pervert J Harvey Kellogg brought male genital mutilation (aka circumcision) to the USA as a punishment for masturbation. Nothing has done more to harm males than this ancient Jewish religious rite. Adding together genital mutilation with a religious guilt trip on the so-called “fapper” causes irreparable sexual harm.
I used to scoff at that claim at the time, but a few years later I realize I am missing out on something and it’s terrible. Numbness is real. The overpowering horniness of adolescence could offset this, but then it really gets bad. It completely changes the orgasm. Being clipped makes stimulation mostly mental, while being unclipped makes it mostly physical.
Why are American boys circumcised when we aren’t even Jews? It’s like a Judeo-feminist conspiracy to brand and clip boys from birth with the sadomasochistic stamp of the vengeful female collective.
It should also be noted that long term abstinence has been known to lower T levels, men that are new to game or just aren’t fucking women for some reason, Will have lower T over long periods of abstinence (more than a month) Obviously finding a woman to bone should be priority number #1 instead of wanking and will do the most for your T levels.
Thats why you lift to increase T levels. NoFap is more of a supplementary thing rather than a magic cure.
I’ve seen this conclusion of “long-term abstinence linked to low T” being peddled around the web. But if you look at the details of the study being used to back that claim, you’ll see that it was performed in men with erectile dysfunction. There are currently no long-term studies on abstinence and testosterone levels in otherwise healthy men.
I quit masturbating last October and feel much better for it. Energy levels are much higher and my focus is intense. Will not say it works for everyone, however it has for me.
Yes bro, keep at it and anytime you feel the urge, channel it towards what you’re trying to achieve.
NoFap works. So far I’m on a 30+ day streak, and my lifting has gotten better, fat loss sped up, and just my overall mood/energy levels are better.
When I used to jack it like 2-3 times a day regularly, I was constantly lethargic, yet easily stressed out all the time. Definitely feminizing to the mind.
Fuck all the TFL losers who advocate for porn. You’re a cuck if you get pleasure from watching others have sex or worship a pixelated image of a woman on your screen.
“When I used to jack it like 2-3 times a day regularly, I was constantly lethargic, yet easily stressed out all the time.”
Of course you were! You were drugging yourself a few times a day and at the same time not doing a damn thing with your time. So it makes total sense that it would make you lethargic and yet stressed out. We’ve basically got a population of drugged up, distracted men walking around out there.
Honestly if internet porn when away you’d probably see five or six revolutions spring up around the globe in a matter of weeks. Some sci-fi author should write a book about that, it would be awesome.
Yes bro, keep preaching!
“Fuck all the TFL losers who advocate for porn. You’re a cuck if you get pleasure from watching others have sex or worship a pixelated image of a woman on your screen.”
What’s with this black and white thinking characteristic of teenagers? I thought we were adults here and could live and let live.
Guess what the MGTOW crowd in their own religion will say that you’re a clown for pandering to women by approaching them and getting better at game. I guess you’re also a cuck if you watch sports or movies with male action heroes in them. Oh and you’re a bitch if you go to an art gallery because those paintings are not real like photos. What about people who read works of fiction? Well they are soy boys too because they are identifying with the characters instead of having books written about their adventures.
The anti-intellectualism of the comments section is hitting a new low; having a high school education coupled with a smug overconfident attitude throwing around big words is now the perfect means to win an argument it seems.
I’m all about self improvement. There are no positives to watching others have sex, unless you count short term carnal pleasure, but I’m talking practical shit like muscle or financial gains.
Appreciating art is appreciating the beauty of life, and it could inspire you to be an artist yourself. Sports and movies are fine, there is no harmful effects of consuming them regularly, plus they are good for social events. Reading books can expand your imagination and vocabulary, again no problem here.
MGTOW isn’t bad, but it does unfortunately attract TFLers who dilute the perseverance aspect of the philosophy in favor of a more nihilistic and hedonistic ideology to justify their shitty lifestyles. Judging by you’re emotionally charged comment, I’d say your guilty as charged for being a TFLer who feels he needs to call others retards to make himself feel better.
No you’re trying to read between the lines and force your narrow perspective on others as a truth.
Nobody expects to get ‘long term gain’ from watching porn or masturbation itself; it’s just a function that occurs several times a week for normal men. Not every little act in your daily life needs to be about becoming more alpha or whatever; life is not all about gnashing teeth, conquering and dominating new domains.
