The Marvel extended film universe began in 2007. Since then there have been 19 films, many of which are record-breaking, and nearly all of which make film critics cream their pants. Five of the movies grossed over $190 million in their opening weekend alone. Black Panther sits at 98% on Rotten Tomatoes. But all that really reflects is how much nerd culture has become mainstream.
The Marvel films are written and directed in a way that makes soy boys and nerds feel a sense of self-pleasure. When a man wants to ejaculate but doesn’t want to do the work of gaming women, he will masturbate to feel pleasure. The nerd version of this is to watch Marvel movies to feel good about their lives without putting forth the effort to better themselves. They live through the nerd fantasies that are in the films, and because the films are so popular, they feel a sense of validation to their nerd fantasies.
Here are four of those nerd fantasies that make nerds pleased with themselves…
1. Captain America’s Origin Story
Captain America starts off as a scrawny guy with health problems in the 1940s. He means well, and has a fighting spirit, but he doesn’t have the physicality to enlist to fight Nazis in the US Army. After trying to enlist, he gets sponsored to be part of an experiment. He’s injected with a serum and grows taller, gets large muscles, has excellent hand-eye coordination, and better physicality than the most elite athletes. The nerd fantasy is very blatant—weak men are heroic, they just need a serum to facilitate their heroism.
The masturbatory effect comes when nerds fantasize that they are like the scrawny Captain America before he gets the strength serum. They relate to the weak version of the hero and imagine that if they had a serum, they would be a superhero just like Captain America. The similarities between the nerds and weak original Captain America validate this belief. In that way, they get a sense of unearned pride.
2. Tony Stark (Iron Man)
Tony Stark is a billionaire genius who creates the Iron Man suit and the software that makes it work. He’s a jerk, though not the sort of jerk that’s tolerable. At first, he is seen with many beautiful women, a sort of ladies man. He’s also seen as somewhat suave with strangers, a good salesman.
Tony Stark’s main and only power is that he designs software and hardware. Before becoming Iron Man, he designed weapons and made a lot of money selling his weapons to governments. Then he used his software writing powers to design the Iron Man suit and become a hero.
Nerds love to relate to Tony Stark. They write computer software just like he does, meaning they have the same “superpower,” but they’re also anti-social know-it-alls just like Stark. The fantasy appears when they see their heroic software developer with billions of dollars and beautiful women.
These nerds know they can work hard and be more fit, groomed, and talented like the fictional character, but that takes too much effort. Instead, they get good feelings from watching Stark get the acclaim, just like when guys masturbate they get good feelings from watching some other man take a mound to pound town.
3. The Heroes Play-Fight Each Other
In nearly every Marvel movie, the heroes fight each other. There’s very little suspense in these fights because we know nothing significant can come from them. The entire Captain America: Civil War movie was just superheroes fighting but pausing to compliment each other. They were never going to kill each other. It was a child’s play-fight.
More than anything, it reminded me of Star Wars nerds reenacting light saber battles. The Marvel superhero movies are the same way. When nerds watch the superheroes play fight, it reminds them of their light saber “battles” and they feel like their lame activities aren’t so lame after all.
4. Marvel Superheroes Don’t Rise To The Occasion
Captain America took a serum to get his strength and that was enough to beat the bad guys, but when the heroes’ innate strengths aren’t enough to beat the bad guys, what do they do? In a good hero story (not a superhero story), when the hero isn’t good enough, he improves. He makes himself better until he is able to defeat the bad guy. Marvel superheroes don’t do that. Most commonly they recruit more heroes. Why improve when you can recruit?
In Avengers: Age of Ultron, the heroes aren’t good enough to beat the bad guys. They know it, but they do nothing about it. Luckily for the good guys, two of the bad guys defect and Tony Stark uses his software powers to make a new superhero. That does the trick.
In Thor: Ragnarok, Thor can’t beat the bad guys (Cate Blanchett). Does Thor work hard to gain more strength to beat her? Of course not. He destroys his home with her in it.
The latest offender is Avengers: Infinity Wars. Thanos is the bad guys. Nobody can beat him, but none of them really better themselves in an attempt to beat him either. Instead, they lose to him. The movie’s sequel will be resolved when a new good guy (Captain Marvel) is recruited to beat the bad guy.
The message to nerds is simple: if there’s a challenge you face, don’t rise to the occasion and solve the problem, just call for help. They already do this, but seeing it on film makes them feel good about their (lack of) actions.
Nerds do none of the things they can do to be more like superheroes. They don’t work out or groom themselves or learn how to fight. But that’s the masturbatory aspect of these films. They make nerds feel good about themselves without the nerds having to work for anything. That’s the real reason these movies are so successful.
For more from Jared Trueheart on the roles of men and women in literature and film check out his writing at Legends of Men.
Read More: Liberals Petition Marvel For A Homosexual Captain America
A timely and all too true article. Kudos Mr True heart. Spot on. Marvel heros are the next hero whoreship by white beta chucks the professional sports used to occupy them.
I always thought the Marvel superheroes a bit lame.
Guess I ain’t a nerd.
Men in tights. ‘Nuf said.
This article is pure retardation and is just a jerk-off session for anyone who doesn’t like Marvel movies.
“Marvel heros are the next hero whoreship by white beta cucks where the professional sports used to occupy them.”
So what if people watch the movies..big deal…You missed what I said, to go about your agenda. Try this distillation for the disingenuous ; “Hero whoreship by white beta cucks” who make these fictional characters into religious icons in their beta whoreship regarding ANY FICTIONAL MOVIE CHARACTER fixations.
