6 Reasons Why Women Are Obsessed With Vampire Stories

Vampires were once great monsters of folklore. They were parasitic predators who fed on blood, the human life force. They were evil beings sent from the underworld to fulfill their carnal desires. Somewhere in the 20th-century vampires went from being demons to tragically cursed lovers.

It wasn’t men who recognized everything that makes certain types of women lust after vampires. It was women. Anne Rice, who wrote Interview with a Vampire, is one of the most popular. As is Stephanie Meyer, who wrote the Twilight series, and Joss Whedon who created Buffy the Vampire Slayer (although he isn’t a woman he’s pretty darn close). There are more.

What they recognized is that if you take away the vampiric drive to kill there remains a figure that excites women sexually. Not necessarily all women. But at least many women, perhaps a majority. What qualities do vampires have that excite women?

1. Objectification

For immortal vampires, who drink human blood, people are objects. Men don’t typically enjoy being objectified. Women on some level, however, enjoy being objectified, often sexually. Maybe they present themselves as sexual objects publicly but do not want to be treated that way during interactions. Pornstars and strippers are examples of this. Or maybe women don’t want to be objectified publicly but enjoy it privately on their own terms, which is far more common.

For either type of woman, the vampire represents the being that will most genuinely treat them as objects of pleasure. Whether they are treated that way publicly or privately matters not. Vampires are the fantasy after all and the women who write them know how to best portray them in ways that turn women on.

2. Dark Triad Traits

Here’s a great article about men with dark triad traits that women love. Vampires aren’t human anymore, but by human standards, vampires are psychopathic and Machiavellian. They take what they want without regard to human life. Nothing stands in their way. It’s a very romantic notion for women that they should be the objects of desire so great that superhuman beings will kill just to have them. Just to taste their blood.

Of course, they love everything else about dark triad men. They love being tossed aside by men with better stuff to do. No woman wants to date down. Vampires will always treat a woman as beneath them, because to a vampire she is. Being treated so poorly only serves to make her want the vampire more.

3. Abnormal Strength

Think she wants him?

Vampires are always displayed as being incredibly strong, and usually ripped. Almost universally, women are more attracted to muscular men than weak men. There’s no need to belabor the point except to note how much it aides in the next reason women want sex with vampires.

4. Rough Vampire Sex

The last three reasons women want sex with vampires culminates in this one. As a general rule, women enjoy rough sex. Vampires guarantee that. Women are objects to vampires. The vampires have no care or compassion for them. Thus, there’s nothing holding them back from being as rough with women as they want to be. And their abnormal strength only ensures that they can more easily treat women as objects of gratification.

Add in some biting, the vampire’s trademark, and you’ve got something to tantalize the women who enjoy S&M. But that’s not necessary to the rough sex women enjoy. The climax (pun intended) of one of the Twilight movies involves the vampire having sex and impregnating the protagonist. He gives her the business with such force that he breaks the bed.

5. Eternal Youth

Whether it’s a conscious concern or just a subconscious one, women know the wall is coming. They might be young and hot now, but ten years from is a toss-up. They could go on the wrong birth control, gain 50 lbs, and never lose it. Maybe their skin gets sun-dried and wrinkled. Maybe they even develop a thousand cock stare (one hopes they don’t develop that so young). Women know these are possibilities and they don’t like it.

Vampires offer women eternal youth and eternal beauty. It’s rare in vampire stories for a woman to want to remain human with her vampire lover. For one thing, she would age but he wouldn’t. But more importantly, the female sexual fantasy focuses on being an object of such great desire that a powerful man will do anything to have her. In the case of a vampire, he will even give her eternal youth and beauty just so he can have her for all eternity.

6. They Want To Be The Special Girl

The culminating event for women in their sexual fantasies with vampires is that they become the special girl, unlike all the other objectified women. The women in these fantasies become more than objects to the vampires. So incredible is the woman of this fantasy that the vampire falls in love with her, changing his dark triad ways. No longer is the woman just a warm body for him to ravage in bed, though he will surely continue to do that. Now the woman is the object of his romantic desire, whom he will woo for all eternity after he makes her a vampire too.

Stories of romance used to feature the Prince Charming archetype as the man women wanted. That was when women were sexually attracted to a man as the provider and protector. Prince Charming was the ultimate provider and protector.

Now that women provide for and protect themselves they’ve abandoned Prince Charming. Now women are attracted to men of higher stations than them. They want the men who don’t want them, especially damaged men. They don’t want the prince that gets on his knee to propose marriage. They want the prince that uses them all night long and kicks them out of the castle the next morning. Because the next step in that fantasy is that the prince realizes he’s never had a sexual object as good as her and he must have her again. Replace kicking her out of the castle with drinking her blood and vampires are exactly what women want.

For more from Jared Trueheart on the roles of men and women in literature and film check out his writing at Legends of Men.

Read More: Doctors In African Nation Of Malawi Are Being Killed By Mobs Who Think They’re Vampires

109 thoughts on “6 Reasons Why Women Are Obsessed With Vampire Stories”

    1. U might be right.
      Cats love being petted, but if u do it too much they’ll stop liking it & will scratch u.
      Women are the same, pander to them too much & they’ll become adversarial to u & search for the meanest motherfucka’ out there to punish them.
      So I guess they are very frustrated cause of how good they are having it in the 21st century & assume a good beating is their only relief.

