Women Are Now Using Social Networking Platforms Like Instagram To Declare Themselves “Goddesses”

Women have been the gatekeepers of sex and relationships since the dawn of recorded history, and for that matter, probably all of history in general. Any caveman or Mammoth hunter who was considered “creepy” or “awkward” by the standards of 12,000 B.C. would have been sidelined from intimacy with the female gender just as much as they are today.

Instead, Chad “Bam Bam” Thundercock would have always been the caveman with the most notches during this bygone era. Both in the context of the number of cave ladies he slept with, and with the number of actual notches on his club. All of them brought about through incidents of violence with wild game, or with other cavemen who had crossed him or intruded upon his semi-subterranean harem.

Thankfully, Chad Thundercock isn’t quite as medieval in dishing out this kind of retribution anymore. In fact, he is probably “thanking” a lot of beta bux for letting him sleep with their wives or girlfriends as part of the emerging cuckoldry craze, and genuinely laughing at their sorry asses behind their backs.


It is this kind of mainstream media endorsed cuckoldry, the overly left-leaning female vote, ‘hire-females-first’ employment practices, and other offshoots of third wave feminism, which have given women tremendous economic and social power over all the frustrated beta males of the west.

They pretty much only continue to fall under the spells of the top 5-10% of men (the now clubless Chads) who are generally doe-eyed criminals, psychopathic financial sector Don Draper doppelgangers, or tattooed soccer stars. Only these kinds of wealthy and famous men will “truly” suffice, regardless of their moral standing.

And with the dawn of Instagram, in addition to the well established women’s empowerment rhetoric in the progressive media, women who are not held sway to the Chads have now become “goddesses” in the eyes of a huge chunk of that remaining 90% of men. The beta cavemen of 12,000 B.C. had things pretty good by comparison.

Super Duper Jumbo Ultra Mega Male Thirst

What is partly to blame for even semi-attractive women being dubbed online goddesses now?

Well first of all, human males are far more outwardly horny creatures than their female counterparts. Despite the preposterous claims of the cultural Marxist sect who espouse that both genders are “equal” in every conceivable fashion, this is an irrefutable fact.

It is this insatiable male sex drive that fuels the ‘male payer-female payee’ prostitution, strip club, bachelor party, escort, and pornography industries that have stratospheric demand compared to the heterosexual ‘female payer-male payee’ variety. In fact, alpha Chad prostitution or escorting services to attractive women is an absurd trope which almost exclusively exists in American (((television shows))) like “Hung” or “Satisfaction“. Rare exceptions have existed, but it’s not a reflection of real life in the slightest.

pimps and hos


In reality, most non-obese women between ages 15 and 50 can by and large have sex whenever they want without dropping a dime. But what women REALLY wanted all along, after all these thousands of years, was not exclusive raw sexual encounters with a Chad, but attention. And Instagram likes for women are like sex for men. It’s what they crave the most, and will go to great lengths to get it.

Combine female vanity with the modern epidemic of horny and yet low-energy “bugmen”, and calling bikini-clad women “Goddess!” or saying “You’re beautiful!” on Instagram is the biggest value exchange of the age.

italy goddess

There’s always at least one somewhere

pure goddess

Not just Goddess, but “Pure Goddess”

goddess worship

Better get down on those knees boys. 50,000 Goddesses await.

You Go Girl Goddess!

Male thirst in our ultra lazy phone-flipping environment isn’t the entire culprit. For years, women have been spoon fed so much women’s empowerment and “you go girl!” narratives that they truly are starting to act like they are some kind of divine being. On the other hand, men being told they are gods would (naturally) be considered “uber problematic toxic masculinity”, or something to that effect.

Take a look at this snippet from a Broadly article.


Newly minted spinster thinks she’s a Goddess now. So she can feel better.

That’s right. If he haven’t landed a husband yet, and are staring a childless second half of your life right down the tube, just inhale some new age mumbo jumbo and you are a “goddess” now!

Also, morbid obesity (and general butt ugliness) should be no barrier to inhaling a heavy dose of that goddess empowerment either. All women are goddesses if they want to be, and that’s final. End of story.

Some Goddesses of Gluttony


goddess miss universe

Bow before your Goddess my millions of Instagram beta orbiters! Hit that “like” button and message me endless “Goddess!” and “You’re Beautiful!” messages! I need that daily dopamine hit!

The rubicon has been crossed, and we are forever in this brave new world of 24/7 female attention whoring and beta male thirsting. A raging river of Instagram uploads cannot be stopped by a few rebellious hands sticking their hands in the water to try and stop the flow. There is absolutely no point even trying.

Instead, roll with the punches and separate yourselves from the “Goddess!” thirst tsunami as best you can. Lift those weights, avoid those carbs, learn that game, make that bank, and look but don’t touch comment. “God Speed” gentlemen.

Read Next: Stop Being So Thirsty On Instagram

137 thoughts on “Women Are Now Using Social Networking Platforms Like Instagram To Declare Themselves “Goddesses””

  1. I think women end up being depressed after a while when 100 likes doesnt cut it anymore.
    Imo SM makes women miserable and mentally damaged. Human brain hasnt evolved to the point where it can handle all the attention
    Women today receives more attention and validation in a day via SM and dating apps than woman 50 years ago in lifetime. Its beyond normal

    1. The strange thing is there are average looking women or even “fit forty somethings” who get more followers and goddess spewing betas than lots of genuinely hot women in their prime.
      Men have only so much time in a day to flip through Instagram and masty out their joy juice with one hand while typing “goddess!” With the other.

        1. @ Fred
          Oh, I’ve seen it.
          Groups of young guys bee-hiving wrinkled old bags in the bars.
          Thirst is a terrible thing.