But that is fine if you need to melt a little snowflake. I understand, really I do, Dungeons and Dragons went out of style quite suddenly back in the day, so I understand your PTSD when confronted by it. it happens when you don’t believe in anything worthwhile you make out fiction to be you new false gods.
You guys can’t really say anything when you practically worship movie characters like Rocky and the Terminator, who are heroes like the Marvel guys.
The limitations of these “Heroes” are conditioning people to accept that there is only so much you can do then you need help from, God knows who…
Once this mindset takes hold, individuals do not try and better themselves, hence all the fuzzy wuzzy feel good, new age tripe going around.
And what about DC? Mild mannered Clark Kent–Superman! I don’t think the auteur of this tome mentioned the Bruce Banner–Hulk thing (that’s Marvel, isn’t it?). And let’s not forget cartoon characters like Popeye and Underdog (((Arnold Stang!!))) although pre-spinach Popeye is still masculine I’ll admit. Even my personal fave, the Toxic Avenger; (((super nebbishy kid))) falls into New Jersey toxic waste or some such and becomes the T.A. Point is, the whole nebbish to superhero thing is the oldest trope in comics.
Oops. Underdog was Wally Cox, not (((Arnold Stang))). I regret the error
“… take a mound to pound town.” – ha
There is something to be said about the self-improvement aspect going on here. Alot of men do improve themselves and I do see alot of dudes that look jacked as shit these days, but I also see a lot of donut / soys running around too. While most of the men in the population are probably overweight or underweight I would say that ‘per capita’ you would find more athletic men than you would in the past believe it or not. For every hundred soy you probably have 1 chad meathead or something like that.
Regardless point is I see enough jacked dudes to see the ‘inspirational’ aspect here. In other words I think there is a ‘positive’ to all of the jacked men in superhero movies. You could say its all self-congratulatory and vain for men to get ripped and that we’ve become just another commodity for women, but generally speaking I think its always a positive for men to at very least ‘look’ like superhero’s. There’s nothing really ‘wrong’ per say with being ‘inspired’ by another dude whose jacked and to get in shape also.
The caveat obviously is these ‘men’ are portrayed in a completly fictionalized setting and like the author said, they don’t have to work to get their powers, they are just magically bestowed upon them or whatever. Anyways I would simply say that generally speaking dudes should aspire to be in just as good of shape as the dudes in these movies, but thats where the similarities should end.
100 years ago you wouldn’t see ‘average’ men who were jacked as fuck just randomly walking around like you will nowadays. While media and big buisness is a wolf in sheeps clothig you can thank them for the ‘inspirational’ effect its had on mens health. Don’t get me wrong, theres tons of blob boys running around, but I also see men in shape and working on themselves, if only rarely, still probably more than in the past, and maybe sometimes a bit too much.
There is a trade off here: the beta’s who worship the cult of marvel are many, and its pretty clear that thiswebsite (for example) shows the backlash against such herd mentality. The trade off is that on the surface you have a lot of low T slobs who have no desire for self-improvement and who ‘get their fix’ through watching other men acheive their accomplishments, but the opposite is just as grotesque actually. That being men who are totally vain and totally prideful and who do nothing but workout and are essentially shells of empty men with no real value except what society gives them. There’s a fine balance to being in shape and not going along with the herd all while still retaining personal integrity and being a fuckin grown-up who doesn’t have to go along with the mob.
Think of men 100 years ago, they weren’t jacked as fuck as some men today, they were pretty normal men for the most part, but they were actually men too; i.e. they didn’t need to compensate by lifting a fuck ton of weight to try to make everyone think they were men, they didn’t need to grow a beard to try to make everyone think they were men, no they were just fucking normal men. ‘The Greatest Generation’ DID have a pretty big herd mentality, but I would make the claim that their ‘group-think’ was was built more around basic human comradery and underlying natural truths, where as the ‘group-think’ of today is based on fictionalized unnatural truths. ‘Group-think’ is merely a shared value system. Its either good or bad if its in line with what is natural or ot. Clearly protecting your family and nation during wartimes is a natural reaction and a ‘good’ way of thiking (generally speaking), while watching fictional men fight off a fictional existential threat is like watching a half-truth, its basically just propaganda. On one hand you have men who are literally saving lives and the other you have men watching on the sidelines wishing they were saving lives (maybe not even wishing, but more so dreading that they might have to save lives which makes them even more disgusting).
In the end I would simply say that looking jacked to try to offset the lack of real masculinity which you lack is the wrong approach. Its good to be healthy and happy, but men who are average and not ripped but lack a solid moral foundation and backbone and comradery with their fellow man is more ideal than a jacked pussy who needs to compensate for his lack of morality. The films are propaganda because all it does is ‘inspire’ men to be behemoths that are empty shells of men. Again, its a trade-off because its good to be healthy and in shape, but these movies take it to their breaking point it seems.
Hmm… you seem to know a lot about these films for someone who’s writing against them. I’ve seen a few of the marvel films. Some of them are okay (The Winter Soilder) others are CGI ridden garbage.
But generally I agree. The men who usually like these movies are low T man children sporting Nintendo shirts.
So is Chris Hemsworth a child since he plays Thor?
