Why Fighting Is Good For Men And Boys

What would you do if you saw two boys of 6 years wrestling? Their shirts off, red and sweaty, they have a large group of peers around them, cheering, eyes wide and knuckles white. Would you stop them or give the young scraps some advice? Do you see a violent squabble or boys acting on natural impulses which will better equip them to defend their family and neighbours later in life? The answer you give is, in large part, dependent on your gender; so, the fact that this scenario would make an increasingly large number of men upset is a sign of a collapsing civilization. But, nil desperandum, Western civilization has the solution!

boys fighting

Mere horseplay!

As an early years professional, I saw education academics acknowledging the data—boys need ‘rough and tumble’ play for their mental and physical wellbeing! But they have no way of encouraging this in institutions where boys are immediately reprimanded for making finger-pistols at each other. Without saying it directly, they thought that the majority female teaching staff for younger age ranges were pushing our boys’ natural urge to fight like lion-cubs underground. What’s more, the boys were made to feel bad about themselves and their very nature.

Their solution? They suggested that more men be encouraged to teach younger children and engage in rough play with them. Until the late 1800’s, education was male dominated and boys spent a lot of time with male mentors. But, of course, there has been no effort to bring back that environment. Instead, a compromise between boys being boys and boys being fairy princesses was achieved—playing superheroes.

As though female teachers are going to tone down the disapproval as the boys shoot lasers and magic at each other. The treacherous political class present only feeble attempts to manage the symptoms of our societal masculinity problem; like sticking some tape over the burst pipe of our hemorrhaging testosterone as cultural marxism continues to swing the pick-axe of nth-wave feminism at it. So, it’s high time we took a few swings back.

But, first, we need to teach our lads how to fight.

At the age of 6 or 7, Viking children were taught the martial art of Glima. This was not just father and son play-fighting; boys and occasionally girls already wrestle with friends and family up to that age. This was more systematic, a group activity.

The Greeks also taught their boys how to wrestle because our other ancestors could see the big picture. The Hoplites, for example, were individualistic free men of all ages who voluntarily came together to practise combat; this not only strengthened their communities but also allowed these farmers to fend off the Persian Empire. Yet, today, even isolated expressions of violence in computer games are questioned by SJW’s. Nevertheless, all the signs are there—our boys are yearning for the same activities practised by their forefathers.


At college, I started a unofficial fight club—men only. This based in large part on the book and movie of the same name, in which the narrator’s Nietzschean alter ego, Tyler Durden, describes the bubbling frustration inside the ever-increasing number of 30-somethings coming together for underground fights: ‘We’re a generation of men raised by women.’ Naturally, half the guys in my year were participating within a week. But, our young boys should be taught how to fight openly and without shame to avoid hidden expressions of violence and maybe even some mass-shootings by angry, loner teens. When they are young, it is the perfect time to teach them.

Young lads have no intention of seriously injurying their friends; it’s just good fun and produces healthier attitudes towards violence and confidence in self-defence and the defence of one’s community. Furthermore, a recent study has shown that fighting helps to strengthen peer relationships, meaning less bullying and segregation. It is interesting to compare the codes of honour of ancient Greek wrestling etc. with those we intuit as wrestling children.

  • No intentional hitting or kicking
  • No gouging the eyes or biting
  • No going for the balls!

That’s precisely how I used to wrestle with my brothers and friends as a pup; it was just obvious. If someone took things ‘too far’, they were ostracised from the fun, at least until they calmed down and apologised. If someone got hurt, we stopped, checked whether they were just being a pussy or needed to get themselves mended; we kept calm and carried on.


‘We’re a generation of men raised by women.’ – Tyler Durden

The data are screaming that men haven’t changed, especially our need to practise fighting.

We still have the same natural impulses but their suppression, no, their demonisation has made our men weak and submissive. So much so, many are self-deprecating betas who believe masculinity is toxic, full of white guilt and ashamed of Western civilization. We have everything to be proud of and need to encourage our boys’ fighting spirit so they grow some balls, some confidence in themselves and their kin. That’s the spirit which has kept our enemies, foreign and domestic at bay for thousands of years and will do the same to cultural Marxism, malevolent immigrants and anyone else who wants to have a go. If we want to turn scrapping boys into men first and gentlemen second, we need to organise some fights, not break them up.

