In April 2018, Ulster University withdrew the emeritus title from world famous scientist Robert Lynn because of pressure from the Student’s Union. The union beseeched the university to end all association with Professor Lynn because his views were “racist and sexist in nature”.
Professor Lynn, through empirical research and detailed studies has claimed that men are on average 5 IQ points higher and that East Asians, Chinese in particular, have the highest IQs. To any common person, these assertions are self-evident. Men overwhelmingly choose STEM subjects compared to women and even till now, most of the world’s notable discoveries and inventions are made by men. The Chinese control the world’s 2nd biggest economy and exist as a dominant minority across the globe. But for the hard leftist students union, hurt feeling and political correctness trumps cold hard logic. Proving the old adage…
It is troubling that an educational institute residing in a Western democracy has caved in to the self-indulgent polemics of these uninformed undergraduates. Plurality of views and the freedom of speech are among the cornerstone values that vaulted Western civilization to greatness. Universities nowadays are no stranger to regressive students attempting to ban elected politicians from speaking and this is a troubling development.
Anyone familiar with Professor Lynn’s work will of course mention his work on the theory of dysgenics. In his prescient 1996 book Dysgenics: Genetic Deterioration in Modern Population, he correctly identified the worrying trend that lower IQ groups were having more offspring than those with a higher IQ. A theory most popularized in the crass 2006 film Idiocracy, which ironically regained prominence as an explanation for Trump’s presidential election. Still nowadays people have begun to lament Idiocracy as an accurate dystopian prediction. A pity, since this theory has roots as far back as the 19th century.
Dysgenics again is utterly self-evident, yet glaringly not spoken about. There is a directly correlation between the educational attainment of women and the nation’s birth rates. Women in developing nations are married off at a far younger age than in the West. The result is that women who are in their reproductive primes can give birth to multiple children, whereas developed nations like Japan are experiencing a population free fall.
Even with the advances in modern medicine, educated couples are struggling to conceive. Professor Lynn had noted that criminals were noted to have a higher number of offspring than the law-abiding citizens. This comes as a surprise to no one, considering the number of daytime TV shows dedicated to paternity tests of low socioeconomic individuals.
But the science is there to state the phenomenon and to explain it. We know that woman are drawn towards bad boys because of their perceived dangerous, which they hope will produce more successful offspring. However in modern day society, siring children with irresponsible individuals leads to offspring raised in single parent homes. Consequently, they are less mentally stable and more likely to end up committing crimes. It simply isn’t conducive to society, and previously the Western world recognized this.
That is why criminals were forcibly sterilized, and the “outdated” social mores of asking for the parent’s blessings existed. In an increasingly globalized and automated world, it will be quality (tool making/maintaining) over quantity (tool using/breaking). What the asinine Left has failed to realize is that their “progressive” ideas are leading to outright civilizational collapse.
If current trends continue with street thug Tyrone Jackson having eight kids with eight different baby mamas, and mild-mannered IT specialist Peter Swanson has zero. Eventually you are just left with a nation of feckless unskilled delinquent Tyrones and Tiannas.
China was perhaps the wisest to this. Whilst the one-child policy created a massive gender imbalance, it had one significant benefit. Richer parents could afford fines for having additional children, whilst the poorest were limited to one. Although farmers had exemptions, this general idea was still light years ahead of the thoughtless lack of family planning in the modern day West.
China, as always, is the country that is planning ahead. This is why it’s global ascendancy is guaranteed. When confronted with the theory of dysgenics and Dr Lynn’s laborious research, China will ignore any opposition, both internal and external, in order to enact a solution. Currently Chinese women are also marrying later due to work and education. Yet China will not think twice in forcing the women to marry younger and forgo these diversions for the good of the politic body.
In short, Leftist delusions on equality and progressiveness are a road map to decadence and ruin. Uncomfortable truths need to be spoken and unpopular decisions need to be made because that is what it means to be responsible. To take ownership of the situation, plan for the future and make tough decisions.
The truly depressing fact is that a professor who has committed his entire career towards meaningful research has been utterly dismissed by both the scientific community and the public because his findings were uncomfortable truth. He could have easily engaged in less controversial research and towed the line; instead he did what any real scientist would do and objectively analyse the facts. Had Japan or any other Western nation taken heed to Professor Lynn’s work 20 years ago, we might have avoided this ignoble fate.
