11 Real Ratings Of Women On The 1-10 Attractiveness Scale

I’ve been posting pictures of different women on my Twitter with the question “Would you bang?” A few days after sharing a picture, I tallied up on the yes and no responses to calculate a rating on the 1-10 scale.

My methodology was simple: I took the number of yes answers and divided it by the number of total responses. I then added 0.5 points to every score because a lot of men on the internet act like they only bang supermodels (e.g. “2/10, pointy elbows”). We also have to account for the fact that many men confuse “Would you bang?” with “Would you put in a lot of work to bang?” The WYB metric only asks if you would fornicate without having to work for it. Let’s review the women from ugliest to hottest…

1. Rating: 2.3

I see pierced nipples

It’s no surprise that most men would not bang a woman with so much plastic surgery and tattoos that she looks like a man, but this specimen is thin enough that I suspect most men would bang her if they received a doctor’s note confirming she’s AIDS-free.

2. Rating: 5.0

I prefer dark chocolate when it comes to chocolate (75% cacao to be exact), but not when it comes to women. This black woman is objectively attractive for her race, but that’s still not enough to push her out of an average rating.

3. Rating: 5.2

I see granny panties

The gigantic butt on this Asian girl could not take away from a Skeletor face. A lot of men also thought her butt was fake, which is generally a boner killer, unlike the case with fake breasts.

4. Rating: 5.6

This full-figured woman lost many points for her hair, but the men who did want to bang her showed a high enthusiasm for taking a wild ride on her voluptuous body.

5. Rating: 6.2

Even thought this newscaster is a bit long on years, with a marshmallow body to match, many men would bang her because of her generally attractive appearance.

6. Rating: 7.1

This is a picture of Bill Gates daughter, who happens to love Muslim cock. Personally, I think her face is ugly, but for many men who follow me, white is right and the fact that she’s thin and young pushes her to a favorable rating.

7. Rating: 7.2

A lesbian haircut and advanced age did not stop this German politician from blitzkreiging to a solid 7.2 score. I do suspect that her breasts played a sizable part in the surprisingly high rating.

8. Rating: 7.4

There were no surprises for this handsome woman. I believe that she would be an ideal girl for a normal man who wants a thin female to reproduce with.

9. Rating: 8.4

Big breasts strike again. This girl is not especially attractive, but she has no major flaw that pushes her into WNB territory. A genuine smile also goes a long way for men who are tired of girls with attitude.

10. Rating: 8.7

I’m not attracted to Asian girls, but I would bang this one in a vigorous manner. Most other men agree with me.

11. Rating: 9.4

The hottest girl in my sample happens to be a race amalgamation, though with heavy European admixture. Objectively, I believe she does have a superior facial structure and body compared to the other girls and so deserves her rating, which suggests that raw beauty can edge out racial preferences when it comes to solely banging.

Don’t be ashamed if you would bang every single girl on this list. The men who judge you most for your bangs are the ones who feel most ashamed of their own. If you get a boner for a girl, your dick obviously craves her body and you should proceed as long as it does not harm you emotionally or physically. All I can tell you is that my boner has never lied to me. I trust its judgement.

This article was originally published on Roosh V.

Read Next: My Boner Is My Master

112 thoughts on “11 Real Ratings Of Women On The 1-10 Attractiveness Scale”

  1. #8 missing a picture I think. In the featured image at the top lowest is the front left at a 5 (she’s hiding how chubby she is) and highest is second from the right (black dress) who is a 7.

    1. The first photo shows no women over a 5, in fact, the only girl I’d WTB in the whole collection is Ms. Jap schoolgirl.
      Jeez, what a collection of bottom feeders.

        1. Agreed. But most men (including I) would bang her, and that’s what counts here. The score is a bangability score, not an attractiveness score.

        2. Damn straight. To be honest the Black chick was more of a 6.5 than a bullshit 5. Though her face wasn’t great and she’s a little overweight she overall has among the better profiles among the bunch. Definitely better than that 4 anchorwoman. This WTB article is bullshit.