Read More: A Short History On The Masculinity Of Fighting




106 thoughts on “Why Fighting Is Good For Men And Boys”

  1. It’s only through pain that we really feel alive, and on a deeper level, understand the natural world.

  2. The only way to learn that violence is not the answer, is to attempt to apply it as a solution to a problem.
    We remember the shock of an unanticipated blow. The panic of being pinned down and unable to escape. The dread when you realize you’re going to lose what you thought was a sure victory. Or you taste the bitter glory of a victory that just wasnt worth the cost.
    All of these lessons are best learned in childhood when the damage is minimal, and the ability to learn is maximal.

  3. Fighting builds a man character and creates brotherhood. The goal of society now is to isolate men from other men and their natural emotions. By suppressing their these urges early and replacing them with SJW theory and technology they aim to kill the masculine spirit. Without this energy you have a docile society which can be manipulated and controlled to further the interests of the current authority.

    1. Fighting also teaches you how to “lose.” As we all lose some fights, you evaluate why you lost and how to improve so it doesn’t happen again.

      1. BJJ teaches anybody how to lose.
        Improving it’s a whole different song, it takes time and it takes effort.
        Perseverance is learned as an added bonus.

        1. I was making the assumtion that after getting your ass beat a few times you are motivated to take the time and effort to improve. Some men don’t. Good catch.

    2. I’d say American society has largely succeeded in killing masculinity. (Trump excepted, of course).
      The propaganda taught in the public schools has all but made sure of it.

      1. We played full on tackle football in elementary school – no pads – just what we wore to school. Finally in late elementary they banned full contact sports at recess due to a few bad injuries. Now kids hardly have recess, maybe 20 min after lunch. We had a solid 35-40 min recess as I recall, it was aggressive, it was survival.

  4. I get the author’s point that physical exertion is good for a boy’s development. Having said that I vehemently disagree with the opening scene portrayed at the beginning of the article. Do you think 6 year old boys can discern gentleman rules by not gouging the eyes and taking a swing at the ballsack? No what boys need is proper combat and sparring training. Watched closely by their male coach. The coach will severely reprimand those who break the rules by playing dirty. Like a referee that penalize boxers for punching under the belt. I know I will get a lot of heat from the brotherhood here, but if it was me then yes I will break the boys up. Purely because 6 year olds wrestling have a very high chance of getting hurt especially if they decide to utilize the sweet MMA chokeholds they saw on FoxSports!

    1. Don’t agree with your whole post, but do agree 100% with this sentence:
      “…what boys need is proper combat and sparring training”
      It should be started early and continue throughout the teenage years at the least. Unfortunately, many of us do not get to have this. My father was a golden gloves boxer but never even once took me to a gym or tried to train me. Too busy with golf, I suppose…

      1. How did your mom feel about boxing? Guy I know was in your shoes; his dad won a few titles but as he got older the blows to the head costed him. His mother caugt him secretly going to a boxing gym and ended that. Just saying.

        1. My mother was/is an evil witch.
          Probably much of the reason my father was not around was because of her.
          She was the most controlling, manipulative, narcissistic female you could imagine. Try to imagine a combination of Ray Barone’s and Tony Soprano’s mothers rolled into one.
          She hated boxing, or anything else masculine, including most males.
          While I can understand my father wanting to stay away from her, it certainly did not excuse him for neglecting to train his son to be a real man. If he was unwilling to do that then he should have sent me to military school to get me away from her. He had the money to do that, but I think just didn’t care enough.

        2. Sorry about your bad breaks. At least you know first hand what toxic women are like and didn’t get divorced rape to learn it.

        3. Yup there are serious health concerns in the long run for those who dabble in boxing. Just look at the pathetic condition of Muhammad Ali before he kicked the bucket. Nevertheless, if you put your whole heart and soul into it, then nobody can stop you. Look at Mike Tyson formerly ghetto and prison thug. Pacquiao’s father abandoned him at a tender age. I gotta give credit to the Filipino warrior for accepting back his papa after he became successful. You see these men went all out in boxing as a way to unshackled from poverty.

        4. True. Pacqi was robbed in that last big fight…he spent most of the night chasing.
          I’ve been watching Conor McGregor of late..that Irish squish is entertaining and packs a mean left.

        5. “Yup there are serious health concerns in the long run for those who dabble in boxing”
          And in pretty much any MA or recurrent physical exertion.
          Go to any legit training hall and ask around.
          Menisci, kneecaps, jammed fingers, ACL, AC…
          In one place we called it the furniture catalogue.
          There are wiser ways of going about it, of course.
          But in the end none of us is made of iron.

