A UK doctor who was sacked for refusing to refer to transgender people by their preferred gender pronoun says there is a “climate of fear” in his profession with staff “trained to inform” on one another for breaching discrimination laws.
Dr David Mackereth’s contract as a medical assessor for the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) was terminated three weeks ago on the grounds that his refusal to use transgender pronouns could be considered harassment under the 2010 Equality Act.
The 55-year-old said his refusal to comply with the edict from the DWP had effectively ended his career, as he would never be hired for another government or National Health Service job again.
“As a Christian, I believe gender is determined biologically and genetically,” he told The Daily Mail. “I knew it could be the end of my work as a doctor, but I could not live with myself if I didn’t speak up. It would be dishonest — and I didn’t want to live a lie.”
After voicing his objections, Dr Mackereth was called into a meeting with a manager at his employment agency. “He asked, ‘If a man asked him to call you ‘Mrs’, would you do it?’ I said I couldn’t,” he said.
“If somebody has male XY chromosomes and male genitalia I cannot in good conscience call them a woman. We agreed I wouldn’t come into work until the DWP had decided what would happen to me.”
Dr Mackereth said it was “not a question of whether we agree or disagree but whether we are free to say so”.
“I believe with all my heart that God made us male and female and that I should be allowed to believe this,” he said.
“I’m not out to upset anyone. I care deeply about transgender people. But we must be able to say what we think, and defend what we believe in a non-combative way. Otherwise we will turn into a dictatorial state in which we are all enslaved.”
In his entire 26-year career, he said he had only ever treated one genuine transgender patient, but that anyone who questioned the fashionable theory that gender is a social construct risked being “lynched”.
Doctors are now advised by the British Medical Association to refer to pregnant women as “pregnant people” to avoid offending transgender people.
Dr Mackereth said there was a “climate of fear” emerging among doctors about the new protocols.
“There is very little talk between staff these days because none of us knows what the rules are,” he said. “We are trained to inform on another doctor if they are unfit to practise and no one wants to get reported.
“There is a belief we cannot say what we think in case we get accused of harassment. Nurses coming across patients with male genitalia on female wards have whispered to me that the situation is wrong.
“Some of my colleagues — senior doctors — are fired up by what happened to me, but what am I supposed to say to them?
“After all, if they say the same thing as me, will the country start losing much-needed, remarkable surgeons who are no longer considered fit to work because they used the wrong pronoun?”
In 2016, Canadian psychologist Dr Jordan Peterson shot to fame over his opposition to anti-discrimination legislation which made it illegal to refuse to refer to a transgender person by their preferred gender pronoun.
Dr Peterson, author of the best-selling book 12 Rules For Life, has aggressively campaigned against so-called “compelled speech” — being forced by law to say something you don’t believe.
“It’s a demand that the population uses a certain kind of linguistic approach,” he said on a tour of Australia earlier this year. “It’s an appropriation of speech. There’s no excuse for that. That never has happened once in the history of English common law. It’s a barrier that we do not cross.”
Don’t Miss: America Is Becoming A Homosexual Nation
let the destruction of this sick world come and let s rebuild it
except order out of chaos is the whole idea behind it
In a world of chaos, (((order))) rules
It’s all a construct for the leftist elite pedophiles. Arm yourselves.
I’ve always said that it would have been better to nuke NYC on 9/11 instead of toying with airplanes.
Let the sicko politicians, liberal celebrities and SJW’s go, not to competent medical professionals, but to the arbiters of political correctness for their injuries, ailments and diseases.
They won’t be healed, but at least they won’t be triggered in their publicly funded safe-spaces, free from fear, offense and stark patriarchal labels as defining as “male” and “female” — a disease worse than cancer in their liberal neurotic minds.
Rather than “Do no harm,” today’s doctors must pledge to “Make no offense.” Hippocrates is rolling over in his eternal grave wondering if future civilizations wouldn’t have benefited more from electroshock therapy than from medicine.
In the future these more than 2 gender people will be asking for sex/gender changes. I’m sure ((((they)))) saw the potential ways to make money from this are limitless.
They have plenty of money, heh they own our money. Psychological warfare that further destroys the family unit, reproductive fitness and crippling homogeneous cultural norms of their enemy is the key here.
Another salvo in their arsenal for the carpet bombing of the g0yim.
