The June 2018 Happy Hour In Washington D.C. Was A Huge Success

On Saturday I drove to the nearest Metro station two hours before the 8pm scheduled start of my first happy hour in two years. While waiting for a train to the city, I was recognized by a young man wearing a cowboy hat. We sat in the same train car and he told me how he’s doing well meeting women at dance events, though SJWs have infiltrated them. He has to be careful not to say anything politically incorrect.

I got off at the Gallery Place station and walked around until 7:30pm before posting the Starbucks meeting location on Twitter. For the next twenty minutes, I mentally rehearsed all the bad things that could happen, but I was feeling confident that the event would go off smoothly since only one media article was written about it. I learned that a substantial flurry of articles needs to be published for the elite to activate their SJW foot soldiers.

At 7:50pm, I stood across the street from the Starbucks. I saw a friend in front and waved him over. Then four more men recognized me. All five of us went inside at 7:55. Starting at 8, the stream of men flowing into the cafe was steady. If a man made lingering eye contact with me, I knew that he knew. I handed out fortune cookie slips of paper that had the location of the main event at a bar two blocks down 7th street.

A Starbucks barista came up to the group and said, “Is there anyone here named Roosh? Someone is on the phone for him.” A prank caller. I did not imagine this in my mental rehearsals. I was hesitant to admit that there was a Roosh present in case it was a trap. “There is no one here named Roosh,” I said. The barista left with a skeptical look on his face.

We spread the bathroom code “2018” amongst ourselves to take advantage of the corporate toilet policy. At least five men used the toilet, perhaps as many as eight. Many real customers confused our group for the line to buy an extra burnt coffee beverage with high fructose corn syrup. The baristas started getting visibly agitated, especially since only one or two men bought something. They started taking away the stools we were using under the guise of preparing the store for closing.

A man arrived who I remember leaving nasty comments on my blog that parroted the leftist line that I abuse women. He approached me with a smile and his hand outstretched. I told him he was not welcome to the event because of the comments he left in the past. His smile evaporated and he walked out. The fact that he expected me to forget his previous behavior suggests that haters are confused fans. Someone who personally attacks or defames me even once will never be allowed into my circle of trust.

When the group grew to 25, employees finally asked us to stand away from the front counter. They stopped short of kicking us out. If they did, I’d seek pro bono legal counsel to sue for discrimination since I’m a person of brown color.

We eventually moved outside and waited five extra minutes to catch the late stragglers. During this time, one attendee, an Indian man, said, “Roosh, you look small. You need to hit the gym.” I raised one eyebrow and looked at his overweight physique that he tried to hide with dark clothing. I replied, “But you’re fat! Get fit and then you can make fun of me all you want.” We had a good laugh. Indians are the original trolls so I stay extra aware when I’m around them.

At 8:35, I led the group of 40 men down the sidewalk to the bar. It turns out that the fortune cookie slips weren’t necessary. I said to them, “I wish I had some kind of banner or battle flag.” If we were all ISIS terrorists with powerful weapons, and took elevated positions, we could easily conquer several city blocks. Even if the only weapon is our minds, there is no limit to what we could accomplish if we stuck together, planned, and organized. This is why they stopped us in 2016.

We arrived at the bar in Chinatown. The bearded bartender was visibly excited at the unexpected influx of customers. The men started to relax because we were now in a location that was not posted publicly. I did my best to have a conversation with each one. They varied greatly in upbringing, race, employment, and life goals.

I met men fresh out of high school who were just beginning their life’s journey and others in their 50’s with children and a divorce under their belt. Some men worked in the Federal government and talked predominately about political issues (this is DC, after all), others were businessmen trying to make a career without getting shut down for their beliefs, and also present were RVF poonhounds who picked my brain for foreign countries that had the best women. It was the kind of diversity I love.

There was a brown mural of seabirds hanging in the hallway. Whenever a man asked me for a selfie, I suggested we use it as a backdrop. The hallway became a sort of gathering point to have deeper discussions. Several men gave me condolences for my sister’s death, asking me how I was doing. “As good as I can,” I would reply.