      1. My old female cat has an abuse fetish. She LOVES aggressive and overlong petting and patting. All others would/have scratched me for it.

    2. U might be right.
      Cats love being petted, but if u do it too much they’ll stop liking it & will scratch u.
      Women are the same, pander to them too much & they’ll become adversarial to u & search for the meanest motherfucka’ out there to punish them.
      So I guess they are very frustrated cause of how good they are having it in the 21st century & assume a good beating is their only relief.

      1. Why women really love vampires… Vampires are a METAPHOR: she is reduced to a piece of raw, lowly meat (no matter her looks) because he is this carnivorous, cannibalistic, otherworldly princeling ‘devouring’ her in the abstract, draining her of all her desires until she can no longer stand…being overcome with satisfaction.
        It’s the same reason why they love James Bond, Christian Grey, Dexter Morgan and Cary Grant…Debonair amorousness with a touch of psychopathy…the usual markers of that ‘edge’ being roughness (5 o’clock shadow), reputation (for womanizing/crime) and a brooding visage (because women cannot stand to see a man happy, since affability is seen BY THEM as childish or feminine, and thus a turnoff).
        Women even express their attraction to this type of character with proactive scorn as part of their ‘passionate’ and nonverbal cues, since passive-aggressiveness, bitchiness and body language are a woman’s secret code that she uses (unchallenged) to bastardize and manipulate men and society.
        This medley of vampiric characteristics (metrosexual, hunky, dastardly, untouchable), which are too supernatural and contradictory to be tangible, magically dovetail to sate the inscrutable desires of the dim-witted female.
        It’s like the Eucharist in the church of gynocentrism because it is a religious experience in this cyclical ‘cult of womanhood.’
        Like every other form of female ‘art,’ the actual artistic expression of women fully realized is often such trite dog shit that (to even break-even) it requires female-only consumers (often not even that – see Ghostbusters remake), male charity (Affirmative Action), or the forced-perspective of ‘modern art’ thrust upon society in endless promotion, where painting two dots on a blot of stationary blindfolded or a piece of tangled ceramics gets put on display at the Smithsonian because a woman (usually the bored housewife of a prominent man) ‘pioneered’ it.
        I have my doubts that women ever actually wanted ‘Prince Charming.’ More and more that seems like a male fantasy (coping-mechanism) for what MEN want women to want in a man, similar to how women want a man to like them for their ‘credentials’ so that they don’t have to put in the effort to be ladylike or pretty…but we do not that, and they do not that.
        It is just the white knight’s chivalrous coping-mechanism (instead of being Red Pilled) to infantilize women as these romantic, Shakespearean creatures, which they are not. They would call a serenade ‘sexual harassment,’ a soliloquy ‘stalking,’ poetry ‘creepy’ and roll their eyes at courtship.
        Why? Because MEN want them to be these dainty creatures and cuddle them like puppies, while women actually want to be roughhoused with an occasional roundhouse like a defeated adversary of Kid Galahad so that hierarchy (her beneath him), which she so craves, can be continually underscored (with a black eye), enabling her to constantly know she made the right move (selecting him), and can pause her insatiable hypergamy that often summons her to be flighty anytime she doubts ANYTHING in her life that she could possibly have (but doesn’t).
        Women take themselves far too seriously ever actually want a man ‘who can just make her laugh’ or ‘treats her well’ and is ‘nice.’
        What all of that means is more female code – a man whom she is attracted to automatically makes her ‘giggle’ (not from humor but pussy-tingles), and he ‘treats her well’ by sexually exhausting her, and he LOOKS ‘nice’ (handsome).
        Men so badly want their fantasies (suspended-disbelief of female innocence) realized so that their unrequited sacrifices and yearnings are not in vain or purposeless (otherwise we often commit suicide). Men so quickly look for that female pat on the head and that scrunched up female-faced ‘thank you!’ to close that feedback loop of female validation (instead of just expecting sex like a Chad, and then dismissing her if she does or does not give it to you).
        And for the last time…women do NOT provide for or protect themselves…never have, never will. Somewhere along the line they are spending money a man earned that was transferred to her voluntarily or by law. Women are also PROTECTED by an endless apparatus of de facto Praetorian Guards at every corner, which they do not have to pay for or even acknowledge. The fortune male celebrities pay for a few bodyguards is not even a comparison because a woman’s bodyguards are plainclothes AND uniformed.
        In fact, female codependency is worse now that is was under coverture. They can’t even cook their own food now, wash their own clothes, clean up after themselves or mother their own children.
        Stop using these male coping-mechanisms to lazily dismiss the truth (macroeconomic variables of gynocentrism) about your unrealized fantasies.
        I watch a shit-ton of TCM and there are no words for how baffling the standards were back then compared to now. Everybody always says that nostalgically, but it’s unimaginable how casual sex, or even suspicion of it up until the 1960s, was so taboo that people went out of their way to prove they were pure before anybody even suggested otherwise.