        3. I am shocked how some of these ogre women got higher scores from some of you guys. 🙁
          Do you folks like in FemiHell NorthEast Coast or West Coast? How cna you think some of these ogres are more then 2-3s!!! 😮
          Your standards are very very low. Every one of these, except Trish Reagan in green dress (who is unfairly here due to her being 48 years old and after 2 kids), should be 2-5 points LOWER than rated!
          Sad state of affairs our country is in!

    2. I even hesitate to say this because I have a lot of respect for Roosh and to the important work that RoK does to improve, educate, and provide a much-needed forum for men worldwide to openly discuss important matters of politics, game, etc… BUT….
      COME ON!!! 🙄
      ALL of the women here are at least 3-6 points rated higher then I would rate them. Maybe I have much higher standards?? Or maybe I live in a place (front range of Rockies) where we still have “normal girls” around and not in an end-of-times shithole like California or NYC? *shrug*
      Purple haired freakazoid got a 5.6 rating? LOL That actually might be a biological man! That black woman with cartoonish distorted proportions got a 5??? 😆 Chunky Chinese girl with the 1980s helmet haircut a 5? These 3 should be rated 1-3 tops…. or are the guys here become so sickly desperate these freaks actually get some points for being female (save the purple haired dude)? 🙁
      This “poll” is simply balderdash. The same of women provided are all so bad (except for the Fox Business host Trish Regan, but she is much older now), that it should be no surprised the very light-skinned mulata with BLUE eyes would “win”. 🙄
      The sample of women in this “poll” is simply a joke. 🙄 It is a freak-show and you are asked to pick between a sample of freaks, save for Trish Regan and the extremely light-skinned, YOUNG, fit, feminine, blue eyed “black” woman. 🙄 That “black” woman rated highest is simply the least worst option (save Trish Reagan, who is well past her prime, but IMHO, way better than the “black” girl).
      BTW, if they had put pictures of Trish Regan (the woman in green dress) when she was younger, it would not even be close, but as it is here, Trish is now over 45 years old, and for a woman her age, she is still stunning! Please she check out pics of Trish a few years back, she is STUNNING, easily a 9 in hotness, brains, and femininity with long stunning hair and slender body – she is pretty, sexy, and feminine, a mom of 3, wife, and yet, she is amazing!!!):
      Trish was Miss NH a few years back:
      So it is not even a competition if you used Trish Regan pictures from a few years ago, not now when she is past 45 years old and after 3 kids. 😮
      This “poll” reminds me a lot of the “Halle Berry” media-driven hype that told guys “this is the standard of beauty”: mixed-dark skinned black women with many white features and not morbidly obese like we see in American inner-cities. The media decided that Halle Berry was the new standard of hotness, promoted it, demand the male sheep fall in line. IF this “poll” was indeed accurately reflective of the taste for women by most men, then Halle Berry would still be the goddess of America and as we all know, that fad did not last because men did not fall in line as the media elites expected it. 😉
      If Halle Berry was the hottest standard of beauty as the media, the left, and the entire establishment told us it was a few years back, then Bahia and Fortaleza (both in northern Brazil – also known as UglyFuckistan) would have the hottest women in the world. The “favela do Alemão” or Favela Terrrão in Rio would have the hottest women in the world. And yet, they do not.
      Because beauty standards are unfairly skewed in favor of women with overwhelmingly white/European features.
      Don’t believe me? Check out the Miss India 2018. Notice anything?
      Do ANY of these “Indian” women represent 99.9999999999999999% of the Indian population? lol
      How about this website with the top 18 hottest Venezuelan women… Notice anything???
      Yep… green eyes, light white skin, European decendancy all the way.
      All female famous people in Philippines today have at least some white ancestry (many have Spanish ancestry). The 2017 Miss Universe from Philippines last year had a Norwegian father! She is 50% white!!! 🙄
      How about Viktoria Secret’s… the hottest “Brazilian” women all have 90%+ European ancestry and white European features?
      “Brazilian” Adriana Lima = 3 of 4 grandparents are Italian. “Brazilian” Giselle Bundchen = 100% German. Candice Swanenpol their “African” model is 100% Dutch ancestry (the Dutch colonized South Africa even before the Brits were even there and only truly hot South Africans have Dutch ancestry, like Candice and Charlize Theron.
      The hottest Brazilians, hands down, are NOT mixed and are not from Rio or Bahia or northern Brazil. They are European ancestry from SOUTHERN Brazil. This is not me saying this, this is what every Brazilian dude knows and says it is.
      *Bottom line: whatever this “poll”, however large the sample, or however scientific it may be, mixed women are NOT even close to being hot, unless they have overwhelmingly European/white features (say 3 out of 4 grandparents are white and 1 grandparent is light-skin mulato), etc).
      So yeah….. I am NOT buying this article or poll at all. I just saw 6 other awesome articles, this one… nah. 🙄
      Moving along………