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A woman I didn’t recognize approached me. Apparently one of the attendees told her who I was. She was lamentably overweight but had a friendly demeanor.

“So you’re a pickup artist,” she said.

“I am?”

“Well that’s what it says on your Wikipedia.”

One of the guys started filming her, thinking that she was attacking me, but I told him that it was okay and he put his phone down. It was clear that she loved getting the attention of several men at once and wanted to keep the conversation going as long as possible, but she would have to increase her beauty for me to give her more than three minutes of my time. After showing her my “straight pride” salute, which is really the same as a black power salute, I introduced her to a man I named Chad because he was a tall and white with a square jaw. I told everyone that if I have a son, I’m naming him Chad.

As the event winded down, I started to wonder where the resistance was. Two years ago, the death threats flowed in at a concerning clip, but now there was nothing. To go from 100 to 0 suggests that liberal protests are not organic. A switch must be flipped for them to be activated in a MK Ultra style. If you told me that someone at a high level gets to decide whether an attack takes place or not, I would believe it. I now have enough experience where I think I can predict if trouble will happen via a “Defcock” Warning System that I plan on using for future gatherings.

Defcock Green: Practically no media coverage or leftist discussion online. Protesters or disruptions are not expected.

Defcock Yellow: Moderate media attention but no online organizing spotted. Stay alert at the beginning of the meetup.

Defcock Red: Heavy media coverage. Protesters have been organizing online to shut down the event. Likely police presence. Wear sunglasses to guard against doxing attempts from women with Krusty The Clown hair.

This event was Defcock Green all the way through by the time I left the bar at 1am to catch the last Metro train home. Maybe I was being too paranoid by applying counter-terrorist tactics to plan a friendly happy hour, but I don’t mind putting in the time so none of my readers are injured, doxed, or arrested.

The world is getting crazier by the year, and since we possess masculine beliefs, we have to take extra care to stay safe. I believe I have the experience to do that for the men who come out to meet me, and can’t wait until my new book is released so I can hold more events around the country.

Read Next: Washington D.C. Has Bottomed Out

62 thoughts on “The June 2018 Happy Hour In Washington D.C. Was A Huge Success”