Read Next: China Is Poised To Surpass The United States As The World’s Biggest Superpower
Hurt feelings>facts always. Crying always gets a spoilt brat a new toy, this is what it all boils down to.
People are often offended by unpleasant truths.
Just a thought.
Mr. Hutz in (((The Simpsons))) explained this perfectly.
Women are generally inadequate for science because they are very likely to feel outraged by what studies may say about them (that they are weaker than males, or that they’re less likely to excel).
I’ve met plenty of women in academia and each time I’m baffled by them lacking the ability to think logically. You’d expect women at such institutions to be able to use arguments and not emotions in discussions.
>> You’d expect women at such institutions to be able to use arguments and not emotions in discussions. <<
Exactly these kind of expectations or hopes is what lead to women’s right to vote.
Papa Zel: Ice cold. I think about repealing the 18th and 19th ammendment all the time. We would be financially stable and would NOT elect based on “popularity”, looks and feelings.
There are two British authors who have work on similar topics – Edward Dutton
and Bruce G Charlton. I highly recommend these two books:
The Genius Famine –
How To Judge People By The Way The Look.
Get them before they get banned by the neo-ashkeNazis.
How to judge people by The way They look. I did a search online and couldn’t find any info about it.
Same. All I found was a HuffHuffHuffingtonblow article about why I shouldn’t…
Worth a chuckle, but I won’t do that foul rag the honor of a link.
One word:
(Just buy the damned book. Then read it. Build your library fer’ Crissake!)
Just a thought.
I think Amazon sells a few books, so if you’re looking for them, here they are:
I just started reading “How to Judge…” and it is incredible. It has already confirmed so my own thoughts and has definitely made me more aware as I interact with people.
“How to Judge People by What They Look Like” by Dutton.
Good post.
Who wants to be that the members of that Union compose of mostly ugly women?
There’s a clear correlation between face symmetry, sex and intelligence.
Here’s their twitter –
I doubt that “students” even know who lynn was. this was something the faculty members, specially the you-know-who, that are involved
There is little intellectualism to be found in universities now, they have just become places for materialistic, hedonistic youngsters to go to and party for a few years before they get their dream job working for a big city corporation. They have become feminised and those with a real thirst for learning will have to look long and hard before they find like minded students with whom they can discuss the important things in life and society. I can bet that few students know who Bach was or what city is the capital of Sweden, in other words there is little intellectualism to be found in universities now.
The Welfare State needs to be severely curtailed to stop this terrible phenomenon. Throughout most of human history if a poor, uneducated woman had a child out of wedlock, she would struggle mightily. Today, she gets free healthcare, free housing and free food. In many cases, she will also receive child support. The government is actually providing incentives to these individuals.
The poor are able to reproduce much faster than the rich because their reproduction is being subsidized by the state.
This is not new.
Long ago, there was a science fiction story titled “The Marching Morons” that predicted this, and integrated the factoid of Chinese marching by a spot 4 abreast, would never end, because they would breed faster than they could march by.
It was not negative of Chinese. Just built the story around that.
The Chinese are changing with prosperity, but not stupidly. They are not going to spread their cheeks in welcome to all the savages.
Maybe. The likes of facecuks (((zuckerberg))) are moving in on China. He is even breeding a little chosen one that looks just like them.
Never underestimate the J in uprooting and defiling a native culture to suite their agenda.
Richard Lynn?
have I been banned?
there is nothing scientific in the scientific community take for example the church of climate change/global warming/global cooling/global shut up and raise the taxes!!!
Au contraire, we have the best scientific studies that money can buy. If you have the money, the studies will say whatever you want.
Very accurate. Cue any pharmaceutical study performed on a drug by the respective pharmaceutical company.
What? No, “it’s the Joos,” comment from our resident kooks?
So disappointed.
How about Kratom?
No one left who remembers that either?
What’s the point of stating the obvious?
Shut yer bagel hole, kunt.
Why Ishmael? Going to strap a bomb on yourself?