    2. Fighting against the odds is better than not fighting at all. Good luck trying that, let alone supervising, in this culture.

    3. Correct. I recall as a child when I would go and visit my cousins in the summer. The girls would put on dancing competitions and the boys would do boxing tournaments. We would have gloves (no head gear this was before the total Wuss out) and our uncles would show us how to punch, to move and to block. They would bang a pot with a spoon for a bell. They took it very seriously. Looking back I realize they were drunk and making kids beat the snot out of each other but it was good for us.
      That said, when an unsupervised fight broke out like when I was at my cousins baseball game and got into a scrap with another kid, we didn’t get in trouble. It was explained to me that I shouldn’t have punched him in the face just for calling me names and we moved on

      1. You were very lucky to grow up in a family like that.
        What you describe is a great childhood, IMO.

        1. I was half lucky. I got to spend 6 weeks there every summer and a week for Christmas but the rest of the time I was living in a pretty shitty area of the city rather than on the Hudson Valley apple orchard my family lived on. All the same I feel very lucky

        2. Hudson Valley? It wouldn’t have been near Rhinebeck, would it? The reason I ask is because my father’s extended family had a farm up there, and when he ws a kid (in the 30s) all the cousins would do things you speak about, like fighting, hunting, going to the fairs, working the farm, etc.. He used to tell me these stories about how much he loved it, never stopping to think that he was letting me grow up with none of those things.

        3. Not too far from Rhinebeck actually. Rhinebeck is on the east side of the river though and my family is on the south. Also Rhinebeck is about 30 miles further north. That being said it’s not more than a half hours drive and there are some cool things up there.

    4. The old cultural institutions of warrior training/ physical fitness knowledge/ yoga/ meditation, for example of the celts, vikings, spartans, some native american tribes, the thai, have mostly been lost. It seems that the muy thai culture of thailand and the kung fu/ shaolin culture of china are some of the last remaining holdouts. We need to revive these institutions and update and evolve them. I am talking about eclectic- taking the best from every path, syncretic and synthesis, combining them into something, newer, more useful, uniting the wisdom of the ancients with the cutting edge developments of right now. I am having trouble finding the gym I want to find as I dont think it exists. There is all this sweet training equipment in the kung fu movies i have never found in real life. Crossfit gym is the closest thing but is no where near what I am imagining. I am thinking more of practical martial arts like krav maga, boxing, and other styles, combined with yoga, and intense physical training

    5. My cousin still publicly shames me over the nut-shot I gave him when I was 7 and he was 11… and I still feel guilty about it.

  5. All good fathers should ensure that their sons are trained in fighting/self defense from an early age. And if they are not prepared to do this themselves, then they should seek out a professional trainer or send his son(s) to a military school that includes this type of training. I wish I could have had a father like that.

    1. Me too. I dont blame my dad personally though. It is clear how the last few generations have been brainwashed. He was raised by his older sisters and bought into all the christian bullshit of “turning the other cheek”. The worst advice i was ever given was “kill them with kindness”, I had to learn on my own the hard way that it is okay to hit back when someone hits you first

      1. right on. my dad told me, in the event of a violent confrontation, turn around and walk away. lucky for me, the very 1st time i tried that, the other guy whopped me good in the side of the head. the black guys in my HS forced us to fight. as a father, i told both my kids to never back down from a bully, and if they want violence, give them far more than they asked for. both my son and my daughter used to play fight with me often, and the walls had holes to prove it. both good, strong kids, mentally and physically. studies prove that those involved in violent sports, such as sparring, are much less likely to suffer broken bones later in life. as they said in monty python…”HAVE AT YOU !”

        1. The original premise covered situations that were not life-threatening; “turning the other other cheek” has been taken out of context. John the Baptist (the herald of Christ) did not tell the soldiers to stop being soldiers (Luke 3:14).
          David was a man ‘after God’s heart’ and yet was ‘a man of blood’.
          Samuel and Phinehas (priests) killed people, as did the original tribe of Levi (the priestly tribe).
          Elijah called down fire from heaven, killing 102 people.
          Elisha called down a curse (two she-bears).
          St. Nicholas punched a heretic.

        2. And Jesus took a whip to the money changers in the temple.
          He was decidedly not a pacifist.
          Christianity allows for righteous anger and violence. Especially to defend kith and kin.

        3. Chris007, it’s not weakness, but meekness. Men were created by God to be masculine protectors, providers, and leaders. Turning the other cheek is the response one ought to have to a slap, which is an insult. When it comes to a real fight, you do your job. And you only have two cheeks.