  1. Specially the last part; the bland totally loser generic girl that manages to catch the eye of the alpha. Shades of Grey run the same narrative

  2. So in other words, vampires are women’s fantasy of Chad transhumanists.

    1. Sad to say most vampires would be more Dracula than Cullen.
      By the way anyone recall that crappy movie where they basically pushed necrophilia with a zombie love movie? Cant recall its name.

      1. MR WRIGHT
        I think Salem’s Lot, in fact. Not really that lovely in real life.

  3. It the same thing all over again. the unrealistic expectation that all of the girls dreams and fantasies will come true and she will have here eternal alpha stacked stud and an eternity of love and provision that she has to nothing but have orgasms in order to keep it.
    Ain’t western society grand to build such a universal brainwashed vision in ALL womens minds, even to the extent that all women are ENTITLED to the fairy tale ending?
    Eff em. I dont have time or inclination to feed the insanity.

      It will be over soon enough I fear. The economy is forcing women to either marry, peddle their ass or live at home.
      Phoebe today would not even be sharing an apartment with other women-she’d be living at home because of the economy.
      The days when a surplus economy supported female independence and fantasies is waning. Women either have to live at home, marry some guy or sell their ass. The days of office jobs and independence are really waning quickly.

      1. Really? Is that what your experience in the American job market has led you to believe? Man you don’t even LIVE in this country.
        Women earn the majority of undergraduate and graduate degrees. There are more women PhD candidates than men. There are more women than men in medical school. There are more women than men employed in this country.
        If what you’re saying about women is true, then it would also be true about men. Which it is not. I live alone on a single income and I’m doing just fine. I don’t live in some kind of dystopian nightmare like you think most Americans do, and literally no one I know does. The only people who live in the inner city are blacks who are too stupid or lazy to move, and immigrants who just moved here and don’t have the financial ability to live anywhere else.

        1. @The Jomsviking Finally, a man of logic. Goddamn, I can’t remember the last time I saw one with my own eyes. I thought they were becoming extinct on this site. There’s hope after all!

        2. @ Jomsviking
          Yes, women attain higher education more than they did in the past but it doesn’t guarantee them a better paying job.
          I know a PhD candidate who has an osteopathic practice. Her husband, who has a business degree, told me she doesn’t make much money and that he has to support her. So hers is basically a hobby business.
          A lot of degrees that women obtain are in useless fields. Most of them end up teaching at a college or university because in the real world outside of academia they are not needed.

        3. JOMSVIKING
          I did not feel uneasy riding the bus in Dubai or Asia, in Phoenix and Detroit I did.
          I’m not an anti-American foreigner either, I am working middle-class guy from the Motor city.
          So I am not some delusional Eurotrash Metrosexual who never lived in the U.S.
          The poor whites in the exurbs and cities are more likely to be on Crystal Meth than poor whites in Europe with the attendant criminal shit too.
          Blacks with no ability to attain a college degree cannot possibly get out of an inner-city. Not all of them are lazy but if you hold the sort of job a black in the inner US city does, you don’t have the money to relocate. You’re barely covering rent, clothes, maybe a shitty car etc.

        4. JOMS
          I lived and worked in the United States as a young man as I am American.

        5. Ignore Marz, he repeatedly posts stupidity & idiocy on here. Once in a blue moon he posts something that is actual fact but for the most part, it’s psuedo-intelligence.

        6. No, März is dead on with this one.
          LOL so what if women have most college degrees… Ever heard of their eternal ‘wage gap?’ Most billionaires and inventors don’t even have college degrees. Women are DROWNING in student loan debt (while men aren’t by and large) because women are going to college, not to find a ‘career,’ but to find a MAN (That will never change). But most of them can’t because the ratio is 2:1 female-male…and we don’t have polygamy so…
          Marriage these days is a different type of status. It represents a woman who hooked a man post-wall. She has secured her 401k and can sip foo-foo drinks with her big dumb sunglasses and ballcap on (pretending to look cute in this lazy, unfeminine ensemble) all day long while taking selfies with her friends.
          I see it everyday. Usually it is men and women who are mid-to-late thirties settling down, where wrinkles arrive before they have that first child (two at most), when couples of yesteryear would be having their final runt of the litter at that age.
          Women waste their fertile years becoming ‘educated.’ The few that actually do get careers afterwards suddenly find a man who tolerates her thousand-cock stare, and then she drops out of the workforce to play housewife for a bit, and later on gets a job in the service industry at higher rates than men rather than rejoining corporate America. That is why more women than men are ‘working,’ but the wealth remains very much concentrated in the hands of men (albeit forcibly requisitioned in sieving taxes/marriage/divorce to redistribute to lazy women).
          Birthrates can only go in one direction with this strategy.
          Marz left out one other arrangement: roommates.
          Women almost never live alone. Usually it is with a guy or under an older man’s charity she teases unrequitedly.
          Feminism only exists because of this surplus of wealth. Poverty and feminism are mutually exclusive. Even Marxists won’t tolerate egalitarianism, ironically.

