In the consumerist society that we live in nowadays, we are constantly being tempted by advertisements and the best marketing strategies out there to tempt us to spend our money on foolish things. It’s hard to save money, after all, we are constantly showered with propaganda to spend all of it. What would be the best way to save? Below I will give you some advice based on what i learned in the School of Hard Knocks.
1. Save while you are young—afterwards it gets harder
Saving is the first and most important principle of having success with your money. John Jacob Astor once said that it cost him more to get his first thousand dollars than it did later on to get a hundred thousand; but if he had not saved that first thousand he might have died in an almshouse broke, sick, sad and alone.
When we are young and don’t have as many responsibilities as an adult, it’s way easier to accumulate wealth. As you grow older and have to pay bills or support an entire family, it gets harder. If you’re still living with your parents and not paying tuition, this is the best time to save your capital.
This is why I think it’s such a shame to see our youth recklessly spending all their earnings in futile things such as video games, electronics, gold diggers, or brand new cars. If only they knew it would be much harder to save later on in life, maybe they would be more careful with they dimes. They should leave their desire to have the fanciest truck or biggest house for later on in life when money is no longer an issue.
2. Instant gratification will cost you later on
We all love to have neat stuff to show off and to increase our quality of life. However, it’s important to keep in mind that we can’t have the best of everything. Our money is a limited resource.
Lacking self-control and long-term strategy with your money can be extremely detrimental to your financial well-being. I recommend you to pick only one or two things that really matter, such as investing, and not spend much on anything else in case you want to save part of your money.
3. Stop living paycheck to paycheck
Living paycheck by paycheck is a big sign of inability to plan ahead. It’s not safe at all. How many times have we met someone who ended up broke and poor because he was fool enough to never consider that his financial situation could change at any moment. It’s smart to save for an emergency, such as being fired or a salary reduction. Never spend your entire salary always save a bit for emergencies or a long term goal.
4. Avoid lending to unreliable people even if they are close to you
Well, this one is obvious. If you know someone who has the reputation of always asking for money to borrow and never paying back, you’re dealing with an impulsive person that suffers from an inability to plan ahead. Unless you won’t mind not seeing your money again, under no circumstances lend to this kind of individual even if they are close relatives.
If you feel sorry for them the best way to help them out is to offer them to run a small errand for you in exchange for money or point to them their lack of ability to manage their own capital.
5. Never get into debt
Tightwads might live boring lives due to their obsession of always saving to the point of never using part of their money to have a break and enjoy a bit of the wealth they accumulated. They do all of this with the hopes of achieving prosperity when they older. Nevertheless, if there is one thing they are good at, it is that they never allow themselves to fall into debt.
Luckily, I’ve never got into debt. However, I’ve seen how sad is the state of those who do. They’re always worrying and have no ability to take back control over their lives.
If you don’t have money, then don’t buy. It’s as simple as that! Avoid borrowing or buying what you know you can’t afford! Apply thrift to your money.
6. Make your money work for you
Some people go through their entire lives being tightwads, thinking that it’s going to make them rich and happy later on, only to find out later that they sacrificed precious years of their life that they could have traveled and risked some of their money to bring prosperity early on in their lives. After all, it’s not fun at all to be rich when you are in your 80s.
This is why you need to find a way to make passive income as soon as possible. Learn as much as you can about copywriting, marketing, computer programming and lastly, learn about farming and breeding animals as well. It can be a very profitable business.
7. Be realistic
Lets face it: just because you save your money regularly for a retirement plan, investing, or planning to start an online business to have a passive income, it doesn’t mean that you are going to get rich.
I’m not trying to discourage you of following your dreams, but what I’m trying to ask you is to be realistic and not set your expectations too high. Few people are able to make a living off their hobby or retirement savings and those that do took years of sacrifice, commitment, and a lot of patience.
8. You will always regret some of the investments you made later on
Like life regrets and relationships regrets, every now and then we also change our minds about how we should’ve spent our “moolah”. This will always occur no matter how much of a tightwad or thrift consumer you are.
Have you heard of the old saying, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket?” Well I would change it to “Don’t put all your money in one goal/investment.” Whether it is a savings account, business plan, college fund, or retirement accounts, they can all fail or be spent in something that you can consider later on futile. What you think is worth investing your money and time right now might turn out to be a bad idea.