I said most, not all. And I’ve enjoyed a few marvel films in the past (I’m also super fucking tired of the whole superhero genre) but there are quite a few Mountain Dew slurping, duritto crum guzzling soylents that watch these films religiously and the argument for how these films are for Beta men is accurate. By the time your 28 you should be watching Peckinpah
@ Just some guy
I don’t get the point of this article… who give a damn shit here about what a nerd thinks ?
It’s just to jerk each other off about how the don’t like Marvel movies.
They probably haven’t gotten laid in a while, and need to make themselves feel better.
Well that must be that. Feeling better after knowing why nerds fantasize about captain america or iron man. When it is not about whining it is about bashing.
Some guys here need to get a life, seriously.
They are just so insecure with themselves they need to put other down over a fucking COMIC BOOK MOVIE.
They sure do have little dicks.
The fact that you get downvoted proves that these guys just have little dicks and need something to make themselves feel better.
SO you are the Soi Ironman or Soi Hulk or Soi Captain America cosplayer then in the photo? Which is it, don’t be shy.
Nt nt, all guys on the pic must be like some ROK incel nerds who downvoted me.. they should eat more soy btw because they reproduce too quickly in the comment section.
Thanks for proving the point.
By the way I have a 250 lbs bench press and a 430 lbs squat. Fuck off with your pathetic “soi” comments.
@just some soi so the whole basis of your argument is “I’m strong(flexing) ” and therefore you must be right, right?
OK mr cupcake with glitter. Sure thing. Cosplay some more with your spandex wearing dolls. Knock yourself out. I’m not impressed.
What is gayer? Dress up like fictional fake idol God superheroes they will never be and live vicariously through their cotton candy farting unicorns or dress up like their favorite other race football players wishing to be cucked by the jersey and pad wearing astroturf felons running train on their cunt wives so they can collect and sniff the cum and sweat stained sheets left behind by their betters so they can show them off and talk about how devoted they are to these ungrateful America hating children while swilling cheap beer and eating pizza and cheetos from their recliner while watching their fantasy league stats crash? I mean after all it must be “alpha” to vicariously whoreship the penises on these idols rather than actual be or do better as individuals when they can live in the fake other world mindset like women do. Women are all about living in fantasy land so the zoo bois want and try to do it as well. Get a fucking job and a grip you cosplaying homo.
Lol what is gayer is men who put down other weak men to feel better. How red pill is that !!
I don’t give a shit about cosplayer or marvel fans think or like, unlike many people here. Gossiping about weak men’s hobbies and fantasies is childish and feminine behaviour, hence gay as fuck.
Lawdy! Don’t bash the fake gods in spandex…..the homo patrol will accost you….Like their silly whoreship of their spandex clothed idols makes them “better men”….FFS there is no wonder WHY the west is sh**t these days. Look at all soy boys.
Interesting article!
Personally, I have just recently discovered the many benefits of No Fap. And am excited to direct that energy into more productive avenues.
So, to read about comparisons between being satisfied with masturbation and not seeking self development for the purpose of sex, and being satisfied with merely watching someone achieve power and greatness instead of actually going out and doing that themselves, it was definitely affirming.
The quality of some the articles on this site have been questionable lately. But this one is fantastic! Great work!
In a better time, movies were made by John Milius the great
Most mainstream films are a waste of money and comic book films are a great example of Hollywood largesse. Thoroughly unentertaining and unquestionably blue pill.
There are good Hollywood movies though. I hate when people act like there hasn’t been a quality film since the 70’s
Green Room
Nocturnal Animals
The Revenant
The Place Beyond The Pines
The Propostion (best modern western)
Good Time
Why am I being downvoted? Please enlighten me on what the best movies are
Why should you get an upvote? Moreso, why do you need that upvote to be happy? What’s wrong with you? Perspective, dude.
Just curious as to why people disagreeing with me. All the films I listed are the tits.
Disagree. Good Time was the shits. In fact, most of the list is a bit of a wank.
I know, right? Whining about validation from strangers…Kills me. instead of reading the upvote/downvote for what it is, a gauge of sentiment and state of the psychology, it has to instead be a very personal cry for anonymous validation.
Even split of voting – definitely a contested subject.
Lopsided to positive – comments was a given state of consensus
Lopsided to negative – heavily trolled or blatantly trolling comment
Leans to positive or negative – likely a trolling comment with some truth in it, but disliked due to its context
But taking any anonymous voting system personally is just stupid and validation seeking attention whoring, unless you are doing it to deliberately troll someone.
Probably because all those movies were rubbish.
Well then, Mr John Dodds, exemplaire of exquisite taste. Please, do feel free to key us in on what constitutes to you a great film.
Let me guess, the typical ROK answers (AKA, guys who don’t watch a lot many films)
Terminator 2
Jurassic Park
Top Gun
Call Me By Your Name (Double Feature) Brokeback Mountain
I quite liked American Beauty and Fight Club.
Die Hard and Lethal Weapon movies were enjoyable in their day.
Haven’t seen Brokeback Mountain, sounds a bit gay to me.
Top Gun was second only to Brokeback Mountain in terms of testosterone-soaked gayness.
Rob, You forgot Shawshank Redemption. Every man seems to rave about it. Its okay, but not one of the greatest movies for me.
I’ve seen a lot of movies, and I mean alot, but I’m actually ashamed to say I’ve never seen Shawshank.
John dodds,
Every redpill man in the world loves Fight Club, but I wonder how many have picked up on its obvious homoerotic overtones. The guy who wrote the book, Chuck Palahniuk, while still a masculine figure, is actually and out and pronounced gay man.