      1. Bro you autistically typed out a reply this long for what?
        “Muh beauty standards!”
        Nobody gives a fuck about your standards and “muh white wimminz”. Look at you pimping the beauty of your “race” for what point exactly?

    1. Precisely.
      Most of the higher rated women on this article were fives or less. Including that midget Asian girl who looked like she just got into middle school was maybe a three to me.
      The two black women I would bust a load on, or in. If they are not BLM-feminist-man-hating gold digger cunts.
      Then I would only bang with vasalgel and a box of trojan magnums for a weekend. No call backs.

    2. Definitely, I’m not even really into black chicks or dark skinned women much, but this one in particular is giving me a serious case of jungle fever.

    3. The numbers do not reflect how hot they are, only how large proportion of men thought them good enough to bang. So, for example, a woman who is moderately attractive woman to all men will be ranked higher than one who is super-hot to 70%, but unattractive to 30%.
      The black girl is higher than five in my opinion too, but I understand that many men do not like her colour and her forms. Fair enough. Conversely, I do not think that the highest-ranking girl is super attractive, but certainly good enough to sleep with, and I guess that most men would agree.

      1. They’re either ugly or boring to me, all od them, I see better in capital of my country everyday. Except last one, but she’s too old.

  2. What the hell? The first black girl in the article is a 9.5 to me. Pale skin is like dark skin, it somehow can be gross or attractive depending on the person. She is beautiful. I know a lot of ROK users have unsavory opinions of black people that is the best photo in the whole damn article. Bill Gates daughter is ugly, and that East Asian girl with the big ass and childish face is just creepy…if she had a womanly face she’d be perfect too.

    1. I agree with you on all your ratings comments…mmmm mmmm, that dark chocolate in that fine shape and a very attractive face! My only negative, is her hips are wiiiiide and ass is a little largish for me…but WB!

  3. The 7.4 woman is the only female I’d bang, the rest I am disgusted by, they give off Babylon whore vibes. I am one of those rare dudes that can’t look too long at sluts without feeling sick to my stomach.

    1. Brah, it appears you and I are in the minority in having high standards.
      Kinda disappointed in the other commenters here.
      I’d say about 3 chicks here are WB material, and it ain’t the black or halfbreeds.

      1. All the lamenting and hand wringing over the loss of Western Civ and yet almost nothing but decadent, degenerate race mixers! It’s all over people! Even if you all can’t “see” it…

  4. oy vey! yes! that mixed race female is so gorgeous! make sure to drop off your white daughters in section 8 housing so your grandchildren will be attractive in our ‘brave new world’! oh and yeah, the 6 million!

  5. WB 2,4,5,8, 10, 11
    9 maybe if her dog really liked me, WB to meet and play with her dog. If she were alone, she’d be a last resort bang.

  6. None of these women is what one would call beautiful.
    To me a 9 or a 10 is someone like young Jennifer Connelly or Monica Belluci. What about Audrey Hepburn?
    I think a lot of men nowadays get burned because they think that a “hot” woman is the kind of woman you should be wifing up.

