The rapid rise of extreme feminism can be observed in many countries—most visibly in the UK/Australia and the US. But why is it that women have turned to hate against men? Why does it happen and why does it happen now?
Can the source of hate against men be traced down to one single cause—the failure of higher education in the 21st century? I believe it can.
1. The ever-rising cost of tuition
According to numbers from, the tuition per semester at a private college has more than doubled to about $35,000 compared to $15,000 from about 25 years ago. Tuition at public colleges has gone up almost threefold.
It is hard to see why the cost of tuition has risen so quickly as teaching and research hasn’t gotten much more expensive (adjusted for inflation and GDP growth).
2. The rise of the ‘soft degrees’
The proportion of liberal arts degrees compared to STEM has changed quite rapidly. While the investment in a STEM or law degree may still pay off in the marketplace a liberal arts degree is much less of a jumping board into a $150,00 full-time job.
3. The student loan dilemma
Colleges would have never been able to have their tuition rise so much if students would have to pay cash for tuition. Some parents may pay for their kids college but the ability to borrow almost 100% of your education creates a ‘candy for all’ marketplace. Remember that you can’t simply declare bankruptcy on student loans but have to prove ‘undue hardship,’ a much harder thing to prove.
The student loan market looks much like the mortgage market a few years ago. An originally sound marketplace was extended to anyone who wanted a loan.
4. Professors being disintermediated by the Internet
It is rare to find a subject of higher education where you can’t find all lectures readily available on the Internet for free. The MIT started it, but almost every discipline eventually followed. Clearly it is a wonderful tool to build name recognition for professors and a way for students to shop for the best education. But guess what, you don’t need most professors anymore (in their teaching role).
It’s now enough to have a few of them worldwide put up the best lectures on Youtube. You watch them online instead of going to a lecture in person and voila—you (at least theoretically) have the same education. Most modern day, real-life professors aren’t very useful beyond being a ‘dating supervisor’ for their students.
It’s no secret that the lifespan of the classic university is coming to an end. Most students already realize that—it will just take a while until parents have come to the same understanding.
5. Colleges turning far left
What do professionals do if an industry is visibly dying? They leave the sinking ship or turn hard left since no normal investor would touch most private or public universities that are not ivy-league or cheaply run online outfits anymore.
The amount of conservative professors in the US colleges in under 10% (likely even less). And even these few Republicans are stifled by a climate of political correctness and hardline Marxism in the faculties.
6. Low starting salaries after graduation

What goes around, comes around
After graduation the opportunities that unfold for many students often are much more bleak than it seemed before. Students generally have to accept a much lower entry salary unless they attended an Ivy League school. Blame it on the patriarchy, but liberal arts degrees barely make you any (extra) money.
7. Introduction of second income streams
Every girl at the age of 16 realizes she can attract plenty of attention just by manipulating the male sex drive. Most girls need a few years of experience to master the techniques but by the age of 23 they usually know how to ‘monetize’ their beauty.
If you owe $300,000 from your liberal arts college and are barely able to stay afloat with your daily expense, you WILL look for a new income stream.
If you are a girl there are a number of places to look:
- go on Seeking Arrangement and look for older guys interested in ‘sponsoring’ you
- go on Tinder and put up a ‘donation’ requirement
This is a capitalist society—girls have figured out that they can ‘charge for sex’ without being a prostitute. I have been on many dates with girls who graduated a few years ago and student loans come up in every single date. It is on everyone’s’ agenda, all the time.
I also had plenty of Tinder dates where girls ask me outright for:
- paying their rent
- a monthly allowance ($500 – $1,000 is usually enough)
- pay for their travel plans
I never went for it but I’m sure some men consider these deals carefully.
8. The rise of extreme feminism and social justice
The current Marxist ideology pushed by so many feminists is ideal—it allows you to portray men as oppressors and the obvious enemy you can treat with cruelty, without a moral consciousness. As a girl you contribute to stop the “oppressive patriarchy” by manipulating men into paying up for sex.