    2. They label themselves goddess they way the British Israelism/Christian Identity followers label themselves the TRUE chosen people of Gawd. Who cares? It is all nothing more than ego stroking…

      1. Funny you only mention those white religious sects, and don’t say a word about the (((j)))s, black Israelites, or others claiming to be the true chosen people of God.
        What side are you on, (((dude)))?

        1. It’s all stroking, no matter the color or hue. What side am I on? Like Treebeard, I am not altogether on anyone’s side because no one is altogether on my side.

    3. I think women get depressed over their thousands of beta herb orbiters rather than being able to capture the attention of one super attractive desirable alpha guy. It’s like going fishing, everyone’s always looking to catch the big one. These 5/10s are no different.
      And about “more attention in 50 years” that’s not true. Good looking girls get treated like rockstars the minute they walk out the door. They’ve always bathed in male attention offline by being the most popular girl in high school or other social clubs. It’s the basic ass photoshopped 4s 5s 6s & 7s who fiend for Instagram likes the most because without them, no one would give them a second glance.

      1. @Troof
        I’ve always noticed that the truly beautiful women are usually cool, it’s the +/- 6’s who deep down know they fall short in looks and do eveything they can to improve themselves, by wearing clothes designed to enhance thier attributes and pound on the makeup that act like they’re hot shit and think they deserve the best of everything.

  2. Just saw D’Souza’s “DEATH OF A NATION” – I was blown away. It is a must see for all ROK readers. I went into it with some reluctance. Expecting a dry so-so conservative move. But it was very powerful and to be honest, emotional. Awesome info about the progressive origin of fascism and fascism today. Great movie. https://www.deathofanationmovie.com/

    1. Fascism saved Spain, Italy and Germany built their economies into powerhouses, eradicated crime and filth from their nations and saved half of Europe from Godless JU Marxism.
      “They” wouldn’t pay D’Souza lRge book writing bonuses for telling the truth.

      1. You are like a banjo with only one string. Same boring repetitious repetitious repetitious plucking of one tune. Drop some acid dude! You’ll be doing yourself and everyone else a HUGE favor…

      2. Fascism is socialism.
        “As for me, I am deeply a democrat; this is why I am in no way a socialist. Democracy and socialism cannot go together. You can’t have it both ways. Socialism is a new form of slavery”
        “I know of no country in which there is so little independence of mind and real freedom of discussion as in America.”
        “I cannot help fearing that men may reach a point where they look on every new theory as a danger, every innovation as a toilsome trouble, every social advance as a first step toward revolution, and that they may absolutely refuse to move at all.”
        “The Americans combine the notions of religion and liberty so intimately in their minds, that it is impossible to make them conceive of one without the other.”
        “The main business of religions is to purify, control, and restrain that excessive and exclusive taste for well-being which men acquire in times of equality.”
        “Consider any individual at any period of his life, and you will always find him preoccupied with fresh plans to increase his comfort.”

      3. Muricans can’t handle that their greatest generation are the d*mbest usefull idiots this planet has ever suffered under.

        1. That would be the baby boomers…at least the ones who went to the “summer of love” and Woodstock.

        2. Baby Boomers not only did not elect FDR 4 times, they did elect Trump. Why can’t you guys get that through your heads? If it were up to Millennials the bitch would be President and it would be all over. In fact a recent poll states that over 60% of Millennials would prefer to live under communism or socialism. When Boomers and what’s left of the Silent Generation pass the scene you’re going to have Presidents like Kamala Harris, Keith Ellison and Kirsten Gillibrand. Give it up already. Learn who your real enemies are.

    2. I lived/am living through the Death. Why do I need a book to tell me what I already see and experience/have experienced unless to use it as a salve on my ego? You all need an Indian to tell you about the death of Western Civilization? How sad for the once mighty Men of the West. Tolkien is freakin spinning…

      1. Wasn’t Tolkein anti-fascist?
        The conservationist and anti-globalization themes of his books are undeniable, but I never really understood his politics.

        1. He was anti-Nazi, anti-racist, and an ardent Catholic. However, he did support Franco on the fascist nationalist side during the Spanish Civil War.

    3. Just checked out the trailer.
      The title of the film is deceiving.
      “Death of a Nation” implies the death of a nation, i.e., the death of a people (e.g., the death of the Japanese nation, or the Filipino nation, or the white American nation).
      The title should have been “Death of the Republic”, “Death of American Democracy”, “Death of American Neo-liberalism”, or something more accurate.

  3. Always, always insult a bitch… They are clowns (number #1) and you will stand out (number #2) and it is way more fun than kissing their well used ass (last, not least).

  4. Thanks for using ROK as a sales platform. Perhaps we should all just start selling crap on ROK…

      1. tbh, there would be no loss if this site shut down. When was the last time you read an interesting article here?

      2. “When was the last time you read an interesting article here?”
        @Dem…, you read it just now/today!

  5. Also, if a woman regularly posts photos with her children and/or husband on social media, that’s a sign of weak marriage, because she corrupts the sacred privacy of his man’s household. Most of our ancestors understood that and didn’t let women to be public figures, lest they should distract men from their important affairs towards unwanted fornication, which would inevitably happen due to women’s persistent exposure to non-relative men.

    1. “corrupts the sacred privacy of his man’s household” ~ What millennium are we in currently? Now THAT’s “Out There!” Pass the bong over here because you are hittin some good stuff. So many want to do a 180 and go back but NOT without their precious STEM. Can’t have it both ways fellas. It’s either man is the head of everything or technology is, which makes us men pretty much obsolete. Rosie the Riveter can assemble military/law enforcement robots to put us all “in our place.”
      So; Who’s the bitch now?

    2. “Most of our ancestors understood that and didn’t let women to be public figures…”
      Indeed. Those days were the “golden” days!

  6. Enough! I’ve had it!! I can’t take this shit no more!!! I am gonna DO something!!!! I am going to buy and wear a t-shirt!!!!! THAT will show them!!!!!!! THAT will change things!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Just beat them at their own game to become more attractive: Use Instagram automation to grow your account like it is on steroids. There are several tools like Follow liker, mapiac or instantical (my recommendation!).