American Beauty is good, but hasn’t aged terribly well. Tired of the whole woe is me, I’m middle class and miserable in the suburbs stichk.
Die Hard is a fucking classic that still holds up to this day. Die Hard 3 is pretty fun as well.
What about “Troy”? Sure, it was The Iliad on speeddial, but it was a well-made, acted (Pitt, O’Toole, Bana, Sean Bean) and directed (Wolfgang Petersen “Das Boot”) spectacle. And it was masculine, too.
People who downvoted you must be some incel red pill wanabees who still like marvel movies.
Marvel movies are possibly some of the stupidest film adaptations in modern history. It’s one thing to see a movie like Sicario, which depicts war situations in a real-life context (CIA vs. Mexican cartels). But Marvel movies? They essentially consist of make believe heroes in a make believe world fighting make believe villains. That might be cool when you’re 8, but when you’re 28? C’mon. The fact that Marvels are the highest grossing movies speaks a thousand words about the current state of our culture.
Or maybe it’s because they’re good movies? No, that can’t be the case.
…or maybe the current western soi-culture and the supporters of the marvel comics gods they whoreship are so soi as well that they cant get past their fetish of muscly men in special spandex and enhanced costumes to make them more muscly and attractive to the soi bois who defend and whoreship them…maybe?
Goddamn the defense of these movies is as bad and morally and spiritually corrupt as the other stupid western idols and false gods. The soi never ends, the defense of soi and fictional god hoods never ends, but the fake alpha never runs out either that the soi claims to be. Really, the overreaction of some posters on here is getting tedious. For that matter the lack of self awareness is entertaining, so I am conflicted in saying keep up the entertainment value and goddamn it tediousness! We are a slow point because the civil war in America hasn’t actually exploded yet.
Even as a kid, I never got into comics, and thought neighborhood kids who did were weird when they play acted as some superhero. GI Joe (old-school only) was cool because he had tons of cool gear and weapons and was just a disciplined soldier. Games where superpowers were part of it were bores, because someone could always claim a greater power. But you are right, that stuff is strictly for kids. But today you got balding 30-40yr olds jizzing over comic movies and dressing up as Harry Potter wizards at Universal Studios. Give me Sicario any day.
Speaks volumes about the current state of the motion picture industry. Hasn’t been a really great movie since 1990 (Goodfellas); movies have been on a downward slope quality-wise since then (ditto with popular music).
A copy of one of the old Superman comics is rumored to have made it’s way to Joseph Gobbles back in the 30’s.
After reading it he declared Superman a Jew and his two creators (both Jews) to be intellectually circumcised.
His anti-Semitism aside the bit about intellectual circumcision IS spot on.
This is, after all, a genre about bullet proof men (in bullet proof tights?!) lifting heavy things off the ground while their feet aren’t on the ground (even Superman shouldn’t be able to do this).
Yes, it is all a runt male power trip.
“Gobbles” was a clubfooted pervert who killed his entire family. I’d take his opinions with several grains of salt.
He mercy-killed his family because the Marxist bastards would have gone full Rapefugee on his entire family.
Seriously in terms of Civilian Rape & Murders the Soviets even disgusted their allies and that’s saying something.
The fact you couldn’t argue against the commenter’s and Goebbels point and resorted to “Nerzi” and insults speaks volumes.
Loved the article Jared! Spot on!
This is one of the main reasons I avoid watching movies now a days. Even the movies that aren’t about super heroes suffer from Blue Pill mentality. They all are pure blue pill indoctrination or Disney like stories where the scrawny loser nerd from High School is able to somehow defeat the “evil jocks”, who used to bully him. In those magical stories the loser nerd usually finds a way to also start dating the hottest chick from his High School, who dates the jock team captain of the football team. All of this happens magically without him having to change his personality, improve his physicality or do any grinding at all to improve his situation….
We can see the same thing happening in college movies or movies about adult life as well. Where the losers always find a way to beat the “evil grown up” jocks….
Its a really bad message Hollywood is sending out to our youth. It makes them think like: “Well I don’t have to improve myself or stop playing videogames! I can continue being a milquetoast and one day I will be able to defeat the jocks that bully me and make the hot chicks see how much of a nice a guy I am. “. Those movies are basically victim mentality validation… rather than teaching losers to work on themselves to change their situation they tell them to stay the same… Its pathetic… anyways great article Jared!
Thanks Howard
Another bad message that it sends youth is that “everyone popular and successful is bad.” The truth is that a lot of beautiful and popular people are really cool and nice. As in, legitimately nice. And LOTS of ugly and unpopular people are assholes. There’s a reason that those POS’s who shot up Columbine were outcasts, adn it’s not because they couldn’t afford the best shoes. They were freaks and no one wanted to be around them. Of course I’m not talking about ALL people here. But enough to make you understand that the people who go into writing these movies were social outcasts and are often trying to get back at these popular types now that they’re older.
..meanwhile over at Jeremy Meek’s Instagram
My grandfathers fought in World War II and one of them died in battle. It didn’t matter that they were tough men, capable of taking care of themselves. The enemy had better weapons, bigger numbers, greater aggression, better organization and a superior strategy. My step-grandfather joined the resistance where they lured German soldiers into a forest and shot them in the back. It wasn’t a noble thing to do but it worked. If you are in a fight, you can’t be a noble hero from a movie. Sometimes you have to fight dirty, lower yourself in your own eyes in order to survive. If you face a brutal enemy, you too may have to become brutal in order to beat him. When you get to know the beast within you, you can end up with PTSD, but that’s another story. The problem with Marvel movies is that they are completely infantile and unreal. CGI has replaced a good plot and real acting. I prefer the old black and white movies for this reason.