Absolutely. Big pharma and big medicine both benefit TREMENDOUSLY from the transgender movement. It’s a simple case of “follow the money.”
Even more sinister: What other ailments exist that could’ve been CURED but aren’t because “treatment” is more profitable? Cancer?
Dear God,
Please send a comet, an alien race, a massive plague or cause a nuclear war to end this suffering, demented world. Make it soon because this world is suffering and the only way to make it better is by putting it out of its misery.
Cry baby cry!!!
Obviously, you support the tranny/gay agenda. It’s difficult to argue with emotions. Good luck with that.
Suck faggot suck!
Cry boohoo
You are weak. And hateful
I don’t support trannies or gays. It’s a sickness.
Seems like the faggot butt pirate sodomites and other assorted LGBTSTZIKKK+ freaks are here to brigade us. Man, the United Cuckdom really does need Shariah Law, or some good Christian virtue back in ‘em. Anything is needed to end this madness.
Dear Victor,
Save yourself the trouble and the work. Drink bleach and kerosene instead. 🙂
Normal people
I want the whole world to end. Will that ever happen? Unfortunately, no. Unless you’re a leftist tranny lover, you have to admit we live in a sick world. I’m guessing you’re a tranny love…just a hunch.
(((Norman Newmeyer))) you and your tribe are anything *but* normal
The tranny and gay agenda are allowing the pedo agenda to surface.
Check this BBC bitch out. Her facial features and extreme leftyism made me suspicious, so I looked her up on Wiki. “From a jewish family.”
It never fails.
So sad that the ancient alien theories aren’t true, better than the current dystopia.
Don’t be so sure they are not true. There is more than ample amounts of historical artifacts and sites that support that they are true. It will be a day soon that they will return and set things back on their desired path..May not turn out good for the rest of us…but you cannot fear change. Best to embrace it and adapt to it or adapt it, especially if you have little power or means to counter a technologically superior species to the ours that is stuck on this slimy mudball, mired in perversions of the fringe minority. That’s the most positive outlook I will ever have. Would be additionally mildly funny if the aliens were named Karma.
“As a Christian, I believe gender is determined biologically and genetically,”
If he said, “As a Christian, I believe sex is determined biologically and genetically,” he would have been correct. Gender is really a linguistic term, and there are more than two genders, but not the charade played out by the mentally ill left.
From the 1828 Webster’s Dictionary. See definition 3:
GEN’DER, noun [Latin genus, from geno, gigno; Gr.to beget, or to be born; Eng. kind. Gr. a woman, a wife; Sans. gena, a wife, and genaga, a father. We have begin from the same root. See Begin and Can.]
1. Properly, kind; sort.
2. A sex, male or female. Hence,
3. In grammar, a difference in words to express distinction of sex; usually a difference of termination in nouns, adjectives and participles, to express the distinction of male and female. But although this was the original design of different terminations, yet in the progress of language, other words having no relation to one sex or the other, came to have genders assigned them by custom. Words expressing males are said to be of the masculine gender; those expressing females, of the feminine gender; and in some languages, words expressing things having no sex, are of the neuter or neither gender
I read once that gender in indoeuropean languages comes back to the clasification of animated and inanimated things, since animated stuff usually has a penis or a vagina, the animated gender became two gender, thus the three genders that are typically found in indoeuropean languages were born, female, male, and neutral. Other languages have genders that have other clasiffications, like edible plants and non edible plants.
Did u just assume that there is only penis and vagina as genitals???
Here is the definition of Sex from the 1828 Webster’s.
SEX, noun [L. sexus; from L. seco, to divide.]
1. The distinction between male and female; or the property or character by which an animal is male or female. The male sex is usually characterized by muscular strength, boldness and firmness. The female sex is characterized by softness, sensibility and modesty.
In botany, the property of plants which corresponds to sex in animals. The Linnean system of botany is formed on the doctrine of sexes in plants.
2. By way of emphasis, womankind; females.
Unhappy sex! whose beauty is your snare. Dryden.
The sex, whose presence civilizes ours. Milne.
I used to get upset about news like this but now I say bring it on, the more the better. I hope the full weight of this degenerate shitshow comes crashing down upon the heads of millions of more people just like the Doctor in this story.