As you get older, you will change your mind about several things. Your tastes will change, but you will get more experienced in knowing when your brain is just over-hyped about buying something or when its really important to spend money on it.
While the steps described above won’t guarantee that you become the next millionaire, I can promise you that they will give you a life free of debt and less worries. You will certainly be more prosperous and guarantee a more dignified life for you and your family, in case you decide to start one.
I don’t have problem with that I’ve already mastered all of this, I buy clothes rarely, don’t smoke, don’t drink, don’t go to clubs, don’t have social life and don’t travel so my expenses are absurdly minimal… but u know what is the downside of all ot this? Loneliness and being generally a social outcast and yes if u want to have any kind of relations with whormen u really have to spend, spend a lot to be socially active, for clothes, for travel, especially travel if u don’t travel u are nobody these days so it’s up to u, u can’t have it all u either have money and peace or u have social live, relationships and lack of money… that’s my lesson for u, don’t be like whormen, unlike them being a rational man can help u realize that u can’t have it all in life.
Dude bro,
Thank me later
@maple what is uncensoredmath?
Maybe that’s why you’re a loner with no girlfriend.
Nah, I’m a hypocrite I speak like that only with men and I behave properly when with whormen but thats exactly where I am wrong, maybe if I abuse them and call them whormen in the face they will be impressed by my alpha behavior… who knows.
Step one: convert to judaism and rabbi Herschel Liebermann-Bergblattstein will let you in on all the ancient secret merchant money hacks.
There are poor jews as well but especially Hasidim get taken care off well as enough shekel grubbers donate to their causes.
Free housing, free car, welfare from pretty much all programs, wife for you when you’re 18 no courtship needed. Jew life is pretty easy these days for many.
As an Ashken4zim from Poland, I find your comment hilarious!…but! Femi-14s have set campaigns against our marriage laws in the Hasidim community preaching that our women should not marry in their teenage and early 20s.
Yeah, but Colombia and those kind of places are dangerous. The males are macho and a bumped drink in a bar turns into a gunfight. They are Narco-economies.
If you were going to screw a Latin girl I’d try to find a pure Spanish Creole that looked like Penelope Cruz. But the problem is these girls come from good families and they have money.
So most whites are stuck with an Indian.
My own experiences with Mexican Indians in Phoenix made me want to avoid Latin America my entire life.
If you did have to do it, you should go to Buenos Aires where the girls are pure Italian or Spanish.
As for Tokyo, agreed that the place is expensive.
Classic reply…
Converted non blood’s are only accepted properly if they bring something of value to the tribe.
I would say that going into debt is fine if it is for the right reason(s), namely to turn a profit later on. For example a lot of successful businesses started off with a loan to get up and running — you do have to carefully scrutinize your own business plan and liklihood of success however, or this can badly backfire. College can be a worthwhile investment depending on what you study (STEM subjects are almost guarenteed to wipe out the debt you accumulate and leave you well off in one swoop.) I personally went into debt for law school ($110k to be exact). Law is kinda hit or miss but my passion for it was such that I was willing to take that risk and simply determined to make it. I’m now 32, I have no law school debt and a networth of about $400,000 (I run my own practice). Don’t live out of debt, don’t run it up to get what you desire in the short term, or to gain the illusion of ownership (home loans, auto loans, etc) Using debt to better yourself and in a way that will enable you to pay it off is key.
>As you grow older and have to pay bills or support an entire family, it gets harder.
Hahaha you’re doing it wrong. If you think you can do more than raise future slaves for the plantation while getting divorce raped yourself you’re still blue pilled.
Learn to pick good stocks and diversify and you’ll be alright.
I got 20% return last year just with a bunch of big name company stocks.
This obviously won’t continue forever and there are signs of another big crash ahead but making money with stocks isn’t rocket science.
10% is realistically doable for most in bull market.
1. Never pay interest on anything that will depreciate. Basically an education and a home are what is left.
2. Don’t feed bitches, make them pay their own way.
3. Make not having to work your goal.
# all in gold&silver. An nobody should know anything about that. Especially women.
Don’t know why this is thumbs downed so much. Maybe the “all in” part as that’s the only thing I disagree with. It’s prudent to have some (say 5-10%) of your assets in physical gold/silver in your control in case SHTF. And yes, needs to be a well-kept secret. Loose lips sink ships.