No but the resident Zio-Shills will certainly be along to vomit their inane mental dribbles in a series of choppy, disjointed, overwrought comments designed to deflect from the JQ and to lead young men down the ruinous path of hedonism, whoremongering, MGTOWism and other self-negating forms of cowardly escapism.
If the professor stated that the J had the superior IQ’s it would have done wonders for his career advancement.
Oh well I guess he will make way for another Silverstein to join n the faculty now.
“Oh well I guess he will make way for another Silverstein to join n the faculty now.”
Hit the nail right on the proverbial head with that one.
So the students pick the teachers!
No wonder they’re so fuckin’ dumb.
The lunatics have taken over the asylum.
So basically he points out dummies have more babies and they can him!
Higher education has little to do with intellectual curiosity in this day and age. Today it’s largely about politics, ideology and agenda’s.
“Toe the line.”
Think of a race. Think of putting your toe (the one on your foot), on the starting line. Only feminist males “tow the line” by dragging feminist propaganda forward.
The article contained worthy material and was well researched. All of that hard work falls by the wayside when one reads: “because of their perceived dangerous,”.
Please proofread!
Setting that aside, I would like to comment on China’s one-child policy.
At the time of implementation, China had no social security retirement program. I am unaware of a current program. MALE children are their retirement security. SONS are expected to care for and house their parents in senior years.
Daughters become part of their husbands families when they marry. Any investment in a daughter’s education is considered lost money. Raising a daughter as an only child meant that a couple would have no one to care for them in their senior years.
That’s why first-born daughters suffered a high infant mortality rate or were aborted. That’s also why China is importing brides from Cambodia, Vietnam and Bangladesh today.
What’s the difference between Tyrone’s 12 illegitimate kids in Detroit, Carlos’ illegal family in New York, and Rafiq’s “refugee” cohort in Germany? Save for ethnic origin, very little. All three groups have fell into the warm embrace of the glorious welfare state. Ultimately, what all of them share in common is that they are net drains on the system, and express little to no desire to change their parasitical ways.
What the left don’t seem to get through their head is that people of this IQ strata rarely ever end up contributing back into the system. If they do work, which is optional for them, they work unskilled low-paying jobs – hence they pay little taxes as result. To top it all off, Al Sharpton goes on TV to shout “WE’Z OPPRESSED”, conveniently ignoring the fact that WE’RE the ones that have to subsidize their dysfunctional microcosms.
As someone commented above, the welfare system needs to be rolled back DRASTICALLY. Measures need to be put in place that prevent it from abuse, and encourage lazy moochers to get off their ass and WORK, just like the rest of us do. Otherwise, funds will eventually dry up, leaving the West in a state of fragility and civil unrest – such is the symptoms of an imminent collapse.
i cant wait for the collapse, war, misery etc. i like seeing idiots suffer.
the system is the problem
I’m a high IQ guy but to this day I have been largely working low skilled jobs and been on welfare twice without shame.
Living in a larger place or driving a larger car ultimately does nothing for me.
There is no way to win anymore doing high skilled beta jobs in the western world and nowhere to take those skills for the big payoff day of great treatment by women and society as a beta contributor except maybe the Phillipines but it’s a gutter country and you’re surrounded by untrustworthy gutter tier people with room temperature IQs that largely aren’t easy on the eyes.
Millionaires like Martin Shkreli have a hard time getting laid these days and have to troll okcupid etc. and get shown off by “journalists” that fake date them:
Feels bad man.
Japan will be the leading power in East Asia, not China.
Japan has been, and will continue to be, more financially attuned and more culturally/economically influential to the western world than China. Additionally, Japan’s societal and demographic structure is much more homogeneous than China’s, which is more conducive to sustained long-term economic growth.
Japanese are the most intelligent but also the submissive nation in the world today. They have no balls. Extreme introverts. They surrendered to the yankees and agreed to lie about the fake A-bomb just to avoid Russian invasion.
dominant minority. LMAO. In the USA there is one but they sure ain’t Chinese. They’re 2% of the population and make up over half of the so-called 1%. 72% of them opposed Trump, and favor open borders. 4 of our Supreme Court Justices are members of that group, out of 9.
