Wikipedia Editors Have Declared Spokane Washington As Too White

As the United States is soon to reach a key milestone of being less than 60% non-Hispanic White due to rampant non-white immigration, tanking fertility levels, and increasing amounts of interracial offspring from black male-white female and white male-Asian female pairings, anti-white media propaganda has been revving up big time.

Whether it’s (((MTV News))) browbeating white men on how they can “do better”, the (((New York Times))) allowing a female Korean immigrant (Sarah Jeong) to keep her job despite having a laundry list of tweets that would get any white person fired in a flash, or Jon Hamm race-cucking himself on the African-American centric (but tribe financed) “Random Acts Of Flyness” TV show, the media assault is relentless.

Increasingly, cities and even entire states which remain well above this 60% white population threshold are being targeted for curing the inherent evil of “whiteness”. The state of New Hampshire for instance (94% white) was recently chided in the (((New York Times))), saying the state cannot “move forward” unless it has more non-white employees.

Apparently, the states somewhat infamous and uber-patriotic motto “Live Free Or Die” must become “Accept (Die)versity Or Die Anyway”.

Furthermore, any U.S. city with a population of over 100,000 which remains stubbornly white as we close in on the 2020’s is also a prime target for derision. Spokane, Washington (population 220,000 and 85% white) is one of those places in the elitist crosshairs.

A Common Foe Whiplashes Spokane On Wikipedia


Spokane, Washington. 85% White. Unlike Haiti, it must be a shithole. Needs more diversity.

Wikipedia, the ubiquitous online encyclopedia, is supposed to be as fair and impartial as possible when presenting properly referenced information. However, don’t count on (theoretical) encyclopedic neutrality to stymie the leftist agenda whenever the need arises.

For instance, here is a snapshot of the ‘Demographics‘ subheading for the city of Spokane, which chastises the comparatively large town in Washington State for being too white, an unspeakable crime for late 2010’s USA (full text is below the image).

Spokane Wikipedia

Here is a reprint of the smoking gun text, and with key words highlighted in bold.

Spokane has been criticized and sometimes derided for its lack of diversity and multicultural offerings, but the city has become more diverse in recent decades. People from countries in the former Soviet Union (especially Russians and Ukrainians) form a comparatively large demographic in Spokane and Spokane County, the result of a large influx of immigrants and their families after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. According to the 2000 Census, the number of people of Russian or Ukrainian ancestry in Spokane County was reported to be 7,700 (4,900 residing in the city of Spokane), amounting to two percent of the county. Among the fastest-growing demographics in Spokane is the Pacific Islander ethnic group, which is estimated to be the third-largest minority group in the county, after the Russian and Ukrainian community and Latinos. Spokane was once home to a sizable Asian community, mostly Japanese, centered in a district called Chinatown from the early days of the city until 1974. As in many western railway towns, the Asian community started off as an encampment for migrant laborers working on the railroads. The Chinatown Asian community thrived until the 1940s, after which its population decreased and became integrated and dispersed, losing its Asian character; urban blight and the preparations leading up to Expo ’74 led to Chinatown’s eventual demolition.

Spokane and its metro area in general, particularly northern Idaho has been stigmatized in the popular consciousness by a number of hate groups that have been set up in and around Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, in the past. Low ethnic diversity made the region a destination for some seeking to escape more cosmopolitan cities for a locale with a relatively homogenous, white population. This trend increased with the arrival of retired engineer Richard Butler from California who traveled to Hayden, Idaho, in 1974 to eventually establish a white supremacist church called the Church of Jesus Christ Christian, better known by its political arm, the Aryan Nations. Aryan Nations recruits and associates were responsible for several hate crimes and terror plots during the mid 1980s and 1990s. The group went defunct in 2000 when the Southern Poverty Law Center filed a civil suit which resulted in a $6.3 million settlement, which led to the eventual bankruptcy and closure of their Hayden compound. Another significant act of hate was the attempted bombing of Spokane’s Martin Luther King Day Parade by Kevin Harpham of Addy, Washington in 2011. The Southern Poverty Law Center currently lists three hate groups in the Spokane and Coeur d’Alene metro areas, in the categories of anti-Muslim, Holocaust denial, and general hate.

As you can clearly see, the Wikipedia page for Spokane was infiltrated by lackeys of the (((Southern Poverty Law Center))). Butthurt beyond all comprehension that there are too many “fellow white people” in this beautiful urban spot of the country.