    2. It’s always good to have a father who reminds you there’s a world out there that wants to kick your ass, especially if your home is calm, warm, safe and financially secure. You have to have a dad that jolts you out of your cushy modern life and helps you find that “primal grounding” if you grew up comfortable and/or well off.
      My dad was keen on planned “exposures” to the rawness and ugliness of the outside world and never coddled. He would rip us out of bed before dawn to go teach us wilderness survival skills, tracking, orienteering, hunting/camouflage techniques, the whole lot. Learning manly skills and an honor code early, it really sticks with you. Learning how to hunt (and dress game) and fish (and filet your catch) are good starters for eventually moving on to learning how to fight other boys/men. A good dad shows you how to build up your boyhood physique, take pain and give it, and how to practice restraint. They also show you how to use your mind to determine when *not* to fight, and choose otherwise. My dad started me at age 5…in retrospect I feel truly blessed and I hope every young man gets a dad like that.
      Unfortunately, a lot of my friends appear to have had soft, whichever-way-the-wind-blows beta dads that are nearly indistinguishable from their mothers from a behavioral standpoint (the fact that they play violent video games doesn’t count!). You can tell their mothers made the hard rules in their house and the husbands got emasculated…this weak static transfers directly into their sons if they don’t watch out.

      1. The bad part for me is, my father was similar to yours, but he never gave enough of a damn to pass that on to me. You were very fortunate to have a father like you did. And I am sure your sons will consider themselves lucky as well.

      2. OceanSon, that’s awesome. I wish I had a similar experience growing up. That’s how I plan on raising my sons, if my would should bear me sons.

      3. I took great delight in reading this, thanks for sharing.
        Kids who play violent videogames with regularity have mush for brains. They aren’t able to gauge the world outside their comfy room or their capabilities were they to find themselves in a dire situation.

    3. Martial arts from an early age, play fighting/wrestling is paramount. My dad was great at that, always had play fights with me and my brother, got me into karate and martial arts. I had a weedy few years as a teenager, but when I started karate again confidence soared. Now starting Mauy Thai, love a good scrap and challenge.

    4. Same here. Actually my father made an advice for me, but I didn’t like the idea of it because I was into some stupid video games. I wish he would have been more persistent.

  6. FYI, in Japan, Sumo & Jujutsu demonstrations were done sometimes as a form of a masculine offering to the gods if it was done on a Shinto Shrine.
    Anyway yes, boys should be taught how to fight but in a supervised manner and by adults who know how to let the boys express their strength without going overboard. The adults should also be a role model to the boys and should teach them when it’s appropriate to use violence and at what level when it’s needed. And when to stop. That way, you raise a generation of men able to meet difficult challenges in society without either flinching or going totally berserk.

    1. Indeed.
      The MA are not mindless violence.
      They get to touch deeper subjects such as self-restraint or brotherhood.
      That is something few people get from the outside.

  7. Awesome piece. My boys box with me (gloves on, mouthpieces in) almost daily. It usually goes from boxing to wrestling pretty quickly. We always start off with a little recitation of the house rules, which includes not starting fights but being able to finish them.
    My father didn’t teach me to fight, unfortunately, but I learned the value of it in the military.
    My youngest (6 years) did get in trouble at school for punching his friend on the playground. My wife was spoken to by the principal, but then the friend admitted (with his arm around my son) that he had pushed my son and taken a ball from him. The whole incident was just play, and a teacher had only seen my son hitting his friend in the chest after the fact. All is well…
    It’s a bit risky, teaching your kids to fight, but I think the alternative – having emasculated boys, is far, far worse.

    1. How many times do those who intervene not witness the initial provocation?? It is frustrating when you are the one defending yourself and then the authorities or white knights come after you and not the aggressor

        1. no kidding. my older brother picked on me relentlessly. i finally got to the point where he was going to get the shit kicked out of him (riding powerful 2 strokes like a maniac will do that to you) and my best friend got between us and stopped it until pop showed up. suck, i deserved the final victory over that A-hole.

    2. “My boys box with me (gloves on, mouthpieces in) almost daily. It usually goes from boxing to wrestling pretty quickly”
      I couldn’t help but smiling reading this.
      Keep up the good work.