Of course, for SHTF purposes, beans and bullets are also very good to stockpile.
A home as an “investment” is bullshit. A home is another depreciating asset just like any other. It’s the land that makes a home appreciate. And even that can drop in value.
When it comes to finances the only hard rule is only commit to things that can be used to make more money and make you happy. That’s pretty much it. Live long enough and even a good investor will loose money on something or live long enough to see the rules turned upside down.
You are your greatest investment. So take care of your body, and always be learning.
I’d rather live my life than be a mediocre saver that hopes to live off his capital when he’s 55. Fuck that mentality.
#MeToo, I didn’t but fortunately managed to retire at 45, mostly fun and games in Asia for the last 17 years. Can’t see the young guys these days getting much of a retirement fund together, better to eat, drink, bang while they can and not waste it all working to keep some worthless, lazy white woman in comfort.
I left the United States at 25 as you know and unless these guys do what I do-find a job overseas and stay there from the age of 25-they’ll never get out of the situation they are in.
In order to move overseas as a young man-which I was fortunate to be able to do-you’d have to a) save some sort of money b) find a job overseas c) not be married or in a relationship d) not be living at home at 26 like this lot wanking to porn all day e) not have a drug habit you could not bear to leave (A great many of these guys just cannot put the joint down and do not relish being in a country with no marijuana dispensary).
I agree with you. It is wonderful to be away from blacks and Cholos in America. That is my reason, not women. I was never married in the US anyhow.
Obviously your reason is different.
When I read posts about some fat Jewish woman and that Americans give a shit like Barr I thank goodness that I left the US.
Because IQ’s seem to have plummeted. Nobody has any common sense like they did even in the 90’s.
That is the result of electing George Bush. Their brains were all laundered at Ronald McDonald’s.
What country did you move to, John? Just curious. I’m considering getting out in a few years, after I’ve saved up a good chunk.
Those of us young men who go overseas at 25 find this out young.
In my experience it is very rare an American WANTS to return to the US after spending many years abroad.
For Australians or even Europeans it might be different.
That blondie is happy with $60??
Good savers are usually low T men, because T triggers impulsiveness.
Quite the opposite I’ve found. Most of the reckless spenders are the Bernie/Soyboy types who want to blow money on new consoles for the latest Nintendo or Skyrim Deluxe or whatever Cheesy Marvel/Cuck Wars flick is out.
There is a reason Why WOMEN spend more than men and have higher debt.
The reason for soyboys’ and women’s spending habits is not the T but their infantility.
high-T guys are more likely to be risk-taking in terms of investing
but your city of Toronto punishes those men who have high T, and rewards soyboys, fa6s and homos! The women in TO eventually h8 men, even the newcomers!!! Canadian women are very terrible that I kind of see the reasoning behind what Marc Lepine did back in 1989. Autistic men tend to see the world without blinders and they have a very different way of seeing things that we wouldn’t pick up.
Marc could have gone overseas and had a great old time with lots of chicks.
You don’t fight.
You walk away.
If you see a piece of shit in the road do you jump on it?
No, you just walk around and get away.
That is what going overseas is.
Walk away where dragon? To 3rd world shitholes where the locals hate you and have room temperature IQs and a general sense of lawlessness is always in the air? Tried it, regretted it. There is no escape. Go rural, go fight or live worse than a prisoner back home where you at least have people of your race and culture to talk to.
Old dudes moving to SEA are generally dimwitted and have no real cultural understanding of the place. You’ll never blend in with the 3rd world monkeys and they view you with jealousy and contempt.
“Go Rural”
The rural US is MORE third-world than Asia! You’ll never find a place in Tokyo or Singapore as rundown and depressing as living out in the sticks with their single-digit GDP economy and rusting wheel barrows in alleyways downtown where the only businesses are tattoo parlors and taxidermy shops and “antique stores” because people cannot afford IKEA.
Honestly, rural US looks like the horror films Tobe Hooper made portray it.
“Room temperature IQ’s” It is hard to tell with poor rural whites where IQ ends and deprivation/isolation begins. Your average Manila or Tokyo resident is more intelligent (Seemingly) than people you meet in small US towns.
I’ve had more bad experiences with rednecks than I have in Asia-and more “if I see you around here again I’ll kick your ass” xenophobia.
