3 Reasons Why You Should Join A Dancing Society

When I started college, I was a nerdy physics major who did not have a lot of experience with women. I used my college’s Ballroom and Latin dancing society to change that. Over the course of a few years, I went from near invisible to being one of the most popular guys in the society.

If you are a guy who was similar to me heading off to college or living in a city with some decent dance classes, you too can use the dance classes to get good with women. If you’re already a stud, consider doing it to increase your options. No matter what level you start at, there are several benefits to attending these classes. Let’s review three of them.

1. You Will Meet Many Women

The most obvious benefit is that women will outnumber men by two to one or even three to one. You will get a chance to dance with most of them, in close proximity, holding each other. For a guy without much experience with women this can be a great help. Just don’t be what some of the girls referred to as an “awkward sweaty palmed boy.” That won’t help matters.

In most beginner classes you will dance with one partner, then when the song is over you’ll swap on to the next girl. This is a great way to meet a lot of girls in a short time. I’d suggest not starting off with spitting game and trying to pick up chicks. When you dance with a girl, talk with her at first and get to know her. When the song is over, move on to the next one.

You’ll start finding ones that you like. Speak to them after the lesson or arrive to the next lesson ten minutes early and start chatting them up then. You’re going to see most of these girls every week for the next year or more. So treat it as any other social scene you would be part of. Opportunities will come about if you keep putting yourself out there.

2. Learn To Lead Women Properly

The second major benefit is learning how to lead. Leading a woman in dancing is an encapsulation of the masculine/feminine dynamic, for in all dancing the man leads and the woman follows. Most men get this wrong and think it is about pushing and pulling their partner around the dance floor.

Instead, proper leading in dancing is an assertive act, not a forceful act. It is done through displaying power and strength in your body language and posture, by taking all of your steps with purpose and intent. It is a subtle thing that is communicated through your hands and balance. When done correctly, your partner moves with you as she will find it irresistible not to, and she will be happy to do it.

The best example of proper leading that I have come across is this:

The benefits of this cannot be overstated. You will find yourself leading women as you go about your daily life, when you are in conversation with a girl, when you are in bed with her. You will feel how she moves and responds to you and you will adjust accordingly.

3. Attain Mastery, Get Attention

The last major benefit you will get is developing a sense of mastery and skill. Jack Donovan in The Way of Men states that mastery is one of the foundational pillars of masculinity. If you practice at dancing for a year or two with intent you will start to develop some serious skill at it. And once you start getting to a point where you are better than most of the other guys there, you will have attained a level of perceived mastery.

Yes, there will be dancers out there who will always be better than you, but are they at your club, to the girls that are available to you right then and there? You will be the master. And your options will be correspondingly great. All the girls will want to dance with you. Some of the girls will be interested in you.

I know this from my experience. When I started dancing none of the girls paid any attention to me. After one and a half years of diligent practice and getting a spot on the podium at the yearly Inter-Collegiate competition, suddenly my star went up.

At lessons, whenever one song ended and it was time to switch partners I would have several girls running at me in their high heels and skidding to a stop so that they could partner me for the next dance. This never failed to amuse me. At socials I was kept on my feet by all the women that wanted to dance with me. This was a sharp contrast to the times before winning the medal and displaying skill, where I only got a dance if I asked a girl.

Besides the women, there was the sheer joy of working hard at something over a period of time in order to get better at it. I’ll be honest, I joined the dancing society because I wanted a way to meet lots of girls and get better with them. But I stayed for the dancing. All of these benefits that I had with women became secondary concerns. They happened after I put in the required effort.

But it paid off. I went from relative unknown to one of the more popular guys in the society, more popular than I had ever been in my life before. I could get girls worked up in some of the sexier dances. There is a saying that dancing is a perpendicular expression of a horizontal desire, and this was proved true to me time and time again.

After some steamy, sexy sessions in either Argentine Tango or Cha-Cha, my partners would be flushed, with heaving breaths, looking exactly as if we had just done a horizontal act instead of a vertical one. It’s an intoxicating feeling, doing that to a girl in public.

If you give this a try and put in the effort for a year or two, you too will reap similar benefits. It’s a great feeling having a pretty girl compete with the others to dance with you, give you a wink as you start, and become increasingly turned on as you spin her around. Keep your head about you, and the chances of you expressing this act on a deeper level are a lot higher.