Because things have gotten as bad as they are only due to Good Christian Doctors like this man being soft-spoken, weak, impotent cucks. Where was he when all this legislation was being passed? Where was he when the first whisperings of this perversity began at his hospital? Why didn’t he rally help from like-minded colleagues and go on the offensive while there was still time to change course?
You can bet any amount of money that even though the guy in this story decided to put his foot down on calling trannies “Mrs.”, he has cucked thousands of times before this. And that’s exactly why he is being punished now. It’s why more of this is coming, and it will get much more harsh. That is what is needed to wake up these morons who think they can just sit back and coast through life while the enemy wakes up and makes (((great strides))) in destroying our societies each and every single day. They never rest, they never take a day off, and they never lose sight of the mission. Unless we match their determination and toughness and lack of compromise, we are history.
This doctor probably welcomes the Africoon and SandRat invasion of Britain. He loves feminism, multiculturalism and “anti-racism”. He probably worships the ground that The Tr!be walks on, like most other ZioCucks. And yet the poor sod can’t for the life of him work out why he’s being treated so shabbily.
F*ck him and everyone like him. The time to wake up and do something was two decades ago. If this guy doesn’t go take his revenge, he’s just another impotent cuck.
The news is nothing more than entertainment.
You are way the hell too hard on this guy. He just sacrificed his livelihood and self-immolated taking a stand on moral principle.
Get a grip on yourself. In your state of emotionally overwrought hysteria you are spewing random misallocation of blame all over the place, and that is inimical to the interests of defeating this shit.
@Immanuel Goldstein The Enemy has managed to make themselves formless. If we knew where to hit, would have done that a long time ago.
Subversive and nihilistic philosophical, political, ideological outlooks that cast their spell on those situated in life who bear no consequences from their irresponsible beliefs are necessarily amorphous.
Knowing where to hit would be important as “tilting at windmills” with misdirected action would be self-defeating on several levels.
Have you ever done anything as courageous as this Dr just did then please let us know by telling your awesome story here.
United Sjwdom of Shariahstan.
In fact, it isn`t sharia-people who drive this agenda. Sharia is against such pervertism.
It is the (((usual suspects))) who does.
Toothpicker, clearly you have not read the Koran, or have any casual acquaintance with Sunna, Hadith, et al. You are romanticizing and idealizing something you are entirely ignorant of.
Sharia would kind of be a condign fate for those who perversely misuse their freedom and would be vastly far worse. Countries that live under Sharia are wastelands.
It is perversely self-defeating and self-destructive to be identifying with the religion of Anti-Christ. If you want to be part of the army of Anti-Christ that marches on Jerusalem in the Apocalypse (Revelation 19, Zechariah 14, Ezekiel 38, 39, etc) that would be an unenviable position to put oneself in.
Furthermore, Toothpicker, the last thing (((I))) want to see is Muslims overrun Germany or any other Western country. That is a total abomination. By identifying with the Muslims, you are siding with the progressives who are perversely intent on demographically overwhelming Western countries with the aforesaid for their own sick purposes.
No. Burn that weak bitch to the ground. Lol. On a serious note, if WW2 didn’t fix the UK, nothing will.
Oh it fixed them good alright. Fools fought the wrong enemy and now they are getting their just desserts.
Actually, it seems they fought the right enemy considering that germans now are the spearhead of the sjw reich!
No. The Germans of today are Zionist controlled New World Order slaves. They have been occupied since being beaten by th NWO and International Communists.
The Germans have been tortured mentally and physically tortured since 1945, and they haven`t had any might or influence since then. They are ruled by (((them))) and is determined for genocide and extinction.
What you see of the SJW etc etc from Germany is a straigth outcome of the (((winners))) of WWII, just like UK and all other states that has been picked up for destroying.
“On a serious note, if WW2 didn’t fix the UK, nothing will.”
bait on a hook
Zero empathy for Britfags. They fought for the Jews during the last world war and paved the way for this degeneracy. May that stupid island sink in multicultural, transgendered, feminist chaos.
I bet no one voted for it.
Did you vote to invade Iraq?
Did you vote to bomb Yemen and Syria for Israel?
What I’m trying to figure the fuck out is: Why do (or would) transgenders and their enablers care about re-labeling when they simultaneously hold that sex/gender are social constructs? If a man identifies as a woman and changes appearances, he is STILL bound to a “social construct”, if the left were consistent (they never are).
When does anything leftists do make any logical sense whatsoever?