Without any shadow of a doubt, a place with such a high percentage of whites must be a hotbed of “white supremacy”, “holocaust denial”, and searing “hatred” stemming from it’s unbearable whiteness right? Well the SPLC always seems to think so, and slow (die)versity is the only logical solution for such cities.

Rounding Up The White Holdouts

“Whitopia is in my sights. Master SPLC, where shall I airdrop the Somali and Syrian refugees on this white supremacist hovel?”

The whitest remaining small cities in the continental United States, such as Boise (Idaho), Spokane (Washington), Bend (Oregon), Salem (Oregon), and Eugene (Oregon) have quietly become somewhat popular relocation destinations for young white families of all political affiliations, who are seeking an American way of life more akin to the 1950’s rather than the United Nations style melting pot (or rancid stew?) brought about by the 1965 Immigration Act.

They are NOT so-called “white supremacists” or “hateful” people as they are so often mischaracterized, but peaceful and rational individuals who simply want to raise their children (or intend to raise children) in a cleaner, safer, environmentally beautiful, and more socially cohesive environment than what’s available in pretty much all of the major cities.

As mentioned before in “5 Ways Northeast Asian Countries Benefit From Having No Diversity“, it is entirely natural and normal to have a preference for ‘homophily’. That is the tendency of people to prefer the company of others who are most like themselves when entirely left to their own devices. And with many ways to now earn a viable income online, it is now no longer a requirement to live in a large (and mega diverse) city for career purposes.

The question is, will increasingly rare places like Spokane even be allowed to exist in the coming decades? Will every single comparatively white city in the United States need to be force-fed diversity through executive order?

Read Next: SPLC Targets ROK For Leftist Violence By Smearing It As A “Male Supremacist” Hate Group

92 thoughts on “Wikipedia Editors Have Declared Spokane Washington As Too White”

  1. Sooner or later the break up of the Union is eminent. Make sure you’re located on the right side of the barricade before it happens.

      1. It’s all been planned out. All of these “discoveries” of (((them))) and the nail-biting and hand-wringing is so fucking boring to me. I used to be just like you whining loud mouth crybabies back in the 90’s. I wailed and warned everyone I came into contact with that America was going to fall apart and some bad shit like 911 would happen soon. They just laughed in my face and said “Not in America Jack!”
        The worse Vice is Advice. And I see A LOT of sloppy thinking and very bad advice being bandied about here, even from those who are long in the tooth. But then again age is no qualifier for inteligence, insight or wisdom. Either do something or just shut the fuck up! Women complain. Men maintain.
        The social re-structuring of American society began in 1865. This is just yet another Fabian incremental step to achieve their ends without them risking ANY property or ANY of their lives. You dumbasses really think that this is YOUR country and the government is beholden to YOU. HA! All of this was planned long ago and nothing you say, type or vote for is going to change anything.
        What Socialist America Will Look Like – Source: Fighting for Socialism in the “American Century”; Reprinted from The Militant, New York, July 27 ,1953
        Following link is at, big freakin surprise; huh?

      2. who cares? I am sure that it will sort itself out when the welfare problem is eliminated by their own population getting rid of the useless consumers and human parasites.

        1. You are a little long winded sometimes and tend to rant on occasion (who doesn’t) but I’ve got to say I LOVE your hands-off, everything will sort itself out mentality. Government is not the solution to our problems. Government IS the problem! Everything ALWAYS sorts itself out and usually in a much better and more wholesome way than ANY government interference ever could. How did we ever get to this point if not by government interference. No one ever does anything about our situation because the police and military are immediately called in to stop ANY interference with the status quo. We the People can take care of our own neighborhoods but we are not allowed to. Who ENFORCED integration? Government cops! Who escorted the negroes into the University of Alabama against the direct opposition of the governor of the state? The Alabama National Guard i.e. military who was “federalized” by Kennedy. The only thing worse than a lying, thieving politician is a child molester.

        2. The 70s’ forced busing drama is something that’s seldom known outside of the US, I noticed.
          Denying the happening of such events is a great strategy. Look at South Africa. Without internet, who would know about it?

    1. It can’t come soon enough for my taste.
      Also isn’t it interesting how white communists constantly namecheck Scandinavian countries as socialist paradises on earth whilst conveniently forgetting that said paradises are 98% white, lol.