  8. Knowing how to fight has more than just physical. It will change how you think and who you are. Every man needs to fight

    1. It’s only right that your avatar should chime in on this article! And your simple statement is true to the core.

    2. For starters, it will change your self-regard.
      Many people without pprevious background think themselves reasonably able to handle themselves in a tough scenario.
      They are much surprised by what they realize when sparring against a competent practitioner.
      Better to learn that lesson in the controlled environment of a training hall.

  9. The most interesting thing is what you find out about yourself when you LOSE a fight. For lack of a better analogy, you really start to see the good/bad sides of yourself like jedi/sith in these moments. I’ve had some glorious wins but I’ve lost even more.
    I’m Gen X and just over 40; I’ve generally gave up the physical fighting around 30 but still tend not to back down if someone is escalating or squaring off in my periphery. Oh, but I had some doozies from ages 8-30 or so. About 15 legit fights in total. Lost most of ’em — total record is about 7 wins, 8 losses.
    Half those losses were due strictly to sucker punches / sneak attacks, “big-brother-coming-to-save-little-brother” scenarios and cowardly dudes who were clearly losing and had to enlist their buddies to bail them out by ganging up on me (this last group are among the worst of all pussies; they only fight at your back, can’t think for themselves and are remote-controlled by the alpha in their clique). The other half of my losses? I legitimately “started shit” and got my ass whupped in those fights. Simply bit off more than I could chew, and paid.
    So what did I find out when I WON those other fights? I occasionally scared myself with my own behavior, because we go way out beyond our regular selves when we truly fight. I actually had to call my dad (to get better grounded) after a fight when I said I enjoyed beating the daylights out of one antagonistic asshole who was begging for mercy afterward, and I was seething and wanting blood. It was an awful win, I was a fucking monster.
    We are just a hair’s breadth away from deadly force at any given time, and must be wise about it. Once you win, you have to tamp down and stop yourself from wanting to kill a guy. Naturally this is not easy — you have to actively remind yourself we live in a world of laws (not easy when the adrenaline is flowing) and control the raging hormones.
    In the midst of a real all-out fight, you will explore the darkest depths of your ancient, primal psyche. Not a fun moment; not a proud moment. Not like the movie “Fight Club” except for that surface bravado that most men are programmed to display. The “ugly” lies just beneath, and that has real meaning and truth to me.

    1. “I’ve had some glorious wins but I’ve lost even more.”
      Same and I am a couple of years older than you. My last fight was a dozen years ago against a group of guys (6 IIRC). They were smaller, but wanted my wallet and perhaps thought their numbers would make up for their size. Told them to get fucked and wouldn’t back down and it was on. After about 6 city blocks and me not letting one of them get behind me, they gave up but not after I laid one out 3 blocks eariler (crushed larynx) and knocked the fight ouf ot another. When I got back to the hotel and surveyed the damange, I saw that I didn’t exactly “win” the fight either. LOL. Mostly scrapes and some cuts. I didn’t remember exactly how if all went down until I sat down and thought about it. Long story short, I called a cop friend as I was worried about consequences and he reassured me if they didn’t bag you on the street your fine. What are they going to say, “a big white guy beat all of us?”

    2. Spent 5 years in law enforcement, I’m grateful for the justification on using force and knowledge in the legislation for it, training I received. This gives me the confidence to escalate when I need to, and remind me of when to tone it off. Just knowing what you can and can’t do within the law for your area and reasoning why is vital. Helps control the rage/anger moments. Keeps you in control.

    3. I think it is a brain-state thing, too.
      My last fight was many years ago, and I totally forgot about it. My wife was telling the story, and I could only remember it in pictures and flashes. At first I couldn’t remember anything at all, and I thought she was making it up. I took no damage, no blows to the head. But, I had gotten so angry and predatory that I couldn’t even access the memories in my normal, reasonable, coffee-drinking brain state.

    4. “The most interesting thing is what you find out about yourself when
      you LOSE a fight.”
      Some friends and I used to have a saying: losing teaches you, if you survive to learn the lesson.
      BJJ comes to mind again.

  10. Fighting is basically the essence of masculity. It is the ponos, pain but in the meaning of struggle and longing for something. Men struggle for everything and fighting is the basic way in which ponos appears.

    1. Nicely articulated. It’s tied to that hunger you have innately to struggle and overcome obstacles and further yourself.

  11. It’s amusing to me to recall when I was much younger how I was conditioned by my father to never look for trouble or start fights but if they came to me to destroy the other without so much as blinking or compunction if they refused to back off. Years later I am very assured and assertive and have been told that I give off a palpable aura of danger even if I am not over 6″ etc.