    1. Crap, without running the vid, the pic looks like some chick with her hair pulled back and dressed in a man’s suit.

    2. @ RooshV
      I hope you can expand this concept of a “meet-up flex time/last minute location disclosed” with a move to a secondary location concept NATIONALLY.
      Most Millennial SJW and FemiNazis are inherently lazy. They do not want to be on stand-by to find a meeting, to then gather a mob. This is why your meet-up worked really well for that reason. Also, the SJW hysterical mobs are too busy now with demanding unlimited immigration, release of criminal, illegal aliens and Supreme Court vacancy panics, so they have left men alone… for now.
      I truly hope you can move this concept nationally and do more events, so we can have in-person meet-ups in other locations as well.
      When I was in Vegas recently, I saw something I miss greatly when running daygame and even an occasional nightgame: an Alpha Team (A-Team). In Vegas, it is either Tinder or NigthGame. No one is out much during the day in Vegas because they are sleeping, driving somewhere to see the desert parks, too hot to be outside, or hangover and in bad mood.
      One night out in Vegas, I saw these 5 guys inside the Cosmopolitan (an excellent place to game girls in Vegas, because there are so many girls there). These 5 guys were all of similar appearance value (7-8 range), all same backgrounds, around same age (20-25) and all wearing “party suits” (a Vegas thing).
      I approached one of these guys and asked if they were running Game as a team and the guy seemed defensive at first (thinking I was trying to join them and I knew would not be a good fit that night in his crew, as I was casual and I am coming up on 36, although I run game as 30 year old easily). I explained to him that I used the same system before in Orlando back in the 1990s and I wanted a team more around my age back home, but I came to Vegas with only 1 friend and we are mismatched to run game as a duo. He then lowered his guard and we talked and he said running his team in Vegas was critical, because so many of the women are in large groups (bachelorette party, Cali girls coming in for fun over the weekend, groups of middle-aged women having a crisis and looking “relieving her youth” i.e. random fucks etc). I agreed with what that guy in that Vegas A-team said, they were NOT locals as I first thought, but we exchanged some lines that worked before in and wished each other luck and walked away.
      As we all know/should know:
      *A single guy approaching a girl in a group of 3 girls is going nowhere, unless he is truly high-value/very good looking, but even then, the odds are stacked against him. The other 2 girls NOT getting attention will cockblock him immediately out of jealously.
      *A single guy approaching a girl with another female friend works fine, as the other friend will just check her phone and give you time. I surmise this is because she is not there with another girl to join in the cockblock.
      *But a single guy approaching a girl in a group of 4 or 5+ girls is virtually impossible to succeed. You will be cockblocked in an instant.
      (This has been my experience since I was 19 years old and has held true for last 17 years or so. This female group size dynamic I outlined above seems timeless and true.)
      This is why HV (high value) men NEED an A-Team of local guys he knows and trusts, so they can approach these groups. This is extremely important in Las Vegas more then anywhere else IMHO.
      Even in Orlando, having an A-team can be very useful. In Orlando, if you are trying to game Brazilian tourist groups (easy to spot, they all wear same clothes, and they buy insane amounts of stuff in stores), it helps a lot to be in groups of 2-3 men because the Brazilian tourist girls are in large groups, sometimes as many as 6 or 7, and 3 experienced guys can hold the line. The goal of course is for a meet-ups that night at their hotel. 😉
      (I am writing a guide on Brazilian women game for Orlando, stay tuned for my submission)!
      Back in the late 1990s, I had 3 guys and we were an A-Team of sorts, we wingmen for each other effortlessly, because we knew each other’s tastes and we were always ready to step in without anyone needing to ask. We dressed alike in style (i.e. everyone would be casual if going to the Orlando Ale House or would be suited up/business casual if going to higher end club, etc), and we all around same age (3 years apart) and around same value as men. The Team was amazing, we got a lot done, especially in night game and Brazilian tourist girl groups.
      A Meet-Up like you guys had in DC would open up a LOT of possibilities for men to form A-Teams and discuss local female market, strategies, and more.
      Hope we hear more on Meet-Ups again, but in other locations as well.

  1. In light of the recent issues at StarCucks, I am not surprised the personnel acted so antsy and tried to get your group to leave early with their tactics. In fact they acted downright racist with the not so subtle “let me take away stools” routine to DENY people seating. Silly Liberal baristas….tricks are for kids.

  2. Happy to hear it was a success. If you’re ever out in NYC we’d love to have a happy hour in the big apple as well.

      1. For real. Atlanta could use a double helping of masculinity. Black trannies own that city now

      2. Oh come on! Atlanta?!?! 🙄
        Orlando should be next location. Brazilian tourist girls, local immigrant Brazilian girls, and NYC exported trash. 😉
        Can’t ask for a easier mix of easy targets! 😆
        If you are in mood for cooler, dry weather, Front Range of CO works awesome. Anywhere SOUTH of Denver, preferably the DTC area is best. Still a few girls that want relationships before banging here in their mid-20s, as hard to believe as it seems.
        Orlando is easy, target-rich location. DTC area south of Denver is more for relationships, if if we are being invaded by California trash now….

  3. “Well that’s what it says on your Wikipedia.” Hmmm… imagine her being a journalist and interviewing say Trump… “So you’re an emperor, well that’s what it says on all those memes.”

  4. Congratulations, sounds like a resounding success. Hope this can lead to another “World Tour” and provide a template for meetups again.

  5. This was a thing of beauty, Roosh. Thanks for giving us the details here. If I lived closer I’d have been there with bells on. Glad you had such a good turnout. Good to know there are that many ROKers just in that one area.