For me the greatest movie trilogy will always be The Dollars Trilogy. Really great movie made in a time that Men used to be manly! Another great movie worth watching is The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence….
Clint Eastwood used to be Badass. I love the Man with no name trilogy. Now he’s just a sellout pussy who goes around calling everyone else a pussy. He’s made some real stinkers in the past few years
I wouldn’t really say that Clint sold out…Wonder if he will ever talk about ‘the tribe’ and who controls Big Movies. Doubt it though! Easily, Him, Brando, and Nicholson were the 3 Kings of Hollywood! Then you got Mel Gibson, Harrison Ford, and Schwarzenegger right behind the Big 3.
Hell, the stuff Clint says towards these Millenials, my grandpa would make that look like a compliment.
A comic book movie is infantile and unreal?????
Congratulations Sherlock you cracked the case.
I don’t care if it’s a comic book movie. It should still reflect real life to some extent. The Marvel super heroes are all noble and the villains are totally evil. In real life you meet people who are a mix of the two, with both the good and the dark side. The only Marvel exception I can think of is Wolverine, who doesn’t think he’s a good guy and who fights dirty if necessary.
Discounting the Punisher, Wolverine is the only true killer on the good guy side. I strongly believe that’s why he has been one of the most popular Marvel characters for at least the last 30 years.
You are working awful hard trying to defend and sell it as reality…..
I love ROK but this article came across as a try-hard, a nerd trying to mock it’s own tastes to see if they can convince himself that he’s better than other nerds.
I mean, #1. Really? And what about testosterone levels, working out, stuff like that? So a nerd can’t aspire a better body because Captain America did it? He got jacked, everyone looked at him with more respect, and even the girls got a crush for him. He had perseverance, fought for what he wanted and got what he needed. Isn’t that what we’re all about here?
#2, C’mon. Tony Stark is charming, intelligent and get what he wants. He is a jerk that the girls find charming, a thing that everyone here is told to be. Writing software is not excludent to bettering yourself like, say , getting fit to get girls. Life is not a RPG where you must spend point in intelligence and have none to strengh or charisma.
#3 is just silly. Everybody likes a good brawl, even if it’s a fantasy, over the top one. It’s entertainment.
#4, friends? Seeking a mentor? Having a gang? You can push yourself to a point, but the wisdom is knowing when to ask for help because sometimes the situation can be too much. Ever had someone to spot you in the gym so you can push harder than usual, or is that too childish for you?
In the end Marvel movies are silly, formulaic things that shouldn’t be taken seriously at all – like many other things in life. You see it, have a laugh or two, and completely forget about it. Life doesn’t need to be a constant stream of art films, and if you think a movie can wreck your masculinity, guess what: it’s not the movies’ problem. It’s the lack of critical thinking and good references.
Here’s the thing about #3:
The exact same can be said about real-life boxing matches. The boxers don’t try to kill each other, but millions of people watch it.
Not as single boxer ever walked away from a match without BRAIN DAMAGE. but they always come back..Your fake gods ALWAYS come away unharmed at the end during the credits. Dwell in fantasyland to ignore reality, then throw out there some bullshit STRAWMAN equivalent example this isn’t even close. When has a real boxer / MMA fighter / Octagon survivor ever saved the world from invaders? NEVER. get a grip. Go watcha movie to escape reality for a couple hours and then return to the real world, because the real world don’t care about your opinions your feelz and delusions and isn’t scared or concerned about celluloid “heros”.
They aren’t my gods dumbass.
And I’m not so insecure of myself to try and put down other men for watching comic book movies.
Just like so many of the, “… all these damaged women aren’t worth improving myself for,” MGTOW commenters we have here in the peanut gallery.
Don’t do anything for women, only do stuff for yourself.
If they’re in my tribe “family” I take care of them, otherwise, no.
If they’re my property, and bow to me then #Metoo.
But if they’re strong independent women, fuck ’em, they’re on their own.
I know people who treat Marvel movies almost like a religion… it’s really quite bizarre…
And these are the same people who say religion is stupid, but want to own a $300 replica Thanos gauntlet and have watched Thor Ragnarok 5 times…
You’re right, it’s a form of religion. That’s because people need to believe in something greater than themselves, they need a source of morality and a pattern according to which they can act. All of this you can get from a standard religion. But as you pointed out, modern people think ancient religion is stupid, so they abandon it only to adopt something else in its stead. Usually a political ideology or an archetypal hero myth from a Marvel movie. Jordan Peterson has interesting things to say on that subject (just ignore his tears).
Ancient religion is stupid. It’s unfair to a large number of people.
That is such a blanket statement there is no way you can back it up. It’s severely naive, nothing about life is fair.
Nature abhors a vacuum.
You want ersatz religion? Two words. Star. Wars.
This article just came across as try hard. Have you watched any of the movies, or did you just read the Wikipedia summaries so you could write a clickbait article and hope that Jimmy Kimmel makes a joke about you too like he did after the Star Wars article on here? I know Roosh is struggling to find authors, but there’s got to be better options out there than whiny stuff like this.
Adults who watch comic book movies have something wrong with their minds. They are immature.
Okay there Kratos. You must be so jacked and brutal to never watch comic book movies.
Regardless of being jacked, merely, lack an effeminate mind such as you possess.
Good luck!
What makes you think I posses an effeminate mind?