  8. But what women REALLY wanted all along, after all these thousands of years, was not exclusive raw sexual encounters with a Chad, but attention.

    Yep. That’s my man invented the burqa, to put a stop to that shit.

    1. Yes. The veil is mainly to control a woman’s instinctual desire to be seen/looked at by the opposite sex, and a man’s instinctual desire to see/look at the opposite sex. It goes both ways.
      It protects both sexes from harmful lusts.
      A woman gets nothing from men (other than her husband) looking at her lustfully, and a man gets nothing from gazing at women other than his wife/wives.

  9. That myth of Chad Thundercock getting all the girls in the age stone is just that, a myth. Just look at chimpanzees. The other day I saw a ted talk by the man who coined the term Alpha, and he says that it is misinterpreted, and I agree, those kind of “I am soo cool and Im an alpha” actitude would have gotten you killed in the stone age. In reality what you see in chimpanzees is this, a chimpanzee who wants to be the alpha (and he doesnt necessary has to be the biggest or strongest chimpanzee) gathers a group of chimpanzees to get rid of the now alpha chimpanzee and his peers. If he and his groups wins, he basically divides the females between his friends, and becomes the leader, and with this comes some responsabilities, he is in charge of keeping peace within the group and he has to become emphath and impart justice within the group, no favoritisms. If he doesnt divide the females we all can guess what will happen next, his male peers will rebel and take him out of his alpha position. Nowadays this is impossible because some guys get soo wealthy that they have power over large groups of people and mere mortals cannot do nothing about it, this and the fact that men are willing to suck women’s feet in instagram is one of the reasons why the sexual marketplace is so messy. So forget about going to the gym 6 times a week (you dont have to train that much to get your maximun potencial but thats another topic) the guys who get most girls are actually the guys who are more amicable, who are able make male friends, genuine male friends, or the guys who have power (money). Anyways, if all men realized this, and stopped glorifieng women in instagram, the sexual market would balance, but this is too much to ask in a culture that glorifies celebreties, looks and steroid junkies (Arnold Schwazeneger) instead of scientists and moral values.

    1. no, the guy who coin the alpha term is virtue signaling to keep his job. You forgot to say that he see alpha behavior in wolfs in captivity not in nature. Once you put a wolf in wolf prison there will be the alpha dog ruling the weak and having all the pussy. This is just the left backpedaling and disarming an argument against the notions of toxic masculinity. Humans are not animals in nature we live in highly stressful gray unnatural environments that resemble the stress from being in captivity in animals. You also thinking that the female strategy of alpha fux, beta bucks is something new, well is not, that´s why old civilizations put to many restriction on women, you basically say it, there is an alpha chimp that 99% of female chimps want to fornicate but a group of beta chimps kill him and force marriage the female with them. COME ON, that´s exactly how civilization was build, but still the female chimp wish to fornicate with the alpha fuxs and probably she did when no one is looking whenever she can, so voila the regulation of sexual market and the alpha fux and beta bux strategy is born, now with zero restriction on female human sexuality and the deregulation of sexual market women are free to fuck the chads again, what the beta can do now?
      Female chimps even develop prostitution once the concept of money was introduced, scientists train chimps to use coins to get food from vending machines, as soon as they understand the system, some male chimp began hoarding coins and all the female chimp began exchanging sex for coins. HAHAH AWALT

      1. That sounds hilarious. I know about this coin experiment from a TED talk, but never heard of this further study you mentioned at the end. Please provide the sources as I hope it’s true XD

      2. Good post Duncan. Lower ranking males in a pack can gang up against the Alpha but this usually only happens when the Alpha is getting old or has become weak due to disease or illness. The other males can detect this and decide it’s time to take the throne.

  10. Today, while I was out on my morning walk, I came across a couple having wedding photos taken. The guy must have been 6ft tall and all of 160lbs. The female was short and fat. Imagine a giraffe with a hippo.
    The guy probably thinks he’s lucky.
    Ha ha ha!

    1. I see this often myself.
      Never understand why a relatively fit/trim or thin guy would date a hippo.
      And it cuts across races as well.
      Seems to be a thing among the lower economic classes.
      Skinny lower middle class and poor guys with fatties.

      1. It isn’t that they want to. It beats being alone and jerking your dick. And these guys don’t want to pay for pussy.
        Many times where some people live slim women are rare so even good looking slim guys have to settle. Saw a lot of this in Kentucky

        1. “It beats being alone and jerking your dick.”
          Sorry, it doesn’t, I’d rather wank alone than bang a fat girl.
          (Not that I’ve ever had to make that choice, super slim young women only charge $30 for the night)

      2. I think it has to do with the strength of his game, and how big either her ass or tits are.
        If he’s fit, and she has huge tits, he’s a white guy with no game. If she has an ass, he’s a black guy with no game.
        Few men exist who actually are attracted to obese land whales. If any. Usually, there is something wrong with dude, or he’s desperate to get his stick wet, and he has no game.
        Likely, he also has zero balance in his bank account.

  11. avoid carbs? smh
    also the internet brings out the worst in my character. the internet is truly where i shit. i treat peopl online like id never do in real life.