    1. I know… I’ve been getting quite full from all the popcorn I’ve been munching for the last two years!

  6. Wish I could have been there – please keep this going.
    Next up – Tampa (again).

  7. So the meeting was successful but you sound disappointed their was no publicity like the last time?

    1. I tried to organise one a couple times on RVF but your snowflake moderators keep banning me over nothing. They are more sensitive than Feminists/SJWs, you need to get better moderaters for RVF.

      1. True that. And no one knows why people get banned. I’ve seen quite a number of really great comments on RVF and I look over at the user thinking I should follow them or something, but then I see “BANNED” more often than not.

  8. I wonder what caused the lack of hysteria.
    Either they’re ignoring ROK and hoping it disappears because shutting it down leads to more press…
    …or they figured a one time event meeting at a bar isn’t anything to worry about. Opposed to something like Charlottesville (public) or a speech on a college campus (heart of the machine).
    I’m going with the second one.

  9. Glad to hear things turned out well. I think it was brilliant with a sarcastic/ironic name. Roosh knows enough of what it means to be satirical/provocative.

  10. No SJW wedges, no hassles — nicely done, Roosh. Back into the light. Gather your momentum and we’ll see you on the west coast.

  11. Be ready for more Defcock Red when your new book comes out. Something tells me that may not fly under their radar once their illusion of your “outdated-ness” is shattered.

  12. Be great if we could have happy hour in the shit city I live in ( Los Angeles)

    1. Terminator,
      I too live in So. Cal. (Cucamonga, IE) and am always wondering if there are more like minded folk out here. Granted my area isn’t as bad as LA, but you can see the writing on the wall. It seems to be creeping out east of you as well. We need to organize.

      1. We need to organize well here because we have the whole media epi center in LA which is Hollywood.

      1. Unfortunately I’ll be moving to Kalifornia soon. Probably won’t be there for long! For awhile I was even thinking about going to UC Santa Cruz, but then I heard about this…
        Their only crime was being Republican, exercising freedom of assembly in the university library. But apparently that means they’re fascist in libtard central…

  13. I’m very glad things went off without a hitch. We must not let our guard down. The female narrative is the narrative of America.
    So this went well, it’s just a minor thing. Roosh isn’t the flavor of the week.
    Next week, next month, things will be totally different. We’re on the downward spiral.
    I don’t believe there’s any solving this other than repelling the 19th amendment.
    Stay strong!
    Don’t let a woman have control of anything.

  14. “If we were all ISIS terrorists with powerful weapons, and took elevated positions, we could easily conquer several city blocks. Even if the only weapon is our minds, there is no limit to what we could accomplish if we stuck together, planned, and organized. This is why they stopped us in 2016.”
    Absolutely, well said.
    Glad it went well Roosh. It is always better to be a little paranoid and over prepared than caught off-guard.

  15. Any other southern California like minded people on here? Say from Ventura to Desert Hot Springs. Sound off and give your city. I’m curious to see who else is out there.

    1. Porn Fernando Valley, Los Angeles. Have a lot of friends all like minded. You’re not alone man

        1. Palm Desert (15 miles south of Desert hot springs). There is seemingly NO ONE in the Coachella Valley.

  16. Jerusalem Post is to Israelis, as Washington Post is to Americans
    Roosh has many fans in Israel. We would love to see him here.

  17. Extremely happy to hear everything went swimmingly. The Left are p****** that can easily be dealt with. Keep doing what you’re doing my fellow brother. We will MAGA

  18. Wish I coulda been there Roosh!!!!
    Have a happy hour in the Southwest like AZ or NM ….

  19. I am glad to know everything went well. I’m sure the Liberal cucks are too busy chest beating and clutching pearls about illegal immigrant children being ripped from their parents. Stay thirsty, stay safe.

    1. No . I respect the men for showing up and they seem cool but doubt amy of them get much action or not much more than the average male

  20. I glad the meetup was a great success. I’m especially chuffed that so many guys (50+) turned up in one city alone.. goes to show that an increasing number of men are getting fed up with the libtard status quo and seeking out an alternative. I might not agree with Roosh on every score, but good on you.