Read More: 5 Reasons Why Every Man Needs Partner Dancing

114 thoughts on “3 Reasons Why You Should Join A Dancing Society”

  1. Absolutely! The best thing I ever did in college was take a social dance class.
    Being one of the few guys who can dance puts you in front of the line with women.
    My kids all swing dance and one night at a country concert (free community event, I dislike country music) the lead singer, a 23 year old smv 8-9 took a break and walked into the crowd ad the band played. She tried to dance with a few chumps who were utter failures. I looked at my tall, 16 year old son, “you go dance with her or I will.” He was off like a rocket, danced the shit out of her and when she got back on stage have him a shout out by name. He recalls it as the best night of his life to that point. Later, girls in the audience were lining up for him. He went home with several contacts.

    1. I totally agree. 100% Great article.
      Having said that, you wasted your time writing about dancing on this site, all the beta’s and MGTOW’s and prostitute fuckers are going to shout, “Gay.” Fuck them, they don’t know shit about shit. I do. Just this last weekend I did my classic “Dance by myself really well, fuck everyone else” game, and once again it worked like a charm, girls were lining up to, either make out with me, or get rejected. Ah, life is good when you’re not a fucking chump who doesn’t know how to dance.

      1. Keyboard alphas are not just as bad as beta capt save a hoes. .youre either an expert troll, expert b.ser or both

        1. Or…. a chad. Ooh, you chaps hate chads. I can understand it, I don’t even have to try. End result, I’m a fuck load less bitter than you, plus I can almost guarantee 2 things:
          1. I got a way higher notch count than you.
          2. I spent way less money on pussy than you.
          It feels good being me, not you, but that doesn’t mean I can’t empathise, I remember back when my balls hadn’t dropped.

        2. in essence you are paying for pussy. You left the USA for pussy and I am sure took a cut in pay for pussy. If you took a cut in pay only to hang out with poor foreign women (which I am not knocking, just observing) then you are paying for pussy in one form or another.

        3. Man, your constant underestimating is making me feel bad having a go at you now. You really have nothing. No hope, no belief in being able to have money and women.
          Let me fill you in on how it works: if you have skills, specialised skills that is, you can apply to companies overseas who will happily snap you up. You’ll get relocation costs, full benefits and a fatter salary (sure, sometimes a fraction lower, but living in a city that’s 1/4 the cost of living counteracts that).
          For me I have credentials. I get offered jobs all the time just via linkedin. My current job came with full perks and I didn’t even apply for it, they head hunted me. Maybe you should do some research and see where your skills take you rather than trying to continue this conversation.

        4. I didn’t label your situation as anything other than paying for pussy., which you seem to be knocking. You live in a foreign country , which by the way, my brother did the same thing. If you are paid for by a multinational company and you are getting paid an equivalent per cost of living, then you are living well above the means and better than 90% of people in that particular country. I am pretty sure you are not in Western Europe. You have women fawning all over you because you come from a country where there is MONEY. You also make money and thus spend money. Women ARE looking at you as a wallet and now you are admitting that you are “where the money is at”. You are not pulling women because of your superior social and dance skills as you claim. You are pulling women because they perceive you as a high SMV because of the money you make, which you just admitted. It is what it is, and we all know that, it is just watching you put down men who pay for it is sad since you are doing that same thing yourself .

        5. Yeah, spot on, living in a fucking posh city with posh girls who grew up riding ponies (or whatever), they take one look at me in my black t-shirt and black jeans and think, “Ooh, THERE’s where the money’s at.”
          Spot on, dude. Spot on.

        1. Listen little kid . That’s not what I said either . I prefer not to post a resume on here . You Going to dance halls is not the equivalent of Jason statham or gene simmons walking down the street with flocks of women following.

        2. @ Hammered, lol, if you only knew the attention I get. Tell me, how many times have you walked past a whole table of women who all stop talking and start staring and checking you out like a bunch of school girls? For me this happens daily (well, every weekday when I’m on my lunch break). Yeah, I got groupies. If you only knew how good it feels having that pussy-pulling power. I reject more girls than I fuck. How about you?
          And the absolutely hilarious part of all this is I’m not even exaggerating, and yet, the very first thought that would come to the mind of a beta (like you?) is, “Bullshit.” Ah, if you chumps only knew.