I’m not rendered insecure by the existence of men who choose to abstain from masturbation; I could care less. I’m simply providing counter-arguments to the scientifically and philosophically dubious idea that masturbation (or porn for that matter, which is primarily a tool to enhance the experience) is bad; I’m not the one trying to elevate myself above someone else because of a private lifestyle choice which has zero consequences for society or someone else. Impressionable youths will be reading this site and absorbing shitty advice in addition to the good stuff.
@DepressedGuy1985 Watching heterosexual porn is the ultimate form of cuckery. You are watching a guy slam and a girl, envisioning yourself in his shoes. Forgot movies or art or whatever other lame comparison you made. You and I both know watching porn is lame. Quit trying to justify and rationalize your habit.
“What about sex?
Physiologically, there is no difference between ejaculating from sex versus ejaculating from porn. Psychologically, however, there’s a huge difference – pheromones, feelings of dominance, touch, etc. are all factors involved in sex that aren’t involved in masturbation. These psychological differences go on to have a tremendous hormonal effect as well.”
I would tend to agree with the psychological habits of the practice, but I diverge from the hysteria over this one point. Are you happy? If not and practicing self sex is outside of all the other nebulous claims, is just this. Do it if it makes you happy, but do it with the knowledge that there is a psychological effect from it that sex with others stimulates. If you cannot be happy in your own skin and life, and feel you must conform to some sense of Alpha -ism or beta-ism or MGTOW-ism because of group think, you have a bigger problem than how much and hard you beat your meat. Like anything else in our society, you have to look at this from the personal perspective and weigh it against your own values morals and goals and the associated trials and pitfalls to determine if it fits your lifestyle and dreams and goals and QUIT WORRYING ABOUT ALL THESE OTHER FACELESS NAMELESS PEOPLES POINTLESS SUBJECTIVE JUDGEMENTS that have ZERO EFFECT on your happiness! Unless of course you cant function without validation from others (in which case you are insecure and womanlike, yet another personal problem, yes that means you are NOT ALPHA (Roll my eyes)).
get a grip, men. quit acting like bitches and learn how to be your OWN man instead of a fakebook hero idol. You do you, listen to others advice, but be strong enough to adopt what makes sense and works for you and discard the rest of it. You will be much happier for it. FFS, Fap it like you actually OWN it, or not fap it if you willingly let others tell you how THEY own it for you, but get a damn grip.
Being happy in the short term is different to being fulfilled over the long term. You can be happy in the moment if you smoke a joint. You can be happy in the moment if you drink some booze. You can be happy in the moment while watching porn. But fulfillment is when your short-term decisions are linked to your long-term goals.
Stupid article. Masturbating is great.If you do it when the time is right.Like before sleep.Is relaxes you, serotonin will make you sleepy, so, all good.Masturbating in the morning when you wake up.Now that is stupid, it will deplete some of your energy, and you do not need or want that at the beginning of the day.
Fapping in the middle of the day, also not smart, but before a midday nap, cool.It will relax you and sleep will come easier.
And let’s face it, even if you are involved with woman or women, you or her will not be in the mood for 15 + minutes of workout, and sex is that.
And masturbation can be fun, and I mean fun, I’m 39 and still can pull a two or three hour sessions.In my twenties I could do five or six hours ( not recommended, mind can do it but balls suffer afterwards.) Bottom line, masturbation can be great fun, if you now how and when to do it right.
You would rather fap for 2-3 hours everyday than work on your business, work on your body, work on your mind, or read a book?
“And let’s face it, even if you are involved with woman or women, you or her will not be in the mood for 15 + minutes of workout, and sex is that.” Clearly you’ve been trapped by a woman who doesn’t have sex with you and has you by the balls. Best of luck getting out of that. But I guess you’re already dealing with it by fapping all day long.
Masturbation can be harmful to you psychologically. On a long-term it can “wire” your brain and might make it more difficult to get a proper erection when being with a real woman.
Masturbating to porn can be particularly dangerous and it can lead to porn-induced erect dysfunction. The only cure it get off porn and stop masturbation completely and let your brain “rewire” itself.
While giving up masturbation might not seem easy for younger guys (particularly in the beginning) – it will enhance your physical and mental health on a long run and will improve your success with women.
You got it bro, clearly you’ve read Your Brain On Porn:
“Porn addiction is almost certainly the cause of the widespread sexual dysfunction found in recent studies of late adolescence.”
Excessive masturbation to porn is disgusting and nothing good can come of it. Adding porn addiction to male genital mutilation (aka circumcision) is a recipe for erectile dysfunction. Circumcision is the unrecognized reason for so many sexual problems between men and women in the USA today. Europeans know better and don’t do it.