    1. Carbs/Grains are a civilized staple. Civilization can not exist without crabs/grains. The bigu diet was developed by Taoists as a revolt against civilization and its deteriorating effects on human beings. It seems so many here hold contradictory views on life. You want and worship STEM but preach avoiding big cities i.e. civilization. Avoid carbs and go on the paleo diet which is a pre-civilization diet. Go out and screw as many women as possible and spread your seed but don’t fuck around with sluts and whores. Where, how and with whom do you plan on slinging your DNA at if not women with loose morals? So many here claim the jews destroyed the West but they just had laws passed, it was the authoritarian/fascists in the police and military who enforce the very laws that have destroyed America and the West. They can pass all the laws, rules and regulations they want and it won’t mean ANYTHING without some guy with a gun standing there saying “Behave yourself or I will arrest you or blow your freakin head off!” “And by the way, I don’t make the laws, I just enforce them. I’m a hero!” You really think that the boomers and gen-xer’s didn’t want to stop thing on a social level and enforce the traditions with which we were raised? Every time we tried to stop the federal juggernaut here came the mostly white police/military to put us down, into our place as civilians/serfs.
      Rome grew to great power as polytheists, with special reverence for Jupiter and Mars. They took over Europe and North Africa. Then they adopted Christianity and it all fell apart. Christianity is the grandmother of Bolshevism, even Hitler did what he could to undermine it and slowly phase it out. Yet so many “fascists” here demand to have Christ back! Even though they hate to the core His loving words compassion and forgiveness. They really want Yahweh with his eye for an eye and tooth for tooth vengence…

      1. i doubt they want the God of Israel Jesus a.k.a. Hashem. most people are baal worshippers.

  12. 95% of “thirsty” comments on IG are made by low-IQ, genetic scum Third World males.
    The same genetic scum that’s being systematically imported by the millions to the West and — among other serious repercussions — causing a catastrophic shift in the male-to-female ratio.
    So who’s ENTIRELY to blame, not just “partly” as the author puts it? White men from start to finish. For everything.
    You can blame (((them))) all you want. But the fact is that without white men, (((they))) would still be an obscure, sociopathic tribe mutilating and fellating their sons and fucking their daughters somewhere in the Levant.
    I believe in collective punishment. And white men are getting their just desserts for plunging the entire world into the triumvirate of supreme degeneracy that is Abrahamism.

    1. Notice how many of them have really Arabic or South Asian sounding names. They are from the most sexually frustrated parts of the entire globe where unmarried teenage and 20-something males are nearly sexless.

    2. White men have been too ‘good’ for our own good.
      Women’s rights – thank white men.
      Black Africans not extinct already – thank white men.
      Jews and Israel haven’t been obliterated yet – thank white men.

    3. That’s a powerful comment Lysander. “The triumvirate of supreme degeneracy that is Abrahamism.” One whopper of a red pill and I’ve thought the same thing myself. Never heard of read of anyone else who put it that way.

  13. This article seems a bit pointless and demonstrates a huge misunderstanding of women and how we use social media these days. The examples you used are women (or gay men) compliment OTHER womens beauty by calling them goddesses .The picture of the fat girls was the only picture of someone calling themself a goddess (however, she was referring to the group as a whole so she was, in a way, complementing the other women as well.) This is a very common thing to see women say to other women and it has nothing to do with men and everything to do with female “solidarity” and “positivity”. Whether or not you think women should compliment each other on their beauty is another thing entirely, but I can assure you it has nothing to do with you or any straight man.
    Straight men don’t usually call a woman a “goddess”. It’s new lingo used among women and gay men.

  14. What I’d like to know is,
    Who is fuckin these girls?
    I bang good lookin chicks, never even wonder about Instagram posts, but very rarely do I get above 7.5.
    Are these chicks rug lickers, celibate, whores?

    1. Go to any local Asian Buffet, Golden Corral, or fast food restaurant.
      You’ll see there are plenty of guys willing to pair up with these fatsy-watsies.

        1. I think those poor guys immerse themselves in things like NFL, NASCAR, monster truck shows and sports fantasy leagues to forget their sorrows. And then when those things don’t do it anymore, oxy and vicodin.

        2. I don’t even want to think of their “inner beauty” if this is what is in there…”tons” of inner beauty…”Go to any local Asian Buffet, Golden Corral, or fast food restaurant.”
          No thanks, already disturbing visuals.