There’s no logic to it and it’s a mindset akin to a religion. Legally, it should be fought as an encroachment upon religious freedom (and freedom from religion) by compelling a belief under penalty of law or job termination
Anthropologically, all cultures of the world recognize male and female as different sexes and have social roles for each. It’s not as though the ancient world was populated by a bunch of genderqueer people and the Patriarchy swept in and forced people into heteronormative gender behavior.
About one tenth of one percent of the human population are born with irregular genitalia. Yet, to these SJW assholes, that supposedly proves that sex and gender are non-binary social constructs.
My best guess on tbis trans thing is that it’s instant access for anyone to play the oppression identity politics card and disavow association with groups they were born into if that group is deemed “privileged.”
In the leftist oppression bingo game a “trans” member of any group wins more victim points than any non-trans member of that same group. The easy out for SJW’s is to declare themselved non-binary because then people can still dress normally but play the victim card as convenient.
Trans activist are more nasty, vitriolic and violent than any other. In a bit of irony the trans movement has allowed men calling thenselves transgendered to justify advocating and even commiting violence against feminist women (called TERFs) who don’t consider men in dresses to be women:
Any law or policy that compels people to adhere to the trans agenda needs to be repealed ASAP if a free society is to survive.
I’ve seen a lot of Terfs going around forums begging people who don’t like the transrevolution to side with them, despite the fact that they still are pretty much angry dykes to a man. Basically we’re supposed to feel outraged that these ‘traditionalist’ radical lesbian separatists who think all men with penises are rapists are basically on the right side – just because they for some almost unfathomable reason actually do identify with the biological sex they were born with. Terfs are just getting a taste of their own medicine
It’s fun watching the SJW radical left turn on each other and implode.
This is why I think SJW’s are a paper tiger: they hate each other more than they actually hate the right.
You would think these Terfs would be happy men are cutting off their genitals. No more horrible aggressive male behavior or rape. Well I guess there is no pleasing them.
exactly Reggie. It may not be a sexy mud fight, but that doesn’t mean it won’t be a barrel of laughs.
I imagine the way they see it is that now there are even more ‘women’ who are way more feminine than them.
I really do hope Islamic mullahs take over England, just to see these scum under the sword of Shariah. That would give me immense pleasure.
A suitable quote from a toxic, racist and male fantasy video game: “A gift, from the sultan!”
Your comment smells all the way to farty Mekka:
You want the Islam invasion because you love the thought of submission to the big ‘A’ and his deceitful prophet.
Do not use the SJW as your fig leaf. It’s pitiful.
Haha it’s funny how one troll post is enough to spark conspiracies around here… It’s so easy to trigger u people.
It will also mean a third world war will happen in Europe, with the US once against having to save everyone. Meanwhile Netanyahu rubs his hands together.
US did not (ever) saved Europe. On the contrary.
The United States collaborated with the Soviet Union to crush the only (Bolshevik)))-enemy state formation; Germany.
The Germans were the only ones who knew and understood what this was about. Now the entire white world is being genocided and eradicated as a direct result of “(((USA))) saving Europe”.
historically correct, sir
That tranny pic at the beginning… gave me bad flashbacks to Shitting Dick Nipples.
Speaking of the UK, check out this bitch. Her physiognomy looked suspicious, so I looked her up on Wiki. “From a jewish family.”
Every. Damn. Time.
I feel so sorry for “Millenials.”
As a 52-year-old, I cannot imagine what it must be like to be a young person, especially a kid, in today’s insane climate. “Clown world,” indeed.
Well, it’s not so tough actually. They just browse fb, tumblr and instagram and eat avocado while drinking soy… it’s not like being a 6yrs old working in the mines ot 19th century Britain.
As a 60-year-old, I can tell you when I was 18-year-old plus young man none of us was getting much sex with English women. As a 23-year-old married man, I can tell you none of us was getting much sex with our English wife. As a 52-year-old man in SEA …… Yippeeeeeeee.
I don’t think England has changed all that much, from one bang a month to ZERO bangs a month, doesn’t make much difference in a guy’s life. I think I managed to fuck more often in my first year in SEA, than I managed in my entire previous 30 years in the UK.
British women just don’t do sex (this may apply to all white women).
Which is probably why English men spread out and conquered the world.