        7. Madre
          Although I concur with what you say a lot, I sense a biting bitterness within you. Like women constantly retreat to ‘how wonderful’ their kids (and maybe husband) are as a defense-mechanism. But I see resentment, like you think you could have done better. You could have gotten a handsomer husband and thus prettier children or whatever because some big shot gave you attention at a Christmas cocktail party or at the soccer game or something.
          It’s that type of eternal misery I detect with even allegedly agreeable women that makes marriage and procreation seem even more pointless because there is no winning with women. Every strategy I have contemplated has severe pitfalls that end the same way. Men are gonna get the shittiest possible form of female because she thinks she is selling herself short if she is not already on the downslide before she settles down. But even then she second-guesses everything.
          That’s why we have no choice but tough love….starving you of attention and resources before you finally surrender your rights.

        8. @ Weimar Republican
          I do not regret marrying and becoming a mother. Without those two life events I would not have matured from a girl to a woman. Sure, I would like to have pursued a high-paying career, but then who would have raised my family? You have to choose your priorities. There is one thing that bothers me, though. When I am old, I won’t have big retirement savings, while those other childless women who had a professional career will. So I am looking at being poor in my old age, which puts a knot in my stomach. Why do we have to choose between having money and having family?

        9. Not what I said. You wanted a BETTER marriage and children. As for you ‘choosing’ between a career and family…tough shit. Most things in life you don’t get a choice. Only women are this arrogant. That’s why your ‘rights’ infringe on everybody else’s. You THINK you could’ve had a better family. That’s what I’m getting at. And don’t give me that elderly poverty nonsense. You have for husband 401k whether you divorce him or not.
          Women badly need to be humbled. Western Civilization depends upon it.

        10. Weimar,
          Not much feminism in countries without welfare, and women don’t appear to care so much about their children where there isn’t a welfare or support check attached to the kid. Once you’ve lived in countries without welfare you begin to see the true nature of women, a nature where they don’t do anything without getting paid for it.

        11. Madre,
          How come I never had the choice to have children and stay at home while some clown worked their ass off to support me? I never had any choices in my life, it was work or starve. Fuck you, you entitled cunt, I hope you live your old age in illness, poverty and alone (apart from a few cats).

        12. Dodds
          You’ve been out of the white female loop for a while it sounds like. A quick rundown:
          15 years ago they would wear thongs or nothing under their baggy pajamas (with cute words on the ass) or short skirts…when I was in MIDDLE school.
          10-15 years ago they would wear sweatpants/muffin-top jeans and shred the bottom of them as a haute couture…when I was in high school
          5-10 years ago they would wear yoga pants as casual wear when I was in college.
          5 years ago they restarted this horrid high-waste mom jeans thing again.
          Now they just wear spanx. All of them, regardless of their size or age at the gym or at the supermarket. I see little girls and grandmas in them now.
          Women are lazy animals. All they can do is showcase their body to men. That is all they can hope for to get them places. All of the ‘education’ and ‘culture’ and ‘demographics’ will never change that.
          Sometimes I can make jokes about this, sometimes I am hopelessly frustrated by how pathetic it is to pretend these lowly creatures are our equals, yet are treated as our superiors, by the supermajority of society.
          I wonder when the ole switch-a-roo will occur when the Alt-Right starts to welcome patriarchs from the Third World, and SJWs close the borders, as both sides prepare for the post-democratic Western world because of the nonwhite demographic majority…

        13. DODDS
          Here is the good news.
          A great many female citizens will, and are, raped by black men whose windows are so fogged up by crack cocaine and booze that they’ll rape anything.
          You see this ALOT with the ABFAB type broads who were hot once upon a time and fucked a guy over hard enough to get a house and pittance allowance and their son or daughter is a bitter drug addict/fag/mental like Woodward’s daughter or your Dyke daughter who moves away at 17.
          At that point blacks wander in off the street with their windows fogged up from crack cocaine and just rape the woman.
          This may not be as common in UK but it is woefully common in the US.
          In today’s world where women had one son who remembers fighting and a bitter divorce and simply never talks to her again and Dad like you has gone off to some other country (Which women cannot do) alot of women end up just alone and some black crackhead roams in and rapes her in every single hole of of her body.
          As so many women NEVER HAVE KIDS and NEVER MARRY or fuck some guy over so badly that he leaves the country in disgust like you and his daughter becomes an acerbic Dyke like your daughter alot of women end up stuck in some house in a neighborhood in decline and blacks rape them.

        14. DODDS
          In my experience in Asia the grandmother raises the kid. Unless they are Chinese merchant class white-collar types and then it is a mix.
          Usually Mom has the kid-and Asians do not seem to have the post-natal depression or the complications of white women-and she goes back to dancing at Kareoke in the bar while her mother raises the kid.

    1. SAINT
      When she met Rocky, he was the loser. A borderline-alcoholic and low-level mob collector working for a local Mob boss (Joe “Maniac” Spinnell).
      We forget that the original ROCKY was not that great of guy. He was not a “made” guy in the mafia but he was a street-level “associate” who at the very least beat working men up. He sucker punched “Spider” for disrespecting him. He drank and bummed cigarettes.
      In the fight with Apollo Creed he hit him over and over in his broken rib and rabbit punched his kidneys. Creed was a clean fighter, Rocky was not.