    1. I saw bikini pics of Audrey in her autobiography, she was way too bony looking. She had a pretty face though.
      Also AWALT, a woman’s looks only determines her options, not her personality. A fat chick or plain jane is dying to date up, but they know they can’t afford it.

  7. OH…and the tops pic of the bar thots….top row 1, 3, 6 and seven would be last option bangs, the rest of them…..well, they would have to be spectacular porn star level bangs, or not at all, auditions would require their best blow jobs and stinky finger smell test for hygiene..If they are wearing any overpowering perfume (they are hiding something beside bad taste in perfume and are likely nose blind and probably live in a crazy cat hoarder lady situation), definitely no bang. too much perfume blocks or masks out natural pheromones. Cut them off for me and I go no bang instantly.

  8. 1. 1, she’s definitely on meth
    2. 6.5 above average for a BW
    3. 4, weird face and ass isnt proportional, below average for Asian
    4. 5.5, fix the hair
    5. 5, expiring goods. Probably used to be 8
    6. 7, young and cute (WB)
    7. 4.5, feminist hair and boy face
    8. 6, expiration date a little further away than #5
    9. 6, big tits does not justify her average face and she’s on her way to 200+ lbs
    10. 7.5, attractive and still young, but not hot though (WB)
    11. 7.5, a 7 who can make hersrlf look like an 8 when done up, thus 7.5. Also, deceptively looks like a tranny, although not one. She is a female, female impersonator (WB)

  9. LOL…. THIS SCALE IS WAAAY OFFF!!!! IT DOESENT EVEN MAKE ANY SENSE!!! Number #2 & #11 are DEFINIZTELY Solid TEN! Your readers would seriously take #7 & #9 who look like Post-Wall Soccer Moms pushing 40 Over them ? LOL Damn Roosh I know u like white pussy but being an Iranian or Middle eastern background I think U can Expand what u consider Atractive a little! Those other bitches are humble at best!! By the way I know Alot of the Rok Readers like European features. But Even if #11 didnt have her blue eyes or contacts & honeycomb hair & was as dark as as #2 she STILL Would be the Highest Bitch on that platform! Slim waist round ass, nice perky titties is a Winner for Me! Assuming she didnt have a stank attitude #11 & #2 are Solid 10s! Oh & #3 can get it too!! Most chicks are Ugly in the face ANyways MINUS the makeup. So lets just Assume #3 forgot her makeup kit today! LOL

  10. If a black girl knows how to take care of herself such as 5.0, it’s a definite bang for 90%of the dudes.
    I take brown is the premium color when it comes to girls then.

  11. I can’t wait to see the mass triggering this article is sure to set off 😂

  12. What the hell!!!..No way the second girl is 5.0..she is objectively the prettiest girl in the bunch..those painfully average anglo chicks are prettier than her??..i guess beauty really is subjective.

  13. The woman in the pop up ads are far more beautiful. The high ranking ones are not that great. In fact none of them are. The newscaster looks o.k. 20 years ago. Woman like this are why men go gay.

  14. Guess I’m in the minority, was not attracted to any of them for WB.
    Blows my mind that #9 beat #8 as far as score. Frankly #8 is the only that I would consider but even then, meh

  15. BMI, tattoos, trashy piercings, short hair and clown hair issues always puts a woman no higher than a 3.

  16. Most of the ratings were way too high, some a bit low… How the hell is bill gates daughter a 7? She’s a 5.5 at best. And the first girl should be a 4 or a 5 courtesy of being thin.
    Reading all the comments it truly seems beauty is subjective and peculiar to the eye of the beholder. We all have different tastes, so 🙂

  17. Fascinating how individual our W.B. criteria is…..
    W.B. : #8 & #9.
    #8 looks like genuine & loyal wife material; …. if genuine & loyal still exist….
    #9 looks head to toes like my promiscuous “x” ; that is why she is my “x” … nice Juggs though !!