  21. I’m relieved to hear everything went well. I hope you have a west-coast United States stop on your tour, so I might get my copy signed.

  22. Then I learned Minassian was an unrepentant “InCel” (Involuntary Celibate). Now the attack made even less sense because you would have expected him to target cockteasing, attractive, young women at venues like campus dorms, government offices or feminist academic institutions. I have resigned myself to accept that he was likely bitter, angry and looking to end his miserable existence by way of lashing out at the misandric Canadian society that moulded him, then exiting by way of “Suicide by Cop”.
    I then learned he was a vaccine-damaged man on the Autism Spectrum who former classmates and co-workers described as “awkward”.
    Now it all made sense. I guarantee you that some cruel feminist cunt set him off. Trust me on that. She, the j3wels and the vaccine manufacturers are just as responsible for those dead bodies as Minassian is! And he and his family are as much victims of his heinous crime as are the poor people he murdered. Of course he should go to jail for what he did: In my opinion he is NOT “insane”.
    He knew EXACTLY what he was doing. Those suffering from Autism often have an EVEN DEEPER INSIGHT into reality than the rest of us, because they see things that are staring all of us in the face, but we either cannot see or choose to ignore.
    And Minassian is not a “terrorist” by any stretch of the imagination. He is a desperate victim of a combination of misandrous feminist ideology and brain damage from toxic vaccines, who tried to bring the public’s attention to an issue destroying young white men in our society.

  23. Glad to see there is a formula for Masculine men to get together and not be harassed. Did you talk with Anthony? I think you would like the forum he offers and it’s a great chance to meet some of the Men who support your writing. The Impromptu breakouts are a great chance to talk with other, well read and versed Men who want to better their lives. I hope to see you there Roosh or on the weekly red man group.

  24. @Roosh “As the event winded down, I started to wonder where the resistance was. Two years ago, the death threats flowed in at a concerning clip, but now there was nothing.”
    I think its Important to take back the NARRATIVE. While the Media calls you a Rapist even though we all know you have Never raped a Woman in your life & Called the Inital Meetup a “How to Rape Women Meeting” You took back the NARRATIVE by calling it the “STOP VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN” Meetup & put all kind of tongue in cheek refrences to show how Ridiculous their accusations are. So they didnt have a Chance to Define you because you already defined it yourself. I think that could have played a Role.
    Im Not sure if its your ambition too. But hopefully as you do More meetups around the country & since your name already brings media attention. You can bring AWARENESS to Mens issues.
    Im close to you in age & would like to One day live in a World where I know I can get Married without worrying about getting Divorce Raped all because she woke up one day & decided that she just “Changed her Mind” as We all know Women have a Right too or just simply got bored & can Now legally Steal all my stuff.
    It would also be nice to live in a world where if I get a girl pregnant I dont have to worry about her being able to take my kids away from Me & then hold them as “Ransom” to “Extort” Money from me for 20 Years! It would also be nice to live in a world where I dont have to worry about every sexual encounter can be defined as rape & I can just go to jail based upon a Womans accusation because as we ALL KNOW If a WOMAN says it itthen it MUST be true! Though things seem to be getting worse by the minute with this Whole #Meetoo bulshit. The Simpsons predicted the Future perfectly amoung Many things!

  25. @Roosh “As the event winded down, I started to wonder where the resistance was. Two years ago, the death threats flowed in at a concerning clip, but now there was nothing.”
    I think its Important to take back the NARRATIVE. While the Media calls you a Rapist even though we all know you have Never raped a Woman in your life & Called the Inital Meetup a “How to Rape Women Meeting” You took back the NARRATIVE by calling it the “STOP VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN” Meetup & put all kind of tongue in cheek refrences to show how Ridiculous their accusations are. So they didnt have a Chance to Define you because you already defined it yourself. I think that could have played a Role.
    Im Not sure if its your ambition too. But hopefully as you do More meetups around the country & since your name already brings media attention. You can bring AWARENESS to Mens issues.
    Im close to you in age & would like to One day live in a World where I know I can get Married without worrying about getting Divorce Raped all because she woke up one day & decided that she just “Changed her Mind” as We all know Women have a Right too or just simply got bored & can Now legally Steal all my stuff.
    It would also be nice to live in a world where if I get a girl pregnant I dont have to worry about her being able to take my kids away from Me & then hold them as “Ransom” to “Extort” Money from me for 20 Years! It would also be nice to live in a world where I dont have to worry about every sexual encounter can be defined as rape & I can just go to jail based upon a Womans accusation because as we ALL KNOW If a WOMAN says it itthen it MUST be true! Though things seem to be getting worse by the minute with this Whole #Meetoo bulshit. The Simpsons predicted the Future perfectly amoung Many things!