  4. Deconstructing Rocky
    Rocky was a street-level mob associate who beat up on working men.
    He might have gone further in the mob but he was so uncontrollable, going so far as to attack a captain through a car window, that nobody in the mob wanted to use him.
    He was a dirty fighter in the ring. Sure, he beat Creed by hitting him over and over in a rib he broke in a lucky punch.

      The David Soul goes to Maine and runs into vampires is probably how vampires would actually be-looking like Barlow or the kid scratching at the window.
      The scene where the LAW & ORDER fat guy bursts in on his wife’s real estate broker lover and the guy runs outside right into Barlow really captures a sense of what a vampire might be.
      The film still has an eerie quality-James Mason of LOLITA as the pedophilia henchman staggering down the stairs as Soul fires bullet after bullet into him…the guy who played Clint’s buddy in Any Which Way But Loose trapped in the grave as the kid revives as dusk…

        1. why do you talk to me?
          Of all the posters on this site who have spoken derisively to you for some reason you seem obsessed with me.
          Can you tell me why you derail threads talking to me when you have nothing at all to say to me related to the topics?

        2. @ Gen X-ile, I give you shit because I’m tired of you giving me shit for the past… however long. Constantly projecting and trying to gather info and calling me indian or gay or whatever. So don’t play the gay-assed “woe-is-me” game you hypocrite.
          How’s your Thai wife hey? Forgot about talking about her, back onto your prostitute-fucking promotion. You’re a joke, dude.

        3. ASDASDA
          “Gather info”
          The extent that you take things so personally and the hysteria-below-the-surface suggests a gay adolescent and not a man in his thirties.
          You dwell on remarks I have made off-the-cuff with a halo of obsessiveness that suggests a schizo stalker.

      1. MM… don’t stop doing what you do cuz of a detractor or two. Your comments on this site are usually quite interesting and/or entertaining, imo.

        1. BLUE-EYED
          I’m a regular working middle-class guy and my experiences in the US are those of guy who has to take the bus to go to work. I did not live in a McMansion in the suburbs.

        2. Thanks.
          I know them because I have experienced them.
          Also living in a variety of countries I can draw a reasonable contrast to the United States.

      2. “For the past”
        What past?
        What are you talking about?
        Forget it, we are derailing another thread here.

  5. Pic #3.. answer to the question is she probably doesn’t. She knows he’s taking gear and that his talleywhacker will be as small as an 8 year old boy.
    But seriously, I have personally never known or heard of one single woman anywhere who was obsessed with vampires, and I’ve been around a while and in more than a few places. So this supposed obsession is a new one to me.

    1. Just look at the book sales. Look at the popularity of the movies and programs among women. This goes back to Bela Lugosi and Christopher Lee even.

      1. Could be. I must just be oblivious to this particular phenomenon.
        With women nothing should surprise me.

  6. They like vampires because they fantasize about men drinking their period. I knew a girl who boasted that her boyfriend was a vampire and did exactly that.

    1. Ew, but did you know some tribes men drink the vaginal blood of menstruating cows, and it makes their testicles huge, I wonder if there is a correlation between that and men and women

  7. I read the novel “Dracula” when I was a teenager and I remember being scared to go to sleep at night. I did not find Dracula attractive at all.
    Maybe some girls are prone to sexual fantasies that involve monsters. Maybe it’s the “beauty and the beast” archetypal story, in which the male is a monster, while the beautiful female loves him, attempts to humanize him, and brings him back into the fold of civilization. She chooses him over her family and even leaves her world so that she may be with him. Because of her love, the male stops suffering and transforms. The moral of the story: sacrificial love redeems.
    What do you think of the angel novels? Same category?

    1. they love more ann rice´s brat pitt vamp than bram stoker´s Gary oldman dracula

      1. @ Duncan
        I prefer to read the original novel to watching a movie. Bram Stoker’s “Dracula” instilled some primeval fear in me. Many years later, I read “Vlad: The Last Confession” by C. C. Humphreys. I thought it was a powerful story.
        The only vampire movie I have seen is “Twilight”. I thought it was rather juvenile.
        I really liked the French rendition of “Beauty and the Beast” with Vincent Cassel. In it, he turns into a monster because he accidentally kills his first wife and her father curses him.

        1. Since we can’t edit posts here, read “factor vampire shit” as ” Faggot vampire shit” and ” find a high or hippie” as “find a goth or hippie”

    2. Only if the monster has some redeeming quality to begin with. But even the nastiest vampires have female fans, Bela Lugosi’s “Dracula” character was noted for this. Even Christopher Lee’s more savage version was considered sexy by female fans.

      1. @ Allanon
        I think many people in the west are attracted to the dark side. I believe it’s because they don’t have any religious faith, classical education or a positive life philosophy, so they have no alternative belief system which would help them function. They just get sucked into the dark stuff and lack the willpower to leave it.

        1. That is your gynocentrism speaking. Not ‘people’ but WOMEN. Men don’t like this faggot vampire shit. Sales statistics prove it. WOMEN are attracted to it and so are you. Only you are afraid to actually dissect the neuroticism of female eroticism. So this NAWALT strategy is not working. You even watched all of the other adaptations of vampire films lol. How many others who ‘don’t like vampires’ do that? I know you try hard to just ‘be one of the boys,’ but you aren’t fooling me, lady!