        3. In all seriousness well we are all so lucky to be in the presence of a man like you . Will you be my wing man ? Tell me what city you live in so I can learn .

        4. I won’t tell you the city I am in because it happens to be one city not yet mentioned on this site which is an absolute pussy paradise. I’m not joking, roughly 25-30% of girls here fall into the category of, “Yeah, I’d definitely fuck.” This city is mine for now. Sorry chaps.

        5. wait a second @asdasda. ” This city is mine for now. ” Why wouldn’t you want to share ? If you’re the greatest alpha on planet Earth then you shouldn’t worry about us beta incels taking any competition from you? I mean since we are chumps, and we just want to watch your greatness from the sidelines why wouldn’t you want to show us? I mean you brag plenty on here so you should have no problem bragging live in person and showing us. I live in Ft Worth, Texas so tell me how can I visit?

        6. Simple, because I lived in a pussy paradise city before and saw over a very short few years of alpha game that the whole scene changes very quickly. As soon as an alpha fucks a cheerleader (for example) other guys try to imitate the alpha and the other girls try to imitate the cheerleader. End result, cockblocking from the men and women. Right now I’m way more sick of beta chumps trying to literally elbow me out of range of pussy (that they couldn’t get if they tried) than female cockblockers.
          Life is better when I’m not surrounded by cunts pretending to have game.

        7. P.S. I’m not in the USA. Not sure why anyone would want to live there right now. Sure, in a couple of years of Trump winning America will rock again, but right now it’s all gay as fuck.

        8. so pussy paradise seems to follow you wherever you go so why would you worry at all about having to find another?

        9. Nah, chump. Pussy paradise doesn’t follow me, I’m no fucking pied piper. I do my research and go where the money and lifestyle is. If you’re someone who isn’t afraid to move country (because, trust me, it’s not easy), then the world’s your oyster. I have not just travelled, but lived in x number of continents. I will say, as a side note, it’s greatly increased my appeal, being someone who’s not scared to travel. Girls go wet for guys who have seen the world.

        10. so in essence you are paying for pussy. You left the USA for pussy and I am sure took a cut in pay for pussy. If you took a cut in pay only to hang out with poor foreign women (which I am not knocking, just observing) then you are paying for pussy in one form or another. Also to travel is to spend money and just for pussy means that you having to expend resources to get quality women

        11. Didn’t leave the USA, since never from the USA. Didn’t take a pay cut, got a pay rise. Currently not living in the 3rd world either. Man, wrong on every account. 0-3.

        12. interesting how you claim not to be an American but sure write like one with the same verbal/written construction . Are you British?

        13. Nah, I don’t want you here, or anywhere near me, trying to suck my d.ick. Let’s face it, you’re beyond the angry stage by now, and are curious. I don’t blame you, my life is good. Anyway, I have to scroll way too far now with this broken messaging system to be bothered replying any more. I mean, what’s in it for me? I got nothing to prove, and you got nothing to disprove.

        14. Surprised no one picked this up yet, but english isn’t my first language. Why do you think I write with Americanismsims? Blame hollywood and your media.

        15. you sure know a lot about He-Man, either you have a crush on him or have had a love affair with him.

      2. Buddy you’re assuming a lot of things about me that shows you’re angry not me . I prefer to point out facts not peacocking on a website . However if it makes you feel better go for it . You’re just being a bad bullshitter, not even remotely believable . That’s great you have a higher notch count . I could have hundreds too if I banged women in the 4 digit weight category . You probably didn’t spend much on them at Burger King or Taco Bell either ,.

        1. Quick question: do you honestly believe every single guy on earth is having trouble getting laid just because you are? Because that’s all you’re really telling us: that you can’t get laid with anything higher than a 4.

      3. Thank you.
        I knew the type of response I would get when I submitted it, but I didn’t write it for them. I wrote it for the subset of young guys who don’t have much experience with women as one method for them to try. It helped me when I was in that stage, so I pass it on hoping it will help some of them.

    2. Holy crap, another gay dance story on RoK.
      Notice the photos, almost no white people, I ain’t lowering myself to dance clown game in a futile attempt to shag a woman. I had a friend who went to dance classes, the only time in his life he held a woman in his arms, and none of them shagged him. Waste of time for guys without the looks and body.