    1. I wish my father had told me that. I am thankful I evolved beyond the conditions of my childhood as I am better equipped to raise my future children. I had to overturn my conditioning to not hit back. It is funny now because I am much taller and bigger than I was in high school, I was very small and didnt grow until college, a total late bloom. I too have preemptively stopped many confrontations in the street by giving off that energy. Its in the eyes. If you hold frame, intensely look right through them, daring them, most people will back down. Fights are better avoided anyways, even bruce lee said that, I do not plan on getting an assault charge.f that

      1. Exactly right. When you have that intense stare and unflinching frame you can cause many to turn tail. I have an icy gaze that on occasion can be murderous so people know I mean business if it comes to a situation where I have to be defend myself-it also doesn’t help them that I am a sadist because if I am provoked I will not only do whatever I need to it I enjoy it and will take liberties.

    2. I’m very low key, can even come across as shy at times, but I’m not really, just don’t enjoy talking to arseholes. A friends mate had picked up something on me though, told my mate I was shy, but that I obviously had something about me, that ‘he know’s how to fight, don’t he?’ My mate nodded at him, and said ‘That’s Saxon’.
      My rule is, you don’t have to be able to win the fight, you just have to fight well enough to make the other guy think twice about it. Armed neutrality. If I go down fighting and can give the big hard bastard a bloody nose whilst doing so, even if I get pounded, just giving off that vibe or people having that knowledge about ya is enough to remove some threats.

        1. Another way of stating that if you’re not in my tribe, I’m not putting myself at physical risk to defend you, because you got yourself into something you can’t get out of. However, if you’re part of my tribe then, game on.

  12. This is why I keep coming back to this site, focusing on positive masculinity, personal and community evolution, combatting the cultural paradigm, and providing an outlet for things you often cannot say in public. It gives me hope to see many conclusions I reached on my own years ago before I ever found this community continually appearing here

    1. Ain’t it funny how the men around here all seem to understand the “rules,” without them having to be explained.
      Things like: talk shit get hit, snitches get stitches, better to break your leg than your word, and don’t be a pussy are just naturally understood to be the lay of the land. Genetic wiring of the masculine psyche perhaps, I dunno.

  13. I started a fight club at my high school. Guys from all social circles and races came. We let girls come but they had to bring us baked goods and keep quiet. Lots of cigar smoking and bonding.

  14. What do you all think the proper sequence should be? Boys should learn some form of wrestling first, maybe boxing when they hit puberty, and more “advanced” self-defense in their late teens?

    1. My own personal opinion is that it should be boxing from the get go. Standing up and using your hands is the proper way to fight, IMO. I remember one of the commentators (Ferdie Pacheco maybe?) making this comment: Martial artists are trained to punch to the target. Boxers are trained to punch through the target.
      That being said, I do see the practicality of BJJ and Krav Maga if/when dealing with a mugger. Maybe boxing for civilized men to settle their differences and shake hands afterwards, and Krav Maga to deal with some “Tyrone” trying to mug you?

    2. Then, specialization according to each one’s talents.
      Counters to common techniques mandatory.

  15. Didn’t you guys have to cancel a meeting because of a women’s boxing club who wanted to crash your bar meetup?
    And what about your hero, Donald Trump who avoided going to Vietnam? Wouldn’t his manly upbringing of learning how to fight prepare him to serve in Vietnam? Yet he got draft deferments for education and another for bone spurs.
    Also, we live in a society that values video games, movies and television. So there isn’t much use for actual fighting. Just talk to your friends in the gamergate community about it. However, if you’re a man who’s going to end up in prison, then yeah, learning how to fight might actually help you.

      1. But a moslem goat humper fag might get in the club and do violence to him and his helpless boyfriends – yikes!

      2. After your bar meetup was cancelled because of the Women’s Boxing club wanting to crash your male bonding time, where exactly did you guys hang out? I mean, the bar you were all suppose to meet at is probably a bar that services heterosexual males. If you all couldn’t meet there, where did you hang out instead? Did you guys have to sit at home with some wine while surfing the Return of Kings website? Which is okay, because I do the same thing, I drink wine and read articles on the Return of the Kings website.
        Anyway, since this blog post is about martial arts and fighting, check out these articles:
        Looks like women and the LGBTQ crowd are taking lessons on how to fight. There are even classes being taught to women and the LGBTQ community on how to handle firearms if they feel they should use handguns to protect themselves.