Now it all makes sense, doesn’t it?
Read Next: Why Women Shouldn’t Be Encouraged To Attend University
Too many girl in unis and not many in the kitchen.
But guess what? It’s all men’s fault. Men put them there to create this intellectual image of girls as being equal to them to justify men’s insatiable thirst for the ego strokes that only the pussy provides.
No silly devil! It’s the white man who can’t put his filthy white whore into place! It was white “cucks” like you who flagged our DC YT channel to have it removed, BECAUSE YOU DON’T LIKE IT WHEN WE TELL THE TRUTH ABOUT THE FILTHY WHITE WHORE OF BABYLON!
Hey Mister Ro o sh, meet us up at Chinatown at the Corner of 7th St. Following those filthy white whores is going to send you straight to a world of hell! The white woman puts anything between her snatch, even a newborn boy’s you know what. The white woman is a WHORE and you white women and men are the DEVIL the Bible speaks of. The devil is RED, and many of you whiteys are RED when the sun burns your naked carcasses at Gay Pride.
That sure was a whole lot of rambling nonsense. Can you do us all a favor and slit your throat or put at least bullet in your head so we never have to be subject to your nonsensical rambling ever again? K thanks
Guerilla Hebrew???
We Takin over!
Babylon was full of yenta whores and child murdering, Moloch worshiping Jews. The yenta = Marxism, socialism, feminism, LGBT, pedophilia, Satan worship and communism.
One way to correct the feminist virus on campus that only a few dare take action:
This is even funnier!
God please send an incel to clip down those feminist jackboots!
Another way😎
(((8 REASONS))
“tuition per semester at a private college has more than doubled to about $35,000”
Glad I’m in SEA, I pay $300/semester for my kids’ University.
@ JD
So I can put a 18-22 y/o girl through Thai college and bang her for 4 years straight??? And then get a new one every 4 years???
I just might be coming your way sir!
Here is a composite of the ‘beer girls’ at my local bars. Beer is around $2 a bottle and these girls will keep your glass constantly topped up. (lots of photos on facebook Milk Club, and OxideBar in Chiang Mai).
Local culture insists men don’t pour their own drinks, you sit at a table and ‘pretties’ are assigned to keep your glasses full. Rule number 1, do not touch your beer or Whiskey bottle, it’s considered very rude. Men are to be served by women. (Ps. Don’t bring a white woman with you, the pretties assume she will be pouring for the table and ignore you all)
You are a smart man Dodds.
Every white man should do what you’re doing.
There is nothing for white men in the west (not trolling).
Now white male professors at universities are being assigned SJW female professors.
White men- don’t end up like Richard “beebo” Russell.
Go to these countries and enjoy.
We will try our best to ravage your women into submission
The so-called J3wish man has corrupted the white man’s whore that the white woman would rather have sex with a dog than with the white man himself. Thy white woman would rather get r4ped by the so-called J3wish man for shekels than to respect any non-J3w man.
The white woman is nothing but a filthy whore and animal fuker.
I am a brown thug looking guy and I am surprised that I get so many likes from good looking white women on Tinder (I am in Australia).
I prefer black and eastern women but I get nothing from them on tinder- they all seem to want chads!
Even on seeing arrangement I get tons of likes and messages from 7/10 and 8/10 white women. I wanted a submissive black honey on there and I get nothing from them!
White women seem to want aggressive thugs today to utterly degrade them. Especially after so many white professional men have checked out of the dating market due to ‘metoo’
Basically useless women. That beast on #3 has that “it is all men’s fault” look on her face. Colleges are nothing more than leftist facilities that enable weakness.
So LA is like Toronto? May God forgive Soudini because he was the victim of feminism.
College is supposed to be about learning, hence the ‘liberal arts.’ It was never intended t one a job center.
This is a factual statement my brother. We must eliminate the baby boomers who have deceived us.
Boomer here, without us you would have nothing. Be grateful for the crumbs we leave you.
No, without the Greatest Generation YOU would be nothing. Thank you for destroying the economy, the environment, and the political system, you Communist daddyfucker.