  2. Isn’t it funny how majority white neighbourhoods are usually nice places to live, but “diversity” hotspots are usually shitholes?
    remind me again why we should be striving for the latter?
    “Diversity” is not in itself a good thing. Is the shawshank redemption a bad movie because it lacks diversity? No, it’s the best film ever made. why should an office or neighbourhood be any different?

    1. Asians don’t tend to raise crime rates or lower property values like Mestizos and Blacks do, but nonetheless the social unity is lost.
      Places like Spokane should be kept the way they are because they are essentially living museums to the way the US was during it’s 50s golden age.

      1. In my neighborhood I would rather have 100+ non-muzzie Asians (Indian, Korean, whatever) than 10 negroes or mexican/central Americans.

        1. If multiculturalism is a must, a clear preference for non Muslim Asians (preferably the northeasterners) over blacks, Muslims, and Aztec/Maya/Inca types isn’t even a debate.

      2. Asians are like jews man! You obviously know NOTHING about Asians. It wasn’t called the Yellow Peril for nothing.

      3. White Spokaners or Spokanites or Spokanazis, whichever is the local term are doomed living under Democratic party machine rule and with the city government chaired with PC sellouts and clueless safety Sally’s and money grubbing Realtors which is what most sizeable municipal governments today are comprised of. Spokane would need a white power city government of men only to thwart being designated as a sanctuary city. The last city I saw designated as a sanctuary city had six or seven Jewish ladies taking credit for the sanctuary push. Two were former city council chairs and one was local chamber of commerce. They were marching and shilling to look like they made it happen. It was really global elites pulling the strings but these middle aged fugly Jewesses gladly stuck their necks out and got on the front page. They reminded me of that five foot wingless bat Barbara Lerner Spectre, black beedy eyes and all. We know who’s REALLY behind it all anl who’s scripting her sh¡t.
        With Spokane as well as any other western white community, there still looms the low white birthrate that has resulted from imposing excessive confirmation approvals before white semen may enter said white vagina holes with the intent of carrying to term white fetuses to maintain the demographics.

  3. good. no amount of rap music, somalian boot lips, or jewish subversion change the fact that 1 trained white is worth ~80 africans in straight up war. the pendulum will swing, and there will be nothing left of them when we are done.

    1. Kind of hard to fight wars without an army; when you have no young people and everyone over the age of 30 is retarded; overweight; drunk and depressed. White people are doing this to themselves. The endless “it is just about individualism; muh gold standard; muh oil; muh race don’t matter just immigrate legally”; the constant woman worshipping; and the just absolute selfishness. There is a big different between the whites who fought in those wars you are referencing and the white people inhabiting this country today. I guarantee you most whites would flee to a third world shitholes before they would ever actually pick up arms in this country. It doesn’t matter how badass some individual thinks they are; if you are not a tribe of badasses than you will get your ass handed to you. Islam dominated and raped Europe for over 600 years before white boys finally came together; got organized; and drove them out ; but fortunately for those white dudes they where actually a growing population and the Muslims where not actually colonizing Europe racially; plus those white boys called the (((people))) out along with the Muslim. And don’t think for one second they drove the Muslims out of Europe just so they could “legally migrate” back in.
      White people today are so pathetic; I really have doubts; and most of white people “patheticness” comes from libertarianism….libertarianism is the trash bin of intellectualism and humanity….the trash bin full of demoralized; selfish; disconnected; arrogant; moronic retards….the trash bin of every worthless human piece of garbage. Even communists; Marxists; terrorists; etc stand for something; are loyal to their own; and at least accept some basic fats about life; you know; like the existence of government or that power comes from the state and tribe and not some magical “Individual force”.
      Lol; there are even white men in this country who would get off to watching their wife/daughter getting a train run on them. I bet even the people of Spokane; Washington (a liberal cesspool) would agree that they are too white. I am sure that any white male “Spokane” would be proud of their daughter marrying a Somali Muslim while also getting a career; after-all; the TV told hi it was something to be proud of.

      1. I’m with you on that one. White Americans are way too soft for a civil war. They cannot manage the 2 most basic things–their health and their women. How are they going to organize and defeat the Afro-muzz-feminazi tidal wave? They’re not. It’s as if Michael Moore would go up against Mike Tyson.

        1. When pushed into a corner, and it’s a matter of survival, don’t ever count out white males. All have that Viking, Celt, Teutonic, Roman, etc., blood coursing through their veins, and some degree of that ancient DNA remains. Plus higher IQ and planning skills. I think the inner warrior could be brought out in a lot of “soft” white guys if the situation demanded it. Hell, it was in relatively recent times, those peaceful white American/European farm boys, high school graduates, and such were fighting pretty fiercely in WW2, then Korea, then Vietnam, and lately in Iraq and Afgh. That inner warrior lurks within us more than most other races.