Yeah I quit watching porn in March. It’s been about 50d. Definitely get better hard ons. Definitely better sex. I recommend for those two reasons alone…as long as you’re banging a hottie
I don‘t watch porn or drink alcohol or smoke. I work in a job that requires constant physical fitness. I also am not on social media or gaming. I like reading so I usually have about 15 books from library, I don‘t watch much TV, do lots with my chirch. So my health is good. But the erections are really bad if I do not jerk twice a day. Once I didn‘t jerk for about 100 days and had to perform on stage in just swim trunks and tried everything to make the hard-on die but the female customers were dressed in skimpy outfits and drunk. It was so freaking embarrassing the erection went on for hours, it was causing pain, and I couldn‘t piss into toilet so I pissed against a wall, and cum leaked out into my trunks and left a dark round stain I had to pretend not to see for hours. Also I have a rule I don‘t let girls have my penis until we get married, but if I don‘t empty it before the date I get hard and lose the power dynamic I like, where she is trying and trying to get to touch my penis. I love being in charge and not letting her have it, because she gets so turnef on. But If she sees I am hard she feels like she has power and literally will not get as wet. So I finally gave up on not masturbating. I get too many benefits from thr release of tension and emptying out, I sleep better and have more control with women.
I can remember my VHS era when we laughed at male porn stars.
There was “TT Boy” who looked like that cop who might be a bit of a bully.
Then there was “Randy West” who looked like your high school coach who might have a sleazy side with the girls.
For the gays there was “Jeff Stryker” who looked like a hillbilly kid who was obsessed with Elvis…”Yeah, ya like dat big cock up ya ass don’t you.”
Everyone knows Ron, of course.
Too much of anything is bad for you. It really is that simple.
Is too much fulfillment bad for you? Is too much health bad for you? Is too much well-being bad for you?
What do you mean by “too much” of health !? Any example !?
I can attest that nofap works, and if you think about it for 2 minutes you’ll see that it’s actually perfectly logical.
First, when you jerk off to pr0n you’re basically taking a drug. Now don’t get me wrong – I’m not against drugs on a moral level. I personally abstain from any mind-altering substances because I find that my life is MUCH better without them. But I have no problems with other people using. The problem that I have for it myself is that it dulls my mind and sedates me, and I don’t want to be sedated. I want to be hungry, needy, aggressive, confidant. Sedated men are sheep. And every time you have an orgasm your body releases hormones that literally put you to sleep. Which is fine if it’s the end of the night after pursuing a woman and chatting her up, terrible if it’s 2 in the afternoon and you have shit to do.
Second, watching hours of women degrading themselves with random douchebags has a terrible effect on your mind. And that’s all pr0n is nowadays. I don’t give a shit what it used to be like 30 years ago, but modern day pr0n is a fucking cesspit. I’d say 50% of the stuff out there is comprised of things that I wouldn’t want to do even if I had the chance. You can argue with me all you want and come back with “all women are whores” or some shit but that’s just not true. You think that’s true because you watch the most insane, drugged up women get treated like shit for money. Do women like to be dominated in bed? Hell yes. Do they get horny and like to bone with some random dude they met at a club? Of course. Do they want a train run on them by a bunch of bis3xual freaks in an apartment in San Fernando? Fuck no. I’ll bet you $1,000 that you can’t go into your local strip club and find a single healthy woman, much less a pr0n shoot.
Third, that drive and horniness that you’re alleviating by fapping can instead be spent getting out there and actually meeting women. You’ll be amazed at how much your desire to meet them (and your disinterest in them turning you down) will skyrocket if you stop wanking it every day. I mean think about it. Why would the primal part of your brain make you get out there and chase women when you’re flooding it with all the hormones and sensations of getting laid? I’ve seen it myself so I know it’s not bullshit. If I go 2 weeks without wanking it and I haven’t gotten laid I’m about ready to go to war to get some pussy.
Good article bud. Keep it up and good luck.
All great points bro, thanks for sharing.
“Third, that drive and horniness that you’re alleviating by fapping can instead be spent getting out there and actually meeting women. You’ll be amazed at how much your desire to meet them (and your disinterest in them turning you down) will skyrocket if you stop wanking it every day. I mean think about it. Why would the primal part of your brain make you get out there and chase women when you’re flooding it with all the hormones and sensations of getting laid? I’ve seen it myself so I know it’s not bullshit. If I go 2 weeks without wanking it and I haven’t gotten laid I’m about ready to go to war to get some pussy.”