  15. I sort of disagree with the premise but the point is noted. In truth most women who throw around the word ‘goddess’ or are called a ‘goddess’ are undeserving – not that real any girl is a real ‘goddess’ in general or whatever, but the real problem is semantics and lack of control. Women don’t see a difference between online ‘flirting’ and ‘likes’ – to them online compliments are no different really than ‘IRL’ compliments. The real problem here is why or how men ever thought giving a woman a compliment (online or otherwise) was ever a good idea when 99% are undeserved. Her being blessed with good looks should only ever – I repeat EVER – being granted if she purposefully went out of her way to doll herself up because YOU specifically asked her too. Any other time your complimenting her looks just shows her how beta you are. The word ‘goddess’ is a major misnomer but is mostly a semantics problem. The thirsty beta thinks using the BIGGEST adjective possible will get the girl. Really what it is is inner anxiety on the beta’s part. All he can do is compliment, and because he’s given the chance to literally (via online or txt) with her in some capacity he puts all of his cards on table – no she’s not just ‘hot’ or ‘sexy’ she’s a ‘goddess’. It’s a desperation ploy. Not to mention but the word also inadvertently is male ego-centric. Attempting to deify her is a male fantasy because men want to be like God. Women could care less about deification on a personal level. Its a subconscious male fantasy to be ‘god’ or to be ‘like-god’ and the deification is the man attempting to reconcile his inner most desire (to be ‘god-like) with his sexual desire. The ‘greatest’ thing he can conceive of is being a ‘god’ so he assumes the same would be true for a woman. Women don’t give a shit about being ‘god’ – they are clueless to the divine unless the divine reveals itself to them. In general they are materialistic beings who take any indirect opportunities presented to them because historically and biologically she’s dead if she attempts in direct confrontation. All women ‘know’ being called a ‘goddess’ is a ‘lie’ – its no different than any other compliment in her book – unless earned she has 0 respect for anyone saying it to her. BUT – she’ll gladly – GLADLY take the compliment because it kills two birds with one stone; she doesn’t have to engage in direct confrontation and she gets validation (whether earned or otherwise). The word itself is a ‘reward’ and at the same time it isn’t. She knows the word is useless unless ‘proven’ – that’s why you have so many of ‘aspiring’ and ‘powerful’ ‘go-girls’ now-a-days. They are getting a shit ton of compliments and feel they have to validate the unjust compliments. It’s insecurity on the womans part. Think about it like this: if you were constantly being told you wer smart as fuck at math (as a man) but you knew deep down you were dumb as fuck at math you would need to try to ‘prove’ that shit at some point. If you never heard the compliment you might be surprised and take it at face value and maybe even believe the lie, some girl say’s “Oh, your soooo smart and good at math!” – and since your a beta boy who never heard a compliment in his life from a girl before you believe it at first,”Fuck yeah, I’m the fuckin boss AND smart as fuck.” – if youre an idiot you believe the lie. There’s plenty of girls believing the lies men tel them “YOUR SOOO PRETTY” because unfortunately they’ve never been loved or liked and so the first time some chump says she’s pretty she believes it. BUT – the actual hotass babes (like Devin Brugman) – while not an actual goddess obviously, she is definitely hot as fuck and it would be difficult to find a guy that WOULD NOT fuck her, only a fag would not have sex with her if given the chance. So, the question really is, what does SHE THINK about being called a ‘godess’ – quite simply I don’t think she actually believes it – but she does require an insane amount of validation to keep the wheels in her head turning. I can’t imagine how mentally fucked a girl like this would be if she got in a horrible accident and lost a limb or something made her deformed in some way; she would be in far far more despair than the average guy. Fuck, if some good-looking dud elost a limb at least he can look and still act like a badass and in some cases even be more badass, but a girl without a limb, whose also legitimately hot as fuck and gets insane ‘worship’, her mental framework would implode. There are definitely some fuckin hot ass women out there instead of pointing out the obvious that we shouldn’t be dishing them compliments, what should be the alternative then? Simply put the internet has made women even more of a commodity than they’ve ever been. If men wanted to ‘fix’ this shit all of the pictures these ‘models’ put up would be shamed, shamed, shamed, and shamed again. I don’t endorse throwing a burka on her, but you reinforce the delusion when you compliment her in such a insanely public forum. Women have always been idolized and for their looks and probably always will be but the only way you control the madness is by telling her to put some clothes on. Instead of ‘goddess’ it should be ‘lilth’ – instead of ‘I love that swimsuit’ it should be ‘put some fucking clothes on’ – etc etc, you get the point. But too many beta’s and so we’re probably eternally screwed, but you have to start some where. Best to start in public, if she’s dressed like a skank AND you HAVE TO interact with her you should be telling her to put some clothes on, and not only that, but how to act also, although generally speaking most men barely know how to act so who knows what good that’ll do. Best to control your own sphere of influence by all means or your done for.

      1. Speaking of Devin Brugman – Roosh might actually get a kick out of this one. I was just on her Twitter and she has a tweet, “My phones been broken for over 24 hours. Obviously I’m not happy about it but it’s nice to be forced to live in the moment. So easily we forget our lives are happening right in front of us. Not everything needs to be documented and shared. Remember to look up sometimes.” – Girls catch on quick Roosh, they must’ve been listening to your recent live streams. Haha. Roosh said something about how if women lost their Instagram for day they would kill themselves. While obviously tongue and cheek it is amusing the lengths girls will go to claim they are ‘normal’ and try to make men believe they don’t need the validation. On some level I want to believe her, what she’s saying is actually instrincially correct and true. The problem is she’s marketing bikinis and is constantly hounded by men online. The reality of the tweet is a rationalization on her part I would think (maybe its not, but I would assume it most certaintly is) – Models like this are unfortunately some of the most lonely people in the world. They get an incredible amount of attention but no real human affection. A simple girl with no Instagram or Twitter or online presence and has a a boyfriend that actually loves her is much more satisfied than a model jetsetting around the world displaying her body for all to see. Don’t get me wrong, she’s gorgeous, men know she’s gorgeous, we get it, any guy would do her, but the problem is how we’ve made it so acceptable for girls (tough to call her a woman cuse she has no kids – not fully an adult in my book) we’ve made it acceptable for girls to parade their flesh for the world to see, it really is disturbing At least in ancient cultures it was maybe a select few men that would get to see a woman dressed this insanely provocative, now the whole world gazes upon her. Its insanely shameful in a lot of ways. Her beauty is incredible, shes fuckin hot, but that makes it all the more unappealing. I don’t really believe the ‘best’ man (aka conqueor or king or whatever) should have the pick of the litter for the hottest girl, I think each individual person has a ying yang partner which ‘completes’ them in some way shape or form and so I don’t necessarily agree with a lot of ancient customs for how women were objectified, but nowadays literally anyone can gawk at this girls body. In the past such a thing would be insanely shameful to not just her but her family too. She said earlier “Sorry I’ve been a little MIA on twitter. Been trying to take a step back from so much social media all the time all day everyday. It feels good but I miss you guys.” – Again, I want to believe her, but it feels like she’s being a tradthot =; i.e. like she’s baiting in some way so not appear overly needy for attention. Why say your away from social media unless your ALWAYS on social media? Realistically this girl is the looks of what every dude wants, and shes attempting to hook tradthot them too at the same time. I would say objectively speaking she seems like a ‘nice’ girl – tough to really tell, the intent appears ‘genuine’ but at the end of the day for her to be serious about what she would saying she would have close up shop and find a man to settle down with. And that shouldn’t even be an issue for her, she can get virtually any dude on earth granted that her ‘personality’ is at very least somewhat acceptable it should be no problem for her to snag a husband and get a family, but to take tweets like hers serious she would need to close up shop – which includes the bikini line(s) she has. She doesn’t need to exploit herself to get the validation she craves, which is the unfortunate truth in all of this. She really really wants validation, but is going about it backwards. Will she die without social media…I guess we’ll see….