Aren’t you the old bitch who bangs lady boys out in Asia? Way to run away like a little bitch. Hope you get AIDS
Not banged any ladyboys so far, had a couple snog me but the beard scratch gave them away before the ‘take out’ stage of the evening.
“Every generation imagines itself to be more intelligent than the one that went before it, and wiser than the one that comes after it.” ~ George Orwell
“go on Seeking Arrangement and look for older guys interested in ‘sponsoring’ you”
Hey…us guys in our 50s need hot, young, wangus tangus sweet poontangus!!!
No old bags for me.
You young f*cks can bang the wrinkled old bags in their 40s.
You’ll get the young hot ones when you’re our age and can afford them.
College is the biggest scam going. If you don’t believe me just take a look at what college professors and administrators are getting paid. These salaries are from Virginia Tech which is just your average public land grant university. It is no wonder the cost of tuition at public universities has gone up threefold. What these people are getting paid is insane!
Colleges and Universities need to die.
They leave people less functional
than an 8th grade drop-out.
CheapRVLiving just did two
vids of a couple (with kids!)
living in a schoolbus after
bankruptcy, but they still
gotta pay off $300,000 in
student debts that never
leaves you despite any
bankruptcies. They
poop and pee in
separate buckets
and don’t even
have electricity
for their fridge!
College needs re-education to go back to its roots: a “safe space” for intellectual men (with emphasis on both “intellectual” and “men”) in who can discover and discuss. Preferably only top 5% or so males should go to college.
Women contribute nothing, they have never been interested in knowledge for sake of it: only material benefits. That’s why you don’t have many female Aristotles, Newtons, Nietzsches, or Teslas. Most importantly, they consume college resources and break brotherhood and spirit of contribution and invention.
STEM works, not only because it’s inherently supposed to work, but also because it’s still male dominant and brotherhood sort-of exists.
@gonaajastri, Bless You!
“‘charge for sex’ without being a prostitute”
That’s the definition of prostitute, fool, by saying they are not, you are supporting this
Back in college remember getting a shit test (I didn’t know it was called that back then) from a chick I banged. Before we did the deed she asked me if I believed in abortion. I said I was morally opposed to it in almost any case, except it was debatable when it was either the life of baby or the mother legitimately, and she started to throw a fit. “What if we did have sex and say the condom broke and you got me pregnant???” (Later she confided that a feminist professor had told her it was being a bad feminist to sleep with men who didn’t believe in abortion.) My response blew her mind “we will do what men and women have done for ages I’ll marry you and we will raise the child…might not be the modern ideal of love and marriage but it has worked for centuries…wouldn’t you rather sleep with a man that shows that level of commitment or one that just has sex with you then send you to the abortion clinic a month later after you call him sobbing that you are pregnant.”
The answer today is probably too Beta today, but when I was back in college there was still some semblance to “manning up”. She had never though about it like that before and we had a fun time for about two semesters. She even got in trouble by said feminist professor for later telling her she was wrong on abortion.
Wonder what happened to old Beth….
My best friend is 43 and always has 2 to 3 “girls” in their 20’s who he bangs on a weekly/monthly basis for “donations”. That’s the way to do it versus “normal dating”.
8 Reasons…..All of them have two things in common. Feminism to start with and the overvaluation that women THINK they have and simps and cucks have supported….But when it comes down to it, it all has to do with MONEY and them who encourage them to prostitute for it. Who is behind the prostitution moves? Don’t take rocket science to figure it out…the ((( sicko “chosen” ones))), and pushing the whoreship of MONEY at the expense of all else.
John Calhoun’s research might shed some light on the problem.
Death Squared
if girls are hitting you up frequently for money or allowance than you must come across as seriously beta. I dont think ive ever been hit up like that and ive been with hundreds of wimmen.
Universities with Women’s Studies departments are ground zero for feminism. They are the source, not a symptom, of just about everything that goes into “SJWs”, “cultural marxism”, or whatever.