        1. Pussy, the meetups happened anyway. Why are you sulking around this site with your tripe which no one will read? Beat it tramp. No one cares.

  16. I taught my sons the basics of sword fighting when they were in elementary school and bought each of them their own copy of Art of War and a martial translation of the Book of Five Rings. I wanted them to learn tactics and strategy at all levels and they did well. My wife despaired at my daughter wanting to learn but let her. Now she is in a LARP group that fears her when she picks up a battle axe. She went from little princess to shieldmaiden covered in the blood of her enemies in about 5 years. She won’t tolerate a beta-male.

  17. Yeah but fighting is just a first step to a higher masculine enlightenment.
    The true male knows and knows how to read and interpret situations.
    Fighting should only be used as a last resort to something that is an impending threat to your or yours’s physical safety.
    If you can find other ways to get out of the situations make sure fighting is your absolutely last resort after you’ve tried everything else.
    The prisons are filled with men that say : ,,It all started from a fight, I wish I didn’t get in that fight.”
    This does not mean that a male shouldn’t know how to fight.
    He should know and train at least once a week in sparring with other males.
    He should reach the level where fighting is just an option he has at his reach but does not use it when it is truly not needed.
    Let’s get this violence thing right.
    Barbarians to the core, but self-controlled.
    The younger males are watching – always, let’s get this thing right so we do a good job as teachers.

    1. People that are always fighting will have more experience putting you in a worst shape whether it’s physically or lawfully. It is preferrable to use as last resort but your intuition and sharpness will rust

  18. Men generally learn as boys that running your mouth and acting up excessively will get your ass kicked.
    Modern women learn as girls they can act as cunty as they like to men without retaliation or accountability.

  19. If you have a son in the western education system then you know how damaging it is to boys. They are totally programmed to be obedient beta citizen and to submit to the holy vagina. I have witnessed the most castrating brainwashing ever in elementary school, it drives my nuts and all in the name of “security”. They can’t even throw a fucking snowball anymore ! Undoing this programming is my mission, I instill red pill teachings slowly but steadily, not always easy but it’s worth it.

  20. Yeah way to end up hurt or in prison. My mother’s late boyfriend spent 10 years in jail for accidentally killing a man in a bar fight. If you want to fight take up a sport like martial arts or boxing. Don’t go around being a thug.

  21. The cultural crackdown against normal fights is causing an increase in violence that actually results in lasting harm. Guys know that they are going to jail if they throw a single, solitary punch. So they either (a) repress so much rage that they go wild once that first punch gets thrown, (b) figure they are gonna get arrested no matter what, so they may as well make it worth it and administer a savage beat down, or (c) both.
    It would be a safer and more civil society if men were given the legal space to step outside and find resolution for their differences.

  22. I wish I knew how to fight. But since I was raised by an abusive single mother I am not the most masculine. I have found ways to appear like I could kick someones ass but I just need to find a way to at least hold my own. Once I get my body like I want it then i will find a way to work on that. I am so close to paying a hobo just to punch me in the face.

      1. I want to but I am not the best fighter or the biggest dude. But I need to learn to defend myself. What type do you suggest?

  23. The irony in the value of fighting from early-on in life, is it teaches you quickly What battles are worth fighting – both physically and metaphorically – and what battles aren’t worth fighting. That skill will prove invaluable as life progresses.
    I remember a fight between myself and the neighborhood bully when I was 11-12. He was a year older, known as a good fighter, and bad news. At 13 in a middle-middle class white neighborhood he’d already gotten into drug dealing, coke & weed. We went toe-to-toe for about 6-7 minutes which felt like an eternity. In the end, it was a draw from total exhaustion. Strikes, grappling (he was a jr. high wrestler, I was not). Both of us managed to block literally every facial strike except a few glancing blows to each other. Solid gut & kidney punches, slams, judo & greco type throws. No gouging, hair pulling, ball punches (the unwritten fighting code even when you’re a kid in a street fight back then).
    My dad, who was a mostly passive non-fighter type, I’m certain watched the whole thing from a distance before he finally intervened. It seemed very odd he showed up and berated us after we couldn’t move. He did what I’d have done with my son if I had one… wait it out for while, see what happens, make sure no one’s got a weapon or likely to need an ambulance or hospital trip. That fight changed my life.

    1. “The irony in the value of fighting from early-on in life, is it teaches
      you quickly What battles are worth fighting – both physically and
      metaphorically – and what battles aren’t worth fighting”
      Picking your battles wisely is a hallmark of mastery.