      2. @Guest, tell to that bitch that the Phone she is talking about, the Technology, the Internet and the Twitter; were are all because of MEN.
        Ask her to don’t moan & to just shut the fuck up! If she is bored enough, instead of “trying to be too smart”, she can masturbate herself or use a dildo or go and get some “sanitary napkins” !!
        Bitches always try to be “too smart” !!

      3. @Guest,
        “like she’s baiting in some way so not appear overly needy for attention. Why say your away from social media unless your ALWAYS on social media?”
        Totally agree on this point. It’s the same thing as people who make a huge deal out of their charity work. Even though they give resources to others, the fact that they’re ADVERTISING their actions is an act of seeking validation from others and an attempt to reinforce their “superior” status. The act of donating is separate from TALKING ABOUT IT. One can easily write a check and ask to remain anonymous.

        1. I would fuck that girls brains out man. Like the point is that if EVERYONE is telling you you’re so fucking hot are you still going to believe it to be true? Are some compliments (in this case beauty) warrented or never deserved? The compliment can be warrented, but it should only be from her owner (aka husband) – not the entire world. Part of the point is if everyone is telling you something what do you do or how do you react to it. If EVERY girl told you you were the smartest guy she ever met even most men would start to believe its true. Girls delusional lives are fueled by mens sexual desires. It’s not so much even about mens ‘thirst’ as it is about men not knowing what they should even be complimenting her on. All these sluts try to ‘prove’ themselves because they are either WAY over complimented, or never been complimented in the first place. Men need to realize to call something what it is. If she acts like a bitch – shes a bitch, if she acts like a slut – shes a slut, if shes actually smart – than shes smart on whatever it may be. Point is to call girls what they actually are. BUT the key is simply to only do it for YOUR girl. You don’t go aorund complimenting other dudes all the time do you? So why would you with girls – cuse you want her to like you and fuck you right? But the same is even true for a guy, complimenting him isn’t gunna make him like you, he’s just gunna either think,”What does he want from me?” – or – “What is he getting at by saying that?” Unless the complimment is deserving theres no point to give it. ‘Goddess’ isn’t just a ‘compliment’ – its an ivory tower pedestal men fantasize about which women have no clue. Girls see the word ‘goddess’ looking at it like ‘gorgeous’ or ‘beautiful’ – to them it doesn’t hold the same weight as it does for men.
          -Indention- there ya’ll fuckin happy?-
          Point is compliments are situtationally specific and not something you throw onto a girl or bombard her with. It would as if every girl constantly were calling men smart all of the time. What guy would believe that fucking bitch? “Oh she’s calling me ‘smart’ just like EVERY OTHER GIRL IS.” Sure the dude will take the compliment if it’s thrown his way, but he’ll have heard it so many fucking times he will care less. The only time he would really give a fuck about being called smart is if his girl (girlfriend – wife) said it to him under a certain situation. AND the SAME is true for girls. OF COURSE they want the validation, BUT saying it is pointless and undeserved. Even if she is fucking hot as fuck it means nothing unless situationally appropriate AND she is either your girl or your fucking her, any other time just feeds the delusion. Every girl thiking they’re hot is like every man thinking he’s smart. He’s not, just like most all of you fuckers on here. Haha, but nah, the point is I want to fuck this Devin chick but how do I get in her pants without calling her hot? You gotta find something else worth talking about, and tell her to throw some clothes on too, although that’ll most likely blow up in your face unless she’s one of these whores that likes to be told what to do, which what girl doesn’t like being told what to do? Ha. Her most recent tweet, “Dicks is Seattle’s In N Out. YUM.” – HAHA* Gotta love it man, gotta love it. Like I said, I’d fuck her brains out. Can you imagine the amount of trash hot girls have to weed through? So many fuckin thirsty weird ass motherfuckers out there man. ANY guy remotely fuckin normal is already almsot ‘in’ for fucks sake. And if you actually work on yourself a bit you get major points. Although these kinds of supermodel types heads are so gased up it would take EVERY man telling her to throw some clothes on for her to be brought back to earth.

    1. “In truth most women who throw around the word ‘goddess’ or are called a ‘goddess’ are undeserving”
      FULL STOP. Enough said. All you wrote after that was nonsensical drivel anyway.

      1. If you don’t want to read it, than don’t fuckin read it. Don’t bitch about some long ass shit though if the length is what bothers you. “Fuck I read war and peace and it was SOOO FUCKING LONG…but I was tooooo fucking stupid to STOP reading and PUT IT DOWN” – Who keeps reading unless they are at very least mildly amused in some or another? Why the fuck would you read it unless you weren’t entertained? Oh, wait I forgot, I’m talking to BOT BOY DEPLORABLE – HA, you’re a fuckin bot of Roosh’s who HAS TO read EEVERYTHING and comment on it right? But even then, you could’ve passed over the long ass read and NOT commented on it if you didn’t want to. SOOO you decided to read it and then bitch about the length, “I just read War and Peace, man, it was SOOO fucking long, I HATED EVERY PAGE, BUT I KEPT READING ANYWAYS!” – Man shut the fuck up dumb bitch.

        1. In the best way possible. How much is Roosh paying you in Shitbitcoin to troll his articles ALL DAY EVERY DAY?

    2. Ya know, there exists some reason, why people use paragraphs, and you can use them in your writing, too, if you want many other people to read your comments.

  16. Stop using the term Chad to refer to alpha males, it’s so fucking cringeworthy and it is now obvious that rok and the manosphere have reverted to incel culture, bluepilled game denialism and lms-bullshit

    1. On another thread somewhere a poster said that Roosh was a Chad!
      If Roosh is a Chad then I must be the God of masculinity.