With the US this is vast geographic expanse. Asians are more worldly by dint of proximity to civilization.
“Never blend in”
I’ve found less antagonism with Asians than townies in redneck places.
And I am a middle-class urban white.
I don’t really enjoy small town cops. They tend to be like Teasle from FIRST BLOOD.
Rambo preferred to live in Asia for a reason.
Finally, there is the usually wide choices of jobs.
Who, Simmons? Hippies in the street who want to defend Non-Asian minorities who would not cross the road to defend them if they were on fire IE Carl the Cuck.
At 44, I’m a bit old for that.
Well John seems happy and while I am only 44 I would not want to live next door to Leatherface in the sticks instead of in Asia.
The Barrio of Phoenix and Detroit are more lawless than Asia. I make an exception for Philippines. That place is a shit-hole because Mexicans ran it for 400 years and the people are part Cholo Mestizos. But overall Asia is much safer.
Aren’t you black, Larry. How about you go into the white rural sticks. Live on some road with huge potholes and the only businesses in town are two tattoo parlors and a taxidermy shop open during deer season.
I’m 44 years old. What am I going to fight dirty hippies in the street like Carl the Cuck. I’ve got a wife, a career, kids. Go to jail for beating up some Carl the Cuck student who is 26 and still lives at home?
I don’t blend in with anyone. Don’t care how the locals view me, as long as they let me bang their daughters.
Watched a movie about rural America “Winters Bone”, all the guys were meth addicts, and the women were huge landwhales. Everyone was unemployed. Yeah, I’d really like to live in a place like that.
Possibly why blacks are spendthrifts.
Interestingly enough, when you go to college and leave a place with local black tough guys you knew in high school and come back on a college break by the age of 22 many of them are downtown begging. Literally have nothing.
But of course, smoking crack does not help.
Depends on if they are high-T with logic and inhibition (or proper training, at least). These are the types that will likely invest into starting businesses, cryptocurrencies, stocks, etc.
The low-T soyboys will spend money on gadgets, toys, cartoons, capeshit, and other geekdom bullshit that will not be used to pay for themselves, as my father used to put it.
High-T with low inhibition will likely pay for things that give instant gratification like hookers, drugs, booze, athletic wear, and other shit that still won’t pay for itself, but is seen as more “masculine and dangerous.”
This is pretty good advice as a primer. There are some advanced topics to consider as well:
Item 1: This is perhaps the most important, and I regret my youthful spending habits. Nothing to show and all those friends gone after all the money I spent on partying, cars and electronics. That money could have multiplied into 7-10x.
Item 5: Debt – this is an unsophisticated view. There can be “good debt”, for example an extremely low interest rate on an appreciating asset, like a house – which also serves as primary shelter. If there is inflation and the current rates go up beyond your low rate, the bank is, in fact, paying you to carry the loan. IOW, the cash you kept instead of buying the asset outright, can fetch the current high interest rate, while you pay a low interest rate on that asset. Those who purchased houses over the past 5-10 yrs or so are currently in that situation.
Item 8: Investments – nearly everyone can’t tell the difference between an “investment” and “speculation”. Buying (and keeping for decades) shares in a 50yr old well-managed brick and mortar that throws off increasing dividends is an investment. Buying an asset based on any kind of belief or trend is speculation (Bit Coin, Amazon, tech-stocks). Sure you can make money, but that is not genius or planning, you just rolled the dice and won.
Item 5: Possibly true about the interest rate arbitrage, but the fair comparison is to the risk free rate of return, which would make home loans a wash. The extra returns you are getting in the market is from assuming risk.
Item 8: I disagree. Sears, JCPenny, Toys R Us, and Radio Shack used to be considered “investments” by your definition and look at them now. Either gone under or bloody and on the ropes now, thanks to the likes of Amazon. Also, “Buying an asset based on any kind of belief or trend” is literally the only thing you can do; it’s the same thing you’d be doing buying an “investment” since your belief is that because it has done well in the past it will continue to do well. That’s usually a safe assumption… until it isn’t.
#1: NEVER GET MARRIED (or otherwise involved with a woman to the extent that your property becomes considered divisible with her)
This is why renewing nuptuals and well defined marriage contracts are important.
Treat Marriage like a Business as the Elders did. There’s a reason that Grooms got downpayments.