        2. Devil, I’d like to agree, but times are different. The (((system))) has successfully neutered most white men through bad food, porn, and media addictions. The Americans have firearms, but those will likely be confiscated ahead of a full civil war. Not that feminized men will have the stones to pull the trigger against their militarized police.

        3. @Blue Eyed Devil “When pushed into a corner, and it’s a matter of survival, don’t ever count out white males“. Ya; if we actually exist by that point; If the baby boomer generations were not so fucking dumb; and our women gave one flying fuck. White people have never really been tested under these circumstance; and we are not invincible….a massive amount shit has to happen soon or we are F**KED. Oh and don’t think for one second that GloboHomo wont use their new found powers to go after the last few vestiges of whites resisting. Plus; even an old Viking would get his ass whooped by a pack of Black people. Too much optimism is a bad thing too.

        4. A white guy is in bad shape and lacks preparedness to fight if he doesn’t have a single comrade to speak with or to prepare an assault. If his mother is MAUDE FINLAY and she pesters him to clean his room, then she is out of her proper role and they’re both dead as soon as waves of marauders arrive. If he’s on his own and he sits with his wife watching ABC news and they vote together and call each other ‘honey’ and she says “WE’RE pregnant” as they cuddle on the sofa smelling like her favorite, a $10 dollar jug of SNUGGLE fabric softener – – whoo-wee are they both dead when the niqqaz come a knocking.
          So much of men’s unpreparedness stems from the females playing interference because that’s all they’re equipped to do when they’re not controlled. It is sickening to see so many men constrained into positions where females are allowed to do their thinking for them. And the government is empowered to intrude and mediate instantly with a phone call if the men try to defeat or unimpose themselves from this arrangement.

      2. There are 300 million guns in the USA.
        I bet you’ve never seen deer opening gun week in WI as I have. Schools are closed. It’s a holiday week.
        That’s 1 State.
        You discount today’s youth.
        Country boys still abound as do Vets.
        Hunters. Sportsmen, combat trained vets.
        I know who my money is on.

        1. Guns are no longer relevant. The revolution has happened without a shot being fired (well, the shots are being fired in the ghettho, but that is a side effect).

    2. That might be true…but you are a fool to assume Whites will automatically fight for their race. If there is anything the last 100 has taught us it is that Whites will happily fight against and destroy their own race.
      They may by psychopathic traitors or naive rubes but the majority of Whites have proven themselves more than willing to happily engage in acts of destruction and subjugation of their own race.
      Blame anti-White Jews all you want but the reality is that White traitors have been the biggest and most powerful enemies of our race…without them all the anti-White Jews in the world couldn’t have done a thing to harm us.

  4. Blame Jews, blame Muslims, blame black people, blame latinos, blame SJWs, blame feminists, blame everyone else for “white genocide” (ridiculous claim) except yourselves. You have zero accountability. Even if we pretend that there is such thing as a white genocide, you will lose because all you do is complain on the Internet instead of doing anything. How about, um… trying to reproduce instead of complaining about declining white population? How about stop worrying about race and focus on your own life like other normal individuals who are living fulfilling lives? How about you stop reading these sort of negative articles that add no value to your life?

    1. I did reproduced – three snowy white kids, built a business, house etc. Took the kids to overseas holidays every year, etc, etc. I’m fifty but fit as a fiddle – can do hand stand push up, planche and all sorts of calisthenic tricks.
      And yet the wonderful white wife rape divorced me. I lost everything material but preserved my dignity. Still even the kids don’t want to see me now after having been brainwashed by the so called mother.
      What am doing wrong, Mr True Right-Wing Keyboard Warrior?
      I’ll tell you what – the system is fucked up!

      1. White men are weak
        You’re making excuses dude
        That’s why I sleep with white wives
        because yall gotta learn

        1. There are always going to be some women that are into bestiality. That’s where knuckle draggers like you come in. Pun intended.