It’s not a question of thinking. You have revealed yourself.
1. You have protested over my comment precisely because your identity is tied up in comic book movies. Someone effeminate-minded would allow others to overwhelm his mind.
2. Comic book movies are soap operas. Soap operas appeal to the effeminate mind.
3. You express yourself as an effeminate would:
You (wrong): “…to never watch comic book movies.”
Right: … never to watch comic book movies.
Good luck!
@ Joe Skonue
The effeminate mind is often times blind in terms of self awareness hence the female quality of reacting emotively…in an skewed female way as well.
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Ads supporting your own site are porn for …?
Time to whip out my nerd card. I largely quit collecting Marvel comics in ’95 when Marvel was trying to wring every dollar they could out of fans with crap like gimmick covers, pre-bagged comics, and other chicanery. Of course, fans saw through this and the comics industry imploded, with Marvel going bankrupt and having to sell off the movie rights to its top-tier characters (X-Men, Spider-Man, Fantastic Four).
Being an old-school geek/nerd, I appreciate the Marvel movies because of their quality stories and characters. It’s easy for any film maker to fall into the trap of making the characters and stories cheesy and campy (Batman Forever being Exhibit A of this). But Marvel Studios didn’t, and treated their characters and stories (and more importantly, their fans) with a level of respect that’s never been seen before.
Having characters in a shared universe (just like the comics) was a risky move that took years of advance planning and Marvel pulled it off successfully (unlike DC, which is seriously struggling to develop their own shared universe). Prior to the MCU, comic book based movies with crossovers had never been done before.
Thanks to advances in special effects technology and respectful film creators, fans are getting movies that they could only dream about back in the day, and Marvel Studios has certainly earned the fans’ good will and hard earned money which is why Infinity War was such a box-office monster. Do well by the fans and you’ll be rewarded.
However, as much as I love and appreciate the MCU movies, I have a feeling that the MCU won’t go untouched by the Disney SJW cancer (look at how their Star Wars property is turning out!). Spider-Man Homecoming had several not-so-subtle race changed characters, and I have a bad feeling about the upcoming Captain Marvel movie pushing an overt feminist agenda (I suspect it may just be the MCU’s first bomb).
As for Marvel Comics (the comics publisher), Disney has let the company be completely infected by SJWs from top to bottom. The writing and art have totally gone to shit, as they hire writers more for their socio-political leanings and minority status than their talent. The artists are largely a bunch of freelance art school dropouts who aren’t even close to the artistic talent that ruled Marvel in the past. Marvel used to hire the top talent in the comics industry who cared about the Marvel brand, but now Marvel Comics is the dumping ground where talentless hacks don’t give a shit about the past or present of Marvel Comics. I guess Disney only cares about owning Marvel Comics’ intellectual property and doesn’t care about the business itself as I’m sure the company is operating in the red.
Overall, I think this is just another one of Jared’s hack pieces and he is fast becoming my least liked ROK writer.
If there was any article in which the author needs to put down others in order to inflate his own fragile ego, this is it.
How the fuck do you know what nerds are thinking when they watch these movies? Are you a nerd?
It’s a fucking comic book movie, get over yourself you fucking princess.
Comic books were for pre-pubescent and early teen boys. Adults who watch these movies are immature.
Also know, Stanley “Stan Lee” Martin (((Lieber))) and Jacob “Jack Kirby” (((Kurtzberg))) were major players in Marvel comics.
In regards to #4
Age of Ultron – They don’t have the time to improve themselves in Age of Ultron because Ultron was going to destroy the world in like 4 days. That’s not enough time.
Thor: Ragnarok -Thor specifically states that he can’t beat Hela, and is just fulfilling the Norse prophecy of Ragnarok, which was going to happen anyway.
Infinity War – Doctor Strange, Iron Man, Spider-Man, Nebula, Star-Lord, Mantis, and Drax were unable to beat Thanos. If they couldn’t beat him who could? And that story line isn’t even over yet.
The author is nit-picky and childish when it comes to this stuff.
Never understood the SuperHero movie worship. Seems gay to want to be another man.
Oh but when guys on this site want to be Rambo it’s suddenly not gay.
Every form of entertainment that you sit down and watch to get a feeling you enjoy is voyeuristic masturbation. No one can argue watching college basketball ‘final four’ on tv has any more value or is more manly than watching ‘my little pony’. It’s all the same.
Much better to take your woman dancing, take your kids to the park, karate classes, learn to grill or cook, fly a kite, almost anything that’s interactive with people and/or with your environment is better. Even cleaning your house or mowing the yard has more value to you and your family/friends than sitting down to watch a ‘good movie’
I can forgive that people like to masturbate. Sometimes I watch movies or get sucked into non-ending Google searches. It’s just silly to argue any movie is better for you than another or watching sports is better. Nobody is a better person than their neighbors because they watch a more intelligent tv drama.
It’s simply more healthy, more satisfying, in every way to participate in a low skill, low effort endeavor (wash your car) than to only watch someone participate in a high skill event (save the universe and win the distressed damsel)
Find your own adventure. Even if it’s mundane like a trip to the library it’s you living your life not a product created by writers at a corporate office designed to give you a tingly feeling
By far the stupidest and most pointless article on ROK. Very sad for a middle aged man to go scouring for correlations between Marvel movies and Soy Boys. Do better next time Jared.
But there is a correlation with marvel movies and soy boys…. The author isn’t wrong. And I like a few of the marvel movies. But it’s diehard fanbase tend to be soy.