The transgender nonsense may just be a way for English men to have sex, if 50% of us dress as women (op or no), then at least we will have someone to finally fuck without travelling overseas. And no divorce rape (yet)!
Really, the 70’s in Britain. With all that post-hippy hedonism and the Disco era?
Oh well, UK always had a thriving gay scene. I’m sad to say that American homosexual tourists became victims of Nilsen and Colin Ireland because of the allure of gay sex in Britain.
Seriously though, who wants to hang around expensive clubs hoping some slag will screw you?
Southeast Asia is the best.
Like every other aspect of globalization, this lifts the pull Western women have on the sexual marketplace.
This, more than any moral objection, is probably why Western women criticize males who move to Asia.
At any rate, sadly it is true.
White men in UK will have to have sex with 6 foot transsexual’s anuses while English women continue to extract their money from the public treasure through dole money to support the children of blacks who shafted them.
Eventually, the country will be a population of orphans running through the roads and Bangladeshis like Dhaka or Calcutta.
Why are English women veritable cock-sockets for blacks then? Nigerians, Jamaicans, the odd stray US soldier near a base?
English women seemed to love the black “tower of power”.
You’ve relayed the sad story of your own marriage’s twilight when a black man came off the street and rooted your ex.
In the US, white women are still a little guarded about Sharking the Mud. Its considered a low-class thing like Slag Tag tattoos.
But in the UK it goes up to highest levels.
70’s Britain, I scored 3 white virgins in that decade. But again they really limited my access to sex. Yeah, you could bang them a few times, but back then I wanted to bang them 3 times a day, I was lucky to score 2x a week. My first year In Thailand (age 52), and I lived with a lady that insisted on being banged 4x-5x a day (which was way too much). Then again on holiday in the Philippines (aged 58), had a girl move in on me for a couple of weeks who insisted on doing it 4x a day (again way too much). Never encountered any woman in the UK who would do it more than 2x a week.
And now they are spreading their vermin to non English women in Anglo counties.
I just went to a supermarket and saw an Indian cunt who grew up here.. her attitude stunk.
Stupid cunt was making $10 an hour and was a 6/10 at best, with a fat ass, acting like an arrogant cunt while scanning groceries.
Anglo culture ruins women.
I am in my 50s, so we are peers.
Shamefully, “Porky’s” is one of the most financially successful Canadian movies as a 1981 sex romp when I was 15 years old. It was a movie and it did not accord with my own experience.
I got into various LTRs that took me into my 30s, and then all bets were off.
Got married to a lovely Filipina 17 years my junior. 4’11” and 92 pounds which yeilds all sorts of possibilites. But really, she is a sweetie and I don’t think I could have found her match in the western world.
“The transgender nonsense may just be a way for English men to have sex, if 50% of us dress as women (op or no), then at least we will have someone to finally fuck without travelling overseas.”
You can say that again, here in Londonistan a lot of young men end up going with trannies because of how horrible the women here have become, both personality and appearance wise.
No id say England can’t be saved at this point. It’s too locked in the grip of the PC culture, and they no longer have the free speech to combat the issue. I gave up on England a few years back. I now focus on countries we can save, like Italy, Poland etc.
All their best people moved to Canada, Australia and the USA back in the 19th century. The best of what was left over was killed off in WW1 and WW2. The current population of the UK is made up of inbred cowards and underachievers, nothing more.
It would seem that Britain exported its labor class-gladly at that time, for they were eager to thin out their perceived underclass and see them move to Texas or Perth.
These folks were not going to excel at Eton but flash-forward 100 years and Pakistani child-groomers feel more confident in the UK than they do in Dallas.
The unreconstructed low-class Englishman had a way with violence and guns; this was no asset in East London but was valuable in Australia or Texas.
Eventually someone has to have the courage to point out that “the emperor has no clothes”. Or in this case “the empress had a dick”.
“As a Christian, I believe gender is determined biologically and genetically,”
Is there any other religion on this Planet that doesn’t believe so !??
Its as if me saying:
“As a Hindu, I believe females should not behave as MEN” !!
I don’t think any other MAN on this planet, irrespective of His “religion”, believes anything different !!
Nothing wrong in what He said, but still I don’t know why that Doctor has to “assert” his faith !! Where in fact the UK, just like any other country in the west, is by far a christian majority nation !!
Him saying “as a christian” would have carried more weight if He is not in the west !!