        2. weak white men ..what civilization did your race build? oh yeah, nothing dumb spike. you guys were lucky yall got the free ride over here so stfu…if not…youd be over there subject to some dumbass cannibal chief…

        3. @well endowed black man (WEBM)
          Dude, you need to seriously stop with that ghetto nigga kind of thinking!! I’m a black man but I ain’t no fucking HOME WRECKER which you seem to be proud of.
          Actually, this post has to be fake black TROLL bait because I just can’t think of any sensible REDPILLED black man who would say stupid shit like that.
          If you really are black, you are exactly the kind of black folk that I detest. You know the type…who make up that destructive segment of AfroAmerican males who, although understandably angry from past transgressions, need to WAKE THE FUCK UP and MOVE ON because SHIT is soon about to HIT the fucking FAN.
          And it will be fucking violent for naive black folks who are morbidly asleep on the Democratic Party koolaid because they have let a bunch of crooked “house negroes” in CONgress fry their brains with bad policies, idiotic SJW programs, corporate cronyism and what not.
          In fact, why the fuck do a majority of American blacks allow these dirtbag leaders, who are clearly INFLUENCED by the same ZOG NWO globalists trying to destroy authentic white society in Europe, to have such a mental slavery-ish grip on their minds??
          I’m looking at you Obama, Holder, Lynch, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Maxine Waters and the whole black CONgressfolk who should be TRIED for subterfuge by deliberate brainwashing & mind-fuckery in order to keep their black electorate flock IGNORANT of REALITY.
          Black society is on a rapid decline. And this WEBM troll making that comment above is a perfect example. Idiot!!!
          I really need to get the fuck OFF this insane planet – and preferably away from ignorant black folk who will try to pull all sensible REDPILLED conservative thinking black folk down to their primitive level of thinking! Then again, how many black folk TODAY (15 Aug 2018) actually THINK like me?? I shudder to think what the answer is.
          Nough said….end of rant. 😉

      2. Vagus,
        Sympathies, happened to me too, been 10 years since I communicated with my 4 white kids. You can’t beat the system, but you can leave it and start again in a more male-friendly country.

      1. “self hating”….white people in this country are obsessed with themselves. The most selfish and pathetic people on earth. Many whites don’t think race exist in the first place; not because they hate themselves; but because they are brainwashed and their arrogance is what allowed them to go so far down the rabbit hole. Do you think if Liberals didn’t think they were the smartest and “greatest” people alive that they would be acting like they are? Do you think libertarians would be as hardheaded and stupid as they are if they didn’t think they were the smartest people on planet earth? Too many white people are so obsessed with themselves they haven’t even looked at the basic facts. The average white dumbass thinks they are an expert on EVERYTHING. Have you ever asked a white liberal ; a libertarian; a conservative to actually explain the details behind what they believe? The average liberal doesn’t know shit about environmentalism; diversity; race; white history. The Average libertarian doesn’t know jack shit about the gold standard; how their libertarian utopia will work; the purpose of life; what exactly individualism is; or history either……..but don’t you dare criticize them on it or all the out when they say something astoundingly stupid (which they do often). No; the problem with whites is TOO MUH SELF-LOVING. The self-loving is so bad; I mean; just look at libertarians; they are so in love with themselves that they think they are their own individual country get invading by the “government hordes”. White people in this country are the most smug; arrogant; and stupid people to ever exist on earth.

    2. It’s not about “reproducing”, rather about creating an ethnostate. Japan is not breeding yet it is impermeable to immigration and foreign cultural influences. The obsession with breeding is just a knee-jerk emotional answer stemming from existential anxiety. You’re not going to outbreed the non whites anyway. And as stated above, it’s not really about numbers.

      1. @GSM, BINGO!
        I’ve stated this many times. Whites have always been the minority on this planet and yet we’ve dominated it. It isn’t the amount of white people, the problem is the non white people in white nations and as you said, we won’t out reproduce them. Even if whites only had one million in number world wide, as long as we had our own nation we would still rule the Earth.

        1. In the 1940s white folk were 50% of the world population, in 2010 we were down to 15% (and they included Hispanics in that 15%).
          We’re being killed off, slowly but surely.

    3. @ True – Who’s to blame? THIS MAN Louis Beam was a beloved firecracker, a small man with a big voice and catchy style. His “We will dance on their graves” speech is timeless. Here he is in one of his epic deliveries.

      He had a cult following with his flamboyant speeches. He also published a book of his own essays. Some of the things he did took a bit of nerve and IDGAF attitude, kind of like Richard Russell daring to test the limits of an Embraer in a barrell roll. Beam shook his fist at the entire establishment kind of like the way Jesus Christ shook his fists at the Pharisees and wielded a whip at the money changers. It is a spiritual thing with Beam I believe. FIRST a man must become spiritually healthy and then it is redundant blaming yourself. A man is battle ready when he is spiritually armed and aligned.