ANY superhero movie is absolute crap. Hollywood peddles its CGI-laden, ADHD-inducing, social justice agenda-ridden vomit to seduce the weak-minded.
I don’t consider myself a nerd but I enjoy the Marvel movies for what they are.
Nothing wrong with some escapism.
Give them time to become homosexual propaganda.
‘Equality’ will not disappoint.
My money is on either the Captain Marvel (Lesbian) or the sequel to this Thanos movie. Or both.
Also the kids in the picture look like they have a good sense of humor. The one guy duck taped a pizza image on captain America’s shield. They made their own costumes out of cardboard that’s kind of fun. I’d invite them to a Halloween party
Pizza, the modern code for pedophiles. I’d keep that guy far away from your kids.
“Pizza, the modern code for pedophiles.” Dafuq!? Oh, wait, I guess there really was a pedophile den hidden in the basement of some pizzeria in DC. All makes sense now.
Not all the Marvel movies are good, but Captian America: Winter Soldier was the shit.
I believe this critique is not accurate for “Captain America – The First Avenger”. There is a line during their last fight when Red Skull says, during his fight with the the Captain that “You think you are a hero because you wear a star on your chest and fight for flag. I have seen the future – there are no flags any more!’. To which Steve replies “Not my future!’. Captain Aerica is the first anti-globalist. He fights for America, and not the UN.
And as for physical condition, perhaps you have heard of Audi Murphy?
idk, in the recent comics Captain America was beating up on Libertarians for securing the border from Mexicans. Sounds pretty cucked to me.
What kind of garbage did I just read? ROK is just pure shit now, a far cry from when it was first started.
I normally don’t like the MCU movies but due to it’s ridiculous popularity, I had to see why everyone including critics loved Infinity War. The funny thing was is that Thanos was the most likable character in the movie for me. He’s the one character that all men should really aspire to be like out of any of the films. He stops at nothing to get what he wants and even makes the biggest sacrifice by killing his daughter(adopted I believe) to achieve his goals. The other characters just seem like annoying insects getting in the way for him. I’m sure Captain Marvel(who will be played by a woman *eyeroll*) will ruin the narrative in the second movie. By itself though, Infinity War is a good movie and actually an impressive feat of cinematic storytelling given the number of characters and how they made the protagonist and antagonist the same character.
I liked these movies but I got better things to do now.
It’s really up to you to grow out of it. And that’s the problem with fandom, no one wants to grow out of it.
Used to collect comics but then the writing became crap.
I never got into Marvel comics, but Image, Valiant, Top-Cow, and later Wildstorm when Image went under were outstanding. Loved spending an afternoon going through the dime bins to amass my collection back in middle school. Ain’t nothing wrong with having an immagination!
Why would a pay money to watch actors, pretend to have superpowers, and play with plastic toys, as they suite up in their gay costumes. Burn Hollywood, and anyone who watches gay of thrones, is a faggot.
Obviously this dude has never gotten super fucking baked and watched these movies in 3-D. Dr. Strange was spectacular after an edible and a bowl of Durban Poison!
Dude, you paid a Male Feminist his salary.
Go kill yourself.
Basically a comparison of US ‘heroes’ vs Manga heroes.
“I prefer heroes that don’t get caught”
Good piece. I like some individual Marvel movies. Doctor Strange is pretty good, for a superhero movie. The first Iron Man has a lot of kick to it. The rest of the Iron Man’s; meh. Black Panther was boring. Just like that one critic said, which set off the SJW snowflakes.
Blacks were so excited after seeing it, they even rioted. Ignoring the fact Wakanda would reject every ignoble one of them, if they attempted to immigrate there. Especially illegally. The whole country of Wakanda view American blacks as charity cases.
Which brings us to Captain America. As far as I am concerned, you nailed the nerd mentality perfectly. But may not have hit one thing hard enough. The reason Steve Rogers was chosen as the first Super Soldier. Yes, because he has a fighting spirit. Along with heart, determination, and persistence in the face of rejection after rejection, ie: character. The one thing that does not come in a bottle.
Just so he can join the army, and risk his life in combat. None of the nerds crying at Jared here, would even think of doing such a thing. They think the military is for losers, or morons. They think they would be up to fighting a worthy enemy, like Nazis. No they’re not. They would be giving the same mealy mouthed objections about fighting Nazis, as they do about fighting in the Middle East. Even though those same arguments have existed all along.
To keep soyboy emasculated, the brain washing must go on.
ROK sounds like high school jocks making fun of uncool nerds by calling them nerds, cucks, soyboys and whatever. Whatever floats your boat.
You should eat more health food, DepressedGuy. You won’t be so depressed, you’ll get some pussy, and you’ll live longer.
This is why I was more of a Batman fan growing up.
It resonated with me more how Batman had to earn his strength through a decade of intense physical and mental training.
Nowadays superheroes are another cinema trend like catastrophes in the 70s or slasher in the 80s. It’ll eventually vanish and be replaced by another concept.
They are very attractive to nerds for sure. I never read comics as a boy but some of the movies are pretty cool. I think investing too much of your self-worth into any fantasy realm (comic book movies, video games, pro sports, politics) is a sign of a weak character. Not escapism to a small degree is bad, but to get so into it that you do cosplay or join anachronistic societies almost always goes along with some deep seated emotional problems.