These facts can be played both ways. If all it takes for you to stay at home is jerk yourself off for two minutes, think about the time and money you’ll save when you stay at home studying instead of going to your local meat market bar to chat up some girls that are busy being chatted up by some burly dullards.
If you can get the same calm of mind without all the BS, why would you bother? Now obviously you need to bother if it does not work that way for you but that’s food for thought still.
“think about the time and money you’ll save when you stay at home studying instead of going to your local meat market bar to chat up some girls that are busy being chatted up by some burly dullards.”
If that’s the way you’re chasing women, and you don’t like it, then do it differently. There are loads of ways to meet women. They make up half the population. My point isn’t that you need to hit up bars but that without the “release valve” of masturbation you’ll have more of a natural drive to pursue women. At least that’s been my experience. If you don’t like talking to them or being around them than I suppose masturbation is an alternative. Personally I like women.
I appreciate your civil response. I think there’s a middle ground however; you can masturbate and still go out and try to meet women.
I do both and I admit that I find calm in the thought that when I go back home after a stale night I can always turn off the lights and turn on the porn and get off. It helps with ‘outcome independency’ as they call it and some would say that being less desperate to score makes you more attractive helping to balance the power differential between men and women but there’s a counter-argument to everything and I’m honest enough to admit that.
All I know for sure is that indefinitely denying yourself the pleasure of masturbation just because you can sounds like a massive burden. No matter how motivated you are to pull the chick most guys will still end up with their dick in hand at the end of the night even if they have things going for them; not being able to masturbate in that situation just sounds like abuse to me.
It’s not like a god is going to descend from the sky and reward you for not taking care of your business down there; some burdensome and unpleasant things have been proven to be very rewarding in the long run; mundane studies and bodybuilding for example but there’s no treasure at the end of the rainbow for those who allow their dick to hang idle between their legs. According to current mainstream science masturbation has many health benefits.
this is common sense MGTOW thinking. spot on, the smartest thing is not to play the stupid high risk game and thats before the std risk and false rape accusations.
very high risk behavior for the same 2 minute high of shooting a nut off with someone else…i dont see pussy chasing as worthwhile for the limited payoff and likely headaches and financial expense.
Praise Moo-Ham-eed
Ar-Rahman my sweet pork
Islamic nonsense. No thanks.
In a related conversation piece to this topic..
Turd Flinging monkey. Cult Culled Cucks…
When disgust appears thinking of porn, is when you are done with it, or put it on probation (pun). When it is clear they are dull people preying on each other, having mechanical sex, the attraction disappears naturally. Or that some have excessive sexual desires, and pay a price for it. There some technique to learn from porn.
In my experience, I only feel disgust after relapsing. In the moment my mind is telling me to go for it and chase that temporary high, but my voice of reason is what I listen to.
I currently have a regular piece of pussy but back when I didn’t and I had to go a long time without busting a nut I would get a really bad stomach ache and the only cure for it was masturbation.
Cam4 live cam counts as porn?
No sex, just girls broadcasting live, showing pussy etc
Masturbate into young women, way better. I’ve always fancied myself more of a participant than a spectator. Shoot, I don’t even own a pornograph.
The best written stickk ad I’ve ever seen.
It has been two years and three months since I experimented with NoFap. First I tried 30 days then 40. Next thing I knew it was six months in. The hardest and scary part when you weed yourself off the digital poison of porn and experiment with NoFap is when you hit that dreaded period of flatline. Mine lasted for some eight or nine months. The worst being three or four months in. Luckily intense HIIT workouts kept me going. Also meeting someone worth dating at the time helped immensely. The hardest is from days 10 to around 40 as it seem a long time. Yet once you reach that 40 days milestone reaching 180 days and beyond is not much an issue.
lot of people are using the term “relapsing”
I won’t join in on calling it that until
i see clear proof that abstaining for too long
does NOT cause prostate enlargement.
I always use this graph as inspiration to stay strong. I made it myself:
I will not read this article because it begins with a passage from the book of the devil
That’s why homosexual men (of the current year, of course) make lousy farmers. They’re always spilling their seed!!
“When you waste your semen you are literally wasting your life-force.”
Sounds like a 1950’s Boy Scout manual.
To the author:
Solid article. As I mentioned in another comment, obviously NoFap means masturbation but does this include sex with a woman?