    4. Anti-White brag that because of their policies most White majority countries will soon be White minority countries and our race itself will be “assimilated” out of existence into some brown skinned mulatto mass. The gleefully look forward to creating a world without White people.
      Then when we accuse them of committing genocide (the planned elimination of a race) they call it “ridiculous.”
      You can’t brag about destroying a race then turn around and claim it’s not happening.

  5. (((They))) not only don’t want us to have any peaceful, prosperous, mostly-white cities in the present, but I think subconsciously (((they))) also don’t want us to have any places to flee to when the shit hits the fan in the future.
    But of course (((they))) will have their money and connections to just flee the country when the US becomes Brazil or worse someday.

  6. Why do white betas hate themselves so much, and why do white women hate their men so much?
    Truly weird

    1. Women hate weak men. However, feminism produces weak men. But women can’t blame feminism for their lack of suitable mates, it would destroy the pedestal they now stand on.

    1. It used to be. Is my hometown, left a generation ago, now it has too many transplants from California and Seattle driving up real estate prices and bringing their liberal politics (which turned their former homes into the hellholes they left) with them. As a result Spokane will soon be just another western US communist outpost with thousands of imported diverse third world “refugees” to boot.
      The day of the rope cannot come fast enough!

  7. Uh, you do know that (((anybody))) can edit a Wikipedia entry, right? If you don’t like it, change it. Just click the Edit tab at the top.

  8. I grew up and currently live in an area even less diverse than Spokane. However, the further East one begins to travel down Colfax Ave. the more vibrant and numerous the liquor stores and check cashing stores become. At this point, one enters the savage wastelands known as East Denver and Saudi Aurora. The oft dreamt of multicultural utopia embodied by this sign is a reality (albeit the real reality):
    I believe that every house has security windows, that everyone who lives here wants to move somewhere better, that most people are basically good… but some you need to watch like a fucking hawk!
    I don’t have problems with other races provided I have a buffer zone from them. Sometimes you can have awesome and deeply meaningful exchanges. But, more often than not; jamming a bunch of disparate races, cultures, and social classes together is the recipe for overt conflict.

  9. I have lived in Spokane, and traveled to Boise, Bend and Salem and now I know why I liked those towns they do not have the diversity. My place that I currently live is 99% Caucasian and 99% republican, and I will not name where this is at because I do not want any diversity to come here. If you like diversity then invite the diversity to your town, and watch the crime rate rise…and then get back to us and let us know how that is working out for you. Enjoy.

  10. whatever you do don’t go to eugene oregon
    I was there having a burger and their was a trans person, a guy trying to become a girl and he’d been on his meds so he had some tits coming in and he was outside the restaurant in the street having a tantrum. He’d taken off all his clothes and was throwing trash cans and screaming at people and at one point stopped to urinate on a newspaper box. Their were 5 or 6 cops standing around chatting and they did nothing. They have also imported a large muslim population from Yemen recently. Not as liberal as San Francisco but they are working on it.

    1. Exactly. Some of those mostly white towns are indeed safe, nice, etc., but populated with libs (usually towns with big universities). So even though they don’t have much racial diversity, they have all the other gay and trans fixation, environmentalist garbage, high taxes, and other lib crap that would be hard to tolerate for us normies.

    1. They tried to solve this problem in Germany about 80 years ago but the American and British Jooz got in the way of it all.

      1. American and British Jews played a role but ultimately the Anglos and other goys went along with it.

  11. “The Chinatown Asian community thrived until the 1940s, after which its population decreased and became integrated and dispersed, losing its Asian character;”
    Wow, it’s almost as if these (((disingenuous snakes))) are fully aware that multiculturalism destroys cultures and racial character – and it’s a weapon they want aimed at Whites and only Whites!
    BTW, it’s well known that Israel runs large boiler rooms with scores of paid shills sitting around “editing” Wikipedia all day to better suit the tribal narrative. They also train volunteers from the J!DF how to make the edits they want to see. The idea that Wikipedia is a legitimate source of info is laughable, but it is a very handy tool for identifying Tribesmembers. Just think of any person who has been responsible for mainstreaming degeneracy in the West, then look them up in Wikipedia – nine times out of ten you will discover their s3mitic ancestry.