Brahmin are gay as hell; child molesters in the bargain.
That is why their marriages are a sham and the Brahmin wife is a slut who is rooted by white men because she is light-skinned enough to pass for Italian.
@Jeff Stryker!
Before you inherit the world, you might want to learn how to poop without shitting all over the toilet seat. Baby steps.
I don’t shit in a toilet…I shit on YOU.
It’s not religion: it is science.
Boys are boys and girls are girls.
There are only two explanations:
There is a religious explanation that says your “spirit” is in a different body, and then there is the psychological explanation that concludes you are nuts if you have a dick but think you are a woman, or the analagous opposite.
Culturally speaking, there have been times and places where a society recognized people that did not easily fit into the established sex categories. For example the Plains Indians had two -spirits, which were believed to have the souls of both a man and a woman. It might have been an effeminate man who was good with herbal medicine that they couldn’t clearly stick into one category or another, so they invented a third.
However, this is NOT the same as the choose your own gender garbage of today. I find it ironic that in many cases the illusion can only be sustained by taking artificially produced hormones to make a female more like a male, when these people believe that you can be “born into the wrong body.” So the solution is to force nature/God to accept what you want/feel?
A lot of the oppression based on referring to people as the “wrong” gender can be alleviated by simply never using a gendered pronoun if it is at all in doubt what they are. I’ve simply used “you” in the past and avoid all reference to gender in a professional setting (ie when you don’t feel like getting fired for “harassment.” Thus they have nothing to complete about and only have a vague sense of dissatisfaction that you didn’t sustain their illusion/attention seeking behavior.
Culturally speaking, there have been times and places where a society recognized people that did not easily fit into the established sex categories. For example the Plains Indians had two -spirits, which were believed to have the souls of both a man and a woman. It might have been an effeminate man who was good with herbal medicine that they couldn’t clearly stick into one category or another, so they invented a third.
However, this is NOT the same as the choose your own gender garbage of today. I find it ironic that in many cases the illusion can only be sustained by taking artificially produced hormones to make a female more like a male, when these people believe that you can be “born into the wrong body.” So the solution is to force nature/God to accept what you feel?
A lot of the histrionics based on referring to people as the “wrong” gender can be alleviated by simply never using a gendered pronoun if it is at all in doubt what they are. I’ve simply used “you” in the past and avoid all reference to gender in a professional setting (ie when you don’t feel like getting fired for “harassment.” Thus they have nothing to complain about and only have a vague sense of dissatisfaction that you didn’t sustain their illusion/attention seeking behavior.
So dude can move to the USA and triple his salary? Sounds like a win to me. I bet he is wishing he had bailed on the UK right out of school.
Keep calm and enjoy Jew World Order.
“But we must be able to say what we think, and defend what we believe in a non-combative way. Otherwise we will turn into a dictatorial state in which we are all enslaved.” — Mackareth
Mic drop…take a bow…Bravo, BRAVO! Let his sacrifice not be in vain. They did the SJW gestapo rundown on this guy. Ruthless. Hard to believe a veteran doctor was just canned for not participating in the “gender semantics circus.” What a senseless clusterfuck of a society we live in now. Time to fire up the countermeasures…we cannot let this become the “new normal.”
What I’m any to say will likely go over the heads of the idiots here, but whatever. Existing morality systems are obsolete but we don’t know what to replace them with, yet. So we allow people to experiment. Most of the experiments are junk, people going to extremes, but that’s just part of the process. The 19th century Shakers experimented with giving up sexual intercourse altogether, though continued to recognize two genders/sexes of male and female. That failed experiment ended after one generation because no reproduction and not enough new recruits. These crazy sex ideas of today will also die out, and what will remain are the experiments in new morality that work. We are NOT going back to traditional nuclear families where the man works and the woman stays at home varying for the children. Probably we’ll see a lot more soft prostitution by single mothers as the welfare state is cut back. Britain, in particular, is going to be much poorer in the future as a result of Brexit, end of North Sea oil bonanza, rise of China, etc, so no choice but to cut welfare. Soft prostitution (world oldest profession) by single mothers is most definitely long term sustainable. This is how the Philippines works now, for example. Everyone a faggot, lesbian or transgender is not long term sustainable.
Cutting the welfare state in the age of automation is not going to be assuaged by soft prostitution-particularly by Muslim females who by then will constitute most of UK and Europe’s populations.