      1. you’re too old to learn, so don’t stress it. P.S. It’s a myth that black guys all can dance. Most are chumps riding off a fake assumption that they’re “cool.”

        1. Only when it comes to crime stats to make whites look bad. Not sure, really, what you’re getting at. I assume you’re white.

    3. Oh yes, been in that type of situation myself a few times. It’s always a surprise to girls when you can dance. They don’t expect it and it sometimes blows them away. Of course, you have to have the rest of your game down tight or it’s for nothing, but as a way of setting you apart from the rest of the crowd? Works pretty well.

  2. Dancing will get you laid, this is beyond refute.
    Men who don’t dance make up excuses but are basically just beta cowards.
    Take a class, watch tutorials.
    Anticipated beta response: “its too hard. I’m not going to jump around like a monkey just to amuse a woman, she should like me for my badass neckbeard and slick fedora.”

    1. Lets reverse ur statement, it would be something like a beta wamen sayin “it’s too hard. I’m not gonna commit to a relationship with average man who is not rich and be his household servant and bother with raising his children, he should like me for my badass silicone and slick vagina.”

      1. Exactly. That was the point I made in that comment. Now it turns out that in order to get poon we need to play an instrument, be master dancers, squat 5 SUVs and speak 10 languages. Meanwhile, in the cunt side of the market, they are getting fatter and fatter.
        Know your priorities and your personal worth.

        1. You speak like learning to play a musical instrument and learning to dance and learning different languages is a bad thing.
          Fat chicks who think they’re hot are just cunts in denial, not sure exactly how that would play a role in you deciding to better yourself or not.

        2. Just be interesting. Is that so hard? Either you are interesting (natural alpha) or you learn to be (ROK, game, etc).
          Interesting women like interesting men.
          All that stuff just happens to be what piques their interest.
          Once they get to know you they learn about how awesome you are.
          Same for women; we’re initially attracted to looks then we get to know the rest of her.

        3. Yes, complain they bitches can’t cook, raise children and are fat then refuse to get in shape, learn a skill or earn a little fucking scratch!
          Makes sense.

        4. @Better, where the hell you have been all these days !? Nice to see you back again 😉

    2. If u need to dance so that you can get laid then you have a real problem that you should be sorting out first before you dance.I don’t have to dance to meet woman. On my to work ,coming from work doing my groceries church all places have woman be it for short or something real.

  3. Women should be highly concerned about closeted homosexual/bisexual men (who love this dancing shit) yearning to blow their high viral loads of semen into their vaginas. Meanwhile, I will be square stepping with my big belt buckle and a stern look of authority.

      1. Haha, lulz, spot on!
        To stay on topic – I agree, that its important to learn to dance, at least some basic moves so you can dance in some party where they either play some upbeat, or downbeat music, doesnt matter the genre, what matters is to know couple of universal moves and how to lead a woman on the dance floor.
        If you never dance and have zero interest in learning to, then nevermind this article.

      2. Guarantee you’re getting your ass plugged daily. Fucking fake ‘alpha’ faggot. You wouldn’t have to validate how much pussy you’re getting online if you were getting any. Why do you feel the need to prove you’re so alpha? Grow the Fuck up kid

        1. LOL. I’m not the one gay enough to make 5 separate accounts just to downvote other avatars (like anyone gives a fuck about downvotes, lol). Dude… you’re embarrassing yourself, Gen X-ile.

  4. It’s true, dancing classes can be a great place to meet chicks. I took some dancing classes and yes, poon was there. However, I prefer to spend my free time doing other things.
    However, as a man, you need to have your own priorities. It’s OK if you prefer to spend your scarce free time doing something more masculine than dancing. There are alternatives, secondary ways of getting pussy, anyways.
    In any case, don’t do anything just because of poon: get poon through minimal effort path and be happy.

    1. Dancing is rather masculine, depends on genre though.
      Primal dances around fire thousands of years ago werent considered gay so why would modern ones.

  5. The only reason any man woould learn to dance would be because he thinks it will help him get laid. Men who actually enjoy hancing are usually gay.