    1. All of these “discoveries” of (((them))) and the nail-biting and hand-wringing is so fucking boring to me. I used to be just like you whining loud mouth crybabies back in the 90’s. I wailed and warned everyone I came into contact with that America was going to fall apart and some bad shit like 911 would happen soon. They just laughed in my face and said “Not in America Jack!”
      The worse Vice is Advice. And I see A LOT of sloppy thinking and very bad advice being bandied about here, even from those who are long in the tooth. But then again age is no qualifier for inteligence, insight or wisdom. Either do something or just shut the fuck up! Women complain. Men maintain.
      The social re-structuring of American society began in 1865. This is just yet another Fabian incremental step to achieve their ends without them risking ANY property or ANY of their lives. You dumbasses really think that this is YOUR country and the government is beholden to YOU. HA! All of this was planned long ago and nothing you say, type or vote for is going to change anything.
      What Socialist America Will Look Like – Source: Fighting for Socialism in the “American Century”; Reprinted from The Militant, New York, July 27 ,1953
      Following link is at, big freakin surprise; huh?

  12. I lived in the Spokane area for the better part of 15 years. The claim that it is not diverse is utter bullshit. What these ass hats don’t mention is Spokane has an absolutely huge Slavic population, like 50,000, Russian and Ukrainian immigrants. Of course they don’t count since they are white, religious and like being traditional Americans. Other than the absolute BS nature of this assertion I think what motivates it is that Seattle liberal types know eastern Washington is more conservative than western WA and don’t buy into their SJW/environmentalist nonsense which has raised the cost of living in the Seattle area to the point where even most six figure people have trouble. So basically what this gets down to has nothing to do with race and everything to do with the fact that the “liberal” types don’t want any alternatives to their moronic ways, which incidentally, fuck over minorities as much as they fuck over everyone else.

  13. ROK’s commenting base is full of white squares crying about “muh divorce”, “muh white dick” and “muh borders”. Your bitch wouldn’t have left if you weren’t doing something wrong. Your white skin doesn’t make you like it used to. And this has always been a multicultural land. Stop whining.

    1. You’re right, whining is for losers. It’s time to point a giant can of RAID at the parasites and remind them who’s home it is.

    2. Doja you obtuse punk. Until the mid 60s, the multiculturalism and diversity was almost all different white European nationalities. And it all worked fine. Once American multiculturalism became all about non-white, non-assimilable races and religions, things sort of went to shit. And will continue to, as these other groups are not up to white European standards… in anything.

  14. I’m currently tollerating my black neighbor’s Rap beats blasting through my wall from the next building over. I am the white guy she complains to when she flirts with the other black neighbors outside my window. More power to Spokane …maybe not, you know, white power… but power.

    1. ” I am the white guy she complains to when she flirts with the other black neighbors outside my window. More power to Spokane …maybe not, you know, white power… but power.”
      Anyone else confused by this??

      1. Oops. Yep. Mucked that up, didn’t I? Didn’t make a lick of sense. Did I mention I’m the lyricist from the band ‘Train’?

  15. I like Spokane; great deer hunting, close to mountains and decent pheasant hunting. Cute college girls (I’m not a student anymore so I can’t lose by slamming a few).
    Skiing is pretty decent nearby too. I’d live there if I wasn’t so overpaid at my current 9-5.

  16. It’s not that simple.
    It’s not about non-White or White?
    It’s about the quality of the individual. An educated and well-mannered South Asian, Southeast-Asian, Latin-American or even African immigrant is better to have a as a neighbor than uneducated and obnoxious White trash. (I am not indicating that people in Spokane are all White trash, albeit there must be quiet a few of them there, too.)
    Just a thought…

    1. (((Peter))) once again trying to derail any talk of racial realities, and the undeniable superiority of white Christian culture.

      1. Wee Little Petey is trying to backward-rationalize his bizarre mating choices. I don’t think he’s trying to convince us so much as himself. The putrid stench of cuckery wafts off his comments like the stink of freshly-laid dog excrement.

      2. Though it is an integral part of European identity for thousands of years, remember that Christianity will always be Semitic in origin. A redpill many huwhites won’t swallow.

    2. Peter,
      When did you last meet a well-mannered Latin-American or African immigrant? Does such a human even exist? Next, you’ll be talking about friendly feminists.