    1. ALL redheads are more psycho and nuttier than the rest of the estrogen factories. yes, even the strawberry blonde ones. ALL of the redheads in my family are fruitcakes and bipolar nuts in the extreme (those still living are on meds for it too)….

      1. Speaking of red heads, I’ve never seen a true red head (I’m talking about the real almost orange colored red heads) that had a pretty face. I’m not talking about the freckles either. Red heads always have that clinched look stigma on their face like their pissed off all the time. Some do have great bodies though.

      2. Interesting. I’ve noticed the same. When I was a kid children always picked on the redheads; don’t know about Today. Did they sense something detrimental to the group on a primal level??? They also almost/always love the dark skinned guys, the darker the better. Should we consider a necessary genetic cleansing as a final solution?…

  18. Although I admit to being amused by these articles, it is not very classy IMO to pick up random women’s photos from the internet and comment on their features in an unflattering way. They have not done anything to us and we should extend the same respect to them. The people in the photos have a name, feelings, family, reputation to protect etc. and this site could come up in a search.
    None of the women in the pictures look obese, deformed or showing character flaws. Besides we cannot judge a person based on a random photo taken out of context.

    1. I’m sure that these thots PUT THEIR OWN pics out there anyway in self flattering attentionwhoring way, LOOKING for flattery and good comments, but you see, you nor they control the commentary. Don’t want commentary, don’t put your sh** out there attentionwhoring. They are getting what the wanted..attention. TOO BAD. They don’t want attention and commentary, they ALL can wear a burqa and quit slutting it up in public and pics. Knock off the white knighting, its sickening.

      1. You c*ckbiters don’t hold back commentary on men at all, so why the bitter double standards you sorry f**ks? Get off your brainwashed high horses, its open commentary on ALL or NONE, but in a free world and free country I prefer NO CENSORSHIP. Whiny b*tch** Snofakes can GFYselves.

        1. You lost all credibility when you said you’d do the wild thing with the darkies.

    2. the purpose of this article was judging physical appearance, so why would personality matter?

    3. @depressed guy
      What a fucking bitch you are… again….and again.
      Go shoot yourself faggot.

  19. I’m starting to think this site has bad taste in women. #6-9 shouldn’t even rate a 6 and I’ve seen better bitches in a black neighborhood. Hell, just #3’s ass looks way better 8/10 of the list.

  20. The girls in the ads below the article are way hotter than what’s been offered up by Roosh.

  21. No. 2 should be higher on the list. She’s not just “attractive for her race”. She’s fucking hot. It could be that when she opens her mouth she’s your average belligerent, shallow, hood rat. That would make her much less attractive. But all we have to go by here is the picture and she’s easily hotter than 5, 7, and 9.

    1. LOL I gotta agree with @Davidarendale. NUMBER #2 is not just “attractive for her race”. She’s fucking hot. Unless she had Attitude that would take her down a few notches… But where talking about PURELY BANGING chicks based Upon Visual apeal. Im sorry but the Anglo White Women here are the LEAST Attractive in this particuliar list. The ONLY reason #11 scored slightly Higher to Me is because she is MORE PETITE with the Same Curves as #2. Not because of her lighter tone. She basically #2 in a Smaller package which I like. All the Other women other than #2 #3 & #11 would have to PAY Me for an encounter or be Sugar Moms!. But hey to each their own. Atraction is definitely subjective & thats Not a bad thing! Less competition for Me!