What about the Federal Reserve, Hollywood, Porn industry, or God Forbid I mention it, the African Slave Trade? Who owns and operates (or operated) all of that? I don’t believe they’re WASPs. Or Christian. Or even White.
We have a dominant minority alright, but no one is allowed to say it out loud. I’ve been flagged for the following on another forum….
“Schumer=Jew” . Just naming them is now considered hate speech.
Stop this train I want to get off. And they have to go back.
Fortunately, censorship makes men speak louder. tyrants usually learn this lesson the hard way:
Thank you for this link. I have bookmarked it for later reading. Read the first article and it was fascinating. I work in the correctional system as a medical professional and I see this everyday.
Cuckslayer: “I’ve met plenty of women in academia and each time I’m baffled by them lacking the ability to think logically. You’d expect women at such institutions to be able to use arguments and not emotions in discussions.”
There are many women in all walks of life able to think logically and who contribute much that’s worthwhile. They are different from men, yes; that should be recognized, studied honestly, and truth told. Men have always been more capable dealing with the world at large and likely always will be unless destroyed (gentiles that is). Generally speaking, women do best in supportive roles and should be allowed an education commensurate with ability, and validated, to be effective. That could include roles outside the home, and should as needed. They have the rights men give them; now evil men run the show. Men have often been only too happy to discard responsibility then complain about the consequences. It’s easier, too, to blame women than evil men.
China’s success is based on many factors, and I won’t discount planning, I’ll give credit where due. Would you want to live there, though? It’s massively corrupt and their economy depends upon slave labor, theft of the West’s intellectual property and crucially, our own stupidity.
China couldn’t do it without Western politicians and businessman who have no long game, only the willingness to whore themselves for short-term gain. Politicians (Dem and Repub) sing the praises of “free trade” so they can borrow money to pay the entitlements that keep them elected. Consumers have lost any real loyalty to the idea “Buy American,” as they’re tempted by cheap crap and have absorbed 50+ years of brainwashing that nationalism=Nazism. ( In my business I see Millenials who are chasing the cheapest price over anything else). No nation can be a significant power without an industrial base. Service economies are not economies of strngth.
Does the prof mean the dumb-a** Duggar brood,the borderline retarded Robertson Duck Die-Nasty goobers and other beer-swilling,three-teethed,Confederate-flag-wearing-, flying,sister/daughter/mother screwing rednecks ? YEAH,BUDDY!!!!!!
“Tyrone Jackson!!!!!” Racist much,a**hole ? Go to other fascist sites like “Dumb-Bart,”David Duke-alike neo-Nazi !!!!!!
It doesn’t cost anything to be less of a queer.
It’s Richard Lynn, not Robert
Of course lower IQ people will have more children. Higher IQ women have been encouraged to focus more on career/money and often see children as a burden.
Another reason why lower IQ individuals have more children revolves around the fact that many are negligent of safe sex practices (i.e. condoms and birth control) whether it be because of price or ignorance.
Here is an article on this.
And here is the face of Kevin McStravock, the cucked out, cock-gobling, Soyboy who is president of the students’ union.
China is so awesome & Chinese are more intelligent, intelligence = GNP
so why is China the SECOND biggest economy, with more than 4 x the USA population
India also has tens of millions of highly trained engineers & doctors..but doesn’t seem to be dominating with 1.3 billion people
something must be fucked up there
You answered your own question…a big reason they are so fucked up is because they are overpopulated. Perhaps they are also genetically and cultural messed up to some degree (at least when it comes to building free, equal, and rich nations), but their main problem is overpopulation. If every Chinaman used the same amount of energy and resources that the average American used than the world would probably have to double their output of energy and other resources to do it.
Figuras De Mulher Em Simone De Beauvoir
A perda do desejo sexual é um problema comum a mulheres com idade mais avançada.
Como já mencionei anteriormente, esse rapaz
aparentemente tinha aprendido tudo com a indústria do pornô e não fazia ideia de como lidar com
corpo de uma mulher, apesar de se gabar de possuir tido muitas, de que todas voltavam e de que
ele era um irreversível garanhão que somente sossegaria no momento em que pudesse ter três namoradas ao mesmo tempo, que só assim,
que mulher nenhuma, que ele era foda.