  6. I see the absolute benefits of dance classes. One it puts you in very close proximity to women and in physical contact with them doing the grind thing anyway, all of the dance and contact is arousing to them. Two, if you are clumsy in foot and mouth, they make some allowance for that because you are giving them FREE tingles they do not have to work for. Third, it gives them room to reassess your personal habits hygiene and social mores without it forced to be one on one where they cannot control the situation. Likely they will orgasm more than once due each class and they never had to give a BJ or get naked. ANY male should capitalize on that scenario (if it is available in your area). It is also likely that some sort of alcohol is also nearby or available and that if their tingles take off, they will ask you back to their place for more. They get to handle all the male ass and other parts and never have to worry about anything. Likewise the males being in a very public scene also have relative insurance that any negative criminal charges can be allayed by the sheer number of witnesses and likely cameras.

    1. Also it allows for no fault rejection of any invitation, by them or you. I used to (years ago) go clubbing and between line dancing and partner dances, yeah, it was almost always a sure poosy getting ride….HOWEVER…most of the easiest women in the clubs that would pick you up, were married cheating whores…but you aren’t there to CHANGE their nature, but to exploit it. on another note, folks might think that the military posts and communities are somehow different than there rest of society, but in reality, it is often several shades more base than general population. the military may seen to have the most rigid conservative community, but in reality, the women in that community, single or married, the most cheating group, and the men the most cucked (though many don’t know it, their other halves go to extremes like no other to keep it hidden well. most only get caught well after the fact, usually by sudden pregnancy.

  7. yeah, dancing class
    i’ll just try to fit it in
    my schedule between
    dentist, DMV, groceries,
    and that motorcycle ride
    i’ve been putting off already

    1. JWRIGHT
      Busy men are not seducers; they use prostitutes or fuck women casually.
      If you structure your life around seducing women you won’t really do much.

        1. Real men do not purport to pick up women left and right when they are homosexuals.

  8. Fuck that. Took dance lessons for a few years and although I did get pussy out of it, it was a waste of time, and I wouldn’t consider doing it again.
    There are many more things I’d rather be doing that suit my masculine nature. Hiking, shooting, traveling, reading, lifting, etc. Dedicating your time and energy towards something you aren’t passionate about it silly, life’s far too short to spread yourself thin. Never take up an activity just because women may be present.

    1. It’s not like you show up and women line up to dance with you . For starters there are other guys who dance more than you do secondly , unless you are there day and day out and so are the same women , then you don’t get to build rapport . Women are flaky , you may never see them again there . Lastly you have to put time and energy into learning it , perfecting it , and then going there and unless you have a passion for dancing . I assume most men on here don’t. Then going for just the poon is an utter waste of your time . I prefer sports lifting weights , and spending 2 to3 hours 1 day per week at my favorite bar

      1. Lol, you’re just a bunch of excuses. I’m just waiting for you to start blaming He-Man for presenting a false perception of masculinity. You probably wore the He-Man pink shirt, shouting, “By the power of Grey Skull…” not realising that he’s a faggot. Now you’re angry at your mama and papa for letting you get brainwashed by a homo cartoon.

        1. uh sure man, sounds like you’ve been eating too many Tide Pods bro.

        2. Never been dumped. About the most stress I’ve had from females is when I get one who refuses to leave.
          I suppose, if I’m honest, my problem with girls is just down to one factor: I just don’t see the point to committing to one when I can have more. I don’t see the point to procreation or marriage or society in general, so I never invest emotions into my interactions. The downside of this approach is it just makes them want you more.

    2. Thank you. Now at the next wedding reception I go to the guys like you will get out of the way while I dance with your women and get their digits and/or coital bliss.

    3. Years?
      Damn, I took a semester PE dance class in college and watched a few YouTube videos.
      You don’t need much to be better than 80% of the other guys around.

      1. Depends on the country you live in.
        Where I come from, national folk dancing is still the thing that both young and old dance, so while its no modern or club dancing to get the pussy wet, it does help a little.