  22. Two thoughts on this article
    1. I think men are misunderstanding what “would you bang” means, which is odd because Roosh actually spent a couple of sentences explaining what it meant in terms of this article. Basically, would you bust a nut in the woman if you had to put zero effort into it. I seriously fucking doubt that the majority of you guys would not bang the majority of women in this article. I’m no longer in my 20s and not thirsty so my standards are higher than they used to be but still I’d bang them all but 1, 2, 3 and 10. Mostly because 1 looks like a walking STD and I’m quite racist. Asian women look semi-retarded to me and I have never found black women even remotely attractive. Which brings me to my second point,
    2. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder (mostly). Obviously huge fatties are disgusting of any race. So is an angry or bitchy personality. Men put much more stock in a woman’s demeanor than either men OR women assume. Which explains why 7, 8, and 9 rank so high. All three of those women are dressed in a feminine manner and have pleasant, friendly smiles on their faces. Which unfortunately is rare in today’s world. I have known women in my life who were merely average physically but were very feminine and had kind, pleasant personalities and they were insanely attractive. But to each his own. Like Roosh said, my boner never lies.

    1. I’m an Old School racist. My grandfather was born in 1881, my father in 1929 and I was born in the late 60’s; all from the “Deep South” and I would fuck the taste out of the mouth of number 11. Just sayin…

  23. I disagree with the statement that girl #9 is “not especially attractive.” In the real world, a girl like that can easily have hundreds, or even thousands, of men trying to date her at any given time. She has pretty blue eyes, straight silky strawberry blond hair, an overall attractive face, gorgeous boobs, a nice, curvy figure with meat in all the right places, pretty wide hips, nice full legs, and although she is not very tall, her short stature adds to her already abundantly present cuteness and sex appeal. In the real world that is the USA, that girl is practically a 10, and that is even without much more makeup and sexier clothes, which would make her even more attractive than she already is.

  24. Despite the hot pink clown hair on #4, I would so love bang and impregnate her several times. She has shapely legs, good hips and nice voluptuous shape overall. She is probably a freak in the sheets. I agree with Neal though, fix the hair, let it grow out with its natural color. 7.8

  25. This an amazing article. NONE of the women in this article rate above a 3. NONE.
    This is the problem (maybe the only one) with Return of Kings.
    Why you guys love the ugly skinny unfriendly women in these pictures????
    This is a very misguided thing you wrote.

    1. You think these chicks are skinny?? Are you a fat boy by chance, or just a chubby chaser?

  26. The black chick far outstrips her counterparts in beauty. Those anorexic eurobinos make my dick flaccid.
    Ebony all the way.

  27. I would not date or screw around with any of the women in these pictures. However, pretty much all of them where I live, in the suburbs of NYC, would have amazing options for dating up, and wouldn’t give me the time of day.

    1. “I would not date or screw around with any of the women in these pictures.”
      – Have fun being single you incel.

  28. Wow – good to see we don’t all compete for the same chicks.
    Imagine if this were high school Math. And we had to calculate the rating of each one based on the Math teacher’s opinion…
    That’s how it seems to me. I like petite…I like exotic too….
    Definitely not fat.
    Many seem to like the big black women – 5.0 – on the Richter scale?
    Also groups of women are deceptive…there must be a term for it “collective cunt” – looks amazing from a distance – camouflaged like heard of Zebra…but then study each one individually – nope!
    I deal with groups of them for work — even when none are attractive initially – I always seem to cut one from the pack – whose rating of 7 soon becomes a “temporary 10”.
    but if 5 and below – then always a zero…WNB

  29. Some very skewed opinions of attractiveness here. I sense so many spite ratings.
    At one point, objectiveness has to take place. There is an objective evolutionary psychological basis for attractiveness, add modern day aesthetic sensibilities and this list is way off.
    For ex: black girl should be way higher (not even my cup of tea), two dusty ass white chicks and weird unattractive jap girls should be way lower.

  30. Hottest by far in the feature pic is not even in the foreground. At the far edge of the shot in the background, black dress. Solid 8+ body, face unknown…

  31. I have to admit. I’m jealous of previous generations that had an abundance of slim healthy women with still relatively traditional mindsets not yet full blown corrupted like we see today. A genuine 7 today is in such short supply and inundated with thirsty cok she can claim her weight In gold on the sexual market.
    Couple the land whale epidemic with poisoned feminist aggressive and degenerate attitudes and thinking paints a grim picture of options for a good red-pill man. We can keep telling ourselves to improve but what does it matter if the women continue to slip and be unaccountable.
    I would take a 6 with a good personality and healthy feminine demeanor any day over busting my ass running game 24/7 to be ‘alpha’ just to score the bang with an 8 or 9 female that is most likely lost to the modern world.