Unfortunately, Prenuptial Agreements can be and are ruled unenforceable by family courts all the time. Defending such agreements isn’t cheap, either
Don’t worry, there is no querry of wife candidates for me, after all what would be their profit from a guy whose life revolves around history, gym, gaming and freelance work?
NEVER visit Toronto because the majority of womyn there hate men.
Thank you for posting this advice. I will keep it in mind.
Don’t visit or live in Toronto because you will be broke and the women there hate men with a vengeance! The majority of women in Toronto are savage animals who act more rabid than a racoon who is suffering from rabies. Canadian-born Toronto women are the worst!
The best advice I ever got about money is if you want to be rich don’t have kids and don’t get married. When your a single guy you don’t have to make alot of money to live comfortably. I would be happy with 35k to 38 k a year.
Toronto womyn would rather see a man homeless than to give him a job if they were HR. Discrimination against men is rampant in Toronto that Marc Lepine was right about Canadian womyn.
And rent instead of buying.
Great way to accumulate $$$.
It is all well and good to be married, just not at the age of 22 when you have no degree and no money.
If you marry at 40, 45 to 25 year old woman when you are relatively set-up in life and have the house already, that is fine.
But what young men do is marry and have kids with the first girl who gives them the pussy.
Now if you are 40 you have some perspective on the pussy. You’ve enjoyed your share, chances are. You are aware that every woman has one.
But when you are young, you’ll do anything to get that pussy like a life sentence to child support and alimony. Nobody sees that at 22.
Nothing wrong with getting married at 40. Personally, a man is more mature then. Has more patience. More time to spend with his children.
Divorce rape does not discriminate because of age. In fact it just gets more costly, both because you have more assets to steal, and because you have less time to recover.
Many young men who live in Toronto complain that’s its terrible when it comes to dating the rabid womyn there. They loose tens of thousands of dollars when on dinner dates, partying, cruises and vacations, and when the Toronto feminal sees the $$$ running out, she is never seen or heard from again. This my friends, is what you call a prostitute.
and b4 you compare Toronto to Los Angeles or Hollywood, Toronto’s average median household income is only at C$70,000 a year—pennies compared to eight and nine figure millionaires and billionaires in Hollywood.
T0r0nto womyn are prudish wh0r3s!
White Canadian women are not prudes. They blow you on the first date.
Toronto wh0rmyn are prdish wh0res;
Pretty vanilla article, so let me put my spin on it.
I would say the #1 piece of advice is find “creative” ways to stop or minimize paying tax to the traitorous and pedophilic criminals who run your country. Almost none of it goes towards things of any value to you or your community. Understanding the “strawman” concept and merchant law will help.
#2: Stop or find ways to minimize paying compound interest to the psychopathic parasites who created and run our so-called money system. Pay in anonymous cash and only buy what you can truly afford. Renting housing may be a better option than a mortgage for most single men, depending on where they live. Modern banking is simply an elaborate criminal enterprise, but navigating it without serious repercussions takes lots of research.
#3: Stop or minimize spending money on women, period. No more dinners, fancy drinks, all-inclusive vacations, lavish gifts / trips. NO DIAMONDS or GOLD under any circumstances. And stop over-tipping cute waitresses.
#4: Stop spending money on shit that damages your body and mind. Excessive booze, prescription drugs, illicit drugs, cigarettes, porn, Hollywood movies, soda pop.
#5: Always invest in yourself at any age, but particularly while young. By VERY choosy about investing in education — consider what skills you will truly have. Spend on travel (but not to cushy resorts), gym memberships, quality food, helpful health supplements, old books, useful tools, appreciating antiques (cool cars, bikes, furniture, cameras, etc — whatever puts a smile on your face and can put money in your pocket when it becomes time to sell).
#6: Find passion in your work so you lose that “retirement bug” mentality. If you don’t have kids or dependents who are looking to inherent your wealth, and you keep yourself in excellent health, then you don’t really need much “savings” because you can work well into your elderly years and generate new income.
#7: Research the economics of various stable countries with good climates and eventually move somewhere that’s much more affordable than your own country. Imagine living very comfortably on $1,000 USD per month, when you’re used to paying 5x that just to get by. It’s heaven.
“#7: Research the economics of various stable countries with good climates and eventually move somewhere that’s much more affordable than your own country. Imagine living very comfortably on $1,000 USD per month, when you’re used to paying 5x that just to get by. It’s heaven.”