    2. At least “Chad” is tongue-in-cheek and isn’t as cringeworthy and pseudo-scientific as “alpha male”.
      “Chad” is just your typical, robust, low-inhibition jock who tends to have it easy with attractive girls in his teens and 20s. No pseudo-bullshit blathering or deep analysis required.
      But just WTF is an “alpha male” in the context of humans and which band of RSD & (((PUA))) genetic dregs is sitting on the “alpha or not” commission?
      “Chad” is just your typical, robust, low-inhibition jock who tends to have it easy with attractive girls in his teens and 20s. No pseudo-bullshit blathering or deep analysis required.

  17. “women have been the gatekeepers of sex and relationships since the dawn of recorded history”
    This needs to change. Until it does, society will continue circling the drain.

    1. Are the tears of a woman being taken against her will supposed to turn you on?

      1. That sounds awesome.
        My ancestors did that, and they ruled the world.
        Meanwhile, fuckin superman is afraid of getting me too’d, and I’m afraid of crowds of blacks since 8f I defend myself from the inevitable coonery, it’s prison or worse.
        Fuck you and the word rape, conquerors laugh at both.

  18. I’ll be never venturing into that hellhole of beta male thirst, and this article does not give me any reason to do otherwise.

  19. For fat “goddesses”, if you look at the accounts leaving supportive comments it’s 95% other fat women and maybe 5% fat fetishists. Women stick together and support each other’s social image, much better than men do.

  20. I think, for the savvy person, there are ways around this. It’s just like the stock market. There are always ways to win.

    1. Agave, Those ways are usually cheating(insider trading), or been born in a wealthy family with a grubsteak to start them off investing, or setting up a small business.
      Yes indeed some individuals could work the system but its not an option for most guys, anymore than they could become pro athletes.
      Good luck to you if you are one of the few.

  21. You know what’s awesome? Cryo-volcanoes. Instead of lava they spew slushy ice laced with methane on worlds light years from Earth. Seriously google them. I’m so tired of this banal everyday shit on earth when something like them exists.

  22. “Women have been the gatekeepers of sex and relationships since the dawn of recorded history,”
    I don’t know what history book you read but Ghenghis Khan, the Vikings and Roman legions all beg to differ. Nobody cared if they were ‘creepy’, it was ‘submit or die’. Those that weren’t taken by force were sold by their fathers.

    1. Cucks buy feces from Angloskanks and eat it for the cost of $100 per turd. This is what is happening in America and Canada. Cucks willing to eat sh!t from a skank.

      1. For GOD sake! Do not be too harsh on “Cucks” !! Call them manginas, call them as pussy maniacs; but that’s it! After all, they are MEN.

      2. @Ravi “For GOD sake! Do not be too harsh on “Cucks” !! Call them manginas, call them as pussy maniacs; but that’s it! After all, they are MEN.”
        But Tilapia are turd eating fish but still described as awesome. But it doesn’t make them Flounder or Cod or Turbot or other sane whitefish upper teir predator quality. Bottom feeders are bottom feeders. Tilapia, carp and catfish, all eat the very last waste remnants of the food chain, only a fool gives them higher grades than they deserve. If they are going to full on kiss the turd laden a**es of modern women, they deserve the sh* they get, figurative and literally. Thirsty men are worse than the carp eating from a hippoes a**.

    2. That was before MEN invented social norms according to which it is bad, a crime and creepy to impose ur toxic masculine will on a gentle and perfect female creature!

  23. G0d will rain fire and brimstone on every Instathot, feminist, faggot, lesb0 and modern empowered womnzzz rights! Just wait and see! G0d rained fire and brimstone in the days of Sodom.

    1. Well He better hurry up then or issue an apology to Sodom and Gomorrah. I don’t see how they could have been anymore decadent and degenerate than modern American’s.

    2. G0d h8s fags, lesb0s and feminists: I hope you find peace someday. Not only with God, but with people and with yourself, too.

  24. The temptation that Eve succumbed to in the Garden was ‘to be like God’.
    It’s the primordial sin of woman-kind. ’nuff said.

  25. Goddesses? None on this planet! May be there are some women with delusions of grandeur that need to be consigned to their husbands kitchen or bedroom and not necessarily that order.

  26. “John Carver is a four year ROK veteran…”
    OMG! John, you are indeed WORTH of and DESERVE to be called as *** ROK Veteran ***.
    We at ROK are ready to read (and entertain!) tens of “so-so articles” for the sake of “handful” of BRILLIANT Articles! This Article literally “shuts-up” those who are complaining about the “quality” !!
    Each and every Phrase in this Article is a BULLET!, each and every Sentence is a Missile! All I can say is; BLESS YOU!
    Thank you Roosh. Without ROK, it would probably never been possible for us to read these kind of Straightforward and BRILLIANT Articles.

  27. if not for RoK i wouldn’t know about any of this shit. “cuckoldry craze?” i am strongly doubtful such a thing exists.
    but, yeah, stay off instagram you fucking weirdos.

  28. lmao. Cave men didnt need game. they just knocked some cave babe out and dragged them back to the cave!