  9. sorry, but it seems half the articles in here are ‘stay away from women, they’re insane and will ruin your life’ and the rest are like this one, ‘here’s how to get laid, you desperate sucker’. it’s kinda confusing.
    anyway, as for this particular piece. yes, i already saw the comment that men who don’t dance are cowards and make up excuses. it really doesn’t merit a reply. and yes, i myself tried dance class, at the invitation of a grad school classmate. it was the gayest thing i think i’ve ever been part of – and that includes going to church every week and listening to that piano-guitar-flute ensemble.
    sure, lots of women love guys who dance. so what? are we going to pattern our lives now to impress them?? they also prefer justin bieber to johnny cash, johnny depp to john wayne, etc etc etc. should i get a maroon 5 tattoo while i’m at it??
    i can’t dance, but i can wrestle and box. i remember in college, the boxing club was holding its annual tournament, with proceeds going to charity. i was fighting in the finals, in the heavyweight class, and trying to sell tickets to some of the girls i tutored in math. again and again i was told ‘sorry, i’m going to the glee club concert that night’. so should i have quit boxing and joined glee club??
    if you’re gonna live your life according to how it will please/impress girls, go right ahead and learn to salsa. i just hope whomever you end up with cheats on you with a boxer or wrestler..

    1. gregpy
      True, women are sort of becoming Lesbian. They prefer feminine-looking women.
      A Charles Bronson or Steve McQueen would never be attractive today to women.

      1. There are so many fags, steroid heads, wiggers and meatstack greaseballs out there, that even a 29 year old Marlon Brando or Burt Reynolds would have a tough time in this plastic ‘modern’ shithole. Women are only after guys that look like age 25…If you look anything over that, you are thrown to the dogs. There is no comparison to today to the way it was 25 or more years ago.

    2. “if you’re gonna live your life according to how it will please/impress girls, go right ahead and learn to salsa”
      This is how I viewed this article as well. Graduate-level clown game. Grade-A peacocking to trigger mate attraction.
      No one here mentions as well that dance classes are jam PACKED with old women.

      1. There are free dance lessons in my city from 7 to 9 pm every Friday night . I went religiously for 2 months . Most women that showed up were over 50 and the others were average looking . At 10 pm the hot ones show up just to drink, dance a little and get attention . Does it mean I dont try ? Nope I try but that doesn’t equate to nothes anymore Han regular bar game

      1. awww… make sure you’ve had a mani-pedi next time you go dancing! i’m sure you remember what hector and priam said about paris, regarding dancing and warfighting, right?
        insecure much??

  10. I’ve had plenty of fun at dance halls and salsa night at clubs . Many a night spent there . Did I get laid ? Hardly . Did I dance with a lot of hot chicks ? Yes . Most men who don’t spend 3 times per week at the dance bar will tell you the same thing . The men who spend all their time dancing at dance halls and clubs and bars probably don’t have much else going on unless they are an instructor or professional . That’s simple truth , not keyboard alpha posturing

    1. You have it all wrong.
      Few guys go dance for the sake of dancing. It’s the wedding reception, the outdoor concert, the bar that happens to have a band that night and the campfire with the music blaring. These are the places where the bishez start swaying and dancing, just craving a guy who is man enough to dance with them who they can go home with that night. When these days come, you’ll be SO pissed that the girl you were chasing abandoned you to go dance with me

      1. I’ve taken 2 step , waltz , and triple 2 step as well as bachata and salsa. Has it helped me meet a FEW women ? Yes. But again way more time and effort than I have .i approached a 9 at a country dance hall some months ago had a great convo with her for 2 hrs to be only told she was engaged but she liked my company . Same shit , just different venue . Have I been laid before from the same place ? Yes . Again it’s another crap shoot but better than nothing I guess

  11. If you like dancing anyway, go do it, and enjoy these advantages, but if you just do it for the sake of (trying to) getting women, you are a bloody beta.

  12. For fucks sake, ROK lists dozens of easy ways to get laid more and the MGTOWS in the comments section sit with their arms crossed over their belly’s like, “no, thats too hard. She needs to like me for my sweet fantasy sport ball team.”
    You guys are like the fat, boorish women who are pissed that men don’t look at them.
    If you don’t like the articles here or are too lazy to try new things go back to redit.

    1. I’d have been more impressed if the photos didn’t all show effeminate Hispanic men.

    2. Bro your name is clearly that of an amateur homosexual porn actor. Go peddle your drivel somewhere else.

      1. Ad hominem, nice.
        But truly, if you don’t feel like doing anything this site recommends, then perhaps not read it?
        You’re like the critics on the old Muppets show, hating the material but still showing up to watch.