Any recommendations on this point?
My preference is South America. I especially like Colombia and Ecuador, but I hear Chile, Panama and Peru are good choices also. Relatively stable, quite safe (despite the propaganda), cheap healthy food, very tolerable (and diverse) climates, decent women (particularly Bogota & Medellin), very good P4P scenes, beautiful natural scenery, good infrastructure, many quaint cities to choose from and tremendously affordable by our Western standards.
I am fortunate that I can work abroad via contracts, although I also had a decent online business going for many years too. Most average “middle-class” working people in these countries get by on less than $600 USD per month, so if you learn the ropes and can generate at least $2,000 per month (pension + some investments + some online gig??) then you will live very well. Earn $4,000 plus and you will live like a prince. At least mid-level Spanish is a great idea.
PS: Prince lifestyle = eating out multiple times every day, dating a passionate head-turner, banging pretty whores on the side 2x weekly, going on weekend adventures 2x monthly, living in a furnished luxury apartment.
I live in Asia but I agree with you.
Of course Gen Y cannot afford to leave in the first place and by the time they turned 20 the economy had been flushed down the toilet by George Bush’s stupidity.
But anyhow, if you are middle-aged the best thing to do is go overseas.
Marry some woman who is willing to pull half the weight from a traditional background.
Some useful and informative replies,
Thanks Gents!
Good luck only spending $1,000 a month. I’m barely managing on $1,400/month, but having a wife and kids pushes up my costs. $1k/month would be a single guy living a frugal lifestyle in Thailand/Philippines/Vietnam. The problem is staying single, there are a LOT of Asian women looking to move in, usually way beyond your white world expectations. Even if you just pay per play that’s probably $30/night, with food and drinks make that $50/night and there’s very few guys that do less than 3 nights/week. Add to that your ‘bang’ holidays, I try to limit my self to 3 a year, but that’s at $1k/holiday.
Your yearly budget with side adventures will be around $20/year, but you’ll be having a great time on that.
I walk past this place 2-3 times a week.
Congrats on saving the kids in the cave. British grit there.
On the news.
Anyhow, depending on your wife and her business you can live on $1000 a month.
Granted if you are 60 and your wife is 20 and only in it for your pension, it is a different matter.
But if you were a RELATIVELY young man and marry a woman from the Chinese business community as I did, you can do it.
I’ve known a few frugal foreigners that get by on $500 a month. The type that just don’t want to ever be back in their country, like me.
It really depends on how disgusting your life back home would be.
When you would be facing living in a efficiency apartments on “crack row” with blacks and Cholos running around like Alex and his droogs…you’ll find a way to get by.
I do.
You can live in the Philippines for 3/4 what it costs to live in those other countries.
Rent is $100 a month for a decent villa, for Pete’s sake.
You’d have to be really into the bars and the booze in the Philippines to be spending that kind of money.
Also, I lay down the law with my wife. She can take it or leave it. And so she chips in.
Anyhow, if your reason to live in Asia is simply to get laid and drunk, of course that is going to be expensive.
I do it on $12,000.
Of course I am only 44 and my wife is 35. Also, she had a house when I met her. She was not a penniless bar girl.
If you intend to setting in Asia it is better to marry a woman from the Chinese merchant class anywhere in Southeast Asia.
Of course, if you are 60 years old and grey and have a belly that is a bit more difficult.
I’d tell all they young guys here they should clear out of their country at age 25.
But see most of them don’t have the disposable income to begin with.
Agreed, but making $1,000 USD per month as a single guy is well above average in most SA countries, and many places in SE Asia also. My friend is a physiotherapist, 7 years experience, additional acupuncture training, and he’s at a little less than $800 per month in Ecuador — as an example.
But I couldn’t live in SE Asia or visit longer than a few weeks. It’s fun, adventurous and great for a “bang holiday” but not my cup of tea to put down some shallow roots. Plus, I think Latinas are far superior to virtually all Asians. I also lived in Japan, but quality of life there is pretty shitty by affluent Western standards — in other words, very poor bang for the buck. Fascinating for a holiday though.
John is decades older than most of us and at 60 something of course he can only marry some girl who is totally into his shit for his money and pay top dollar for hookers because he is old and grey.