  24. The thing about fighting is that it acts as a counter to this pathetic victim-culture that teaches losers to blame everybody but the person in the mirror for their failings and their shortcomings.
    Fighting makes you quickly realise that you have nobody to blame but yourself for losing. Right now I sit here with my ribs still sore from last nights’ boxing match. The other guy got the win, but he deserved to. He fought well and improved massively since I sparred with him just a couple of weeks back. I don’t blame my cornermen. I don’t blame anybody but myself for losing. I lost because I didn’t stick to what has worked for me in the past. Instead of “jab and move” which works when I am fitter than my opponent and have longer reach than him (as was the case last night) I tried to rain down an avalanche of punches on this bloke and move in close for the kill. As a result, I copped a few solid head shots, got winded from a punch to the gut and obviously got a blow to the ribs that I don’t remember. But who’s fault is that? Mine.
    The more boys and men we train and get fighting, the fewer self-loathing professional victims we’ll have in our society= the better off our society is as a whole.

    1. “I don’t blame my cornermen. I don’t blame anybody but myself for losing”
      Esprit de corps.
      That’s the attitude.

  25. I used to be bullied back in elementary and middle school. Now those bullies are my closest friends.
    “Do not run from it and just DEAL WITH IT — FIGHT BACK! You don’t even have to win. JUST. FIGHT. BACK!”
    MY MOM was the one who told me to do so. So, if you are a FATHER who tells your kids (especially your sons) that it’s better and safer to just whine and cry for being bullied in school instead of “go fight them back”, I don’t know what to say about you.

    1. Correct, to just deal with it as bullies happen throughout life instead of crying about it. I found out myself as well to standup to them, and in some cases become friends with them. And as said that still goes on…

      1. Yeah. She’s a tough lady. Not in a feminism sense though. The idea of equality/sameness between men and women disgusts her.

  26. If we look at men’s organizations throughout history it is no surprise that many of them were built on physical challenges. Military and Sports Clubs are the first things that spring to mind. Both are individually taxing and competitive (with the known benefits of such), and they teach teamwork and conflict resolution within a group. These things are essential for men to grow and thrive.
    I remember growing up as an only child and wrestling with my Dad. He was obviously stronger, more knowledgeable and could best me easily. But those times are amongst some of my most cherished memories and they built strength and coordination in my growing frame. By the time that I had my first actual fight in school, I fought with the intensity of a boy fighting a man. I quickly gained a reputation for being a “hard target.” And while that didn’t prevent all physical altercations, it kept all but the bravest (or dumbest) bullies from harassing me.
    These days I channel those aggressive instincts to BJJ and other hard physical pursuits, but the foundations for handling myself against another man was built in my formative years when the risk of injury or death was much less.

  27. It almost seems that “liberated” women and many homosexuals have gone out of their way to emasculate males to get more of them into their respective camps. While I personally support a woman’s desire for equality in all things, I would still kick someone’s ass for trying to subvert my maleness for any reason, and will not ever fall for the male guilt trips being created by the aforementioned groups. But then I was raised before the “politically correct” age which seems to have started in the 90’s.
    My two sons were taught to defend themselves and did scuffle with each other and their male friends with no interference from me (except to remind them of the rules mentioned in the article) and they both are well rounded males who act like men. Seeing some of the males today who seem ambivalent to their maleness makes me worry for the future of mankind.

  28. The thing that really sucks about fighting are jokers that pull some weapon, or beat someone far past submission. Getting beat in a fight is one thing, getting your head pounded in with a brick is another.

  29. I could not agree more. Masculinity is sucked from these kids like a vacuum. I’m 17, and I’ve been a product of the SJW feminist world for a big chunk of my life. I started reading ROK about a year ago, and having taken the red pill, I’m definitely much better off.

  30. Contact sports, when undertaken in the right environment, are therapeutic in more than one sense.
    Plenty of people will relate to this.

  31. In 1997 my then 10yr old son got into a fight with a classmate, he bloodied the boys nose and got some scratches on his face but neither were any the worse for wear. During the parent teacher conference with my ex-wife her husband the other boys parents and the teacher and principle I suggested boys will be boys and that they shake hands and apologize. My god the reaction I got was vomit inducing. Unexceptable violence. Anger management, counseling. grief management. I looked at all of them like they were nuts, and they looked at me like a Neanderthal. I knew then and there young boys were doomed.

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