        1. There’s some really outstanding material on ROK. This ain’t it. Ad hominem ? If you’re gonna act like a pecker sucker you’re gonna get treated like a pecker sucker.

  13. Former expert salsa dancer here. Yes, women lined up to dance with me. Then, after enjoying themselves with me on the dance floor, they ran back to their boyfriend or girlfriends, leaving me with my dick in hand.
    The correct way to use dancing to meet girls (at least with salsa) is repeat the beginner class over and over. After a few repetitions, or maybe just one repetition, you will be the expert (other than the teacher) when a new class begins. Evaluate the girls at the very first meeting of a fresh 4 week beginner class and try to grab a pretty girl who responds to you. Pretty girls get snapped up quickly in these beginner classes, but the fact that you are the best in the class gives you a slight edge at the first meeting.
    Don’t bother with higher level classes. These are for unattractive girls (ugly or bitchy or frigid) and closet homos.
    Don’t bother dancing in nightclubs. If your not an expert, you’ll be outclassed by guys who are. if you are an expert, like I was, the girls will mostly use you for entertainment and then dump you.
    Girls do NOT pick mates based on dance skill. All dancing does is put you in close proximity for a few minutes and thus give you a chance to sell yourself. If the girl would not choose you independent of your dance skill, having dance skill will get you nothing but the opportunity to entertain her on the dance floor until she has had enough dancing for a while and decides to go find a guy who is sexually attractive to her but can’t dance.

    1. THIS^
      Been there done that. Same faces wanting the public’s attention while spinning. No thanks. All you need is the basics to open.
      And if you’re a Chad, just make an effort and the girl is happy to “teach” you and not let you go.
      And for status, you’ll have to be an instructor.

  14. Dancing is also a rigorous workout & forces you into good posture & moving gracefully. No, thats not “gay.” If the commenters here quit being so self-defensive & labeling anything gay that they’re afraid of, they’d lose that unattractive chip on their shoulder. Women are attracted by easy self-confidence.

    1. I also like the studies that it keeps people mentally sharp and spry as they grow older, far more than one could expect without anything being done. I met a number of men and women in their 70’s and 80’s who were still energetic and able to dance for a few hours.

  15. Whoever wrote this article is either Homosexual, Brown/Black, French or all the above. What kind of self respecting man spends any fucking time learning to dance? What the fuck? There isn’t enough time in a day to consider such a moronic waste of time. If you’re ugly/poor/bad conversationalist you’re fucked anyway. If you have anything going on in your life ( as a result of disciplined self improvement) then you have no reason to be there; the women come at you. This is an embarrassing article. Where do you live? Portland Oregon? Go fuck yourself.

    1. Well, I’m Straight, White, and of English descent. But I thank you for your deep concern that I might not have that Golden Trifecta in my life.

  16. Where’s that workout guru Larsen with his shirt off selfie? that’s the kind of penis worshiper that loves dancing; a real winner if there ever was one. We need more articles by the likes of Pete Fletcher and less of these nubile queens pulling their shirts up and encouraging the pursuit of dancing. For fucks fucking sake. We did good getting the SPLC’s attention now lets not take a lukewarm piss all over ourselves.

  17. B.b.but we don’t like women no? They are bad and evil no? We are mgtow! Now if we were talking about dancing classes with other men…

  18. The same is true for horseback riding. Like dance, the women are athletic with strong legs. People that don’t do it call the men “fags.” Fact is wealthy, trim women ride horses. And since horses expell flatulents at will, a man can pass gas in a barn, and no one will ever know.

  19. Is dancing really considered gay by some here? In what universe is dancing gay? It gets you women.

    1. Thank you.
      I read your article and I must say, I have no idea why dancing is considered gay. Maybe because it requires coordination? I have no idea.

  20. So wait a minute chaps; if a man ‘leads’ a woman during Latin dancing, how has it not attracted the ire of SJWs yet? Is it because they are afraid to mess with something ‘Latin?’

  21. Good article. A man that knows how to dance gets ahead in the competition with other men. In Latin nations, this is pivotal. In Portugal, if you know how to dance, its game on!

  22. I’ve done a boatload of salsa and some Argentine Tango (way different from ballroom) and what strikes me is the patriarchal nature of those Latin dances particularly.
    The second and maybe more important aspect is how that kind of dance positively changes the mindset of the girls with whom you dance.