$1000 is EASY to get by on in Philippines or other parts of Southeast Asia.
John is one of these oldsters who has to pay the girls $100 a crack.
At his age he cannot pull.
If you are a young man in your 30’s or even 40’s you can meet a local woman who will pull some of the weight.
Sure, that is why Chinese-Americans are so far behind the Cholos.
If you marry someone from Argentina who is a pure European Spanish or Italian girl, yes.
But most of foreigners will end up marrying a Red Indian. And Red Indians are a twitchy prehistoric primitive group.
I rate a nice Asian woman far higher than an Indian or a Mestizo.
Plus, I lived in Phoenix and who wants to be around the Cholos?
Better in Colombia than Tokyo or even Manila?
I doubt this.
I moved from the US to get away from the Cholos.
If all you want is a Cholo Mestizo girl, why not live in the barrio or Phoenix or East Los Angeles?
No thanks.
I lived in the PHX area for 8 years, and a little further south in Northern Mexico prior to that for 6+ years. Many weekend getaways to Tijuana in those years too. Lots of experience banging a wide variety of Latinas and other types. I’ve also lived in Colombia and Japan. Without question, the women and lifestyle in Colombia and many SA countries is far superior to life in Japan — assuming you’re not making huge coin. Huge coin evens everything out, doesn’t it? For me to consider living in Japan, I’d need a minimum of $250,000 USD per year to create the lifestyle I’d want and enjoy. If you’re at $50,000 USD per year in Colombia, you’re very comfortable and content with a few passionate hotties on your arm. Non-cholo, non-barrio rat Latinas are >>>> than virtually any Asians I’ve ever come across (Japan, China, HK, Thai, Phils, Viet) in terms of sexiness and passion.
“Agreed, but making $1,000 USD per month as a single guy is well above average in most SA countries”
I haven’t earned any money in the last 17 years.
I had enough by then to never work again.
I am a retired exec who lives in Bangkok. I live a comfortable middle-class lifestyle (minus the car), have an active social life and eat well. I spend about 1K per month on the basics (including dating) not counting medical and food. Dating can push it up some. I don’t find it hard to live within that budget (I’m frugal) but I know expats who spend 4x that much. I used to have the luxury home, automobile and clothes in the US and realized it didn’t make me happy. If I lived outside of Bangkok, it would be cheaper. Chiang Mai is a good pace for a younger person with a limited budget.
However, it will be hard to live within that budget if you could medical and travel. If all you have is 1K, I would check out smaller cities in the Philippines and maybe Vietnam or Laos.
PHILIPPINES is awfully dangerous and crime-ridden these days.
The Hispanic influence, as everywhere else, lent it a corrupt and narco=economy aspect.
The country is NOT the best place in Asia to live.
Congratulations for making the jump, gent. $1,000 USD is obviously just a guideline, but I think most successful / entrepreneurial Western men (especially those who read this site) can muster between $2,000 – $4,000 USD per month, based on pensions, investment returns / dividends, online gigs and/or local jobs (teaching English, for example). And at that level, men can live like Princes in most places in SA and SE Asia.
Living in Canada, I hated the climate, hated the deteriorating attitude of the women, always felt the pressure to keep on with the Joneses, and constantly experienced “sticker shock” at decent restaurants and bars. And I say this as an eligible professional male with no obvious handicaps. But nowadays, despite making less money (gross income at least), my lifestyle is much better and the envy of all my former friends. I now live in places where the climate is not a constant downer, the women are still feminine and fun to flirt with and bang, and I don’t flinch when presented with invoices from restaurants, bars, clinics, etc. Of course life is not perfect, but a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders in recent years, and I think more men should consider options outside of North America and Europe. Just my 2 cents.
My Comment,
Laos is an awful communist hell-hole.
It’s against the law for a foreigner to have a Laos women in his room, and there are ‘secret police’ following foreigners around to enforce this law.
I’ve tried all these palaces,
Laos too communist and backward.
China too strange.
Vietnam is surprisingly free and fun (even though a communist government). In the big cities everyone speaks English, no French speakers under 60 years old. More hookers approaching you than any other country I’ve ever visited.
Philippines is party town, the girls all speak English, but strangely they aren’t as convincing as Thais and Viets. Too much like banging an entitled white women.