  17. you know I wouldn’t be boasting about white superiority in times where your women are being trailed by those you belittle above while your people and your civilization praises filth and decay. I see it every day. more and more white girls are jumping on colored cock than you would like to know. it burns your heart knowing how Ms pink lily is getting rammed by the colored heads from all over the world. this will persist as the years pass by. globalization will be the end of your people. by 2090 your cro-magnon gene will be non existent or be lesser and corrupted. so stop boasting about how the aranian brought technology and sophisticated modern conveniences to the world. stop taking credit as if you (individual) created such things. white Men your race will continue to diminish as we continue on through the 21st century. Funny thing is many whites here are looking to the east to settle down with the fake anime wannabe girls. while your women are doing the same but with the more colored type for attention and brownie-points. you will bring about your own destruction with your own actions (both men and women). I’m sipping back and just documenting it as I watch it unfold. its quite entertaining besides my endeavors I pursue. it’s a dilemma that I see you dont have the courage and vitality to change just complain. your women have become the whore of the world. if only you’ve seen what I’ve seen hahaha shit man. there will be no safe haven as you think either. ghetto so called music will consume them and open there minds to the “exotic” like they say. music is the most powerful way to mold the mind and change an individuals perspective and moral stance on anything. for it can produce thoughts and actions that one would be so privy to do. I’m a musician and I know to well how I can make a person feel and emotionally stir the mind. just imagine when a women exposes herself to ghetto so called rap/hip hop music her mind will be conditioned easily as it reinforces compliance and acceptance at a world stage. there is no stopping this force. for it is music where the real battle is. you know this. you’ve seen it when you go to the bar, clubs, etc what’s being played? that’s right. if they are hearing it when they go out and grinding it. you bet they have thought of it and will partake in it. for the thought will spring up in there minds. I have to emphasize this but music will bring about globalization much faster than you think.

  18. Chicago is too black…
    and the gun violence
    despite gun control
    just proves it.
    (those aren’t whites shooting each other)

  19. Spokane is actually quite ghetto. It is a shithole, I live near there. The liberal city I live in is taking in good number of migrants now as I see more and more central africans and eastern africans. I used to live in Minneapolis (little mogadishu). That is part of the reason I left the regressive city of Minneapolis. Now the little Northwestern city I live in is adopting the same africans. I don’t have anything against them, but I noticed Minneapolis changing for the worse after more immigrants and the angry feminists that are everywhere there.

  20. Oh, now RoK gives a shit about white people. Nice to see a change of pace from the usual “white women suck, go find a Hispanic or Asian girl and dilute the gene pool instead”.

    1. Dmr,
      Alpha-males reproduce. The ethnic background of the mother of your child is irrelevant in this regard. As long as you are the father, your children are yours and they carry your genes. Simple.
      Of course, you “muh purities” WN idiots would never understand that.

  21. Spokane has a large white underclass, but until a couple decades ago there were almost no non-whites. That meant you would see blacks, Asians, etc. hanging out in groups of white people more often than you would see them in their own groups. The blacks themselves were mostly mixed, with white mothers. A lot of the fathers were retired Air Force or worked for the various colleges or hospitals. Around the turn of the millennium there was an influx of black drug dealers and ghetto types from California and you started to see more non-white gangs. A few years ago there was a massive surge of Africans resettled by traitorous organizations like World Relief and Catholic Charities. There had always been a few Ethiopian and Somalian refugees, but now you can’t turn around without seeing a Bantu or a Sudanese. They are polite people, generally, but I have heard it through the grapevine that their children are becoming a major burden on the schools. I bet there will be a lot of African-born gang members within ten years. In any case, there are quite a few people in Spokane who have shitty, dead-end lives and just don’t give a fuck if they live or die. Everyone carries firearms and the cops generally don’t care if you kill someone in self-defense.

  22. Wikipedia is crap.
    I wish it would stop paying google for a higher ranking on the search engine.
    The editors are extremists, who are aligned to political dogma anbd not the facts.
    I much prefer the Britannica.
    Let facts speak for themselves and the editors in the gutter with the rest of the rats.

  23. Whatever you do, don’t annoy Russia, you may need to seek refuge there one day, to make the last stand with fellow whites. With traitors in media and government, it’s probably best from a stoic point of view, to just give up on the west and save yourself and those close to you.

  24. Cute, but as someone who actually lives in that area, I can say from experience that Spokane is an absolute shithole. It has nothing to do with the lack of cultural diversity, it’s just a garbage place to live and the only people who are actively choosing to raise their kids there are addicts. It’s not some 1950s white American paradise, it’s a dying city with an extremely high crime rate.

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