  23. Useless for dancing clubs (where your skills will be always lower to the skills of gay men who actually enjoy dancing), but useful for weddings and other social meetings where most of betas stay sit.
    Although the quality of the pussy you snatch that way is highly variable.

  24. Whether one should dance probably depends on one’s energy levels, identity aspirations and of course interest. I tried pair dancing once and it was not for me at all.
    I also spent several hundreds of euros completing courses in many different sorts of individual dance ranging from ballet to stuff that I cannot even remember the name of but it was related to hiphop.
    That was a few years ago and maybe I’ve become more creaky and unhealthy (I blew out a disc around that time which affected my movement) since then but I feel like I can no longer master the energy for it especially as it cuts into my finances too obviously. I have a good beach body but now at 33 I’d rather just concentrate on bodybuilding and cannot imagine trying to spread out my time and talents like I fleetingly believed I could when I was only 29. I have, among other things, taken a serious shot at learning a lot of languages and spent some very serious money on classes because I’m not motivated to self-learn in my own apartment and I would hate to see myself forget everything I’ve learned in my academic pursuits or see my physique grow weaker just because I’m trying to be some kind of a mythical movie MacGyver character who’s been everywhere and knows everything about anything. I think we have to remember that we grow more tired and disillusioned every year even if it’s very subtle.
    I’m happy, on some level, that I did those dance courses because it took some guts to go out there (often the only male around), get embarrassed many times, have some successes and just grind it out until the entire course was done with. Did it leave me with superior dancing skills? Well not necessarily because compared to something like martial arts dancing (around my parts anyway) is very expensive and you can usually only have one class a week with summers off, which means you’ll receive very little practice unless you spend really big and even then it might fail if you’re in a small town with no options.
    The one thing that will stick with me for life is that I learned a tiny bit of theory and lived the experience and consequently I’ll always be able to engage myself in a conversation with people who are either serious dancers or interested in trying out and for someone interested in motivating and guiding other people through verbal means on a professional level that’s a plus.
    That’s why I think that dabbling in a dance or two long enough to get some kind of a tangible certificate for your CV is a good idea as long as it does not limit your life too much but don’t do it for the ladies because never once was I approached by any, in class, in my time, the girls were always busy trying to leave the building once the class was over and my attempts to build some small talk with them were in vain. It would have been very convenient for the girls to do some chatting with me while maintaining plausible deniability given that I was the only man there most of the time and we had a similar interest. Later on on the street I even made a subtle move on a former teacher of mine who honestly was a 5 at best for me; nice body and personality but facially less attractive than the average girl and she was not buying what I was selling.
    To end on a more positive note however, the one thing that changed for me after minimal training was that I finally dared to venture on the dance floor in clubs; alone and sober.
    My first time doing that was perhaps the most magical; the large floor was empty and I just went there doing some half-assed salsa imitation and some burly blue collarish male wall flowers were mockingly whistling at me until a fairly large group of girls (averaging 6-7 on the SMV scale) surrounded me and started dancing in my close proximity. I was too polite to touch them and I could not be made to say anything but I could tell that at least one of them was really into me and a similar thing happened multiple times over the last three years or so; the last time being the summer of 2017 when I was surrounded by 18-25 year old girls in a meat market club while wearing a tank top on the floor.
    Because I’m on the autism spectrum and quite damaged in other ways I’ve never been able to turn these experiences into anything amazing but they are nice memories nonetheless and achieving new things in life will always give you resilience and confidence regardless of what women think of it.

  25. Yeah dancing has helped me impress the black girls and Asian girls with dancing and banged them. So yeah this article was good.

  26. I’m too tall (I’m only 6’1.5 but very easily look taller), too Aspie, and too stiff/rigid, too uncoordinated to ever do well at dancing (tango, salsa, you name it). I wish I felt comfortable doing it but I feel like I’m forcing myself to do something I have no interest in at all. These are for the genes of a greasy haired, big headed Latino, Greek, Italian or Slav to master.

    1. But trust me when I say this that I really wish I could have strong interests in dancing…Its an art and a skill, no doubt! If I knew I could do well, I wouldn’t give it a second thought and perform. I really enjoy being around classy, very attractive women. No feminists though!

  27. I see one straight white guy in the whole article…The dark haired guy at the top…The rest are mutts!

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