  26. Well done Roosh … and very well set up. Looks like a little bit of “James Bond” is flowing through those Persian veins.
    Anyone who can organize a smooth meeting, in a semi-hostile town, with that level of guile and customer satisfaction, will likely write a good book … and one needing only cursory editing. 🙂

  27. I wasn’t able to attend despite my being a RoK member and living relatively close, because I don’t own a cell phone (I got rid of it years ago); I’m not plugged in digitally. I couldn’t get the word.
    But I was there in spirit.

  28. The USA is an immoral bankrupt warmongering police state now.
    Americans quickly blame blacks, Jews, or illegal immigrants for the fall of the USA, but if Americans really want to know who is responsible, they just need to look in the mirror.
    Instead of blaming others, why don’t Americans try to think of solutions?
    Look not to the politicians; look to yourselves.
    If you don’t like blacks, move to a white place.
    If you hate Jews, boycott Jewish businesses.
    If you think Jews get special benefits, pretend to be a Jew.
    If you hate illegal aliens, don’t hire them or socialize with them. Call the police if you see illegals cat-calling, loitering, drinking, playing loud music, or keeping chickens. Report them to the border patrol.
    Nothing will change if everyone does nothing.

  29. “We sat in the same train car and he told me how he’s doing well meeting women at dance events, though SJWs have infiltrated them. He has to be careful not to say anything politically incorrect.”
    Yuck, another man who is terrified of saying something anti-feminist to a woman.

  30. @Roosh “As the event winded down, I started to wonder where the resistance was. Two years ago, the death threats flowed in at a concerning clip, but now there was nothing.”
    I think its Important to take back the NARRATIVE. While the Media calls you a Rapist even though we all know you have Never raped a Woman in your life & Called the Inital Meetup a “How to Rape Women Meeting” You took back the NARRATIVE by calling it the “STOP VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN” Meetup & put all kind of tongue in cheek refrences to show how Ridiculous their accusations are. So they didnt have a Chance to Define you because you already defined it yourself. I think that could have played a Role.
    Im Not sure if its your ambition too. But hopefully as you do More meetups around the country & since your name already brings media attention. You can bring AWARENESS to Mens issues.
    Im close to you in age & would like to One day live in a World where I know I could actually get Married without worrying about getting Divorce Raped all because she woke up one day & “Changed her Mind” or just got bored & can Now legally Steal all my life possesions.
    It would also be nice to live in a world where if I knock up a girl I dont have to worry about her being able to take my kids away from Me & then hold them as “Ransom” to “Extort” Money from me for 20 Years to life! It would also be nice to live in a world where I dont have to worry that every sexual encounter can be defined as rape & I can just go to jail based upon a Womans accusation. Because as we ALL KNOW If a WOMAN says it it MUST be true! Though things seem to be getting worse by the moment with this Whole #Meetoo bulshit I hope that common sense & decency will prevail. It seems The Simpsons predicted the Future perfectly amoung Many other things!

  31. “he told me how he’s doing well meeting women at dance events, though SJWs have infiltrated them. ”
    this happened here too where I live., depending where the party happen and the specific style of music. I dont live in usa and our country have less-regulated zoning rules, but imagine parties intended for “b&t” crowd moving to manhattan. from a non-political non-poc crowd to some rich left-wingers and some joos, or course

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