Outside this paradigm, society suffers socially and economically for obvious reasons.
Blacks and browns cannot cope with this because of their IQ and the randy nature of the women and general concubinage.
Alas, the public funds will run out eventually.
“After all, if they say the same thing as me, will the country start losing much-needed, remarkable surgeons.” Letting that country lose a lot of their surgeons would be a good thing.
See, we’re looking at this all wrong. Us white guys invented most of the useful technologies on earth. We also came up with good legal systems and educational institutions. We’re holding on to all of this too tightly. We’re afraid to lose our jobs. We’re afraid to fight back because we might go to jail.
How about stop producing and inventing. Stop being industrious. Stop generating tax revenue. Stop everything. They all depend on us. All the feminists, fagz, transqueerz, pedofagz, niggarz, the African invaders, and the (((banks))). Stop producing.
Let them do it. stop supporting them!!!
“The Yellow man and the Indian man will ibherit the world from the white man, who had engaged in too much buggery”- Aravind Adiga
Asians are ugly, smelly and deformed dude and before and before u accuse me of racism, hey I don’t say that u don’t shouldn’t exist, of couse u should exist, after all somebody has to make clothing in sweatshops right?
Stein the J*w is hated by all
Why is trollstein the cowardly fag always talking about ‘ugly’ and ‘looks’? Are you a bitch?
I teach English in China. On a field trip to a school I mad a new friend of a middle aged Chinese guy who studied English in university and now was head of the international program at his school.
It got really weird at one point when he asked me what the difference between “sex” and “gender” is. I had to hmmph this for a moment but said that sex is biological but gender is psychological: what one thinks they are.
This would probably not pass the SJW sniff test and cause great outrage but as far as I can tell, it is essentially true.
A human who thinks they are a showhorse or a rabbit obviously have problems. People who think they are Napolean or the reincarnation of Kubla Khan have issues.
Men who think they are women and women who think they are men and (my favourite) – men who think they are lesbians trapped in a man’s body – not “normal”
Should’ve told him there is no difference. The ‘sex’ vs ‘gender’ distinction is made up by losers who want to muddy the standards of masculinity and femininity because they know they don’t measure up.
We live in dark times.
A hammer and sickle is more befitting the rainbow flag
This is why we need strong unions.
Just kidding, unions are. A disease for goldbricks and malingerers
I don’t think he should’ve made it about religion, though. Distinguishing the two genders clearly is what every human should do.
Using God as reasoning takes the argument away from a normative standpoint, and makes it sound more like an opinion for Christians only.
While his Christian approach is not worthy, the fact is that humans are a dimorphic species and come in two forms: XX females and XY males. That is science, that is reality.
The word gender is a misnomer and intended to obscure the reality that there are only two sexes and that sex CANNOT be changed. No matter how much surgical mutilation or hormonal loading is done, sex is marked in every single cell of the body.
So-called transgenders are mentally ill. Anyone born with a penis who thinks he is a woman is delusional. Anyone who hates himself and his body so much that he would have it surgically mutilated is very mentally ill. These people need treatment with medicine and therapy, not with surgical mutilation of the body.
Hopefully this doctor can sue and win damages for his mistreatment.
It’s official folks: Britain. Is. FUCKED!
My brother uses the perfect pronoun for trannies who adamantly refuse to be referred to by they biological gender. He simply refers to such ones as “it.”
Hey brown man it’s time for you to go clean the barn. It’s full of horse shit. And please this time don’t eat any (horse shit).Be a good boy and have a banana instead.
The greatest fear of Whites is not their extermination,
but while being exterminated, one speaks up and says
“I’m not sure if I’m in agreement with white genocide”
and get labeled as a racist. That is worse than death!
Circus freaks belong in asylums not roaming the streets
“Doctor, I’ve been having unprotected sex with my boyfriend for two years, but still I haven’t gotten pregnant. What could be the problem?”
“Well, it’s because you’re male.”
“No I’m not! You monster! I’ll have you fired for this!!!”
This teacher should take this right to the Supreme court and sue the school of UK for millions, for this teacher is 100% correct and no liberal, Democrat, or sane person can say he isn’t right, and the same goes for all of nature there are only 2 genders Men and Females of all species on this planet and not any human can change that fact period!!!