Thailand is the winning pussy palace, the girls are really convincing that they love you, while in reality they are planning on stripping you bere. Guard your assets boys.
places and bare.
@John dodds,
“the girls are really convincing that they love you, while in reality they are planning on stripping you bare.”
The differences between all the countries you mention, and the ones you haven’t like the cuckosphere wasteland are:
1. How convincing the girls are that they love you.
2. How attractive they are, how much work you have to do to get them, how much shit they put you through (all of which boils down to their SMV/socioeconomic status).
Brilliant advice. Among the best I’ve heard (read). Heard it growing up; all of it. And I’m a bit overconfident here, but there is one which I feel is important above all that makes your points happen and that you touched on.
Let me repeat that, gentlemen: ALWAYS SPEND LESS THAN WHAT YOU MAKE!!!!!!!!!!
Whether it is written in a holy book or not, listen to what Ancient Wisdom has to say; he knows his stuff.
The underlying essence of this post really echoes the principles of The Millionaire Next Door. Person X can make twice or three times as much as person Y, but if person X spends idiotically on status symbols, person Y will end up wealthier in 50 years time. There are many high class individuals who you would assume to have vast net worths who are in reality living paycheque to paycheque trying to live up to the expectations of their peers and society large. It’s sad, really.
“It doesn’t take much for a man to live on”
Read this little nugget of truth on an archived post and it’s resonated quite deeply with me.
Women are ravenous consumers, keep your assets securely in your hands (out of theirs) and you should be fine.
Use prostitutes. It is cheaper.
I am 63. I save, I believe in frugality, but live your life. At the end memories are all you have. For God’s sake don’t be a tight wad. Life will pass you by.
“Stop living paycheck to paycheck”
Yeah i’ll try that when I’m not getting paid $10/hr for some shitty call center job even though I have a four year college degree in finance/business but of course the corporate cultural-Marxists won’t hire me for any decent corporate job since I have no privilege points like being a woman, gay, black, etc. and no experience seeing as how no one has given me a decent job that will give me any relevant good experience.
Get into a commission paying position that will pay according to your intelligence and drive. If not now, at least start planning to get there soon.
Why can’t you start a business of your own, even if on a shoe string?
In 1994 when I was a 20 year old college freshman telemarketing was a shit job that only ex-cons and desperate college kids did.
Pity Gen Y. You probably live at home at pushing 30 or share an apartment with 2 bachelor pigs.
Thank goodness I got the hell out of the States when I was 25.
It seems to be everyone else’s fault that you haven’t succeeded as you’d hoped. Good luck with that; there are always going to be more of them than there are of you.
Amen, Jiggy. Salutes as well to Chris and my boy, Clark Kent from the T-Dot.
Rich Dad/Poor Dad book is your next step if you liked this article.
“Avoid lending to unreliable people”
How about just don’t lend money out period?
In general, if you hand someone money for nothing (except an IOU) you have some nice guy/simp/sucker tendencies that need to be put to death.
And remember what Reverend Ike said.
“The best thing you can do for the poor is not to be one of them.”
You have an interesting bio. Somehow you managed to work your way up from being homeless in LA on the streets to well-to-do.
That would make for an interesting article.
You should tell us how you did it.
When you move overseas, you save a great deal of money. This is what I did.
You can marry in the United States, but you will lose everything when the marriage goes South.
You can mortgage a house, but your property might be worth zero like people in Flint or Detroit.
So if you simply leave the United States and go your own way…you’ll never have problems.
Don’t buy stuff you don’t want with money you don’t have to impress people you don’t know.
This was very good but also very general. I would like to see future articles delve into the topic of finance more deeply.
Great article love the quotes from the wise king Solomon.
We all can be successful. We must leave to fight the devil. We must learn to submit to God’s will and learn to grow in the spirit. Finances is part of the battle. Satan wishes us to be placed in the fist statement forever.
Amen and God bless the almighty!
Income producing real estate is probably the only investment to make.
Several very, very well to do people I have known put all of their money into real estate deals.
Yes you get some debt at first if you use borrowed money to start but eventually it pays itself off.
“Avoid lending to unreliable people even if they are close to you”
I would change this to “Avoid lending to anyone, even if they are close to you.”
You will be surprised at how many people don’t pay you back. It ruins friendships and can wreck family relationships.
Neither a borrower nor a lender be.