There was a period of time where I wouldn’t jerk off at all but spend the night with my main chick once a week and fuck like 3 times. By then I was so hungry for sex that I could barely restrain myself, she loved it and the sex was incredible because I was like a sex starved animal. I believe if you’re anticipating sex you should not jerk off, it will make it feel better and be better all around. I moved recently and haven’t fapped or sexed in a week and I’m starting to feel like I’m going to go crazy. If I hit the town this weekend you can bet I won’t have any problem chatting up any chick I see because I am HUNGRY. As for porn, it’s literally heroin for the male brain and I try to abstain from it as much I can, I probably will watch a clip or two once every two months. Thankfully not a habit of mine
If I’m reading all this correctly, normal sex is not damaging, but spanking the monkey (especially to porn) is.
Addendum: the longest I went was 27 days a few years ago, I said “fuck it” and decided to just bust one out because I was having trouble focusing (probably low commitment) and I felt like it was hard to get hard, my load was pretty watery, and it started coming out before I was orgasming. Apologies for the graphic imagery, but I was definitely feeling a “use it or lose it vibe”. All the same, this is a subject that I’m definitely interested in
For anybody doing No Fap, I made this chart as a quick reference point when you’re tempted to go “Fuck it!” and lapse back into the old habit. Level 1 is the guy who jerks off several times a day, and Level 4 is the guy who rarely (if ever) faps:
“But today, I’ve leveraged $100 on Stickk to go to the National Organization of Gay Marriage if I don’t follow through on my NoFap commitment for 30 days.”
Good one! That’ll keep you off the joystick.
I get too horny when I stop masturbating, I just can’t live a normal life, I keep thinking over and over again about sex and I get an absurd urge to get a hooker, I don’t get any of the benefits either.
I managed to get to 70+ days and basically couldn’t stop thinking about banging a hooker
Good afternoon gentlemen,
I’ve followed this thread with some interest as I am an unrepentant, twice-a-day, confirmed, quick-one-off-the wrist, happy, alpha masturbator ….. and have been so blessed for 64 years.
Now, just 14 months off eighty years old, I’m living proof of the benefits that this wonderful activity gifted to us by Mother Nature (not, by the way, by some malevolent non-existent sky god).
I have five children by three different women, I’m married to a woman 35 years my junior that most of the children posting here would crawl three miles through barbed wire to throw stones at her shit for. I own three businesses and still work a sixty hour week. I drive a very big Mercedes very well and take on bikers for fun.
When asked, as I often am,…:What’s your secret Mike” I always reply “the five Ws”
“Work,Wine, Women,Walking but most of all Wanking”
The original post is garbage….. just keep jacking off guys the religious nuts and the Jocks have always tried to belittle our hobby and they are wrong.
I’ve recently been trying to work out…in UK gallons…. How much spunk I’ve ejaculated over the years (bearing in mind the natural decrease in volume that comes with ageing) however maths was never my strong point….anyone out the can work it out?
And porn is a blessing too… I’m especially fond of the amateur stuff focused on big fat women.
Don’t you just love big cunts guys?
If we are supposed to be different from animals, then what is the point of animal research?
If animals and humans are so much alike, aren’t there ethical and moral considerations?
Or is it a case of enough like us to justify it, but unlike enough so it’s not a crime?
The only way animal research has helped is because even a roulette wheel comes up with winners. It’s like gambling: all you are ever shown are the winners, never the losers. Animal research failures have harmed many, many people, but that part is conveniently left out.
Besides, no matter what the results in animal testing, they always end up using humans anyway- often without their knowing about it (Tuskegee Experiments, radiation and LSD experiments, etc.). When a new drug is released for public use, those first using it are essentially lab animals in a long-range experiment.
I find it amazing that you discuss masculinity and manliness on this site but have nothing but over-sexualized advertisements which are akin to porn and focusing men on sexuality and being a spectator in life like gaming(as much a spectator sport as watching the NFL) instead of manliness and the art of being a man. Doing the man things in real life takes you away from these obsessions, porn and living life vicariously in general.
Your articles are great, and I agree with much of the substance. But God has given me the ability to see inconsistencies in life. And on that note I’ll let you comment on how commenting on this blog may be inconsistent. And go back to doing, and not reading.
As for Men’s rights as I am, the subtle Moooslem undertone of this website has always angered me.
My basic tenet is saving the West and that means cleansing out the Moooslem and Jewish propaganda.
This website has gone to hell. Lots of repeat articles and the new content that is put out sucks.
Time to flush this website down the can- along with the fricking Koran and filthy Jewish Talmud. Enough!
And if you need to go for months without jacking off or having sex, that’s the true wage of your vital force gentlemen. Save this hypocritical religious bullshit for the betaboy manginas!
“…to go to the National Organization of Gay Marriage if I don’t follow through on my NoFap commitment for 30 days.”
Why tho?