  32. At the risk of sounding like a nihilistic gimp. It’s no wonder young men today are resorting to incelism and video games. If societies ‘beta’ men are denied sexual access or relationships with women worth fighting and working for, then what is the point of sacrificing for that civilization. They are basically worker drones to prop up society for women and ‘alphas’.

  33. This is my opinion I think the most attractive races of women are 1 black 2 white 3 latino 4.south East Asians Indians Pakistani 5.south East asians. My perfect women would be a dark skin black women petite with a fat ass no weave

  34. …then that means the waitresses who used to serve me in Hooters and Wing House that i never cared for, were 11’s?

  35. @john dodds,
    Sorry there were no trannies in the selection this time, my friend.

  36. I think a 1–10 rating scale has only limited usefulness. It would make more sense to group all women into one of the three groups: (1) Would bang all day, all night = would marry (marriage material), (2) would bang for a while, until perfect marriage material shows up, or marry if a guy chooses to settle, and (3) would not bang. Group (1) consists of perfect 10s. However, the perfect 10 is subjective and is going to be different for every guy. If a guy is strictly a boob man, he won’t care much about face, legs, and ass, as long as they are passable. His girl will be the girl with the boobs that he personally finds amazing. For a guy who’s strictly a leg guy, the girl with the legs that he finds amazing will be the perfect 10 and therefore marriage material. And so on. Everyone else who doesn’t fall into group (1) will be either good enough to date for a while or possibly marry if the guy chooses to settle (group 2), or they will not interest him at all (group 3).

  37. To add to my previous criticism of the 1–10 scale, the problem with the scale is that in the real world, the thought process is mostly binary: perfect 10 vs. everything else, where the perfect 10 means different things to different guys. The only thing on a woman that can be rated objectively, is her hip-to-waist ratio, which is mostly misleading jargon for “how nice her ass is.” A woman’s butt and hip curves are the only thing that is not only measurable, but serves a real purpose (wider and curvier hips = more likely to result in a successful delivery). Everything else (legs, face, boobs, hair color, eye color) will be largely subjective, because most of those things do not have universal appeal or universal reproductive value. Thus, the 1–10 scale is only really meaningful if it is used to rate how closely a woman’s figure approximates the ideal hourglass figure, or more specifically, if you are inclined to accept a narrower definition, how wide and curvy her hip/butt area is.

  38. I don’t understand this particular selection of eleven women, as there are better looking chicks walking around in most livable small cities in the US.
    Only Bill Gates daughter and Frauke Petry seem reasonably attractive to me. I think that is Frauke Petry of AFD, right?
    So, Bill Gates daughter, in the age range of twenty to twenty-four, which is optimal and also coincides with formative years of intellectual development. She has not had the time to develop passionately held petty hatreds and be encumbered by philosophical, political, and ideological outlooks to make her an ideological hater. Maybe there can be hope for this girl. She needs someone to be a constructive influence on her, but would prefer not to look at her as an object of prurient fascination as that is not constructive.
    Frauke Petry has a nice smile and an intelligent-looking physiognomy which looks like it doesn’t harbor nonsensical hatreds. But that is just one photograph. That militantly looking short hair cut detracts from her appearance. I bet she’d be gorgeous with longer hair. But anyway, married lady with kids, so I would not look at her as “bangable”. Hopefully she can get something constructive done with her political career. That other AFD chick, Alice Weidel is actually fairly good-looking too, but then, she is a lesbian.