Caso perceba que essas experiências pessoais não acontecem com você
e que sexo virou qualquer coisa rara, aposte em 7 atitudes para ficar com
mais alvedrio de fazer sexo. Sempre ouvi que homem deveria casar com muita experiência, para que ele não tivesse vontade de conhecer outras mulheres depois de casado.
Certifique-se de que os blocos azuis estejam abaixados e volte a
fim de B5. Vá para a direita uma sala, uma para baixo, uma destinado a a esquerda
bem como suba a escada destinado a B4. Vá destinado a a sala mais da esquerda e caia
no B5 pelo buraco no acostumado.
De braços atrás da cabeça, refastelado que nem um porco na minha
cama, postura de fodilhão das mulheres supostamente desesperadas, pareces um caralho de um
novilho no expositor do talho. 10. Agora salte atrás pelo corrimão, siga pela esquerda e caminhe ao
alongado do corrimão; caso siga pela direção errada.
É consenso para muitas pessoas que sexo matinal é melhor.
Muitas mulheres não são capazes de respeitar tempo do namorado
e acabam abusando emocionalmente do parceiro.
Na menopausa problema pode ser melhor crítico,
é a fase em que corpo da mulher a fim de a fabricar estrogênio
e há mais chances com surgir a abatimento,
que acaba com desejo sexual.
Sales (1986) falam sobre as consequências do consumo de
agrotóxicos que acabam contaminando os vegetais dentro de maior ou menor escala dependendo do vegetal, podendo até
mudar geneticamente alguns, quando uma vez contaminados, sem
contar que não agridem somente vegetal com sua genética, mas também solo e
no solo vive uma porção imensa de micro-organismos, quanto mais abstruso for à penetração dos mesmos no solo mais danáveis são as consequências gerando até a mudança do sabor e desenvolvimento dos produtos agrícolas, e quanto ao transporte dos mesmos
na utilização e pôs utilização podem tornar-se transportados pelo
vento e através da chuva para outros locais ou mesmo estar retido perpetuando a sua ação,
os danos dos mesmos pode tornar-se muito sério porque podem se estender tanto horizontalmente como verticalmente.
Em junho de 2010 Fox Broadcasting lançou televisão publicidade
vendas estação este ano, a — outro sinal de que as empresas estão intensificando sua compra de televisão
tempo para vender seus produtos depois de dois anos de
gastos cauteloso como resultado da acometimento econômica.
É muito importante que você tenha uma ardil séria sobre a falta de sexo com seu par,
pois ele pode conservar notado problema de outra maneira estar passando
através de mesmo. A míngua da libido após
a menopausa tem uma explicação na redução da produção hormonal da mulher, que
inclusive resulta em ressecamento vaginal e atrofiamento urogenital, podendo ser mais
um fator desestimulante para a atividade sexual.
As empresas que se dedicam à industrialização e utilização da resina no
Brasil oferecem pelo menos 40 usos para a terebintina e
30 para breu. Para termos uma vida sexual de qualidade, precisamos pensar em coito em todas suas formas.
Muitas mulheres confundem a falta de alvitre sexual, a abaixamento
libido ou a falta de orgasmo com uma disfunção sexual,
transtorno de excitação sexual feminino, também conhecido como frigidez.
Ato sexual precisa ser somente um dos espaços que
tu não sentes prazer. Muitas mulheres se interessam mais no sexo após verem
companheiro passar mais tempo com as crianças. Sou casada há 12 anos, tenho 36 anos e também meu marido 33, e quando namorávamos tinha muito apetite sexual,
muito mesmo, de transar 6 vezes numa noite, no entanto de uns dois anos
pra cá, não tenho tido vontade de transar.
Consultar um medico especialista no assunto pode ajuda-la a definir mais facilmente porque do decréscimo da sua libido ou da falta de atração física
sexual. Muitas mulheres têm sido diagnosticadas com problemas sexuais
que são baseados em algo que nunca existe: orgasmo vaginal.
Creatures at some disadvantage generally produce more offspring. This is true within a species as well as between them.
It’s the way nature works.
But then, liberals aren’t reality oriented: instead of actually helping people they spout their fantasies of rescue.