I’ve always viewed comic book heroes as modern American folklore. Now that we’ve become a splintered ‘non-people’, we don’t celebrate the heroes of our past, real or mythical. But there is a need in people to have something / someone to look up to and admire. So instead of telling each other stories of Sigfried and the dragon, King Arthur, Rolande and his knights, or any of a thousand mythical and historic heroes, we discuss and relate stories about Batman, Superman, Ironman, etc. They serve the same purpose but of course they don’t bind us together racially and culturally and so the left feels comfortable with them and allows them to flourish.
If there was a similar series of movies telling tales of Knights Templar or Anglo-Saxon warriors I can guarantee you (((they))) would do everything in their power to scuttle them.
Well even then they made Domino a mulatto and Mary Jane black. Not to mention one of the NORSE gods was black. They wholly pushed for the Feminism narrative in Wonder Woman. Any sense of patriotism or non-diversity is diminished.
Hell they even gender-swapped Thor and have talked about making Peter Parker black. So them leaving it “untouched” is laughable to say the least.
Have no fear, true believers.
Look at the soyboygoy on the left!
The Incredible Bulk is on his way.
Have no fear, true believers.
Look at the soybean on the left
The Incredible Bulk is on his way.
i agree with everything in the article,the marvel movies being a mosquitoe lamp for soyboys,the terrible state the entertainment industry is in seei9 how much income they produce,etc…but holy shit the over-compensation in these comments here…closet homosexuality pontificating as the idealistic “mans man” is the battle cry of mid 40’s,single,sexually repressed, dudes across the world.Ya we get it pal,You down every meal (which is a raw steak) with shots of whiskey before speeding to the whore house on your harley davidson (with no helmet) to have unprotected sex until it’s time for your TED talk on “How to be male”.These comments come off as boomers creaming their pants at thw thought of reaching some unattainable horizon that the same place they allegedly lament (((hollywood))) has deeply ingrained to their malleable brains.
Sorry gang, but I thought Mulignan Panther was a great Marvel movie. Go ahead lay it on me
“Mulignan Panther”
Sounds like an Irish “Plastic Paddy” Philly dude whose superpowers include fantasy NHL teams, scoring with other dude’s wives, and lays in wait to surprise donkey-punch drunks out of ambush as they come out of a South Philly bar all liquored up so he can take their cash.
I watched “Superman” in the late 1970s.
I liked it. It was a good straightforward superhero movie, although the product placements were a bit much.
But what those people are doing in that top photo should be reserved for a Halloween bash.
I think the real answer is a sort of “nothing better to do.” In real life working to improve one’s economic position is good, but in today’s economy, and with today’s workplace conditions with HR harpies everywhere?
In other words, a loss of HOPE.
I saw one obvious product placement in Superman, and that was “Cheerios”.
Two tops, if you count when they see the helicopter rescue footage on a JVC recorder in a storefront.
I think you saw the wrong Superman movie, man.
So everyone calls marvel movies gay then proceeds to rank and list out ‘better’ movies, so instead of liviing through one vicarious film we’ll just pat eachothers backs and choose different ones? So much for return of kings, more like return of clowns. Film is about as blue-pill of an artform as it gets. Some stuff in movies is ‘inspriational’ or whatever, but the moment you start ranking them and having a nerd fit over which is ‘best’ is the moment I walk away. How about this, maybe just watch a film to enjoy it and thats it, recognize that its propaganda / entertaintainment, enjoy it for what it is, but don’t dwell on it and start ranking them, the comments in this thread are delusional. Its a film, nothing more, nothing less, realize its bubble gum and that too much will make you sick and go on with your life. I might watch one new movie a year, anything more than that is for teenage boys or girls.
STFU, phaggot. Eat a Dick.
I think there are some interesting observations here. This was a neat psychoanalysis of many Marvel fans, although I think the hysteria over Marvel is a bit overboard. I don’t see myself as any of the characters, and the films are more escapism than anything. Besides, you have to admit Thor had the best arc in Infinity War. He actually did improve himself. He lost everything but maintained a positive and determined demeanor, mixed in with some stoicism. Endured more pain than anyone else in the entire movie and came out alive.
It sucks though that post-Infinity War films will truly be nothing but feminist propaganda.
I like Iron Man. Hell, I liked Iron Man 2.
The rest…I gave up. I accidentally saw Spider-Man: Homecoming on video and was incensed. Mary Jane is BLACK. At least they could have given her red-colored…er, excuse me, “Autumn Sunrise” colored hair.
Captain America became a pussy-faced traitor. Tony Stark became a liberal. Thes rest are SJW dressing so I didn’t care anyway.
You know I would die laughing if someone had a white Wakandan as a troll. There are only two types of white guys that go for Blacks: Whiggers & Bugmen.
Honestly Jared is this one of my favorite articles so far. This purely captures the Escapism and Projection of many a Bugman and their ilk. The very fact that so many defend these blatant propaganda and toxic films further shows the decline into idiocracy. p
I mean we have multiple whole conventions where grown adults, many childless or negligent to say the least dress up like its Halloween on a regular basis and then slaver over any inkling of their a la carte fantasy and I gurantee you that for every Red-Pilled man or woman that enjoys these there are a 1,000 soyboys & trigglypuffs that make up the majority of the consumers.
Respect and adoration of a persons work is fine but things are so out of hand in our decayed society that its to the point that any notion of “Fandom” to me has become Synonymous with “Cult”.
As for anyone who has a retort, I ask you this: Who are the ones dressing up as carnival shows protesting holding signs comparing themselves to Hermione and their enemy to Voldemort or Thanos?