        2. @ Weimar Republican
          I stated above that I don’t like Dracula (or any other vampire). I will read a historical novel like “Vlad,” but I definitely don’t fantasize about the Hollywood vampires.

        3. @Weimar Republican
          Reading comprehension? I stated that I had only seen 1 (one) vampire movie called “Twilight.” I was on an eight-hour flight and had nothing better to watch, so I watched it. I liked some of the music in it (Bella’s lullaby). In my entire life, I have read one vampire novel (Bram Stoker’s Dracula) and then a historical novel about Vlad Tepes (who was no vampire). I mostly wanted to know why he did what he did, and I found out.
          I do not consider myself to be “one of the boys.” All of you come across as lone wolves who’d like to be in a pack but who reject the idea of sacrificing your freedom for it. So you just circle on the outside, snarling, restless. You desire and have disdain for women in equal measure. I don’t know how you can live with such dichotomy.

        4. Madre
          I’ve been married for 40 years (Not all to the same woman). We may be ‘lone wolves’ but you’re the Thot desperately trying to attract our attention. Go and post on a woman’s site, we don’t want you here.

        5. And THERE it is… See, gents. It doesn’t take much to reveal the vileness of these THOTs. Scratch the surface of these ‘antifeminist’ women and you find a bitter gynocrat. She wants the attention of us ‘lone wolves’ because she didn’t get it in her youth and she can’t get it from her beta husband. So it’s a love-hate dynamic at play.
          I am an an expert at ferreting out the putrescence of a rotten cunt. She may spray it with feminine hygiene incense, but I still detect it.
          I hit a little too close to home with this homely woman. You can safely retreat back to the sisterhood now with all of the secrets you gleaned from the one area that actively threatens gynocentrism.
          Back to Jezebel with you!

        6. @ Weimar Republican
          I don’t know about men not liking this factor vampire shit… A weird fascination with vampires is common in depressed attention starved social outcasts of both genders. I challenge you to find a high or hippie ( excuse me, “neo-Pagan”) who doesn’t either already believe rlthemselves to be a vampire or want to be one.

        7. @ Weimar Republican & John Dodds
          (Yawns and resumes reading “Ordinary Men” by C. R. Browning.)

        8. Yeah, after you paused to masturbate to my words for a marathon, Plain Jane.
          Shouldn’t you be doing woman things is instead of doing this liminal tomboy thing?

        9. @ Weimar Republican
          I’m pretty sure you’re the one with the carpal tunnel syndrome from excessive self-pleasuring.
          Look, I don’t want to trespass in Manosphere. If am not wanted here, fine, I will leave you to your disagreeable selves. But know that I have come to this site because I am interested in ideas. I thought it was the last outpost of logical men who discuss such ideas. I thought I could learn something, benefit from the male logic, gain an understanding of the male spirit. I thought I would get pointers on how to revive the old values and instill them in my son. But hey, let’s chase Plain Jane away, so that all she’s got is an imaginary dialogue with dead philosophers.

        10. No….wait…..don’t….go….
          More passive-aggressive gynocentric shaming tactics. The human female never ceases to amaze me since my Red-Pilling a year ago. I can see all of your tactics. You just made the entire manosphere about YOU…AND you tried divide and conquer to turn this hypothetical mob against ME.
          I cannot wait until we can corporally punish women again. It’s coming and you know it. The scold’s bridle awaits the likes of dumpy frumps like you.
          Until then you can make yourself useful and actually give away female secrets/tactics instead of using misdirection and diversion like you have just demonstrated.
          Your jokes suck btw, but that’s no surprise.
          ‘Women aren’t funny.’
          -Jerry Lewis

  8. Much has been made over the years about women’s obsessions with vampires. I think it’s real and it makes sense if you think about it. They have all of the things that women respond to (power, status, wealth, beauty) but none of the messy reality. And since it’s a fantasy I don’t think there’s anything particularly wrong with it.
    In a similar way, men are obsessed with action moves because we like a seeing someone with strength and grit overcome obstacles and achieve a goal. We also turn out in droves for revenge stories because we have a justice streak a mile wide. But our more pleasant stories tend to ignore things like collateral damage, PTSD, debilitating injuries, or the financial costs of gear/training/vehicles. That’s why they’re fantasies.

      Bronson’s film was fairly realistic about crime in the cities and life in general there.
      FIRST BLOOD was equally realistic about what happens if you are wandering through small towns and cop takes a dislike to you.

      1. First Blood was not realistic at all. I’ve been in lots of small towns over my life, and while cops there are just as much assholes as those in the city they’re not going to abduct you and torture you like you’re in the 3rd world. Cops by nature are dicks. The profession self-selects for it and their enormous authority exacerbates the problem. But I’ve never seen or heard of anything remotely like First Blood. Though it is a bad ass movie all the same.
        And yes Marz the Death Wish movies are more realistic than others regarding the costs of violence and vigilantism. But my point still stands, that action and revenge movies tend to gloss over the messy realities of life. They do that so that they’re interesting and fun to watch. Just like war movies. I don’t think that’s a particularly original or controversial thing to say.