  39. The 11. 9.4 woman has piercings in her nipples. It is visible through the dress. That is a big turnoff for me. Certainly would bang but nothing more. _Very_ far from 9.4

  40. I think a 1–10 rating scale has only limited usefulness. It would make more sense to group all women into one of the three groups: (1) Would bang all day, all night = would marry (marriage material), (2) would bang for a while, until perfect marriage material shows up, or marry if a guy chooses to settle, and (3) would not bang. Group (1) consists of perfect 10s. However, the perfect 10 is subjective and is going to be different for every guy. If a guy is strictly a boob man, he won’t care much about face, legs, and ass, as long as they are passable. His girl will be the girl with the boobs that he personally finds amazing. For a guy who’s strictly a leg guy, the girl with the legs that he finds amazing will be the perfect 10 and therefore marriage material. And so on. Everyone else who doesn’t fall into group (1) will be either good enough to date for a while or possibly marry if the guy chooses to settle (group 2), or they will not interest him at all (group 3).
    The problem with the scale is that in the real world, the thought process is mostly binary: perfect 10 vs. everything else, where the perfect 10 means different things to different guys. The only thing on a woman that can be rated objectively, is her hip-to-waist ratio, which is mostly misleading jargon for “how nice her ass is.” A woman’s butt and hip curves are the only thing that is not only measurable, but serves a real purpose (wider and curvier hips = more likely to result in a successful delivery). Everything else (legs, face, boobs, hair color, eye color) will be largely subjective, because most of those things do not have universal appeal or universal reproductive value. Thus, the 1–10 scale is only really meaningful if it is used to rate how closely a woman’s figure approximates the ideal hourglass figure, or more specifically, if you are inclined to accept a narrower definition, how wide and curvy her hip/butt area is.

  41. I didn’t see “/s” for sarcastic anywhere.
    It must be understood that this article is a parody then.

  42. #11 has pierced nips too. Believe she dated a Manchester United player for a while. “Instagram model”. She probably has been shit on in Dubai.
    That being said #8 would be my first choice. Followed by #2, even tho that photo is heavily shopped, and then #9 natty boobs mcgee. The rest can kick rocks.

  43. Roosh is racist against black people.
    His rating of the black girl is proof enough.

  44. No. 8 is the only one here I’d even glance back at. If I liked her personality I’d be interested but otherwise even she is a meh.

  45. It says a lot about male thirst, obesity in America impacting tastes, and the absence of a typical duck face selfie look, that a smiling cute chunky top heavy young woman is now an 8.4. I don’t really disagree with the rating. But 20 years ago she’d have been the biggest of her friends. Now she’s probably the smallest !

  46. Uh wow standards are low most of these women are zero to the negative range

  47. Number 4 (the 5.6) Not only has that distracting highlighter on top of her head, but her face is nothing special either. Actually, her big ass isn’t that exceptional-she just gets attention for the fact that it’s naked in the picture

  48. Make a web application embeded to RoK to automatically rate chicks photos and videos, and comment if possible. like a group of guys hanging out like the old days.

  49. Make a web application embeded to RoK to automatically rate chicks photos and videos, and comment if possible. like a group of guys hanging out like the old days.

  50. I must be pickier than average — every one of except # 2, 5, 8, and 11 I’d rate a whole point or more lower than they got here.
    My rates
    1. 1.2 — looks trans, WNB even if she’s real
    2. 5.5 — like her face but she’s too thick, MB (might bang)
    3. 3.2 — the fake butt and plain face= WNB
    4. 4.6 — too thick + SJW hair = WNB
    5. 6.2 is right — post wall, but WB still
    6. 6.1 WB
    7. 5.5 — MB
    8. 7.4 looks right, WB
    9. 5.7 at best — MB
    10. 4.5 — I like Asian women but hers is not a look I’m into WNB
    11. 9.4 is right on — definitely WB

  51. That’s just depressing. I wouldn’t go for any of these. Are things really that bad back in the States now??

  52. ohmygod you animals this is so fucking disgusting. This is the most fucked up “article” ive seen in my life, how would you feel if people put grades on you based on your beer guts and acnea ??? The hell do you think women are ?? More or less pretty objects only existing to put your fcking seeds in ?? You all are s i c k. This god damn human race hh…

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