  29. Your site f%cking sucks now compared to just a year or two ago…Where you once had good articles about how to Build Your Own Home, Seduce Any Woman, Bang Portugal or Bang Romania, now its the same articles over and over, rebranded. Such as “Women have Declared Themselves Goddesses”, “Anglo Men are Cucks”, “Top ten Ways You Were Set Up To Fail”…This is just another goddamn site written by people on the inside (CIA, ISIS) to collect information about you.
    Don’t forget, no matter how red pilled the site owners are on here, they have the liquidity to fly to new destinations every week to meet foreign women from Costa Rica to the Philippines…To think that someone with that much liquidity or assets would help his fellow man, is doubtful…Almost every damn article is the same condescending crap over and over again. Since I doubt you have any children to raise, the most red pilled men you will ever meet are guys like me, being responsible white men on raising their sons to fight the corrupt system you most likely represent. While you’re frolicking with your 8′ and 9’s during your globe trotting, I’m busy raising a family. At least I’m not like a Hispanic, white trash or black man that runs away from being a responsible parent.
    Why don’t you write the next article/essay on how you’re a 30-40 year old male whore. Fuck you and all these other fake conservative sites that pretend to be in the best interest of their audience. Do one goddamn day in my f-ckin’ shoes or some other aging, working man that will probably never date another woman again in the West and will work till he’s 75 just so his sons can have a better life then he did when the whole system took a massive dump in ’08. At least do some more articles on those f-ckin’ babyboomers! Those pieces of shit are to be blamed for so many things going wrong in America! They still make up the majority of CEO’s and politicians.
    Do some more articles on history! Do articles on how the Barbary Pirates (Muslims) took 1.5 million whites as slaves and how the Huns almost conquered Europe but were almost annihilated after a battle against the Visigoths at Chalons.

    1. “Don’t forget, no matter how red pilled the site owners are on here, they have the liquidity to fly to new destinations every week to meet foreign women from Costa Rica to the Philippines…”
      I never got the idea Roosh was wealthy, in fact, I’ve always assumed he’s living hand to mouth in rented apartments. I suspect he’s not even getting laid much these days.

      1. “I never got the idea Roosh was wealthy, in fact, I’ve always assumed he’s living hand to mouth in rented apartments. I suspect he’s not even getting laid much these days.”
        Agree on all counts. Roosh started on his journey because like countless other young men didn’t like the way the decked was stacked against him. Along the way he discovered that third wave feminism was behind all the misery, and then he went a step further and realized who is behind feminism. He writes very well and does good commentary when he deals with social/cultural/ historical issues. He comes off like a brooding intellectual and a wise man once told me that nothing bores a woman more than an intellectual man. Smart men don’t get laid unless they adopt clown game or go to Asia like you have done and found the woman there to be as thirsty as the men in the so called civilized west.

    2. Dude, the comments (some of them that is) on ROK are the only thing that have ever been worth reading here.

      1. This site’s comments section is pretty bizarre, but ignoring the ton of rubbish (which is for the most part), I’ve seen and taken heed to some of the wisest words you can find in this generation.

      2. In fact, a thread in the forums, where we collect the best comments would be cool.
        Or if a person gets more than 20 upvotes or so, the person puts this comment in the corresponding thread on the forum, then we’ll have the “best of” there.

  30. “Women Are Now Using Social Networking Platforms Like Instagram To Declare Themselves “Goddesses””
    They are are disturbingly mental, but this also reflects the completely unreal value they place on themselves.
    when the no sh*t SHTF event hits, and THEN reality will really set it. We will see then who the “goddesses” are, as the piles of suicide princesses fail to understand how ‘goddess” they really are as they swallow bottles of all kinds pills to escape their reality, god forbid their hand held mirrors called smart phones suddenly go blank….GOD DAMN I pray to see that day and how priceless it will be to see that meltdown happen. Cannot wait. Will be glorious.

  31. Human psychology is so simple and predictable. When people reject God or a higher cosmic power than themselves, they fill that emptiness with their own individual drama and self-worship. Most women on social media advertise their psychosis and insecurity from not having meaning in life.

  32. I love how the media uses the term “instagram model” to basically describe any woman who has an instagram account but no other real job or role in society.
    The articles are like cookie cutter mad libs. “So and so, an INSTAGRAM MODEL (see closely cropped pics below), did so and so….”

  33. we are forever in this brave new world of 24/7 female attention whoring and beta male thirsting.

    Wrong on so many levels. Nothing lasts forever and we have the tech to eliminate this behavior within one generation. Just have to get over our (Christian morality induced) fear of eugenics & gene editing. All we’d have to do is establish a small ethno-state and then hire third world women as surrogates then use human cloning + CRISPr to eliminate psycho-chick behavioral traits. Pass out the children to elderly couples to be raised. Within a generation you would have a 60/40 female to male ratio with attractive women who naturally embrace concepts like pair bonding & loyalty.
    We can create glow in the dark pigs, goats that produce spider silk protein, and corn that is immune to pesticides. If we really wanted we could knock out the genes which cause hypergamy. It’s completely within our technology.

    1. I remember this being mentioned once in the 50s, then a bit more often as time went by.
      No offense but at this point, you are mentally insane.

  34. All I’m seeing is that woman still ultimate rule the world. Granted, everyone is still miserable, but yep they are ruling everything.

  35. Everything is indirect with girls, the hotter the more indirect (generally speaking).
    “Dicks is Seattle’s In N Out. YUM” – Besides the obvious sexual innuendo what is she really saying here? She’s forcasting her fuckin location. Twitter really does open up the female psyche in some ways. Unfortunatly in too many ways sometimes. Although there’s really not alot going on in their heads. These model types only use social media for the beta bucks. Irealize most men don’t want to go FULL direct with a girl and tell her she’s a whore and trashy and to put some clothes on, but a good alternative to that is to neg everything else she is involved with. For example maybe neg this girls clothing line or whatever. Anyways just some food for thought. Social media is all consuming for a SHIT TON of people, so I’m surprised there isn’t more discussion on how men should be engaging with women on it. The technology is already out there, your not gunna be able to get rid of it. And running away from it doesn’t solve anything either. Alot of guys think not to engage with her AT ALL on social meida. And there’s some truth there. If no man talked to her online she’de have to seek it out offline obviously, but the point is I’m surprised there isn’t a better way to go about engaging them online. I don’t nessecarrily care enough, but it seems as if its a major problem men have which is unresolved.

  36. The artificial womb will mean
    these demons calling themselves
    goddesses will finally die out

  37. “Hey, Bob, why are you so sad?”
    “My best friend ran off with my wife.”
    “Wait a minute- I’m your best friend!”
    “Not anymore…”

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