        1. JOMSVIKING
          First Blood
          In Detroit my friends and I stumbled upon a uniformed black cop in his patrol car SMOKING CRACK in a parking lot we were going through.
          Luckily, the black guy with us KNEW the cop from high school or LORD KNOWS WHAT HE WOULD HAVE DONE.
          FIRST BLOOD
          The book points out that Teasle the cop was having a bad time because his wife had left him-if you get a cop on a REALLY BAD DAY and act like Stallone YOU’D BE BEATEN UP WITH A BATON THERE ON THE SPOT.
          Stallone grabs the David Caruso’s wrist in the cop station. Again, they would have been over the desk and throwing him down right there and then.
          I’ve had unmarked cops ROLL UP when I was knew to a town and just detain me, search my things, see that I was a citizen and let me move on.

        2. JOMS
          I see FIRST BLOOD from the cop’s perspective in part. Stallone could simply have said “I served in Vietnam and a local boy in my unit you know died and I was here to console the family.”
          Teasle, the Korean War Veteran would have BOUGHT Rambo lunch and then said “Listen, you obviously need to go to the VA office for your psychological problems, which I can relate to myself.”
          Then Teasle would have escorted him out of town.
          Instead Stallone, looking like a drug-addicted hippie, pulls an attitude with him.
          “Hello officer”
          “What are you doing?”
          “Passing through sir (Instantly indicates you are leaving soon anyhow) but wanted to pay for a meal (Giving some business to local townspeople.”
          “What’s in the bag?” (I’ve been asked)
          “Oh, let me show you” (But slowly so they don’t pull guns on you).
          “Well buy your lunch and be on your way”
          “I’ll do that, sir. No of a place to eat around here (Stallone does ask the cop).”
          “DOWN THE ROAD 30 MILES”
          “Thank you very much sir”
          “Hope this ride helped you out”
          “Sure did sir, thank you again”
          No problem.
          He should have just stayed in the mountains and then gone to get a job working in a car wash in Seattle. He beat up a few cops and might have been responsible (Sort of) for the death of the officer but once he was thought dead in the cave that was the end of that.
          The cops would have forgotten about it.

      Bronon’s DEATH WISH 1 & 2 were fairly realistic. If you ill-advisedly beat up or chase a thug as Bronson did in Death Wish 2 they might come to your house as Fishburne and his screeching geek punk friends did.
      In those films the damage to him is fairly realistic. He’s finally shot back in Death Wish 1 and in Death Wish 2 he is nearly killed in the hospital trying to murder the big red-haired punk Nirvana. The damage he absorbs is realistic.

  9. Womens fascination with vampires is just another manifestation of their living in a fantasy world. In novels a Vampire is some perfect man who’d find them unique and worthy of reverence of an immortal, rich, and powerful being.
    If they actually existed an amoral unfeeling Vampire would consider a girl a meal to be consumed as any barn yard animal.

  10. True story, albeit incredibly politically incorrect, but here goes….
    The original model or archetype for modern-day vampires (which should be distinguished from Dracula) were the predatory jew$ from the so-called Medieval era in Europe who quite literally kidnapped and ritually murdered Christian children at specific times of the year. Their blood was drained (often from carotid arteries in the neck, but sometimes also from the femoral arteries of the groin) and consumed in rituals that would best be described in modern terms as Satanic. The blood was either drank fresh, or used to cook specific baked goods which were then sold back to unaware Christians and other peoples. The flesh of the children was also sometimes consumed fresh or sold on the “black market” for great profit. The maniacal Talmudic jew$ who did this often slept during the day, then did their kidnapping and rituals at night, so they became unusually pale from lack of sunlight. They were also known to wear black capes, to better conceal their grabbing of the children.
    This became a serious issue in Europe for many decades and was well understood and documented at the time — many charges were laid and people (often rabbis) were arrested / imprisoned / executed for their crimes. It became one of the main reasons (along with excessive usury, predatory speculation, counterfeiting of local currency, promotion of prostitution, and distribution of poisonous tonics and other dubious “remedies”) why many countries expelled the jew$ via legislation (over 110 countries have taken such action in a 1,000+ years).
    Always good to remember that where there is smoke, there’s fire.

    1. Not sure where the “eternal life” vampire meme comes from, although some traveling jew$ of the Medieval era in Europe often sold dubious tonics / elixirs / remedies promising longer life and better health. They often greatly exaggerated their own ages to “impress” their potential customers. They were the original “snake oil” salesmen.
      The dark triad meme is easy to understand as virtually all of the abductors / murderers were dark in color (hair, eyes, clothing) as well as psychopathic in nature.
      The super strength meme is also easy to understand because it was adults abducting children, who were much weaker. So from the children’s perspective, the vampire-like jewi$h abductor was always much stronger and very difficult to fight off.

  11. That bitch interviewing the bodybuilder was willing to trade her soul away for 1 night with him. How can you take someone like that seriously? It’s like taking a junkie seriously.

  12. They live in a fantasy world, that’s why. Which is why they also lean towards socialist fantasies and why they are very good liars.

  13. Women love being dominated. That’s what it all boils down to.

  14. Went a writers panel once and someone asked a prominent vampire romance authoress this very question. She more or less answered like this article but said something that has always stayed with me.
    “As a society, we have castrated our men and told them to be our friends. Women still look for that violent killer type and find it in vampires.”

  15. The modern pop-culture vampire is nothing but the archetypal Byronic hero. A sad, pitiful being which fires every woman’s innate desire to nurture the sick and broken.
    But it’s interesting how all the points above emphasize the real reason vampire stories are popular with women.. it’s an enormous exercise in projection.

  16. Yes vampires have been sexualized in media but that is because some people are going to sexual perversion. Rarely is innocent things such as the desire for eternal youth. The original vampires are not descibed a good looking they were more in line with the creatures in the movie (30 Days of Night)

  17. Wiemer, you are very entitled. Leave it at the door. I personaly understood why women in the past took steps to make sure their husband could not blow the money her ancestors saved, decided to seek jobs outside of prostitution etc. Socities like India that require a brides family to pay the groom will never evolve and prosper. Asia countries wherre the guys are on sexual easy street will not prosper. Of course the West has our issues such as incels while the muslim have men that can not afford to get married.

    1. Celtic
      India and Pakistan don’t need to evolve or prosper, all they need to do is to out breed you. The white race is dying, because white women won’t breed with white men.

      1. Others don’t need to evolve & prosper, but the pales or COCKasians should !?
        It seems whatever is happening to you pales or COCKasians, you deserve it !!

        1. See, you little shit-skin. I KNEW you were against us. Hypocrite little bastard. GTFO out my country. We really are in this alone. PUA is nothing more than the brown man’s guide fucking white women he couldn’t otherwise get.
          These brown bastards NEVER police this shit. They are just laying low to cannibalize white men just like the rest of them. THIS is why I don’t trust any of you in the end. We are too different. Your hatred and envy is so palpable that you give yourselves away anytime you counter-signal white nationalism.
          14/88 motherfuckers….just as I was walking away from it. Congrats.

        2. RAVI
          We don’t deserve Brampton or East Vancouver where you damn low-caste and Baniya caste Indians have turned the city into a bedlam of dirt and drug deals and domestic violence.
          Its what happens with Indians.

        3. RAVI
          No country wants Indians from Dubai to New Jersey. You are despised everywhere. Muslim Indians are drunkards and terrorists, Brahmins are child molesters, Gujaratis are cheats.
          You’re a scourge on the earth.

    2. I don’t know, a brides family paying me money is pretty much the only way I’m getting married these days.

    3. Ha, another putrefied cunt talking & taking side of pussies in the Hindustan sub-continent !!
      So it’s wrong for a pussy to bring in any financial assets into the relationship, BUT it’s OK if the pussy simply walks in empty handed, with the ability to Divorce rape, Falsely accuse the MAN & in-laws etc., etc., !!
      Ungrateful bitch !! Saying anything more is like throwing stone on pile of shit !!

    4. LOL you whores are the ones with one-track minds. EVERYTHING you do involves your pussy. You are geisha sluts. You even wear pussies on your head in public. EMBARRASSING.
      Your ENTIRE worth rests on the moistness and age of that wet snatch between your legs. It all comes down to emptiness, just as there is emptiness between your ears. That is why the first woman X is always celebrated. Women are dumber than dog shit, and just about as useful because dog shit provides fertilizer too.
      I have so had it with the casual misandry you bitches are allowed to express and the men that internalize it to the point that they enforce it. But I will change that singlehandedly if I have to like it used to be…where you succubus sluts were regularly THOT-patrolled.
      A man can go a lifetime without a woman in his life, but a woman can’t go 24 hours without a man in hers. HA!

        1. I was drinking really shitty vodka. Made much more sense in my head.

  18. Most of the girls that like vampires are just misguided and actually want a guy like Peter Steele. Statuesque but with brooding looks.

  19. Hits the nail on the head!
    The whole vampire thing was popular as I was in high school and only the fat girls were the ones reading vampire books but it’s still incredible that a market exists for that when you put it this way.
    When you run into the right girl though (not fat – hopefully), you still gotta be a man and not a wimpy soy boy just like the article points out what women want universally.

  20. I really don’t have a problem with any of this…just mirror few elements of the stupid pop culture crap and have a ball…..where is the issue? 50 shades had bitchs going for a white shirt and a bloody steel grey tie…idiots…good.

  21. Cool article. Except for one thing, back when women wanted prince charming, it was because Prince Charming came from a time when a man like him would put an impudent woman over his knee and spank her.

    1. Prince Charming was rich and had a nice house. It’s all about the money.

  22. Women like being objectified only if they get their price as well(their terms). Women object to being objectified for free. It’s all about business.

  23. It’s all fun and games until Vamps gets divorce raped, loses his castles and has to pay maintenance for the rest of eternity, reduced to sleeping under someones porch during the day and sucking on homeless bums like a five dollar crack whore to make a living (a deading?).

    1. The chick books about vampires never cover that do they? Although, would this happen? The vampire doesn’t give a rip about marriage, so he’d probably just stake and/or otherwise dispose of the offending female and find himself another one.
      Which… in a sense… is about what us poor non-undead men should also do. (Stake figuratively of course…. … Probably. … Maybe.) 🙂

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